Algae As Biofuel-Strains

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Algae as a Source for Biofuel

Ruth B. McMichens I pledge

As concern grows about the supply of fossil fuels, other sources of energy are being sought. Biofuels have been one of the substances at the forefront of the discussion. A number of sources for the production of biofuels have been considered. Biofuels are fuels that are produced from living organisms or from metabolic byproducts. In order to be classified as a biofuel, the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials (1). First generation biofuels are derived from edible biomass, primarily corn and soybeans in the United States, and sugarcane in Brazil. These biofuels have a number of problems. First, there is not enough available farmland to provide more than about 10 percent of the developing countries liquid fuel needs. The use of first generation biofuels also raises the price of animal feed and ultimately increases the cost of food. In addition, when the total emissions of growing, harvesting, and processing corn are factored into the cost of biofuel, it becomes clear that first generation biofuels are not very environmentally friendly (2). Bioethanol is currently produced from corn and sugarcane while biodiesel is being made from palm oil, soybean oil, and oilseed rape (3). Second generation biofuels are made from cellulosic biomass. Sources include wood residues like sawdust and other cellulosic sources like construction debris, agricultural residues like corn stalks and wheat straw, fast growing grasses and woody materials that are grown for the sole purpose of making biofuel. The advantage of second generation biofuels is that they are abundant and do not interfere with the production of food. Most of these energy crops can be grown on marginal lands that would not otherwise be used as farmland (2). Large amounts of cellulosic biomass can be sustainably harvested to produce fuel. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Energy have estimated that the U.S. can produce at least 1.3 billion dry tons of cellulosic biomass every year without decreasing the amount of biomass that is available for food, animal feed or exports. It is estimated that more than 100 billion gallons of fuel could be produced from this amount

of biomass. It is also important to note that cellulosic biomass can be converted into any type of fuel including ethanol, gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel (2). Third generation biofuel includes fuel produced from algae and cyanobacteria. Algae grown in ponds can be far more efficient than higher plants in capturing solar energy especially when grown in bioreactors. If algal production could be scaled up to industrial capacity, less than 6 million hectares would be needed worldwide to meet the current fuel demand. This consists of less than 0.4% of arable land which would be an achievable goal from global agriculture. For example, in Texas which has a land mass of 67,835,300 hectares, only 271,300 hectares would be required for the growth of algae (4). In addition, many of the most efficient algal species are marine which means that no freshwater would be necessary in the culture phase (3). Biofuel produced from algae is an intriguing option. The potential of this option will be explored here.


Scenedesmus dimorphus (5)

Euglena gracilis (6)

Phaeodactylum tricornutum (7) (8) Figure 1. Algae images. Algae are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that belong to the Phylum Protista. These organisms use light energy to convert CO2 and H2O into carbohydrates

and other cellular products. During this process oxygen is released. Algae contain chlorophyll a, which is required for photosynthesis. Many algae contain other pigments that extend the range of light that can be used by these organisms for photosynthesis. Organisms that are classified as algae are quite diverse. They include both microscopic unicellular and macroscopic multicellular organisms. These organisms differ from other eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms like land plants due to the fact that they lack an organized vascular system and they have relatively simple reproductive procedures. As one of the primary producers of carbohydrates and other cellular products, algae are essential in the food chains of the entire world. A large portion of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by algae (9). Organisms that are considered algae are grouped together by a number of properties. These include the main photosynthetic pigments of each group, the structure of the cell wall, the type of storage products, the mechanisms of motility, and the mode of reproduction. A number of algal groups derive their name from the major color displayed by most of the algae in the group (9). Algae are found anywhere there is water fresh water, salt water, and in the soil. Due to the fact that the oceans cover over 70% of the earths surface, aquatic algae are major producers of oxygen and important users of carbon dioxide. Phytoplankton is predominantly made up of unicellular algae. This phytoplankton is a major source of food for many animals, large and small (9). All algae are primarily made up of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and nucleic acids in varying proportions. While the percentages can vary with the type of algae, some types of algae are made up of up to 40% fatty acids based on their overall mass. It is this fatty acid that can be extracted and converted into biofuel (10). Microscopic algae can be single celled organisms that are free floating or they can be propelled by flagella. They can also grow in long chains or filaments. Other algae, like Volvox, form colonies of 500 to 60,000 biflagellated cells which can be seen with the naked eye (9). Macroscopic algae are multicellular organisms that have a number of specialized structures which serve specific functions. A number of varieties of algae have holdfasts which are rootlike structures that mainly serve to anchor the organism to a firm substrate.

The stipe, or stalk of the algae, typically has leaf like structures attached to it. The blades are the main photosynthetic part of the algae. Some large algae have air bladders that allow them to maintain their blades in a position that allows for the maximum collection of sunlight (9). There are a number of species of algae that are being studied for their suitability as crops for mass-oil production. Table 1 gives a list of these species. (11). Table 1: Algae Strains Currently Being Studied Class Chlorophyceae Neochloris oleoabundans Class Chlorophyceae. Preferred species for Scenedesmus dimorphus oil production for biodiesel. Problem produces thick sediment if not constantly agitated Euglena gracilis Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Class Haptophyta Unicellular Pleurochrysis carterae coccolithophorid alga. Able to calcify subcellularly Toxic algae Prymnesium parvum Marine unicellular alga Tetraselmis chui Tetraslmis suecica Microalga Isochrysis galbana Nannochloropsis salina (Nannochloris oculata) Can produce long chain hydrocarbons Botryococcus braunii representing 86% of its dry weight Oil yield of about 37%. Fast growing Dunaliella tertiolecta Nannochloris sp. Spirulina species (11) Chlorophyceae, green algae, are the strain most favored by researchers. However, green algae tend to produce starches instead of lipids and require nitrogen to grow. They have the advantage that they have very high growth rates at 30oC and at high light levels in aqueous solution. Bacilliarophya, diatom algae, are also favored by researchers. One drawback is that the diatom algae require silicon to be present in the growth medium. When algae are grown under nutrient deficient conditions, the algae produce more oils

per weight of algae, but the amount of algae produced was reduced. Most algae are tolerant to temperature fluctuations, but diatoms have a narrow temperature range (11).

Lipids from Algae

Microalgae contain lipids and fatty acids as membrane components, metabolites, storage products, and sources of energy. Microalgae which include algal strains, diatoms, and cyanobacteria have been found to contain high levels of lipids - over 30%. Due to the high lipid content, these microalgal strains are of great interest in the search for sustainable sources for the production of biodiesel. Table 2 shows the chemical composition of algae. It has been found that algae can contain between 2% and 40% lipids by weight (11).
Table 2. Chemical composition of algae expressed on a dry matter basis (%) (10) Strain Scenedesmus obliquus Scenedesmus quadricauda Scenedesmus dimorphus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Chlorella vulgaris Chlorella pyrenoidosa Spirogyra sp. Dunaliella bioculata Dunaliella salina Euglena gracilis Prymnesium parvum Tetraselmis maculata Porphyridium cruentum Spirulina platensis Spirulina maxima Synechoccus sp. Anabaena cylindrica Protein Carbohydrates 50-56 47 8-18 48 51-58 57 6-20 49 57 39-61 28-45 52 28-39 46-63 60-71 63 43-56 10-17 21-52 17 12-17 26 33-64 4 32 14-18 25-33 15 40-57 8-14 13-16 15 25-30 Lipids Nucleic acid 12-14 3-6 1.9 -

16-40 21 2 14-22 4-5

11-21 8 6 -

14-20 22-38 1-2 3 9-14 4--9 6-7 11 4-7 2-5 3-4.5 5 -

Algal oils have been found to be very high in unsaturated fatty acids. Some of these unsaturated fatty acids that are found in different algal species include: arachidonic acid, eicospentaenoic acid, docasahexaenoic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, and linoleic acid (10). When comparing the lipid yield of algae to vegetable sources, algae can produce between 20,000 and 100,000 liters per hectare. Table 3 shows the yields for selected plants (12) Table 3: Vegetable Oil Yields US liters oil/ha Crop liters oil/ha gal/acre 172 176 217 232 273 305 325 363 446 459 478 482 524 534 536 572 18 19 23 25 29 33 35 39 48 49 51 51 56 57 57 61 camelina sesame safflower rice tung oil sunflower cocoa (cacao) peanut opium poppy rapeseed olive castor bean pecan nut jojoba jatropha macadamia nut 583 696 779 828 940 952 1026 1059 1163 1190 1212 1413 1791 1818 1892 2246

Crop corn (maize) cashew nut oats lupine kenaf calendula cotton hemp soybean coffee linseed (flax) hazelnut euphorbia pumpkin seed coriander mustard seed

US gal/acre 62 74 83 88 100 102 110 113 124 127 129 151 191 194 202 240 (12)

Lipid accumulation in algae usually occurs during times of environmental stress, including growth under nutrient deficient conditions. The lipid and fatty acid contents of microalgae differ according to the culture conditions. It has been found that in some cases the lipid content can be enhanced by imposing nitrogen starvation. Biochemical studies have indicated that acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase), a biotin containing enzyme that catalyzes an early step in fatty acid biosynthesis, might be involved in the

control of the lipid accumulation process. In light of this fact, it might be possible to increase lipid production rates by increasing the activity of this enzyme by genetically engineering the microalgae (11). Microalgae are classified as the most primitive form of plants. The mechanism of photosynthesis in microalgae is similar to that in higher plants, but they are usually more efficient converters of solar energy because of their simple cellular structure. Due to the fact that the cells grow in aqueous suspension, microalgae have more efficient access to water, CO2, and other nutrients. These factors account for the ability of microalgae to produce larger quantities of oil per unit area of land as compared to terrestrial oilseed crops (13). Figure 2 illustrates the biosynthetic pathway by which lipids are created. Long chain fatty acids are synthesized from acetyl CoA, malonyl CoA, and NADPH. As fatty acid biosynthesis proceeds, a repeated series of reactions incorporates acetyl groups of acetyl-CoA into an acyl group that is 16 to 18 carbons long. The enzymes that are involved in this reaction are acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) and fatty acid synthase (FAS). Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) then catalyzes the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA. This is the committed step in the production of lipids. The name fatty acid synthase is used to refer to a complex of a number of different enzymes that catalyze the conversion of acetyl-CoA and malonyl- CoA into 16:0 and 18:0 fatty acids (14).

Figure 2. Fatty Acid Synthesis (14)

Botrycococcus braunii which is a green, colonial microalgae has been found to produce unusual hydrocarbons and ether lipids. These hydrocarbons are classified as n-alkadienes and trienes, triterpenoid botrycococcenes and methylated squalenes, as well as a tetraterpenoid, lycopadiene. In addition to these compounds and classic lipids like fatty acids, glycerolipids, and sterols, these algae synthesize several ether lipids closely related to hydrocarbons (14). Algae are of great interest in the production of biofuels due to the fact that a number of species of freshwater and marine algae contain large amounts of high quality polyunsaturated fatty acids which can be produced for aquaculture operations. Algae can grow heterotrophically on cheap organic substrates, without light, and under wellcontrolled cultivation conditions. Several strategies are important when determining ways to increase the use of algae for commercial production of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the near future. These include continued selection and screening of oleaginous species, improvement of strains using genetic engineering, optimization of the culture conditions, and the development of efficient cultivation systems. It is also important to determine whether the polyunsaturated fatty acids are located within the membrane lipids, or in the cytosol (15). Algae can produce a large number of different types of lipids which include but are not limited to, neutral lipids, polar lipids, were esters, sterols, and hydrocarbons, as well as prenyl derivatives such as tocopherols, carotenoids, terpenes, quinones, and phytylated pyrrole derivatives like chlorophylls (16). When algae are grown under optimal conditions, they synthesize fatty acids principally for esterification into glycerol based membrane lipids which make up about 520% of their dry cell weight (DCW). Fatty acids include medium (C10-14), long chain (C16-18) and very long chain (>C20) fatty acid derivatives. The major components of the membrane glycerolipids are different kinds of fatty acids that are polyunsaturated and are derived through aerobic desaturation and chain elongation from the precursor fatty acids palmitic and oleic acids (16). When there are unfavorable environmental or stress conditions for growth, many algae change their lipid biosynthetic pathways toward the formation and accumulation of neutral lipids (20-50% DCW), mainly in the form of triacylglycerol (TAG). TAGs,

unlike the glycerolipids found in membranes, do not perform a structural role but instead serve mainly as a storage form of carbon and energy. There is evidence that suggests that in algae, the TAG biosynthesis pathway may play a more active role in the stress response, in addition to functioning as carbon and energy storage under environmental stress conditions. After being synthesized, TAGS are deposited in densely packed lipid bodies that are located in the cytoplasm of algal cells (16).

Potential Advantages and Challenges of Algae as Feedstocks for Biofuels

Many algal species have been found to grow rapidly and produce large amounts of TAG. In light of this fact, it has been postulated that algae could be employed as cell factories to produce oils and other lipids for biofuels and other biomaterials. There are a number of potential advantages of algae as feedstocks. Algae can synthesize and accumulate large quantities of neutral lipids. The growth rate of algal species is very high. Some species have 1-3 doublings per day. Algae thrive in saline/brackish water/coastal seawater for which there are few competing demands. Land that is not suitable for conventional agriculture can be used to grow algal species. Algae utilize growth nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus from a number of wastewater sources which also provides the benefit of wastewater bio-remediation. Algae can sequester CO2 from flue gases that are emitted from fossil fuel fired power plants and other sources which reduce the emission of a major greenhouse gas. Other by-products including biopolymers, proteins, polysaccharides, pigments, animal feed, fertilizer and H2 are value added co-products or by-products that are produced from the growth of algae. Algae can also grow throughout the year with an annual biomass productivity that surpasses that of terrestrial plants by about tenfold (16). Based on the photosynthetic efficiency and the growth potential for algae, theoretical calculations indicate that an annual oil production of about 200 barrels of algal oil per hectare of land may be achievable from mass algal cultures. Unfortunately, production of biofuel from algae has not proceeded beyond the small laboratory or field testing stage due to the fact that the lipid yields obtained from algal mass culture efforts have, to date, performed at around 10-20 times lower than the theoretical maximum..

This fact has historically made algal oil production technology prohibitively expensive (16). In order for algae to be a viable source for biofuel on a commercial scale, many fundamental biological questions relating to the biosynthesis and regulation of fatty acids and TAG in algae need to be answered. It is important that physiological and genetic manipulations of growth and lipid metabolism must be implementable, and critical engineering breakthroughs related to algal mass culture and downstream processing are needed (16).

Conversion of Lipids to Biofuel

Biodiesel which is produced by the trans-esterification, shown in figure 3, of triglycerides with methanol produces the corresponding mono-alkyl fatty acid esters. This biodiesel is an alternative to petroleum based diesel fuel. The properties of biodiesel are mainly determined by the structure of the fatty acid esters that are present. The most important characteristics include the ignition quality, how it flows in the cold, and its oxidative stability. Saturation and the fatty acid makeup do not appear to have much of an impact on the production of biodiesel by the trans-esterification process; they do have an effect on the properties of the fuel product. It is interesting to note that saturated fats produce a biodiesel with superior oxidative stability and a high ignition quality, but with poor low temperature properties. Biodiesels that are produced using these saturated fats are more likely to gel at ambient temperatures. If the biodiesel is produced from feedstocks that are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the fuel has good cold flow properties, but they are susceptible to oxidation which leads to long term storage problems (16).

Figure 3. Trans-esterification reaction (17)

Factors Affecting Triacylglycerol Accumulation and Fatty Acid Composition

Since the occurrence and the extent to which TAG is produced appears to be species/strain-specific, and is ultimately controlled by the genetic make-up of the organisms, algae produce only small amounts of TAG under optimal condition. Synthesis and accumulation of large amounts of TAG occur when the cell is placed under stress conditions that are imposed by chemical or physical environmental stimuli, either acting individually or in combination. The major chemical stimuli include nutrient starvation, salinity, and growth medium pH. The major physical stimuli include temperature and light intensity. In addition, the age of the culture affects the TAG content and the fatty acid composition (16). Nitrogen limitation is the single most critical nutrient affecting lipid metabolism in algae. A general trend towards the accumulation of lipids in response to nitrogen deficiency has been observed in many species of various algal taxa. Silicon is equally important in the lipid production of diatoms. It has been found that higher levels of TAG are produced in silicon deficient diatoms. Other types of nutrient deficiency that promote lipid accumulation include phosphate limitation and sulfate limitation (16). Temperature has also been found to have a major effect on the fatty acid make-up of algae. It has been found that as temperature decreases there is an increase in unsaturated fatty acids. Likewise, when the temperature is increased there is an increase in saturated fatty acids. Temperature has also been shown to affect the total lipid content in algae. However, no general trend has been established yet (16). Algae that are grown at different light intensities show remarkable changes in their gross chemical composition, pigment content and photosynthetic activity. Usually, low light intensity causes the formation of polar lipids, particularly the membrane polar lipids that are associated with the chloroplast. However, high light intensity causes a decrease in the total polar lipid content with a concomitant increase in the amount of neutral storage lipids, mainly TAGs. The degree of fatty acid saturation can also be altered by the intensity of the light. High light levels alter the fatty acid synthesis to produce more of the saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids that mainly make up

neutral lipids (16).

Role of Algal Genomics and Model Systems in Biofuel Production

Since photosynthetic micro-organisms have the potential to produce 8-24 times more lipids per unit area for biofuel production than the best land plants, these microbes are in the forefront as future biodiesel producers. The nuclear genomes of only eight microalgae have been sequenced to date. These include C. reinhardtii, Volvox carteri, Cyanidioschizon merolae, Osteococcus lucimarinus, and Osteococcus tauris, Aureococcus annophageferrens, P. tricornutum, and T. pseudonana. C. reinhardtii is the only organism with extensive genomic, biological, and physiological data. For these reasons, Chlamydomonas has become a model eukaryote microbe for the study of many processes, including photosynthesis, phototaxis, flagellar function, nutrient acquisition, and the biosynthesis and functions of lipids (16). Genome sequence and biochemical studies have indicated that Chlamydomonas is an ideal algal species for use as a source to produce biofuels. Chlamydomonas has an extensive network of diverse metabolic pathways that can be manipulated using genetic engineering as well as nutrient stress. The advantage of C. reinhardtii comes from the fact that it can grow either photo-, mixo-, or heterotrophically while maintaining the ability to perform photosynthesis. This allows researchers to study photosynthetic mutations that are lethal in other organisms. It is interesting to note that C. reinhardtii spends most of its life cycle as a haploid organism of either mating type + or -. This is an advantage because it can be genetically engineered and single genotypes can easily be generated. It is also feasible to genetically engineer C. reinhardtii to artificially overexpress fatty acids in order to increase the biofuel production (16).

Harvesting & Extraction of Algal Oil from Microalgae

Concentration of high density algal cultures is typically carried out by concentrating the culture using either chemical flocculation or centrifugation. Chemicals such as aluminum sulfate or iron (III) chloride are added to cause the cells to coagulate and precipitate to the bottom or float to the surface. Then the algal biomass is recovered by removing the supernatant or skimming the cells off the surface. Once this process has taken place, the coagulated algae are no longer suitable as food for filter feeders due to the increase in the particle size (18). A cream separator is then used to centrifuge large volumes of the algal culture. The type of algae being cultured determines the flow rate and the rate of centrifugation. The cells are removed from the centrifuge and reconstituted in a small amount of water. This suspension can be stored for 1 2 weeks in the refrigerator. The sample can also be frozen, but it must be treated with glucose or dimethylsulfoxide. These chemicals act as cryoprotective agents to maintain the integrity of the cells during the freezing process (18). Mechanical methods for the extraction of oil from algae include the expression/expeller press and ultrasonic assisted extraction. When the expression/expeller press is used, the algae are dried and the oil is pressed out with an oil press. With ultrasonic assisted extraction, ultrasonic waves are used to create cavitation bubbles in the solvent material. As these bubbles collapse near the cell walls shock waves and liquid jets are created that cause the cell walls to break and release the contents of the cell into the solvent. The simplest method for extraction is mechanical crushing. Due to the different characteristics of algal strains, a number of different types of press configurations including screw, expeller, and piston are used. In some cases, chemical extraction methods are combined with mechanical crushing (19). Organic solvents can be used to chemically extract the oil. Solvents that are commonly used include benzene, ether and hexane. These chemicals are hazardous and must be treated with care. The hexane solvent extraction method can be used alone or in conjunction with the oil press/expeller method. After the oil has been extracted from the

algae using the expeller, the remaining pulp is then mixed with hexane in order to remove any remaining oil. The hexane and oil are then separated by the use of a distillation apparatus. When these two methods are combined, more than 95% of the total oil present in the algae is extracted. Another method called soxhlet extraction uses hexane or petroleum ether to remove the oils through a process of repeated washing in special glassware. Another chemical method called supercritical fluid extraction uses liquefied CO2 under pressure. The CO2 is heated to the point at which it has the properties of both a liquid and a gas; this liquefied fluid then acts as a solvent in extraction in the oil (20).

Future of Algal Feedstock Based Biofuels

In order to better understand and manipulate algae for the production of biofuels, it is important to undertake research to further elucidate the biosynthesis of algal lipids in particular TAGs. It is clear that algae can provide the natural raw materials in the form of lipid rich feedstock, but it is important to better understand the details of lipid metabolism in order to effectively manipulate the process physiologically and genetically. To date funding has been an issue for full scale development of algae based biofuel technology. In order to fully exploit the potential of algae as a source for biofuels, it is necessary to pioneer new engineering innovations and breakthroughs in algal mass culture as well as downstream processing. However the most important issue is the need for research on the fundamental biological questions that are related to the regulation of lipid metabolism (16). There are several biological challenges and opportunities. At the biochemical level, it is important to understand the synthetic pathways in algae that are responsible for the production of fatty acid and TAG. In addition, it is important to understand how algal cells control the flux of photosynthetically fixed carbon and its partitioning into different groups of major macromolecules. It is also necessary to understand the relationship between the cell cycle and TAG accumulation. The isolation and characterization of algae from unique aquatic environments is also necessary in order to provide insights into

the unique mechanisms that algae possess for more efficient lipid production. Metabolic engineering through the use of genetic manipulation should be undertaken in order to optimize the production of algal oils. Large scale culture systems must be designed in order to allow for the maximum yield of lipids from algal strains. Ways to reduce the cost and energy consumption associated with the processing of algal biomass must also be explored. Methods for efficient lipid extraction from algal biomass must be designed in order to make the process feasible (16).

Current Status
Valcent has developed the vertical algae technology (VAT) technology that mass produces algae oil that is suitable for refining into biodiesel. Valcent has commissioned a commercial scale bioreactor pilot project in El Paso, Texas. The VAT bioreactor system can be deployed on non-arable land. Since VAT is a closed circuit process, much less water is needed as compared to an open pond system. In addition, the system does not have large labor costs and does not use fossil fuel burning equipment (21). Solix Biofuels which was founded in 2006 is in the process of developing reactors for the growth of microalgae. The technology has the potential to be useful for closed circle recycling of carbon dioxide emissions from power stations (22). Another company, PetroSun BioFuels, a subsidiary of the oil company PetroSun, has launched a program that grows algae in open saltwater ponds that cover 1100 acres in Rio Hondo, Texas. The aim of the project which was launched in April 2008 is to produce 4.4 million gallons of algal oil per year (22). Chevron has agreed to collaborate with the Department of Energys National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in order to explore the possible production of biofuels from algae. In addition, Shell has partnered with HR Biopetroleum in an exploratory project. HR Biopetroleum currently grows algae in ponds on the coast of Hawaii (22). A Los Angeles company, OriginOil, is working to develop a large scale reactor to produce biofuel from algae or to consume carbon dioxide emission. Important issues in

the cultivation of the algae for oil production are a calm fluid setting, an evenly distributed light source, and an efficient method to breakdown the cell wall of the algae in order to extract the oil. The companys Helix BioReactor is a system designed to grow algae. It has a rotating vertical shaft with low energy light bars set in a spiral pattern to provide the algae multiple growth layers. Another patented technology that is called quantum fracturing provides carbon dioxide and other nutrients to the algae through the bioreactor by micron sized bubbles. The advantage of this system is that it creates a quick and even distribution while keeping the waters calm. The goal of the company is to create a modular, scalable reactor system for the production of algae (23). In the July 20, 2009 issue of Chemical and Engineering News it was reported that ExxonMobil is investing as much as $600 million to partner with Synthetic Genomics Inc. (SGI) in the development of algae derived biofuels. J. Craig Venter, a well known pioneer in genomics research, is cofounder of SGI (26). The money invested by ExxonMobil will be spent over a period of five to six years on research and development. It is interesting to note that there are still many issues yet to be decided. The specific organism that will be used has not yet been decided. In addition, the use of open ponds or closed bioreactors for the growth of the algae has not been determined (24). Figure 4 shows an artists rendition of an algae farm.

Figure 4. Artists rendition of algae biofuel farm (27).

Enhancement of Economic Feasibility of Biofuels from Microalgae

As shown in table 4, there are a number of high value bioproducts that can be extracted from microalgae. One possible method to increase the economical feasibility of microalgal biofuel production is to coproduce high value products along with the biofuel. This would conceptually involve sequentially cultivating microalgae in a farming facility to mitigate CO2 levels, then extracting bioreactive products from the harvested algal biomass, thermally processing the biomass, extracting high value chemicals, and then processing the biofuel for different applications. This has the potential to significantly enhance the cost effectiveness of microalgal biofuel production (25).

Table 4. Some High-Value Bioproducts Extracted from Microalgae Product group Phycobiliproteins carotenoids Applications Pigments, cosmetics, pro vitamins, pigmentation Examples (producer) Phycocyanin (Spirulina platensis) carotene (Dunaliella salina) astaxanthin and leutin (Haematococcus pluvialis) Eicosapentaenoic acid EPA) (Chlorella minutissima) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (Schizochytrium sp.) Arachidonic acid (AA) (Parietochlorisincise) Biotin (Euglena gracilis) -tocopherol (Vitamin E) (Euglena gracilisa) ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) (Prototheca moriformis, a Chlorella spp. a) (25)

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)

Food additive, nutraceutics



a Heterotrophic growth.

Bio-oil and Bio-syngas

When any type of biomass is processed under conditions of high temperature in the absence of oxygen, the products that are produced are found in three phases the vapor phase, the liquid phase, and the solid phase. Bio-oil is a complex mixture of the liquid phase. It has been found that the overall energy to biomass ratio of a well controlled pyrolytic process could produce up to 95.5% bio oils and syngas (25). Syngas is an abbreviation for synthesis gas. This gas is produced form the gasification of a carbon containing fuel to a gaseous produce that has some heating value (28). It has been shown that bio-oils are suitable for powering external combustion and internal combustion engines or for use by co-firing with fossil diesel or natural gas. Unfortunately, bio-oils have several undesirable features like a high oxygen content, low heat content, high viscosity at low temperature, and chemical instability. Research to overcome these obstacles is ongoing. Work by a group in China has shown that hydrogen can be reliably produced by steam-reforming bio-oil. It has also been determined that microalgal biomass produces a higher quality bio-oil than biomass from other sources (25).

Hydrogen from Algae

Hydrogen is another possible fuel source that has been considered as an alternative to gasoline. The advantage of hydrogen is that water is the only by-product of the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen, but the difficulty has been finding a viable source of hydrogen. One possible source is the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which is found around the world as green pond scum. This alga has the potential to produce large amounts of hydrogen because it can directly split water into hydrogen and oxygen using the enzyme, hydrogenase. It is thought that this alga evolved to take advantage of very different environments. In an aerobic environment with plenty of sunlight, the alga undergoes photosynthesis. However If the alga is forced to live in an anaerobic environment or is deprived of an essential nutrient like sulfur, it switches to another mechanism of metabolism and produces hydrogen instead (9, 25)

Scientists have discovered that when the algae are deprived of essential sulfate salts, they no longer maintain the protein complex necessary for the production of oxygen photosynthetically and instead switch to the hydrogen-producing metabolic pathway. However, there are problems that must be resolved before large amounts of hydrogen can be produced. The alga cannot grow in a sulfur deprived condition for very long before it needs to revert to the oxygen producing mode. It has been reported that the algae can grow for 4 days before it needs to return to normal metabolic pathways. During the period of sulfate deprivation, the algae were found to produce 1.23 x 10-4 moles of hydrogen for every liter of growing medium at a temperature of 25oC and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (9). The optimal growth temperature for most species of algae is between 20oC to 30oC (29). Much more work is necessary in order to make algae a viable method for the production of hydrogen.


Microalgal farming has the potential to be combined with flue gas CO2 mitigation and wastewater treatment. It can also use seawater as a medium when marine microalgal species are utilized which mitigates the problem of freshwater shortages. In addition, there is much potential for cost savings when the production of novel products for use in medicine, food, and cosmetics are coupled with the production of biofuels (25). Technological developments which include advances in photobioreactor design, microalgal biomass harvesting, drying and other downstream processing technologies are important areas that need to be addressed in order to effectively implement the use of biofuel from algae as a replacement for fossil fuels. In light of the fact that microalgae are the most efficient primary producers of biomass, it is very likely that they will eventually become one of the most important alternative energy sources (25).

References: 1. 2. Huber, G.W., Dale, B.E., Biofuels: Grassoline at the Pump. Sci American. 2009. 301(1). 52.-59.

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