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Rahul Pancholi 09001012

Experiment No- 6
SBHS1: Identification of transfer function of a Single Board Heater System through step response experiments

AIM 1. To perform step test on a single board heater system. 2. To identify system transfer function using step response data.

Apparatus The setup consists of a heater assembly, fan, temperature sensor, microcontroller and associated circuitry. Heater assembly consists of an iron date placed at a distance of about 3 5 mm from the nichrome coil. A 12 V fan positioned below this heater assembly is meant for cooing the assembly. The temperature sensed by the temperature sensor, AD 590, after suitable processing, is fed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller is the heart of the setup. It provides an interface between the process and the computer. The LCD display mounted above the microcontroller displays the heated plate temperature, heater and fan inputs and also the commands communicated via serial port. We have used Scilab and Scicos as an interface for sending and receiving data. Heater current and fan speed are the two inputs for this system. They are given in PWM units. These inputs can be varied by setting the properties of input block's properties in scicos. The plots of their amplitude versus time are also available on the scope windows. The output temperature profile, as read by the sensor is also plotted. The data acquired in the process is stored on the local drive and is available to the user for further calculations.

Procedure 1. Connect the SBHS to an electrical point and to a PC having SCILAB. 2. Serial Port initialization: Find the Port Location: Right click on My Computer -->Properties --> Hardware --> Device Manager -->Ports (COM&LPT) --> Serial Port (Ex. C0M3). Editor Window --> File Menu --> Open ser_init.sce (of the directory steptest). Make sure the correct port location is mentioned in the above file, ser_init.sce, at the place mentioned in the followIng statement in the above (bold, underlined).

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

Com_ config = tlist(*Config'; port; 'baudrate; 'nbits; 'parity; 'stopbits; 'protocol+, 7,9600,8,0,0,0);

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Execute Menu --> Load Into Scilab. Open and load (Execute Menu) the file open_loop.sce in the directory step test. Go to SCILAB Editor --> Applications --> Scicos. In the Scicos --> Diagram Menu --> Load --> step test (step test file in the directory step test). Mention the value of Fan speed and Heater input in the corresponding block. Go to Simulate --> run. The data are stored in the file mentioned in the block: write to output file in SICOS application window. Apply a step change of 10 PWM units as an input keeping fan speed constant. Let the Steady state be arrived. Apply another step change of 10 PWM units as an input keeping fan speed constant. Let the steady stale be arrived. Assigning the data: the first column refers to Time, second-Heaters, third-Fan and fourthTemperature. Data for first step. Plot the graph of the Temperature Vs time for experimental and predicted runs. Compute the value of steady state gain, K and the time constant Tau from the plot of T Vs time plot. Quantity the experimental-model mismatch error:

% Error =

17. Make all the calculations in a File with the name: SBHS1, 18. When I run the file, it should be able to generate two plots a) Plot 1: experimental Vs Predicted for step Change 1 b) Plot2: experimental Vs Predicted for step change 2 c) It should print the % error for both the step changes 19. Save the SBHS1 and plot1 and plot2 in a folder name with your group name. 20. Save this folder on Desktop-->SBHS4-->SBHS1

Theory Consider the system to be first order: G(s) = We try to fit a first order transfer function of the form to the single board heater system. Because the transfer functions approach uses deviational variables, G(s) denotes the Laplace transform, of the gain of the system between the change in heater current and the change in the system temperature. Let the change in the heater current be denoted by u. We denote both the time

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

domain and the Laplace transform variable by the same lower case variable Let the change in temperature be denoted by y. Suppose that the current changes by a step of size u. Then, we obtain the following relation between the current and the temperature.

y(s) = G(s) u(s)

y(s) =

Note that u is the height of the step and hence is a constant. On inversion, we obtain

y = K [1- e-t/+ u
In discrete form:

+ y = Ku

+ yk = Kuk

yk+1 = (1

) yk +

If the experimental setup follows the first order dynamics then the fitted data will have very less deviation from experimental value. We will have 3 different sets of ( K and ) for three different step changes * 15, 20, 25 + of heater input.

Calculations 1. Calculate Tau and final value from the plotted graph and run the same scilab code with these values. Tau is the time taken by the system to reach 63.2% of final value. 2. Obtain steady slate gain, K = 3. Compute the predicted values of T Vs. time using K and Tau. 4. Plot T vs. time for experimental and predicted results.

Rahul Pancholi 09001012


For 1st Step Change

36 35.5 Temperature (C) 35 34.5 34 33.5 33 70 100 130 160 190 220 250 280 310 340 Time (sec)

For 2nd Step Change

38.5 38 37.5 Temperature (C) 37 36.5 36 35.5 35 310 340 370 400 430 460 490 520 550 580 Time (sec)

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

For 3rd Step Change

41.5 41 40.5 Temperature (C) 40 39.5 39 38.5 38 37.5 570 600 630 660 690 720 750 780 810 840 Time (sec)

Results and Conclusions 1- Values of K and Tau are after each step change is K 0.5 0.66 0.64 Tau(sec) 71.6 59.2 59.2

2- Predicted values and observed values by first order dynamics are very close, which indicates the first order dynamics of the experimental setup. 3- The heating board system has controlled variable of temperature, manipulated variable as heater input and disturbance as fan input. 4- Values of K are also adjacent to each other proving the homogeneity of experiment.

Sources of error
1- Readings should be given enough time to stabilize and reach steady state. 2- The values at steady state fluctuate because of the varying speed of air conditioner.

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