MyDLP Endpoint Installation Guide
MyDLP Endpoint Installation Guide
MyDLP Endpoint Installation Guide
MyDLP Endpoint Installation Guide Version 1.1 Legal Notice Copyright 2012 Medra Teknoloji Ltd. All rights reserved. MyDLP is a registered trademark of Medra Teknoloji Ltd.
About MyDLP .................................................................................................. 4 MyDLP Features ........................................................................................... 4 Protection and Administration with MyDLP Network Server ................. 4 Protection & Discovery with MyDLP Endpoint ....................................... 4 Supported Platforms.......................................................................................... 5 MyDLP Endpoint Installation Methods ............................................................ 5 Getting Started .............................................................................................. 5 Active Directory GPO Installation................................................................ 6 Package Installation .................................................................................. 6 Configuration Script.................................................................................. 7 Manual Installation ....................................................................................... 9
About MyDLP
MyDLP is a fully fledged data leakage prevention solution that offers network and endpoint protection and confidential data discovery.
MyDLP Features
You can monitor and control data flow and stored data in your organisation with MyDLP. You can pass, log, archive and quarantine data using policy actions.
Supported Platforms
MyDLP Endpoint is currently supported on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 (32 & 64 bit) and Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit).
Package Installation
1. Login with an administrator account in your domain. 2. Run Group Policy Management component in Administrative Tools. 3. In Group Policy Management select the organizational unit that you want to install MyDLP. 4. Click on organizational unit and create a group policy and link it to the selected organizational unit. a. Alternatively you can use a previously created group policy. 5. Right click on the group policy and click Edit. 6. In Group Policy Management Editor tree select Computer Configuration/Policies/Software Settings/Software installations. 7. Right click the empty area in right panel and in the popup menu select New: Package. 8. Download latest MyDLP Endpoint Agent package from
9. Put the file into downloaded .msi file into MYDLP_SHARE network share.
10. Open the file on network share: MYDLP_SHARE\mydlp_X_Y_Z.msi a. X, Y are version numbers. Z is the release number. 11. In Deploy Software dialog select Assigned.
Configuration Script
Installed endpoints needs to be configured to be functional. This can automatically achieved using a startup configuration script. 1. Download . Change the file name form mydlp-dep-conf.txt to mydlp-depconf.vbs 2. Change MYDLP_SERVER IP address value in mydlp-dep-conf.vbs file to your MyDLP Network Server IP address. See MyDLP Installation Guide, section Assigning a Static IP Address to MyDLP Network Server for more information on this value. Example: MYDLP_SERVER="" 3. Change MYDLP_SHARE path value in mydlp-dep-conf.vbs file to your MYDLP_SHARE value. Example: MYDLP_SHARE="\\\share" 4. Put the downloaded . mydlp-dep-conf.vbs file into MYDLP_SHARE network share. 5. If you have Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 machines do the following sub-steps: a. .NET 3.5 SP1 runtime: b. Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 x86 c. Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 x86
d. Important: Rename the downloaded file vcredist_x86.exe at step d as vcredist_x86_2008.exe to avoid conflict. e. Put downloaded and renamed files into MYDLP_SHARE network share. 6. Find the group policy in Group Policy Management component that you edited in Package Installation section. 7. Right click on group policy and click Edit. 8. In Group Policy Management Editor tree select Computer Configuration/Policies/Windows Settings/Scripts 9. Double click Startup on the right panel. 10. Click Add button. 11. Click Browse. 12. Find the mydlp-dep-conf.vbs script in MYDLP_SHARE network share. 13. Click OK. 14. Click Apply. 15. The configuration script will run on all of your endpoint machines after next reboot. You may need to restart machines manually on some machines which are not restarted frequently.
Manual Installation
Manual installation requires installing MyDLP Endpoint package one by one on each machine. 1. Get the installation MSI package from MyDLP support staff. 2. Copy MyDLP Endpoint MSI package onto machine to be installed. 3. For Windows XP and Server 2003 machines you may need to install following dependencies: a. .NET 3.5 SP1 runtime: b. Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 x86 c. Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 x86 d. Important: Rename the downloaded file vcredist_x86.exe at step d as vcredist_x86_2008.exe to avoid conflict.
4. Install dependencies by double clicking them and following the installation wizard. Some dependencies might be already installed, you do not need to reinstall them in such case. 5. Install the MyDLP Endpoint MSI package by double clicking it. 6. In the installation wizard enter MyDLP Network Server IP address as seen below. See MyDLP Installation Guide, section Assigning a Static IP Address to MyDLP Network Server for more information on this value.