AP Psychology Review Part 1

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The key takeaways are that psychology is the study of behavior and cognitive processes, and there are different perspectives such as biological, learning, cognitive, sociocultural, and psychodynamic psychology.

The five main perspectives in psychology are biological, learning, cognitive, sociocultural, and psychodynamic psychology.

Some major hormones include thyroxine which regulates metabolic rate, insulin which regulates blood sugar levels, melatonin which regulates biological rhythms and sleep, and hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which regulate bodily functions during stress. Estrogen, progesterone and androgens also regulate sexual characteristics and functions.


Psychology is essentially the study of behavior. Behavior is rooted in many cognitive and physiological processes, and psychologists
aim to understand these processes in order to solve real-world problems and make sense of our feelings and actions. Almost every
aspect of the humanities and the sciences influences psychology in some way, and an understanding of psychology can be valuable in
virtually any field, including business, medicine, law, education, and the arts.

A study of psychology begins with an understanding of several major ideas, each of which is covered in a chapter of this book. These
major ideas include:

• Genetics • The Brain

• Development • Perception

• Consciousness • Learning

• Memory • Cognition

• Intelligence • Emotion

• Motivation • Personality

• Stress • Psychological Disorders

• Treatment • Social Psychology

Five Main Perspectives

All psychologists share a foundation of knowledge that is rooted in the work of early psychologists, such as Freud, Piaget, and Erikson.
They also share a commitment to upholding ethical standards in their reserach as well as a belief in the scientific approach. However,
psychologists may differ from one another in the kinds of questions they ask and how they view the data they find. Therefore,
psychology can be divided into roughly five main perspectives: biological, learning, cognitive, sociocultural, and psychodynamic.

Biological Psychology
Biological psychologists are interested in the relationship between the body and the mind. They study the structure of the brain and the
central nervous system, the parts of the brain and their specific functions, and the links between physical and emotional reactions to
events. Biological psychology also focuses on biological processes such as hunger, thirst, and fatigue.

Learning Psychology
Learning is generally defined as a long-lasting change in the way a person or an animal acts or thinks that is attributable to experience.
One of the most important concepts in learning psychology is conditioning, which is the way people associate events and outcomes.
Learning psychologists study stimuli, reinforcement, and the connections between learning and behavior.

Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology is the study of memory, perception, thought, and other mental processes. Cognitive psychologists are concerned
with people’s emotions, intelligence, motivations, and problem-solving skills. Any subject connected to knowledge, intellect, or the mind
in general can fall into the realm of cognitive psychology.

Sociocultural Psychology
Sociocultural psychology concerns the ways that social environment and cultural beliefs shape our lives. Other people, cultural norms,
and societal expectations all play a large role in how we act and think and what we consider “normal.” Sociocultural psychologists study
all aspects of society and culture, including authority, group dynamics, religious beliefs, gender roles and stereotypes, and the day-to-
day things, such as food and work, that make up our lives.
Psychodynamic Psychology
Psychodynamic psychology is the study of unconscious desires and motives, those ideas and feelings that seem to motivate our
actions without our being aware of it, including inner conflicts, instincts, and early memories. Psychodynamic psychology stems from
psychoanalysis, a field of study that has its roots in the work of Sigmund Freud.

Psychologists who adhere to each of these schools of thought might not always answer questions the same way—their different
approaches to psychology will often lead them to find different causes and explanations for behavior. Most psychologists rely on more
than one perspective, but these core belief systems influence the way psychologists create, ask, and investigate questions about
behavior and the brain.

Types of Psychologists
Psychologists practice and study psychology in many different ways, though all psychologists generally focus on research, practice,
teaching, or a combination of the three. A Ph.D. is not required for many psychology careers, though many psychologists obtain one.

Clinical and Counseling Psychologists

Clinical and counseling psychologists work with adults or children either individually or in groups to help them deal with problems such
as depression, anxiety, relationship troubles, or major mental illnesses. They may also be psychology professors or social workers.

Cognitive Psychologists
Cognitive psychologists are mostly interested in learning about perception, language, learning, and decision-making. Conducting
research is often their primary work.

Developmental Psychologists
Developmental psychologists are sometimes described as studying people “womb to tomb.” They are interested in how people develop,
grow, or change throughout the entire life span, from prenatal development to death. Developmental psychologists often specialize in
one life stage, such as adolescence, or on changes that occur during life, such as changes in memory.

Experimental Psychologists
Experimental psychologists are deeply involved in scientific investigation and spend their careers gathering data about different
psychological phenomena. Many experimental psychologists specialize in one particular area of research.

Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychologists

Industrial-organizational psychologists usually practice in the workplace and are concerned with employee productivity, management,
hiring, and quality-of-life issues at work.

Neuropsychologists study brain function. They are concerned with brain/behavior relationships, normal brain functioning, and the
effects of accident or illness on the brain.

Quantitative Psychologists
Quantitative psychologists are experts in all of the methods and statistics of psychological research. They design and evaluate tests,
experiments, and other psychological data.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of psychology occupations. Psychologists are employed in virtually every industry, and the
study of psychology is not only the application of the scientific method to the investigation of problems but also a philosophy for
understanding life itself.

I. Research Methods in Psychology

Psychologists do more than just wonder about human behavior: they conduct research to understand exactly why people think, feel,
and behave the way they do. Like other scientists, psychologists use the scientific method, a standardized way to conduct research. A
scientific approach is used in order to avoid bias or distortion of information. After collecting data, psychologists organize and analyze
their observations, make inferences about the reliability and significance of their data, and develop testable hypotheses and theories.

Psychological research has an enormous impact on all facets of our lives, from how parents choose to discipline their children to how
companies package and advertise their products to how governments choose to punish or rehabilitate criminals. Understanding how
psychologists do research is vital to understanding psychology itself.

A) Psychological Research
Psychologists study a wide range of topics, such as language development in children and the effects of sensory deprivation on
behavior. They use scientifically testable models and methods to conduct their research.

Describing Research
Scientists use the following terms to describe their research:

• Variables: the events, characteristics, behaviors, or conditions that researchers measure and study.

• Subject or participant: an individual person or animal a researcher studies.

• Sample: a collection of subjects researchers study. Researchers use samples because they cannot study the entire

• Population: the collection of people or animals from which researchers draw a sample. Researchers study the sample and
generalize their results to the population.

The Purpose of Research

Psychologists have three main goals when doing research:

• To find ways to measure and describe behavior

• To understand why, when, and how events occur
• To apply this knowledge to solving real-world problems

B) The Scientific Method

Psychologists use the scientific method to conduct their research. The scientific method is a standardized way of making
observations, gathering data, forming theories, testing predictions, and interpreting results.

Researchers make observations in order to describe and measure behavior. After observing certain events repeatedly, researchers
come up with a theory that explains these observations. A theory is an explanation that organizes separate pieces of information in a
coherent way. Researchers generally develop a theory only after they have collected a lot of evidence and made sure their research
results can be reproduced by others.


A psychologist observes that some college sophomores date a lot, while others do not. He observes that some sophomores have blond
hair, while others have brown hair. He also observes that in most sophomore couples at least one person has brown hair. In addition,
he notices that most of his brown-haired friends date regularly, but his blond friends don’t date much at all. He explains these
observations by theorizing that brown-haired sophomores are more likely to date than those who have blond hair. Based on this theory,
he develops a hypothesis that more brown-haired sophomores than blond sophomores will make dates with people they meet at a
party. He then conducts an experiment to test his hypothesis. In his experiment, he has twenty people go to a party, ten with blond hair
and ten with brown hair. He makes observations and gathers data by watching what happens at the party and counting how many
people of each hair color actually make dates. If, contrary to his hypothesis, the blond-haired people make more dates, he’ll have to
think about why this occurred and revise his theory and hypothesis. If the data he collects from further experiments still do not support
the hypothesis, he’ll have to reject his theory.

Making Research Scientific

Psychological research, like research in other fields, must meet certain criteria in order to be considered scientific. Research must be:

• Replicable
• Falsifiable
• Precise
• Parsimonious

Research Must Be Replicable

Research is replicable when others can repeat it and get the same results. When psychologists report what they have found through
their research, they also describe in detail how they made their discoveries. This way, other psychologists can repeat the research to
see if they can replicate the findings.

After psychologists do their research and make sure it’s replicable, they develop a theory and translate the theory into a precise
hypothesis. A hypothesis is a testable prediction of what will happen given a certain set of conditions. Psychologists test a hypothesis
by using a specific research method, such as naturalistic observation, acase study, a survey, or an experiment. If the test does not
confirm the hypothesis, the psychologist revises or rejects the original theory.

A Good Theory

A good theory must do two things: organize many observations in a logical way and allow researchers to come up with clear predictions
to check the theory.

Research Must Be Falsifiable

A good theory or hypothesis also must be falsifiable, which means that it must be stated in a way that makes it possible to reject it. In
other words, we have to be able to prove a theory or hypothesis wrong. Theories and hypotheses need to be falsifiable because all
researchers can succumb to the confirmation bias. Researchers who display confirmation bias look for and accept evidence that
supports what they want to believe and ignore or reject evidence that refutes their beliefs.


Some people theorize that the Loch Ness Monster not only exists but has become intelligent enough to elude detection by hiding in
undiscovered, undetectable, underwater caves. This theory is not falsifiable. Researchers can never find these undiscovered caves or
the monster that supposedly hides in them, and they have no way to prove this theory wrong.

Research Must Be Precise

By stating hypotheses precisely, psychologists ensure that they can replicate their own and others’ research. To make hypotheses more
precise, psychologists use operational definitions to define the variables they study. Operational definitions state exactly how a
variable will be measured.


A psychologist conducts an experiment to find out whether toddlers are happier in warm weather or cool weather. She needs to have
an operational definition of happiness so that she can measure precisely how happy the toddlers are. She might operationally define
happiness as “the number of smiles per hour.”

Research Must Be Parsimonious

The principle of parsimony, also called Occam’s razor, maintains that researchers should apply the simplest explanation possible to
any set of observations. For instance, psychologists try to explain results by using well-accepted theories instead of elaborate new
hypotheses. Parsimony prevents psychologists from inventing and pursuing outlandish theories.


Parsimonious means “being thrifty or stingy.” A person who values parsimony will apply the thriftiest or most logically economical
explanation for a set of phenomena.


Suppose a student consistently falls asleep in her statistics class. She theorizes that before each class, her statistics professor secretly
sprays her seat with a nerve gas that makes her very drowsy. If she had applied the principle of parsimony, she would not have come
up with this theory. She can account for her sleepiness with a much simpler and more likely explanation: she finds statistics boring.

C) Research Methods
Psychologists use many different methods for conducting research. Each method has advantages and disadvantages that make it
suitable for certain situations and unsuitable for others.

Descriptive or Correlational Research Methods

Case studies, surveys, naturalistic observation, and laboratory observation are examples of descriptive orcorrelational research
methods. Using these methods, researchers can describe different events, experiences, or behaviors and look for links between them.
However, these methods do not enable researchers to determine causes of behavior.

Remember: correlation isnot the same as causation. Two factors may be related without one causing the other to occur. Often, a
third factor explains the correlation.


A psychologist uses the survey method to study the relationship between balding and length of marriage. He finds that length of
marriage correlates with baldness. However, he can’t infer from this that being bald causes people to stay married longer. Instead, a
third factor explains the correlation: both balding and long marriages are associated with old age.

Measuring Correlation
A correlation coefficient measures the strength of the relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient is always a number
between –1 and +1. The sign (+ or –) of a correlation coefficient indicates the nature of the relationship between the variables.

A positive correlation (+) means that as one variable increases, the other does too.


The more years of education a person receives, the higher his or her yearly income is.

A negative correlation (–) means that when one variable increases, the other one decreases.


The more hours a high school student works during the week, the fewer A’s he or she gets in class.

The higher the correlation coefficient, the stronger the correlation. A +0.9 or a –0.9 indicates a very strong correlation; a +0.1 or a –0.1
indicates a very weak correlation. A correlation of 0 means that no relationship exists between two variables.

Common correlational research methods include case studies, surveys, naturalistic observation, and laboratory observation.

Case Studies
In a case study, a researcher studies a subject in depth. The researcher collects data about the subject through interviews, direct
observation, psychological testing, or examination of documents and records about the subject.

A survey is a way of getting information about a specific type of behavior, experience, or event. When using this method, researchers
give people questionnaires or interview them to obtain information.

When subjects fill out surveys about themselves, the data is called self-report data. Self-report data can be misleading because
subjects may do any of the following:

• Lie intentionally
• Give answers based on wishful thinking rather than the truth
• Fail to understand the questions the survey asks
• Forget parts of the experience they need to describe

Naturalistic Observation
When using naturalistic observation, researchers collect information about subjects by observing them unobtrusively, without interfering
with them in any way. Researchers create a record of events and note relationships among those events. With naturalistic observation,
researchers face the challenge of getting a clear view of events without becoming noticeable to the subjects.

Laboratory Observation
As the name implies, researchers perform laboratory observation in a laboratory rather than in a natural setting. In laboratory
observation, researchers can use sophisticated equipment to measure and record subjects’ behavior. They can use one-way mirrors or
hidden recording devices to observe subjects more freely while remaining hidden themselves. Unlike observation in a natural setting,
laboratory observation offers researchers some degree of control over the environment.

Psychological Tests
Researchers use psychological tests to collect information about personality traits, emotional states, aptitudes, interests, abilities,
values, or behaviors. Researchers usuallystandardize these tests, which means they create uniform procedures for giving and scoring
them. When scoring a test, researchers often compare subjects’ scores to norms, which are established standards of performance on
a test. A well-constructed standardized test can evaluate subjects better than self-report data.

A test has good reliability if it produces the same result when researchers administer it to the same group of people at different times.
Researchers determine a test’s test-retest reliability by giving the test to a group of people and then giving the test again to the same
group of people at a later time. A reliable test will produce approximately the same results on both occasions.

Psychologists also use alternate-forms reliability to determine a test’s reliability. They measure alternate-forms reliability by giving one
version of a test to a group of people and then giving another version of the same test to the same group of people. A reliable test will
produce roughly the same results no matter which version of the test is used.

A test is valid if it actually measures the quality it claims to measure. There are two types of validity:

• Content validity is a test’s ability to measure all the important aspects of the characteristic being measured. An intelligence
test wouldn’t have good content validity if it measured only verbal intelligence, since nonverbal intelligence is an important part
of overall intelligence.

• Criterion validity is fulfilled when a test not only measures a trait but also predicts another criterion of that trait. For example,
one criterion of scholastic aptitude is academic performance in college. A scholastic aptitude test would have good criterion
validity if it could predict college grade point averages.

Overview of Research Methods

Advantages Disadvantages

• Provides
information about
• Yields a lot of behavior that
can’t be observed
• Provides a good way
Survey • Relies on self-
to generate
report data,
which can be
• Can provide misleading
information about • Doesn’t allow
many people since it’s
cheap and easy to do
about cause-and-

Case study
• Provides a good way • Sometimes gives
to generate incomplete
hypotheses information
• Yields data that other • Sometimes relies

only on self-
report data,
which can be
• Can be
subjective and
methods can’t provide thus may yield
biased results
• Doesn’t allow
about cause-and-

• Sometimes yields
biased results
• Can be useful for
Naturalistic generating • May be difficult to
observation hypotheses do unobtrusively
• Provides information • Doesn’t allow
about behavior in the conclusions
natural environment about cause-and-

• Sometimes yields
biased results
• Enables use of • Carries the risk
sophisticated that observed
Laboratory equipment for behavior is
observation measuring and different from
recording behavior natural behavior
• Can be useful for • Doesn’t allow
generating conclusions
hypotheses about cause-and-

• Requires good
• Gives information reliability and
about characteristics validity before it
Test such as personality can be used
traits, emotional • Doesn’t allow
states, aptitudes, conclusions
interests, abilities, about cause-and-
values, and behaviors effect

• Identifies cause-and-
effect relationships • Can be artificial,
Experiment so results may
• Distinguishes
between placebo not generalize to
effects and real real-world
effects of a treatment situations
or drug

Unlike correlational research methods or psychological tests, experiments can provide information about cause-and-effect
relationships between variables. In an experiment, a researcher manipulates or changes a particular variable under controlled
conditions while observing resulting changes in another variable or variables. The researcher manipulates the independent

variable and observes the dependent variable. The dependent variable may be affected by changes in the independent variable. In
other words, the dependent variable depends (or is thought to depend) on the independent variable.

Experimental and Control Groups

Typically, a researcher conducting an experiment divides subjects into an experimental group and a control group. The subjects in both
groups receive the same treatment, with one important difference: the researcher manipulates one part of the treatment in the
experimental group but does not manipulate it in the control group. The variable that is manipulated is the independent variable. The
researcher can then compare the experimental group to the control group to find out whether the manipulation of the independent
variable affected the dependent variable.

Often, subjects in the control group receive a placebo drug or treatment, while subjects in the experimental group receive the real drug
or treatment. This helps researchers to figure out what causes the observed effect: the real drug or treatment, or the subjects’
expectation that they will be affected.


Suppose a researcher wants to study the effect of drug A on subjects’ alertness. He divides 100 subjects into two groups of 50, an
experimental group and a control group. He dissolves drug A in saline solution and injects it into all the subjects in the experimental
group. He then gives all the control group subjects an injection of only saline solution. The independent variable in this case is drug A,
which he administers only to the experimental group. The control group receives a placebo: the injection of saline solution. The
dependent variable is alertness, as measured by performance on a timed test. Any effect on alertness that appears only in the
experimental group is caused by the drug. Any effect on alertness that appears in both the experimental and control groups could be
due to the subjects’ expectations or to extraneous variables, such as pain from the injection.

Extraneous Variables
Ideally, subjects in the experimental and control groups would be identical in every way except for the variables being studied. In
practice, however, this would be possible only if researchers could clone people. So researchers try to make groups with subjects that

are similar in all respects that could potentially influence the dependent variable. Variables other than the independent variable that
could affect the dependent variable are called extraneous variables.

One way to control extraneous variables is to use random assignment. When researchers use random assignment, they create
experimental and control groups in a way that gives subjects an equal chance of being placed in either group. This guarantees the two
groups’ similarity.

Disadvantages of Experiments
The main disadvantage of experiments is that they usually don’t fully reflect the real world. In an experiment, researchers try to control
variables in order to show clear causal links. However, to exert control in this way, researchers must simplify an event or a situation,
which often makes the situation artificial.

Another disadvantage of experiments is that they can’t be used to study everything. Sometimes researchers can’t control variables
enough to use an experiment, or they find that doing an experiment would be unethical—that is, it would be painful or harmful in some
way to the subjects being studied.

Bias in Research
Bias is the distortion of results by a variable. Common types of bias include sampling bias, subject bias, and experimenter bias.

Sampling Bias
Sampling bias occurs when the sample studied in an experiment does not correctly represent the population the researcher wants to
draw conclusions about.


A psychologist wants to study the eating habits of a population of New Yorkers who have freckles and are between the ages of
eighteen and forty-five. She can’t possibly study all people with freckles in that age group, so she must study a sample of people with
freckles. However, she can generalize her results to the whole population of people with freckles only if her sample is representative of
the population. If her sample includes only white, dark-haired males who are college juniors, her results won’t generalize well to the
entire population she’s studying. Her sample will reflect sampling bias.

Subject Bias
Research subjects’ expectations can affect and change the subjects’ behavior, resulting in subject bias. Such a bias can manifest itself
in two ways:

• Aplacebo effect is the effect on a subject receiving a fake drug or treatment. Placebo effects occur when subjects believe
they are getting a real drug or treatment even though they are not. A single-blind experiment is an experiment in which the
subjects don’t know whether they are receiving a real or fake drug or treatment. Single-blind experiments help to reduce
placebo effects.

• The social desirability bias is the tendency of some research subjects to describe themselves in socially approved ways. It
can affect self-report data or information people give about themselves in surveys.

Experimenter Bias
Experimenter bias occurs when researchers’ preferences or expectations influence the outcome of their research. In these cases,
researchers see what they want to see rather than what is actually there.

A method called the double-blind procedure can help experimenters prevent this bias from occurring. In a double-blind procedure,
neither the experimenter nor the subject knows which subjects come from the experimental group and which come from the control

D) Ethical Considerations
In the past, researchers performed all kinds of questionable experiments in the name of science. For example, in one famous
experiment, psychologist Stanley Milgram led his subjects to believe that they were giving painful electric shocks to other people. Many
people consider this experiment unethical because it caused the subjects emotional discomfort. Today, researchers must abide by basic
ethical norms when conducting research. Most important, they must consider whether they might harm their human or animal subjects
while doing research.


Ethics refers to a system of moral values or the way people distinguish right from wrong. The American Psychological Association
(APA) requires all its members to adhere to its code of ethics, which applies to the treatment of both humans and animals.

Research with Human Subjects
Researchers must get informed consent from their subjects before beginning research. Informed consentmeans that subjects must
know enough about the research to decide whether to participate, and they must agree to participate voluntarily. Furthermore,
researchers have an ethical obligation to prevent physical and mental harm to their subjects. If there is any risk of harm, they must warn
subjects in advance. Researchers also must allow subjects to withdraw from a study at any time if they wish to stop participating.
Finally, researchers have an obligation to protect the anonymity of their subjects.

Some psychological research cannot be done when subjects are fully informed about the purpose of the research, because people
sometimes behave differently when under observation. To study people’s normal behavior, researchers sometimes have to deceive
subjects. Deception is considered ethical only if:

• The study will give researchers some valuable insight

• It would be impossible to do the study without deception
• Subjects can learn the truth about the study’s purpose and methods afterward

Research with Animal Subjects

Although most psychological research involves human subjects, some psychologists study animal subjects instead of or in addition to
humans. Research with animal subjects has helped psychologists do the following:

• Learn facts about animal species

• Find ways to solve human problems
• Study issues that can’t be studied using human subjects for practical or ethical reasons
• Refine theories about human behavior
• Improve human welfare
Many people question the ethics of animal research because it can involve procedures such as deprivation, pain, surgery, and
euthanasia. Psychologists have ethical obligations to treat animal subjects humanely and to do research on animals only when the
benefits of the research are clear.
People who are against animal research maintain three arguments:

• Animals should have the same rights as humans.

• Society should enact safeguards to protect the safety and welfare of animals.
• Researchers should not put the well-being of humans above the well-being of animals.

E) Interpreting Data
After psychologists develop a theory, form a hypothesis, make observations, and collect data, they end up with a lot of information,
usually in the form of numerical data. The termstatistics refers to the analysis and interpretation of this numerical data. Psychologists
use statistics to organize, summarize, and interpret the information they collect.

Descriptive Statistics
To organize and summarize their data, researchers need numbers to describe what happened. These numbers are called descriptive
statistics. Researchers may use histograms or bar graphs to show the way data are distributed. Presenting data this way makes it
easy to compare results, see trends in data, and evaluate results quickly.


Suppose a researcher wants to find out how many hours students study for three different courses. Each course has 100 students. The
researcher does a survey of ten students in each of the courses. On the survey, he asks the students to write down the number of
hours per week they spend studying for that course. The data look like this:

Hours of Study per Week

Course A Course B Course C

Student Hours per Student Hours per Student Hours per

week week week

Joe 9 Hannah 5 Meena 6

Peter 7 Ben 6 Sonia 6

Zoey 8 Iggy 6 Kim 7

Ana 8 Louis 6 Mike 5

Jose 7 Keesha 7 Jamie 6

Lee 9 Lisa 6 Ilana 6

Joshua 8 Mark 5 Lars 5

Ravi 9 Ahmed 5 Nick 20

Kristen 8 Jenny 6 Liz 5

Loren 1 Erin 6 Kevin 6

To get a better sense of what these data mean, the researcher can plot them on a bar graph. Histograms or bar graphs for the three
courses might look like this:

Measuring Central Tendency
Researchers summarize their data by calculating measures of central tendency, such as the mean, the median, and the mode. The
most commonly used measure of central tendency is the mean, which is the arithmetic average of the scores. The mean is calculated
by adding up all the scores and dividing the sum by the number of scores.

However, the mean is not a good summary method to use when the data include a few extremely high or extremely low scores. A
distribution with a few very high scores is called a positively skewed distribution. A distribution with a few very low scores is called
a negatively skewed distribution. The mean of a positively skewed distribution will be deceptively high, and the mean of a negatively
skewed distribution will be deceptively low. When working with a skewed distribution, the median is a better measure of central
tendency. The median is the middle score when all the scores are arranged in order from lowest to highest.

Another measure of central tendency is the mode. The mode is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution.


Statistics is a branch of mathematics. Psychologists need a solid foundation in math to describe, analyze, and summarize the results of
their research.

Measuring Variation
Measures of variation tell researchers how much the scores in a distribution differ. Examples of measures of variation include the range
and the standard deviation. Therange is the difference between the highest and the lowest scores in the distribution. Researchers
calculate the range by subtracting the lowest score from the highest score. Thestandard deviationprovides more information about the
amount of variation in scores. It tells a researcher the degree to which scores vary around the mean of the data.

Inferential Statistics
After analyzing statistics, researchers make inferences about how reliable and significant their data are.


The researcher’s survey of the students in three classes showed differences in how long the students studied for each course. The
mean number of hours for students in Course A was about eight hours, and for students in Courses B and C, the average was about
six hours. Does this mean Course A requires the most hours of study? Were the differences the researcher observed in study time real
or just due to chance? In other words, can he generalize from the samples of students he surveyed to the whole population of
students? He needs to determine the reliability and significance of his statistics.

If researchers want to generalize confidently from a sample, the sample must fulfill two criteria:

• It must be large and varied enough to be representative.

• It must not have much variation in scores.
Researchers can use inferential statistics to figure out the likelihood that an observed difference was just due to chance. If it’s unlikely
that the difference was due to chance, then the observed difference could be considered statistically significant. Psychologists usually
consider a result to be statistically significant if such a result occurs just by chance 5 or fewer times out of every 100 times a study is
done. They call this statistical significance at the p ≤ .05 level (p less than or equal to point oh-five).

However, statistical significance alone does not make a finding important. Statistical significance simply means that a result is probably
not due to chance.

II. Evolution and Genes

Which has the greater effect on human behavior: nature or nurture? Hair color, height, and many other physical characteristics depend
on genes, or nature, but the origin of behavior, intelligence, and personality is not so clear. Most scientists agree that both genes and
the environment play a role in behavioral development, but disputes still rage over the degree of influence exerted by each.

A branch of psychology known as behavior genetics examines the genetic base of behavioral and personality differences among
people. Behavior genetics is a controversial field, since misuse of psychological research into the genetic roots of behavior can have
horrifying results. Several generations ago, psychologists and other scientists used arguments about the genetic influence on behavior
and intelligence to support racist theories about the superiority of Anglo Americans. Moreover, these theories often became the
foundation of public policies that discriminated against African Americans and Native Americans. Today, behavior geneticists carefully
consider the potential political repercussions of their work.

A) Principles of Genetics

Behavior genetics is a branch of psychology that examines the genetic base of behavior and personality differences among people.
An understanding of genetics begins with the following basic concepts:

• A vast number of cells make up the human body. Each cell has forty-six chromosomes, which come in twenty-three pairs. The
only exceptions are sex cells.
• Sex cells are sperm in males and eggs in females. Each sex cell has only twenty-three chromosomes.

• Chromosomes are made up of thin strands of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Each chromosome pair contains thousands of

• Genes are segments of DNA that function as hereditary units. Genes are carried on chromosomes.

• DNA is made up of units called nucleotides. There are only four different nucleotides, labeled A, C, G, and T. Long strings of
nucleotides make up genes.
• Genes get translated into proteins, which carry out various functions in our bodies. For instance, some proteins serve as the
building blocks of cells. Other proteins function as enzymes or hormones.
Who Shares Genes?
No two people share the exact combination of genes unless they are identical twins. However, all family members share some genes
with one another. The closer the biological relationship between individuals, the more genes they share. The chart below shows the
percentage of genes any person shares with his or her close relatives:

Percentage of Shared Genes

Identical twin 100 percent

Parent 50 percent

Brother or sister 50 percent

Nonidentical twin 50 percent

Grandparent 25 percent

Monogenic and Polygenic Traits

Some characteristics or traits are controlled by a single gene, which means they aremonogenic. A single gene, for example, can be
part of what brings about alcoholism or schizophrenia.

Most traits are controlled by the actions of several genes, which means they arepolygenic. For example, a person’s intelligence is
linked to the combination of several genes.

The environment also shapes traits, and later in this chapter we will discuss how genes interact with the environment to produce
psychological traits.

In a group of people, a particular psychological trait, such as intelligence, usually varies a lot. Differences in groups may be due to
genes or the environment, and researchers use a statistic called heritability to see which has the largest influence. Heritability is a
mathematical estimate that indicates how much of a trait’s variation can be attributed to genes. There are three important principles of

• Heritability estimates don’t reveal anything about how much genes influence a person’s traits. These figures tell us only to
what extent trait differences between people can be attributed to genes.
• Heritability depends on the similarity of the environment for a group of people. In a group of people who share similar
environments, heritability of a particular trait may be high. However, that same trait may have low heritability in a group of
people who operate in different environments.
• Even if a trait is highly heritable, it can still be influenced by environmental factors.
Imagine that ten people live in identical environments. Somehow, they experienced identical prenatal environments while in their
mothers’ wombs, were raised in identical homes by parents who were identical in every way, and had all the same childhood and
adulthood experiences. Suppose that these ten people turn out to be different with respect to one trait, such as the rate at which they
can wiggle their ears. Since both genes and environment can influence traits, these differences would have to be genetic, since they
could not be due to differences in environment. In such a case, heritability of the ear-wiggling trait would be close to 100 percent. Now
suppose some of these ten people enter different ear-wiggle training camps. The camps vary in effectiveness, so the subjects in some
camps increase their ear-wiggling rates, while other subjects remain the same. After the camp training, environment would account for
some of the differences among the ten people in ear-wiggling ability. A smaller proportion of the differences would be due to genes
alone. Therefore, heritability would be lower.

B) Types of Genetic Studies
Researchers do different kinds of studies to see whether and to what extent a characteristic might be genetically transmitted.

Family Studies
In family studies, researchers look at similarities among members of a family with respect to a particular trait. If the trait is genetically
inherited, it should be similar in blood relatives. The closer the blood relationship, the more similar people should be.

Family studies alone don’t reveal whether a trait is genetically inherited. A family shares genes, but they also share similar
environments. When researchers find trait similarity in a family study, their findings may suggest that the trait is genetically inherited, but
the study can’t prove it.

Twin Studies
Compared to family studies, twin studies give researchers more solid evidence about whether a trait is inherited. In twin studies,
researchers compare pairs of identical twins to fraternal, or nonidentical, twins. When doing these studies, researchers assume that
identical twin pairs share the same environment, just as fraternal twin pairs do. However, identical twins share all of their genes with
each other, while fraternal twins share only half of their genes. When a trait shows more similarity between identical twins than between
fraternal twins, the greater similarity probably comes from shared genes, not shared environment.

One problem with this type of study is that identical twins may not in fact share an identical environment while fraternal twins do. People
tend to treat identical twins in unusual ways. For example, people may treat identical twins as if they are similar in every respect, or they
might focus intensely on differences between them.

Studies of Separated Twins

In order to avoid uncertain environmental factors, researchers sometimes study separated twins. Twins who are separated when they
are very young and brought up in different families have different environmental influences but identical genes. Trait similarities
between separated twins result mostly from genes.

However, separated twin studies can also be problematic. The environments of separated twins may not actually be that different from
each other for the following reasons:

• The twins shared a similar prenatal environment before they were born.
• Adoption agencies may tend to place twins in similar households.
• Since they are similar in appearance and in genetically inherited abilities, the twins may evoke similar responses from people
around them.
As in other types of studies, trait similarities in separated twins may be due to both similar genes and similar environments.
Experiences and Behavior

Experiences affect behavior partly because environmental stimulation forms and maintains neural connections. For example,
psychological research shows that babies need consistent, loving contact with a caregiver in order to achieve optimal brain
development. Neglected babies, lacking attention and physical contact, experience unpleasant emotions that are not simply transitory.
Their experiences determine the development of their neural connections. Similarly, soldiers on active combat duty can suffer mental
damage from the continuously stressful environment, even if they never experience physical injury.

Adoption Studies

In adoption studies, researchers compare adopted children to their biological parents and to their adoptive parents. Adopted children
share more genes with their biological parents. The children’s living environments, however, more closely resemble the environments of
their adoptive parents. When adoptive children resemble their biological parents more than their adoptive parents with respect to a
certain trait, researchers can hypothesize that the trait has a genetic basis.

Interaction of Genes and Environment

In conducting all these types of studies, researchers have found that while genes influence psychological traits, they don’t act alone.
Highly influential environmental factors also play a major role. These factors include:

• Prenatal influences
• Child-rearing and other parental influences
• Nutrition
• Experiences throughout life

• Peer influences
• Culture
Cultural Norms
Cultural norms are sets of societal expectations that influence behavior. Norms tell us what kinds of behavior are appropriate. For
example, in the United States, one cultural norm mandates that children be potty-trained by their third birthday. Parents of children who
aren’t potty-trained by that point may start to feel worry, shame, and social pressure as their child’s third birthday passes.

Genes and environment interact in complex ways. People usually inherit a vulnerability or predisposition to having a particular
psychological trait, and the environment in which those people live shapes the development of that trait. The opposite is also true:
people’s psychological traits influence their environments. People don’t just live in environments—they also shape their worlds by
exerting their traits.


Suppose there are two nonidentical twins, Ben and Tom. Ben is calm by nature, while Tom has always been fussy. Mom and Dad will
be more taxed by Tom, so they may be less responsive and patient with him than they are with Ben. Therefore, Tom and Ben
experience different parental influences, which may make Tom less trusting than Ben as they grow up. Genes and environment
influence Tom’s personality, but the interaction between genes and environment also plays a role.

C) Evolution and Natural Selection

Evolution is a change in the frequency of genes in a population over time. Evolutionary psychologists try to explain universal
behaviors. They study how natural selection has encouraged certain behavior patterns to develop.

The Theory of Natural Selection

Charles Darwin (1809–1882) was a British naturalist who is best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory. Although others
had noted that species evolved over time, Darwin first put forward the theory of natural selection to explain the process of evolution.

According to this theory, certain inherited characteristics give an organism a survival or reproductive advantage. Organisms pass on
these characteristics more often than they pass on other inherited traits.


The species of primates called mandrills have evolved to have bright blue rear ends, because brightly colored rumps help them attract
mates and give them a reproductive advantage. Porcupines evolved to have quills, because quills help them to avoid predators and
reproduce. This gives porcupines a survival advantage.

On the Origin of Species

In 1831, Darwin joined a naval expedition on a ship called the HMS Beagle as the unofficial naturalist onboard. Darwin collected many
specimens during the ship’s five-year expedition around the world. After returning to England, he began developing his ideas about
evolution. In 1859, Darwin published his great work, On the Origin of Species.

A characteristic that gives a reproductive advantage helps an organism to mate successfully and pass on its genes to the next
generation. A characteristic that gives asurvival advantage helps an organism to live long enough to reproduce and pass on its genes.

Reproduction of the Fittest

People often use the phrase “survival of the fittest” instead of “reproduction of the fittest,” but according to evolutionary theory, survival
alone isn’t enough. Creatures need to survive long enough to reproduce. Reproductive success is measured by how many offspring a
creature produces.

Inclusive Fitness
Another concept related to reproductive success is inclusive fitness, described by W. D. Hamilton in the 1960s. Inclusive fitness is the
reproductive fitness of an individual organism plus any effect the organism has on increasing reproductive fitness in related organisms.
Some researchers believe that the concept of inclusive fitness explains why certain organisms sacrifice themselves to save others in
the species. According to this theory, people might risk their lives to save their children or close relatives, but not to save distant
relatives or unrelated people. Because people share more genes with close relatives, saving them has more payoff in terms of passing
on genes to the next generation.

An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that becomes prevalent in a population because it provides a survival or reproductive
advantage. Because evolution occurs over a long period, an adaptation can remain in a population even after it has stopped being


Human beings have a genetic preference for fatty foods, which explains why fried chicken, french fries, and buttery popcorn are so
popular. Evolutionary psychologists say that the preference for fatty foods derives from the days when people hunted and gathered and
food was scarce. Eating high-fat foods was important because fat gave people the calories they needed. In other words, the preference
for fat was adaptive. Today, in wealthy countries with abundant food and sedentary lifestyles, the preference for fat remains, despite the
fact that it no longer has beneficial effects. In fact, consuming fatty foods can lead to health problems.

Evolution relies on mutations, or small changes in genes. Mutations happen because of two events that can occur during the formation
of egg and sperm cells:

• An error during copying of DNA

• Random rearrangement of small pieces of DNA in a chromosome pair
Sometimes, a mutation results in a new trait. If the individual with the mutation reproduces successfully, the mutation will be passed on.
If the new trait proves advantageous, the mutated gene that caused the trait will increase in the population over a long period and thus
propel evolution.

D) Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary psychology uses evolutionary theory to explain similarities in psychological characteristics. According to evolutionary
psychologists, patterns of behavior have evolved through natural selection, in the same way that physical characteristics have evolved.
Because of natural selection, adaptive behaviors, or behaviors that increase reproductive success, are kept and passed on from one
generation to the next.

Mating Behavior
Because reproductive success is such a hot topic in evolutionary theory, evolutionary psychologists often choose to study mating
behavior. Researchers such as Robert Trivers have proposed that mating strategies depend on the amount of parental investment
made by males and females of a species.Parental investment refers to all the resources spent to produce and raise offspring.In many
species, males and females don’t make equal parental investments. The sex that invests less competes with others of its sex to mate
with the sex that invests more. The sex that invests more in parenting tends to discriminate more when selecting a mate.

Sexual Selection
Usually, the female of the species invests more in parenting. Females of many species choose their mates based on certain
characteristics, such as large canine teeth in a male baboon or flashy tail feathers on a peacock, which in turn means those traits will be
passed on to their male offspring. Biologists call this process sexual selection, which is related to natural selection. Whereas natural
selection results in adaptations that make organisms more likely to survive, sexual selection just makes them more likely to mate.
Sometimes the adaptations that are a result of sexual selection, such as flashy tail feathers, are not actually much help in terms of

A situation called polygyny arises when a single male mates with many different females. Polygyny tends to occur in certain animal
species, notably those in which females invest more in parenting than males. In a polygynous mating system, males compete with other
males in order to get access to females. Females tend to pick the winners of such competitions. Picking winners helps to ensure that
their offspring will have good genes.


Mountain gorillas are polygynous. The females and children live in groups defended by a mature male, with whom they mate. If they
choose, however, females may select a stronger, more desirable mate. In such a case, the hopeful suitor would challenge the dominant
male and the females would choose the winner.

Problems with Evolutionary Explanations

Scientists have used evolutionary theory to explain human behavior patterns, such as a female tendency toward monogamy and a
male tendency toward promiscuity. However, other researchers argue that such explanations don’t apply well to humans, because the
theories stem from stereotypes. Humans behave in complex and variable ways, and factors such as culture strongly influence this
behavior. Furthermore, it is difficult to tie variation in behavior to variation in reproductive success. Evolutionary explanations also raise
controversy because people can use them to support various social and political agendas.

Some researchers criticize evolutionary explanations because anyone can work backward from an observation to develop an
evolutionary explanation. These psychologists point out that the fact that a trait exists does not necessarily mean that trait is adaptive.
The trait may have been helpful earlier in our human history but did not remain adaptive, or the trait could be a side effect of another
adaptive trait.

III. Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain

The brain is an essential part of the nervous system, a complex, highly coordinated network of tissues that communicate via
electrochemical signals. We use our brains in virtually everything we do, from keeping our heart beating to deducing the existence of
black holes. Within our brains lie our deepest secrets, our earliest memories, our most amazing capabilities, and the keys to the
mystery of consciousness itself.

Hippocrates (460–377 B.C.), the most famous physician of the ancient world, first theorized that our thoughts, feelings, and ideas came
from the brain, while others at the time thought the heart and stomach were the seats of emotion. Today, researchers are paying more
attention to the roles played by the brain and the hormones that affect it in experiences such as mother-infant bonding, religious ecstasy
and prayer, extreme stress, and meditation. Researchers now realize that though our minds and brains may not be exactly the same
thing, they are intimately connected.

A) The Nervous System

The nervous system is a complex, highly coordinated network of tissues that communicate via electro chemical signals. It is
responsible for receiving and processing information in the body and is divided into two main branches: the central nervous system and
the peripheral nervous system.

The Central Nervous System

The central nervous systemreceives and processes information from the senses. The brain and the spinal cord make up the central
nervous system. Both organs lie in a fluid called the cerebrospinal fluid, which cushions and nourishes the brain. Theblood-brain
barrier protects the cerebrospinal fluid by blocking many drugs and toxins. This barrier is a membrane that lets some substances from
the blood into the brain but keeps out others.

The spinal cord connects the brain to the rest of the body. It runs from the brain down to the small of the back and is responsible
for spinal reflexes, which are automatic behaviors that require no input from the brain. The spinal cord also sends messages from the
brain to the other parts of the body and from those parts back to the brain.

The brain is the main organ in the nervous system. It integrates information from the senses and coordinates the body’s activities. It
allows people to remember their childhoods, plan the future, create term papers and works of art, talk to friends, and have bizarre
dreams. Different parts of the brain do different things.

Damage to the Spinal Cord

The spinal cord is what connects the brain and body, and it is protected by the bones in the spinal column. Injuries to the spinal cord
can cause serious problems, such as paralysis. Even relatively minor damage to the spinal cord can cause loss of feeling in parts of the
body, impaired organ function, and loss of muscular control. Though spinal cord injuries are usually permanent, current research into
regenerated axons and stem cells offers hope that one day these injuries may be treated successfully.

The Peripheral Nervous System

All the parts of the nervous system except the brain and the spinal cord belong to the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral
nervous system has two parts: the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

The Somatic Nervous System

The somatic nervous system consists of nerves that connect the central nervous system to voluntary skeletal muscles and sense
organs. Voluntary skeletal muscles are muscles that help us to move around. There are two types of nerves in the somatic nervous

• Afferent nerves carry information from the muscles and sense organs to the central nervous system.

• Efferent nerves carry information from the central nervous system to the muscles and sense organs.

The Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system consists of nerves that connect the central nervous system to the heart, blood vessels, glands, and
smooth muscles. Smooth musclesare involuntary muscles that help organs such as the stomach and bladder carry out their functions.
The autonomic nervous system controls all the automatic functions in the body, including breathing, digestion, sweating, and heartbeat.
The autonomic nervous system is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

• The sympathetic nervous system gets the body ready for emergency action. It is involved in the fight-or-flight response,
which is the sudden reaction to stressful or threatening situations. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body to meet
a challenge. It slows down digestive processes, draws blood away from the skin to the skeletal muscles, and activates the
release of hormones so the body can act quickly.

• The parasympathetic nervous system becomes active during states of relaxation. It helps the body to conserve and store
energy. It slows heartbeat, decreases blood pressure, and promotes the digestive process.
Crisis Mode
The sympathetic nervous system’s activation may manifest as a rapidly thumping heart, sweaty palms, pale skin, or panting breath—
the kinds of things we experience during a crisis. We may experience these kinds of symptoms during a panic attack, for example.

B) Neurons: Cells of the Nervous System

There are two kinds of cells in the nervous system: glial cells and neurons. Glial cells, which make up the support structure of the
nervous system, perform four functions:

• Provide structural support to the neurons

• Insulate neurons
• Nourish neurons
• Remove waste products
The other cells, neurons, act as the communicators of the nervous system. Neurons receive information, integrate it, and pass it along.
They communicate with one another, with cells in the sensory organs, and with muscles and glands.

Each neuron has the same structure:

• Each neuron has a soma, or cell body, which is the central area of the neuron. It contains the nucleus and other structures
common to all cells in the body, such as mitochondria.

• The highly branched fibers that reach out from the neuron are called dendritic trees. Each branch is called a dendrite.
Dendrites receive information from other neurons or from sense organs.

• The single long fiber that extends from the neuron is called an axon. Axons send information to other neurons, to muscle
cells, or to gland cells. What we call nerves are bundles of axons coming from many neurons.

• Some of these axons have a coating called the myelin sheath. Glial cells produce myelin, which is a fatty substance that
protects the nerves. When an axon has a myelin sheath, nerve impulses travel faster down the axon. Nerve transmission can
be impaired when myelin sheaths disintegrate.

• At the end of each axon lie bumps called terminal buttons. Terminal buttons releaseneurotransmitters, which are chemicals
that can cross over to neighboring neurons and activate them. The junction between an axon of one neuron and the cell body
or dendrite of a neighboring neuron is called a synapse.

Role of Myelin

People with multiple sclerosis have difficulty with muscle control because the myelin around their axons has disintegrated. Another
disease, poliomyelitis, commonly called “polio,” also damages myelin and can lead to paralysis.

Communication Between Neurons

In 1952, physiologists Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley made some important discoveries about how neurons transmit information.
They studied giant squid, whose neurons have giant axons. By putting tiny electrodes inside these axons, Hodgkin and Huxley found
that nerve impulses are really electrochemical reactions.

The Resting Potential

Nerves are specially built to transmit electrochemical signals. Fluids exist both inside and outside neurons. These fluids contain
positively and negatively charged atoms and molecules called ions. Positively charged sodium and potassium ions and negatively
charged chloride ions constantly cross into and out of neurons, across cell membranes. An inactive neuron is in the resting state. In
the resting state, the inside of a neuron has a slightly higher concentration of negatively charged ions than the outside does. This
situation creates a slight negative charge inside the neuron, which acts as a store of potential energy called the resting potential. The
resting potential of a neuron is about –70 millivolts.

The Action Potential

When something stimulates a neuron, gates, or channels, in the cell membrane open up, letting in positively charged sodium ions. For
a limited time, there are more positively charged ions inside than in the resting state. This creates an action potential, which is a short-
lived change in electric charge inside the neuron. The action potential zooms quickly down an axon. Channels in the membrane close,
and no more sodium ions can enter. After they open and close, the channels remain closed for a while. During the period when the
channels remain closed, the neuron can’t send impulses. This short period of time is called the absolute refractory period, and it lasts
about 1–2 milliseconds. The absolute refractory period is the period during which a neuron lies dormant after an action potential has
been completed.

The All-or-None Law

Neural impulses conform to the all-or-none law, which means that a neuron either fires and generates an action potential, or it doesn’t.
Neural impulses are always the same strength—weak stimuli don’t produce weak impulses. If stimulation reaches a certain threshold,
or minimum level, the neuron fires and sends an impulse. If stimulation doesn’t reach that threshold, the neuron simply doesn’t fire.
Stronger stimuli do not send stronger impulses, but they do send impulses at a faster rate.

The Synapse
The gap between two cells at a synapse is called the synaptic cleft. The signal-sending cell is called the presynaptic neuron, and the
signal-receiving cell is called the postsynaptic neuron.

Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that allow neurons to communicate with each other. These chemicals are kept in synaptic
vesicles, which are small sacs inside the terminal buttons. When an action potential reaches the terminal buttons, which are at the
ends of axons, neurotransmitter-filled synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic cell membrane. As a result, neurotransmitter
molecules pour into the synaptic cleft. When they reach the postsynaptic cell, neurotransmitter molecules attach to matching receptor
sites. Neurotransmitters work in much the same way as keys. They attach only to specific receptors, just as certain keys fit only certain

When a neurotransmitter molecule links up with a receptor molecule, there’s a voltage change, called apostsynaptic potential (PSP),
at the receptor site. Receptor sites on the postsynaptic cell can be excitatory or inhibitory:

• The binding of a neurotransmitter to an excitatory receptor site results in a positive change in voltage, called an excitatory
postsynaptic potential or excitatory PSP. This increases the chances that an action potential will be generated in the
postsynaptic cell.

• Conversely, the binding of a neurotransmitter to an inhibitory receptor site results in an inhibitory PSP, or a negative change
in voltage. In this case, it’s less likely that an action potential will be generated in the postsynaptic cell.
Unlike an action potential, a PSP doesn’t conform to the all-or-none law. At any one time, a single neuron can receive a huge number of
excitatory PSPs and inhibitory PSPs because its dendrites are influenced by axons from many other neurons. Whether or not an action
potential is generated in the neuron depends on the balance of excitation and inhibition. If, on balance, the voltage changes enough to
reach the threshold level, the neuron will fire.

Neurotransmitter effects at a synapse do not last long. Neurotransmitter molecules soon detach from receptors and are usually returned
to the presynaptic cell for reuse in a process called reuptake.

C) Neurotransmitters
So far, researchers have discovered about 15–20 different neurotransmitters, and new ones are still being identified. The nervous
system communicates accurately because there are so many neurotransmitters and because neurotransmitters work only at matching
receptor sites. Different neurotransmitters do different things.

Excess is Deficiency is
Neurotransmitter Major functions associated associated
with with

Muscle movement,
Acetylcholine attention, arousal,
memory, emotion

Voluntary movement,
Dopamine learning, memory, Schizophrenia Parkinsonism

Serotonin Sleep, wakefulness, Depression

appetite, mood,
impulsivity, sensory
regulation, pain

Endorphins Pain relief, pleasure

Learning, memory,
awakening, emotion,
Norepinephrine Depression
increase in heart rate,
stress-related slowing
of digestive

Main inhibitory
GABA neurotransmitter in
the brain

Main excitatory
Glutamate neurotransmitter in
the brain

Agonists and Antagonists

Agonists are chemicals that mimic the action of a particular neurotransmitter. They bind to receptors and generate postsynaptic

Nicotine and Receptors

Nicotine is an acetylcholine agonist, which means that it mimics acetylcholine closely enough to compete for acetylcholine receptors.
When both nicotine and acetylcholine attach to a receptor site, the nerve fibers become highly stimulated, producing a feeling of
alertness and elation.

Antagonists are chemicals that block the action of a particular neurotransmitter. They bind to receptors but can’t produce postsynaptic
potentials. Because they occupy the receptor site, they prevent neurotransmitters from acting.

Paralysis and Poison Arrows

Curare is a drug that causes paralysis. As an acetylcholine antagonist, it binds to acetylcholine receptors at nerve-muscle junctions,
preventing communication between nerves and muscles. Doctors sometimes use curare to immobilize patients during extremely
delicate surgery. South American tribes have long used curare as an arrow poison.

D) Studying the Brain

To examine the brain’s functions, researchers have to study a working brain, which means they can’t use cadavers. Invasive studies, in
which researchers actually put instruments into the brain, can’t be done in humans, though they can be done occasionally during
medically necessary brain surgery. Researchers usually use invasive techniques in animal studies. There are two main types of
invasive animal studies:

• Lesioning studies: Researchers use an electrode and an electric current to burn a specific, small area of the brain.

• Electric stimulation of the brain: Researchers activate a particular brain structure by using a weak electric current sent
along an implanted electrode.

Because they cannot use such invasive techniques on humans, researchers study human brains in two ways:
• They examine people with brain injuries or diseases and see what they can and can’t do.

• They useelectroencephalographs (EEGs), which can record the overall electrical activity in the brain via electrodes placed
on the scalp.
Recently, high-tech innovations have made studying human brains easier. Researchers use three types of imaging equipment to study
the brain:

• Computerized tomography (CT): In CT, a number of x-rays are taken of the brain from different angles. A computer then
combines the x-rays to produce a picture of a horizontal slice through the brain.

• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Both brain structure and function can be visualized through MRI scans, which are
computer-enhanced pictures produced by magnetic fields and radio waves.

• Positron emission tomography (PET): For PET scans, researchers inject people with a harmless radioactive chemical,
which collects in active brain areas. The researchers then look at the pattern of radioactivity in the brain, using a scanner and
a computer, and figure out which parts of the brain activate during specific tasks, such as lifting an arm or feeling a particular

E) Structure and Functions of the Brain

The brain is divided into three main parts: the hindbrain, the midbrain, and the forebrain.

The Hindbrain
The hindbrain is composed of the medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum. Themedulla lies next to the spinal cord and controls
functions outside conscious control, such as breathing and blood flow. In other words, the medulla controls essential functions.
The pons affects activities such as sleeping, waking, and dreaming. Thecerebellum controls balance and coordination of movement.
Damage to the cerebellum impairs fine motor skills, so a person with an injury in this area would have trouble playing the guitar or
typing a term paper.

The Midbrain
The midbrain is the part of the brain that lies between the hindbrain and the forebrain. The midbrain helps us to locate events in space.
It also contains a system of neurons that releases the neurotransmitter dopamine. The reticular formation runs through the hindbrain
and the midbrain and is involved in sleep and wakefulness, pain perception, breathing, and muscle reflexes.

The Forebrain
The biggest and most complex part of the brain is the forebrain, which includes the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the limbic system,
and the cerebrum.

The thalamus is a sensory way station. All sensory information except smell-related data must go through the thalamus on the way to
the cerebrum.

The hypothalamus lies under the thalamus and helps to control the pituitary gland and the autonomic nervous system. The
hypothalamus plays an important role in regulating body temperature and biological drives such as hunger, thirst, sex, and aggression.

Limbic System
The limbic system includes the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the septum. Parts of the limbic system also lie in the thalamus and
the hypothalamus. The limbic system processes emotional experience. The amygdala plays a role in aggression and fear, while the
hippocampus plays a role in memory.

The cerebrum, the biggest part of the brain, controls complex processes such as abstract thought and learning. The wrinkled, highly
folded outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex. The corpus callosum is a band of fibers that runs along the cerebrum
from the front of the skull to the back. It divides the cerebrum into two halves, or hemispheres. Each hemisphere is divided into four
lobes or segments: the occipital lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe:

• The occipital lobe contains the primary visual cortex, which handles visual information.
• The parietal lobe contains the primary somatosensory cortex, which handles information related to the sense of touch. The
parietal lobe also plays a part in sensing body position and integrating visual information.

• The temporal lobe contains the primary auditory cortex, which is involved in processing auditory information. The left temporal
lobe also containsWernicke’s area, a part of the brain involved in language comprehension.

• The frontal lobe contains the primary motor cortex, which controls muscle movement. The left frontal lobe contains Broca’s
area, which influences speech production. The frontal lobe also processes memory, planning, goal-setting, creativity, rational
decision making, and social judgment.

Brain Hemispheres
Lateralization refers to the fact that the right and left hemispheres of the brain regulate different functions. The left hemisphere
specializes in verbal processing tasks such as writing, reading, and talking. The right hemisphere specializes in nonverbal processing
tasks such as playing music, drawing, and recognizing childhood friends.

Roger Sperry, Michael Gazzaniga, and their colleagues conducted some of the early research in lateralization. They examined people
who had gone through split-brain surgery, an operation done to cut the corpus callosum and separate the two brain hemispheres.
Doctors sometimes use split-brain surgery as a treatment for epileptic seizures.

Control of the Body

Because of the organization of the nervous system, the left hemisphere of the brain controls the functioning of the right side of the body.
Likewise, the right hemisphere controls the functioning of the left side of the body.

Vision and hearing operate a bit differently. What the left eye and right eye see goes to the entire brain. However, images in the left
visual field stimulate receptors on the right side of each eye, and in-formation goes from those points to the right hemisphere.
Information perceived by the right visual field ends up in the left hemisphere.

In the case of auditory information, both hemispheres receive input about what each ear hears. However, information first goes to the
opposite hemisphere. If the left ear hears a sound, the right hemisphere registers the sound first.

The fact that the brain’s hemispheres communicate with opposite sides of the body does not affect most people’s day-to-day
functioning because the two hemispheres constantly share information via the corpus callosum. However, severing the corpus callosum
and separating the hemispheres causes impaired perception.

Split-Brain Studies
If a researcher presented a picture of a Frisbee to a split-brain patient’s right visual field, information about the Frisbee would go to his
left hemisphere. Because language functions reside in the left hemisphere, he’d be able to say that he saw a Frisbee and describe it.
However, if the researcher presented the Frisbee to the patient’s left visual field, information about it would go to his right hemisphere.
Because his right hemisphere can’t communicate with his left hemisphere when the corpus callosum is cut, the patient would not be
able to name or describe the Frisbee.

The same phenomenon occurs if the Frisbee is hidden from sight and placed in the patient’s left hand, which communicates with the
right hemisphere. When the Frisbee is in the patient’s left visual field or in his left hand, the patient may not be able to say what it is,
although he would be able to point to a picture of what he saw. Picture recognition requires no verbal language and is also a visual-
spatial task, which the right hemisphere controls.

F) The Endocrine System

The endocrine system, made up of hormone-secreting glands, also affects communication inside the body. Hormones are chemicals
that help to regulate bodily functions. The glands produce hormones and dump them into the bloodstream, through which the hormones
travel to various parts of the body. Hormones act more slowly than neurotransmitters, but their effects tend to be longer lasting.

The pituitary gland, which lies close to the hypothalamus of the brain, is often called the master gland of the endocrine system. When
stimulated by the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland releases various hormones that control other glands in the body. The chart below
summarizes the better known hormones along with some of their functions.

Produce Involved in
d by regulating

Thyroid Metabolic
gland rate

Level of
blood sugar

Melatonin rhythms,

Cortisol,Norepinephrine,Epinephrine,Adren Adrenal functions
aline glands during
stressful and

Testes secondary
(and sex
ovaries characteristic
Androgens and s, sexual
adrenal arousal in
glands to males and
a lesser females

Estrogens Ovaries Breast

(and development
testes and
and menarche in
adrenal females

glands to
a lesser

(and Preparation
testes of uterus for
Progesterone and implantation
adrenal of fertilized
glands to egg
a lesser


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