Jean Kilbourne

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*The person that you choose must have had an identifiable influence on contemporary society and/or the media


Provide specific examples that illustrate their influence Characterize the individuals point of view by making reference to key concepts and theories that have been covered in the unit.

Jean Kilbourne. To some she is the breaking point in advertising, the start of a new era, a different way both the public and women view themselves in society and yet to others, indeed to most of you she holds no point of reference. Today I am here to discuss with you the impact and significance Miss Jean Kilbourne has played in our society. As we all know Advertising can be a very powerful tool, perhaps one of the most persuasive and delicately dangerous. [Play video Killing Us Softly Part 4 until minute seventeen] Jean Kilbournes works have been ongoing and consistent for over forty years. Commencing in 1960, she acknowledges that with time and the evolution of media her cause becomes more and more challenging. The ideology behind her lectures and books surround the concept of therapeutic disclosure. Her video exposes the flaws in advertising, the role the media plays in consumption and more prominently, beyond that is the the real issue that consumption on its own is not the cause for concern but its patterns and effects. Her angle is simple; the women sexualized time and time again in outdoor, print and online mediums arent real. They exist only in their advertisement campaigns; everything from their perfect sun kissed skin to their enhanced breasts is a creation of how the advertisers want you to view yourself; for it is believed your life can only improve with X object in your life, in turn you will be a better person because of object X. The role of media exists solely to implant a feeling of want and desire. A desire that zeros in on your vulnerabilities exploits them and drives you, as a consumer; consume to attain happiness and more to the point fulfillment. reference that to the own idea but we need to chalk up references We explored Pierre de Bourdieus concept of cultural capital and how we come to understand our value or place in society. Interestingly beyond money, importance is obtained by ones standing as part of an elite social environment. (week 2 slides, somewhere toward the bottom)This gap or feeling of not fitting in, of being socially rejected and unaccepted is the emotion advertisers play on. It goes beyond sexualisation and extends to all areas of consumers life, male and female. The issue we are facing is that there is no longer a sense of taboo, no method is off limits. Forty years ago when Kilbourne commenced her workings women were going through a very significant period. They were breaking ground for equality and equal rights. The most sexual and provocative items of selling such as underwear and swimsuits were pitched in a conservative way, the models were never pictured kissing or engaging in any act too colorful. In todays society a close connection to sex or a sexual implication seems to fortify the product and because we are so comfortable the topic has become normal, present in everyday life. At what point did sex leave the bedroom and remain a permanent image in our advertising mediums? Kilbourne; an award winning lecturer, public speaker, author and thirteen times filmmaker has received countless recognition, profiled as Feminists who changed America. Her work aims to draw the line back to a time where advertising was to promote a product. When we as a society stop accepting a half naked model complimenting a car ad, tap into our consciousness and push back on

the notion that sex sells we may be able to regain the upper hand. People evolve with media, trends change and perceptions of proper mould into popular.


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