ADA MN3007 Rev5 Jan2010 Documentation Rev20120225
ADA MN3007 Rev5 Jan2010 Documentation Rev20120225
ADA MN3007 Rev5 Jan2010 Documentation Rev20120225
ADA Flanger Clone Build Documentation MN3007 version PCB rev5 January 2010 (updated Feb 2012) Power supply The power supply section of the circuit is located in the lower left corner of the PCB. Either a +9VDC wall wart or a +18VDC wall wart is recommend. Alternatively, one or two 9V batteries may be used as a temporary solution for startup, testing or debugging. Three options for supplying power to the PCB are described below.
Option 1 Use a 9VDC wall wart power supply Install all components shown in the power schematic, above. Apply +9VDC to the PCB from a 9VDC wall wart to the pad labeled '+9VDC', located below C38. Option 2 Use an 18VDC wall wart power supply DO NOT install IC11 and associated components (C38, C39, C40, D8, D11). Install D7, C31, C32 and IC7. Apply +18VDC to the PCB from an 18VDC wall wart to the pad labeled '+18VDC', to the left of D7.
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NOTE - Space is provided to allow for a heat sink to be installed on the 15VDC regulator, IC7 (LM7815), but the use of a heat sink is not critical and it can be omitted with little concern. Option 3 Use two (2) 9V batteries connected in series Connect the (+) from the first battery to the (-) of the second battery. Connect the (-) from the first battery to ground. Connect the (+) from the second battery to +9VDC on the PCB. NOTE This is a good option for troubleshooting things like unwanted noise or power problems, but it is not recommend as a permanent solution. LFO timing capacitors (C24 and C25)
The stock ADA Rev.3 version used two electrolytic capacitors in this location. Be sure to note the orientation of C24/C25 positive leads facing each other. Alternatively, if you wish to alter the speed range of the LFO, or configure the LFO as in other revisions of the circuit, you may use different capacitor values and/or install only C25 and install a jumper in place of C24.
C29 appears twice in the layout (to the left of IC6). Do not install the upper one that is oriented horizontally, and connects to Pad F (just leave it out). The additional footprint for C29 is included for builders who are interested in
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experimenting with switching between alternate timing capacitors in the clock section. Threshold potentiometer (P2) The schematic and the silkscreen on the PCB both indicate the original factory value of 10K for the Threshold potentiometer. But, better gating action can be obtained by replacing this with a 100K potentiometer. Output mixing resistors (R41, R42)
The value of the mixing resistors at the output buffer (R41, R42) has been reduced to allow higher than unity volume at the output, and a 10K output volume pot can be added as shown in the schematic, above. If a panel mounted volume control is not desired, a 10K trim pot can be installed in the perfboard area in the lower left corner of the PCB and connected to the circuit output with a flying lead to provide an internal level setting for the output volume. External control input jack (JK3)
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Use a switching type jack for the manual sweep input jack (JK3). Something similar to Mouser pn 568-NYS218 should work well. The jack sleeve should be grounded, so the jack does not need to be isolated from the enclosure.
When nothing is plugged into JK3, the jacks switch will be closed and the wiper of P3 should connect to R53 through the jacks switch. When the stereo plug from a CV control pedal is plugged into JK3, the jacks switch will open and disconnect the wiper of P3, the plugs ring should connect to R53, and the plugs tip should connect to R50. The pads on the PCB are labeled as follows Sw (switch contact), T (tip contact), S (ring contact). Think twice before you decide to leave this feature out, because controlling the sweep of the effect with a foot pedal is really cool! But if you still do not want to install the external control jack, you do not need to install R50, but you must install a jumper between pads Sw and S for the effect to work properly. LED and Associated Current Limiting Resistor These are not shown in the schematic or in the Bill of Materials. Pick the appropriate value resistor for your particular type of LED. The resistor may be installed in the perfboard area in the lower left corner of the PCB, near the power supply section of the circuit. Alternatively, if you want the LED to blink at the same rate as the LFO, a resistor/LED may be connected to the output of the LFO (node at lug 3 of the Range control). Additional power filtering may be required if this causes an audible pulse or ticking sound.
Methodical building process Here is an approach to building this (or any circuit) that was outlined by Stephen Giles at Populate and test the different sections of the circuit as follows. Make sure each section is working as it should before moving on to the next section. 1. Power supply and Vb generator - test that the Vb generator is giving 1/2 +ve voltage otherwise nothing will work! 2. Input / output amps, test that all opamps have good signal at outputs. 3. LFO and manual CV generator - test for changing voltage at Range wiper. 4. Do all components from Range pot to 4049 and check that clock signals are each around 7v. 5. Do components around MN3007. Set up bias and you should have flanging of sorts. I set up the rest by ear using the clock range and max clock trims. This route would be beneficial to a novice because it is possible to see each separate building block working on its own and makes it easy to remember where everything is in the board - good for troubleshooting. I would even draw round the various sections on the circuit board with a felt tipped pen as a guide.
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Page 7 of 12 ADA Flanger Clone (MN3007 version) Bill of Materials Description 0.01 0.1 0.22 0.47 1 1 2 2.2 4.7 10 22 33 100 470 100p 1500p 39p 510p 47 100 250 100k 10k 150k 14k 1k 1M 1M3 20k 22k 27k 2k7 2M2 30k 43k 47k 510k 51k 5k1 68k 75k 82k 1N914 1N4001 1N5817 10kb Pot 100kb Pot 50kb Pot 500kc Pot 10ka Pot 20k Trim Mouser p/n 140-PM2A103K 140-PM2A104K 505-MKS20.022/63/5 75-MKT1818447064 581-TAP105K025SCS 505-MKS21/50/10 140-L35V2.2-RC 140-L35V2.2-RC 140-MLRL50V4.7-RC 140-L35V10-RC 140-ESRL50V22-RC 140-ESRL50V33-RC 140-L25V100-RC 140-XRL25V470-RC 140-500P5-101K-RC 140-PEI2A152J-RC 140-50N2-390J-RC 140-500P5-501K-RC 271-47-RC 271-100-RC 271-249-RC 271-100K-RC 271-10K-RC 271-150K-RC 271-14K-RC 271-1K-RC 271-1.0M-RC 291-1.3M-RC 271-20K-RC 271-22K-RC 271-27K-RC 271-2.7K-RC 271-2.2M-RC 271-30K-RC 271-43K-RC 271-47K-RC 291-510K-RC 271-51K-RC 271-5.1K-RC 271-68K-RC 271-75K-RC 271-82K-RC 512-1N914 512-1N4001 512-1N5817 313-1000F-10K 313-1000F-100K 313-1000F-50K smallbear 313-1500-10K 858-72PMR-20K-LF Qty 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 6 5 1 1 4 3 1 3 5 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 Part Reference C1, C3, C10, C20, C23 C9, C16, C28, C37 C33 C7 C32 C21 C38 C6, C17 C2, C5, C15, C27, C35 C39 C4, C36 C22, C24, C25, C26 C40 C31 C8, C14 C18 C29 C19 R6, R55, R62, R68 R27, R45, R50 R72 R30, R31, R46, R48, R52, R58 R13, R34, R36, R37, R67 R65 R71 R1, R14, R60, R70 R5, R35, R54 R28 R9, R63, R64 R32, R33, R39, R51, R73 R10, R41, R42, R43 R3, R47, R61 R69 R2, R4, R38 R26 R11 R53 R49, R66 R44 R7, R8, R12, R29, R40, R56 R59 R57 D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 D7 D8, D11 P1, P3 P2 P4 P5 P6 T1, T2, T3, T4 Comment
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Enhance, Manual Threshold Range Speed (rev log taper) Volume Bias, Enhance, Auto Sweep, Max Clock Page 8 of 12 100k Trim LM324 / TL074 MC1458 / TL072 CD4007 CD4047 LM7815 CD4049 MN3007 LT1054 LS4393 / 2N4393 stereo switching SPDT toggle TO-220 heatsink 858-72PMR-100K-LF 595-TL074IN 595-TL072CP 595-CD4007UBE 595-CD4047BE 511-L7815CV 595-CD4049UBE outsource 595-LT1054CP 512-PN4393 568-NYS218 108-1MS1T2B3M1QEEVX 567-274-2AB 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T5, T6 IC1, IC2, IC3 IC4 IC5 IC6 IC7 IC9 IC10 IC11 Q1 JK3 SW1 Clock Range, Delay Bal
BBD N channel JFET stereo w/ ring switch Odd/Even Toggle switch optional
ADA Flanger Clone (MN3007 version) Bill of Materials part C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C31 C32 C33 C35 C36 C37 C38 value 0.01 4.7 0.01 22 4.7 2.2 0.47 100p 0.1 0.01 100p 4.7 0.1 2.2 1500p 510p 0.01 1 33 0.01 33 33 33 4.7 0.1 39p 470 1 0.22 4u7 22-33u 0.1 2 part C39 C40 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D11 IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5 IC6 IC7 IC9 IC10 IC11 JK3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Q1 SW1 T1 Bias T2 Enhance T3 Auto Sweep value 10 100 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N4001 1N5817 1N5817 LM324 / TL074 LM324 / TL074 LM324 / TL074 MC1458 / TL072 CD4007 CD4047 LM7815 CD4049 MN3007 LT1054 stereo w/ ring switch 10k Enhance 100k Threshold 10k Manual 50k Range 500k Speed 10K Volume LS4393 / 2N4393 SPDT toggle 20k Trim 20K Trim 20k Trim part T4 Max Clock T5 Clock Range T6 Delay Bal R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 value 20k Trim 100k Trim 100k Trim 1k 30k 2k7 30k 1M 47 68k 68k 20k 27k 47k 68k 10k 1k 43k 100 1M3 68k 100k 100k 22k 22k 10k 1M 10k 10k 30k 22k 68k 27k part R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 value 27k 27k 5k1 100 100k 2k7 100k 51k 100 22k 100k 510k 1M 47 68k 82k 100k 75k 1k 2k7 47 20k 20k 150k 51k 10k 47 2M2 1k 14k 250 22k
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NOTE Because this version of the circuit uses a MN3007 instead of a SAD1024, the clock frequencies stated in step 2, above, should be doubled to 69.6 KHz to 2.6 MHz (not 34.8 KHz to 1.3 MHz).
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Additional Notes on Calibration A frequency counter is needed to set the min and max frequency of the clock circuit. If you do not have an oscilloscope available, many digital multi meters (DMM) also have a frequency counter function. The circuit can also be calibrated by ear with some trial-and-error. When calibrating, it is very helpful to input some sort of constant sound source that is rich in harmonics and listen to the output. A synth, sampler, theremin or something similar fed through some type of fuzz or distortion effect, for example, should work well. Follow the factory calibration instructions, above, referring to (Rev. 3 and 4), but double the values for the clock frequency settings. The factory procedure was not written with reference to this new MN3007 based version of the circuit. So, take frequency readings at the test point (TP), and instead of setting the range to go from 34.8 KHz to 1.3 MHz, set the range to go from 69.6 KHz to 2.6 MHz. Also, adjust TR6 to balance the delay signal and the dry signal so that they are approximately equal. A 50/50 wet/dry mix is ideal and can be set by using an oscilloscope, or approximated by ear. Here are some additional notes on calibrating the circuit that were taken from the big TZF thread at diystompboxes, here BTW, there is a lot of good info in that discussion; the majority of it is with reference to the old SAD1024 version of the circuit, but pretty much everything applies equally to this newer MN3007 version. Heres what I posted at about the calibration procedure for the SAD1024 version. If building the MN3007 version, adjust the clock frequencies as noted above I used the frequency counter on my DMM, positive lead on the test point (TP) and common lead to ground. But, I think you could definately do this by ear, too. Threshold 100%, Manual 0%, Range 100%, Speed 50%, Enhance 50%, all trimmers at 50%. Plug in a noise maker, theremin, looper/sampler, keyboard, whatever... Something that makes a continuous sound, as opposed to having to keep strumming your guitar, for example. If you use a theremin or keyboard or something that doesn't have a lot of harmonics, try putting it through some kind of fuzz/dist/od pedal so you'll be able to hear the sweep more prominently. Adjust T1 bias until you hear the effect sweeping. Then turn Range to 0%. You should now be able to sweep the effect manually by twisting the Manual knob. Now, set the low and high points of the sweep, keeping Range at 0%... With Manual at 0%, adjust T4 to set the low point, ~35kHz. Turn Manual up to 100% and adjust T5 to set the high point of the sweep, ~1.3MHz. T4 and T5 interact with each other, so you need to go back and forth (set Manual 0% adj T4, set Manual 100% adj T5, repeat) until you get the low and high sweep points set where you want. I left T3 set at 50%. It does seem to alter the range, but I couldn't hear it doing much of anything else. I also left T6 at 50%. I'm not hearing any appreciable bad noise. It quiets down
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very nicely when not playing. I'm still deciding where I want to leave T2... to self-oscillate or not to selfoscillate... that is the question.
Heres what TR in NC posted about the calibration procedure Of course verify power (all ICs etc.). Clock frequency adjustment. I dont want to spell out the bench test procedure so heres my easy calibration. Measure frequency with a scope at IC6 (CD4047) Pin 10 (pin 11 will also work). Adjust Threshold, Manual, Range, Speed and Enhance pots fully CCW. Adjust T5 fully CW, Adjust Manual pot fully CW, Adjust T4 to 1.3MHz. Adjust Manual pot fully CCW and verify min frequency (mine was around 21.7KHz). Bench spec states min 34.8KHz, max 1.3MHz (I could not adjust T4 and T5 to get both setpoints). You can adjust the low end up but this also raises the high end of the sweep range. I chose to keep the low end at 21.7KHz (you can compromise in either direction). BBD Bias and Regeneration. This is where I didnt have any luck with the bench test procedure. When I thought I had everything setup I hooked it to my amp and nothing. So heres my easy setup procedure. With the output connected to your amp (keep amp volume VERY low), Adjust Threshold, Manual, Range, Speed and Enhance pots fully CW. Set T1 fully CW and T2 fully CCW. Adjust T1 CCW just until you hear the full sweep next; adjust T2 until the sweep is almost fully attenuated. Adjusting the Enhance pot will fully attenuate the sweep. If you dont want to hear the sweep at all with the Enhance pot fully CW then just adjust T2 until the sweep is fully attenuated (I chose to hear the sweep so I know where the attenuation threshold is when setting the Enhance pot). I kept both T3 and T6 at 50%, didn't really see much change with either of them. And, some additional thoughts from bajaman can be found at diystompboxes, here
The information contained in this document is intended for personal use only. No permission is granted for commercial use of this document, or the information it provides, in any way whatsoever. In addition, no guarantee of success (however you define success) is either granted or implied. Anyone attempting to build a working version of what is described in this document does so of their own accord and also understands that a certain level of knowledge in the theory, application, construction and fabrication of electronic circuits is required to do so successfully. Further help and support can be found in the discussion forums at
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