500 Yoga

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The text outlines different yoga combinations based on planetary positions and the houses they occupy. These combinations are believed to influence different aspects of one's life and personality.

Some of the different types of yoga mentioned include Aakriti yoga, Uttamadi yoga, Kalsarpa yoga, and Raja yoga. They are believed to influence traits like wealth, learning, fame, marriage, career, and health.

Planetary combinations like the Sun, Venus and Mars conjunction are mentioned as making someone fortunate, wise and wealthy but also suffering from eye disease. Moon positioned from the Sun in different houses can produce different levels of wealth, learning and fame.


Yoga Name AakritiArdhachandra Yoga Aakriti-Chakra Yoga Aakriti-Chhatra Yoga Type B Planets Combination Expected Results The Seven planets occupy the seven The native is a commander of an army, contiguous houses starting from honored by the ruler, good in looks, houses other than the kendras. brave and wealthy. All Planets in six alternate houses starting from the lagna. All planets located in houses 7 to 1. The native is of lovely looks, illustrious, a king or his equivalent. A native with this yoga is scholarly, wise, kindhearted, high status, looking after his dependents, long lived, comfortable in the early and concluding portions of his life.


Aakriti-Danda Yoga Aakriti-Dhanush Yoga Aakriti-Gada

All planets located in the four houses Such a native is indigent, servile, from the tenth to Lagna. rejected, bereft of comforts, devoid of near and dear ones and cruel hearted. All planets located in houses 10 to 4. The native is brave, a jailer, proud, skilled in archery, a thief, a wanderer, happy in the middle portion of his life. All planets in two adjacent kendras. The native with this yoga is wealthy, learned, versed in mantras, tantras and music, fearsome, envious of others and ever engaged in earning money. One born in this yoga is gluttonous, servile, blessed with friends, liked by good people, living by agriculture. One born in this yoga is gluttonous, servile, blessed with friends, liked by good people, living by agriculture. One born in this yoga is gluttonous, servile, blessed with friends, liked by good people, living by agriculture. Such a native is beautiful to look at, acquires wide renown, long life, virtuous qualities and royal status. The result is an untruthful native, a jailer, cruel, a resident of forts or hills or forests, a wrestler, ignorant of what is right and wrong. This makes the native famous, miserly, greedy, ambitious, of fickle nature, earning through water related pursuits. The native is a wanderer, servile, quarrelsome, a message bearer, and an ambassador. The native is wealthy, renowned, blessed with physical pleasures, likeable, stable of mind. One born in this yoga suffers penury and privations, ill health, lean body, discord with a wicked wife and earning only through hard labor.

Aakriti-Hala Yoga M

All planets in houses 4, 8, 12.

Aakriti-Hala Yoga M

All planets in houses 3, 7, 11.

Aakriti-Hala Yoga M

All planets in houses 2, 6, 10.

Aakriti-Kamala Yoga

All planets occupying the four kendras. Planets located in houses 4 to 10.

Aakriti-Koota Yoga M

Aakriti-Nauka Yoga Aakriti-Pakshi (Vihaga) Aakriti-Samudra Yoga Aakriti-Shakata

All planets located in houses 1 to 7.

All planets in houses 4 and 10.

Planets in six alternate houses starting from the Second houses. All planets in houses 1 and 7.

Aakriti-Shakti Yoga M

All planets located in houses 7 to 10. The native is poor, lazy, long lived, combative, argumentative, good to look at, stable and tormented by

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination failures. Aakriti-Shara Yoga B All planets located in houses 4 to 7 One born in this yoga is a native who manufactures arrows, is cruel and wicked, a hunter, a jailer, fond of animal food. The native is blessed with comforts fond of combat, courageous, very wise, wealthy, devoted to his first wife, and indifferent to the second one. Expected Results

Aakriti-Shringataka B Yoga

All planets in trikonas 1, 5, 9.

Aakriti-Vaapi Yoga B

All planets falling in houses other than The native this yoga in his horoscope the four kendras. is ever engaged in accumulating wealth, has small but lasting comforts, long life, sweet-tongued and tends to hoard his wealth and possessions. Benefices in houses 1 and 7, Malefic The native is good in look, brave, in 4 and 10. wickedly disposed and happy during early life and old age. Malefic in houses 1 and 7, Benefices Given to restraint and auspicious in houses 4 and 10. pursuits, such a native is consistent in nature, wealthy, charitable and happy in the middle portion of his life. All planets located in houses 1 to 4. The native is contented, very learned, wealthy, valorous, blessed with home comforts and pursues his wordy duties.

Aakriti-Vajra Yoga B

Aakriti-Yava Yoga B

Aakriti-Yoopa Yoga

Aashraya-Musala B Yoga

All planets in Sthira Sign and several One born in this yoga is proud, other planets are also in Sthira sign. learned, wealthy, liked by the ruler, famous, of a stable nature and blessed with several sons. All planets in Dwiswabhava Sign and One born in this yoga is defective of a several other planets are also in limb, resolute, very clever, of Dwiswabhava sign. fluctuating wealth, good to look at and fond of his near and dear ones. All planets in Chara Sign and several One born in this yoga is fond of travel, other planets are also in Chara sign. of good looks, ambitious, cruel and delights to frequent alien lands in pursuit of wealth. This yoga is caused by the presence A native with this yoga is revered by of a natural benefic in the 10 houses the ruler, blessed with physical from lagna or Moon. pleasures, likeable and helpful and enjoys a lasting fame. All Benefic in kendras or all malefic in The person will achieve the ownership kendras. of vast lands. The person will gain abundant wealth. All Benefic in kendras or all malefic in The person will achieve the ownership kendras. of vast lands. The person will gain abundant wealth. All malefics in Kendras. The person will achieve the ownership of vast lands. The person will gain abundant wealth. The person will achieve the ownership of vast lands. The person will gain abundant wealth. This is considered to be a good

Aashraya-Nala Yoga

Aashraya-Rajju Yoga

Amala-Kirti Yoga

Amara Yoga

Amara Yoga

Amara Yoga

Amara Yoga

All Benefic in kendras.

Anant Kalsarpa

Rahu is in 1st house and Ketu is in

Yoga Name yoga Type Planets Combination 7th house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. Expected Results kalsarpa yoga, if this person is a Politician, Journalist, Writer or a Philosopher, then he will earn name and fame. But this person would not have a good married life.

Bhagya Malika (Mala) Yoga Bheri Yoga

All seven planets occupying one Powerful well to do, saintly, a devout house each from the lagna to seventh performer of sacrifices. house starting with the 9th house. The lord of the 9 being strong and the One born in this yoga is of a royal lagna lord as also Jupiter and Venus bearing, of noble birth, well-behaved, occupy kendras. well with wife, sons and fame, bereft of disease. The lord of the 9 house is strong and One born in this yoga is of a royal all planets occupy the lagna, the 2, 7 bearing, of noble birth, well-behaved, and 12th houses only well with wife, sons and fame, bereft of disease Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in 10th House. Conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter. A minister or a king, distinguished, amiable, a scholar. Eloquent, learned, amiable, handsome, wealthy, well-versed in dance, song and music, very virtuous and fond of perfumes. Very handsome, learned, honored by the ruler, blessed with pleasures and vehicles. Excels his father, very strong, dominates his opponents, blessed with wife, wealth and friends. Versed in scriptures, learned, wealthy, sweet-tongued, adept in fine arts. Blessed with friends, comforts, wife and wealth, honored by the ruler. Adept in making medicines, eloquent, not very rich, looks after a widow or a base woman, versed in metal-craft and fine arts, a wrestler or boxer. Given to violence or killing, adept in fire-related pursuits, an ambassador or a confidant.

Bheri Yoga

Buddh Guru Yoga B Buddh Guru Yoga B

Buddh Guru Yoga B

Mercury and Jupiter are Conjunct in Lagna. Mercury and Jupiter are Conjunct in 7th House. Mercury and Jupiter are Conjunct in 9th House. Mercury and Jupiter are Conjunct in 4th House. Conjunction between Mercury and Mars.

Buddh Guru Yoga B

Buddh Guru Yoga B Buddh Guru Yoga B Buddh Mangal Yoga B

Buddh Mangal Yoga Buddh Mangal Yoga Buddh Mangal Yoga Buddh Mangal Yoga

Mercury and Mars are Conjunct in Lagna.


Mercury and Mars are Conjunct in 9th Commander of an army, brave, strong, House. honored by the king. Mercury and Mars are conjunct in 10th House. Given to travelling far and wide, quarrelsome, good looking, loses his first wife.

Mercury and Mars are Conjunct in 7th Bereft of relatives, blessed with House. friends, wealth, conveyances and pleasures, suffers humiliation at the hands of his own people. Mercury and Mars are Conjunct in 4th Blessed with his friends, children, House. comforts, fame and fortune. Conjunction between Mercury and Saturn. Of a sickly constitution, learned, wealthy, provides sustenance to many, quarrelsome, fickle-minded, adept in

Buddh Mangal Yoga

Buddh Shani Yoga B

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Expected Results several arts, disobedient to his elders, a cheat. Buddh Shani Yoga M Buddh Shani Yoga M Buddh Shani Yoga B Buddh Shani Yoga B Mercury and Saturn are Conjunct in Lagna. Mercury and Saturn are Conjunct in 4th House. Mercury and Saturn are Conjunct in 7th House. Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in 10th House. Mercury and Saturn are Conjunct in 9th House. Mercury and Venus are Conjunct in 9th House. Conjunction between Mercury and Venus. Ugly, sinful, devoid of learning, wealth, and vehicles, short-lived. Without relatives, food and drink, humiliated by his own people. Devoted to god, doing good to others, resorts to falsehood. Destroys his opponents, famous for his worldly possessions, devoted to gods, guru and Brahmins. Ailing, wealthy, very talkative, thinks ill of others. Famous, learned, stable, fortunate, keeps his promise. Eloquent, virtuous, well versed in scriptural learning, extremely wealthy, a fine sculptor, adept in music, well dressed, owner of lands, ever mirthful. Good in looks, learned, honored by the ruler, distinguished, devoted to gods and Brahmins. Blessed with friends and progeny, indulges in good deeds, a minister. Versed in philosophical knowledge, famous in high status, not very rich, fulfils his undertakings. Attached to several women, plenty of physical and material pleasures

Buddh Shani Yoga M Buddh Shukra Yoga Buddh Shukra Yoga B B

Buddh Shukra Yoga Buddh Shukra Yoga Buddh Shukra Yoga Buddh Shukra Yoga Buddha Yoga

Mercury and Venus are Conjunct in Lagna. Mercury and Venus are Conjunct in 4th House. Mercury and Venus are conjunct in 10th House. Mercury and Venus are Conjunct in 7th House.



Jupiter is in Lagna Moon in a Kendra The person has matchless strength is from Jupiter Rahu in the 2nd from conversant with scriptures very Moon, Sun and Mars in 3rd from talented and renowned. Lagna. Conjunction between Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Conjunction between Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Prosperous, blessed with physical comforts, learned, fortunate, devoted to his wife. Very learned, of remarkable memory, truthful, amiable, sensuous.

Buddh-Guru-Shani B Yoga Buddh-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga Buddh-MangalGuru Yoga B

Conjunction between Mercury, Mars, Honored in his family, given to poetry, and Jupiter. music and drama, attached to young women, husband of a fine woman, engaged in doing good to others. Conjunction between Mercury, Mars, Living in fear, lean-bodied, disease in and Saturn. the eyes and mouth, witty, a menial worker, a vagrant. Conjunction between Mercury, Venus, Good in looks, bereft of enemies, and Jupiter. truthful, of lasting fame. Conjunction between Mercury, Venus, Very talkative, fickle-minded, defective and Mars. of a limb, slim of body, base-born, wicked, enthusiastic, rich. Conjunction between Mercury, Venus, The person is untruthful, vicious,

Buddh-MangalShani Yoga Buddh-ShukraGuru Yoga Buddh-ShukraMangal Yoga Buddh-Shukra-


Yoga Name Shani Yoga Budha - Aditya Yoga Budha - Aditya Yoga Budha - Aditya Yoga Budha - Aditya Yoga Budha - Aditya Yoga Chaamara Yoga B Type Planets Combination and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun and Mercury. Sun and Mercury are Conjunct in Lagna. Expected Results addicted to women not his own, a wanderer. The result is learned, sweet-tongued, clever, earns wealth by serving others, scholarly, good in looks and fickle. Learned, talkative, strong, wise, longlived.


Sun and Mercury are Conjunct in 4th The native is very wealthy(even like House. kubera), of heavy build and defective nose. Sun and Mercury are Conjunct in 7th The native is Cruel-hearted, a killer, House. without greed, bereft of comforts from his wife. Sun and Mercury are Conjunct in 9th Clever, devoid of comforts, many foes House. and ailments. Exalted lagna lord occupying a kendra The Chaamara yoga confers on the and aspected by Jupiter. native kingship or honor through a king, eloquence, wisdom, knowledge of several subjects and a longevity of 71 years. Two benefices conjoined either in the The Chaamara yoga confers on the Lagna, or in the 7 house or in the 9th native kingship or honor through a or the 10 th house. king, eloquence, wisdom, knowledge of several subjects and a longevity of 71 years. Two benefices conjoined either in lagna or in the 7 or 9 or in 10 house. The Chaamara yoga confers on the native kingship or honor through a king, eloquence, wisdom, knowledge of several subjects and a longevity of 71.


Chaamara Yoga

Chaamara Yoga

Chandra Adhi Yoga

when the benefic planets (Mercury, The native born with this yoga is a Jupiter, and Venus) occupy the 6, 7, 8 king, minister or commander. This houses from Moon. They may yoga confers on the native prosperity, sepatately or jointly occupy all or any health, status, Govt. recognition and of the houses sixth, seventh, and dominance over opponents. eighth from the Moon. When Saturn occupies the 12th house Owner of vast lands, forests and cattle, from Moon is called Anapha Yoga. of long arms, honoring his words, enjoying the wealth of others, associated with wicked woman. When Mercury occupies the 12th house from Moon is called Anapha Yoga. Eloquent, a poet, honored by the ruler, versed in music, dance and writing, handsome and renowned. Adverse for the career of ones progeny.

Chandra Anapha Yoga

Chandra Anapha Yoga

Chandra Anapha Yoga

When Venus occupies the 12th house Charmer of young women, adulterous, from Moon is called Anapha Yoga. sweettongued, a king, bestowed with wealth, cattle and material possessions. When Mars occupies the 12th house Leader of band of thieves, haughty, from Moon is called Anapha Yoga. wrathful, bold, good looking and hurtful to everyone including his mother. When a planet other than the Sun One born in the Anapha yoga is a king, occupies the 12th house from Moon is healthy, affable, renowned, capable,

Chandra Anapha Yoga Chandra Anapha Yoga

Yoga Name Chandra Anapha Yoga Type B Planets Combination called Anapha Yoga. When Jupiter occupies the 12th house from Moon is called Anapha Yoga. Expected Results pleasant looks and happy. Endowed with strength and virtue, energetic, learned, honored by the king, a poet, wealthy, opposed to his near & dear. If Jupiter aspects the sixth house from the Lagna, the native is happy & contented. Illustrious, equivalent to a king, good looking, a poet. Comfortable, wise, strong, fortunate, clever, good in looks, very talkative. Pleasant looks, sweet tongued, engaged in virtues deeds, pious, blessed, a poet, kind-hearted, and deeply attached to his wife. Blessed with his friends, children, comforts, fame and fortune. Wealthy, haughty. famous, minister, suffers in old age. Learned in scriptures, bereft of peace, famous, very talkative.

Chandra Buddh Yoga Chandra Buddh Yoga Chandra Buddh Yoga


Moon and Mercury are Conjunct in 7th House. Moon and Mercury are Conjunct in Lagna. Conjunction between Moon and Mercury.

Chandra Buddh Yoga Chandra Buddh Yoga Chandra Buddh Yoga Chandra Durudhara Yoga


Moon and Mercury are Conjunct in 4th House. Moon and Mercury are conjunct in 10th House. Moon and Mercury are Conjunct in 9th House.

When Jupiter and Saturn occupies the Blessed with comforts, humble, sweet2 and 12th house from Moon. tongued, very learned, wealthy, of beautiful looks and a quiet temperament. When Venus and Mars occupies the 2 Handsome, Valorous, athletic, and 12th house from Moon. argumentative, pious, wealthy, very efficient, blessed with a lovely wife. When planets other than the Sun occupy both 2 & 12 houses from Moon. One born in this earns fame through his good speech, learning, virtue. It confers upon the native immense wealth, vehicles, lands.

Chandra Durudhara Yoga Chandra Durudhara Yoga

Chandra Durudhara Yoga Chandra Durudhara Yoga Chandra Durudhara Yoga

When Venus and Jupiter occupies the Blessed with wisdom and valour, 2 and 12th house from Moon. steadfast, prosperous, of a royal mien, very renowned, and guiltless. When Venus and Saturn occupies the Clever and wealthy, Favored by the 2 and 12th house from Moon. king, of mature thinking, head of his family, liked by women. When Mercury and Mars occupies the Untruthful, rich, clever, wicked, 2 and 12th house from Moon. faultfinding, avaricious, respected in his own family, and addicted to elderly unchaste women. When Mars and Saturn occupies the Addicted to unchaste women, engaged 2 and 12th house from Moon. in wicked deeds, easily angered, treacherous, rich, annihilator of enemies, a hoarder, without remorse. When Mercury and Venus occupies the 2 and 12th house from Moon. Sweet tongued, good in looks, fond of music and dance, heroic in temperament, a minister, commanding respect. Goes to one country to another country to earn money, revered of poor or moderate learning, opposed to his kith

Chandra Durudhara Yoga

Chandra Durudhara Yoga

Chandra Durudhara Yoga

When Mercury and Saturn occupies the 2 and 12th house from Moon.

Yoga Name Chandra Durudhara Yoga Chandra Durudhara Yoga Type B Planets Combination and kin. When Mercury and Jupiter occupies the 2 and 12th house from Moon. Religiously inclined, versed in scriptures, eloquent, wealthy, a poet, a renunciant, highly renowned. Expected Results

When Mars and Jupiter occupies the Renowned and wealthy, easily 2 and 12th house from Moon. angered, generally contended, protector of his dear ones, harassed by his opponents, accumulator of fortune earned through his own efforts. Conjunction between Moon and Jupiter. Overpowering, virtuous, famous, intelligent profoundly versed, many friends, engaged in virtuous pursuits, doing good to others, wealthy, consistent in love, soft spoken, chief of family, fickle-minded. Broad-chested, good-looking, blessed with wife, friends and children.

Chandra Guru Yoga

Chandra Guru Yoga Chandra Guru Yoga Chandra Guru Yoga Chandra Guru Yoga Chandra Guru Yoga


Moon and Jupiter are Conjunct in Lagna.

Moon and Jupiter are Conjunct in 9th Distinguished, fortunate, wealthy, House. contented in all circumstances. Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in 10th Scholar, wealthy, haughty, renowned, House. respected by all. Moon and Jupiter are Conjunct in 7th Learned, equal to king, very skilled, a House. trader, very wealthy. Moon and Jupiter are Conjunct in 4th Equivalent to a king, a minister, House. illustrious, highly learned. The Moon or Venus occupying a kendra and aspected by Jupiter. When this happens, the adverse Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native. When this happens, the adverse Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native. When this happens, the adverse Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native. When this happens, the adverse Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native.

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

Presence of planets in kendras from the lagna.

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

All planets aspecting the Moon.

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

A full Moon occupying the lagna in conjunction with a benefic planet.

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

A strong Moon in a kendra associated When this happens, the adverse with or aspected by benefices. Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native. The Moon associated with a benefic planet or located between two benefices and aspected by Jupiter. When this happens, the adverse Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native.

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

The Moon occupying in the navamsha When this happens, the adverse chart its exaltation sign or the house Kemadruma yield place to a highly of a very friendly planet, aspected by benefic kalpadruma yoga which Jupiter. bestows all comforts on the native.

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Presence of planets in kendras from the Moon. Expected Results When this happens, the adverse Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native. When this happens, the adverse Kemadruma yield place to a highly benefic kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the native. Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

The Moon exalted in the 10 house and aspected by a benefic.

Chandra B Kalpadruma Yoga

If at birth, Mars and Jupiter be in Tula, When this happens, the adverse the Sun in Kanya and Moon in Mesha, Kemadruma yield place to a highly even if the other planets do not aspect benefic kalpadruma yoga which the Moon, the Kemadruma stands bestows all comforts on the native. cancelled. A waning Moon in debilitation, with the native born at night time. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness.

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

Placement of the lord of the 11th Such a native lives on food given by house in the 12th house, and a weak others, indulges in base acts, is poor 12th lord in the 2nd house, with and ever engaged in adultery. malefics in the 3rd house. A waning Moon, occupying the 8th house from the lagna, aspected by or associated with a malefic planet, in a case where birth takes place during the night time. This yoga arises when there is no planet in the 2 or 12 from Moon. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness.

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

The Moon in the lagna or the 7 house One born in this yoga is bereft of sans Jupiters aspect. health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness. The Moon is in conjunction with the One born in this yoga is bereft of Sun, aspected by a debilitated planet health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and occupying a malefic navamsha. and mental peace such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness. The Moon in the Rahu-Ketu Axis, aspected by a malefic planet. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

The 4 house from the Lagna or the Moon occupied by a malefic planet.

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

The moon in Tula, in the varga of an inimical planet, aspected by an inimical or debilitated planet.

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Expected Results suffers misery, failures, physical illness. Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga The Moon in Chara rashi and Chara navamsha, aspected by an inimical planet, unaspected by Jupiter. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness. One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness.

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

A weak Moon conjunct with a malefic planet and occupying, in a night birth, a malefic house or a navamsha, aspected by the lord of the 10th house.

Chandra M Kemadruma Yoga

A waning Moon debilitated in One born in this yoga is bereft of navamsha, associated with a malefic health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife and aspected by the 9 lord. and mental peace, such a native suffers misery, failures, physical illness. Moon and mars are Conjunct in 9th House. Hostile to mother, bereft of peace, of injured body, wealthy

Chandra Mangal Yoga Chandra Mangal Yoga


Conjunction between Moon and Mars. Wealthy, brave, winner in combat, dealer of women, wines and earthenware, adept in metal craft, suffering from blood disorders, hostile to mother. Moon and mars are Conjunct in Lagna. Moon and mars are Conjunct in 4th House. Moon and mars are Conjunct in 7th House. Moon and Mars are conjunct in 10th House. Aggressive, suffers from blood and bile disorders. Quarrelsome, poor, bereft of home comforts and mental peace. Talkative, desires others wealth and possessions. Valorous, blessed with vehicles and material possessions.

Chandra Mangal Yoga Chandra Mangal Yoga Chandra Mangal Yoga Chandra Mangal Yoga Chandra Shani Yoga Chandra Shani Yoga Chandra Shani Yoga Chandra Shani Yoga Chandra Shani Yoga


Moon and Saturn are Conjunct in 4th Profession related to water, precious House. stones and boating or ships, honored by others. Moon and Saturn are Conjunct in 9th A sinner, follows blemished faith, gives House. up his mother. Moon and Saturn are Conjunct in 7th Headman of a village or a town, bereft House. of wife. Moon and Saturn are Conjunct in Lagna. Conjunction between Moon and Saturn. Servile, ugly in looks, greedy, lazy, a sinner. Born of a widow remarried, attached to an old woman, given to pleasures of the flesh, bereft of grace, wealth and velour, tends horses and elephants.


Chandra Shani Yoga Chandra Shukra Yoga Chandra Shukra Yoga


Moon and Saturn are conjunct in 10th Winner in battle, renowned, a leader. House. Moon and Venus are Conjunct in 4th Comforted by women, earns from sea House. travel, very likeable. Conjunction between Moon and Venus. Clever in buying and selling, adept in tailoring, weaving and trading of clothes, Quarrelsome, fond of flowers

Yoga Name Chandra Shukra Yoga Chandra Shukra Yoga Chandra Shukra Yoga Type B B Planets Combination Expected Results and perfumes, lazy, sinful, a poet. Moon and Venus are conjunct in 10th Very distinguished, high status, House. forgiving. Moon and Venus are Conjunct in 7th Associates with many women, little House. wealth, more daughters and few sons, equal to a king, very wise. Moon and Venus are Conjunct in Lagna. Good in looks, devoted to teachers and elders, blessed with good cloths and perfumes, comforted by base women.

Chandra Shukra Yoga

Moon and Venus are Conjunct in 9th Ailing, husband of a base woman, House. subservient to one in high position. When Jupiter occupies the second house from the moon, the resulting yoga is called as Sunapha yoga. Excelling in every branch of learning, preceptor, widely renowned, very wealthy, favored by the ruler, and blessed with a good family. The native is sinless and long-lived. The native is valorous, cruel, fierce, wealthy, a king, or a commander, averse to hypocrisy, his son takes to agriculture. The native is very efficient, brave, good in looks, and honored by the ruler. He is learned, and blessed with wife, houses, lands, vehicles, quadrupeds and splendor. This confers on the native a status equivalent to that of a king, immense wealth, capacity to earn his fortune through his own efforts, wide renown, inclination towards virtuous deeds, quietude and contentment. Well-versed in scriptures, fine arts and music, immersed in religious pursuits, of good looks and agreeable speech, highly intelligent, and doing good to others. He earns well and dies of ailments arising from cold. Clever and skillful, held in esteem by the rural and the urban folk alike, wealthy and contented. The native lives on Goats milk. This is not favorable for the mother of the native.

Chandra Sunapha B Yoga

Chandra Sunapha B Yoga

When Mars occupies the second house from the moon, the resulting yoga is called as Sunapha yoga. When Venus occupies the second house from the moon, the resulting yoga is called as Sunapha yoga.

Chandra Sunapha B Yoga

Chandra Sunapha B Yoga

When a planet other than the Sun occupies the second house from the moon, the resulting yoga is called as Sunapha yoga.

Chandra Sunapha B Yoga

When Mercury occupies the second house from the moon, the resulting yoga is called as Sunapha yoga.

Chandra Sunapha B Yoga

When Saturn occupies the second house from the moon, the resulting yoga is called as Sunapha yoga.

Chandra-BuddhGuru Yoga

Conjunction between Moon, Mercury, Learned, Famous, eloquent, rich, and Jupiter. virtuous, sickly, the favorite of king. Conjunction between Moon, Mercury, Virtuous, charitable, learned, famous, Jupiter and Saturn. exceedingly wealthy, counselor of a king. Conjunction between Moon, Mercury, Learned, famous, wealthy, bereft of Jupiter and Venus. mother and father, without enemies, with defective hearing. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct. Highly respectable, a minister, virtuous, leader of many people.

Chandra-Buddh- B Guru-Shani Yoga Chandra-Buddh- B Guru-Shukra Yoga Chandra-BuddhGuru-ShukraB

Yoga Name Shani Yoga Chandra-BuddhShani Yoga Chandra-BuddhShukra Yoga Chandra-BuddhShukra-Shani Yoga Chandra-GuruShani Yoga B B Conjunction between Moon, Mercury, Learned, worthy, honored by the ruler, and Saturn. eloquent, sickly, a leader. Conjunction between Moon, Mercury, Good learning, honorable, mean and Venus. nature, highly covetous, jealous of others. Conjunction between Moon, Mercury, Adulterous, husband of a wicked Venus and Saturn. woman, learned, hostile to many, of diseased eyes. Conjunction between Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. Versed in scriptures, liked by the ruler, clever, renowned, bereft of illness, leader of a village or a town, attached to older women. Very good looking, learned, born of a virtues mother, proficient in several arts. Deprived of mother, truthful, adulterous, uncomfortable, a wanderer, has skin disease. Wicked, humiliated by his own people, bereft of virtue and wealth, without friends throughout his life, a glutton. Versed in sacred scriptures, a king or a minister, highly renowned. Wicked, poor, living on begged food, suffers night-blindness. Virtuous, learned, wealthy, bereft of ailments, with many friends. Type Planets Combination Expected Results

Chandra-GuruShukra Yoga Chandra-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga

Conjunction between Moon, Jupiter, and Venus. Conjunction between Moon, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, and Mercury. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are conjunct. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are conjunct.

Chandra-Mangal- M Buddh Yoga Chandra-Mangal- B Buddh-Guru Yoga Chandra-Mangal- M Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Chandra-Mangal- B Buddh-GuruShukra Yoga Chandra-Mangal- B Buddh-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga Chandra-Mangal- M Buddh-Shani Yoga Chandra-Mangal- M Buddh-Shukra Yoga Chandra-Mangal- M Buddh-ShukraShani Yoga Chandra-Mangal- B Guru Yoga Chandra-Mangal- B Guru-Shani Yoga Chandra-Mangal- B Guru-Shukra Yoga Chandra-Mangal- M

Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus Pious, famous, lazy, wealthy, a kings and Saturn are conjunct. counselor, blessed with many women, undertakes pilgrimages, of ascetic habits. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, and Jupiter. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn Conjunction between Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus. Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Brave, bereft of comforts from his friends, blessed with wife, children and friends. Quarrelsome, lazy, wicked, hostile to his own people, good in looks, husband of a wicked woman. Ugly in looks, foolish, a pauper, a eunuch, haughty, serving others. Good in looks, lovely face, love-sick, likeable, easily angered, his body is scarred with injuries. Learned, generous, brave, mentally stable, rich, of defective hearing. Valorous, wealthy, learned, blessed with friends and a lovely wife, defective of a limb. A menial servant, foolish, thievish,

Yoga Name Guru-ShukraShani Yoga Chandra-Mangal- M Shani Yoga Chandra-Mangal- B Shukra Yoga Chandra-Mangal- M Shukra-Shani Yoga Chandra-ShukraShani Yoga Chatussagara Yoga Chatussagara Yoga Dala Mala Yoga B Type Planets Combination Saturn are conjunct. Expected Results living on begged food, shabbily dressed, of disease in the eye.

Conjunction between Moon, Mars and Bereft of comforts from mother right Saturn. from childhood, wicked, fickle-minded, indulges in prohibited deeds. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, and Venus. Conjunction between Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn. Conjunction between Moon, Venus, and Saturn. All planets occupy the four Kendras Master of an ill-mannered woman, ever a wanderer, fickle-minded, in dread of cold. Husband of an immoral woman, ever miserable, courageous, fearless, with eyes like those of a serpent. Proficient writer, coming from a good family, engaged in virtues pursuits, very likeable. This Yoga destroys numerous afflictions in a chart and ensures wealth and high status to the person.

All the planets occupy the four Chara This Yoga destroys numerous signs. afflictions in a chart and ensures wealth and high status to the person. All benefices in three kendras, Functional malefics not in kendras. One born in this yoga is blessed with constant enjoyments, vehicles, good food and clothes and association with lovely women. One born in this yoga is scheming, wicked, miserable, destitute, and dependent upon others for his subsistence. One born in this yoga is blessed with constant enjoyments, vehicles, good food and clothes and association with lovely women. One born in this yoga is scheming, wicked, miserable, destitute, and dependent upon others for his subsistence. Strong Lagna should be there. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there.

Dala Sarpa Yoga

All Functional Malefic in three kendras, Benefic not in kendras.


All benefices in three kendras malefics not in kendras.


All Malefic in three kendras, benefic not in kendras.

Dhana Yoga

The Sun in Simha Lagna, under the association or aspect of Mars and Jupiter.

Dhana Yoga

The Jupiter occupying the 5th house identical with its own rashi (Dhanu/Meena), and Mercury in the 11th house.

Dhana Yoga

The Lagna lord is associtating with This indicates a promise of rise in the 2nd or 5th or 9th or the 11th lord. status associated with increased inflow of money. The native will be benefited specially when the participating

Yoga Name Dhana Yoga Type B Planets Combination Expected Results planets is in its mahadasha. The Moon in Karka Lagna, under the Strong Lagna should be there. This influence of Mercury and Jupiter. combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts. The 2nd lord is associtating with the 5th or the 9th or the 11th lord. This Yoga is for wealth and financial prosperity. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there. Strong lagna should be there. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts. This indicates a promise of rise in status associated with increased inflow of money. The native will be benefited specially when the participating planets is in its Mahadasha. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there. Strong lagna should be there. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts.

Dhana Yoga

Dhana Yoga

The Venus in its own rashi (Vrischika/Tula) in the lagna, under the influence of Mercury and Saturn.

Dhana Yoga

The Rashis of jupiter falling in the 9 house and Jupiter- Venus or the 5 lord aspecting them produce a potent dhana yoga The Mercury occupying the 5th house identical with its own rashi(Mithuna/Kanya), with the Moon, Mars and Jupiter in the 11th house.

Dhana Yoga

Dhana Yoga

The Mercury in its own rashi(Mithuna/Kanya) in the Lagna, under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn.

Dhana Yoga

The Venus occupying the 5th house This combination lead to excessive identical with its own wealth. This yoga generally related to rashi(Vrisha/Tula), and Mars placed in ones profession, it may be desirable to the Lagna. examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there. The Jupiter in its own rashi(Dhanu/Meena) in the lagna, under the influence of Mars and Mercury. Strong lagna should be there. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts.

Dhana Yoga

Yoga Name Dhana Yoga Type B Planets Combination Expected Results The Saturn in its own rashi Strong lagna should be there. This (Makara/Kumbha) in the lagna, under combination lead to excessive wealth. the influence of Mars and Jupiter. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts. The Saturn occupying the 5th house identical with its own sign (Makara/Kumbha), and the /Sun and the Moon in the 11th house. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there.

Dhana Yoga

Dhana Yoga

The Mars occupying the 5th house identical with its own rashi(Mesha/Vrischika), and Venus in the 11th house.

Dhana Yoga

The Moon in its own rashi (Karka) in This combination lead to excessive the 5th house, and Saturn in the 11th wealth. This yoga generally related to house. ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there. The Sun occupying the 5th house identical with its own rashi (Simha), and the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn in the 11th house. This combination lead to excessive wealth. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there. This Yoga is for wealth and financial prosperity. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there. This Yoga is for wealth and financial prosperity. This yoga generally related to ones profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts and also strong Lagna should be there.

Dhana Yoga

Dhana Yoga

The 9th lord is associtating with the 11th lord.

Dhana Yoga

The 5th lord is associtating with the 9th or the 11th lord.

Dhana Yoga

The Mars in its own Strong Lagna should be there. This rashi(Mesha/Vrischika) in the Lagna, combination lead to excessive wealth. under the influence of Mercury, Venus This yoga generally related to ones and Saturn. profession, it may be desirable to examine the dashamamsha chart along with the rashi & the navamsha charts.

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Expected Results Dhanadhana Yoga B If the native born in Night time and the The native is very wealthy. According Moon located in its own navamsha, or to one interpretation, irrespective of the that of a friend's house and aspected birth being during daytime or nightby Venus. time, the placement of the Moon in a favorable navamsha, under the aspect of Jupiter or Venus or both, is a combination of great wealth. If the native born in Day time and the Moon located in its own navamsha, or that of a friend's house and aspected by Jupiter. The native is very wealthy. According to one interpretation, irrespective of the birth being during daytime or nighttime, the placement of the Moon in a favorable navamsha, under the aspect of Jupiter of Venus or both, is a combination of great wealth.

Dhanadhana Yoga B

Dhanu Malika (Mala) Yoga

All seven planets occupying one A wealthy king, devoted to his parents, house each from the lagna to seventh aggressive, resolute, unsympathetic, house starting with the Second virtuous. House. All Malefics in the 8th house and All Benefic in the Lagna. All malefics in the 8th house and all benefices in the Lagna. The person is a commander one whose orders others follow. The person is a commander one whose orders others follow.

Dhwaja Yoga Dhwaja Yoga


Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Jupiter and Moon are Conjunct at 1th The person is good-looking blessed house. with friends spouse and progeny. The person will enjoy health is dignified and impressive Jupiter and Moon are Conjunct at 4th This combination should be very house favorable for domestic comforts and the mother of the person. But according to Mansagari this Yoga deprives one of comforts at home leads to troubles in respect of the mother Jupiter and Moon are Conjunct at 7th The person is learned skilled a trader house wealthy and will experience conjugal bliss. The person will have luck and obtain wealth through business partnerships. Jupiter and Moon are Conjunct at 10th house The person is distinguished fortunate wealthy contented and will have great fortune. There will be good luck as well as virtuous activities and religious pursuits.

Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Jupiter and Moon are Conjunct at 9th The person is a scholar wealthy, house haughty, respectable etc. This is a good combination for career prospects high status and financial prosperity. Jupiter 4th house away from Moon. This combination should be very favorable for domestic comforts and the mother of the person. But according to Mansagari this Yoga deprives one of comforts at home leads to troubles in respect of the mother and confers an attitude to work for others.

Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Jupiter 7th house away from Moon. Expected Results The person will have good health and a long life respected by his family members and an inclination to be frugal. Mansagari adds that the person will become impotent and suffer from jaundice but in general this Yoga confers conjugal harmony. Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Gaja-Kesari Yoga B

Jupiter 10th house away from Moon. The person will have a very favorable career attains a dignified position and wealth. There could also be strong idealism and spiritual pursuits. Mansagari maintains that a person with this Yoga will give up a spouse and children to become an ascetic. Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. A minister, healthy, affable, blessed with friends and relatives.

Guru Shani Yoga Guru Shani Yoga Guru Shani Yoga Guru Shani Yoga


Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in 9th Enjoys wealth, sickly, bereft of near House. and dear ones. Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in 10th House. Equal to king, few sons, stable, blessed with wealth and vehicles.

Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in 4th Strong, famous, leader of a group or House. an army, an artist, a barber, a potter, a cook, wealthy, suspicious of his wife, a wanderer, tends cattle. Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in 7th Learned, harsh, fond of wealth, House. wicked, a drunkard. Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in Lagna. Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in Lagna. Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in 9th Sweet-tongued, a king, blessed with House. many comforts, long lived. Guru and Venus are conjunct in 10th Renowned, a king, blessed with many House. comforts, long-lived. Conjunction between Venus and Jupiter. Very learned, blessed with virtuous wife, wealthy, religious, earn his living through the use of his learning. Loses money through hostility towards women, brave, indulges in base acts, foolish, covets his fathers money.

Guru Shani Yoga Guru Shani Yoga


Guru Shukra Yoga B Guru Shukra Yoga B Guru Shukra Yoga B Guru Shukra Yoga B

Guru Shukra Yoga B Guru Shukra Yoga B

Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in 7th Blessed with a beautiful wife, father of House. daughters, famous. Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in 4th Destroys his opponents, blessed with House. physical comforts, devoted to God and guru. All planets in the Lagna, 5th, 7th and The native takes over the sustenance in the 9th house. of his fellow beings. Benefices placed in house4 8 9 from The person is conversant with the the lord of the 7nd house. entire body of sacred lore an eminent scholar truthful wealthy victorious blessed with all comforts and beneficent to all. Benefices placed in house 2 8 12 from the lord of the 2nd house. The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore an eminent scholar truthful wealthy victorious

Hamsa Yoga Hari- HaraBramha Yoga


Hari- HaraBramha Yoga

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Expected Results blessed with all comforts and beneficent to all. Hari- HaraBramha Yoga B Benefices placed in house 4 10 11 from the lord of the Lagna. The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore an eminent scholar truthful wealthy victorious blessed with all comforts and beneficent to all. The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore an eminent scholar truthful wealthy victorious blessed with all comforts and beneficent to all.

Hari-Hara-Brahma G Yoga.

Benefices placed in the 4th 8th and 9th from the lord of the 7th house.

Hari-Hara-Brahma G Yoga.

Benefices placed in the 4th 10th and The person is conversant with the 11th from the lord of the Lagna. entire body of sacred lore an eminent scholar truthful wealthy victorious blessed with all comforts and beneficent to all. Benefices placed in the 2nd, 8th and The person is conversant with the 12th from the lord of the 2nd house entire body of sacred lore an eminent scholar truthful wealthy victorious blessed with all comforts and beneficent to all. This yoga arises when the Moon occupies the 11th house from the lagna. The native suffers death as a consequence of some stupidly egotistical action of his.

Hari-Hara-Brahma G Yoga.

Hatha-Hantaa Yoga Indra Yoga

Mars is 3rd from Moon, Saturn is 7th The person is celebrated a king or his from Mars, Venus is 7th from Saturn equal amiable eloquent wealthy and Jupiter is 7th from Venus. fortunate. The 4 lord exalted or in its own house, The native with this yoga is associated with or aspected by the 10 aggressive, courageous, ignorant, lord. commander of an army, owner (ruler) of several villages. Lords of the 4 and 9 in mutual kendras and lord of the lagna are being strong. The native with this yoga is aggressive, courageous, ignorant, commander of an army, owner (ruler) of several villages.

Kaahala Yoga

Kaahala Yoga

Kalatra Malika (Mala) Yoga

All seven planets occupying one Long-lived, a king associating with house each from the lagna to seventh several wives (spouses), influential. house starting with the 7th house. Rahu is in 8th house and Ketu is in 2th house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. All planets in the 7th, 10th and 11th houses. This type of a person will become a Scientist, Detective, Geologist or a Tantrik. But he will be wicked in nature. The person even if born in an ordinary ambiance

Kanktok Kalsarpa M Yoga Karika Yoga Karma Malika (Mala) Yoga Kartari Yoga (Paapa) G B

All seven planets occupying one Virtuous highly esteemed, given to house each from the lagna to seventh good deeds. house starting with the 10th house. When natural malefics occupy houses This yoga produces criminal 2 and 12 from the lagna. tendencies, ill health, unwholesome food, excessive sexual urge, intention to grab the wealth of others. When natural benefices occupy houses 2 and 12 from the lagna. This yoga confers on the native eloquence, good health, handsome

Kartari Yoga (Shubha)

Yoga Name Khadga Yoga Type G Planets Combination Occupation of the 2 house by the 9 lord, and of the 9th house by the 2nd lord, and lagna lord occupying a kendra or a trikona house. Rahu is in 2nd house and Ketu is in 8th house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. Expected Results appearance, much wealth and fame. The native born in this yoga is immersed in the study of sacred scriptures, dignified, skillful, wealthy, blessed with wisdom, kindness. This type of a person will become a Scientist, Detective, Geologist or a Tantrik. But he will be wicked in nature.

Kulik Kalsarpa Yoga Labha Malika (Mala) Yoga Lagna Malika (Mala) Yoga Lagnadhi Yoga

All seven planets occupying one Very competent, blessed with lovely house each from the lagna to seventh women, of royal mien. house starting with the 11th house. All seven planets occupying one Equal to king, commanding several house each from the lagna to seventh elephants and horses (vehicles). house starting with the Lagna. 'when benefices occupy houses 7th & One born in this yoga is learned and 8th from the Lagna, bereft of malefic blessed with comforts. association or aspect. When benefices occupy houses 7 and One born in this yoga is learned and 8 from the lagna. blessed with comforts. It results when the lagna lord is abundantly strong and the lord of 9th house occupies a kendra identical with his own house, his sign of exaltation, or his mooltrikona. One born in this, is good in looks, virtuous, very wealthy, owns vast lands, learned, an illustrious king, widely renowned, blessed with wives and children.

Lagnadhi Yoga Lakshmi Yoga


Maha Bhagya Yoga Maha Bhagya Yoga Mahapadm Kalsarpa Yoga

Birth during nighttime, Even Sign The native is blessed with all feminine rising in lagna, Sun & Moon occupies qualities, grace good fortune, good even sign. character, wealth and progeny. Birth during the daytime, Odd sign rising in the lagna, Sun & Moon occupying odd sign. On born in this, is pleasant to look at, liberal, widely renowned, lord of lands.

Rahu is in 6th house and Ketu is in The person will become a Jyotishi or 12th house and all the planets fall on an Advocate, but he will have a one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. dangerous disease. The 9th house lord exchanges houses This combination promises wealth with the 10th lord or the 11th lord. status and physical enjoyments plus beneficial influences from the houses involved. The 10th house lord exchanges houses with the 11th lord. This combination promises wealth status and physical enjoyments plus beneficial influences from the houses involved.

Maha-Parivartana B Yoga

Maha-Parivartana B Yoga

Maha-Parivartana B Yoga

The Lagna lord exchanges houses This combination promises wealth with 2nd or 4th or 5th or 7th or 9th or status and physical enjoyments plus 10th or the 11th lord. beneficial influences from the houses involved. The 2nd house lord exchanges houses with the 4th or the 5th or the 7th or the 9th or the 10th or the 11th lord. The 4nd house lord exchanges houses with the 5th lord or the 7th lord or the 9th lord or the 10th lord or the 11th lord . This combination promises wealth status and physical enjoyments plus beneficial influences from the houses involved. This combination promises wealth status and physical enjoyments plus beneficial influences from the houses involved.

Maha-Parivartana B Yoga

Maha-Parivartana B Yoga

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Expected Results Maha-Parivartana B Yoga The 5th house lord exchanges houses This combination promises wealth with the 7th lord or the 9th lord or the status and physical enjoyments plus 10th lord or the 11th lord. beneficial influences from the houses involved. The 7th house lord exchanges houses This combination promises wealth with the 9th lord or the 10th lord or the status and physical enjoyments plus 11th lord. beneficial influences from the houses involved. Moon conjoined with Rahu, aspected The person is a heinous sinner. by Jupiter 'which itself is under melefic association. Moon cojoined with Rahu, aspected by Jupiter which is under malefic association. The person is a heinous sinner.

Maha-Parivartana B Yoga

MahaPataka Yoga B

Mahapataka Yoga M

Mahapurusha Bhadra Yoga

When Mercury, exalted (in Kanya) or One born in Bhadra yoga is physically in its own sign (Mithuna or Kanya), is strong and healthy with long arms and located in a kendra. fine dense beard. Commanding stature, broad chest and shoulders, beautiful forehead & dark curly hair. When Jupiter, exalted ( in Karka) or in One born in Hams yoga has a fair its own sign (Dhanu or Meena), is complexion, prominent cheeks, located in a kendra. beautiful face and a golden luster in his skin. His nails and palms are red, his feet are lovely and his eyes have the pallor of honey. His voice is sweet like that of a swan. When Venus, exalted (in Meena), or in its own sign (Vrisha or Tula), is located in kendra. Possible for all lagnas. Graceful appearance, fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling teeth and bright complexion like full moon.

Mahapurusha Hamsa Yoga

Mahapurusha Malavya Yoga

Mahapurusha Ruchaka Yoga

This Yoga forms when Mars, exalted ( One born in Ruchaka yoga is good in Makara) or in its own sign (Mesha looking and handsome. Prominent or Vrischika), is located in a kendra face, beautiful eyebrows, dark hair and from the lagna. clear complexion. He is Commander of an army or leader of a gang of thieves. When Saturn, exalted (in Tula) or in its own sign(Makara or Kumbha), is located in kendra. Can exist only for Chara and lagnas. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Lagna. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in 4th House. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in 7th House. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in 10th A Highly renowned, very wealthy, wise, House. with a large family. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in 9th House. Conjunction between Mars and Jupiter. Worship-worthy, royal, ailing, harsh, scarred with family. Learned, revered, wealthy, very intelligent, skillful lecturer, a sculpture, skilled in the use of weapons, Brave and cruel, medium height, slim waist and high-set teeth. He has beautiful leg and has a fast but regular gait. Distinguished, talented, virtuous, courageous. Blessed with friends and relatives, consistent, devoted to gods and Brahmins.

Mahapurusha Shasha Yoga

Mangal Guru Yoga B Mangal Guru Yoga B

Mangal Guru Yoga B Mangal Guru Yoga B Mangal Guru Yoga B Mangal Guru Yoga B

Yoga Name Mangal Shani Yoga Type M Planets Combination Conjunction between Mars and Saturn. Expected Results memories by mere listening, a leader. Miserable, quarrelsome, condemnable, a betrayer, clever in talking, versed in the use of weapons, follower of a faith other than his own, has danger from poison or injury. Winner in battle, hostile to mother, short-lived. Bereft of home comforts, given up by near and dear ones, a sinner. Devoid of comforts from wife and children, ailing, indulges in sinful deeds.

Mangal Shani Yoga Mangal Shani Yoga Mangal Shani Yoga Mangal Shani Yoga Mangal Shani Yoga


Mars and Saturn are conjunct in Lagna. Mars and Saturn are conjunct in 4th House. Mars and Saturn are conjunct in 7th House.


Mars and Saturn are conjunct in 10th Earns from the ruler, suffers House. punishment(for a crime). Mars and Saturn are conjunct in 9th House. Sinful, characterless, addicted to other peoples wives, devoid of wealth and comforts.

Mangal-BuddhB Guru-Shani Yoga Mangal-BuddhB Guru-Shukra Yoga Mangal-BuddhGuru-ShukraShani Yoga Mangal-BuddhShukra-Shani Yoga Mangal-GuruShani Yoga Mangal-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga NeechaBhanga Raja Yoga M

Conjunction between Mars, Mercury, Valorous, learned, eloquent, truthful, Jupiter, and Saturn. pious, poor. Conjunction between Mars, Mercury, Rich, healthy, highly esteemed, Jupiter and Venus. involved in quarrels with women. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct. Easily angered, authorized to render imprisonment and capital punishment, liked by the king, lazy, sickly, suffers from madness.

Conjunction between Mars, Mercury, Skilled in battle, a wrestler, very Venus, and Saturn. healthy, renowned, keeps dogs as pets. Conjunction between Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Conjunction between Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its exaltation sign's lord. Lean-bodied, cruel, wicked, bereft of friends, conceited, favored by the ruler. Illustrious, wealthy, courageous, addicted to other peoples wives. This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet. When a Neecha - Bhanga Yoga is present, the debilitation gets cancelled and is said to produce benefic results. This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet. When a Neecha - Bhanga Yoga is present, the debilitation gets cancelled and is said to produce benefic results. This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet. When a Neecha - Bhanga Yoga is present, the debilitation gets cancelled and is said to produce benefic results. This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet. When a Neecha - Bhanga Yoga is present, the debilitation gets cancelled and is said


NeechaBhanga Raja Yoga

Two debilitated planets aspect each other.

NeechaBhanga Raja Yoga

The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its debilitation sign's lord.

NeechaBhanga Raja Yoga

The lord of the house where the planet is Exalted (I.e. the Exaltation lord of the planet) is in kendra from the lagna or the Moon.

Yoga Name NeechaBhanga Raja Yoga Type B Planets Combination The lord of the house where the planet is debilitated (I.e. the debilitation lord of the planet) is in kendra from the lagna or the Moon. Expected Results to produce benefic results. This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet. When a Neecha - Bhanga Yoga is present, the debilitation gets cancelled and is said to produce benefic results.

NeechaBhanga Raja Yoga

The debilitated planet exchanges This Yoga indicates cancellation of the houses with its debilitation sign's lord. state of debilitation of a planet. When a Neecha - Bhanga Yoga is present, the debilitation gets cancelled and is said to produce benefic results. Rahu is in 5th house and Ketu is in This person will get child after some 11th house and all the planets fall on troubles and will have obstacles in one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. education as well, will earn in shares or lottries. Earns name in the field of art. When Functional malefics occupy houses 2 and 12 from the lagna. This yoga produces criminal tendencies, ill health, unwholesome food, excessive sexual urge, intention to grab the wealth of others. One born with either of the above combinations in the horoscope is renowned, illustrious, fortunate, wealthy, an orator, charitable, learned.

Padma Kalsarpa Yoga

Papa Kartari Yoga M

Parvata Yoga

Benefic Planets occupying the kendras and 6th & 8th house either vacant or occupied by benefic only.

Parvata Yoga

The lord of the Lagna and that of the One born with either of the above 12th lord placed in mutual kendras, combinations in the horoscope is and aspected by benefices. renowned, illustrious, fortunate, wealthy, an orator, charitable, learned. Benefic planets occupying the One born with either of the above kendras and 6 & 8 houses either combinations in the horoscope is vacant or occupied by benefices only. renowned, illustrious, fortunate, wealthy, an orator, charitable, learned. The lord of the lagna and that of the One born with either of the above 12 house placed in mutual kedras and combinations in the horoscope is aspected by benefices. renowned, illustrious, fortunate, wealthy, an orator, charitable, learned, very lustful. Rahu is in 10th house and Ketu is in 4th house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. This type of persons luck rises outside the place the place of his birth, he will be physically weak.

Parvata Yoga

Parvata Yoga

Patak Kalsarpa Yoga Putra Malika (Mala) Yoga Raja Yoga

All seven planets occupying one Famous religious, performing sacrificial house each from the lagna to seventh rituals. house starting with the 5th house. Exchange between lords of the 4th This Yoga confers the status of the and 10th houses, and they associates individual in terms of success with the 5th or the 9th lords. recognition and status. The 9th lord & the Atmakarka located Brings fourth king. in Lagna, 5th house or the 7th house & aspected by benefices. Debilitated planets occupying 3rd, 6th, This Yoga confers the status of the 8th or 11th house in the presence of individual in terms of success strong Lagna lord, which is aspecting recognition and status. the Lagna.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Yoga Name Raja Yoga Type B Planets Combination The lord of the 9th house is associtating with the lord of the 10th house. Expected Results This Yoga confers the status of the individual in terms of success recognition and status.

Raja Yoga

A conjunction or mutual aspect The 9th Lord is a minister, the 5th is a between the lord of the 5th house and chief minister. By kingship is meant a the lord of the 9th house. high govt. status in the modern context. When placement of Rahu/Ketu in kendras in association with trikona lords. This Yoga confers the status of the individual in terms of success recognition and status.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

when benefices associate with The native attains kingship. houses 2, 4, and 5 as reckoned from Lagna or the Atmakarka, and melefics occupy the houses 3 and 6 from them Jupiter is in conjunction with Venus in This Yoga confers the status of the the 9th house or associated with the individual in terms of success 5th lord. recognition and status. Exchange between lords of the 4th This Yoga confers the status of the and 10th houses, and they are being individual in terms of success aspected by the 5th or the 9th lords. recognition and status. All benefices in kendra and all malefics located in houses 3, 6, 11. This Raja Yoga brings fourth king.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga Raja Yoga


Any planet which owns both a kendra This Yoga confers the status of the and a trikona is called a Yoga-Karaka, individual in terms of success this gives rise to highly benefic Raja recognition and status. Yoga. Lords of the 4th and the 10th are in This Yoga confers the status of the conjunction with the lords of the 5th or individual in terms of success the 9th house. recognition and status. Lord of the 5th house associated with Brings fourth king. the Lagna lord or the 9th lord, and is located in Lagna or 4th or 10th house. The Lagna lord is associtating with This Yoga confers the status of the the lord of the 4th or 5th or 7th or 9th individual in terms of success or 10th house. recognition and status. 10th lord exalted or in its own house This Yoga confers the status of the aspecting the Lagna at the same time. individual in terms of success recognition and status. The lord of the 4th house is This Yoga confers status of the associtating with the lord of the 5th or individual in terms of success 9th house. recognition and status. when benefices associate with The native attains kingship. houses 2, 4, and 5 as reckoned from Lagna or the Atmakarka, and melefics occupy the houses 3 and 6 from them When placement of Rahu/Ketu in trikonas in association with kendra lords. This Yoga confers the status of the individual in terms of success recognition and status.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

The lord of the 5th house is This Yoga confers the status of the associtating with the lord of 7th or the individual in terms of success 10th house. recognition and status. Debilitated lords of the 6th, the 8th or This Yoga confers the status of the the 12th house when aspecting the individual in terms of success

Raja Yoga

Yoga Name Raja Yoga Type B Planets Combination lagna produce Raja Yoga. All benefices in Kendras and all malefics occupy the Trishadaya houses 3, 6 and 11. Expected Results recognition and status. This Raja Yoga brings fourth king.

Raja Yoga

when benefices associate with The native attains kingship. houses 2, 4, and 5 as reckoned from Lagna or the Atmakarka, and melefics occupy houses 3 and 6 from them. The lord of the 7th house is associtating with the lord of the 9th house. This Yoga confers the status of the individual in terms of success recognition and status.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga

When placement of Rahu/Ketu in the This Yoga confers the status of the signs of natural benefic planets. individual in terms of success recognition and status. Venus occupying the Lagna and aspected by or associated with the Moon or Jupiter. This Yoga confers the status of the individual in terms of success recognition and status.

Raja Yoga

Randhra Malika (Mala) Yoga Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga

All seven planets occupying one Long-lived, distinguished, poor and house each from the lagna to seventh henpecked. house starting with the 8th house. When Mars and Saturn occupy the 2 the native is sickly, servile, destitute and 12 houses from the Sun. and of a wicked disposition. When Mercury and Venus occupy the Native earns Name and fame in 2 and 12 houses from the Sun. foreign countries, and is blessed with all comforts. When Mars and Jupiter occupy the 2 The resultant native is of a leader, very and 12 houses from the Sun. intelligent, skilled in use of weapons, wealthy, handsome and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. This yoga is caused when planets The resultant native is of a strong other than the Moon occupy the 2 and physique, a king or equal to a king, 12 houses from the Sun. great learning, balanced outlook, wealthy, handsome and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. When Venus and Saturn occupy the 2 The resultant native is of a strong and 12 houses from the Sun. physique, a king or equal to a king, great learning, balanced outlook, wealthy, handsome and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. When Venus and Mars occupy the 2 and 12 houses from the Sun. The resultant native is of a strong physique, balanced outlook, wealthy, handsome and distinguished among men because of his virtues and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure.


Ravi UbhayChari Yoga

Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga

Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga

Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga

When Jupiter and Saturn occupy the The resultant native is of a Strong, 2 and 12 houses from the Sun. famous leader of a group or in army, wealthy, and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. When Mercury and Mars occupy the 2 The resultant native is of a strong and 12 houses from the Sun. physique, a king or equal to a king, great learning, balanced outlook, wealthy, expert in Mathematics and

Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Expected Results blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga B When Mercury and Jupiter occupy the The resultant native is of a strong 2 and 12 houses from the Sun. physique, a king or equal to a king, highly learned, honoured by king, wealthy, Sharp memory, known among people and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. When Mercury and Saturn occupy the The resultant native earns money by 2 and 12 houses from the Sun. technical job, great learning, fickle minded, adept in several arts disobedient to his elders, a cheat, wealthy, and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. When Venus and Jupiter occupy the 2 Very learned blessed with virtuous and 12 houses from the Sun. wife, wealthy, religious, earns his living through the use of his learning, and blessed with all comforts. When Jupiter occupies the 2nd house Of a steady nature, truthful, wise, from the Sun. undaunted in battle. When Mars occupies the 2nd house from the Sun. Valorous in battle, a charioteer, renowned.

Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga

Ravi Ubhaychari Yoga

Ravi Veshi Yoga Ravi Veshi Yoga Ravi Veshi Yoga Ravi Veshi Yoga


When Venus occupies the 2nd house Renowned, Respectable, with many from the Sun. virtues, intrepid. This arises when any planet other than the Moon occupies the 2nd house from the Sun. When Mercury occupies the 2nd house from the Sun. A native with this yoga is truthful, lazy, kind-hearted, virtuously disposed, having a tall stature and a balanced outlook, good memory. Sweet tongued, handsome, capable of befooling others.

Ravi Veshi Yoga Ravi Veshi Yoga


When Saturn occupies the 2nd house Interested in Business, inclined to from the Sun. cheat others of their wealth, with malice towards his preceptors. When Mars occupies the 12 house from the Sun. Hostile to mother, doing good to others.

Ravi Voshi Yoga Ravi Voshi Yoga Ravi Voshi Yoga


When Jupiter occupies the 12 house A hoarder, illustrious like the sunlit day. from the Sun. This yoga arises when any planet, other than Moon, occupies the 12 house from the Sun. One born in this yoga exercises no restraint on his speech. He has good learning, wide renown, sharp memory, a charitable nature.

Ravi Voshi Yoga Ravi Voshi Yoga Ravi Voshi Yoga Sankhya-Daama Yoga Sankhya-Gola Yoga


When Mercury occupies the 12 house To all appearance poor, devoid of from the Sun. physical strength, shameless When Saturn occupies the 12 house from the Sun. When Venus occupies the 12 house from the Sun. Planets distributed over six houses. All planets confined to one house only. Addicted to women of others, kindhearted, exhausted, of mature looks. Cowardly, lustful, without enthusiasm, servile. The native is wealthy, liberal, renowned, learned, contented. The native with such a yoga is destitute, illiterate, wicked, miserable, ever wandering.

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Planets occupying four houses in a horoscope. All planets distributed over five houses in the horoscope. Expected Results The native with this yoga is truthful, wealthy, virtues, doing good to others, resorts to agriculture. One born in this yoga has a large family, is adept in work, skillful in earning wealth, impolite, fond of dwelling forests, drawbacks. Sankhya-Kedaara B Yoga Sankhya-Paasha Yoga B

Sankhya-Shoola Yoga Sankhya-Veena Yoga

All planets restricted to three houses The native is lazy, cruel, socially of the horoscope. rejected, injured, and scarred, a fighter. The Seven planets distributed in seven different houses in the horoscope. All Planets restricted to 2 houses. The native is prosperous, versed in scared scriptures, fond of dance and music, a leader, looks after the sustenance of many. The native is poor, heretic, shameless, socially rejected, devoid of mother, father and virtue. The person is highly learned, scholarly very well versed in prose and poetry as also in sacred scriptures and higher mathematics.

Sankhya-Yuga Yoga Saraswati Yoga

Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in the Kendras or Trikonas or in the 2nd house, and Jupiter is strong occupying own sign friends sign or exalted.

Satru Malika (Mala) Yoga Shakata Yoga

All seven planets occupying one Generally poor, occasionally getting house each from the lagna to seventh wealth and comforts. house starting with the 6th house. When Jupiter, located in a house other than a kendra, occupies the 6, 8, 12th house from moon. The 5 lord and 6 lord in mutual kendras and the lagna lord is strong It produces a native who is destitute, indigent, ever toiling, disliked by all. One born in the Shankha yoga is kindhearted, virtuous, learned, blessed with wife and children, morally sound, owns lands, lives long(upto 81)

Shankha Yoga

Shankha Yoga

The lord of the lagna as well as that of One born in the Shankha yoga is kindthe 10 house occupy a hearted, virtuous, learned, blessed Chara(movable) sign and 9 lord is with wife and children, morally sound, strong owns lands, lives long(upto 81) Rahu is in 9th house and Ketu is in 3rd house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. This type of a person will go on a world tour. He will be a good warrior, a renouned writer or a good player. But these type of people are having some mental troubles and there luck rises after the death of there father.

Shankhchud Kalsarpa Yoga

Shankhpat Kalsarpa Yoga Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga Shrinatha Yoga

Rahu is in 4th house and Ketu is in This type of persons luck rises outside 10th house and all the planets fall on the place the place of his birth, they one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. will be physically weak. Rahu is in 12th house and Ketu is in 6th house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. The person will become a Jyotishi or an Advocate, but he will have a dangerous disease.

Exalted lord of the 7th occupying the The person is glorious like Indra the 10th house and the 9th lord also in king of gods. the 10th house. Conjunction between Venus and Mars. A cheat, a liar or gambler, addicted to other's wives, opposed to all, skilled in

Shukra Mangal Yoga

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Expected Results maths, a shepherd, a wrestler, distinguished among men because of his virtues. Shukra Mangal Yoga B Venus and Mars are conjunct in 10th A distinguished teacher for use of House. weapons, wise, blessed, with learning, wealth and fine clothes, famous, a minister. Venus and Mars are Conjunct in Lagna. Venus and Mars are Conjunct in 4th House. Venus and Mars are Conjunct in 7th House. Venus and Mars are Conjunct in 9th House. Addicted to base women, indulges in probated deeds, wastes money on women, short-lived. Worried, miserable, bereft of relatives, friends and children. Greedy, immoral, tormented by women. Quarrelsome, lives in a foreign land, harsh, not loyal to his wife, cunning, fond of metallurgy.

Shukra Mangal Yoga Shukra Mangal Yoga Shukra Mangal Yoga Shukra Mangal Yoga Shukra Shani Yoga Shukra Shani Yoga Shukra Shani Yoga


Venus and Saturn are conjunct in 9th Ailing, liked by the ruler, famous, House. amiable, blessed with progeny and wealth. Venus and Saturn are conjunct in 10th House. Conjunction between Venus and Saturn. Widely renowned, of a high status, without worries A Fighter, a wanderer, a fine sculptor, a writer or painter, an athlete, looks after herds of cattle, shortsighted, his marriage holds the key to his financial prosperity. Associates with many women, handsome, blessed with physical comforts, suffers from mental torment financially.


Shukra Shani Yoga

Venus and Saturn are conjunct in Lagna.

Shukra Shani Yoga Shukra Shani Yoga Shukra-GuruShani Yoga Shukra-MangalGuru Yoga Shukra-MangalShani Yoga Simhasana Yoga Sukha Malika (Mala) Yoga


Venus and Saturn are conjunct in 7th Blessed with women, wealth, comforts House. and fame. Venus and Saturn are conjunct in 4th Helped by friends, honored by the House. ruler. Conjunction between Venus, Jupiter, Renowned, famous, of clear intellect, and Saturn. equal to a king even if born under ordinary circumstances. Conjunction between Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Conjunction between Venus, Mars, and Saturn. All planets occupying houses 2, 6, 8 and 12. Blessed with wife, children and comforts, liked by the ruler, associates with good people. Foreign residence, bad children, suffers humiliation at the hands of a pretty woman. The person acquires the Simhasana or the royal throne.


All seven planets occupying one Liberal ruler of several countries. house each from the lagna to seventh house starting with the 4th house. Sun and Mercury are conjunct in 10th Famous worldwide, blessed with House. vehicles and material comforts. These results occur if the Sun or Mercury are

Surya Buddh Yoga B

Yoga Name Surya Chandra Yoga Surya Chandra Yoga Surya Chandra Yoga Surya Chandra Yoga Surya Chandra Yoga Type B Planets Combination Sun and Moon are Conjunct in 9th House. Sun and Moon are Conjunct in 7th House. Sun and Moon are Conjunct in 4th House. Expected Results not in their debilitation. Results is wealthy, good in looks, fond of quarrels, short-lived and suffers from eye disease. Results is constantly troubled by women, bereft of friends. The native is Stupid, bereft of near and dear ones, without comfort or riches.


Sun and Moon are Conjunct in Lagna The result is Burdened with the miseries of his parents, bereft of name and fame, poor. Conjunction between Sun and Moon. The result is Valorous, haughty, skilled in work on stones, machines and tools, very wealthy, harsh, cruel and easily submitting to women. Sun and Moon are conjunct in 10th House. Good in looks, royal in bearing, strong, cruel hearted, tormentor of foes.

Surya Chandra Yoga

Surya Guru Yoga B

Conjunction between Sun and Jupiter. A teacher or preceptor, servile, engaged in religious pursuits, honored by the ruler, blessed with friends and wealth, widely renowned. Sun and Jupiter are Conjunct in 4th House. Sun and Jupiter are Conjunct in 9th House. Sun and Jupiter are conjunct in 10th House. Sun and Jupiter are Conjunct in 7th House. Versed in scriptures, good in looks, sweet tongued, engaged in secret pursuits. Wealthy parents, wealthy himself, brave and long-lived. Obtains fame, comforts and status even if born in an ordinary family. Dominated by women because of excessive sexual urge, hostile to father, good in looks, and own precious stones etc. Virtuous, scholarly, wealthy, famous, engaged in physical pleasures, a minister. Result is servant of king, ever anxious, earning a bad name in his undertakings. Suffers separation from wife, living in a foreign or distant land Bereft of friends, wealth and home comforts, miserable, loyal to none. The native is quarrelsome aggressive, clever, liked by the ruler.

Surya Guru Yoga B

Surya Guru Yoga B Surya Guru Yoga B Surya Guru Yoga B

Surya Guru Yoga B

Sun and Jupiter are Conjunct in Lagna. Sun and Mars are conjunct in 10th House. Sun and Mars are Conjunct in 7th House. Sun and Mars are Conjunct in 4th House. Sun and Mars are Conjunct in 9th House.

Surya Mangal Yoga Surya Mangal Yoga Surya Mangal Yoga Surya Mangal Yoga Surya Mangal Yoga Surya Mangal Yoga


Sun and Mars are Conjunct in Lagna The result is of a bilious nature, aggressive, cruel, brave in combat, with injured body. Conjunction between Sun and Mars. Sun and Saturn are Conjunct in 4th House. Strong, energetic, illustrious, wicked, sinful, aggressive and cruel. Very poor, troubled by his near and dear ones, a sinner.

Surya Shani Yoga M

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Sun and Saturn are Conjunct in 9th House. Sun and Saturn are Conjunct in 7th House. Sun and Saturn are Conjunct in Lagna. Expected Results Wealthy, quarrelsome, adverse of parents, short-lived, with eye disease. Slow-witted, lazy, devoid of wealth from wife, subject to misfortunes, a fool. Base earnings, blemished learning, a sinner. Surya Shani Yoga M Surya Shani Yoga M

Surya Shani Yoga M Surya Shani Yoga M

Conjunction between Sun and Saturn. Skilled in metallurgy, engaged in religious pursuits, bereft of wife and children, learned, dominated by enemies, follows traditions Sun and Saturn are conjunct in 10th House. Sun and Venus are Conjunct in 4th House. Servile, a wanderer, loses his earnings to thieves and dacoits. Servile, miserable, poor.

Surya Shani Yoga M Surya Shukra Yoga Surya Shukra Yoga B B

Conjunction between Sun and Venus. Intelligent, skilled in wielding weapons, given to easy morals, earn through women not his own, of poor vision in old age, gains from such pursuits as dance, drama, acting and music. Sun and Venus are Conjunct in Lagna. Sun and Venus are Conjunct in 7th House. Sun and Venus are Conjunct in 9th House. Sun and Venus are conjunct in 10th House. Conjunction between Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter. Conjunction between Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct. Conjunction between Sun, Mercury, and Mars. Conjunction between Sun, Mercury, and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Mercury, and Venus. The result is quarrelsome, bereft of virtue and wealth, harsh, wicked. Tormented by women, poor, a wanderer Ailing, a lover, blessed with fine clothes, perfumes and ornaments. Clever in dealings, minister to a king, learned in scriptures, famous and wealthy. Sharp-witted, engaged in the study of scriptures, a writer, a sculptor, valorous, suffering from eye disease. Quarrelsome, conceited, lacking enthusiasm, behaving like a enunch. Famous, wealthy, a leader, fulfills his desired objectives. Versed in sacred scriptures, virtuous, devoted to preceptors, kindhearted. Famous, valorous, cruel, a wrestler, shameless, wealth and progeny. Rejected by friends and relatives, wicked, jealous, behaving like eunuchs, suffers humiliation. Very talkative, a wanderer, of a slender constitution, learned, humiliated by parents and preceptors, suffers torment because of his wife. Pious, beautiful, learned, comfortable, truthful, good speaker, helpful to friends.

Surya Shukra Yoga Surya Shukra Yoga Surya Shukra Yoga Surya Shukra Yoga


Surya-Buddh-Guru B Yoga Surya-BuddhB Guru-Shani Yoga Surya-BuddhB Guru-Shukra Yoga Surya-BuddhGuru-ShukraShani Yoga Surya-BuddhMangal Yoga Surya-BuddhShani Yoga Surya-BuddhShukra Yoga B


Surya-BuddhShukra-Shani Yoga Surya-Chandra-

Conjunction between Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn.

Conjunction between Sun, Moon, and Confident of a king, illustrious, versed

Yoga Name Buddh Yoga Type Planets Combination Mercury. Expected Results in Shastras or scriptures, very learned, blessed with wealth and beauty, sweet-tempered, fond of poetry and Puranic tales. Healthy, wealthy, strong, virtuous, good in looks, with lovely eyes, a sculptor. Sustained or fed by others(dependent), cruel, cowardly, a cheat. Very wealthy, a minister, a Kings counselor, having authority to punish( a judge), renowned, powerful.

Surya-ChandraB Buddh-Guru Yoga Surya-ChandraM Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Surya-ChandraBuddh-GuruShukra Yoga Surya-ChandraBuddh-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga B

Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are conjunct. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are conjunct.

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Bereft of wife and wealth, suffers and Saturn are conjunct. mental anguish, kindhearted, a Kings counselor, handsome. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct. Living on alms, a pauper, ungrateful, with eye disease. Eloquent speaker, handsome, dwarf, liked by the ruler, of defective vision. Sickly, of tall stature, bereft of wealth, friends and comforts, of a hairy body.

Surya-ChandraM Buddh-Shani Yoga Surya-ChandraBuddh-Shukra Yoga Surya-ChandraBuddh-ShukraShani Yoga Surya-ChandraGuru Yoga B

Conjunction between Sun, Moon, and Highly virtuous, a scholar, a minister, Jupiter. of stable wisdom, easily angered, living in a foreign land, capable of spreading his influence around, deceitful. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Honorable, blessed with wealth and progeny, weak-bodied, of a balanced outlook, liked by worthy women, easily angered. Honored by the ruler, owns watery and forest Region, enjoying several comforts. Learned, fearless, fond of his wife, eloquent, clever in juggling, fickleminded.

Surya-ChandraB Guru-Shani Yoga

Surya-ChandraB Guru-Shukra Yoga Surya-ChandraGuru-ShukraShani Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal Yoga B

Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus. Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct.

Conjunction between Sun, Moon, and Valorous, merciless, very capable, Mars. wealthy, a sculptor, versed in mantras and yantras, eliminator of his enemies, and suffers from the diseases of the blood. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Mars, and Mercury. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter are conjunct. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are conjunct. Sickly, a writer, skilled in creating illusions, clever, eloquent, thievish. Bereft of comforts, wife and wealth, suffers incarceration, short-lived. Given to charities, pious, fickleminded, living in deserted places, adulterous, helpful to others.

Surya-ChandraMangal-Buddh Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-BuddhGuru Yoga

Surya-ChandraM Mangal-BuddhGuru-Shani Yoga

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are conjunct. Expected Results Blessed with learning, wife, wealth and virtue, goes on pilgrimages, famous, dwells in hills and forests, lean, talkative. Illustrious like the Sun, revered by the ruler, devoted to Lord Shiva, wealthy and of a charitable disposition. Bereft of comforts, wife and wealth, suffers incarceration, short-lived. Surya-ChandraB Mangal-BuddhGuru-Shukra Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-BuddhGuru-ShukraShani Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-BuddhShani Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-BuddhShukra Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-BuddhShukra-Shani Yoga B

All the planets are conjunct at the same place.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn are conjunct.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus Working for others, bereft of friends are conjunct. and relatives, untruthful, befriends eunuchs. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct. Suspicious, famous, destroyer of foes, fond of quarrels, adulterous, displaced from place of residence. Famous, intelligent, wealthy, talented, devoted to the ruler, bereft of sorrow and sickness.

Surya-ChandraB Mangal-Guru Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-GuruShani Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-GuruShukra Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-Shani Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-Shukra Yoga Surya-ChandraMangal-ShukraShani Yoga Surya-ChandraShani Yoga M

Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn Good in combat, efficient, acquires the are conjunct. wealth of others, wicked, separated from his ladylove. Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus Rejected by parents, very miserable, a are conjunct. terrorist or an assassin, sightless. Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Wicked, engaged in serving others, Saturn are conjunct. easily angered, suffers from tuberculosis and other chest diseases, bereft of comforts but contented, devoted to his wife. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus. Stupid, dwarf, poor, a wanderer, having restless eyes and an unfaithful wife, living on alms. Learned, comfortable, renowned, blessed with wife, progeny, wealth and virtue.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn Deprived, poor, addicted to wives of are conjunct. others. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, and Servile, bereft of riches and grace, Saturn. wickedly inclined, deceitful, engaged in work pertaining to metals, undertakes futile labor. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, and Disinclined towards virtue, keen to Venus. acquire wealth not his own, addicted to other peoples wives, good in looks, scholarly, rich, in dread of his enemies and suffers from dental disease. Conjunction between Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn. Cowardly, gluttonous, weak bodied, living in fear, behaving like a woman

Surya-ChandraShukra Yoga

Surya-ChandraShukra-Shani Yoga

Yoga Name Type Planets Combination Conjunction between Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. Expected Results Clever in talking, favored by the ruler, fearless, of pure thoughts, blessed with wife, friends and progeny, of asymmetrical body, wastes money on women. Covetous, a leader, daring, proficient in arts, favored by the ruler. Valorous, vagrant, adulterous, wealthy, a leader, but afflicted with misfortunes and eye disease. Ever mentally perturbed, dressed in dirty and tattered clothes, lives on begged food. Famous, commander of an army, bereft of sorrow, fortunate, handsome, liked by the king, pursues women not his own. Wandering in hills and forests, goes on pilgrimage, bereft of wife, wealth and progeny. Learned, a fighter, a commander, a counselor to the ruler, indulges in base acts. Adulterous, shameless, wicked, of odd looks and dress. Tormented by disease, and enemies, miserable, famished, displaced from his residence. Surya-Guru-Shani B Yoga

Surya-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga

Conjunction between Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are conjunct. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct.

Surya-MangalM Buddh-Guru Yoga Surya-MangalM Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Surya-MangalBuddh-GuruShukra Yoga Surya-MangalBuddh-GuruShukra-Shani Yoga B

Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct.

Surya-MangalB Buddh-Shani Yoga Surya-MangalBuddh-Shukra Yoga Surya-MangalBuddh-ShukraShani Yoga Surya-MangalGuru Yoga M

Conjunction between Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are conjunct.

Conjunction between Sun, Mars, and Very wealthy, eloquent speaker, a Jupiter. minister or a commander, generous, truthful, aggressive and dominating, fond of entertainment, inclined to render justice. Conjunction between Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus. Honored fulfils his undertaking, blessed with friends, relatives and royal favors, mentally unbalanced. Renowned, wealthy, fortunate, held in esteem by the ruler.

Surya-MangalB Guru-Shani Yoga Surya-MangalB Guru-Shukra Yoga Surya-MangalGuru-ShukraShani Yoga Surya-MangalShani Yoga Surya-MangalShukra -Shani Yoga Surya-ShukraGuru Yoga B

Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn Learned, thoughtful, adept in metal are conjunct. work and in dealing with chemicals. Conjunction between Sun, Mars, and Ignorant, poor, bereft of father and Saturn. friends, ailing, defective of a limb, quarrelsome, with a hairy body. Conjunction between Sun, Mars, Venus and Saturn. Conjunction between Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Lacking in intelligence, looks and virtues, suffers mental anguish, dominated by all. Learned, poor, in the refuge of a king, a servant, talkative, cruel, with poor vision.

Yoga Name Surya-ShukraMangal Yoga Type B Planets Combination Conjunction between Sun, Venus, and Mars. Expected Results Fortunate, very wise, wealthy, amiable, harsh, good in looks, a man of few words, suffering from eye disease, given to pleasure of the flash. Wicked, haughty, in dread of his enemies, bereft of learning, grace and fame, unskilled, inclined towards immoral pursuits, suffers from skin disease. This is considered to be a good kalsarpa yoga, if this person is a Politician, Journalist, Writer or a Philosopher, then he will earn name and fame. But this person would not have a good married life.

Surya-ShukraShani Yoga

Conjunction between Sun, Venus, and Shani.

Takshak Kalsarpa M yoga

Rahu is in 7th house and Ketu is in 1st house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis.

Uttamadi Yoga (Alpa) Uttamadi Yoga (Madhya) Uttamadi Yoga (Uttama)


Location of the Moon in a kendra(1, 4, This produces ordinary wealth, 7, 10) from the sun. learning, efficiency and fame of native. Location of the Moon in a Panaphara This produces medium wealth, ( 2, 5, 8, 11) from the Sun. learning, efficiency and fame of native. Location of the Moon in a Apoklima house ( 9 ) from the Sun. The wealth, learning, efficiency and fame of the native are plenteous. The manasagari ascribes : Many sons, trouble from daughters. The wealth, learning, efficiency and fame of the native are plenteous. The manasagari ascribes : Wealthy, respectable, with many comforts. The wealth, learning, efficiency and fame of the native are plenteous. The manasagari ascribes : varied ailments. The wealth, learning, efficiency and fame of the native are plenteous. The manasagari ascribes :The person is of Royal status, versed in several subjects, illustrious. This type of a person will go on a world tour. He will be a good warrior, or a renouned writer or a good player. But these type of people are having some mental troubles, and there luck rises after the death of there father.

Uttamadi Yoga (Uttama)

Location of the Moon in a Apoklima house ( 12 ) from the Sun.

Uttamadi Yoga (Uttama) Uttamadi Yoga (Uttama)

Location of the Moon in a Apoklima house ( 6 ) from the Sun. Location of the Moon in a Apoklima house ( 3, 6, 9, 12 ) from the Sun.

Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga

Rahu is in 3rd house and Ketu is in 9th house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis.

Vasumna (Vasumati) Yoga Vikrama Malika (Mala) Yoga Viparita Harsha Raja Yoga

It is produced When all the benefices This yoga produces an individual who occupy the Upachaya houses (3, 6, is extremely wealthy and enjoys 10, 11) from the Moon. comforts while staying at home. All seven planets occupying one Valorous ruler, wealthy, sickly, house each from the lagna to seventh surrounded by brave men. house starting with the 3rd house. The 6th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. This is supposed to confer happiness health and fame. The person will conquer his/her enemies and will hesitate in indulging in sinful deeds. Friends will be illustrious and with class. This confers learning longevity and

Viparita Sarala

The 8th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th

Yoga Name Raja Yoga Type house. Planets Combination Expected Results prosperity. The person will be successful in all ventures conqueror of foes and a great celebrity.

Viparita Vimala Raja Yoga

The 12th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th This makes the person virtuous and house. contented. The person will be equipped with good behavior towards others will enjoy happiness will be independent following a respectable profession or conduct and will be known for good qualities. Rahu is in 11th house and Ketu is in 5th house and all the planets fall on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis. This person will get child after some troubles and will have obstacles in education as well, will earn in shares or lottries. Earns name in the field of art.

Vishakta Kalsarpa M Yoga

Vraya Malika (Mala) Yoga

All seven planets occupying one Widely respected honored liberal house each from the lagna to seventh indulges in lavish spendings. house starting with the 12th house.

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