Crafts Recipes

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The documents provide recipes and instructions for making various crafts and activities like ornaments, cookies, play dough, finger paints and bubbles.

Recipes for making clay ornaments, cookie dough ornaments and cinnamon ornaments are provided.

Recipes for silly putty, finger paints and bubble solution use cornstarch as a thickening agent.


4 c. all-purpose flour 1 c. salt 1 1/2 c. cold water Christmas coo ie cutters Shellac Ribbons for hangers Mix flour and salt together. Slowly add water while stirring with a for until soft dough forms. Turn out on lightly floured surface and nead until smooth, adding a small amount of water or flour, if needed. Roll dough on a floured sur face to 1/4 inch thic ness. Cut with coo ie cutters. Place ornaments 1 inch ap art on ungreased ba ing sheet. Punch "hanging holes" with a drin ing straw. Ba e in a preheated 300 degree oven for 30 to 45 minutes. Ba ing time will vary w ith size of ornaments. When completely cool, you may paint ornaments with Tempr a paints or leave natural. Coat with shellac. Note: Dough will eep indefinat ely if stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. -----------------------395146 -- FUNNY PUTTY

1/4 c. Elmer's glue 2 tsp. Sta-Flo liquid starch Combine glue and starch; mix well and allow to dry slightly until wor able. St ore in airtight containers. -----------------------395147 -- SOAP PAINT

1 c. powdered detergent 4 tbsp. liquid starch 1 tbsp. powdered Tempra Beat detergent and starch with mixer until pea s form. Add Tempra and mix well . Apply with hands, brushes or stic s. -----------------------395148 -- PAINTBRUSH COOKIES

3/4 c. butter 1 c. sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 2 1/2 c. flour 1 tsp. ba ing powder 1 tsp. salt

Mix shortening, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Mix flour, ba ing powder and salt. S tir together and chill 1 hour. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Roll out 1/8 inch thi c . Cut in desired shapes. Place on ungreased ba ing sheets. Paint with egg y ol paint. Ba e 6 to 8 minutes. --EGG YOLK PAINT:-1 egg yol 1/4 tsp. water Divide mixture and add food coloring. Paint designs on coo ies with paint brus h. If paint thic ens, add few drops of water. -----------------------395149 -- PAINTBRUSH COOKIES

1 egg yol 1/4 tsp. water Food color Divide 1 egg yol and 1/4 teaspoon water among several cups. Color each with a food color. Paint onto sugar coo ies prior to being ba ed with paintbrush. If "paint" thic ens, just add a few drops of water. -----------------------395150 -- COOKIE DOUGH ORNAMENTS

1 c. salt 2 c. flour 1 c. water Mix together salt and flour and add water a little at a time. Knead dough 7 to 10 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Roll dough 1/4 inch thic and th en use coo ie cutters. Put hole for hanging in top of shape. To attach small b uttons, smooth on a little water, then put on. Ba e at 325 degrees until light brown (about 1/2 hour). First color with bright magic mar ers when cool and the n varnish (can use spray varnish). -----------------------395151 -- PAINTBRUSH COOKIES

1 1/2 c.powdered sugar 1 c. butter 1 egg 1/2 tsp. almond extract 1 tsp. ba ing soda 1 tsp. cream of tartar Granulated sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 2 1/2 c. flour Mix powdered sugar, butter, egg, vanilla and almond extract. Stir in flour, ba ing soda and cream of tartar. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours. Heat ov

en to 375 degrees. Divide dough into halves. Roll each half 3/16" thic on lig htly floured cloth-covered board. Cut into desired shapes with 2" to 2 1/2" coo ie cutter; sprin le with granulated sugar. Place on lightly greased coo ie she et. Ba e until edges are lightly brown, 7 to 8 minutes. Ma es about 5 dozen. -----------------------395155 -- BUBBLE RECIPE

2 c. Dawn dishwashing detergent 6 c. water Almost 1 c. Karo light corn syrup Combine, sha e, let settle 4 hours. Store covered in refrigerator to extend su ds shelf life. Allow to warm before using. Costs about $1.50 per gallon. Bubb le Tips: 1. If foam develops scrape off with a stiff card. 2. Keep suds clea n from dirt and grass. 3. Bubbles are best on humid days. 4. Protect suds fr om direct sun. -----------------------395156 -- BUBBLES

1 c. Joy or Dawn dishwashing liquid 3-4 tbsp. glycerin (from Pharmacy) 10 c. clean cold water, up to 50% more on dry days Measure 10 cups water into a clean 2-5 gallon buc et. Add dishwashing liquid a nd glycerin and stir gently to avoid froth. A lot of bubbles for a lot of ids, you may wish to use 1/4 of recipe. -----------------------395157 -- CINNAMON CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS

3/4-1 c. applesauce 1 (4.12 oz.) bottle ground cinnamon Mix applesauce and cinnamon together to form a stiff dough. Roll out to 1/4 in ch thic ness. Cut with coo ie cutters. Ma e a hole for ribbon. Carefully pl ace on rac to dry. Let air dry several days, turning occasionally. If you pre fer they may be ba ed at 150 degrees for 5-6 hours. -----------------------395156 -- BUBBLES

1 c. Joy or Dawn dishwashing liquid 3-4 tbsp. glycerin (from Pharmacy) 10 c. clean cold water, up to 50%

more on dry days Measure 10 cups water into a clean 2-5 gallon buc et. Add dishwashing liquid a nd glycerin and stir gently to avoid froth. A lot of bubbles for a lot of ids, you may wish to use 1/4 of recipe. -----------------------395158 -- APPLE POTPOURRI

1 c. dried apple slices 2 tbsp. ground cinnamon 1/4 c. whole allspice berries 10 (2") cinnamon stic s 2 tbsp. whole cloves 1/4 c. canella or nandina berries 10 sm. pinecones 7 drops cinnamon oil Combine all ingredients and place in a tight jar or tin. Sha e every few days. Cinnamon oil has an extremely strong scent that intensifies as it is absorbed. Add additional oil if needed. The red sumac berries that grow wild can be use d dried as a stablizer for potpourri (in other recipes it ta es the place of orr is root which is very expensive). I used sumac berries instead of nandina berri es in this recipe. -----------------------395159 -- SIMMERING POTPOURRI

1 oz. can cinnamon stic s, bro en into small pieces 1 (1.12 oz.) can whole cloves 1 (1.25 oz.) can whole allspice Combine all ingredients. Place 1 heaping teaspoon and 1/2 cup of water in simm er pot and heat. I also dry orange peels and add these to the mixture. -----------------------395160 -- WATERPROOF - GLASS GLUE

2 (1/2 oz.) pac ets unflavored gelatin 2 tbsp. cold water 3 tbsp. s immed mil Few drops of oil of wintergreen In a small bowl, sprin le gelatin into cold water. Set aside to soften. Heat mil to boiling and pour into softened gelatin. Stir until dissolved. Add oil of wintergreen as a preservative. Ma es about 1/3 cup. Use while still warm; m ay be applied with a brush. This glue is very effective for gluing glass to gla ss, metal to metal, wood, mending china and labels on glass jars. To glue mar bles together allow glue to cool slightly so it begins to jell. Glue should be stored in a screw capped glass jar. It will jell as it cools. To restore it to

use set jar in hot water. -----------------------395161 -- SILLY PUTTY

2 parts Elmer's glue 1 part liquid starch Put glue into mixing bowl. Add starch while mixing until it forms a ball. -----------------------395162 -- PLAYDOUGH (No - Coo ing)

1 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 2 tbsp. oil 1 tsp. alum Add small amount of water unti l consistency of bread dough, no more water than 1/2 cup. -----------------------395163 -- PEANUT BUTTER PLAYDOUGH - Edible

18 oz. peanut butter 6 tbsp. honey Nonfat dry mil

-----------------------395164 -- BEST PLAYDOUGH EVER!

2 c. flour 1 c. salt 4 tsp. cream of tartar 2 tbsp. vegetable oil 2 c. water Food coloring (optional) Extract (optional) Mix all ingredients in bowl. Dump into electric s illet. Coo over low heat u ntil it just begins to loo dry (not completely). Ta e out of s illet. When co ol enough to touch, nead until smooth and pliable. -----------------------395165 -- SAWDUST DOUGH

2 c. sawdust

Mix ingredients with enough nonfat dry mil be decorated with raisins and then eaten!

to form into a wor able dough. Can

1 c. flour 1 tbsp. glue Hot water or liquid starch Moisten with water or starch until modeling consistency is reached. Will dry h ard, may be painted. -----------------------395166 -- SALT & FLOUR CLAY - BREAD DOUGH

2 c. flour 1 c. salt 1 c. water Mix flour and salt together. Slowly add water and stir until it forms a soft d ough, all of the water may not be needed. If too gooey, more flour may be added . Roll out on a flat surface to ma e bread dough coo ie ornaments. May be pain ted with food coloring while still moist. Can be air dried (about 2 days) or ba ed 1-2 hours at 200-250 degrees. Ba ed ornaments are less fragile than those w hich have been air-dried. -----------------------395167 -- COFFEE GROUND DOUGH

2 c. used coffee grounds 1 1/2 c. cornmeal 1/2 c. salt Add enough water to moisten. Has a very different feel and loo . Not good for finished products. -----------------------395168 -- SCENTED CINNAMON CUTOUTS

Place these anywhere, they are li e potpourri. 10 tbsp. hot applesauce 5 oz. cinnamon I've used other spices too (ginger, allspice, etc.), or combined them. Mix tog ether, if dry add more sauce. If wet, add more spice. Ma es a great non-stic y dough. Very wor able. Sprin le wor area with spice and rolling pin. Roll do ugh 1/4" thic . Cut into desired shapes. Holiday shapes, houses, ginger people , apples, bears, hearts, etc. For Ornaments: Cut out with a straw a little hol e on top. Place cut outs on a screen. Let dry 6 to 7 days. Almost feels li e driftwood. Paint if you wish. Be creative. Example: Ginger people. I use wh ite dimentional paint, loo s li e icing. Glue ribbon to them, hang them up in a favorite spot. Glue magnets on bac . Personalize ornaments. Use mini cutte rs, ma e gift tags. -----------------------395169 -- DOUGH ORNAMENTS

2 c. flour 1 c. salt 1 c. water Mix all thoroughly. Add 1 tablespoon of water if dough is dry. Knead 5 minute s. Shape. Po e a small paper clip in bac of ornaments. Place on lightly grea sed coo ie sheet. Smooth rough edges with wet nife before ba ing. Ba e at 250 degrees for 2 hours. Paint with acrylic paints or Testor's paints (model paint ). Coat with clear shellac. IDEAS: Braid dough and ma e into wreath. Decor ate with ribbon and dried flowers. Ma e into holiday ornaments; snowman, santa, etc. Use utensils, garlic press, for , nives, toothpic s to ma e designs. -----------------------395170 -- PLAYDOUGH

1 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 1 c. water 1 tbsp. oil 2 tsp. cream of tartar Food coloring by drops Place contents in a pan and stir. Coo over low heat, stirring until a ball fo rms. Add food coloring and mix thoroughly until desired color. Cool on foil. Store in covered container. -----------------------395171 -- SAND SCULPTURE CLAY

2 c. sand 1 c. water 1 c. cornstarch Mix in pot over low heat until thic ened. Let cool and mold into shapes. Deco rate with shells. Dry. Can be painted. -----------------------395172 -- FACE PAINT

1 tsp. cornstarch 1/2 tsp. water 1/2 tsp. cold cream 2 drops food coloring of your choice Mix all ingredients in small plastic mixing bowl. Ma e sure it is mixed well. ------------------------


2 lbs. beef suet 1/2 lb. sunflower seeds 1 c. millet 1 c. crac ed corn 1 c. crushed peanuts (ground) Grind suet. Place in large pot and coo slowly over low heat until smoothly me lted. Let cool to a semi liquid state. Stir in nuts. Spread into shallow rect angle foil molds. If using paper cups tie string to pencil and place other end in mixture to harden. This will then enable it to be hung from a tree, or place molded mixture into a netting, li e a suet bag when ca es are solid only. Need s no refrigeration. Keeps well in a dar , cool place, such as a corner of the c ellar. -----------------------395174 -- BUBBLES

3 parts dish detergent 3 parts water 2 parts glycerin Food coloring (optional) Enjoy! -----------------------395175 -- GIANT CHALK STICK

2 tbsp. powdered Tempra paint 1/2 c. water 1 sm. waxed paper cup 3 tbsp. plaster of Paris Mix paint and water together in the cup. Slowly add plaster of Paris, stirring until creamy. Let set until hard (about 1 hour); peel off cup. Can be used in doors or out. -----------------------395176 -- FINGER PAINT

1 tbsp. unflavored gelatin (1 env.) Cold water 1/2 c. cornstarch 4 tbsp. dishwashing liquid Food coloring Stir gelatin into 1/3 cup cold water. Set aside. In a saucepan stir cornstarc

h into 2 1/2 cups cold water until dissolve. Bring to a simmer and stir until f ully thic ened. Remove from heat and blend in gelatin mixture. Add dishwashing liquid. Cool and add food coloring as desired. Store in Tupperware at room te mperature. -----------------------395177 -- PERFECT HUG

Extend arms and wrap them around each other. Clear your minds, ta e a loo at each other, then pull yourselves together and mix well. Serves 2. -----------------------395178 -- CRAFT TIP

Use emeryboard for edges of small wood cut outs that need sanding. -----------------------395179 -- STICKERS

8 tbsp. vinegar 4 pac ets of unflavored gelatin Reduce heat to low and stir until gelatin is dissolved. 1 tbsp. peppermint ext ract Ma es 1/2 cup of glue. Brush on the bac of stic ers-to-be (can be used on hea vy wrapping paper, magazine pages, greeting cards, and so on). Let dry. Trim, lic and stic . Store in airtight jar. If it solidifies, warm in pan of hot wa ter. -----------------------395180 -- PLA-DOUGH

2 to 3 c. flour 2 tbsp. cornstarch Sift together several times. 1 c. salt 1 c. warm water Vegetable coloring

4 2 A 1 1

2 people arms heart touch of love pinch of humor sprin le of glee

Add salt to water ma ing sure the salt crystals are entirely dissolved, then gr adually add the flour. Add only enough flour to have a firm pliable dough. Kne ad well, as for bread, divide into 3 parts, and add desired vegetable coloring. For Christmas ornaments, etc. Ba e at 200 degrees for 2 hours. Store in 20 ou nce canisters. -----------------------395181 -- FAVORITE PLAYDOUGH

2 c. flour 1 c. salt 2 tbsp. alum Mix. Put 3 tablespoons olive oil (substitute with baby oil, if needed) and des ired food coloring into 2 cups boiling water. Add liquid to dry mix and nead. -----------------------395182 -- RECIPE FOR FINGER PAINT

1 c. starch (clothes) 5 c. boiling water 1/2 c. soap fla es Add vegetable coloring or let child mix in powder color as the finger paints ar e used. Mix starch with enough cold water to ma e a smooth paste. Add boiling water and coo mixture until its glossy. Stir in dry soap fla es while mixture is warm. Cool, divide into 3 parts to color. -----------------------395183 -- CARD HOLDER

Lg. poster board (green) Sm. poster board (yellow) Lg. colored clothespins or paper clips Glue Ribbon Scissors Heavy tape Hole punch Cut green triangle and star out of poster board. Glue on star and paper clips. Let dry. Punch hole through poster board where star and tree meet. Loop ribb on through hole and tie a not. Hang on a hoo or attach to refrigerator with h eavy tape. -----------------------395184 -- WRAPPING PAPER

Brown bag Paper Scissors Sponges Non-toxic paint Shallow container Cut sponges into a variety of shapes. Pour paint into shallow container. Dip sponges in paint and decorate paper bag or paper. -----------------------395185 -- SANTA BROWN BAG

1 brown bag White yarn Scissors Cotton ball Red felt Blac mar er or crayon Glue Ruler 1. Cut the red felt out in a triangle for the hat. Large circle for the nose a nd a small circle for the mouth. 2. Glue shapes to bag. 3. Draw eyes on bag wi th mar er or crayon. 4. Use ruler to measure 3 inch lengths of yarn for the bea rd, cut. Then glue to bag Glue cotton ball to top of the hat. 5. Beard on bott om of bag. Fill bag with goodies. -----------------------395186 -- JINGLE BELL

1 paper cup Glue Ribbon Bells Little candy (pieces) Po e hole in middle of the bottom of the paper cup. Spread glue with fingers o n outside of cup. Hold cup and roll in candy, let dry. Loop ribbon through hol e and tie a not inside. Attach bells to end of ribbon. -----------------------395187 -- FARMHAND PUPPETS

Felt Old glove Glue Cut 5 felt circles. Place an old glove palm side up. Glue felt circle to each finger tip. Cut felt pieces to ma e animals faces. Glue them to felt circles.

Let glue dry. Then put your hand inside glove and ma e your own puppet play. -----------------------395188 -- CHIMES

Nails String Spoon Stic Tie nails to a stic and hit them with a spoon. -----------------------395189 -- HUMMER KAZOO

Sm. comb Wax paper Fold a piece of wax paper over a comb. Press the wax paper and comb against yo ur lips and hum a song. -----------------------395190 -- TIN-CAN STILTS

2 lg. coffee cans Plastic clothesline or rope Have grown up punch two holes near the unopened end of each can. Thread plasti c clothesline through the holes and tie the ends together. Pull on strings as y ou wal on your tin can stilts. -----------------------395191 -- FUN FANS

Cardboard Crayons or magic mar ers Scissors Transparent tape Typing or noteboo paper Place your barefoot or hand on piece of cardboard and trace. Cut out shape and color both sides. Roll a sheet of paper into a tight tube to ma e a handle. T ape tube closed, tape one end to the fan. Your ready to eep cool. -----------------------395192 -- BUG BOOKMARK

Cardboard Crayon Glue Paper (2 colors) Ruler Scissors On the cardboard, draw a rectangle, as wide as your ruler and half as long. Dr aw around rim of a glass to ma e a circle at the top of the rectangle. Circle wi ll be the bug. Draw smaller circle on colored paper. Cut out circle. Glue on top of large circle. Cut half circle for head. Decorate the bug. Cut out boo mar . Place in favorite boo . -----------------------395193 -- PICTURE PUZZLE

Magazine picture or map or favorite picture Glue Cardboard Scissors Glue picture on cardboard. Cut the picture into puzzle pieces. If state map c ut along state lines. Now try to put puzzle together. -----------------------395194 -- TOOTHPICK AND PEA CONSTRUCTIONS

Peas Toothpic s Soa dried peas in water or use canned peas. Then stic toothpic s into peas. Set the construction aside until peas dry. As peas dry, they will shrin and m a e your constructions sturdy. -----------------------395195 -- MACARONI JEWELRY

Lg. macaroni Yarn Dip large macaroni into food colors for a few seconds. Lay macaroni on paper t owel until dry. Cut yarn long enough for nec lace or bracelet. Wrap end of yar n with tape. String macaroni. Tie the yarn ends together. -----------------------395196 -- SODA POP BANKS

Empty soda pop can (pop-top opener) Paint (enamel) Paint soda can. Decorate. Opening is money slot. When full, open bottom of ca n with can opener. Then ma e a new year. -----------------------395197 -- SPICY POMANDERS

Orange Whole cloves Ribbon Push whole cloves into orange. Sprin le cinnamon on the orange and wrap it in wax paper. Wait one wee . Fold picture frame wire in half and push it through the orange. Bend bac the two ends and push them into the orange li e a hanger. Tie ribbon on top of orange on wire. -----------------------395198 -- PASTE

1 c. boiling water 2 c. flour 1 tbsp. powdered alum 2 c. cold water 1 heaping tsp. oil of cloves Oil of wintergreen (optional) Add alum to 1 cup boiling water. In separate bowl mix flour and cold water unt il smooth. Pour flour mixture into boiling water and coo until it has a bluish cast, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in oil of cloves. -----------------------395199 -- DRIED APPLE WREATH

Ripe red apples 1/4 c. lemon juice and 1 tsp. ascorbic acid - per 2 c. cold water Wooden embroidery hoop Cinnamon stic s Ribbon for bow Do not peel apples, but do core, cut (slice) 1/8 inch thic . Let the slices fa ll into cold water to prevent rusting. Slice crosswise so you end up with a don ut li e piece of apple. Drain thoroughly. Spread out on coo ie sheet and put i n 140 degree oven. Turn once in awhile. Dry until fairly firm. Choose size of wooden embroidery hoop desired and glue apple slices to edge of hoop using hot glue gun or tac y craft glue. Arrange a bow or other decoration and glue on. G

arnish with cinnamon stic s as desired. -----------------------395199 -- DRIED APPLE WREATH

Ripe red apples 1/4 c. lemon juice and 1 tsp. ascorbic acid - per 2 c. cold water Wooden embroidery hoop Cinnamon stic s Ribbon for bow Do not peel apples, but do core, cut (slice) 1/8 inch thic . Let the slices fa ll into cold water to prevent rusting. Slice crosswise so you end up with a don ut li e piece of apple. Drain thoroughly. Spread out on coo ie sheet and put i n 140 degree oven. Turn once in awhile. Dry until fairly firm. Choose size of wooden embroidery hoop desired and glue apple slices to edge of hoop using hot glue gun or tac y craft glue. Arrange a bow or other decoration and glue on. G arnish with cinnamon stic s as desired. -----------------------395200 -- LAVENDER POWDER SACHET

1/2 oz. dried powdered lavender flowers 1/2 tsp. powdered cloves Mix 2 ingredients, then sew up snuggly in a cloth pouch or "pillow". Use in dr awers or hang in closets or put with your linens. It ma es a nice little gift. -----------------------395201 -- HOMEMADE CANDLES

Commercial wic s - from some hardware or craft shop String can be used or wic s from old candles Beeswax Paraffin Old candles, melted down Old crayon for color Scents and wax colors can be purchased at some craft supply stores Molds - or containers Beeswax can be cut with a nife if the nife is warmed first. Wrap desired amo unt around wic s to form long tapers or cone shaped candles. To melt the paraff in you'll need a double boiler and be real careful about how hot you get it as i t is volatile. Old candles can be melted down in the same manner and crayon piec es added for desired color. Yogurt or butter tubs will ma e good molds for your

candles or pour melted wax over crushed ice in a square mil carton and add gli tter - wow! Or you can dip the wic s repeatedly into melted wax in double boile r and let harden between dippings for tapers. -----------------------395202 -- HOMEMADE SOUP WITH BLEACH

10 c. melted fat (lard and suet is a good combination) 1 c. liquid bleach (Clorox, Purex, etc.) 1 can of lye crystals 6 qts. water Wood slotted spoon for stirring Use an enamel croc ery or glass container to "coo " lye-fat mixture in Use extreme caution in a well ventilated area when using lye. Never use anythi ng but a wooden spoon and stir carefully in one direction only. Start with 10 cups melted fat and stir in 1 cup liquid bleach. Dissolve 1 can lye in 6 quart s water and carefully add the fat and bleach mixture. Stir thoroughly. Set 4 t o 5 days, stirring frequently. It will start out thin and watery but by the 4th or 5th day it will be solid to the bottom of pot. Put on stove and melt, pour into molds and cut when cool. It should dry for several months to cure. This i s good hand soap or laundry and is biodegradable. -----------------------395203 -- QUILT FRAME

4 boards, 1 x 4 inches, or whatever you have 4 c. clamps - the ind you find at hardware store Long strips of sturdy cloth - old sheets or jeans The four boards form a rectangle shape somewhat bigger than your quilt. Fasten them together at corners with clamps. Double over long strips of cloth and sta ple these to your boards the whole length so you have something to pin your quil t to. Place the frame on chair bac s or boxes or whatever is handy to get it up to the right height. You begin quilting on one side and roll the finished quil t under as you go until you can easily reach to center. -----------------------395204 -- FRUIT LEATHER

Whatever fruit you want to use Powdered sugar if desired Wash and pit or remove seeds, grind up or mash. Spread out thinly on coo ie sh

eet. It can be sun dried or use your dehydrator or a warm oven (don't get it to o warm or you'll scorch the leather). When it is dry, cut it in strips and roll up tightly. You can coat with powdered sugar by sprin ling some on your breadb oard and patting the strips in the sugar until its wor ed in. Store in airtight container in cool place. -----------------------395205 -- CAMOMILE SHAMPOO

1 tbsp. soap fla es 1 tsp. Borax 1 oz. camomile flowers (powdered) 1/2 pt. hot water Rinse - with 3 tbsp. vinegar Put soap fla es, Borax and camomile flowers into a bowl. Add hot water and war m until a thic lather is formed. Wet hair with warm water, add lather - massa ge, rinse, and lather again. Rinse with warm water and 3 tablespoons of clear v inegar for a "squee y clean" feel. -----------------------395206 -- PUFF BLOCKS TO MAKE A PILLOW OR QUILT

Fabric scraps will do for a pillow 45 inch wide fabric 4 1/2 yds. print (your choice) 2 1/2 yds. 2nd print 1 1/2 yds. each of a coordinating solid color Matching thread, 1 of each color Polyester batting - leftovers will do for pillow - for quilt 3 p gs. each 81 x 96 inches Quilt will measure 49 x 91 inches - twin size. Solid bloc (1) cut two 4 1/2 i nch squares of same color fabric. With right sides facing, allowing 1/2 inch fo r seam all around, sew squares together around 3 sides. Turn right side out. C ut 2 pieces of batting each 5 1/2 inch square, lay one on top of other and inser t into bloc , having extra fullness at center. Turn in 1/2 inch seam allowance on 4th side and whipstitch. Ma e 166 bloc s of main color, 45 bloc s of 2nd col or or print, 47 bloc s of 3rd color or print, 49 bloc s of 4th color. Decide wh at pattern to arrange your puff into and whipstitch all the bloc s together. Yo u may put a border around the quilt or pillow. If you want to ma e some bloc s 2 color, cut the squares 5 1/2 inches and cut these in half diagonally from on e corner to opposite corner forming a triangle. Allow 1/2 inch for seam and put two triangles of different colors together to form a square complete bloc same as solid bloc . -----------------------395207 -- SMALL PLASTIC CANVAS RAINBOW

1 plastic canvas circle, 4 inches - 9 inches Facetes or tri-beads - 80 mm 60 each in rainbow colors 1/8 inch ribbons, 6 to 8 of varied colors for each rainbow Size 20 tapestry or darning needle or special plastic canvas needle, #16, #18 will do Cut circle in half and cut center out 2 or 3 rows to create rainbow shape. Cut one ribbon about 8 inches to hang rainbow with. Lay the ribbons out together a nd plan your color scheme before you begin. Cut them to length to allow each ri bbon to hang at least 7-8 inches below edge of plastic canvas. Thread first rib bon through needle. Keep ribbon flat and untwisted as you wor . Starting at th e outside edge thread the needle through every other hole, leaving ends hang dow n. Next ribbon starts two rows toward center and 3rd ribbon is 2 rows in from 2 nd ribbon and so on. Thread 5 beads on each end of ribbon and tie a not below the last bead or bells may be added to the ends. -----------------------395208 -- STRINGING DRY MACARONI

Short pieces of macaroni - the ind with holes all the way through Shoelaces or lengths of yarn with the end taped to ma e it stiff Paints to ma e the macaroni colorful - use acrylic or the new water colors or even mar ers String the macaroni to ma e nec laces or bracelets - or glue on box lids for de corations. -----------------------395209 -- SEWING CARDS

Lightweight cardboard - from new shirts, cereal boxes, poster board Colored paper or colorful magazine pictures Yarn or colored shoelaces Cut pieces of cardboard into six inch squares. Cover them with colored paper o r pictures. Punch holes about an inch apart around the edges. Show the childre n how to lace in and out of the holes with the yarn or shoelaces. -----------------------395210 -- JAR LID COVERS

3 pieces of light covered felt, 9 x 12 inches and matching thread Matching felt scraps in red, light green and dar green 1/8 yd. tubular cording 3/4 yd. elastic, 1/4 inch wide 6 green seed beads 2 star beads, 1/8 inch diameter 16 blac seed beads Liquid white glue 3 1/4 yds. red (or any color desired) ric rac , 1/2 inch wide 1 1/2 yds. light colored bias tape, 1/2 inch wide to match felt Polyester fiberfill Any small fruit pattern - cherry or apple or a strawberry Trace the patterns and cut them out. From the large pieces of felt cut three 9 inch circles. Cut your trim pieces from the scrap felt for leaves and stems as desired. From the cording cut one 3 inch piece and one 1 inch piece. Measure the circumference of the jars to be covered; cut the elastic to fit. Arrange th e felt pieces in the centers of the circles, overlapping when necessary. Glue i n place and allow to dry. Glue on the beads. Stitch the ric rac with matchin g thread to the right sides of the circles along the edges. Stitch the edges of bias tape to the wrong side of the circles, 1 inch from the edge, leaving an opening for elastic. Thread elastic through bias tape. Stitch ends together. Put fiberfill inside cover and place on jar lids. -----------------------395211 -- PLAY DOUGH

1 c. salt 1 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. water 2 tbsp. oil A few drops of food coloring (optional) Mix thoroughly and store in plastic bag or covered jar. Children can pull and pound it and cut out shapes with coo ie cutters. If left to dry will harden and then it can be painted. Non-toxic. Hint: If ids dust their hands with a l ittle flour before play, the dough won't stic to their hands. -----------------------395212 -- SOAP BUBBLES

1 c. soap fla es or 1/4 c. liquid dish soap 1 c. water 1/2 tsp. coo ing oil Mix in cup or old juice can. Give ids a plastic drin ing straw. This ma es a good bathtub toy or outdoor play idea.

-----------------------395213 -- NO COOK PASTE

A handful of flour Water (a little at a time) until gooey It should be quite thic , so it won't run all over the paper. Add a pinch of sa lt. Non-toxic. Great for pasting scraps of paper, old Christmas cards. Its no t too stic y. -----------------------395214 -- SHAVING-SOAP FINGER PAINTS

Use 1 can non-mentholated shaving soap Powdered paint, sprin led on will give delightful colors This can be played with on paper, the itchen table or counter. Be sure to dre ss the ids in washable paint shirts or aprons. Keep soap out of eyes. Not rec ommend for little ones who put everything in their mouths. -----------------------395215 -- FLOUR AND WATER FINGER PAINT

1 c. flour 1 c. water 2 tsp. salt Mix to consistency of thic gravy. Food coloring as desired Sm. margarine tubs wor well for the individual colors. Mix flour, water and salt to ma e the paste the consistency of thic gravy. Sp rin le in the food coloring. Be sure to dress little ones in an old apron or sh irt. Put spoonfuls of paint on itchen table or sheets of butcher paper and let them create. Cleans up fairly easily. -----------------------395216 -- CLAY

1 c. cornstarch 2 c. salt Enough water to ma e a thic paste Stir while coo ing, and coo until stiff. Allow this to cool, and cover with a damp cloth until ready to use. Coloring may be added before coo ing or when mo

lded; let dry, then paint with water color. --HOW TO CARE FOR CLAY:--

-----------------------395217 -- SPOOL KNITTER

Get an empty thread spool and draw center lines across the end. Drive four sm all-headed brads or common pins that have been cut with pliers, ma ing them abou t 3/4-inch long into the spool. The illustration on the craft divider page show s the location for the pins. -----------------------395218 -- KNITTER PICK

The nitter pic can be made by driving a fine brad into a handle that has bee n whittled round. File brad sharp, and bend slightly. A finer one can be made by driving a good-sized sewing needle into a stic , pulling it out, and forcing the eye into the hole. Heat point over flame, and when needle point is red hot, bend slightly. -----------------------395219 -- SPRING POTPOURRI

4 oz. rosebuds 2 oz. lavender flowers 2 oz. deer's tongue herb 2 oz. peppermint 2 oz. calamus root 1 oz. blac malva flower 1 oz. marigold flowers 1 oz. peony flowers 1 oz. bay leaves 20 drops orris root oil 10 drops blue lilac oil Mix all dry ingredients, then add the essential oils, which have also been premixed. Mix and store away from direct sunlight. Store in cool dry place. Use only glass, wooden or ceramic container and utensils. Add oils with an atomizer or spritzer or eye dropper. Age in airtight container for a few days to a few wee s - gently stirring once or twice a wee . -----------------------395220 -- A BIBLICAL RECIPE FOR EFFECTIVE CHILD TRAINING

Clay can always be bro en up, dampened, and used again - even after painted. When it has been used, but has not been allowed to become holes in the clay with your finger or with a pencil, fill these with estore the original dampness) and place in an airtight croc or in a pail with a tight cover. A damp cloth placed over the clay will help moist until the next time.

it has been hard, po e water (to r galvanized to eep it

1 gallon faith in God cupfuls love for your child cup patience cup clarified instruction cup consistent discipline (whipped lightly) 3 teaspoons of pure mercy 1 generous dash of humor 2 cupfuls praise 2 cupfuls liberty 7 1 1 1 Pour faith in God into any size family. Mix one teaspoon of clarified instruct ion and one teaspoon of consistent discipline. Add only a half cup of liberty i nitially. Stir well and chip lightly. Sprin le in pure mercy and simmer over a steady flame of prayer. Proceed to fold in additional teaspoons of instruction and discipline, in equal amounts, adding liberty slowly. Stir well and whip as needed to smooth out any lumps of disobedience. Never overbeat! Sweeten to ta ste with humor and praise. Melt any spec s of misunderstanding or sour attitude by turning up the level of prayer and adding extra instruction. Continue this process until all remaining ingredients have been added and all bitterness has b een removed. When adding the last cup of liberty, be careful not to cause any s udden separation or foaming. If either of these occur, or if the moral characte r begins to lose its intended shape, s im off the excess liberty until the desir ed consistency results. Try adding this liberty again later when character is f irmer. Keep warm over a steady flame of prayer. Serve with a tender heart and the sincere mil of God's Word. Never serve with a cold shoulder or a hot tongu e. -----------------------395221 -- HOMEMADE MODELING CLAY

1 c. flour 1 c. salt 1 tbsp. powdered alum (opt.) Water Mix just enough water to ma e it smooth and wor able. If clay gets dry, mix in a little more water. Store tightly covered. -----------------------395222 -- CHRISTMAS SPONGE ART

White paper Scissors Dry sponge Ballpoint pen Water colors (red & green) Draw a yuletide motif on white paper. Then, with your parents help, cut out an d place on a dry sponge (one with tiny holes in the sponge are the best). Then trace the pattern with your ballpoint pen and cut out the shape (again, with you r parents help). Then, dip in paint, squeeze excess paint out and blot onto eit

her plain white or solid colored wrapping paper. You can stamp each sponge seve ral times before re-dipping in the paint. This even dresses up plain newspaper wrapping! Great for any time of the year! -----------------------395223 -- STATIONARY OR CARDS

Plain paper Sponge Acrylic paint(s) Mar ing pen Ta e a piece of plain paper and fold in half. With the folded part at the top, it loo s li e a note card. Ta e the sponge and dip it into the acrylic paint w hich is in a saucer. Design on the front and also on the bac of an envelope. Then ta e a very thin mar ing pen and write really fancy "Happy Birthday" or wha tever the occasion is. Children love to ma e cards and it's also an easy way to have a card in a hurry! -----------------------395224 -- ROSE WATER

1 qt. distilled water 1/2 pt. 70% proof alcohol (not Isopropyl) 2 c. rose petals, red or pin - old fashioned variety chemical free, freshly pic ed & clean 1 tbsp. orris root, powdered 10 drops rose oil 1 gallon clear jar Place rose petals and 1 cup of distilled water in blender and blend until fine. Pour into one gallon jar and add remaining ingredients. Cover tightly and set in sun to steep for two wee s. Strain into clean large bowl or container. Pou r into small glass containers or antique perfume bottles. Use to scent bath wat er or as an after bath splash. -----------------------395225 -- GELATIN CRITTERS

2 env. unflavored gelatin 1 p g. (4 - 1/2 c. servings) sugar free strawberry-banana flavor gelatin 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 1/2 c. boiling water In a medium bowl, stir gelatins together with a for . Stir cinnamon into boili ng water until dissolved. Add water to gelatin and stir until dissolved. Pour into an 8" to 9" square pan. Chill about 2 hours, until firm. Using 2" to 3" a

nimal coo ie cutters (such as cat, owl, horse) cut out shapes. (These little cr itters do not melt at room temperature.) Ma es 8 servings. (You could also use any cut out shapes, according to the holiday at hand!) -----------------------395226 -- CHOCOLATE FINGER PAINT

1 (4 oz.) p g. instant chocolate pudding & pie filling 2 c. cold mil Put pudding mix and mil in a medium size bowl. Beat with electric mixer at lo w speed for two minutes. Let set until it thic ens. Finger paint on white cons truction paper and let dry for several hours. Now it's ready to hang up. -----------------------395227 -- BUBBLE BATH

1/2 c. liquid hand soap 1 c. epsom salt 5 drops glycerin Few drops of food coloring Few drops of fragrance Mix well, sha e right before using. Pour into bathtub while water is running a nd enjoy. -----------------------395228 -- HOMEMADE PASTE

1 c. flour 1/2 c. water Combine above and mix until creamy. Store in air tight container. For more du rable paste, add 1/2 cup flour to 1 cup boiling water. Stir over low heat until thic and shiny. -----------------------395229 -- FINGER PAINT

Mix homemade paste (recipe listed in this boo ) with equal amount of liquid de tergent. (Ivory dishwashing.) Add food coloring one drop at a time. Mix well. Enjoy. -----------------------395230 -- SILLY PUTTY

1 c. Elmer's glue 2 1/2 c. liquid starch Food coloring In a medium bowl, mix glue and one cup of the starch together. Add a few drops of food coloring, if you wish. Cover bowl, and let it stand overnight. The nex t day slowly stir in with a spoon 1 to 1 1/2 cups of the starch until a big blob forms. Pour off extra starch. Store in an air tight container. (NOTE: It's hard to stop playing with this stuff.) -----------------------395231 -- FUNNY FACE MAKE-UP

2 tsp. white shortening 5 tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. white flour 4 drops glycerin (found at your pharmacy) Few drops of food coloring In a small bowl, mix shortening, cornstarch and white flour. Add four drops of glycerin. Stir to a creamy consistency. Add any food coloring that you wish. For brown ma eup, add 2 1/2 teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa instead of food colo ring and you're all set. -----------------------395232 -- SOAP CRAYONS

One ice cube tray Liquid food color 2 tbsp. hot water for each crayon 1 c. soap fla es Small bowl Spoon For each color, put two tablespoons of hot water and one cup of soap fla es int o a bowl. Add as many drops of food color to the mixture as you wish. Stir the soap mixture until it thic ens. This ta es time, so be patient! Press spoonfu ls of the first color of soap into the sections of the ice tray. Mix enough soa p in other colors to fill the ice tray, following the above directions again. L et the soap crayons dry for one or two days. Gently bang the ice tray to loosen the crayons. Pac them in a box for gift-giving. Great for birthday presents or holidays. -----------------------395233 -- HOMEMADE PLAYDOUGH

2 c. flour 1 c. salt

1/4 c. salad oil 3/4 - 1 c. water Few drops of food coloring of your choice Mix flour, salt and oil. Then add food coloring to the water. Finally add wat er to flour, salt and oil. Knead until it no longer stic s to your hands. Bagg ies may be used to store playdough in so it doesn't have to be divided every tim e it is used. Seal with plastic tie strings or coffee cans. If dough gets too hard or dries out, add more water. If dough gets too oily, add flour. -----------------------395234 -- BAKERS DOUGH

1/2 c. salt 3/4 c. boiling water 2 c. flour Aluminum foil Place salt in bowl; pour boiling water over salt and stir. Cool. Add flour al l at once and mix well by forming a ball and neading the dough until it is smoo th, soft and wor able. Form your shapes (maybe for a Christmas ornament or your name) and ba e at 300 to 350 degrees (depending on the thic ness of the ornamen t) for 1 1/2 to 3 hours. You can also let it air-dry, but give it at least two to three days before painting it. Spray after paint dries with polyeurethrane t o hold in and eep it shiny. -----------------------395235 -- MY FIRST TERRARIUM

Soa the bottle in very warm water for a few minutes. Then empty it, pull off the colored bottom part and peel off the label. Clean the glue out of the botto m part. Put a layer of small roc s in the bottom part. Put potting soil over t he roc s and then put in your plants. Be sure to press the roots of the plants down. Add more soil around your plants to fill the planter. Arrange pretty sto nes, tiny stic s, or tiny toy animals around the plants. Use a sharp nife to c ut the top off the clear part of the bottle (about 4" from the cap). Turn the c lear part upside down. Slip the cut edges into the planter to ma e a dome top. You can glue an artificial flower or bug to the dome for decoration. -----------------------395236 -- PLAY DOUGH

Large (32 oz.) plastic drin empty 2 or 3 sm. plants Artificial flowers or bugs Stic s Small stones Potting soil


1 c. white flour 1/4 c. salt 2 tbsp. cream of tartar 2 tsp. food coloring 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 c. water Mix flour, salt and cream of tartar in a medium saucepan. Add water, food colo ring and oil. Stir over medium heat for 3 to 5 minutes. Don't worry if the mix ture loo s li e a gobbly mess; it'll turn into dough! (Be sure you have an adul t to help watch this with you.) When the mixture forms a ball in the center of the pot, ta e it out and put it on a floured surface. Squeeze it and punch it a round a bit (this neads it). When you're done, put it in a plastic bag or air tight container and store it in the refrigerator. -----------------------395237 -- DECORATOR BAGS

1 plain brown bag Sponge Acrylic paint(s) Hole puncher Twine or curling ribbon Ta e a plain brown bag and a sponge cut into any shape. Dip into acrylic paint on a saucer and then place on bag and lift straight up. Use either one color o r several. Allow to dry and then turn down a couple of inches at the top and us e a hole puncher and punch two holes about 2" apart. Use either pac ing twine o r curling ribbon through the holes and tie a bow. Ma es a really cute country b ag that is fun and inexpensive and easy to do. You can also use a stencil and s tencil a design on the bag. This is fun for children since they can design it t hemselves! Can be used to give coo ies or candies or gifts other than food item s. -----------------------395238 -- FINGER PAINTS

3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. cornstarch 2 c. water Food coloring Dish detergent Plastic or paper cups Mix the sugar and cornstarch together in a medium size saucepan. Add water and stir until well blended. Coo over a low heat stirring all the time (you may n eed an adult to help with this), until well-blended, about 5 minutes. Remove fr om stove, cool and pour into the plastic or paper cups. Carefully (so as not to spill on anything), add a little bit of food coloring to each cup and a drop of detergent. Now, enjoy! -----------------------395239 -- FACE PAINTS

1 tsp. cornstarch 1/2 tsp. cold cream Food coloring (your choice) 1/2 tsp. water In a bowl combine all ingredients (except the food coloring) together. In a mu ffin tin fill each tin 2/3 full and drop in food coloring until desired color is met in the different tins. Stir carefully (so it doesn't splash into the next tin). Now you're ready for face painting for any occasion. -----------------------395240 -- BATH SALTS

1 c. Epsom salts Measuring cup 2 jars with lids 2 colored of liquid food color 1 pretty 8 oz. jar A few drops of your favorite perfume 1/2 yard of ribbon, 1/2" to 1" wide To ma e these good smelling bath salts, first measure 1/2 cup of Epsom salt int o each jar with a lid. Add 15 drops of food color to each jar, one color per ja r and put on the lids. Sha e the jars until the Epsom salts are dyed evenly. I f you want your colors to be dar er, add more food color and sha e again. Ta e off the lids and let the salts dry overnight. Now, ma e sure your pretty jar is all clean and dry. Then pour the dyed bath salts into the jar, alternating col ors (you may want to get colors that go together well). Add a couple of drops o f perfume to the bath salts, put on the lid and tie the jar with your pretty rib bon. Now you have a really nice present to bless someone with. -----------------------395241 -- SOAP FLAKE SCULPTURES

4 c. soap fla es (any ind, NOT detergent) 1/2 c. cold water Place soap fla es and water in a medium size bowl. Squeeze the mixture togethe r with your hands until it becomes slightly damp and stic s together. (This mix ture dries quic ly, so you'll have to wor fast!) Now you can form it into any shape you'd li e, animals, snowmen, decorations, tree ornaments, etc. Place the finished sculpture(s) in the refrigerator to harden. -----------------------395242 -- GIANT SOAP BUBBLES

Cold, clear water

Wire coat hanger Frying pan Glycerin (available at drugstores) Joy or Dawn detergent (these wor the best) Bend a coat hanger into a loop (maybe dad or mom can help you). Mix 1/2 cup of Joy or Dawn detergent with 5 cups water. Measure carefully, as this ma es a bi g difference. Stir well. Add two tablespoons of glycerin. This ma es more dura ble bubbles. Now dip your coat hanger loop into the solution then wave it into the air. (Don't throw away any solution you didn't use - store it for next time . As it "ages", it gets even better!) -----------------------395243 -- EGG YOLK PAINT

Blend egg yol and water. Divide mixture into several small cups. Add a diffe rent food coloring to each cup (bright colors are great). Paint on regular suga r coo ies with small paint brushes. Ba e coo ies, being very careful not to let the coo ies brown. (Should be golden in color.) -----------------------395244 -- EGG CARTON CREATIONS

Empty, clean egg cartons Cut along the bottom of three connected cups of an egg carton. Set cups bottom up. Ma e a face on the end cup with a felt pen or crayon. To ma e an antennae , curl the ends of 2 (2") pieces of pipe cleaner and stic them into the caterpi llar's forehead. Another idea: Use a styrofoam egg carton. Fill cups with any combination of wild bird seed, sunflower seeds, raisins, apples, suet, seeds mi xed with peanut butter, peanuts, bread crumbs, water, corn or berries. Place ou tside on a window sill or hang from a tree. Another idea: Plant one seed in ea ch of the twelve cups. Water and watch your seeds grow (this could be a good le sson on tithing, also). -----------------------395245 -- PLAY DOUGH

2 c. all-purpose flour 1 c. salt 4 tbsp. cream of tartar 2 c. water 2 tbsp. oil Food coloring 1. Stir flour, salt and cream of tartar in a saucepan. 2. Add water and oil.

1 well blended egg yol 1/4 tsp. water Food coloring

3. Coo over a low heat for 3-5 minutes, stirring well. 4. Give a chance to cool, then ta e out of pan and nead well. 5. Split into portions and add dif ferent colors to each piece, neading well. 6. Enjoy!!! -----------------------395246 -- EMERGENCY SUBSTITUTIONS

1 c. sifted ca e flour = 7/8 c. sifted all-purpose flour. 1 c. corn syrup = 1 c. sugar & 1/4 c. liquid used in recipe. 1 c. whole mil = 1/2 c. evaporated m il & 1/2 c. water. 1 c. of buttermil = 1 tbsp. vinegar & 1 c. of mil . 1 c. sour cream = 7/8 c. of buttermil or sour mil & 3 tbsp. butter. 1 c. of brown sugar = 1 c. granulated sugar & 2 tbsp. molasses. -----------------------395247 -- CINNAMON ORNAMENTS

No ba ing and simple for ids! Mix 1 cup of applesauce with 1 (4.12 ounce) ttle of ground cinnamon. Should form a stiff dough, add cinnamon as needed. ll out to 1/4 inch thic ness. Cut with coo ie cutter. Ma e hole for ribbon. arefully put on rac to dry. Let air dry several days turning occasionally. es about 12 sweet smelling ornaments. -----------------------395248 -- JOURNALS

1 spiral noteboo Pencil Crayons Lots of Imagination! Have children write everyday in the journals. Tell about days activities. The y can draw pictures or paste in pictures and brochures of places they visit. Im proves writing s ills and expressive language. Great summer activity. -----------------------395249 -- CHORE CHART

1 poster board 12 index cards Tape Mar ers Index cards 12 X # of children you have

Ta e index cards on poster board. Write chore you desire on the index cards. Write names of children on each card and put 1 set behind each chore. Hang in itchen and rotate jobs each wee .

bo Ro C Ma

-----------------------395250 -- EASY SPLASH PLACE

Cut in a rubber tire in half and it will ma e 2 containers for children to pla y in. -----------------------395251 -- TOOTHPICK ACT

Use plain and colored. Toothpic s are fun to arrange on a table in different designs. *Stic ing the toothpic s into a dry sponge or apple to ma e a fun crea ture. -----------------------395252 -- BEAN - CRACKER ART

Children can ma e designs on a table top with dry beans, oyster crac ers or fi sh crac ers. Use glue and construction paper and creation be saved. -----------------------395253 -- NANNY'S EMERGENCY KIT

Use a small ma e up bag and put bandades, aspirin, tylenol for your children, thermometer, sewing it, wipes, nail clippers and anything else you might need i n an emergency. Put in purse and your ready for anything. -----------------------395254 -- SNOW PAINTING

Save squirt bottles and ma e colored water using food coloring and water. Bun dle up and go outside and create colored snow. -----------------------395255 -- PAINTING

There many great ways to use paint: 1. Sponge Painting - Cut sponges in diff erent shape. 2. Stic Painting - Dip end of popsicle stic s, towels, bloc s an d press on paper. 3. Splatter Painting - Paint with a toothbrush. Dip brush i n paint and use popsicle stic to pull brittles away from ids toward paper. Us e leaves or figure shapes and splatter shapes. ------------------------

395256 -- BAKER'S CLAY

2 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 3/4 c. water Knead 4 to 6 minutes to mix. Shape into ornament or other object. Ba e finish ed objects at 300 degrees for 1 hour. Objects can be painted and shellac ed. O r before ba ing, brush with beaten egg white for a shine. -----------------------395257 -- SOAP CRAYONS

One cup Ivory Snow. Add 30-40 drops food coloring. Add water by teaspoonful until soap is liquid, stir well. Pac soap into ice cream tray, muffin tins or form into stic s. Set in sunny, dry place for 2 days. Crayons will become hard and great for writing in the sin or tub. -----------------------395258 -- MUFFIN PAN CRAYONS

Old crayons (bits and pieces) Muffin pans Muffin cup liners or "non-stic " spray Peel crayons. Line/spray muffin pan. Put crayon pieces in muffin cups. Separ ate colors for single color chun s. Mix colors for rainbow ones. Ba e at 200 d egrees until melted. Cool, peel off liners if used. -----------------------395259 -- FINGER PAINT

1/2 c. flour 1/2 tsp. salt 3/4 c. cold water 1/2 c. hot water Mix flour and salt together in pan. Gradually add cold water, stir until smoot h. Pour in hot water bring mixture to a boil. Coo until shiny. Pour into con tainers, add food coloring. Store in refrigerator. -----------------------395260 -- EDIBLE FINGER PAINTS

Mix baby rice cereal with water and good coloring or use instant pudding or co

o ed cereals with coloring. -----------------------395261 -- FACE PAINT

1 tbsp. solid shortening 1 tbsp. cornstarch Food coloring Mix all together. Remove with soap and water or cold cream. -----------------------395262 -- SOAP BUBBLES

1 c. water 2 tsp. liquid Dawn or Joy 1/2 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. glycerin (optional but ma es butter bubbles) Mix all together. Use immediately with bubble pipes, etc. -----------------------395263 -- GLURCH (HOMEMADE SILLY PUDDY)

Elmer's glue Liquid starch (Sta Flo) Mix together equal portions of glue and starch. Knead together. If too stic y , add more starch; if too stringy, add more glue. Store in plastic buc et in th e refrigerator. -----------------------395264 -- COOKED PLAY DOUGH

1 c. flour 2 tsp. cream of tartar 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 c. water Food coloring Mix and coo on the stove at low heat until mixture forms a ball. Knead. Add m ore flour if stic y. Store in airtight container. -----------------------395265 -- PLAY DOUGH

1 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 2 tbsp. cream of tartar 1 c. water 1 tbsp. oil Food coloring Stir flour, salt and cream of tartar in saucepan. Add water, oil and food colo ring to dry ingredients and coo over medium heat until well mixed. -----------------------395266 -- PEANUT BUTTER PLAY DOUGH

1 (18 oz.) peanut butter 6 tsp. honey Non-fat dry mil or mil plus flour to right consistency Mix all ingredients together. Shape and decorate with raisins, chocolate chips ; you name it! This is edible. -----------------------395267 -- DINOSAUR FOOD

--PART 1:-2 c. Pterodactyl toenails, crushed (sugar) 1/2 c. swamp water (evaporated mil ) 1 stic Iguana fat (margarine) Coo 1 minute at a rolling boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. --PART 2:-3 c. bones (oats) 1 c. dried grass (coconut) 5 tsp. dirt (cocoa) 1/2 tsp. dirty water (vanilla) Mix together Part 2. Add Parts 1 and 2 together. Stir, drop by spoonful onto waxed paper. Cool and eat. Don't let the dinosaurs eat all the food. -----------------------395268 -- STONE SOUP

3 clean stones 3 stal s celery 2 lg. carrots

2 med. onions 2 med. potatoes 3 med. tomatoes 1/2 tsp. basil, thyme, marjoram 1 bay leaf 1/2 c. parsley 1 1/2 tbsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper 1/2 c. rice Read the story Stone Soup. Wash hands. Everyone can chop or measure something . Put in a large croc pot. Cover with water. Coo 2 to 3 hours on high. Rem ove bay leaf before serving. -----------------------395269 -- DUMP CAKE

1. Wash hands. 2. Turn on oven to 350 degrees. 3. Put a little butter in the pan and smear it all over the inside. 4. Open fruit and dump it in the pan, jui ce and all. 5. Dump the dry ca e mix evenly over the fruit. 6. Chop up the sti c of butter and dump the pieces on to. 7. Ba e for 30 to 40 minutes. 8. Cool and eat. Yummy. -----------------------395270 -- YUMMY PEANUT BUTTER BALLS

1/2 c. peanut butter 1/2 c. honey 1 c. non fat dry mil 1. Wash hands. 2. Measure and put everything in a big bowl. 3. Stir together. 4. Squeeze and pull until it is shiny and soft. 5. Roll into small balls. 6. Place on waxed paper. 7. Put in refrigerator. 8. Wait 1 hour or more until th ey are firm. 9. Eat. -----------------------395271 -- BUTTER

For each 4 children: 1 pt. whipping cream 4 sm. clean baby food jars & lids Ta e whipping cream out of refrigerator 2 ho urs before using to get to room temperature. Divide evenly into jars, put on li ds and let children sha e, sha e, sha e. When butter forms, pour off liquid (ta ste this!) and spread on crac ers or bread. (Add a touch of salt if desired.)

1 1 1 1 1

1 can fruit (any ind) box yellow ca e mix stic margarine or butter can opener spoon rectangular ca e pan

Option: Put 1 pint of cream into a mayonnaise jar and ta e turns sha ing. -----------------------395272 -- FROZEN YOGURT DESSERT

1 c. plain or vanilla yogurt 1/4 c. sugar 1 tsp. Kool Aid, unsweetened soft drin mix, any flavor Combine all ingredients in non metal bowl. Stir until sugar and soft drin mix are dissolved. Spoon into custard or paper cups. Freeze until firm, about 3 h ours. -----------------------395273 -- ORANGE YOGURT FROZEN DREAMS

1 sm. can frozen orange juice concentrate 1 pt. plain yogurt 2 tsp. vanilla Honey to sweeten (opt.)* *Never give honey to a child under 2 years. Beat ingredients together until bl ended. Fill popsicle molds or paper cups and popsicle stic s. Freeze 24 hours. Ma es 8 (1/2 cup) servings. Counts as fruit serving CCFP. They taste much be tter than they sound. -----------------------395274 -- YOGIE PEAR POPS

1 (16 oz.) can pear halves, drained 1 (8 oz.) plain yogurt 3 tbsp. honey 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice Few drops almond extract In blender container combine pears, yogurt, honey, lemon juice and almond extra ct. Cover and blend until smooth. Pour mixture into 5 (5 oz.) paper cups. Cov er each cup with foil. Ma e a small hole in the foil with nife. Insert a wood en stic into the cup through the hole. Freeze 4 to 6 hours. To Serve: Remove foil and tear paper from pop. -----------------------395275 -- BABOON BUTTER

3/4 c. peanut butter 1/4 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 c. raisins 3 sm. very ripe bananas 1 tbsp. shredded coconut Mash peanut butter and bananas. Add cinnamon, raisins and coconut. Blend well . Spread on fruit, crac ers and bread. -----------------------395276 -- CUT OUT COOKIES

1 c. Crisco 1 1/2 c. sugar 2 eggs 2 1/2 c. flour 1 tsp. ba ing powder 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla --ICING:-1 tbsp. margarine 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla Mil Powdered sugar Blend Crisco and sugar. Add eggs and beat. Combine flour, ba ing powder and s alt. Add to mixture; blend well. Ba e on greased coo ie sheet 10 to 12 minutes at 375 degrees. Frost when cool. -----------------------395277 -- CREMEDOODLES

1 (7 oz.) jar marshmallow creme 1 c. peanut butter 1/2c. honey 3 oz. mil chocolate bar, grated 1 1/2 c. raisins 1 c. chopped walnuts 2 c. shredded coconut Kids can stir all ingredients except coconut together and help form into 1" bal ls. Roll in coconut. Chill or freeze. Ma es about 6 dozen. -----------------------395278 -- SPINACH OMELET

1 egg per child 1 slice cheese per child Well drained spinach, enough for a vegetable for each child

Scramble eggs slightly, add spinach and cheese. Place under broiler until hot and bubbly. Serve with biscuits and fruit and mil . -----------------------395279 -- PEANUT BUTTER BANANA BALLS

2 ripe bananas 5 tbsp. peanut butter 2 tbsp. honey Mash bananas. Mix with peanut butter and honey. Roll into balls. Freeze in c overed container. -----------------------395280 -- PUDDING WICHES

1 1/2 c. cold mil 1/2 c. peanut butter 1 p g. instant pudding 24 graham crac ers or chocolate wafers Add mil to peanut butter, blend until smooth. Add pudding mix. Beat 2 minute s at lowest speed. Let stand 5 minutes. Spread filling 1/2" on 12 crac ers, to p with remaining 12 crac ers. Freeze 3 hours. -----------------------395281 -- GORP

--Suggestions:-Raisins Oatmeal Sesame seeds Granola Chocolate chips Dates Any dry cereal M&M's Cheerios Pretzels Sunflower seeds Wheat or Rice Chex Peanuts Walnuts, any nuts Mix what you want and enjoy. -----------------------395282 -- CHERRY CAKE

2 cans pie filling 1 yellow ca e mix 1 stic oleo 1/3 c. nuts, chopped Mix cherry pie filling and ca e mix with melted oleo. Pour into greased 13'x9" pan. sprin le nuts on top. Ba e 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. -----------------------395283 -- JIG-TIME TARTS

Thin slice sandwich bread Oleo Sugar Fruit coc tail, drained Cool Whip Cut crusts from bread. Butter both sides of bread. Place in muffin tins. Spr in le insides with sugar. Place in oven and brown. when browned, remove from p ans, slightly. cool. Fill with drained fruit coc tail. Top with Cool Whip. -----------------------395284 -- YOU CAN EAT IT DOUGH

1 1/4 c. confectioners' sugar 1 1/4 c. powdered mil 1 c. corn syrup 1 c. peanut butter Mix until dough reaches proper consistency for molding. Let children mold all inds of creatures and decorate with Cheerios and raisins. Can eat when they ar e finished. -----------------------395285 -- EDIBLE DOUGH

1 1/2 c. warm water 1 p g. dry yeast 1 egg 1/4 c. honey 1/4 c. shortening 1 tsp. salt 5 c. flour Stir yeast in 1 1/2 cups very warm water until dissolved. Mix in egg, honey, s hortening and salt. Stir in flour a little at a time until ma es a ball. Knead 5 minutes. Ma e flat figures on coo ie sheet. Cover with towel 25 minutes. B a e 20 minutes in 350 degree oven. Eat or shellac it.

-----------------------395286 -- PAINTED TOAST

White bread Mil Food colors Small clean brushes Paper cups Toaster Divide small amounts of mil into paper cups and add a different color to each. Using the clean brushes. Let the children paint on their bread. Teach them t o paint gently so they don't tear the bread. Do not let them get the bread too wet. Let them drop into toaster and see what happens when it pops up! -----------------------395287 -- COOKIE PAINTS

2 egg yol s 1/2 tsp. water Food coloring Blend egg yol s and water together. Divide into containers and add food colori ng. Using small clean paintbrushes, paint unba ed coo ies. Ba es on a shiny gl aze. -----------------------395298 -- GIANT CHALK STICK

3 tbsp. plaster of paris 2 tbsp. powder tempra paint Wax paper cups Water Mix paint powder and plaster powder in paper cups. Add water slowly to dry mix ture until creamy, stirring well. Wait about 1 hour until chal is hard. Firml y tap out container. -----------------------395299 -- SQUEEZE BOTTLE PAINT

2 c. white glue 1/2 c. dry plaster of paris 1 c. powdered tempra Mix together and add enough water to ma e consistency of toothpaste. Ma e cons istency of toothpaste. Put into squeeze bottle. Use blac squeeze paint to ma e outlines for "stained glass" effect. When dry, use water colors or mar ers to

fill in when dry. Use white to ma e "spider web" pictures. Dry flat overnight . -----------------------395300 -- SOAP POWDER FINGERPAINT

1/2 c. liquid starch 3 c. water 1/4 c. soap powder (not detergent) 1/4 c. talcum powder Dry tempra Mix soap and water in a saucepan, then add starch. Stir until soap powder is d issolved. Bring to a boil and coo until clear. Remove from heat and add tempr a and talcum. Using a mixer beat until it is smooth and foamy. Store air tight in refrigerator. -----------------------395301 -- SALT DRIP PAINT

1/2 c. salt 2 tbsp. flour Dry tempra (any colors) Water Mix salt, flour and dry tempra. Stir in enough water to ma e mixture the consi stency to drip off of a spoon. Use a funnel to fill squeeze bottles. Let child ma e design by dripping from squeeze bottle or dripping from a spoon onto const ruction paper. Dry flat overnight. -----------------------395302 -- CORNSTARCH FINGERPAINT

3 tbsp. sugar 2 c. cold water 1/2 c. cornstarch Dry tempra Mix sugar, cornstarch and water in a heavy saucepan. Coo over low heat, stirr ing constantly. When thic , cool and pour into 6 muffin tin compartments or 6 p aper cups. Add a different color of dry tempra to each. -----------------------395303 -- SHINY PAINT

1 part white glue 1 part liquid tempra

Mix together and use right away or store in an air tight container. Paint with brushes and allow to dry completely before touching. Wash brushes before they dry. -----------------------395304 -- 'WASHABLE' EASEL PAINT

1 1/4 c. cornstarch 1 c. cold water 1 c. Ivory fla es 1/2 c. salt 3 c. hot water 1 c. talcum powder 1 tsp. glycerine In a saucepan mix cornstarch and cold water. Add Ivory fla es, salt and hot wa ter. Coo until bubbles appear. Remove from heat and add talcum powder and gly cerine. Stir until smooth. Store air tight, no refrigeration needed. Can divi de into several containers and add different colors dry tempra. Keeps indefinit ely. Washes out of clothes easily. -----------------------395305 -- UNCOOKED PLAYDOUGH

1 c. flour 1/3 c. salt 1/3 - 1/2 c. water 2-3 drops food color 3-5 drops of either liquid detergent or vegetable oil Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In separate bowl, mix all liquids toge ther, and then slowly add to the dry ingredients. Knead to mix, adding more wat er by teaspoons if necessary for proper consistency. Store in air tight contain er in the refrigerator. -----------------------395306 -- COOKED PLAYDOUGH

1 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 2 tsp. cream of tartar 1 c. water 1 tbsp. oil 1 tsp. food color Combine flour, salt and cream of tartar. Mix liquid and gradually stir them in to dry ingredients. When smooth, coo over medium heat. Stir constantly until ball forms. Remove from heat. Knead until smooth. ------------------------


1 c. flour 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 1/2 c. salt 1 c. water 1 tbsp. cream of tartar Food coloring 1 tsp. vanilla (opt.) Mix the dry ingredients together in a saucepan. Mix oil and water, then pour s lowly into dry ingredients. Coo over very low heat until the mixture is thic (li e mashed potatoes). This happens very quic ly. Stir in vanilla. Remove fr om heat and turn the mixture onto a board or table. When cool enough to handle, nead coloring in until smooth. Store in an air tight container. -----------------------395308 -- HARDENING SALT CLAY

2 c. salt 1 c. + 2 tbsp. water 1 c. cornstarch Mix salt and 1/2 cup water in heavy saucepan. Coo over medium heat, stirring constantly until salt dissolves. Remove from heat. Combine cornstarch and rema ining water and add it to the salt water. Coo over low heat until mix is thic and smooth. This happens quic ly. Spoon the clay onto table or board to cool. Store air tight. It will harden in the sun and can be painted. -----------------------395309 -- RUBBERY PLAYDOUGH

2 c. ba ing soda 1 1/2 c. water 1 c. cornstarch Food coloring Mix together dry ingredients in a saucepan. Add water, stir until smooth. Coo 1 to 2 minutes over medium heat until thic . Remove to waxed paper to cool. Knead in coloring until smooth. Store in air tight container. -----------------------395310 -- SOAP SCULPTING STUFF

2 c. soap fla es (Ivory) 1/4 c. water Put soap fla es in a large bowl. Add water and squish and squeeze until mixtur

e is all damp and squishy. when mixture stic s together, it's ready to sculpt. Figures become firm in refrigerator. Then allow to dry completely before handl ing. Can be painted when dry. -----------------------395311 -- CLAY JEWELRY MIX

3/4 c. flour 1/2 c. cornstarch 1/2 c. salt Warm water Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Gradually add warm water until mixture can be neaded into a stiff dough. To reduce stic iness, dust with flour. Children can roll into balls for beads. Pierce each with a toothpic for hole to thread ont o string. Air dry and paint. -----------------------395312 -- DRYER LINT "PAPER MACHE"

3 c. dryer lint 2/3 c. flour 2 c. water Mix water and lint together in a large saucepan, stirring well. Slowly add flo ur, mixing well. Coo over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture holds together, forming pea s. Pour out onto several layers of newspaper to cool. Use mixture over a base, such as a box, balloon or bottle, spreading li e paper mache. Dry 4 to 5 days. Store unused air tight. Keeps only 4 to 5 days. -----------------------395313 -- BOOKBINDER'S PASTE

1 tsp. flour 2 tsp. cornstarch 1/4 tsp. alum (powder) 1/3 c. water In top of double boiler, mix dry ingredients. Add water slowly, stirring out l umps. Coo over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat when paste beg ins to thic en; it will thic en more as it cools. Keep covered. Add water to th in when necessary. -----------------------395314 -- PAPER PASTE

1 c. flour 1 c. sugar

4 c. water 1 tbsp. powdered alum 3 drops oil of clove Mix flour and sugar, then add slowly 1 cup of the water. In the top of a doubl e boiler, bring remainder of water and the alum to a boil, then add flour and su gar mixture, stirring constantly. Coo and stir until fairly clear (about 1/2 h our). Remove from heat and add oil of cloves. Ma es 1 quart of paste. Paste w ill eep a long time in air tight jar with small wet sponge on top of paste. -----------------------395315 -- GLARCH (GOOP)

--Equal amounts:-Liquid laundry starch White school glue Use approximately 1/4 cup per child. Pour glue and starch into a small bowl fo r each child. Let them mix with fingers. It will be very stic y until well mix ed. Then it becomes similar to the commercial putty product. For variety, add glitter. Store air tight in refrigerator. -----------------------395316 -- BRIGHTLY DYED PASTA

Rubbing alcohol Food colors Noodles or rice, uncoo ed Do not eat! This is for art projects only! Pour alcohol into large bowl and a dd food color. Use 1/2 bottle food color for each bottle of alcohol for very br ight colors. Add pasta or rice, stir and let set until desired color. Spoon ou t, using slotted spoon, onto newspapers. Spread to dry (about 2 hours). Store in Baggies. Alcohol can be poured bac into bottles and used again. -----------------------395317 -- MAGIC CRYSTAL GARDEN

6 tbsp. salt 6 tbsp. water 6 tbsp. laundry bluing (in laundry dept. at grocery store) 1 tbsp. ammonia 5 or 6 pieces charcoal Food coloring A glass container Adult supervision is needed with ammonia! Mix salt, water, bluing and ammonia in a large bowl. Put charcoal in an old glass bowl. Pour mixture over charcoal . Sprin le drops of food coloring for color. Set container in a warm place and

do not move it. It will continue to grow crystals until all liquid is absorbed . (You can ma e several small gardens in glass jars, dividing the liquid over t hem.) -----------------------395318 -- BIG BEAUTIFUL BUBBLES

1 c. water 2 tbsp. liquid detergent 1 tbsp. glycerine 1/2 tsp. sugar Mix all ingredients. Let stand overnight in covered container. Stir. Blow bi g beautiful bubbles. HINTS: Joy dish detergent wor s well. Glycerine can be p urchased in ca e decorating departments. -----------------------395319 -- TEDDY BEAR SUNDAES

Any flavor ice cream M & M's or sm. candies Sm. round chocolate or vanilla wafers Chocolate sprin les or toasted coconut Put scoop of ice cream into dish for head. Use candies for eyes and mouth. Fo r ears, push coo ies into ice cream. Sprin le a little coconut or chocolate spr in les on top for hair. -----------------------395320 -- ICE CREAM CLOWNS

1 scoop vanilla ice cream 1 sugar cone Chocolate bits Raisins Maraschino cherries Whipped cream Put scoop of ice cream on plate with cone on top for hat. Use chocolate bits f or eyes, cherry for nose and raisins for mouth. Be creative! Put whipped cream around the clown for nec ruffle. Another version of an ice cream clown: Put a scoop of ice cream on a chocolate sandwich coo ie. Use gumdrops for his eyes, mint wafers for his ears, an orange slice for his mouth, and a maraschino cherr y for his nose and as a top for his cone cap. -----------------------395321 -- ICE CREAM PIE

1 pastry or graham crac er pie shell 1 pt. strawberry ice cream 1 c. mil 1 p g. instant strawberry pudding Blend ice cream and mil together in a bowl. Add strawberry pudding and beat u ntil mixed. Pour into pie shell. Refrigerate 1 hour before serving. -----------------------395322 -- BANANA SURPRISE

1/2 of a sm. ripe banana 3/4 c. mil 2 tbsp. frozen orange juice concentrate 2 tsp. honey 1 ice cube 2 drops yellow and 1 drop red food coloring Put 1/2 of a small banana into a blender container. Add 3/4 cup mil . Cover b lender. Run it on low for 10 seconds. Put 2 tablespoons frozen orange juice co ncentrate into a small bowl or a cup. Add 2 teaspoons honey to the cup. Stir t o mix them well and melt the orange juice. Add the honey mixture to the blender . Add the ice cube. Cover the blender and run it on low for 30 seconds or unti l the ice cube stops ma ing noise. Ta e off the top of the blender. Add 2 drop s yellow food coloring and 1 drop red. Cover the blender. Run it on low for a few seconds. The drin will turn orange. Stop blender. Ta e off cover. Pour drin into glass and serve. Ma es 1 banana sunrise. -----------------------395323 -- ERIC'S QUICK GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH

2 slices bread Velveeta or Cheddar cheese (2 slices) Margarine (optional) Toast bread in toaster. Spread bread with margarine. Place cheese between sli ces. Microwave on high power 30 to 40 seconds until cheese is melted. -----------------------395324 -- YUMMY COOKIES FOR KIDS TO COOK

1/2 c. ca e mix, any flavor 1/2 tsp. soft butter 1 1/2 to 2 tsp. water Preheat oven to 350. Mix butter and ca e mix. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons water and b lend. Dough needs to be stiff but mixes vary so more water may be needed. Add by drops. Roll dough on floured surface then cut out coo ies. Ba e on ungrease d coo ie sheet 5-8 minutes. About 1 dozen coo ies.

-----------------------395325 -- ARTIST'S PUNCH

Combine orange juice with seltzer. Add colorful ice cubes made by freezing cr anberry juice in an ice tray. -----------------------395326 -- BANANA SHAKE

1 med. banana 1 sm. container yogurt, plain or strawberry-banana 1 c. mil 1 "sha ing jar" Using a for , smash banana in a small bowl. Pour mil and yogurt into sha ing jar. Spoon banana into sha ing jar. Cover jar tightly and sha e vigorously. P our into frosty mug for a great summer refresher. -----------------------395327 -- GHOUL-AID

1 env. grape flavor unsweetened Kool-Aid p g. 1 env. orange flavor unsweetened Kool-Aid p g. 2 c. sugar 3 qts. cold water 1 bottle (qt. or liter) ginger ale, chilled In a large plastic pitcher, dissolve both envelopes of Kool-Aid and the sugar i n cold water. Add the ginger ale just before serving. Serve over ice. -----------------------395328 -- BIRDS NESTS

3 tbsp. butter or margarine 2 tbsp. creamy peanut butter 3 c. marshmallows 3 c. chow mein noodles Peanut M & M's Melt butter, melt into it 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter. Add 3 cups marsh mallows and melt over low heat. Add 3 cups chow mein noodles. Mix thoroughly t o coat. Butter hands and shape small portions into nests on greased pans. Add 3 peanut M & M's while nests are still warm.

-----------------------395329 -- DIRT CUPS

2 c. cold mil 1 p g. (4 serving) Jello chocolate flavor instant pudding 8-10 (7 oz.) plastic cups 1 p g. (16 oz.) chocolate sandwich coo ies, crushed 1 tub (8 oz.) Cool Whip whipped topping, thawed --Suggested decorations:-Gummy worms and frogs Candy flowers Chopped peanuts Pour mil into large bowl. Add pudding mix. Beat with whis until well blende d, 1 to 2 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir in whipped topping and half of cr ushed coo ies. Place 1 tablespoon crushed coo ies into cups. Fill cups 3/4 ful l with pudding mixture. Top with remaining crushed coo ies. Refrigerate 1 hour . Decorate. -----------------------395330 -- PLAYMATE PIZZAS

3 whole wheat English muffins or bagels, split and toasted 3/4 c. shredded Cheddar cheese (3 oz.) 1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce 4-5 slices Canadian style bacon 1 (2 1/2 oz.) jar sliced mushrooms, or 1/2 c. pitted ripe olives, sliced Sprin le toasted muffins or bagels with cheese. Spread tomato sauce over chees e. Cut Canadian style bacon to ma e 6 mouths and 12 eyes. Arrange mouths and e yes on muffins. Arrange mushrooms or olives around the top edge to resemble hai r. Place pizzas on ba ing sheet. Ba e in 450 oven for about 5 minutes or until hot. Ma es 6 servings. -----------------------395331 -- ELEPHANT STEW

1 med. sized elephant Lots of gravy 2 rabbits, optional Salt and pepper

Cut elephant into bite size pieces. This will ta e about 2 months. Cover with gravy and coo over erosene fire at 465 for about four wee s. This will serve 3,800 people. If more people come then add rabbits. Do this only if necessary as most people don't li e to find hare in their stew! -----------------------395332 -- GRANDPARENT'S DAY SURPRISE

Grandparents will love this refrigerator magnet! Begin by tracing a juice can lid onto brightly colored paper. Cut the circle slightly smaller than the outl ine, and glue it inside the rim of the lid. To this colorful bac ground, attac h a photo and a bit of artwor . Glue lace or other edging around the rim of the lid and add a tiny bow if desired. Attach a self-adhesive magnet strip to the bac of the lid to complete the project. -----------------------395333 -- SNIFF BOOKS

Ma e scented boo s to illustrate child-dictated stories or to describe family coo ing experiences, such as ma ing fruit salad. Cut out felt shapes of fruits, mints or nuts li e almond and hazelnut, and use an eyedropper to apply the scen t to the cloth. Then glue the shapes to sheets of construction paper, and child 's sentences, and bind with yarn into a boo . -----------------------395334 -- RAIN/SNOW CATCHER

Ma e a rain catcher with a rinsed, clear plastic peanut butter jar. Place it outside for a set time, then measure the water/snow inside. Try to guess what t he next measurement would be if the can had been left outside for twice as long. -----------------------395335 -- CRYSTAL GARDEN

Place bro en pieces of bric or terra cotta clay in a glass bowl or jar. Pour the following solution over this: 4 tsp. water 1 tsp. ammonia 4 tsp. bluing 1 tsp. Mercurochrome 4 tsp. salt Add more solution each day until the garden has grown to the desired size. -----------------------395336 -- 3-D REINDEER

While gourds are abundant in late fall, dry as many as you thin you'd li e to use for this activity. In December, po e two holes in the top of each gourd an d third hole in the bac . Have child paint gourds and add eyes and a nose with paint or felt. Insert two small branches for antlers in the holes at the top an d a half of a drin ing straw in the hole in the bac of each gourd. Have child draw and color bodies for the reindeer on construction paper, then staple the st raws to the nec s of the bodies to add the heads. -----------------------395337 -- GOURD GOBBLERS

Use dry, pear-shaped gourds that are light in weight. (Dry them by po ing hol es in the gourds and letting them sit for several wee s.) The fat end of each g ourd will represent the body of the tur ey, while the narrow end will be the hea d and nec . Po e two holes in the fat end near the middle for good balance. Thi s is where you'll insert pipe cleaner legs. Before you insert them, fold each p ipe cleaner in half and twist slightly. Slip the folded end into the gourd and bend the other end to ma e a foot for the tur ey to stand on. Cut tail feathers from construction paper and glue to the fat end of the gourd. Glue a small scr ap of red felt to the head for the wattles. Add eyes with blac crayon or perma nent mar er. -----------------------395338 -- ROLY-POLY SANTA

Need: Plastic hoisery eggs Poster paint Liquid soap Clay or playdough Accessories-felt, glitter, ric -rac , etc. Craft sealer (optional) Mix a little liquid soap to poster paint to help it adhere to the plastic, the n have child paint both halves of the egg to loo li e Santa, an elf or whatever he wishes. (The eggs will be easier to paint when separated in half.) When th e paint dries, put a ball of clay in the bottom half of each egg and glue the pa rts together. Have child add finishing touches to the roly-polies with paint, f elt, glitter, etc., then coat with craft sealer. -----------------------395339 -- SAWDUST MODELING MATERIAL

2 c. sawdust 1 c. flour 1 tbsp. glue Hot water or liquid starch Moisten with water or starch until a modeling consistency is reached. If used

for ornaments, strings or wires should be put in place while they are being mode led. After air drying, they may be painted. -----------------------395340 -- CREPE PAPER MODELING PLASTER

1 p g. crepe paper 1 1/2 c. flour 1/4 c. salt Cut crepe paper into narrow strips or small pieces; the smaller the pieces, the finer the texture. Place in large pan. Add enough water to cover. Let stand for 8 hours to overnight. Drain well but do not squeeze dry. Mix flour and sal t together. Stir into crepe paper mixture gradually until mixture is consistenc y of thic dough. Knead until well blended. This is thic er and less messy tha n paper mache. Mixture does not store; prepare enough for each project. -----------------------395341 -- YUMMY BIRD FEEDERS

2 c. shortening 2 c. peanut butter 5 c. bird seed Mix all ingredients together. Shape into balls. Wrap each ball in netting fro m onion bags, and secure with a plastic twist. This recipe ma es about 12 feede rs. -----------------------395342 -- DOGGIE BISCUITS

2 1/2 c. whole wheat flour 1/2 c. dry mil powder 1/2 tsp. each salt, garlic powder 1 tsp. brown sugar 6 tbsp. margarine, shortening or meat drippings 1 egg, beaten 1/2 c. ice water Combine flour, mil powder, salt, garlic powder and brown sugar in bowl. Cut i n shortening until mixture resembles cornmeal. Mix in egg. Add enough water so that mixture forms ball. Pat dough 1/2 inch thic with fingers on lightly oile d coo ie sheet. Cut with doggie biscuit cutter and remove scraps. Pat out scra ps and proceed as before. Ba e for 25 to 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool on wi re rac . Ma es about 10 biscuits. -----------------------395343 -- NONHARDENING CLAY

4 c. flour 1 c. salt 8 tbsp. salad oil 7 or 8 tbsp. water Food color (if desired) Mix well together. Keep covered when not using. -----------------------395344 -- BAKER'S CLAY

1 c. salt 1 1/2 c. warm water 4 c. flour Stir salt into the warm water. Cool mixture, then add flour and nead for 10 m inutes. To color the dough, add food coloring or 1/2 cup dry tempera paint adde d to salt and water. Ba e modeled figures at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for one hou r. -----------------------395345 -- DYEING MATERIAL

Rinse fabric or wool yarn in hot water, wring it well, and then place it in th e dye, ma ing sure it is well covered. Bring the dye to a simmering stage and c oo until the fabric is colored as deep as you wish. Rinse the material in lu e warm water. Squeeze lightly, but do not wring. Avoid direct rays of sunlight w hile drying. -----------------------395346 -- MAKING NATURAL DYES

Collect plants, moss, herbs, roots, nuts and so on. Chop a quantity of one of these materials and put it through a meat grinder. Cover it with water and let it stand overnight. Drain off the water the next morning and save it. Add a l ittle more water to the pulp and simmer for 30 minutes. Drain off this water an d add it to the first water. Add more water to cover fabric. You can get the f ollowing colors by processing one of these materials. Brown - walnut shells Re dbrown - onion leaves; bar Purple - blueberries; sumac; peach leaves; moss Re d - root and berry of the cactus Blac - oa bar ; gum from pinon tree. -----------------------395347 -- NATURAL EGG DYES

Place desired number of eggs and desired coloring material (see below) in sauc epan. Add 1 teaspoon vinegar. Simmer in water to cover for 20 minutes. Polish

with a small amount of oil on soft cloth to intensify color and add gloss. Add ing a small amount of cream of tartar to water may deepen some shades. Fresh mi nt or oregano - beige Strong coffee - brown Spinach - grayish gold/pin Yello w delicious apple peel - lavender Beet juice - reddish purple Red cabbage leav es - blue Walnut shells - buff Carrot tops - greenish yellow Onion s ins - or ange Cranberry juice - red. -----------------------395348 -- MAGIC WRITING SURFACE

1/4 c. beeswax 9 tbsp. Venice turpentine 1/4 c. lard 2 tbsp. mineral oil 1 tbsp. carbon blac 3 tbsp. powdered China clay Cardboard or fiberboard Waxed paper or transparent plastic Combine beexwax, turpentine, lard and mineral oil in double boiler. Heat over hot water until well blended, stirring frequently. Stir in carbon and China cla y. Paint uniform coat on cardboard. Cool. Place waxed paper over surface. Wr ite or draw with sharpened stic , fingernail or other object that will mar with out tearing waxed paper. Erase mar s by lifting waxed paper. -----------------------395349 -- NEWSPRINT TRANSFER

1/2 c. water 1/4 c. turpentine 2 tbsp. liquid dishwashing detergent Combine all ingredients in tightly covered jar; sha e vigorously to mix. Paint over any newspaper picture or story; blot gently with paper towel. Place clean white paper over newsprint. Rub evenly with small roller or bac of spoon. Pe el off paper carefully. Picture will appear in reverse on white paper. NOTE: U SE IN WELL-VENTILATED ROOM. THIS ACTIVITY FOR OLDER CHILDREN ONLY- NOT FOR USE BY SMALL CHILDREN. -----------------------395350 -- COLORED SAND

3 c. masonry sand 2 tbsp. liquid tempra Mix the ingredients and allow to dry, stirring occasionally. It will ta e abou t 24 hours to dry. For deeper colors, use more paint. If sand is not available , use salt. ------------------------


3 tbsp. water 36 drops of tincture of iodine 1 tbsp. cornstarch Mix water and iodine in small jar. Stir in cornstarch gradually. Store tightl y covered. In is blue-blac . Let dry completely. Wipe off with soft cloth. -----------------------395352 -- INVISIBLE INK

2 tbsp. cobalt chloride 2 tsp. white dextrin 3 1/2 tbsp. glycerine Combine all ingredients in small saucepan. Coo over low heat until well blend ed, stirring constantly. Cool completely. Store in tightly covered clean jar. In is pale pin on colored paper. Expose to heat or light bulb and writing tu rns blue. Note: Cobalt chloride and dextrin may be purchased from a chemical s upply house and glycerine from a drug store. -----------------------395353 -- DESIGNS YOU KNEAD FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS

--BASIC RECIPE:-2 c. flour 1 c. salt 1 c. cold water Combine ingredients and nead to a medium-stiff, smooth dough. To add color, w or drops of food coloring until the desired shade is achieved. Store any unuse d dough in plastic bags in the refrigerator for the next projects. Roll out dou gh to 1/4 inch thic and use coo ie cutters for designs. Ba e designs in warm o ven (350) for 1-2 hours or until hard to the touch. Melt paraffin, in bowl plac ed in a pan of boiling water. Using slotted spatula or spoon, dip each design i nto the melted paraffin. Transfer to wire rac or newspaper. --IDEAS:-Dough pressed through a garlic press ma es grass, noodles. Rolling strings of various colored dough together, then following flat gives a multi-colored marble d effect. Wrapping a firm ball of aluminum foil with dough gives a firm base fo r a ball, pump in, jac -o-lantern. Acrylic paints can be used for decorating. 10 inch bamboo s ewers are great for plant ornaments. -----------------------395354 -- SILLY PET SPIDERS

Paper nut cups or egg cartons cut into cups Pencil Eight 3 inch pieces of pipe cleaners or twist ties Decorate cup to ma e it loo li e a spider face. (Use crayons or mar ers; sive stic ers; glue on cereal; raisins, nuts. Hats can be made with cotton s, marshmallows or string.) Using the tip of a pencil, po e 8 holes around bottom of the cup. To ma e the spiders legs, insert pipe cleaners or twist into holes. --SPIDER WEB:-adhe ball the ties

Squeeze a glob of white glue onto waxed paper. Dip 9 inch piece of twine into glue, squeezing excess off with fingers. Lay one end in center of another piece of waxed paper. Wor ing outward from center, lay down the twine. Add more pie ces of twine to increase sizes. Lay longer pieces of twine dipped in glue (12 i nches) across the top of the web. Let dry at least 4 hours. Carefully peel off the waxed paper. -----------------------395355 -- HOMEMADE SOAP BUBBLES

1 c. distilled water 1/2 c. glycerin 1 tbsp. liquid detergent Combine. Set for one hour. Put in jar to store for use. -----------------------395356 -- CINNAMON ORNAMENTS

1 c. ground cinnamon 4 tbsp. white glue 3/4 - 1 c. water Combine ingredients, adding enough water to ma e the dough as thic as coo ie d ough. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Knead dough until smooth on cinnamon sprin led wor area. Roll out dough to 1/4 inch thic on cinnamon sprin led wor area. C ut out shapes with coo ie cutters. To dry, place on waxed paper, turning 2 time s daily for 4 days. Or ba e ornaments on coo ie sheet in warm oven for 2 hours. Before drying, po e a hole in top of ornament with a plastic straw. When shap es are dry, ribbons can be used as a hanger. Ornaments can also be used as itc hen magnets by gluing small magnets to the bac . Ornaments may be left brown or painted with acrylic paint. -----------------------395357 -- FOOD COLORING FIREWORKS

Newspaper or brown craft paper White paper or construction paper Food coloring

Plastic drin ing straw Cover a wor space with newspapers. Place white paper on newspapers. Put a la rge drop of food coloring in the center of the white paper. Holding one end of the straw above the drop of food coloring, blow through the other end of the str aw. How hard you blow determines how far and how fast the drop of coloring move s. After blowing the 1st drop of coloring as far you want, do the same with mor e drops of color. -----------------------395358 -- VEGETABLE PRINTING

Cut various fruit and vegetables in half, allowing to dry on paper towels for at least an hour. These fruits should be used within 2 days (lemons, oranges, o nions, zucchini should dry 2-5 days). Cover wor table with old newspaper. Bru sh paint on cut edge of fruit or vegetable. Print design on water color paper. Cover with clear adhesive bac ed vinyl for a placement. Print on 100% cotton f abric and heat set by ironing face down on paper towels. Sandwich the cotton fa bric sit batting and a bac ing to ma e a pot holder. Stitch around design, stit ching through all three layers. Ma e pictures, landscapes, designs, etc. Frame the results for wonderful presents. -----------------------395359 -- POSTER PAINT

1/4 c. flour 1 1/2 c. water 3/4 c. dry poster paint powder or dry tempera paint 2 tsp. colorless dishwashing detergent (optional) 2 tsp. liquid starch (optional) Place flour in small saucepan. Gradually stir in 1 cup water. Coo over mediu m heat until thic ened, stirring constantly. Cool. Measure 1/4 cup mixture int o each of 4 small clean jars. Add 2 tablespoons water to each jar; blend well. Add 1/2 teaspoon dishwashing detergent to each jar if glossy finish is desired or add 1/2 teaspoon starch to each jar for matte finish. Store tightly covered. Mix well before using. -----------------------395360 -- SOAP FLAKES PLASTER OR FINGER PAINT

2 c. soap fla es 2 c. liquid laundry starch 4 to 6 drops food coloring Mix soap fla es and starch in large bowl. Beat with electric mixer at high spe ed until consistency of whipped cream. Beat in food coloring. Use as finger pa int or decorative plaster. Mixture does not store; prepare enough for each proj ect.

-----------------------395361 -- EFFERVESCENT BATH SALTS

9 tbsp. soda 7 1/2 tbsp. citric acid powder 2 tbsp. cornstarch 4 to 6 drops cologne Mix soda, citric acid and cornstarch in bowl. Add cologne; mix well. Store in tightly covered clean jar. Use about 2 tablespoons mixture for each bath. -----------------------395362 -- MODELING CLAY

1 c. cornstarch 2 c. ba ing soda 1 1/2 c. cold water Food coloring Shellac Mix cornstarch and soda in saucepan. Stir in water and desired amount of food coloring. Coo over medium heat until thic ened to consistency of dough, stirri ng constantly. Cover with damp cloth. Let stand until cool. Shape as desired. Paint finished objects with shellac. -----------------------395363 -- LAUNDRY STARCH FINGER PAINT

1 c. laundry starch 2 qts. boiling water 1 c. soap fla es 1/2 c. talcum powder Dilute starch in a cupful of cold water. Add boiling water slowly, stirring st arch constantly to avoid lumping. Stir in soap fla es and talcum powder. This will ma e about 5 pints. The adding of soap fla es to the paint acts as a binde r. This recipe can be used to finger paint on glass or over a heavy coat of cra yons. -----------------------395364 -- SODA AND CORNSTARCH DOUGH

1 c. cornstarch 2 c. soda 1 1/4 c. water Combine and mix together the cornstarch and soda. Add water. Heat, stirring c

onstantly until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes. Cover with a damp tow el. When cool enough to handle, nead. The material is best used for rather fl at and cut-out items. It dries in the air; ba ing is not needed. -----------------------395365 -- PLAY DOUGH

1 c. water Several drops of food coloring 2 tbsp. oil 1 c. flour 2 tsp. cream of tartar 1/2 c. salt 1 or 2 drops oil of peppermint (optional) Combine water, food coloring and oil in saucepan. Stir in flour, cream of tart ar, salt and oil of peppermint. Coo over medium heat until mixture forms ball, stirring constantly. Spoon onto waxed paper. Let stand until cool enough to h andle. Knead until smooth. Store in plastic bag. -----------------------395366 -- PEANUT BUTTER PLAY DOUGH

1 (18 oz.) jar creamy peanut butter 6 tbsp. honey Non-fat dry mil powder Mix together peanut butter and honey with enough dry mil to ma e play dough. Refrigerate leftovers. The children can eat the dough when finished. -----------------------395367 -- POPSICLES FOR CHILDREN

1 p g. Jello 1 p g. Kool-Aid 2/3 c. sugar 2 c. boiling water 4 c. cold water Dissolve Jello, Kool-Aid and sugar in boiling water. Add the cold water and fr eeze. May use 3 ounce Dixie cups and put popsicle stic s in each. -----------------------395368 -- SILLY PUTTY

1/2 c. liquid starch 1/2 c. Elmer's Glue

Mix with your hand in a bowl until it forms a white ball. If it doesn't form a ball and/or is too stic y add more starch. If it is too stiff add a little glu e. Keep in a covered plastic bowl in a cool place. -----------------------395369 -- NANCY'S PLAY DOUGH

2 c. flour 1 c. salt 2 c. water 2 tbsp. oil 2 tbsp. cream of tartar Food coloring Mix together. Pour into 9x13 pan. Ba e at 350 for 5-7 minutes. Keep in airti ght container. -----------------------395370 -- SMELLY PLAY DOUGH

2 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 1 tbsp. alum 2 p gs. unsweetened Kool-Aid 3 tsp. vegetable oil 2 c. boiling water Mix dry ingredients, add oil and water. Stir quic ly and mix well. Store in a cool place in an airtight container. -----------------------395371 -- MISS RUTH'S PLAY DOUGH

2 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 1 tbsp. alum 3 1/2 tbsp. oil 2 c. boiling water Mix dry ingredients together. Add oil and boiling water. Mix with a wooden sp oon, then nead with hands. Food coloring may be added. Store in plastic bag. Keeps about 1 month. -----------------------395372 -- APPLE FRITTERS

1 c. sifted enriched flour

1 1/2 tsp. ba ing powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. mil 1 tbsp. salad oil 1 well beaten egg Sift together flour, ba ing powder, salt and sugar. Blend mil , egg and oil; a dd gradually to dry ingredients. Stir in 2 apples that have been pared, cored a nd cut into pieces li e matchstic s. Drop from tablespoon into deep, hot fat. Fry 2 to 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Sprin le with confectioners' sugar. 4th Grade -----------------------395373 -- MALT'S SPECIAL RECIPE

2 pieces bread 1 slice American cheese 1 slice bologna or ham Catsup Miracle Whip Place bread on plate. Squirt catsup on one slide and Miracle Whip on the other . Put cheese on catsup side and ham or bologna on the Miracle Whip side. Put t he two sides together to form a sandwich, cut in half and serve. Serves 1. -----------------------395374 -- BIRD SEED

Small box plain or Honey-Nut Cheerios M & M's (or chocolate chips) Raisins Mini marshmallows Salted peanuts Dry fruit, optional Mix in a large bowl. Store in large Zip-Loc bag or airtight container. -----------------------395375 -- S.'S SANDWICHES

1 slice of bread 1 tbsp. creamy peanut butter 1 tsp. sunflower seeds Cut crusts from bread. Roll bread flat with rolling pin. Spread peanut butter on bread and sprin le with sunflower seeds. Roll up bread from edge to edge, j elly roll fashion. Refrigerate 1 hour. Cut roll into slices and serve. ------------------------

395376 -- MINI PIZZAS

1 lb. Italian sausage (remove casing if in a bratwurst form) 2 lb. Velveeta 1 (12 oz.) can pizza sauce 1 p g. shredded mozzarella cheese 1 p g. party rye bread Fry sausage and drain fat. Heat pizza sauce and melt cheese. Add sausage. Le t cool a little and spread on party rye; top with shredded mozzarella cheese. F reeze flat on coo ie sheets or eep in freezer bags until used. Ba e at 375 deg rees for 10 minutes or until cheese bubbles. -----------------------395377 -- PIZZA BUNS

1 lb. lean ground beef 2 onions, chopped 1/2 lb. grated Cheddar cheese 1 can tomato soup, undiluted 1 tsp. oregano 1 tsp. minced garlic 1/4 c. oil 8 English muffins Mozzarella cheese Brown beef, onions and garlic. Add rest of ingredients except for mozzarella c heese. Spread mixture on muffins and sprin le with mozzarella cheese. Broil un til brown. Serves 8-12. -----------------------395378 -- GREG'S PIZZA SLICES

1 (8 oz.) can crescent rolls 1 jar favorite pizza sauce 8 oz. p g. shredded mozzarella cheese Favorite pizza topping (pepperoni, sausage, etc.) Separate dough into triangles and place on ba ing sheet. Spoon on pizza sauce. Place on topping. Top with cheese. Ba e at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes unt il cheese is melted and crust is golden brown. -----------------------395379 -- KITTY FOOD OR PUPPY CHOW

1/2 c. margarine 1 c. peanut butter

1 lb. powdered sugar 12 oz. chocolate chips 1 box any ind of Chex cereal Mix margarine, peanut butter and 12 ounce chocolate chips in corning ware or mi crowave dish. Microwave for 2 minutes or until ingredients are melted and stir. Add Chex cereal to coat with mixture. In a brown grocery bag put powdered sug ar in and then add coated cereal, twist opening of bag shut. Go outside to sha e until all cereal is coated. -----------------------395380 -- PEOPLE PUPPY CHOW

12 oz. chocolate chips 1 c. smooth peanut butter 1/2 c. margarine Melt in pan together over low heat. 12 oz. Chex cereal (any except bran) 12 oz. Cheerios Powdered sugar Combine cereals and add to above mixture and coat well. Pour into large bag wi th powdered sugar and sha e until coated well. Store in refrigerator. -----------------------395381 -- POPCORN BALLS

1/4 c. oleo 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 lb. marshmallows 2 1/2-3 qt. popcorn, popped Melt oleo and marshmallows over hot water. Add vanilla. Pour over popcorn. M oisten hands with cold water and form into balls. -----------------------395382 -- MICROWAVE "CARAMEL" CORN

Spray the inside of a brown paper grocery bag with Pam (or non-stic spray). P ut 3 quarts of popcorn in bag. Mix in microwave safe container (4 cup glass mea suring cup wor s well) the sugar, syrup, margarine and salt. Microwave on high for 2 minutes. Stir well. Microwave additional 2 minutes on high and stir in b a ing soda immediately. Mixture will be foamy. (Note: If you stir with a wood en spoon you can leave in container to coo .) Pour half of foamy mixture over p

1 1 1 1 1

6 qt. popped popcorn, unsalted c. brown sugar c. white syrup stic margarine tsp. salt tsp. ba ing soda

opcorn in bag, add rest of popcorn and then pour remaining foamy mixture over to p. Fold top of bag over and Sha e Well Quic ly. Place bag with top folded over in microwave and microwave 90 seconds on high. Sha e Well Again. Pour mixture out to cool (2 coo ie sheets wor well - mixture will not stic when cool, do N ot grease pans). When completely cool brea apart and store in airtight contain ers. Very Yummy. Note: Microwaves coo times vary slightly - syrup mixture is very hot so wor quic ly but carefully. -----------------------395383 -- CARAMEL CORN

Boil 5 minutes. Remove. Add: 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. ba ing soda Blend and pour over popped popcorn mix. Ba e at 250 degrees for 40 minutes. S tir and spread on a sheet of waxed paper to cool. Aide -----------------------395384 -- CHOCOLATE - CHIPPED NUTS

2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/3 bar paraffin 4 c. whole almonds, pecan halves or walnut halves In the top of a double boiler, melt chocolate chips and paraffin. Add about 1 cup of nuts to chocolate, stirring to coat well. Remove nuts individually with for . Place on waxed paper to set. Repeat with remaining nuts. Yield: 4 cups dipped nuts. -----------------------395385 -- PEANUT OR RAISIN CLUSTERS

1 lb. salted Spanish peanuts or raisins 1 lb. chocolate Melt chocolate. Stir in peanuts or raisins. Drop onto wax paper in mounds. L et cool. -----------------------395386 -- PEANUT BUTTER APPLES

Fill a large roasting pan with 3 quarts of popped popcorn. Using another coo ing pan prepare: 1 c. brown sugar 1/2 c. butter & margarine 1/4 c. white corn syrup

2 red or green apples, cut in 4 halves 3 tbsp. peanut butter 1 tbsp. apple juice 1 p g. "Sweet-One" (sugar substitute) 2 c. Rice Krispies, crushed Toothpic s Measure peanut butter, juice and "Sweet-One" in a microwave safe bowl. Microwa ve on high 30 seconds. Remove from microwave and stir until smooth. Insert too thpic s in the end of each apple slice. Dip each side of apple into peanut butt er mixture. Roll in crushed cereal. Serve immediately. -----------------------395387 -- CHAD'S AFTERSCHOOL TREAT

Vanilla wafers Miniature marshmallows Place vanilla wafer on a plate with 2-3 marshmallows on top. Microwave for 15 seconds until marshmallows start to bubble. Cool. -----------------------395388 -- DANE'S FAVORITE CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES

2 c. cornfla es, crushed 2 tbsp. peanut butter 1 p g. Sweet-One (sugar substitute) Additional crushed cornfla es Mix crushed cornfla es, peanut butter and Sweet-One together. Shape into 1 inc h balls. Roll in crushed cornfla es. Refrigerate. -----------------------395389 -- S'MORES

Graham crac ers Marshmallows Chocolate bar Set 4 squares of the chocolate candy bar on a graham crac er. Toast a marshmal low and slip it onto the chocolate and top with a second graham crac er. -----------------------395390 -- GOLD DROPS

24 Ritz crac ers 1 c. smooth peanut butter 2 c. butterscotch chips

Spread half of the crac ers with peanut butter. Top each with a second crac er . In the top of a double boiler, melt butterscotch chips. Dip sandwich coo ies into butterscotch. Place on waxed paper to set. Yield: 1 dozen coo ies. -----------------------395391 -- SWEET SNACK MIX

Golden graham cereal Rice Chex cereal Honey Nut Cheerios Small size semi-sweet chocolate chips Raisins 1/3 stic margarine Cinnamon White sugar Mix first 5 ingredients together until you have a total of 5 cups. Melt margar ine. Pour over mixture. In a small bowl mix sugar and cinnamon together. Mix enough to coat the cereal. Put this on cereal and toss. It's a great snac and ids love it. -----------------------395392 -- CRISPIX HOLIDAY SNACK

2 1/2 c. pretzel stic s (bro en into sm. pieces) 5 c. Crispix cereal 2 1/2 c. Cheerios 2 1/2 c. dry roasted peanuts 1 lb. white chocolate Holiday M&M's Mix together pretzels, Crispix, Cheerios and peanuts. Melt chocolate and pour over mixture, coating each piece real well by stirring. Line coo ie sheet wit h wax paper. Spread mixture in thin layer on coo ie sheet. Let dry and harden. Brea up pieces and place in container. Throw in M&M's. This is a great holi day snac and wonderful to give as a gift. -----------------------395393 -- TOASTED PUMPKIN SEEDS

This recipe is most economical when you use your Halloween pump in but can be made any time pump ins are available. Scoop out the insides of the pump in. Wa sh away pulp with cold water. Spread seeds on coo ie sheet. Sprin le seeds wit h salt. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Ba e pump in seeds for about 20 minutes unti l they are dry. Or, spread seeds on foil, and dry them on grill. The seeds are just right when they begin to turn white. ------------------------

395394 -- CUPCONES

Jiffy ca e mix (any flavor) Flat bottom ice cream cones Prepare ca e mix per directions on box. Spoon batter into flat bottom ice crea m cones (1/2 full). Microwave on high for 20-25 seconds. Eat as is or frost fi rst. -----------------------395395 -- FINGER JELLO

3 1 1 4

3 sm. p g. Jello c. boiling water c. cold water tbsp. vinegar env. Knox gelatin

Dissolve Jello in boiling water. Add vinegar. Dissolve Knox in cold water. A dd Jello in Knox water. Pour into a 9 x 13 inch pan and refrigerate. Cut into s quares. Kids can eat the Jello squares with their fingers, not messy. -----------------------395396 -- HOT CHOCOLATE MIX

8 qt. box instant mil 2 lb. box Qui 1 jar nondairy creamer (6 oz.) Mix these ingredients and you have instant cocoa mix that will last a long time . Saves you alot of money also. Great for gifts if you have a cute container! -----------------------395397 -- SNOW CREAM

3-4 eggs 1 1/2 tbsp. vanilla 1/4 tsp. salt 2 c. cream Cream together eggs and sugar; add cream. Although you do not have to. I pref er to heat the mixture to the boiling point, add the vanilla, then cool. Add cl ean-fluffy snow to the mixture until you set the consistency of ice cream. -----------------------395398 -- DEBBIE & GARY'S SNOW ICE CREAM

1 egg, beaten slightly 1/2 c. sugar Pinch salt 1 tsp. vanilla 2 c. mil Mix well. Stir in enough clean fresh snow to ma e it about the consistency of homemade ice cream. Ma es about 4 quarts. -----------------------395399 -- FINGER PAINT

1 c. laundry soap 1 c. cold water 4 c. hot water Coo until clear. 1 c. cornstarch Food coloring Add: 1 c. laundry soap

Coo until thic , stirring constantly. -----------------------395400 -- PLAYDOUGH

1 c. flour 1 c. water 1/2 c. salt 2 tbsp. cream of tartar 1 tbsp. oil Food coloring Mix. Coo slowly over low heat, stirring constantly for at least 20 minutes. It's better to overcoo than undercoo . When it forms into a thic ball in the middle of the pot it is done. Knead and store in airtight container. -----------------------395401 -- OOBLICK

1 box cornstarch 1 1/2-2 c. water Add water to the cornstarch until it is semi-firm. Store, covered, in refriger ator. As it becomes dry from storage and or handling, add more water. Kids lov e to play with this. -----------------------395402 -- SUPER SOAP BUBBLES

1 c. lemon Joy 1 tsp. glycerin 1 c. white Karo 5 c. water Mix and let stand 24 hours. Blow bubbles with straw. -----------------------395403 -- HOLIDAY ELEPHANT STEW

1 elephant Seasoned brown gravy 2 rabbits (optional) Cut the elephant into bite-size pieces. This should ta e about 2 months. Cove r with brown gravy and coo over erosene fire about 4 wee s at 465 degrees. Th is will serve 3,800 people. If more are expected, add 2 rabbits. Do this only if necessary, as most people do not li e to find hare in their stew. Aide -----------------------395404 -- ICE CREAM CONE CUPCAKES

20-24 flat bottomed ice cream cones 1 box ca e mix, your choice Prepare mix as directed on box. Fill cones 2/3 full with batter. Place on coo ie sheet and ba e at 350 degrees for approximately 20-25 minutes. Cool, frost and decorate. -----------------------395405 -- ORANGE JULIUS TYPE DRINK

6 oz. orange juice 1 c. water 1 c. mil 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 c. sugar 10 ice cubes Beat in blender until foamy. -----------------------395406 -- DIRT CUP

1 p g. (16 oz.) Oreo coo ies, crushed

2 c. cold mil 1 sm. p g. Jello chocolate instant pudding mix 1 sm. container Cool Whip topping, thawed Gummy worms (lots) --KITCHEN TOOLS:-A 8 A A A A measuring cup clear plastic cups large bowl rolling pin wire whis large zipper style plastic bag

Put coo ies into a zipper style bag and close tightly! Use the rolling pin to roll and crush the coo ies. Set aside. Pour the mil into a large bowl. Add t he chocolate instant pudding. Use the wire whis to mix the pudding and mil ve ry well. Let stand 5 minutes. When thic ened, add the thawed Cool Whip. Now a dd 1/2 of the crushed coo ies. Stir well. Place a large spoon of the crushed c oo ies into a plastic cup. Add the pudding mixture to fill the cup 3/4 full. N ow add 1 large gross gummy worm to be 1/2 in the cup and 1/2 hanging out. Spoon a little of the crushed coo ies on the top of the pudding to ma e it loo li e dirt covering the worm! Ma es 8-10 servings. Great to serve at your next party ! -----------------------395407 -- SKILLET PIZZA-WICH

Sliced American cheese Canned tomato paste Sliced bologna or summer sausage Crushed oregano Sliced bread For each sandwich, place: 1 slice bread 1 slice American cheese 1 tbsp. tomato paste Cover with bologna or summer sausage Sprin le with crushed oregano Top with cheese Add slice of bread Lightly spread outside of sandwich with soft butter. Brown lightly on both sid es in a s illet or griddle over low heat until cheese is melted and bread is lig htly browned. -----------------------395408 -- HAM ROLLS

Sliced ham Soft cream cheese Green onion (if you want it)

Ta e 1 slice of ham, lay it flat. Spread soft cream cheese on it. Lay green o nion on it, at one end. Then roll it up. Slice it into 1 inch pieces. -----------------------395409 -- ICE CREAM CONE CUPCAKES

1 p g. ca e mix 36 flat bottom ice cream cones Prepare ca e mix according to pac age directions. Place cones in muffin tins. Fill with batter 3/4 full. Have an adult ba e at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes . Cool. Frost and decorate! -----------------------395410 -- MATT'S PLAY DOUGH

2 c. flour 1 c. salt 4 tsp. cream of tartar 2 c. water 2 tbsp. oil Food coloring Mix dry ingredients. Add water, oil and food coloring. Have an adult coo abo ut 3 minutes or until the mixture pulls away from the sides of the pan. Knead s lightly, neading will ta e out any lumps. Cool and store in an airtight contai ner. -----------------------395411 -- KIDS STUFF

1/4 c. corn syrup 1 c. brown sugar 1/2 c. margarine 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. ba ing soda 6-10 c. popped corn Combine margarine, brown sugar, syrup and salt. Place in microwave and bring t o a full boil. Stir. Boil for 3 more minutes. Remove from microwave and add b a ing soda. Pour popped corn in a brown grocery bag, sprayed with coo ing spray . Pour liquid over popped corn and stir. Place in microwave for 1 minute. Rem ove and sha e bag. Return to microwave for 1 minute and sha e again. Repeat tw ice for 30 seconds. Sha e hard. Then spread on waxed paper to cool. -----------------------395412 -- CARAMEL CORN

1 stic butter 1 c. brown sugar 1/4 c. syrup 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. ba ing soda Place all ingredients into saucepan (have an adult do this). Stir over medium heat. Bring to a full boil. Stir into 1 large bowl of popped corn. Stir well. -----------------------395413 -- SILLY PUTTY

2 parts Elmers glue plus 1 part Sta-Flo liquid starch. mix well and let it dr y awhile, then put into plastic easter eggs. Note: Humidity ma es it necessary to add more glue or starch to get the right consistency. -----------------------395414 -- SLIME

Mix 1 cup water, 1 box of cornstarch and several drops of green food coloring. Spoon into plastic sandwich bags or jars. Label items warning that this is mes sy stuff play, use only on easy to clean surfaces. -----------------------395415 -- LIQUID BUBBLES

9 parts water 1 part dish detergent 1/2 part glycerin (available at Pharmacies) Mix and blow! -----------------------395416 -- FINGER PAINT

2 tbsp. cornstarch 2 tbsp. cold water 1 c. boiling water Mix cornstarch and cold water in saucepan. Add boiling water and bring to a bo il over medium heat. Coo until transparent. Cool and add powdered colors or f ood coloring. Tal may be added to ma e a smoother paste. ------------------------


Put 1 tablespoon hot water in glass. Slowly add 1 tablespoon salt and stir we ll. Dip cotton swab into in . Write your name on white paper, let dry. Ma e n ame visible by rubbing with a side of a pencil. The water evaporates leaving sa lt on the paper. The crystals are rough and the pencil dar ens them. -----------------------395418 -- PAPER MACHE

Liquid starch (full strength) or 1 1/2 cups flour and 2 cups water coo ed unti l transparent or wallpaper paste mixed with water until the consistency of whipp ed cream. Tear 1 inch strips of newspaper or paper towels. Dip into one of the mixtures above. Remove the excess. Place moistened strips in thin layers over a wire or balloon form. Let each layer dry before adding a new one. Finished piece may be painted. -----------------------395419 -- AMANDA'S PIZZA MUFFINS

6 English muffins (split) 12 oz. jar pizza sauce 12 oz. mozzarella cheese, shredded 1 p g. sliced pepperoni Optional chopped onions, green pepper, mushrooms, etc. Place muffins on coo ie sheet. Spread 1 1/2 tablespoons sauce per muffin. Top with 3 slices pepperoni. Sprin le with cheese. Ba e in preheated oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes until cheese melts. -----------------------395420 -- RACHEL'S SOFT PRETZELS

1 1 1 4

1 p g. yeast tsp. salt tsp. sugar 1/2 c. water 1/2 c. flour

Dissolve yeast into warm water. Add salt and sugar. Stir in flour. Put onto floured surface and nead 5 minutes. Divide into 12 equal pieces. Roll each pi ece into a 15 inch rope and shape into a shape. Moisten with water and sprin le with salt. Ba e on a greased ba ing sheet for 12-15 minutes at 425 degrees. -----------------------395421 -- PLAY DOUGH

2 1 2 4

2 c. flour c. water c. salt tbsp. oil tsp. food coloring

Combine ingredients in a saucepan. Coo over low heat for 5-10 minutes when th ic ened. Remove from heat. Knead on pastry board. Store in airtight container . -----------------------395422 -- PUPPY CHOW

1/2 c. chocolate chips (mil chocolate) 1 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips (divided in half) 1/2 c. margarine 3/4 c. peanut butter 12 oz. box Crispix cereal 1 c. Cheerios 1/2 c. peanuts 1 c. powdered sugar Combine and melt mil chocolate chips, 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, marg arine and peanut butter. Pour over Crispix, Cheerios, peanuts and 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips. Let mixture cool and harden. When cool toss mixture in a bag to coat with 1 cup powdered sugar. -----------------------395423 -- SHAKE

Put in blender and blend. Drin ! -----------------------395424 -- PEANUT BUTTER BALLS

1 (20 oz.) jar smooth peanut butter 2 lb. powdered sugar 1 1/2 c. Rice Krispies 1 lb. soft margarine 12 oz. chocolate chips 1/4 slab paraffin

4 1 2 1

1/2 banana ice cubes c. mil p g. Sweet & Low tsp. vanilla

Wor together the peanut butter, powdered sugar, Rice Krispies and margarine. Ma e into balls. Refrigerate, when firm dip in melted chips and paraffin. -----------------------395425 -- RAGGEDY ANN SALAD

Peach halves Celery Hard coo ed eggs Raisins Cherries Yellow cheese Leaf lettuce Body: 1 peach half. Arms and legs: Small celery stic s. Head: half a hard coo ed egg. Eyes, nose, shoes and button: raisins. Mouth: piece of cherry. Hair: grated yellow cheese. S irt: ruffles leaf lettuce. -----------------------395426 -- OYSTER CRACKERS

2 (12 oz.) bags oyster crac ers 2 tsp. lemon pepper 1 p g. original ranch dressing 2 tbsp. dill weed 1 c. Mazola oil Place all ingredients in large container, stir well. Seal in airtight containe r. Best after 24 hours. -----------------------395427 -- DRIPLESS POPSICLES

1 sm. p g. Jello (any flavor) 1 p g. Kool-Aid (any flavor) 1 c. sugar 2 c. hot water

-----------------------395428 -- SHIRLEY TEMPLE COCKTAIL

7-Up Maraschino cherries Cherry juice

Mix all ingredients. Stir until dissolved. Add 2 cups cold water. Stir. Ma es 18 tupperware popsicles.

Pour glass about 2/3 full of 7-Up. Add about 3 maraschino cherries, also add a bout 1/8 teaspoon of cherry juice. Mix together and add ice. -----------------------395429 -- PUPPY CHOW

1 c. chocolate chips 1 stic margarine 1/2 c. peanut butter Crispix cereal 2 c. powdered sugar Melt together all 3 ingredients. Pour chocolate mixture over 8 cups of Crispix cereal. Stir to coat. Put 2 cups powdered sugar in a brown bag. Pour chocola te covered Crispix in the bag and sha e! Store in an airtight container. -----------------------395430 -- BISCUIT PIZZAS

Shortening All-purpose flour 1 p g. (10 count) biscuits 1 (8 oz.) can pizza sauce 1 (4 oz.) p g. shredded mozzarella cheese Use 1 or more of the following toppings: Sliced pepperoni Sliced hot dogs Chopped green pepper Pic le relish Sliced olives Or your favorite topping! 1. With adult help, preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease 1 or 2 ba ing sheets. 2. Sprin le cutting board with flour, separate biscuits. Put biscuits, one a t a time on floured board and using a rolling pin, roll out to about a 4 inch ci rcle. Put on greased ba ing sheet. 3. Spoon about 1 1/2 tablespoons of pizza sauce on the center of each biscuit. Spread evenly over the biscuits. Top with cheese. 4. Let each person put their favorite topping on the biscuits. 5. L et an adult place the ba ing sheets in the oven. Ba e at 425 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Let an adult ta e the ba ing sheets out of the oven. Let cool slightly. Ma es 10 fun pizzas! -----------------------395431 -- POTATO CHIP CHICKEN

Crush enough potato chips to ma e 1 c. of crumbs 1/4 c. butter 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. pepper

8 chic en drumstic s Please have an adult help with this recipe! 1. Put potato chips into plastic bag. Close the bag tightly. Use a rolling pin to crush the potato chips. Pour the crumbs into a pie plate. 2. Put butter or margarine into a frying pan; le t adult turn burner on low heat. When margarine melts, remove pan from burner a nd turn burner off. Stir in the salt and pepper and stir together well. 3. Ri nse the 8 drumstic s under cold water. Use paper towels to pat dry. Place drum stic s onto wax paper. 4. Brush the chic en with melted butter, then roll each drumstic into potato chip crumbs. 5. Put the drumstic s into a ba ing pan. If there is any butter leftover pour on top of the drumstic s. Put ba ing pan i nto the oven. 6. Let adult turn on oven to 375 degrees. Ba e about 45 minutes or until chic en is done when it is easy to po e with a for . 7. Let adult re move chic en from the oven. -----------------------395432 -- HAMBURGER COOKIES

Vanilla wafers Keebler caramel or mint coo ies Icing: green, orange, red (lettuce cheese, catsup) Sesame seeds Attach sesame seeds with sugar water or egg white - dry. Layer: Vanilla wafer s, red icing, chocolate coo ie, orange icing, vanilla wafer, green icing. -----------------------395433 -- VERY EASY FRENCH TOAST

4 slices bread 1 c. mil 1-2 tbsp. maple syrup 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon Pinch salt 2 tbsp. vegetable oil Margarine or butter Maple syrup In an 8 inch wide bowl combine mil , syrup (1-2 tablespoons), cinnamon and salt . Stir with a for . Brush a nonstic s illet or griddle, with the oil and heat on medium setting. Dip bread one slice at a time into the mil mixture (quic l y on each side). Brown the bread slices until slightly crusty. Turn and brown other side. Serve with margarine and syrup. -----------------------395434 -- CARAMEL DIP FOR FRUITS

50 Brach's or Kraft caramels 1/2 stic butter, melted Small can evaporated mil

Remove wrappers from caramels and melt in microwave. Add butter and evaporated mil and mix together. Heat in microwave until hot. Dip apples sliced bananas or any other fruit. Leftover caramel dip can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated later. -----------------------395435 -- GRAMS SPAGHETTI

10 oz. macaroni elbows 8 oz. longhorn style Colby cheese 24 oz. can tomato juice Coo macaroni and drain. Add tomato juice and cheese. Heat on medium until ch eese melts. -----------------------395436 -- NO BAKE CHOCOLATE OATMEAL COOKIES

2 c. granulated sugar 1/2 c. mil 2 tbsp. cocoa 1/2 c. margarine 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 c. peanut butter, smooth or chun y 3 c. quic coo ing rolled oats 1 tsp. vanilla In a large saucepan, mix sugar, mil , cocoa, margarine and salt. Bring to a bo il over medium-high heat and boil 1 minute. Remove from heat. Add peanut butte r and stir until dissolved. Add oats, stirring in 1 cup at a time. Add vanilla and mix well. Wait 2-3 minutes, then drop batter by teaspoonfuls on wax paper or aluminum foil. Cool. Ma es 5 dozen coo ies. -----------------------395437 -- APPLE SURPRISE

1 apple Raisins Peanut butter Cut apple in half. Carefully, cut out the core of the apple. Spread peanut bu tter where the core used to be and over surface of apple. Sprin le raisins over the peanut butter. This is a great snac for the little ones I babysit. -----------------------395438 -- PLAY DOUGH

1 c. white flour 1/4 c. salt 2 tbsp. cream of tartar 1 c. water 2 tsp. food coloring 1 tbsp. oil Mix flour, salt and cream of tartar in medium saucepan. Combine water, food co loring and oil; add to the flour mixture. Coo over medium heat and stir. When it forms a ball in the center of the pot, pour out and nead on a floured surfa ce. Store in airtight containers or plastic bag. -----------------------395439 -- COOKED DOUGH AND CLAY

2 c. flour 2 c. water (add food coloring to water) 1 c. salt 2 tsp. cream of tartar 2 tbsp. oil Stir all ingredients together in a pot or s illet. Next coo over low heat abo ut 5 minutes until it pulls away from sides and forms a "lump". Cool and its re ady for play! -----------------------395440 -- SASSY SANTA DESSERT

8 oz. cream cheese 1/2 stic margarine 1 c. powdered sugar 12 oz. Cool Whip 2 p g. French vanilla instant pudding 1 lg. bag Oreo coo ies, crushed 3 c. mil

-----------------------395441 -- BASIC BUBBLES

1 clean pail 1 c. Joy or Dawn dishwashing detergent 3-4 tbsp. glycerine (optional, from your pharmacy) 10 c. clean, cold water (up to 50% more on dry days)

Mix pudding with ies. Layer half dish. Cover with t in clay pot and

the mil and then combine all other ingredients except for coo of the crushed coo ies into bottom of ba ing pan or casserole pudding mixture. Chill. Can be made a day ahead of time. Pu top with gummy worms in and on top.

Measure 10 cups of water into the pail. Add soda. Add glycerine. Stir, but n ot too much. You don't want froth on the top because it tends to brea the bubb les. S im off with your hand if frothy. -----------------------395442 -- IRIDESCENT SOAP BUBBLES

1 c. water 2 tbsp. liquid detergent 1 tbsp. glycerine 1/2 tsp. sugar Mix all ingredients. -----------------------395443 -- PLAY DOUGH

2 c. white flour 2 c. water 1/8 c. vegetable oil 1 c. salt 4 tsp. cream of tartar Mix all together in a large pot on medium heat, stirring until water evaporates , approximately 10 minutes. Stir until impossible to stir. Let cool. After co oled, separate and add food coloring, mix into dough with fingers. -----------------------395444 -- PLAY DOUGH

2 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 1 tbsp. alum 2 c. boiling water 2 tbsp. coo ing oil Food coloring Mix together flour, salt and r, oil and coloring. Stir at mixture li e bread dough. If ore in an airtight container. led after using. -----------------------395445 -- COOKED PLAY DOUGH

alum. Put flour mixture into bowls. Add hot wate once, blending well. Mixture will be hot. Knead mixture seems stic y, add a little more flour. St It will eep for a long time as long as it is sea

1 c. flour

1/2 c. salt 1 c. water 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 2 tsp. cream of tartar Heat until ingredients form ball, add food coloring. -----------------------395446 -- NONHARDENING NO-COOK PLAY DOUGH

2 c. self-rising flour 2 tbsp. alum 2 tbsp. salt 2 tbsp. coo ing oil 1 c. + 2 tbsp. boiling water Mix and nead. -----------------------395447 -- PLAY DOUGH

1 c. flour 1 c. water 1 tbsp. oil 1 tbsp. alum 1/2 c. salt 2 tbsp. vanilla Food coloring Mix all dry ingredients. Add oil and water. Coo over medium heat, stirring c onstantly until it reaches the consistency of mashed potatoes. Remove from heat and add vanilla and color. Divide into balls and wor in color by neading. K eep in closed container when not using. -----------------------395448 -- PLAY DOUGH

1 c. flour 1 c. water 1/2 c. salt 1 tbsp. cream of tartar 1 tbsp. vegetable oil Food coloring or powdered tempera Mix the flour, water, salt, cream of tartar and vegetable oil together in a sau cepan. Add a few drops of food coloring for pastel-colored play dough or a spri n ling of powdered tempera for brightly-colored play dough. Coo on high, stirr ing constantly, until the mixture reaches play dough consistency. Let cool. Ke eps for several wee s if stored in a plastic bag or covered container. ------------------------

395449 -- CLOUD DOUGH

6 c. flour Powdered tempera 1 1/2 c. vegetable oil 1 c. water Mix the flour with the desired color and amount of powdered tempera. Add the v egetable oil and water and nead well. If necessary, add more water in small am ounts until the dough is soft and elastic. Store dough in a refrigerator in a c overed container. -----------------------395450 -- BOOKBINDER'S PASTE

1 tsp. flour 2 tsp. cornstarch 1/4 tsp. alum (powdered) 1/3 c. water Mix dry ingredients. Add water slowly, stirring out lumps. Coo in a double b oiler over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat when paste begins to thic en; it will harden more as it cools. Keep covered. Thin with water when n ecessary. -----------------------395451 -- SUGAR FLOUR PASTE

1 1 1 3

1 c. flour c. sugar qt. water (2 c. hot, 2 c. cold) tbsp. powdered alum drops of oil of cloves

Mix flour and sugar together. Slowly stir in 1 cup of water. Bring remainder to boil and add the mixture to it, stirring constantly. Continue to coo and st ir (1/2 hour in a double boiler) until fairly clear. Remove from heat and add o il of cloves. Ma es 1 quart of paste. Paste eeps a long time. Keep moist by adding small piece of wet sponge to the top of a small jar of paste. -----------------------395452 -- SOAP PAINT

1 1/2 c. soap fla es 1 c. hot or warm water Whip with an eggbeater until stiff.

-----------------------395453 -- FINGER PAINT

2/3 c. elastic dry starch 1 c. cold water 3 c. boiling water 1 c. Ivory soap fla es Oil of cloves, a few drops (preservative) Calcimine pigment or vegetable coloring Dissolve elastic starch in cold water. Smooth lumps and add boiling water Sti r constantly. Thic en but do not boil more than one minute. Add rest of ingredi ents (hot or cold). Use on glazed paper, newsprint, or wrapping paper. -----------------------395454 -- SALT PAINT

1/3 c. salt 1/4 tsp. food coloring Spread in pan to dry before putting into sha ers. -----------------------395455 -- CORNSTARCH PAINT

1 c. water 2 tbsp. cornstarch Food coloring Mix the water, cornstarch and several drops of food coloring together in a sauc epan. Heat and stir the mixture until it thic ens, about five minutes. Let it cool. Store in a covered container. Use the paint for fingerpainting or as an almost dripless easel paint. If the mixture becomes too thic , add water until it reaches desired consistency. -----------------------395456 -- SAND PAINT

1/2 c. sand, washed, dried and sifted 1 tbsp. powder paint Sha e onto surface brushed with watered glue. Empty plastic vitamin or soap bu bble bottles ma e excellent containers. ------------------------

395457 -- P.'S CLAY

1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. cornstarch 1 c. salt, dissolved in 3 3/4 c. boiling water Blend flour and cornstarch with enough water to ma e paste. Boil water and sal t. Add to cornstarch mix and coo until clear. Cool overnight, then add 6 to 8 cups of flour and nead until you have the right consistency. Keep a metal sal t sha er full of flour handy for the children to eep their clay from stic ing. -----------------------395458 -- CRUNCHY DOUGH

1 shredded wheat biscuit 2 tbsp. glue Food coloring (optional) Crumble the biscuit into a bowl. Add the glue and food coloring. Mix the ingr edients together until the cereal is completely coated. Ma es enough dough for one child. Objects made with the crunchy dough will air dry in about 12 hours. -----------------------395459 -- WATER WINDOW

Empty 1/2 gal. juice or mil carton Scissors Plastic wrap Pac ing tape 1. Cut open top and bottom of carton. Rinse thoroughly. 2. Stretch and tightl y secure plastic wrap over one end of carton with pac ing tape. The water windo w is now ready for use. 3. Plastic plastic side of viewer on the water and loo through the open end. The plastic wrap will slightly magnify anything that is under water. -----------------------395460 -- MARSHMALLOW SNOWMAN

1. Cut strip of fruit leather for scarf. Gently push a pretzel stic through 2 marshmallows. Wrap scarf around end of pretzel. Add another marshmallow for head. 2. Use another pretzel to attach gumdrop hat. Ma e face with cloves and rolled fruit leather. Ma e arms with pretzels and mini-marshmallows. ------------------------


To obtain different colors for your Easter eggs, use the following materials: For pin ish red - use fresh beets For orange - use yellow onion s ins For yellow - use ground turmeric For pale green - use spinach leaves For blue - use canned blueberries For beige to brown - use strong brewed coffee For brown-orange - use chili powder Place eggs in a saucepan, then cover with water. Add a tablespoon of white vin egar for each cup of water used and one of the items from the chart below. Simm er eggs for 20 minutes. -----------------------395462 -- BAKED FRENCH TOAST WITH NUT TOPPING

1 loaf whole grain-nut bread 8 lg. eggs 2 c. mil 2 tsp. vanilla 2 c. applesauce 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1/4 tsp. mace 1/2-1 tsp. cinnamon Heavily butter a 9 x 13 inch pan. Cube bread and place in pan. Mix other ingr edients and pour over. Refrigerate overnight. 1 c. butter 2 c. brown sugar 2 tbsp. corn syrup 1-2 c. nuts Mix and pour over French toast before or halfway through ba ing time of one hou r at 350 degrees. Taylorville, IL -----------------------395463 -- BANANA BREAD

3 bananas, mashed 1/2 c. butter 2 eggs 3/4 c. sugar 2 c. flour 1 tsp. ba ing soda 1 tsp. salt 1/2 c. chopped nuts (optional) Combine bananas, butter, sugar and eggs. Thoroughly blend in flour, soda and s alt. Stir in nuts. Grease and flour loaf pans. Ba e for 45 minutes at 350 deg rees. Rochester, IL

-----------------------395464 -- CHERRY COFFEE CAKE

1 c. butter 1 1/2 c. sugar 4 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla or almond 3 c. flour 1 1/2 tsp. ba ing powder 1 (21 oz.) can cherry pie filling (apple, blac berry and raspberry are good) Cream butter and sugar together; add one egg at a time, beating well after each . Blend in flavoring. Sift together flour and ba ing powder and blend well wit h egg mixture. Spread 2/3 of dough in greased jelly roll pan. Cover with the p ie filling. Spoon the rest of the batter on top and ba e at 325 degrees for 3040 minutes. Cover with glaze soon after removing from oven. Mechanicsburg, IL -----------------------395465 -- CHRISTMAS BREAD

1 c. sugar 5 eggs, separated 1 lb. dates, seeded 1/2 lb. Brazil nuts 5 oz. candied cherries 1 1/2 tsp. ba ing powder 1 1/2 c. flour 1 c. brandy or white wine 1 lb. English walnuts 1 lb. pecans 1 tsp. vanilla Separate eggs. Beat whites and set aside. In separate bowl, place fruits and nuts and cover with brandy (let set 1/2 hour or longer). Mix sugar and egg yol s in another bowl, adding flour and ba ing powder. Drain brandy from fruit-nut mixture and add to flour mixture along with vanilla. Add fruits and nuts (whole ) and fold in beaten egg whites. May use miniature loaf pans or 1 pound vegetab le cans for ba ing. Grease and flour pans and fill 3/4 full. Ba e at 350 degre es about 1 hour. Taylorville, IL -----------------------395466 -- CRANBERRY BREAD

1 c. sugar 2 c. flour 1 tsp. ba ing powder 1/2 tsp. ba ing soda 1/2 tsp. salt

1 egg 2 tbsp. oil 2 tbsp. hot water 1/2 c. orange juice 1/2 c. chopped pecans 1 c. cranberries, cut or grated Grease and flour loaf pans. Ba e for 60 minutes at 325 degrees. Rochester, IL -----------------------395467 -- IRISH SODA BREAD

1. Mix together 1 box (2 cups) dar raisins and 1/2 cup whis ey. Bring to bo il in pan. Remove from heat and set aside. 2. Cream together 1 cup butter and 1 1/2 cups sugar and add 4 eggs and beat well. 3. Combine together 5 1/2 cups f lour, 2 1/2 teaspoons ba ing powder and 1 1/2 teaspoons salt. 4. Combine togeth er 1 1/2 cups buttermil or sour mil and 1/4 teaspoon ba ing soda. Add steps 2 , 3, and 4 together mixing and beating well. Alternating dry and wet ingredient s, then add raisin mixture, beating well. Ba e in 2 ungreased and unfloured loa f pans at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours. Try to remove immediately from pans. Kn oc on top of loaf - if hollow sounding it is done. This is even better tasting on the second day. New Canaan, CT -----------------------395468 -- LEMON BREAD

1/2 c. butter 1 c. sugar 2 eggs 2 1/4 c. flour 2 tsp. ba ing powder 1 c. mil 1 lemon rind, grated 1/2 c. chopped pecans (optional) Combine butter, sugar and eggs in large mixing bowl. Thoroughly blend in flour and ba ing powder and mil . Stir in lemon rind and nuts. Grease and flour loa f pan. Ba e for 40 minutes at 325 degrees. Mix juice of lemon and 1/3 cup sugar and pour over bread while warm. Rochester, IL -----------------------395469 -- PUMPKIN BREAD

4 c. sugar 1 (29 oz.) can pump in 3 eggs 1 c. oil 5 c. flour 1 tbsp. ba ing soda

2 1 1 2 2

tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground cloves tsp. salt c. coarsely chopped dates c. coarsely chopped walnuts

Combine sugar, pump in, and eggs in large bowl and beat by hand or with mixer u ntil well blended. Add oil and beat to combine. Thoroughly blend in flour, soda , cinnamon, cloves and salt. Stir in dates and nuts. Fill prepared pans 3/4 fu ll for rising during ba ing. Ba e for one hour or until toothpic inserted near center of loaf comes out clean and bread has pulled away slightly from sides of pan. Serve with whipped cream cheese. Grease and flour four 8 x 4 inch loaf p ans. Ba e for 60 minutes at 350 degrees. Bread may be frozen indefinitely. Roc hester, IL -----------------------395470 -- ITALIAN SAUSAGE BREAD

1 loaf frozen bread dough 1 lb. Italian sausage 1 egg 1/4 c. Parmesan cheese 1/4 c. green pepper, chopped 1/4 c. Cheddar cheese, shredded 1/4 c. onion, chopped Butter, as needed Butter frozen loaf of bread. Thaw loaf of bread dough, but don't let it rise ( 1 1/2-2 hours) and set aside. Crumble and brown sausages in s illet, drain well . Add remaining ingredients to browned sausage and mix well. Roll out bread do ugh the length of a coo ie sheet and about 6 inches wide. Spread sausage mixtur e out evenly the length of the dough. Roll up dough and sausage in pinwheel fas hion, tuc ing under ends. Place on greased coo ie sheet. Generously butter the top and sides of loaf. Ba e at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brow n. Slice thinly when cooled. Taylorville, IL -----------------------395471 -- HOT 'N' SPICY BERRY CIDER

Try this flavor variation: Use equal parts orange juice and apple cider. If yo u li e, stud the apple slices with whole cloves. 8 c. apple cider or apple juice 1 (10 or 12 oz.) p g. frozen unsweetened red raspberries or strawberries 4 inches stic cinnamon 1 1/2 tsp. whole cloves 1 med. apple, cut into 8 wedges (opt.) In a large saucepan, combine apple cider or juice, berries, stic cinnamon, and cloves. Bring to boiling, reduce heat. Cover and simmer cider mixture for 10 minutes. Cool slightly. Strain the cider mixture through the large strainer li ned with cheesecloth. To serve: pour the cider into 8 Multi-Mugs cups; garnis h each with an apple wedge, if desired. Ma es 8 (8 ounce) servings.

-----------------------395472 -- HOT COCOA MIX

1 lb. (9.6 oz.) Carnation dry mil 1/2 of an 11 oz. size of coffee-mate 2 c. Hershey's cocoa 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 c. sugar Mix in large bowl with hands. Use approximately 1 1/2 tsp. per cup, add to boi ling water. -----------------------395473 -- AUTUMN FROST PUNCH

1 c. water 1 pt. orange sherbet 2 cartons (8 oz. each) pineapple yogurt 1/3 c. frozen concentrated orange juice, softened Soften sherbet and place in blender. Add yogurt, orange concentrate and water. Blend until smooth. Pour into serving cups. Yield: about 5 1-3 cups. (If y ou do not have blender, ma e in a large bowl using hand mixer.) If you wish, re serve part of sherbet to float on top of punch. -----------------------395474 -- HOT MULLED CRANBERRY ORANGE CUP

2 c. cranberry juice coc tail 1/3 c. sugar 8 whole cloves 1 (2 inch) cinnamon stic s Peel from orange, cut into strips 3 c. orange juice Cinnamon stic s (opt.) In 2-quart saucepan stir together cranberry juice, sugar, cloves, 1 cinnamon st ic and orange peel. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes; strain. Stir in orange juice. Heat through but do not boil. Serve hot. Garnish with cinnamon stic s if desired. Ma es 5 cups. -----------------------395475 -- ROASTED & SALTED NUTS

Spread shelled nuts, blanched or unblanched, in a shallow pan. Add from 1 tea spoon to 1 tablespoon of oil, butter or margarine per cup of nuts. Heat in a sl ow oven, 300 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Stir frequently. Spread on absorben

t paper to cool. For salted nuts, sprin le with salt while hot. OR, proceed as above, but heat in a heavy s illet over low heat, stirring until hot. Avoid ov erheating pecans, in particular, since the ernels dar en after being removed fr om the fat. --FLAVORED NUTS:-Follow recipe for roasted and salted nuts, but in place e of other seasoning. Mix well and return to oven for 2 en. Cool. GARLIC FLAVORED NUTS: For each cup of nuts, ch of garlic salt and garlic powder. Other seasonings hili powder also may be combined with seasoned salts and -----------------------395476 -- MOCK CHAMPAGNE

1 c. sugar 1 c. water 1 c. unsweetened grapefruit juice 1/2 c. orange juice 1/3 c. grenadine syrup Then chill. This is your punch base. Just before serving, add 2 (7 ounce) bot tles of cold ginger ale. Serve in champagne glasses and when you taste it you'l l wonder if someone spi ed it. -----------------------395477 -- PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH

2 slices bread Jelly, any flavor to taste Peanut butter to taste Lay bread on counter. Smear peanut butter on 1 slice of bread to desired thic ness. Lic nife. Put same nife in jelly jar. Get enough jelly on nife to s pread other piece of bread. Slap 2 pieces of bread together (with goo on INSID E of bread). Cut in 1/2 of 1/4 slices. Ta e a big bite --- ummmmm! This is es pecially nice when you use crunchy butter and to add a little zip -- a few raisi ns may be added. Serve with large glass or mil . -----------------------395478 -- WITCHES BREW PUNCH

20 c. water 1 lg. can frozen limeade 1 lg. can frozen lemonade 1 p g. lemon-lime ool-aid 1 c.sugar (or 1 p g. presweetened lemon-lime ool-aid) 1/2 lg. can pineapple juice 1 lg. bottle ginger ale Ice, crushed

of salt, add your choic to 3 minutes. Stir oft combine 1/2 teaspoon ea such as curry powder, c used to flavor nuts.

Put all ingredients in large punch bowl. Drop dry ice into bowl for steaming a ffect. Can add cubes of lime sherbet. -----------------------395479 -- WILLIAMSBURG FRUIT PUNCH

1 qt. strong tea 1 c. lemon juice 2 c. orange juice 1 c. sugar 3/4 qt. cranberry or grape juice 1 qt. water 1 pt. ginger ale Ma e tea from 4 tea bags or 6 teaspoons instant tea. Mix tea, fruit juices, su gar and chill. Just before serving, add ginger ale. Pour ice cubes in punch bo wl. Serves 25 people. -----------------------395480 -- THE CAT'S WHISKERS PUNCH

1 qt. pineapple sherbet 2 (2 liter) bottles ginger ale Half-fill punch bowl with ginger ale; add scoops of sherbet to fill the bowl. Ma e just before guests arrive. -----------------------395481 -- SPICED TEA

1 c. instant tea 1 c. Tang 1 c. sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 lg. p g. presweetened lemonade mix 1/4 tsp. cloves, powdered Mix well and store in tightly covered container. Add 2 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon s to 1 cup boiling water. -----------------------395482 -- WASSAIL

6 c. apple juice or cider 1 lg. can of pineapple juice 1/4 c. honey 2 tbsp. lemon juice

1 cinnamon stic 1/4 tsp. lemon rind Mix all ingredients and coo on low heat until warm. -----------------------395483 -- THE MAKING OF GOD'S CHILDREN

24 c. of God's love 12 c. of God's miracles 7 tbsp. of honest teaching 2 tsp. constructive Bible studying time 5 c. of positive Christian behavior Mix well and pour into any child at least once a day. Repeat for years (0-99) or until done. -----------------------395484 -- ROSE MILK SILK BATH

2 c. powdered mil 1/2 c. colloidal oatmeal 10 drops of oil or rose geranium 2 drops of peppermint oil 1/2 c. rose water 1 perfect rose in full bloom Draw bath and slowly add powdered mil and colloidal oatmeal, swirl bath water as they dissolve. Under the running water add oils, swirling to combine. When bath is full, add rose water, drop petals from rose into water. Use rose scente d soap. -----------------------395485 -- MARJORAM SAUSAGE PLUNGE BATH

1 oz. dried marjoram leaves 10 drops of oil of Eucalyptus Cotton bath bag (sew a pretty wash cloth in half across bottom & side, tie top with ribbon) 10 drops of oil of beramot 10 drops of oil of lavender 3 drops of oil of cinnamon Eucalyptus scented soap Place dried marjoram and eucalyptus oil in bowl and mix thoroughly. Crush and fill bath bag 2/3 way full. Run extra hot bath and toss in bath bag. When bath is full and cooled enough to soa in, add other oils, swirl. ------------------------


10 drops of oil of jasmine 10 drops of oil of wisteria 1/2 c. of rose water Carnation soap Florida water Run water, adding oils and rose water. After bath splash body with Florida wat er. -----------------------395487 -- VICTORIAN POSEY BATH

6 drops of oil of rosemary 6 drops of oil of verbena 12 drops of oil of violet 6 drops of oil of rose geranium Lavender scented soap Rose scented talcum powder with an oversized puff --Bath oil suppliers: -Belle Star 1-800-442-7827 Aubrey Organic Bath Oils 1-800-237-4270 Green Mou ntain Herbs Ltd. 1-800-525-2696 Self Care Catalog 1-800-345-3371 -----------------------395488 -- A HAPPY HOME

2 3 1 5 2 4 1

4 c. of love c. of loyalty c. of forgiveness c. of friendship spoons of hope spoons of tenderness qts. of faith barrel of laughter

Ta e love and loyalty, mix it thoroughly with faith. Blend it with tenderness, indness and understanding and friendship and hope; sprin le abundantly with la ughter. Ba e it with sunshine. Serve daily with generous helpings. -----------------------395489 -- HOMEMADE PLAY DOUGH

1 c. flour 1/2 c. salt

2 tsp. cream of tartar 1 c. water 2 tbsp. oil 10 drops food coloring Stir over low heat until firm and lumpy. Remove from pan and let cool slightly . Knead until smooth. Keep in Tupperware or plastic wrap. -----------------------395490 -- HOMEMADE "SILLY PUTTY"

2 parts Elmer's white glue 1 part Sta-flo liquid starch Mix ingredients well. It needs to dry a bit before it is wor able. It may not wor well on a humid day. Store in an airtight container. NOTE: If using Elm er's school glue instead of regular white it doesn't bounce or pic up pictures. Use on a smooth surface. -----------------------395491 -- CREATIVE CLAY

1 c. cornstarch 1 1/4 c. cold water 2 c. ba ing soda (1 lb.) Stir starch and soda together. Mix in cold water and stir over heat until mixt ure has a consistency of mashed potatoes. Turn onto a plate and cover with a da mp cloth until cool enough to handle. Then nead. Use immediately or store in an airtight container. This dough has a smooth consistency good for ornaments, modeling or pottery. Dries at room temperature in 3 days or oven at 200 degrees . -----------------------395492 -- PANTRY PLANT FOOD

1 tbsp. ba ing powder 1 tbsp. epsom salts 1/2 tbsp. household ammonia Combine all ingredients and store in a sealed container. Do not use more often than every 4 to 6 wee s. For watering plants or the leafy ones will crowd you out and the flowering ones may bloom themselves to death. -----------------------395493 -- GLASS CLEANER

1/4 c. Dawn 1 c. alcohol 1 c. ammonia Add all ingredients to a gallon container and add water to ma e a gallon of gla ss cleaner. Wor s great! -----------------------395494 -- BOLONEY SANDWICH

2 pieces of bread Mayonnaise Boloney First, I go to the frigerator get boloney out get me some bread and mayonnaise, get me a nife and cut the boloney, put the mayonnaise on it, put it together a nd eat it up! 3 years old -----------------------395495 -- RECIPE FOR RAISIN BREAD

1 piece of bread with raisins on it Coo for 3 hours at 300 degrees. Taste. -----------------------395496 -- HOW TO BAKE A CAKE

Preheat oven; get out bowl, spoons and ingredients. Grease pan, crac nuts. Remove 18 toy bloc s and 1 toy fire truc from itchen table. Measure 2 cups fl our; remove Billy's hand from flour; wash flour off him. Measure 1 more cup of flour to replace flour on floor. Put flour, ba ing powder and salt in sifter. Get dust pan and brush up pieces of bowl which Billy noc ed on the floor. Get another bowl. Answer the doorbell. Return to itchen. Remove Billy's hands fr om bowl. Wash Billy. Get out egg. Answer telephone. Return. Ta e out grease d pan. Remove 1 inch of salt from pan. Loo for Billy. Get another pan and gr ease it. Answer telephone. Return to itchen and find Billy; remove his hands from bowl; was shortening, etc., etc. off him. Ta e up greased pan and find 1 i nch layer of nutshells in it. Head for Billy, who flees, noc ing bowl off tabl e. Wash itchen floor. Wash off table. Wash down walls. Wash dishes. Turn o ff oven. Call the ba er. Lie down!!! -----------------------395497 -- QUICK PIZZA

Call our local pizza parlor and order the pizza of your choice (the toppings y ou would li e to have on your pizza). In the city, you can have your pizza deli vered, in the country you will have to go and pic it up. When you get home, yo

u set paper plates on the table, and serve the pizza right out of the box. Do no t ma e the mista e of getting frozen pizza, they taste li e you are eating cardb oard! -----------------------395498 -- CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES

1 roll of frozen chocolate chip coo ies Cut up dough according to pac age directions and put on coo ie sheet. Ba e as directed. Other flavors of coo ies are available at your nearest grocery store. -----------------------395499 -- HUSBAND PLEASIN' STEW

Lg. can beef stew Open the can of beef stew. Pour the stew in a medium size pan and set on the s tove, turn on the burner and heat stew until it is hot. (This next part is very important.) Ma e a little mess in the itchen so it loo s li e you have wor ed real hard ma ing the stew. Ta e your recipe for Whop Biscuit and ma e them. He will thin you went to extra trouble to ma e him a real good meal. Set the tab le with bowls and spoons. Put the biscuits on a plate and butter them. Light s ome candles and put them on the table, turn on some music and then you are ready to call your husband to eat. He will thin you went to a lot of trouble to ser ve him "Husband Pleasin' Stew". -----------------------395500 -- STEFIE SPECIAL

1 can beef-a-roni This is Stefie's favorite. Open the can with the can opener. Empty the beef-a -roni in a pan, put it on the stove, turn on the burner. Let this coo , stirrin g constantly, for about 3-5 minutes. When it is nice and hot, it is ready. You then put it in a bowl, set the table, and let it cool a few minutes, it is now ready to eat. You can serve this with crac ers of your choice. This recipe is good for coo ing for one person. If you are coo ing for two people, you might n eed two cans of Beef-a-roni. -----------------------395501 -- WHOP BISCUITS

1 can biscuits This recipe is not very difficult. You get these in the refrigerator section of your grocery. When you get these home, preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Ve

ry gently pull the outer paper off the roll of biscuits. It will tear in a diag onal strips. You then WHOP the roll of biscuits on the edge of the counter or s tove - the roll will pop open. Place the biscuits on a coo ie sheet. Place thi s in the hot oven and ba e 8-10 minutes. Ta e your pot-holders and ta e the coo ie sheet out of the oven. Set it on a hot pad. Wait for the biscuits to cool so you can pic them up and not burn yourself. Add butter. Very good.

-----------------------395502 -- COOKING WITH KIDS

What better way to spend time with your children than coo ing. You can get yo ur children involved with meal preparation from two years on up. They may want to try more foods if you get them interested early. Have two year olds start of f by letting them play with your pots, pans, mixing and measuring spoons. They will pretend they are coo ing and you can play along too. Around the ages of th ree to four is a good time to let children help set the table. They can have fu n stirring or mixing cold foods. Let them use their hands to mix doughs, toss s alads, ma e coo ies, etc. Be sure to have them wash up first. Young children s hould never use the stove or sharp nives. Ma e sure you eep handles of hot po ts and pans pushed bac away from little hands. Remember: (1) Be patient; (2) P lan ahead-get ingredients out before starting to coo ; (3) Don't expect the fini shed product to loo exactly li e you would if you were coo ing; (4) It may be m essy; (5) Cleaning up can be as fun as the preparation. -----------------------395503 -- CANDY CLAY (EDIBLE CLAY)

1 (18 oz.) jar of peanut butter 6 tbsp.of honey 1/2 c. of dried mil Mix the peanut butter and honey. Add the dried mil until you get a consistenc y similar to clay. *If you want chocolate clay, add some cocoa. Children can ma e animals if you're studying about the creation or Noah's ar . After childre n have made their animals, let them eat their creations. -----------------------395504 -- PLAY DOUGH (NOT EDIBLE)

1 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 2 tsp. cream of tartar 1 c. water 1 tbsp. oil Food coloring Coo mixture over medium heat and stir constantly for about 3 minutes or until it forms a ball. Turn onto waxed paper and nead until smooth. Store in airtig ht container or ziploc bag. NOTE: Play dough wor s well for ma ing many inds of science displays.

-----------------------395505 -- JELLO JIGGLERS GELATIN SNACK

2 1/2 c. boiling water 4 p g. (4 serving size) or 2 p g. (8 serving size) Jello gelatin, any flavor Kitchen Tools: measuring cup, mixing bowl, mixing spoon, 13 x 9 inch pan, metal spatula, fun shaped coo ie cutters Stir boiling water into gelatin. Dissolve completely. Pour the mixture slowly into 13 x 9 inch pan. Refrigerate at least 3 hours. Jigglers will be firm aft er 1 hour but may be difficult to remove from pan. Dip bottom of pan in warm wa ter for 15 seconds to loosen gelatin. Choose a fun shaped coo ie cutter. Press the cutter into the Jello and then lift the cutter straight up. Use your finge rs to remove jigglers from the pan. Let Mom help with a metal spatula. -----------------------395506 -- ASHLEYS FAVORITE POPCICLES

--LEMON-CICLES-1 p g. lemon instant pudding 2 1/2 c. water Mix as directed on pac age and freeze. --FUDGE CICLES (A)-1 p g. instant chocolate pudding 2 1/2 c. mil Mix as directed on pac age and freeze. --FUDGE CICLES (B)-1 p g. instant chocolate pudding 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 c. cream 2 c. mil Mix as directed on pac age. Freeze. All pops can be frozen in popcicle holder s or cups. NOTE: Jello or any juice will ma e great popcicles too! Ma es 12. -----------------------395507 -- JELLO GELATIN DIXIE LOLLIPOPS

1 1/4 c. boiling water 2 p g. (4 serving size) or 1 p g. (8 serving size) Jello gelatin any flavor --TOOLS:--

Measuring cup 4 (5 oz.) dixie Kitchen cups 6 plastic straws, cut in half Mixing bowl Mixing spoon Stir boiling water into gelatin. Dissolve completely let stand to cool for 15 minutes. Pour into paper cups. Refrigerate at least 3 hours. Carefully peel o ff the paper cups. Have Mom use a nife to cut each gelatin cup horizontally in to 3 round slices. Push a straw into each gelatin circle to create a jiggly lol lipop. Servings: Ma es 12 pops. -----------------------395508 -- COOKIE DUNK PUDDING

2 c. cold mil 1 p g. (4 serving size) Jello instant pudding any flavor 20 to 30 miniature coo ies --TOOLS:-Measuring cup 4 dessert dishes A lea proof 1 1/2 quart container Pour mil into a lea proof container. Add the pudding mix. Cover tightly sha e the container holding the top, up and down very fast for at least 45 seconds. Spoon half of the pudding into 4 dessert dishes. Stand 4 to 6 coo ies along t he sides of the dish. Top with remaining pudding. Serve immediately or refrige rate until ready to serve. Decorate the toop with more coo ies. Servings: ma e s 4 individual cups. -----------------------395509 -- INSTANT BANANA PUDDING

1/2 sm. banana 3 tbsp. applesauce 1 tsp. plain yogurt Mash banana. Add applesauce. Stir in yogurt. Eat! instant goodness. Serves 1. NOTE: Use a very ripe banana. -----------------------395510 -- INITIAL CRACKERS

1/2 c. flour 1/8 tsp. garlic salt 2 tbsp. sesame seeds 3 tbsp. cold butter

2 tbsp. ice water Mix flour, garlic salt and sesame seeds. Cut in butter until crumbly. Sprin l e ice water.r Mix to form a ball. Roll s inny sna es. Form your initials. Fl atten a bit on ungreased coo ie sheet. Ba e 15 minutes at 350 degrees. NOTE: It's cheaper to buy sesame seeds in bul at a health food store. -----------------------395511 -- NUTTY NUMBERS

1/2 c. soft butter 1 c. flour 1/4 c. honey 1 c. wheat germ Mix ingredients shape into numbers. Cover with chopped nuts. Gently press. B a e at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Eat! Nice'n Nutty. NOTE: To form numbers, roll "sna es" use a large number written on paper an covered with wax paper as a guide. -----------------------395512 -- MONSTER TOAST

Pour small amount of mil in small cups add a different color of food coloring in each one. Paint a monster on bread. Toast. Butter lightly,not to cover mo nster. Munch your monster. -----------------------395513 -- SOFT PRETZELS

1 p g. yeast 4 c. flour 1 1/2 c. warm water 1 tbsp. sugar 1 tsp. salt 1 egg, beaten Coarse salt Mix yeast, water, sugar and salt in a bowl. Stir in flour. Dump dough onto ta ble and nead until smooth. Cut off lumps and ma e into ropes to shape. Place on coo ie sheet. Brush with egg and sprin le with coarse salt. Ba e at 425 deg rees for 12 to 15 minutes. -----------------------395514 -- YUMMERS

6 tsp. cheese, grated 2 tbsp. butter

10 tsp. flour 10 tsp. rice Krispies Form into little balls. Ba e at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. Yummy! NOTE: Th is recipe is named after the storyboo Yummers by James Marshall. Try a differe nt crunchy cereal in place of rice rispies. Choose one with very little sugar in it. -----------------------395515 -- HEART TO HEART PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY COOKIES

1/2 c. margarine 1/4 c. shortening 3/4 c. peanut butter 1 egg 1 c. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 3 c. flour 2 tbsp. mil 1 sm. jar raspberry jam Beat margarine, shortening and peanut butter together. Add egg and beat well. Add sugar, vanilla and flour with mil . Chill 2 hours or more. Roll dough on lightly floured board to 1/4 inch thic ness. Cut out heart shapes with coo ie c utters. Place on a lightly greased coo ie sheet. Ba e at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes (until slightly browned). Remove to cooling rac . Spread Jam on eac h coo ie (1 teaspoon) and cover with another coo ie for the peanut butter and je lly sandwich effect. NOTE: You might li e to try different jams. -----------------------395516 -- PEANUT BUTTER BALLS

Mix ingredients form into balls. Roll in sesame seeds. Eat. NOTE: sesame se eds are cheaper in bul at a health food store you can get unsweetened coconut t here too. -----------------------395517 -- ANTS ON A LOG

Celery stal s Peanut butter Raisins Fill celery stal s with peanut butter and put raisins in a line on top of peanu

1/2 c. peanut butter 2 1/2 tbsp. nonfat dry mil 2 tbsp. raisins 2 tbsp. honey 1/4 c. coconut Sesame seeds

-----------------------395518 -- EGG BOATS

Peel hard boiled eggs. Cut in half. Remove yol . Mix with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Cut 2 paper triangles. Tape them to toothpic s. Put yol mixture and sails into egg halves. Sail it into your mouth. Ma es 2 boats. -----------------------395519 -- TUNA TREATS

1 egg 1/2 can tuna 1/2 slice bread, crumbled 4 tbsp. peas (fresh or frozen) 1/4 c. grated cheese Butter Mix egg, tuna, bread, peas. Press into 6 buttered muffin tins. Sprin le grate d cheese on top. Dot with butter. Ba e at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Eat! T ops! Double the recipe for 6 lunch size tuna treats. -----------------------395520 -- VEGGIE BITES

1/3 c. margarine, melted 1 egg 2 tsp. water 1/2 c. flour 2 c. fresh vegetables (broccoli flowerets or cauliflowerts, 1/4 inch carrot slices, 1/2 inch zucchini slices, 1/2 inch strips green or red pepper) Heat oven to 450 degrees. Brush bottom of 13 x 9 x 2 inch pan with 1 tablespoo n of melted margarine. Beat egg and water with a for in a shallow dish. Put f lour in another shallow dish. Dip 1/4 of the vegetables into the egg mixture. Remove 1 piece at a time with a slotted spoon or for . roll in flour to coat. Place in pan. Repeat with remaining vegetables. Pour remaining margarine caref ully over each vegetable piece. Ba e uncovered turning once, until crisp tender and golden brown 10 to 12 minutes. Sprin le with some Parmesan cheese if desir ed. Ma es 2 cups. -----------------------395521 -- QUICK KABOBS

t butter. They loo

li e ants or a log. Kids love them.

Bananas, cut Apple, cut Melon, cut Cheese, cut Put on s ewer. Dip in orange juice. Then roll in coconut. Eat. Ma e "favori te abobs" with your favorite fruit and cheese. Serves 8 to 10. -----------------------395522 -- SUNSHINE SALAD

1/2 carton plain yogurt 1 tsp. honey Pineapples slices Mix and put: 1 slice pineapple in each dish 1 tbsp. yogurt mixture in the middle Eat the sunshine. You can use any flavor yogurt you li e in center of pineappl e. Serves 8. -----------------------395523 -- RAISIN ENERGY SNACK

2 tsp. raisins Put in a bowl. Add: 1 tsp. peanuts 1 tsp. sunflower seeds 1 tsp. coconut 1 tsp. carob chips Mix. Eat now or on a bi e. Serve 1. -----------------------395524 -- YOGURT AND GRANOLA

1 c. plain, lemon or vanilla yogurt 1/4 c. granola (any flavor) 1/4 c. strawberries Mix all ingredients in cereal bowl and enjoy! -----------------------395525 -- PLAY - DOH

3 c. water 1 tbsp. coo ing oil 4 c. flour

1 c. salt 1 tbsp. alum Bring water to a boil. Add coo ing oil. Turn off heat, then stir in flour, sa lt and alum. Knead to desired consistency. -----------------------395526 -- KOOL KLAY

2 1/2 c. flour 1 tbsp. alum 3 tbsp. coo ing oil 1/2 c. salt 2 p gs. unsweetened Kool Aid 2 c. boiling water Mix all dry ingredients together. Add oil and water. Stir quic ly, mixing wel l. When clay cools, nead it until it is soft and pliable. Kids li e the feel, smell and color of Kool Klay, but it is NOT edible! -----------------------395527 -- FACE PAINT

--UTENSILS:-Small plastic bowl Teaspoon --INGREDIENTS:-1 tsp. cornstarch 1/2 tsp. water 1/2 tsp. cold cream 2 drops food coloring of your choice In a small mixing bowl stir in all the above ingredients. Ma e sure they are a ll mixed well. Now you are ready for lots of fun, see how creative you can be. -----------------------395528 -- SILLY PUTTY

2 c. glue (Elmers) 1 c. Sta Flo starch Mix well, eep in plastic container. When playing with, ids should use plasti c smoc s to eep off of clothes. -----------------------395529 -- CINNAMON ORNAMENTS

1 1 1 2

1 c. cinnamon tbsp. ground cloves tbsp. nutmeg c. applesauce tbsp. white glue

Mix and roll li e coo ie dough. Add extra applesauce if necessary. Cut with c oo ie cutters. Lay on wax paper to air dry for 2 to 3 days. Use straw to po e a hole while wet if want to string. Ma es 25 to 30 ornaments. -----------------------395530 -- HOMEMADE FACE PAINT

1 tsp. cornstarch 1/2 tsp. water 1/2 tsp. cold cream Food coloring (variety of colors) Sm. containers (one for each color paint) Sm. paintbrush Stir together the cornstarch and cold cream until well blended. Add water and stir. Add food coloring, one drop at a time until you get the desired color. E xperiment with different colors. Pain on with a paint brush. Store in covered containers. -----------------------395531 -- MODELING DOUGH

1 c. flour 1 tbsp. oil 1 tsp. cream of tartar 1 c. water 1/2 c. salt Food coloring Mix ingredients in a pan. Coo over medium heat until mixture pulls away from sides of pan and becomes doughy in consistency. Knead until cool. Model differ ent colors of clay into any shape you can image. Not edible. Can be used over a nd over again. Keeps 3 months unrefrigerated. -----------------------395532 -- HALLOWEEN FACE PAINT

Cornstarch Food coloring Shortening (Crisco)

Mix together and paint face. -----------------------395533 -- FINGER PAINT

3 tbsp. sugar 2 c. cold water 1/2 c. cornstarch Food coloring Mix sugar and cornstarch and add water. Coo over low heat, stirring constantl y until well blended. Can be divided and add different colors. Store in a cove red container. -----------------------395534 -- SILLY PUTTY

1/2 c. liquid starch 1/4 c. white glue 1/4 tsp. salt Mix starch and salt. Add glue and beat well. Pour into colander and let sit f or 10 minutes. Knead well. -----------------------395535 -- SILLY PUTTY

Elmers glue, regular Liquid starch Food colorings Pour a medium bottle of Elmers glue into a plastic tub. Add a few drops of the desired food coloring. Slowly add starch, mixing as you pour. As substance be gins to get "stringy" stop adding starch. Mix until all the starch is absorbed. Begin adding starch as before until a putty li e substance is formed. Putty w ill begin to pull away from the sides of the bowl. Wor putty until it is no lo nger stic ing to your hands. If putty begins stic ing to your child's hands, po ur a little starch onto their hands and then let them play with it. This can be stored in a lidded plastic container and used several times. The putty can sti c to clothing, so have your child wear a smoc . If it does become stuc on clo thes, just soa in warm water to remove. -----------------------395536 -- SILLY PUTTY

2 c. Elmers School glue 1 c. liquid starch

Mix together until ball forms. Silly Putty will be wet and slimmy at first as children play with it, the wetness will mix into the glue. *Note: Silly Putty w ill stic to clothing, carpet etc. Encourage children to push sleeves up and pl ay with it at a table. *It does launder out clothes. -----------------------395537 -- FINGER PAINTS

3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. cornstarch 2 c. water (cold) Food coloring Dish detergent Mix sugar and cornstarch together in a saucepan. Add cold water and stir compl etely. Coo over low heat, stirring constantly about 5 minutes. Cool, then div ide into 4 cups or bowls. Add food coloring and a drop of detergent to each bow l. -----------------------395538 -- CINNAMON ORNAMENTS

10 tbsp. applesauce 4 oz. cinnamon Mix together. Split dough in half, roll out. Use cinnamon to eep from stic i ng. Cut out shapes with coo ie cutters. Ba e at 200 degrees for 1 hour. -----------------------395539 -- CINNAMON ORNAMENTS

1 lg. bottle ground cinnamon 3/4 c. applesauce No ba ing and simple for ids. Combine ground cinnamon with applesauce to form a stiff dough. Roll out dough to 1/4 inch thic ness. Cut with coo ie cutters. Ma e hole for ribbon. Let air dry several days. Ma es 12 ornaments. -----------------------395540 -- PLAY - DO

1 c. flour 1 c. warm water 1/2 c. salt 2 tsp. cream of tartar 1 tbsp. vegetable oil Any color food coloring (uses 1/2 bottle per batch, little bottles)

In medium bow, mix dry ingredients. In medium saucepan, stir water, oil and fo od coloring together. Slowly add dry mixture, stirring well. Coo over low hea t, stirring constantly until mixture pulls away from pan and balls up (2 to 3 mi nutes). Ta e pan away from heat right away. Cool slightly, nead, and put in z iploc bag. Between uses store in ziploc in refrigerator. Keeps up to 3 to 6 mo nths. Does not stain hands or clothes. -----------------------395541 -- SILLY PUTTY

Mix well: 2 parts white glue (Elmers) 1 part Sta-Flo liquid starch It needs to dry a little before it is "wor able". It may not wor well on a hu mid day. Store in airtight container. Note: If you use Elmers School Glue ins tead of regular white it doesn't bounce or pic up pictures, but it ma es a gooe y delight your ids will love. Use on a smooth surface. -----------------------395542 -- PEANUT BUTTER PUTTY

1 c. peanut butter 1 1/4 c. dry mil 1 c. white Karo 1 1/4 c. powdered sugar Mix until creamy. Kids love to mold and shape; just li e Play Doh, then they c an eat the finished products. -----------------------395543 -- SILLY PUTTY

1 small paper cup Liquid starch 2 oz. white liquid glue Food coloring (opt.) Fill small paper cup 1/2 way full of liquid starch. Add about 2 ounces of whit e liquid glue. Stir with finger for about 30 seconds. Pour off liquid starch. Use finger to eep wor ing the clump of silly putty. Wor until not really wet and messy. Then wor in palms until it gets to a good dough texture. Store in a plastic bag. -----------------------395544 -- RAINBOW FINGER PAINTS

1/2 c. cornstarch

3 c. cold water, divided Food coloring (red, yellow, green or blue) In a large bowl, place cornstarch and blend in 1 cup water. Add remaining wate r. Microwave on high 8-9 minutes or until thic ened, stirring every 2 minutes. Pour 1/2 cup thic ened mixture into each of six small bowls. Add desired food coloring. Cool. -----------------------395545 -- SCENTED PLAY DO

1 c. flour 1/3 c. salt 1/3 - 1/2 c. water Don't let it get stic y. Add a few drops of flavored extract and a few drops o f food coloring. Mix in order. Then have fun! -----------------------395546 -- AIR FRESHENING ORNAMENTS

1 (8 oz.) bottle of cinnamon 1 can of applesauce Coo ie cutters of choice 1 rolling pin 1 sm. straw Coo ie rac Ribbon of your choice Mix the cinnamon and applesauce together in a large mixing bowl to form a dough . Next ta e rolling pin and flatten out the dough to about 1/4 inch thic . The n use the coo ie cutters of your choice to ma e wonderful designs for your famil y and friends. Small straw and ma e a small hole at desired place to put ribbon through. Place your cut out designs on coo ie rac to dry several days. When completely dry thread ribbon through. -----------------------395547 -- BUBBLE - BLOWING FUN

1/4 c. Dawn dish detergent, liquid 2 1/2 c. water 1 tsp. glycerin Combine the 3 items. Use funnels, spools, berry bas ets, bubble pipes and ring s, colanders, etc. to ma e the bubbles. Go outside on a breezy day and have fun ! -----------------------395548 -- BUBBLE RECIPE

2 c. Joy dishwashing detergent 6 c. water 3/4 c. Karo light corn syrup Mix together, sha e well. Pour into flat pan if using large bubble wand. Go o ut in Grandma's yard and blow fun bubbles. -----------------------395549 -- FINGER PAINTS (NON-EDIBLE)

3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. cornstarch 2 c. cold water Few drops food coloring Mix sugar and cornstarch; add water. Coo over low heat, stirring constantly, until well blended. Divide mixture into 4 or 5 portions and add a different col or food coloring to each, plus a pinch of detergent. The latter facilitates cle aning up. -----------------------395550 -- FINGER PAINTS

3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. cornstarch 2 c. cold water Food coloring Mix the first two ingredients and then add the water. Coo over a low heat, st irring constantly until well blended. Divide the mixture into 4 or 5 portions a nd add a different food coloring to each, plus a pinch detergent. VARIATIONS: Just beat warm water into Lux or Ivory Fla es until consistency desired and add paint or food coloring. If you don't wish to go to the trouble to mix finger pa ints, add a drop of food coloring to aerosol shaving soap. -----------------------395551 -- CINNAMON ORNAMENTS

3/4 c. ground cinnamon 1 tbsp. ground allspice 2 tbsp. ground cloves 1 tbsp. ground nutmeg Mix above 4 ingredients. Stir in one cup of applesauce. Roll out 1/4" thic a nd cut with coo ie cutter. Po e hole with big needle. Let dry 4 to 5 days (on wire rac wor s well). 18 to 20 shapes. ------------------------


1 c. all purpose flour 1/4 c. salt 2 tbsp. cream of tartar 1 env. Kool Aid unsweetened soft drin mix, any flavor 1 c. water 1 tbsp. vegetable oil Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar and soft drin mix in medium saucepan. Stir i n water and oil. Stir over medium heat 3 to 5 minutes until mixture forms a bal l in the center of the pan. Remove to floured surface and nead for 1 minute. Store in plastic bag or air tight container in refrigerator. -----------------------395553 -- FINGER PAINTS

3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. cornstarch 2 c. cold water Mix sugar and cornstarch. Add cold water and coo over low heat, stirring cons tantly until well blended. Add colorings. -----------------------395554 -- BUBBLE - BLOWING FUN

1/4 c. Dawn dish detergent, liquid 2 1/2 c. water 1 tsp. glycerin Combine the 3 items. Use funnels, spools, berry bas ets, bubble pipes and ring s, colanders, etc. to ma e the bubbles. Go outside on a breezy day and have fun ! -----------------------395555 -- BUBBLE RECIPE

2 c. Joy dishwashing detergent 6 c. water 3/4 c. Karo light corn syrup Mix together, sha e well. Pour into flat pan if using large bubble wand. Go o ut in Grandma's yard and blow fun bubbles. ------------------------


Mix 3/4 cup applesauce and 1 (4.12 oz.) bottle ground cinnamon to form a stiff dough. Roll out to 1/4 inch thic ness. Cut with coo ie cutters. Ma e hole fo r ribbon. Carefully put on rac to dry by air for several days, turning occasio nally. Ma es 12 sweet smelling ornaments. Decorate with tube paints and glitte r. No ba ing and simple for ids! -----------------------395557 -- FINGER PAINT

3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. cornstarch 2 c. cold water Food coloring Mix the first 2 ingredients, add water. Coo over low heat, stirring constantl y until well blended. Divide mixture into 4 to 5 portions and color each portio n. A little addition of detergent ma es cleanup easier. -----------------------395558 -- SILLY PUTTY

Sta-flo liquid starch Elmer's glue Put equal amounts of each in a bowl. Mix together with hands. Soon the glue w ill thic en. Add more starch, if needed. Glue will ta e the shape of silly put ty. Remove from remaining starch, eep in airtight container when not in use. ------------------------

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