Aerodynamis Project of Arun Prabhath

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Aerodynamics project Source panel method

By Arun prabhath korlagunta (SC10B026) Roll number 06 Aerospace branch (2010 batch)

The aim of this project is to understand the curves and behavior of Cp graph around an airfoil. To see what happens to the Cl and Cd for an airfoil and understand the logics, limitations and advantages of computational method by using source panel method. To know how the flow will behave in an invisid and non rotational flow over an airfoil. To write the code we use matlab.

The Cp curve is coming as a parabola with minimum value of Cp as -3. So concluded the code as correct. The code is also coming as correct for any angle of attack. So that concluded the code as the correct. Then proceeded to airfoil. The Cp graph of airfoil is coming as is compared with a graph in internet with same type of airfoil (NAKA 0012). They look similar. Cd and Cl values for Zero angle of attack is nearly zero. For different angles of attack the Cp curve is intersecting at .4 of chard length. We can say that Cp is invariant with respective to angle of attack. The value of Cp is not starting one and not ending a one. For a positive angle of attack the cp values at control panels at the trailing edge are large. The cp graph of non zero angle of attack is coming to be symmetric about cp graph of zero angle of attack. The cp graphs of same degree but different sign angle of attack are same. This method used to compute the flow is source panel method. In this method we arrange several constant strength panel over airfoil curvature and the compute the strengths of each panel such that the velocity perpendicular to panel should be zero. After getting the value of strengths of each panel then calculate the tangent velocity component. This velocity is now used to calculate the Cp value. Using Cp we can calculate Cl and Cd.

Comparison of graphs

Output from matlab program

theoretical value of Cp

Output from program

Theoretical value of Cp

The source for theoretical value of Cp of cylinder is ook/ The source for theoretical value of Cp of airfoil is Cd and Cl values of zero angle of attack are respectively

Cl = 4.3368e-018, Cd = -6.7405e-004 These values are approximately zero. This because the flow is invisid and non rotational. These values must be zero but because of the control panels at the trailing edge. The values are significantly changing. These value we are getting are not for every point but over a plate, so values will change when the angle of attack is non zero.

The value at which all cp curves are intersecting is the point where there is no change in Cp with respective to angle of attack. The middle curve is the curve for zero angle of attack. The first above and first below curves are for angle of attack one degree. Similarly for two and three degrees.

For angle of attack +5 degree

for angle of attack -5degree

Since the air foil is symmetric the positive angle of attack and negative angle of attack should be equal. And we can also observe large value of cp at the trailing edge. clear all clc k=input ('enter 0 if you want airfoil and any other for cylinder'); if k==0 load top_bottom.mat; else load top_and_bottom_cylinder.mat; end S=1:60; Phi=1:60; x=1:60; y=1:60; I=zeros(60); J=zeros(60); alpha = input('enter the value of angle of attack in degrees'); XY=[XYt;flipud(XYb)]; Vo=input('enter the value of free stream velocity'); alfa=alpha*pi/180; n=length(XY(:,1))-1;

for j=1:n S(j)=sqrt((XY(j+1,1)-XY(j,1))^2+(XY(j+1,2)XY(j,2))^2); Phi(j)=atan2( XY(j+1,2)-XY(j,2),XY(j+1,1)XY(j,1)); x(j)=(XY(j,1)+XY(j+1,1))/2; y(j)=(XY(j,2)+XY(j+1,2))/2; end for i=1:n for j=1:n if j==i I(i,j)=pi; J(i,j)=0; else A=-(x(i)-XY(j,1))*cos(Phi(j)) (y(i)-XY(j,2))*sin(Phi(j)); B=(x(i)-XY(j,1))^2 + (y(i)XY(j,2))^2; C=sin(Phi(i)-Phi(j)); D=(y(i)-XY(j,2))*cos(Phi(i))-(x(i)XY(j,1))*sin(Phi(i)); E=sqrt(B-A*A); F=-cos(Phi(i)-Phi(j)); G=(y(i)-XY(j,2))*sin(Phi(i))+(x(i)XY(j,1))*cos(Phi(i)); H1=log((S(j)*S(j)+2*A*S(j)+B)/B)/2; H2=(atan((S(j)+A)/E)-atan(A/E))/E; I(i,j)=C*H1+(D-A*C)*H2; J(i,j)=F*H1+(G-A*F)*H2; end end end lamda=I\sin(Phi-alfa)'*2*pi*Vo; total_source=S*lamda; for a=1:n

Vi=J*lamda/2/pi+Vo*cos(Phi-alfa)'; end K=1:60; cp=1-Vi.^2/(Vo^2); plot( x,cp ); for i=1:60 K(i)=cp(i)*(XY((i+1),1)-XY(i,1)); Q(i)=cp(i)*(XY((i),2)-XY(i+1,2)); end Cl=sum(K); Cd=sum(Q);

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