Strategic Risk Taking

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Strategic Risk Taking A framework for risk management

By Ashwath Damodaran Wharton School Publishing, 2007 Introduction

Risk pervades our daily life. Without taking risk we cannot progress. Every major advance in human civilization has been made possible because someone was willing to take risk and challenge the status quo. In mans early days, physical and economic risk went hand in hand. Various dangers were involved even as man tried to book gains. The development of shipping trades facilitated the separation of economic and physical risk. Then came the Renaissance and scientific thinking. Various advances were made in probability theory. Harry Markowitzs portfolio theory was another important landmark. Risk management has become increasingly sophisticated in recent years thanks to the availability of a range of financial instruments. But as the recent sub prime crisis shows, risk management continues to pose challenges. This book captures in one place the evolution of risk management, the tools and techniques to measure risk, the behavioural issues and the various ways in which risk management can help companies achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The author, Ashwath Damodaran is widely recognized as a valuation expert. In this book, Damodaran uncovers a new side of his academic personality. He covers the subject of risk management in a refreshingly different way by integrating various strands of thought and weaving them into a holistic picture.

Understanding risk
By definition, risk must have two attributes: uncertainty about outcome and impact on utility. A risk is an event where there is enough information to assess both the probability and the consequences. Risk in finance is defined as the variability of actual returns on investment around an expected return. The essence of good management is making the right choices when it comes to dealing with different risks. The most successful companies are good at finding particular risks that they can exploit better than their competitors. In the recent sub prime crisis, the banks worst affected have been the ones which assumed risk they did not understand. Associated with risk are several paradoxes. It is part of human nature to be attracted to risk. At the same time, there is evidence that human beings try to avoid risk in many situations. Some individuals take more risk than others. Risk taking is affected by the way choices are framed. Individuals may be risk seeking in some situations and risk averse in others. Individuals feel more pain from losses than from equivalent gains. When faced with risky choices, individuals often make mistakes in assessing the probabilities of outcomes, over estimating the likelihood of success. The problem gets worse as the choices become more complex. In short, risk management is as much an art as a science, as much about behaviours as about maths.

Evolution of risk management theory

Luca Pacioli, an Italian Monk framed a famous problem. Two gamblers, playing a best-of-five dice game, are interrupted after three games with one gambler leading 2 to 1. What is the fairest way to divide the pot between the two gamblers, taking into account the current status of the game? Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Format solved the problem after about 160 years. They found that the probability of the leader going on to win the contest was and that of the other person was . Accordingly they recommended that the spoils could be distributed in the ratio 3:1. Markowitz changed the way we think about risk by linking the risk of a portfolio to the co-movement between individual assets in that portfolio. His key insight was that the variance of the portfolio was a function of not only how much was invested in each security and the variance of the individual securities but also of the correlation between the securities. Markowitz derived the set of optimal portfolios for different levels of risk and called it the efficient frontier. The Markowitz approach reduces investor choices

down to two dimensions. The good dimension is captured in the expected return on an investment and the bad dimension in the variance of the return. In general, the risk of an asset can be measured by the risk it adds to the portfolio that it becomes a part of. The key issue is not the volatility of the asset but how much it is correlated to the portfolio. An asset that is extremely volatile but moves independently of the rest of the assets will add little risk to the portfolio. Markowitzs work led to the development of the capital asset pricing model. Combinations of the riskless asset and a diversified market portfolio generate higher expected returns for every given level of risk than holding just a portfolio of risky assets. Depending on their risk preference, investors can put part of their money in the market portfolio and the remaining in the risk free asset. Risk loving investors can borrow at the risk free rate and invest their money in the super efficient portfolio. If we accept the CAPM and its various assumptions, we can compute the risk of an asset as the ratio of the covariance of the asset with the market portfolio to the variance of the market portfolio. This ratio is commonly called Beta. The Arbitrage Pricing Model (APM) is an improvement over CAPM. Using factor analysis, Ross measured each stocks exposure to multiple factors. Essentially, APM replaces the single market risk factor in CAPM by multiple market risk factors, i.e., multiple factor betas. The model does not make any restrictive assumptions about investor utility functions or return distribution of assets. But the model depends heavily on historical price data. APM restricts itself to historical data. Multifactor models expand the data used to include macro economic data in some versions and firm specific data in others. These models assume that stocks that earn high returns over long periods must be riskier than those that earn low returns over the same period. These models look for external data that can explain the differences in returns across stocks. For example, Fama, and French found that over the period 1962 1990, smaller market cap companies and those with higher book to price ratios generate higher annual returns than larger market cap companies and those with low book to price ratio.

Risk management and corporate finance

Risk management is commonly associated with financial markets and financial intermediaries. Damodaran explains in detail the linkages between risk management and corporate finance. The most common way of adjusting for risk in corporate finance is to compute the risk adjusted value of cash flows. Risk adjustment can take the form of a higher discount rate or a reduction in expected cash flows. The discount rate can be estimated by observing how the market discounts the value of assets of similar risk. The value of any asset is the present value of the expected cash flows on the asset. Either we can use the same expected cash flows that a risk neutral investor would have used and adjust the risk free rate by adding a premium. Or we can use the risk free rate as the discount rate and adjust the expected cash flows for risk, i.e., we replace uncertain cash flows by certainty equivalent cash flows. The more popular method is the risk adjusted discount rate approach. We use higher discount rates to discount expected cash flows when valuing riskier assets and lower discount rates when valuing safer assets. Some of the key issues which remain unresolved are: Whether to use the same discount rate for different periods. Whether to use the same discount rate or item specific discount rate. What discount rate to use for negative cash flows. (High discount rate would reduce the present value of negative cash flows). Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) techniques are transparent and visible to others looking at the valuation. The models are explicit about the risks that are adjusted for and those which do not affect the discount rate. But the problem is that risk-and-return models make somewhat unrealistic assumptions about how both markets and investors behave. Given the complicated relationship between investors and risk, we may not be able to capture the effects of risk fully into the discount rate or cash flows.

The common practice is to capture some of the risks in the risk adjusted discount rate and deal with the other risks in the post valuation phase as discounts & premiums. A post valuation premium may be necessary if the expected cash flows do not fully capture the potential for large pay offs in some investments. Sometimes a post valuation discount may make sense, to reflect lack of liquidity. By controlling a firm, it may be possible to create more value than the current management. The value of control will be larger in badly managed firms. Significant premium may be added to estimated value, to reflect potential synergies. For example, analysts valuing companies that are subject to regulation will sometimes discount the value for uncertainty about future regulatory changes. A discount may also be applied in the case of companies that are vulnerable to lawsuits. There are some problems with post valuation adjustments. There may be double counting of risks/upside. The magnitude of the discount/premium may be arbitrary or based on questionable evidence. Adjusting an estimated value with premiums/discounts may allow analysts to bring their biases into the number. Sometimes the value of an asset is derived from the pricing of comparable assets in terms of cash flows, risk and growth potential. While making comparisons, the market value must be divided by book value or revenues to arrive at an estimate of standardized value. Risk adjustments in relative valuation tend to be more ad hoc. DCF techniques need more data. If time or data is scarce, companies may use relative valuation.

Approaches to risk measurement Scenario analysis

Various steps are involved in scenario analysis: Determine the factors around which the scenarios will be built. Determine the number of scenarios to be analyzed for each factor Estimate the asset cash flows under each scenario. Assign probabilities to each scenario The most useful information from scenario analysis is the range of values across different scenarios, which provide a snapshot of the riskiness of the asset. To be effective, the outlined scenarios must be realistic and cover the spectrum of possibilities. Scenario analysis is ideally suited for dealing with risk that takes the firm of discrete outcomes.

Decision trees
This technique is useful when risk is not only discrete but also sequential. The following steps are involved: Divide analysis into risk phases Estimate the probabilities of the outcomes in each phases Define decision points Compute cash flows/value at end nodes Fold back the tree By linking actions and choices to outcomes of uncertain events, decision trees encourage firms to consider how they should act under different circumstances. Because they provide a picture of how cash flows unfold over time, they are useful in deciding what risks should be protected against and the benefits of doing so. Risks that affect an asset concurrently cannot be easily modeled in a decision tree.

Simulations provide a way of examining the consequences of continuous risk. Simulations allow for more flexibility in the way we deal with uncertainty. The steps in simulation are: Determine the variables. Define probability distributions for these variables. Check for correlation across variables. Run the simulation.

Running a simulation is simplest for firms that consider the same kind of projects repeatedly. These firms can use their experience from similar projects that are already in operation to estimate expected values for new projects. To use simulations as a tool in risk analysis, we have to introduce constraints, which if violated, create very large distress costs for the firm. In DCF techniques, the value of the firm is based on going concern. The costs of not being able to meet debt payments are only considered peripherally in the discount rate. Simulations allow us not only to quantify the likelihood of distress but also building the impact of bankruptcy costs into valuation. Simulations provide the most complete assessments of risk because they are based on probability distributions for each input. The output from simulation takes the form of an expected value across simulations and a distribution for the simulated values. Simulations work best when substantial historical and cross sectional data are available. Comparing two assets with the same expected value (using risk free discount rate) from a simulation, we will pick the one with the lower variability in simulated values as the better investment. This can be a pitfall. We must also consider the correlation between the risk of the asset and the risk of the remaining portfolio.

VaR measures the potential loss in value of a risky asset or portfolio over a defined period for a given confidence interval. If VAR = $10 million for one week at a 90% confidence level, it means there is only a 10% chance that the value of the asset will drop by more than $10 million over any given week. The first regulatory measures that evoked VaR were initiated in 1980 when the SEC tied the capital requirements of financial services firms to the losses that would be incurred with 95% confidence over a 30 day interval in different security classes. Around this time, the trading portfolios of investment firms were becoming larger and more volatile, creating a need for more sophisticated and timely risk control measures. By the early 1990s, many financial services firms had developed rudimentary measures of VaR with wide variations on how it was measured. There are three ways to measure VaR: Variance / Covariance Historical simulations Monte Carlo simulation Variance Covariance method The assets in the portfolio can be mapped on to simpler, standardised instruments. Instead of trying to estimate the variances and co variances of thousands of individual assets, we estimate those statistics for the common market risk instruments that these assets are exposed to. Next, each financial asset is stated as a set of positions in the standardised market instrument. The variances and co variances of these standardised instruments are estimated. The VaR of the portfolio is completed using the weights on the standardised instruments and the variances and co variances of these instruments. The calculation of VaR clearly involves assumptions about the way returns on the standardised measures are distributed. Normal distribution is a common assumption in many VaR calculations. There are three problems with the variance co variance approach:

If conditional returns are not normally distributed, the computed VaR will understate the true VaR. VaR estimate can be wrong if the variances and co variances that are used to estimate it, are incorrect. There are problems, when variances and co variances across assets change over time.

Historical simulation Here, the VaR is estimated by creating a hypothetical time series of returns on that portfolio, obtained by running the portfolio through actual historical data and computing the changes that would have occurred in each period. As in variance covariance method, we begin with the time series data on each market risk. But we do not use the data to estimate variances and co variances looking forward. The changes in portfolio over time yield all the information needed to compute VaR. There are some problems with historical simulation: The past may not represent the future All data points are weighted equally. To the extent that there is a trend of increasing volatility even within the historical period, we will understate the VaR. The method is not useful when new market risks are encountered.

To deal with these limitations, the historical simulation approach has been modified in various ways: Past data are given more weight For assets where the recent volatility is higher than historical volatility, historical data can be adjusted to reflect that change. Monte Carlo Simulation We identify the market risks that affect the assets in the portfolio. We convert individual assets into positions in standardized instruments. We use simulation. We specify probability distributions for each of the market risk factors and specify how these factors move together. The power of Monte Carlo simulation comes from the freedom we have to pick alternative distributions for the variables. Unlike the variancecovariance approach, we need not make unrealistic assumptions about normality in returns. In contrast to historical simulation, we begin with historical data but are free to bring in both subjective judgments and other information to improve forecasted probability distributions. Monte Carlo simulations are flexible enough to cover options and option like securities with non linear features. Although Monte Carlo simulations look more sophisticated than historical simulations, historical data are frequently used to make assumptions about the distribution. As the number of market risk factors increases and their co movements become more complex, Monte Carlo simulations become difficult to run Probability distributions have to be estimated for hundreds of market risk variables rather than just a handful. The number of simulations needed to obtain reasonable estimates of VaR will have to increase substantially. One way to reduce the computation burden is to do the analysis over a number of discrete scenarios. Principal component analysis can be used to narrow the number of factors. If we are computing VaR for portfolios that do not include options, over short periods (a day or a week), the variance covariance approach does a reasonably good job. If Var is being computed for a risk source that is stable and where there is substantial historical data, historical simulations provide good estimates. If we are computing VaR for non linear portfolios over longer periods, where the historical data is more volatile and non stationary, and the normality assumption is questionable, Monte Carlo simulations do best. Each VaR measure makes assumptions about return distributions. Firms that use VaR to measure risk exposure, are under prepared for large and potentially catastrophic events that are extremely unlikely in a normal distribution but seem to occur at regular intervals in the real world. Any VaR measure will be a function of the period over which the historical data is collected. If the period was a relatively stable one, the computed VaR will be a low number and will understate the risk looking forward. Conversely, if the period examined was volatile, the VaR will be set too high. VaR appeals to people because of its simplicity. But this simplicity comes from a narrow definition of risk. Firms that are excessively dependent on risk, can be lulled into a false sense of complacence. The recent sub prime crisis is a good example. VaR focuses on market risk. Political risk, liquidity risk, regulatory risks are not built in. VaR ignores the tails of the distribution. By not considering the magnitude of losses once we exceed the VaR cut off probability, (90% or 95%), we are opening ourselves to the possibility of very large losses in

the worst case scenarios. Because VaR is generally measured using past data, traders and managers who are evaluated using the measure will have a reasonable understanding of its errors and can take advantage of them. There have been various modifications of VaR to deal with these limitations: VaR can be modified to accommodate multiple risk factors and compute component VaR by breaking down a firms risk exposure to different market risks. Conditional VaR can be used. Conditional VaR is defined as the weighted average of VaR and losses exceeding VaR. Another option is to measure cash flow at risk. Often it is cash flows, not value, that matters. Value may remain stable but cash flows may change, putting the firms to risk. Earnings at risk and stock price at risk can also be measured.

Risk mitigation
Damodaran has covered the various ways of mitigating risk. Some risks can be mitigated by appropriate investment decisions. For example, a firm can set up multiple plants to minimise the risk of plant breakdown and production disruption. Firms can also shape their overall risk exposure through their financing choices. In general, they can do this by matching the characteristics of debt to the assets funded with the debt. One of the oldest and most established ways to transfer risk is to buy insurance to cover specific event risk. Insurance is more effective against individual or firm specific risks that affect a few and leave the majority untouched and less effective against market risk. Insurance is more effective against large as opposed to smaller risks. An entity can self insure against small risks and hope that the averaging process works over time. Insurance is more effective against event risks than against continuous risk. Derivatives can also be used to transfer risk. Forward contracts provide the most complete hedging but can be used only if the firm knows its future cash flow needs. Futures contracts are more assessable as they are standardised and traded on exchanges. But they also do not provide complete protection. Options provide protection against downside risk while preserving the upside potential.

How risk management creates value

About 75-80% of the risk in a publicly traded firm comes from firm specific factors. Hedging this risk involves a cost. This cost must be weighed against the benefits. Damodaran provides a conceptually elegant framework to do this cost benefit analysis. Companies must hedge when the benefits of hedging exceed the costs. There is a cost associated with hedging. Sometimes it is explicit, as in the case of insurance. At other times as in the case of forwards and futures, the costs are implicit. Explicit costs reduce earnings in the period in which the protection is acquired. Implicit costs manifest themselves indirectly only in future earnings. The proportion of debt that the firm can use to fund operations may expand because of the lower exposure to firm specific risk. The benefits of such hedging will be greatest for firms that are both highly levered and are perceived as having high default risk. For firm value to increase because of prudent risk hedging, the cost of capital has to decrease by enough to overcome the costs of risk hedging. This will happen only when the leverage is high. A firm that reduces its exposure to market risk will see its cash flows reduce and its cost of debt decline. But the beta and the cost of equity will also decrease. If risk hedging products are priced fairly in the market place, the benefits will exactly offset the costs leading to no effect on value. If investors in companies are diversified, have long term horizons and care only about market risk, managers may be over managing risk. The only firms that should be hedging risk should be ones that have substantial default risk and high debt or ones that have found a way to hedge market risk at below market prices.

There are two sources of tax benefits from hedging. One flows from the smoothing of earnings that come from hedging. The other is the result of the tax treatment of hedging expenses and benefits. There will be tax benefits to hedging if the cost of hedging is fully tax deductible but the benefits from insurance are not fully taxed. Managers, because their compensation is linked to certain performance may reject investments that create value for the firm. Firms that hedge against risk are more likely to have stable earnings/operating cash flows and are thus less likely to face unexpected cash shortfalls. So they are less dependent on capital markets and can stick with long term capital investment plans and increase value. Hedging can reduce the probability of financial distress. The pay offs from lower distress costs show up in two ways. One is in the form of a lower cost of capital. Firms that have borrowed money and are exposed to significant operating risk are better candidates for risk hedging. Risk hedging can actually reduce value at low debt ratios because any gains from reducing distress costs are likely to be small and overwhelmed by the costs of hedging. In contrast, hedging can increase the value of firms that are optimally levered and thus carry significant debt loads with concurrent distress costs. Hedging away non core risks can also make financial statements more informative and investors may reward the firm with a higher value. People will be convinced that earnings reflect the operating performance of the firm. Hedging will add value only if the cost of hedging is lower to the firm than to investors. For example diversification by acquisitions may not create value as it may be easier for investors to hold a diversified portfolio. We can understand the linkage between risk management and value creation in a more strategic way. The value of a firm can generally be considered a function of four key inputs: Cash flows from assets in place or investments already made Expected growth rate in cash flows during a period of high growth excess returns. Time before stable growth sets in and excess returns are eliminated. Discount rate which reflects both the risk of the investment and the financing mix used by the firm. It is clear that a firm must do the following to increase its value: Generate more cash flows from existing assets Grow faster or more efficiently during the high growth phase. Lengthen the high growth phase Lower the cost of capital. Hedging can smoothen cash flows, reduce taxes and thus improve operating margins. Growth depends on the reinvestment rate and the return on capital. Managers often under invest because of risk aversion. If we can give managers the tools for managing and reducing the exposure to firm specific risk, we can remove the disincentive that prevents them from investing. The pay off from risk hedging must be greater for firms with weak corporate governance structures and managers with long tenure. Providing protection against firm specific risks may help align the interest of stockholders and managers and lead to higher firm value. By hedging and smoothening earnings, firms can extend their high growth/excess returns period. This argument is especially valid in markets where the access to capital is severely constrained. The way the firm strategically manages its risk exposure, such as by making the right R&D investments, will clearly help in extending the growth phase. The pay off from risk management will be greater in businesses that are volatile but earn high returns on investment. Damodaran provides an interesting perspective here. Risk hedging is essentially the equivalent of buying a put option against specific eventualities. Risk management focuses on taking advantage of the upside created by uncertainty. So it is like a call option. Risk management is most likely to generate value for firms that operate in volatile businesses with substantial barriers to entry. Risk hedging is most likely to

generate value for smaller, closely held firms or for firms with substantial debt and distress costs. It is most likely to create value when it is focused on hedging risks that investors cannot protect themselves against through market traded securities. The increase in value will come from a lower cost of capital. Moreover, managers may be more willing to invest in high risk high growth projects. Risk hedging is unlikely to create value in case of firms owned by widely diversified investors and those focused on risk where market protection is easy to obtain. Risk management is aimed at generating higher and more sustainable excess returns. The greater the range of firm specific risks, the greater the potential for risk management. The following table summarises the differences between risk hedging and risk management. Risk Hedging View of risk Objective Approach Risk is a danger Protect against the downside Financial, Product oriented Risk Management Risk is a danger & an opportunity Exploit the upside Strategy/ cross functional process oriented Higher value

Measure of success

Reduce volatility in earnings, cash flows, value Put Lower discount rate Closely held, private firms, publicly traded firms with high financial leverage or distress costs

Type of real option Primary impact on value Ideal situation

Call Higher & sustainable excess returns Volatile businesses with significant potential for excess returns

Source: Adapted from Strategic Risk Taking, By Damodaran.

Gaining competitive advantage through strategic risk management

Risk exposes us to potential losses. But it also provides us with opportunities. Ideally, we should expand our exposure to upside risk while reducing the potential for downside risk. Cash flows from existing investments reflect the company's risk exposure. A risk averse company will have fewer investments and report lower cash flows from those investments. The excess returns on new investments and the length of the high growth period will be directly affected by decisions on how much risk to take in new investments and how well risk is assessed and dealt with. There is a positive pay off to risk taking but not if it is reckless. Firms that are selective about the risks they take, can exploit these risks to their advantage but firms that take risks without sufficiently preparing for their consequences can be hurt badly. Firms can build capabilities to take calculated risks in various ways: Corporate governance: Interests of decision makers must be aligned with those of the owners. Both managers with too little wealth and too much wealth tied up in their business will not take risk. So decision makers must have investment in the equity of the firm but also must be diversified. The venture capital and private equity investors who provide equity to start up come closest in this regard. They invest significant amounts in high growth high risk businesses but they spread their bets across multiple investments, thus generating diversification benefits. People: When facing a crisis, some people panic, others freeze but a few thrive and become better decision makers. Firms must hire people who keep a cool head in crises. Ultimately risk management depends on the quality of people in the organization.

Reward / Punishment Mechanisms: A good compensation system must consider both process and results. A trader who maintains an inventory of risks taken and the rationale for taking these must be treated more favourably than one with chaotic trading practices and little or no explanations for trading strategies used, even if the latter is more successful. Organization size/structure/culture: Optimally, we must encourage the risk taking behaviour of small firms with the defensive capabilities of larger ones. Flatter organizations tend to be better than more hierarchical organizations in handling information and responding quickly. Where risk must be dealt with on a continuous basis, different functions must not work in silos. Culture is also important. A key factor is the way a firm deals with failure rather than success. Tolerance towards failure is important, to encourage risk taking.

Damodaran has summarized the key principles underlying risk management. Risk is everywhere: Our biggest risks will come from places that we least expect them to come from and in forms that we did not anticipate that they would take. Companies should be able to deal with unexpected risks. Risk is threat and opportunity: Good risk management is about striking the right balance between seeking out and avoiding risk. People hold the key: A risk management system is only as good as the people manning it. Behavioral issues are important: Human beings are not always rational. Not all risk is created equal: Different risks have different implications. Different stakeholders view risks in different ways. So the right perspective on risk is important. Risk can be measured: The debate should be about what tools to use to assess risk than whether they can be assessed. Good risk measurement: Risk assessment should lead to better decisions. If risk assessment and decisions are made by different entities, each one has to be aware of the others requirements and preferences. The risk assessment tools must be built around the risks that matter rather than all risks. A good risk assessment will focus on the downside as well as the upside. Risk management is part of everyones job. Managing risks well is the essence of good business practice and is everyones responsibility. The risk management philosophy must be embedded in the companys structure and culture. Aligning the interests of managers and owners, good and timely information, solid analysis, flexibility and good people are the key building blocks of a successful risk taking organization. Risk management as a discipline has evolved unevenly across different functional areas. In finance, the preoccupation has been with discount rates. Little attention has been paid to the upside. In strategy, the focus has been on competitive advantage and barriers to entry. Risk management in most organizations is splintered with little communication between those who assess risk and those who make decisions based on those risk assessments. The chasm between the different functional areas finance, strategy, operations needs to be bridged. Indeed, good risk management lies at the heart of a successful and thriving business.

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