Maximum Surgical Blood Ordering Schedule

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The document outlines blood ordering schedules for various surgical procedures at Great Ormond Street Hospital based on procedure type and patient factors.

The MSBOS guideline provides guidance about routinely crossmatching blood units for elective surgical procedures to allow more efficient use of blood stocks and reduce wastage.

In the event of blood shortages, provision of red cells will depend on availability from NHSBT. The GOSH Emergency Blood Management Plan will be followed if there is a national shortage.

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule (MSBOS)

The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance about MSBOS at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

The MSBOS is a table of elective surgical procedures which lists the number of units of red cells routinely crossmatched for them pre-operatively (British Committee for Standards in Haematology Blood Transfusion Task Force 1990). It allows the more efficient use of blood stocks and reduces wastage. The trust procedure guideline, Blood product transfusion: red cell products provides guidance on the administration of red cells. The guidelines are not rigid and allow for flexibility in certain circumstances. In individual cases, it may be necessary to vary from the suggested requirements on the advice of the responsible consultant. In this instance contact the Blood Transfusion department, extension 8527, or the biomedical scientist on-call outside normal hours, bleep 0590, to discuss your request.

In the event of blood shortages

Provision of red cells will be dependent on availability of normal supplies from the National Health Service Blood and Transplant (NHSBT). In the event of a national shortage, the GOSH Emergency Blood Management Plan will be followed. The plan has been developed to ensure the effective use of blood and blood products at all times, but especially when national stocks have fallen to low levels. The plan can be found online on the GOSH intranet.

Cardiac and cardiac angiography

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for cardiac and cardiac angiography No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) All closed operations XM 1 No

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for cardiac and cardiac angiography No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) All open operations

XM XM + platelets


under 5kg

3+ platelets (20mls/kg) Yes 3 1 Yes No

All re-do operations XM Aortic balloon (under XM one year) Catheter - pre-op and diagnosic

over 5kg under 5kg

G&S XM No G&S required XM XM XM XM G&S XM XM

None 1 None 1 1 1 1 None 1 1

No No No No Yes No No No No No

Chest drain Closure of fenestration and dilation stent PDA PV balloon (under one month) PV implants RPV Stents VSD

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for craniofacial No of units/volume Group & (mls) Coagulation Procedure save/Crossmatch screen (G&S/XM) Augmentation procedure via bicoronal XM flap Bipartition Under 40kg Over 40kg XM + platelets XM + platelets 2 No

6 + 1 unit platelets 10 + 1 unit platelets

No No

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for craniofacial No of units/volume Group & (mls) Coagulation Procedure save/Crossmatch screen (G&S/XM) Calvarial bone grafting XM Calvarial remodelling XM FrontoOrbital XM 3 3 3 2 3 No No No No No

Implant procedure via XM bicoronal flap LeFort I XM LeFort II or III

under 40kg over 40kg

XM + platelets

6 + 1 unit platelets 10 + 1 unit platelets 2

No No No

XM + platelets Mandibular distraction XM Monobloc

under 40kg over 40kg

XM + platelets XM + platelets

6 + 1 unit platelets 10 + 1 unit platelets 2 None 3

No No No No No

Remodelling procedure XM via bicoronal flap Vascular Discuss with malformations SpR/Fellow Vault expansion XM

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for Ear, Nose and Throat No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) No general requirements for Xmatching in ENT surgery, although None homozygous sickle +ve children may need blood for adenotonsillectomy



General and neonatal

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for general and neonatal surgery No of Coagulation Group & units/volume (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) Adrenal tumour Aortopexy Central venous catheter


1 1

No No

over 3kg under 3kg


None 1 1 1 1 1 1 None None None 1 1 None None 1 1 1 1 2 unit/10kg None 1 1

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No

XM Closure of ileostomy XM Colostomy closure XM Cystic hygroma XM Diaphragmatic hernia XM Duplication cyst XM Duodenal atresia G&S Exomphalos (small) G&S Formation of G&S colostomy Gastric/colonic XM interposition Gastroschisis and XM exomphalos major Gastrostomy G&S percutaneous Gastrostomy - open G&S Intussuseption XM Laparotomy XM Neonatal exploratory laparotomy Liver biopsy Liver resection Malrotation (elective) Necrotising enterocolitis Neuroblastoma Nissen fundoplication XM XM XM G&S XM XM G&S

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for general and neonatal surgery No of Coagulation Group & units/volume (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM)



1 1 1 None 1 None 1 None 1 1 1 1

No No No No No No No No No No No No

Oesophageal atresia (primary repair) Pancreatectomy PICC line insertion PSARP PSARP minimal (low lesion) Pull through procedure for Hurschprungs Pyloric stenosis Sacrococcygeal teratoma Spina bifida Splenectomy Volvulus

Interventional radiology
Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for interventional radiology No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) Angioplasty CV catheter Liver biopsy Renal biopsy XM No G&S required XM G&S 1 None 1 None Yes No Yes Yes

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for neurosurgery


Group & save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) 3 1

No of units/volume (mls)

Coagulation screen

Choroid plexus XM papilloma Craniotomy including XM posterior fossa Epilepsy grid G&S except Sturge Weber XM EVD insertion Hemispherectomy Temporal lobectomy for epilepsy IC-EC bypass Spinal tumour

No No No No No No No No

None 1 None 2 None None


under 30kg over


2 4 1 None 1 None

No No No No No No

Spines under 10kg Other neurosurgical spines (including spinal G&S chord untethering) V-P shunt under 5kg XM or Hb under 10g/dl Other V-P shunt (including endoscopic G&S procedures)

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for orthopaedics No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) Dressing change Femoral osteotomy Hip reconstruction Ilizarov No G&S required G&S XM No G&S required None None 2 None No No No No

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for orthopaedics No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen Procedure save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) Open reduction of hip Pelvic osteomies (DHH) Shelf procedure Spine: under 12kg Adolescent idiopathic posterior only Spine: neuromuscular


None 1 None 2 None

No No No No No

under 40kg over 40kg

XM + platelets XM + platelets

6 + 1 unit platelets 10 + 1 unit platelets

No No

Spine: all other major procedures. If in doubt ask anaesthetist



Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for plastic No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) None None None 1 No No No No


Bilateral cleft lip repair G&S Cleft lip repair No G&S Cleft palate repair G&S Pharyngoplasty XM

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for thoracic


Group & Save / Crossmatch (G&S/XM)

No of units / volume(mls)

Coagulation screen

Nuss procedure Open thorax Thoracoscopy


1 1 1

No No No

Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for urology No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) None None None 1 1 1 None 1 None None 2 None No No No No No No No No No No No No


See under intervention radiography AV fistula creation G&S AV fistula revision G&S Bladder augmentation XM Bladder neck XM reconstruction Cloaca XM Epispadias G&S Exstrophy XM Hypospadias (complex) G&S Ileo-vaginoplasty G&S Kelly procedure XM Mitrofanoff G&S Nephrectomy laprascopic Angioplasty

unilateral bilateral


None 1

No No

Nephrectomy - open

native kidney transplant



XM Nephrostomy insertion G&S Osteomies XM

3 None 1

No Yes No


Maximum surgical blood ordering schedule for urology No of units/volume Coagulation Group & (mls) screen save/Crossmatch (G&S/XM) G&S G&S G&S G&S if other blood being taken G&S if other blood being taken None None None None None No No No No No

PCNL PD catheter insertion Permcath insertion Pyeloplasty Reimplant Renal transplant

under five years XM over five years XM Tumour nephrectomy XM Vascath insertion G&S Wilm's XM Other tumour XM

2 4 1 None 1 1


No No No Yes

Blood Transfusion Committee : Revised May 2011

Reference 1: British Committee for Standards in Haematology Blood Transfusion Task Force (1990) Guidelines for implementation of a maximun surgical blood order schedule. Cinical and Laboratory Haematology 12: 321-327. Reference 2: Lewis KA, Engle W, Hainline BE, Johnson N, Corkins M, Eugster EA (2011) Neonatal graves' disease associated with severe metabolic abnormalities. Pediatrics 128 (1): e232-6.

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