The Things in Which It Is Impossible For God To Lie (New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures Compared With The Kingdom Interlinear of The Greek Scriptures 1969 & 1985) by Ruthello P. Teng

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The Jehovahs Witnesses

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

Compared with

Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys
The Kingdom Interlinear Translation
of the Greek Scriptures
1969 & 1985 Editions

Ruthello Teng


The cover of this book is the pyramid of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society where the late great founder of the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society, Charles Taze Russell was buried at the Great Masonic Center Cemetery in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. He died in a train on board,
31th of October 1916. The Masonic Great Cross and Crown at the center of his tomb stone was used as the Watchtowers insignia during C.T.
Russell and J.F. Rutherfords lifetime in the Watchtower administration. Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd degree freemason.

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

Compared with

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation
of the Greek Scriptures
1969 & 1985 Editions

A Practical Study Course


All Christian Workers


Ruthello Teng

The purpose of this Book is to examine the
Theology of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

For private circulation only


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New Edition

***Note: All of the photocopied or facsimile documents are copied from the original sources for proofs to support the topics in
the given subject.
The Jehovahs Witnesses
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
Compared with
Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys
The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures 1969 Edition
Ruthello Teng

This article is for the truth-seekers who are searching the Word of Truth provided with the warnings, which we are being warn
against the dangers of the erroneous doctrines influenced by the theologians. I am a researcher and not a theologian, I neither
influence the reader from my own spiritual belief nor the facts in this article manipulated. In fact, I am giving the reader of some
good facts, which I do have, these all; actually, I have eleven different bible versions plus the LXX (Septuagint) pri nted
copies, three interlinear translations, two Hebrew and Greek concordance, etc. This book provides us to show photo-
scanned or facsimile documents and statements copied from the original sources for proofing to support the topics in the given
subject. I myself write as truth-seeker and not being bias of any statements. For example, from the Textus Receptus or the
Received Text, the source of the Authorized King James version which translated by Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch humanist
and theologian who was the leading Renaissance scholar of northern Europe; (although his criticisms of the Roman Catholic
Church led to the Reformation, he opposed violence and condemned Martin Luther [1466-1536]) who added the passage in
KJV 1John 5:7 states:

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are

The above passage is not available in all Koine Greek manuscripts but the Roman Catholic theologians in the Vatican
influenced it to be part of the scriptures.

What Happened to the Watchtower Societys Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures?
I wonder why this interlinear above, published by the Watchtower in two editions, 1969 and 1985, has been taken out of
circulation by the Watchtower. I also stated that, if that is the case, it is not surprising: their Kingdom Interlinear Translation
provided an immediate way for readers to check the right hand column, the Watchtowers New World Translation (NWT),
against the left hand column, the Westcott and Hort Greek, with direct English underneath.

The Watchtower says on page 5 of the 1985 edition of the KIT:

Sincere seekers for eternal, life-giving truth desire an accurate understanding of the faith-inspiring Greek Scriptures,
an understanding that is fortified by the knowledge of what the original language says and means. The purpose
behind the publishing of The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures is to aid such seekers of truth
and life. Its literal interlinear English translation is especially designed to open up to the student of the Sacred
Scriptures what the original Koine Greek basically or literally says.

Examining the Jehovahs Witnesses New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

We know how the manuscripts criticized its credibility and assured by most experts. Before we are going to put our trust in the
words from the scriptures, we must verify the book or the bible version itself before we draw a conclusion if it is credible or not.
How are going to identify the credibility of the book? There are some steps on how to check the book whether it is credible or
not, we will scrutinize the book by this process:

a. The interpretation of the manuscripts
b. The translations of the manuscripts
c. The translators
d. The publication of the book
e. Concordance of the words, an interlinear agreement of the words from the original source

We are now going to read the statements from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society:

All scripture is inspired of God. These words of 2 Timothy 3:16 identify God, whose name is Jehovah, as the Author
and Inspirer of the Holy Scriptures. How satisfyingly delightful the inspired Scriptures are! What an amazing fund of
true knowledge they provide! They are indeed the very knowledge of God that has been sought after and treasured
by lovers of righteousness in all ages Proverbs 2:5.
All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial, p7.

The above statement comes from a textbook written by anonymous authors of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the
official corporation of the Jehovahs Witnesses. Most evangelical Christians would read it and find little or nothing to dispute
about it. Indeed, Christians historically have affirmed the full inspiration and authority of the 66 books comprising the
Protestant Bible.

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society agree:

The sacred Scriptures, as a collection from Genesis to Revelation, form one complete Book, one complete library, all
inspired by the one supreme AuthorThe sixty-six Bible books, all together, form the one library of the Holy
Scriptures (ibid, p11).

Evangelical Christians furthermore affirm the Bible as the authority for believers in all matters of faith and practice. Once again,
the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society assume the same authority for the Bible, in principle:

The Scriptures are Gods incomparable gift to mankind, a storehouse of spiritual treasures whose depth of wisdom is
unfathomable, and whose power for enlightening and stimulating to righteousness exceeds that of all other books
ever written (ibid, p8).

The discerning Christian, however, must ask Is the Jehovahs Witnesses claim of biblical authority accurate? The reality
is that the Jehovahs Witnesses assertion to be entirely biblically based should be questioned at two major points. One is
regarding the Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys interpretation of the Bible, and the other is regarding the Watchtower Bible
and Tract Societys translation of the Bible.

Interpretation of the manuscripts
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society claims that its Governing Body, its highest administrative authority, is the faithful
and discreet slave mentioned in Matthew 24:45 (New World Translation). It considers itself and its publications the only
legitimate channel of directly inspired leadership and the only totally correct interpreters of Scripture in the world today. Thus,
the Governing Body says that only Watchtower Bible and Tract Society literature is reliable and can be trusted to interpret t he
Bible correctly.

Translations of the manuscripts

Christians affirm the inspiration and authority of the Bible. However, the original texts of the biblical books were not writ ten in
English. Biblical authors wrote in Hebrew, Koine Greek, and, in a few instances, Aramaic. Thus, we do not affirm the same
level of inspiration for any translation as we do for the original autographs in their original languages. Translators are obliged to
carefully review the biblical texts in their original languages when doing their work. Translation is a difficult task and there is
rarely universal satisfaction with the final outcome. Revisions and corrections of translations are expected. Only the original
Greek and Hebrew texts are invariable.

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society would probably agree, in principle, to the above statement. However, it is at this very
point that we find one of the most significant differences between the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and nearly every
other Bible-believing movement in the world. In 1950, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society published its own English
version of the New Testament, which was called The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Translations of
various Old Testament books were subsequently released as the New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Finally, in 1961, the entire set of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society translations was published as The New World
Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT). Some revisions have been made since that initial edition, but the New World
Translation essentially remains as it was originally published. Jehovahs Witnesses regard the New World Translation as the
best, if not the only, reliable Bible translation. It is this critical issue that concerns us here: is the New World Translation a truly
reliable rendering of Gods Word? Our contention, in agreement with some of the worlds foremost biblical scholars, is that it is
not. We will now examine several specific reasons why we hold this position.

The Translators: New World Translation Committee

In an article on the NWT, one Watchtower Bible and Tract Society book states that it is:

A translation of the Holy Scriptures made directly from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into modern-day English by a
committee of anointed witnesses of Jehovah
Reasoning from the Scriptures, p276.

One might naturally ask, If that is so, just, who were the translators on the committee who were so qualified to make such an
audacious claim to be anointed? Surprisingly, in the same book, in direct answer to that question, the following statement is

When presenting as a gift the publishing rights to their translation, the New World Bible Translation Committee requested
that its members remain anonymous. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania has honored their
request (Ibid, p277).

The truth is that nowhere in the New World Translation or any Watchtower Bible and Tract Society literature are the names of
the translators revealed; and while it is true that some other Bible translations such as the New International Version (NIV) do
not list their translators in their editions, only the New World Translation and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society will not
send the names to curious inquirers upon written request.

So, do we know who the NWT translators were? The answer is yes, we do know, despite the Watchtower Bible and Tract
Societys refusal to release the names. Raymond Franz is a former member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Governing Body. In his book, Crisis of Conscience, he states that the translation committee consisted of Governing Body
members George Gangas, Albert Schroeder, Fredrick Franz, and then Watchtower Bible and Tract Society President: Nathan

Fred Franz (Raymond Franzs uncle, who later became Watchtower Bible and Tract Society President from 1977-
1992), however, was the only one with sufficient knowledge of the Bible languages to attempt translation of this kind.
He had studied Greek for two years in the University of Cincinnati but was only self-taught in Hebrew
Crisis of Conscience, by Raymond Franz, page 50.

Their complete NWT Bible was published first in 1961, with subsequent revisions published in 1970 and 1984. The
Watchtower was always quite secretive about the composition of their translation committee, claiming that credit should be
given to God and the truth, rather than the translators. In the October 22, 1989 issue of Awake!, the Watchtower Societys
magazine publication, the society recited the words of their founder Charles T. Russell, It is the truth rather than its servant
that should be honored However, former members of the Society revealed the identities of the translation committee
members as Frederick W. Franz, Nathan H. Knorr, George D. Gangas, Albert D. Schroeder, Milton G. Henschel, and Karl

The fact is, none of the members of the NWT committee, including Frederick Franz, were really qualified to make a scholarly
translation from the original languages. No one on the committee had more than a rudimentary familiarity with Greek, Hebrew,
or Aramaic. This lack of expertise is clearly revealed in the poor, biased quality of the NWTs renderings of many key biblical

The Publication: New World Translation

In 1950, the Watchtower Society came out with their own translation of the Bible, the New World Translation. Jehovahs
Witnesses are told that this translation is the most accurate, unbiased translation available. The Society claims that the New
World Translation Committee was made up of highly trained Greek scholars who did their best:

To transmit his [Gods] thoughts and declarations as accurately as possible.

However, when one endeavors to check into the credentials of these translators, one finds that the Society is unwilling to
release this information, stating that the Committee desires that all the glory for this translation go to Jehovah God and
therefore the translators desire to remain anonymous. From The Forward of the 1950 version New World Translation:

"The original writings of the Christian Greek Scriptures, commonly called the New Testament, were inspired. No
translation of these sacred writings into another language is inspired... The Greek text that we have used as a basis
of our NW translation is the widely accepted Westcott & Hort text (1881) by reason of its admitted excellence. But we
have also taken in to consideration other texts including that prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle and that compiled by
the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that by the other Jesuit (Catholic) scholar A. Merk..."
The Jehovahs Witnesses used Jesuits and Roman Catholic manuscripts to aid in the translation of the New World

GREEK TEXT: The Greek Text that we have used as the basis for the New World Translation is the widely accepted
Westcott & Hort text (1881), by reason of its acknowledged excellence. But we have also taken into consideration
other texts, including those prepared by D. Eberhard Nestl, the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover, and
another Jesuit scholar, A Merck. The UBS text of 1875 and the Nestl -Aland text of 1979 were consulted to update
the critical apparatus of this edition". The Foreward, 1950 version New World Translation

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, 1985, page 8:

"In the broad left-hand column of the pages will be found the Greek text edited by B. F. Westcott and F. J. Hort, and
published in 1881."
By Way of Explanation, The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures 1985, pg 5.

In the Foreword of the Kingdom Interlinear of the Greek Scriptures 1969 Edition (February 9, 1950) page 23, by the New
World Translation Committee stated in printed words (left):

This is amazing. All of the original Greek manuscripts have no single transliteration of the (IHVH) Tetragrammaton. Then the
Jehovahs Witnesses are still using the fabricated name Jehovah if the name of God was so important why not use the more
correct one and be known as Yahwehs Witnesses? Why choose the one that has come to us from the Dark Ages and human
traditions? How does then history tell us about their bible translations? What is truth?

Take heed lest there shall be any one that makes spoil of you through his philosophy and vain deceit, after the
traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ Colossians 2:8

The Interlinear Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures: Old Testament

The Watchtower Society teaches that God is a unitary being who created the universe. It states correctly that God revealed
His personal name to Moses in the Old Testament. That name in Hebrew consists of four Hebrew vowels (which Jewish
historian Josephus revealed) called by biblical scholars (Jewish and Christian) as the Tetragrammaton. In Hebrew, it is written
thusly: (note: Hebrew is read from right to left). Many attempts have been made to transliterate the Tetragrammaton in
English and other languages. None are adequate since it is not known exactly how it was originally pronounced.

Most biblical scholars believe that Yahweh is closest to the original pronunciation. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
however, traditionally have maintained that the best English transliteration is rendered Jehovah.

Thus, in the NWT, 6,974 times where the Tetragrammaton appears in the Hebrew text (Old Testament), it renders the name of
God as Jehovah. Most Hebrew scholars find no serious fault with this NWT usage in the Old Testament. Indeed, some older
English translations did likewise, including the American Standard Version (1901). The King James Version translators used
Jehovah in only four instances (see Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4).

They, like most modern translators, preferred to render the Tetragrammaton by the capitalized designation LORD in keeping
with ancient Jewish tradition to avoid pronouncing (or mispronouncing) the sacred name of God. This modern Jewish
interlinear translation (below) shows the name of God through the original Masoretic text. Here, we can read from Exodus 6:2-
3 and says;

And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am Yahweh and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto
Jacob, as God Almighty; but by my name Yahweh I was not known to them.

Here is the Jewish Publication Hebrew-English interlinear translation, read from right to left:
Notice the scriptural bias of NWT in Acts 2:21 compared it to the
Watchtower Societys Kingdom Interlinear Translation 69 where Kuiou
is not transliterated as Jehovah but rather translated into Lord in English
because of the absence of Tetragrammaton in the Greek scriptures.
Acts 2:21 Kingdom Interlinear Translation 1969
Wescott & Hort Koine Greek English Interlinear Translation New World Translation

This passage is sacred to all Christians, Moslems and Jews. Is Jehovah really the original name of God? As the New World
Translation Bible Committee states:

we have retained the form Jehovah because of peoples familiarity with it since 14th Century

The Name of God

A number of names and titles in the Old Testament referred to Almighty God. Jews traditionally say there were seven names.
One of these names was YHWH. The letters YHWH and are named in Hebrew Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh, the Jewish
Encyclopedia states (as of 25 September 2005):

Of the names of God in the Old Testament, that which occurs most frequently (6,823 times) is the so-called
Tetragrammaton, YHWH, the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel. This name is commonly represented in
modern translations by the form Jehovah, which, however, is a philological impossibility.;

The first half of the Tetragrammaton is commonly used as an abbreviation for Gods name and is included in the number of
biblical names. The shorten form of YHWH is Yah. The New World Translation reference Bible states:

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Footnote to Psalm 68:4; "As Jah." BHSftn(Heb.), ki Yah; M(Heb.), be
Yah, "by Jah." Jah is the first half of the Tetragrammaton, YHWH. It occurs 49 times in M distinguished by a point
(mappik) in its second letter and once, in Ca 8:6, without the mappik. TLXXSyVg, "Jehovah." See Ex 15:2 ftn, "Jah";
App 1A.

This is attested to by a number of English biblical references. The word Halleluiah means Praise Yah and shows that YH
was pronounced as Yah. The names Elijah, Isaiah and Jeremiah all end with Yah. On the other hand, Jehoshaphat begins
with the incorrect Jeho in place of Yah. This carries the same inaccuracy as Jehovah. The inaccuracy is due to Masoretic
additions from the ninth century A.D. The correct way to transliterate this name is Yahushafat and is a combination of the
word Yah, with the Hebrew shafat, which means judge. The first letter was Y as the letter J did not exist in the Hebrew
language. The Encyclopedia Americana contains the following on the J:

"The form of J was unknown in any alphabet until the 14th century. Either symbol (J, I) used initially generally had
the consonantal sound of Y as in year. Gradually, the two symbols (J, I) were differentiated, the J usually
acquiring consonantal force and thus becoming regarded as a consonant, and the I becoming a vowel. It was not
until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England."

New International Version: The Making of a Contemporary Translation CHAPTER 9: YHWH Sabaoth: The Lord Almighty
Kenneth L. Barker;

"There is almost universal consensus among scholars today that the sacred Tetragrammaton (YHWH) is to be
vocalized and pronounced Yahweh. Probably the name means literally "He is."

Jews recognize the divine name in modern times as Yahweh. The Jewish Encyclopedia published between 1901 and 1906 by
Funk and Wagnalls includes the divine name as Yahweh when translated into English.

Hebrew personal names have meanings, and many such personal names have throughout time, been linked to the sacred
name Yah or Yahu. The sacred name Yahu has been preserved for modern times, notwithstanding the fact that it has
been almost totally removed from the most bible translations. This Name, through recent archeological discoveries in Israel,
has been found to be part of more Hebrew words and names than were formerly known. There are an untold number of
usages in the Tanach (Old Testament) where the form of the Sacred Name is used as conjunction. In addition, there exists the
testimony of different Hebrew personal names in the bible. Though the scribes intentionally misrepresented the vowel marks
under the Tetragrammaton, they left them intact when two or three of its letters ended a persons name, such as the following
(Remember that Hebrew word is read right to left and notice that you can see the Hebrew word Yahu ):

- Eliyahu (mistakenly transliterated as Elijah) Yahweh is Elohim (Gods)
- Akhazyahu (mistakenly transliterated as Ahaziah) Yahweh has seized
- Tsidqiyah (mistakenly transliterated as Zedekiah) Right of Yahweh
- Zakharyahu (mistakenly transliterated as Zechariah) Yahweh has remembered
- Mattithyah (mistakenly transliterated as Matthew or Mattithjah) Gift of Yahweh
- Netanyah (mistakenly transliterated as Nethaniah) Given of Yahweh
- Yermiyahu (mistakenly transliterated as Jeremiah) Yahweh will rise
- Yaqizkiyahu (mistakenly transliterated as Hezekiah) Strengthened of Yahweh
- Yishayahu (mistakenly transliterated as Isaiah) Yahweh has saved or Yah is Salvation

In addition, the other personal names are composed of Yahu prefix conjunction, such as the following:
- Yahuram (mistakenly transliterated as Jehoram) Yahweh raised
- Yahunatan (mistakenly transliterated as Jonathan) Yahweh given
- Yahuadan (mistakenly transliterated as Jehoaddan) Yahweh pleased
- Yahukin or Yahuyakhin (mistakenly transliterated as Jehoiachin) Yahweh will establish
- Yahuyaqiym (mistakenly transliterated as Jehoiakim) Yahweh will raise
- Yahunadab (mistakenly transliterated as Jehonadab or Jonadab) Yahweh expound
- Yahuakaz (mistakenly transliterated as Jehoahaz) Yahweh seized
- Yahudah (mistakenly transliterated as Judah) Celebrated of Yahweh
- Yahudim (mistakenly transliterated as Jehodite or Jews) the people of Yahudah or
Judahs children
- Yahushafat (mistakenly transliterated as Jehoshaphat) Yahweh judged

The pronunciation of the name of God has been preserved in a number of other languages that do contain vowels. The
Murashu texts were found at Nippur, Babylon and date back to 464 B.C. These were written in Aramaic cuneiform script on
clay tablets. The version of the Old Testament used by Aramaic speaking Assyrians, Syrians and Chaldeans was the Peshitta
text. In the fourth century A.D. vowels were added to the Aramaic text. When they added vowels to names that begin wi th part
of the divine name the result was to start with Yah, such as in Yahushafat. Egyptian hieroglyphics contain written vowels.

In Budges An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary page fifteen shows that the shortened form of YHWH was transliterated as IA
or YA, also supporting that Gods name begins with the sound Yah. Assyrian cuneiform script has been found which had the
divine name spelt with written vowels. A.H. Sayce published Halleys Bible Handbook in 1898. On page sixty two it discusses
three clay cuneiform tablets dating from the time of Hammurabi which contain the phrase (I)ahweh.

Flavius Josephus or Yosef ben Mattithyahu was a Jewish general who led the revolt of the Jews against the Romans; he was
a Jewish historian and then wrote a history of those events (37-100 A.D.). His writings can be used to support the idea that the
sacred name was pronounced Yahweh.

In Jewish Wars, chapter V, Josephus wrote about the Name on Jewish high priests golden crown;

A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, which was tied by a blue ribbon, about which there was another
golden crown, in which was engraved the sacred name of God: it consists of four vowels. However, the high priest did
not wear these garments at other times, but a more plain habit; he only did it when he went into the most sacred part
of the temple, which he did but once in a year, on that day when our custom is for all of us to keep a fast to God.

or iaue contains four vowels, being pronounced as ee-ah-oo-eh, whereas Jehovah only contains three: eoa. In Jesus
time, the Greek transliteration of the divine name was iaoue or iaveh. This supports Yahweh as it was pronounced ee-ah-oo-
eh. In the second century Clement of Alexandria wrote:

The mystic name which is called the Tetragrammaton, by which alone they who had access to the Holy of Holies
were protected, is pronounced iaoue, which means 'who is, and who shall be.

Zechariah 12:10 and the New World Translation

In Zechariah 12:10, God speaks through prophet Zechariah about the time at the very end of the apocalyptic Day of
YHWH when the leaders of Israel will lead the entire nation to repent, accept Jesus as the Messiah, and acknowledge
with great sorrow their rejection and abuse of Him. Read carefully starting with verse 10 to discover exactly whom
Zechariah predicted would be pierced when God told the future about Himself. The next page is the copy of original
Hebrew text of this passage; read from right to left, translated into English word for word without tampered.

It is the very same Masoretic Hebrew text, transmitted down through the ages; letter for letter, which is used by the Jewish
Publication Society and held sacred throughout Judaism to this day. (Starting verse 10 read right to left):

Let us check again to the modern Jewish Masoretic text, we read from right to left:

The Original Masoretic Text reveals the exact words look on me, or to me and most important word is me. The corrupt
New World Translation inserted the ghost words look to the One as opposed to they will look on me whom they have
pierced. These verse obviously a reference to Jesus Christ, because Johns Gospel interprets this reference as a prophecy of
Christs death on the cross (John 19:37). Jesus is also explicitly described as the pierced one in Revelation 1:7. This is why
the Watchtower Society must change this verse. The Society has absolutely no reason other than deception to insert the three
words to the One. Most importantly, there is no justification in the Hebrew text for translating the disputed portion of
Zechariah 12:10 as they will certain look to the One whom they pierced through.

Would a Jehovahs Witnesses trust the translation of their bible to someone who did not know Greek or Hebrew and only had
a high school education?

The Watchtower Society teaches that Jesus existed as Michael the archangel prior to coming to earth and became Michael
again at His resurrection. They claim that Jesus was only a man when He was on earth and when He died, the man Jesus
ceased to exist, and being raised as a spirit creature the archangel Michael:

So the evidence indicates that the Son of God was known as Michael before he came to earth and is known also by
that name since his return to heaven where he resides as the glorified spirit Son of God.
Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, p. 218

In order to try to prove that Jesus is Michael the archangel, Jehovahs Witnesses often point to passages like Daniel 10:13
where Michael is seen as one of the chief princes. The fact that Michael is one of the chief princes, however, indicates that
Michael is not unique. Jesus is more than just a Prince" or "Ruler. The Bible calls Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
(Revelation 17:14; 19:16) This title indicates absolute sovereignty and authority and is very different from being one of the
chief princes who is one among a group of equals.

It is beyond the scope of this article to present all of the Biblical reasons for denying that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, but
consider these points:

a. Jesus is never directly called Michael in Scripture.
b. Jesus has the authority to rebuke Satan (Matthew 16:23; Mark 8:33) while Michael the Archangel cannot
(Jude 9; 2 Peter 2:11).
c. Jesus is God the Creator of all, including the angels (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-16)
d. Jesus is called Gods Son in a way that no angel has ever been called (Hebrews 1:5).
e. Jesus is better than the angels (Hebrews 1:4), receives worship from the angels (Hebrews 1:6), and has
inherited the Kingdom, not given to angels (Hebrews 2:5).

Two Divine Persons

How does the Old Testament say about the Son of God? Do you believe the two Divine coequal persons? The bible can show
you the two Yahweh:

Then Yahweh rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Yahweh from of heaven; and he
overthrew those cities, and all the Plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.
Genesis 19:24-25

Let us see the facts if these words are accurate in Masoretic Hebrew Scriptures read right to left:

Indeed, it is very accurate and without tampered.

Justin Martyr converted to Christianity around 150 A.D., a mere 50 years after the Bible was completed. He believed Christ
was God in his pre-human existence:

God begat before all creatures a Beginning, [who was] a certain rational power [proceeding] from Himself, who is
called by the Holy Spirit, now the Glory of the Lord, now the Son, again Wisdom, again an Angel, then God, and then
Lord and Logos; and on another occasion He calls Himself Captain, when He appeared in human form to Joshua the
son of Nave (Nun). For He can be called by all those names, since He ministers to the Fathers will, and since He was
begotten of the Father by an act of will; just as we see happening among ourselves: for when we give out some word,
we beget the word; yet not by abscission, so as to lessen the word [which remains] in us, when we give it out: and just
as we see also happening in the case of a fire, which is not lessened when it has kindled [another], but remains the
same; and that which has been kindled by it likewise appears to exist by itself, not diminishing that from which it was
kindled. The Word of Wisdomis Himself this God begotten of the Father of all things, and Word, and Wisdom, and
Power, and the Glory of the Begetter.... (Dialogue with Trypho, Chapter 61)
you must not imagine that the unbegotten God Himself came down or went up from any place. For the ineffable
Father and Lord of all neither has come to any place, nor walks, nor sleeps, nor rises up, but remains in His own place,
wherever that is, quick to behold and quick to hear, having neither eyes nor ears, but being of indescribable might; and
He sees all things, and knows all things, and none of us escapes His observation; and He is not moved or confined to
a spot in the whole world, for He existed before the world was made. How, then, could He talk with any one, or be
seen by any one, or appear on the smallest portion of the earth? Therefore neither Abraham, nor Isaac, nor Jacob, nor
any other man, saw the Father and ineffable Lord of all, and also of Christ, but [saw] Him who was according to His will
His Son, being God, and the Angel because He ministered to His will; whom also it pleased Him to be born man by the
Virgin; who also was the fire when He conversed with Moses from the bush. Since, unless we thus comprehend the
Scriptures, it must follow that the Father and Lord of all had not been in heaven when what Moses wrote took place:
And the Lord rained upon Sodom fire and brimstone from the Lord out of heaven; and again, when it is thus said by
David: Lift up your gates, ye rulers; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting gates; and the King of glory shall enter; and
again, when He says: The Lord says to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool.
Dialogue with Trypho, Chapter 127

Another passage from the Old Testament that can show us where there are two Yahweh speaking to Isaiah:

Thus said Yahweh the King of Israel, and his One RedeemerYahweh of hosts: I am the first, and I am the last; and
besides me there is no God. Isaiah 44:6

Let us check this verse in the Hebrew Masoretic text read right to left:

Amazing, there are two Lords talking to Isaiah in a marvelous unity of the Divine beings but in one harmony, showing that
there is only one kind (Greek word genos or specie) of God, not two or three. They are called Elohim in Hebrew, means
Gods. God said there is only one God, logically cannot create God, and this contradicts the doctrines of the Watchtower
Society. The angels are not gods because the humans called these created heavenly beings as gods and lords as an
identifier of Gods hosts (1Corinthians 8:5).

No Other God Formed

In Isaiah 43:10, God said to prophet Isaiah:

Ye are my witnesses, said Yahweh, and my servant whom I have chosen; that you may know and believe me, and
understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

Jesus Christ is not a created being; He is the begotten of the Father, who came from the bosom of the Father and the image of
the invisible God. (John1:18, Colossians 1:16-17). Angels are created beings. Christ is neither the archangel Michael nor a
created god. According to Hippolytus, one of the Ante Nicene Church Fathers, a Christian scholar and a disciple who lived,
about 160-230 A.D. proclaimed:

The Logos alone of this God is from God himself; wherefore also the Logos is God, being the substance of God. Now
the world was made from nothing; wherefore it is not God.

Therefore, Hippolytus, too, sets the Logos of God, who is Jesus, apart from all creation and all created beings. He further
declares of Jesus that by nature He is God, and that Jesus, who was co-existent with His Father before all time, and before
the foundation of the world, always had the glory proper to Godhead.

Hippolytus again said, Jesus was in essential being with His Father and is co-eternal with the Father, just as the doctrine of
the Godhead says. Moreover, with regard to the Godhead as a whole, Hippolytus says,

We cannot otherwise think of one God, but by believing in truth in Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and, Whosoever
omits any one of these, fails in glorifying God perfectly. For it is through this Godhead that the Father is glorified. For
the Father willed, the Son did, the Spirit manifested. The whole Scriptures, then, proclaim this truth.

God the Creator of all

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society believe Jesus Christ is a co-creator who created all other things with the Father. Let
us examine their dogma in the Scripture:

This is what Yahweh says your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am Yahweh who has made all things,
who alone stretched out the heavens who spread out the earth by myself. Isaiah 44:24

If Jesus Christ is not God, why the New World Translation tells us he (Christ) created all other things in Colossians 1:16-17?
How come Christ became a subordinate god when God alone is the creator, God said he alone created all things (no other
than) and by himself? See the logic of their argument.

Sources: Writings of Hippolytus: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Refutation of All Heresies, Book 10, Chapters 28-29; On Genesis,
Gen 49:16-20; On Genesis, Gen 49:21-26; On Proverbs, Paragraph 25; Scholia on Daniel 3:92; On Luke, Chapter 23; Treatise
on Christ and Antichrist, Section 45; Against Plato, on the Cause of the Universe, Section 3; Against Beron and Helix,
Fragment 3; Against the Heresy of One Noetus, Section 14.

Christ is the Wisdom and the Power of God

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys Kingdom Interlinear Translation 69 edition, page 749 (left column is the Westcott
and Hort 1881 and the right is the New World Translation:

Christ indeed is the power and wisdom of God. Angels do not have any unique qualities of Jesus Christ. Hippolytus was right. I
do believe he is right because Jesus Christ himself is the Wisdom and the Power of God as stated in 1Corinthians 1:24,
which is parallel to Proverbs 8:1-36 about Gods Spirit Wisdom.

In Proverbs 8:12-33:

8:12 I wisdom have made prudence my dwelling, And find out knowledge and discretion.
8:13 The fear of Yahweh is to hate evil: Pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, And the perverse mouth, do I hate.
8:14 Counsel is mine, and sound knowledge: I am understanding; I have might.
8:15 By me kings reign, And princes decree justice.
8:16 By me princes rule, And nobles, even all the judges of the earth.
8:17 I love them that love me; And those that seek me diligently shall find me.
8:18 Riches and honor are with me; Yea, durable wealth and righteousness.
8:19 My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; And my revenue than choice silver.
8:20 I walk in the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice;
8:21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance, And that I may fill their treasuries.
8:22 Yahweh possessed (purchased) me in the beginning of his way, Before his works of old.
8:23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, Before the earth was.
8:24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth, When there were no fountains abounding with water.
8:25 Before the mountains were settled, Before the hills was I brought forth;
8:26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, Nor the beginning of the dust of the world.
8:27 When he established the heavens, I was there: When he set a circle upon the face of the deep,
8:28 When he made firm the skies above, When the fountains of the deep became strong,
8:29 When he gave to the sea its bound, That the waters should not transgress his commandment, When he marked
out the foundations of the earth;
8:30 Then I was by him, as a master workman; And I was daily his delight, Rejoicing always before him,
8:31 Rejoicing in his habitable earth; And my delight was with the sons of men.
8:32 Now therefore, my sons, hearken unto me; For blessed are they that keep my ways.
8:33 Hear instruction, and be wise, And refuse it not.

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures: New Testament

In 1969, the Watchtower Society produced The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures:

Presenting a literal word-for-word translation into English under the Greek text as set out in The New Testament in the
Original Greek, The Text Revised by Brooke Foss Westcott D.D. and Fenton John Anthony Hort D.D.
Title page of 1969 Edition. (See their quotes in the first page.)

The Watchtower Society states:

The purpose behind the publishing of The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures is to aid such
seekers of truth and life. Its literal interlinear English translation is specially designed to open up to the student of the
Sacred Scriptures what the Koine Greek basically or literally says....The word-for-word interlinear translation and the
New World Translation are arranged in parallel on the page, so that comparisons can be made between the two
readings. Thus, the accuracy of any modern translation can be determined...We offer no paraphrase of the
Scriptures...To each major word we have assigned one meaning and have held to that meaning as far as the context
The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures. 1985 edition, pp5, 9-10.
In this case, we will examine the doctrines of the deity of Christ. As the New Word Translation translated the Koine Greek
scriptures, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society denies of Jesus deity is testified in numerous biased and inaccurate
renderings of key passages by the NWT translators. Consider the following examples taken from the Kingdom Interlinear
Translation of the Greek Scriptures; let us see if the translators of the New World Bible Translation Committee are honest, as if
the NWT is unaltered and without manipulated.

Now we have two Father Gods, Yahweh the Father and Jesus the Son is also the everlasting Father! But the Watchtower
already has an answer in John 1:1, NWT: In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God and the Word
was a god. However, in The Kingdom Interlinear Translations translated as God not a god. What is their point?

John 1:1

Who is Jesus Christ? Is he also God or Divine? On the other hand, a created god and not divine as the bible terms Satan,
angels, humans and power ones as god? When we will read Isaiah 9:6 from New World Translation give the answer very
clearly: For there has been a child born to usthe Mighty God (capitalized), note it is Mighty God not a god and He is the
everlasting Father. Jehovahs Witnesses have already answered for this verse. They explain that Christ is "the mighty god"
but not the almighty. They say that Christ is the mighty, never the almighty and that Jehovah is the Almighty God, never the
mighty. However, Jeremiah 32:18 shows that Jehovah is the mighty One. Therefore, since Christ is the mighty God (Isaiah
9:6) and Jehovah is the mighty One or mighty God from the passage of Jeremiah 32:18 and Deuteronomy 10:17, they are
both God (NWT). They both possess full deity.

Let us examine whether Jesus Christ is God or a god from the Watchtowers Kingdom Interlinear translation:

Here, every legitimate translation of the Bible reads the same the Word (Logos) was God (Theos). The NWT stands alone in
its contention that the Word was a god. This is to reinforce the Watchtower doctrine that Jesus is not God, but is simply a
subordinate god, which in essence, makes them guilty of the same polytheism of which they accuse the Trinitarian doctrine.
The last Greek phrase in entirely is Theos [] en ho logos, where ho [] is a definite article, in English the.

The Watchtower Society says that when Theos [] is preceded by the definite article ho [], it implies identity or personality.
Since the first use of Theon [] in this verse is preceded by ho [], it refers to Theos [] or God. The second use of
Theos [] is not preceded by ho [], making it an indefinite description or quality. This is simply wrong thinking.

It is an important point to make that Theos [] without the definite article ho [] is used in Matthew 15:4 in the New
Testament in reference to Almighty God, I want to draw your attention to the Koine Greek letters, For God [] said, Honor
your father and your mother and is translated appropriately in the NWT (such as in Revelation 22:19). They are inconsistent
with this argument, positing the indefinite quality assertion only in reference to Jesus Christ.

It would seem that despite its claim to love biblical truth, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is so opposed to basic biblical
truth that even when its own members start to believe in a biblical doctrine, decisive action must be taken to prevent
contamination to others.

Matthew 15:4

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation 1969 Edition page 99 that the word translated as God with a capital G and in fact,
it shows there is no definite article appeared before like John 1:1, Revelation 22:19 and Matthew 15:4, etc., both have
the same spellings in Koine Greek letters translated in English into God. In Strongs Greek concordance says;

- Theh'-os: Of uncertain affinity; a Deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively a magistrate;
by Hebraism very: exceeding, God.

While comparing Matthew 15:4 and John 1:1 in the Kingdom Interlinear Translation 69, both have no definite articles, they are
both the same in Koine Greek spellings:

No doubt, the Watchtower Society is against the apotheosis of Christ and they are truly 100% bias.

Many Witnesses find this a real revelation. In the book of Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz who was, one of the
Watchtowers anointed men and a former member of the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses tell about the story inside
the Governing Body. The book stated about most of the members confused by examining their doctrines as they found the
majority errors of the Watchtower (the contradictions of Watchtower doctrines from the New World Translation against the
Kingdom Interlinear Translations), they were excommunicated from the Society. Why? Because the member must follow,
what the Watchtower says rather than the bible it says.

One is the Watchtowers own translation (circular reasoning). Perhaps the most telling is that the second translation in the list
is the work of a documented spiritist, John Thompson. All the translations are suspect. Is it any wonder if the Watchtowers
grand Interlinear, the Kingdom Interlinear Translation, is now off the shelves of the Kingdom Halls library? Witnesses need to
know the issues behind the Watchtowers Interlinear. I once had an arranged meeting with three Jehovahs Witnesses women.
They surprised me by bringing another man with them, to help with the study. He was from Greece, claimed as one of the
anointed and a prominent elder Witness in the district. Then the matter of the deity of Christ came up.

We read John 1:1 from the Kingdom Interlinear Translation 1969. I showed them that in Matthew 15:4, Mark 12:27, Mark
12:32, Luke 16:15, Luke 18:17, Luke 20:38 and Revelation 22:19 are the same with John 1:1. These verses shows no definite
article in front of God, (as was his argument for the a god rendering in John 1:1), and yet the Watchtower Society honestly
translated it with a capital G, God, which has an exact the same letters in Koine Greek (Theos) in John 1:1! This
man, whose native language was Greek, was dumbfounded. He was unable to explain so, with no word and walked out alone.
The other two followed him slowly. The last one said, There are some points to prove that Jesus is not... And I asked, Okay,
may I know what those things are? I asked her to read the Philippians 2:9-16 of NWT and she did. I showed her the
Philippians 2:9-16 of the word other by comparing it directly to the other column of the KIT, the Westcott and Hort. She could
not answer, and finally she walked out alone, too. Then the meeting was over and, sadly, I never saw them again.

My friend, by having no doubts or preconceived ideas, there are some examples to distinguish the word God between gods
or a god in Koine Greek letters depending of their grammatical use:

a. Theos = = God (cf. Matthew 15:4, Mark 12:27, Luke 16:15, Luke 20:38, 1Corinthians 2:10, Acts 13:30,
Revelation 22:19 and same in John 1:1) e.g. For God said, Honor your father and your mother.
b. Theou = = God (cf. John 1:6) e.g. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
c. Theou = = a god (cf. Acts 12:22) e.g. It is the voice of a god, and not of a man.
d. Theoi = = gods (cf. John 10:34) e.g. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, you are
e. Theous = = gods (cf. John 10:35) e.g. If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came (and
the scripture cannot be broken)
f. Theo = = God (cf. Acts 12:24) e.g. But the word of God grew and multiplied.
g. Theon = = God (cf. John 10:33) e.g. but for blasphemy; and because that you, a mere man, claim to
be God.

However, the reason behind of this was Johannes Greber, an occultist who translated their version of this NWTs John 1:1
verse. Why was a spiritist cited to support the New World Translation? What does it say about the Watchtower Society when,
for over twenty years, it knowingly cited a spiritist in support of its rendering of John 1:1? The New World Translation
mistranslates John 1:1 to say that Jesus was a god instead of the God.

To support the New World Translation, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society cites Johannes Greber as supporting the
translation. Indeed Johannes Greber did support it, but in fact, he is also an occult spiritist who authored a book entitled
"Communication with the Spirit World of God". Greber claims that many spirits helped him in his translation of the New
Testament. The Watchtower now claims that they did not know Greber was a spiritist; however, their own magazine refutes
this. In 1956, an issue of The Watchtower magazine printed nearly a full page on Greber and his spiritism. Yet, the Society
continued to cite him as an authority in support of its translation of John 1:1 after 1980. See and read the letter of the
Watchtower Society to Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation.
This is John
1:1 of KIT 69

Matthew 15:4
of KIT 69

Here is the facsimile letter issued to the Greber Foundation, from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society:

Is Christs name important to us? What value is Christs name? Does the scripture teach us that Christs name is important?
1. In the book of Acts 4:2 (NWT), Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another
name under heaven that has been given among men by which we get saved. This verse is made reference
to Jesus Christ, and it is clear there is no other name for salvation.
2. John 20:30 (NWT), have life by means of his (Jesus) name.
3. 1 John 5:13 (NWT), you have everlasting life, you who put your faith in the name of the Son of God.
4. Acts 1:8 (NWT) Jesus said, and you will be witnesses of me.
5. Acts 8:12 (NWT), Philip who was declaring the name of Jesus Christ.
6. Acts 9:15 (NWT), Again Jesus said (Paul) a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations.
7. Colossians 3:17 (NWT), do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus
8. Philippians 2:9 (NWT), the name above every other name.

Every of the legitimate bible translations in Philippians 2:9 said that Jesus was given above every name, but the Watchtower
added or inserted the word other in their New World Translation to read above every other name. They could not allow the
name of Jesus to be above the name of their Jehovah! The truth of the matter is Jesus is identical with their Jehovah, that
this name is above every name.

Let me consider the authentic copy of The Kingdom Interlinear Translations 1969 Edition, Philippians 2:9 on page 885, where
Jesus is the name over every name without the insertion of word other:
Philippians 2:9-10

Let us check this argument in Philippians 2:9 if the word other is in the Greek scriptures. I am now using their Kingdom
Interlinear Translation 1969 and the Concordant Greek English Sublinear translation against the New World Translation:

A. Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures 69

Above. The New World bible translators inserted the word other of every name to become every other name in the New
World Translation (right column) and it is obviously a deception. Whereas in the left column, there is no any Greek word for
other, except the words: over every name. This verse is to deceive their followers that the fabricated name Jehovah is
greater than Jesus name.

B. The Concordant Greek English Sublinear translation, Philippians 2:9-11;

The Watchtower Societys main objective is to destroy the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. This is the works of the true
antichrist, true deceivers. They believe Christ is not coming in the flesh. They believe Jesus Christ is a created being and not
born of God, and teaches Christ resurrected in the spirit and only they confessing the satanic name Jehovah (god of the
Cabbalists and Jewish Mysticism) is a god against Christ. See 1John 2:18; 1John 2:22, 1John 4:3; 2John 1:7 but read not
these verses in New World Translation because it had been altered, because it was made by the spiritist and sorcerers to
deceive the souls to destruction.

John 8:58

The NWT renders this verse: Jesus said to them, most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been.
The Watchtower Societys footnote to John 8:58 gave, consecutively, three different grammatical rules as basis for this have
been rendering. In fact, the footnote in the KITs 1969 edition says, properly rendered in the perfect tense, while the KITs
1985 edition says, properly translated by the perfect indicative! In addition, earlier explanations, like perfect indefinite
tense in the 1950 edition, have been was discarded. The correct rendering is I AM. Compare Exodus 3:14.

We go check to the Watchtower Societys Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures 1969 if the words I have
been are properly translated by the perfect indicative on page 467:

In Westcott and Hort (left column) is honestly translated the word literally as I am, while the NWT stands alone
translated ego eimi into I have been. The Greek LXX version (the Septuagint) translated from the Hebrew of Old Testament
in 250 B.C. In Exodus 3:14, the LXX Septuagint:

God said to Moses, I AM WHO IAM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me unto you
The NASB renders it, Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am. The term I am (Greek:
, ego eimi) is a definite allusion to the Old Testament name of God (Yahweh), which is a derivative of the word for I
am [ ]. The Concordant Greek English Sublinear translation translates:

Note: The Greek words for I am are Ego Eimi. In every place where these words appear in the text of the Bible, the Society
correctly translates them in NWT as I am EXCEPT in this verse. Why there is an inconsistency in translation? Jesus was
identifying Himself with the I am of Exodus 3:14 who is the God Almighty, and this is why the Jews tried to stone Him for
blasphemy (see verse 59, compare with Leviticus 24:16). The Society mistranslated this verse because its correct translation
contradicts their doctrine.

On page 469 of KIT 1969 edition, the New Word Translators suggested that this ego eimi of John 10:58 is not the same as
the great I am of Exodus 3:14 in Septuagint:

Their arguments are very inconsistent to prove that ego eimi of John 10:58 is just an ordinary word. In fact, they are
obviously against the scriptural proof genuinely and literally true, they cannot accept Christ is true divine or God. How can we
suppose to say ego eimi translated as I have been? The two Greek words exactly translated from the English word I for
ego and am for eimi. Like for instance, this English word I comes from the Greek root word ego meaning self and it is
the same and exact words spoken by God to Moses in Exodus 3:14!

Acts 10:36

The NWT translates this verse: He sent out the word to the sons of Israel to declare to them the good news of peace through
Jesus Christ: this One is Lord of all [others]. The NASB renders it: The word which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching
peace through Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all). We must examine this thru the Watchtower Societys Kingdom Interlinear
Translation of the Greek Scriptures 69, Acts 10:36 on page 589:

The Acts 10:36 above in Westcott and Hort (left) shows no Greek word for others except the Greek word panton [],
literally translated in English all or whole. Only the New World Translation has the word others in this verse (right). The
English word others or different ones in Koine Greek is heteros [], which can be found in Matthew 15:30, of KIT 69,
page 74:

And there came unto him great multitudes, having with them the lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others and
they cast them down at his feet; and he healed them. Acts 10:36 AV

Another example of the word others in Greek can be found in the Watchtower Societys KIT 69, Matthew 20:3 on page

And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing in the marketplace idle

In Matthew 20:3, another word for others in Greek is allous [u], which this word is not present in the Book of Acts 10:36
while the New World translators added the word others. The New World Translations Acts 10:36 showing that Jesus Christ,
especially they made Him (Jesus) as Michael the Archangel as the lord of the angels, only to support their false doctrine, a
big deception to their Jehovahs Witnesses followers. See, they are blatantly violating the commandments in the scriptures:

For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these
things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from
the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy
city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Revelation 22:18-19.
Colossians 1:16-17

In the Kingdom Interlinear Translation compared to New World Translation, this passage is referring Christ as the creator of all
things. See how the Watchtower translation committee manipulated the scriptures by adding and omitting some words:

In these verses, all [other] things which is added four times, though it is not present in the Greek; sometimes quoted without
brackets in the publications [e.g. The Watchtower, 4/1/93, page 11]. Addition of other makes Jesus a thing. The brackets are
not present in the 1950 edition of the New World Translation. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society insert the word other
four times into this passage, in order to make it compatible with their doctrine of Christ having been created, the same in Acts
10:36. However, in the left column of the Watchtowers KIT, we read that Christ created all things and He is before all
things not all other things. Truly the Jehovahs Witnesses religion is in vain, all of the members are being ill-conducted.

Therefore, as you can see, there is no presence of any Greek words:

a. Allous [u] b. Heteros []

Titus 2:13

Rendered in the NWT: While we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of [the] Savior of
us, Christ Jesus. The NASB, in agreement with nearly all other versions, says, Looking for the blessed hope and the
appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus. The NWT has to play bracket words, additions and
omissions. Try to look again to the Kingdom Interlinear Translation 1969, pages 957-958, just follow the underlined sentence:

Titus 2:13 (Kingdom Interlinear Translation 69) in Westcott and Hort:

Awaiting the happy hope and manifestation of the glory of the great God and [of] Savior of us of Christ Jesus.

See, there are no words of the before the word Soteros |oetqoo] or Savior. However, the Society is inconsistent with
their rule for if they were consistent, they would have to translate Titus 2:13 by inserting the definite article of the in between
the words of and and Savior even without any presence of the Greek word tou [] like for example of the encircled above.
Since this translation would not make sense, the Society picks and chooses how it wants to apply its rule in accord with its

Examining Titus 2:13 thru Concordant Greek English Sublinear translation, it is very literal and accurate:

Colossians 2:9

Note: Greek scholar Joseph Henry Thayer states that the Greek word used here Theotetos literally means deity i.e. the state
of being God, Godhead The New Thayers Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 1974 p. 288.

The New World Translation translates this verse, because in him that all the fullness of divine quality dwells in Christ. Let us
examine this again to the Societys KIT:

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation translated Theothetos [o] godship differed in NWTs divine quality whereas no
extra putting of the word quality in this verse. In the Concordant Greek English Sublinear translation, Colossians 2:9;

This interlinear shows a word-for-word translation, which translates the Colossians 2:9-10, For in him dwelled all fullness of
the Deity bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. These verses reflect the true
character of Jesus Christ. And because of this, the Society mistranslated theo-te-thos into divine quality to make Christ as a
simple messenger of God. The root word here is Theo o means divine or deity and the suffix word tethos means a high
position in authority.

Colossians 1:27-28

In this verse, NWT translates: To whom God has been pleased to make known what are the glorious riches of this sacred
secret among the nations. It is Christ in union with you, the hope of [his] glory. In the Societys KIT, To whom willed the God
to make known what the riches of the glory of the mystery this in the nations which is Christ in you, the hope of the glory; let
us check this verses in the KITs column and NWTs column, and then compare:

The Greek musterion is always translated sacred secret by the Watchtower Society. Christ is the mystery of God.
Christians sometimes speak of the Trinity as a mystery; hence, conceivably, the Watchtower avoids the word. See Vines
Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words: In the ordinary sense a mystery implies knowledge withheld; its Scriptural
significance is truth revealed. In Strongs Greek concordance says,

[musterion] moos-tay'-ree-on G3466: From a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); secret, a mystery.

Musterion: What is unknown until it is revealed, whether it is easy or hard to understand.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

However, the words in Christ, the New World bible translators inserted the two words union with and translate it into in
union with Christ to prevent confusion to the Jehovahs Witnesses members to believe that Christ cannot dwell in any
persons hearts, to make sense Christ is not God. Their impressions are contrary to Pauls words in Ephesians 3:17, which
Christs Spirit dwells in our hearts. The NWTs 1Timothy 3:16, page 934 the word mystery becomes sacred secret, as they
interpret it, secret of fear of Jehovah:

Do they have to keep their fears of Jehovah, secretly? Why all clouded in secrecy? It is because the Watchtower Societys
knowledge given is mystical and esoteric knowledge. A great emphasis is placed on secrecy. The choice to be secretive is just
that a choice, a decision. And it was made at the top of the Watchtower pyramid, by the Watchtower President, and now by the
Governing body. And this secretive attitude permeates down the pyramid to the rank and file of the Jehovahs Witnesses.

Romans 8:23

Here in Romans 8:23, the Watchtower Society does not believe in the resurrection of the physical body. To support their
doctrine, they changed the Greek word tou [tou] (encircled) meaning of the, into a word from. And also obviously, they
altered the words firstfruits of the spirits which turned into namely, the spirits with addition of the word yes.

Because the doctrine of Christs physical resurrection is the heart of the gospel and a matter of salvation, and therefore the
Watchtower Society tried to destroy this doctrine intentionally, believing instead in a "spiritual" resurrection:

Westcott and Hort did not directly translated apolutrosin into an exact single word as redemption, deliverance, save,
rescue or salvation. They translate this interlinear, because these two translators, Westcott and Hort were members of the
religious cult Theosophical Society which again against the divinity of Christ as our Savior. They cannot find the exact word of
apolutrosin into rightfully understood in English. The Watchtower Society altered this verse only to fit with their doctrine of the
resurrection the body into a spirit creature.

Examine and compare the verse from different versions:

NWT (Deception): Not only that, but we ourselves also who have the first fruits, namely, the spirit, yes, we ourselves groan
within ourselves, while we are earnestly waiting for adoption as sons, the release from our bodies by

New International Version: Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait
eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Authorized King James Version: And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we
ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our

In the Concordant Greek English Sublinear translation:

Thus, the correct translation is the redemption of our body and not the release from our bodies. The Greek word apolutrosin
means redemption, deliverance, save, rescue or salvation as Westcott and Hort translates this single word in a sentence
release by ransom or from loosening and freeing ourselves by ransom. There is no such Greek word for release from in this
verse. This is to enforce their dogma, to show that we are not completely saved by the blood of Christ, which this they call the
Atonement. This does not give or guarantee everlasting life, but it does guarantee to every person another opportunity or trial
for everlasting life. They teach that one forfeited life could redeem one forfeited but no more, therefore Christs death redeem
Adam, but man now dies because of Adams sin!

As they believe, everyone is destroyed in death, but all who died without Christ will be raise again in the millennium. They will
be given a second chance to repent and be included in Gods Kingdom. Those who do not accept will be annihilatedthis is
the second death. Jehovahs Witnesses say they cannot know until the kingdom comes whether they are saved, for only those
who endure to the end will be saved. Salvation will depend upon faith plus moral integrity, in other words, they must work for
their own salvation. A good record from his superiors is a persons basis for believing that he may be saved.

Jehovahs Witnesses presently believe that Jesus presence began in 1914 and that he has been reigning invisibly in the
heavens ever since. However, from 1879-1929, the Watchtower Society proclaimed Christs invisible presence began in
1874. Therefore, we see that even according to the Societys present position, they falsely proclaimed Christs presence for 50
years. Jehovahs Witnesses claim to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but their definition of resurrection differs from
the historic Christian position that teaches that Jesus raised His human body of flesh and bones. Instead, the Watchtower
Society claims that Jesus did not raise His physical human body, but rather an invisible spiritthe archangel Michael. They

in his resurrection he became a life-giving spirit. That was why for most of the time he was invisible to his faithful
apostles He needs no human body any longer The human body of flesh, which Jesus Christ laid down forever as
a ransom sacrifice, was disposed of by Gods power.
Things in which it is Impossible for God to Lie, WTB&TS page. 332, 354.
So the evidence indicates that the Son of God was known as Michael before he came to earth and is known also by
that name since his return to heaven where he resides as the glorified spirit Son of God.
Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, p. 218

Romans 10:9-10

This verse articulates two requirements for salvation. The first is to confess Jesus is Lord:

The second requirement is to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. Similarly, the Apostle Paul summarizes the
gospel at 1Corinthians 15:3-5:

For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He
appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.

Paul not only states that one of the main tenants of the gospel is the belief that Jesus rose from the dead, but in verse 17, he
goes on to say that if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. For centuries, Christians
have taught and defended the doctrine of the resurrection, teaching that Jesus physically rose in the same human body in
which He died. Notice the correlation between the perishable human body and the imperishable resurrected body as described
in 1Corinthians 15:42-44:

So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown a perishable body, it is raised an imperishable body; it is sown in
dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual
body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

The Greek term Soma [], for body is always used in Scripture to refer to physical nature. Likewise, the term spiritual
is used in the Scripture to denote supernatural behavior, not a spiritual essence of being. Thus, the phrase spiritual body in
the passage above speaks of a physical supernatural body and not a spirit body.

Another example of the term spiritual referring to supernatural behavior is 1 Corinthians 2:15 where we read,
But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no man.

The spiritual person in both of these passages is behaving in a supernatural way, not ontologically transforming
human essence into spirit essence. Scripture often employs the terms in the flesh and in the spirit to contrast the
fleshly, carnal or sinful way of life with that of the spiritual, godly way of life. For example, at Romans 8:8-9 we read that
Christians who have Gods Spirit walk in the spirit rather than in the flesh. It is obvious that Paul is not teaching that
Christians who walk in the spirit are spirit creatures. Rather, Paul is proclaiming that by walking in the spirit, one is
walking by the power of Gods Holy Spirit. In the same way, 1 Peter 3:18 proclaims that Jesus rose from the dead in the
[power of Gods] Spirit.

Indeed, Jesus who was made alive in the spirit, did not become a spirit, but was made alive to the supernatural, eternal,
spiritual realm of life. Jesus was put to death in the flesh that is, in the fleshly realm of sinful man (not that He was
sinful, but that He lived among sinners), and He was made alive in the spirit that is, in the eternal (spiritual) realm, no
longer bound to earthly life with all its limitations.

Romans 14:11

Examine Romans 10:9. The above verse is about confessing Jesus Christ is Lord [u]. From the following verses Paul
addresses his letter to the Romans referring Christ the Lord [u]. On page 735 in KIT 1969, Romans 14:11 the word Lord
[u] becomes:

Not a single ancient Greek New Testament manuscript has been found containing the Tetragrammaton (YHWH). Inclusion of
the word Jehovah in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) is one of the most important errors in
Watchtower theology. It leads Witnesses to believe than any person not using the word Jehovah cannot have a personal
relationship with God and that use of the word Jehovah is a requirement for salvation.

Inaccurately inserting the word Jehovah into the New Testament changes the meaning of Jesus message to his followers in a
number of ways. One important affect is that the Watchtower attempts to use the word Jehovah to prove that only Jehovahs
Witnesses will be saved. The book Reasoning from the Scriptures claims use of Gods name is one of the 10 things that
identify true worshippers. Watchtower publications quote Romans 10:13 to show that use of the word Jehovah is a
requirement for salvation.

We stand now at the brink of the greatest tribulation of all, when Jehovahs storm wind will sweep wickedness from
the face of this earth, clearing the way for a paradise of eternal peace. Will you be one who calls on the name of
Jehovah in faithfulness? If so, rejoice! You have Gods own promise that you will be saved.
Romans 10:13. - The Watchtower, 1997 December 15, page 21.

Let us examine their call that if this name Jehovah is a requirement for salvation.

Romans 10:13

The NWT translated this verse: for everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. In Koine Greek here shows
only the word Kuiou is necessary to translate Lord and there is no such name Jehovah in Greek. Yet an examination of the
Kingdom Interlinear Translation at the left column (Westcott and Hort), published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
shows that the word used in this passage written in original Koine Greek is not YHWH but u or Kuiou and honestly
translated as Lord and not Jehovah. As a matter of fact, these Greek words u, u, u, and Kuiou are NOT
TETRAGRAMMATONS. I am 100% sure that there is no single Tetragrammaton appeared in all of more than 5000 copies
discovered Greek manuscripts its fragments and scrolls. Only the New World Translation renders the wrong translation of
u, u, u, and Kuiou into Jehovah.

In addition, the rare Benjamin Wilsons The Emphatic Diaglott, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society shows the
word used in this passage written in original Koine Greek is also Kuiou and honestly translated as Lord:

Just prior to this verse Romans 10:9 states Jesus is Lord (Kurios) and so it follows that Romans 10:13 refers to Jesus and
identifying Jesus is the requirement for salvation:

However, these masters of deception (New World bible translators) expressed it Lord* in NWT of Romans 10:9 indicates that
this word u is not Jehovah but contrary to the Romans 10:13 and 14:11 which placed as Jehovah.

The 1985 Kingdom Interlinear Translation page 11, likewise claims the criteria for using the Divine Name in the New
Testament was to replace the Greek words Kurios and Theos with Jehovah whenever the Christian writers quoted from the
Old Testament:

The modern translator is warranted in using the divine name as an equivalent of (kurios) and (theos), that is, at
places where the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quote verses, passages, and expressions from the Hebrew
Scriptures or from the LXX (Greek Septuagint) where the divine name occurs.

The reader is led to the conclusion that every inclusion of Jehovah in the New Testament has support from an Old Testament
quote. Yet an examination of the 237 inclusions reveals the following;

a. Only 76 times is Jehovah included based on a direct Hebrew quote.
b. In 78 other instances the scriptures are not quotes, but reference Hebrew passages discussing Jehovah.
c. 83 times the New World Translation has included Jehovah with no support from the Hebrew Scriptures

Re-examining the above quote from the Insight Book reveals that it is actually the recent Hebrew J versions and not the
Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures that have been used to confirm the 237 occurrences. Over 80 times the NWT has used
Jehovah with no Old Testament support. On the other hand, there are also times when the New World Translation has chosen
not to use the word Jehovah when the Christian writers quoted the Old Testament, even when done so by the J versions. This
lack of consistency is because to do so would contradict Watchtower doctrine. For instance Isaiah 45:22-24 in NWT says;

Turn to me and be saved, all you [at the] ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no one else. By my own self I
have sworn-out of my own mouth in righteousness the word has gone forth, so that it will not return-that to me every
knee will bend down, every tongue will swear, saying, surely in Jehovah there are full righteousness and strength.

The above passage is a paraphrased at both Romans and Philippians. Whereas in Romans Jehovah is inserted in the NWT,
in Philippians it is not, as to do so would result in equating Jesus with Jehovah.
Romans 14:11; For it is written: As I live, says Jehovah, to me every knee shall bend down, and every tongue will make
open acknowledgment to God.

Philippians 2:9-11 For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is
above every [other] name, (verse 10) so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in
heaven and those on earth and those under the ground, (verse 11) and every tongue should openly
acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord [Jehovah] to the glory of God the Father.

In 1Thessalonians 4:16-17 refers to Psalm 47:5. In this example the NWT chose not to follow the J versions:

Psalms 47:5 (NWT) God has ascended with joyful shouting, Jehovah with the sound of the horn.

1Thessalonians 4:16-17; (J-7, 8, 13, 14, 24) For the Lord Jehovah himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the
dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall
be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord
Jehovah in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord Jehovah.

1Thessalonians (NWT): Because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an
archangels voice and with Gods trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ
will rise first. (Verse 17) Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them,
be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with
[the] Lord.

Isaiah 45:22-24 is a paraphrased at both Romans and Philippians. Whereas in Romans Jehovah is inserted in the NWT, in
Philippians it is not. There is no Tetragrammaton in all Greek scriptures. But in Philippians they inserted the word other in
between of the two words every name.

In Philippians 2:9 is honestly translated the Greek word Kurios [u] into Lord in NWT. Unlike in Romans 14:11 above,
these masters of deception; the New World bible translators unreasonably translated it into Jehovah. This is a very strong
proof in which of these two verses are in reference to our Lord Jesus Christ. Read these as you can see:

The fundamental flaw of the NWT is this insertion of the word Jehovah 237 times into the New Testament. The Watchtower
justifies this insertion by claiming all known New Testament manuscripts are inaccurate. This is vitally important because such
a claim undermines the integrity of the Bible. If God was unable to prevent the removal of his own name from the New
Testament without trace, what else was he unable to prevent being changed? On the other hand, if this Watchtower claim is
wrong and the word Jehovah never appeared in the New Testament this change makes Watchtower doctrine incorrect by:

a. Creating a false sense of importance on using the word Jehovah
b. Changing the meaning of important New Testament passages

According to the New Word bible translators speaking of their NWT bible;

No striking or fundamental variation is shown either in the Old or the New Testament. There are no important
omissions or additions of passages, and no variations which affect vital facts or doctrines.
Reasoning from the Scriptures, page 64.

Not only are there thousands of manuscripts to compare but discoveries of older Bible manuscripts during the past
few decades take the Greek text back as far as about the year 125 A.D., just a couple of decades short of the death
of the apostle John about 100 A.D.. These manuscript evidences provide strong assurance that we now have a
dependable Greek text in refined form.
All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial, page 319.

The story changes when explaining why the Watchtower Society added the word Jehovah into the New Testament, alleging
the removal of YHWH from the New Testament during the second century, the statements from New World Translation of the
Holy Scriptures with References, page 1564 1D, The Divine Name in the Christian Greek Scriptures:

Sometime during the second or third century C.E. the scribes removed the Tetragrammaton from both the
Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with Kyrios, Lord or Theos, God.

There is no proof whatsoever to support this claim, as not a single ancient New Testament document has been found with
YHWH in it. Several available manuscripts date back to this period. P47 dates prior to 300 A.D. and contains four uses of
Kurios from Revelation that the NWT translates as Jehovah. P66 dates from around 200 A.D. from John (written in 98 A.D)
and contains five occurrences of Lord that appear in the NWT as Jehovah. Some manuscripts go back to within 25 years of
Johns writings, yet none contains YHWH.

When adding the word Jehovah to the New Testament the Watchtower makes an unsubstantiated assumption based on how
they wish to interpret doctrine. This is a serious misrepresentation of scripture. Doctrine should be formed by scripture;
scripture should not be changed to support doctrine. It is likewise when Apostle Peter refers to our Lord Jesus Christ when
quoting Psalms. The J versions use Jehovah although in this cases the New World bible translators subtly not to choose.

By comparing the J versions, the KIT and the New World Translation:

Psalm 34:8 (NWT): Taste and see that Jehovah is good, O you people; Happy is the able-bodied man that takes
refuge in him.

1Peter 2:3 (J13, J14 versions): If you have tasted the kindness of the Lord Jehovah

1Peter 2:3 (NWT): Provided you have tasted that the Lord is kind. Coming to him as to a living stone, rejected, it
is true, by men, but chosen, precious, with God.

1Peter 2:3 (KIT 1969 & 1985 versions): If you tasted that kind the Lord. Toward whom coming toward, stone
living, by men indeed having been disapproved beside but to God
(one) chosen precious.

Hebrews 1:10

Psalms 102:24-25 is quoted at Hebrews 1:10 in reference to Jesus Christ and of course, to Almighty God. In this verse from
Hebrews it is the Father that is talking to Jesus. The J versions have the Father referring to Jesus as Jehovah, something the
NWT obviously has chosen to avoid doing. See these illustrations:

Hebrews 1:10 (J-8 version): Thou, Lord Jehovah, in the beginning didst lay the foundation of the earth and the
heavens are the works of thy hands

Hebrews 1:10 (NWT): And: "You at [the] beginning, O Lord, laid the foundations of the earth itself, and the heavens
are [the] works of your hands.

Hebrews 1:10 (KIT): And you according to beginnings, Lord, the earth you founded, and works of the hands of you
are the heavens.

Also compare Zechariah 14:3-4 with Acts 1:11-12.

There is much evidence that YHWH never appeared in the New Testament. Most obvious is the absence of YHWH in any of
the 5,000 discovered Greek New Testament manuscripts.

Important evidence is also contained in the writings of the early Christians. These are referred to as the Apostolic Fathers and
Ante Nicene Fathers who wrote from the times of the Apostles to the third century. This includes Polycarp, who studied with
the Apostle John and Justin Martyr who lived from 110 to 165 A.D. Their extensive writings are a source of information on the
First Christian Church, including the formulation of the Godhead (Trinity) doctrine and the development of the Bible Canon.

Yet in their writings there is no discussion about the removal of Gods name from the Scriptures. If a global conspiracy existed
to remove YHWH from the all New Testament manuscripts debate most certainly would have occurred between these writers.

Furthermore, their works do not contain YHWH when quoting from New Testament scriptures. For example in Against
Heresies, Irenaeus quotes Matthew 1:20; 4:10 and Romans 11:34, each time using the word Lord instead of Jehovah.
Clement, mentioned at Philippians 4:3, wrote the Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians between 75 and 110 A.D. and used
u or u when quoting from the Old Testament. (See 1 Clement 13:5 which quotes Ezekiel 33:11.)

False teachings are the common factor of making the doctrine distorted, tampered, stained, twisting the message of the
scripture and lost. To determine heresies, the bible clearly teaches us not pervert the scripture. Thus, God was both the author
and the one who could make Him known in a way He sealed the Word that was written. Looking over these warnings from
Scripture, there are six major categories to classify heresies in the first place that Apostles and the ante-Nicene Church
Fathers sealed it to prevent heresies:

a.) Heresies about Revelation, teachings that distort, deny, or add to Scripture in a way that leads people to
destruction; false claims to apostolic or prophetic authority.
b.) Heresies about God, teachings that promote false gods or idolatrous distortions of the true God.
c.) Heresies about Christ, denials of His unique Lordship, His genuine humanity, His true identity as God.
d.) Heresies about Salvation, teaching legalism or licentiousness; denying the gospel of Christs death and
resurrection; and so forth.
e.) Heresies about the Body of Christ, deliberate attempts to lead people away from the fellowship of true
Christians; utter rejection of the Body of Christ.
f.) Heresies about the Future, false predictions for which divine authority is claimed; claims that Christs return
has taken place; and the like.

Justin Martyr converted to Christianity around 150 A.D., a mere 50 years after the Bible was completed. He had access to
early copies of the New Testament yet in The Second Apology, Chapter VI he wrote;

But to the Father of all, who is unbegotten, there is no name given. For by whatever name He be called, He has as
His elder the person who gives Him the name. But these words, Father, and God, and Creator, and Lord, and Master,
are not names, but appellations derived from His good deeds and functions.

Justin Martyr shows that Christians referred to the Father by appellations, but not a name such as Jehovah. That the Holy
Name was not being uttered in Christ Jesus day is attested to by first century Jewish historian Josephus:

Whereupon God declared to him [Moses] his holy Name, which had never been discovered to men before;
concerning which it is not lawful for me to say anymore (Flavius Josephus; Antiquities 2:12:4)

As we do not have the actual original copies that the Bible writers penned it is always possible to say that YHWH may have
appeared in the original copy. However the weight of evidence shows that YHWH was not in the original copies. If the
Watchtower claims God allowed men to edit out his name YHWH and that no proof has been found to its existence to this day,
how can a person have confidence in any of the New Testament?

The New Testament is one of the most attested ancient documents. The reason a person places trust in it is their conviction
that God ensured the Bible has come down to us accurately. If use of the name Jehovah is so important one must wonder why
the word never appears in any existing New Testament documents. If God inspired and protected the Bible, keeping the Bible
accurate throughout all history why does his name not appear in the oldest Greek manuscripts or in the very first Bible, and the
5th century A.D. Latin Vulgate?

Romans 8:1

The NWTs verse, therefore those in Christ Jesus have no condemnation, the Greek word for now is omitted, to weakening
the assurance of present reality. Every verse in the Greek scriptures which have words in Christ, the NWT inserted the two
artificial words union with the same argument in Colossians 1:27-28, they do not acknowledge Christs spirit dwells inside
our hearts. NWT changed the Greek word tou [tou] into that makes the spirit a thing.

In Watchtower Societys KIT 1969:

Hebrews 11:13-14

The Watchtower Society teaches that Old Testament believers do not go to heaven, but will live on the earth, this is the reason
that they changed this verses word earth into land. The Book of Hebrews shows the faiths of the Hebrew patriarchs: that is,
Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Jacob, continued to believe, to the end of their lives, that God would fulfill this promise; but t hey
neither saw the numerous seed, nor did they get the promised rest in Canaan.
In the Kingdom Interlinear Translation 69:

Not all the seed of Abraham, but all the believers in the preceding verses, excepting Enoch, particularly the three patriarchs,
with Sarah; these died a corporeal death, which is common to all, to the righteous, and to the wicked; and yet saints die not as
other men; they die in faith, having the grace itself, which being once implanted, can never be lost; and sometimes in the
exercise of it, as these believers did: they died in the faith of their posterity inheriting the land of Canaan, and in the faith of the
promised Messiah, and in the believing views of the heavenly glory; and so to die is comfortable to themselves, and a
confirmation of the truth of religion to others, and is very precious, desirable, and gainful.

It may be rendered, according to faith; they died according to the life of faith they lived, and the doctrine of faith they
professed, being the Lords both living and dying. Yes, according to their faith is accountable to righteousness and can inherit
the kingdom in heaven.

Also, the reason they changed the word earth in this verse into land, the Jehovahs Witnesses do not believe the new
heavens and new earth but the old earth will be restored by Jehovah and change it into a land of paradise only that the Old
Testament believers resides and not in heaven. The bracket words fulfillment of the is related to the 1975 false prophecy:

Just think, 1975 marks the end of 6,000 years of human existence...
The Watchtower, January 5, 1967, p 262
Discussion of 1975 overshadowed about everything else. The new book compels us to realize that Armageddon is,
in fact, very close indeed,' said a conventioneer.
The Watchtower October 15, 1966, p 629

Is It Later Than You Think? Is Time Running out For This Generation? What Will the 1970s Bring?
Awake! October 8, 1968

2 Corinthians 5:17

The adding of union with occurs very often in NWT: Colossians 1:2-28; Romans 8:1; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Romans 16:7; etc.
In Galatians 2:20, Christ in union with me. Note: the words union with are not in the Greek scriptures. Page 116 of 2
Corinthians 5:17 in KIT 1969 and notice the Greek word panta [] is honestly translated as all things, unlike Colossians
1:16-17 (NWT), they translated panta into all other things:

NWT (Deception): Consequently, if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away,
look! New things have come to existence.

KIT (Westcott and Hort): As-and if anyone in Christ, new creation; the archaic (things) went alongside, look! It has
become new things.

Authorized Version: Therefore if any man [be] is in Christ, [he is] a new creature: the old things are passed away;
behold, they are become new.

International Standard Version: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have disappeared,
and-look!-all things have become new!

John 14:14

The New World Translation omitted the underlined bold word If ever anything you should ask me in the name of me and
changed it into if you ask anything in my name. Their Kingdom Interlinear Translation in 1969 edition clearly, should
ask me anything in my name in Westcott and Hort column, unlike in New World Translation, me is left out.

NWT (Deception): If you ask ____ anything in my name, I will do it

KIT (Westcott and Hort): If ever anything you should ask me in the name of me, this I shall do.

New International Version: You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

International Standard Version: If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.

Revised Version: If ye shall ask me anything in my name, that will I do.

Because the Society teaches that Jesus is not God, they teach that one should not pray to Jesus. Since prayer is a form of
worship, Jesus should not be prayed to unless, of course, He is God (see Exodus 23:13). As one can clearly see, since Jesus
asked his followers to request things of Him in prayer, the Society had to omit the words ask me in their translation so that
this verse would be compatible with their doctrine. Does the Societys New World Translation pass the test of accuracy when
measured by the Societys Kingdom Interlinear Translation? Could this be why no recognized Greek scholars support the
Watchtower Societys New World Translation, and instead affirm along with Dr. Julius Mantey that the Societys translation is
a grossly misleading translation?

In a court of law in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1954, Mr. Franz failed a simple test on his Hebrew language skills. On cross-
examination, Franz was asked to translate a particular verse from Genesis into Hebrew. He was unable to do so. The person
most capable among his peers to translate the Bible failed a simple test. This calls into question the use of the word
translation in the New World Translation. As what is shown, this translation is more likely a paraphrase that was heavily
edited to introduce Watchtower bias.

In John 14:14, the Concordant Greek English Sublinear translation:

Why the Jehovahs Witnesses do not worship Christ?

Most of the new generations of the Witnesses today do not know the history of the Watchtower Society. There is still research
to be done. For instance, a former member of the Illuminati hierarchy revealed that the Russell family is one of the top thirteen
satanic families that have generation after generation passed down their satanic power. See the Thirteen Bloodlines of the
Illuminati by F. Springmeier. Most people know nothing or little about the Jehovahs Witnesses. They have the liberty to
investigate before they join, but few know how to and they then rely on Watchtower materials. After they join, it is difficult for
them to ever make an honest appraisal of their religion or its history.

For many it is an emotional tug-of-war. On the one hand, they feel impelled to reject the interposing of human authority
between themselves and their Creator; to reject religious dogmatism, legalism and authoritarianism, to hold true to the
teaching that Christ Jesus, not any human religious body, is the head of everyman (1 Corinthians 11:3). The reason for the
New World Translation committees placement of this name of God in the New Testament is obvious to anyone who
understands Jehovahs Witnesses theology. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, since its inception over a century ago,
has totally rejected the key doctrines of the Holy Trinity and the full deity of Jesus Christ. As a result, in its literature, and
especially in its translation of the Bible, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has sought to obscure the clear New
Testament teachings of those truths. This deliberate concealment is obvious when one makes a simple comparison of the
New World Translation to the word-for-word translation of the Westcott and Hort Greek Text in the Watchtower Bible and Tract
Societys own book The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures.

The Watchtower January 15, 1958, p. 46 states is really the holy spirit that leads to the appointing of such overseers. The
Governing Body has issued other statements such as this that lead one to believe that their decisions are made after prayerful
consideration. Raymond Franz, former Governing Body member, in his book Crisis of Conscience, pulls the cover off that false
picture. One of the biggest obscure views is the appearance of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and the Jehovahs
Witnesses create of hating all religions. In reality, they attack only one religion in their literature Christianity. They claim that
their lack of work in India is that Hindus are hard to deal with, but a close examination shows they have made almost no effort
over the last 150 years to convert Hindus. The rank and file of Jehovahs Witness certainly has little affection for other
religions, but his leadership has been careful to direct his hate toward only one group in particular Christianity (called

If the New Age Religion were to be capsulated into seven teachings it could be reduced to the following seven identifying

1. God is impersonal; e.g. Holy Spirit.
2. Christ is not Almighty God, but a good teacher.
3. Christ is one but composed of many christs; especially the 144,000 elite Jehovahs anointed class
4. Hell does not exist.
5. Man should seek instruction from the spirit world.
6. All religious teachings are of merit, except those that are Christian and believe in absolute truth. Therefore
the religious views of Egypt, Babylon, India and the Aztecs are held to be of value for us today.
7. Man can be a god.

The Society teaches their followers not to worship Christ since they believe he is a created being or an archangel. Even their
printed materials sporadically forged about creating false Christs character, as an angel messenger. The Jehovahs
Witnesses are well known for their attacks on the divinity of Christ. If pressed, the Jehovahs Witnesses will declare him a god,
a lesser God. The Jehovahs Witnesses see a composite Christ class. Jesus Christ is merely the first of a class of exalted
men. The purpose of the Kingdom Interlinear Translation is also to destroy the Deity of Christ.

The Watchtower Society has its plan to create a counterfeit, so-called the truth. The first published KIT was taken out of
circulation and the last Kingdom Interlinear Translation was also disappeared without a trace. Perhaps the most telling is that
the second KIT in the list is the work of a documented spiritist, John S. Thompson.

Matthew 14:33 and Revelation 5:14

Draw your attention to the KIT 1969 below. Examine these two samples. The Greek word here is prosekunesan
[toockuvqoov|, which the New World translators interpreted it, did obeisance in Matthew 14:33 but differed in Revelation
15:14. Most of the whole KIT translated it obeisance when it relates to Jesus Christ:

However, in KITs Revelation 5:14 prosekunesan [toockuvqoov| is honestly translated into worshiped and also the same
with the right column (NWT). The NWT is the only bible made by the spirit-mediums and demons and making the doctrines
distorted or twisted.

In James Strongs Greek Concordance:
G4352 toockuvqoov: Prosekunesan = prose-koo-neh'-san [proskuneo] from G4314 pros [respect] and a
probable derivative of G2965 koun [a dog to kiss, like a dog licking his masters hand]; to fawn (show submission or
fear) or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore); worship,

This is the reason why their followers do not worship Christ. The corrupt New World Translation is misinforming the reader.

On page 9 of the Foreword in the 1969 edition it says, Where we have varied from the Westcott and Hort text, our footnotes
show the basis for our preferred reading. In fact, there are no such footnotes here. Jehovahs Witnesses do not pray to Jesus
Christ but true Christians are to pray to Jesus Christ. The same in Exodus 23:13 only God to be mentioned in prayer. Each of
the above biblical examples, as well as many others, demonstrates the conscious effort by the NWT translators to deny the full
deity of Jesus Christ in accordance with Watchtower Bible and Tract Society doctrine.

Thanks to Raymond Franz, a former member of the Jehovahs Witnesses Governing body exposed the names of the
translation committee and their professions.

A review of their qualifications is disturbing:

1. Franz, Frederick William (Jewish-German) the only person who actually translates and was a liberal student
at the University of Cincinnati.

a. Partially completed a two-hour survey course in Biblical Greek in junior year.
b. Self-taught in Spanish, biblical Hebrew and Aramaic.
c. Twenty-one semester hours of Classical Greek, some Latin.

2. Gangas, George No training in biblical languages. Mr. Gangas was a Turkish national who knew Modern
Greek. He translated Watchtower publications into Modern Greek.

3. Henschel, Milton No training in biblical languages.

4. Klein, Karl No training in biblical languages.

5. Knorr, Nathan H. No training in biblical languages.

6. Schroeder, Albert No training in biblical language. Mr. Schroeder majored in mechanical engineering for three
years before dropping out.

On the surface, this may sound quite noble and honorable; but one may wonder, is this the real reason why they desire to
remain anonymous? Over the years, further investigation has revealed who the translators of the New World Translation were,
and the facts show that they were totally unqualified for the task of translation. Five of the six Watchtower Governing Body
members who were on the Translation Committee had no formal training whatsoever in the Biblical languages. The fifth one,
Frederick Franz, (former member of the Governing Body and became Watchtower president from 1977-1992) claimed to have
some education, but in the Douglas Walsh Trial in Scotland, he gave this testimony under oath:

Tuesday, 23rd November, 1954 Frederick William Franz was examined:

Court: Have you also made yourself familiar with Hebrew?
Franz: Yes....
Court: So that you have a substantial linguistic apparatus at your command?
Franz: Yes, for use in my biblical work.
Court: I think you are able to read and follow the Bible in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and
Franz: Yes.
Court: It is the case, is it not, that in 1950 there was prepared and issued what is called the New World Translation of
the Christian Greek Scriptures?
Franz: Yes....
Court: I think that it was your duty, was it not, before the issue of that New World Translation by your Society to check
that translation for accuracy?
Franz: That is true.
Court: In light of your studies and in light of your knowledge?
Franz: That is true.
Court: And did you do so?
Franz: I did so....
Court: And was it your duty on behalf of the Society to check the translation into English from the original Hebrew of
that first volume of the Old Testament Scriptures?
Franz: Yes....
Court: In so far as translation of the Bible itself is undertaken, are you responsible for that?
Franz: I have been authorized to examine a translation and determine its accuracy and recommend its acceptance in
the form in which it is submitted.
Court: Are the translators members of the Editorial Committee?
Franz: That is a question which I, as a member of the Board of Directors, am not authorized to disclose....
Court: When did you go to the University?
Franz: In Cincinnati, yes
Court: Did you graduate?
Franz: No, I did not....
Court: Had you done any Hebrew in the course of your University work?
Franz: No, I had not, but in the course of my editorial work, my special research work for the president of the Society,
I found it was very necessary to have knowledge of Hebrew, and so I undertook a personal study of that.


Wednesday, 24th November, 1954 Frederick William Franz, Cross Examination Continued:

Court: You, yourself, read and speak Hebrew, do you?
Franz: I do not speak Hebrew.
Court: You do not?
Franz: No.
Court: Can you, yourself, translate that into Hebrew?
Franz: Which?
Court: That fourth verse of the Second Chapter of Genesis?
Franz: You mean here?
Court: Yes?
Franz: No, I wont attempt to do that.

Douglas Walsh Trial, Pursuers Proof, 1954, pages. 7-9, 88, 91-92, 102-103

This exercise which Franz was unable to do is something which the average first or second year Hebrew student could have
accomplished without any difficulty. Is it any wonder the Society refuses to publicly reveal the people who were involved in the
translation of their Bible? Would you put your trust in a doctor who refused to give his credentials? Yet, this is what many
Jehovahs Witnesses are doing when it comes to vital Bible truth.

However, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society contradict Paul and Christs messages. The Society is being authoritative of
its claim that their Watchtower publications are the spiritual foods. And they assumed that the Jehovahs Witnesses
Governing Body has the sole authority to mediate between mankind and Christ or to God, and the total control of its members
to avoid of being isolated by studying the scriptures without their aid of so-called spiritual foods (Watchtower publications).
See their quotes, The Watchtower, August 15, 1981 pages 28-29 states:

Is the Watchtower going beyond what is written in the Bible?

Having reviewed the evidence that convicts the Watchtower Society of failing the test to be Gods channel of communication
to humankind, we will now turn our attention to your questions regarding what we believe concerning the truth. The truth is all
of the sources were gathered to support their doctrine e.g. John 1:1 the Word was a god and most of the translations in New
Word Translation of the Holy Scriptures which came out, was a product of the spirit-medium channelers.

From the Appendix 2A of
The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, 1985 Edition

This list of eight translations includes three that are in German, another one that is the work of Unitarians. Most probably the
result of John 1:1 translation was caused by the spirit-mediums and Satanists. These are (a.) The works of D. Eberhard
Nestl, Spanish Senior Jesuits Jose Maria Bover and Aland Merkz, members of the Society of Jesus brotherhood; (b.) a
former German Catholic priest and spirit medium Johannes Greber; (c.) Another works of the famous spirit-medium, J. S.
Thompson; (d.) Masonic offshoots Christians: J. M. P. Smith and E. J. Goodspeed; (f.) B. F. Westcott and A. J. Hort were two
Satanists, founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and members of famed Russian sorceress Helena Blavatskys
Theosophical Society (fraternity and mysticism cult that also link to C. T. Russell) and these two antichrists used the two waste
Catholic Church sources the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus, to produce the KIT and NWT to attack the reliability of the Textus
Receptus; and (g.) of course, from the rampant spirit-medium practices involved throughout the history of the Watchtower
Society. Similarly, the founder of the Watchtower Charles Taze Russell believed that:

A truth presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by GodAccept truth wherever you find it,
no matter what it contradicts.
Zions Watch Tower, 1879 July pp. 8-9

In similar vein the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of today also uses any sources at their disposal to confirm their truth,
notwithstanding that Russells statement is condemned in the Bible! (John 8:44). Although rejecting spiritism the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society repeatedly used the writings, of a known spiritist Johannes Greber, as a scholarly support for their
beliefs. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was aware of Grebers spiritistic connections from 1955 but continued to use
his works until 1987, especially they requested a copy of his book "Communication with the Spirit World of God (particularly to
support their incorrect translation of John 1:1) while simultaneously denying that they were aware of Grebers spiritism
practices. (See the Investigator No. 24, May 1992.)

After being exposed for the use of Grebers works, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society apparently stopped using him. The
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society have however found another spirit-medium, in one John S. Thompsons book to support
their John 1:1 translation. He is listed as an authority in the Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys Kingdom Interlinear
Translation of the Greek Scriptures 1985 edition p. 1139-1140 (See the figure above). Research in Thompsons book, The
Monotessaron; or, The Gospel History, According to the Four Evangelists (1829) shows that his inspiration and direction
came from the spirit world! Like Russell says angels helped bring messages to him (The Watchtower, October 1, 1914.) and
Rutherford declared spirit beings brought him light (Vindication III, 1932, p.250).

How do the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society justify these unbiblical doctrines?

First, they claim that the First Christian Church has, over the centuries, corrupted the Bible and second, they have re-
translated and omitted some verses in the Bible in what they call the New World Translation. The Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society altered the text of the Bible to make it fit their false doctrine rather than basing their doctrine on what the Bible
teaches. The New World Translation has gone through numerous editions, as the Jehovahs Witnesses discover more and
more Scriptures that contradict their doctrines. Jehovahs Witnesses are readily shown to be a cult that is only loosely based
upon Scripture.

The Watchtower bases its beliefs and doctrines on the original and expounded teachings of Charles Taze Russell, Joseph
Franklin Rutherford, Nathan Knorr, Frederick Franz and their successors. The Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society is the only body in the cult that claims authority to interpret Scripture. In other words, what the Governing Body
says concerning any Scriptural passage is viewed as the last word, and independent thinking is strongly discouraged. This is
in direct opposition of Pauls admonition to Timothy (and to us as well) to study and to show yourself approved of God, a
workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of God.

This admonition, found in 2Timothy 2:15, is a clear instruction from God to each of His individual children in the Body of Christ
to be like the Berean Christians in Berea and search the Scriptures daily to see if the things they are being taught line up with
what his words has to say on the subject (see Acts 16:11; 12). The Words of the Scripture are the things in which it is
impossible for God to lie. The Jehovahs Witnesses should be commended for their evangelistic efforts. There is probably no
religious group that is more faithful than the Jehovahs Witnesses at getting their message out. Unfortunately, the message is
full of distortions, deceptions, and false doctrine. May God the Father Almighty open the eyes of the Jehovahs Witnesses to
the truth of the Gospel and the true teaching of Jesus Christs Word.


Strongs Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek Words taken from Strongs Exhaustive Concordance by
James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D., 1890. Concordant Greek Text 1975, 15570 Knochaven Rd. Santa Clarita, CA 91387, U.S.A.,

Interlinear Translations: Westminster Leningrad Codex, Westminster, Westminster` Leningrad Codex + vowel, Westminster
Leningrad Codex transliterated, Westminster Leningrad Codex transliterated + prefix/suffix markers, Concordant Hebrew
English Sublinear-idiomatic, Westcott-Hort text from 1881, combined with the NA26/27 variants 2008 Scripture4all

Scripture quotation(s) marked NASB is from the New American Standard Bible, the Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963,
1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977.

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation; Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania; Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society of New York, Inc.; International Bible Students Association, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., 1969, 1985.

The Watchtower, January 5, 1967, p 262; The Watchtower, October 15, 1966, p 629; Awake! October 8, 1968; Zions Watch
Tower, July 1879, pp. 8-9; The Watchtower, October 1, 1914; Vindication III, 1932, p.250; The Watchtower January 15, 1958;
The Watchtower January 15, 1974.

Douglas Walsh Trial, Pursuers Proof, 1954, pages 7-9, 88, 91-92, 102-103; Greber and the Watchtower, Investigator No. 24,
May 1992; Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz 2004 Edition.
Ruthello P. Teng 2008. 1569 Sto. Nio, Panabo City, Davao del Norte Philippines 8105 E-mail: [email protected].
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