Legal Notice Holiday Deadlines

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natural ecosystem. The second field trip involved restoration-related service activities. Working with the Friends restoration crew and other volunteers, the students returned to the Conservancy and prairies of Holy Wisdom Monastery and removed invasive plants. Service learning projects are designed to engage students in activities that serve their community, enhance their learning of curriculum concepts, and help build real-world skills. Middleton High School recently implemented a requirement that each student complete 10 hours of service learning per year. This pilot program brought together teachers, naturalists, Friends board members and volunteers to determine which classes could benefit most from the addition of an outdoor service learning component. Conservancy naturalists and retired high school teacher Deb Weitzel, chair of the Friends Education Committee, then developed lesson plans for freshman biology courses. Biology teachers at Middleton High School were impressed with how well the hands-on field experiences were designed to enhance their original classroom curriculum. Restoration volunteers were equally enthused about the students willingness to learn, take leadership roles and work together to solve problems. The Friends are excited by the potential for this type of program. It offers an opportunity for students to be outside, getting healthy exercise and connecting and caring

continued from page 4 for natural spaces and each other, said Weitzel. The hands-on nature of field trip activities helps students better understand and remember the concepts they would otherwise only learn about in the classroom. The Friends are currently evaluating this pilot effort and will suggest possible improvements for next year to help further their partnership with Middleton High School. continued from page 3 Kennedy said. Our Back to Basics initiative helped ensure election officials were ready for the large turnout and voters had ready access to information about their registration status and polling place location. Voter turnout is calculated based on the highest number of votes cast for one office as a percentage of the estimated voting-age population, as determined by the state Department of Administrations Demographic Services Center. Other statistics, such as the number of absentee ballots cast and Election Day Registrants will not be available until later in December because municipal clerks are still reporting this information to the G.A.B.

Kennedy praised voters, poll workers and local election officials for a generally smooth election. Preparation was key to preventing problems at polling places,

MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Regular Board of Education Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12, 2012 1. Call Meeting to Order The regular meeting of the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Ellen Lindgren. Present: President Ellen Lindgren, Clerk Annette Ashley, Treasurer Bob Green, and Board Members Anne Bauer, Jim Greer, Leeanne Hallquist (arrived at 7:04 p.m.), and Terry Metzger Not Present: Vice President Diane Hornung and Board Member Bob Hesselbein (via phone) Others Present: Superintendent Don Johnson, Assistant Superintendent George Mavroulis, Assistant Superintendent Tom Wohlleber, Principal Chris Dahlk and Sauk Trail Teachers Traci Danaher, Jacki Green and Rebecca Saeman 2. Recognition Perry Hibner nominated several area businesses for the WASB Business Honor Roll program. The following businesses were recognized: M & I Bank (BMO Harris), and Middleton Community Bank. These businesses were recognized for their partnerships with the district. The MHS girls cross country team was recognized for their fourth place finish at state and coach Joe Spolar was recognized for his 20 years as coach for cross country. Members of the Yes Committee were recognized for their efforts on the referendum. 3. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes MOVED by Green SECONDED by Greer to approve the Regular and Closed Minutes of October 22, 2012, Special Minutes of October 31, 2012, and Special Minutes of November 5, 2012. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. 4. Communications Correspondence/Board Communication Annette Ashley distributed invitations for the Madrigal Dinner at MHS.


Jim Greer shared an email from Joe Donovan and thanked him for his hard work on the referendum. Citizen Comments None 5. Superintendents Report Upcoming Events and Updates The Lt. Governor will be at West Middleton Elementary on Wednesday, November 14 at 10:30 a.m. to introduce the Step Program. The Blue Ribbon Ceremony for Sunset Ridge Elementary will take place on Tuesday, November 13 in Washington D.C. MHS is holding their annual Human Rights Week this week. WKCE testing has concluded in the district as of Friday, November 9. 6. Consent Agenda MOVED by Green, SECONDED by Bauer to approve the following items for consent agenda: 6.A.a. Approval of Bills Payable, 6.B.c. Approval of Staff Appointments, 8.A. Approval of 66.03 Agreement for School to Career Program, 8.D. Initial Approval of Policy IVD through IV-F and 8.E. Final Approval of Policies IV-A through IV-C, and 8.G. Approval of MEA Salaries for 2012-13. Motion carried unanimously 7-0. Administrative/Business Services Approval of Bills Payable - Computer check numbers 225126 through 225417 totaling $684,766.63 were reviewed by the Board Treasurer and approved under consent agenda. (Exhibit A) Approval of Treasurers Report There is no Treasurers Report to approve at this time. B. Employee Services Approval of Resignations There are no resignations to approve at this time. Approval of Leaves of Absence There are no leaves of absence to approve at this time. Approval of Staff Appointments The board approved under consent agenda the following staff appointments: Traci Hipwell, to a 0.30 FTE temporary contract Speech and Language Therapist at West Middleton, Glacier Creek and MHS Angela Norman, to a 0.10 FTE temporary contract Speech and Language Therapist at Northside Approval of Staff Retirements There are no staff retirements to approve at this time. Approval of Lay Offs There are no lay offs to approve at this time. C. District Consent Items 7. Items for Information/Discussion School Improvement Team Reports Sauk Trail Principal Chris Dahlk and several Sauk Trail teachers presented

the School Improvement Team Report for Sauk Trail. The group reviewed the report card data, and shared information on their math, reading and PBIS goals. The board asked several questions and discussed some of the information presented. (Exhibit B) Post Referendum Discussion Don and Tom updated the board on the next steps now that the referendum has passed. We have set up the planning and design team meetings for the next several months, and met with City of Middleton and planning a meeting with the Village of Cross Plains. Perry Hibner expressed that we need to continue to communicate with our municipalities throughout the building process. Review Policies IV-G and IV-H The board reviewed Policies IV-G and IV-H and had no suggestions for changes. These policies will proceed to the November 26 regular board meeting for Initial Approval. Reschedule Board Development Meeting The board discussed rescheduling the November 5 Board Development Meeting. Several options were discussed and the board decided on an extended Board Development Meeting on February 4 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Paperless Board Packets Cheryl Janssen presented information on the review process for choosing the new software package for paperless board meetings. The board decided to start with the new system for the November 26 board meeting. 8. Items for Action Approval of 66.03 Agreement for

School to Career Program The board approved under consent agenda the 66.03 Agreement for School to Career Program. (Exhibit C) Resolution Authorizing Taxable Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Note for Cash Flow Purposes in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,000,000 MOVED by Greer, SECONDED by Green to approve the Resolution Authorizing Taxable Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Note for Cash Flow Purposes in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,000,000. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote, 7-0. (Exhibit D) Board Resolution on Sequestration from WASB Recommendation MOVED by Greer, SECONDED by Green to approve the Resolution on Sequestration with the change to the phrase in both documents to state significant cuts to schools that serve our most at-risk population instead of listing possible areas for cuts. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. MOVED by Hallquist SECONDED by Green to strike more than prior to the approximate amount in the letter. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. MOVED by Greer SECONDED by Hallquist to approve the Resolution as amended. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. (Exhibit E) Initial Approval of Policy IV-D through IV-F The board approved under consent agenda the Initial Approval of Policy IV-D and IV-F. Final Approval of Policies IV-A through IV-C The board approved under consent agenda the Final Ap-

proval of Policies IV-A through IV-C. (Exhibit F) WASB Education Convention Registrations Board members wanting to the attend the WASB Education Convention are Ellen Lindgren, Anne Bauer, Annette Ashley, Bob Green, Bob Hesselbein and Leeanne Hallquist. Approval of MEA Salaries for 201213 The board approved under consent agenda the MEA salary increases for 2012-13. MOVED by Greer SECONDED by Green to move into closed session to decide on expulsion recommendations, discussion of possible negotiations with MEA and MESA, and salary discussion for non-MEA employee groups. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 on a roll call vote. 9. Convene in Possible Closed Session Under S.S. 19.85 (1)(e)(f) A. Decision on Expulsions B. Discussion on Possible Negotiations with MEA and MESA C. Salary Discussion on Non-MEA Employee Groups Reconvene in Open Session 11. Next Meeting Dates and Adjournment Mon 11.26.12 Regular Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. DAC ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:16 p.m. Cheryl Janssen, Board Secretary Approved by Board President Publish: 12/06/12 WNAXLP


STATE OF WISCONSIN Town of Springfield Dane County A resolution having been introduced by the supervisors of the Town of Springfield, Dane County, Wisconsin, to discontinue a highway as described as follows: A scale map of the land that will be affected by this application is attached. 5581 Pahl Road Vacation Legal Description All of the right, title and interest of the Town of Springfield in a certain unnamed public road, which lies in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4?, Section 16, T8N, R8E, Town of Springfield, Dane County, Wisconsin, described as follows: a parcel of land lying thirty three feet on either side of the centerline beginning along the westerly right of way of Pahl Road located 537 feet more or less northerly of the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 16, thence extending at a northwesterly angle as roadway previously exists from the westerly right of way of Pahl Road, 527 feet more or less from the said westerly right of way. Notice is hereby given that the supervisors of the Town of Springfield will meet on December 18, 2012 at 7:00 pm of that day, at 6157 Cty Hwy P in the Town of Springfield, and decide upon the resolution. Dated this 14th day of November, 2012 Carolyn Hacker, Clerk/Treasurer, Town of Springfield, Dane County, Wisconsin, 608-849-7887 Publish: 11/22/12, 11/29/12, 12/06/12 WNAXLP



Deadlines for Notices to publish the week of Dec. 24 is noon Wednesday Dec. 19 Deadlines for Notices to publish the week of Dec. 31 is noon Wednesday Dec. 26

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