Define Personnel Audit & Explain its impotence in any organization. Section- II 1. Draft Charge Sheet cum notice of Enquiry to a worker who was found quarrelling with supervisor. 2. Calculate the Bonus of Following employees who have worked for 12 months in the year 2008 : a. Mr. A. (Basic + DA = Rs. 2200/-) b. Mr. B. (Basic + DA = Rs. 3300/-) c. Mr. C. (Basic + DA = Rs. 1500/-) d. Mr. D. (Basic + DA = Rs. 10,700/-) At the rate of 8.33 & 20 %. Section- III 1. Write a letter to PF Commissioner regarding yearly return of the company. Write a Letter to Tread Union Secretary regarding the chartered of Demand meeting. 2. Explain in detail the challenges of modern personnel manager in any organization. Section- IV Write Short Notes on any Four of Following Topics 1. E.S.I 2. Gratuity 3. Superannuation. 4. Minimum wage, fair wage & living wage. 5. Retrenchment Compensation. 6. Welfare Measures 7. Safety Provisions.
SECTION I Q.1 Trace briefly evolution of Business Policy and explain its nature and importance for management? Q.2 a) Define strategy? b) Explain the concept of Strategic management and discuss its main characteristics? Q.3 Strategic planning has become imperative in the backdrop of the business Comment in Indian Context. Q.4 Strategy formulation and implementation are interrelated issues-Comment SECTION-II Q.5 Discuss with illustration, Porters Five Forces model of competition? Q.6 Explain organizational capability and discuss various factors of organizational capability? Q.7 Discuss the process of strategy implementation? What are issues involved in it? Q.8 Organizational Culture provides the key to strategy implementation because it is such a powerful force for providing focus, motivation and norms-Comment? SECTION-III Q.9 What is strategic evaluation and control necessary? What are the various types of strategic control? Q.10 Outline key attentive that fall under the purview of divestment or liquidation strategies divestment or liquidation? Q.11 Discuss various intensive strategies with the help of An soft Product-Market grid.
SECTION-IV Q.12 Tata Motors is going places. The company is in the process of becoming a global player. The initiative in this strategy followed by the company is unique as far as the Indian Industry goes. The Company has signed an agreement with Rovers U.K. to sell 1, 00,000 cars to them in the next five years to be sold under the brand name of Rovers. At the same time the companies going to sell all Indica cars in the European markets under its own brand name as well. Selling cars in Europe is tough job as it is well developed market. Tatas are however confident that this strategy that they are following will definitely work. They have presence in Europe and have been selling Tata Safari and other cars in these markets for some time now and have a dealers network and service back in some countries in this region. On the other hand the company has just acquired the unit of Daewoo Motors in Korea for making trucks. The acquisition is the first of its kind for the company. This gives the company unrestricted use of Daewoos brand name. which is popular in Chaina and the South East Asian countries. This acquisition will also help the company take on the challenge posed in the Indian markets by Volvo in truck and passenger bus segments. The company can import the higher range vehicles to India from this Korean facility. The Indian market is on the threshold of growth due to the road projects that are being implemented in the country and also due to the fact that old vehicles are phased out due to the environment problems. The company also so seriously planning to enter Chinese markets soon and is negotiating a big tender for supply for trucks so South Africa. Following facts give an idea as to what the company is upto: New age Tata trucks to roll out In a range of emerging markets like South Africa, Chaina, Arazil and Indonesia. Global sales to contribute 10% of total commercial vehicle business by 2010.Low cost manufacturing base to leveraged to offer by global majors. Accessible internally and to potential customers and suppliers after a bid has been won. This type of collaboration will speed up the time it takes to development by some 20% to 30% and thats being conservative, said Tony Ellis, Managing Director of Commercial Systems Engineering at Bethesa, Maryland-based Lokheed Martin. To speed up the development of collaborative development among its business partners, Lockheed Martin. To speed up the development of collaborative development among its business partners, Lockheed Martin has established a systems integration unit to install these types of systems for customers and small
supplies, Ellis said. But its not only the large B2B exchanges and biggest manufacturers that are implementing collaborative commerce initiatives. Internet Corp billion maker of automotive castings in Tony, Michigan, established a collaborative design Web site using Active Project software from Framework Technologies Corp. Russ Balaesing, Director of Automotive Business Development at Framework, said the software track incoming quotes from customers through the various stages of development as well as all of the drawings and specifications that accompany the proposals. And one of Coversines founders, Daimler Chrysler AG in Stuttgart, Germany, is involved in its first large pilot project of networked design engineering,called Fast Car. Putting collaborative systems in place is of growing importance as increasing numbers of companies industry outsource the production of products and services to a variety of suppliers and subcontractors, all of which must be co-ordinate. But the automotive industry has been slow to take on the IT challenge, said Gary Dilts, Daimler Chryslers Senior Voice President of U.S.E-Commerce. Part of the problem is the usual inertia behind any major change from old ways to new ways of doing business. Another is the sheet scope of the many supply chain interrelationships and participants that many companies must learn to communicate and work with in a collaborative design and development endeavor. Yet another big barrier for some participants is that collaborative development requires sinvesting in robust network resources and bandwidth capacities in order to property share design specifications and drawings in real time. Its an industry malady that is going to change as network technology allows us to talk to a community of business partners about a development decision rather than using point to point communications said Dilts. This is going to let us look into and understand what the impact of product development decisions are on II of the supplies. Subcontractors and other in the supply chain A six member team with Italian experts is working on a new design for the cabins. Focus on fuel efficiency, something that American and European manufacturers do not focus on. Acquisition of local companies required. Thus Tata Motors has developed strategies to be a globa player in the near future. Questions: 1) What mix of strategies is Tata Motors presently using? 2) Comment on Tatas strategy of alliances & acquisitions. Where could It go wrong? 3) Suggest strategies to achieve the vision of being player in the near future Q.13 Covisint and Others: Collaborative Product Development in E-Commerce
Companies using business-to-business (B2B) exchallenges are greating up for B2Bs next frontier: collaborative development. Collaborative development, which involves sharing products design and engineering documents, improves operations, cuts cost and saves time for the collaborating companies. Early users report that such E-business collaboration enables product design, development, and improvement processes to be coordinated and more tightly integrated before, during, and after a product is manufactured. Covisint LLC, the automotive procurement exchange launched one year ago by the Big Three automakers, has begin to augment its online transaction oriented E-commerce marketplace to include collaborative product development processes. Covariant is building a collaborative design portal thats expected to tirm vehicle development times from 42 months 42 months down to 12 to 18 months and cut about 3.5 million in paper based costs from the design process, Covariant spokesman Dan Jankowski said. But the need for collaborative development goes beyond swapping documents and drawings between buyers and sellers. After a supplier or contractor wins a bid, these systems enable charges in product development and design to be communicated to all involved parties. Is in the midst of adding collaborative product design capabilities to the exchanges trading platform, using Wind chill Project Link software by Parametric Technology Corp. An Exostar founder, defense giant Lockheed Matrtin Corp. also said that it will be using Wind chill to revamp its supply chain operations to speed up the time it takes to develop projects, which means the collaborative software Questions: 1) Ehich E-commerce business models are outlined, in the case? Discuss each one in brief? 2) What characteristics of E-commerce business environment are, highlighted in the case? How do they impact Covisint LIC? Q.14 Strategic expansion of Garware Wall Ropes Ltd. Garware Wall Ropes Ltd. (GWRL) had several achievements to its credit during the Year. 199495. Based in Pune, the companys turnover crossed reached Rs.105 crore form Rs.75 crore the previous year. In April 1995, Garware Penta Ropes, GWRLs joint venture abroad, was all set to go on stream with 1200 tan of rope making capacity. It was expected that the joint venture would give the company 80% marker share in Indonesia in the next couple of years. Currently, an expansion project was also underway involving a massive investment of Rs. 90 core with the primary objectives pf increasing the synthetic cordage capacity of GWRL from 1200 tpa after a year or so. GWRL is thus likely to emerge as the largest single rope manufacturer in the world, and as the largest fishnet manufacturer in India. The size of the fishnet market in India is around 3000 tonnes and is growing at about 10% annually. The ofganized sector caters to
roughly 50% of the market and the rest comes from bandmade fishmmet workers in the unorganized sector. GWRL was likely to have a 30% market share and most of the growth would perhaps be at the expense of the unorganized sector. The company planned to export one third of its output. As a strategic move, the company had decided to relocate some of its manufacturing facilities. The entire division was being shifted to GWRLs new plant at Wai, near Mahablaeshwar in Maharashtra. With multilocation operations, we thought it wise to buy a helicopter to improve communications between Wai, Pune and our head office at Mumbai. Said Mr. Ramesh Garware, Chairman GWRL. This acquisition was expected to greatly boost the companys image as a globle player amongst its foreign buyers from 35 counties, who frequently visit Its manufacturing facilities. Another strategy that paid handsome dividends was the conscious decision to develop technology in-house to manufacture tope making machines. Two years ago, the company made a couple of machines for testing its abilities. It was found that the machines not only performed very well but they cost only 15% of the price of similar machine available in the international market. Since then the companys machine building division has been manufacturing these machines regularly. Almost 75% of the machines for the expansion project and for the Indonesian joint venture were made in house at a very low cost. The machines are known to produce the best quality rope yarn in the world. Only two other manufacturers in the world one in Canada and the other in the US-match the quality of Garware machines. But they coset as high as $2 million each, whereas the one made by Gareares cost $300,000 each. The company had been invited to set up a joint venture in the State of North Carolina in USA to manufacture high tenacity synthetic rope with an initial capacity of 2500 tpa. For GWEL the wheel may be said to have turned the full circle. Twenty years ago it was an American company, Wall Industries Inc. from which GWRL got the technology to make multi- standard synthetic ropes. A similar strategy was reported to have been adopted in the case of fishnet machines. A technical tie-up was agreed upon with a world leader in the fishnet machine manufacture> As a part of the del., GWRL was to import the first 39 machines at a cost of RS. 25 crore for the current expansion project. Thereafter, it would make 15 machines annually at Its Pune plant which will cost substantially less than the imported machines. It is reported that the nets produced Garware can be for other applications such as sports, besides fishing, for which there is a huge demand abroad. Meanwhile the company was about to sign a Mou with a UK company to set up a joint venture to manufacture heat resistant rubber threads used in hosiery, that would be superior to latex threads currently being used in India. The technology required for the same would naturally be of a superior nature. But it would also cost much less. A latex thread plant coming up in Kerala
was known to have a cost of Rs.30 crore. The company had already acquired 11 areas land at Wai for the same. Questions: Do you consider the strategies adopted by GWRL to be prudent? What mode of strategy making in identifiable in this cse? Q.15 To, Do(T) or Not To Do (T) Subir Chakrabortyis just back from attending the India Internet A world 99 Seminar. His worst fears seem to be have confirmed by what he heard from the speakers there. He called in his deputy. Mlhir Dey, who also looked after new projects. Dey was an ardent follower of the developments in the new economy and provided unstained support to project ideas related to it. Lately, a raging dedate has been going on whether their company. Triton Ltd, should go in for a docom project. Subir, steeped in the working of the old economy business, often felt uncomfortable with the idea that Trition could economy business often felt uncomfortable with the idea that Trition could dicersify in an unrelated business even though It had a solid financial backup. When Day arrived, Subir asked him to sit down and listen to him patiently. He related to Dey what he had heard at the Seminar. From his note pad he read out the perceived obstacles in the spread and usage of the Internet in India. This is what he had noted down. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. High demand for bandwidth Gray areas in new telecom policy of the Government of India Poor telecom infrastructure and PC penetration. Lack of defined quality of service parameters. Lack of localized domestic content Absence of Indias Internet exchange. Government control over bandwidth allocation. VSNL monopoly on landing rights for cables. Questions: If you were Mlhir Dey, how would you respond so Subirs apprehensions? How would you build up a case for the company to take up a dotcom project? Q.20 A Healthy Dose of Success Muhammad Majeed represents a typical Indian who has created success out of sheer hard work and commitment through his education and experience. At the age of 23
years, Majeed, after graduation in pharmacy from Kerala University, went to pursue higher studies in the US. He completed his masters and industrial chemistry. Armed with high qualifications, he became a research pharmacist and eventually as most expatriate Indians do, set up his own company, Sabinsa Corporation> Experiencing difficulties with the long-drawn drug approval process of US food and Drug Administration and his own dwindling savings, Majeed focused on ayurvedic products based on natural extracts. He returned to india 1991 (incidentally, the year when liberalization started in India) and set up Sami Chemicals and Extracts Ltd. Later renamed as Sami Labs Ltd. (SLL), at Banglore. ALL has over three dozens products, and seven US patents. There are 25 European and over country patents pending approval. SLL has four manufacturing units all based in Karnataka. The sale is Rs. 44.5 crore and the profit-after tax is Rs.5.89 Crore. It has pioneered specialized products based on Indian herbal extracts relying on the principles of ayurveda. The major thrust is on remedies for cholesterol control, fat reduction, and weight management. As against several Indian companies exporting raw herbs, SLL specializes in value addition through extractions. The result is encouraging: SLLs thinks of its business as manufacturing and selling traditional standared extracts and nutritional and pharmaceutical fine chemicals , Sabinsa, its US- based company , secures contracts from the US companies to manufacture certain chemicals in Indai.Its business plans are quite ambitious. Seeting up a product management team,assisting farmers in cultivation of pharmaceutically usefull herbs, and international collaborations for developing research-based intellectual property and its commercialsation are some of the strategic actions on the anvil. SLL looks forward to being a Rs.500-crore company by 2005 when the World Trade Organizations patenting regime comes into force. Question: How will you define the business of SLL? Comment on the business plan of SLL and State your opinion on the like hood of its success. SECTION V Q.16 Write short notes on (any three) 1. Vision Mission and purpose 2. Business definitions, objectives and goals 3. Types of strategies 4. Organizational capability profile 5. Strategic Advantage Profile 6. Corporate portfolio analysis 7. Synergy and 8. Gap analysis
All 2nd year employee students are hereby instructed to submit their assignment as per schedule is given below:
It is further instructed to all the submission of assignment is mandatory as per schedule, otherwise strict action will be taken. Submit it to Prof AK Sain with all your particulars. Non submission of assignment, student will not be eligible for internal marks for their respective subject. You are also instructed to attend lecture on your weekly holiday. For further instruction meet with Prof. AK Sain sir. With best wishes,
Asim Kumar Sain I/C Employee Student JSPMs KIMR Date: 08/05/2012
Note: Also see JSPM web site (Link:>campus wagholi ->kimr student) JAYAWANT SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDALS
Semester III (HR Specialization) Subject: Industrial Relations (304 E) SECTION-1 Q1) a) What is Industrial Relations? b) Discuss the impact of IR on economic conditions of Industrial labour in India. Q2) Discuss the machinery for settlement of industrial dispute under central and state government. OR Explain the machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes at state level. OR Explain the machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes & Discuss how they are related to IR. OR Explain the machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes in India. a) What is collective bargaining? b) What are the causes of success and failure of CB process? Support your answer by examples. Q4) a) What is Workers Participation in Management? b) Discuss various methods WPM. Q5) What is the positive impact of globalization and IT on IR in India? SECTION-2 Q6) a) What is Trade Union? b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of its political connectivity? Q7) Q8) Q9) Explain the scope and objectives of IR. Discuss the role of Judiciary in IR. Discuss the problems faced by the trade unions due to intra and inter union rivalry. Also discuss whether the political affiliation of trade unions is desirable or not. Elaborate the concept of collective bargaining and discuss the causes of its success and failure.
SECTION-3 Q11) Discuss the origin, growth and objectives of IR in India. What are the pre-requisites of a successful Industrial relation Programme? Discuss the concept of Collective Bargaining and its importance in personal management from the point of view of management, trade union and government/ Express your views on collective Bargaining as a tool of establishing harmonious IR. Define Trade Union. Discuss its Objectives and its functions. Define IR. What are the objectives of IR in the changing economic scenarios? Discuss the concept of labour welfare. How welfare is related to productivity/Elaborate the concept & principles of Labour welfare & explains its impact on productivity. SECTION-4 Q16) What impact is experienced in recent years of globalization and liberalization on trade union movement in India OR Do you agree with the statement that because of globalization & liberalization the trade union movement in India is weekend- Discuss. Describe the process of negotiation, conciliation & adjudication in settling Industrial disputes. What is employee involvement in Management? Explain with examples. SECTION-5 Short notes (Answer Any Three) 1) Interunion and Intraunion rivalry 2) Judiciary and IR 3) IR problems in Unorganized sector 4) Problems of Trade Union 5) Role of Judiciary in maintaining industrial peace 6) Problems of forming Unions in Unorganized sector. 7) Trade Union movement in India after Independence. 8) Salient features of Trade Union Act 9) Political affiliation of Trade Unions 10) Badli and Contract labour 11) International Labour Organization 12) Liberalization 13) Role of I.L.O. 14) Problems of working women 15) Democracy in Trade Union 16) Duties of Labour Welfare Officer
Q17) Q18)
17) Arbitration 18) Negotiation 19) Adjudication 20) Globalization +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JAYAWANT SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDALS KAUTILYA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH MBA PROGRAMME
Semester III (HR Specialization) Subject: Labour Laws (303E)
SECTION-1 1. What are the main provisions under the payment of Bonus Act? Discuss the main Provision under the Act with regard to eligibility of an employee to receive the bonus. 2. Discuss the provisions made under the factories Act for the health care, (safety provision) safety welfare and working hours for the workers. 3. Discuss the various deductions under the payment of wages Act. What are the consequences of unauthorized deductions under the Act? 4. a) State the health measures under Factories Act. b) State disqualifications for gratuity under payment of Gratuity Act. SECTION-2 5. Define Wages under the Minimum Wages Act & further explain how the minimum wages are revised? 6. a) What are the authorized deductions from wages under the payment of wages Act? 7. Write the salient features of the following aspects under payment of Bonus Act. 1) Eligibility 2) Quantum of minimum & maximum bonus. 8. What is Factory under factories Act 1948? Explain the Provision of Health, Welfare& Leave with Wages under this Act. 9. Explain the Registration of Establishment as per Contract Labour Act, 1970. SECTION-3 10. Elaborate the objectives of Payment of Bonus Act & discuss when the employee is not eligible to get Bonus. Discuss the provisions of Available and Allocable Surplus.
11. Define Strike & Lockout & explain when the strike & lockout are illegal. 12. What are the objectives of Factories Act?
SECTION-4 13. What is the concept of Payment of Bonus under Payment of Bonus Act & elaborate the principle of SET-ON & SET-OFF under the Act.
SECTION-5 SHORT NOTES (Answer Any Three) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Determination of the amount of gratuity of eligible employees. Salient features of Minimum Wages Act. Industrial canteen Minimum wages Welfare provisions under Factories Act. Objectives of Gratuity Act. Authorized deductions under Payment Wages Act Working Hours as per Factory Act. 1948 Registers and records as per Factory Act. 1948 Licensing of Contract Labour Power of Inspecting Staff
Management Control System (302) Assignment 1 (submission Date: - 3rd Aug 2012) Explain the control process thoroughly. Elaborate the role played by each of its elements. Elaborate scope of management control systems. Explain 3 levels of Management in MNC & explain the role of strategic planning, management control & task control at these 3 levels with example. a) Explain Cybernetic Paradigm. b) Explain the functions of controller. In a typical organization one can observe goal conflicts arising out of different roles its people play/assume i.e. an individual, hierarchical, functional, and organizational. How one can resolve this conflict? Explain with suitable example. Assignment 2 (submission Date: - 21st Sept 2012)
1. 2. 3. 4.
1 Explain input-output relationship. What role it plays in performance assessment of responsibility centers. Justify your answer with suitable examples: 2 How does the Budgetary Control approach can be used in budgeting of, Engineered Cost, Discretionary Cost and Committed Cost? 3 Discuss the cause-effect relationship among the four perspectives of balanced score card. Give suitable example. 4 Management control system in manufacturing and service organization. 5 State all the types of audit and how does it help for control purpose. Assignment 3(submission Date: - 23rd Oct 2012) Mehta and groups current EVA is 25000/- and profit for the year is 50000/This year co. is planning for expansion for which require investment of Rs.80000/- in fixed assets which will result in increment of profit by 20000/-. Suggest to manager whether he should expand or not with help of ROI and EVA. Cost of capital is 15%.
2 The total sale of 1st yr for Agrawal & Sons is 180000(15000 units). The fixed cost incurred is 70000 and variable cost is 45000. Promotional expenses are 33000 for 3 yrs. In 2nd yr co. is planning to increase its production by 3000 units which should increase its profit by Rs 1.50 Per unit Calculate the selling price per unit for 2nd yr. 3 Mis. Mittal Ltd has two divisions M & N. Division M sales two third of its produce to division N and rest in the open market. Cost and revenue of these divisions and that of company for year 2,000 is given as under: ( Rs.) M N Company Sales (outside only) 16,000 48,000 64,000 Cost of manufacturing 24,000 20,000 44,000 (Internal + outside sales) Profit 20,000 There is no opening or closing stock. You are required to find out profit of each division and that of company under following options of transfer prices.~ a) at cost. b) at cost plus a margin of25%. c) at cost plus a margin of 25% ; but there is overspending in division M by Rs.3,000. d) at market price.
Management Control System (302) Assignment 1 (submission Date: - 3rd Aug 2012) Explain the control process thoroughly. Elaborate the role played by each of its elements. Elaborate scope of management control systems. Explain 3 levels of Management in MNC & explain the role of strategic planning, management control & task control at these 3 levels with example. a) Explain Cybernetic Paradigm. b) Explain the functions of controller. In a typical organization one can observe goal conflicts arising out of different roles its people play/assume i.e. an individual, hierarchical, functional, and organizational. How one can resolve this conflict? Explain with suitable example. Assignment 2 (submission Date: - 21st Sept 2012) Explain input-output relationship. What role it plays in performance assessment of responsibility centers. Justify your answer with suitable examples: How does the Budgetary Control approach can be used in budgeting of, Engineered Cost, Discretionary Cost and Committed Cost? Discuss the cause-effect relationship among the four perspectives of balanced score card. Give suitable example. Management control system in manufacturing and service organization. State all the types of audit and how does it help for control purpose.
5. 6. 7. 8.
6 7 8 9 10
Assignment 3(submission Date: - 23rd Oct 2012) Mehta and groups current EVA is 25000/- and profit for the year is 50000/This year co. is planning for expansion for which require investment of Rs.80000/- in fixed assets which will result in increment of profit by 20000/-. Suggest to manager whether he should expand or not with help of ROI and EVA. Cost of capital is 15%.
5 The total sale of 1st yr for Agrawal & Sons is 180000(15000 units). The fixed cost incurred is 70000 and variable cost is 45000. Promotional expenses are 33000 for 3 yrs. In 2nd yr co. is planning to increase its production by 3000 units which should increase its profit by Rs 1.50 Per unit Calculate the selling price per unit for 2nd yr.
Mis. Mittal Ltd has two divisions M & N. Division M sales two third of its produce to division N and rest in the open market. Cost and revenue of these divisions and that of company for year 2,000 is given as under: ( Rs.) M N Company Sales (outside only) 16,000 48,000 64,000 Cost of manufacturing 24,000 20,000 44,000 (Internal + outside sales) Profit 20,000 There is no opening or closing stock. You are required to find out profit of each division and that of company under following options of transfer prices.~ a) at cost. b) at cost plus a margin of25%. c) at cost plus a margin of 25% ; but there is overspending in division M by Rs.3,000. d) at market price. Human Resource Management Specialisation 306 E TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SECTION-I Q.1 Define Training? What is the importance of training in changing business environment? Q.2 How could you increase the effectiveness of programme through the application training Aids in training? Q.3 Analyse the various training methods used and their impact on training effectiveness? Q.4 Discuss the need and utility for evaluation of training programme? Q.5 Design a training programme for middle level H.R. Department executives. SECTION II Q.6 Training is an organized procedure by which people learn and acquire skills they need for definite purpose Discuss. Q.7 Discuss the various principles of learning which are relevant for inservice training & development programmers Q.8 Design a induction training programme for freshly appointed IT Engineers. Q.9 Discuss the concept of Training & Development, how is it related to Human Resource Development
Q.10 What are the different types of training? Discuss briefly? SECTION III Q.11 How will you design training programme? Q.12 Discuss the methods of evaluation of training? Q.13 Which training according to you would be more suitable for increasing productivity in industries where employees are low profile with low morale? Q.14 What are the factors required to conduct training, Discuss it? Q.15 What do you understand by training? How does it differ from Education? SECTION IV Q.16 What challenges are faced in imparting training to employee at operational level? Q.17 What are reason for evaluation of training if the evaluation is negative, what remedial measures you will suggest? Q.18 Why people resists resistance training? What solutions are suggested to overcome resistance? Q.19 Discuss the concept of trainers training, Why such need is felt in this context? Q.20 Training and Productivity is inter-related, discuss it. SECTION V Write short notes on 1. Cost benefits analysis 2. Sensitivity Training0 3. Methods of Training needs assessment 4. Computer based Training 5. Technical Training 6. Induction Training 7. Budget for the training 8. Types of Training 9. Trainers profile and behavioral skills 10. Training for trainers 11. Resistance to Training & Development 12. Distinguish between Training & Development