Challenges of Total Quality Management

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In construction industry, contractors often have an attitude of looks good, feels good. The challenges of TQM in construction industry are hard to quantify, and hard to nd a quantiable outcome measure of quality in construction. The followings are the challenges in TQM:

1. Lack of trained workers Lack of training as the main challenges to quality in the construction industry. The construction industry spends two times less than manufacturers and five times less than the leader in training and public administration. Construction industry ranks second to last among nine major industries in per employee spending on training. Few construction companies have training programs and most use on the-job training as their only training tool. The problem with on-the-job training is that new employees learn from other employees who may or may not know how to do the job correctly. At best, the result is inconsistent training. At worst, employees are trained to do their jobs incorrectly. For a company to produce a quality product, employees need to know how to do their jobs. For TQM to be successful, construction companies must commit to training employees at all levels.

2. Lack of competent field managers

Less-than-competent field management has been a longstanding challenge in construction. Although there are many contributing causes, two primary reasons are field management selection and training. The problem is compounded by the fact that many field managers have no managerial training. Basic training needed by field managers includes time management, goal setting, negotiating, conflict resolution, and problem solving. TQM focuses the creativity of the entire organization on continuous improvement. The construction industry has been using only the physical ability of its workforce. Managers typically dont ask, seek, or demand that employees think. The result is a very small portion of employee capability is used. It becomes a matter of

using more of the employees abilities. A company that concentrates more resources improvement than its competition will not only survive but will prosper in these challenging times.

3. Competitive Market One of the effects of a competitive market is to lower quality standards to a minimally acceptable level. This problem to quality is mainly a challenge caused by a misunderstanding of the definition of quality. Unfortunately, too many companies in construction industry equate quality with high cost. Their definition leads to the assumption that a company cant afford quality. A broader definition needs to be used to look at quality, not only in the companys product, but in every function of the company. All company functions have an element of quality. For examples include delivering tools, filling out a time card, and planning a job. If the quality of tasks performed is poor, unnecessary cost is incurred by the company and, ultimately, passed to the customer. TQM works by inspiring employees at every level to

continuously improve what they do, thus rooting out unnecessary costs. Done correctly, a company involved with TQM can dramatically reduce operating costs.

4. Bad Attitudes The competitive environment, poor management practice, and a general lack of higher expectations have contributed to unproductive and unhealthy attitudes. These attitudes often are expressed in popular sayings, such as Its not my job and If it aint broke, dont fix it. Some may sound uncomfortably familiar. All are clear indicators of trouble. TQM works on fundamentals that build better attitudes by involving employees in teams that identify and solve problems. Employees are transformed from part of the problem to part of the solution. They are encouraged to be motivated and creative This wider view of their job changes Its not my job to Its up to us.

5. Poor Plans and Specifications Architects and engineers are impacted by the same competition and dwindling profit margins contractors face. Many architects and engineers have responded by reducing the resources committed to the planning phase, resulting in poor plans and specifications. The problem is compounded by a number of factors, including fragmented planning phases, poor coordination of design professionals, the litigious nature of the industry, and the fact that many owners dont understand what they are buying with design services. Perhaps the root cause of poor plans and specifications is that the industry, as a whole, has done a poor job of convincing owners of the importance of construction planning. Many owners do not understand the impact that poor drawings have on a projects quality, cost, and time. Regardless of the cause, poor plans and specifications lead to a project that costs more, takes longer to complete, and causes more frustration than it should. Companies using TQM respond by impressing upon owners the need to spend money and time on planning. They take time to plan projects thoroughly and invest in partnering to develop an effective project team. These investments in preventionoriented management significantly improve the quality of the construction process.


1. The challenges in TQM can be minimized by, construction companies must commit to training their employees at all levels. TQM should provide the comprehensive training, including technical expertise, communications skills, small team

management, problem solving tools and customer relations.

2. For TQM programs to be effective, management training must reach the fieldmanager level. The front-line manager is the direct link to the field workforce. The power of any construction TQM program comes from front-line managers who draw good ideas from the workforce and get workers involved in developing and implementing solutions.

3. TQM builds productive and healthy attitudes that focus employees on basic fundamentals, such as keep customer needs in mind, constantly look for improvements, and accept personal responsibility for your work.

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