How To Build Your Own Silicon Detector

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Maurice Garcia-Sciveres LBNL Physics Division

April 19 Interdisciplinary Instrumentation Colloquium

Preface: First direct measurement of BS Mixing

announced last Wednesday!

Data from CDF experiment at Fermilabs Tevatron collider

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Silicon detector physics at its best


April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Past Presentations
Having to do with silicon detectors, but (naturally) construction methods not in scope on talk Except this one. ICs are a big part, but not the whole story This talk is chapter 2
(still not the whole story though)
15-Mar-2006 Compton Telescopes for High Energy Astrophysics (4.3 MB) by Steven Boggs, 01-Mar-2006 Specific Heat Measurements of Films and Crystals Using Si-micromachined Nano-calorimeters Frances Hellman, 15-Feb-2006 Semiconductor Radiation Detector Materials - Fact versus Fiction (7.2 MB) by Eugene Haller, 01-Feb-2006 Cancer "genomics" - Technological opportunities in cancer biology and management (7.0 MB) by Joe W. Gray, 02-Nov-2005 How to Design an Integrated Circuit (5.4 MB) by Peter Denes, Engineering Division, 19-Oct-2005 The Allen Telescope Array: A New Telescope For SETI and Radio Astronomy (13.7 MB) by Dave DeBoer, 05-Oct-2005 3D Silicon Detectors (15.3 MB) by Sherwood Parker, 21-Sep-2005 Molecular Electron Microscopy - Applications and Challenges (slides not available) by Ken Downing, 7-Sep-2005 Is Anybody Out There? Instrumentation for SETI (7.3MB) by Dan Werthimer 24-Aug-2005 Who needs better nuclear detector materials and how do we find them? (5.5 MB) by Stephen E. Derenzo, 20-Jul-2005 One-Dimensional Nanostructures as Subwavelength Optical Elements for Photonics Integration ( by Peidong Yang, 29-Jun-2005 The STAR Detector at RHIC (7.4 MB) by Jim Thomas, 15-Jun-2005 From Quarks to Quasars - Advanced Scientific CCDs (23.6 MB) by Stephen Holland, 18-May-2005 The Superconducting QUantum Interference Device: Principles and Applications (16.2 MB) by John Clarke, 4-May-2005 Biological Large Scale Integration (slides not available) by Stephen Quake, 13-Apr-2005 The ATLAS Pixel Detector (3.6 MB) by Kevin Einsweiler,

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Which Silicon Detectors?

There are literally hundreds of silicon particle detectors world-wide (and soon in space) in many types of experiments Narrow down focus of this talk to detectors at colliders (not even fixed target!). Many things generalize. There are still dozens. LBNL had or has major involvement in silicon detectors for
CDF and D0 at Fermilab Babar at SLAC ATLAS at CERN Star at BNL ILC R&D
Most of my direct experience

There are additionally important contributions to other experiments (for example by providing IC technology or even actual ICs)
CLEO at Cornell NA60 at CERN (actually fixed target) Phenix at BNL Others I forget or dont know about
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April 19, 2006

Where to begin?
Consider chips, sensors, performance specs as given How do you put them together? Isnt this the same problem as building laptops or digital cameras? (Why not just go to manufacturers that do that and have them do it?) Yes and no.
Not quite the same problem Those manufacturers wont have anything to do with us:
Vertical integration within huge company High volume and proprietary solutions Do not do work for others Big defense industry manufacturers are no different

The industry term for what we want to do is Packaging

It is a vast field
A good reference is (international microelectronics and packaging society)
April 19, 2006 M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector 6

Not quite the same as consumer electronics

Consumer electronics does make all modern experiments possible, but
We have unique constraints that greatly impact assembly
Our ideal detector is massless Detectors go in high radiation environments We only ever build one of each, and it has to work the first time

From industry we take

interconnection technology, manufacturing technology and equipment, basic materials such as wire, adhesives, laminates, etc.

We then make use of these things in creative ways And we insert home-made bits and pieces as needed Risk, risk risk!, but often cant be avoided (and sometimes can, but unfortunately isnt)

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Technology evolution
Both industry and detector technology evolve gradually Each new detector takes established methods and adds a new twist Enough new twists lead to new ways of doing things I try to present sharp technology categories for clarity. In reality things are less black and white. There are parallel branches which are not necessarily exclusive of one another

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Design methods and elements

Increasing channel density Ladder Module Macro-module Robotic assembly Further innovation Increasing detector size Tracking

IC + wire bonding Area array bump bonding Monolithic Further innovation


April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Assembly 101: The barrel of ladders

Low mass => no thermal mass => cooling must be active
Need materials with high thermal conductivity and low atomic number

Electrical components (sensors and circuits) can serve mechanical functions to reduce mass
Rigidity and stability Thermal management

The ladder model with a barrel geometry has been very successful Ideal for geometry with readout at ends only

Foam core with composite rails Glued sensors add stiffness Ceramic hybrid (next page) Machined beryllium bulkhead with active cooling
April 19, 2006 M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector 10

Hybrid circuit boards

The readout electronics at the end of a ladder must be
Low mass High thermal conductivity CTE close to silicon

Integrated circuits need mechanical support and services (external capacitors and interconnects) Thick film on ceramic technology
were merely an end user of this industrial technology Heat source Ceramic hybrid Cooling at this end LV power and signal cable to outside world
April 19, 2006

Hybrid at end of SVX ladder (1990) sensor Wire bonds (see later) integrated circuits

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Ceramic hybrid fabrication

Conductors and dielectric glazes printed on a ceramic substrate
Ceramics have good mechanical properties

Glazes fired at 800-900C. This 5 conductor layer circuit has 15 mask steps and 10 firings. Unlike IC fabrication, customer can specify steps and materials as well as artwork
This can get one into trouble Chemical reactions happen fast at 800C. Minor incompatibilities between materials can have big effects

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Flex PCB option

One can also make a hybrid by gluing a flexible printed circuit board on a mechanically suitable substrate (such as a blank piece of ceramic) (Note that rigid printed circuit boards are not mechanically suitable) This approach may be favored by certain constraints (have to look case-by-case) More on flex later
flex PCB substrate

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


The ladder pushed further

Readout ONLY at ends of detector is no longer enough as channel density increases Electronics start to intrude into the active area Double-sided sensor presents additional complication
Prototype hybrids for SVX-II detector

Cooling channel goes here

Sensor (green)



April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Getting around the corner

One of those home-made elements Why not use flex?
Depends on available bend radius This part also mirrors all the connectionscould not do on flex. 20m thin film traces

profile Edge of sensor

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Thick film filled vias through ceramic


A mix of thick film filled vias and thin film surface traces Manufacturing orchestrated between thick film vendor, thin film vendor, wafer dicing vendor, LBNL shops, and UCB microlab. Risk is that in full detector 300 such parts must operate for 10 years. Prototype reliability studies cannot generate the statistics needed to guarantee this.

Around the corner

With ceramic jumper With flex Before folding

After folding
CDF SVX-II L0 ladder Atlas SCT module

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Keeping the electronics away

Have managed to keep electronics out of active area in some cases
BaBar SVT 2-sided ladder
Z-side of sensors read out via flex

CDF Layer 00 (instrumented beam pipe) sensors


Tricky to get away with this Detector has noise issues It has taken years to produce software and calibrations capable of making the data useful Nevertheless, Bs mixing is a very big payoff
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Si sensors

Proliferation of ladder types

13 Ceramic hybrid types (1400 units in total) for CDF-II silicon
SVX-II phi side

SVX-II z side L00

For any given radial position there is an optimum ladder geometry. A detector spanning a large radial range wants to have many types of ladders


April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


The Module
As channel density and size increase further the ladder model breaks down. The module is conceptually a tile.
A passive mechanical skeleton is tiled over with modules.

In a modular system electronics are distributed throughout

Extreme case is hybrid pixels: electronics cover MORE area than sensors.
ATLAS pixel module

April 19, 2006 M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector 19


Electrical unit (not mechanical)

Each module is a unit of electrical functionality The mechanical function must be filled by other structures this is more massive than the ladder approach.
Atlas SCT modules on a support cylinder

Atlas pixel modules on a disk support

Cooling pipe inside support structure

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Material Penalty
Ionizing energy loss for particles passing through ATLAS pixel detector (in Radiation Lengths)

65% due to support structures and cables (worse at shallow angles) Only 15% due to silicon sensors => Only 15% of energy lost by particles is used for detection.
April 19, 2006 M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector 21

Macro-modules to the rescue

Integrate electrical services with mechanical support structures to reduce material Units of macro-module are simpler than previous module, not fully functional on their own (missing connectivity)
Stave macro-module prototype Used like a giant ladder, but has higher channel density
Seen from top in photo Ladder from original SVX

Simplified stave side view (not to scale)

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Connecting them up

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Wire boning
Wire bonding is the link between integrated circuits and the real world. It is a vast subject that could take up many 1hr talks. We are purely an end user of this industrial technology
25m round wire of just the right Al alloy Not a traditional weld. Not a solder joint. A special kind of metal-metal bond formed over only a part of the contact area IC bond pad of just the right Al alloy (a different one than the wire)

An aluminum wedge wire bond

It is a fine-tuned process that is highly reliable ONLY if done just right.

Small process variations can have big negative effects Often a source of problems for detector builders of all expertise levels
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Wire bonding (cont.)

We use off-the-shelf industrial equipment for wire bonding silicon detectors. Many contract vendors have the same equipment and it is possible to outsource, but in general not done
Detector assemblies are delicate In-house capability is convenient

Bottom view of wire in wedge


Wire bonding is a serial operation This bonder can run at 5 bonds/second

April 19, 2006

Bonding head

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Wire bonding trends

Industrial output of order 1012 bonds / year Majority are gold ball bonds => 1m3 of gold every ~2 years We use Al bonds because gold ball bonding requires heat
But gold preferred in industry because x2-4 faster than Al
2003 Industry projection

Silicon detectors

Feature Size (nm) April 19, 2006

From Scott Kulicke keynote address at IMAPS 2005

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Bump bonding
Why the wire bond pitch stopped decreasing: Why not use the entire chip area for interconnection then? =area bump bonding

Bump bonding makes it possible for us to build hybrid pixel detectors. But it is a much more high maintenance technology than wire bonding. Not just me saying this:

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Bump bonding (cont.)

Unlike wire bonding, we do NOT do our bump bonding in house (yet).
Long process and expensive equipment.
(bump deposition is only half of the story)

Bumps on both chip and sensor Bumps on chip UBM on sensor

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Bump bonded pixel bare modules

Photo of indium bumps Xray of bumps
After bump deposition comes flip chip to complete the bump bonding process *
High accuracy flip chip equipment

Recall area bump pitch in industry roadmap is 70m even by 2018 ATLAS modules use 50m pitch! => non-standard process (expensive and low volume)

16 chips. 46,080 bump bonds

Sensor (below)
April 19, 2006


M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Future possibilities
Plain finer pitch
The silicon detectors built in 1990 were ahead of industry using 96m single row pitch and dual row wire bonding Exactly the same parameters are being used in todays detectors, significantly behind what industry is doing There are gains to be made by reducing bond pitch

Novel wire bonding methods could be exploited

Laser bonding works with a wire range of substrates and wire metals

Novel wafer level processing techniques

Sensor active edges could open the possibility of small basic units with no need for overlap- good for robotic assembly Reticle stitching offers the option of very large ICs

Many potential alternatives to flip-chip could even involve nanotechnology

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Cables and interconnects

Copper on polyimide printed circuits are widely used for cabling hybrids.
Standard manufacturing process 200m signal pitch standard Low mass Radiation hard

High reliability ONLY when properly designed. If cables will bend repeatedly often need several design cycles to fix weak spots Flex occasionally used for hybrids as well as cables. Even more iterations typical in this case.

CDF SVX-II hybrid cable

CDF SVX hybrid cable

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


A constant of nature

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


A necessary evil
Sometimes flex PCB cant be avoided ATLAS pixel detector geometry leaves no space for anything thicker
Flex hybrid on PCB frame (if we had found a rigid circuit board technology thin enough we would have gladly used it instead) Combination of FlexMCC + Bare module

Rigid PCB frame used to manage flex handling This flex circuit is never bent. PCB frame provides mechanical support and temporary packaging for stand-alone operation
April 19, 2006

The flex hybrid is glued to the bare module without leaving the frame Flex module is detached only at time of loading on detector support structure.

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

Non-standard cables (another home-made thing)

Case 1: discrete round wires:
High current (2A low voltage and return), high voltage (1KV), and 80MHz LVDS signals in the same cable. Oh, and it has to be able to bend in 3 dimensions.
Silicone surgical tubing Al core copper-clad power wires Polyurethane magnet wire insulation (polyimide for HV wires) 60-100mm dia. Cu signal wires ATLAS pixel module cable

Case 2: Flex cables with Al instead of Cu


Done to reduce mass NOT done for industrial applications. Commonly done for shielding planes (low risk) Occasionally attempted for critical elements such as power distribution
Note that resistivity of Al is higher than Cu => reduction is modest Performance Impact of such modest reduction had better be significant before resorting to this!

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Quality control
Recall one difference with industry is that we build only one detector and it has to work the first time. Different quality control problem Must track and store information individually for each component Only this permits investigating any single failure of any type as soon as observed Statistics of prototyping and construction are very much lower than detector operation- a very prominent effect in operation may only show up once in production!

A picture of every ATLAS pixel bump is viewable online This has helped understand failures during flip chipv

Each ATLAS pixel module has 16 wire bonds whose sole purpose is to be pulled This has helped understand and correct subtly problems

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


The silicon detector arms race




Not just bigger, but at the same time faster. Bigger => automated assembly Faster => power, cooling and interconnect advances


April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


Robotic Assembly
ATLAS tracker: sensor tile alignment on robot, followed by manual full module assembly. Custom made robot CMS tracker: Full module assembly on robot (except wire bonding). Modified industrial pick-and-place robot

3,100 modules in detector.

15,000 modules in detector.

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


CMS Rod Assembly Line

(courtesy Anthony Affolder)

Wire bond hybrid

Thermal test hybrids

Assemble modules

Thermal test module

Test bonded module

Wire bond module

Assemble rods
April 19, 2006

Single rod test

Rod burn-in

Ship to CERN

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector

(Left over for Chapter 3)
How to decide on a detector layout.
Barrels, disks, number measurements / track Speed, occupancy, granularity Point resolution, 2-hit separation, stereo angle Iteration with construction constraints
CDF-II layout

Mechanical structures
The carbon composite era Cooling

CMS barrel shell

Other problems
Reduction of service plant Optical readout Etc., etc.
CDF-II ISL frame

ATLAS pixel barrel

April 19, 2006

M. Garcia-Sciveres --- How to build your own pixel detector


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