FCM Wielandt Theorem (Cambridge)

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Mathematical Tripos Part II Further Complex Methods

Michaelmas term 2007 Dr S.T.C. Siklos

Wielandts theorem
This very striking result theorem is a uniqueness theorem for the Gamma function: it says roughly that the (z) is the only function that satises the recurrence relationship (z + 1) = z(z) and is bounded in the strip 0 < Re z < 1. The key step of the proof uses Liouvilles theorem but there is some ddling about to do rst. Compared with every other result in this course, it is modern, having rst seen the light of day in 1939. It is not the only uniqueness theorem for : there is also the Bohr-Mollerup theorem for which the extra condition beyond the recurrence relation is the convexity of log (x); and various other theorems which require certain asymptotic behaviour. The proof is not only interesting and very neat; it uses some of the core ideas of this course. It is important to understand the proof, but not to be able to reproduce it. Wielandts theorem If F (z) satises: (i) F (z) is analytic for Re z > 0; (ii) F (z + 1) = zF (z); (iii) F (z) is bounded in the strip 1 Re z 2; (iv) F (1) = 1; then F (z) = (z). Comment: if, instead of (iv), F (z) = k, then k 1 F (z) satises the above conditions (the recurrence relation being linear) so F (z) = k(z). Proof We proceed by means of two lemmas. Lemma 1 Let F (z) be any function satisfying (i) to (iv) above. Then the function f (z) dened by f (z) = F (z) (z) is entire. Note rst that conditions (i) and (ii) of the theorem show that F (z) can be analytically (meromorphically) continued to Re z 0 by the method used for (z): F (z) = F (z + N ) z(z + 1) (z + N 1) Re z > N .

Thus f (z) is dened for all z, except for possible simple poles at z = 0, 1, 2, . . .. However, condition (iv) of the theorem shows that the residues of F (z) at these points, namely F (1)(1)n n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., n! are the same as those of (z). The dierence function f (z) is therefore analytic at these points (think of the Laurent expansion), and hence entire.

Lemma 2 The dierence function f (z) dened in Lemma 1 is bounded in the strip 0 Re z 1. To prove this, we establish boundedness in the adjacent strip 1 Re z 2 and then use the recurrence relation. Since f (z) is analytic, our only worry is the behaviour as Im z . Since F (z) is bounded by condition (iii) of the theorem, we can conne our attention to (z). We have

|(z)| =

et tz1 dt

et tx1 dt et t21 dt = 1

since x 2 in the strip, so (z) and hence f (z) is bounded in the strip. The result immediately transfers to the strip 0 Re z 1 using f (z) = z 1 f (z + 1), the apparent problem at z = 0 being solved by remembering that f (1) = 0 by conditions (ii) and (iv) of the theorem. Proof of the theorem Let s(z) = f (z)f (1 z), which is analytic by lemma 1 and bounded in the strip 0 Re z 1 by lemma 2 (note that f (1 z) takes the same set of values as f (z) in the strip). Now using the recurrence relation twice gives s(z + 1) = f (z + 1)f (z) = zf (z) (z)1 f (1 z) = s(z) so s(z) (being periodic with period 2 and bounded in 0 Rez 2) is bounded for all z, and entire. It is therefore constant by Liouvilles theorem. Finally, from s(1) = 0, we infer that s(z) 0. Hence f (z) = 01 and F (z) = (z).

1 If g and h are entire and g(z)h(z) = 0 then g(z) or h(z) is identically zero. How could it be otherwise? But if you want to prove it, you nd a point z0 for which g(z0 ) = 0 and expand g and h in Taylor series about that point, multiply them together and equate coecients of (z z0 )n to zero.

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