The Book of Body's Pains

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BOOK OF BODYS PAINS (WITH THE TWO DISADVANTAGES) The reality surpasses even the most daring imagination. Hepiktetus Wiseman is not the one who knows many things, but he who knows usefuls. Heraclitus Fools never have time to do the right thing. Vias from Priini If you do not see something, it does not mean that something is not exist. Chuang-Tzu Must do and can do is the same for the wise man. Fokylidis Discipline is the mother of prosperity. Aeschylus And do not think that if we do everything we like, and not what we should do, we would not pay it with what we do not like. Thucydides Suggested ways to use the booklet - If your video is shaking fold the papers and place them underneath. - Give paper for recycling. - When you feel use it as a fan to make air. - Keep it close to the phone to write notes. - You can kill flies. - The leaves are in perfect shape to make airplanes or boats. - Light up the woods in your fireplace. Finally, if by any chance you are not allergic to reading: - You can use this text to eliminate the pains that trouble you.

Reproduction is permitted even without the consent of the author. M. KOUROUPAKIS

Introduction No. 1 The text in your hands has been written by someone who endured years from his back. A more or less random coding of known exercises relieved him from the torment of daily pain. Wish of the 'writer' is to exempt as many people as possible from their pains without resorting to drugs. Introduction No. 2 This text has two drawbacks: The first is that I cannot write down everything I know about, because the needed facilities are much more than I have. The second and biggest drawback is that it is not enough to get these pages in your hands to go away. You must perform the exercises, to reflect on them and their results, and finally to understand the philosophy that governs them. You can give the text to other persons. If you understand what you need to do, then try to help those who are suffering but do not exploit the results of the exercises. This is another very good therapeutic activity. I gave them to you for free, give them for free. General instructions -Do not bend your back when you are sitting. Bend the knees while keeping you back straight to lift a weight. -Imitate the attitude of the Japanese samurai: straight and inflexible back. -Observe a baby just started walking. Bend the knees, not your back. Simulate them on bending. -Breathe slowly and deeply. That brings more oxygen to your body, relaxes your nerves and makes you happy. -Do not do violent exercises. Even if you are warmed up you risk injuries. -Protect your neck from wind and cold. The neck is a "door", entrance of the cold in the body and the area between the shoulders is the "warehouse". -Do the exercises and the massage daily. It takes just a few minutes, a minimum price for the benefits you get. -When you understand the exercises, add new movements that make you feel good. -Cut drinks, cigarettes, sleepless nights, fried foods, fats, cured meats, preserves, spices, vinegar, salt, sugar, coffee, white flour. Spices and alcohol is a very good medicine for colds. But we must not eat them daily. So if your body is unfamiliar to these substances then you can use them for their "fire-power" to fight illness. Do not say you do not want to become a fanatic of healthy food. You are already fanatic with unhealthy food. Of course nobody needs to cut the "delicacies" he has been accustomed to, since childhood. We need to reduce them but also to discover the delicious and healthful foods that make the Greeks and especially the Cretan people have a higher average life of Europeans, although their technology is 50 years behind. -Chew your food well. -Eat more fruits and vegetables. -Avoid stress. Remember: "For two things you must not worry about: For those who can be fixed and those who cannot. You can worry as many hours you like but you will not succeed: -To find the money you need. -To correct a mistake you made. -To finish one hour faster finished with an unpleasant task. - To always materialize everything in the way you like. - To get everything you dream. - To be permanently happy. - To not ever get sick. etc, etc, etc.

On the contrary the dispassionate treatment of events will give you the advantage of correct action. If you are sitting on a chair and try to lift it you will see that this it is impossible. The project is impossible. You are the biggest obstruct for your success. The only logical way is first to get off the chair. Then you will be able to easily do what you just could not. With this fact in mind you must have a psychological distance from the problems to be able to deal calmly with them. Remember that sometimes we give advices to others while we are not able to go to our case. The identification with the events of our lives is our Achilles heel. It is difficult and impractical for most, but the only way to face life with the stress and difficulties is to see the events in the same way as we watched a movie. Like something irrelevant and passing by. The identification of our problems not only makes us to suffer (as if it was the end of the world) but also blurs our opinion, difficult our decisions and mistake in action. Stop feeling insulted and constantly complain about anything. You spend huge sums of emotional energy (that you cannot recover) in a situation of psychological demolition. Protect Yourself. Do not defend him. Causes The modern way of life is responsible: Fast daily rhythms, ruinously work times, sleepless nights just for sleepless nights, lack of communication with others, cut of from nature, fun and not recreation1, fake consumer needs (my video has 4 heads, yours only 2), lack of proper motion, hyperactivity on vacation, generally miserable diet and utter ignorance of the needs of our physical engine. Do not believe the fairy tale-candy You have salts in your knuckles. What nobody tells you is WHY you acquired this problem. Results -30% of Greeks suffered from back pain and problems at hands and feet. -70% of Greeks is suffering from chronic or occasional migraines and headaches. -A similar situation arises in Europe and America. A "mysterious" cervical syndrome with incredible effects exist, eg NET reported (at the evening broadcast Health) that a person had suffered symptoms of multiple sclerosis. This diagnosis made by doctors who examined him. Ultimately was proved to be suffering from whiplash syndrome! -All people are consuming painkillers by handfuls to stop the pain and not get healthier. But several "miracle" medicines have fantastic side effects: For example pills for headache can cause headache! There is an injection which can cause psychotic episodes without the patient get better (I have personal experience of that). Another injections accompanying document states that "no treatment is proven for low back pain (but who reads small print with a flashlight anyway?). However, it was still in the stores some years ago when the doctor recommended it to someone for his "sprain." -The pain and the stiffness make your life miserable and get you older before your time. Note that there is no way to feel good if he has cumbersome joints. It is not a matter of age but flexible muscular system. Help your body. Start exercising properly to get flexible muscles. They will reward you for your efforts by keeping you in shape without pain and fatigue. Anatomy of the problem

In Greek language two words exist for the meaning of fun. The first means scatter and the second means teaching the soul.

Spine has two curves: One at your back and one at your waist. There are also two major muscle groups: a) One back catching the skull and the pelvis. b) One in front at abdominal "catching" the chest and the pelvis. These two groups help the backbone to eliminate vibrations and to lift weights. -From the unnatural way of life the abdominal muscles weaken and the muscles of the back get stronger. That happens because of lot of work, from stress by cold, by accident, or finally from the combination of all these factors. The difference in muscles tension makes the spine increases her curves. -The spine, when been seen from behind, appears straight. The dorsal muscles are divided into two large groups of right and left. Both groups normally "pull" with the same force. It is possible of a group to get cramp from cold, or grow stronger by working. The result of different pulling among these groups is that the spine bows. When the spine loses his proper form then appear some of the following unpleasant: a) Pressure on the intervertebral disks is lopsided, leading to damage. b) Small vertebrae and bones dislocations happen and these dislocations are not detected by the usual methods of conventional medicine (in fact the conventional medicine is not interested at all). c) At some point the problem starts to affect the spinal cord. Pressure on spinal nerves causes "energy short circuits. Falls off of energy appear. You tired easily and also get sick easily. Our strength weakens and generally attacks of stress easily defeat us. Our entire system is dissolved. After that exist the possibility to suffering from one of the following mostly MYSTERIUS and untreated recurrent situations: Headaches, migraines, dizziness, weight or blur in the eyes. Pain, pulling, stiffness, at neck and shoulders. Pain, numbness, extreme fatigue, at hands. Pain, pulling, stiffness, on the back. Waist pains. Aching hips. Pain, numbness, swelling, fatigue, at legs. One may have only one or all of the symptoms, according to the body and the point of irritation to the spinal cord. It is, of course, possible of other causes (eg headache from not good eyeglasses or tooth decay), but the majority of people suffer from all this from stress, fatigue and cold in the neck and back. Also even if your problem is coming from something other than the neck, experience shows that the "repair of the neck" has some influence to the health problem). If this situation stands for many years, the intervertebral discs deteriorate, their shell breaks delivering hernia, and the next step in treatment is surgery. There is also the possibility of damaging the internal organs by the chronic inflammation of the spinal cord. See the schedule at the last page. Therefore, we need a way to tighten the abdomen and relax the back, to permit the system of the spine return to equilibrium and eliminate the cause of pain. So it is interest for any person (who has no knowledge, time and energy to spend on sports), to find simple and easy exercises to solve the problem. The exercises I will show you need only a few minutes every day. They are easy even for people with a major back problem. They dont need strength, power or speed. Even if you wear zone or drag your feet, you can carry out them and you will quickly lessen the pain if the course of course is only the back. The therapeutic effects range from no getting worse and living without a lot of pain and drugs till the perfect cure.

STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE Follow all these tips: A) THE EXERCISES MUST BE DONE SLOWLY AND WITHOUT VIOLENCE. Thus, the muscles have enough time to stimulate or relax and you enough time to realize what happens to your body and what changes occur. B) DO NOT BEND the spinal column. This helps not to strain the weak points. C) THE MOMENT PAIN APPEARS the exercise should be stopped. If you move without pain an inch, move an inch. If you can move five then move five. But never move stubbornly against pain. At the best occasion you will delay your treatment. So do not throw the burden on me if you become worse or if no improvement occurs. My decades of experience had taught me that people do not implement all the instructions they take. They prosecute in wrong way the exercises, they do not use the signs for the massage, and most of all when the crisis passed away they forget everything and wait to get to a head with a new crisis to remember that something they heard once for a solution to their problem. HEAD a) Front-Back Lean your head back and forth without any dangling of your body.

b) Right-Left Lean your head without raising the shoulder. Do not turn the chin.

c) Looking over shoulder. Turn your head, looking as possible behind the shoulder but not turn the body.

d) Left and right circles. It is the combination of exercises A and B. The head tilted forward, then sideways, then back, then to the other shoulder and in front again. These exercises normally cause relaxation of the muscles of the neck. This has as result the normalization of blood circulation inside the head. Then eyes relieved and see well. Also causes flexibility in the joints of the neck. Some micro-crackling and di crackling dizziness during exercise will disappear after some time. NOTE: Cut the bad habit of pushing from the chin violently with your hand to your shoulder causing crackling. It may be comforting but it is a bit dangerous. It is the classic neck break move in martial arts.

WAIST a) Front - back. Bend the knee to the foot ahead. Then the whole body is leaning forward. Then go back to the upright position. Bend the other leg back. Then the whole body leans backward. A common mistake you will usually make is that you will keep the body vertical with the back leg also bended and you will not tilt towards depending on the front leg bend. Therefore the exercise has no results. Every day you must change the front foot. On one day the right, the other the left. You must also perform the same number of bends on each leg. This will help to take exercise and equally to both. This exercise trains whole leg. Vitalizes belly and back. At first you may feel uncomfortable to your knees. The bad impression or slight pain your passes slowly as the muscles become stronger. Then increase the bending of knees increasing the strength and endurance. You will succeed the maximum bending when the thigh is vertical. For even greater strength increase the distance between the feet and the increase time remaining in the boundary position. Prefer to go from the stairs. The body must be upright and the foot must step on entire sole. Walk slowly and breathe deeply in order not to weary out. Stop using the c even for car "pee". Walk as much as possible. Your efforts must follow the energy highs and lows of your body. Great energy great effort and the contrary. But do not be lazy.

b) Right left Keep legs apart. As in the previous exercise bend one knee, leaning once to the right and one left. In this exercise you exercise legs and the side of the abdomen.

c) Circles (squeezing towel) Keep legs and hands apart. Turning slowly to the right, looking over your shoulder. Return to the original position and then turn to the left. The move looks like someone holds you from the legs and head and squeezes you. This exercise gives rise to flexibility on the spine. Also fixes small shifts in the vertebrae.


) Leg front.

) Leg sideling.

) Leg backword backword.

The exercise makes good to the spinal, the biceps and gluteus muscles. In all three exercises, the leg rises slowly by the strength of muscles (not kick), while the rest of the body remains vertical and as straight as possible. Also the sense of balance becomes better. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES a) Baby. Lay down on hard floor or carpet. Get your feet as infants do. Scroll to the right and then to the left by pressing your body on the floor. Relieves back and waist.


Lay down as in the picture. Raise head and shoulders a few inches from the floor. You can alternately lift one of your shoulders a little more than each other, to exercise and oblique abdominals. Do several repetitions. c) Feet. The performance of exercise 3) LEGS. Must be done with the body lying on back, on side and face down. Slowly lift your foot. Again do not force if pain. MASAGE To speed up the relaxation process of your back you can use Shiatsu. For more information you can buy one of books in bookstores. Shiatsu means "finger pressure". It is a very strong massage. The pressure reaches deep into the muscles as opposed to rubs that you usually blush skin. Its operation is based on a simple "tric "trick. Press with the finger (like Bell). You will find painful points creating pain ONLY under the pressure of your hand Those points are hand. creating the problems you have. Be careful because sometimes you feel pain in your body,

but if you press the point you do not feel anything. There are "reflective" pains and their sources are the points that hurt under pressure pressure. That is why sometimes the patches do not relieve. "You are in pain" elsewhere and you place the patch at the wrong place. You can press with one finger, two fingers, the edge of the palm, by beating with hands or balls of the fingers and generally as you like. With a little bit experience you will learn to distinguish how much pressure you need in each case. When you have a problem at a joint, hit or wrench you need to find the injured muscles surrounding the joint. The more you relax the muscles the better you will feel the painful joint. If you leave these problems to remain for a long time, your treatment will be long and uncertain because you create in your joints probably irreversible harm. Several times during the "healing process" of your exercises and massage, appears pain and stiffness instead of the usual feeling of relaxation, or worsen some symptoms you have. This may be due to the following causes: a) You did something during the day which randomly deteriorated your problem. b) You exaggerate the pressure during the massage or the exercises. c) It is a normal, although relatively rare, react reaction of the organism and is in therapy deploy. Sometimes hematomas bring to life and even emerge blisters. We must learn to distinguish what is going on to correct the possible mistake you make. Below there is a list with the key points to look for. They serve all the symptoms listed at the beginning of the text. You will find severe pain depending on the intensity of your problem. -The points are symmetrical on both sides of the body. The - Quick relief is produced. I repeat that if you have a problem in a joint, then you should look for the muscles they move the joint. Most 'arthritis' with unknown reason, are due to . excessive muscle tension. The joint receive more forces than she can afford. The worst thing is that these forces exerted on the joints 24 hours a day, either on working or sleeping. The result is the start of pain, stiffness and swelling. Thus, the joint slowly wears away and the patient enters in the list of incurable patients. 1) Ear: Pinch the blade with your fingers. 2) Occipital bone: Behind the ears a dimple exists that usually hurts a lot. 3) Skull Base: Where the skull ends and begins the neck there is an indentation. Press the entire line from one ear to the other. 4) Side of the Neck: Below the ear to the shoulder. 5) Nape: With your right hand press the left and vice versa. Do it by passing your hand over the neck. 6) Shoulder: With the right hand press the left shoulder and vice versa.

7) Spine: On the next page there are instructions specifically for the back, which are instructions very important for your good body condition. 8) Pleura: Where the back muscles end you can find the bones of thorax, creating a back-muscles dike. There you can find stretched "muscles" that hurt. The pressure on these points relieves waist. 9) Hip joint: The place for the injections. Press with fingers or wood, or beat with your fists. Relieves the pelvis and relaxes the muscle named lagonopsoitis. Search also the bone of pelvis to find sore spots. 10) Pothole behind the kne knee: Press behind the knee to relieve backache. 11) Leg: The pressure or hitting here allay legs and waist. To ankles problems press along the rod to the side that "sees" the other leg. Spinal cord The pressure of the left and right of the spine can be done in a corner of your house. Touch the corner next to the spine and then move up and down your body as in scheme. If you have someone to help you, lay face down to make to you a massage on the back. But with the angle you are . not depend on anyone. All other taps are in your hands alone. Finally, I repeat that only by reading those pages you do not win anything. You need to put them into practice.

Note: If you have a problem wrists, among other things, you can massage the muscles under the breast. Rules of reflex pressures Prohibited for pregnant women, anyone who wakes up seriously ill, anyone who takes medication for chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes, etc.) to cardiacs and those with pacemakers or other regulatory instruments. Avoid pressure on scars, olives, bone breaks, ers etc. Wait four hours if you take drugs, alcohol. Wait half an hour after a hot bath, heavy work or food. You can do it 3-4 times a day. 4 With your finger or a pen look for s signs (usually resemble as lentils) which hurt when pressed. By massaging these points, you help the relevant organ to operate. There is a lot of pain when the body is sick, but diminishes over time depending on the progress of the health.


It also helps to walk or run barefoot when weather permits. In the beginning, until you get used to, prefer grass, soft earth or in the corridor of land. Except that you turn on your whole body also you get rid of the excess of positive electricity with which you been charged during the day. We bathed feel much better charged with the negative electricity of the land. Epilogue The exercises and massage have a preventive effect. Help your body to stay in a minimally good condition so that it can exceed the daily difficulties, not hurt, so you will stop be consumers of painkillers. Apply daily on the instructions of the form. A few minutes each day (you lose lots of time watching TV or in stupid activities) are sufficient to cease gradually suffer. There is no excuse when you can apply these instructions while watching the news or while listening music. Also, try to slowly get used to take bathe with cold water, straight from the tap all around the year. It is not difficult. I tell to you that because many years ago I was taking bath, even in summer, with warm water. The cold water (not "broken" with hot) is very relaxing for muscles, increases your endurance in the cold weather and brings you to an incredible degree of vitalization. First wash the head. Soap consecutive hands, feet, and then the body. Then wash out in the same order. If for some reason you want a warm bath, then go out only after several hours. You should also be well dressed in the house to dry completely. No abuse in hair dryer. At first (sometimes) you may experience unexplained flu crisis. Then you will feel no cold. Finally, when your body used to the cold water will react better to environmental conditions, and most of all you will forget most of the regular annual colds, fevers, coughs and antibiotics.






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