LWV Guide 2012
LWV Guide 2012
LWV Guide 2012
VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012. POLLS OPEN 6 A.M. 8 P.M. Have Identification Ready.
Where to vote
Below is the listing of Fairfield polling places, listed by RTM districts (110) and State House districts (132, 133, or 134). If unsure of district (either RTM or State House), districts are listed by street at fairfieldct.org/VoterFairfieldStreetList.pdf, or call the Registrars of Voters office (203-256-3115). Please Note: Following the 2012 election, when the RTM completes redistricting, the district numbers and polling places will change. Information about changes will be available on the town website or from the Registrars of Voter office. District 1-132 Fairfield Senior Center, 100 Mona Terrace District 2-132 St. Pius X School, 824 Brookside Drive District 2-133 St. Pius X School, 824 Brookside Drive District 2-134 St. Pius X School, 824 Brookside Drive District 3-132 Dwight Elementary School, 1600 Redding Road District 3-134 Dwight Elementary School, 1600 Redding Road District 4-132 Osborn Hill School, 760 Stillson Road District 4-133 Osborn Hill School, 760 Stillson Road District 4-134 Osborn Hill School, 760 Stillson Road District 5-132 McKinley School, 60 Thompson Street District 5-133 McKinley School, 60 Thompson Street
Sample ballot
Connecticut House of Representative candidates for only one district appear on an actual ballot. The sample ballot here is only for the 132nd District, but the ballot looks the same for the 133rd District and the 134th District (with the exception of the candidates names for those districts). Your address determines which of the 10 districts you are in. If you have questions about which district you reside in, contact the Registrars of Voters office, 203-256-3115. Note: Instructions for filling out the ballot are on its other side.
District 6-132 Fairfield Warde High School, 755 Melville Avenue District 6-133 Fairfield Warde High School, 755 Melville Avenue District 7-133 North Stratfield School, 190 Putting Green Road District 7-134 North Stratfield School, 190 Putting Green Road District 8-132 Holland Hill School, 200 Meadowcroft Road District 8-133 Holland Hill School, 200 Meadowcroft Road District 8-134 Holland Hill School, 200 Meadowcroft Road District 9-132 Fairfield Ludlowe High School, 785 Unquowa Road District 10-132 Roger Sherman School, 250 Fern Street District 10-133 Roger Sherman School, 250 Fern Street