Mechanical Operations 1

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1. Which of the following is a coarse crusher? a) Dire crusher b) Conical crusher c) Single roll crusher d) Jaw crusher 2. Which of the following is a fine crusher ? a) Hammer mill b) Edge runner mill c) Pin mill d) Tube mill 3. Which of the following is not a coarse crusher ? a) Blake jaw crusher b) Disc crusher c) Dodge jaw crusher d) Gyratory crusher 4. The size of feed to a fine crusher is a) 60 to 1 inch b) 2 to inch c) to 1/8 inch d) less than 1/8 inch 5. 6. Force responsible for size reduction in a hammer mill is predominantly a) Impact b) Shear c) Compressive d) none of the above 7. Names of a variety of size reduction equipment are given below. Classify them as coarse crushers, intermediate crushers and fine crushers. Crushing rolls Dodge jaw crusher Disc crusher Griffin mill Ball mill Raymond mill Tube mill Ring roller mill Blake jaw crusher Conical crusher Pin mill Edge runner mill Hammer mill Buhrstone mill Roller mill Gyratory crusher Centrifugal ball mill 7. A broad classification of the size reduction equipment and a test of sizes of the materials fed into different equipment are given below. Selected the proper equipment feed size combination. Equipment Feed size Coarse crushers 0.2 mm Intermediate crushers 5 to 2 mm Fine crushers 50 to 5 mm Colloid mills 1500 to 40 mm 9. In Blake jaw crusher, the angle between the jaws is usually

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a) 50 b) 150 c) 300 e) 900 10. Length to diameter ratio of a ball mill is usually around a) 0.25 b) 1 1.5 b) 10 d) 100 11.Length to diameter ratio of a tube mill is usually around a) 1 or 2 : 10 b) 3 or 4 : 1 c) 400 or 500 : 1 d) 1000 or 2000 : 1 12. The characteristics of a ball mill and a tube mill are similar. Now, under otherwise uniform conditions (identical feed size, feed flow rate, etc.) a tube mill will produce a) a finer product b) a coarser product c) a product of the same size as that produced by a ball mill d) a product the size of which can not be even roughly predicted. 13. The Hardinge mill is basically a a) Jaw crusher b) Roll crusher c) Ball mill d) Colloid mill 14. Let R : Radius of ball mill; r : radius of particle. The critical speed of a ball mill is given by the expression

15. When a ball mill rotates at a speed higher than the critical speed, its efficiency is a) maximum b) minimum c) optimum d) none of these 16. Ball mills take feed upto about a) 1 mm in size b) 50 mm in size c) 500 mm in size d) 1400 mm in size 17. Conventional ball mills are now being replaced by a new type of ball mill which is vibrated instead of being rotated and the rate of passage of material is controlled by the slope of the mill. Now, increase in the slope of the mill. a) Decreases the capacity of the plant and Decreases the product size b) Increases the capacity of the plant but decreases the product size but c) Increases the capacity of the plant and Increases the product size e) Increases the capacity of the plant and decreases the product size 18. As the product size from a ball mill decreases, a) the capacity and power requirement of the mill increase b) the capacity increases, but the power requirement decreases c) the capacity and power requirement of the mill decrease d) the capacity decreases, but the power requirement increases 19. Force responsible for size reduction in a smooth roll crusher is predominantly a) compressive b) impact

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c) shear d) none of these 20. Force/Forces responsible for size reduction in a toothed-roll crusher is/are a) impact b) shear c) compressive d) a combination of all (a), (b), (c) 21. Select the correct size reduction equipment predominant force responsible for size reduction combination from the following lists : Equipment Force (s) responsible for size reduction Gyratory crusher Impact Edge runner mill Shear Fluid energy mill Tensile Pin disc mill Compression 22. A bread classification of the different size reduction equipment and a list of product sizes obtained from the different equipment are given below. Select the proper equipment product size combination. a) coarse crushers 0.01 cm b) intermediate crushers 5 to 0.5 cm c) fine crushers 0.01 microns d) colloid mills 0.5 to 0.01 cm 23. The energy consumed by a crusher under conditions of choke feeding is a) more than that in free crushing b) less than that in free crushing c) equal to that in free crushing 24. If size reduction is to be accomplished by passing the material only once through the crusher, a) free crushing is a better choice b) choke feeding is a better choice c) both free crushing and choke feeding are equally useful d) none of these 25. Under otherwise uniform conditions, size reduction ratio obtained in a ball mill a) is greater than that obtained in a jaw crusher b) is smaller than that obtained in a jaw crusher c) is equal to that obtained in a jaw crusher d) cannot be predicted, more information required 26. Grinding can be carried out either wet or dry. Now, power consumption in wet grinding is a) more than that in dry grinding and plant capacity is increased b) less than that in dry grinding and plant capacity is reduced c) equal to that in dry grinding and plant capacity remains almost unchanged d) less than that in dry grinding and plant capacity is increased 27. Which of the following statements about the advantages of wet grinding over dry grinding is/are incorrect ? a) amounts of fines produced by wet grinding is less than that produced by dry grinding b) removal of product is easier c) dust formation is eliminated d) plant capacity is reduced 28. In a ball mill, the optimum diameter of the balls used for grinding is approximately proportional to

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a) the feed size b) the square of the feed size c) the square root of the feed size d) none of the above 29. Optimum grinding conditions in a ball mill usually occur when the bulk volume of the balls is around a) 10% of the volume of the mill b) 50% of the volume of the mill c) 90% of the volume of the mill d) none of the above 30. Which of the following statements about the superiority of a Hardinge mill to a ball mill of similar size is/are incorrect ? a) Hardinge mill consumes less power b) It produces a finer product c) its capacity is larger d) Optimum speed of the mill can easily be fixed up 31. Standard screens always have a) rectangular apertures b) triangular apertures c) square apertures d) circular apertures 32. A 100 mesh screen means a) there are 100 apertures per inch b) each aperture of the screen has a diameter of 1/100 inch c) each aperture has a diameter of 1/100 cm d) none of the above 33. In the context of separation of particles by screening two terms are important : screen effectiveness and screen capacity. An increase in screen capacity a) results in an increase in screen effectiveness b) results in a reduction in screen effectiveness c) does not alter the screen effectiveness at all d) may alter the screen effectiveness marginally 34. For size reduction of a large plastic sheet into small units of fixed dimensions, which equipment is the most useful ? a) jaw crusher b) roll crusher c) rod mill d) rotary knife cutter 35. For a particle (coefficient of friction = ) to be crushed by a smooth roll crusher (angle of nip = L), which of the following relationships has to be satisfied ? -1 -1

a) 2 tan

b) tan

c) 2 tan-1

d) 2 tan-1

36. Crushing efficiency is the ratio of a) surface energy created by crushing to energy absorbed by the solid b) energy absorbed by the solid to that fed to the machine c) energy fed to the machine to surface energy created by the machine d) energy absorbed by the solid to surface energy created by machine 37. Which of the following is a possible value of the angle of nip of a roll crusher ? a) 50 b) 200 c) 500 d) 750 38. Crushing efficiencies are usually around a) 0.1 to 2% b) 10 to 20%

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c) 50 to 60% d) 80 to 90% 39. Bond crushing law states that the work required to produce particles of diameter Dp from very large fed is a) proportional to the surface to volume ratio of the feed b) proportional to the surface to volume ratio of the product c) proportional to the square-root of the surfacetovolume ratio of the feed d) proportional to the square-root of the surfacetovolume ratio of the product 40. Size reduction in a gyratory crusher is effected primarily by a) impact b) shear c) compression d) attrition 41. Work index is defined as (a) The gross energy in kWh per ton of feed needed to reduce a very large feed to such a size that 80% of the product passes a 100 Mm screen. (b) The gross energy in kWh per kg of feed needed to reduce a particle of 0.5 m dia to such a size that 80% of the product passes a 100 Mm screen. (c) The gross energy in kWh per ton of product needed to reduce a very large feed to a product size of 0.01 m. (d) None of the above. 42. According to Rittingers law, crushing efficiency a) depends on the feed size b) depends on the product size c) depends on both feed and product sizes d) is constant and for a particular machine and feed material, is independent of the feed and product sizes. 43. The sphericity,

s, is defined by the relation

44. For spheres and cubes, sphericity is equal to one. For a cylinder whose length is equal to diameter, sphericity is equal to a) 0.28 b) 0.65 c) 0.73 d) 1.0 45. There is a sample of spheres of a material; the diameter of each sphere is 1 mm. For this sample, a) sauter mean diameter > arithmetic mean diameter b) sauter mean diameter < mass mean diameter c) arithmetic mean diameter > mass mean diameter d) none of the above, All dia are equal 46. In constant pressure filtration, a) the filtrate flow rate is maximum at the start and decreases continuously to the end b) the filtrate flow rate is minimum at the start and increases continuously to the end c) the filtrate flow rate is constant throughout,

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d) increases slowly to a constant value 47. At the beginning of filtration, the cake resistance is a) maximum, b) optimum c) minimum and greater than zero d) zero 48. A rotary drum filter is a) a continuous vacuum filter b) a discontinuous pressure filter c) a continuous pressure filter d) none of the above 49. The thickness of cakes formed on industrial rotary vacuum filters is usually between a) 0.5 and 2 mm b) 3.2 and 38 mm c) 80 and 100 mm d) 200 and 400 mm 50. Filter aids are added to the slurry prior to filtration in order to form a) compact cakes of low porosity b) cakes of increased porosity c) crystalline cakes d) none of the above ;

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