Podcast Project

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3: The Podcast Reading Assignment

Read Chapter 19 from Technical Communication. You will develop a podcast. Developing and knowing how to use a podcast can be a marketing technique for gainful employment. You might use podcasts to promote a product, yourself, a business, an organization or non-profit, or for public service announcements on community bulletins. I have had students use podcasts for different organizations they work with as newsletters.

Assignment 5 Key Points Work individually or in groups of 2-3 (if you are an online student and have immediate access to each other, you can work as a group, but everyone should have a voice on the podcast. This can be completed through le sharing. Please let me know right away if you are working in a team). I use Audacity as my podcaster. However, you can use soundcloud, Garage Band, or any other voice ediKng program you have used and know. To download Audacity, Visit 1). hNp://www.how- to-podcast-tutorial.com/15-audacity-download.htm To use Audacity, Visit 2). hNp://www.how-to-podcast-tutorial.com/17-audacity-tutorial.htm For student examples from previous classes, please visit my Web site at these links: hNp:// www.quickbloom.com/examples-of-student-work.html and hNp://www.quickbloom.com/ services/a-podcast-by-kevin-wolford.html Download Audacity on your computer hNp://audacity.sourceforge.net or you can use the podcaster on Blackboard (however, it might not let you edit as well). Script out a topic to talk about (for example an adverKsement for a make-believe product, an interview with a business leader or employee about a business topic, a mock radio show about a business topic, a newsleNer for a community event or organizaKon where you volunteer etc.). Allow for some o the cu moments and incorporate a second track with music. Have fun with this project. Learning the soZware is easier than you probably think, but like learning any new technology dont wait unKl the last minute. Individual podcast 5-8 minutes; group project 10-13 minutes (depending on group size).

Grading Criteria Note for those in a group: each group receives the same grade. A person will receive a grade of 0 points if he or she doesnt show or do the group work assigned because technically that person was never a part of the group. All members in a group must divide the podcast presenta@on evenly (actually talking into the recorder). However, this can make for a dynamic conversa@on that can mimic a radio show. Podcast Rubric
20 points for staying in the 2me limit 30 crea2vity points 30 Research 20 Willingness to try new presenta2on techniques and layering tracks.

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