Ca Demy Uth B Ank: Ree S CH Ool Ocument

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Oasis Academy South Bank A New Free School for Waterloo

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Oasis Academy South Bank will open in September 2013 a new secondary school serving the local Waterloo community. It will be a small, safe, learning environment for local children, offering excellent educational opportunities where every student can reach their full potential. Oasis Academy South Bank will be part of the wider Oasis Hub which delivers an extensive range of childrens, youth and family services in the local community. Oasis, a Christian foundation serving all regardless of faith, is already responsible for Oasis Church Waterloo, Oasis Academy Johanna (formerly Johanna Primary School) as well as the Oasis College of Higher Education, on Westminster Bridge Road, which offers both under-graduate and post-graduate courses to more than 250 students.

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Carly Mitchell - Principal Designate

We are delighted to have appointed Carly Mitchell to the post of Principal Designate. Carly is currently the Deputy Principal at the London Academy in Edgware. An English specialist, she is a graduate of the Teach First and Future Leaders teacher training initiatives. She has been instrumental in driving, securing and sustaining school improvement and student attainment in her current school and we look forward to welcoming her to Oasis Academy South Bank in January 2013.

The Vision
Waterloo is an important centre for the UKs arts and media industry, as well as being an internationally significant location for higher education, various global businesses, healthcare and tourism. Its just a stones throw from the seat of UK government and a near neighbour to Londons financial district. Yet, too much of this wealth bypasses the local community altogether. of schools in several boroughs when they leave primary school. Lambeth Councils report on School Demand and Primary Expansion (presented to Cabinet on 12th December 2011) is clear, explaining; The overall population projections for Lambeth suggest that, in spite of the difficulty in accurate forecasting, the dramatic increase in primary place demand will continue, with the shortage spreading to secondary places around 2015/2016. We want to plan ahead to ensure children living in Waterloo are not disadvantaged by the demand on secondary school places from the rest of the borough. Local parents should not have to compete for the remaining places which are often a significant distant from their homes. Its time to invest in Waterloo and in the future of our children and young people. Oasis already works in partnership alongside other local agencies such as WaCoCo, Waterloo Quarter BID, the Southbank Employers Group, Coin Street Community Builders, St. Thomas Hospital, The Old Vic Theatre and Morley College. Building on the strength of these existing relationships we will create an excellent secondary school and help to build a strong sense of pride for our whole community.

Carly Mitchell

Oasis goal is to create a world class secondary educational environment which harnesses the richness of the surrounding area for the benefit of our local children. We believe that this will also help create a much needed, stronger sense of community for young people here in Waterloo. There is a specific need in the Waterloo area for a new, small, co-educational secondary school; a school to and from which local children can travel safely by foot instead of taking tube or bus rides; a school where each student is known and where the relationships that they have built through their years of primary education can be maintained. We believe that meeting these needs will play a vital role in ensuring that every local young person has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Currently, there is no local secondary school serving our community. As a result our children are scattered across a large number

Oasis Academy Southbank will form a bridge between the successful multi-national Southbank employers and the local Waterloo community.

About Oasis Academies

We are extremely proud that Oasis Community Learning is Englands most improved academy group. During the 2011-12 academic year, Oasis Academies made excellent progress, improving at three times the national average. OFSTED reported positive progress in each of the 12 inspections it carried out in our Academies. We now run ten secondary, two all-through and seven primary Academies. By early 2013 we will be a family of 33 Academies as more and more schools choose to become part of the Oasis family around the country. Each of our Academies has its own character and identity. However, one of our key strengths as a family is our commitment to share effective practice across the group. Oasis Academy South Bank will: Teach that every child has potential Serve local children, and accept students irrespective of faith or ability Have a strong and unrelenting focus on academic achievement and character development Have a firm focus on addressing both literacy and numeracy Work alongside parents and carers as partners in their childs education Promote the emerging E.Bacc as a key method of ensuring a childs academic success Deliver high quality lessons to ensure its mission is achieved Operate longer opening hours than a traditional school to ensure each child fulfils their potential Continually strive to ensure high expectations are set, fostering an ethos where achievement and outstanding performance is celebrated Operate a compulsory summer school for any student who needs extra help and support before the new academic year Work in partnership with universities, business and commerce, and encourage public service and enterprise.

Oasis Academy South Bank will: Ignite young peoples curiosity and thirst for learning Offer 120 places per year group Ensure each student has a personalised learning plan Offer five compulsory subjects as well as four options at Key Stage 4 Offer The South Bank Five (see overleaf) Establish early relationships with local universities for students Be an integral part of the wide range of community services already offered through the Oasis Hub Waterloo Ensure each child attends a Summer Reading Camp prior to entry in Year 7 Allocate an assigned mentor to oversee each students studies Offer four hours of Extended Studies per week Cover the National Curriculum as well as using its small size and unique set of community partnerships to offer increased, tailor-made, personalised learning and individual one-to-one tuition to each student Offer a range of rich, enjoyable and high quality learning experiences. Alongside a clear emphasis on the National Curriculum core subjects including English, maths and science, the school will introduce a wide range of courses to develop the skills, abilities and aptitudes that are recognised, as well as highly valued, by colleges, universities and employers. These will be delivered in partnership with the business, arts, university, government and tourism specialist institutions in the local area.

All our young people will 'Find Their Greatness' at Oasis Academy Southbank.

The South Bank Five

1. An early residential in Year 7 to enhance bonding within the year group and develop the self-confidence of young people. 2. A Year 7 visit to a university to enhance the academic aspirations of students. 3. A visit to a theatre to experience the joy of live performance. 4. A chance to attend a musical concert to experience the broad variety of culture available on our doorstep. 5. The Academy will offer a talent analysis programme to identify each students passion or gift. Once complete we will commit to working with students to develop this interest as they progress through the school.

The PAN (Published Admission Number) for 2013-14 is 120 Year 7 pupils. A copy of the admissions policy is available on request or to download from our website. In the event of the school being oversubscribed, the following oversubscription criteria will apply: 1. Looked After Children or Previously Looked After Children as defined in section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989. 2. Siblings - we will prioritise twins or children from other multiple births under the sibling criteria and would increase our published PAN to accommodate this need. 3. Children with exceptional medical or social needs as defined by a suitably qualified and experienced panel convened to consider such cases. Evidence in the form of a doctor or social workers letter will be required. 4. Distance - as measured by a straight line between the childs home and the permanent site of the school. This measurement will be done by a computerised mapping system, from a point in the childs home as identified by the software to a point at the school as profiled in the software. The childs home address will be considered to be where the child spends the majority of the school week.

The Governance
The Academy Council will be made up of representatives from parents/carers and staff. Alongside them will be other representatives from the local community and local businesses appointed for their skills, abilities and local knowledge as well as representatives from Oasis Community Learning and one from the Local Authority.

Special Educational Needs

Oasis Academy Southbank alumni will be desired and sought after future employees. Their skill set, values and academic outcomes will put our students ahead of the game.
All Oasis academies are caring communities which aim to promote the mutual respect and understanding and an effective education for all their students. Oasis Community Learning believes that all children and young people should be equally valued and therefore will do all we can do to promote equality of opportunity and outcomes, and to help develop a learning environment where all children and young people can flourish and feel safe. All young people should have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, with teaching and learning strategies that maximise achievement and prevent failure by removing barriers to learning and providing access to a wide range of learning challenges. At Oasis Academy South Bank, where a child has a Statement of Educational Need or requires additional support to enable them to access the curriculum we will aim to provide this through a constructive dialogue with parents/carers and social work and health professionals to ensure that the childs best interests are served. Where a child shows a particular talent or gift we will work with them to ensure they have every opportunity to develop this. A copy of our SEN Policy is available here:

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This Consultation

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This consultation forms part of the being actively explored and we hope required documentation which will to make an announcement shortly be submitted to the Department regarding the final location of the for Education. All feedback will be new school. The Department for documented and taken into account Education has submitted a change of as we develop plans for the school. It use application on Hercules House, does not constitute an application to Hercules Road SE1, with the intention the school, which can be made on a that this will become the permanent separate form available to download site for the school. The Academy will from our website: be in temporary accommodation for, up to one year. We are continuing to work with the Department for Education by telephoning 020 7921 4464, or from the Reception at The Oasis Centre, 75 to fully explore a number of other locations for the Academys permanent Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7HS. site.

This questionnaire aims to help gather views on our proposal for Oasis Academy South Bank. We are consulting with potential parents/carers as well as the wider community: your view is important to us and we welcome your response.
Please tick the boxes as appropriate

1. I would like to have a local secondary school in Waterloo serving local children.
Strongly agree Agree No view Disagree Strongly disagree

2. What do you think are the most important aspects of the Oasis Academy South Bank? (Please rank from 1 to 10, 1 being the most important and 10 being the least important.)
Excellent academic facilities Good exam results Smart students in uniform Good teachers Facilities open to the community Parent/carer involvement State-of-the-art computing facilities Vocational training Design of the learning environment A curriculum that mirrors real life work situations.

The Next Steps

Feedback from this consultation concludes on 26th November 2012. The Secretary of State for Education is expected to grant the funding agreement in the spring of 2013.

3. Do you think that the idea of offering a range of accredited Post -16 courses as formal apprenticeships placed with local businesses adds value to the current range of existing options open to young people in the local community?
Strongly agree Agree No view Disagree Strongly disagree

Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like further information, please do get in touch with us at: Lucia Glynn, The Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7HS E-mail: [email protected] or telephone: 020 7921 4464 Please also look at our website for updates and admission information: E-mail: [email protected] You can follow us on Twitter @OasisSouthBank

4. Do you think we should enter into a funding agreement with the Secretary of State for this school? This is the contract between Oasis Community Learning and the Department for Education (please go to

Strongly agree


No view


Strongly disagree

5. Please add any other comments below (please feel free to attach an additional sheet if required)

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