PAPER1 (Background REA)

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What is the purpose .. What is the point

Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)






The Registration of Engineers Act

The history

RegistrationofEngineersAct1967(Act138) ListofAmendments
Amending Law Act A132 Act A173 Act A218 Act A662 Act A1158 Act A1288 Short Title Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Act 1972 Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Act 1973 Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Act 1974 Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Act 1987 Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Act 2002 Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Act 2007 In Force From 7.7.1972 23.8.1972 22.2.1974 16.1.1987 1.12.2002 1.4.2007

TheRegistrationofEngineersActwasenactedin1967asActNo.66of1967over fourdecadesago...

Before1967therewasnoEngineersActsimilartotheLaws intheUK(whichuntiltodaythereisnoEngineersAct)

TheActwas enactedin Malaysiadueto abuilding failureinKuala Lumpurinthe 1960s.

Bukit Antarabangsa

Jaya Supermarket

SincethenmanyothersimilarActsrelatedtothe Construction/BuildingIndustrywereenacted
Street, Drainage & Building Act 133 1974 Uniform Building By-Law 1984

Apart from the Common Law (& laws related to professional services), other laws related to the Building & Construction Industry were enacted;
Town & Country Planning Act Sewerage Services Act Drainage Works Act Local Government Act Fire Services Act CIDB Act etc. etc. etc. Occupational Safety & Health Act Electricity Supply Act Strata Title Act Housing Development Act Gas Supply Act Water Supply Act etc. etc. etc.


Who is the Board of Engineer Malaysia

The Board exists because of the Act ..

WhatistheDifferenceBetweenACEM, BEMandIEM?
BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) TheBoardofEngineersMalaysia(BEM)isastatutorybodyconstitutedunder theRegistrationofEngineersAct1967.Itsprimaryroleistoregulatethe practiseofengineeringundertheAct.Itregistrars15,000Professional Engineersand55,000GraduateEngineers.

ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (ACEM) AprofessionaltradeorganisationregisteredundertheRegistrarof Companies comprisingof700memberswhoareDirectors,CEOs,Chairmans orOwnersofEngineeringConsultingPractisesemploying20,000peoplein thisknowledgebasedindustry. INSITIUTION OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (IEM) Aprofessional&learnedbodyregisteredundertheRegistrarofSociety to promotescience&professionofengineeringinanyofitsdisciplines,to facilitatetheexchangeofinformation&ideasrelatedtoengineering,and withamembershipcomprisingof32,000,inclusiveof12,000students.


Members of the Board are appointed by the Minister of Works


Permanent Staff

Secretary & Registrar

14 members who shall be Professional Engineers

1 member from Board of Architect

1 member from Board of Quantity Surveyor

Many functions of the Board is undertaken by the Standing Committees under the Board. Working Groups under a Standing Committee are sometime formed to address specific issues in depth. Members of Standing Committee & Working Groups are appointed by the Board

Standing Committees of BEM Examination & Qualification Quality Application Accredited Checkers Management Engineering Accreditation Council Scale of Fees Training & Education Engineers Act Information Technology National Monitoring Publications Professional Practice

The accreditation of the undergraduate engineering degree is under the purview of the BEMs Engineering Accreditation Council

The Professional Assessment Examination (PAE) is under the purview of BEMs Examination & Qualification Committee

What is the purpose of the Act ?

To protect

The Fundamental Issue for an Acts Existence

The registration of Engineers Act does not state the raison detre of its existence. It was not written in any official documents of BEM.
Do the public require such an Act ? Why do engineers need such an Act ? Was the purpose to keep track the nos. of engineers as Malaysia develops ? Is it to look after the profession of engineering ? Was it to ensure that engineers are protected from unscrupulous Clients ? Or is it to ensure that engineers are fairly paid for their services ? Can it be the engineering must be done by registered Engineers & no one-else ? .. etc. etc. .. etc. etc. Or a sense of idealism to safeguard & protect the public ? .. etc. etc. .. etc. etc.

The Act has not clearly explained this fundamental issue of its existence.


What is in the Legislation of Other Countries

UnitedKingdom Australia(exceptQsld) Singapore ThereisnoEngineersAct ThereisnoEngineersAct The Professional Engineers Board too, does not state its purpose. However it has issued a policy statement; The mission of the Professional Engineers Board is to safeguard life, property and welfare of the public by setting and maintaining high standards for registering professional engineers and by regulating and advancing the practice of professional engineering. Queensland,Australia The Professional Engineers Act state the following objectives; (a) to protect the public by ensuring professional engineering services are provided by a registered professional engineer in a professional and competent way and; (b) to maintain public confidence in the standard of services provided by registered professional engineers; and (c) to uphold the standards of practice of registered professional engineers Canada,Councilof ProfessionalEngineers In its Issues Policies it has stated; Level 1 Policy Statement: In Canada, the protection of the public requires that the practice of engineering be regulated by the engineering profession. The public shall not be confused or misled by the misuse of the words engineer and engineering.

The Purpose of the Engineers Act

BEMs Working Group that reviewed the Act in 2007 recommends that the purpose of the Act be;
To protect the public by legislative control so that the practice of engineering, which has a bearing on public safety, health and welfare, can only be carried out by licensed professional engineers. To create a regulatory body with mandate to carry out licensing of professional engineers and regulation of the profession; To set regulations pertaining to the practice of engineering; qualifications for licensing; and code of professional conduct for registered engineers; To maintain public confidence in the standard of services provided by licensed professional engineers; and To designate the Board set-up under the Act as the authority to represent Malaysia in GATS classifications etc.

Theaboverecommendationsin2007arenowembodiedintheamended EngineersAct

Which Type of Engineering Services are Regulated

Or do it need to be regulated ? ..

BEM Regulates Everything on Engineering

The Engineers Act states that;
No person shall, unless he is a Professional Engineer, practise, carry on business or take up employment which requires him to carry out or perform professional engineering services, and "professional engineering services means engineering services and advice in connection with any feasibility study, planning, survey, design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and management of engineering works or projects and includes any other engineering services approved by the Board As a result the Board can act on almost any person whose work has anything that can be construed by the Board as engineering. The Board of Engineer registers engineer in over 90 engineering disciplines; from aeronautical, agriculture, automotive, bioengineering, chemical, civil, structural, electrical, electronics, mechanical, environmental, geotechnical, highway, hydraulics, industrial, material, mechatronics, microelectronics, mining, nuclear, petroleum, natural gas, transport, water etc. etc. etc.


Engineers Registered with the BEM

CATEGORY (Individuals) Graduate Engineers Professional Engineers Accredited Checkers Temporary Engineers TOTAL REGISTERED ENGINEERS CATEGORY (Business Entity) Sole Proprietorship Partnership Body Corporate Multi disciplinary TOTAL NOS. 54,787 14,661 30 10 69,488 TOTAL NOS. 1057 239 1173 33

Composition of Professional Engineers

Registered Professional Engineers By Discipline Chemical Others







Civil Electrical Mechanical Chemical Others

Which Types of Engineering Services should be Regulated ?

The importance of the public is paramount to answer this question while at the same time does not stifle the engineering industry;
(a) (b) the type and nature of work a Professional Engineer does and; how his work affects pubic safety, health and welfare

will determine on the type of professional services need to be regulated Category 1 Products: Produced in large numbers by manufacturing processes, sampled tested for quality and safety and governed by other legislation. Generally these are consumer goods and regulated by many other laws. Products that are uniquely designed and built for specific owner purposes and each being a prototype itself which cannot be sampled tested for fitness for purpose. These are generally fall into the construction/building industry and are critical to public safety.

Category 2 Products:

Quote One has to watch out for Engineers; they begin with the sewing machine and end-up with the atomic bomb unquote


Working Group of BEM Recommendations

The issue of regulating the profession was discussed in August 2005 and a number of recommendations were made as follows;
(a) that current and future registration of Professional Engineer be made a one-off permanent registration, without need for annual renewal, and this category of registration carries all entitlements of a Professional Engineer that the revamped Act introduces a yearly renewable Practice Certificate for those Professional Engineers who want to practise.


The above early concepts would have created of a two-tier registration of professional engineers; Tier 1:Professional Engineers will still keep the title Ir. Tier 2:Professional Engineers with the title Ir. with Practice Certificate renewable yearly based on Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Partoftheaboverecommendationsin2005arenowpartofthe amendedEngineersAct

Is the Engineers Act Over-regulating the Engineering Industry ?

That may stifle Malaysias growth

Is the Act Stifling the Engineering Industry ?

Repeal the Registration of Engineers Act. The UK, Australia & India for e.g. do not need to have an Engineers Act. The public in these countries are protected by other laws (and the justice system) in the country which is sufficient to safeguard & protect public interest. Without any ACT it is an open market that does not restrict anyone calling themselves Engineers. Anybody in these countries can call themselves Engineers. In fact the tradesman are registered e.g. Plumbers and not Engineers. Yet the system functions. Self-regulation and peer recognition appears to be working well. The Chartered Engineer status (equivalent to a P.E.) from the UK Institutions is highly regarded. For example M.Istruct Eng. is automatically recognise in Hong Kong & China by the local authorities.

The theory for open market is that consumers benefits i.e. it encourages competition & lower the costs of the services to be provided to the public. Why not in Malaysia ? Is the public ready to accept self-regulation by Engineers ? Is our current Laws (and the justice system) sufficient to protect the public ? The Engineers Act was in response to a building failure four decades ago. After more than 40 years of its existence; is Malaysia mature enough for self-regulation ?

AndyetothercountriessuchasCanada,USA&NewZealandconsiderthatan EngineersActisstill

Finding the Right Balance between Laissez-faire and Over-regulation

Governments are responsible for protecting the public interest and the collective good. To accomplish these crucial roles, they create legislation & regulations to ensure that the public interest will be served. Because of the important role engineers play, governments have set certain limits for the profession, defining standards & expectations for the qualification & ethical behaviour of professional engineers. To govern the profession of engineering in Canada .
(1) Defines the range of activities which may be considered engineering including the scope of practice for engineers, and which professional activities are so critical to public safety and the public good that only a licensed engineer can undertake them; Creates or recognizes provincial or territorial engineering licensing bodies, describing how they are to be governed and mandating them to carry out tasks like licensing and regulating the profession; Outlines the regulations pertaining to the profession of engineering, such as who can use the term engineer, what academic qualifications are required to be a professional engineer and how professional misconduct should be handled.



Canadian Council of Professional Engineers

THE CURRENT ENGINEERS ACT IN SUMMARY Registration of Natural Persons

Section 10(4) of the Act only allows BEM to register Graduate and Professional Engineers who are Malaysian citizens or a permanent residence

Qualification meets the Washington Accord reqds. Sit and pass the Professional Assessment Examinations

Citizenship reqds. for registration

Malaysian Graduate Engineer

Citizenship reqds. for registration

Malaysian Professional Engineer

Takes 3 to 4 years of practical experience before a Graduate Engineer can qualify to sit for the Professional Assessment Examination.

Thecitizenshiprequirementswasintroducedinanamendmentin1987, foreignengineerscanregisteronlyasTemporaryEngineer


Commercial presence
Only Malaysian engineers can register with BEM under Section 10 & hence can set-up a business entity registered with BEM.

Registration with BEM as a Business Entity

EngineeringConsultancy Practice(Section7A)

Multi disciplinary practice registered under Section 7B

Sole Proprietorship

Must be a Malaysian Professional Engineer


Partners must be Malaysian Professional Engineers For multi disciplinary practice 30% of equity can be held by any other persons, 70% by Malaysian Professionals. Board of Directors must all be Malaysian Professional Engineers, Architects and/or Quantity Surveyors.

Body Corporate Management of the Firm Board of Directors

Equity must be held by Malaysian Professional Engineers & Board of Directors must all be Malaysian Professional Engineers

Theregulationofabusinessentitywasintroducedasanamendmentin1974, andsubsequentlyin1987formultidisciplinarypractice

Perceived Hidden Impediments for Foreign Engineering Professionals & Firms to Practice in Malaysia
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Registrationrequirementofindividualswhereregistrationislinked tocitizenshipandresidencyrequirements. Localrequirementsrelatingtoqualificationandexperiencediffer fromforeignstandards. Mandatory requirement for membership of local professional institutions. Registration of professional service corporate bodies, where Directors are required to be registered professionals. Restrictive conditions on employment of expatriates, namely short and onerous visa conditions; restrictive work permit regulations; and limitation on the numbers as a percentage of workforce. Government assistance to local professional services firms in terms of matching grants and soft loans Restriction on formation of local subsidiaries Restriction on foreign equity in local firms and joint ventures

6. 7. 8.

Perceived Hidden Impediments for Foreign Engineering Professionals & Firms to Practice in Malaysia (Cont d)
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. RegulationsonsettingupthefirmsBoardandmanagement composition Marketingandadvertisingrestrictionsforprofessionalservices providers Competitiveconditions,suchastenderbidding,arebiasedagainst foreignfirms Prequalification(restrictive)requirementswhicharedifficult for foreignfirmstomeet Impositionoflocalcontentruleswhichfavourslocalservices providers Designtolocalspecificationsandnonrecognitionsof foreign standards Disputeregulationmechanism,suchaslocalarbitrationandlegal proceedings,thatfavourslocalfirms. SuchaccusationsleveledagainstMalaysiahasitsmeritsand demerits

At the same time Malaysia has signed-up on many International Agreements on Trade
Pull factor:
Government has made international commitment in bilateral and multilateral agreements and after careful study indicate, on balance, more benefits will be generated to the country as a whole, since Malaysia is a trading nation (one of the top 20th largest trading nation in the world). It will create a competitive environment that provides improve quality, in line with international standards, accessibility to wider choice and more expertise and lead to more competitive pricing, which in the end benefits consumers and the Malaysia citizens in general.

Push factor:

Cabinet directive thorough the Ministry of Works letter dated 4th. March 2010 to the Board of Architects, Board of Engineers and Board of Quantity Surveyors for foreign equity in companies shall be; up to 70% by 2010 and up to 100% by 2012

Why in Particular the Professional Engineering Services Sub-sector ?

This sub-sector is heavily regulated by an Act of Parliament, that not only regulate the profession but also on how the professional businesses are structured. Based on latest studies commissioned by EPU and ETP reports, it shows that the professional engineering services have the greatest potential to contribute to higher GDP and GNI per capita due to the high knowledge intensive and human capital contribution to economic growth. The sub-sector also have the competitive and comparative advantages in exporting their services vis-a-vis to other countries in the region. The role of engineering is important to attract FDI in setting-up engineering design services in the emerging industries such as aerospace, automobile, green technology, environmental etc. which requires these companies to be financed by the private sector and owned by major corporations. Hence equity must be free to allow such companies to invest and create employment of Malaysian engineers in these future high-tech companies.

Then came along the issue of liberalization & how does it benefit ..


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