Avaya Voice Portal: Configuration Note 3915

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Avaya Voice Portal H.

323 Agent

Configuration Note 3915 Revision A (11/09)

Avaya Voice Portal (H.323 EAS AGENT)


Important: This Configuration Note specifies the minimum configuration required by Voice Portal. It is advisable to consult with your application designer to ensure you have a configuration to meet your specific requirements. An IP/CCMS connector, the link between the PBX and Voice Portal handles both call data information and voice communication



There is one IP Link (Ethernet) from the Voice Portals Media Processing Platform (MPP) server to the PBX. The integration is done via the IP SoftPhone protocol with voice transmission and integration information carried over IP.

Disclaimer: Configuration Notes are designed to be a general guide reflecting AVAYA experience configuring its systems. These notes cannot anticipate every configuration possibility given the inherent variations in all hardware and software products. Please understand that you may experience a problem not detailed in a Configuration Note. If so, please notify the Technical Assistance Center at 408.922.1822, and if appropriate we will include it in our next revision. AVAYA accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions contained herein.

Voice Portal



Avaya Voice Portal Concepts and Planning Avaya Voice Portal Installation and Configuration Guide or Implementation Guides.

For details on server hardware and software requirements please refer to:

PBX hardware requirements


For G3 and traditional Cabinet S87x0/S8500 PBXs TN2302 AP Media Processor / TN2602 AP Media Resource circuit packs (Crossfire). AP Media circuit packs are used to convert the audio
levels for the IP telephone to audio levels for DCP phones when IP phones are used in a call with non-IP telephones. *FOR FAX Support: TN2302 Firmware 111 minimum / TN2602AP Firmware 24 minimum

TN799 Control-LAN (CLAN) circuit pack for the signaling capability (either the B or C vintage) on the csi, si, and r platforms.

For S8300/S87x0/8500 using newer media modules Use of EXT 2 port on the front panel of G700 to connect to MPP Server. For connecting to PBX: Category 5 wiring or line cord to connect MPP Server to PBX. 3.1 PBX Software Requirements PBX SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS
Minimum software release CM4.1 Special Application (Green Feature) SA8874 - Call status messages for 7434ND IP phones is strongly recommended. SA8874 provides detailed callprogress indications to Avaya VP when the incoming or outgoing call is either a station-to-station call or is over a PRI trunk. This allows supervised transfer to fully integrate with Voice Portal for call progress and handling. Without this feature supervised transfers will function similar to blind transfers and callers may hear busy or similar tones that would otherwise be avoided. To order SA8874 use Material Code #202775. Note: There is a cost to add this feature to your PBX.
Important: Account teams should check with Avaya Services to determine if any other patches may be needed for the Avaya CM release they will integrate with Avaya VP.

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal



The Voice Portal system provides either full or partial automation of telephone transactions that would otherwise be performed by an operator, attendant, or contact center agent. These automated transactions are driven by speech applications where each speech application is designed and developed to satisfy
specific customer needs. Note: With Voice Portal 4.0 or higher, an alternate gatekeeper discovery address can be configured on the VPMS to be used if the primary address does not respond.

Configuring the PBX to integrate


The following tasks must be completed when programming the PBX to integrate. IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the integration uses the IP Softphone protocol for connectivity, they are defined within the PBX as 4-wire 7434ND (ND stands for Numeric Display) sets. The tasks are as follows: Configure Switch System Settings. Create Pilot number for the Voice Portal hunt group. Define the stations assigned to Voice Portal.

NOTE: Screens and parameters may appear different depending on PBX software revision and load.

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The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal

5.1 SYSTEM PARAMETER FEATURES Figure 1a: System Parameters Features Page 5 In the change system-parameters features screen, set Create Universal Call ID (UCID) ? to y (see Figure 7d and related notes found later in this document)
display system-parameters features Page FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS 5 of 18

Important Create Universal Call ID must be set to y and a unique UCID Network Node ID assigned. Please note that the UCID Network Node ID of 10000 as shown in our screen on the right is only an example. Your UCID Network Node ID may be different.

SYSTEM PRINTER PARAMETERS Endpoint: Lines Per Page: 60 SYSTEM-WIDE PARAMETERS Switch Name: Emergency Extension Forwarding (min): Enable Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing? Enable Dial Plan Transparency in Survivable Mode? COR to Use for DPT: MALICIOUS CALL TRACE PARAMETERS Apply MCT Warning Tone? n SEND ALL CALLS OPTIONS Send All Calls Applies to: station UNIVERSAL CALL ID Create Universal Call ID (UCID)? y 10 n n station

MCT Voice Recorder Trunk Group:

Auto Inspect on Send All Calls? n

UCID Network Node ID: 10000

Figure 2b: System Parameters Features Page 6 In the change system-parameters features screen, ensure 7434ND? is set to y
change system-parameters features Page 6 of 18 FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS Public Network Trunks on Conference Call: 5 Auto Start? Conference Parties with Public Network Trunks: 6 Auto Hold? Conference Parties without Public Network Trunks: 6 Attendant Tone? Night Service Disconnect Timer (seconds): 180 Bridging Tone? Short Interdigit Timer (seconds): 3 Conference Tone? Unanswered DID Call Timer (seconds): Intrusion Tone? Line Intercept Tone Timer (seconds): 30 Mode Code Interface? Long Hold Recall Timer (seconds): 0 Reset Shift Timer (seconds): 0 Station Call Transfer Recall Timer (seconds): 0 Recall from VDN? DID Busy Treatment: tone Allow AAR/ARS Access from DID/DIOD? Allow ANI Restriction on AAR/ARS? Use Trunk COR for Outgoing Trunk Disconnect? 7405ND Numeric Terminal Display? DISTINCTIVE AUDIBLE ALERTING Internal: 1 External: 2 Priority: Attendant Originated Calls: n n n n 3 external

n n y n n n n

7434ND? y

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal

Figure 1c: System Parameters Features Page 11 Ensure Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Enabled? is set to y
change system-parameters features FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS CALL CENTER SYSTEM PARAMETERS EAS Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Enabled? y Minimum Agent-LoginID Password Length: Direct Agent Announcement Extension: Message Waiting Lamp Indicates Status For: station VECTORING Converse First Data Delay: 0 Converse Signaling Tone (msec): 100 Reverse Star/Pound Digit For Collect Step? n Store VDN Name in Station's Local Call Log? SERVICE OBSERVING Service Observing: Warning Tone? Service Observing Allowed with Exclusion? Allow Two Observers in Same Call? n y n n or Conference Tone? n Second Data Delay: 2 Pause (msec): 70 Page 11 of 18


-------Figure 1d: System Parameters Features Page 12 Set BCMS/VuStats LoginIDs? to y

change system-parameters features FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS AGENT AND CALL SELECTION MIA Across Splits or Skills? ACW Agents Considered Idle? Call Selection Measurement: Service Level Supervisor Call Selection Override? Auto Reserve Agents: CALL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPORTING ADJUNCT RELEASE CMS (appl mis): IQ (appl ccr): BCMS/VuStats LoginIDs? BCMS/VuStats Measurement Interval: BCMS/VuStats Abandon Call Timer (seconds): Validate BCMS/VuStats Login IDs? Clear VuStats Shift Data: Remove Inactive BCMS/VuStats Agents? y hour n on-login n Page 12 of 18

n y current-wait-time n none


The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal

5.2 SYSTEM PARAMETER CUSTOMER OPTIONS Figure 2a: System Parameters Customer Options Page 6 In the system-parameters customer options, to use the Agents with VDNs ensure that ACD?, BCMS (Basic)?, Expert Agent Selection (EAS)?, Vectoring (Basic)? are all set to y
display system-parameters customer-options CALL CENTER OPTIONAL FEATURES Call Center Release: 5.0 ACD? y Reason Codes? BCMS (Basic)? y Service Level Maximizer? BCMS/VuStats Service Level? n Service Observing (Basic)? BSR Local Treatment for IP & ISDN? n Service Observing (Remote/By FAC)? Business Advocate? n Service Observing (VDNs)? Call Work Codes? n Timed ACW? DTMF Feedback Signals For VRU? n Vectoring (Basic)? Dynamic Advocate? n Vectoring (Prompting)? Expert Agent Selection (EAS)? y Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced)? EAS-PHD? n Vectoring (3.0 Enhanced)? Forced ACD Calls? n Vectoring (ANI/II-Digits Routing)? Least Occupied Agent? n Vectoring (G3V4 Advanced Routing)? Lookahead Interflow (LAI)? n Vectoring (CINFO)? Multiple Call Handling (On Request)? n Vectoring (Best Service Routing)? Multiple Call Handling (Forced)? n Vectoring (Holidays)? PASTE (Display PBX Data on Phone)? n Vectoring (Variables)? (NOTE: You must logoff & login to effect the permission changes.) n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n Page 6 of 10

-------Figure 2b: System Parameters Customer Options Page 7 In system-parameters customer options, ensure licenses for ACD Agents are available. This is a requirement for this integration. Our example screen below indicates licenses for 5200 agents are available of which 110 are used.
display system-parameters customer-options CALL CENTER OPTIONAL FEATURES VDN of Origin Announcement? n VDN Return Destination? n Page 7 of 10

VuStats? n VuStats (G3V4 Enhanced)? n

Logged-In ACD Agents: 5200

USED 110

Logged-In IP Softphone Agents: 5200 0 Logged-In SIP EAS Agents: 0 0 (NOTE: You must logoff & login to effect the permission changes.)


The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal

5.2.1 ESTABLISHING THE LICENSE FILE Figure 2c: System Parameters Customer Options Page 9 A license file IP_API_A must be designated for Voice Portal. Below is the screen that shows IP registrations by id. Check to ensure IP-API_A is listed. You will need 1 license per Voice Portal station. Below our example screen shows 18,000 IP_API_A licenses available with 0 used.
display system-parameters customer-options MAXIMUM IP REGISTRATIONS BY PRODUCT ID Product ID AgentSC IP_API_A IP_API_B IP_API_C IP_Agent IP_IR_A IP_Phone IP_ROMax IP_Soft IP_eCons oneX_Comm Rel. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Limit 0 18000 0 0 1 0 18000 18000 2 0 18000 0 0 0 0 Used 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 9 of 10

(NOTE: You must logoff & login to effect the permission changes.)

-------5.2.2 Ensuring best-quality IP Audio Figure 3a: Codec Sets Page 1 of 2 To ensure best audio quality when calling Voice Portal from an IP phone, use the display ip-codec-set 1 command and verify that a G711MU codec is shown at the first position. Ensuring the best audio quality. disp ip-codec-set 1 Voice Portal supports VoIP Audio Formats set to audio/basic(default) or audio/x-alaw-basic. This selection is defined on the VPMSs web page under the VoIP Settings in MPP Server page. Make sure the switch is configured to support the codec you select. If you have selected audio/basic on the VPMS, then the codec set on the switch should include G711MU. If you have selected audio/x-alaw-basic on the VPMS, then the codec set on the switch should include G711A. Note: When Voice Portal negotiates a codec from the switch at call setup, it typically will use the first codec on the list (below). A G711MU codec is typically used in the US and Japan, while a G711A is used in Europe and other parts of the world.

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal

display ip-codec-set 1 IP Codec Set Codec Set: 1 Audio Codec 1: G.711MU 2: G.711A 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Silence Suppression n n Frames Per Pkt 2 2 Packet Size(ms) 20 20


1 of

Media Encryption 1: none 2: 3:

Important: This setting should be set to match the same setting on the Voice Portal system. To work properly with Avaya Voice Portal, the required minimum Packet Size setting in the IP-Code-Set is 20 ms.

Voice Portals and Use of Media Encryption Voice Portal supports Media Encryption set to Yes (default) or No. This selection is defined on the VPMSs web page under the H.323 Connections. Be sure the switch has Media Encryption appropriately configured for AES (Encryption), AEA (Encryption) and/or None (No Encryption). If Voice Portal has Media Encryption set to Yes, then the MPP will support Media Encryption for the switch set to AES (Encryption), AEA (Encryption) and/or None (No Encryption). If Voice Portal has Media Encryption set to No, then the switch must have None (No Encryption) enabled (see above - Figure 1a Codec Sets). If this option is not set, then calls to the MPP will get dead air. ---Figure 3b: Codec Sets - page 2 of 2 Starting with Voice Portal 4.1 a fax tone detection feature is available. For this feature to work, you must configure the PBX correctly. You will need to turn off fax in the Codec-set as shown below. This turns off the special fax handling and allows a fax to be handled as an ordinary voice call. Note: With a codec set that uses G.711, this setting is required to send faxes to non-Avaya systems that do not support T.38 fax.

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal

display ip-codec-set 1 IP Codec Set Allow Direct-IP Multimedia? n


2 of

FAX Modem TDD/TTY Clear-channel

Mode off off US n

Redundancy 0 0 3 0

- continued on next page -

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


5.2.3 IP-IP Direct Audio settings Figure 4: IP-Network-Region 1 - Page 1 The IP-IP Direct Audio settings must be enabled. Figure 1b (below) shows how to verify this. Use the display ip-network-region 1 command and review.

display ip-network-region 1 IP NETWORK REGION


1 of


Verify Direct Audio settings are set to yes disp ip-network-region 1

Region: 1 Location: Authoritative Domain: avaya.com Name: MEDIA PARAMETERS Intra-region IP-IP Direct Audio: yes Codec Set: 1 Inter-region IP-IP Direct Audio: yes UDP Port Min: 2048 IP Audio Hairpinning? n UDP Port Max: 3329 DIFFSERV/TOS PARAMETERS RTCP Reporting Enabled? y To enable set Call Control PHB Value: 46 RTCP MONITOR SERVER PARAMETERS Audio PHB Value: 46 Use Default Server Parameters? y to yes Video PHB Value: 26 802.1P/Q PARAMETERS Call Control 802.1p Priority: 6 Audio 802.1p Priority: 6 Video 802.1p Priority: 5 AUDIO RESOURCE RESERVATION PARAMETERS H.323 IP ENDPOINTS RSVP Enabled? n H.323 Link Bounce Recovery? y Idle Traffic Interval (sec): 20 Keep-Alive Interval (sec): 5 Keep-Alive Count: 5

-continued on next page -

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


5.3 CONFIGURE HUNT GROUP FOR VOICE PORTAL STATIONS You will need to create a Hunt Group so you can have a Vector that you can assign agents to accordingly. To configure multiple numbers or application IDs directed at the same Voice Portal ports assign a VDN number to each application. Note: In the Hunt Group example screen below the Group Extension of 3900 and Hunt Group 1 are only examples; your Group Extension and Hunt Group number may be different.

Figure 5a: HUNT GROUP Page 1 (see below) When creating a Hunt Group, whatever name or number you enter in the Group Name field will appear on the telephones calling into the application. The screen below shows examples of a Group Name and Group Extension. The rest should be left as default. Note: Make sure you set the ISDN Caller Display Field to "grp-name" (see below). This enables you to display the name as entered in the Group Name field in the Hunt Group form (see below), on users telephone displays when calling into Voice Portal. Ensure the ACD? and Vector? fields are both set to y

Establishing the Hunt Group # --The group extension shown here can be the first application number that routes to Voice Portal. --Set ISDN/SIP Caller Display to grp-name

display hunt-group 1 HUNT GROUP Group Number: Group Name: Group Extension: Group Type: TN: COR: Security Code: ISDN/SIP Caller Display: 1 VoicePortal 3900 ucd-mia 1 1 grp-name

Page ACD? y Queue? n Vector? y MM Early Answer? n Local Agent Preference? n

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The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


Figure 5b: HUNT GROUP Page 2 Ensure that the Skill? and AAS? fields are both set to y

display hunt-group 1 HUNT GROUP Skill? y AAS? y Measured: none Supervisor Extension: Controlling Adjunct: none


2 of

Interruptible Aux Threshold: none Redirect on No Answer (rings): Redirect to VDN: Forced Entry of Stroke Counts or Call Work Codes? n

Figure 5c: HUNT GROUP Page 3 The default feature options should be left unchanged.

display hunt-group 1 HUNT GROUP LWC Reception: none AUDIX Name:


3 of

Message Center: none

- continued on next page -

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


5.4 CONFIGURE VECTORS Figure 6a: Vector Page 1 Chose a name for your Vector. In our example screen below we used VPVector, you can use this name or one of your choosing. Administer Vector step 02 as shown in vector 1 below. Note: The Skill group number (Hunt Group number) as set here, in our example screen below it is skill 1, will be used in the administration of agent loginIDs as detailed later in this CN.
display vector 1 Page CALL VECTOR Number: 1 Name: VPVector Meet-me Conf? n ANI/II-Digits? n CINFO? n BSR? n Lock? n ASAI Routing? n Holidays? n 1 of 6

Avaya recommends adding a wait-time 2 secs at step01(in the example shown to the right it is before the queue-to command) to avoid potential problems.
Note: In most cases, using a wait-time 0 secs will provide the needed few milliseconds for everything to get setup correctly in software after the call has terminated to the vector. This helps to ensure subsequent vector steps will proceed without issue.

Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? n Prompting? n LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? n Variables? n 3.0 Enhanced? n 01 wait-time 2 secs hearing silence 02 queue-to skill 1 pri t 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

- continued on next page -

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


5.5 Configuration Requirements for Voice Portal Stations Create a sequential range of stations that will be used by Voice Portal. Each station should have the following five fields set as shown below. 1. Type = 7434ND 2. Display Name = Voice Portal (use whatever name you like) 3. Display Module = y Note: Only after you select y will you see Display Language appear 4. Display Language = English 5. Security Code = Set to a valid value. Note: Voice Portal allows the security codes to be the same for every station, or incrementally set for stations in a given range. 6. IP SoftPhone? = y Figure 7a: Station options Page 1 of 6 Note: The following screens for configuring the Station Options are shown using the standard terminal display. If you are using the Avaya Site Administration GUI, also known as GEDI (Graphically Enhanced DEFINITY interface), the page numbers would be depicted graphically as tabs. Screens and parameters may appear different depending on PBX software revision and load.

Important: When configuring station options, the Port field is where you would enter IP (see red note below left). Once you have added the station, the system then assigns a port.

display station 52000 STATION Extension: Type: Port: Name: 52000 7434ND S00005 VP_stat_52000 Lock Messages? n Security Code: * Coverage Path 1: Coverage Path 2: Hunt-to Station: 2 n y english


1 of BCC: TN: COR: COS: 0 1 1 1


When the IP SoftPhone option is set to y as shown in here in Figure 6, then the multimedia mode as shown in Figure 6a (Station Options - page 2 of 6) will default to enhanced and cannot be changed.

STATION OPTIONS Loss Group: Data Module? Display Module? Display Language: Time of Day Lock Table: Personalized Ringing Pattern: 1 Message Lamp Ext: 52000 Coverage Module? n Media Complex Ext: IP SoftPhone? y IP Video Softphone? n

Survivable COR: internal Survivable Trunk Dest? y

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


Figure 7b: Station options Page 2 of 6 The default feature options should be left unchanged.
display station 52000 STATION FEATURE OPTIONS LWC Reception: LWC Activation? LWC Log External Calls? CDR Privacy? Redirect Notification? Per Button Ring Control? Bridged Call Alerting? Active Station Ringing: H.320 Conversion? Service Link Mode: Multimedia Mode: MWI Served User Type: AUDIX Name: spe Auto Select Any Idle Appearance? n y Coverage Msg Retrieval? y n Auto Answer: none n Data Restriction? n y Idle Appearance Preference? n n Bridged Idle Line Preference? n n Restrict Last Appearance? y single n Per Station CPN - Send Calling Number? as-needed EC500 State: enabled enhanced Display Client Redirection? n Select Last Used Appearance? n Coverage After Forwarding? s Page 2 of 6

The enhanced setting for Multimedia Mode cannot be changed. See sidebar adjacent Figure 7b (Station for Page 1 of 6)

Remote Softphone Emergency Calls: as-on-local Direct IP-IP Audio Connections? y Emergency Location Ext: 52000 Always Use? n IP Audio Hairpinning? y

Figure 7c: Station options Page 3 of 6 The default feature options should be left unchanged.
display station 52000 STATION Conf/Trans on Primary Appearance? n Bridged Appearance Origination Restriction? n Page 3 of 6

Unconditional For Internal External Busy For Internal External No Reply For Internal External

ENHANCED CALL FORWARDING Forwarded Destination Calls To: Calls To: Calls To: Calls To: Calls To: Calls To:

Active n n n n n n

SAC/CF Override: n

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


Figure 7d: Station options Page 4 of 6 Set the Button Assignments as shown below
display station 52000 STATION SITE DATA Room: Jack: Cable: Floor: Building: Headset? Speaker? Mounting: Cord Length: Set Color: n n d 0 Page 4 of 6

ABBREVIATED DIALING List1: BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS 1: call-appr 2: call-appr 3: 4: 5:


List3: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: ucid-info* (See Note below)

*Note: In order for IQ 5.0 to track calls that go from CM to VP as the same call, the UCID must be passed from CM and used by VP. To do this the CM Station form, administer button ten on every virtual 7434ND (VP port) with a new button type: ucid-info Starting with Avaya CM 5.2, this new button type is visible to administration, but is not expected to be assigned to stations with human users. It is important that you always assign this to the same virtual 7434ND button number ten so VP doesnt need to download button assignments Calls can be sent from the CM to the VP using a converse-on vector step or a route to hunt group/skill destination. Or the hunt group/skill can be dialed directly by an agent or station user on CM

- continued on next page -

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


Figure 7e: Station options Page 5 of 6 The default feature options should be left unchanged.
display station 52000 STATION BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: Page 5 of 6

Figure 7f: Station options Page 6 of 6 Set the Button Assignments as shown below (Note: must be set as shown)
display station 52000 STATION DISPLAY BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS 1: normal 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Page 6 of 6

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


5.6 Configuring Agent LoginIDs Figure 8a: Agent-LoginID administration Page 1 of 2 After configuring the stations, you will need to configure an agent for each Voice Portal Station. The highlighted fields in the example screen below show the required settings. Administer the field as shown (except the Port Extension that will be a number specific to your system).
display agent-loginID 805-2000 AGENT LOGINID Login ID: Name: TN: COR: Coverage Path: Security Code: Port Extension: 805-2000 VP_agent_8052000 1 1 52000 AAS? AUDIX? LWC Reception: LWC Log External Calls? AUDIX Name for Messaging: y n none n Page 1 of 2

The Port Extension should match one of the stations you created in Section 5.5

LoginID for ISDN/SIP Display? n none system system system system system :

Auto Answer: MIA Across Skills: ACW Agent Considered Idle: Aux Work Reason Code Type: Logout Reason Code Type: Maximum time agent in ACW before logout (sec): Forced Agent Logout Time: WARNING: Agent must log in again before changes take effect

Figure 8b: Agent-LoginID administration Page 2 of 2 The SN (Skill Number) should be whatever number you selected in the Vector Administration see Section 5.4, Figure 6. In the example screen below we have set SN to 1.
display agent-loginID 805-2000 AGENT LOGINID Direct Agent Skill: Call Handling Preference: skill-level SN 1: 1 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: RL SL 1 SN 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: RL SL 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: SN Service Objective? n Local Call Preference? n RL SL 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: SN RL SL Page 2 of 2

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal


5.7 Configuring Vector Directory Numbers Figure 9a: Vector Directory Number Page 1 of 2 You should create a VDN for each application number/ID that will be queued to be handled by the Voice Portal System. The example screen below points to a Destination of Vector Number 1, which was the Vector we created earlier in Figure 6 (see Section 5.4). Your VDN Destination should be the Vector you defined in your own system. Note: The VDN is the number used to call the specific application. Although the Hunt Group Number may be used as the first Application ID, in our example screen below we opted not to do this.
display vdn 3901 VECTOR DIRECTORY NUMBER Extension: 3901 Name*: VoicePortalVDN_3901 Destination: Vector Number Meet-me Conferencing? n Allow VDN Override? n COR: 1 TN*: 1 Measured: none Page 1 of 2

1st Skill*: 2nd Skill*: 3rd Skill*:

* Follows VDN Override Rules

Figure 9b: Vector Directory Number Page 2 of 2 Leave as default

display vdn 3901 VECTOR DIRECTORY NUMBER AUDIX Name: Page 2 of 2

Display VDN for Route-To DAC*? n VDN Override for ISDN Trunk ASAI Messages*? n

Reporting for PC Predictive Calls? n Pass Prefixed CPN to VDN/Vector*? system * Follows VDN Override Rules

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

Voice Portal



Configure your Voice Portal system using the Avaya Voice Portal Installation and Configuration Guide. Use the associated VDN for each application when configuring the Application Launch section for each Voice Portal application configured.

7.1 Testing the Application For each application configured on your Voice Portal system, call the application number, which is the Hunt Group extension or VDN associated with that application. Validate the functionality.

Testing the Application 8.1

A Maintenance Port is optional and configured on the switch as a nonmaintenance port. The port should be in its own hunt group, or in a hunt group with other maintenance ports. It is used for testing applications or MPPs (Media Processing Platform). Each allocated MPP should have one maintenance port. ANI/DNIS sent to Voice Portal - The ANI or DNIS sent to the Voice Portal should contain numbers only. Non-numerical values may cause the MPP improperly map the ANI/DNIS to the application to run.


Document History

Issue Date

Reason for Change

Initial Release

2009 AVAYA Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by the , SM and TM are registered trademarks, service marks or trademarks respectively. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners. The above information is based on knowledge available at the time of publication and is subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A.

1033 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 577- 7000 http://www.avaya.com

The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1

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