Shadows of The Past (Full Adv)

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This adventure involves rescuing a girl named Jena who has gone missing while investigating mysterious activity in the forest near an abandoned pagan shrine. An evil sorcerer named Kassamaan has hired goblins to help him search for a powerful magical item called the Shadowgem within the caves beneath the shrine.

Jena had unwittingly stumbled upon Kassamaan and his search for the Shadowgem. She was immediately captured and imprisoned by goblins working for Kassamaan and remains trapped within the shrine's catacombs.

Kassamaan is an evil sorcerer who has learned that the Shadowgem, a large black jewel containing a trapped demon, was hidden within the caves beneath the abandoned shrine. He has been secretly excavating the caves with hired goblin help to find the precious item.

Shadows of the Past

A Holy Lands RPG Adventure

Shadows of the Past is a short Holy Lands (LE) Light Edition classic dungeon adventure based on an old Basic D&D fanzine adventure written by Jessie Walker. The Racmaster will need the Holy Lands LE rules and the Devil Hunters Manual to run this adventure. All additional rules, creatures and or additions will be listed in text or at the end of the adventure. This is designed as an introductory adventure for 3 to 6 characters of 1st to 3rd level (about 6 total levels). While the encounters in this adventure are not overly difficult and are even simplistic in some cases, it is designed more towards new players and Raconteurs (Racmasters) to break them into the game gently with a low chance of character death. The numbers and strength of the NPCs and creatures can of course be adjusted to the relative strength or weakness of the party. The following adventure takes place near the small hamlet of Wythburn at a nearby long abandoned pagan shrine in Early Medieval England, but is generic enough that it can easily be placed anywhere the Racmaster conducts his campaign. The portions that are Bold/Italic are intended to be read or paraphrased to the players. Background For over the last month or so the forest west of the village of Wythburn has been quiet, too quiet, for it is normally teaming with wildlife. The spring weather has been good and most of the village attention has focused

Release 1 Holy Lands RPG Copyright 2011 Faith Quest Games All Rights Reserved

on the planting of what promises to be a very good growing year. One young hunter, a rather wild young lady named Jena, has been hearing persistent rumors from other trappers and hunters of sounds of mysterious activity deep within the forest, up in the hills in the vicinity of the old pagan shrine near the headwaters of the Wythburnsomeone, or something. What were they doing, were they stirring up something better left alone? Jena, always the adventurous huntress, went to investigate. That was over two days ago now, her father has become worried. He is offering a reward for her safe return. What has really happened? Jena had unwittingly stumbled upon an evil sorcerer, named Kassamaan, and his search for a powerful evil magical item called the Shadowgem. This large black jewel contains a trapped demon creature called a Shadow, which upon command can be released to obey the wielder of the gem. Kassamaan had learned that the Shadowgem, which is reputed to have once belonged to the infamous sorcerer, Galandar, was hidden within the caves beneath the abandoned shrine. With the hired help of a small band of greedy goblins, Kassamaan had been secretly excavating within the caves to find the precious item when Jena arrived. Upon entering the ruin, Jena was immediately captured and imprisoned by the goblins, and still remains trapped within the shrines catacombs where Kassamaan plans on using her as the first victim of the Gems power.

Beginning the Adventure The adventure begins as the heroes are travelling through the small hamlet of Wythburn. How did the heroes get involved? Perhaps the rumors of mysterious activity in the forest peaks the partys interest, the local priest of the small church request help from his superiors, or perhaps they are asked (or hired) by Jenas father Gyle the farmer, to find his daughter. The exact details of how the heroes become involved in the adventure is best left to the Rac so to best suite his campaign and will not be covered here. However the party becomes involved the heroes should shortly find themselves on their way to the pagan shrine. Although the path to the abandoned stone circle and shrine is not well travelled, Jenas father or any of the local hunters or farmers can point the party in the right direction if asked. As the heroes head towards the shrine, read or paraphrase the following; The trail leading to the old shrine quickly turns to an animal path and then to just a barely passable opening between the oaks and pines, the ferns and grasses wet with morning dew dampening your boots and leggings as you wind your way through the forest following the small babbling Wythburn. After two miles of walking you see a small sunlit clearing at the top of a hill with an old vine covered stone building lost in the shadows of a large stand of oaks. This surely must be the shrine. The PCs discover that the way through the light woods along the old disused path that follows the stream is relatively easy going and it is not long before the heroes find the crumbling place of worship (presuming the Rac has not introduced any random encounters, example normal animals

(boar, bear) or a few patrolling goblins that after being captured can point the PCs the right direction if they are lost). Normally no extra encounters should be used as the players, being beginners, will need to start at full Life and Faith at the shrine. Pagan shrine (Map 1, Pg 13) As the PCs reach the clearing in which the pagan shrine stands, read or paraphrase the following: As you step from the cool shade of the forest you see a small stone building standing at one end of an overgrown clearing with eight standing stones surrounding it. Most of the stones in the circle have fallen down and are merely lumps in the overgrown grass. The stones are bone white and reflect the suns light harshly. You do not recall seeing any stone matching these around here. The shrine, which once must have been very beautiful, judging by the intricate stone carvings that can be seen under the tangle of vines and creepers, is now however, a mere shadow of its former self. A small clear, spring fed pool lies centered between the standing stones, its clear water reflecting the dappled sunlit water. The shrine was once indeed very beautiful with ornate and delicate sculptures covering the buildings exterior walls. Closer inspection of the crumbling exterior walls reveals that the carvings depict the four seasons. The dozen standing stones are arranged in a circle around a small natural spring pool with the stone at one end.

2. Cottage Ruins. Lying hidden in the tangle of undergrowth, about 50 feet from the shrine, but outside

the stone circle, are the remains of a small single roomed cottage. The collapsed walls are now only two feet tall at best, and the flagstone interior floor is cracked and pushed up by small trees and roots. The cottage once belonged to the last pagan priest who tended the shrine many decades ago. If the PCs make a thorough search of the cottage ruins they find an ancient tarnished brass statuette (about 6 high). The statuette (of a unicorn) is non magical, but of exceptional quality, and would fetch up to 30 gp to the right buyer of antiquities. 2. Ancient Well. Across the clearing and halfway to the shrine from the cottage lies an abandoned spring well. Its crumbling stone wall nearly falling down around it (1 high). The spring is still running clear and cold, but the wall has fallen and the water is now even with the top edge. The water, in the well is only a foot deep and many tarnished and shiny coins can be seen lying on the stony bottom. The stone lined spring well is home to a poisonous snake which is lying sunning itself in a niche created by the fallen stone wall. If a person reaches down, into the well, before checking, the snake attacks the unfortunate hero. There are 10sp, and 5 gp at the bottom of the well. Snake (1): LP: 7, Wpn Skills: H to H (bite), Cbt Bonus: ADV +5, ATK +5, DOD +5, DAM +1, Wpn: Bite (1d4) Venom (4d6+20 at 1 LP per Dam per Rd), AtR: 1 (bite), DEF: 1 (natural) Sp Abilities: Perception 3, Ex Skills: Night vision +10, Heightened scent +12, Heightened sight and hearing +10, EXP: 45

This snake is resting after hunting all night and will be very irritated when disturbed. It is black with red-brown diamonds along its length easily identify it as poisonous. After attacking it will retreat to the woods, unless attacked again then it will fight to the death. 3. Shrine. When the PCs are ready to enter read or paraphrase the following to the players: Standing before the entrance of the crumbling shrine you can now see just how magnificent it once must have been. Up close, however, the sad state of the shrine is also all too obvious. Its two, once ornate stone doors, now green with moss, lie broken and hanging from their pivots. The entrance to the shrine has not been trapped, however any PCs not being careful (at the Racs discretion) as they pass through the entrance will cause the heavy doors to finally fall off their pivots with a loud crash. (1 in 6 chance this will alert the goblins below bringing two (from #2 below) to investigate. Any PCs in the doorway when the doors fall, must make a successful Agility check or be struck by the falling doors, resulting in 1d4 points of damage. As the PCs enter the shrine read or paraphrase the following to the players: You see a chamber roughly 25 by 25 in size. The interior of the shrine, in stark contrast to its exterior, is plain and undecorated. Like the exterior, however, it is also in a poor state of repair. The roof has fallen in, old slate tiles litter the floor and the walls are overgrown with vines and creepers. At the far end of the room is a dais and a large niche in the wall where a symbol of misplaced devotion, no doubt, once stood. The interior of the shrine was once decorated with elaborate and colorful tapestries and wall hangings, which have

long since rotted away, and now the walls are bare except for the creepers and vines that are slowly reclaiming the shrine. There is a slight smell of smoke coming from somewhere. Laying open to the elements for decades, the ruin is occasionally used as a temporary shelter by the less superstitious hunters and forest animals alike. If the PCs search around they find some evidence of old campfires. A successful Profile Area or Search will reveal the marks of a recent fight, between a smaller human and several small barefooted huminoids. A successful Track will allow the Heroes to follow the tracks to the secret door making the finding of it automatic is looked for. In the center of the chamber is the secret trapdoor entrance to the shrines crypt. The heroes will have to successfully search for secret doors to find the trapdoor but since the goblins have used it recently (when they captured Jena) and the searchers will get a +5. The trapdoor takes the form of a large stone slab with a small finger hole. After Jenas capture Kassamaan decided to stop further unwanted guests and has placed a rune trap on the crypts entrance. The trap releases a cloud of poisonous gas when the stone slab is lifted. Each PC within 30 of the trapdoor must make a Saving Throw vs. Fumes or suffer a Daze attack. (Dazed: This spell causes the victim to become dazed with confusion for the duration (2d6 rnds). All Combat rolls, Combat skill bonuses, Skill rolls and skill bonuses are reduced by half.) Apart from the stone trapdoor there is little of any note within the shrine. Once the heavy slab has been removed the heroes can see carefully crafted stone steps leading down into the darkness.

The Crypt (Map 2) 1. Chamber of Tombs. Under the stone floor lies the crypt of the pagan priests who once tended the ancient shrine. As the heroes enter read or paraphrase the following to the players: As you proceed cautiously down the well worn stone steps, your eyes slowly adjust to the dimness of the light. You see a neat stone chamber about 15 by 30 in size. Along each wall are cut deep alcoves, which contain ancient human remains. The crypt has a dry musty smell, but the recent coming and goings of something has allowed fresh air to circulate improving this a little and a faint haze of smoke permeates the room. There are obvious signs of many creatures living in the chamber for a short time recently, with tracks and trash scattered everywhere in the dust. To the rear of the chamber there is a hole in the floor, the smashed and scattered flagstones discarded around it. The smoke seems to come from the hole. Although there is no light in this chamber the light from the crypts entrance is sufficient for PCs without nightvision to see clearly (or if they came prepared with a torch or lantern). The skeletons are draped in faded priests robes which crumble away to dust if touched. If the PCs examine the skeletons a successful search roll will find a gold head band worth 10 gp, and another will find a tarnished brass dagger with a gold jeweled hilt worth 20gp. If the Heroes search each and every alcove, the last one will have a cloth wrapped scimitar. Every skeleton has an ancient gold coin placed over each eye and there are a total of thirteen skeletons in the thirteen alcoves. To further deter visitors, the stone floor immediately at the foot of the stairs has been magically trapped with runes by Kassamaan.

When stepped upon, this area of floor causes Lesser Fear (Fear: This spell causes an irrational fear to overcome the victim. Basically the victims phobia comes to life and is real to them. i.e. If they fear spiders, the victim will become covered in crawling spiders etc. Duration depends on the level of the caster: Lesser 1d6 rnds, Greater 2d6, and Advanced: 3d6 or half if save is made. The Rac is encouraged to read the affected characters sheet o see their phobia and then play it up.) At the eastern end of the crypt, the PCs see the first real sign of the activity that has been going on beneath the shrine. A large hole, about 5 in size, has been smashed in the floor of the chamber. The hole reveals a 4 diameter shaft which drops 25 into the darkness. The shaft leads to a series of natural caves beneath the shrine. The caves, which were discovered by the priests when the crypt was being built, were later used to extend the crypt when the upper level became full. Whoever hid the Shadowgem within the catacomb below had sealed up the entrance so as to appear as identical to the rest of the flagstone floor. 2. Mausoleum. If the PCs successfully search the crypt for secret doors they find an undiscovered hidden stone door in the eastern wall. Behind the door is a short flight of steps leading down to a small, unlit stone chamber. If the PCs decide to investigate, read or paraphrase the following: This chamber is about 20 by 15 feet in size. At its center, lying on an intricately carved solid stone pyre, are the skeletal remains of a large armored man. Lying across his chest, clasped by his ancient bony hands, is a huge magnificent war hammer. There is a strong musty odor.

This is the secret mausoleum of one of the priests most revered brethren, a mighty warrior priest named Mon-Rath. Unfortunately for the heroes, however, three giant rats have also made this chamber their home, burrowing down from the surface above (which could be an alternative entry into the ruin for the PCs). The rats have their nest hidden on the far side of the solid stone pyre. As the PCs enter the mausoleum each rat lunges at a PC. Giant Rats (3): LP: 8, Wpn Skills: H to H (bite), Cbt Bonus: ADV +2, ATK +2, DOD +2, DAM +1, Wpn: Bite (1d4), AtR: 1 (bite), DEF: 2 (natural) Sp Abilities: Perception 3, Ex Skills: Night vision +5, Heightened scent +5, Heightened sight and hearing +2, EXP: 55 Mon-Raths armor (Plate mail) is lightly corroded with all the leather fittings having long rotted away, and is of little value unless cleaned and repaired by a competent smith. The armor will then be worth 150 gp to a collector. If repaired for wear, it will cost approximately 50 gp before it is ready. To wear this armor the new owner will need to be between 510 and 6 5. However, the magnificent weapon laying across his chest is a two handed War Hammer of exceptional dwarven quality (+3 ATK, 2d12 DAM). The war hammer was made for Mon-Rath, who died before ever using it, therefore it meets all the requirements for receiving a holy blessing and could easily be blessed at the nearest monastery. On Mon-Raths bony fingers are two silver, plain, non-magical rings worth about 10 gp each. He also has two gold coins covering his eyes. At the foot of the pyre is a stone chest (no lock/no trap) that contains 100 ancient silver pieces, and 50 old gold pieces. Due to the

age of these coins their value, to a money changer, will only be half their face value (i.e. 50sp, 25gp).

The Catacomb (Map 3) 1. Entrance. An old, crudely made wooden ladder leads down the 25 deep dark shaft. If the PCs decide to climb down the ladder read or paraphrase the following to the players: As you descend down the ladder you hear the muffled sounds of digging in the distance. When you reach the bottom you find yourselves at the start of a roughly hewn tunnel with a smooth flagstone floor. A faint, flickering light is coming from the direction of the sounds of digging. If the PCs continue down the tunnel read the following: As you move down the tunnel towards the light, the sounds of digging grows louder, but still distant. The catacomb is a series of natural caves which were roughly leveled with flagstones by the ancient priests. Lighting throughout the caves is provided by a handful of flickering torches. The loud sounds of the goblins digging for the Shadowgem echo through the rough stone chambers and so effectively mask the sounds of the heros movement (or combat). At every loction, on this level, the sound of the scrapping and banging can be heard, it gets loader the closer one gets to area 8. Any noise must be above a normal voice must be very loud to be heard further than the immediate surroundings.

As the PCs enter the catacomb Kassamaan is on the verge of uncovering the Shadowgem. The RAC may decide whether or not the time taken by the heroes to search through the remaining chambers affects the final outcome of the adventure. If the party moves through the caves quickly the RAC may decide that Kassamaan has failed to uncover the Shadowgem before the PCs meet him in the final confrontation (see 8. Main Chamber for further details). For movement rates see the movement chart at the end of the adventure.

2. Living Quarters. When the heroes enter this room read or paraphrase the following to the players: You see a rough natural cave about 20 by 35 in size. The chamber contains a number of simple pieces of furniture, including a cot, a small night table, a larger work table and a small wooden chest, which all stand at the southern end of the cave. Two other tunnels lead out of this chamber. The room is lit by a number of flickering candles burning on the table. Three green skinned goblins sitting together on the floor near the northern tunnel, surprised by your entrance, jump to their feet and grab their weapons and attack. As the PCs enter, three scruffy-looking goblins sitting on the floor playing a game of dice next to the entrance leading from 3 jump to their feet and attack. They are astonished to find yet more uninvited intruders in the catacombs so are surprised. Goblins, Lesser (3): LP: 8, Wpn Skills: H to H (bite), Cbt Arms, Cbt Bonus: ADV +0, ATK +1, DOD +0, DAM +0, Wpn: Bite (1d3) Goblin dagger (1d4+1), Goblin hand

axe (1d6), DEF: 7(Studded Leather jerkin, Leather breeches, Natural) Sp Abilities: None, Ex Skills: Sneak +1, Night vision +1, HP hearing +1, EXP: 45 This room is where Kassamaan sleeps and eats, and where he spends most of his time when not overseeing the digging in the main chamber. In the southern corner of the cave, next to the cot and table, stands a trapped chest which belongs to Kassamaan. The chest is locked and the catch is protected by a tiny needle which when activated injects a painful poison into anyone opening the chest. Effected PCs must make a successful Save vs. Poison or be Paralyzed (completely immobile for 1d4 rounds and it turns the stuck finger a bright yellow for 2 days). The chest contains two scrolls (Daze, and Fear), Kassamaan spell book (1x 1.5, black leather with a stylized K on the front, 5 lbs), a leather sack with 225 silver pieces (the goblins pay), a smaller leather sack with 50 gold coins, two Drafts of health, and a Draft of Poison. The Rac should describe the spell book as containing unreadable runes but obviously evil. The scrolls contain an incantation for the runes Daze and Fear. Destroying both the book and the scrolls should net the PCs an EXP reward of 200 points (100 for the book and 50 for each scroll). The Drafts were taken from a mine that he and his goblins attacked 2 weeks ago. Lying on top of the small night table is a badly damaged scrap of parchment. The parchment contains the details to the location of the Shadowgem which led Kassamaan to the shrine. The scroll appears to have been badly damage by fire and stained by what appears to be blood so much in fact that much of the writing is illegible. However, the heroes can just make out the following passages: ...the ancient shrine of .Die lying to the north... fordforest clearing...holy stones. hidden... bones... is buried .black field..the gem of shadows...Galdar For the Rac: What the scroll said originally was: At the ancient shrine of the goddess Diena which is found lying to the north of where the elves ford their oxen, near the forest clearing. Within the circle of holy stones, deep under the crypt there is hidden a second place of bones. Here is buried, beneath the black fieldstone floor, the gem of shadows which belonged to Galandar. 3. Tunnel. This tunnel, leading from the living quarters, is muddy and slippery. As the PCs enter they must make a successful Agility check or fall, suffering 1d4 points of damage. Movement rates are reduced by half while in the tunnel.

4. Flooded Chamber. The dim flickering light from a single torch reveals a small natural chamber about 10 by 15 in size, which has been flooded by water seeping from a crack in the wall. Floating in the dark pool is a bloated goblin body, greenish white from decay. Suspended above the water, in a large hastily rigged net, is a young woman bound, and sobbing in fear. The large net is suspended from a heavy beam that has been wedged across the chamber some twenty or so feet above the water. The net itself hangs about 10 feet above the water. Recent rain has flooded the chamber (to a depth of 4 at the deepest point), which has attracted a large and unwelcome visitor.

If the PCs make any noise or call out to the young woman (Jena) she will become very agitated and whisper that there is something in the dark. If the PCs enter into the water read or paraphrase the following: A soft rustling chittering noise comes from the darkness as a huge red and black spider emerges from behind the corpse to attack, its yellow fangs and glittering eyes gleaming in the torch light as it scuttles along the ceiling towards you! Giant Spider: LP 24; Hand to Hand (bite); ADV +5, ATK +5, DOD +5, DAM +3; Bite (2d6 +poison: 1d6 Dam per rd for 2d6 rds : ATR 1: DEF 3 Special Attributes: Perception 3, Jump 3 Exceptional skills: Nightvision +4, Heightened Sight and Hearing +3; Jump 15 horizontal 7 vertical: This is a non web using spider. The spider is about the size of a beach ball with legs that are around 4 long. If the PCs manage to get Jena down from the net the young woman will be extremely pleased to see the PCs, and more than happy to answer any of their questions. If the spider has not yet been killed, Jena will be extremely nervous and expresses her desire to leave quickly. If the PCs ask Jena if she knows what the goblins are up to, she tells the heroes that the goblins are working for a sorcerer named Kassamaan, and that they are digging for something in the next chamber. If the PCs ask what they are searching for, Jena does not know exactly, but she was questioned by the sorcerer about her knowledge about the shrine. Then she heard him speaking to a couple of goblins about something called the Shadowgem. Jena Gyles: 0 Lvl Scout, LP: 18, Wpn Skills: Cbt Arms, Thrown Wpn, Cbt Bonus: ADV +0, ATK +1, DOD +1, DAM +0,

Wpn: 2x Exceptional Long daggers (2d8 +3 Dam), 2x Throwing Dagger (2d6), DEF: 7(Exceptional Leather jerkin +3, Exceptional Leather breeches +3) Sp Abilities: Perception, Hide, Excep Skills: Animal science +2, Herbal science +1, Track +2, Night vision +1, HP hearing +1, Jenas wpns and armor have been confiscated by the goblins and is being kept in room 7. Jena, a decent, if somewhat naive hunter, went to the ruins despite her father warnings to see what all the fuss was about, Strange happenings indeed she had said as she lay down wrapped in her cloak inside the shrine. The goblins returning from a late night hunt surprised her and captured her, taking her below for their master. Kassamaan interrogated her to see if she knew anything about the Shadowgem and then put her in the flooded room for holding. Upon release she will be willing to continue searching the caves if given a weapon and something to wear (she has on a tunic). After the adventure Jena could be persuaded to join the party if an additional NPC is needed. 5. Bone Tunnel. As you walk down this passageway you notice that the floor ahead is covered with white sticks and stones. But when you look closer you can tell that all around you lay piles of ancient human bones, crumbling away with age. As you move along the tunnel your feet crunch on the bones with every step. When Kassamaan first entered the caves he ordered the goblins to collect all the skeletons buried throughout the caves and to unceremoniously dump them in this tunnel.

If the heroes carefully search the tunnel they find a tarnished silver ring on the hand of one of the skeletons. The rest of the treasures was taken by the goblins. If a PC tries to remove the ring from the skeletal hand, the bones beneath the partys feet stir and a skeleton forms from the pile of bones. The skeleton attacks the PC who removed the ring from its hand, using a large leg bone as a club. The ring is a non-magical silver ring that was used as an identifier to the old pagan cult. No one except historians would recognize them as such now. Skeleton (1): LP 27; Cmbt Arms, Shied play; ADV +2, ATK +2, DOD +2, DEF +2 (+5 shield), DAM +2; Leg bone (1d6): ATR 1: DEF 2 (Natural), Special Abilities: Perception 5, Jump 4, Exceptional skills: Night vision +8, Save Bonus: +2 vs Miracles & Holy Items, Weakness: Holy Wpns do double DAM, Magical Ability; Giant Leap, EXP: 160 6. Storeroom. This chamber is used by Kassamaan as a storeroom. The chamber is unlit and contains a number of boxes of supplies; food, digging equipment, candles etc. Most of the supplies of food and ale are generally of poor, but, acceptable quality. Set aside and separate from the main piles there is another pile of supplies. These are intended for the goblins: dried jerky (50 lbs), dried moldy cheese (50 lbs), stale hardtack bread (20 lbs), a barrel of watery beer (50 lbs). Three small picks, two shovels, 20 med candles, 2 flasks of oil, 1 lantern, 3 moth eaten blankets, 4 rotten leather sacks, and at the very bottom of a crate there is a small leather pouch with four uncut emeralds (each worth 10 gold each to a jewler).

However, set aside is an area of supplies for Kassamaan and so has much better quality foodstuffs. There is a small cask of fine red wine (20 lbs), a wooden box with two wheels of special smoked cheese (5 lbs each), and a barrel of pickled fish from the Northern seas (50 lbs). Most of the supplies were stolen from a human mine about 20 miles away. The gems were hidden by a dishonest miner to sell later. If they are taken to anyone other than the Baron at Oxford, who will pay full price) the PCs will be accused of attempting to steal from a royal mine (the only source of uncut emeralds around). 7. Sleeping Chamber. You see a smelly chamber about 20 by 25 feet in size, which is illuminated by a single flickering torch. The chamber contains several small sleeping pads covered in dirty old rags, furs and blankets. In the corner are two goblins engrossed in playing dice. The goblins attack on sight, cursing and sputtering obscenities at the party as they enter into battle, unless the party has made excessive noise the goblins will be surprised. Goblins, Lesser (2): LP: 8, Wpn Skills: H to H (bite), Cbt Arms, Cbt Bonus: ADV +0, ATK +1, DOD +0, DAM +0, Wpn: Bite (1d3) Goblin dagger (1d4+1), Goblin hand axe (1d6), DEF: 7(Studded Leather jerkin, Leather breeches, Natural) Sp Abilities: None, Ex Skills: Sneak +1, Night vision +1, HP hearing +1, EXP: 45 Under one of the goblins bed rags is hidden Jenas 2 two long daggers, 2 throwing daggers and her armor.

8. Main Chamber. Just before the PCs enter this room (from north or south) the Rac should describe the sound of digging getting louder then a guttural yell is heard and the sound of digging stops. The badly flickering torch light reveals a large chamber about 40 by 25 in size floored in black stained flagstones. At the northern end of the chamber you see a gaping hole, which has been dug into the floor. Three goblins stand at its edge looking down into the hole as though they are watching something. At the southern end of the chamber there is a large pile of rubble. Although the room is reasonably well lit in comparison to the other chambers, the badly flickering torches are casting wild shadows all around the room. The hole in the floor is where the goblins have been digging for the Shadowgem. The hole is 15 deep and a ladder is provided to reach the bottom. The large pile of rubble is from the excavations. When the party enters there are three goblins standing at the edge of the pit. Kassamaan is at the bottom of the hole examining the small locked chest containing the Shadowgem, which the goblins have just uncovered. The goblins attack the PCs first and if things seem to be going badly only then will Kassamaan enter the battle by using the trapped shadow demon within the Shadowgem. If the PCs havent faced the two goblins in the Sleeping Chamber (see area 7) the goblins will join the fight in three rounds. The RAC could decide that the heroes should only face Kassamaan and the handful of goblins, and forgo a battle with the particularly dangerous shadow contained in the Shadowgem. Simply determine that Kassamaan was unable to unlock the small

chest in time to use the gem against the PCs. If, as discussed earlier, the heroes have moved quickly through the catacomb, an alternative may simply be that the Shadowgem is yet to be uncovered. If this is the case, Kassamaan stands overseeing the digging on the far side of the hole to the heroes when the PCs enter, one goblin is in the hole whilst the other two are dumping rubble. Proceed with the rest of the encounter as outlined above. Goblins, Lesser (3): LP: 8, Wpn Skills: H to H (bite), Cbt Arms, Cbt Bonus: ADV +0, ATK +1, DOD +0, DAM +0, Wpn: Bite (1d3) Goblin dagger (1d4+1), Goblin hand axe (1d6), DEF: 7(Studded Leather jerkin, Leather breeches, Natural) Sp Abilities: None, Ex Skills: Sneak +1, Night vision +1, HP hearing +1, EXP: 45 Kassamaan (Lesser Sorcerer): LP: 24, Wpn Skills: Cbt Arms, Thrown Wpn, Cbt Bonus: ADV +1, ATK +1, DOD +1, DAM +1, Wpn: Dagger (2d6), Staff (1d12), DEF: 7 (Robe of Armor +3 DEF) Sp Abilities: Perception 7, Excep Skills: Sorcery Studies +3, Demonology +2, Read/Write +2, Save bonus: +2 vs Miracles/Holy Items, EXP: 110 Spells: See Holy Power, See the Unseen, Stun, Drain Faith, Absorb Miracle. Equipment: Staff, Dagger, Ring of Invisibility, 2 Potions of Healing Valuables: 5 gold, 10 silver, 4 gems (rubies) 5 gp each Kassamaan is a tall, severe looking man in his early thirties with pale death like skin and black greasy hair that hangs down to his shoulders. He has a trimmed black beard and is dressed in a simple midnight blue robe, which is held at the waist by a wide belt embroidered with serpents. Unaccustomed to failure, Kassamaan is as ambitious as he is ruthless. His lust for power is second only

to his arrogance for which he is widely known amongst his peers. Any attempt to convert or preach to him will result in an immediate attack, as Kassamaan is fully aware of whom he follows. (*Kassamaan is Pilipino for Evil) Destroying the Robe is worth 100 EXP, Potions 25 EXP each and the Ring is worth 50 EXP. Concluding the Adventure When the PCs return to Oxford, Jena warmly thanks the heroes if they are successful in rescuing her from Kassamaan and the goblins. If the PCs became involved in the adventure through Jenas father, he is more than willing to pay them any reward that they might have negotiated with him before the adventure began. If they did not then he will show at their door the next morning with a Dwarven Dagger (nonmagical +2 ATT/+2 DAM). In addition, the people of Oxford will be impressed by the PCs actions and exaggerated tales of their exploits will precede them when travelling in the surrounding area. The Baron will reward the PCs with free room and board at the keep for a week and a feast in their honor. Warriors and Knights may get free training while staying at the keep. The PCs might decide to keep digging for the Shadowgem if they faced Kassamaan before the item was uncovered. The RAC could also easily add other interesting items buried with the Shadowgem, which could lead to further adventures. If Kassamaan manages to escape with the Shadowgem, additional scenarios to track down Kassamaan are left up to the RAC. One possible adventure idea might be that a note is found amongst Kassamaan possessions outlining his intention to use the

Shadowgem to fulfill a contract to assassinate an important figure. What might the heroes decide to do in order to protect the target? The Shadowgem Description: The Shadowgem is a large black jewel about the size of a small childs fist. The item can only be used by an elf or a sorcerer. When activated by a command word a shadow demon emerges from the gem and attacks the gem wielders opponents to the best of its ability until either he or she commands that the attacks cease, the gem is destroyed, or the shadow demon is slain. All normal lights within 30 of the exposed Shadowgem will dim and flicker causing even more shadows. The Shadowgem can never be allowed to be touched by sunlight, if it is it will be immediately destroyed. Holy light cast directly at the gem will cause the it to save vs Holy Items of lose all abilities for 24 hrs. Destroying the Shadowgem is worth 1000 EXP History: The exact history of the Shadowgem is unclear. Some scholars believe that it was created by an infamous sorcerer, named Galander the Dark who reigned with terror over 100 yrs ago with an army of creatures that ruled the night,, but how and when it passed from his malign ownership no one is certain. Galander was slain by the Saint Killian Redgill. The Shadowgem had been thought lost to history until Kassamaan came across the badly damaged scroll hinting that it was hidden deep beneath the pagan shrine, years after the structure had

been abandoned. Why the gem was hidden, and by whom, remains a mystery.

If the shadow demon scores a hit, a save vs curses must be made or it will drain 1 point of

New Monster Shadow Demon: LP: 65 + 2d6 Greater Demon, Weapon Skills: H to H (bite & claw), Combat Bonus: ADV +8, ATK +8, DOD +8, DEF +0, DAM +5, Weapon: Bite (1d12), Claw (2d12) Any hit by a shadow drains one point of Strength, recoverable at 1 point per hour. AtR: 2 DEF: 7 (in total dark or daylight) 10 (in shadowy light, i.e torches candles etc.) (Natural) Sp Abilities: Perception 9, Ex Skills: Sneak +10, Night vision +10, HP hearing +10, Save Bonus: +3 Miracles/Holy Items Special Abilities: Double DAM by Holy wpns, Spirit drift and able to pass from shadow to shadow at will. EXP: 400 As with others of its kind, the tamed shadow demon is very afraid of holy weapons. So much so that Shadow Demons will attack any person they see wielding a Holy Weapon first and foremost. The creature looks like a real shadow and can alter its shape slightly making it hard to see and therefore it usually gains surprise (1-5 on 1d6). The shadow demon is most powerful in any shadowy light, such as torches, candles, or open fires like a campfire. Holy light causes it pain and will force it to flee if it fails to make a save vs Holy Items. Strength in addition to doing normal damage (each time). This weakness will last for 1 hour. Anyone whose Strength is reduced to zero will die (save vs Death or go into a coma as per rules) and will become a shadow demon within 24 hrs unless his remains are blessed by a clergy and given a proper funeral. Shadows are not undead but can be exorcised as an evil spirit.


MAP 1: Area map around the old shrine. 1. 2. 3. 4. Spring Fed Lake (Wythmeer) Old Cottage Ruins Well Spring Pagan Shrine 1 Square = 5


MAP 2: Crypt, under the Shrine

MAP 3: Catacombs under the Crypt.


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