Configuration of DHCP & DNS Along With PAT Configuration

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-:Name of the group members:-

2. Sampita Dutta3. Avisek Samanta-

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

9350 9626 9965 9748 9323 9961

1. Avradeep Chander- College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

4. Sutirtha Pramanik- College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat 5. Rupam Das6. Koushik SarkarBirbhum Institute of Engineering & Technology Birbhum Institute of Engineering & Technology


Page No.
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Acknowledgement Requirement Specification Problem Definition & Description About DHCP & DNS Hardware & Software Requirement Project Implementation & Screen Shots Code Part Conclusion

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It is a great moment for us as we are going to present our vocational training (A summer training program) report. During our training in Globsyn, we have been assisted by many eminent persons in the respective department. It is impossible for us to refer all the persons who have helped us in various ways in bringing out this report. We may be excused for not naming their name individually. But we pay our full respect & thanks for the person who spared their valuable time for discussing the topics & various aspects of Globsyn from different angles. We would like to express our gratitude & offer our sincere thanks especially to our respected Mr.Shushil Kr. Chowdhury ,faculty of Globsyn .

Last but not the least we pay our sincere thanks,respect & love for all those great souls who have provided their helping hands for us & also for our group throughout the month with sweet smile & necessary information. The friendly atmosphere of Globsyn draw a good impact on our mind & all of them present with a respectable place in our heart forever.

Packet Tracer Software: It is a Cisco router simulator that can be utilized in training and education, but also in research for simple computer network simulations. The current version of Packet Tracer supports an array of simulated Application Layer protocols, as well as basic routing with RIP,OSPF, and EIGRP, to the extent required by the current CCNA curriculum. While Packet Tracer aims to provide a realistic simulation of functional networks, the application itself utilizes only a small number of features found within the actual hardware running a current Cisco IOS version. Thus, Packet Tracer is unsuitable for modelling production networks. With the introduction of version 5.3, several new features were added, including BGP. BGP is not part of the CCNA curriculum, but part of the CCNP curriculum. Router: A router is a device that forwards data packets between computer networks, creating an overlay internetwork. A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks. When a data packet comes in on one of the lines, the router reads the address information in the packet to determine its ultimate destination. Then, using information in its routing table or routing policy, it directs the packet to the next network on its journey.

Definition: A network switch is a small hardware device that joins multiple computers together within one local area network (LAN). Technically, network switches operate at layer two (Data Link Layer) of the OSI model. Network switches appear nearly identical to network hubs, but a switch generally contains more intelligence (and a slightly higher price tag) than a hub. Unlike hubs, network switches are capable of inspecting data packets as they are received, determining the source and destination device of each packet, and forwarding them appropriately. By delivering messages only to the connected device intended, a network switch conserves network bandwidth and offers generally better performance than a hub. As with hubs, Ethernet implementations of network switches are the most common. Mainstream Ethernet network switches support either 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet(10/100/1000) standards. Different models of network switches support differing numbers of connected devices. Most consumer-grade network switches provide either four or eight connections for Ethernet devices. Switches can be connected to each other, a socalled daisy chaining method to add progressively larger number of devices to a LAN.

A personal computer (PC) is any general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and original sales price make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator. This contrasted with the batch processing or time-sharing models which allowed larger, more expensive minicomputer and mainframe systems to be used by many people, usually at the same time. Large data processing systems require a full-time staff to operate efficiently.

Used to connect different type of devices.Example- Router and Switch. Cross cable: Used to connect same type of devices. Example-Router to Router

RJ 45.

When communicating to devices in a public network, our device needs to use a source address that is a public address. NAT device enables private IPv4 to connect to the Internet. NAT enable us to change an IP address in a packet to a different address. Usually, NAT connects two networks and translates the private (inside local) addresses into public addresses (inside global) before packets are forwarded to another network. In other word Address translation allows us to translate your internal private addresses to public addresses before these packets leave your network. It is a way to conserve ip address Hide a number of hosts behind a single IP address Use:, or for local networks

Our ISP didnt provide us sufficient public IP address. Our company is going to merge in a company which uses same address space. Where we want to hide your internal IP address space from outside. We want to assign the same IP address to multiple machines.

Static Dynamic PAT




NAT Network address Translation Static Dynamic and PAT Over NAT
When communicating to devices in a public network, your device needs to use a source address that is a public address. NAT device enables private IPv4 to connect to the Internet. NAT enable you to change an IP address in a packet to a different address. Usually, NAT connects two networks and translates the private (inside local) addresses into public addresses (inside global) before packets are forwarded to another network. In other word Address translation allows you to translate your internal private addresses to public addresses before these packets leave your network. Situation where you should use NAT

Your ISP didnt provide you sufficient public IP address Your company is going to merge in a company which use same address space Where you want to hide your internal IP address space from outside You want to assign the same IP address to multiple machines There are three types of NAT

Static Dynamic PAT


In static NAT manual translation is performed by an address translation device, translating one IP address to a different one. If you have 100 devices, you need to create 100 static entries in the address translation table. Typically, static translation is done for inside resources that outside people want to access.

Dynamic NAT

Dynamic NAT is mostly used when inside users needs to access outside resources. The global address assigned to the internal user isn't important, since outside devices don't directly connect to your internal users they just return traffic to them that the inside user requested.

Dynamic NAT is used when inside use wants to access external resource. When an inside user sends traffic through the address translation device, say a router, it examines the source IP address and compares it to the internal local address pool. If it finds a match, then it determines which inside global address pool it should use for the translation. It then dynamically picks an address in the global address pool that is not currently assigned to an inside device. The router adds this entry in its address translation table, the packet is translated, and the packet is then sent to the outside world. If no matching entry is found in the local address pool, the address is not translated and is forwarded to the outside world in its original state. When returning traffic comes back into your network, the address translation device examines the destination IP addresses and checks them against the address translation table. Upon finding a matching entry, it converts the global inside address to the local inside address in the destination IP address field of the packet header and forwards the packet to the inside network


With PAT, all devices that go through the address translation device have the same global IP address assigned to them, so the source TCP or UDP port numbers are used to differentiate the different connections. If two devices have the same source port number, the translation device changes one of them to ensure uniqueness. Major difference between NAT and PAT is In NAT Only IP addresses are translated (not port numbers).
Disadvantages of Address Translation

Three main disadvantage with address translation are:

Each connection has an added delay. Troubleshooting is more difficult. Not all applications work with address translation.

Address Translation Terms and Types

Term Inside Explanation Addresses located on the inside of your network


Addresses located outside of your network


The IP address physically assigned to a device


The public IP address physically or logically assigned to a device

Inside local IP address

The IPv4 address that is assigned to a host on the inside network

Inside global IP address

A legitimate IPv4 address assigned by the ISP that represents one or more inside local IPv4 addresses to the outside world

Outside global IP address

An outside device with a registered public IP address

Outside local IP address

An outside device with an assigned private IP address

Static NAT

A manual address translation is performed between two addresses and possibly port numbers.

Dynamic NAT

An address translation device automatically performs address translation between two addresses and possibly port numbers.

Port Address Translation (PAT)

Many inside IP addresses are translated to a single IP address, where each inside address is given a different TCP or UDP port number for uniqueness.

What is DHCP?
The Internet is a vast source of information that is continuously updated and accessed via computers and other devices. For a device (also referred to as a host) to connect to the Internet, it is necessary that among other configurations, it must have an Internet Protocol (IP) address. The IP address is the computer's address on the Internet. A common comparison of an IP address is an individual's telephone number, which is an identifier for people to communicate with the individual. Up until the late 1980s, configuring a computer to connect to the Internet was a manual process. The protocol Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) was the first Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network configuration tool used to prevent the task of having to manually assign IP addresses by automating the process. While the introduction of the BOOTP network protocol was a welcome innovation for network administrators tasked with managing large numbers of computers on a network, it was the first attempt and a new and improved TCP/IP network protocol soon followed. This protocol is called Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). DHCP was not designed as a replacement for BOOTP, but an extension of its functionality.

How DHCP Works?

As its name indicates, DHCP provides dynamic IP address assignment. What this means is that instead of having to rely on a specific IP address, a computer will be assigned one that is available from a subnet or "pool" that is assigned to the network. DHCP also extends BOOTP functionality to provide IP addresses that expire. BOOTP indirectly uses a form of leasing that never expired, but the term wasn't actually used until the introduction of DHCP. When DHCP assigns an IP address, it actually leases the identifier to the host computer for a specific amount of time. The default lease is five days, but a network administrator should evaluate their own particular circumstances to determine an appropriate lease. In basic terms, the DHCP lease process works as follows:
1. A network device attempts to connect to the Internet. 2. The network requests an IP address. 3. The DHCP server allocates (leases) the network device an IP address, which is forwarded to the network by a router. 4. DHCP updates the appropriate network servers with the IP address and other configuration information. 5. The network device accepts the IP address. 6. The IP address lease expires. 7. DHCP either reallocates the IP address or leases one that is available. 8. The network device is no longer connected to the Internet. 9. The IP address becomes an available address in the network pool of IP addresses.

To set up DHCP, you basically need a DHCP-supported client (at least one) and router, and a DHCP server. The client is a computer or other device on a network that requires an IP address and or other network configuration information. The router functions as a forwarding (or routing) agent of IP address requests from the DHCP

server. The DHCP server is key to the entire operation. It is responsible for allocating, leasing, reallocating, and renewing IP addresses. Windows and Linux both support DHCP software.

The Internet, and many larger private Internet Protocol (IP) networks, rely on the Domain Name System (DNS) to help direct traffic. The DNS maintains a distributed database of network names and addresses, and it provides methods for computers to remotely query the database. Some people call DNS the "phone book of the Internet." DNS and the World Wide Web All public Web sites run on servers connected to the Internet with public IP addresses. The Web servers at, for example, have addresses like Although people can type address information like into their Web browser to visit sites, being able to use proper names like is much more practical.

The Internet utilizes DNS as a worldwide name resolution service for public Web sites. When someone types a site's name into their browser, DNS looks up the corresponding IP address for that site, the data required to make the desired network connections between Web browsers and Web servers.
DNS Servers and Name Hierarchy DNS uses a client/server network architecture. DNS servers are the computers designated to store DNS database records (names and addresses), while clients of the DNS include PCs, phones and other devices of end users. DNS servers also interface with each other, acting as clients to each other when needed.

The DNS organizes its servers into a hierarchy. For the Internet, so-called root name servers reside at the top of the DNS hierarchy. The Internet root name servers manage DNS server information for the Web's top-level domains (TLD) (like ".com" and ".uk"), specifically the names and IP addresses of the original (called authoritative) DNS servers responsible for answering queries about each TLD individually. Servers at the next lower level of the DNS hierarchy track second-level domain names and addresses (like "") , and additional levels manage Web domains (like ""). DNS servers are installed and maintained by private businesses and Internet governing bodies around the world. For the Internet, 13 root name servers (actually redundant pools of machines around the world) support the hundreds of Internet top-level domains, while provides authoritative DNS server information for the sites within its network. Organizations can similarly deploy DNS on their private networks separately, on the smaller scale.
Configuring Networks for DNS DNS clients (called resolvers) wanting to use DNS must have it configured on their network. Resolvers query the DNS using fixed (static) IP addresses of one or more DNS servers. On a home network, DNS server addresses can be configured once on a broadband router and automatically picked up by client devices, or the addresses can be configured on each client individually. Home network administrators can get valid DNS server addresses from either their Internet service provider or third-party Internet DNS providers like Google Public DNS and OpenDNS.

Types of DNS Lookups DNS is most commonly used by Web browsers automatically converting Internet domain names to IP addresses. Beside these forward lookups, the DNS also is used for:

finding the correct servers to deliver Internet email reverse lookups that convert an IP address back to a domain name

The network requests supporting DNS lookups run over TCP and UDP, port 53 by default. DNS Caches To better process high volumes of requests, the DNS utilizes caching. DNS caches store local copies of recently-accessed DNS records while the originals continue to be maintained on their designated servers. Having local copies of DNS records avoids having to generate network traffic up and through the DNS server hierarchy. However, if a DNS cache becomes outdated, network connectivity issues can result. DNS caches have also been prone to attack by network hackers. Network administrators can flush a DNS cache if needed using ipconfig and similar utilities. Dynamic DNS Standard DNS requires all IP address information stored in the database to be fixed. This works fine for supporting typical Web sites but not for devices using dynamic IP addresses such as Internet Web cams or home Web servers. Dynamic DNS (DDNS) adds network protocol extensions to DNS to enable name resolution service for dynamic clients.

Various third-party providers offer dynamic DNS packages designed for those wanting to remotely access their home network via the Internet. Setting up an Internet DDNS environment requires signing up with the chosen provider and installing additional software on the local network. The DDNS provider remotely monitors subscribed devices and makes the required DNS name server updates.
Alternatives to DNS The Microsoft Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) supports name resolution similar to DNS but works only on Windows computers and using a different name space. WINS is used on some private networks of Windows PCs.

Dot-BIT is an open source project based based on BitCoin technology that is working to add support for a ".bit" top-level domain to the Internet DNS.

Software & Hardware Requirement:

Monitor: Laptop & Desktop Processor : Intel Core i3 Ram : 2G.B Keyboard & Mouse Straight Cable & Cross Cable

Operating System : Windows XP & 2007 Microsoft Office Package Packet Tracer 5.3.3 Internet


DHCP for ROUTER 0Dhcp and pat ..CONFIGURATION Router R0 configuration Router>enable Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#hostname pat R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#interface serial 0/1 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#clock rate 64000 R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#ip route serial 0/1 R1(config)#access-list 1 permit R1(config)#ip nat pool test netmask R1(config)#ip nat inside source list 1 pool test overload R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0 R1(config-if)#ip nat inside R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#interface serial 0/1

R1(config-if)#ip nat outside R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#


Router>enable Router#configure terminal Router(config)#interface serial 0/1 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#no shutdown Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#no shutdown Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#hostname internet R2(config)#ip route serial 0/1

NAT is a technology that allows organizations to map valid external addresses to private or unregistered internal addresses Organizations can use NAT to allow many more people to access the Internet by sharing one or more valid public addresses Static NAT involves mapping each internal IP address to a separately defined outside IP address Dynamic NAT involves the mapping of inside addresses to a smaller pool of outside addresses PAT allows an organization to map more than one internal private IP address to a single outside IP address by using port numbers to identify the separate connections The Domain Name Service (DNS) is used to provide an IP address-to-name mapping so that users can refer to hosts by name rather than address The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides IP configuration information such as address, subnet mask, default-gateway, DNS and WINS server location, and domain name to hosts on the network SDM is a Web-enabled Cisco product that allows advanced router configuration without using the command-line interface

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