Michigan Guide To Abstinence Resources

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Introduction............................................................................. 2 Definitions. .............................................................................. 3 . Michigan.Law.Governing.Sex.Education.................................. 4 Questions.People.Ask.About.Sex.Education............................. 9 A.Sampling.of.Abstinence.Centered.Curricula.......................... 11 Abstinence.Groups.in.Michigan. .............................................. 16 . National.Abstinence.Organizations.......................................... 19 Government.Agencies.Promoting.Abstinence........................... 21 Speakers.Bureaus...................................................................... 22 Adolescent.Sexual.Behavior.Resources.and.Public.Opinion. .... 23 . Adolescent.Sexual.Behavior.Quick.Facts................................... 24 About.Michigan.Family.Forum. ............................................... 26 .

Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources


While the past decade has seen a gradual rise in the number of teens choosing to remain abstinent, the campaign to protect our children from experiencing the loss that accompanies pre-marital sex must continue. All too often our culture presents a diluted and ineffective message in regards to sexual education. To teach that risk avoidance (abstinence), and risk reduction (contraception), are equally acceptable alternatives, undermines the integrity of the abstinence message. In a time where positive role models are difficult to find and the media perpetuates the notion of a consequence-free sex life, it is imperative that we impart future generations with solid character and equip our youth with the tools necessary to make intelligent choices outside the home. This guide is intended to highlight valuable resources for use inside the classroom and out. The resources contained in this book are intended to portray the gift of sex in a positive, accurate and age appropriate manner. Your students will learn that abstinence is healthy and creates respect, not shame. One of the most important aims of the abstinence movement is to dispel the myth that restraint is fear-based. Educating adolescents to make prudent decisions will ultimately result in young men and women who honor their bodies and those of their peers. Abstinence is a message of integrity and esteem, to instruct our youth otherwise will be a great disservice. Abstinence education and character education go hand in hand. Teaching children to make honest value judgments will prepare them to handle difficult personal decisions in all aspects of life. Students who value others and are able to make true commitments will reap benefits in areas beyond their sexual lives. Communication skills and moral resolve are necessary traits of an upright citizen. We can equip our youth with these assets through the platform of sexual education. We here at Michigan Family Forum hope this guide proves to be a useful tool in providing your students with sound and thoughtful information. The future of a nation is shaped by its educators. We wish you the very best.

Page  Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

Abstaining from sexual activity. Sexual activity is behavior which elicits or expresses strong sexual feelings, desires or physical responses. This would exclude hugging, kissing or holding hands, but it would include all genital contact as well as petting which includes fondling of genitals, buttocks or breasts and deep-throat (French) kissing. This definition of abstinence is not necessarily the definition used by other individuals or groups. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of the material described in this manual contradicts our definition. Many of the resources listed here have been personally previewed by our staff; however, some of them have not. Therefore, it is possible that some materials listed herein, if closely scrutinized, would not receive our unconditional approval. Hence, a disclaimer: inclusion of material in this manual does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by Michigan Family Forum. Additionally, we have attempted to ensure that all materials in this book are family-centered and age appropriate. We strongly believe that sexual intercourse and related activities are profound, wonderful and fulfilling when entered into during marriage. We also believe that parents are in the best position to communicate the depth of this relationship at the appropriate time for each of their children.

Virtually every sex-education curriculum in the country claims to be abstinence-based, yet many of them view abstinence as only one possible course of action equal to all others. Contraceptives are promoted as safe, and each person is empowered to choose the course that is best for him. However, it is our belief that all decisions in this area are not equally valid.

Many who oppose abstinence education have attempted to label strong abstinence material as abstinenceonly. This gives the impression that abstinence-only materials fail to teach children the whole truth. The implication is that such an approach is inadequate because information is withheld. A more acceptable title, often used by advocates of abstinence, is abstinence-centered. Materials which convey the message that abstinence is the best choice for young people should have a title different from those that do not. The term abstinence-centered properly indicates that abstinence is the focal point around which everything else is built. In reviewing this manual, the reader will notice that the phrase abstinence-centered, rather than abstinence-based or abstinence-only, is used.

Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources


Michigan Law Governing Sex Education

Portions of this section have been highlighted with bold and underlined type to emphasize important aspects of the law. The highlights are not a part of the law as written. 80.69 () The principal modes by which dangerous communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, are spread and the best methods for the restriction and prevention of these diseases shall be taught in every public school in this state. Subject to subsection () and section 507b, the. teaching. under. this. section. shall. stress. that.abstinence.from.sex.is.a.responsible.and. effective.method.for.restriction.and.prevention.of.these.diseases.and.is.a.positive.lifestyle. for.unmarried.young.people. () Except for licensed health care professionals who have received training on human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, each person who teaches K to  pupils about human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome pursuant to subsection () shall have training in human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome education for young people. The superintendent of public instruction, in cooperation with the department of public health, shall train trainers to provide the teacher training required by this subsection and shall provide for the development and distribution to school districts of medically accurate material on the teaching of human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome to young people. () The choice of curricula to be used for human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome education required to be taught under subsection () shall be approved by the appropriate school board and implemented in the school setting not later than October , 990. Before adopting any revisions to the curriculum implemented under this section, including, but not limited to, revisions to provide for the teaching of abstinence from sex as a responsible method for restriction and prevention of disease, a.school.board.shall.hold. at. least. 2. public. hearings. on. the. proposed. revisions. The hearings shall be held at least  week apart and public notice of the hearings shall be given in the manner required under section 0 for board meetings. A public hearing held pursuant to this section may be held in conjunction with a public hearing held pursuant to section 507. 80.506. () A program of instruction in reproductive health shall be supervised by a registered physician, a registered nurse, or other person certified by the state board as qualified. Upon the written request of a pupil or the pupils parent or guardian, a pupil shall be excused, without penalty or loss of academic credit, from attending classes in which the subject of reproductive health is under discussion. () As used in subsection () and sections 507 and 508, reproductive health means that state of an individuals well-being which involves the reproductive system and its physiological, psychological, and endocrinological functions. 80.507 () The board of a school district may engage qualified instructors and provide facilities and equipment for instruction in sex education, including family planning, human sexuality, and the emotional, physical, psychological, hygienic, economic, and social aspects of family life. Instruction may also include the subjects of reproductive health and the recognition, prevention, and treatment of sexually transmitted disease. Subject.to.subsection.(7).and.section.1507b,. the.instruction.described.in.this.subsection. shall.stress.that.abstinence.from.sex.is.a.responsible.and.effective.method.of.preventing. unplanned.or.out-of-wedlock.pregnancy.and. sexually.transmitted.disease.and.is.a.positive. lifestyle.for.unmarried.young.people. () The class described in subsection () shall be elective and not a requirement for graduation. () A pupil shall not be enrolled in a class in which the subjects of family planning or reproductive health are discussed unless the pupils parent or guardian is notified in advance of the course and the content of the course, is given a

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prior opportunity to review the materials to be used in the course and is notified in advance of his or her right to have the pupil excused from the class. The state board shall determine the form and content of the notice required in this subsection. () Upon the written request of a pupil or the pupils parent or legal guardian, a pupil shall be excused, without penalty or loss of academic credit, from attending a class described in subsection (). (5) A school district that provides a class as permitted by subsection () shall offer the instruction by teachers qualified to teach health education. A. school. district. shall. not. offer. this.instruction.unless.a.sex.education.advisory.board.is.established.by.the.board.of.the. school.district..The.board.of.a.school.district. shall. determine. terms. of. service. for. the. sex. education. advisory. board,. the. number. of. members.to.serve.on.the.advisory.board,.and. a.membership.selection.process.that.reasonably. reflects. the. school. district. population,. and.shall.appoint.2.co-chairs.for.the.advisory. board,.at.least.1.of.whom.is.a.parent.of.a.child. attending. a. school. operated. by. the. school. district.. At. least. 1/2. of. the. members. of. the. sex.education.advisory.board.shall.be.parents. who.have.a.child.attending.a.school.operated. by.the.school.district,.and.a.majority.of.these. parent.members.shall.be.individuals.who.are. not.employed.by.a.school.district. The board of a school district shall include pupils of the school district, educators, local clergy, and community health professionals on the sex education advisory board. Written or electronic notice of a sex education advisory board meeting shall be sent to each member at least  weeks before the date of the meeting. The advisory board shall do all of the following: (a) Establish program goals and objectives for pupil knowledge and skills that are likely to reduce the rates of sex, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. This subdivision does not prohibit a school district from establishing additional program goals and objectives that are not contrary to this section, section 69, or section 507b. (b) Review the materials and methods of instruction used and make recommendations to the board of the school district for implementation. The advisory board shall

take into consideration the school districts needs, demographics, and trends, including, but not limited to, teenage pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted disease rates, and incidents of student sexual violence and harassment. (c) At.least.once.every.2.years,.evaluate,. measure,. and. report. the. attainment. of. program.goals.and.objectives.established. under. subdivision. (a).. The. board. of. a. school. district. shall. make. the. resulting. report.available.to.parents.in.the.school. district. (6) Before adopting any revisions in the materials or methods used in instruction under this section, including, but not limited to, revisions to provide for the teaching of abstinence from sex as a method of preventing unplanned or outof-wedlock pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, the board of a school district shall hold at least  public hearings on the proposed revisions. The hearings shall be held at least  week apart and public notice of the hearings shall be given in the manner required under section 0 for board meetings. A public hearing held pursuant to this section may be held in conjunction with a public hearing held pursuant to section 69. (7) A.person.shall.not.dispense.or.otherwise. distribute. in. a. public. school. or. on. public. school. property. a. family. planning. drug. or. device. (8) As used in this section, family planning means the use of a range of methods of fertility regulation to help individuals or couples avoid unplanned pregnancies; bring about wanted births; regulate the intervals between pregnancies; and plan the time at which births occur in relation to the age of parents. It may include the study of fetology. It may include marital and genetic information. Clinical.abortion.shall.not. be.considered.a.method.of.family.planning,. nor.shall.abortion.be.taught.as.a.method.of. reproductive.health. (9) As used in this section and sections 506 and 507a: (a) Class means an instructional period of limited duration within a course of instruction and includes an assembly or small group presentation. (b) Course means a series of classes linked by a common subject matter.

Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

Page 5

80.507a If a parent or legal guardian of a pupil files with the public school in which the pupil is enrolled a continuing written notice that the pupil is to be excused from a class described in section 507, the pupil shall not be enrolled in a class described in section 507 unless the parent or legal guardian submits a written authorization for that enrollment. 80.507b () Instruction under section 507 in sex education and instruction under section 69 on human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome shall emphasize that abstinence from sex is a positive lifestyle for unmarried young people because abstinence is the only protection that is 00% effective against unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, and sexually transmitted human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. () Material and instruction in the sex education curriculum under section 507 that discusses sex shall be age-appropriate, shall not be medically inaccurate, and shall do at least all of the following: (a) Discuss.the.benefits.of.abstaining.from. sex. until. marriage. and. the. benefits. . of. ceasing.sex.if.a.pupil.is.sexually.active. (b) Include a discussion of the possible emotional, economic, and legal consequences of sex. (c) Stress that unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are serious possibilities of sex that are not fully preventable except by abstinence. (d) Advise pupils of the laws pertaining to their responsibility as parents to children born in and out of wedlock. (e) Ensure that pupils are not taught in a way that condones the violation of the laws of this state pertaining to sexual activity, including, but not limited to, sections 58, 5a, 8, 8a, 8b, and 50b to 50e of the Michigan penal code, 9 PA 8, MCL 750.58, 750.5a, 750.8, 750.8a, 750.8b, and 750.50b to 750.50e. (f ) Teach pupils how to say no to sexual advances and that it is wrong to take advantage of, harass, or exploit another person sexually. Page 6 Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

(g) Teach refusal skills and encourage pupils to resist pressure to engage in risky behavior. (h) Teach that the pupil has the power to control personal behavior. Pupils shall be taught to base their actions on reasoning, self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, selfcontrol, and ethical considerations such as respect for self and others. (i) Provide instruction on healthy dating relationships and on how to set limits and recognize a dangerous environment. (j) Provide information for pupils about how young parents can learn more about adoption services and about the provisions of the safe delivery of newborns law, chapter XII of the probate code of 99, 99 PA 88, MCL 7. to 7.0. (k) Include information clearly informing pupils that having sex or sexual contact with an individual under the age of 6 is a crime punishable by imprisonment and that  of the other results of being convicted of this crime is to be listed on the sex offender registry on the internet for up to 5 years. () This section does not prohibit a public school from offering sex education with behavioral risk reduction strategies, as defined by law, that are not 00% effective against unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, and sexually transmitted human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 88.766 A district in which a school official, member of a board, or other person dispenses or otherwise distributes a family planning drug or device in a public school in violation of section 507 of the revised school code, being section 80.507 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, dispenses prescriptions for any family planning drug, or makes referrals for abortions shall forfeit 5% of its total state aid appropriation. 88.766a () In order to avoid forfeiture of state aid under subsection (), the board of a district or intermediate district providing reproductive health or other sex education instruction under section 69, 506, or 507 of the revised school code, MCL 80.69, 80.506, and 80.507, or

under any other provision of law, shall ensure that all of the following are met: (a) That the district or intermediate district does not provide any of the instruction to a pupil who is less than 8 years of age unless the district or intermediate district notifies the pupils parent or legal guardian in advance of the instruction and the content of the instruction, gives.the.pupils.parent. or.legal.guardian.a.prior.opportunity.to. review. the. materials. to. be. used. in. the. instruction,.allows.the.pupils.parent.or. legal.guardian.to.observe.the.instruction,. and. notifies. the. pupils. parent. or. legal. guardian.in.advance.of.his.or.her.rights. to.observe.the.instruction.and.to.have.the. pupil.excused.from.the.instruction.. (b) That, upon the written request of a pupils parent or legal guardian or of a pupil if the pupil is at least age 8, the pupil shall be excused, without penalty or loss of academic credit, from attending class sessions in which the instruction is provided. (c) That the sex education instruction includes age-appropriate information clearly informing pupils at one or more age-appropriate grade levels that having sex or sexual contact with an individual under the age of 6 is a crime punishable by imprisonment, and that  of the other results of being convicted of this crime is to be listed on the sex offender registry on the internet for up to 5 years. () If a parent or legal guardian of a pupil enrolled in a district or intermediate district believes that the district or intermediate district has violated this section or section 69, 506, or 507 of the revised school code, MCL 80.69, 80.506, and 80.507, he or she may file a complaint with the superintendent or chief administrator of the district or intermediate district in which the pupil is enrolled. Upon receipt of the complaint, the superintendent or chief administrator of the district or intermediate district shall investigate the complaint and, within 0 days after the date of the complaint, provide a written report of his or her findings to the parent or legal guardian who filed the complaint and to the superintendent of public instruction. If the investigation reveals that  or more violations have occurred, the written report shall contain a description of each violation and

of corrective action the district or intermediate district will take to correct the situation to ensure that there is no further violation. The district or intermediate district shall take the corrective action described in the written report within 0 days after the date of the written report. () If a parent who has filed a complaint with a district under subsection () believes that the district is still not in compliance with law based on the findings made by the superintendent or chief administrator of the district, the parent may appeal the findings to the intermediate district in which the district is located. If there is an appeal to an intermediate district under this subsection, the intermediate superintendent of the intermediate district shall investigate the complaint and, within 0 days after the date of the appeal, provide a written report of his or her findings to the parent or legal guardian who filed the appeal and to the superintendent of public instruction. If the investigation by the intermediate superintendent reveals that  or more violations have occurred, the intermediate superintendent in consultation with the local district shall develop a plan for corrective action for the district to take to correct the situation to ensure that there is no further violation, and shall include this plan for corrective action with the written report provided to the parent or legal guardian and the superintendent of public instruction. The district shall take the corrective action described in the plan within 0 days after the date of the written report. () If a parent who has filed a complaint with an intermediate district under subsection () or a parent who has filed an appeal with an intermediate district under subsection () believes that the district or intermediate district is still not in compliance with law based on the findings made by the intermediate superintendent of the intermediate district, the parent may appeal the findings to the department. If there is an appeal to the department under this subsection, the department shall investigate the complaint and, within 90 days after the date of the appeal, provide a written report of its findings to the parent or legal guardian who filed the appeal, to the superintendent of public instruction, and to the district and intermediate district. If the department finds  or more violations as a result of its investigation, then all of the following apply: Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources Page 7

(a) The department shall develop a plan for corrective action for the district or intermediate district to take to correct the situation to ensure that there is no further violation, and shall include this plan for corrective action with the written report provided to the parent or legal guardian, the superintendent of public instruction, and the district or intermediate district. The district or intermediate district shall take the corrective action described in the plan within 0 days after the date of the written report. (b) In addition to withholding the percentage of state school aid forfeited by the district or intermediate district under subsection (5), the department may assess a fee to the district or intermediate district that committed the violation in an amount not to exceed the actual cost to the department of conducting the investigation. (5) If an investigation conducted by the department under subsection () reveals that a district or intermediate district has committed  or more violations of this section or section 69, 506, or 507 of the revised school code, MCL 80.69, 80.506, and 80.507, the district or intermediate district shall forfeit an amount equal to % of its total state school aid allocation under this act. (6) The department, with the approval of the superintendent of public instruction, shall establish a reasonable process for a complainant to appeal to the department under subsection (). The process shall not place an undue burden on the complainant, the district or intermediate district, or the department. (7) The department shall track the number of complaints and appeals it receives under this section for the 00-005 school year and, not later than the end of that school year, shall submit a report to the standing committees and appropriations subcommittees of the legislature having jurisdiction over education legislation and state school aid that details the number and nature of those complaints and appeals and the cost to the department of handling them.

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Questions People Ask About Sex Education

Are school districts required to teach sex education and related issues? School districts in Michigan are not required by law to teach sex education. This is purely a local decision. While some schools incorporate sex education materials in required classes, such as biology or human physiology, any sex education course offered by a school district must be an elective class and cannot be required for graduation. [See 80.507 (), and 88.766 ()(a) and ()(b).] However, Michigan law does require that schools teach the primary modes of transmission and methods of protection against dangerous communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS. In 988, Attorney General Frank Kelley ruled that such instruction does not necessarily require the teaching of sex education and therefore is not subject to the laws governing sex education. (See Opinion #65 of 988.) Can parents help develop a school districts sex education program? Not only can parents help shape a school districts sex ed program, but the law requires districts to have parents play an integral role in shaping the curriculum. At least half of the members on the sex education advisory board must be parents and the board must be co-chaired by one of the parents. [See 80.507 (5).] The school districts board of education is responsible for determining the number and terms of advisory board members and appointing parents to the board. The first step in the process is to let your board of education know of your interest in serving on the sex education advisory board. Are there some essential elements that should be included in sex education courses? Providing children with necessary information about sex, whether at home or in a sex education class is important. However, information alone will not adequately help children as they enter adolescence. Besides information, there are at least three other attributes of a good sex education program. First, a good sex education program must teach character or values such as sacrifice, commitment and respect of others. Too many sex education courses teach about the physical aspects of human sexuality, puberty, pregnancy and disease, and not enough about the true meaning of love. Young people must learn that sex without values is not love, but lust. In the context of marriage, sex is wonderful and enriching. Outside the marital setting, sex can be destructive. Second, a good abstinence program must be skillbased. In other words, students must be given the opportunity to learn skills (such as peer refusal and communication skills) and model them. Finally, a good sex education program should do more than just teach students to say no. We must help students discern what are healthy activities and help them engage in those activities. Are schools required to give equal time to the safe sex message and abstinence? State law says that if a school district chooses to teach sex education, then it must stress abstinence as a responsible and effective method for avoiding pregnancy and STDs and as a positive life-style for unmarried young people [See 80.69 ()]. There is no requirement to give equal time to safe sex. By law, each school district must establish a sex education advisory committeeP.A. 6 Committeeto help shape the sex-education program to be offered in that district [See 80.507 (5)]. With the committees advice, the local school board then formally adopts the districts sex education curriculum. A school district may choose to teach risk reduction methods (safe sex). [See 80.507b ()] Are teenagers likely to use condoms correctly and consistently to protect themselves? No, or inconsistently at best. The reality is that teenagers have an inherent belief that they are invulnerablethe world is before them and nothing will happen to them. Second, most teenagers dont plan to have sex. In fact, more than 75 percent of sexual acts among teenagers are unplanned. Finally, teenagers simply dont like condoms. They find using them embarrassing and unnatural. It.is. simply.unrealistic.to.expect.young.people.to.use. something.they.dont.like,.for.something.they. didnt.plan.to.do,.particularly.when.they.feel. that.nothing.will.happen.to.them.anyway. Can schools distribute contraceptives if they choose to teach about risk reduction? State law prohibits schools from distributing family planning drugs or devices in a public school or Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources Page 9

on public school property. [See 80.507 (7)]. A school that violates this provision will forfeit 5% of its state aid. (See 88.766) What about those young people who are going to be sexually active regardless of our warnings? Dont we have an obligation to show them how to protect themselves? This question is perhaps one of the most widely used to promote a safe sex approach to sex education. It requires us to offer a faulty solution to young people so that they can continue to engage in unacceptable behavior. Those who ask this question are jumping over the problemteen sexand instead are addressing the symptompregnancy and disease. There are several good reasons why a faulty solution should not be promoted in the name of helping young people avoid the consequences of risky behavior. First, the lack of contraceptive information, skills and devices are not the problem with our young people. American youth today are more informed about contraceptives, they are better equipped with the skills to use contraceptives and they have greater access to contraceptives than ever before. Our problems are not the result of a decrease in protection efforts; the problems are the result of an increase in undesirable behavior. Second, contraceptive drugs and devices address only the physical consequences of teen sex, and even then insufficiently. No technology is able to protect young people whose emotions, mental well-being or reputation are damaged. By focusing on the physical consequences of sex, we reduce this wonderful, loving relationship to a physical act. The signal we send to young people is Avoid physical pitfalls and youll be OK. In reality, sexual intercourse is much more complex than a physical union, and the results can be much more than physical consequences. Third, while a realistic discussion of the limits of contraceptives is not necessarily inappropriate, schools must refrain from emphasizing the success rates of contraceptives and thereby mislead students to believe that these methods will ensure protection. In school, a 90 percent effective rate compares with an A on a report cardnear perfection. Instead, we must let young people know that these devices are relatively risky and likely to fail in time. The emphasis should be on the failure rate, rather than the effective rate. Fourth, by advocating the use of contraceptives, we are sending the strong signal that we do not believe our students have the ability to succeed. Page 0 Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

Rather than preparing students for failure, our efforts should be geared toward motivating and equipping students to succeed in the desired outcomes. Our abstinence message in sex education, like our messages on drugs, alcohol and tobacco, should be the same: We want you to win in these critical areas of life. Winning, while hard, will be well worth it! Are school districts required to open the health advisory committee meetings to the public? Health advisory committees are not subject to the Open Meetings Act because the committee does not set policy, it only advises the school board on policy. Therefore, while most school districts make health advisory committee meetings open to the public, some do not. Most often, districts that close meetings to the public do so because of pitched battles over a districts sex education program. It is generally not advisable to close meetings as this fosters frustration and suspicion. Are schools required to teach about criminal sexual conduct? Several sexual activities are misdemeanors or felonies in the state of Michigan. The School Code requires districts to ensure that students are not taught in a way that condones the violation of the laws of this state pertaining to sexual activity. In general, a teacher will need to know what the laws are in order to avoid teaching anything contrary to them, but they do not need to actually teach the laws to the students. However, the School Code does require districts to inform students that it is illegal to engage in sex with an individual under the age of 6 and that conviction of such an act can result in imprisonment and inclusion on the states sex offender registry. How can I monitor what is being taught to my child? Michigan law requires that school districts inform parents before human sexuality material is taught to their children. The law also requires the school districts to give the parents reasonable opportunity to preview all material prior to its use [See 80.507 ()]. Parents are also able to observe the actual instruction [See 88.766a ()]. If a parent objects to the material or the instruction in writing, the child shall be excused without penalty from the class.

A Sampling of Curricula
The Art of Loving Well: A Character-Education Curriculum
Through reading and discussion of classical and contemporary literary selections, this curriculum promotes character development, abstinence from premarital sexual activity, and the value of committed, faithful love and friendship. Extended activities encourage critical thinking, decision-making and conflict resolution. The program is designed to enrich a standard curriculum; it is suitable for use in public school settings as well as community-based programs. The curriculum promotes the standard language arts skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking for the eighth grade level. Teacher training workshops are also available. 0 selections (flexible) Grade 8 Curriculum: $.95 each Teacher guide: $.00 Introduction video: $.00

The Loving Well Project Boston University School of Education  Sherborn St. Boston, MA 05 Phone: 67-5-088 Fax: 67-5-909 www.bu.edu/sed/lovingwell/

Choosing the Best

Choosing the Best provides four age-appropriate abstinence curricula that are known for being easy to use, dynamic, and engaging. Theyre also proven tools in transforming attitudes and behavior of teens about premarital sex. Video vignettes, real life case studies, role plays, interactive exercises and small-group discussions create a directed learning environment that encourages self-discovery. Choosing the Best Way Choosing the Best Path Choosing the Best Life Choosing the Best Soul Mate Grades 6 Grade 7-8 Grade 8-0 Grade - Leaders kit: $95.00 (with 0 student manuals) Student books: $5.00 - discounts for bulk orders The Big Talk Book for parents: $0.00

Choosing the Best 65 Cumberland Pkwy. Suite 00 Atlanta, GA 09 Phone: -800-77-78 / 770-80-00 Fax: 770-80-0 www.choosingthebest.org

Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources


The Connections: Dating and Emotions course helps younger teens understand early relationships and helps establish a strong foundation for later life. A variety of appealing exercises teach teens how relationships develop, effective ways to communicate, how to recognize destructive patterns, how to deal with emotions, and other essential skills. Content also integrates material from the highly-respected PREP program. The Connections: Relationships and Marriage program gives students practical tools for understanding, managing, and making wise decisions about these relationships. The 8 lessons cover self-awareness, relationships, communication, and conflict, plus the engaging Marriage Game that is a big favorite with boys and girls alike! Material from the highly-respected PREP trainings is also included. Dating and Emotions Relationships and Marriage The Dibble Fund PO Box 788 Berkeley, CA 9707-088 Phone: -800-695-7975 Fax: 50-58-956 www.dibblefund.com Grades 8- Grades - Instructors Kit: $5.00 Student Manuals (0): $65.00 Spanish versions available

FACTS is a highly successful abstinence project developed through a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services (Title XX). The FACTS abstinence curricula include 5th and 6th grades, Middle School, Senior High, Parent Materials, and a Parent-Teen Workshop. More than a just say no program, FACTS (Family Accountability Communicating Teen Sexuality) covers a wide range of topics. Facts About Me Facts and Friends Im in Charge of the Facts Facts and Reasons Grades 5 Grades 6 Grades 7-8* Grades 9-* Individual Grade: $.95 All-inclusive Set: $85.00

*Curriculum can be purchased all-inclusive or for separate grades. Northwest Family Services (NWFS) 805 N.E. Glisan Street Portland, OR 97 Phone: 50-5-677 Email: [email protected] www.nwfs.org

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Love U2
Love U2 is a series of units that help young people acquire practical skills for emotionally healthy and ethically sound relationships. Relationship Smarts offers  lessons of practical guidance for building relationships that are not based on sex. It covers subjects such as infatuation, rejection, falling in love, emotions, gauging relationship health, a low-risk relationship strategy, and breaking up. Becoming Sex Smart includes  lessons about the emotional and social aspects of sexuality that are too often ignored in sexuality discussions. A powerful motivational approach to help teens craft a North Star, set boundaries, and more confidently navigate romantic relationships. Love U programs are designed for schools, youth agencies, clubs and faith-based organizations. Relationship Smarts Sex Smarts The Dibble Fund PO Box 788 Berkeley, CA 9707-088 Phone: -800-695-7975 Fax: 50-58-956 www.dibblefund.com Grades 8- Grades 8- Complete Course: $97 each (includes dvds, instructors guide & reproducible student activity sheets.)

Project Reality
Game Plan, developed in cooperation with NBA Basketball star A.C. Green, uses a sports-themed approach to understanding the benefits of abstinence until marriage. Navigator is a high school text designed to help teens develop their goals and dreams and to resist negative pressure to engage in sexual activity and the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Game Plan Navigator Project Reality 70 E. Lake Ave. Glenview, IL 6005 Phone: 87-79-98 Fax: 87-79-97 www.projectreality.org Grades 6-8 Grades 9- Teachers manual: $8.00 Student workbook: $.00 Bulk rates available

Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources


Project Taking Charge

The Project Taking Charge curriculum is a values-based, abstinence-focused course for seventh and eighth grade students. It integrates vocational exploration, interpersonal and family relationships, decisionmaking and goal setting, and family life education offering a holistic approach to adolescent pregnancy prevention. The program runs approximately six weeks, with three parent-youth sessions. Project Taking Charge Grades 7-8 Curriculum: $75.00 (members) $00.00 (non-members)

Project Taking Charge Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 00 N. Columbus St. Alexandria, VA  Phone: 800--8080 Fax: 70-706-66 www.aafcs.org/products/publications_catalog.html

Responsible Social Values Program (R.S.V.P.)

This values-based education program is designed for 6-8th grade students and their parents. In addition to class instruction, question and answer sessions and a parent seminar are offered for each grade level. Topics addressed include: sexual development, self respect, peer pressure, the importance of goals and decision-making, characteristics of healthy relationships and the avoidance of risky behaviors (sexual activity, drug/alcohol abuse). Purchase of the curriculum includes a one day workshop for teachers. This curriculum emphasizes character education that develops resistance to negative pressure. It uses multi-cultural literature, art, music, dance and theater to develop positive character traits in elementary children. Materials include a teachers packet, video presentations and handouts. RSVP Grades 6-8 Curriculum: $99.00 (Curriculum includes teacher workshop)

Abstinence the Better Choice 85 West Market St. Suite 0 Akron, OH  Phone: 0-86-59 Fax: 0-86-50 www.abstinencebetterchoice.com

Sex Respect: The Option of True Sexual Freedom

Sex Respect is a positive, down-to-earth program designed to provide teens with information, and to help them develop attitudes that have been overlooked by many other sex education programs. The curriculum defines human sexuality, recognizes influences on sexual decision making, identifies emotional, psychological and physical consequences of teenage sexual activity; discusses dating guidelines; teaches how to say no, shows how to change former sexual behavior and explores the responsibility of parenthood. Faith based curriculum, Love and Life, is also available. Sex Respect Grades 7-0 Teachers manual: $9.95 Student workbook: $.95 Parent guidebook: $0.95

Respect, Inc. P.O. Box 9 Bradley, IL 6095-09 Phone: 85-9-889 Fax: 85-9-999 www.sexrespect.com Page  Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

Me, My World, My Future, designed for middle school students, lasts from three to six weeks. Activities stress abstinence from sexual activity, drugs, alcohol and tobacco in order to achieve future goals. Modules are available with information on HIV, STDs and sexual harassment. Materials for promoting teen-parent communication are also available. Sexuality, Commitment and Family is a -6 week course for high school students featuring themes such as friendship and dating relationships as foundations for lasting marriages, the importance of strong family ties and the importance of teen-parent communication. It provides information on HIV and STDs, teaches decision-making and refusal skills, and stresses marriage as the proper context for sexuality. AIDS: You Can Live Without It is designed to be used independently, or in conjunction with the above programs. HIV: You Can Live Without It Me, My World, My Future Sexuality, Commitment and Family Teen-Aid 7 E. Jackson Spokane, WA 9907 Phone: 800-57-868 Fax: 509-8-799 www.teen-aid.org Grades 5- Grades 6-8 Grade 9 HIV Teachers Manual: $.95 Teachers manual: $9.5

WAIT Training
This Title V, A-H compliant curriculum is designed to serve middle and high school students with the reasons, skills and support to choose abstinence until, and in preparation for, marriage. With a focus on the benefits of healthy relationships, boundaries and behaviors, WAIT Training provides medically accurate, research-based, culturally sensitive and relevant information to youth at a critical time in their development. This curriculum teaches toward something positive rather than away from something negative which teens seem to appreciate and enjoy. A student manual/journal is also available. WAIT Training Curriculum Grades 6- Trainers Guide: $5.00 Student Manual: $0.00

WAIT Training 07 East Dorado Place Greenwood Village, Colorado 80 Phone: 70-88-8888 Fax: 0--770 Email: [email protected] www.waittraining.com

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Abstinence Groups in Michigan

Peer education GrouPs
The A-Team
Composed entirely of high school and college students, the A-Team uses the theater to encourage student audiences to abstain from premarital sexual activity. Using both comedy and drama, this group has programs appropriate for both religious organizations and public schools. They can provide single appearances, or instruct an entire curriculum. Lakeshore Pregnancy Center 90 W. 8th St. Holland, MI 9 Phone: 66-96-580 Fax: 66-96-008 www.ateamlife.com

C.A.T.S. (Concerned About Teen Sexuality)

CATS (Concerned About Teen Sexuality) is a team of 0-0 college students who give presentations to middle schools, high schools, and youth groups. They use skits, personal stories, and presentations to encourage sexual integrity and inform teenagers of the benefits of abstinence. CATS is an engaging and relevant way to teach todays teenagers how to make wise and responsible decisions about sexuality. CATS is sponsored by Alpha Omega Womens Care Center. Alpha Omega Womens Care Center 6 S Howell St Hillsdale, MI 9 Phone: 57-97-700 [email protected]

Choose Freedom
Choose Freedom is composed of approximately 5-0 high school leaders who perform a drama presentation to middle school students. The presentation aims to show that sexual abstinence will lead to more freedoms both now and in the future. The group also demonstrates skills that will help the younger students remain abstinent. Choose Freedom is currently faith based and performs in youth groups. Michigan Family Forum PO Box 56 Lansing, MI 890 Phone: 57-7-7 Fax: 57-7-6 www.choosefreedommichigan.org

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The Pregnancy Resource Center has a group of 0 teenagers who are committed to personal purity. They promote abstinence and healthy relationships using skits, dramatic monologues, and peer discussions. The teams message is exclusively abstinence until marriage. H.E.A.R.T.S. works in public and private schools as well as religious and community events. Pregnancy Resource Center 5 Cherry St. S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 950 Phone: 66-776-80 ext. 07 www.pregres.org

Kalamazoo Community-based Abstinence Initiative

The KCAI program goes beyond just saying no to sex with teens educating teens on how to successfully practice abstinence. Refusal skills, personal stories, parent support and powerful knowledge are conveyed in a multi-session interactive program held at many community locations. Each session is conducted by trained Peer Educators using age appropriate curriculum. 0 Cobb Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 9007 Phone: 69--70 Fax: 69--705 www.kcai-itcanbedone.org

Straight Talk About Tough Stuff is composed of approximately 50 high school students who creatively share information on sexual abstinence. Targeting middle school children, they use skits, music and personal testimony to communicate the message that not everyone is doing it. 505 Lake Harbor Rd. Muskegon, MI 9 Phone: -7-86 Fax: -7-79 email: jansport@aol.com www.statsworks.info

Teen H.E.A.R.T.
Composed of approximately sixty high school students,Teen HEART, a peer education program, is a nonprofit organization that seeks to educate and empower adolescents with knowledge and skills necessary to abstain from sexual activity, drugs and alcohol. A resource list is available. 00 W. Michigan Suite 0 Kalamazoo, MI 9006 Phone: 69--86 Fax: 69- 5-5788 www.teenheart.org

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Whos In Charge?
The Whos in Charge team uses drama, dance, testimonies and statistics to testify that abstinence from drugs, alcohol, tobacco and pre-marital sexual activity IS the right and healthy lifestyle choice for young people! Teen presenters give a relative message of abstinence in schools and community organizations. P.O. Box 0  Howard Suite # Petoskey, MI 9770 Phone: -8-87 Fax: -8-8587 www.whosincharge.org

Yes Coalition
Our mission is to promote abstinence from risky behavior to youth and facilitate meaningful connections between them and their parents or other supportive adults. The YES! Club is an abstinence-only program, meeting both after shool, as well as during the summer. The club has also had a presence in school and has hosted weekend retreats with parents and teens, utilizing a three-tiered mentoring and peer education system. Youth acquire skills necessary to choose abstinence from sex and other related risky behaviors. 560 Plank Rd. Gladwin, MI 86 Phone: 989-98-560 www.yescoalition.org

other abstinence initiatives

Sexually Mature Aware Responsible Teens consists of college students willing to share their sexual history for the education of others. The foundational principle of S.M.A.R.T. is that the development of a person is determined by the ability to make moral choices. The group seeks to educate both teens and parents in a direct and interactive style. 05 E. Grand River East Lansing, MI 88 Phone: 57-7-0968 Fax: 57--877 Email: [email protected]

Teen Abstinence Project

TAPs purpose is to increase the teen awareness of the social, psychological, and health gains that can be realized by living an abstinence lifestyle and abstaining from sexual activity until marriage. Teen Abstinence Project (T.A.P) will educate youth ages 9 to 7 about the gains to be realized by sexual abstinence, aid in the reduction of teen pregnancy rates of teens by instructing Abstinence Education courses, aid in the reduction of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in teenagers by advocating abstinence until marriage and finally aid in the education of parents on effective communication skills regarding Abstinence Education. 580 West Chicago Detroit, MI 8 Phone: -877-67-9 www.teenabstinenceproject.org Page 8 Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

National Abstinence Organizations

Abstinence and Marriage Education Partnership
The Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership exists to ensure that every teenager in the country has the opportunity to hear a clearly reasoned, positive presentation on the benefits of abstinence until marriage and instruction on preparing for a healthy, future marriage. 980 Capitol Drive Wheeling, IL 60090 Phone: -877-57-96 (Toll Free) Fax: - 87-57-66 www.ampartnership.org

Abstinence Clearinghouse
The Clearinghouse was founded to provide a central location where character, relationship, and abstinence programs, curricula, speakers, merchandise and materials could be accessed. The Clearinghouse serves agencies on a national, state and local level, as well as international organizations. 80 East st Street Sioux Falls, SD 5705 Phone: 605-5-6 www.abstinence.net

Abstinence the Better Choice

ABC is a well established organization which provides a variety of resources and services. They produce the Responsible Social Values Program -- a curriculum geared towards middle school students and their parents, as well C.A.T.S. which provides a foundation for starting theatrical peer education groups. 85 West Market St. Suite 0 Akron, OH  Phone: 0-86-59 Fax: 0-86-50 www.abstinencebetterchoice.com

Best Friends Foundation

Founded by Elayne Bennett, Best Friends Foundation is a youth development program with a characterbuilding curriculum for adolescent girls. Best Friends helps girls develop self-restraint and achievement. The program celebrates the joys of adolescence free from drugs and alcohol use and the complications of sexual activity. Best Friends Foundation is currently establishing a spin-off called Best Men. The program will encompass the same values as Best Friends, but will be geared towards young men. 55 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 0 Washington, DC 005 Phone: 0-78-9677 Fax: 0-78-9678 www.bestfriendsfoundation.org

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CHOICES/Teen Awareness, Inc.

Started in Southern California, CHOICES has become the number one abstinence education provider in the nations most populated state. CHOICES uses a variety of public educational services that focus on the benefits of abstinence to eliminate teen pregnancy, STDs, and the emotional consequences of premarital sex. 55 E. Chapman Ave. Suite 0 Fullerton, CA 98 Phone: 7-55-5997 Fax: 7-55-575 www.teenawareness.org

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family authors several short curricula, inluding Worth Waiting For, along with numerous resources that can be used to accompany a schools existing program. Sex, Lies and the Truth is a popular tool, using real life stories of teens and their fight for purity, available in both video cassette and book formats. Colorado Springs, CO 80995 Phone: 800-A-Family Fax: 79-5- www.family.org

Friends First
Provides ongoing support to teens to reach the goal of abstaining from high risk behaviors and to encourage character development. This program includes a comprehensive model with a variety of components and resources including WAIT Training, parent education workshops, an education library, and the Friends First Network. P.O. Box 56 Longmont, CO 8050 Phone: 800-909-98 Fax: 0-776-0705 www.friendsfirst.org

Medical Institute for Sexual Health

MISH is a medical information organization dedicated to promoting and encouraging healthy sexual behavior. The organization compiles and disseminates data on sexually transmitted diseases and condom efficacy. A newsletter is available. P.O. Box 606 Austin, TX 7876-06 Phone: 800-89-98 Fax: 5-7-706 www.medinstitute.org

True Love Waits

Sponsored by LifeWay Christian Resources, True Love Waits is an international campaign that challenges teenagers and college students to remain sexually abstinent until marriage. The TLW website is a place for teens, parents, and youth leaders to gather information, get advice and keep in touch with others on a similar mission. MSN 5 7 Ninth Ave. N Nashville, TN 7 Phone: 800-588-98 Fax 65-5-80 www.truelovewaits.com Page 0 Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

Government Agencies Promoting Abstinence

Michigan Abstinence Partnership
The Partnership is a Michigan Department of Community Health initiative to develop numerous local groups who focus on abstinence education. In addition to educational resources, MAP offers posters, Public Service Announcements, T-shirts, and other abstinence merchandise. Contact Taggert Doll of Michigan Abstinence Partnership for information on available funding for abstinence initiatives, which are available in 007. 09 E. Michigan Avenue P.O. Box 095 Lansing, MI 89 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 57-5-970 Fax: 57-5-89

Department of Human Services - Abstinence Division

http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/fysb/content/abstinence/index.htm Information on federal abstinence funding, names and contact information for the individual in charge of abstinence funds in each state, and resources for parents.

Alabama Abstinence-Until-Marriage Education Program

www.adph.org/abstinence Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Public Health

Colorado Abstinence Education Program - Say No Way

www.saynoway.net Sponsored by the Colorado Department of Public Health

Florida Abstinence Education Program - Great to Wait

www.greattowait.com Sponsored by the Florida Department of Health

Idaho Teen Pregnancy

www.idahoteenpregnancy.com Sponsored by Governors Council on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

Louisiana Governors Program on Abstinence

www.abstinenceedu.com Sponsored by the Louisiana Office of the Governor

Minnesota Abstinence Education Program - Say Not Yet

www.saynotyet.com Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Health

Virginia Abstinence Education Initiative

www.canwait.com Sponsored by the Virginia Department of Health

Wisconsin Abstinence Initiative for Youth

http://dhfs.wisconsin.gov/waiy/ Sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Health Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources Page 

Speakers Bureaus
Ambassador Agency
07 Battlewood Street Franklin, TN 7069 Phone: 65-70-700 www.ambassadoragency.com

Enlighten Communications Inc.

P.O. Box 706 Littleton, CO 807 Phone: -888-978-008 Fax: 0-9-6 Email: [email protected] www.enlightencom.com

Nashville Speakers
P.O. Box 0909 Nashville, TN, 7-0909 Phone: 65-6- Fax: 65-6-6 Email: [email protected] www.nashspeakers.com

Premier Speakers
000 Corporate Centre, Ste 0 Franklin, TN 7067 Phone: 65-6-000 Fax: 65-6-08 www.premierspeakers.com

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Adolescent Sexual Behavior Resources and Public Opinion

2005 Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey
The Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is part of a nationwide surveying effort led by the CDC to monitor students health risks and behaviors. It was conducted in the spring of 005. The Michigan YRBS is a collaborative effort between the Michigan Department of Education and the Department of Community Health. http://www.michigan.gov/yrbs

Adolescent Depression and Suicide Risk

Teens engaging in risk behaviors are at incresaed odds for depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Although causal direction has not been established, involvement in any sex or drug use is cause for concern, ans should be a clinical indication for mental health screening for girls; both boys and girls should be screened if engaging in any marijuana or drug use. Denise D. Hallfors, et. al. Adolescent Depression and Suicide Risk. Association with Sex and Drug Behavior. American Journal of Preventative Medicine 00; 7(): -.

The Effectiveness of Abstinence-only Intervention in Middle School Teens

This study examined the effectiveness of abstinence-until-marriage curriculum on knowledge, beliefs, efficacy, intentions and behavior. The study found an increase in knowledge and abstinence beliefs, and decreases in intentions to have sex and use condoms and concludes that abstinence-until-marriage interventions may reduce the prevalence of casual sex in sexually experienced students. Elaine A. Borawski, et.al. Effectiveness of Abstinence-only Intervention in Middle School Teens. American Journal of Health Behavior 005; 9(5): -.

Mathematica Report
On June , 005, the Department of Health and Human Services released the first-year findings of this longitudinal study of abstinence education programs, confirming the benefits of abstinence education in public schools. http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/publications/pdfs/firstyearabstinence.pdf

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy*

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy has made available the results from several public opinion polls on a variety of topics related to teen pregnancy, including abstinence and contraception, parent-child communication, peer involvement, religion, and sexual behavior. *Some materials at this sight promote risk reduction rather than abstinence. http://www.teenpregnancy.org/resources/data/polling.asp

Why Wait: The Benefits of Abstinence Until Marriage

The mainstream media constantly bombards young people with sexually explicit messages. Television programs regularly feature premarital sex and sexually provocative content, giving the impression that all young people are sexually active before marriage. The good news is that despite the medias targeting of young audiences with sex-saturated shows, teens prefer the abstinence message. http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IS06B0

Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources


Adolescent Sexual Behavior Quick Facts

Sexual Experience:
% of all students in Michigan have had sexual intercourse. 6% of children ages  and below % of freshmen % of sophomores 9% of juniors 57% of seniors

2005 Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Michigan Department of Education, www.michigan.gov/yrbs.

6% of all teenagers who have not had sexual intercourse have had oral sex.

Trends and Recent Estimates: Sexual Activity Among U.S. Teens, Child Trends, http://www.childtrends.org/Files/SexualActivityRB.pdf

Nature of These Relationships:

80% of teenagers first sexual relationships lasted six months or less.
Child Trends, The First Time: Characteristics of Teens First Sexual Relationships. http://www.childtrends.org/Files/FirstTimeRB.pdf

6% of the kids having sex waited - months before having sex with their partner.

Child Trends, The First Time: Characteristics of Teens First Sexual Relationships. http://www.childtrends.org/Files/FirstTimeRB.pdf

5% of sexually active girls had a partner who was + years older than they were at time of intercourse. 5% of sexually active students in Michigan had a partner who was + years older than they were.
2005 Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Michigan Department of Education, www.michigan.gov/yrbs

Child Trends, The First Time: Characteristics of Teens First Sexual Relationships. http://www.childtrends.org/Files/FirstTimeRB.pdf

Relationships between a young adolescent (aged -) and a partner, who is older by two or more years, are much more likely to include sexual intercourse. The percentage doubles if the partner is  years older, and triples if the partner is  years older.
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Science Says: The Sexual Behavior of Young Adolescents. September 2003. http://www.teenpregnancy.org/works/pdf/sciencesaysSexual%20BehaviorYoungAdolescents.pdf

% said that verbal abuse occurred during their first sexual relationship (name calling, insults, swearing, disrespectful treatment in front of others or threats of violence).
Child Trends, The First Time: Characteristics of Teens First Sexual Relationships. http://www.childtrends.org/Files/FirstTimeRB.pdf

% of Michigan students who had sexual intercourse drank alcohol or used drugs before their last sexual intercourse experience.
2005 Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Michigan Department of Education, www.michigan.gov/yrbs

68% of 6 8 year olds report that they first had sexual intercourse in the family home, their partners family home, or a friends house.
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Science Says: Where and When Teens First Have Sex. June 2003. http://www. teenpregnancy.org/works/pdf/sciencesayswherewhen.pdf

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Consequences of Teen Sexual Behavior:

9,60 Michigan teens aged 5-9 became pregnant in 00. ,7 of these teens had abortions.
Michigan 2004 Resident Birth Files, Vital Records & Health Data Development Section, Michigan Department of Community Health, www.mdch.state.mi.us/pha/osr/abortion/prgtrdteen.asp.

Each year,  million teens contract and STD; overall, one-fourth of sexually active teens have been afflicted.
Alan Guttmacher Institute, Sex and Americas Teenagers (New York: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994), pp. 19-20

5% of sexually active teenage women are infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), an incurable virus that is present in nearly all cervical cancers.
Kaiser Family Foundation, HPV and Cervical Cancer, Fact Sheet, July 2001

Engaging in sex and drug behavior places adolescents, and especially girls, at risk for future depression.

D. Hallfors PhD, M. Waller PhD, D. Bauer PhD, C. Ford MD, C. Halpern PhD. Which comes first in Adolescence sex and drugs or depression? American Journal of Preventative Medicine, October 2005, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp 163-246

6% of all teens regret their decision and wish they had waited longer before having intercourse.

National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Teens Talk About Sex, Regret, and the Influence of Their Parents. June 30, 2000, http://www.teenpregnancy.org/resources/data/pdf/teenwant.pdf.

Individuals who engage in premarital sexual activity are 50 percent more likely to divorce later in life than those who do not.
Joan R. Kahn and Kathryn A. London, Premarital Sex and the Risk of Divorce, Journal of marriage and the family, November 1991, pp 845-855

Contributing Factors:
87% of teens said it would be easier to delay sex and prevent teen pregnancy if teens were able to have more open, honest conversations about these topics with their parents. 7% report they have not had such a conversation with their parents.
B. Albert, Americas Adults and Teens Sound off About Teen Pregnancy, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. December 2004, http://www.teenpregnancy.org/resources/data/pdf/WOV2004.pdf.

High levels of parent-family connectedness, parental disapproval of their adolescent being sexually active, and parental disapproval of their adolescents using contraception were significant factors associated with delaying sexual debut in teens.
Resnick, M., et. al. Protecting Adolescents from harm: Findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health. Journal of the American Medical Association, September 10, 1997, Vol. 278 pp 823-832.

% of high school students say they have been at an evening party where there are no adults in the house.
B. Albert, Americas Adults and Teens Sound off About Teen Pregnancy, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. December 2004, http://www.teenpregnancy.org/resources/data/pdf/WOV2004.pdf.

90% of teens said it would be a lot easier to delay sex if other teens spoke positively about not having sex.
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Science Says: The Case for the Cautious Generation, June 2003. http://www. teenpregnancy.org/works/pdf/Cautious%20Generation%20FINAL.pdf.

A teen who believes his or her friends are sexually active is more likely to initiate sex, and is less likely to do so if he or she believes that peers are not sexually active.
Brown, B., Theobald, W. (1999), How Peers Matter: A Research Synthesis of Peer Influences in Adolescent Pregnancy. (pp. 2880). Washington DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.

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About Michigan Family Forum

Our Core Values
The family is the fundamental institution in a civil society. Healthy, lifelong marriages are beneficial to adults and offer the best environment in which to raise children and care for our elders. The involvement of responsible fathers is essential to the economic, emotional, and social health of our children. Our children need the protection of stable families and a healthy understanding of human sexuality. Our elders deserve to have security and care provided by loving family members in a comfortable home environment.

Other Resources Available

Family Guide to Internet Safety Family Health Indicators: A Survey of Michigan Counties Forum Online Free weekly electronic newsletter Subscribe at www.michiganfamily.org Promoting Fatherhood in Michigan: A Resource for Civic, Business and Non-profit Leaders Sex Education: Rights and Responsibilities in Michigan Law Family Policy Backgrounders Various articles on marriage and protecting children Marriage and the Limits of Contracts: Public Costs for Private Choices An article by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse Infant Adoption in Michigan: Reviving a Vanishing Phenomenon All resources are available by contacting us or visiting our website www.michiganfamily.org

Michigan Family Forum is a 50(c)() nonprofit research and education organization, funded by tax-deductible donations and dedicated to strengthening families through sound public policy, education and collaboration. Page 6 Michigan Guide to Abstinence Resources

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