Human Skeleton: Read and Complete The Table and The Blanks Below

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Human Skeleton

1495 0 9/10/2007 4:30:35 AM

Read and complete the table and the blanks below:


The skeleton provides shape and form to the human body. The average human adult skeleton has 206 bones joined together by ligaments and tendons. Babies are born with 270 soft bones - about 64 more than an adult; and many of these will fuse together by the age of twenty or twenty-five into the 206 hard, permanent bones. Our vital organs are protected by the skeletal system. The brain is protected by the surrounding skull as the heart and lungs are encased by the sternum and rib cage. Muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Bones are connected to each other by ligaments. Where bones meet one another is typically called a joint. Blood cells are produced by the marrow located in some bones. An average of 2.6 million red blood cells are produced each second by the bone marrow to replace those worn out and destroyed by the liver. Bones serve as a storage area for minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.

Locate the bones of the body below.

Patella Mandible Clavicle Metacarpals Scapula Ulna 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cranium Tibia Ribs Radius Femur Sacrum

Fibula Metatarsals Vertebra Sternum Pelvic Humerus 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Muscles are connected to bones by Bones are connected to each other by Blood cells are produced by the .

. .

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1472 0 9/10/2007 4:34:48 AM

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The Nervous System

1270 0 9/10/2007 4:36:21 AM


The central nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The brain has three main parts, the brain stem or medulla, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. Each part has a special job to perform.

The medulla keeps your heartbeat and your breathing regular. The cerebellum is in charge of balance and coordinating all of the muscles. The medulla and cerebellum work all of the

time, even when we don't know it. The cerebrum controls thinking, moving and sensing. It is in control when you read a book or play a game. The spinal cord is a long piece of nerve tissue that runs from the brain through the backbone. It connects the brain to the body's nerves. Nerves are tiny fibers that are in the spinal cord and throughout the entire body. Nerves pick up information and send it up the spinal cord to the brain. Individual nerves are in charge of seeing, hearing, smelling feeling, or touching something. Certain nerves in the spine and brain tell parts of the body to act really fast. When the body must act very fast in order to avoid injury, the message from the sensory nerves doesn't go all the way to the brain before your body takes action. The message travels from the sensory nerve to the spinal cord and is sent back to a muscle right away. This quick action is called a reflex. A reflex is an action we take even before the brain knows about it. Directions: Answer the questions about the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and

How many main parts does the brain have? one two

three Which part of the brain keeps your heartbeat and your breathing regular? brain stem/medulla cerebrum cerebellum Which part of the brain is in charge of balance and coordinating all of the muscles? brain stem/medulla cerebrum cerebellum Which part of the brain is in charge if you are riding your bike? Which part of the brain controls thinking, moving and sensing? brain stem/medulla cerebrum cerebellum The spinal cord connects the to the body's nerves.

Which part of the brain is in control when you read a book or play a game? brain stem/medulla cerebrum cerebellum Which part of the brain is in control when you are reading your favorite book? The medulla and the we don't know it. work all of the time, even when

Individual are in charge of seeing, hearing, smelling feeling, or touching something. A quick action made by the body without the brain knowing about it is called a .

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Reflection & Refraction

Reflection occurs when light bounces off objects. How much reflection depends upon how even the surface is. If the surface is rough, the light scatters. If the surface is smooth and flat, the light will bounce off it at equal angles. That is why a flat mirror reflects a good likeness of the object being reflected. Look at the diagrams below. Notice the angles at which the rays of light strike the surfaces.

Refraction occurs because light bends. A lens is a piece of transparent material. It is usually made of glass and has at least one curved surface. Look at the convex and concave lenses below.

The curved surface/surfaces of a lens bends the light. Notice the paths of light of the convex and concave lenses shown below.

Directions: Answer the questions about reflection and refraction. occurs when light bounces off an object.

occurs when light is bent. When light strikes a surface that is rough, the light will . When light strikes a surface that is smooth, the light will bounce off at equal . What type of material is a lens? transparent translucent opaque

The path of light through a concave lens is not directed to a single focal point directed to a single focal point

The path of light through a convex lens is not directed to a single focal point directed to a single focal point

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Digestive System
1473 0 9/10/2007 4:38:05 AM


The digestive system begins in your mouth where the tongue and teeth work together to break up the food. A watery liquid called saliva makes the food wet and soft, and it has a chemical that helps digest the food.


As you swallow the food goes down a tube called the esophagus. This tube goes into your stomach. The stomach is a large muscle that stirs up the food. More liquids and chemicals help digest the food. After the food has been ground and stirred in the stomach it moves to the intestines. The intestines are very long and coiled up. If you stretch them out, they would be longer than you are tall. Adults intestines are almost twenty-seven feet long. The narrow part of the intestine is called the small intestine. The bigger part is called the large intestine. In the small intestine, the food is mixed with more chemicals and liquids. The pieces of food become very small; too small to see. These very small pieces are called nutrients and are absorbed into the blood. The blood carries these nutrients to all parts of the body. Blood passes through the body and goes through another organ in the digestive system. This organ is called the liver. It is on the right side of the body near the lowest rib. One job of the liver is to clean the blood. The liver also sends liquids and chemicals to the small intestine. Some of the food is left in the small intestine and cannot be digested. It is then passed to the large intestine. It leaves the body through a little hole called the anus when you go to the bathroom. The liquids the body does not use are also carried away. Blood carries good nutrients and waste through the body. The waste goes through two organs called the kidneys. The

kidneys help clean the blood. The watery liquid not used is called urine. The urine goes into a little bag called the bladder. Urine leaves the bladder when it is pushed out of the bladder through a tube called the urethra.

Directions: Answer the questions to learn about the digestive system. Where does the digestive system begin? What is saliva? What is the name of the tube food goes down when you swallow? The stomach is a large Food leaving the stomach goes to the About how long is an adult's intestines? Where is the liver located?

intestines stomach mouth a watery liquid a nutrient a waste stomach intestine esophagus cell muscle intestines intestines liver esophagus 12 feet 27 feet 2 feet near the heart

Where does unused food leave the body? What is the watery waste not used by the body called? What do kidneys do? What is the name of the little bag that holds the urine? What is the name of the tube urine leaves the body through?

left side of body right side of body anus large intestine right side of body intestines kidney urine swallow digest clean the blood bladder small intestine esophagus urethra small intestine esophagus

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Atlas Vocabulary
1493 0 9/10/2007 5:11:49 AM


Read the definitions and match each definition to a word below to learn Atlas vocabulary. 1. Steep drop from a high place to a lower place in a stream or river 2. Land along a river 3. Lowland with moist soil and tall grasses 4. Area from which rivers form waterfalls or rapids as rivers drop to lower land. 5. Hill of sand piled up by the wind. 6. Body of inland water with land on all sides. 7. Large stream of water that flows across the land. 8. Opening in the Earth, often raised, through which lava, rock, ashes and gases are forced out. 9. Low land between hills or mountains. 10. Land formation with flat top and steep rock sides. 11. Ridge of sand, rock, or coral that lies at or near the surface of a sea or ocean. 12. Land that has water on all sides. 13. Dry land with few plants.


14. Triangle-shaped area of land at the mouth of a river. 15. Narrow strip of land connecting two larger areas of land. 16. Area of flat land along a sea or ocean. 17. A narrow strip of water leading into the land from a larger body of water. 18. Flat land. 19. Stream or river that empties into a larger river. 20. Line on a mountain above which it is too cold for trees to grow. 21. Land that is almost completely surrounded by water. 22. Land that rises above the land around it with a broad, steep bank or cliff. 23. Land along a sea or ocean. 24. High, steep face of rock or earth overlooking land or sea 25. Deepest part of a body of water, often used by boats. 26. Point of land that extends into water 27. Deep, narrow valley with steep sides. 28. The natural elevation of the earth's surface but smaller than a mountain 29. Body of water that is a part of a sea or ocean and is partly enclosed by land. 30. Bowl shaped area land surrounded by higher land. 31. Area of low, wetland with trees. 32. Narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water. 33. Place where a river begins. 34. Side of a hill or mountain.


35. The level that is even with the surface of an ocean or sea. 36. Body of salt water smaller than an ocean. 37. Top of a mountain. 38. Body of salt water larger than a sea. 39. Area of water and fertile land in a desert 40. Place where a river empties into another body of water. 41. Row of mountains. 42. Highest kind of land. 43. A level land area raised above adjoining land on at least one side. 44. Area of water where ships can dock safely near land. 45. Body of water that is partly enclosed by land but is larger than a bay. 46. Large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or across land. 47. Hilly area at the base of a mountain. 48. Flat land that is near the edge of a river and is formed by the silt deposited by floods. 49. Gap between mountains.

Match the number of the correct definition above with the word below. Basin Bay Bluff Canyon Cape Harbor Hill Inlet Island Isthmus

Plateau Reef River Riverbank Sea

Channel Cliff Coast Coastal Plains Delta Desert Dune Fall Line Floodplain Foothills Glacier Gulf

Lake Marsh Mesa Mountain Mountain Pass Mountain Range Mouth of River Oasis Ocean Peak Peninsula Plain

Sea Level Slope Source of River Strait Swamp Timberline Tributary Valley Volcano Waterfall

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1-1 Spelling Tip

The short a words.

The short a words are mat, bat, and pan



1. mat 2. bat 3. pan 4. man 5. can 6. had 7. cat 8. pat 9. sat 10. hand

The mat is red. He hit the ball with the bat. Mom cooked in a pan. The man is tall. The soup is in a can. The girl had two dolls. The cat runs fast. Pat him on the back. She sat down. Give me your hand.


The words are mat, bat, and pan

Spelling Test - Level 1

1141 0 9/10/2007 5:13:00 AM


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The is red. He hit the ball with the Mom cooked in a . The is tall. The soup is in a . The girl two dolls. The runs fast. him on the back. She down. Give me your .

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Spelling Tip
Short a. The sign for short a is / /. The short a sound is in map, bag, and hat.



1. map 2. bags 3. van 4. hat 5. Dad 6. animal 7. hand 8. grand 9. stand

The map is helpful. Take the bags to the store. The school van is coming. Take your hat off. Mom and Dad are kind to me. The animal is a goat. Put your left hand up. The show was grand. Stand on the line.


10. asked 11. answer 12. family 13. jack 14. quack 15. sack

She asked me to go too. Do you know the answer? My family is very big. He put the jack under the car. The duck says, "Quack." Put the food in a sack.

Spelling Test - Level 2

1. The 2. Take the 3. The school 4. Take your 5. Mom and 6. The is helpful. to the store. is coming. off. are kind to me. is a goat. up. .

7. Put your left 8. The show was


on the line.

10. She me to go too. 11. Do you know the ? 12. My is very big. 13. He put the under the car. 14. The duck says, " 15. Put the food in a ." .

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Spelling Test - Level 2

1143 0 9/10/2007 5:16:51 AM


1. The 2. Take the 3. The school 4. Take your 5. Mom and 6. The

is helpful. to the store. is coming. off. are kind to me. is a goat. up. .

7. Put your left 8. The show was 9. on the line.

10. She me to go too. 11. Do you know the ? 12. My is very big. 13. He put the under the car. 14. The duck says, " 15. Put the food in a ." .


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3-1 Spelling Tip

Long e. The sign for long e is / /. The long e can be spelled e, ee and ea. The long e is in e in the words we and he. The long e is in ee in the words seen and sweep. The long e is in ea in the words meal and dream.

Words 1. mean 2. because 3. near 4. sea 5. reach 6. ready 7. finally

1. have in mind, want to say: What does that sentence mean? 2. unkind; cruel: It is mean to tease the puppy. for the reason that; since: Pat called us in because supper was ready. close to; not far from: We live near a city. a great body of water, smaller than an ocean. Oceans and seas are filled with salt water. 1. get to; come to: Your letter reached me today. 2. stretch: She reached for the milk. be prepared for use or for action: Lunch is ready. She will be ready to go in a minute. at the end; at last: Our team finally won a game.


8. wheels 9. heat 10. energy

1. a round frame that turns on its center. 2. Anything shaped or moving like a wheel. His cart has four wheels. 1. being hot: The heat of a stove feels good on a cold day. 2. make or become warm or hot: The furnace heats the house. 1. being able to work or move: Children have so much energy they can't sit still. 2. power.


Spelling Test - Level 3

1145 0 9/10/2007 5:17:49 AM

Complete with the right word, a synonym of the expression given below:


1. What does that word

Definition: have in mind, want to say


you behaved badly, you must stay in at recess.

Definition: for the reason that; since

3. We live

the lake.

Definition: close to; not far from

4. The Red

is near the Indian Ocean.

Definition: a great body of water, smaller than an ocean.

5. Can you

that jar on the shelf?

Definition: get to; come to, stretch

6. She will be

to go in 5 minutes.

Definition: be prepared for use or for action.

7. The cake is

done baking!

Definition: at the end; at last.

8. The

on the car go round and round.

Definition: a round frame that turns on its center.

9. The
Definition: being hot

of the stove feels good on a cold day.

10. The children have so much

Definition: being able to work or move

, they don't sit still.

11. We

the Earth is round.

Definition: think something is true

12 Two roads
Definition: come together

at the corner.

13. The woman

Definition: hit again and again:

the rug to clean it.

14. He is the

friendly of all the students.

Definition: less than any other

15. The rabbit had big, floppy

Definition: part of the body by which people and animals hear

16. Use the

to open the door.

Definition: a small metal instrument for opening or fastening a lock.


17. Plant the

and watch the flower grow!

Definition: the thing from which a plant grows.

18. It will

the teacher when you study.

Definition: give pleasure to

19. Give

amounts of candy to each child!

Definition: the same amount, size, or number

20. Your allowance will

by one dollar.

Definition: to become greater in size or amount:

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Spelling Test - Level 3

1145 0 9/10/2007 5:18:28 AM

Complete with the synonym of the word/phrase under each question:


1. What does that word

Definition: have in mind, want to say


you behaved badly, you must stay in at recess.

Definition: for the reason that; since

3. We live

the lake.

Definition: close to; not far from

4. The Red

is near the Indian Ocean.

Definition: a great body of water, smaller than an ocean.

5. Can you

that jar on the shelf?

Definition: get to; come to, stretch

6. She will be

to go in 5 minutes.

Definition: be prepared for use or for action.

7. The cake is

done baking!

Definition: at the end; at last.

8. The

on the car go round and round.

Definition: a round frame that turns on its center.

9. The
Definition: being hot

of the stove feels good on a cold day.

10. The children have so much

Definition: being able to work or move

, they don't sit still.

11. We

the Earth is round.

Definition: think something is true

12 Two roads
Definition: come together

at the corner.

13. The woman

Definition: hit again and again:

the rug to clean it.

14. He is the

friendly of all the students.

Definition: less than any other

15. The rabbit had big, floppy

Definition: part of the body by which people and animals hear

16. Use the

to open the door.

Definition: a small metal instrument for opening or fastening a lock.


17. Plant the

and watch the flower grow!

Definition: the thing from which a plant grows.

18. It will

the teacher when you study.

Definition: give pleasure to

19. Give

amounts of candy to each child!

Definition: the same amount, size, or number

20. Your allowance will

by one dollar.

Definition: to become greater in size or amount:

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Spelling Test - Level 4

1147 0 9/10/2007 5:19:51 AM


1. I will

with you later. . from the garden.

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Definition: say words; talk.

2. Dad likes cream and sugar in his 3. I dug carrots and a large red 4. We loaded the with rocks.

Definition: a drink made from the roasted and ground seeds of a plant.

Definition: a plant. Its thick, red root and its leaves are eaten as vegetables.

Definition: a small vehicle that is used for carrying small loads and is fitted with handles at the rear by which it can be pushed.

5. The water will 6. She gave money away

Definition: without charge.

in the winter. . .

Definition: turn into ice; harden by cold.

7. The race car moved with great

Definition: the act of moving fast.

8. We had a big

on Thanksgiving Day.

Definition: a big meal for some special party.

9. The 10. I found one

is open today. in the mixed vegetables. .

Definition: a place where plays are acted or movies are shown.

Definition: a small, round, green seed used as a vegetable.

11. The members reached an

Definition: an understanding reached by two or more persons, groups of persons, or nations.

12 My parents give me a lot of

Definition: without restrictions.

. under the rock.

13. Jim found a large black 14. I sliced a 15. The window 16. What 17. We both 18. We heard a loud
Definition: make a loud, sharp cry.

Definition: an insect that has hard, shiny cases to cover its wings.

in to my bowl of cereal. keeps bugs out . of the house do you like best? to that idea. come from the other room.

Definition: a yellowish-red fruit, full of juice and with a pit in the center.

Definition: a surface of woven wire.

Definition: what makes a thing different from others.

Definition: have the same idea about something.

19. I will

the apple with a knife.


Definition: strip the skin, bark, or the covering from.

20. I always put sugar on

Definition: a breakfast food made of grain.

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Spelling Test - Level 4

1147 0 9/10/2007 5:19:51 AM


1. I will

with you later. . from the garden.

Definition: say words; talk.

2. Dad likes cream and sugar in his 3. I dug carrots and a large red 4. We loaded the with rocks.

Definition: a drink made from the roasted and ground seeds of a plant.

Definition: a plant. Its thick, red root and its leaves are eaten as vegetables.

Definition: a small vehicle that is used for carrying small loads and is fitted with handles at the rear by which it can be pushed.

5. The water will 6. She gave money away

Definition: without charge.

in the winter. . .

Definition: turn into ice; harden by cold.

7. The race car moved with great

Definition: the act of moving fast.

8. We had a big

on Thanksgiving Day.

Definition: a big meal for some special party.

9. The 10. I found one

is open today. in the mixed vegetables. .

Definition: a place where plays are acted or movies are shown.

Definition: a small, round, green seed used as a vegetable.

11. The members reached an

Definition: an understanding reached by two or more persons, groups of persons, or nations.

12 My parents give me a lot of

Definition: without restrictions.

. under the rock.

13. Jim found a large black 14. I sliced a 15. The window 16. What 17. We both 18. We heard a loud
Definition: make a loud, sharp cry.

Definition: an insect that has hard, shiny cases to cover its wings.

in to my bowl of cereal. keeps bugs out . of the house do you like best? to that idea. come from the other room.

Definition: a yellowish-red fruit, full of juice and with a pit in the center.

Definition: a surface of woven wire.

Definition: what makes a thing different from others.

Definition: have the same idea about something.

19. I will

the apple with a knife.


Definition: strip the skin, bark, or the covering from.

20. I always put sugar on

Definition: a breakfast food made of grain.

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5-1 Spelling Tip

Long a. The sign for long a is / /. The long a can be spelled a in apron and ache. The long a can be spelled ai in pail and brain.


1. a container used to remove water from a boat: Use the bail to empty the boat. 2. to clear water from by dipping and throwing: The boys bailed water from the sinking sailboat. 3. the temporary release of a prisoner in exchange for money: His father paid his bail so he could get out of jail. 1. a steady pain: a stomach ache. 2. have a steady pain: My tooth aches. 1. having patience: She was very patient as she stood in line. 2. a person who is being treated by a doctor: The doctor took care of three patients that afternoon. metal wires used to straighten crooked teeth.

1. bail

2. ache 3. patient 4. braces 5. waiter 6. claim 7. statement 8. dangerous

a man who waits on table and brings food in a restaurant. 1. a demand for something due or believed to be due. 2. a right to something. 1. something stated: The president made a statement to the people. 2. a report of facts or opinions: Please give us your statement. able to cause harm; not safe.


9. layer 10. campaign

one fold or a flat mass: My birthday cake has two layers. I am wearing three layers of clothes. a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result: The vice president will participate in the campaign.


Spelling Test - Level 5

1149 0 9/10/2007 5:22:21 AM


1. He used the bucket to

water from the boat.

Definition: a container used to remove water from a boat.

2. She had an
Definition: a steady pain

in her foot.

3. The

waited to see the doctor.

Definition: a person who is being treated by a doctor.

4. She wore

on her teeth.

Definition: metal wires used to straighten crooked teeth.

5. The

brought us a fine meal.

Definition: a man who waits on table and brings food in a restaurant.

6. He will

that we owe him money.

Definition: a demand for something due or believed to be due.

7. The policeman took the


from the witness.

Definition: a report of facts or opinions.

8. The woman is known to be very

Definition: able to cause harm; not safe.

9. The cake had one

Definition: one fold or a flat mass

of frosting.

10. The candidate will

for reelection.

Definition: a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result.

11. She brought the teacher a

Definition: a wild flower, usually white with a yellow center.

12 He wore an

when he grilled food.

Definition: a covering worn over the front of the body to protect clothes

13. The mechanic will

Definition: put in good shape again.

the car.

14. She used

to send letters to her friend.

Definition: writing paper, cards, and envelopes.

15. She put some

on the hook.

Definition: something used to lure onto a hook or into a trap.

16. They served the food on a silver

Definition: a kind of large plate with a raised edge.


17. We showed great

waiting for the money.

Definition: waiting quietly for something you want very much.

18. The

brought us some great food.

Definition: a woman who waits on table and brings food in a restaurant.

19. He put

on his potatoes.

Definition: the juice that comes out of meat when it is cooked.

20. We are

of getting an A in spelling.

Definition: having the ability to

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Spelling Test - Level 5

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1. He used the bucket to

water from the boat.

Definition: a container used to remove water from a boat.


2. She had an
Definition: a steady pain

in her foot.

3. The

waited to see the doctor.

Definition: a person who is being treated by a doctor.

4. She wore

on her teeth.

Definition: metal wires used to straighten crooked teeth.

5. The

brought us a fine meal.

Definition: a man who waits on table and brings food in a restaurant.

6. He will

that we owe him money.

Definition: a demand for something due or believed to be due.

7. The policeman took the

Definition: a report of facts or opinions.

from the witness.

8. The woman is known to be very

Definition: able to cause harm; not safe.

9. The cake had one

Definition: one fold or a flat mass

of frosting.

10. The candidate will

for reelection.

Definition: a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result.

11. She brought the teacher a


Definition: a wild flower, usually white with a yellow center.

12 He wore an

when he grilled food.

Definition: a covering worn over the front of the body to protect clothes

13. The mechanic will

Definition: put in good shape again.

the car.

14. She used

to send letters to her friend.

Definition: writing paper, cards, and envelopes.

15. She put some

on the hook.

Definition: something used to lure onto a hook or into a trap.

16. They served the food on a silver

Definition: a kind of large plate with a raised edge.

17. We showed great

waiting for the money.

Definition: waiting quietly for something you want very much.

18. The

brought us some great food.

Definition: a woman who waits on table and brings food in a restaurant.

19. He put

on his potatoes.

Definition: the juice that comes out of meat when it is cooked.

20. We are

of getting an A in spelling.

Definition: having the ability to


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6-1 Spelling Tip

Contractions Contractions are made up of two words with some of the letters being replaced by an apostrophe. Contractions are used in speaking and writing as well as to reflect speech. Speech becomes quicker when you use a contraction. For example, we'll instead of we will. I'll, he'd, we'll, let's, and they're are examples of contractions.

Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. aren't he'll she'd you're haven't can't they'll shouldn't we'll that's

The contraction for are not.

The contraction for he will.

The contraction for she had.

The contraction for you are.

The contraction for have not.

The contraction for can not.

The contraction for they will.

The contraction for should not.

The contraction for we will.

The contraction for that is.


Spelling Test - Level 6

1151 0 9/10/2007 5:23:25 AM


1. We

going to the pool.

Definition: The contraction for are not.


not be going to school today.

Definition: The contraction for he will.


played the game many times.

Definition: The contraction for she had.


the top student in class!

Definition: The contraction for you are.

5. We

won a game all year!

Definition: The contraction for have not.

6. She

go with us to the store.

Definition: The contraction for can not.


never make it up that hill.

Definition: The contraction for they will.


8. He

ride his bike on the sidewalk.

Definition: The contraction for should not.


be undefeated if we win our next game.

Definition: The contraction for we will.


the best thing that happened today!

Definition: The contraction for that is.


get better grades if he studied more.

Definition: The contraction for he would.

12 She

gone along if she had felt better.

Definition: The contraction for would have.


like to form a soccer team.

Definition: The contraction for we would.


a reward for finding the lost wallet.

Definition: The contraction for there is.


get better grades in school if you studied.

Definition: The contraction for you would.

16. Jim

ride his bike to town.

Definition: The contraction for would not.


on first base?

Definition: The contraction for who is.



the best basketball team in the league.

Definition: The contraction for they are.


go get an ice cream cone.

Definition: The contraction for let us.


spoil if you do not put it in the refrigerator.

Definition: The contraction for it will.

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