Congenital Viral Infections
Congenital Viral Infections
Congenital Viral Infections
An Overview
Congenital Infection
There are a number of organisms that can cause congenital neonatal illness Congenital infection can occur during pregnancy or the peri-partum period Primary infection in the mother, generally, results in greater risk of consequences to the developing fetus compared with 're-activation' The timing of infection is important in regards to the severity of neonatal illness and in relation to the organism involved
Infection with High Mortality Rate in Pregnant Women HEV (20%) Pandemic Influenza A (H1 1) 2009 (50%)
1881 Rubella accepted as a distinct disease 1941 Associated with congenital disease (Gregg) 1961 Rubella virus first isolated 1967 Serological tests available 1969 Rubella vaccines available
Characteristics of Rubella
RNA enveloped virus, member of the togavirus family Spread by respiratory droplets. In the prevaccination era, 80% of women were already infected by childbearing age. IP: 2-3 weeks
Clinical Features
maculopapular rash lymphadenopathy fever arthropathy (up to 60% of cases)
Rash of Rubella
1/3 rd will lead normal independent lives 1/3 rd will live with parents 1/3rd will be institutionalised The only effective way to prevent CRS is to terminate the pregnancy
Prevention (1)
Antenatal screening
All pregnant women attending antenatal clinics are tested for immune status against rubella. Non-immune women are offered rubella vaccination in the immediate post partum period.
Prevention (2)
Since 1968, a highly effective live attenuated vaccine has been available with 95% efficacy Universal vaccination is now offered to all infants as part of the MMR regimen in the USA, UK and a number of other countries. Some countries such as the Czech Republic continue to selectively vaccinate schoolgirls before they reach childbearing age. Both universal and selective vaccination policies will work provided that the coverage is high enough.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Diagnosis of acute infection Rising titres of antibody (mainly IgG) - HI, EIA Presence of rubella-specific IgM - EIA Immune Status Screen HI is too insensitive for immune status screening SRH, EIA and latex agglutination are routinely used 15 IU/ml is regarded as the cut-off for immunity
Note that in reinfection, IgM is usually absent or only present transiently at a low level
SRH Ab Specific IgG (RIA/EIA) Specific IgM (RIA/EIA) eutralization & HI Abs 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Following information required: Date and duration of exposure Date of onset of illness Presence and distribution of rash Lymphadenopathy and arthralgia H/O rubella vaccination Result of previous rubella screening test and technique used
Serological Assessment of Women Exposed to or Developing Rubella-like Illness in Pregnancy Rubella IgM Sensitive techniques can detect low level of IgM in reinfection cases *Has been shown to persists at low levels from few months to 4 years following vacc -> 4 fold rise in Ab titre in paired sera -Single sample HI Ab present in absent of SRH, CF, IgG (ELISA) Possibilities of false positive/negative Should follow with Rubella IgM HI:
Congenital Rubella
(1) Fetal diagnosis is possible from cord blood IgM rubella PCR of amniotic fluid (2) Postnatal diagnosis is by IgM isolation of rubella virus (possible form many sites including NPA, eye, throat, CSF, stool and urine for up to 12 months) PCR
Other test include: FBE Renal function and electrolytes Liver function tests Cranial ultrasound (looking for discrete calcification) Echocardiography (looking particularly for Pulmonary Stenosis and PDA) Renal ultrasound LP (pleocytosis with elevated protein) CXR (indicated if the baby has respiratory symptoms) Long Bone Xrays Hearing assessment is mandatory, even in babies with no overt disease at birth. Deafness may be progressive, and therefore serial hearing assessments over the 1st few years of life are essential. Ophthalmological assessment is also essential and progressive retinal damage can be seen. Endocrine problems can occur in the long term including diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism
Single Radial Haemolysis (SRH) Latex Agglutination (LA) ELISA (IgG) Passive Haemagglutination (PHA) Immunofluorescence (IF)
Techniques used to demonstrate a significant rise in antibody titre. ELISA IgG HI Rubella specific IgM
Reporting Result of SRH Tests for Rubella Antibody Screening Test Zone Size Test zone larger than that of 15 IU/ml standard serum and that produced on the control plate Test zone smaller than that of 15 IU/ml standard serum, but larger than that produced on the control plate No test zone, or a test zone equal to or similar to that on on the control plate Report Rubella antibody detected (> 15 IU/ml)
member of the herpesvirus Primary infection usually asymptomatic. Virus then becomes latent and is reactivated from time to time. transmitted by infected saliva, breast milk, sexually and through infected blood 60% of the population eventually become infected. In some developing countries, the figure is up to 95%.
700,000 0.3% 2100 105 22 83 1995 315
Isolation of CMV from the urine or saliva of the neonate. Presence of CMV IgM from the blood of the neonate. PCR T/S, Saliva, NPA Detection of Cytomegalic Inclusion Bodies from affected tissue (rarely used)
Culture and PCR should be performed as soon as possible in the first 2 weeks of life as CMV detected after this time can indicate peri/post natal infection
Primary Infection - consider termination of pregnancy. 40% chance of the fetus being infected. 10% chance that congenitally infected baby will be symptomatic at birth or develop sequelae later in life. Therefore in case of primary infection, there is a 4% chance (1 in 25) of giving birth to an infant with CMV problems. Recurrent Infection - termination not recommended as risk of transmission to the fetus is much lower. Antenatal Screening impractical. Vaccination - may become available in the near future.
HSV-1 HSV-2 (70%) Transmission rate: 25-50% primary infection 1% recurrent infection
Varicella-Zoster Virus
90% of pregnant women already immune, therefore primary infection is rare during pregnancy Primary infection during pregnancy carries a greater risk of severe disease, in particular pneumonia First 20 weeks of Pregnancy up to 3% chance of transmission to the fetus, recognised congenital varicella syndrome; Scarring of skin Hypoplasia of limbs CNS and eye defects Death in infancy normal (especially 5 days prior to delivery/ 2 days after delivery)
Neonatal Varicella
VZV can cross the placenta in the late stages of pregnancy to infect the fetus congenitally. Neonatal varicella may vary from a mild disease to a fatal disseminated infection. If rash in mother occurs more than 1 week before delivery, then sufficient immunity would have been transferred to the fetus. Zoster immunoglobulin should be given to susceptible pregnant women who had contact with suspected cases of varicella. Zoster immunoglobulin should also be given to infants whose mothers develop varicella during the last 7 days of pregnancy or the first 14 days after delivery.
Causative agent of Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum), clinically difficult to distinguish from rubella. Also causes aplastic crisis in individuals with haemolytic anaemias as erythrocyte progenitors are targeted. Spread by the respiratory route, 60-70% of the population is eventually infected. 50% of women of childbearing age are susceptible to infection.