Interview Skills: The Winning Edge

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Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge


Learn about the company and its operation. You'll impress the interviewer if it is obvious you've done some research. It will also help you develop good answers to the interviewer's questions. Information you should know about the company prior to your interview: o Organizational structure o Name of the interviewer o Divisions/departments that interest you o Areas they are eliminating o Products/Services o Training Programs o Size of company o Career paths o How long have they been in business o Types of clients o Growth in the past and future potential o Job description & job title o New products and services they are developing o Employee benefits o Geographic location of home office, branches, stores Resources for this information: o Company's annual report o Literature produced by company o Information interview o Inside source o Professional journals (library) o Magazine articles o Peterson's Guides o Moody's Industrial Manual (library) o National Trade and Professional Associations Prepare answers to typical interview questions. Study and practice your answers. Memorize the name of the person who will interview you .Nothing could be more embarrassing than forgetting their name or calling them by the wrong name! Decide what you will wear. Check out the section titled "Interview Dressing" for some pointers. Be sure your outfit is ready to go. Find out exactly where you are going, where to park, and how long it will take to get there. If you are traveling in an unfamiliar part of the city, it is a wise idea to do a dry run prior to your interview time. Drive to the business, park, find the lifts and time how long all this takes. This will alleviate any undue stress the day of the interview. Get a good night's sleep. Arrive 15 minutes early .This not only shows that you are prompt it also gives you a chance to gain your composure. Be friendly to the receptionist/secretary....they often are asked their opinion!

Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge DURING THE INTERVIEW

Start it off like a winner. Offer your hand, and give a firm handshake, a pleasant smile and a positive confident attitude. Introduce yourself. Be comfortable. Take a seat facing the interviewer, however, slightly off center. Be sure you are not facing into direct sunlight or some other uncomfortable situation. Listen attentively. Look at the interviewer directly, but don't get into a stare down! Sit up straight. Try to relax .It's okay to take a few notes if the questions are lengthy, or you need to remind yourself of something you want to stress. Avoid nervous mannerisms. Pay attention to nervous mannerisms you might have such as clicking your pen, jingling change in your pocket, twisting your hair, biting your nails. Control these impulses! Everyone is nervous to some extent; the key is to appear calm and collected. Speak clearly. Use good grammar and a friendly tone. Never answer just "yes" or "no" to a question. Always clarify, expand on your answers. Be sure not to ramble on. Be positive and enthusiastic. You want to outshine all other candidates so "turn it on" during the interview! No matter how sterling your credentials are, you won't be hired if the interviewer isn't sold. Pump up your enthusiasm prior to the interview. Never whine gripe or complain about past employers, jobs, classes etc. Ask pertinent questions. Be prepared to ask a few questions. Do not monopolize the interviewer's time, particularly if you know they have appointments scheduled following your interview. Do ask thoughtful questions. Don't ask about salary and benefits, this can be discussed when the company is definitely interested in you! Here's a sampling of questions you might ask. o What are the company's greatest strengths? o In what areas it the company trying to grow? o Who will I report to? o Could you give some examples of projects I would be working on? o Will relocation be required? o What kind of assignments could I expect in the first 6 months? o What products (or services or stores) are in the development stage? o Is this a new position or will I be replacing someone? o What qualities are you looking for in a candidate? o Is there a lot of team work? o What are the advancement opportunities? o What growth areas do you foresee? o How frequently are performance appraisals done? o Could you describe possible advancements within the company? o What is the next step in the interview process? o What is the company's management philosophy? o What would a typical day be like? o Is this job a result of increased growth or expansion? Watch for cues the interview is over. Don't linger if you sense the interviewer is done interviewing you. When it is over, stand up, thank the interviewer for their time and shake hands firmly. Don't forget to express interest in being hired. Say you are impressed with the company and would like to work there. Be sure to find out the next step. Ask the interviewer when the decision will be made, when you can expect to hear from them. This way you won't be left hanging. 2

Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge THE INTERVIEWER'S HIDDEN AGENDA The following are some typical concerns interviewers have, which you need to address when answering questions. Be sensitive to these concerns, answering all questions in the most positive way to build psychological leverage and position you for the offer.

Does the applicant have the ability to do the job? Can he or she manage people? How does he or she relate to people? What kind of a person is this? A leader? What strengths does he or she have that we need? Why have there been a number of job changes? In what areas is he or she weak? How will this affect performance? What contribution has the applicant made? What are his or her ambitions? Are they realistic? Does she or he have growth potential? How is the chemistry between us? How will other interviewers react? Should this person get an offer?

These are some of the most commonly asked questions. Put some thought into your answers and practice them prior to your interview!

What are the responsibilities of your current or previous position? What do you know about this industry? What do you know about our company? How long will it take for you to make a significant contribution? What is your most significant accomplishment? Why did you leave your last job? Why do you think you would like to work for our company? If it were your first day, what would you say to the associates you will be working with? What have you done to overcome major obstacles in your life? Are you willing to relocate? How would you describe your work style? Tell me about yourself? Why do you think we should hire you for this job? How do you define success? What was the last book you read? What area of this job would you find most difficult? What leadership/supervisory roles have your held? What is your weakness? What is your strength? 3

Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge

What accomplishments are you most proud of? What has been your greatest crisis, how did you solve it? What person has had the greatest influence on you, why? What do you like best about your job/school...what do you like least? How has college prepared you for this career? Describe your ideal job. Why did you choose this particular field of work? What have you done that shows initiative? In what areas of the job would you expect to be most successful....least? What do you see yourself doing in 5 or 10 years? What are your salary requirements? What frustrates you? Describe a situation with an irate customer and how you handled it? What aspect of this job do you consider most crucial? What are your long range career objectives and how do you plan to achieve them? How do you think a friend would describe you? What motivates you? How many hours a week do you need to work to get the job done? How do you work under pressure? What two or three things are most important to you in your job? Tell me about other jobs you've had. In hindsight, how could you have improved your performance? What makes a good supervisor? What skills do you want to improve?


Practicing for the interview means practicing several behaviors - not just answering questions. You must dress well, watch your body language and posture, and practice your manners and eye contact as well as practice answering questions correctly, smoothly, and with confidence. The practice questions below, in one form or another, account for a large percentage of interview questions. With each question, you are given a series of choices as to how you might answer the question. When you select an answer, you will learn whether your answer is correct- and why. Answering these questions will help you polish your interviewing techniques. The questions and answers in this exercise are generic and, in many cases, must be tailored to your individual situation. Still, the logic behind the answer remains essentially the same. 1) Why are you the best person for the job? 1. 2. 3. 4. Ive held a lot of positions like this one, and that experience will help me here. Because I am good at what I do. Our discussion here leads me to believe this is a good place to work. You need someone who can produce results, and my background and experience are proof of my ability. For example...

2) If asked a point blank question such as: Are you creative? Are you analytical? Can you work under pressure? Etc. What is the best way to answer? 4

Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge 1. Answer yes or no. 2. Answer yes and give a specific example. 3. Answer yes and give an explanation. 3) Tell me about yourself. 1. Outline personal data, hobbies, and interests. 2. Give an overview of your personality and work habits. 3. Give three specific examples of your personality traits and accomplishments. 4) What were your marks? Why are they low/ inconsistent? 1. My marks are --%. Basically because I had a lot of fun in college. 2. My marks are --%. Because I held a full time job while in college, working my way through school. It is not reflective of my ability to do the job. 3. My marks are --%.which is low, I know I have potential to do better. 5) What are you looking for in a position? 1. "I'm looking for an opportunity to apply my skills and contribute to the growth of the company while helping create some advancement opportunities for myself." 2. "I'm looking for an organization that will appreciate my contributions and reward my efforts." 3. "I'm looking for a position that will allow me to make enough money to support my lifestyle. I am a hard worker and will give a concerted effort to earn the money I need." 6) What do you know about our organization? 1. "I've done a little homework and here is what I know about your organization...(cite examples)" 2. "Everything I've seen and heard makes me want to be a part of this organization. I understand your industry is (blank) and your primary customer is (blank). A particularly exciting part of your business appears to be (blank)." 3. "I know enough to know this is an exciting place to work. It appears to be fit for my career goals." 7) What are your strengths? 1. "I am good at giving constructive criticism to my coworkers. This honesty is something I'm aware of and have found essential to having open working relationships." 2. "I consider myself to be very consistent. I have proven myself to be someone who can be counted upon to do what is expected." 3. "I would have to choose between two skills. I am very proud of my determination and ability to get things done. At the same time, I am aware of my analytical abilities and problem solving skills. These skills combine to give me a unique ability to solve problems and then implement the solutions." 8) How would co-workers describe you? 1. "They perceive me as a leader. The people who have worked with me learned great deal and accomplished in many cases more than they thought possible." 5

Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge 2. "My employees would tell you they got direction when they needed and the room to work when it was appropriate. I believe a measure of a good manager is how much he is able to get done through others." 3. "They perceive me as someone who cared about them personally and had high expectations. I get a great deal of satisfaction from helping others do their best. My former co-workers would highlight three of my priorities which are to build loyalty and a team environment, obtain results and develop people." 9) What did you like and dislike about college? 1. "I didn't like the tremendous pressure of homework some professors assigned us. I liked those professors who realized I had a life outside of class." 2. "I liked the opportunity to be involved on campus. It was a small campus that allowed students to take responsibility, organize events and be a part of the planning team. I can't really think of anything I disliked, college was a wonderful experience." 3. "I liked having Mondays off. I think the thing I disliked most was living in the shared rooms." 10) Are you willing to relocate? 1. "No." I would like to grow in Mumbai as this place is full of challenges. 2. "I'm open to opportunities within the company so if that involves relocation I would consider it." 3. "I'd move, but I know your headquarters is in Mumbai and thats where you may need me in the long run. 11) What are your short term goals? 1. "Short term, I just want a job." 2. "I wish to be financially independent. In the short run I need to find work so I can keep up with my obligations." 3. "Short-term, I'd like to find a position that is a good fit and where I can contribute to a company's bottom line. The position we are here to discuss today would appear to be such an opportunity. Could you tell me more about it?" 12) Where do you want to be in 5 years? 1. "I haven't really thought that far ahead but I think I'd want your job." 2. "If selected I would hope to meet my goals and take advantage of opportunities to learn so I will be considered for other positions within the company. I hope to build my career with a company such as this one." 3. "Long term, I hope to start my own business."

13) Describe a situation you've encountered with a difficult person/ customer. 1. "In my last job I dealt with customers at a retail store. One customer wanted to return an item she had obviously bought several years ago, which was against store policy. I talked to her calmly and 6

Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge explained our policies and encouraged her to shop and I would exchange the item, however, I could not give a refund. 2. "I rarely encounter a difficult customer because of my excellent customer service." 3. "Once I had to invite a busy speaker for Strategym and we did not want no as an answer so we made him the Chief speaker for the session 14) Before we go any further, what kind of money do you need to make? 1. "I feel I am worth at least Rs. ---." 2. "My salary requirements are negotiable. Your firm has a reputation of compensating employees fairly and I trust you would do the same in my case. I am very interested in finding the right opportunity and will be open to any fair offer when I do so." 3. "Money is not very important to me. I need to be able to pay the bills but the work environment is far more important to me." AFTER THE INTERVIEW

Say thanks. The next day write the interviewer a brief note reiterating your interest in the job. Spell his or her name correctly! Follow up. If you haven't heard from the interviewer within the time frame indicated at the close of the interview, call them to relay a polite reminder that you're still interested in the job. Ask when they plan to make a hiring decision. If you aren't hired... If you continue to be interested in the company, it pays to keep in touch with the interviewer. Often, through persistence, you may be offered a position at a later date. Chin Up. Gear up for your next interview. After all the more interviews you tackle the more polished you become. You may want to contact the interviewer who rejected you and see if you can get any pointers on what to improve before your next interview.


Dress conservatively Check out what management wears and dress similarly without overkill Practice good grooming Do have clean, neatly styled hair Do have clean hands and trimmed nails Do carry a portfolio or briefcase with extra copies of your resume Do bring a clean notepad and pen that works Do wear basic hosiery (no textured hose) Do wear shoes you can walk easily in


Don't wear torn, soiled, wrinkled clothing 7

Compiled by Chhaya Sehgal The Winning Edge

Don't dress casual Don't wear a lot of jewelry (Men should avoid earrings) Don't wear a lot of cologne Don't wear athletic shoes Don't eat spicy, offensive smelling foods prior to the interview Don't wear sexy clothing Don't wear "cutsey" ties (i.e. a flashing Mickey Mouse tie) Don't chew gum or smoke Don't wear a mini-skirt Don't wear heavy make-up Don't carry a purse AND a briefcase

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interviews can often be traumatic for both the interviewee and interviewer. If you prepare properly beforehand then you should be able to overcome the many hurdles an interviewer can place in your way. All the interview tips and advice in this section have been tried and tested.


Circulated to JB students in Interview Workshop, 11th January 2004

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