How Pastors and Churches Can Help

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How Can I Help?

The Guide To Helping Targeted Individuals - For Communities of Faith

How Can I Help?

The Guide To Helping Targeted Individuals for Communities of Faith




How Can I Help? The Guide To Helping Targeted Individuals - For Communities of Faith

1. Educate yourself thoroughly on the topic. Many people are aware of the phenomena of stalking, harassment & assault. Law enforcement agencies have investigated and found sufficient grounds for arrests on many cases thereof. Reports of these crimes, therefore, are given a degree of credibility that Organized Stalking, Electronic Harassment & Electronic Assault are not. Ignorance is the only barrier to relief through the justice system for Targeted Individuals . Most cannot even convince law enforcement to initiate an investigation. Being thoroughly educated about these crimes will make you better able to determine who can benefit from your help and how. Most importantly, it will enable you to tell a target what he/she needs to hear most "I believe you". 2. Educate your congregation, family, friends & colleagues. Even better than a pastor or "friend in faith" who is prepared to provide support is an entire loving and supportive community of faith. Surrounding a target with an environment of love and security will allow him/her to feel safe and be reminded that we serve a merciful, loving and protective God of justice. Further, informed communities are better prepared to provide assistance should any member become a target him/herself. This is a terrifying experience for targets, especially in the beginning when they have no idea what is happening to them or that they are not alone. 3. Be ready to believe and to provide counsel, support and refuge for someone who feels they are a target of these crimes. You may be the first person to whom a Targeted Individual has spoken who is willing to believe his/her claims. Do NOT assume the person is needlessly upset or automatically label them "mentally ill". Be prepared to listen

How Can I Help? The Guide To Helping Targeted Individuals - For Communities of Faith

patiently. Provide the person with the phone number(s) of those at your church to whom he/she can speak for emotional/spiritual support. Provide the contact information for Rally The People and similar organizations. Many targets experience harassment severe enough to render them homeless & jobless. Consider gathering resources for emergency shelters for the Targeted Individual or providing shelter within your church. If your congregation is able, you may even consider donating a small stipend until they can regain employment. Offer to accept his/her mail. 4. Encourage your local representatives to educate themselves about these crimes, to develop means of detecting them and to prosecute their perpetrators. Organizations advocating for Targeted Individuals have been working for years to bring wide-spread attention to these crimes. Currently, it is still a huge challenge for targets to report these crimes to law enforcement and have them properly investigated. We need others to help us press public officials to create a protocol for investigating these crimes, to warn the public that they occur and to create severe penalties for those who commit them. 5. Prepare a committee of individuals equipped to deal with the special needs of Targeted Individuals. Targets will benefit from having access to members of your congregation who can provide: Spiritual Counseling Financial Assistance Housing/Housing Assistance Information Legal Advice Access to shielding against Directed/Electromagnet Energy Weapons as

How Can I Help? The Guide To Helping Targeted Individuals - For Communities of Faith

available (Electricians, Electrical Engineers can usually provide useful info and construct such shielding in target's living space, information for shielding can be found online) Detection Equipment to Provide Supportive Documentation for Law Enforcement; Targets who attend church have reported actually experiencing attacks during church service. Other Anti-Targeting Organizations & Websites Citizens Against Technological and Community-Based Harassment Canadian organization or (a (run by former Louisville, KY mayoral candidate, Connie Marshall) ( The International Center Against the Abuse of Covert Technologies ( Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance ( Christians Against Mental Slavery (
Contact Us: Rally The People P.O. Box 256 Harrisburg, PA 17101 [email protected] (That's R-A-#1-#1-Y-T-H-#3-P-#3-#0-P-L-#3 at

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