Genetics and Eugenics

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OxFOBD University Press






First impression issued December, 1916 Second impression issued February, 1917 Third impression issued July, 1917

Second Edition
First impression issued August, 1920

Second impression issued August, 1921

This book

an attempt to present,

in a

form as simple and

readily intelligible as possible, the subject of heredity, as related to man and his creatures, the domestic animals and

cultivated plants. To write such a book has been with the author a long cherished ambition, but one which, as the years

went by, seemed



less likely of realization, as


edge of the subject increased

complicated forms.

and took on more and more

however, he has been a teacher, to make, for




his responsibilities as

students having only an elementary knowledge of biology,

an analysis and summary of our knowledge of this subject to date. The longer he has continued to do this, the more fully he has realized that a subject in a state of healthy growth can never assume a final and finished form. He makes no apologj% therefore, for presenting the subject wuth very unevenly and incompletely developed parts. Such, it must be confessed, is the present state of our knowledge.

would be a great service to the student to show him where in his subject positive knowledge stops and speculaIt

but dangerous master in science, This task, where possible, has been attempted in this book. But such attempts can of necessity succeed only
tion, the useful servant


time being, for it often happens that the speculation of today becomes the verified theory of tomorrow. For having guessed right and proved the correctness of their guesses, we honor in this field the names of Lamarck, Darwin, Weismann, and Mendel. Others still
for the


have made contributions of scarcely less importance name them would be invidious. Americans may take encouragement from the thought that all are not likely to be named from one side of the Atlantic and later enumeraliving

but to




For advance

tions are likely to include names from Pacific lands also. in science never results merely from brilliant

by the

few, but takes place chiefly through the

numerous workers who test by and experiment every suggested explanation of observation the phenomena of nature. This is a task of such magnitude and such importance that in it the cooperation of all nations is needed and fortunately is not withheld. To promote the common good of all is the greatest honor of each.
patient, persistent efforts of

The author has found


that interest in the subject of not confined to college classes but is shared by

people of intelligence everywhere, because it touches and affects the lives of all. The animal breeder and the plant
breeder have an intensified interest in the subject because it vitally concerns the success or failure of their occupations.
of this wider public have been kept in mind in the preparation of this book, but it has not been thought neces-

The needs

sary to omit on this account discussion of questions requiring thoughtful consideration for their full understanding.

A discussion which

evokes no independent thinking, or even opposition, is not likely to extend knowledge, the teacher's prime concern.


indebted to



and fellow

biologists for

connection with the illustrations, acknowlassistance edged in the legends of the figures, to Professor B. M. Davis

Chapter VI, and to Professor J. A. best Detlefsen for assistance in revising the proofs. thanks are due to the publishers who have spared no effort
for a critical revision of




their part of the




Cambridge, Massachusetts, December, 1916,

E. Castle.


Rapid advance
in our knowledge of the fundamental prinof genetics lias made necessary a complete rewriting of ciples several chapters as originally published and the addition of

several others.

The more important changes and


relate to the subjects of blending inheritance, the pure line principle, the nature of genetic changes, their frequency and

location in the germ-cells, linkage, inbreeding,




E. C.










Darwin's Theory of Evolution and its Evidences Contributions of Lamarck, Weismann, and Herbert Spencer to the Theory of Evolution; Darwin's Theory of Pangenesis Are Acquired Characters Inherited ? Weismann's Theory of Heredity Attempts to Classify and Measure Variation Biometry

18 28



The Mutation Theory The Pioneer Pl.\nt Hybridizers the Discovery and






Redt scovery of Mendel's. Law Mendel's Law of Heredity Illustrated in Animal Breeding Some Mendelian Terms and their Uses Calcul.\ting INIendelian Expectations Modified Mendelian Ratios; Heterozygous Characters; Atavism or Reversion The Unit-Characters of Rodents Unit-Characters in Cattle and Horses Unit-Characters in SwaNE, Sheep, Dogs and Cats Unit-Characters in Poultry and in Plants Unit-Characters of Insects Sex-Linked and other Kinds of Linked Inheritance IN Drosophila Drosophila Type and Poultry Type of Sex-Linked

82 88 98

130 137
145 154




Inheritance Linkage XX. The Nature of Genes XXI. Are Unit-Characters (Genes) Constant OR Variable? XXII. Inheritance OF Size and other Quantitative Characters. The Hypothesis of Multiple Factors XXIII. Genetic Changes and the Chromosomes XXIV. Genetic Changes in Asexual Reproduction, in Parthenogenesis, AND IN Self-Fertilization
. . .

167 177 182

190 205 209



. .

XXV. Genetic Changes in Bisexual Reproduction ^XXVI. Inbreeding and Cross-Breeding



XXVII. Hybrid Vigor or Heterosis XXVIII. Galton's Law of Ancestral Heredity and ciple OF Regression "XXIX. Sex Determination

his Prin-

246 248




XXX. Human Crosses XXXI. Physical and Mental Inheritance in Man ... XXXII. Heredity of General Mental Ability, Insanity,


279 Epilepsy, and Feeble-Mindedness XXXIII. The Possibility and Prospects of Breeding a Better Human Race 292

APPENDIX. Translation

of Mendel's Paper. Experiments


in Plant-Hybridisation





Genetics may be defined
as the science

which deals with the

corning into being of organisms. It does not refer, however, to the first creation of organic beings, but rather to the pres-

ent and every-day creation of new individuals or new races. It refers particularly to the part that parent organisms have in bringing new organisms into being and to the influence

which parents exert on the characteristics of their offspring. In this sense it is nearly equivalent to the term heredity. But logically, though less immediately, it is concerned with
agencies which in any way affect, condition, or limit the coming into being of a new organism or a new race. All

physical and chemical changes in the world outside the organism, or in a word the environment, vitally concern genetics,

though they are the more immediate

branches of biology.

field of

study of other

its et;>Tiiology, means coming into being well. used at present solely with reference to man, and means almost literally the science of being well-born. Since man is

Eugenics, from

zoologically merely one of the higher animals,

it is


that his reproduction is a very special case falling under the general laws of genetics, and before we can properly under-

stand this special case we must know something of the general laws of genetics. We shall therefore turn our attention to

and foremost, and to eugenics subsequently and


The term Eugenics was proposed by Francis Galton who

social control that

the study of agencies under or impair the racial qualities may improve of future generations, either physically or mentally."


" Eugenics


As thus defined it is purely an applied science, for it is concerned only with those agencies which are under social control and gives no attention to any agencies, however inipor-



which are not under
social control.

Its scope therefore

much narrower than that of genetics. It is concerned with only so much of genetics as concerns man, and with only so much of that as is under social control. To determine what
are the general principles of genetics and to what extent man is subject to them are primarily biological problems, but to determine how far these are socially controllable is a problem

and one which I shall not attempt to answer without help from sociologists. The coming into being of a new organism is one of the least understood of all natural phenomena. Even to the trained biologist it is largely an unexplained mystery. To understand his viewpoint concerning it, and what definite facts he knows about it, and how he attempts to explain them, we must be familiar with certain of the generalizations of biology. Familiarity with the more important of these fundamental generalizations of biology will be assumed in the present work.
for the sociologist,

From the philosophical standpoint genetics is only a subdivision of evolution. For the evolution theory teaches that
the organisms now existing have come into being through descent with modification from those which existed at an


time and, in general, that the world as we know it today from what it has been at any previous time; that

and inorganic, are constantly undergoing change, yet nothing wholly new comes into being, for everything new arises out of something which existed before. Thus no new matter is created, yet new creations constantly arise out of elements which before existed in different form.

things, organic

It will be our first task to discuss the rise of the evolution

theory and in particular

Subsequently we

to the subject of genetics. shall discuss the known facts of genetics and
its relation

the several ways in which biologists interpret them; and finally we shall discuss human evolution as a subdivision of


its social control,

or eugenics.







The human mind

the source of


characterized above

all else


our wisdom as well as of our woes.

curiosity, This fact

the ancients portray in the tale of Pandora's box. We instinctively seek an explanation of all the phenomena of
nature, unless our natural curiosity has been repressed by demand a convention or education (falsely so called).


reason for everything, and

none is forthcoming from an outside source, we straightway construct one for ourselves out of

imaginings. This is the attitude of mind of the child " " " " whose perpetual why and what are so distressing to perplexed parents. It is the attitude of mind in which all



primitive peoples and original thinkers have regarded the phenomena of nature. It was this attitude of mind which led
to the formulation of the evolution theory, which is an attempt to explain the present condition of the world in terms of simpler
pre-existing conditions.

WTien evolution is mentioned, we think of Darwin as its originator, but in reality he did not originate it; the idea of organic evolution had often been suggested before his time, but he proved its reality. The principle of evolution had long been recognized in relation to inorganic things. In chemistry, physics, and astronomy, the constancy and indestructibility of matter were fully established. It was recognized for example that more complex states of matter, that is, " " chemical compounds," may arise out of the simpler ele" ments their combination in definite proportions, and by that out of such compounds the elements may by suitable

means be recovered again unchanged and


in the original pro-



geology, the


of Lyell

dition of the earth's crust

had shown that the present had come about gradually

still at work. fundamental sciences which deal with the inorganic world the reign of natural law was acknowledged before the time of Darwin, and the principle of miraculous change was no longer offered as an explanation of

igh the action of causes

Accordingly in all the

was in Darwin's time very different. The animal kingdom was not supposed to have grown, but to have been made outright. The higher animals were not supposed to have originated from lower ones but to have been made in the form in which they exist today. It was Darwin's work which dispelled this outgrown idea, and established the principle of evolution as an explanait

existing conditions. But in the realm of living things

tion of the organic as well as of the inorganic world. In his time the idea was so novel as applied to animals and plants

aroused the greatest opposition. But the idea was not wholly new to human thought; in forms more or less fanciful and incomplete it had been suggested in previous centuries

from the days of the early Greek philosophers on. ^ Darwin lived in a time peculiarly inhospitable to the idea of organic evolution, partly because of theological, and partly because of scientific dogma. Had the idea been brought forward centuries before accompanied by proofs such as Darwin advanced in its support, it undoubtedly would have met more ready acceptance than it found in the last century. As it was, Darwin had to make the discovery anew for himself, largely unaided by his predecessors, who, though they had
formulated more or less clearly the same line of explanation which he adopted, had failed to put it to the test of longcontinued and detailed observation and experiment, which
alone sufficed firmly to establish


('94) has described in a most interesting book the various foreshadowings of the idea of organic evolution which appear in the writings of Darwin's predecessors, and the development of the idea in Darwin's own mind


H. F. Osborn

as evidenced by his letters and other writings. One interested in the historical and philosophical growth of the idea cannot do better than to consult Osborn's book.

Charles Darwin was born in 1809 and died in 1882.
his father

Both and his paternal grandfather were physicians; the grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was also a naturalist and philosopher of note, who anticipated many of the evolutionary ideas of Lamarck and some of those of his own illustrious



his mother's side,


Darwin's grandfather was Josiah the famous manufacturer of pottery. Francis

Galton, the founder of Eugenics, was his cousin. Those who consider special tastes and talents hereditary find significance

Thus one biographer, after noting that Darwin's father had originally intended him for the " but hereditary tendencies toward natChurch, continues
in these relationships.

ural history led

him in another direction." It may fairly be " " tendencies toward natural history questioned whether are hereditary in the strict sense of the word any more than

tendencies toward pottery, which Darwin does not seem to have manifested though his grandfather was Josiah Wedgwood. Such language as I have quoted is quite permissible on the part of a literary biographer (indeed Darwin speaks in like vein in his autobiography) but the student of eugenics must be on his guard against accepting it at its face value. " What Darwin probably inherited was not a tendency " but a good mind; what subjects toward natural history it was probably determined not by inheritance but engaged by the subjects which came to his attention at the period of In Darwin's life when men do their best creative thinking. case, the thing which centered his attention upon the problem of the origin of species and held it there for the rest of his hfetime was the famous voyage of the Beagle. In school Darwin was not a distinguished student. He attended Edinburgh University for two sessions and then the L^niversity of Cambridge, where he took the B.A. degree in

Shortly after graduation he seized the opportunity to

go as naturalist on the ship Beagle of the English navy, which was detailed on a voyage of exploration round the world. This voyage lasted almost five years, from December 27,



1831, to October 2, 1836.


time was spent by this

expedition in making surveys of southern South America, and of oceanic islands. For a large part of this time Darwin

was brought into intimate daily contact with the animals and plants of an unexplored part of the world. What a postgraduate course in natural history this was! It is probably fortunate that his previous studies of natural history had not been more specialized and detailed, and that he had no master
at hand to guide him in his studies during the voyage. Otherwise he would certainly have been hampered by precon-

ceived ideas and have been less inclined to depart from accepted notions. But here he was face to face with a new world of animals and plants awaiting explanation, and his it was to

study them without assistance or let up for three years. For an ordinary boy of twenty-two, what a perplexing and bewildering task, what a fate, sentenced to five years of seasickness, the effects of which were to last throughout his life! But for a Darwin, what an opportunity, to study at first hand the animals, the plants, the peoples of all lands and of all

After Darwin had spent some three years on the Beagle he returned home with impaired health which forced him to live
quietly at his country home in Downs, England. Here he devoted a part of each day to working up the scientific results of his journey, and published during the next twenty years an attempt to correlate, to unify and to explain the various observations which he had made, an attempt which finally found fruition in his theory of evolution through natural

known to a number of Darwin's scientific he was working on a theory of evolution when, in 1858, he received from A. R. Wallace, then in the East Indies, the manuscript of a paper containing precisely the same explanation of organic adaptations which he himself had reached. Darwin was naturally much embarrassed, but seemed willing to throw aside his own work and give precedence to Wallace's paper. On the advice of friends, however,
friends that

s^ection. It had long been



of his

he submitted to the Linnaean Society of London an abstract own conclusions, which was read and pubHshed simulThe work of each taneously with the paper by Wallace. of the other and each author was so manifestly independent

dealt so generously with the other that no rivalry arose between them, and both were to the last the best of friends.

which Darwin elabormore fully the following year (1859) in his Origin of ated Species, have been summarized thus by Conn (p. 353) " All animals and plants tend to 1. Overproduction. more rapidly than it is possible for them to continue multiply


essential points in their theory,

by even the slowest than can possibly find sustenbreeding animals and plants ance in the world. "2. Struggle for existence. As a result of overproduction, the individuals that are born are engaged in a constant struggle with each other for the opportunity to live. This struggle is sometimes an active, sometimes a passive one; and sometimes it is a struggle with each other for food. It is a struggle in which only the victors remain alive, the vanquished being exterminated without living long enough
to exist.
offspring are produced


to leave offspring.



Variation, or diversity.

a large amount of diversity


some must

and plants show themselves, and, as a among be better fitted for the struggle for life
All animals

than others. ** 4. Natural

It is a selection, or the survival of the fittest. result of the struggle for existence that only those logical individuals best fitted for the struggle will be the ones, in

" " fittest the long run, to win in the contest. Hence the in the long run will survive, while those less fitted to exist

be exterminated.

Heredity. By the laws of heredity, individuals transmit to their offspring their own characters. Hence if one individual survives the struggle for existence by virtue of some special characteristic, it will transmit this characteristic to its offspring. The offspring will inherit it, and in the



course of a few generations the only individuals left alive will be those that have developed it, while those that did

not develop

it will

be exterminated by the law of natural

This theory stands today in the main as Darwin left it, the chief advances since his time being concerned with one or other of the two factors, variation and heredity, concerning which our knowledge, though still incomplete, has made notable advances. But before we pass to the consideration
of these, let us pause to inquire what were the lines of evidence upon which Darwin relied to establish his theory.

These have been well summarized by T. H. Huxley (1825who by his able championship of Darwin's views did more than any other one man to gain for these views general recognition and acceptance. As modified by Lock, Huxley's



as follows

The Gradation of Organisms. Both in the animal and vegetable kingdoms we may trace, in spite of certain gaps, a
long series of gradations in complexity of structure, so that between the simplest and the most complicated of living things a great number of intermediate stages are to be found.

When we pass to the lower end of the scale in either case, we come upon a group of creatures of comparatively simple organization. Among them we find members with regard to which we cannot definitely say that they are either animals
or plants.

Moreover, these unicellular organisms resemble

many ways the egg-cell from which every individual among

the higher animals and plants originates. "2. Embryology. All the members of a particular group of animals or plants as a rule resemble one another more closely
in the early stages of their individual development than they do in the adult condition, and in the earliest stages of all they

are often indistinguishable. These facts are explained if we suppose that such individuals have a common origin, that

they are descended from a

of their pedigree are

common ancestor, and that traces to be observed in the developmental

stages through which each one passes.

We do not find a com-

plete parallelism

of the individual

between the development

and the history of the race, nor should we expect to do so, since embryonic as well as adult stages may be modified in the course of evolution; what we. should expect is a more or less
historical sketch,


this is



usually found


"3. Mor'phology. On comparing together the different members of one of the great groups or classes of animals or plants, we find the same fundamental plan of organization running through all of them. Series of corresponding organs are often to be made out which are built upon the same general scheme, although their functions may be quite dissimilar; so that, for instance, in the of a dog, the
of a bat,


hand of a man, the paw and the paddle of a whale, almost wing the same series of bones can be traced. An obto be found in the supposition that these arisen by the divergent modification of parts

vious explanation
parts have

which were originally identical. "4. Geographical Distribution.

groups neighbouring districts, ocean or a range of lofty mountains is passed an entirely new fauna and flora are usually to be met with. These facts may be explained by the hypothesis that allied groups of species originated by a process of descent in the same countries which they now inhabit, and they can be explained by no other

of closely allied creatures are often

Observation shows that found living in and that when such a barrier as an



The Geological Succession of Organisms. The general facts regarding the distribution of allied species of animals and plants in time point in precisely the same direction as
those relating to their distribution in space. In a few cases, notably in that of the extinct horse of North America, a long

chain of possibly ancestral types has been found leading back to a remote and very different progenitor. This supposed ancestor of the horse was a creature little larger than a

moderate-sized dog. It had four separate toes to each forelimb, and three to each hind-limb, and its teeth were much



horses. simpler and less specialized than those of existing of organisms throughout the geoThe general distribution in a remarkable way with logical strata agrees, moreover,


is to be expected on the evolution theory. "6. Changes under Domestication. Among domesticated animals and plants we know of numerous cases in which the actual origin of new forms has been observed. These have often differed from their predecessors by amounts quite comor even parable with the differences by which natural species is genera are separated. A notable example of this process afforded by the numerous breeds of pigeons known to have arisen under domestication from a single wild species. We have no reason whatever for supposing that domesticated are more mutable than wild species, and there is con-


of a similar sequently every reason to believe that changes take place in Nature. The conditions of domesticharacter cation, of course, afford much better opportunities of observ-

ing such phenomena. " Nevertheless, indi7. The Observed Facts of Mutation. vidual specimens of particular wild species are frequently

found showing modifications which, if they occurred conbasis for the stantly in an isolated group, would afford a the actual occurdescription of new species. In a few cases rence of similar changes has been observed in wild species of

that the evidence in favour of the arisen by a existing species of animals and plants, having kind." process of evolution, is of a most ample and convincing How some of these evidences first presented themselves
see, therefore,


to Darwin's

mind and how he came

later to value

them, Dar-


states in the closing pages of the Introduction to his

Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication.

I visited, during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, the Galapagos hundred miles from Archipelago, situated in the Pacific Ocean about five surrounded by peculiar species of birds, South America, I found




and plants, existing nowhere else in the world. Yet they nearly bore an American stamp. In the song of the mocking-tlu-ush, in the

harsh cry of the carrion-hawk, in the great candlestick-Uke opuntias, I

clearly perceived the



separated by so


neighbourhood of America, though the islands were miles of ocean from the mainland, and differed much

in their geological constitution and climate. Still more surprising was the fact that most of the inhabitants of each separate island in this small

archipelago were specifically different, though most closely related to each other. The archipelago, with its innumerable craters and bare streams of lava, appeared to be of recent origin; and thus I fancied myself brought near to the very act of creation. I often asked myself how these many peculiar animals and plants had been produced: the simplest answer

seemed to be that the inhabitants of the several islands had descended from each other, undergoing modification in the course of their descent; and that all the inhabitants of the archipelago were descended from those of the nearest land, namely America, whence colonists would naturally have been derived. But it long remained to me an inexplicable problem how the necessary degree of modification could have been effected, and it would have thus remained for ever, had I not studied domestic productions, and thus acquired a just idea of the power of Selection. As soon as I had fully realized this idea, I saw, on reading Malthus on Population, that Natural Selection was the inevitable result of the rapid increase of all organic beings; for I was prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence

by having long studied the habits

of animals.

Before visiting the Galapagos I had collected many animals whilst travelling from north to south on both sides of America, and everywhere,

under conditions of hfe as different as it is possible to conceive, American forms were met with species replacing species of the same peculiar genera. Thus it was when the Cordilleras were ascended, or the thick tropical forests penetrated, or the fresh waters of America searched. Subsequently I visited other countries, which in all their conditions of life were incomparably more like parts of South America, than the different parts of that continent are to each other; yet in these countries, as in Australia or Southern Africa, the traveller cannot fail to be struck with the entire difference of their productions. Again the reflection was forced on me that community of descent from the early inhabitants of South America would alone explain the wide prevalence of American types tlu-oughout

that immense area.

To exhume with one's own hands the bones of extinct and gigantic quadrupeds, brings the whole question of the succession of species vividly before one's mind; and I found in South America great pieces of tesselated armour exactly like, but on a magnificent scale, that covering the pigmy armadillo; I had found great teeth like those of the living sloth, and bones like those of the cavy. An analogous succession of allied forms had been previously observed in Australia. Here then we see the prevalence, as if by descent, in time as in space, of the same types in the same areas; and in neither case does the similarity of the conditions by any means seem sufficient to account for the similarity of the forms of life. It is notorious that the fossil remains of closely consecutive formations are closely allied in structure, and we can at once understand the fact if they are closely allied by descent. The succession of the many distinct species of the same



genus throughout the long series of geological formations seems to have been unbroken or continuous. New species come in gradually one by one. Ancient and extinct forms of life are often intermediate in character, like the words of a dead language with respect to its several offshoots or
tongues. All these facts seemed to tion as the means of production of



to point to descent with modificaspecies.

past and present inhabitants of the world are connected together by the most singular and complex affinities, and can be classed in groups under groups, in the same manner as varieties can be
classed under species and sub-varieties under varieties, but with much higher grades of difference. These complex affinities and the rules for

The innumerable

a rational explanation on the theory of descent, combined with the principle of natural selection, which entails divergence of character and the extinction of intermediate forms. How inexplicable is the similar pattern of the hand of a man, the foot of a dog, the wing of a bat, the flipper of a seal, on the doctrine of independent acts of creation! How simply explained on the principle of the natural selection of successive slight variations in the diverging descendants from a single progenitor! So it is with certain parts or organs in the same individual animal or plant, for instance, the jaws and legs of a crab, or the petals, stamens, and pistils of a flower. During the many changes to wliich the course of time organic beings have been subjected, certain organs or parts have occasionally become at first of little use and ultimately superfluous; and the retention of such parts in a rudimentary and useless condition is intelligible on the theory of descent. It can be shown that modifications of structure are generally inherited by the offspring at the same age at which each successive variation appeared the parents; it can further be shown that variations do not commonly supervene at a very early period of embryonic
classification, receive

growth, and on these two principles we can imderstand that most wonderful fact in the whole circuit of natural history, namely, the close similarity of the embryos within the same class for instance, those of mammals,

birds, reptiles,



It is the consideration and explanation of such facts as these which has convinced me that the theory of descent with modification by means of natural selection is in the main true. These facts as yet received no explanation on the theory of independent Creation; they cannot be grouped together under one point of view, but each has to be considered as an ultimate fact. As the first origm of life on this earth, as well as the continued life of each individual, is at present quite beyond the scope of science, I do not wish to lay much stress on the greater simplicity of the view of a few forms or of only one form having been origmally created, instead of innumerable periods; though this more simple view accords well with Maupertuis's philosophical axiom of " least action." In considering how far the theory of natural selection may be extended; that is, in determining from how many progenitors the inhabitants of the world have descended, we may conclude that at least all the members of the same class have descended from a single ancestor. A number of organic beings are included in the same class, because they present,




independently of their habits of hfe, the same fundamental type of strucand because they graduate into each other. Moreover, members of the same class can in most cases be shown to be closely alike at an early embryonic age. These facts can be explained on the belief of their descent from a common form; therefore it may be safely admitted that all the members of the same class are descended from one progenitor. But as the

members of quite distinct classes have something in common in structure and much in common in constitution, analogy would lead us one step further, and to infer as probable that all hving creatures are descended from a single prototjTie. I hope that the reader will pause before coming to any final and hostile conclusion on the theory of natural selection. The reader may consult my

Origin of Species


for a general sketch of the

whole subject; but

in that

work he has to take many statements on trust. In considering the theory of natural selection, he will assuredly meet with weighty difficulties, but
such as the degree of perfecthese difficulties relate chiefly to subjects tion of the geological record, the means of distribution, the possibility of transitions in organs, etc., on which we are confessedly ignorant; nor do

we know how

ignorant we are. If we are much more ignorant than is generally supposed, most of these difficulties wholly disappear. Let the reader reflect on the difficulty of looking at whole classes of facts from a new point of view. Let him observe how slowly, but surely, the noble views of Lyell on the gradual changes now in progress on the earth's surface have been accepted as suflBcient to account for all that we see in its past history. The present action of natural selection may seem more or less probable; but I befieve in the truth of the theory, because it collects,

under one point of view, and gives a rational explanation parently independent classes of facts.



In his earlier statements of his theory, Darwin does not seem to have paid much attention to the source of variations or to the manner of their inheritance, but these subjects receive much attention in his great work on the Variation of animals and plants under domestication, from which we have just quoted. He seems to have come more and more to hold views similar to those of Lamarck, his great French predecessor, regarding the direct effect of environment as a cause of variation, and the inheritance of effects so produced. Concerning the general nature of Lamarck's views we should
therefore inform ourselves.





(1744-1829), the greatest evolutionist before Dar-

win, was, according to his biographer, a

man of great physical

He distinguished himself by a deed of singular bravery in the French army, and, receiving an injury, re-entered life as a doctor. He was first attracted to
and moral courage.
botany by the rich flora near Monaco observed during his military service. Going to Paris he gained the attention of the great naturalist, Buffon, under whose direction he pub" lished a Flora of France," written in six months, which through many editions. He seems to have possessed passed
powers of exceptionally rapid observation, with great facility in writing and with unusual powers of definition and description. At the age of forty-nine (1793) he was transferred to a
Zoological chair in the Jardins des Plantes, being placed in charge of invertebrate zoology, while at the same time Geoff-

roy Saint-Hilaire was placed in charge of vertebrate zoology. Being at this time in his fiftieth year, Lamarck took up the study of zoology with such zeal and success that he almost

immediately introduced striking reforms in classification, and developed (after having reached middle life) the conception
of the mutability of species and of the origin of new species by descent. His relation to the evolution idea was thus very

from Darwin's. It came to Darwin almost in his boyhood and he spent a lifetime working it out, not publishing anything upon it until he was fifty years old. To Lamarck the idea seems scarcely to have come before the age of fifty, and he rapidly developed it into a system, sufficiently elabordifferent

ate to explain evolution,


his basic principle is true, viz.






the inheritance of acquired characters.

This we shall consider

(p. 158) says:

Regarding Lamarck's later



His devotion to the study of the small forms of life, probably with inferior faciUties for work, for he was extremely poor, gradually deprived him of the use of his eyes, and in 1819 he became completely blind. The last two volumes of the first edition of his Natural history of invertehrated animals, which was begun in 1816 and completed in 1822, was carried on


dictation to his daughter,

who showed him

the greatest devotion; after was confined to his room, it is said she never left the house. Lamarck was thus saddened in his old age by extreme poverty and by the harsh reception of his transmutation theories, in the truth of which he

the most absolute conviction.

Lamarck's Theory


factors recognized

by Lamarck


be summarized as follows

as concerned in evolu-

direct effect of environment.

We know

that a plant

in rich soil grows large and luxuriant, but that the same plant in poor soil would remain small and stunted. This is a dijrect Lamarck supposed that such effect of the environment. effects of environment are cumulative from generation to

generation so that long-continued growing in rich soil would produce a more luxuriant race, while continued growing in poor soil would produce a different and smaller race. In the
case of animals

Lamarck does not think that the

action of

quite so direct, but thajt^animals are changed indirectly through changes in their habits. Buffon considered the action of environment direct in both animals and plants,



and this view Darwin seems to have adopted rather than Lamarck's slightly different one. Darwin in his Variation adopts this factor, the direct effect of environment, as one of
the causes,
(p. 6)


not the chief cause of variations.



If then organic beings in a state of nature vary even in a slight degree, owing to changes in the surrounding conditions, of which we have abundant

then the severe and oftengeological evidence, or from any other cause, recurrent struggle for existence will determine that those variations, however slight, which are favorable shall be preserved or selected, and those

which are unfavorable


be destroyed.



Lamarck regarded new

or cause of variations.


physical needs as a second factor supposed that the need of an

organ caused the organ to be produced, that need of horns to fight with or of teeth to chew with would cause the production of horns and teeth respectively. Darwin never adopted
this view.
3. third Lamarckian factor however Darwin did regard as a genuine cause of variation, viz., use and disuse. The use of an organ, as the arm or leg, causes it to increase in size

and strength; conversely disuse causes decrease


in size


Lamarck believed that

Inheritance of acquired characters. As regards heredity, variations of every sort are inherited.

Those which result from direct action of the environment or from use and disuse, we now call acquired characters, and Lamarck supposed that acquired characters are inherited. Indeed he supposed that all variations are of this nature. Darwin shared Lamarck's view in part; he too probably did not clearly distinguish between variations which we should class as acquired characters and those of other sorts. Certainly Lamarck did not make this distinction, for on his view all

what we should call acquired. In illustration of Lamarck's views concerning the causes of variations and of consequent evolution, it may be well to quote a few passages largely in his own words, as given in translation in Osborn, pp. 164-171.
variations are
In considering the natural order of animals, the very positive gradation exists their structure, organization, and in the number as well as in the perfection of their faculties, is very far removed from being a new truth, because the Greeks themselves fully perceived it; but they were unable to expose the principles and the proofs of this evolution, because they lacked the knowledge necessary to estabhsh it. In consideration of this


gradation of

there are only two us as to The conclusion adopted up conclusions which face Author) Nature today

its ori-


(or its

in cre-

ating animals has foreseen all possible sorts of circumstances in which they would be destined to live, and has given to each species a constant organization, as well as a form determined and invariable in its parts, which forces each species to live in the places and climates where it is found, and there to preserve the habits which we know belong to it. My personal conclusion: Nature, in producing successively all the species of animals, and commenc-




by the most imperfect

or the


perfect, has gradually

most simple to conclude its labour in the and of these completed their organization

animals, while spreading generally in all the habitable regions of the globe, each species has received, under the influence of environment which it has

encountered, the habits which we recognize and the modifications in its parts which observation reveals in it. All that Nature has caused individuals to acquire or lose by the influences of environment to which they have been long exposed, and consequently by the influence of the predominant employment of a certain organ, all this Nature or by that of the continued lack of use of the same part, conserves by generation to the new individuals which arise, provided that

these acquired variations (changements) are common to both sexes, or to those which have produced these new individuals. But great changes in environment bring about changes in the habits of


in their

wants necessarily bring about



new wants become constant or very lasting, they form new habits, the Aew habits involve the use of new parts, or a different use of old parts, which results finally in the production of new organs and the
in their habits.

modification of old ones.


Darwin's later views concerning variation and heredity, compared with those of Lamarck, may be briefly stated


Variation was thought to be due either to the two Lamarckian factors, direct action of the environment and use
or disuse, or to other as yet unknown causes, the results of " which Darwin refers to as chance variations."

As regards heredity, Darwin seems to have thought with Lamarck that variations of all sorts are inherited, though some doubtless were inherited more strongly and per2.


than others.

Weismann (1834-1914).



great advance, after

in our knowledge of variation and heredity was made Weismann, a German zoologist, who within two years after by

Darwin's death

(viz. in

1883) brought forward a



cation of variations

and a new

theory of heredity.

that some variations are congenital {i. e., are horn with us), are in the blood so to speak, while others are acquired through the action of environment, use or disuse.

He showed

Regarding acquired characters, he showed that these, in all probability, are not inherited. This was a wholly new idea and called forth a hot debate which has not yet ended, but



gradually biologists have been coming to the view that Weismann is right. The consequences of this view are very important not only as regards evolution in general, but also as
regards education, for



right scholarship



inherited, but only capacity to learn. The son must begin in his education, not where his father left off, but at the alphabet, and he will not learn any faster because his father was

I think the experience of educators justifies this Children growing up in cultured homes have a certain educational advantage due to their environment, but not to



heredity. Thus Darwin's attention was directed toward natural history, by the home environment in which he grew up. The same is true in even greater degree of his sons, three of

have become distinguished scientists. It is very improbable that he inherited a taste for natural history, as he supposed. More likely he acquired such a taste.




Diagram showing the

relation of the

body or soma

(S) to the


(G) in heredity.

(After E. B. Wilson.)

Besides showing that there is no sufficient evidence that acquired characters are inherited, Weismann pointed out

anatomical and physiological reasons why we should not them to be inherited. In the higher animals and plants reproduction takes place not by division of the body

but by the development of special reproductive cells, eggs, spores, and the like. The fertilized egg-cell of an animal begins its development by dividing into two cells; these divide into four, and so on. Sooner or later we notice that these cells are not all alike. Some of them develop into muscles, others
into bone, or nervous tissue;

entiated to form except some few which remain undifferentiated like the original egg-cell

in short they become differthe various parts and tissues of the body, all

These undifferentiated



in fact

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Via. i


Results of ovarian transplantation in guinea-pigs. Ovaries from a small black guinea-pig (Fig. 2) vere transplanted into an albino (Fig. 3) which, mated with another albino (Fig. 4), produced black young (Figs. 5-7).



give rise to egg-cells or sperm-cells rather than to muscle, bone, or any other part of the body proper. Weismann called the cells which collectively make up the body the soma (Greek

whereas those undifferentiated cells destined for reproduction he called germ-cells or collectively the germfor body)

of the


To show

home, and are themselves unmodified by those activithe biological soundness of Weismann's conclusion that soma and germ-plasm are anatomically and physiologically distinct, I may cite an experiment performed by Dr. John C. Phillips and myself:

female albino guinea-pig (Fig. 3) just attaining sexual maturity was

of its ovaries,

by an operation deprived

there were introduced into her

and instead of the removed ovaries body the ovaries of a young black female

guinea-pig (Fig. 2), not yet sexually mature, aged about three weeks. The grafted animal was now mated with a male albino guinea-pig (Fig. 4). From numerous experiments with albino guinea-pigs it may be stated

emphatically that normal albinos mated together, without exception, produce only albino young, and the presumption is strong, therefore, that had this female not been operated upon she would have done the same. She produced, however, by the albino male three htters of young, which together consisted of six individuals,

young was produced about



black. (See Figs. 5-7.) The first litter after the operation, the last one

about a j'ear. The transplanted ovarian tissue must have remained in its new environment therefore from four to ten months before the eggs attained full growth and were discharged, ample time, it would seem, for the influence of a foreign body upon the inheritance to show itself were such
influence possible.

Since, then, germ-cells and body are distinct, heritable variations cannot have their origin in body-cells but only in the germ-plasm. The problem of evolution, therefore, on Weismann's view, becomes this how are changes in the

germ-plasm brought about ? DanDiris theory of pangenesis. Before Weismann's time, Darwin, in common with biologists in general, had come to recognize that the germ-cells {i. e., the egg and sperm-cells) are the sole vehicles of inheritance.


therefore realized that


acquired characters

are inherited, as everyone then supposed, bodily modifications must in some way be registered in the germ-cells, and he framed an hypothesis to explain how this could come

about. This hypothesis, which he called Pangenesis, is put forward in the closing chapters of his book on Animals and plants under domestication. Darwin himself was not sure " " of its correctness and advanced it as he says tentatively only. We are very sure that it was not correct, but it has for


us an historical interest because
biological investigation


it had much influence upon and theory at that time and subsequently. Logically, Darwin's theory of pangenesis may be regarded as a modification of one of Herbert Spencer's specu-




Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) was the champion of evolution from the standpoint of philosophy, as Huxley was from

the standpoint of comparative anatomy and embryology. His ideas had much influence on the development of evolu-

down to our own time. (See Delage and Goldsmith, 1912.) Spencer tried to explain the structure of living substance (protoplasm) in harmony with the chemical explanation of lifeless substance then current. He supposed that there are structural units of protoplasm comparable with the molecules of chemical compounds, each kind of protoplasm within the body being composed of a different kind or kinds of units. These he called physiological units. Darwin adopting this same line of thought, but with a
tionary thought

more intimate knowledge

of the facts of inheritance,

saw that

every kind of physiological unit must be supposed to exist in the germ-cell, since out of the germ-cell an entire body develops. In his theory of pangenesis, he supposes that every
part of the body is constantly giving off its particular kinds of units into the blood, just as a fungus gives off spores into " the air. These given off units Darwin called gemmules," or little buds. He supposed further that these gemmules are

the blood stream, and accumulate in the germ-cells, in which they multiply as the germ-cell develops. Thus out of one germ-cell comes an entire body with its various parts, because each part was represented in
carried through the



germ by a gemmule. No one today holds this theory, as Darwin stated it, but the underlying idea of preformed deterthe

mining particles existing

later in

in the germ-cell

reappears a


Weismann's theory of heredity, and has wide acceptance today in the chromosome theory of inheritance. We shall come to these later, but for the present let us go back to Darwin's theory of pangenesis. Darwin's method of




reaching this theory was inductive and beyond criticism. He collected all the facts obtainable about inheritance and


then attempted to frame an hypothesis which would account them all, which would bring them all under one point of view. Where he erred was in accepting as facts some things

which we know are not facts. In fitting a theory to them, he framed a false theory, simply because the assumed facts were

Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, showed the unsoundness

of pangenesis by a simple experiment. He reasoned thus. If, as Darwin assumes, gemmules circulating in the blood deter-

mine the character

of the germ-cells, then blood of

one animal

transfused into blood-vessels of another should carry into the germ-cells of the second animal gemmules derived from the

animal. Consequently offspring subsequently produced an animal into which blood has been transfused should by show characteristics of the animal from which the blood was taken. Galton performed this experiment on rabbits but with results wholly negative. The experiment, however, cannot be

regarded as altogether conclusive because (1) blood transfused from one individual to another probably does not long

but is replaced by new blood formed by the individual into which transfusion occurred. Therefore the effects of

transfusion would at

most be

of short duration.



ing that modifications were induced in the germ-cells by transfusion, it is not to be expected, in the light of our present knowledge, that such modifications would in all cases appear
in the first generation offspring, but rather in the second or later generations of offspring, but Galton did not carry the

experiment so far. Galton's experiment therefore cannot be regarded as a complete refutation of pangenesis, but such a refutation has become unnecessary through the development
of biological

knowledge along other


The theory of pangenesis was an attempt to explain the mechanism of the inheritance of acquired characters. If acquired characters are not inherited, as we now have reason
to think, the hypothesis of pangenesis

unnecessary and



should accordingly be discarded. This in fact is what has actually happened. The theory as Darwin stated it has no supporters at present. Those who now hold, in a modified
form, that acquired characters are inherited, have adopted other ways of explaining their inheritance, or else, with Delage, admit the inadequacy of Darwin's explanation and state that no satisfactory substitute has yet been found, but
entertain the hope that one will yet be discovered.




Evidence from ovarian transplantation experiments with guinea-pigs has been cited to show that body and germ-cells
are morphologically

and physiologically


and that

germ-cells may be lodged in a foreign body during their development without losing their distinctive character. But
this by no means proves that germ-cells are immune from modification by influences which reach them through the body. The evidence cited is negative evidence. It creates a

presumption against the inheritance of acquired characters but does not prove a universal negative, which is impossible. The question whether acquired characters are or are not inherited is therefore a question to be decided only by the careful

weighing of evidence. It is possible that some categories of supposed acquired characters are more readily capable of an alternative interpretation than are others. Several of


may now be

discussed briefly.



but universally admitted

that somatic modifications due to mutilation are not in" " are from time to time reherited. Nevertheless cases
ported, in which a man or a domesticated animal which by accident had lost a limb has produced offspring similarly defective.


of the

most frequently recurring

of these stories

has come to me at first hand. A cat which had accidentally lost her tail gave birth to kittens part of which were shorttailed. It is not necessary to suppose that the report is inaccurate.

Certain races of cats are naturally short-tailed,

and a cat might produce offspring short-tailed by inheritance quite irrespective of any injury to either parent. On the other hand where docking of the tail has been followed up systematically for many generations and on a large scale, as is the case in sheep, no racial shortening of the tail is observes



we have the direct experimental evidence of Weismann, who cut off the tails of mice for nineteen generaFinally,

tions in succession without

however observing any inheritance of the mutilation. We have also the evidence furnished by long-continued mutilations practiced by man upon his

own The

person, such for example as tatooing and circumcision. effects of such mutilations, as is well known, are not in-

herited in the slightest degree.

Notwithstanding all this negative evidence, Semon, who like a drowning man catches at every straw, cites Kammerer as having recently shown that a soft-bodied marine animal (Ciona, an ascidian) after its siphons are cut off regenerates new ones longer than normal, and he maintains that the young of such animals have siphons of abnormal length. In view of all the negative evidence furnished by other animals this case, as yet incompletely published, seems highly improbable. The unsupported claim throws more light upon the credibility of Kammerer as a witness (and he has brought forward many cases in recent years) than upon the general
question of the inheritance of mutilations.

Cases of disease acquired by a Congenital diseases. and by him transmitted to his offspring are frequently parent reported. But all these cases are capable of other explana2.

tions than that of inheritance of an acquired character.

In some cases a disease-producing organism may be present in the body of the parent and may pass directly into Thus in silkmoths, the organism the reproductive cell. is transmitted as an infection within which causes "pebrine" the egg, as Pasteur showed. The same is true of Texas fever This disease is caused by a protozoon which is in cattle. introduced into the blood of cattle by a tick which harbors

parasite is present in the egg-cell of the tick, so that the young tick which develops out of such infected eggs cannot fail to contain the parasite; but the

the disease.

The protozoan

is no more inherited than a grain of sand placed within the egg would be inherited. In a similar way in man syphilis may be transmitted, but it is in no true sense inherited. Yet




the practical outcome is very similar; an individual once infected with syphilis is racially condemned; his seed is as
as if the syphilis germ were an essential part of the substance. germinal (6) The intimate relationship of parent to child may give unusual opportunities for post-natal infection, as in the case



of tuberculosis.

Thus the



liable to infection

children of tuberculous parents with tuberculosis, other things

being equal, than the children of non-tuberculous parents. But we are not justified for that reason in speaking of tuberIt is probably in all cases acquired by the patient, individually, and not inherited. Whether some individuals are more susceptible than others is a wholly
culosis as hereditary.

different question.



well be inherited.

Just as a disease-producing organism


be received

into the egg or the embryo while it is still within the body of the mother, so chemical substances in the mother's blood may

embryo and affect its subsequent character. has been shown that in guinea-pigs immunity acquired by the mother (which is known to be due to the presence of specific substances in the blood) may be transmitted to her offspring, though the father has no such inenter the egg or



fluence, the reason being that the sperm-cell is too small to carry an effective quantity of antitoxin, i. e., of immunity

producing substance. In such cases as I have just mentioned of transmitted immunity, the immunity does not last beyond a single generation. It has not become hereditary, it has simply been passively received by the embryo. On the whole, we must conclude that disease transmission furnishes no evidence in favor of the transmission of acquired The most debatable case is that of acquired characters.

For practical purposes For truly hereditary characters are often as detachable and separate from the germ-cell as foreign bodies, as we shall see when we come to study Mendelian inheritance. 3. Induced epilepsy. A famous case cited in all discussions
disease transmitted in the germ-cell.
this is heredity.

of this subject


the case of Brown-Sequard's guinea-pigs.

From 1869
to 1891


Brown-Sequard experimented on thousands of guinea-pigs, developing methods by which a certain form of epilepsy could be induced through injury to different
parts of the nervous system, such as the spinal cord or the In some cases the young of animals thus sciatic nerve.

rendered epileptic were themselves similarly affected. Some persons who have repeated Brown-Sequard's experiments confirm his results, notably Romanes; others have failed to confirm them. Weismann has suggested that some pathogenic organism
got into the wounds and, migrating into the central nervous system, have caused the epilepsy, and this same organism may have infected the young. There is no evidence

may have

that such was the case, however.

Guinea-pigs are said to be strongly predisposed to epilepsy, and so the results of Brown-Sequard's experiments may be pure coincidences, or due to the transmission of a chemical

In some cases reported by Brown-Sequard the animals gnawed off one or more toes after the sciatic nerve had been cut. Certain of their young are reported to have done the same. This is almost certainly pure coincidence,
since the evidence as regards the inheritance of mutilations


Acclimatization. It



known that animals or plants

taken from one climate to another undergo changes of form. The same plant divided into two parts and planted one part upon an exposed mountain side, the other in a sheltered, fertile valley, assumes forms very different in the two places. The mountain form is short, compact and dwarfed; the valley form is tall, spreading and luxuriant. It is assumed by Lamarckians that these direct effects of the environment are to some extent inherited, that if they are repeated through a
long series of generations they at last become habitual, so to speak, and appear spontaneously even when the external


species in general are

way it is explained why mountain dwarfed, and lowland species are tall and luxuriant, even when the two are grown side by side


In this



under identical conditions. Lamarckians assume that the direct effects of the environment have accumulated and become hereditary. Selectionists, on the other hand, maintain that dwarf species were dwarfs originally and by nature, and that they have found their way to the mountains because they alone can survive under the harsh conditions there obtaining, whereas the more luxuriant forms were better adapted to lowland conditions and have there crowded out the dwarfs. It is evident that both explanations are logically sound, though both cannot be true. Many experiments have been tried to determine which best accords with fact, but the results are not entirely conclusive because they are usually capable of alternative interpretations, and each one interprets them in accordance with the general theory which he favors. A few typical experiments may be enumerated. Paul Bert, many years ago, at(a) To altered salinity.

tempted to acclimatize some Daphniae (small fresh-water

Crustacea) to salt water by gradually adding salt to the aquarium. At the end of forty-five days, when the water
all the adults had died; but the brood-chambers survived, and the new generation arising from these flourished well in the salt medium. This case has been cited as a case of inherited modification, but such it clearly is not, because the parents did not succeed in becoming acclimatized they died without becoming modi-

contained 1.5 per cent of salt

eggs in their

fied sufficiently to exist in the salt water.

did become so modified, and them were acclimatized, through

Ferroniere transferred a
into sea water.
tain changes of

their egg-cells the animals developing out of


direct response to the en-

vironment, not through inheritance.


(Tubifex) from fresh water animal lived there and underwent cer(loss of bristles, etc.),


which became
After several

more deeply marked

in later generations.

generations the animals were unable to live in the original medium. This case is cited as showing inheritance of an

acquired modification.
interpreted as showing



of direct adaptation to

can with equal propriety be changed



environment. It is doubtul whether any inheritance occurred at all, for these animals usually reproduce by fission " " and Ferroniere's several generations probably represent merely regenerated fragments of one and the same original individual. Had the transfer back to fresh water been gradual enough there can be httle doubt that it would have been

accomplished successfully. Corn or other grain taken from a (b) To a shorter season. a northern latitude adapts itself to a shorter southern to growing season, maturing earlier. The change is not imme-

but progressive, the period required for maturity growshorter through several generations. This at first sight ing looks like a good Lamarckian effect, but selectionists regard

as equally good evidence in support of their view. For it evident that the shorter growing season in northern lati-

tudes would act as a selecting agency, killing off all variations requiring a long growing season, so that earlier maturity would become a racial character.
5. Effects of changed food supply. Kellogg and Bell (1903) fed larvae of the silkmoth on a reduced quantity of mul-

berry leaves or on a diet partly of lettuce, partly of mulberry leaves. A decrease in size of the adult moths resulted which
persisted through

two subsequent generations, even when normally fed. In this way a race of dwarf moths was produced which however died out at the end of three generations.

not a clear case of inherited modification, but of direct weakening of the organism through mal-nutrition or disease, the cause whatever it was being probably transmitted



in the

egg like "pebrine."

more extensive experiments were performed by Pictet (1910-1911) upon larvae of the gipsy rmpth. These larvae feed by preference on oak leaves. Pictet fed some on walnut leaves and thus obtained moths of modified, paler coloration. These modifications became accentuated after several generations had been reared on walnut leaves. In
Similar but

one experiment the modified coloration persisted in spite of a return to normal diet. The first generation was fed on



walnut leaves and presented the paler coloration; the second and third generations were fed on oak leaves but retained the modified coloration. In the third generation, however, the female showed partial return to normal coloration. Pictet observed some cases in which moths became so completely accustomed to the diet of walnut leaves that their

became normal.

Delage regards this as greatly

He interprets leaves are in general a poor diet for gipsy-moth larvae. They weaken the animal. This weakness persists through one or more generations, doubtless because
weakening the case for inherited modification.
the case thus.


of impaired constitution of the egg,

mitted as an acquired character. cover from the weakening produced by the changed diet. 6. Temperature experiments. Many experiments have been performed with moths and butterflies in which the pupae

but is not certainly transIndeed the race may re-

were subjected to abnormally low or abnormally high temperatures. The effects of both extremes are in many cases similar. In general extremely low or extremely high temperatures produce darker adults. Fischer reared adults from pupae of Arctia caja exposed to a very low temperature, 8 C. Abnormally dark adults were obtained in this way. Some of the darkest of these, produced under normal conditions unusually dark offspring. Fischer considers that the induced modifications were transmitted. But this is far from certain for (1) the moths vary in darkness of coloration under normal conditions. It is not established that the supposedly induced variations lie outside the range of normal variation. (2) Fischer's treatment served to show what animals were naturally inclined to become dark, for these under treatment would become darkest, and from such Fischer bred. The supposed transmission of an acquired characteristic may be regarded in this case as nothing but the transmission of a natural or inborn characteristic, the treatment serving as a
guide to selection. Weismann, however, influenced by studies of his own upon variation in color of butterflies in northern and in southern



Europe, is willing to accept at full face value such cases as this brought forward by Fischer, and to allow that the race may become darker through long-continued subjection to lower temperatures. He supposes not that the body effects are transferred to the germ-cells, but that the low temperatures act simultaneously on the body and on the germ-cells,
producing in them similar changes, the changes in the germplasm affecting the hereditary character of the race permanently. This view under the name of parallel-indiidion now has many adherents. It is a practical admission for a

Lamarckian principle of evolution guided in its course by environmental action. Whether, however, Weismann is right in his interpretation may still be regarded as an open question. In this country, W. L. Tower (1896) has carried on extenparticular case of the
sive experiments upon potato beetles and related insects, in which variations in temperature and humidity of the environment have been followed by variations in pigmentation of the insects, similar to those observed by Fischer in the case of butterflies. Tower interprets his observations, as would Weismann, as showing, not inheritance of acquired characters but

direct modification of the germ-cells, independently of the soma. For, he claims to have obtained modification of the

germ-plasm, which accordingly resulted in inherited variations, where no parallel modification of the body of the parent

had occurred. Inheritance of an acquired character is accordingly excluded because no modification was acquired. His strongest evidence for this claim consists of cases in which the same parents were subjected to periods of heat or cold, alternating with periods of normal temperature, each being of several weeks' duration. It was found that when a batch of eggs was produced in or immediately following a period of heat, characteristic color variations were likely to occur among the offspring which may be called heat variations and these proved hereditary. But when eggs were produced by these same parents at normal temperatures, no such variations occurred. Similar effects were obtained in cold periods.



While the bodies
of their

as contrasted with normal temperatures.

of the parents

remained unaffected, the coloration

offspring varied with conditions of temperature and moisture during the growth and fertilization of the eggs which produced those offspring. Tower therefore concludes that the

germ-plasm was directly and permanently affected by variations in the environment during a particular sensitive growth period of the egg. This work is therefore no argument for the inheritance of acquired characters; nevertheless it is an argument for evolution directly guided by the environment, which There are several after all is the essence of Lamarckism. reasons why we should accept Tower's conclusions with some

place his experiments are not reported in sufficient detail to enable us to form a critical opinion as to

In the


their conclusiveness.

If the

supposed temperature and moisture

effects are

in solely to those conditions, they should appear equally all eggs subjected to the same conditions, but this is not the case. Only certain individuals are modified. Since this is so,


the eggs were not alike at the outset, for some were more sensitive than others to temperature and moisture changes in the environment, if indeed these were
it is

evident that


the agencies which caused the changes observed. A good argument could therefore be made for considering the tem-

perature and moisture changes as merely selective agencies exerted on a collection of germ-cells already inherently variable in their potentialities. For Tower maintains that the
variations once obtained are perfectly stable for an indefinite number of generations. His claim, therefore, is that by direct

action of the environment for a comparatively brief period permanent changes in the germ-plasm may be brought about.

would seem that


the germ-plasm


thus directly modi-

fiable, the action ought to be reversible. Changes of environment should unmake species as readily as they make them,

yet such a result would scarcely harmonize with Tower's



theory, or with the known stubborn and persistent nature of heritable variations, when once they have arisen.



the results of a long series of experiments

Vienna has pubhshed in the last five years with salamanders



lizards designed to show the inheritance of acquired In this connection we will consider his experi-

ments with temperature. The coloration of several species of lizard, with which Kammerer experimented, changes with
changes of temperature. Kammerer kept lizards at abnormally high or abnormally low temperatures, and found that the induced changes of coloration persisted to some extent even after the animals were returned to normal conditions. Further, while they were thus altered, the offspring which they produced, inherited in some degree the supposedly induced changes. The evidence for this case, as for many similar cases which might be cited, is quite insuflBcient. Un-

doubtedly individual differences in coloration occur among the lizards quite independently of external temperatures. Further some probably change more readily and extensively than do others in consequence of changed temperatures. A corresponding variation among the offspring, plus and minus, as compared with their parents, would then account for such plus variations in pigmentation as Kammerer observed among the offspring and which he ascribes to inheritance of changes induced in the parents. Sumner (1915) kept white mice, some in a cold room, some in a warm room, where they multiplied. The mice which grew up in the cold room had shorter tails and feet than those which grew up in the warm room. Animals reared in each room were now transferred to a common room of ordinary temperature and allowed to produce offspring there. In three out of four such lots of offspring studied, the cold-room parents had young with shorter tails and feet, but in a fourth It seems doubtful, therelot these relations were reversed. fore, whether the agreement between parents and offspring in three of the four cases studied is anything but a coinci-



may be

But even supposing due, as Sumner


to have statistical significance,

suggests, to differences directly

impressed upon the germ-cells while they were contained within the body of the parent and the parent itself, being very young, varied in body temperature with the room in which it was born. If so, there can be no question of a
transfer of an effect from

body to

germ-cells, but only of

simultaneous modification of the two.

It is well known that pressure has the parts of the body. The skin on the direct effects upon soles of our feet is thickened where our weight rests upon it,



form on the hand when it is used at hard work. during which the person does not stand upon long his feet causes the thickenings on the feet in part to disappear. They are undoubtedly due directly to pressure. Yet all previous generations of man have been subjected to the same action, and if acquired effects are inherited this should be. In fact, it is found that in the foetus of man, long before birth (from five months on) the skin is thicker on the sole of the feet than on the back of the foot. If this is not to be regarded as an inherited effect of use (pressure), it will be necessary to explain how the skin came to be thickened originally in those particular regions where use induces thickening. The camel's hump has been cited as a character acquired by pressure, carrying loads on its back. But this is a less




fortunate example for the Lamarckians, for the camel's hump is not due probably to pressure at all. It represents rather a
reserve food organ, like special accumulations of fat in most animals. For not all animals which carry loads on their backs

Further, acquire humps without carrying loads, as the American bison and the humped cattle of India.

acquire humps, for example the ass, the horse.



Kammerer has experimented with the salamander (" fire salamander ") which is European spotted mottled with black and yellow areas. He finds that if salamanders are kept on a yellow background, the yellow areas become more extensive, while if the animals are kept on a



black background, their black areas become more extensive. Thus there is an automatic control of the color-pattern adapted for concealment, such as is known to occur in many

bred from animals, thus rendered extremely yellow, and reared part of the young on a yellow background, part of them on a black background. Both lots

Now Kammerer

developed yellow spots but these were more extensive in those animals kept on a yellow background. In some of them the yellow was more extensive than in the parents. This result Kammerer ascribes to inheritance of the acquired yellow
coloration added to the direct effect of the yellow background on the young. This conclusion is a fallacious one. Spotted

animals are extremely variable in pattern, even when the environment does not change. If a particular kind or degree of spotting is selected in the parent animals, it may be expected that offspring will be obtained both darker and lighter

In this way the race can by selection be made either darker or lighter, quite irrespective of any change Kammerer has obtained nothing bein the environment. such effects as these. There is no reason to think that yond a change of illumination induced them to any greater extent in the second generation than it did in the first. Another light experiment carried out by Kammerer seems to me to have more weight. This was concerned with the degeneration of the eyes in cave animals. It is a well-known

than the parents.

fact that cave animals

have bodies nearly or quite colorless and possess degenerate eyes. In animals pigment formation is an oxidation process, which frequently does not take place in the absence of hght. Therefore many animals which develop in complete darkness are unpigmented. The human skin, to be sure, develops pigment even in darkness, but it develops much more of it in direct sunlight. The skin of a





he stays indoors, but darkens quickly

in the direct sunlight.



spends much time outdoors

est races of

The dark-

mankind strongest and the

are those which live where the sunlight skies are clear; the fairest races live
less intense

where the sun's rays are

and the

skies are often



signifies to

the Lamarckian that the effects of

the sun's rays on the

skin are inherited; but to the selectionist it means only that men vary in depth of pigmentation and that each race has migrated to that climate



it is

best fitted to endure.

As regards the origin of cave animals the same diversity of opinion exists. Some consider that animals which found their


into caves lost their pigmentation and transmitted this condition to their offspring; others hold that such animals as were able to survive when by chance they made their way into caves were probably animals with little pigmentation, which could not very well exist elsewhere.

As regards the vision of cave animals, the Lamarckians hold that the eyes have degenerated because no longer used, whereas the selectionists hold that the animals which have taken to living in caves have been driven to this course by the degeneration of their eyes, and they point out that the
nearest relatives of cave animals are those with poorly developed eyes, wliich five in semi-darkness.

Kammerer, very commendably, has put these



has reared in daylight the views to an experimental young of the cave salamander, Proteus anguinius. Under these circumstances the skin became pigmented and the eye
did not degenerate, as normally; but if the animals were kept in strong light continuously the skin became so heavily pigmented, including that in front of the eye where the transin the light, parent cornea forms in ordinary animals hving that in consequence the eye itself degenerated. To overcome this difficulty Kammerer kept the animals in red light, which is less favorable than daylight to pigment formation, but suffices nevertheless to stimulate the eyes to development. The red-light treatment was given for one week out of three during the first eighteen months of the animals' lives. In this


the eye, which in cave-inhabiting individuals is very small and rudimentary, was brought to full development, with a transparent cornea and all other parts necessary for





This result leaves no doubt that light is a necessary stimulus for full development of the eye in Proteus, and it is the
absence of this stimulus which has led in part to the present degenerate condition of the eye. \^^lether or not the degeneration has advanced from generation to generation is of course conjectural, but seems highly probable. Weismann

indeed considered the evidence for the progressive degeneration of disused organs so strong that he framed a special
hypothesis, that of germinal selection, to account for this matter we shall return later.



Instincts are


the most vital posses-

sions of animals, but the


difference of opinion exists as

regards their origin as concerning the origin of other adapWithout being taught, tive characteristics of organisms. do generation after generation the same acts in the animals

same way. They seem to know, without individual experience or education, exactly what to eat, and how to secure it; how to prepare a nest or burrow of a very definite pattern; how to care for young, though they have never seen young cared for before; what to do as the seasons change; and
numberless other vital and necessary things. Some say this is inherited memory, nothing less; the ancestors have learned, their descendants remember. Just as brain cells, after receiving a variety of sensations one after another, are able to
reproduce them again in the same order and complexity through memory, so the reproductive cells become storehouses of racial experience or habit which they transmit as instincts. This easy way of accounting for instincts as habits registered like phonograph records in the germ-plasm has

even been extended to



by a number of writers,

represented at the present time by Richard Semon. This idea had great influence in America in the last quarter of the
last century,

when a

strong school of

modern Lamarckians,

or neo-Lamarckians, flourished here. Many still hold to this view, but the neo-Darwinians, or followers of Weismann,


of late

been rather

in the


In their view,

instincts arise because the structure of the

germ-plasm neces-



a particular response when certain external stimuli are operative, not at all because such a response has before been made by the ancestors. Having denied that action of the individual can affect the germ-plasm within it, they can conceive of no


for the transmission of habits


by the individual, and so deny the existence of such transmission. On the neo-Lamarckian view a hen sits on eggs because
her ancestors have formed the habit of incubating eggs; on the Weismannian view the hen sits on eggs because she cannot help doing it; when she is in a certain physiological state

and the nest


of eggs is there, she sits, and that is all there is Neither of these views is very satisfying. On one

hand the neo-Lamarckian fails to explain how the first hen came to incubate, which the Weismannian glibly states is just because she is built that way; her germ-plasm necessitates it. On the other hand, the Weismannian can give us no suggestion as to how structural conditions of the germplasm can cause a hen to sit rather than to crow, when a nest
of eggs is before her, but the well-established effects of internal secretions come here to his rescue.

The whole

question of the relation of instincts to inheri-

At present we can make very little is very perplexing. out of it, yet there can be no doubt that it concerns vitally our fundamental theories of evolution and such applied fields
as Eugenics. The correct attitude in the study of instincts is maintained by those who are seeking to learn how much each instinct


and to what extent imitation and education suppleor modify it. So far as possible each instinct should be resolved into terms of response to external chemical or physical changes, or to internal physiological states.

For example

was observed many years ago that certain small Crustacea instinctively swim toward a light. More careful study showed that they do so only under particular conditions. If the
temperature of the water is raised, or its salinity increased, the animal may reverse its response and swim away from the



source of light. These are changes of external conditions which modify the instinctive response. Internal or physiological states of the animal may also modify the instinctive

Thus, if the crustacean has been subjected to mechanical stimulation (repeated touching with a sohd object) its response may be altered. Again larvae of a barnacle for a few minutes after hatching swim toward the light, then they turn and swim away from it,

series of responses calculated to bring




them to suitable The response has been modified

through some internal physiological change. Larvae of the brown-tail moth, after their winter fast, are strongly positively phototropic. They migrate up to the tips of the branches to feed on the opening buds. If at this time they are brought into the laboratory and placed in a test tube, they go toward the window and will remain at the end of the tube toward the window until they die, even if food is at the opposite end of the tube a few inches away. After the larvae have fed they are no longer phototropic. Digestion has probably destroyed the substance in their bodies on which their phototropism
depended. (Loeb, Yale Review, July, 1915.) By such methods of studying the instincts of animals the problem of instinct formation and inheritance may be simplified, through the elimination from it of all non-essential and
outside elements.


intelligence increases in the animal

kingdom, we find

that instinct sinks more and more into a subordinate position. In man there is very little inherited knowledge, if instinct may so be regarded nearly everything has to be learned from

the beginning. Nevertheless it is an open question whether intelligence has not increased through use, whether we do not learn more easily for the reason that our ancestors have for a million generations been learners. Of course I do not refer

here to formal education, but only to the exercise of such intelligence as distinguishes man from other animals. May

not this have been evolved in part through use




Notwithstanding the fundamental nature of the problem of the inheritance of acquired characters, and all that has been said and done to solve it, it still remains an unsolved problem. So far as the inheritance of mutilations, disease, and induced epilepsy are concerned, the evidence is
Acclimatization, the effects of negative or inconclusive. changed food supply, and temperature effects can be ex-

plained quite as well on other grounds as on that of the inheritance of acquired characters. Pressure and light effects
easily explained as cumulative from to generation, i. e., as inherited acquired characgeneration ters, than as due merely to germinal variation. The same is


somewhat more

true of instincts, which, if interpreted as inherited habits, afford the strongest outstanding evidence for the inheritance
of acquired characters. Nevertheless tive explanation is possible. of

even here an alterna-

The Lamarckian view has been shown by the critical work Weismann and his followers to be inapplicable to many

groups of cases to which it had previously been applied. This is a real service on the part of Weismann. Nevertheless, in fields where the Lamarckian principle has not yet been disproved, viz., as regards the effects of use and disuse, it

an easier and fuller explanation of progressive evoluand of adaptation in particular than does the selectionist view. Further, Weismann and his followers have been forced practically to concede the existence of Lamarckian evolution, that is evolution the course of which is guided in adaptive directions by the environment. For Weismann admits that the environment may cause parallel modifications of soma and germ-plasm. For practical purposes this is just as effecaffords
tive in guiding evolution as


soma first developed modifi-

and then handed them on to the germ-cells. That a mechanism for the transmission of acquired characters from

soma to

germ-cells has as yet not been demonstrated, does not

of course disprove the existence of such a mechanism. Such phenomena as memory, having its basis in the nervous sys-

tem, and as the control of development and of behavior



through internal secretions, give us grounds for believing that an adequate basis will be found when our knowledge of the organism becomes more complete. The problem of acquired characters, after all, concerns only the higher animals. In the lower animals and in plants no such sharp distinction exists between body and germ-cells


entire plant some cases.

find in the higher animals. may reproduce the from a cutting of root, stem, or even a leaf in


Hence there


more chance

in such cases of

direct modification of the cells capable of reproduction, for most of the cells of the plant retain this capacity. In the lowest organisms {protozoa, bacteria) there is no distinction

whatever between body and germ-cells. Every cell is capable of reproduction; and modifications produced in a cell by the environment are handed on directly to the next generation. For example medical men have learned how to decrease the
virulence of diseases at will



by heat or chemicals acting disease germs. They are thus able to confer the to a virulent disease by first producing and

then introducing into the body a feeble form of the same

lower organisms the potentialities of living substance can thus be altered, it seems reasonable to suppose that the same possibility may exist in the higher animals and
If in the

plants, provided agencies capable of producing change are allowed to act on the germinal substance. It is the sheltered

position of the genn-cells which seems ordinarily to them from direct modification, but we cannot safely

exempt assume

that they are in


all cases free from such modification. ExperiStockard show that in guinea-pigs repeatedly intoxicated with alcohol, the germ-cells are enfeebled so that are more offspring of such parents, whether male or female,


so to die. Experiments of the germ-cells of frogs are Hertwig show that similarly capable of being injured by emanations of radium in conselikely to

be feeble and



quence of which enfeebled or abnormal offspring


may be



the germ-cells are thus capable of modification, evolution guided by the environment must be in some measure at least a reality. The truth then lies neither in the extreme

Lamarckian view that all acquired characters are inherited nor in the extreme Weismannian view, that no extraneous influences modify the germ-plasm, but somewhere in between.




believed that a

had been asked the ancient riddle, " which was created first, the egg or the hen," he would undoubtedly have answered, " the egg.'' He would have explained that the first bird came from a new type of egg laid by a reptile-like ancestor. Changed structure of the germ-plasm must result, he
thought, in changed structure of the organism developing from it; and he would scarcely have admitted that a new sort of organism might arise in any other way. But the

consequence of

new type of organism arises only the origin of a new type of germ-cell. If he

experimental study of the development of organisms has shown that the germ-plasm forms only one of two complementary sets of agencies which determine what the adult organism shall be. It is true that the character of the germ-

determines in part what the character of the ;'dult organism shall be, but so also does the environment. If we plant beans, we must expect to harvest beans not corn, but whether the harvest is large or small will depend upon the soil and the season. Sunlight, moisture, a suitable temperature, and proper chemical substances in the soil are all indispensable

trol within

conditions to the production of any crop at all, and they conhmits the size, vigor, and productiveness of the

plants grown. Both internal and external agencies influence the form of organisms. These are summarized in the two

words, heredity and environment. Weismann emphasized the first almost to the neglect of the second. Lamarck had
previously gone to the opposite extreme, emphasizing the importance of the environment not only in directly adapting the

organism to


surroundings but also in controUing





It is coming to be recognized that the truth Hes somewhere between these extreme views. What in general were Weismann's views and how did he arrive at them ?

Weismann's Method
Weismann's method

account for heredity differed fundamentally

constructing an hypothesis to from Darwin's.

Darwin reasoned

inductively, Weismann deductively. Darwin tried first to ascertain what characteristics are inherited and then to imagine a mechanism which might explain their " inheritance. The result was pangenesis." Weismann, on

the other hand, first inquired what is the mechanism of inheritance and, having answered this to his own satisfaction, proceeded to the conclusion that only such characters are
inherited as have their basis in this mechanism.



was the chromosome theory

ture in

of inheritance.

It has this fea-

pangenesis," the inherited characteristics are supposed to be determined in advance and to be represented in the germ-cell by material bodies. These are " " " " the gemmules of Darwin, the determiners of Weis" " mann. Darwin supposed that the migrate gemmules





parts of the body into the germ-cells and so make it inevitable that the organism which develops out of the germall

cell shall

As regards the

have the same parts and properties as the parent. origin of variations, pangenesis might be called a centripetal theory, since determiners are supposed by it to migrate centrally toward the germ-cells. Weismann's theory, on the other hand, is centrifugal; he
" " determiners originate solely in the supposes that the and migrate thence out into the various parts of germ-plasm the developing body and that thus differentiation is pro-

view no centripetal movement of determiners whatever; they never pass from soma to germcells, but only in the reverse direction.








Weismann's Mechanism of Heredity

Weismann had
increased over


of the structure of the germ-cells

advantage over Darwin; in his time had considerably



was when Darwin conceived the hy-

pothesis of pangenesis. " " Weismann identified his determiners with certain con-

spicuous structures of the germ-cell called chromosomes (unknown in Darwin's time), and supposed that the nature
of these determines

and controls the nature and activity





containing them. the theoretical importance which

Weismann and

others have assigned to these structures that has given them their great prominence in the study and description of cell phenomena in the last thirty years. In reality the chromo-

somes make up a part only of the germ-cell and we have no certain knowledge that they form the more important part. Nevertheless a majority of biologists, probably, at the present
time believe with Weismann that heredity is due to material substances or determiners which are located in the chromo-

The principal reasons for so thinking are: The conspicuousness of the chromosomes at the time of cell division and the very exact manner in which as a rule each of them divides into two equal parts, which pass into

different cell-products. 2. The constancy of the


of the



the same species of animal or plant. The number is different in different species but within the same species it is very constant. The only known exceptions to this rule are such as

may be cited in support of the general idea that chromosomes

are determiners of heredity. (a) The two sexes within the

same species frequently differ the number of chromosomes in their gemi-cells. as regards When this is the case the male has the smaller number of chromosomes, and it is assumed that the chromosome or
chromosomes which the male lacks determine femaleness. (6) It has been shown in the case of the evening primroses
(Oenothera) that a particular heritable type of variation

(" lata


") contains

one more chromosome than the has been observed repeatedly to parent species from which it arise. Another type of mutant in this same group of plants
contains twice the ordinary

mutant," Gates, 1915). the organism vary simultaneously with variation in the chromosomes creates a presumption that the relationship is
a causal one.

number of chromosomes (" gigas The fact that visible characters of

The experimental evidence shows that

in general the

father is just as influential as the mother in determining the inheritance of the children. But the egg-cell is vastly larger than the sperm-cell. Therefore much of the substance of the cannot be concerned in heredity. What the egg and


sperm-cell have in common consists than of any other substance. This makes


largely of chromatin

seem probable that

chromatin is concerned in heredity. 4. There exists a parallelism between the behavior of the chromosomes in the development of the germ-cells and that
of certain characteristics in heredity.

It is supposed, therecontain chemical subfore, that the chromosomes actually stances necessary for the development of these inherited

characters and in this sense are determiners of heredity. The assumption of Weismann that heredity is due to deter-

miners contained in the germ-cell, like the pangenesis theory of Darwin, has encountered many difiiculties. Consequently numerous supplementary hypotheses have been found necesto enable it to feature as a general explanation of the
facts of inheritance.

Difficulties Encountered by Weismann's Theory

The first difficulty Development (ontogeny). countered lay in the explanation of the development of the individual from the egg. Weismann assumed that each cell



which peculiar form and activities to the detenniners in its chromosomes. Since it contains, these being located the different parts and tissues of the body the cells

differ in their

composing forms and

activities, it

was necessary





further that the different kinds of cells contain different de-

terminers and consequently that as the egg divides up into cells which form the different parts of the body, these cells must receive different determiners. But microscopic examination of the cells of the body reveals no such differences; it

shows differences in pretty much everything except chromosomes, which remain remarkably constant. Boveri (1887) has described one case which seems to support the idea that changes in the chromatin occur, as body-cells become distinguishable from germ-cells. In the parasitic worm, Ascaris, the chromosomes are seen partially to break up and disintegrate in those cells of the embryo from which the body arises, whereas the original ovarian structure remains unmodified in the germ-cells. No similar case, however, has been described in other organisms, so that it seems very doubtful whether the observed changes have the significance originally attached to them by Boveri. There are good reasons for believing that the chromatin content of each cell of the body is hke that of every other cell of the same body, and that differentiation results either (a) from the position of a cell in relation to other cells, which will accordingly regulate its intake and output, or (6) from an original difference

cytoplasm of the cell (the extraSuch cytoplasmic differences between cells nuclear part). arise, during development, from the fact that the Qgg cytoin substance contained in the

plasm, at the beginning of development, is not homogeneous, and consequently the cells into which the egg divides are not
alike in cytoplasmic content.

man who loses a leg or an arm is deRegeneration. for the remainder of his life, but many of prived of the same

the lower animals can restore lost parts by a process which we call regeneration. If a young salamander, a crab or a lobster is deprived of a leg, a new leg grows out again from
It is true that Hegner (1914), confirming Kahle (1908), has also observed "diminution of chromatin" occurring in the differentiation of somatic cells in an insect, Miastor, but in numerous other animals studied by Hegner he has found no such diminution of chromatin but has observed the germ-cells to be differen'

tiated solely

by cytoplasmic changes.



the stump of the old one. Such facts as these compelled Weismann to assume that, in cases of leg regeneration, not


the leg determiners pass out during development into the but a supply is also held in reserve in the adjacent parts

of the

body; these being latent or inactive ordinarily, but becoming active when the leg is removed. Experimental studies of regeneration made by Morgan, Child, and others scarcely support Weismann's view. They

indicate that any undifferential cell of the body, if placed at the stump of an amputated leg, might function in leg re-

generation, and so that specific leg regenerators do not exist. It is true that, in many animals, particular groups of cells have the ability to produce only a particular kind of structure,

no matter where they are placed

in the body, in
it is

transplantation experiment. pretty clear that we are dealing, not with the effects of specific determiners, but with the consequences of cytoplasmic differentiation which, in many cases at least, arose in the undivided egg



such cases

when no

nuclear difference existed within the organism, since contained only a single nucleus. 3, Polymor'phism. In many species of animals and plants

the form of the adult differs fundamentally according to the

environment in which it is placed. In certain amphibious plants {e. g., Ranunculus aquatilis) the plant when growing in the air develops flat broad leaves, but when growing under
water develops leaves dissected into numerous hairlike appendages. Weismann supposed that in such cases there exist alternative sets of determiners in the germ-plasm, one for the land fonn of leaf, one for the water form, conditions of dryness or dampness during development calling one or the other set into activity. If intermediate conditions were shown to produce intermediate effects, he would doubtless assume a In animals more joint and partial activity of both sets.
complicated conditions of polymorphism occur.
cies of butterfly


have spring and summer generations

speof off-

spring (broods as they are called), quite different in appearance, corresponding to different external conditions of tern-


perature or food supply.


The gall insects of oak and willow have summer and winter generations very different in character. The summer generation usually feeds upon the soft tissues of the growing leaf and produces winged adults of both sexes; whereas the winter generation feeding on the woody tissues produced by a stem or metamorphosed bud, may consist of wingless females only, which lay unfertilized, i. e., parthenogenetic In such cases Weismann supeggs.
poses that alternative sets of determiners exist in the germplasm, which are activated by summer or by winter conditions respectively. The case of the social insects (bees and ants) is still more complicated here there may exist four or five different adult

forms as drones (males) queens (egg-laying females) and workers or soldiers of various sorts. The workers and soldiers are all imperfectly developed females, not producing eggs ordinarily but merely taking care of the rest of the colony. Experiment has shown that the same egg, in the case of the honeybee, may produce either a queen or a worker, depending upon the amount and quahty of the food supphed to the
developing larva. The same is undoubtedly true of the various sorts of soldiers, among other social insects, these beWeismann supposes ing alternative forms of the female. that there are as many distinct sets of determiners in the egg
as there are different forms into which


develop. This


of explanation assigns to determiners located within the nucleus of the egg, influences which demonstrably lie outside

the egg.

As an explanation


polymorphism the theory of


alternative nuclear determiners

also positively erroneous. 4. Variation. Weismann

not only superfluous but


supposed that


originate in the germ-plasm, and subsequently find expression in the body of the offspring, reversing the idea of La-

marck and Darwin, who supposed that variations first originate in the body and are thence transferred to the genn-cells. To account for adaptive variation, Weismann framed two
supplementary hj^jotheses.


account for the origin of



inherited variations similar to those which the environment

directly produces in the body, he invented the hypothesis of parallel modification of germ-plasm and soma, to which refer-

ence has already been made. 2. To account for the apparent inheritance of the effects of use and disuse, he invented the hypothesis of germinal selection. On this view the various
determiners which compose the germ-plasm are competing with each other in a struggle for nourishment, just as animals and plants struggle with each other for existence in the world
at large. Sometimes one determiner gets more nourishment, sometimes another; but whichever one gets most nourishment, grows largest, and would consequently give rise to a

plus variation of a corresponding part or organ of the body. When one determiner gets more nourishment, that is, pro-

duces a plus variation, some other determiner gets less and so produces a minus variation. Thus there is perpetual variation in the parts and organs of the body, which affords

abundant material

for natural selection to act upon.





essential organ gets too small, its possessor




the organ which undergoes minus variation is a useno disadvantage results to the organism; on the contrary, there is more nourishment left for essential organs,
less one,

which therefore grow at the expense of the useless ones. Thus through natural selection useless organs tend to dimin-

and ultimately to disappear altogether, while essential organs (those most used) grow in size and activity. An apparent inheritance of the effects of use and disuse results. Modern research supports Weismann's theory of nuclear

determiners to this extent. It appears highly probable that special chemical substances necessary for the production of particular variations are located in particular parts of the
possibly in chromosomes. It is also conceivable that these substances may vary from cell to cell in amount or


and that under a constant environment variation


particular organs affected may thus result. But it is not necessary to suppose, as Weismann did, that these groups of sub-

stances are engaged in a struggle of any sort, with each other.


The period from 1880 to 1900, following Darwin's death, was marked by extreme speculation concerning evolution rather than by inductive study of its phenomena. This speculative tendency found its culmination in Weismann's brilliant essays, but his ideas, notwithstanding their brilhancy, failed to win acceptance among such biologists as insisted on having a

substantial basis of well-ascertained facts on which to rest their theories. Weismann's theories were accordingly distinctly on the wane when in 1900 they received support from an unexpected source, the rediscovery of Mendel's law of heredity, which now fully established seems to require for its explanation some such system of determiners as Weismann had hypothecated and located in the chromosomes. During this period of speculation about evolution, biologists had been looking in various directions for new tools with which to attack the study of evolutionary problems. The facts of development were more carefully studied and accurately described than ever before, and more precise information was sought about the influence of environment upon development and growth. Thus experimental embryology and experimental morphology were born, to be followed a little later by experimental breeding. Meantime, Bateson was attempting to classify variations on morphological grounds without reference to their causation, and Pearson was seeking to measure variability so as to detennine its direction and rate of progress. Darwin had throughout nearly a lifetime collected all obtainable facts about variation in animals and plants as a basis for his generalizations concerning evolution and heredMuch of his data is contained in his work on the ity.



Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Bateson took up this work after Darwin's death and collected a large number of facts concerning variation, which he attempted to classify, but without great success. His results are found in a book entitled Materials for the Study of Va-

published in 1894. The most important conclusion reached by Bateson, was one which Francis Galton had already stated with great clearness in 1889 (Natural Inheririation,

tance), viz., that variations fall naturally into



Continuous variations are continuous and discontinuous. those which are graded, the extremes being connected by a


series of

intermediate conditions;


variations are such as are separated by gaps in which no intermediate stages occur. Bateson believed that discon-

tinuous variations are

more important

in species formation

than are continuous ones, because, where variations are

discontinuous, the action of natural selection is greatly simIn discontinuous variation selection determines the plified.
survival of one or the other of


distinct groups, since

intermediates do not occur and it is unnecessary to assign selectional value to each plus or minus gradation of an organ, Galton had earlier expressed the same idea, suggesting that



like the


pushed or tipped a

behavior of a polyhedron when little, it returns to its former

position of equilibrium, merely oscillating back and forth on the same face as before. But if it is pushed hard enough, it

new face coming to rest in a new position Galton suggested that discontinuous variations may be species forming variations, stable from the start, whereas slight or graded variations may have no lasting effect, like the oscillations of the polyhedron on one and the same face. This view was strongly supported a few

over on to a

of equilibrium.

years later by the botanist

tion (1900-1903). Meanwhile variation
of view,


Vries in his theory of muta-

was being studied from a new point

its full

which we

may call

was the founder

biometry but

Francis Galton (1889) development has



been due chiefly to the valuable work of Karl Pearson. The underlying idea in biometry is to apply to the study of evolution the precise quantitative
of physics

methods followed in the study and chemistry with such signal success. Biometry is the statistical study of variation and heredity.

It deals with masses, not with individuals, differing in this respect from the method of Darwin and Bateson. It seeks

to obtain a quantitative estimate, as precise as possible, of variation in one generation, and to compare with this a similar quantitative estimate of the next generation and then by comparing these to learn in what direction evolution is

taking place and at what rate. In some cases it has attempted to discover the direction of evolution from the character of the variation within a single generation.

Biometry is best adapted to deal with continuous variation, but it has its uses also in dealing with discontinuous
Its ideal, to


biological investigation

accurate and comprehensive,


wholly commendable.

more But


collection and compilation of biological statistics will not advance knowledge unless brought into relation with other facts about living things, and it is in this respect chiefly

that biometricians have sometimes erred, drawing unwarranted conclusions from their statistical data.

Biometry means


obvious that


the measurement of living things. can deal only with characteristics which

are measurable, such as linear dimensions, volume, weight, or number of parts. One of the cases most carefully studied by Galton was human stature. This case illustrates very

methods and results of biometric study. Measurements made at the Harvard gymnasimn of the height and weight of one thousand students of ages eighteen to twenty-five are classified in Table 1. In order that the number of classes may not be too great for convenient statistical treatment, height classes are formed of 3 cm. each. Thus students measuring 155, 156, or 157 cm. are all placed in a common class, whose middle value is 156 cm. In dealing
well the

with large numbers, the probability


that each of the three

Number of



measurements would occur as frequently as either of the others, so that the middle value would be a fair representative of the class and could be used in statistical computations as the class value with entire propriety and accuracy. Weight classes are also formed of three kilos extent in classifying the weights. The numbers of individuals found in each height class are shown in the totals at the bottom of Table 1. The largest number of individuals is found in the class, 173-175 cm., viz., 188. On either side of this class the numbers of
individuals (called frequencies) fall off steadily reaching a frequency of four in the shortest class and of one in the tallest

In Fig. 9 the relative frequencies of the height classes graphically, each column of the figure being proin altitude to the frequency of the class which it portional



This method of representing variation is called method of loaded ordinates." By joining the tops of the the several columns of the figure, as in the dotted line, a socalled variation curve is obtained. The class with greatest frequency in a group of variates is


called the mode,

i. e.,

the fashionable class.

It has, of course,



classification of the

ordinate in the variation figure (class 174, Fig. 9). same one thousand students as re-

gards weight is given in the totals at the right of Table 1, and a graphic presentation of the same data in Fig. 10. The modal class is that which has as its middle value sixty-three

This has a frequency of one hundred and fifty-four with the two adjacent classes almost as large and more remote
classes diminishing in frequency to


in classes forty-

more rapid and one hundred and five. The to the left than to the right of the modal class, so that in all there are only six classes below the mode but there are fourThis teen classes in the range of variation above the mode. " '* curve obtained by or asymmetrical skew results in a
falling off is

joining the tops of the ordinates (dotted line. Fig. 10). variation curve for the height measurements (Fig. 9)
also slightly skew, but its of the curve for weight.


skewness was



than that



variation curve which


from skewness resembles


what mathematicians
simply a
NuTnber of Individ uals


curve of error


curve or frequency of error or normal curve " (Fig. 11).












Showing the Vahiation in Height and Weight and the Correlation BETWEEN Height and Weight among 1000 Harvard Students OF Ages 18-25 Measured at the Harvard Gymnasium IN THE Years 1914-1916




of the of

coins are thrown several times and a count

heads following each throw and these results are then combined and plotted we shall get a frequency of error curve about the number five which will be the most frequent.


Fig. 11.



" " " of error or normal curve M, mode. Q, Q', qiiartile; one-half the area of the figure lies between Q and Q'. After Lock.

i. e.,


the modal result, heads being of the same frequency as See Fig. 12 and Table 2.

Biometry has established the fact that

when measurable,


biological variation, of the frequency of error

Probable Results of Tossing Ten Coins Simultaneously. (After Lock)


Relative Probability



3 2


" " "


2 3




type, which

means that

must be the

result of several inde-

pendent contingencies or causes. Some of these causes are doubtless environmental, others are due to heredity. Their combined action is to produce variation of the frequency of
error type.



The action of several heredity factors which are independent of each other produces a curve of the same sort; and so do several environmental factors independent of each
most cases of variation agencies of both sorts are But in some cases the causes which tend to produce plus variation may be stronger or weaker than those which tend to produce minus variation. The result is an
other; in at work.


Fig. 12.


graphic presentation of the data contained in



After Lock.

unsymmetrical or




variation curve.

Thus among

Harvard students the causes which tend to produce variation in weight above the normal are apparently stronger than those causes which tend to produce weight below the normal, as is indicated by Fig, 10. The same was found to be true still more emphatically of adult males in England, according to
data tabulated by Yule. In some cases, biological variation is exclusively in one direction from the mode, i. e., all the causes of variation which are operative tend in one direction. Thus the common buttercup varies in number of petals from five upward but
very rarely in the reverse direction. Five is the commonest or modal number, but the observed variation curve is onesided. See Fig, 14, 1887.



evident that to describe the character of variation in

it will

any case


suffice to


the mode;

we must




whether the variation
is its is

symmetrical about the mode,


range, and whether the majority of the variates cluster closely about the mode or are widely scattered.


special statistical coefficients

suffice for

express these various features of the variation, have been devised. It will

our purposes to discuss only the more important

of these.

tion, identical

or average, is in a case of symmetrical variawith the mode. Thus the average height of the thousand Harvard students (Table 1) is close to 174 mm., the mode. But their average weight lies outside and above the modal weight class, because their variation in weight is decidedly skew, more men exceeding 66 kilos in weight

The mean,

ed in


below that weight.

the products,


find the average, multiply

the value of each class by the


number of individuals containand divide by the entire number of


Average Deviation and Standard Deviation.


sets of

variates having the same mode and mean may nevertheless differ widely in their variability, one being more scattered

than the other.

To express the greater spread of one curve as compared with another, the average deviation, may be employed. That is, we may estimate how far, on the average, an individual taken at random differs from the mean. This is computed as


the deviation of each class from the

mean, multiis

ply this by the frequency of that class, add the products, and
divide by the entire


of variates.

The quotient


average deviation.


AD =





that the



means the

deviation of each class value

to be taken of the products indicated, from the mean of

/ means the frequency (number of individuals) and n means the total number of variates This measure of variability is improved, (individuals). mathematicians tell us, by the method of least squares, i. e., by squaring the deviation of each class, and extracting the
of each class,



square root of the final quotient. To distinguish it from the average deviation, this is called the standard deviation. Its

scatter of




forms a measure of the degree of


the variates.

This measure

expressed in the same


units as were

employed in measuring the variates. To compare one case of variation with another as

gards degree of scatter of the variates, another expression been devised which is called the Coefficient of Variation.


obtained by dividing the standard deviation by the mean.





an abstract number expressing

the variability in per cent of the mean.

Judged by their coefiicients of variability. Harvard students are found to be more variable in weight than in height, the respective coefficients (C V) for height and weight being 3.76 and 11.94. See Tablet. 4. Another important tool of the biometrician should be mentioned, viz., the coefficient of correlation, which is a measure of the extent to which one character varies in
agreement with another. In order to obtain a coefficient of correlation a set of observations may be classified simultaneously as regards



Thus we might



there any

correlation between the height and the weight of men, and if so how much ? Are tall men on the whole heavier than short

ones or

vice versa

To determine


matter we must


obtain observations on the height and weight of the same individuals. The observations may then be classified in a
correlation table (as in Table 1), which is made by ruling paper into squares and entering the observations on height in vertical columns, and the observations on weight in hori-

An individual 156 cm. in height and weighing 48 kilos will be entered in the square at which column 156 and row 48 intersect; an individual of the same height but ten kilos heavier will be recorded in the third square below, and so on. When all the observations have
zontal rows, or vice versa.



been entered in the table, we may proceed to calculate ^ a coefficient of correlation which will be a measure of the extent to which men vary in weight as they vary in height. and 1. Its numerical value will lie between It is evident that the correlation would be most complete if

men invariably increased

entries in the table


weight as they increase in height.

would then be distributed in a single row running across the table from its upper left-hand diagonal

corner to

lower right-hand corner.

We should

infer that

in such a case the

two completely correlated phenomena were due to the same causes or contingencies exactly. Our numerical coefficient of correlation would in such a case be -|- 1.
In reality such correlation as this rarely,

ever, occurs in


know that men of the same height biological material. in weight and vice versa. For weight does not depend upon height alone but also upon width and thickness and
specific gravity.


It does however depend sometvhat upon and so our table would show incomplete correlation, height, which would be expressed by a coefficient less than 1 but greater than 0.


coefficient of correlation



by the formula

<Tx <^y



r is the coefficient of correlation,

Dr and Dy

are the deviations of each

observed group of individuals from the respective means of height and weight, S signifies that the sum of the products indicated is to be taken, n is the total number of individuals observed, and ai and ay are the standard deviations for height respectively. To express in the form of a rule the procedure to be followed in calculating the coefficient of correlation between (say) height and

and weight

weight: First find the average height and the average weight of all individuals observed, then their standard deviation in height and their standard deviation in weight. Next determine for each square of the table its deviation from the average height

and average weight respectively. Find the product of these two deviations (regarding signs) and multiply it by the number of individuals recorded After such a product as this has been found in the square imder consideration.

for every square in the table, the products are to be added (regarding signs) and this sum is to be divided by the product of the two standard deviations times the


of individuals observed.

There are several short-cuts by which the

calculation as here described

these the reader


be shortened or simplified. For a description of B. Davenport (1904), Eugene referred to the special works of




and Yule




In the table the entries would show a tendency to group themselves about the diagonal, but there would be a considerable scattering of entries in squares not lying in the


Compare Tables




in general did not increase in

in height,

weight as they increase but actually grew lighter as they grow taller, then

we should

find a negative value for the coefficient of correlaCases of this kind are occasionally met with, but they

of the correlathe order of the grades for one by reversing character) a negative result may always be converted into a positive one of like magnitude. The essential thing, which a

are of no importance since

by rearrangement

tion table (as

coefiicient of correlation does, is to

show whether two ob-

served phenomena are or are not causally related to each indicates that the two sets other. Any result other than


are so related,

and the

size of

the coefiicient

indicates the extent to which they are causally related, up to 1 which would indicate that they are due to a value of

identical causes.

In biometry the correlation table has found two principal show what parts or processes of an organism in unison and to what extent they so vary and (2) to vary measure heredity. Examples of the first use are the relation between height and weight in man already discussed and the relation between one skeletal dimension and another, as skull length and femur length, which in rabbits have a correlation of 0.76, or the lengths of femur and humerus, which in rabbits show a correlation of 0.86. See Table 3.
uses (1) to



correlation values for corresponding bone measurements If the correlation between two are very similar.


known, it is possible from a knowledge of the magnitude of one of them to predict the magnitude of the other, with an accuracy indicated by the coefficient of correlation. If for instance the correlation between femur and humerus is 0.86 and I know the femur length of an individual, I can estimate his humerus length with an accuracy of
about 86 per cent.



use of the correlation coefficient
is still

The second


important, viz., to measure the strength of heredity. It affords a means of comparing the strength of a character in
successive generations


Thus the amount

of white

of thus measuring its heredity. on the body of piebald rats is a

variable character (Fig. 125) to

some extent



resemblance between parents and offspring in grade of whiteness as shown in Table 4 is about 23 per cent, the correlation coefficient in this case being 0.233. Pearson found, for his human data, the height of father and son to have a correlation of 0.514; between brother and brother he found the correlation to be 0.511, figures which indicate the strong
inheritance of size differences in man.


Correlation Table showing the Relation between Femur-length AND HUMERUS-LENGTH IN 370 RaBBITS. T = 0.857

From MacDowell, Appendix, Table




ample, if I knew the height of each member of a college class I could calculate the absolute average height of the class without any possible inaccuracy, if the arithmetical
operations were free from mistakes. But if I want to know the average height of students in the entire college and have only the measurements of a particular class on which to base

an opinion,



obvious that






have not a

of the college as regards height. class the less probable is any error in
class included half or

sample Obviously the larger

of the students




my my

more than

half of



in the

University (unselected as to size) the probability of an error through random sampling would be small; and if it included


in the University, the probability of error




Correlation Table used as a Measure of Heredity. The Char.4cter " Hooded " Studied is the Relative Amount op White in the Pattern of Piebald Rats, r = 0.233.


Castle and Phillips, Table 11.



{Q, Q') so placed that between the two lines half the area of the figure will be included. It is obvious that an individual

taken at random may fall in any part of the figure, but the chances are even that it will fall inside or outside of the probable error {Q, Q') since half the group occurs in each position. The probable error of a determination of the mean

0.6745 -=

Notice in accordance with this that

the more individuals one observes the more accurate his conclusion, i. e., the less the probable error, but not in direct

proportion to the number observed but to its square root. The probable error of the standard deviation is expressed by the equation,

E =


The probable
expressed by

error of the coeflBcient of variability






The probable
expressed by

error of the coeflBcient of correlation

The probable



- r2)

error of a determination of the cross-over

percentage between two linked characters

/p .6745v T






the observed cross-over


(Haldane, 1919.)




theory that new races and species originate discontinuously and not gradually, has received its strongest support from the work of the Dutch botanist, Hugo de Vries, who

was one of the pioneers in the recent revival of the study of evolution by experimental methods. De Vries began studying the variation of species of plants in the field, transferring these variations to his garden and
there subjecting
i. e.,


to selection.


found that garden

and improved nutrition, increased variability as regards minor differences in size, luxuriance and productiveness. Such variations, which Batecultivation

son calls continuous, De Vries speaks of as fluctuating. They depend, he thinks, wholly upon nutrition but do not permanently affect the specific type. This is stable, like Galton's

polyhedron resting securely on one of its faces. Its fluctuations due to nutrition are like the oscillations of the polyhedron. No permanent change results from them. De Vries indeed appears to think that selection acting upon fluctuations {i. e., upon continuous variations) may change the average condition of the race, but that such changes will not persist unless maintained by rigorous selection. As soon
as selection ceases, he thinks, the race begins a gradual return to its former condition.

Vries supported this view both with data from the history of cultivated plants and with direct experiments of his own. He showed for example that in the history of the
cultivation of the sugar beet, the unimproved race contained (about sixty years ago) from 7 to 14 per cent of sugar. Vilmorin after two generations of selection of the sweetest beets
for seed obtained beets with 21 per cent of sugar. Since then the choice of individual seed beets according to sugar-content




has become general. Often hundreds of thousands of beets are tested at a single factory, De Vries has plotted a variation curve for forty thousand beets tested in 1896 at a factory in Holland. The result (Fig. 13) was a beautiful frequency
of error curve with its
limit of variation


at 15.5 per cent.

cent, or the

The upper

was 21 per

same per cent as














Fig, 13.



sugar-content of 40,000 sugar beets tested at a The data are as follows: factory in Holland. (After De Vries.) Percent sugar 18.5 19 14 14.5 15 18 13 13.5 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5

Graph showing the variation








for (a





The broken


shows the theoretical curve

+ b)**.

Vilmorin obtained after two generations of selection. The general average, to be sure, is considerably higher than when the selection began, but De Vries believes that this is due in part to improved methods of cultivation and more accurate methods of determining the sugar-content. He believes that
real improvement has taken place is due largely to the elimination of the poorest sorts through selection, and that these would speedily become reestablished if the selec-


tion were discontinued.

The fact has only recently are regularly cross-pollinated

come to light that sugar beets by a minute insect, a species of



thrips, the plant being scarcely capable of self-pollination. This explains why constant selection is required to maintain

a high standard. Hybridization constantly occurs and for this reason fully stable types cannot be obtained.




also led to adverse conclusions concerning se-

an agency in producing racial changes by experiments of his own, one of the most extensive of which was an
lection as

Fig. 14.

Variation of the buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) in


of petals preceding and following selection. 1887, variation curve of unselected race. E 1891 and 1892, curves for successive generations of the selected race.

1891, curve for parent plants of the 1892 generation.




common meadow

attempt to increase by selection the number of petals in the buttercup {Ranunculus bulbos^is). This has five-petaled flowers, but an occasional flower regularly contains one or more extra petals. See Fig. 14. When this plant was cultivated in his garden, De Vries found the average number of petals to be 5.6. After five successive selections the average was raised to 8.6, the upper limit of variation from eight to thirty-one, and the mode (or commonest condition) from five to nine. De Vries concludes that

the change thus produced could Be maintained only by continued selection, and that further progress could probably not be made. This conclusion seems to me unwarranted, but
as illustrative of the general view of De Vries, maintains that when a permanent racial change occurs
I state

it is

due to something different from fluctuating

variability, viz.,

to a discontinuous variation or sport, a process


De Vries

calls mutation.


Mutation, he believes, involves a change in the nature of the germ-cells, whereas fluctuation involves only effects due to environment. These latter may indeed

modify the soma, and

also the germ-plasm temporarily, but not permanently. Weismann, as we have seen, admits for certain cases a direct modification of the germ-cells by the environment, and believes that such modifications when once

produced are permanent. De Vries on the other hand is much more ready to admit modification of the germ-plasm by the environment, but maintains that these modifications are not permanent. Permanent changes in the genn-plasm, according to De Vries, have no relation to the action of the environment. They arise spontaneously out of internal conditions and are not necessarily adaptive in nature. Most of them perish because not adaptive {i. e., beneficial) in character; only those mutations survive in a state of nature which chance to be adaptive. The environment does not cause mutations, according to De Vries, but only determines what ones may survive. Evolution is thus due primarily to internal causes; but its course is guided by the environment, which selects those mutations which are capable of survival.

The Evidences of Mutation


lines of evidences in favor of





one general, the other special. 1. The occurrence of elementary


Among many wild

species of plants there occur varieties quite distinct and breeding true, but differing from each other by such minor Thus in the characteristics as ordinarily escape notice.


dandelion a considerable number of varieties


be distinguished. Some have narrow leaves, some broad leaves; on some the leaves are deeply notched, on others almost entire. If we save the seeds of any of these peculiar
individuals and plant them we find that the characteristics of the parent plant are inherited. They breed true like distinct
species, indeed

the dandelion

may be regarded as little"species within " De Vries calls them elementary species.

Fici. 15.


Fig. 16.


Fli.. 17.


Fig. 18.


Fig. 19.


Fig. 20.


Oenothera L.\MABCKrANA ksd Some of

Fig. 15, late in


10, at niicl-sfii.son;



n-iO, in rosette stage (winteriug-over and photographs by Professor H. M. Davis.



The same


may be

observed in the case of


distinct varieties or elementary species


be recognized within the commonly recognized species, and experiment has shown that these breed true. Among cultivated plants a similar diversity of forms occurs, especially among such as are self-fertilized, as for example wheat, beans and peas. Varieties differ in shape of
leaf, hairiness, color of seed, fruit

or flowers, and


Varieties of the

in field without mixing, crossed may not produce an interartificially mediate character but one which is distinctive of one parent

cases be

grown together

same the same

many other may in many

and even

or the other. animals.

The same



true of our domesticated

Varieties are often discontinuous, intermediates

being unknown. De Vries joins with Bateson in urging a discontinuous origin for such variations and brings forward


experimental evidence in support of this idea.


supposes that discontinuous variations arise through internal causes, that is by mutation. " " 2. Mutation in Oenothera. For proof of discontinuity in variation De Vries relies principally upon a specific case
years, that of Lamarck's Lamarckiana) See Figs. 15-26. evening primrose {Oenothera This plant is supposed to be of American origin. It is cultivated in Europe (and to some extent in America) in parks and gardens, for its showy yellow flowers. Here and there it has escaped from cultivation and grows wild. In this condi-

which he has studied



tion De Vries found it in an abandoned potato field near Amsterdam. But the plant has not been found growing wild
in the

western hemisphere, original


of the Oenotheras.


this reason


naturalists are inclined to regard



of hj^brid

and old-world

plant is a biennial, five or six feet high when fully grown, with a stout branching stem bearing at the ends of its


branches spikes of bright yellow flowers. They open towards evening, as the name, evening primrose, indicates and are pollinated by bees and moths. On bright days their duration



confined to one evening and the following morning, but in cloudy weather they may remain open longer. When De Vries discovered this plant growing wild in 1886

he was struck by

in the isolated spot



It seemed to be producing, where he found it, new species, the thing Vries had long been looking. He says
its variability.

I visited [the spot]


few years, and

many times, often weekly or even daily during the always at least once a year up to the present time

[eighteen years later]. This stately plant showed the long-sought peculiarity of producing a number of new species every year. Some of them were observed directly in the field, either as stems or as rosettes [young plants in

under like Others were too weak to live a sufficiently long time in the field. They were discovered by sowing seed from plants of the wild locality.

their first year's growth]. The latter could be transplanted into for further observation, and the stems yielded seeds to be sown

my garden



means over a dozen new types were discovered

never previously observed or described. De Vries has given to these distinctive names; some of them he regards as true species, others merely as varieties; the basis of his distinction,

an arbitrary one, does not concern



The peculiarity of the

Some Mutants of Oenothera Lamarckiana

Smooth-leaved (laevifoHa)
Short-styled {brevistylis)

Retrogressive or Loss variations.




4. 5.

Giant {gigas) ^ , / , X Red-veined {riibnnervis)


Progressive or Gain variations.


Pale-leaved (albida) _ , /
, , , , ,


^ eeble mutants.


Oblong-leaved {oblonga)



not that a group of undescribed species or varieties

was found growing together, but that they were produced year after year from the seed of the parent species, and from their first origin bred true (in most cases) to their distinctive

mutants was distinguished by its smooth slenanother by the short style of its der leaves (laevifolia) flowers (brevistylis) a third by its dwarf habit {nanella, Fig.


of the

26), one-fourth the height of the parent species.

All three

bred true to these peculiarities which

De Vries

considers due








Fig. 2i.


Fig, 25.


FiQ. 26.


Oenothera Lamarckiava and Some of

25, inflorescence only;

Figs. 21-2-1, inflorescence and leaf from base of main stem; 28, entire plant. (From Davis.)

to loss of something the parent possessed. " he calls them retrogressive varieties."

this reason



very vigorous mutants the giant


{gig as. Figs. 16, 18,

22) and the red-veined

De Vries considers to have

acquired additional characters not present in the parent, and " for this reason he regards them as genuine elementary " species (having attained a new progressive characteristic).
is no taller than its parent species but much with larger leaves and flowers. Its cells contain stouter, twice as many chromosomes as those of the parent species, which fact is considered very important by some cytologists. A wide-leaved mutant {lata. Figs. 20, 25) has one extra chro-



mosome in its nucleus (14 The red-veined mutant



has more red on


leaves and stems than has the parent species; its stems are also more brittle, the bast fibres having thinner walls.

Two other mutants are naturally feeble,

to survive in a wild state.

not strong enough

They are albida (the pale whitish and oblonga (having oblong leaves on feeble plants, mutant) about half as tall as the parent species). See Figs. 19 and 23.
These seven new forms," says De Vries, which diverge in different ways from the parent type, were absolutely constant from seed. Hundreds or thousands of seedlings may have arisen, but they always come true and never revert to the original 0. Lamarckiana-iype.^^ Several other mutants have been described by De Vries, among them scintillans, but they are less constant in character than those already mentioned. Their behavior need not here be considered.
fact deserving especial attention in connection with De Vries' experiments is the repeated occurrence of the same



mutation year after year in pedigree cultures from self-fertilized plants, showing that these particular variations occur with some regularity. Starting with nine plants transplanted from the field De
Vries carried a culture through seven subsequent generations, always ])lanting seed of Lamarckiana parents, with the results







of the extremes


Fluctuating variability, as a rule, is subject to regression. The seeds do not produce an offspring which fluctuates around their as a center, but around some point on the line which combines parents their attributes with the corresponding characteristic of their ancestors, as Vilmorin has put it. No regression accompanies mutation, and this fact is perhaps the completest contrast in which these two great types of variability are opposed to each other. The offspring of my mutants are, of com-se, subject to the general laws
of fluctuating variability. They vary, however, around their own and this mean is simply the type of the new elementary species. 4. The mutations take place in nearly all directions.



are larger, others smaller than the parent species;

some more vigorous and productive, others less so; some are more heavily pigmented, others less so; some can survive in competition with the parent form, others cannot. There is no evidence of adaptive modification, or modification controlled

by the environment for the benefit of the species. The variation is in all directions. The facts upon which De Vries bases these generalizations have been verified in the main by a number of workers in
different parts of the world, notably in this country where several botanists have studied the seedlings of Lamarck's

evening primrose.

But the

facts are not interpreted in the

same way by



accepts the facts at their face value, including the regularity of the occurrence of the same mutation in successive generations, and its entire distinctness from the

One view

parent form, but maintains that 0. Lamarckiana is a hybrid is plant, not a pure species, and that the so-called mutation only a new illustration of the splitting up of a hybrid into new



which are constant, a thing which



frequently to occur following hybridization. In support of this view it may be said that 0. Lamarckiana

has not been found growing wild

place of origin,

in this country, its



careful search has been


the other hand 0. Lamarckiana has for

made for it. many years been

growing wild in certain English stations, notably on the sand hills north of Liverpool, and there are good reasons for believing that the Lamarckiana first brought out by seedsmen



about the year 1860


may have come from some




to have Lamarckiana

fact that several species of Oenothera are known been in England previous to this date suggests that

may have

arisen through the crossing of other


In this connection it is of interest to note that a hybrid has been synthesized by Davis from a cross of 0. franciscana with 0. biennis, which is essentially indistinguishable in its systematic characters from 0. Lamarckiana. Furthermore this hybrid behaves like Lamarckiana in producing two classes of progeny when crossed with certain wild species as described in the next paragraph. This Lamarckiana-like hybrid, which has been given the name of neo-Lamarckiana, in the fourth generation bred true for about one-third of its progeny and therefore gave a very much larger percentage of variants than Lamarckiana, but its seed fertility was very

much higher, which may account for the fact. At this stage in the investigation neo-Lamarckiana presents a breeding
behavior at least similar to that of Lamarckiana and it will be a matter of interest to see whether in later generations the

resemblance may not become more marked. Another adverse view of De Vries' theory, with
it is



as to the origin of 0. Lamarckiana, maintains that


originated clearly not pure genetically; if not actually a of recent origin, it at least has the genetic character of hybrid a hybrid and hence the regularity of its mutations. For hy-

we shall see, is a sure means of producing new and stable varieties. Hybridization experiments made by De Vries and repeatedly confirmed by others show that in every generation 0. Lamarckiana produces different kinds of fertile gametes. In particular, it forms two classes of hy" twin hybrids," in approximately equal numbers, in brids, crosses with certain wild species, as do several of the wild
bridization, as

species in crosses with each other, so that it is evident that 0. Lamarckiana, as well as some wild species of Oenothera, have the variability characteristic of hybrids. Even those

which seem to breed


and which do breed true when

self -pollinated,


may give a variable progeny in crosses, and seem to breed true merely because certain classes of their they progeny are too feeble to survive. For in some cases only a fractional part of the seeds produced contain embryos
capable of survival. According to the views expressed above, Oenothera Lamarchiana is best interpreted as an impure or hybrid species which only breeds true in a relatively high degree because of
extensive sterility, which eliminates large numbers of gametes and zygotes that differ from the germinal cells which reproduce the Lamarckiana type. The " mutants " come from occasional seeds of different types that survive the heavy

mortality which renders sixty per cent or more of the seeds infertile and about fifty per cent of the pollen grains abortive. If this is the correct explanation of the peculiar breeding behavior of Lamarckiana, this plant is very far from being
representative of a pure species, as De Vries assumed it to be, and is hardly suitable material for experiments designed to
give evidence of mutation.
reject this explanation and consider that the of the evening primrose has no causal relation to mutability








of origin of

by no means new

follows that mutation






animals and plants, which is the thesis of De Vries. In recent years the expression "mutation theory" has been used in a sense very different from that in which De Vries originally



and implying merely the origin


new and


organic forms by change in single inheritance factors (genes), whether these produce striking variations (sports) or varia-

minute as to be scarcely observable. This form of mutation theory will be discussed in a later chapter. To the mutation theory of De Vries, as a general theory of evolution, it seems to be a fatal objection that such mutation as it retions so


not general in occurrence. as found in the wild state varieties


more often

Crosses of species or reveal the

differences than a

existence of
single or a

numerous minute genetic


few striking




While De
Vries was engaged in his studies of the evening primrose he hit upon an idea far more important, as most biologists now beheve, than the idea of mutation, though De Vries himself both then and since has seemed to regard it as of only minor importance. He called this the " law of
the splitting of hybrids."

The same


it is

claimed, was

independently discovered about the same time by two other botanists, Correns in Germany, and Tschermak in Austria.
Further, historical investigations made by De Vries showed that the same law had been discovered and clearly stated


years previously

by an obscure

naturalist of Briinn,

call this

named Gregor Mendel, and we have now come

law by his name, Mendel's law.


Mendel was

so little

known when

his discovery was published that it attracted little attention from scientists and was soon forgotten, only

to be unearthed

and duly honored years

after the death of its


Had Mendel

would doubtless have a mathematical type of mind and his discovery of a law of hybridization was due to the fact that he applied to his biological studies methods of numerical exactness which he had learned from algebra and physics. In biology he was an amateur, being a teacher of the physical and natural sciences in a monastic school at Briinn. Later he became head of his monastery and gave up scientific work, partly because of
other duties, partly because of failing eyesight. The subject of plant hybridization had received considerable attention from botanists for a century before it was taken up by Mendel and the law of the splitting of hybrids

lived forty years later than he did, he been a devotee of biometry, for he had

which was discovered by Mendel and rediscovered by





Vries had narrowly escaped discovery at tlie hands of their predecessors. There was lacking only the numerical exactness of a

Mendel or the clear-sighted analysis of a De Vries to bring to light the rule governing the splitting of hybrids. By a hybrid we understand an organism produced by the
crossing of

distinct species or varieties of plant or animal, i. e., an organism which has an individual of one species or variety as its mother and an individual of a different species or variety as its father. At times and by certain naturalists


a distinction has been made between the offspring of a species cross and that of a variety cross, the term hybrid being limited to the progeny of a species cross, and the term mongrel being used to designate the


of a variety cross.

has been found quite impossible to distinguish species from varieties sharply, for Darwin showed that varieties may be only incipient species, and that no definition can be



vice versa.

will not also include species and at present we use the terms species Accordingly and variety in a relative sense only. The differences which exist between species are supposed to be either more numer-

of variety


ous or greater in degree than those which exist between The terms to the majority of biologists imply varieties.

nothing more than





it is

obvious that

we cannot distinguish species we cannot distinguish the

products of a species-cross from the products of a variety-

and so at present

cross-bred offspring, whether of

species or varieties, are called hybrids. splitting applies to all, as we shall see.

The same law


pioneer plant hybridizer was Joseph (Gottlieb) Kolreuter (1733-1806) who between the years 1760 and 1766
carried out the first series of systematic experiments in plant


hybridization which had ever been undertaken. The more important features of Kolreuter's work have been thus

summarized by Lock, pp. 150-155.

These experiments not only established with certainty for the first time the fact that the seeds of plants are produced by a sexual i)rocess comparable with that known to occur in animals, but also led to a knowledge



of the general behaviour of hybrid plants, which was scarcely bettered until Mendel made his observations a century afterwards.

Kolreuter found thai the hybrid offspring of two diflferent plants generwhich yielded the pollen as after that upon which the actual hybrid seed was borne. Indeed, he found that it made little or no difference in the appearance of the hybrid which of the parental species was the pollen-parent (male), and which the seed-parent that is to say, in the case of plants the result of reciprocal (female) crosses is usually identical. Thus, for the first time it was definitely shown that the poUen-grain plays just as important a part in determining the characters of the offspring as does the ovule which the pollen-grain fertilizes. This was a wholly novel idea in Kolreuter 's time, and the fact was
ally took as closely after the plant

scarcely credited

by his contemporaries. Kolreuter had no means of discovering that the contents of a single pollen-grain unite with the contents of a single ovule in ferlilization. But he ascertained by experiments that more than thirty seeds might be made to ripen by the application of between fifty and sixty pollen-grains to the stigma of a particular flower, so that, if he had had any hint of the actual
microscopic processes of fertilization, he would have been quite prepared

more fundamental discovery. Kolreuter, indeed, believed that the act of fertilization consisted in the intimate mingling together of two fluids, the one contained in the pollengrain, and the other secreted by the stigma of the plant. The mingled
for the


he supposed, next passed down the style into the ovary of the plant, arriving at the unripe ovules, initiated in them those processes which led to the formation of seeds. In this belief Kolreuter simply followed the

animal physiologists of liis time, who looked upon the process of fertilization in animals as taking place by a similar mingling of two fluids. Now that we know that fertilization consists essentially in the intimate union of the nuclei of two cells, one of which, in the case of plants, is the ovum contained within the ovule, whilst the other is represented by one of a few cells into which the contents of the pollen-grain divide, we can understand more clearly the bearing of Kolreuter's observation. And it is greatly to this eminent naturalist's credit that he succeeded in carrying out his observations with so much accuracy, when the full meaning of those observations was of necessity liidden from his comprehension. Kolreuter was the first to observe accurately the different ways in which pollen can be naturally conveyed to the stigma of a flower. This may take place either by the pollen-grains falling directly upon the stigma, or by the agency of the wind,, or, lastly, the pollen may be carried by insects And he recognized many features characteristic of visiting the flowers. flowers apt to be fertilized in one or other of these ways in particular. Thus he was aware, for example, of the nature and use of the nectar which so many flowers produce namely, that it is the substance from which
the bees


far the


diligent visitors of flowers



honey. Curiously enough, Kolreuter was not aware of the existence of any natural wild hybrid plants. But he was quite right in contending that



supposed examples of such hybrids required for their substantiation the experimental proof, which could only be afforded by making actual artificial crosses between the putative parent species. The first hybrid made artificially by Kolreuter was obtained ia 1760

by applying the pollen


of Nicotiana paniculata to the stigma of Nicotiana

The hybrid

offspring of this cross

showed a character intermediate

in almost every measurable or recognizable feature, with a single notable exception. This exception was afi'orded by the condition of the stamens and of the pollen grains produced by the hybrids. These organs were so badly developed that in all

between those of the two parent species

good seed at

the earlier experiments, self-fertilization of the hybrid plants yielded no all, nor were the pollen grains of the Inbrid any more eflfective when applied to the stigmas of either of the parent species. On the

other hand, when pollen from either parent was applied to the stigmas of the hybrid plants, a certain number of seeds capable of germination was obtained, although this number was much smaller than in the case of


fertilization of either

parent species.

This partial

sterility, affect-

ing in particular the stamens and the pollen which they produce, is a feature common to the majority of hybrids between different natural Many such hybrids, indeed, are altogether sterile, so that a species.

further generation cannot in any way be obtained from them. On the other hand, the members of different strains or varieties which have arisen imder cultivation N-ield, as a rule, when crossed together offspring which are perfectly fertile. In subsequent years Kolreuter was able to obtain a very few self-fertilized offspring from hybrids of the same origin as the above. The resultuig plants were described as resembling their hybrid parent so closely as to be
practically indistinguishable from


offspring obtained

either parent showed that of the original hybrid

crossing the hybrid plants with pollen from in each case a form more or less intermediate between


and that


others, and some, again, varying in other directions. There were also considerable differences between the different indi\'iduals in respect of fertility, so that some

But the plants were not all alike in them being much more like the parent species than
was derived.

of the parent species from which the this respect, some

were more and some less sterile than the original hybrids. Also, there was some tendency to the production of malformations of the flowers and other parts.
of the plants


of the

most noted

of Kolreuter's experiments

sisted in repeatedly crossing a hybrid plant with

was that which conone of the parent species

from which the hybrid was derived. By continuing to pollinate the members of one generation after another with the pollen of tlu> same parent species, plants were at last arrived at which were indistinguishable from
the parent in question. We shall return to this fact later on, when the reader will be in a position to appreciate its importance more fully. Kolreuter found that the result of reciprocal crosses is usually identical that is to say, the offspring (obtained by fertilizing a plant A with pollen from a plant B are not to be distinguished from those obtained when B is



with the pollen of A. But Ihe two opposite processes of fertilization are not always equally easy to carry out. An extreme instance of this circumstance was met with in the case of the genus Mirabilis. Mirabjalapa was easily fertilized with pollen from M. longiflora. During eight years Kolreuter made more than two hundred attempts to effect the reverse cross, but without success.

was shown by Kolreuter that hybrids between different races or same species are usually much more fertile than hybrids obtained by crossing distinct species. Indeed, he believed that varieties
varieties of the

of a single species were in all cases perfectly fertile together, whilst hybrids between species always showed some degree of sterility. But in this case

Kolreuter based his definition of a species upon the very point at issue, and when he found forms, which other botanists regarded as good species, to be perfectly fertile together, he immediately regarded them as being only varieties of a single species. One curious point is worth noting in this connection. Five varieties of Nicotiana tabacum were found to be perfectly fertile with one another, but when crossed with Nicotiana glutinosa one of them was found to be distinctly less sterile than the rest. Another interesting point observed by Kolreuter was the fact that hybrid plants often exceed their parents in luxuriance of growth. Upon this fact, as we shall see later on. Knight and afterwards Darwin based theoretical conclusions of considerable importance in connection with the


of sex.


pick out the salient features of the foregoing account

established the occurrence of sexual

we may notice: 1. That Kolreuter

reproduction in plants
herit equally

by showing that hybrid offspring infrom the pollen plant and the seed plant. 2. He showed that hybrids are commonly intermediate between their parents in nearly all characters observed, such for example as size and shape of parts.
hybrids are partially or wholly sterile, especially are very dissimilar (belong to widely distinct species). Such hybrids often exceed either parent


when the parents

species in size

and vigor of growth. Kolreuter did not observe the regular splitting of hy-

brids which

Mendel and De Vries

record, but

successors did, particularly

Goss (1822) in garden peas with a view to producing more vigorous and

Thomas Knight England who were engaged

some of his (1799) and John


in the crossing of

For a


account of the work of these early plant hybridizers, see Lock.



productive varieties, and Naudin (1862) in France who made a comprehensive survey of the facts of hybridization in plants and came very near to expressing the generaUzation which Mendel reached four years later. He pointed out the
significance of the fact first observed

by Kolreuter that hy-

brids may be brought back to the form of either parent by repeated crossing with that parent. Naudin supposes that

the potentialities of each species are contained in its pollen and ovules and the potentialities of both species are present
together in the hybrid. If species A the hybrid contains potentialities



by species B, Naudin supposes

that these potentialities may segregate from each other in the pollen grains and ovules of the hybrid plant. An ovule A of such a hybrid plant, if fertilized by pollen of the pure

form a plant of exactly the same nature as pure species A. This idea of the segregation of potentialities in the germ-cells of the hybrid was adopted by Mendel. He added to it the conception that the segregation applies to single potentialities or characteristics rather than to all the potentialities of a species at once, and the result is what we call Mendel's law. Like all great discoveries it was not made out of hand, nor as the result of one man's work alone. Mendel added one final touch to the work of his predecessors as summarized by Naudin, and the result was that hybridization became for the first time an orderly and understandable process, capable of throwing light on normal heredity.
species A, will



MENDEL'S LAW OF HEREDITY ILLUSTRATED IN ANIMAL BREEDING Mendel's law may best be explained with the aid of
amples, which


be chosen, for convenience, from the of guinea-pigs. If a guinea-pig of pure race with heredity colored fur (say black), is mated with a guinea-pig having uncolored (white) fur, a jo-called albino, the offspring will


have colored fur, none being albinos. See Figs. 27-30. use Mendel's terminology, colored fur dominates in the
Colored fur

cross, while albinism recedes froni view.

fore, called the


dominant character; albinism, the



cross are

But if now two of the colored individuals produced by this mated with each other, th? recessive (albino)

character reappears on the average in one in four of their offspring (Fig. 30). The reappearance of ihe recessive chartion,

acter, after skipping a generation, in the particular proporone fourth, of the second generation offspring, is a

Tt may be exregular feature of Mendelian inheritance. as follows (see Fig. 30a) the gametes w hich united in plained

the original mating of a pure colored individual with an albino must have transmitted, one color (C), the other albinism (c) The contrasted characters were then associated

together in the offspring. But color from its nature nated, since albinism is due apparently to the .ack of


thing necessary to the formation of color, which the other gamete would supply. But when the young produced by this cross have become adult and themselves fonn gametes, the charac ters, color and albinism, will separate from each other and pass into differ-

ent gametes, since, as regards the transmission of alternative




characters like color and albinism, a gamete

able to trans-

mit only one, its nature being simplex. Accordingly a female hybrid will transmit the character,
color (C), in half its eggs,

and the contrasted character,


FiG. 30a.


to explain the inheritance of color (C) cross shown in Figs. 27-30.

and albinism


in the



in half its eggs.

color (C) in half its sperm,

A male hybrid will also transmit and albinism (c) in the other half.

If the


type of egg which transmits color (C) is fertihzed as readily by one type of sperm as by the other, combinations will result which are either CC or Cc in character. And if the type of egg which transmits albinism (c) is also fertihzed as readily by one kind of sperm as by the other, combinations
will result

which are either Cc or cc


in character.


together the results expected from the fertilization of both types, we get 1 CC 2 Cc 1 cc, i. e~,.one combination of color

with color, two combinations of color with albinism, and one combination of albinism with albinism; or three combinations which contain color (and so will show it) to one combination which lacks color and so will be Vhite. This agrees

with the observed average



albino individual


the albino character


be expected to transmit only never color (C), which it does not

this to

Experiment shows

be true.

Albino guinea-

mated with each other .produce only albino offspring. But the colored individuals are of two sorts, CC and Cc in character. The CC individual is pure, so far as its breeding capacity is concerned. It can form only C gametes. But the Cc individuals may be expected to breed exactly like the first generation hybrids, which had the same composition.


will transmit color (C) in half their gametes, albinism in the other half. Experiment justifies these expectations (c) also. The test of individual animals may readily be made by

mating them one by one with albinos. The pure colored individuals (CC) will produce only colored offspring, since they transmit color (C) in all their gametes. But the other and more numerous class of colored individuals (Cc} will produce offspring part of which will be colored (Cc) and the remainder albino (cc). The two kinds of dominant individuals, those which breed true and those which do not, we may call homozygous and heterozygous, following the convenient terminology of Bateson. A homozygous individual is one in
characters are joined together, as CC or cc; a heterozygous individual is one in which unlike characters are joined together, as Cc. It goes without saying that reces-



sives are always


For they do not contain the dominant character; otherwise they would show it. It will be observed that, in the cross of colored with albino guinea-pigs, color and albinism behave as a pair of alternative units which may meet in fertilization but separate again at
the formation of gametes. Mendel's law as illustrated in this cross includes three principles: (1) The existence of unit-characters, (2) dominance, in cases where the parents differ in a unit-character, and (3) segregation of the units contributed by the respective
parents, this segregation being found


the gametes

formed by the

and segregation apply to the and plants. many Thus in guinea-pigs a rough or rosetted coat (Figs. 32 and 33) is dominant over the ordinary smooth coat. If a pure rough individual is crossed with a smooth one, all the offspring are rough; but in the next generation smooth coat reappears in
inheritance of
characteristics in animals


offspring. principles of dominance

one-fourth of the offspring, as a rule. Again, in guinea-pigs and rabbits a long or angora condition of the fur (Figs. 36,

and 37) is recessive in crosses with normal short hair. All the immediate offspring of such a cross are short haired, but in the next generation long hair reappears in approxuiiately
one-fourth of the offspring. In cattle, the polled or hornless condition is dominant over the normal horned condition; in man, two jointed fingers and toes are dominant over normal three- join ted ones. In each of the cases thus far considered a single unitcharacter is concerned. Crosses in such cases involve no
necessary change in the race, but only the continuance within it of two sharply alternative conditions. But the result is different when parents are crossed which differ simulquite taneously in two or more independent unit-characters. Crossing then

becomes an active agency

for the production of


In discussing the crosses now to be described, it will be convenient to refer to the various generations in more pre-

cise terms, as


Bateson has done. The generation of the animals originally crossed will be called the parental generation (P); the subsequent generations will be called filial
generations, viz., the (F2), and so on.
first filial

generation (Fi), second


guinea-pigs are crossed of pure races which differ simultaneously in two unit-characters, the Fi offspring are all alike, but the F2 offspring are of four sorts. Thus, when


a smooth colored animal (Fig. 31)


crossed with a rough

albino (Fig. 32), the Fi offspring are all rough and colored (Fig. 33) manifesting the two dominant unit-characters, colored coat derived from one parent, rough coat derived

from the other. But the F2 offspring are of four sorts, viz., (1) smooth and colored, like one grandparent, (2) rough and albino, like the other grandparent, (3) rough and colored, like the Fi generation, and (4) smooth and albino, a new variety (Fig. 34). It will be seen that the pigmentation of the coat has no relation to its smoothness. The dark animals are either rough or smooth, and so are the white ones. Pigmentation of the coat is evidently a unit-character independent of hair direction, and as new combinations of these two the rough units the cross has produced two new varieties, colored and the smooth albino. Again, hair-length is a unit-character independent of hairFor if a short-haired colored animal (either self or color. spotted. Fig. 35) be crossed with a long-haired albino (Fig. 36), the Fi offspring are all short-haired and colored, but the F2 offspring are of four sorts, viz., (1) colored and shorthaired, like one grandparent, (2) albino and long-haired, like the other, (3) colored and long-haired, a new combination (Fig. 37), and (4) albino and short-haired, a second new combination (Fig. 38). Now the four sorts of individuals obtained from such a

cross as this will not be equally numerous. As we noticed in connection with the simple cross of colored with albino

gumea-pigs, dominant individuals are to the corresponding recessives as three to one. Therefore, we shall expect the

short-haired individuals in F2 to be three times as



as the long-haired ones, and colored ones to be three times as numerous as albinos. Further, individuals which are boih short-haired and colored should be 3 X 3 or nine times as

numerous as those which are neither short-haired nor colored.

The expected

proportions of the four classes of F2 offspring are accordingly nine short colored three long colored three short albino one long albino, a proportion which is closely
: :

approximated in actual experience. The Mendelian theory of independent unit-characters accounts for this result fully. No other hypothesis has as yet been suggested which can account for it. Suppose that each independent unit has a different material basis in the gamete. Let us represent the material basis of hair-length by a circle, that of hair-color by a square; then combinations and recombinations arise as shown in Fig. 39. The composition of
the gametes furnished by the parents is shown in the first line of the figure; that of an Fi zygote, in the second line;

that of the gametes formed by Fi individuals in the third line. S meets s and C meets c in fertilization to fonn an Fi individual duplex and also heterozygous as regards hairlength and hair-color, but these units segregate again as the gametes of the Fi individuals are fonned, and it is a matter

chance whether or not they are associated as originally, S with C and s with c, or in a new relationship, s with C and S with c. Hence we expect the Fi individuals to form four

kinds of gametes all equally numerous: SC, sc, aC, and Sc. By chance unions of these in pairs nine kinds of combinations




their chance frequencies will be as

Short Colored



show one dominant and one recessive character, viz., colored and long; two more classes, including three individuals, will show the other dominant and the other recessive character, viz., short and albino; and lastly, one class, including a single individual, will show the two recessive characters, long and albino. The
classes, including three individuals, will

Fig. 39.


to explain the simultaneous and independent inheritance of colored fur short hair (S) in the cross shown in Figs. 35-38.

(O and

four apparent classes, or, as Johannsen calls them, phenqtypes, will accordingly be as 9:3:3:1.


individual in each of these four classes

like itself,

will, if


with an individual

containing only like units. albino, of course contains only homozygous individuals, but in each class which shows a dominant unit, heterozygous
: :

breed true, for it is homozygous, The double recessive class, long


the breeder

outnumber homozygous ones, as 2 1, or 8 1. who by means of crosses has produced a


new type

of animal wishes, of course, to





Fig. 40

Fig. 41



to obtain


in a condition



dealing with a combination which contains only recessive characters, this will be easy enough, for such combinations are invariably homozygous. His task will become increasingly difficult, the more dominant characters th^re are included in the

therefore, obtain



breed true. If he



combination which he desires to


The most





to follow


to test


suitable matings the unit-character constitution of each individual which shows the desired combination of characters, and to reject all which are not homozygous. In this way a

pure race may be built up from individuals proved to be pure. Such a method, however, though sure, is slow in cases where the desired combination includes two or more dominant unitcharacters, for it involves the application of a breeding test to many dominant individuals, most of which must then be rejected. It is, therefore, often better in practice to breed



individuals which

eliminate from their

show the desired combination, and offspring merely such individuals as do

not show that combination. The race will thus be only gradually purified, but a large stock can be built up much



a cross in which three unit-character between the parents, instead of two. If guinea-pigs are crossed which differ simultaneously in three unit-characters, color, length, and direction of the hair, a
differences exist

We may next discuss



of phenotj^^es


obtained in F2, namely,


guinea-pig (Fig. 40)

between a short-haired, colored, smooth and one which was long-haired, albino, and rough (Fig. 41) produced offspring in Fi which were short-haired, colored, and rough (Fig. 42), these being the three dominant characters, two derived from one parent, one from the other. The F2 offspring were of eight distinct types, two like the respective grandparents, one like the Fi individuals (parents), and the other five new, shown in Figs, 4347.


largest of the eight apparent classes (phenotypes)

was the one which manifested the three dominant charac-



and rough, which had been the exclusive Fi type (Fig. 42) the smallest class was the one which manifested the three recessive characters, long, albino, and smooth
ters, short, colored,

Pig. 48.

Diagram to

explain the simultaneous and independent inheritance of short (S) colored (C) and rough (it) fur in the cross shown in Figs. 40-47.

(Fig. 46). Theoretically these two classes should be to each other as 27 1. Of the twenty-seven triple dominants,

twenty-six should be heretozygous. would of course be fully homozygous.


triple recessive



A comparison of this case with the one just previously described shows what an increasingly difficult thing it is to fix types obtained by crossing, as the number of dominant
characters in the selected type increases. On the theory of unit-characters the gametic combinations and segregations
in this cross are as


in Fig. 48.

gametes formed by the parents crossed


The nature of the shown in the first

row; the composition of the Fi individuals, immediately below. In the two lower rows are shown four different sorts of gametic splittings which may occur in Fi individuals, producing thus eight different kinds of gametes.
as suggested, the Fi individuals produced in this cross form eight different kinds of gametes, each of these kinds

should, when united with a gamete having the same constitution as itself, produce a homozygous and so true-breeding zygote of a different variety, making in all eight true-breeding

Experiment has showTi that in reality eight such varieties are produced in F2. It is therefore evident that the crossing of varieties which differ from each other by unitcharacters becomes, under the operation of Mendel's law, a ready means of producing other new varieties different from those crossed, and that the number of such new varieties

capable of production in this


way increases rapidly with every

between the parent



which are crossed.

In describing Mendelian heredity it is convenient for brevity to use technical terms, some of which are already in general use among biologists, but others of which have been framed to meet needs not previously existing. The significance of these the reader must keep clearly in mind, for which reason

seems best

briefly to define


cell capable of uniting with gamete another reproductive cell to form a new individual. In all the higher animals and plants the gametes which are capable

a reproductive

of union in pairs are of

two unlike



egg-cell (capable of fertilization)


eggs and sperms. the larger, nonparent,

motile gamete, produced

by the female

when the

commonly motile, and produced by the male parent, when the parents are sexually different. Exceptions to the motility of sperms occur in the Crustacea among animals and in all but the lowest of the In the lowest flowering plants motile flowering plants. sperms are found in the pollen-tube, but in the ordinary flowering plants the two gametes which are produced in the
pollen-tube are non-motile.

parents are sexually different. A sperm is the smaller gamete,

The pollen-tube



growth toward the egg-cell of the plant. A zygote results from the union of two gametes in fertilizaIt is, potentially or actually, tion, an egg with a sperm. a new individual produced by a sexual process (union of

them by


homo-zygote results from the union of gametes which transmit the same Mendelian character, as black joined with
black, or white joined with white. hetero-zygote results from the union of gametes which transmit alternative Mendelian characters, as black united

with white.



Mendelian characters exist in contrasted pairs which are alternatives of each other, as black and white, rough and smooth, long and short. A gamete may from its nature transmit only 07ie of a pair, either black or white, but not both.
Its nature

A zygote is duplex in nature; it may is simplex. contain a character twice represented (when it is a homozygote) or contain both a character and its alternative (when

The same zygote may be a homozygote a heterozygote) as regards one character (say hair-color) and a heterozygote
it is

as regards another (say hair-length). nit-character or unit-factor or gene.

Such characters of

animals and plants as follow Mendel's law in heredity, i. e.y are inherited as independent units, are often called unitBut it has been shown in numerous cases that characters. an independent factor, which follows Mendel's law in transmission,

may affect or condition the inheritance of a supposed

unit-character, without itself producing any other discoverable effect. Thus the agouti (or yellow-ticked) character of

the fur of rodents


not developed unless along with the

other genetic factors which produce a black or a brown coat, " " factor is present; yet we have no a particular agouti other evidence of the existence of this factor, except the form

which the black or brown coat assumes when this factor is inherited. But it can be shown unmistakably that the inheritance of this unseen factor is that of an independent Mendelian character. Some have sought to avoid the difficulty presented by such cases by making a distinction between unit-characters and
fomier being the recognized morphological or physiological parts or properties of the organism, the
unit-factors, the

latter their hypothetical detenniners.



this distinction

of doubtful utility, since the only objective evidence which we possess that unit-characters exist is the occurrence of

among the F2 individuals and their numerical frequencies. But this same evidence also forms our only indication that determiners exist.

In fact the




about which we talk are the hypothetical determiners.




no one familiar with Mendelian phenomena would venture

to classify the anatomical parts or physiological processes of an organism as unit-characters in heredity merely because they are distinct anatomical parts or distinct physiological

The head, the hand, the stomach,


these are not unit-characters so far as any one knows. But if a race without hands were to arise and this should jSIendelize
in crosses with


races, then

hands," loss of which or variahad produced the abnormal race. But in so doing we should refer not to the hand as an anatomical part of the body nor to the thousand and one factors concerned
character or unit-factor for
tion in which
in its production


we should speak

of a unit-

but merely to one hypothetical factor to

which we assign the failure of the hand to develop in a particular case. It is immaterial whether we call this a unitcharacter or unit-factor or use both terms inter-changeably,

would be a mistake to suppose that they refer to different things or that one is less abstract than the other. Historically the term unit-character has priority, though factor seems better to express the abstract and purely hypothetical nature The application of the term of the conception involved. unit-character at first to certain agencies which were later found to be complex led to the coining of a new term (unitbut

factor) to apply to the newly recognized simpler agencies. If this process were to be continued indefinitely we should have

to invent a


set of terms for every step in advance in analysis. It seems better to discard earlier and


imperfect analyses as knowledge advances but not to multi-

ply technical terms needlessly

delian characters
ations, for

when no new conception


Parental and filial generations. The manifestation of Menis often very different in successive gener-

necessary to have a convenient means of designating the different generations concerned. The significant generation from which reckoning should be

which reason

it is



that in which hybridization occurs, {. e., in which parents of unhke character are mated with each other. This, following Bateson, we may call the parental generation or P
generation. Subsequent generations are called filial generations (abbreviated F) and their numerical order is indicated

by a

subscript, as first







WTien pure races are crossed the first filial generation (Fi) is usually as uniform in character as the parental races. Any striking lack of uniformity in Fi may be taken as prima facie evidence that one or other of the parent races is impure It is in the F2 (heterozygous for one or more characters) generation that recombinations are formed of the characters in which the parent races differ from each other. The numbers of classes of individuals obtained in F2 and their numerical proportions are the significant features which indicate

how many Mendelizing

and what
their nature


factors distinguish the parental races whether dominant or recessive.

The members of contrasted pairs of Mendelian characters are known as allelomorphs, i. e., alternative forms. For example, colored and albino coat are allelomorphs among
guinea-pigs, as also are rough

and smooth, long and



expressed in the heterozygote the recessive allelomorph is that one which is not expressed in the heterozygote. It follows that domiis

The dominant allelomorph

that one which

nant allelomorphs are regularly expressed in Fi while recessive allelomorphs are as regularly suppressed in that generation,

but that both of them find expression in F2, though dominants exceed recessives in F2 as three to one. For the simplification of inheritance formulae, Mendelian
factors are


of the

commonly designated by letters of the alphabet, same allelomorphic pair being designated by

the same letter, a capital being used for the dominant allelomorph, a small letter for the recessive allelomorj^h. It will assist the reader to choose letters which suggest descriptive


of the characters involved.

we may use A,

for the agouti factor for its recessive allelomorph a; for the color




we may

use C, and for


recessive allelomorph (found

in albinos)


Though a gamete, from contain more than a single


simplex nature,



duplex origin,


allelomorph, and a zygote, from never contain more than two allelo-

morphs, the same race may contain three or more variations which belong in the same allelomorphic series; i. e., which
are allelomorphs of each other. In such a race, a gamete may transmit any o?ie of the series, and a zygote may contain

but never more. In such cases the original termiMendel, which involved the use of capitals and nology small letters, becomes inadequate, and it has been deemed advisable to use in its stead a numerical or descriptive sub-





Thus four allelomorphic conditions of the color


found among guinea-pigs have been designated C, Cd, Cr, and Ca respectively. In calculating the result to be expected from a particular cross it is obviously necessary to consider, not the number of characters which the parents possess, but only the number in

which they differ, since as regards these only will heterozygotes be formed in Fi, to be followed by the production of new homozygous combinations in F2. Our inheritance formulae therefore will contain only differential factors but
fall into the error of supposing these to be the only factors concerned. A thousand factors held in common by the parents are doubtless involved to every one in which the parents are observed to differ. But factors held in common are incapable of demonstration by the method of

the student must not

experimental breeding. A factor reveals itself only by its disappearance or alteration in gametes produced by one of
the parents crossed.

Both from Mendelian theory and from the experience


practical breeders, it is clear that individuals which look alike often do not breed alike. Hence it is useful to recognize " " as including all individuals (with Johannsen) a phenotype

which look or seem



in counter distinction to this



" " which inchides only such indito recognize a genotype viduals as breed alike, i. e., which produce the same kind or

kinds of gametes.


single phenotype often includes two or Thus Fo dominants though of genotypes. categories all may look alike (be of one phenotj-pe) regularh^ include

both homozygotes and heterozygotes (wholly distinct genotypes).

expectations may be calculated either by the method used by Mendel himself or by the ingenious checkerboard method devised by Punnett. The first step in either process consists in ascertaining what factorial comalgebraic


binations are to be expected


the gametes formed by

either parent. By the algebraic method, we ascertain the product of the gametic combinations of the two parents, which will give the zygotic combinations to be expected
their Fi offspring. sidering the Fi individuals


A repetition of

this process, con-

as parents, will give the

combinations to be expected among the F2 offspring, etc. For example, if a homozygous colored guinea-pig is crossed with an albino, the gametes formed by the parents contain C and c respectively. The Fi zygotes will contain the two in
association, Cc.

The gametes formed by the Fi

-f e.

contain either



or collectively will be


Fi female will produce gametes (eggs),



the Fi male

produce gametes (sperms), C correspond with their product or


-f c;


the F2 zygotes will 4- 2Cc -t- cc, or one

homozygous colored (CC), two heterozygous colored (Cc) and one homozygous albino (cc), or altogether three colored
to one albino, the observed average result. Suppose now we wish to calculate the result to be expected from a back-cross of Fi with the recessive (albino) parent.

The Fi gametes, we have assumed,




the gametes

of the recessive parent are all c. Their product is Cc -\- cc or equal numbers of heterozygous colored individuals and albinos, the observed experimental result. The checkerboard method of calculating

Mendelian ex-

pectations consists in writing the gametic contributions of one parent in a series of horizontal squares, each combination



in a different horizontal row. The contributions of the other parent are then written in the same squares, but in vertical rows, instead of horizontal ones (since their distribution constitutes a separate contingency) each gametic combination being entered in a different vertical row. The checkerboard

then show (within its individual squares) what factorial combinations are to be expected among the zygotes (progeny of the parents in question) and with what frequencies. For the example chosen, the cross between homozygous colored and albino guinea-pigs, all the gametes of each parent

o. m

c c



obviously Cc and cc respectively.

checkerboard is scarcely necessary for cases as simple as these, but will be found very clarifying to thought for the beginner, particularly if he is not accustomed to thinking in algebraic terms, when he comes to deal with crosses involving simultaneously three or four

independent characters. The essential point about which one must first of all be entirely what kinds of gametes will each clear in his own mind is this parent form. If he is clear as to this question the calculation

of expectations by either method will present no difficulties. It should be borne in mind therefore that the fundamental

Mendelian assumptions are (1) that homozygotes form only one type of gamete but (2) that heterozygotes form two types of gametes equally numerous, viz., dominants and reFurther (3) double heterozygotes {i. e., individuals heterozygous for each of two independent characters) form four types of gametes all equally numerous, and (4) triple

heterozygotes form eight types of gametes, all equally numerous. (5) In general every additional character in which the



would otherwise form.

heterozygous doubles the assortment of gametes See Table 7.


Zygotic Composition of Parents and the Expected Constitution 0 their Gametes


Gametes which

it will










Double heterozygote, AaBb

AaCc BbCc




+a +b +c AB + Ab + aB + ab AC + Ac + aC + ac BC + Bc + bC + bc ABC + ABc + AbC + aBC + Abe + aBc + abC + abc


Inspection of a typical checkerboard calculation, that for the F2 generation following a dihybrid cross, shows some


lie in the running from the upper left to the lower right corner of the figure. Compare Fig. 49. These are the individuals that will "breed true," i. e., will form only a single t;y'pe of gamete. They are four in number, each of a different sort and would result from the union of two like

interesting facts.

All the homozygotes expected

diagonal row

of squares

gametes of each of the four expected types, AB + Ab + aB + ab (or in Fig. 49, EA + Ea + eA + ea). They represent all the possibilities as regards true breeding ("fixed") forms to be expected from the cross. What the nature of the other individuals to be expected would be would depend upon If dominance should be the completeness of dominance. would be indistinguishable except complete, heterozygotes by breeding test from the four expected homozygotes; otherwise homozygotes and heterozygotes might be distinguishable

by appearance

as well as
i. e.,

complete dominance, wi^ showing in the zygote, the fourHp|||||gwild appear as 9 AB 3 Ab 3 aB 1 ab, the t^TDical^pi.^-b^fci^ratio. Let the reader make out the checkerb^^^ ^i^^^^Bly these >statements. ^f^ In a similar way c^fie ma^ calculate^i^H||k' algebra |>r by checkerboard the F2 expected result fjoM^^rihybrid cross. The eight kinds of gametes which theJp|H^|eterozygous Fi individuals would produce have already ^een indicated, viz.,
: :

by breeding tests. With only dominant characters





AbC + aBC + Abe



+ abC +


me^pd, each combination would be found homozygous (unite^^ith a gamete like itself) in a different square of the diagonM of th^nfigure, and heterozygotes containing the same dominant characters would be found elsewhere in the table sufficient in number to bring the totals up to 27 ABC 9 ABc 9 AbC 9 aBC 3 Abc 3 aBc: 3 abC 1 abc. This is the typical trihybrid F2 ratio, when
the checkerboard

complete dominance


essential to determine first the kinds of repeat, gametes each parent to a mating is expdcted to produce. The subsequent calculation is easy and certain. One soon learns
it is all




to write out F2 ratios without going through the calculation in detail either by algebra or by checkerboard. Thus, if

we take the expected completely

class containing one

recessive class as



dominant factor will be 3, each class hvo dominant factors will be 9 {i. e., 3^) each class containing containing three dominant factors will be 27 {i. e., 3^) etc. Accordingly by mere inspection of a gametic series to ascertain how many dominant factors each term contains, we may
at once assign to each the proportional


of r2 zygotes


it will

be seen.

See Table


Fi Gametic Series

Relation between the Fi Gametic Series and the Expected F2 Zygotes

r2 Zygotes

A+a AB + Ab + aB + ab ABC + ABc + AbC + aBC \




+ Abe + aBc + abC + abc


3 Ab + 3 aB + 1 ab + 9 AbC + 9 aBC + 3 Abe + 3 aBc + 3 abC + 1 abe 81 ABCD + 27 ABCd + etc. (let the reader

AB +



supply the missing terms).

Stated in general terms, as Mendel himself showed (and as follows from the binomial formula), when the number of unit-character differences between the parents is n,the visibly
sorts of

be 2", the total different be 3", and the smallest number of individuals which may be expected to contain all of them will be 4. TABLE 9
different classes of offspring will

zygotes will


Between Parents

In the last chapter Mendehan ratios have been calculated on the supposition that homozygous dominants and heterozygous dominants are not distinguishable from each other,
which frequently is true; but if they are distinguishable from each other, then a larger number of F2 classes can be recognized and their numerical proportions are different. A case of this kind was early recognized among plants by Correns.

When a white variety of four-o'clock {Mira(See Fig. 51.) is crossed with a red variety, Fi plants are produced which bear pink flowers, and F2 consists of whites, pinks, and

reds in the ratio, 1:2:1.

also whites breed true, but pinks again produce the three sorts. This result indicates that both reds and whites are homozygotes (RR and rr

Reds and

respectively) but that pinks are regularly heterozygotes (Rr) and for this reason do not breed true but are " unfixable."


in this case


be called a heterozygous character;


for that reason unfixable.

A similar but even better-known case among animals has been described by Bateson and Punnett, that of the blue Andalusian fowl. Birds of this race are of a slaty blue color
blues are

and are known to fanciers to be unfixable as to color. When mated with each other, chicks are obtained of three

as regards color, viz., blacks, blues, and whites." The blacks breed true, as also do the splashed whites, but the blues invariably produce in every generation the three sorts, of which blacks may be called homozygous "

dominants (BB), whites homozygous recessives (bb), and

blues heterozygotes (Bb). But it is clear that if we so designate them, dominance must be recognized to be imperfect.

110 Attempts


of poultry men to

the blue variety are maniunless some new variation arises within the festly hopeless, race which can be secured in homozygous form and will yet



possess the desired appearance. Another example of a heterozygous and so unfixable character

found among short-horn


Here red


a true-

/\iTdbiUs Jalajia

" Fig. 51. A diagram to show inheritance of flower color in crosses of Mirabilis, the four-o'clock." rosea, the unfixable Fi heterozygote, of intermediate Alha, white parent; rosea, red parent; alba color, pink. I. Gen. = Fi. U. Gen. = F2. (After Correns.)

breeding type as also is white, but the heterozygote between red and white is an unfixable roan. (See Figs. 62-64.)

which the production of a recognizable heterozygous form has upon the typical F2 monohybrid ratio (3:1) is to convert it into a 1:2:1 ratio, in which each parental type is represented by one individual while the


heterozygous type


represented by two.


typical di-



hybrid ratio (9:3:3:1) we might expect to see modified in a similar way, if a cross were made involving simultaneously two Mendelian characters imperfectly dominant. The number of distinguishable classes, as shown originally by Mendel (see Appendix) would then be 9, numerically as follows: 1:1: 2:2:4:2:2:1:1. For three factors all imperfectly dominant the modified trihybrid Mendelian ratio would be expressed ' by (1 + 2 + 1) and for n factors by (1 +2 + 1). Heterozygous characters must from definition always be unfixable. In the foregoing cases comparison of their behavior in breeding experiments with that of the corresponding homozygotes has shown this to be true, but there exist cases in which only one type of homozygote has been found to occur, the
other being apparently impossible of production. The first case of this sort to be demonstrated


among yellow mice and owe its demonstration.

sorts equally


Cuenot (confirmed by



If certain strains of yellow

mice are

crossed with black ones, the offspring produced are of two numerous, yellow and black. From this result

alone it is impossible to say which is the dominant character, but breeding tests of the offspring show that yellow is the dominant character. For the black offspring bred together produce only black offspring, but the yellows bred together produce both yellow offspring and black ones. The curious feature of the case is that when yellows are bred with each

other no pure yellows, that is, homozygous ones, are obtained. Hundreds of yellow individuals have been tested, but the
invariable result has been that they are found to be heterozygous; that is, they transmit yellow in half their gametes,
it may be but some other color in the remaining gametes black or it may be brown, or gray. Non-yellows obtained by mating yellow with yellow mice never produce yellow offspring if mated with each other. This shows that they are genuine recessives and do not contain the yellow character, which is dominant. Now ordinary heterozygous dominants, when mated with each other, produce three dominant individuals to one reces-



Accordingly we should expect yellow mice,


stated, they are invariably heterozygous, to produce three yellow offspring to one of a different color, but curiously

enough' they do not. They produce tivo yellows (instead of the expected three) to every one of a different color. About the ratio there can be no reasonable doubt. It has been
finds that in a total of over twelve

determined with great accuracy by Dr. C. C. Little, who hundred young produced almost exactly two-thirds are yellow. by yellow parents Instead of the regular Mendelian ratio, 3:1, we have then in
this case the peculiar ratio, 2:1, and this requires explanation. The explanation of this ratio is to be found in the same

circumstance as


the total absence of pure yellow individu-

Pure yellow zygotes are indeed formed, but they perish for some reason. A yellow individual produces gametes of two sorts with equal frequency, viz., yellow and nonyellow

us say black).



yellow individuals are

ones, half the offspring are black, half if yellow individuals are as already stated. yellow, matipd with each other we expect three sorts of young to be

mated with black


Y, 2 Y B, and 1 produced, numerically as 1:2:1, viz., 1 B B. But since observation shows that only Iwo combinations are formed which contain yellow to one not containing
yellow, and since further all yellows which survive are found to be heterozygous (YB), it must be that the expected


individual either


not produced or straightway perishes.


two contingencies happens we also have evidence. Dr. Little finds (confirming Cuenot), experimental that yellow mice when mated to black ones produce larger
to which of these

young than when they are mated to yellow ones. The average-sized litter contains something like 5.5 young when the mate is a black animal, but only 4.7 when it is a
litters of

yellow animal. It is evident, then, that about one young one out of a litter perishes when both parents are yellow, and this

The undoubtedly is the missing yellow-yellow zygote. yellows which are left are heterozygous yellow-black zygotes, and they are to those that perish as 2:1. They are also to the

Simple Menddian inheritance in crosses of red guinea-pigs with black ones. P, parents; one one black. Fi, one of the young, all heterozygous blacks. BC, young produced by a back-cross of an Fi black with the red parent. Half are red, half are black.
Fig. 5^.



non-yellow zygotes as 2:1, the ratio observed also among the surviving young of yellow by yellow parents. This interpretation of the 2:1 ratio observed in this case is strongly supported by a similar case among plants, in which " " the evidence is even more complete. A so-called golden variety of snapdragon, one in which the foliage was yellow

by the German botanist, to be unfixable, producing when self-pollinated fully Baur, green plants as well as golden ones, in the ratio 2 golden:
variegated with green, was found
green. The green plants were found to breed true, that to be recessives, while the golden ones were invariably found to be heterozygous. Baur found, however, by ger1

minating seeds of golden plants very carefully, that there were produced in addition to green plants and golden ones a few feeble seedlings entirely yellow, not variegated with
green, as the golden plants are.

These, for lack of assimilat-

ing organs (green chlorophyl), straightway perished. Clearly they were the missing pure yellow zygotes. Frequently one of the visible characters of an organism depends upon the combined action of two or more independent Mendelian factors, in which case it is demonstrably not a unit-chaTacteT, as has already been pointed out, since " " each of the known factors is indispensable to the development of the visible character, as are probably also a great many other as yet unknown factors. The dependence of a
visible character

upon two or more simultaneously varying

factors leads to the production of modified dihybrid or polyhybrid F2 ratios. It also leads to a phenomenon known as

atavism or reversion by which is meant the restoration of a lost ancestral character, which frequently follows crossing of unrelated varieties.

Atavism or reversion to an ancestral condition is a pheto which Darwin repeatedly called attention. He realized that it is a phenomenon for which general theories of heredity must account. He supposed that the environment was chiefly responsible for the reappearance in a species


of a lost ancestral condition,

but that

in certain cases the



mere act of crossing may reawaken slumbering ancestral Thus he noticed that when rabbits of various sorts traits.
are turned loose in a warren together, they tend to revert to the gray-coated condition of wild rabbits. And when pigeons are crossed in captivity they frequently revert to the plumage condition of the wild rock pigeon, Columba livia. In
plants, too, Darwin recognized that crossing is a frequent cause of reversion. The explanation which he gave was the best that the knowledge of his time afforded, but it leaves


to be desired.

This lack, however, has been completely

supplied by the Mendelian principles.

An illustration



may now be


When pure-bred black guinea-pigs are mated

with red ones,

only black offspring are as a rule obtained. (See Fig. 52.) hairs of the offspring do indeed contain some red pigment, but the black pigment is so much darker that it largely obscures the red. In other words, black behaves as an ordi-

nary Mendelian dominant. In the next generation black and red segregate in ordinary Mendelian fashion, and the young produced are in the usual proportions, three black to one red, or 1:1 in back-crosses of the heterozygous black with red. All black races behave alike in crosses with the same red individual, but among red animals individual differences exist. Some, instead of behaving like Mendelian recessives, produce in crosses with a black race a third apparently new condition, but in reality a very old one, the agouti type of coat found in all wild guinea-pigs, as well as in wild rats, mice, In this type of coat reddish squirrels, and other rodents. yellow pigment alone is found in a conspicuous band near the
tip of each hair, while the rest of the hair bears black pigThe result is a brownish or grayish ticked or grizzled

coat, inconspicuous, and henpe protective in situations. (See Fig. 53.)



red individuals produce the reversion in haK of their young by black mates, some in all, and others, as we have seen, in none, this last condition being the commonest of the




evident that the reversion


due to the intro-

Fio. 53. Ri-version in crosses of a red Kuinoa-pic with a black one. P, parents. Fi, one of the reversionary (agouti) young. BC, young produced by a back-cross of an Fi agouti with an ordinary red individual. Half the young are red. The other half are equally divided between agoutis and black*.

duction of a


factor, additional to simple red or simple evident further that this new factor, which we


will call

(agouti), has

parent, and that as regards viduals are homozygous (AA)


been introduced through the red this factor, A, some red indi.

in character, others are heterowhile others lack it altogether (aa) The agouti zygous (Aa) character becomes visible only in the presence of both black and red, because it is a mosaic of those two pigments. If the

Fi agouti individuals are bred together they produce in the next generation (F2) three sorts of young, viz., agouti, black, and red, which are numerically as 9:3:4. This evidently is a modification of the dihybrid Mendelian ratio 9:3:3:1, resulting from the fact that the last two classes are superficially alike. They are red animals with and without
the agouti factor respectively; but this agouti factor is invisible in the absence of black, so that both sorts of reds look

Together they number four in sixteen of the F2 offspring. Figure 54 is intended to show by the checkerboard

method how
tion in

this modified dihybrid ratio is obtained.

Black and red varieties differ from each other by a variawhat has been called the extension factor (E), the


reference being to the fact that black (or brown) pigment, in the eyes of both varieties, extends throughout the

coat in the black variety but is restricted to the eye in the red variety. The allelomorphic conditions of this factor are



agouti factor (A)

visible effects

black) and e (in red) respectively. The may exist in red animals without producing

because there is no black pigment in the fur of such animals to bring out the ticking, but its existence in animals which would otherwise be black changes the coat to

Hence the

Black parent, Ea;


constitution of the parental gametes is: red parent eA. Fi is EeAa, a double

gametes are EA -f Ea -|- eA + ea, which with dominance complete will produce F2 zygotes, 9 EA + 3 Ea -|- 3 eA + 1 ea. (See Figure 54.) But EA contains the two factors which together produce agouti; Ea contains the factors for black; eA contains the factor for agouti but with-



out the factor (E) necessary to make it visible, and so will be red; and ea contains neither the factor for agouti nor that for black, hence will also be red. Accordingly the expected Fo distribution is nine agouti, three black, four red, the ratio



a very


modification of the F2

5.5. Reversion to full inleusity of pigmentation on crossing a pink-eyed cream-and-white rat with an albino. P, parents; cream-and-white at left, albino at right. Fi, one of the black-and-white young. F2, cream-and-white at left, black-and-white in middle, albino at right. Their numerical relations are


about as


:9 :4.

slight departure

from these proportions

case repulsion) between the genes for pink-eye

is observed on account of linkage and albinism. See chapter on Linkage.

(in this





the agouti parent AC.



AaCe, a double hetero-

gametes consequently should be of four types, viz., AC + Ac + aC + ac, and the F2 zygotes, 9 AC:3 Ac: 3 aC:l ac. But only zygotes which contain C will develop a colored coat, hence both 3 Ac and 1 ac will be albinos. The 9 AC individuals contain the factors of the wild parent and hence will be agouti; the 3 aC individuals will develop a colored coat since they contain C, but this coat will be nonagouti (a), i. e., they will be like the wild type except for the lack of the agouti factor and so will be black. Precisely the same result in Fi and F2 is obtained if a black rodent (rat, mouse, rabbit, or guinea-pig) is crossed with an albino which transmits the agouti factor, as for example an albino whose parents were homozygous for the agouti factor. In this case Fi is agouti by reversion, C being derived from the black parent, A from the albino parent. But Fi is doubly

heterozygous, precisely as in the foregoing case, and the F2 generation contains only three apparent classes of individuals instead of the usual four for the reason that one of the two
differential factors

concerned in the cross





to produce a visible effect except in the presence of the

other (C).

Another somewhat similar case involving reversion in Fi with the production of the modified dihybrid ratio, 9:3:4, A pale-coated " cream-andin F2 is illustrated in Fig. 55. " white rat was crossed with an albino and produced blackand-white young, a reversion to pigmentation of full intensity, though white spotting was retained, this being an independent Mendelian character transmitted by both

The F2 generation consisted of black-and-white, parents. cream-and-white, and albino individuals in numbers approximating the 9:3:4 ratio. Black-and-white is here the double dominant class, 9; cream-and-white is the single dominant class, 3; and the albinos include three which transmit the
dominant character, black-and-white, but which fail to show it because they lack the color factor, and also one which transmits cream-and-white but which fails to show it for the



of the color factor.

same reason, lack number four.

Together the albinos

different modification of the typical dihybrid ratio is illustrated by the following case in which two varieties were

crossed which possessed complementary factors neither of which is able to produce a visible effect apart from the other.
certain white-flowered varieties of sweet peas are crossed with each other they produce Fi plants which bear red-colored flowers (Bateson and Punnett). F2 consists of two


apparent varieties only,

nine red to seven white.



and whites

in the ratio,

This is explained as a modified diratio (9:3:3:1) in which the last three terms are inhybrid The two factors involved distinguishable (all being white) in this case are assumed to be a color factor found in one white parent and a red factor found in the other, both together (in Fi) producing a red color, but either by itself producing no color whatever. One parent accordingly produces gametes all Cr, the other produces gametes all cR. Fi is CcRr, a

its gametes, CR + Cr + cR + cr; double heterozygote and the F2 zygotes containing the same assortments of facBut if C and R, neither of tors are 9CR:3Cr:3cR :lcr. color apart from each other, then only the them, produce

zygotes are colored, all the others, seven in sixteen, being white, and the observed F2 ratio (9 7) is thus accounted for as the result of a dihybrid cross at the same time that the


Fi result

explained. other white-flowered varieties of sweet peas are crossed with each other, there are produced, not red-


When some

flowered Fi plants as in the foregoing case, but those which are purple bi-color, like the wild sweet pea, a case of reversion or atavism, like those


for pigeons, rabbits


This reversion involves a third independent guinea-pigs. factor (a factor for blue, B) which is ineffective except in the presence of both the color factor (C) and the red factor (R). When in such reversionary crosses a colored Fi is produced which is heterozygous for all three factors, F2 manifests a peculiar modified trihybrid ratio, less common than





the modified dihybrid ratios just discussed. If, for example, one white parent contributes the color factor while the other parent contributes the red and the blue factors, then we may represent the parental gametes as Crb and cRB respectively. Fi will then be a triple heterozygote, CcRrBb, which from the combined action of the three dominant characters will be a purple bi-color. Its gametes will then be of eight sorts and the zygotes in which corresponding groupings of the dominant factors occur will be as follows:




CRb, red

3 Crb, white 3 cRb, white

3 crB, white
1 crb,

9 CrB,

9 cRB, white


But only the

first two of these eight groupings contain combinations of factors capable of producing colored flowers, viz.,

CRB, which will produce purples, and CRb, which will produce reds. All the other six combinations lack one or both of the two factors (C and R) which must be present together
in order to

produce colored flowers. Consequently all will produce uncolored (white) flowers, and the expected classes of phenotypes will be as follows: twenty-seven purple, nine
red, twenty-eight white, a modified trihybrid ratio.

Summary on Modified Ratios

1. When a cross involves two factors, one of which produces no visible effect except in the presence of the other, the dihybrid F2 ratio, 9:3:3:1, is modified to 9:3:4, because the last two classes of the typical ratio are indistinguishable.


WJien a cross involves two


factors, rieither of

which pro-

duces a visible result in the absence of the other, the dihybrid ratio becomes 9 7, because the last three classes of the
typical ratio are indistinguishable; if in addition a third factor is involved which prockices no visible effect except in the presence of both the others, a modified trihybrid ratio

obtained, viz., 27:9:28.


It is suggested that the reader

make out

tion for this cross

and color the squares with crayon

the trihybrid checkerboard calculain accordance with the assump-





Modification of the ratio, 9:3:3:1, due to linkage. When two Mendelian characters are not wholly independent of each other, but show a tendency to be inherited together, they are said to be coupled or linked to each other.
in the sweet pea, purple and red are alternative color forms, and long pollen and short pollen are alternatives as to pollen shape. And if a purple plant with long pollen is crossed with a red plant having round pollen, four classes are obtained in F2, viz., purple long, purple round, red long and red round. This being apparently a dihybrid Mendelian




F2 Ratio, 9:3:3:1, as Affected by Coupling or Linkage, Entering the Fi Zygote in the Same Gamete

A and B

Ratio, Crossover to




ratio, 9:3:3:1, since the four possible classes of

evident that linkage will cause modification of the typical dihybrid gametes formed by Fi individuals will not all be equally numerous. Accordingly the stronger the linkage, the greater will be the modification of the typical ratio. Conversely, we may estimate the strength of the linkage by the observed departure from the 9:3:3:1 ratio. In so doing, tables 10 and 11 may be found useful, in which the expected modification of the 9:3:3:1 F2 ratio is given for various integral ratios of

Fa Ratio, 9:3:3:1, as


A AND B Entering the

Ratio, Crossover to

Affected by Repulsion (Negative Linkage), Fi Zygote in Different Gametes




Combination of Tables 10 and 11, in which the Sizk of each F2 Class is expressed as a Percentage of the F2 Population. It is assumed that the Gametic Series is the same in both Sexes


Fig. 50. A dihybrid Mendelian cross between a wild Norway rat and the tame variety known as black hooded. P, parents; wild gray at left, black hooded at right. Fi, a heterozygote, gray like the wild i)arcnt, but showing traces of the recessive white spotting. Note while left fore foot. F;, the four

second-generation cliusses of offspring. From left to right, gray self, gray hooded, black self, black hooded. Numerically aii 9 : 3 3 1. Let the reader identify iu Table 12 the uuit-characters involved.
: :




group of
has been studied as thoroughly, in
respect to heritable characters, as have the rodents. This is particularly true as regards those striking variations of the

many recognized domestic In nearly every case the distinctive features of these several varieties are found to be Mendelian unit-charAs an example we may take the varieties of the acters. domestic cavy or guinea-pig, probably the first of the rodents in point of time to be domesticated. Certainly in richness of varieties it surpasses all others. It was domesticated by the ancient Peruvians before the discovery of America and formerly held an important economic place among the natives of tropical America where it was reared as an article of food in every cabin, a practice which to some extent still continues

coat which form the basis of the

the poorer classes. Its variation in color and other coat characters has been very extensive, unequalled in amount perhaps among mammals other than dogs. Nearly


every distinct variety is characterized by the possession of one or more Mendelian unit-character variations. At least ten such unit-characters are concerned in the production of
Several of these unit-characters have albeen referred to. (See Table 12.) All but one of them ready (" rough ") may be regarded as recessive unit-character variations from the conditions found in wild cavies generally.
these varieties.

Perhaps the earliest in point of time, certainly the commonest among rodents wild or domesticated, is the albino variation, in which the fur is white and the eye pink. This makes its appearance as a sport, probably originally in a single individual and later as a recurring variation among its

Albino individuals are undoubtedly at a



in the struggle for existence in a wild state because

of the conspicuousness of the albino to its enemies




because of



defective vision.

For the eyesight

of the albino

very poor owing to the imperfect pigmentation of its eyes. Albino sports accordingly never become very common in a wild species but are probably among the earliest formed domestic or tame varieties, because of their striking character





a change to yellow coat. This results from a disappearance of black pigment from the hair or its replace-

ment by yellow. But the black pigment still persists in the eye. Hence one may speak of this change as being a restricblack to the eye, whereas in wild rodents it is reguextended throughout the coat. The factor which has larly undergone change is therefore said to be the extension factor
tion of

brown) pigment. Its dominant phase may be E, its recessive phase (found in yellow animals) expressed by by e. (See Plate 7, Fig. 29.) An alternative recessive phase
for black (or

found or brown.
(e') is

in yellow

animals spotted or brindled with black

third sport among wild rodents is responsible for the origin of black varieties which lack the yellow tip of the fur found in most wild gray or "agouti " varieties. (See Plates 6

and 7, Figs. 22-26). This yellow tip sometimes takes the form of a subapical band of yellow on hair which is black (or brown) both at the base and at the extreme end. This is the case for example in the agouti varieties of the rabbit and the
guinea-pig. The optical effect of the agouti factor in either case is to produce a protectively colored, neutral gray coat,

many natural backgrounds. The black be regarded as a recessive variation in an agoidi sport may factor possessed by most wild rodents. The dominant phase of this factor may be expressed by A, its recessive phase (the
inconspicuous against

non-agouti variation) by


Another unit-character variation found in many rodents, as well as in some other mammals, is responsible for the replacement of black pigment by brown throughout the coat and even in the eye. (See Plate 7, Figs. 27 and 28.) This
^ The occurrence of yellow sports among wild meadow mice (Microtus) has been observed by Cole, Barrows, F. Smith and others, though no tame races of this very common rodent have yet been established. The contemporary origin in England

of a yellow race of the Norway rat has been recorded origin of a yellow race of Mus rattiis by Bonhote.

by Castle


and the

varieties arise by a process other than a change in the agouti probably in a locally common black variety of the gray squirrel of Eastern North America. This shows the agouti marking of the fur to so small an
factor, as is the case

Sometimes black

Plates 6

and 7 are reproduced by permission from Publication

Carnegie Institution without change of figure numthe natural colors how a single pure-breeding


2Jtl of the


They show in

domestic type {20) crossed with a single pure-breeding wild type {23 and 24-) may produce in the next generation only a single type

which Jwwever may, in

the following generation, through the

operation of MendeVs law, produce half-a-dozen very distinct purebreeding types {25-30)

the multiplication of color types

Through a knowledge of MendeVs law among animals and plants has

ceased to be a haphazard process

orderly procedure.

and has become a simple and






half-grown guinea-pig, race C. Figs. 23, 24, 22, Fi hybrid, race C x Cavia cutleri, adult. Fig. 34) X Cavia cutleri, adult.

male and female Cavia





Fi hybrid, race

(Plate 5,








> ^>ii
F2 hybrids, race
29, yellow;

x Cavia tutlcii.

Fig. 25, agouti;

26, blackj

21, chocolate;



30, albino.



change converts an ordinary gray variety into a "cinnamon" variety, and black into "chocolate," while yellow with black eyes becomes changed to yellow with brown eyes. The factor which in such cases has undergone change we may call the black factor, its original or dominant phase being
expressed by B, the recessive (brown) phase by b. (See Table 12.) Another unit-character color variation perhaps commoner than any of those yet mentioned is found both among wild and among domesticated mammals. It consists in spotting with white. It takes the form among wild rodents of a white

spot in the forehead (common among wild rabbits) or a white spot on the belly, a white foot, or a white-tipped tail. Rarely

go beyond these slight and inconspicuous markings, probably for the reason that it would render the possessor too conspicuous for his safety, though this appears to be a consideration of no consequence in the case of skunks, which possibly are less disturbed because of their advertisement. But under artificial selection in captivity it is possible rapidly to increase the extent of the white areas in the coat,which then takes on striking and often rather definite outlines, as in

Dutch-marked rabbits, "English" rabbits (Fig. 123), hooded rats (Fig. 56), and black-eyed white mice, the latter being all
white except the eyes.

The production

of white-spotted races

from small beginnings observed in wild stocks has been accomplished in the laboratory by Castle and Phillips in the case of Peromyscus and by Little in the case of the house-

mouse (unpublished


Physiologically this variation


quite distinct from the albino variation. It appears to be due to a locally inliibited action of the color factbr, which in
extent that the prevaiHng color of the coat is black. The same is true in some specimens of the black rat (Mus rattus), this black character being dominant in crosses

over the true agouti character found in the gray variety of the same species which A similar is known as the "roof-rat" (Mu.i Alexandrinus of some systematists) dominant black has been discovered among domestic rabbits by Punnett, who has shown that it owes its origin fo a change, not in the agouti factor, hut in the exten.

sion fac-tor, K, which has


agouti factor


unable in


of such unusual strength or potency that the presence to produce the usual conspicuous effect.



full force;

other parts of the body retains its albino the action of the color factor
greatly weakened.




everywhere wanting or

The variation, ''white spotting," may be regarded as a unit-character change from a condition of uniform action of the color factor to a condition of locally suppressed action of
the color factor.

The former may be designated




Its inheritance

as sharply

any other color variation but, the

precise extent to

Mendelian as that of which

color development is suppressed being obviously quantitatively variable (Fig. 56), it is easier by selection to modify

the modal state of a white-spotted race than of races of most other color varieties.

That this factor is genetically entirely distinct from albinism is shown by the fact that white-spotting is transmitted
quite as readily through albinos as through colored individuals.

extension factor

In some rodents not only the color factor, but also the is subject to locally inhibited action. Local

inhibition of the extension factor produces yellow spots in an otherwise black, brown, or agouti coat. This color variation,

which follows Mendel's law in crosses, may be called yellow spotting. It behaves as a third allelomorph (e') alternative both to full extension (E) and to full restriction (e). When
yellow spotting coexists with white spotting, a tri-color condition of the coat results, spots of yellow, white, and black (or brown) being found on the same individual. Familiar

examples are found among guinea-pigs, cats and dogs. Another unit-character variation of certain rodents greatly reduces the production of black and brown pigments without
affecting at all the production of yellow pigment. As the pigmentation of the eye consists almost entirely of black or
it follows that in this variation the eyes become pink, while the coat pigments other than yellow are greatly reduced in amount. Pink-eyed blacks or browns are very pale coated, but pink-eyed yellows are indistinguishable from other yel-


lows except by the eye-color.

The changed




A trihybrid Mendelian cross between a black booded rat (top left) and an all-yellow sport (top right) recently captured among wild Norway rats in England. Fi, one of the first-generation progeny, gray by reversion, like wild rats. Fi, the eight clajises of second-generation young, from left to right, black hooded, black self, gray hooded, gray self, yellow self, yellow hooded, cream (non-agouti <7 3 3 9 9 9 1. Let yellow) self, cream hooded. Numerically these classes should be as 3
Fig. 57.
: : : :

the reader determine which of the eight classes may be expected to breed true and to what extent the " " other varieties will not breed true without iixalioD (elimination of heterozygotes).

cordlngly the most constant feature produced

this varia-


The dominant phase

of this unit-character,



regularly found

in all wild races,


be designated dark-eye,

D; its recessive allelomorph,

pink-eye, d.

The recessive variaand mice.

It has

tion, pink-eye, occurs in guinea-pigs, rats,

not been reported as yet for any other mammal.


(See Fig.

Another unit-character variation, which affects the pigmentation of rodents, occurs also in other mammals. This consists in a reduced quantity of pigment and in such a
pigment granules within the air spaces of the hair as to produce a dilution of the pigmentation as a whole. Black under these circumstances becomes a slaty blue, chocolate becomes a dull muddy brown, and yellow acquires a pale washed-out appearance. The best-known examples are found in blue (Maltese) cats, blue rabbits and blue mice.'^ This condition may be regarded as a recessive variation of a factor for intense pigmentation normally found in wild rodents. We
of the


designate this intensity factor



I, its

recessive allelo-

morph by


In guinea-pigs and rabbits there has occurred a unit-character variation which affects, not the color, but the length and texture of the hair, which in the so-called "angora" variety is long and silky. This results from a failure of the

end its activity when the hair has attained its normal length. In the angora variety the hair keeps on growing for an indefinitely long period. The long or angora coat of guinea-pigs and rabbits is a recessive character in relation to normal (short) coat. We may regard a normal and dominant character for short coat, L, as having undergone variation to long coat, 1. (See Figs. 36, 37, and 41.)
hair follicle to

guinea-pigs alone of rodents has occurred another morphological unit-character variation of the coat, which,


instead of being smooth and sloping uniformly from the nose

This variation probably does not occur in guinea-pigs; what was at one time described as a variation of this sort having proved to be an alternative form of the

color factor.



backward as

in wild mammals, may become rough or rosetted with the hair radiating out from centers located in various

parts of the body.

(See Fig. 33.)

over smooth coat, for which reason

Rough coat is dominant we may consider a unitit,

character, rough coat, R, to be responsible for

the recessive


found in smooth-coated guinea-pigs. It should be noted that both rough coat and short coat,
of which,
r, is

like the uniformity factors affecting pigmentation, obviously

vary quantitatively. For some rough guinea-pigs are rougher than others and some long-haired guinea-pigs have longer, silkier hair than others. Selection has undoubtedly been concerned in producing the present high standard long-haired and rough-coated guinea-pigs respectively. Dr. Sewall Wright has shown (Castle and Wright, 1916) that an independent Mendelizing factor found in many wild cavies interferes with or partially inhibits the development of the rough
coat in hybrid guinea-pigs. We nva^y designate this factor rough modifier (M), its recessive phase which permits full development of the rough coat may be expressed by m. Aside

from this striking modifier of rough, it is probable that numerous other factors act as slight modifiers of rough and that
the apparently continuous variation in the development of the roughness may thus be accounted for. Continuous variation in the expression of the angora character, as regards

length of hair, may be accounted for on similar grounds. Leaving out of consideration such quantitative variations,
possible to obtain by crosses a large number of different unit-character combinations of the ten independent variations which have been mentioned as occurring in guinea-pigs.
it is

Theoretically one thousand and twenty-four are possible, or

separately homozygous and heterozygous combinations, fifty-nine thousand and forty-nine are possible. Needless to say there have been produced thus far only a small

we count

part of the varieties of guinea-pigs theoretically possible as unit-character combinations of the ten factorial variations


to have occurred in this species.


of the guinea-pig

And the variation not different in kind or degree from

that of other rodents.


been followed up more domesticated rabbits, at least seven of the ten enumerated variations have occurred; all except the pink-eye and the
rough-coat variations are reported for rabbits, and most of them are well known. The house mouse has undergone at

Its variation has probably merely closely by selective breeding. Among

Table 12. Its yellow have apparently not arisen in the same way as yellow varieties of guinea-pigs and rabbits, but by a peculiar change in the agouti factor, for yellow in mice is a third allelomorph of agouti and non-agouti. Mice also lack longhaired and rough-coated varieties, but in other respects the variations of mice are parallel with those of guinea-pigs. In
least six of the ten variations listed in




rat four of the ten unit-character variations of

guinea-pigs find exact equivalents, viz., in albinism, nonthird allelomorph of agouti, pink-eye and white spotting.

the color factor (ruby-eye) has been shown by Whiting and King to occur among wild rats.

A red-eyed yellow variety of rats is due to a unit-character

distinct from the yellow variations known in guinea-pigs and in mice respectively. In one and the same linkage system in the Norway rat are found (1) the color


allelomorph, ruby-eye, (2) the factor for pinkeyed yellow and (3) the factor for red-eyed yellow.





Unit-character changes have produced new varieties among our more important domesticated mammals as well

among our pet


cattle four or five


Mendelizing color varia-

tions occur similar to those of rodents


in addition


variations of a morphological character have been reported, one of which has considerable economic importance. Wild
cattle existed within historic times in central Europe, the hunting of the last-existing herds being held as a royal prerogative by the kings of Poland. These cattle represented probably the chief source from which domesticated cattle were derived. They were of large size but of what color we do not certainly know. It seems probable, however, that their coat, like that of most wild ruminants, contained a mixture of yellow and black pigments somewhat like the coat of Jersey cattle at the present time. In most existing domestic breeds either the black or the yellow pigments have become predominant or white has taken their place in whole or in part. Such is the general tendency of man's agency in modifying the color characters of his domesticated animals. Nature's colors are usually adapted to concealment or protection. Mixtures of pigments are common and minute color patterns abound. Man seeks to make his domestic animals

as different as possible from the wild. He either gives preference to pure colors, black, white, or yellow, or seeks to

outdo nature

production of color patterns in great blotches of two or three colors. The materials for his operain the

tions consist of sports to solid black, yellow, or white, All of together with white spotting and yellow spotting. these have occurred among cattle and have been used to the
fullest extent.

Fig. 58.

Wild white


from Chartley Park, England.

(Mter Wallace.)

Fig. 59.

Wild white

cattle fruui Ch.iri;;,.



black individual produced

by white parents.

(After Wallace.)

Fig. 60. Ireland.

Kerry cow, a black breed, originated in (Figs. 60 and 61 from photographs by

Professor C. S. Plumb.)


61. Dexter-Kerry cow. Its short-legged louipact form is a dominant Mendelian character according to Professor James Wilson.

Fig. 62.

White short-horn




Red short-horn

heifer with a sm;ill amoiiiit of white spotting underneath.

Fig. 64.


short-horn cow.



Beef type. The fine mosaic of red and white spots indicates that this a heterozygote between red and white (Figs. Si and 63).

Fio. 65.

Ayrshire bull. Exteasive white spotting in this breed leaves only an occasional small spot " " dual purpose but inclining more to the dairy type, yet less spepigmented. The breed is hardy, cialized and better adapted to a severe climate than the Jersey and Guernsey breeds. It originated in





In English parks there have existed, since Roman days and perhaps longer, herds of all-white cattle kept in a half wild state. Some have supposed that these white cattle represent the unchanged original stock of European wild cattle, but it seems much more probable that they represent a striking sport from the original stock, which was isolated and allowed
to increase in the hunting preserves of princes, a semi-sacred character perhaps attaching to it. These cattle differ from


among rodents

in that

they have pigmented eyes.



Some Unit-Characters of Cattle




Dexter form (short



Horned. Kerry form

or variable



Dominance Uncertain


Uniformly colored.

Uniformly black.

Spotted with white. Black spotted with yellow.


also have some sooty black or brownish pigment in the and hair of the extremities (feet, nose, ears, and tail). Ordinarily they breed true, but occasionally an all black calf is produced, but whether as a recessive in the Mendelian

sense or as a reversion, through recombination of complementary color factors, is unknown. (See Figs. 58 and 59.)
it seems highly probable that the white race resulted from an ancient sport derived directly from wild " " short-horn In the breed of cattle. cattle, which origi-

In any case

nated in England, white individuals frequently occur and they breed true when mated with each other. In matings with red individuals, a sort which also breeds true, roan The heterozygotes are produced (as noted on page 110). white of this breed was probably derived from the same original source as the white cattle of the English parks, but the black character which seems to inhere in the cattle of the parks has been eliminated from the short-horn breed, which produces only reds, whites, and their heterozygotes, with or without admixture of white spotting. (See Figs. 62-64.)





have an

intensified yellow pigmentation.


probably represent derivatives of an original all-yellow sport, comparable with the yellow sports of rodents, which originate

through restriction of black pigment to the eye. Among cattle yellows vary in shade from a very deep red (Devons and short-horns) to a light cream color (some South German and Swiss breeds). The extremes in both directions were
doubtless secured through repeated selection. Whether the different shades or intensities of yellow are alternative is un-

known, but
intensity of

seems probable that in cattle as in rodents pigmentation is independent of its specific charit

acter as black or yellow. Black breeds of cattle are represented by the Galloway and Aberdeen Angus of Scotland. In them we have either derivatives of



black sport, or the end result of a gradual in-

Pure-bred crease of black in the coat through selection. Aberdeen Angus cattle sometimes produce red calves, red
being obviously a Mendelian allelomorph recessive to black As red is not favored in the in cattle as it is in rodents.
in time, as

standard of the breed, it will doubtless be entirely eliminated seems already to be the case in the best families

of the

Galloway breed. (See Fig. 73.) In most breeds of cattle white spotting occurs and this is a Mendelian alternative to unifonii coloration, though neiThe ther condition is entirely dominant over the other. self-coloration of breeds which are all black or all white has a strong tendency to prevail in the offspring. Black breeds
in wliich white spotting occurs are represented

by the Holstein-Friesian cattle originally bred in Holland and Denmark, but now extensively kept in this country, also by the belted
cattle of Holland.

(See Figs. 66 and 69.) Red-and-white and yellow-and-white cattle are represented by Hereford and Guernsey cattle respectively. (Figs. 68 and 67.) Black-

and-white breeds may produce red-and-white offspring as recessives, but red-and-white breeds never produce blackand-white calves, which shows clearly that black is dominant over red. In the Hereford breed a definite pattern of white


Fig. 66.

Holstein-Friesian cow and her triplet calves. Note the black-and-white mottling similar in four animals, yet with individual differences. This breed of large vigorous cattle originated on the borders of the North Sea in Europe. It excels all other breeds in milk production. (Photograph by the

owner, N. P. Sorensen, Bellingham, Wash.)

Fig. 67.

in color, graceful in form, gentle in disposiliuii, Guernsey cow, golden yellow-and-white producing a good quantity of milk extremely rich in butter-fat. The breed came originally from the island of Guernsey. (Photograph from Lang water farms, N. Eastou, Mai's., F. L. Ames, proprietor).




Fig. 68.



Fig. 80a.)

heifer. One of the leading beef breeds, dark red and white in color. The white and underline constitute a pattern which has a tendency to dominate in crosses, (See Like the short-horn, its principal rival as a beef breed, this breed arose in England.

l,:ikciifrM hull. Iln-i| fnr \Ur,r .-.iitiir'^ !.; Ilii~ ic patlern Holland. Probably derived from the same orijjinal general stock lus the cattle Holstein farther east, but selected more closely for color pattern to which productiveness has been pjf



belted or



by aristocralic

faniilics of


Fig. 70.

Durham (or short-horn) cow. Produced by a hornless sport within the short-horn breed or possibly by some unrecorded cross, as with the polled red breed.

Fio. 71.

Polled Hereford heifer.

of genetic principles. Hornlessness is a dominant sport or mutation." Compare Fig. 08. parison of the white spotting in Figs. 70 and 71 suggests strongly that cue is only a more stage (quantitatively) of the other.

breed of English origin, dehorned in America by the application "

A comadvanced



spotting has been so fixed by selection that it shows itself (as a white forehead) in crosses with self-colored breeds and even in hybrids with the American bison.

mon among cattle, no

Yellow spotting on a black background is not very comstandard breed with this characteristic

being known, but a brindling of yellow and black spots is occasionally seen in mongrel animals and no doubt good blackand-yellow spotted animals could be produced, if it were considered sufficiently desirable, or even tri-colors with blackyellow-and-white coats. It is possible that brindling (yellow spotted with black) is a third allelomorph of black and of
yellow, as in guinea-pigs. morphological variation of cattle of

some economic im-

portance Scotland and England for several centuries at least and is known also to have occurred among cattle kept on the conti-



This has occurred among cattle of

nent and


earlier to

have occurred among

cattle of the

ancient Egj'ptians. Loss of horns is a completely discontinuous variation, dominant in crosses. Heterozygotes may

develop mere traces of horns, known as scurs, but never a fully formed horn with bony core. Hornlessness has become

an established

racial character

(homozygous) in the Scotch

breeds of black cattle, Aberdeen Angus (Fig. 73) and Galloway, also in an English breed of red cattle called Red
polled sports have Holstein cattle in the United States appeared pure-bred and a breed of polled Holsteins is now being established in

Within the

last thirty years

this country.

breed of polled Herefords was produced in the United States from a three-quarters Hereford, onequarter short-horn polled calf born in 1889. (Wallace, p. See Figs 68 and 71. Polled cattle are easier to manage 122.)

and less liable to injure each other than are horned cattle. There can be no doubt that hornlessness had its origin as a unit-character variation dominant in crosses. Another morphological character, said to be a Mendelian dominant, occurs in Dexter-Kerry cattle. They have abnormally short, stumpy legs. (See Figs. 60 and 61.)



original color of wild horses

probably seen

existing on the plains of central Asia ^ (Mongolia) and known as Prevalski's horse. (See Fig. 81.) It has somewhat the appearance of an ordinary bay horse,

a wild horse

except that the yellow pigment



and the black

ment more diffuse

the back

dorsally. reddish or yellowish

The mane, tail and legs

pigare black,

sooty yellow below. as compared with

brown shading off into pale In tame horses of the bay color variety
the yellow pigmentation


of a



Fig. 72. Jersey cow. One (if tin- licst strn l!y dairy breeds. Color light yellow (" fawn ") shaded with diffuse black pigment, possibly a primitive tj'pe of coloration in cattle. Similar to the Guernsey in character and source. Home the island of Jersey. A little delicate in constitution and nervous in





Polled Aberdeen



Scotch breed,


black in color, of beef type and hardy.




Fig. 80.


bull, typical


of one of the humped cattle of India. Nabours, Kansas Agr. College.)

U'hotograph from Pro-

Fi(i. 80(1.

pattern (Fig. 68).


of zebu bull with Hereford cow. Notice imperfect dominance of Hereford Indian cattle being more tolerant of heat and more resistant to Texius fever, the cross made to combine these qualities with the beef excellence of the Hereford. (Photograph from Na-

Fi calf

from cross




In horses it is a hay factor which the black variety has lost. This factor appears to inhibit the development of black in regions where the bay variety shows red, just as an agouti factor inhibits the development of black pigment in certain regions of the coat of rodents which then are yellow. \Mien the bay factor is lacking, black pigment develops throughout
the entire coat.

WTiether this loss occurred originally as a single sudden change (a sport) or whether it occurred gradually is uncertain, but it seems clear that at present in crosses black

a unit-character recessive to bay, and this makes it seem probable that it arose as a discontinuous variation originally.

" " " " varieties of rodents. chocolate Suffolk or Suf" horses are invariably chestnut in color. But folk Punch " " chestnut as here used probably includes both the term

A unit-character difference has also been shown to exist between black and chestnut horses, a difference comparable to that which exists between black and brown varieties of rodents. Chestnut is recessive to black, corresponding with

brown annuals which, like black, lack the bay factor and those which possess this factor. For the latter it would probably be better to use a term in common use, sorrel. We should then have parallel black and brown series with and without
the bay factor. Black pigmented horses with the bay factor " " are blacks." Brown pigbays," without it they are mented horses with the bay factor should be called " sorrel ";

those without



Records compiled by

Wentworth and others


indicate that such a factorial differ" " ence does exist among horses called chestnut in the

For blacks mated inter (which should be possible


produce some chestnut the black parents are

heterozygous for chestnut) with a doubtful record of a few " " chestnut produces more bays bays, but black mated with than anything else, which shows clearly that some at least
of the chestnut parents do transmit the bay factor. The gray (or white) color variation of horses corresponds

roughly with the white variation in cattle. It is a dominant unit-character in crosses, but shows itself only in the second



later coats.


For the

colts are

born with colored coats,

shedding mingled with the colored ones. (See Fig. 84.) Later white hair may almost completely replace the colored ones. The eyes of gray horses are always colored. The term gray as applied to horses has the same significance as when applied to human beings. It means the occurrence of white hairs among colored ones, more or less completely replacing them.

but at the

of the hair, white hairs begin to



Wlien among horses the original coat partially replaced by " " iron white was a black one, an ordinary or gray coat results; but when the original coat was bay or sorrel, then a
roan coat


White spotting
it is

of frequent occurrence



usually less extensive than


In this

variation the loss of pigment from the body area affected complete and is present from birth on, so that its nature


evidently very different


from the gray variation already

It corresponds physiologically with white spotting in cattle and in rodents. The commonest form of white spotting is the occurrence of a white


spot in the forehead sometimes extendmg down over the nose, or the possession of one or more white feet, or both. These
are regular features of the coloration of Clydesdale and Shire horses. More extensive spotting takes the form of irregular white areas extending across the neck or body. (Fig. 81a.)
is less common than the former and unlike it behaves as a dominant character in crosses. Often seen in children's ponies, it is probably genetically distinct from the spotting of horses with white stockings and blaze. The pacing gait in American race horses is a character recessive to the trotting gait, according to Bateson. In pacing the two legs of the same side of the body move in unison or nearly so, while in trotting the foreleg of one side moves almost simultaneously with the hind leg of the other side. Some trotters may be made to acquire the pacing gait and these, of course, may produce trotters, but natural pacers produce only natural


pacing colts when bred with each other, whereas in crosses trotting dominates.

Fig. 81. horse in the


T. Hornaday.)


on front


New York Zoological Garden. (Photograph by courtesy of Director Notice large head, erect mane, absence of forelock and taillock, faint zebra-like " and general pattern of bay," with light muzzle and darker mane, tail, and legs.

81n. Pony of uncertain pedigree on farm of Simpson Bros., Palmer, 111. (Photograph by courtesy Notice general form like that of Prevaiski horse, but with white spotting extending up over front legs and entirely around body. Spotting of hind feet also extends up over body

of Professor J. A. Detlefsen.)


right side.


A saddle horse (" hunter ") showing typical white markings, " white stockings "' and Fig. 82. " " These are manifestations of white spotting fully developed at birth and not blaze (face stripe).
changed subsequently.


Clydesdale, typical example of one of the breeds of heavy draft hordes. blaze of white are regularly present in this breed.

White stockings and

Gray Percheron mare and tolt. Such colts, Ijlack at birth, become gray later in life. Notice, however, that the colt's face is already white. This is due to white spotting, as in the hunter and Clydesdale, not to the gray factor. The two forms of white are genetically quite distinct.
Flo. Si.

In the wild boar of Europe, from which in part domestic swine are descended, the coat is slaty black, the
individual bristles bearing a band of pale yellow like the agouti marking of rodents. The young of the wild boar are

marked with longitudinal body


a character per-

haps correlated with the agouti-like banding of the bristles. This banded character of both young and adult has apparently been lost in all domestic breeds, which are either self black, red, or white, or else black or red spotted with white,
it occasionally reappears in crosses, showing a probable dependence upon complementary factors still found separately in certain breeds (Severson). In the white variety the entire coat is colorless but the eye is colored. This is a dominant variation. \\Tiite spotting is possibly a distinct variation from the foregoing, and uncertain as to dominance. But it may be that the two differ only in degree and are really





Unit-Characters of Swtne



Not wild

color (black or red),


Self white.

3. 4.

Mule-footed (syndactyl).



Dominance Uncertain or Wanting


Uniformly colored.

Spotted with white.

forms of white spotting (which occur naturally and are comparable with the two types of white spotting among horses) are sought after by breeders and have become breed characters, viz., (1) a condition in which a broad white belt encircles the body (as in Hampshire hogs) and (2) a condition in which white appears at the extremities, on the feet and




is probable that they are similar Black among swine is dominant over horses and rodents. But the dominance of

snout (as in Berkshires). It

in genetic character.

red, as in cattle,



commonly imperfect

or complicated

of a spotting factor in the red breeds

by the presence known as Tamworth

and Duroc-Jersey.

(See Figs. 86-93.)

A curious morphological variation, syndactylism, is a dominant unit-character. In this variation the normal two hoofs of each foot have completely fused together and the foot has a single hoof like a "mule." Hence the variety is called "mule-footed." A breed having this characteristic has been established in the United States. Although the hoofs are fused the bones proximal to the toe retain their original
paired character.
(See Figs. 94




fleece is dominant over the latter occasionally cropping out in flocks as fleece, a recessive, as indicated in the old saying "every flock has its black sheep." Black sheep breed true inter se. Black is

In sheep ordinary white

probably not a reversionary variation but a loss variation of a pattern factor found in wild sheep and similar to the bay pattern of horses. Wild sheep are white or whitish except at the extremities where the pigmentation is heavier. In some breeds of sheep the skin and wool of the extremities is dark, similar to the coat of Himalayan rabbits, and white spotting


affect these

pigmented regions just as


does the coat

(See Figs. 96-100.) Hornlessness is a variation from the original horned condition of wild sheep



in females but recessive in males, a matter further consideration in connection with the subdeserving ject of heredity as affected by sex. (See Figs. 96-104.) Dogs. By Darwin and most other students of the origin



of dogs, the conclusion has been reached that dogs are descended from several different wild species of wolves inde-

pendently domesticated in different parts of the world. These, it was thought, having been subsequently intercrossed have produced a highly variable stock from which selection has isolated the genetically diverse modern breeds.

Fig. 86.

Berkshire boar.

Black with white points.


Fici. 89.

Fi sow from


ctu^.s, Borksliiro Note 1 1 ratio


Yorkshire, and pigs produced by a back -cross with Berkshire and modifie<l spotting. (After ^Y. W. Smith.)

^"-^ vmrsfgaKOfi.:

Fig. 90.




Belted red sow.

This l>reed produeeil by Q. I. Simpson by crossing black belled (Hampshire) with self red (Taiiiworth and Duroc) swine.

Fig. 9i.

litter of pigs liy two ticltt-il n-d j)arfiil>. |;\hIiiiU> this form iif uliiti- splitting is not fully recessive, since part of the pigs are not belted. (By courtesy of Simpson and Detlefsen.)

Fig. 93.

belted red

sow and her


litter by a belted red boar. Note variation (By courtesy of Simpson and Detlefsen.)

in belt or its total ab-

Figs. 94 and


Foot bones of mulc-footcd (syndiutyl) swine. Only the show complete fusion. (After Spillman.)


ami nearest

pair of bones



different opinion as to the ancestry of dogs has recently-

been expressed by G.

who has made a

of dogs kept by Allen finds strong evidence that the native dogs of

S. Miller and particularly by G. M. careful study of the cranial characters the aboriginees of the American continent.


are not descended from American wolves but

came with man

in his migration from north-eastern Asia to north-western America. Previous to that migration there existed in Europe and Asia both a large and a small type of dog, and both types were introduced into America when it was peopled from Asia. A third type, the Eskimo dog with heavy coat and

curled forward over the hip, occurs in the northernmost parts of both Asia and America and doubtless came with the


in their

comparatively recent migration from Asia.

part, if any, species hybridization has played in the of dogs can not at present be stated, but a survey of genesis existing breeds of dogs shows the occurrence among them of


several unit-characters

and accordingly unit -character varia-

be regarded as having been an important element in their production. A case which well illustrates the point is the color variation of Great Danes as
tion (mutation)


(See Fig. 104a.) Starting 101a), we have as its recessive allelomorphs either brindle (4) or fawn (5) recessive dilution factor, if present in a homozygous condition, gives

worked out by
with the


and Jones.

black variety

(3, Fig.

us dilute black

(6), dilute

brindle (7) and dilute



A dominant factor for white spotting produces the harlequin variety (2). A recessive factor for white spotting produces
white feet or breast spot (1). These types of white spotting remind us respectively of the English and Dutch patterns of white spotting among rabbits. Presumably either pattern might occur in association with dilute black, brindled, dilute brindled, fawn, or dilute fawn coat (4-8, Fig. 104a). Wliat are probably more developed forms of the recessive type of white spotting are represented in Figs. 106-109. In the breeds there shown white spotting has been selected for, whereas in the Great Dane it is rigidly selected against. A



specialized form of the dominant spotting (harlequin) found in the coach-dog (Fig. 110). Besides the five unitcharacter variations of Great Danes, several other imitcharacter variations can be recognized in other breeds. (See Table 16.) The cranial characters of dogs show their ancestors to have been wolf-like. Most wolves have a protectively colored gray coat, in which black and yellow pigments are intermingled on the


same hair somewhat as in the agouti pattern of rodents. This pattern is wanting in most dogs, but has been retained It is in some examples of the Eskimo-dog or "husky."
probably due to a dominant factor. A more conspicuous pattern is seen in black-and-tan dogs. In a black-and-tan the general body-color is yellow (tan) but with a blanket of black extending down from the back over
yellow spot the sides of the body and the outer surfaces of the legs. A is found also above each eye. Fox hounds and
beagles have this pattern regularly.
distinguished chiefly

Airedale terriers are





and pointers have

pattern from Irish terriers. Alit while others do not.

though the white spotting

in these breeds often obscures it, the black-and-tan pattern can readily be recognized in the light spot above the eye. It is apparently a recessive pattern factor in various breeds of dogs. Since the pattern seen in black-and-tan dogs may be transferred in crosses as a unit-

character to dogs which are brown or red pigmented, it is probably better to adopt for it a term appropriate in different


Bi-color has been suggested

by Barrows and

Phillips as such a term. Bi-color black dogs are "black-andtan," bi-color brown dogs are "liver-and-tan," and bi-color

red dogs are "red-and-lemon." Self black breeds of dogs have probably originated by a loss of an original pattern factor such as the bi-color factor; and self yellow ( or red)

breeds by independent loss (sudden or gradual) of black from the coat. Brown ("liver") varieties have originated by a
unit-character variation from black to brown, comparable with that of various rodents. Self white occurs in dogs

Fig. 96.


Black faced


Highland ram.

(After Plumb.)

Fig. 07.

Black faced Highland ram and ewes.

Note white spotting


pigmented face and


also sexual difference in size of horns.

(After Plumb.)

Fio. 98.

Malitcli shoep.

An Asiatic flock containing self-black, spotted black-and-white and grayish white sheep, the last probably the primitive condition. (After (!. Young.)

Fig. 99.

Cheviot rani. This Scotch breed has long and coarse wool with face and legs bare and white. Both sexes are hornless.




Fig. 100.

Hampshire Down ewe.

Extremities pigmented. Hornless in both sexes.

Fig. 101.

Delaine merino ram. This breed produces abundant, fine woo!. Males have well-developed horns, females are hornless. (Figs. 99-101 after Plum)).)



either as a sport from the colored condition, or more probably as an extreme form of white spotting. In this variety the eye
is never entirely lost as in albino rodents;, it is retained, as is the case also in white cattle, horses and largely In crosses between the different colored breeds, swine.


dominated by self black and bi-color brown by self brown; black is dominant over yellow (or red) and also over brown. As yellow and brown are independent unit -character variations they may be comblack-and-tan
{i. e.,

bi-color black)


bined, a result seen in brown-eyed yellow dogs. Thus among pointers (Little, 1914) or cocker spaniels (Barrows and
Phillips, 1915) a cross of black-eyed yellow with duces in Fi black dogs and in F2 blacks, browns,

brown pro-

black-eyed yellows and brown-eyed yellows. The same result in both Fi and F2 may be obtained by crossing black with brown-

eyed yellow. What appears to be self white, but is more probably a very pale yellow, according to Barrows and Phillips, has appeared in spaniels as a sport and is recessive in heredity. Whether in other breeds self white is recessive or dominant is not known at present. It is probable that in


cases, as in bull terriers, it is only an extreme form of white spotting, in which case we should expect the dominance to be imperfect. A short stumpy tail is probably a dominant

unit-character variation in dogs, as

it is

in cats.



Unit-Characters of Dogs


Bi-color (black-and-tan,


brown-and-tan, redand-tan).
4. 5.


Brindle, yellow, or red



Harlequin type of white


Self color.

6. 7.

Color intense.

Color dilute.




Spotted with white (Dutch type).





In Dachshunds red

not uniformly recessive;



may be dominant.



Domestic cats are descended from a wild species found in northern Africa. The domestication was accomplished in ancient Egypt and the domestic cat was introduced into Europe in the middle ages, since Roman times. The wild species is similar in size and color to
{Felis 7naniculaia) still


common tabby

of agouti-like hairs,

or tiger cat. This has a coat consisting which contain both black and j^ellow

is marked with stripes in which black and it is these black stripes that propigment predominates, duce the tiger pattern, which is a dominant unit-character.

pigments, but the body

Different forms of the tiger pattern, distinguished as lined, striped, blotched, etc., are probably multiple allelomorphs.

In the self-black variety the tiger pattern and agouti marking of the hairs have been covered up by a greatly increased
variety probably originated as a sport and it behaves as a recessive to tabby. An all yellow variety represents another unit-character variation imperfectly' dominant over black. Homozygous individuals are


of black.

The black

yellow but heterozygous females usually show both yellow and black (tortoise shell) though occasionally they may


all yellow. The inheritance of yellow is sex-linked and of the Drosophila type. (See Chapter XVIIl.) Yellow cats usually, if not always, show the tiger pattern, which leads

to the question whether this pattern is ever lost even in the black variety. It may be only covered up with black pig-

ment. Darwin notes the fact that black kittens often show the tiger pattern which is not visible in them later in life.
All-white varieties of cats exist having colored eyes (either "yellow" or blue). The relation of this variation to colored
forms, as regards dominance,
is uncertain, but it probably represents an extreme form of white spotting. Blue (or Maltese) is a dilute form of black, recessive to the latter. The dilution factor probably affects the appearance of tabby

and yellow

but definite information on the point is not White spotting is a character the behavior of which as regards dominance is unknown. Yellow spotting

occurs only as a heterozygous character in the cross between





Fig. 105.

PoniiTiinian, self-colored,

and having

Fig. 106.


bull terrier.

Pattern in white
of rabbits.

long silky hair.



spotting like the

Dutch marking

Fig. 107.

Saint Bernard.

Fig. 108. Beagle. Tri-color, black-and-tan with white.





106-109 show white spotting of the same general character.

Fig. 110.

Dalmatian or coach dog.

A peculiar form of white spotting, resembling that of the English rabbit, is found in this breed.


Fig. 111.

Great Dane. Brindled type, with yellow spotting on a black background.



Irish setter.

Color, dark red.

Fig. U.S.



Fio. 114.

Bull terrier.


white except nose

(Figs. 105-114,


by courtesy

of F. G.

Carnochan, from Field and Fancy.)



yellow and black and then chiefly in the female sex. Long (angora) hair is a recessive variation from normal coat in cats as in rabbits and guinea-pigs. A short stumpy tail, seen in
the ''Manx" cat, represents an imperfectly dominant unitcharacter variation. Homozygous dominants are tailless;

heterozygotes are short-tailed; normal (long) tail is recessive. Polj^dactylism (the possession of extra toes) is an imperfectly

dominant variation.

Unit-Characters of Cats



Not tabby
(intense) pigmentation.

(black or blue).




Siamese dilution.

Short hair.


hair (angora).

Dominance Imperfect or Uncertain

4. 5.



White (eyes only YeUow.


Spotted with white. Colored all over.

Not yellow (tabby


or black).

7. 8.


Poly dactyl.

Toes normal.


The production of varieties by unit-character Poultry. variation is nowhere more clearly seen than among domestic


wild ancestor


supposed to be represented at

present in the jungle fowl of India (Gallus hankiva) a small bird of bantam size having the color character of the breed



brown Leghorn, and producing

fully fertile off-

spring in crosses with domestic breeds.

Under long centuries of domestication size in many breeds has been increased, though certain breeds of bantams are no larger than the jungle fowl. Punnett and Bailey (1914) have maintained that several unit factors are concerned in size
between bantam and ordinary breeds, but there some doubt as to the correctness of their interpretation. We have no information at present as to whether the bantam

represents the persistent small size of the wild ancestor or has resulted from secondary variation in races of normal size.

The size changes from the wild jungle fowl to our large breeds of poultry have undoubtedly been numerous and
probably gradual, involving long-continued selection. Color variations are in fowls, as among mammals, the most conspicuous unit-character changes. The plumage of the jungle fowl contains both black and yellow pigments combined in a pattern of some complexity. This pattern may possibly be lost or suppressed as a unit-character variation, but in most cases it is changes in the relative amounts of black and yellow which give rise to self black or self yellow
(red or buff) breeds. Wliite spotting may come in to produce colorless patches in the ])lumage and if these become suffi-

ciently extensive

an all-white breed

results such as the white



The white


a dominant character



but even pure bred birds may develop an occasional colored feather, and in crosses with brown Leghorns, which have the
ancestral color, the heterozygotes produced of color, as for example a reddish breast.

may show


form of white plumage genetically distinct from the foregoing is found in white silky fowls and in some other breeds. In this the down plumage is colored and the adult plumage is not as clear and
pure a white as that of white Leghorns. When such recessive whites are crossed with white Leghorns, fully colored offspring result in F2 though not in Fi. It is probable that recessive white is not an extreme form of white spotting, as perhaps
is, but that it is due rather to some which produces fainter pigmentation to a loss variachange It is accordingly comtion, rather than to an inhibition. parable with the albino or the pink-eye variation of rodents, whereas the white of Leghorns is comparable with the blackeyed white variation of rodents, an extreme form of white spotting. Bateson has shown that there are two or possibly

the white of Leghorns

three distinct classes of recessive white varieties, probably of independent origin, for when two of these (one being the

white silky) were crossed, fully colored Fi offspring were obtained similar in appearance to the wild Gallus hankiva.
is a result comparable with that obtained when pinkeyed rodents are crossed with albinos producing fully colored young. It shows that white plumage in fowls, like pink eyes and pale coats in rodents, may result from different genetic changes. Pigment formation is a complex chemical process in which several factors are concerned. Change in any one of these may interfere with the normal pigmentation. It seems doubtful whether the Gallus hankiva pattern is lost in the ordinary black breeds of fowls; more probably it is simply covered up by an excessive development of black pigment. Indeed in some cases the pattern is faintly visible in the black breed and can readily be brought out in crosses. Such varieties are comparable with the blackened agouti vaIn self rieties of some rodents (black squirrels for example)


yellow (red or buff) breeds, the pattern


to develop



merely for lack of black pigment. Yellow varieties are imperfectly recessive to black in crosses, the ancestral pattern usually resulting in Fi. Blue is a heterozygote between black and splashed white (an impure sooty strain of white). It is

not ancestral in origin, but dominant in crosses is found in breeds with barred pliunage, such as the Dominique and the barred Plymouth Rock. Its inheritance is sex-linked. It may be transmitted through white breeds, as for example the white Leghorn. A black pigmented skin associated with black bones is
of fowls,

A color pattern

found in certain strains of fowls, e. g., silkies. nant over normal (white or yellow) skin.
herited as unit-characters.




Several morphological variations of the plumage are inThus, the possession of a topknot

or crest (usually associated with cranial hernia) is an imperfectly dominant character; frizzled (twisted) feathers are

dominant over normal feathers; silky feathers (devoid of barbules) are recessive to normal feathers (with barbules). An extra or fifth toe (due to a divided hind toe) is an imperfectly dominant character found in Houdans and Dorkings.

The comb is also a highly variable character. Single comb is the f onn found in Gallus bankiva and in the commoner breeds of poultry. It consists of a high serrated ridge. Pea comb


a dominant variation from this ancestral form in which the is lower and broader, without distinct serrations but with two low lateral ridges in addition to a chief central ridge. It is found in Indian Games and the Brahma breeds. Rose is another form of comb, likewise dominant over single. It consists of a broad flat comb with numerous papillae not arranged in distinct rows. A cross of rose with pea produces a peculiar type of comb known as walnut, which is found in the Malay breeds. When produced by crossing, it does not breed true without fixation, but in F2 gives rise to walnut, rose, pea, and single comb in the ratio, 9:3:3:1. Evidently walnut in such cases is due to the joint action of two dominant factors (R and P) which act separately in pea-combed



varieties respectively, and when both and type of single comb is formed.

and rose-combed

R are lacking the original



Unit-Characters of Domestic Fowls

A. Sex-linked


Black skin


skin (dominant in femaL'S, imperfectly recessive in males),,

(lacing, spangling, penciling).


Silver (lacing, spangling, penciling).

Striped down of chicks, black breast of adult male (game bantams)


Plain down,

brown breast

of male.


or those which are white.


Thus in the sweet pea the wild has flowers of a purple bi-color, resulting from the assoplant ciation of red and blue pigments in a definite pattern. Red
This change alone produces a red flower with wings lighter than the standard (a red bi-color). Another recessive factorial change does away with the lightness of the wings, producing a flower with both wings and standard full red. A correflowers


by a suppression

of a factor for blue.

sponding change in pattern in purple (the original color), not attended by suppression of blue, produces purple with both wings and standard of full color. A quantitative change in
the color factor (a partial loss of color) produces faintly colored varieties known as picotee, either purple or red. In the flowers of many cultivated plants striping, mottling or
spotting with white or red comes in as a unit-character variation, as in petunias, snapdragons, etc.



Unit-Characters of Plants

Colors of Flowers

(Example, unit-characters of the sweet pea flower.) Dominant Recessive White. (1) Colored.


Slightly colored (picotee).







to have originated as sports and doubtless Mendelizing in crosses. The cuhivated celosias are good examples of plants

which an excessive amount


anthocyan pigment pro-

duces brilliant red or yellow plants, the latter a probably recessive sport from the former, just as the yellow- fruit of the tomato is known to be recessive to red fruit. In Coleus





n. Gen. cessive form reappearing




A Mendelian cross between two varieties of nettle differing in shape of leaf. I. Gen. = = F2. III. Gen. = F3. The diagram indicates that the serrated form is dominant, the

F2 and breeding true in F3. (After Correns.)

the red has a mosaic and highly variable distribution on the green leaves, like that of yellow spotting in mammals.

The colors of fruits and seeds same way that the colors of vary flowers, leaves and stems vary. As an example we may consider some variations in the color and composition of the

Colors of fruits and seeds.

discontinuously in the

seed of maize.

The common

varieties of corn are either

yellow or white seeded, the yellow grain containing a yellow colored endosperm, a character dominant to white. black

pigment which

is present in the aleurone layer just under the responsible for a dominant variation in some



aleurone color

a recessive allelomorph of


Both are dominant over colorless aleurone. Red seed-coat is a character dominant over colorless seed-coat, and a seed-coat striped with red is allelomorphic to unstriped

highly starchy condition of the endosperm

field corn,


found in ordinary varieties of


which have




recessive allelomorphic condition


sweet corn cultivated for table use, in which sugar predominates in the seeds so that on drying it takes on a shriveled, wrinkled appearance. A different recessive variation is found in a variety of corn recently imported from
China, in which the endosperm is waxy rather than sweet or starchy. If the variety with waxy endosperm is crossed with

sweet corn, starchy corn



obtained by reversion in Fi, and

three sorts are obtained in the ratio, nine starchy 2 to three waxy, and four sweet.




of leaves. Leaf form in many cultivated plants to vary by Mendelizing units. In the nettle

{Urtica) Correns has

shown that the much-serrated

leaves of

one natural variety possess a character dominant over the nearly entire leaves of another variety (Fig. 115). In Chelidonium majus, a laciniate leaf form is known to be recessive to the normal form of leaf. In Primula sinensis, normal palmate leaves are dominant over fern-like pinnatifid leaves. In
a great number of plants hairy or spinous leaves, stems, or
fruits, are


to be

dominant (more or



over smooth ones.



of stem.


of the seven discontinuous variain his original

which Mendel dealt volved in the difference between

tions with




and beans. The


tall and dwarf races of peas and the dominant form of stem is form. Dwarf form, in which the internodes of the


plant are relatively short, segregates in regular recessive

which indicate either imperfect segregation or alternative forms of dwarfness. Dwarfness occurs as a variation alternative to normal tall form in snapdragons, nasturtiums, and many other cultivated plants.

Semi-dwarf races also


annual sun-

much-branched condition

of the

flower and of stocks and of

many other cultivated plants is dominant over the unbranched condition found in certain
cultivated races.

These illustrations serve to show that practically all parts and structures of plants, as well as of animals, are likely to be affected by unit-character variations and that combining of such variations by means of crossing is a ready means of
producing new varieties.



silkworm is the larva of an Asiatic moth which feeds principally on the leaves of the mulberry tree. " " The worms when full grown spin a silken cocoon (which furnishes the silk of commerce) within which they complete



metamorphosis into the moth stage. As moths they eggs. In some races there is only one generation a year, the eggs laid one summer hatching the next spring. These are said to be univoltine, having one In other races there are flight or mating period annually. two or more broods a year depending on temperature condiThese are said to be hivoltine or multivoltine. In tions. crosses between univoltine and hivoltine races the eggs laid have the character of the mother's race, being purely maternal structures. Thus, eggs laid by a univoltine mother refuse to hatch before the following season, whatever the racial character of the male that fertilized the eggs. And laid by a hivoltine mother are regularly hivoltine regardeggs less of the father's racial character. But the females which hatch from cross-bred eggs are really heterozygous as regards voltinism. Their eggs show the dominant {univoltine) character but their daughters, the F2 females, are some univoltheir

mate and the females lay

tine, others hivoltine, in

the ratio, 3:1.

Races of silkmoths differ by numerous characters, many which are Mendelian. Toyama has enumerated more than a dozen such Mendelizing characters found in the larva



races differ in the


of larval moults,

Tri-moulting is dominant over tetra-moulting in crosses. The blood of the larva may or may not be yellow colored, yellow blood being dominant.



be either three or four.

Yellow-blooded larvae spin yellow cocoons so that there is a correlation between blood-color of the larva and the cocoon154



color. Presence of pigments in the larval skin is dominant over uncolored skin. Various patterns of the larval pigmentation (spotting, striping, etc.) are dominant over 'their ab-


Reddish-brown color

of the larva


recessive to black.


possession of knob-like outgrowths of the larval skin

dominant over smooth



Unit-Characters of Silkworms

Egg Characters,


Maternal in Origin





Eggs oval. Eggs normal


slate color.

Eggs spindle-shape. Eggs light brown or gray.

Characters of the Larva or the Cocoon, of Biparental Origin

(1) (2)
(3) (4)



Blood (and silk) yellow.i Silk white (European races)

Larval skin pigmented.

Blood (and



Silk yellow.


Larva spotted or Larva black.



Larval skin unpigmented. Larva not spotted or striped.

Larval skin with knob-like

Larva reddish brown. Larva not knobby.

TMiite cocoon-color (silk) has been foimd in some races to be a recessive character and in others to be dominant. The two kinds of white have been shown to be genetically distinct.

probably a loss variation like albinism in rodents, the other a white variation due to inhibition of color, like some forms of white spotting in mammals. Certain variations in the color and shape of the egg have been found to Mendelize, but with the same complication as in the variation from


univoltinism to bivoltinism.

mined entirely by not show in the Fi generation. Which of the contrasted characters is dominant does not become evident until eggs

characters being deterthe mother, the influence of the father does


LMa has


shown that yellow

silk will also

color of the blood


due to a single domi-

nant factor but that the

also present.


be yellow only when a second and independent this second factor is lacking, white silk will appear to

be dominant over yellow


even though the blood



are laid


eggs laid

by the Fi females and segregation is seen first in the by F2 females. Spindle-shape of egg is a recessive variant from normal, oval shape, and light brown egg-color
recessive variations from normal

and gray egg-color are

Bateson (1913) has brought together records for numerous cases of unit-character color variation in moths and beetles
occurring in the wild state. These cases present nothing in principle different from the variations of silkworms, but show that Mendelian sports occur among insects "in nature"
as well as under artificial conditions.

The most complete and in many respects the most instructive series of unit-character variations recorded in any insect
has taken place within a very few years in a small fruit fly, Drosophila, while it was under observation in the Zoological

Laboratory of Columbia University. For this discovery we are indebted to Professor T. H. Morgan and his pupils. Drosophila melanogaster is a small fly with grayish brown body and red eyes, which lays its eggs in fermenting fruits. Apples, peaches, grapes or bananas with broken skin afford good conditions for its multiplication. It is sometimes known as the vinegar or pomace fly because the alcoholic fermentation of apple juice attracts it to vinegar jugs, pickle jars, and cider mills. This fly while breeding in Professor Morgan's laboratory produced a white-eyed sport, which lacked entirely the normal red eye-color. The sport was first observed in a male individual, which bred to normal mates produced only normal offspring. But when these Fi offspring were bred together they produced white-eyed offspring as recesin the expected proportion, one-fourth. Curiously enough, however, all were males. Nevertheless, when these obviously recessive white-eyed males were mated with Fi females (heterozygotes) a generation was produced consisting


and red-eyed individuals in equal' numbers, and among both sorts the sexes were approximately equal. White-eyed individuals bred together breed true, but in crosses the white-eyed character seems to have a preferof white-eyed individuals

sex-linked character.


ence for male individuals, which has led to its being called a White-eye has proved to be only the

of a long series of unit-character variations, which have appeared in Professor Morgan's cultures of Drosophila, which have this same curious sex-linked character. Among



be mentioned a variation


which the entire body

yellow, another in which the eye-color instead of being an ordinary red, is a brilliant vermilion, and several variations in

the form of the wing

forked, etc.

known as rudimentary, miniature, found that when a race possessing two of

these recessive sex-linked characters (as white eye and yellow body) is crossed with another race which lacks them, there is

a tendency for the two sex-linked characters to go together in heredity, so that whatever F2 individuals possess one of them possess also the other. This suggests that the material
basis or "gene" of each lies in the germ-cell near that of the other, that their genes are either connected directly with each other or with a common third structure. Since there are

several of these variations which

show "linkage" with each

other and a peculiar relationship to sex, the pertinent suggestion was made by Morgan that they had as a common
tion of sex,

connecting element a structure concerned in the determinacommonly known as the sex-chromose or X-chro-

mosome. The "genes" of sex-linked characters, according to Morgan, lie in the X-chromosome and the peculiar features of the inheritance are due to the fact that the X-chromosome
is is

paired in females but unpaired in males. Strong support given to this idea by the result of crosses in which each

parent introduces a different sex-linked character, as in the cross between a white-eyed race and a yellow-bodied race, each being otherwise normal. The two characters in this
case keep apart as strongly as they keep together when introduced into a cross by the same parent. This is exactly

what we should expect if, as Morgan supposes, sex-linked characters have their genes in a common cell structure (for example an X-chromosome). For when two genes lie in the same X-chromosome, they will go together (show linkage).



but when they He in different X-chromosomes, as for example, in those furnished by the father and mother respectively, then each will go with a different X, when the paired chromosomes separate from each other, as they do when gametes are
are forced to suppose that occasionally in the eggs Drosophila a gene may detach itself from one X-chromosome and pass over into the other, for once in a while we find that two sex-linked characters which were repelling each

But we

some way got into the same gamete and are now coupled, and vice versa two which were coupled may later show repulsion. Morgan's hypothesis offers a simple explaother have in

nation of such occurrences. The supposed changing of a gene from one X-chromosome to another, when repulsion gives
place to coupling or vice versa, Morgan calls a "crossingover." It occurs only in female individuals, or more properly
in their eggs, for it has not been observed to occur in the sperms of Drosophila.



the facts of sex-linked inheritance in Drosophila harmonize with Morgan's hypothesis that the genes of sex-hnked characters he in a common cell structure (X-chromosome) which is duplex in females, simplex in males. Accordingly, in a race which breeds true for a sex-linked character, that character may be transmitted by every egg, but by only half the sperms, namely by such as possess an X-chromosome and


virtue of that fact determine as female


zygotes into

which they enter. To male zygotes the sperm will not transmit sex-linked characters. This hj^pothesis is supported by some curious facts already alluded to but deserving of fuller
consideration in this connection, viz., facts observed in reciprocal crosses involving a sex-linked character, as for

example white eye

in Drosophila.



Reciprocal Crosses of White-Eyed with Red-Eyed Drosophila


Fi F2


Red:! White

Red Red Red




White Red :1 White

Red Red :1 White

It has already

been stated that a white-eyed male Droso-

phila crossed with normal females has only normal children of both sexes, while the white-eyed grandchildren are all of

the male sex.

female and a normal male

cross, between a white-eyed the daughters are normal, but the sons are white-eyed, and among the grandchildren whiteeyed individuals occur in both sexes. Diagrams will best

In the reciprocal

explain these facts on the basis of Morgan's hypothesis.

(See Figs. 116

and 117 and Table





To state the foregoing facts in another way, it will be observed that the recessive sex-linked character in Drosophila,
when introduced
entirely in Fi
in a cross

and reappears

by the male parent, disappears in F2 only in male individuals.



Gametes tK

Sex-linked inheritance of white and of red eyes in Drosophila. Parents, white-eyed male and red-eyed female; Fi, red-eyed males and females; F2, red-eyed females and equal numbers of red-eyed and white-eyed males. A black indicates an X-chromosome bearing the gene for red eye, a white bears white eye. O indicates that an is wanting; in recent publications Morgan replaces it by Y.

Fig. 116.

(From Conklin,





the recessive sex-linked character


female parent,
in both sexes.


in Fi in

is introduced by the male individuals but in F2

Suppose now a cross is made between two races, each of which possesses a different sex-linked recessive character, as for example white eye and yellow body. (See Table 22.) If the white-eyed parent is a female, there will be produced white-eyed males in F4 and white-eyed flies of both sexes in F2, But the male parent being yellow, there will be no yellow flies produced in Fi and only yellow males in F2., In the reciprocal cross

(yellow female

white-eyed male) yellow




be produced in Fi and yellow flies of both sexes in F2, while white-eyed flies will not appear until F2 and then only in the male sex. In either of the reciprocal crosses we expect the production in F2 both of yellow-bodied males and











Reciprocal cross to that shown in Fig. 116.

m xo


Fig. 117.

Fi, white-eyed males and red-eyed females (" criss-cross inheritance Morgan); F2, equal numbers of red-eyed and white-eyed individuals in both sexes. The distribution of the sex-chromosomes is

Parents, red-eyed male and white-eyed female; "


at the right, as in Fig. 116.

(From Conklin,



Usually no other sort of male is produced throughout the experiment except these two, but occasionally there is produced a male both yellow-bodied and white-eyed, or one which is gray-bodied and red-eyed, like wild flies. How do these arise ? If in Fi females the paired X's were to exchange loads in part, so that G and R came to be attached to the same X and g and r to the other X, and if each of the eggs having such a constitution were to be fertilized with a sperm which lacked (male determining this would make possible the production of F2 males sperm) possessing both dominant characters and others possessing both recessive characters or gray-red and yellow-white
of white-eyed males.



respectively, as actually observed in about one case in a hun-

dred by Morgan,

may add interest to the case to state parenthetically that in man occur a number of sex-linked variations which are inherited in this same curious fashion. Among them may be

mentioned color blindness and bleeding {haemophilia), which



Reciprocal Crosses of White-Eyed and Yellow-Bodied Flies




0.0 SEPIA.


a-o BIFLD.





to* smrTED.











-43* SABLE.




"a* VESTIGliLi


BS.S S7.0




Fig. 119. Diagram showing the location, in the four paired chromosomes of Drosophila, of the genes for various Mendelizing chiiracters, as de-



termined by Morgan and his pupils. The X-chro-

mosome is at the left. All characters there enumerated are sex-linkec^. numerals indicate the supposed relative distances of the genes from the upper (zero) end of each chromosome as de-









strengths in crosses. (.\fter Morgan, Sturtevant,


Muller and Bridges.)


are found variations kno\\Ti as hlack body and vestigial ivings respectively, together with some thirty-five other variations. In Group III are found the variations known as pink eye,

spread wings, and ebony body, together with some twenty other variations. In Group IV are included as yet only
bent wings and eyeless, which however show with each other. No inherited characters have been linkage discovered in Drosophila which are not inherited in one or another of the four linkage groups.

two characters,





Drosophila type.

The same type


of sex-linked inheri-

tance which

in man, in Drosophila cats (inheritance of yellow color), and in the plants, Lychnis


found also

Fig. 1?0. Sex-linked inheritance of barred and of unbarred (black) plumage in poultry. P, parents, barred male, unbarred female; Fi, barred males and females; F2, males all barred, females in equal numbers barred and unbarred. (After Morgan.)

and Bryonia.


essential feature of this

is this.



of inheritance




Drosophila In a race breeding true for a female is homozygous for the


character in question while the male


heterozygous and




capable of becoming homozygous. Reciprocal crosses with such a race give unlike results, because the female transmits the character to all her offspring, but the male transmits it
to only half his offspring, viz., the females. Another type of sex-linked inheritance 2. Poultry type.

which the sex relations are exactly reversed. This observed in the moth, Abraxas, but more familiar was cases occur in poultry, for which reason it may be called the poultry type of sex-linked inheritance. Here the male is the
exists in

Fio. 121. Reciprocal cross to that shown in Fig. 120. P, parents, unbarred male, barred female; Fi, barred males, unbarred females (criss-cross inheritance); F2, barred and unbarred birds equally nu-



both sexes.


sex, the

female being heterozygous.

This condi-


moths and in certain birds, viz., in domestic pigeons, ducks and canaries. As an example we may

take the inheritance of the color pattern, barring, in crosses of



barred Plymouth Rock fowls. In reciprocal crosses between pure-bred barred Plymouth Rocks and black Langshans

any other unbarred breed), the


results are

not identical.



Reciprocal Crosses of Barred and Black Breeds of Fowls

In ordinary Mendelian inheritance, if two characters, A and B, enter a cross in the same gamete (either egg or sperm), it
be wholly a matter of chance whether they continue together or are found apart in the following generation. If in the formation of gametes by the cross-bred, A and B separate from each other and pass into different gametes, it is evident that one of them has crossed-over from the gametic group in which both originally lay to enter the alternative group. This event may be called simply a crossover. Crossovers and non-crossovers will be equally numerous (50 per cent each) where no linkage occurs. Also, if A and B enter a cross in different gametes, one in the egg, the other in the sperm, it will in ordinary Mendelian inheritance be a matter of chance whether they emerge from the cross towill

gether or apart. If together, it is evident that a crossover has occurred; if apart, a non-crossover, that is a persistence of their previous relations. Again, crossovers and noncrossovers will be equally no linkage occurs.

numerous (50 per cent each)




be defined as the tendency sometimes shown

by genes to maintain

in hereditary transmission their previous relations to each other. Thus if two linked genes, A and

B, enter a cross together in the same gamete, they will oftener than not be found together in the gametes formed by the cross-bred individual. -Crossovers in that case will


less than 50 per cent, and non-crossovers more. And if the same two genes enter the cross separately, one in the egg^ the other in the sperm, then oftener than not they will be

found 'apart,

in different gametes formed by the cross-bred Again crossovers will be less than 50 per cent.

The number

of genes in a linkage

group varies





from 2 to 50 or more. However many genes there are each gene shows Hnkage with every other to the same group, but the apparent strength gene belonging of the linkage varies greatly. Under uniform environmental conditions, A and B show a fairly constant linkage with each other, A and C show a different and likewise fairly constant linkage strength, and so on through the entire group. This
in a linkage group,

leads to the conclusion that the genes of a linkage system are bound together, gene with gene, with bonds of definite

strength in each case. In order to visualize the matter and get a more objective view of linkage relations, Morgan and his associates have developed the chromosome theory of
Its essential parts are:
(1) Genes which show linkage with each other are located in the same pair of chromosomes. It is the substance of the chromosome which binds the genes to each other and causes A to be inherited when B is. (2) Genes close together in the same chromosome show strong linkage, genes farther apart show less linkage. (3)

Homologous chromosomes, those containing


sponding sets of genes, one set derived from the father, one from the mother, lie side by side (in synapsis) previous to the formation of gametes. At this time breaks are likely to occur in the chromosomes and parts of one are likely to replace corresponding parts of the other.

Such replacement is called crossing-over. Breaks are commoner in long chromosomes than in short ones, and between distant points than between near points on the same clu-omosome. (6) The genes occur in a chromosome, like beads on a


string, in

a single row and in definite order. The supposed order of the genes in the four

linkage groups

of Drosophila and their relative distances apart are shown in Fig. 119. In these diagrams, or "maps,'* when the probable

order of the genes in a system has once been determined, the and supposed end gene of the system is placed at position

the gene next to

it is

placed at a distance


centimeters or



other units) corresponding to the average cross-over percentage between the two, this process being repeated from gene to gene until the whole chain is plotted. The "map" is thus

based on a summation of the distances (measured in crossover percentages) from gene to gene. But if we compare the "map distances" between genes not adjacent to each other in the chain with the observed cross-over percentages between the same genes, we find that the map distance is regularly greater than the cross-over percentage, except for veryshort distances (5 or less) Thus if three genes occur in the




has cleared away. The second explanation is that the map-distances indicate proportionate numbers of breaks in the linkage chain between points, not




proportionate numbers of changes of relation between genes C E of a linkat particular points. Thus, suppose genes their allelomorphs, a b c d e, in a cross and age system meet


gametes are later formed by the cross-bred as follows, (1) A B c d e, (2) A B c d E, and (3) A b c D e. Assuming that the arrangement is linear, we must suppose that one break in the linkage chain has occurred in (1), two breaks in (2), and three breaks in (3). But if we did not have genes under observation, and merely noted the relation of A to E, we should infer that in case (1) and in case (3) a single crossover had occurred, but that in case (2) no crossover had occurred. We should on that basis underestimate the amount


of breaking in the linkage chain. Accordingly the construction of maps on the basis of short distances summated is

to be.


provided the arrangement is linear, as it seems it must be borne in mind that the map distances

do not correspond with cross-over percentages (although they are based on them) except in the case of very^ short distances. Map distances often exceed 50, but cross-over percentages can not do so, as already pointed out. To get a distinctive name for the map units, Haldane has called them units, of Morgan or simply "morgans." Haldane has

computed a formula into "morgans" and

vice versa.

for converting cross-over percentages He finds that the two cor-

respond only for very low values (5 or less) and diverge as the observed cross-over percentages ap50. Haldane's formula may be stated thus. If three proach genes. A, B, and C, occur in a common linkage group, and the cross-over percentages are known between A and B and

more and more

B and C, we may predict with a probable error of not over two per cent, what cross-over percentage will be found to occur between A and C. Calling the cross-over
percentage between A and B, m, and that between B and C, n, the cross-over percentage between A and C will lie be-

tween (m


and {m -\- n 2mn). It will approach the former for amounts of 5 or less, and the latter for amounts of 45 or over. In a useful table Haldane shows the calculated

+ n)

distances (morgans) for all cross-over percentages between 5 and 50. This table is based on the relations of the


genes observed in the sex-linked group of Drosophila, but it applies equally well to the second linkage group of Drosophila and to a group of three genes- in the plant, Primula. Provisionally it may be considered to be applicable generally to linkage systems in animals and in plants.




percentage Detween A and C should be either 23.7 or according as the Hnear arrangement is ABC or ACB.


of linkage.

It will

be observed that as the

strength of linkage increases, the cross-over percentage decreases. With a cross-over percentage of 50, there is no

With a cross-over percentage of 0, the linkage is complete, two characters so related behaving as allelomorphs. Accordingly we depend upon the observed cross-over percentage both for the detection of linkage and for the measurement of its strength. But unfortunately the linkage strength varies inversely as the cross-over percentage. This makes

the cross-over percentage directly considered, a rather poor measure of linkage strength. It is really the amount by which the cross-over percentage falls below 50 that measures
directly the strength of linkage. Thus with cross-over percentages of 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, and 0, we should have linkage
0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50. We should then have a standard for measuring linkage strength directly, on a scale of 50. But as we are more accustomed to grading on a scale of 100, it seems preferable to double the values indicated above. We then have grades of linkage strength on a scale

strengths of

of 100, as follows:
Cross-over Percentage


of linkage.

We may now consider some further examples


In the plant, Primula sinensis, Gregory observed the occurrence of linkage in a group of five characters, viz.

Short style

2. 3. 4. 5.



long style (1). red corolla (r).

full-colored corolla.

Tinged corolla Green stigma

Pale stem


vs. full

red stigma (s). red stem.

Altenburg later determined the strength of the linkage existing between three of these five pairs of characters, viz., 1, 2, and 4 of the above list. His results may be expressed in a linkage map as follows:
34.0 45.6


cross-over percentage between


was found to be






The sum

of these two, 45.64,

the total (uncorrected) over percentage between

of the


The observed



1 and s was 40.6, which falls short by almost exactly the amount indicated

by Haldane's

In the sweet pea the earliest discovered examples of linkage are found. Here are known two linkage groups containing each three pairs of characters as follows:





showing between 11 and 12 per cent crossovers, and with E and L showing about 12.5 per cent of crossovers. In Group II, the cross-over percentage between D and F is about 6.2, between F and about 25.0. Until the crossover percentage between D and has been experimentally determined, it cannot be stated whether the "map" order is F D or F D. In the former case, the total map distance will be 25, or about double the length of Group I; in the latter case, it will be still longer, or about 31.2. In garden peas two independent pairs of linked characters are known and two more are suspected (White). In one of the established cases close linkage is found between round starchy seeds and tendrils on the leaves, with about 1.5 per cent of crossing-over. In the other case a gene for late flowering is linked with red flower color with an estimated crossover percentage of between 12 and 16. In the snapdragon. Antirrhinum, two factors for flower color were found by Baur to be linked, with about 20 per

cent of crossovers occurring. In maize three linkage groups are known, one of four factors and two of two factors each. Group 1 includes a
factor for

waxy endosperm and the factor C for aleurone These show a cross-over percentage of 26.7. Group 2

includes four linked factors, aleurone factor R, chlorophyl factor G, chlorophyl factor L, and aleurone spotting factor,


crossovers have been observed between



they were allelomorphs, or "completely linked." The cross-over percentage between L and G has been determined as 23, that between R and G has been determined less accurately as 19, and that between R and S
as 12.5.

which behave as


order of the genes



3 includes the


two characters, starchy endosperm Group and tunicate ("podded") seeds. The cross-over percentage in this case is 8.3 (Jones and Gallastegui). In the cultivated tomato two cases of linkage have been reported. A gene for "standard" vine habit and a gene for



Cases of Linkage in Plants or in Animals other than Drosoprila





shape show about 20 per cent of crossingover. In another linkage group, no crossovers have been observed between green foliage color and two-celled fruit, as opposed to yellow foliage color and many-celled fruit, in a total of 24 F2 plants. It seems probable that the linkage in

though the number of observations is too small to do more than establish a probability. In rats a group of three linked characters has been found, albinism (c), red-eye (r) and pink-eye (p), which may be
this latter case is close,

mapped, thus

c-r------- ------1


In mice albinism (c) and pink-eye (p) are linked, as they are in rats, but the cross-over percentage is less, viz., 14.3. In the silkworm, linkage occurs between a factor, Q, which
gives to the larva characteristic pattern markings, and a factor, Y, which gives to the blood of the larva and the silk
of tlie cocoon a yellow color. Crossing-over occurs only in males, and in a percentage of 26.1 (in a large series of backcrosses of Fi hybrid male with double recessive female, pro-

ducing 24,918 individuals). In Drosophila crossing-over occurs only in the female parent, that is in the maturation
This is true of all linkage groups, whether they involve sex-linkage or not. In the grouse-locust, Apotettix, a linkage group of seven or more characters has been disof the eggs.

covered by Nabours, which have this curious feature, that crossing-over seems to occur much more frequently in fe-

males than in males. In all other known cases of linkage, crossing-over occurs with about the same frequency in the gametes formed by both sexes. This accordingly is to be regarded as the normal condition. Failure of crossing-over to occur in the oogenesis of Drosophila and in the spermatogenesis of the silkworm would seem to imply unusual
cytological conditions in those cases.

a pair of alternative characters, such as pigmentation and albinism, is involved in a cross, we assume that the gamete which transmits one of the alternative conditions
differs structurallv


from that which transmits the other and


that this structural difference

of transmission.

the cause of their different

powers By the study of linkage relations we find that the structural difference is confined to a particular linkage group, in

also includes the factor for pink-eyed dilution.

mice and rats to the group which If we adopt

the chromosome hypothesis, we locate the structural difference in a particular chromosome and suppose that it exists
in a definite region (or locus) of that chromosome. structurally different state of a locus is called a gene.

color gene

shows the alternative forms which we


Each The C and

the residual heredity unchanged, C will cause the development of full pigmentation, while c will leave the skin




For information as to what

C and

c are,



consult the biochemists, who have devoted considerable attention to the chemical processes involved in pigment for-


^Y^ight (1917) after an exliaustive review of the

chemical evidence concludes (1) "that melanin (pigment) is produced by the oxidation of certain products of protein metabolism by the action of specific enzjTnes, (2) that the
reaction takes place in the cytoplasm of cells probably by enzymes secreted by the nucleus, (3) that various chromogens are used, the particular ones oxidized depending on the

character of the enzymes present, and finally that hereditary differences in color are due to hereditarv differences in the

enzjTue element of the reaction." The final conclusion is of particular interest. It indicates that the gene C is concerned

enzyme production. Wright


offers a provisional




ment found

to explain variations in the character or amount of pigin the coats of mammals, which involves two
in succession in the oxidation of

enzymes acting


Enzyme I performs the initial action, and acting by itself produces yellow pigment (known also as red or cream, according to the amount of pigment formed) Enzyme II can.

not act on chromogens except in connection with Enzyme I in which relation it carries forward the oxidation to a brown or black stage. Without the presence of Enzyme I, no pigall will be produced, that is the albino state will even though Enzyme II is present. According to this hypothesis the gene C is concerned in the production of Enzyme I. But we are acquainted with several allelomorphic forms of this gene, which in guinea-pigs are effective re-




spectively in full pigmentation, dilute pigmentation, redmust suppose eyed dilution, and Himalayan albinism.


that in this series of mutations,


produced more

feebly, until in complete albinism (as seen in rabbits, rats and mice) no effective production of Enzyme I

and more

On the chromosome theory we must accordingly that the production of Enzyme I depends upon a suppose structure of some sort (gene C, c, etc.) having a definite

chromosome. At definite positions in this same chromosome, we must, on this theory, locate one or more genes which influence the production of Enzyme II in the rat and in the mouse. In both the rat and the mouse, a gene for pink-eye (or its allelomorph, dark eye) is linked with the color gene. This gene (in the form pinkposition

in a particular

eye) diminishes greatly the



eye and
of yellow


amount of black pigment probut does not diminish at all the


pigment formed. Hence it affects the hypothetical Enzyme II but not Enzyme I. In the rat, an-

other gene, that for red-eyed yellow, linked still more closel}^ with the color gene, likewise reduces the amount of black pigment formed in the coat and the eye, but without diminishing at all the production of yellow pigment. But it allows of more pigment development in the eye than does the gene


for pink-eye,





indicated in the



and pink-eye are different in chemical nature is shown by their complementary action. \^Tien pmk-eyed and red-eyed rats are crossed, black pigmented young result.

That the genes

for red-eye

gene which in mice influences the action of Enzyme II has the allelomorphic forms black (B) and browTi (b). It is not linked wath the color gene and so cannot lie in the same chromosome w^th it (Little and Phillips, Detlefsen). Gene b interrupts the action of Enzyme II when the pigment has been oxidized to a chocolate brown color, B allows the oxidation to continue until the black stage is reached.

Another gene which limits the action of Enzyme 11 is the agouti factor. In mice it is not linked either with C or with B. Hence it must lie in a third chromosome. It restricts the
action of


II to particular parts of the hair, the base


tip of the hair in

most body


and on the


the base alone, or it may exclude the action of EnzjTne II from the entire hair in the belly region. As the dominant

allelomorph of the agouti factor, the gene yellow inhibits the action of Enzyme II more or less completely throughout the
coat of mice.

In rabbits and guinea-pigs a gene called the extension factor (E, e) influences the production or action of Enzyme n. As E it permits black (or brown) pigment to be produced throughout the coat, except where its production is
does not permit Enz^Tue II to function in the coat, but only in the eyes and skin. Consequently the coat is yellow through the unasfactor.
e, it

interfered with

by the agouti


Enzyme I. A third allelomorph, e', in guineaEnzyme 11 to act in part of the coat only, thus a yellow-and-black spotted coat. The extension producing
sisted action of

pigs allows



for color production,

apparently not linked with any of the other factors and so must be located in a fourth


How man3^ other genes there are which influence the action



we do not know, nor do we know what




is itself


would seem improbable that any one of Enzyme II, but only that it is in some way conit

cerned in the production of



II, either locally or

As regards Enzyme




in several grades

(qualitative or quantitative) through mutations in the color

gene resulting in multiple allelomorphs, we know that its action may be localized by other independently inherited genes, those not in the same linkage-group or chromosome. Such are the factors for white spotting which in no case have been shown to be linked with albinism. Some factors of this sort seem to interfere with the production of Enzyme I in particular parts of the body, others allow Enzyme I to be produced but inhibit its action in particular body regions.

Again we have no present knowledge as to what the nature

In Drosophila there occur in a single linkage system (chromosome), genes affecting various
of these modifying genes

parts of the body and affecting them in various ways. Thus in the sex-linked group of genes are found those which influence the shape of the eye, the color of the eye, the length of the wings, the shape of the wings, the venation of the

wings, the form of the legs, the color of the body, the shape of the bristles on head and thorax, the form of the abdomen, and many others less easy of description.

second-chromosome" linkage group of are found other genes which also affect practiDrosophila, cally all regions of the body, as for example, shape, size, and venation of wings, length of legs, color and structure of the
Again, in the



eyes, patterns of thorax, shape of

abdomen, and

linkage system specializes in genes general body-color. of any particular sort, or affecting any particular region of the body. Often a single gene is known to affect various
parts of the body. Thus the gene, "dachs," affects both the length of the legs and the venation of the wing.
If any part of any chromosome of an egg of Drosophila were removed or changed in composition, it seems probable that some departure from normality would follow in the fly




which developed from the egg. In that case the chromosome change might be regarded as a gene responsible for the observed departure from normality. As such it would behave in crosses with normal individuals. If this is true, it seems
probable that the entire chromatin, or at least so much of as is concerned in determining the activities of the cell, may be regarded as composed of genes. A gene will be the

smallest part of the chromatin capable of varying by itself. And if the gamete contains any structures not chromatin

which are concerned in heredity, that is which are reproduced when the cell divides, these too will constitute genes. Further investigation alone can show whether or not genes are found exclusively in the chromatin. At present it is assumed that such is the case.

In some of the preceding chapters we have considered facts which show to what a large extent the varieties of animals and plants formed under domestication owe their origin to discontinuous variations or sports, which, by reason of their Mendelian behavior in heredity, may be combined in various

ways through the agency

of hybridization.



a question of



both theoretical and practical, whether these

sports or unit-character variations, are entirely stable or whether they themselves are subject to variation. For if a



nations into which


not variable, we can only vary the combiit enters, the character itself being unvariation



a unit-character


know whether its

important continuous or discontinuous.



it is

For if it varies by distinct steps only, that is discontinuously, it would be a waste of time to try by selection to establish any other conditions than those which arise spontaneously, " " by mutation as De Vries would say. The mutation idea has greatly weakened the faith of biologists in selection. Darwin -had great confidence in the power
of selection gradually to modify the characteristics of races. Practical breeders of animals and plants have always worked

means, and Darwin based his views concerning the efficacy of selection largely on the results of their experience. But breeders do not confine their attention to the propagation of variations which they have seen arise spontaneously. They often form ideals of uncreated varieties and then work



zealously for the production of these. Some of these ideals may be unattainable, but too many of them have been realized to make us think that all work of this sort is fruitless.

Today animal

breeders hold among their unrealized ideals, a tri-color variety of mouse; a blue variety of fowl which will

Fio. 123. English rabbits showing a dominant form of white spotting which flucluaUs l;utU umatically and geneThe third figure tically. The first five figures were employed as grades 1-5 in classifying observed fluctuations. (middle row, left) is close to the fancier's ideal English marking. The two rabbits shown at the top and the one at the ri^ht, bottom, were homozygous for the English pattern; the other three were heterozygous. English pattern is allelomorphic to Dutch, Fig. 138.



breed true, as blue pigeons do; a race of barred Plymouth Rock fowls of the same color in both sexes. These ideals the student of genetics says are unattainable and he can give good
reasons for so regarding them. Nevertheless breeders will doubtless continue to try for them and it is hardly safe to say that success is impossible. Most advances in practical affairs are made by those who have the courage to attempt what

When such others with good reason think unattainable. the world simply revises its classifiattempts have succeeded,
cation of things attainable
fresh start.

and unattainable, and makes a

Many students of genetics at present regard unit-characters

as unchangeable. They consider them as impossible of modification as are the atoms. To recall Bateson's comparison,

the carbon and oxygen of carbon monoxide, CO, are each unchangeable. Adding another atom of oxygen does not

them, though it changes radically the compound formed which becomes carbon dioxide, CO2, possessed of very different properties. But the carbon and the oxygen are still there, unaltered and recoverable. This question is one of great

are unit-characters as constant as practical importance, atoms, so that we can merely recombine them, or are they different in nature from atoms so that we can modify as well as recombine them.



work has been devoted


the solution of this question. It was at first assumed from chemical analogy that characters which behave as units in
heredity must, like

C and O

in the case of

carbon dioxide,

emerge from combinations unmodified. But presently case after case came to light in which this was not true. Albinism emerged from crosses tainted with color; clear yellows emerged from crosses intensified to red, or diluted to cream, or sooty with minute quantities of black; patterns such as are seen in Dutch or in English rabbits, or in hooded rats,

emerged considerably altered in appearance. Facts such as these were interpreted in two different ways. It was as-

sumed by some that the actual unit-character, factor, gene involved was subject to quantitative and possibly




qualitative change. By others it was assumed that the observed character changes were not due to changes in single genes but to the supplemental or modifying action of the

other genes. For example, the hooded pattern of rats (Figs. 124 and 125) clearly behaves as a simple unit-character alle-

lomorphic to Irish pattern or to

self in


But the

hooded pattern as seen either in pure-bred or in cross-bred litters of young (Fig. 124) varies slightly, and such variations have a genetic basis since by selecting either the whitest or

" " Fig. 12-1. Inheritance of a recessive pattern of white spotting seen in hooded rats. The parents " " Irish father (black with white (at the left) are a homozygous hooded mother and a heterozygous An entire litter of their young is shown at the right. Four are homozygous hooded like the belly).

mother, five are heterozygotes like the father. are found to be in part heritable.


fluctuation in both classes.

Such fluctuations

the blackest individuals, one can either whiten or blacken the average racial condition. (See Tables 24a and 25a.)

Races corresponding with the extremes of the series shown in The question now arose Fig. 125 were thus produced. whether the observed changes had occurred as a result of
in the single unit-character or gene clearly concerned in the case, or whether this was due to other agencies. To


matter the selected races, now modified genetically were crossed repeatedly with a nonhooded (wild) race. The recessive hooded character disappeared in Fi but was recovered again in F2 in the expected 25 per cent of this generation. Compare Fig. 56, These extracted hooded individuals, following each cross, were less divergent than their hooded grandparents from the ordinary
test the
in opposite directions,

hooded pattern.

After three successive crosses




tions) the whitest individuals extracted


from the dark hooded

race were no darker than the darkest individuals extracted from the white hooded race. In other words repeated crossing with the non-hooded (wild) race had caused the changes in the hooded character, which had been secured by selection, altogether to disappear. This result shows conclusively that the changes in question had not occurred in the gene for the hooded pattern, but in the residual heredity. Other cases of apparent gradual change in unit-characters under the action of selection may be explained in a similar way. Accordingly


are led to conclude that unit-characters or genes are re-

Fic. 125.

series of grades for classifying the plus and minus variations of the spotting pattern of hooded rats.


markably constant and that when they seem to change as a result of hybridization or of selection unattended by hybridization, the changes are rather in the total complex of factors
concerned in heredity than in single genes. Nevertheless changes do sometimes occur in single genes. Such, we assume, are the several unit-character variations described in previous chapters, which form the basis of the
varieties of domestic animals and cultivated plants. These occur singly and sporadically as changes each in a particular locus or part of a system of genes. By hybridization these

isolated changes are later combined in any desired fashion. Change in a genetic locus, that is the appearance of a new



in the terminology of

this use of the



Morgan called a mutation but term differs fundamentally from that of De no known means by which a mutation, in this

sense, can


be brought about.
in laboratories,

Genes are discovered, not and may be manipulated by hybridization but not changed. The suddenness of their coming and their stability are implied in the term mutation. Sometimes a single genetic locus may undergo several different mutations, but these, so far as we know, occur in-




Results of the Plus Selection of Hooded Rats Continued through Twenty Successive Generations




A good example of multiple allelomorphism is found in the several mutations which the color factor of rodents has undergone. This is the factor which in its best known mutation assumes the

form of albinism. In guinea-pigs four




Results of the Minus Selection' of Hooded Rats Continued through Twenty-one Successive Generations




are (a) ordinary pigmentation,

three as in rabbits.

(6) ruby-eyed dilution (Whiting) red-eyed dilution in guinea-pigs

perhaps homologous with and albinism.


In Drosophila a factor for eye-color has been discovered in several allelomorphic forms, such as white, eosin, buff, cherry, blood, and red, analogous with the allelomorphs of the color factor found in guinea-pigs.
agouti factor of rodents occurs in the rabbit in three allelomorphic forms, (a) ordinary gray, (6) black-and-tan, and (c) non-agouti. In mice the agouti series includes (a) or(b) gray with white belly, (c) yellow, and {d) In a cavy {Cavia rufescens) and its guinea-pig non-agouti. hybrids, it has three forms, (a) agouti with hght belly, (b) agouti with ticked belly, and (c) non-agouti. The extension factor has in rabbits three allelomorphic forms (a) ordinary extension as in gray or black rabbits,


dinary gray,

"darkened" extension (DE, Punnett) seen in steel gray rabbits, and (c) non-extension (restriction) seen in yellow and in tortoise rabbits. Extension in guinea-pigs assumes three alternative forms seen in (a) black, (6) tortoise, and


White spotting shows numerous allelomorphic forms. In rats (a) hooded pattern, (6) "Irish" pattern, and (c) self
pattern are allelomorphs. In rabbits, all known forms of white spotting behave as allelomorphs. These include at least three different patterns of Dutch marking as well as

English markmg.^ In silkworms Tanaka discovered a series of three factors



of the larva,

which behave as allelomorphs,

although he prefers to describe them as factors completely



three are

(moricaud quail). Q, which he designated QS Q^, Q^, and Q*, which considerably extend the allelomorphic series, but which differ so


(quail), Qs (striped quail) and also observed several minor forms of




mice two forms of white spotting are known which are not allelomorphic,

nor even linked. These are known as black-eyed white and piebald respectively. On the chromosome theory, they must be located in different chromosomes.



one from another that the variation




Some gametic


exclusively, in the


their influence chiefly, if not changed action of other factors.

Thus the ordinary extension factor in rabbits produces with the regular agouti factor an ordinary gray coat, but the darkened extension factor produces with the same agouti
factor a steel gray coat. think of the character of the as a consequence of the agouti factor but find gray marking
in reality that
it is changed by a change in the extension no less than by changes in the agouti factor. It is assumed that there are many factors whose only discoverable



we find

to modify the action of other factors and when that some particular character, manifestly influenced

mainly by a single gene, has undergone slight change, or continues to change progressively under continued selection, it is safer to assume that modifying factors are concerned in the matter than that the principal gene is gradually changing.

The substance of our present knowledge as to changes in may be summed up in the statement that sudi changes come or go suddenly and in their entirety, and cannot, so far as we know, be influenced by selection or any other controlable process. Hence we may well call changes in genes

Having observed how wide-spread
are and
unit-character variations

what an important part they play in the formation of varieties of domesticated animals and cultivated plants, it is
natural to inquire whether any other sort of heritable variations occur, whether in the last analysis all inheritance is

Mendelian inheritance.

This view


held by



of genetics at the present time. The cases of doubtful interpretation relate chiefly to variations in size or shape of the

organism or of


parts, cases in

which the characters under

observation vary continuously.

That size may be affected by ordinary Mendelian factors has never been questioned. One of the seven unit-character variations studied by Mendel himseK was found in the cross between tall and short varieties of peas. Tall was found to be dominant and the alternative conditions, tall and short, were observed to segregate in true-breeding types in F2. In man brachydactylism was early demonstrated to be a dominant unit-character, by Farabee confirmed by Drinkwater. In
is shortened throughout, the fingers are reduced from the usual three-jointed to the short, two- jointed condition. An analo-

this peculiar condition, the skeleton

in particular

gous variation in Drosophila known as "dachs" is inherited in the "second chromosome" group of genes. But the ordinary size differences between races of men, breeds of animals, or varieties of plants, are not inherited in this simple way, with dominance of one type, followed by complete segregation from an alternative type. As a rule intermediates or blends are produced in Fi (see Fig. 130). In
F2 the commonest type
is is still

the intermediate as in Fi, but

considerably increased, which



be regarded

Fig. 126.

Angora male.

Fig. 127.

Lop-eared female.

Fig. 128.

Fi black half-lop.

Fig. 129.

Fs albino half-lop.

Fig. 130.

Skulls of mother (at left), of father (at right) Compare Figs. 126-128.


of son (between).




as a tendency toward segregation of the original types. These, the well established facts, were at one time regarded as showing the occurrence of a distinct type of inheritance

known them a

as blending, but at present

different explanation, the

we are inclined to give same in fact as for ordinary

Mendelian inheritance except that several factors, instead of one, are supposed to be concerned in the case, and that dominance is not in evidence.
a large rabbit is crossed with a small one, the young are of intermediate size and the F2 offspring show no such segreIf

gation into large, small, and intermediate-sized individuals as a simple Mendelian system would demand. For if the

between a large and a small rabbit depended one unit-character, then the F2 animals should be as upon regards size in the proportions, one large, two intennediate, one small. But in the cases thus far studied all Fo individsize difference

uals are intermediate in size.


A specific

case illustrating the

the following: A cross was made between a large loppoint eared rabbit and a small short-eared one. The former was
also a sooty yellow animal and short-haired (Fig. 127); latter an albino and long-haired (angora). See Fig. 126.



character of Fi

is shown in Fig. 128. Notice first the simple Mendelian behavior of the color characters and the hair-

length. Albinism disappeared in Fi, for all the Fi animals were black. But it reappeared in F2; one F2 albino is shown in Fig. 129. Long hair also behaved as a Mendelian recessive
(as in guinea-pigs), disappearing in Fi

as expected, sometimes in

but reappearing in F2 colored individuals, sometimes in

thus showing its independent inheritance. The black character seen in the Fi individuals was received from the albino (angora) parent, which had black ears. The black character (dominant in Fi) was found in a majority of the

F2 colored individuals

also, as

we should

expect, but the

yellow character of the other grandparent reappeared as a recessive in F2 in certain of the individuals. Three inde-

pendent coat characters were thus Mendelizing


in the cross,



Color dominant over albinism.

Black dominant over yellow. Short hair dominant over long


ear-length, neither dominance nor segregation of the difference between the parents is observable. All the

As regards

Fi as well as the F2 individuals have ears of intermediate length. The inheritance is what has been called blending.
is true as regards size of the body. In Fig. 130 the skulls of the parents are shown with the skull of the Fi individual between them. In absolute dimensions, as well as in the proportions of its parts the Fi skull is strictly intermediate. The same blending effect was observed in all

The same

other parts of the skeleton.

The multiple factor hypothesis. It is clear that in blending inheritance there is no dominance, but the suggestion has been made that nevertheless segregation may occur, and so the inheritance may have a Mendelian basis. This suggestion was first made by a Swedish plant breeder, Nilsson-Ehle
(1909) who obtained some very peculiar inheritance ratios in crosses of wheat differing in color of seed or of chaff.

When a variety having brown chaff is crossed with one which has white chaff, the hybrid plants are regularly brown in Fi and three brown to one white in F2, but a particular variety of brown-chaffed wheat gave a different result. In
fifteen different crosses it

gave uniformly a



tion to the ratio 15:1 instead of 3:1.

ciently large to leave

no doubt of this. sand four hundred and ten brown to ninety -four white, exactly 15:1. This is clearly a dihybrid Mendelian ratio, and

The totals are suffiThey are one thou-

Nilsson-Ehle interprets it to mean that there exist in this case two independent factors, each of which is able by itself
to produce the brown coloration, though difference can be detected between them.

no qualitative

more remarkable case was observed in crosses between varieties of wheat of different grain-color. Red crossed with white gave ordinarily all red in Fi and three red to one

white in F2, but a certain native Swedish sort gave only red




hundred seeds)

in F2.

This result was so surprising

that one cross which had yielded seventy-eight grains of wheat in F2 was followed into F3, with the following result:

50 plants gave only red seed (being homozygous) " " 5 (being trihybrld) approximately 63 R 1





" "




W W (being dihybrid)


" "

3R:1W (being monohybrid)



interpretation given by Nilsson-Ehle is this. The red variety used in this cross bears three independent factors, each of which by itself is able to produce the red character.


Their joint action is not different in kind from their action separately, though possibly quantitatively greater. The F2 generation should contain one white seed in sixty-four. It happens that none was obtained in this generation. The next generation should contain, in a total of sixty-four individuals, the sorts actually observed as well as a sort which would produce only white seed, the progeny namely of the expected white seed of F2, but as that was not obtained, the all-white plant of F3 could not be obtained either. The expected proportions of the several classes in F3 are given for comparison with those actually obtained. The agreement

between expected and observed



good as to make



highly probable that Nilsson-Ehle's explanation is correct. Corroborative evidence in the case of maize has been obtained

by East, and in shepherd's-purse by This work introduces us to a new



which has im-

portant theoretical consequences. If a character ordinarily represented by a single unit in the germ-plasm may become
represented by two or more such units identical in character, then we may expect it to dominate more persistently in crosses, fewer recessives being formed in F2 and subsequent
generations. Further, if duplication of a unit tends to increase its intensity, as seems probable, then we have in this process a possible explanation of quantitative variation in

characters which are non-Mendelian, or at any rate do not conform with a simple Mendelian system. Consider, for



example, the matter of size and skeletal proportions in rabIt is perfectly clear from the experiments described bits. that in such cases no dominance occurs, and also that no
segregation of a simple Mendelian character takes place, but possible to explain the observed facts by the combined action of several similar but independent factors, the new
it is

principle which Nilsson-Ehle has brought forward. This is known as the principle of multiple factors. Let us apply such

an hypothesis to the case in hand. Suppose a cross be made involving ear-lengths of approximately four and eight inches respectively, as in one of the crosses made. The Fi young are found to have ears about six inches long, the mean of the parental conditions, and the F2 young vary about the same mean condition. If a single Mendelian unit-character made the difference between a four-inch and an eight-inch ear, the F2 young should be of
three classes as follows:







Fig. 131,

bottom left, and Table


The grand-

parental conditions should in this case reappear in half the young. This clearly does not occur in the rabbit experiment.


two unit-characters were involved, Fi would be unchanged, all six inches, yet the F2 classes would be more numerous, viz., four, five, six, seven, and eight inches, and their relative frequencies as shown by the height of the

of the

in Fig. 131,



one, four,

six, four,


The grandparental


would now reappear

in one-eighth

F2 young, while three-eights would be intermediate. It is certain, however, that in rabbits the grandparental conditions, if they reappear at all, do not reappear with any such
frequency as this. If three independent size-factors were involved in the cross, the Fi individuals should all fall in the same middle group, as before, viz., six inches, but the F2 classes should number


their relative frequencies

would be as showTi




Fig. 131, top left. For four independent size-factors, the F2 classes would be more numerous still, viz., nine (Fig. 131,

and the extreme ear-size of either grandparent would be expected to reappear in only one out of two hundred and fifty-six offspring, while considerably more than half of them

would fail within the closely intermediate classes included between five and one-half and six and one-half inches, the



Fig. 131,

Diagrams to show the number and


size of the classes of individuals to

be expected from a cross involving Mendelian segregation without dominance. One Mendelian unit involved, bottom left; two units, middle left; three units, top left;
four units, right.

three middle classes of the diagram. With six size-characters, the extreme size of a grandparent would reappear no oftener

than once

thousand times, while with a dozen such independent characters it would recur only once in some seventeen million times. It would be remarkable if under such conditions the extreme size were ever recovered from an ordinary cross.
in four



it will

From Table 28

be seen that when three

like factors

are concerned, fifty to one hundred individuals must be produced to insure the recovery of the parental condition in F2;
with 4 like factors, 200-300 individuals must be produced " " " " " 5 over 1000 and ; " " " " " " 6 4000

The foregoing calculations are based on the assumption that each of the several hypothetical factors involved has an
equal influence in determining the general result and that



Theoretical Factorial Composition of a Population Produced by a Cross Involving more than a Single Mendelian Factor, Dominance being wanting





A considerable number of cases of size inheritance has now been studied in both animals and plants. Their results may be summarized thus: (1) When animals or plants are crossed which have racial differences in size or other characters, in respect to which each race shows continuous variation about a different mean, the Fi progeny are of intermediate size.^
They may


not be more variable than the races

crossed, but quite commonly are not. (2) The F2 generation as a whole commonly varies about the same intermediate

mean as the Fi generation, but its variability as measured by the standard deviation or the coefficient of variation is usuthan that of the Fi generation. The increased F 2 as compared with Fi may in extreme cases include forms larger than the larger parental race or smaller than the smaller race, and which show a tendency to vary in F3 about the same size as characterized the F2 parent.
ally greater

variability of

Some illustrative cases may be cited. Phillips (1912, 1914) crossed two breeds of ducks which differed markedly in size, namely Rouens and Mallards. The average adult weight of
Rouen race used was, for males, two thousand three hundred grams, and for females two thousand two hundred and thirty-seven grams. Corresponding weights for the Mallard race were one thousand sixty-eight and nine hundred and
the twenty-eight grams respectively. The Rouens accordingly were more than twice as large as the Mallards. The two races did not overlap in weight, as appears from Table 29,

where the animals are classified by weight. In this table the mean weight of the Mallards is taken as the center of class 2 and the mean weight of the Rouens as the center of class 10. Each sex was classified separately but the two are combined in classes bearing the same class number in Table 29. The seventy Fi offspring have their mode in the intermediate
leaveout of consideration heresuch diflFerences as exist between tall and dwarf and between brachydactylous and normal men. In such cases a simple Mendelizing difference exists, which shows both dominance and segregation in Aside from this simple difference, however, ordinary size differtj'pical fashion. ences exist in such cases, which I doubt not follow the ordinary rules of size inI



class 6,


though they range all the way from class 2 to class 9. sixty -three r2 offspring likewise have their mode in 6, and are slightly more variable than Fi, though only


one aberrant individual falls beyond the range of Fi. This is a case in which apparently many independent factors of approximately equal influence on weight are concerned and which do not segregate in linked groups. The result is that both Fi and F2 vary symmetrically about tlie same strictly


(class 6).

A case in which fewer factors

are involved or in which the

factors are either not all of equal influence or occur in linked

groups is the following. Punnett and Bailey crossed two breeds of fowls differing widely in weight, the larger breed being represented in a gold-penciled Hamburg cock, the
smaller in silver Sebright bantam hens. The relative size of the breeds is shown in Table 29a. As male fowls are larger

than females, the weight of each sex is tabulated separately in absolute weight units (grams). The weight of the Fi birds was much nearer that of the larger than that of the smaller parent breed, an indication that one or more of the factors for large size show dominance. An alternative interpretation would ascribe the large size of Fi to hybrid vigor. (See Chapter XXVII.) Possibly each explanation is in part
generation showed very great variability in weight, covering the ranges of both parent breeds, so far as those ranges had been ascertained for the material studied.

The F2

was not symmetrical about an intermediate mode,as in the case of ducks studied by Phillips. The mode was close to the Fi mode, but the variation was

But the

variation curve for F2

very "skew," ending abruptly above, but sloping gradually downward to bantam size. When the more extreme F2 in dividuals were mated, large with large and small with small, broods were obtained which averaged larger than pure Hamburgs and smaller than pure Sebrights respectively. Punnett interprets the case as involving four independent factors having among themselves unequal influence on the
total weight.


supposes that three of the four factors are




Weight Inheritance


After Punnett and Bailey (1914)


classes in




Both Fi and F2 are intermediate in character in comparison with the parent races, but r2 is shghtly more variable. Different lots of Fi progeny (combined in Table 30) give coefficients of variability of 8.29 and 6.88 respectively, whereas
F2 progeny have
ranging from 9.66 to 11.77. The extreme ranges of the parent races are not attained in F2. This case is similar to that of weight inheritance in ducks, except that F 2 is on the average less than Fi, being more


nearly intermediate between the parental races than was Fi. case is probably complicated by hybrid vigor in Fi, which is not retained in F2. (See Chapter XXVII.) It is

evident that so

many independent

factors are involved that

no complete segregation occurs in F2. Table 31 shows the result of crossing two races of corn (A and B) differing in seed width. In this cross also, Fi, and F2 were alike intermediate, but the latter was slightly more variable. It was found that the F2 plants differed in genetic character as to seed width. An F2 with low seed width (143 mm.) produced an F3 likewise low (mean 141.3 mm.); and F2 with seed width above the average (178 mm.) produced an F3 of like character (mean 172.9 mm.). The range of the low selected F3 extended even lower than the range of the uncrossed low race (B), which is similar to the result obtained by Punnett and Bailey in the weight inheritance of fowls and
suggests a similar explanation, recombination of factors. Some instructive cases involving multiple factors affecting

the size and shape of fruits have been studied by Gross. See Fig. 132. It is evident that in these cases length and

width of the fruit are affected by numerous independent factors which recombine so as to form a complete series of
intergrading forms. In garden peas the time between germination of the seed

and flowering varies greatly

varieties the

in different varieties.

In early



short, in late varieties it is relatively long.

Hoshino crossed two varieties of garden peas which had been found to breed very true as to flowering time and flower color. One variety was early and white flowered, the other





late and red flowered. Fi was very uniform also, being red in flower color and nearly as late in flowering as the late parent. F2 showed regular Mendelian segregation as to flower

color into three reds to one white.

As regards time

of flower-



Weight Distribution of Dccks

After Phillips {1912 and 1914)





F2 was intermediate but highly variable, covering pracrange from the flowering time of the early to that of the late parent. F3 was also highly variable but a few families were found to be as "constant" in flowering time as the parent varieties, and in F4 the proportion of constant families had increased further. Two hundred and thirty of
tically the entire

A cross of two varieties of ijeppers differing greatly in size and shape of fruits. Fruits of the parent varieties are shown at P and P, of Fi between them, and of F2 in the four lower rows. Each fruit is taken from a different plant and is typical for the plant. (After Gross.)
Fig. 132.

the four hundred and twenty-one F4 families studied by Hoshino were found to be as "constant" in flowering time
as the parent varieties. The mean flowering time in days from sprouting as observed by Hoshino is given in Table 32. It will be observed that the white-flowered F4 constant families were all early or intermediate in flowering time whereas the red-flowered families were chiefly late. This clearly indicates linkage, or coupling, between flower color and time of flowering. But flower color clearly Mendelizes, hence flowering time must also depend upon a Mendelizing gene, which is linked with the gene for red flower color.



Cross overs occasionally occur resulting, for example, in the

F4 pure red early family shown in Table 3'-2. But if these two were the onlj^ genetic factors involved in the cross, no "constant" families of intermediate flowering time could result

\Miite, the other Late


Variation in flowering time of two pure varieties of garden peas, one Early Red; and a classification, both as to color and as to flowering

two hundred and thirty F4 families produced by crossing the two varieties, " " in flowering time because of constant these F4 families being all regarded as their low variability, as low as that of the parent varieties. Only the position of
time, of



of each F4 family


given in the table, not


range as in the case of the

parent varieties.


to Flowering



linked with flower color or with the chief factor for flowering time) will account for the case. In accordance with this

view, four true-breeding combinations of the factors for flowering time might be expected, and it is possible that their

Table 32 on 35 days, 40 days, 44 days, and 54 days respectively, all of which show high frequencies. Another possibility is that several modifying factors acting in various combinations produce the wide ranging group of 142 "constant" intermediate families and that linkage among
fall in


these modifying factors is responsible for the apparent discontinuity between the intermediate and the early and the late groups. Certainly more than one supplementary or

modifying factor is in evidence. For it is to be remembered that in Table 32, the F4 distribution is not that of individual plants varying round particular modes, but each frequency indicated is itself the mode of a family, "constant as to that particular modal length of time between sprouting and flowering. Accordingly the "constant" varieties resulting from the cross are not four only, as a two factor scheme would demand, but their number is very great, since they range with only two apparent breaks all the way from the original early to the original late variety. Such a result could be produced only by numerous modifying factors, which in
action supplement, or else inhibit, the action of the chief gene for flowering time so clearly linked with red flower
color in transmission.


other "factorial" explanation

seems admissible.

In one way our views concerning heredity have been considerably simplified by the discovery that blending inheritance
category of Mendelian inheritance. One mechanism will now suffice for all kinds of inheritance, this mechanism being found in the chromosomes.


be included

in the

In them,

we may reasonably


basis of everv inherited character.

is found the material Wlien the inheritance

of the simplest kind, involving presence or absence of color or some similar character, we assume that a genetic

change has occurred in a single, definite locus in a particular chromosome, and that this single change is responsible for the observed inherited variation. Other characters depend on two or more genes, which may lie at different loci in the same chromosome, or even in different chromosomes. Thus the gray coat of a rabbit is an inherited character which depends on at least five different genes, each of which apparently lies in a different chromosome. These are (1) a color factor, (2) a black factor, (3) an extension factor, (4) an agouti factor and (5) an intensity factor. Each of these factors or genes behaves as an independent unit in transmission. We know of their existence only because each of them has been observed to occur in two or more alternative forms. For a gene which remains unchanged remains unknown. We do not know how many undiscovered genes are concerned in producing the gray coat of a rabbit, nor in what linkage-systems (chromosomes) they He. These few have
revealed themselves


their striking variations.



combinations of the different forms of these five genes, we get all the known color varieties of gray, black, yellow, and white rabbits. \Mien it comes to the inheritance of size



we suppose

that genes affecting



and that they
also are located in the chroit is

size are involved

mosomes. But

clear that the size genes must be numerous since the inheritance of size is blending, and they are

probably located in many different chromosomes or even in all the different chromosomes. That genes do affect size is shown by the typical Mendelian behavior of the characters tall and short in crosses of peas, and brachydactyl and normal in human families. The case studied by Hoshino in which late flowering in peas was found to be coupled with red flower color is important because it shows that a gene which affects a quantitatively varying character, one which blends in heredity, is located in the same chromosome with a color gene. There is no reason to think that any genes occur elsewhere in the gamete than in the chromosomes. An apparent exception occurs in the case of a plant,
Mirahilis, the cultivated four-o-clock, studied

by Correns.

A single plant of this species

arose in his cultures, which had leaves, the white areas being due to an abwhite-margined normal condition of the normally green plastids, which are

cytoplasmic (not nuclear) structures. Sometimes entire branches arose on this plant (or its descendants) which were white, and which contained only colorless plastids, and others

which were green containing normal colored plastids. White branches produced only white seedlings when self-pollinated and green branches produced only green seedlings. When flowers on the two sorts of branches were intercrossed, the seeds borne on white branches still produced only white seedlings, and those borne on the green branches produced only green seedlings, which thereafter bred true. The white
seedlings perished because without chlorophyl they could not live. The case has been explained as one in which inheritance


exclusively maternal, by means of the egg but not by of the pollen. Further it is a cytoplasmic structure,

the plastids of the egg, which determine the plastid character of the offspring, the nucleus not being concerned in the process.

Here then we seem


have a case

of cytoplasmic in-

heritance in which nuclear genes are not concerned.

But a

careful study of the case




seem probable that


are here dealing with a pathological condition of the cytoplasm rather than with true inheritance. Consider a
similar case in animals.

fever in cattle


The organism which produces Texas introduced into the blood of cattle by the

ticks, the disease passes from cytoplasm of the egg. The sperm is too small to carry the disease germ, and so the disease does not pass from father to offspring in the sperm. In reciprocal

bite of a diseased tick.


mother to offspring in



between diseased and healthy



such could be

made, we should observe exactly the same mode of transmission as in the four-o-clock crosses between white branches and green branches. The offspring would always show the
condition of the mother, never that of the father. But we should hesitate to describe the transmission of a foreign or-


in the egg of a tick as inheritance,

and the same

hesitancy should be shown regarding the transmission of diseased chloroplastids in the cytoplasm of Mirabilis.^

Leaf -variegation, quite similar in appearance to that just described, but of truly genetic origin, occurs also in Mirahilis and was studied simultaneously by Correns. This is transmitted alike in egg-cell and pollen, as a recessive character, which shows that the gene concerned is probably borne in

In certain other plants (Antirrhinum, Melandrium) leaf-variegation is a dominant character transmitted equally by both sexes. In fact, in a great majority of cases, variegation is inherited as an ordinary Mendelian character, either dominant or recessive, and so may be explained as due to genes contained in the nucleus. The exceptional
the nucleus.
cases are cases of cell pathology rather than of inheritance. If then, as seems probable, genes located in the chromo-

somes constitute the sole vehicle of inheritance, it follows that heritable variations can arise only from changes in the genes. Such changes are called "mutations," of which we can distinguish the following varieties:

Similar cases of "maternal inheritance" have been studied by Baiir in AntirrhiIjy


Ciregory in Primula, by Ikeuo iu Plautago,

and by Winge





in a single gene, ordinary unit-cliaracter variain the sense of Johannsen and Morgan.


Doubling of the normal chromosome number, presumably resulting in a duplication of every gene of the normal gamete, the duplicate condition being handed on per" manently from generation to generation. This is the "gigas type of mutation first observed by De Vries in the case of Oenothera, later in Primula by Gregory, and in the nightshade and the tomato by Winkler.
Addition of a single extra chromosome to the regular number in the gamete, probably by duplication of a single chromosome. This is the "lata" type of mutation as ob(3)

served in Oenothera, and

it is

related to the



non-disjunction as observed by Bridges in the case of the sex-chromosome in eggs of Drosophila.

Loss of a definite part of the sex-chromosome of Drobeen described by Bridges under the name "deThis involved the simultaneous disappearance ficiency."

sophila, has

from a single chromosome of at least two neighboring genes. Of these four varieties of mutation, the last two may be regarded as rare and more or less pathological phenomena, the second leads occasionally to the sudden origin of a new variety of flowering plant, and may have functioned in the evolution of some of the lower plants (mosses, algae) and lower animals, but beyond a doubt the first mentioned variety of mutation, spontaneous change in single genes, is the usual and continuously operative method by which genetic changes arise in both animals and plants. To this we must
look for that unceasing variability of organisms which furnishes the material for natural selection to operate upon and

men to work with in the improvement of the domestic animals and cultivated plants.

frequency of occurrence of variation in single genes apparently is very different in different species of animals and
plants, and in different modes of reproduction. It is supposed to be commonest in organisms which reproduce only


sexually but it must be remembered that sexual reproduction favors the spread of any genetic change which happens to
occur, whereas under asexual reproduction a mutation, however favorable, has no chance to spread from the family in which it originated to others of the same species. Accordingly mutation (in single genes)






may seem to be less common which are propagated asexuorganisms




variations that

when systematic search we gain any adequate


for genetic

idea of

how com-

monly they occur. Jennings was the first to take this matter up in connection with the asexual reproduction of the protozoan, Paramecium. He was unable to detect any genetic
changes in size in races of Paramecium reproducing by fission, but in a soft-bodied animal like Paramecium in which body

measurement of size is not an Later Jennings sought more favorable material for study and apparently found it in a shelled protozoan, Difflugia. This has a definiteness and rigidity of form which is wanting in Paramecium. Its shell can be measured with great exactness and the number of spines which it bears
size is constantly changing,

easy matter.

can be counted, and their length measured. In the case of Difflugia Jennings found that differences in size, number of spines, and length of spines may be observed among the asexually produced descendants of a single individual, that
in consequence of selection these differences become strengthened and divergent races are thus created. Hegner has ob209



served the occurrence of


sirriilar genetic changes In Arcella. evident that on the theory that genes are the exclusive vehicles of inheritance, it must be supposed that genes are

undergoing change rather frequently in the asexual reproduction of DifSugia and Arcella. In the asexual reproduction of plants genetic changes known as bud-variations occasionally occur. East (1910)
has observed, in the reproduction of the potato by tubers, changes in the shape, color, or depth of eyes of the tubers, such as are known to behave as simple unit-character variations in reproduction by seed. It seems probable therefore that they have arisen as changes in single genes occurring in asexual reproduction. In the propagation by budding of

and of prunes, according to Shamel, genetic changes of commercial importance occur with so great frequency that it seems desirable to take budding stock only from carefully selected trees within the variety. The variations noted affect especially the shape and size of the fruit,
citrous fruits

or the vigor
of the

and productiveness

of the tree.

Shamel devariety

scribes thus the recent origin of a

new and improved

French prune.

(See Fig. 133.)

In 1904, in a French prune tree growing in an orchard near Saratoga, Cat, one branch high up in the tree was found bearing very large fruits. There is no question as to its being a true bud variation. Several grafts were secured from this branch and placed in bearing peach trees in order to secure early evidence as to whether this variation, or bud sport, could be propagated. The fruits produced by these grafts were found to be identical to those borne by the original branch. The large fruits possessed all of the desirable characteristics of the smaller fruits of the ordinary French
prune and, in addition, possessed the desired improvement in size. In order to give this strain a commerical test Mr. Coates bought 10 acres containing about 1000 peach trees for experimental trials of the large prune variety. These trees were five years old in 1914 at the time of their purchase. The large-fruited French prune variety was budded into every other row of the peach trees with the usual method practiced
top-working citrus and other fruit trees. The top-worked trees with the improved French prune strain, called No. 1418 for convenience during the experimental stages, are in alternate rows with the ordinary or other selected strains of the parent variety. In other words, in the 10-acre experimental orchard there is one row of No. 1418 followed by a row of the parent variety, and so on throughout


Fig. 133. Origin of a new and improved variety of French prune by a bud-variation. Top row, leaves, fruit and seed of the new variety; bottom row, leaves, fruit and seed of the parent variety, shown on the same scale. (After Shamel.)



Fig. 134. Eight different tj-pes of variegated seeds of maize, which hehave in general as allelomorphs One to another. But mutation from one t.vpe to another is common, only the end types of the series, A and H, being as stable as ordinary Mendelian allelomorphs. (After Emerson.)

% \^

Fig. 135. Bud variation (mutation) in a plant of maize. The lower ear bears chiefly light colored seeds, the upper ear bears chiefly dark colored seeds. Each kind, as a rule, reproduces

Fig. 136. Bud variation (mutation) in single ears of maize. Each ear bears patches of very dark seeds among the generally light colored seeds. Dark seeds and light seeds reproduce each its



(After Emerson.)


sort, as

a rule.

(After Emerson.)



the entire orchard. The conditions are comparative and furnish the basis for a fair comparison of the No. 1418 strain trees with those of the parent

The yield of the No. 1418 trees in the experimental planting has been more than double that of the comparative trees. The No. 1418 fruits are about twice the size and weight of the comparative fruits. They are more
uniformly distributed throughout the tree than is the case with the fruits borne by the comparative trees. Furthermore, the fruits are more uniform in size, shape and other characteristics than are the fruits of the ordinary variety. So uniform are the No. 1418 fruits that they appear to have been graded mechanically as to size as they lie on the ground
after falling.

The No. 1418


appear to be more vigorous growing and develop

larger leaves than do the comparative trees. The leaves of the trees of this strain appear to be thicker and have a tougher feel than do the leaves

of the trees of the parent variety. In looking down the rows one notices that the larger trees of the No. 1418 strain, with their more luxurious

and abundant foliage, stand out markedly as compared with the trees and leaves of the parent variety. The fruits of the No. 1418 strain average about 25-30 to the pound as compared with an average of from about 50-60 to the pound as is the
case of the fruits of the parent variety.

The increased size of leaves and fruit and the great vigor of the tree, suggest that in this case a "gigas type" of budmutation has occurred rather than change in a single gene. Cytological study might reveal whether this is the case or not.
In plants with variegated leaves, such as Pelargonium (Baur) and Coleus (Stout), it is easy to change the racial proportion of green to white or green to colored areas by vegetative selection, that is by selection from among the
vegetatively propagated offspring of a single mother plant. Apparently in such cases what is varying is the plastid content of the cytoplasm of cells rather than their nuclear structure, but the studies of Emerson and of Hayes upon

variegation of the seed-coat in maize show that in this case there is a close correlation between the somatic variation
(seen in the seed-coat) and the variegated character transmitted by the embryo within the seed, so that selection on the basis of the former is attended by genetic change of a

corresponding sort within the gametes. It cannot be doubted

therefore that,



cases of variegation




plants, real genetic changes are involved whenever selection on the basis of vegetatively produced individuals or struc-

found to change the racial character. Such a relation has been observed to hold in all cases thus far carefully


In regard to variegated seed-coat in maize, Emerson and Hayes are agreed that the chief genetic changes occur in one and the same gene, which results in producing a series of
multiple allelomorphs. Hayes recognizes four allelomorphs in the same series, Emerson "at least nine or ten." The num-


probably limited only by the ability of the observer Besides variation in a single gene, Hayes assmnes additional "slight germinal variations,"

to discriminate them.

probably to be understood as changes in other genetic

possibly located in other


chromosomes and functioning as factors." Emerson finds that some states of "modifying the chief gene for variegated seed-coat in maize are apparently more stable than others, since some members of the multiple allelomorph series are observed to mutate less frequently than others. Thus, "self-colored and colorless races are," he says, "as constant probably as most Mendelian characters," but the truly variegated or intermediate types mutate much more frequently, from one type of variegation into another, or even into the more stable self-colored and
colorless types.

in plants,

Parthenogenesis in animals, like vegetative reproduction when as commonly it occurs without the forma-

tion of gametes, affords an opportunity to observe how common genetic changes are. For in such cases no reduction of

the chromosomes occurs, there is no segregation of duplicate genes, and there is no opportunity for the production of new
character combinations as a result of union of gametes in fertilization. Genetic changes can in such cases occur only

under conditions comparable with those of bud-variation


plants. Banta has observed for long periods, extending into hundreds of generations, the successive parthenogenetic generations of small Crustacea known as water fleas (Simoce-



phalus, Daphnia) with a view to detecting genetic changes, if such occur. His attention has been centered upon the
characters which distinguish females (the ordinary parthenogenetic individuals) from the more rare males. He has ob-

served the occurrence as mutations in Simocephalus vetulus

and in several different strains of Daphnia longispina, of what are called "sex intergrades," individuals intermediate in character between males and females as regards the sexdifferentiating characters both primary and secondary, or
showing various combinations of the several characters which ordinarily distinguish the sexes. That these variations are due to real genetic changes is shown by their occurrence in parthenogenetic lines descended (asexually) from a common mother individual; that their occurrence is not rare


shown by the

fact that five out of six lines of

in the


under observation

year 1918 were observed to give rise to strains of sex intergrades. Further, such changes did not occur in single lines once only and cease thereafter. Six
lines were propagated from the descendants of a single mutant sex intergrade,and selected, three toward normal femaleness, three toward maleness. The selection is characterized




"In most

later generations," says

Banta, "the stock in the strains selected away from the intergrade characters has been moderately or only slightly intergrade, while in some cases the stock has been almost wholly normal female. In the strains selected to make them strongly intergrade, the stock has usually been strongly intergrade. ... In general there is a fairly pronounced difference between the characters of the stock in strains selected

toward femaleness and


in strains selected

toward a more

Banta enumerates five easily recognized secondary sex-characters in Daphnia. These are (1) brnly .size, greater in females than in males; (2) outline of the head, forming a beak in the female but not in the male; (3) size and character
See Fig. 187.
of the first antenna, well developed in males but rudimentary in females; (4) outline and hairiness of ventral anterior margin of carapace, which in males forms almost a
right angle



hairy, but in females


rounded and



character of
in" fe-

first thoracic

appendage, in males with a hook-shaped finger-like projection, males without hook and branched into many long terminal filaments.



strongly intergrading condition." This fact shows that minor genetic changes have occurred subsequent to the original mutation either in the same genetic locus, or loci, or in

Banta has shown that the degree of inconsiderably influenced by environmental conditions, but that the facts are as stated, when all needed control observations are made. This leads to the strong conother genetic

viction that genetic changes probably occur with considerable frequency in the parthenogenesis of animals as well as






however, some

Ewing selected for forty-four a species of plant louse. Aphis parthenogenetic generations avencB, which was observed to vary as to length of body,
All the observed variations

negative evidence on record.

length of antennae, and length of cornicles (honey-dew tubes) were apparently due to environ.

mental conditions, because no permanent modification of the race was effected by selection. The variation curve went up and down with change in environmental conditions (temperature and the like) but returned to normal when normal conditions were restored. Hence it appears that genetic variations affecting size were not occurring with any
considerable frequency, if at all, in the particular characters studied at the particular time they were studied. This is

not surprising when we consider what a specialized organism a plant louse is, adapted and limited to a particular host plant. But a single positive case, like that studied by Banta,

outweighs any number of negative cases so far as concerns

Banta (1919) has also studied the effects of selection, in pure line cultures of vetulus, upon the sensitiveness of this species to Hght stimulation, as measured by its reaction time. The selection experiment was continued for 54 months, 181 parthenogenetic generations. In the first two-month period, no difference could be detected in the average reaction time of plus selected and minus selected strains of the same pure line, but subsequently the two strains gradually


for greater reactiveness to

diverged in reaction time so that "in the final ten generations the strain selected hght had a reaction time less than one-third as large as

differences in general vigor

that for the strain of the same line selected for reduced reactiveness to light." between the selected lines could be detected.


change was a


in relation to light reactiveness

and had been attained

Male labovc) and female (fielow) of Daphina longispina. Note striking diffcrenceg as regards a, antenna; br, breast (ventral anterior margin of carapace); bk, beak; ap, first thoracic appendage. Sex intergrades may have any combination or intermediate condition of the male and female characters shown. (After Banta.)
Fig. 137.

outside of sexual reproduction.^


showing the possibihty of the occurrence of genetic change




almost as favorable as

parthenogenesis or as vegetative reproduction for showing

genetic changes,
if they occur. For in self-fertilization both and pollen gametes are furnished by the same parent egg individual. Johannsen first advanced the view that when

such a parent individual







no genetic changes will be observed among the descendants, which will continue generation after generation to constitute a "pure line." He substantiated this view by
studies of size variation in successive generations of selffertilized beans. He found in a number of cases that no
in size resulted from selecting in successive generations either the largest or the smallest beans borne on the


same mother plant and concluded that such plants were homozygous for all genetic factors affecting size of seed, and that the observed variations in size upon which his selections had been based were due to environmental agencies such as the position of the bean in the pod and the consequent amount of material available for storage in the seed, which
conditions were not subject to inheritance. The case is very different if one selects by size beans borne

on a plant heterozygous for genetic size factors (as for example an Fi plant from a cross between a large-seeded and
a small-seeded race of beans). Under those conditions races
differing in average seed-size are quickly segregated


Johannsen's observations show that genetic variations affecting the seed-size of beans are not of frequent occurrence, yet he has himself recorded the occasional occurrence
. '


very puzzling case of genetic change in parthenogenesis is recorded by NaHe observed in grouse locusts (Apotettix) the development of offspring from

unfertilized eggs which showed unmistakable segregation of characters and even crossing-over among linked characters for which the mother was heterozygous. All the offspring, however, were of the female sex, indicating that the eggs from which

they developed had not undergone reduction as regartls the sex determinant, though it would appear that they must have undergone reduction as regards other characters.

Cytological study of such material should prove interesting.



mutation within a pure line of beans. That such mutations must occasionally occur or at least have occurred in times past is shown by the very existence of races differing in
genetic constitution. By crossing these we can produce intermediates of any desired size. This shows that the genetic differences between them are numerous (on the multiple

and numerous genetic differences have, most probably, not originated at one time or place. Studies of other self -fertilizing plants, such as peas, oats, wheat and tobacco, support the view that genetic variations in such species are rare as compared with the variability to be secured by artificially crossing different varieties, in which the beneficial genetic changes of centuries may have accumufactor hypothesis)

made available for recomwith the genetic variations acevery possible way cumulated in any other variety, when the two are artificially

All these are immediately

bining in

Any advantageous

genetic variations which have

their appearance in a self-fertilizing plant, from the time it was taken into cultivation to the present time, are
likely to


be found

in varieties


in cultivation, since


crease and

such variations had survival value they would naturally income to predominate in the crops of successive

years, even
sionally in

no conscious





dental cross-pollinations, such as are


to occur occa-

species normally self-fertilized, would give opportunity for combination to arise of two or more advantageous genetic variations, distinct in origin. Subsequent


self-fertilization for ten or


more generations would



lines all possible

combinations of the genetic

factors introduced in the accidental cross.




that a field crop of any





plant contains a great each considered by itself a pure-breedself -fertilizing

cases the work of the plant has only to isolate the varieties very simple. which nature gives him ready-made and test these out to determine which can most profitably be grown in a particu-

homozygous variety. In such




lar region or

under a particular

set of field conditions.




farm practice elimination from the seed planted of all but the best pure lines, may greatly increase the total yield. This in many cases has actually been done. The work of
these to the exclusion of

determining what are the best pure lines and of increasing all others is the main work of the

plant breeder. It

a work which will have to be done over

again generation after generation, because impurities will creep in from accidental crossing with inferior varieties or

from the occasional origin within the pure line of new genetic changes for the worse, for quite as many of this sort occur, probably, as of those which are for the better. Besides discovering and isolatmg, as pure lines, homozygous strains of favorable genetic variations, as they occur in commercial field crops, the plant breeder has a second important function
to perform in connection with plants normally self -fertilized. He may, by artificially crossing varieties, combine the excellent qualities

which they severally possess. It often happens

that favorable variations which have arisen in the crops of one country are unknown in those of another country. The plant breeder

bring together the best varieties of all countries, determine the good qualities of each and then by suitable crosses combine these in new varieties adapted to


special conditions or particular regions. Never in the history of the world has this been done on so extensive a scale or

with greater success than in the United States at the present


To return to the point of our departure, how common in occurrence are genetic changes in self -fertilizing plants? An answer to this question can be made only in relative terms.
is scarcely safe to assume that they never occur. The very existence of numerous genetically different pure lines in



self -fertilized

occurred in the past,

crop shows that genetic changes have and if so they are doubtless occurring


refer all such multiplicity of varieties to past

hybridizations of species genetically different, but this is only referring to a more remote period the genetic changes

which are involved


the origin of the hypothetical species



The genetic changes must have occurred somerelated species really had a common origm as we,

under the Darwinian theory, suppose. Moreover, a cultivated plant, regularly self-fertilized, the sweet pea, whose historic origin from a single wild species is known, exists today in hundreds of true-breeding varieties differing one from another in genetic constitution. All these genetic changes have occurred within a few centuries and in most if not in all cases within what were at the time probably ''pure lines."

A common answer to the question proposed Is that genetic changes in pure lines are comparatively rare. Rare in comparison with what.? With the genetic variations already existing in the same species. But the latter are accumulations of the genetic changes of centuries, or in the case of cultivated wheat, of thousands of years. Is it surprising that

comparison with such accumulations of variations, the

variations observed contemporaneously to occur in pure lines are relatively few? Practically, it would be, as has

often been said, a "waste of time" to look for the occurrence of favorable genetic changes within pure lines of self -fertilizing plants, so long as a wealth of untested varieties exists ready made in every commercial variety of such crop, and an even greater number of new varieties may be created by
crossing the best existing varieties.


this is

not to be

regarded as evidence that genetic changes have not come about in the past exactly as they are coming about today, within lines pure or otherwise.


How common

are genetic changes in ordinary bisexual reproduction? This question also can be answered only in relative terms. Few organisms have been studied intensively

enough and for enough generations in succession to enable us to answer the question intelligently. Drosophila melanogasier has probably been studied more thoroughly than any
other species, these studies, because of the rapid reproduction of Drosophila, extending over hundreds of successive


other organism has yielded such a great of known distinct genetic variations, but at first


came rather slowly. Improved technique and training on the part of observers enabled them to recognize
their discovery

more and more genetic changes. Those discovered within ten years have mounted in number into the hundreds. There
is reason to think that a goodly proportion of these genetic changes have actually occurred (not merely been discovered) during the period of laboratory study of Drosophila at Columbia University. Some of them have been observed to occur independently at different periods and in unrelated

This indicates that in the best-known genetorganisms the genes are extremely numerous and are subject to rather frequent changes, for we are acquainted only with such genes as have revealed themselves by understocks of

ically of all

going change. The first discovered gene was that for white eye. In all eight different allelomorphic forms of this gene

have now been described,

viz., (1)

white, (2) tinged, (3) buff,

(4) eosin, (5) cherry, (6) blood, (7) coral, and (8) red. They form a series of grades of increasing intensity of red pigmen-

one having made its appearance independently Bridges has made an intensive study of minor genetic variations in one of these seven grades, viz., eosin,
tation, each of the others.




the middle one of the


finds that in a pure culture

of eosin, the intensity of the pigmentation may vary from a "deep pink darker than eosin" to a "pure white," through

the modifying action of eight other factors, "in origin entirely independent of one another" and located each at a
II and one having been definitely located. Seven of the eight modifying factors act as diluters or lighteners of unmodified eosin, one only acting as a darkdifferent genetic locus, four being in in chromosome III, the others not





are in the order of their darkening (or lightening) (1) dark, (2) pinkish, (3) cream c, (4) cream b,





III, (7)




(8) whiting.

by mutation," while the stocks were under continuous study, "by the transformation of the materials of a particular locus into a new form having a different effect upon the developmental processes." The
of these genes arose


eye-color mutations observed to occur in Drosophila since Morgan's discovery of white eye are so numerous that



them in per

cents, as

60 per cent general or

non-specific modifiers of eosin, such as vermilion and pink, 22 per cent specific modifiers of eosin, and 18 per cent alleloof eosin. He continues, "It is probable that mutation (change in single genes) is very much more frequent than appears, since a great many mutations are of very



somatic effect and would pass undetected except that

certain characters such as eosin eye-color, truncate wings, beaded wings, and a few others, are peculiarly sensitive differentiators for eye-color

and wing-shape genes, etc." Here most carefully studied of organisms, occurring contemporaneously, which affords all the material needed for selection either natural or

we have a

picture of genetic mutability in the

upon in either darkening or lightening the a series of progressive steps, if such change eye-color by should be found advantageous or desirable. Among organisms reproducing sexually, the eveningartificial to


primrose has probablj^ been studied more intensively than any other except Drosophila. But it is impossible to say in



the case of Oenothera to what extent variation in single genes is occurring, because those who, following De Vries,

have studied "mutation" in this multifarious genus of plants, have directed their attention, almost without exception, to the major variations which they have called "mutations," and have neglected or denied the existence of minor genetic variations, such as have been studied in much detail in Drosophila. In some cases, such as the "gigas" and
the "lata" types of mutation, irregularities of cell-division

seem to have resulted

in duplication of entire


As a compleshould expect entire chromosomes to be lost from the germ-cell in other cases, and this may
or of the entire set of normal chromosomes.

mentary phenomenon we

possibly be the explanation of some classes of Oenothera mutants whose associated cytological conditions have not

been determined. In the presence of such striking genetic changes it is not surprising that variations in single genes have scarcely been detected, although the "nanella" and "rubri-calyx" mutants may be mentioned as manifesting simple uni-factorial Mendelian inheritance. It seems probable that when the minor variations of Oenothera are studied as intensively as its peculiar "mutations" have been studied, they will be found to be not less frequent in occurrence. In domesticated mammals and birds, where asexual reproduction, self-fertilization, and parthenogenesis are unknown, and where so much racial or family hybridization is constantly being carried on with a view to increasing vigor or variability, it Is difficult to say how much of the genetic variability is of contemporaneous origin and how much of it has been handed down in the stock from previous generations. Theoretically, it should be possible to make any stock of animals homozygous for practically every gene by inbreeding continued for twenty or more generations, mating brother with sister, parent with offspring, cousin with cousin, or uncle with niece (Jennings). If this is done and genetic variation is subsequently observed to occur, this must have originated after the stock had been purified. By this means we

get an idea of


how frequently genetic changes
are happening.
purification of stock has rarely been undertaken. Miss has inbred rats, brother with sister, for 25 generations


King and the

resulting stock has been studied as to genetic character chiefly in respect to sex ratio. In the course of the inbreeding, selection was made in two different lines for
for a high ratio opposite changes in the sex ratio; in Series of males to females, and in Series B for a low ratio of males to females. The result in 6,274 young of the 25 generations

males to 100 females. In 5,893 young of the B series, the ratio was 81.8 males to 100 females. These very different results were secured within the first 10 or 12 generations of selection, after which progress in the direction of the selection was negligible. This indicates that the genetic factors responsible for the changes were already in existence in the stock at the beginning of the selection and were gradually sorted out and rendered hoof the

was a

ratio of 122.3



the early part of the selection period, and that genetic changes appreciable in amount did not appear

Selection was made simultaneously for large size in the course of the inbreeding experiments of Miss King and this resulted in producing inbred races which were larger than

the unselected stocks from which they were derived. The maximum size was attained as early as the seventh inbred generation, possibly earlier, as the seventh generation is the

one for which comparable data are available.


inbred races maintained throughout the entire period, up to the twenty-fifth inbred generation, their superiority in size over the control stocks from which the inbred strains had
originated, but

had changed

no evidence was found that genetic size factors between the seventh and twentyinbred generations. Observations were made also on
in the period

fecundity as indicated by size of litter in the inbred rats. No change was observed in this character as a result of the inbreeding. The average size of litter was for the inbred
series 7.5

young, for the stock albinos used as a control, 6.7



Grades 1-18 of white spotting as M-cn in Dutch ruhbits. By systematic selection the average grade of a race of Dutch rabbits may be gradually but p<'rmanently changed either in a plus or in a minus direction. Dutch spotting is allelomorphic with English (Fig. 123).





Typical examples of three raees of Dutch rabbits, each having a different and characteristic or distribution of while spotting. The top figure represents the "white" race; middle figure, " " " rhirk race. Each is allelomorphic with the others in crosses but race; h)wcst figure, the

segregates in a slightly modified form.




















Fig. 140. Graphic presentation of the variation in grade of two races of Dutch rabbits, "dark" (D) and "white" (W), and results of intercrossing them. At the top is shown the grade distribution of each uncrossed rac-e; below is shown the grade distribution of Fi animals, of Pz animals, and of animals or groups diverge produced by back -crosses of Fi with each parent race. Note that the extracted and less from each other than the uncrossed groups.



young per litter. At the beginning of the inbreeding experiment strains of large, vigorous, rapid-growing and fecund
animals were isolated from the general stock, and those characters seem to have been maintained without diminution under the continuous selection exercised in choosing as
breeders the largest and best nourished individuals from each litter, but no evidence is forthcoming of further progressive genetic changes. In hooded rats inbred, but not exclusively in brothersister matings, for twenty generations, selection has been


successfully for change of the hooded pattern in opposite directions, to make the race as white as possible in one line, and as dark as possible in another line. (See Tables 27

Genetic variability decreased somewhat during seven or eight generations, which probably sufficed to eliminate most of the genetic variability originally present in the stock as modifying factors. But subsequently the




measured by the standard deviation showed change up to the end of the experiment in generation 21 when the selected races died out owing to the prevalence of disease and infertility. The case seems to be best interpreted as one in which minor genetic changes are continually
variability as

occurring, so that selection utilizing these racial mode and mean either in a plus or in a

may move


without encountering impassable limits or an all black condition. There is a strong parallelism between the variability of the white-spotting pattern in rats

minus direction short of an all white

and other mammals and the variability of variegated seedcoat in maize and of variegated foliage in a great many species of plants. In both sets of cases an unstable mosaic of alternative characters exists, pigmentation and nonpigmentation; somatic variation in the relative proportions of the balanced characters is constantly occurring, and germinal variation of a similar nature very commonly occurs at the same time as the somatic variation, so tliat selection on

the basis of the somatic variation effects germinal change in the race. The variability (or "mutability") in the case of



plants with variegated seed-coat or foliage extends into end stages of the series which are wholly colored or wholly colorless, which stages seem to be more stable than the intermediate (mosaic) stages, as pointed out by Emerson. It is to be regretted that in the selection experiments with rats similar end stages were not reached before the selected races perished. In the case of Dutch rabbits (Figs. 138-140) the allwhite condition has been recorded once, and the all-colored condition is often found in animals known to be either heterozygous or homozygous for some form of white spotting.


different explanations of cases of this class in animals

and plants have been suggested. (1) On one view the chief genetic locus mutates frequently producing multiple allelomorphs more or less stable (Emerson), but these multiple allelomorphs may be supplemented in action by minor modifying genes (Hayes). (2) On another view the chief gene is as stable as other genes and the ordinary genetic variability

due exclusively to modifying genes (MacDowell, Pearl,




the chief gene


really less stable in the case

in ordinary cases, as the

of these mosaic characters


descriptive term

used by DeVries, "ever sporting charwould seem to imply, at least in the case of plants, may be because a mosaic condition exists at the genetic

In variegated plants the character of the mosaic the plant corresponds roughly with the character of variegation transmitted by flowers arising
in particular parts of
cells are

of the plant whether egg-cells or pollenthe vehicles of transmission, which suggests actual variation in the genetic locus involved rather than change in
in those

same parts

modifying genes.

bristles, for

(See Figs. 135, 136.) inbred, brother with sister, a race of Droso-


a recessive Mendelian character,


49 generations, selecting meanwhile in different lines for high and for low number of extra bristles. For about

eight generations the selection


effective after

which no

material change was observed attributable to the selection. MacDowell concludes that at the beginning of the experi-

merit a



were present

in the stock in

of genetic factors modifying bristle number heterozygous condition. Selec-

tion attending the inbreeding served to eliminate certain of these from one race and to establish them in homozygous

condition in the other race, after which no genetic changes would be observed unless they arose de novo. As MacDowell

was unable to detect any such changes, he concludes that none were occurring. Payne has carried out a similar selection experiment for changed number of bristles, in another race of Drosophila, starting with the descendants of a


which appeared


individual with "reduced" bristle number, an "extra-bristle" strain. Selection was

made among the descendants

of a single pair of flies and was carried in brother-sister matings in a minus selected line for 64 generations, and in a plus selected line for 60 generations.

Toward the end


from This degree of purity was attained gradually during the first seventeen generations of minus selection, after which no further genetic change was observed. But in the plus selection, toward the normal number of bristles, four, in other
races of Drosophila, progress continued longer, reaching

of the experiment, the flies of the minus line, 96 to 100 per cent of all cases, were without bristles.


in the

55th generation when 64 per cent of the

The two selected lines, and minus, had thus become very different as a result of plus selection. Payne finds evidence that two or possibly three
individuals possessed four bristles.

genetic factors affecting bristle

number were present

in the





them being

sex-linked, but that in the

only a single factor was present. (Figs. 141, 142.) Zeleny inbred a race of Drosophila possessing a dominant character, bar eye, meanwhile selecting for high and for low



grades of the character (number of ommatidia). During the course of the selection two striking mutations were observed

gene under study, one a reverse mutation to "full" (normal) eye, the other a mutation in the direction of selection toward a more reduced condition of the eye, and called
of the


The average

size of the

eye in these three




lomorphic states of the "bar" gene is as follows: Full (normal) eye, 849^.8 facets; bar eye, 75.6 facets; ultra-bar eye, 23 facets. Zeleny also observed lesser mutations of the gene for bar, which made their appearance during 42 carefully controlled generations of selection for low and for high facet number in brother-sister matings. Aside from muta-

tions in the gene for bar, Zeleny observed genetic differences between his high selected and low selected lines which he

ascribes to "accessory factors outside of the sex chromosome in which the bar gene is located." These when present in

heterozygous state are speedily sorted out by selection,

which ** ceases to be effective after three to five generations.'* ** There is, however, no limit to the possibilities of selection if the occasional mutants are included in the series, and two at least of these, reversal to full and ultra-bar, have been shown to be changes in the bar gene itseK."

We may

conclude that the amount of genetic change occurring at the present time is greater as regards

some characters than as regards others, and is probably greater in some organisms than in others. But in any group
of organisms capable of interbreeding, which has been divided for any length of time into non-interbreeding groups (races,

breeds, or strains) genetic differences of one sort or another will probably be found to have arisen, when an intensive

study of the matter

frequency in most,



If so,

we must conclude


genetic changes are probably occurring with appreciable


not in



should be

stated emphatically that the amount of variability to be detected by selection within pure lines is in all cases small

as compared with that which can be secured by crossing different strains, breeds or varieties, which have long been
established within the species.




line selection only

genetic changes occurring during the process of selection are likely to be revealed, but following a variety cross, all possible recombinations may be expected of the genetic changes

which have occurred since the two parent groups diverged from each other.


the opinion of most experienced animal breeders that close inbreeding should be avoided because it has a tendency



to decrease the size, vigor

it is



and fecundity of the race in which even believe that it leads to the pro-

duction of abnormal individuals or monstrosities.

other hand some of those



who have had

greatest success in

producing new or improved breeds of domesticated animals have practiced the closest kind of inbreeding and attribute
their success in part to this fact. In human society we find a nearly

unanimous condemna-

tion of the marriage of near-of-kin. Nearly all peoples, civilized or uncivilized, forbid it. Only exceptionally, as in

the case of the royal families of ancient Egj-pt and ancient Peru, has the marriage of brother and sister been sanctioned. The underlying reason in such cases was a belief that the

family in question constituted a superior race whose members could find no fit mates outside their own number. There was

probably no thought that inbreeding itself was beneficial but only a desire to conserve the superior excellence believed to reside in certain individuals. The same considerations, probably have led to the occasional practice of inbreeding in animal husbandry, viz., the desire to conserve and perpetuate the superiority of particular individuals. If we inquire into the biological foundation of the idea that

inbreeding evidence.
able to



we come upon seemingly



generalization can be drawn which


organisms. inbreeding we mean the mating of closely related individuals. As there are different degrees of relationship be-


tween individuals, so there are different degrees

of inbreeding.


closest possible inbreeding occurs



plants in




which the
egg-cells of the plant are by the same individual.


call self-pollination, in


A by pollen-cells produced similar phenomenon occurs among some of the lower animals, notably among parasites. But in all the higher animals,

including the domesticated ones, such a thing is impossible because of the separateness of the sexes. For here no individual produces both eggs and sperm. The nearest possible approach to self-pollination is in such cases the mating of brother with sister, or of parent with child. But this is less close inbreeding than occurs in self-pollination, for the individuals mated are not in this case identical zygotes,

be similar ones. been known that in many plants self-pollination is habitual and is attended by no recognizable ill effects. This fortunate circumstance allowed Mendel to make his remarkable discovery by studies of garden peas, in which the flower is regularly self-fertilized, and never opens at all unless made to do so by some outside agency. Self-pollination is

though they


It has long

also the rule in wheat, oats,

cereal crops, the

and the majority of the other most important economically of cultivated


by a

difficult technical process, so

Crossing can in such plants be brought about only completely adapted is the

crossing, too, in such plants is of no particular benefit, unless by it one desires to secure new combinations of unit-characters.

plant to seH-pollination.



In maize, or Indian corn, however, among the cereals, the is quite different. Here enforced self-pollination results

unproductive plants, lacking in vigor. But racial vigor is fully restored by a cross between two depauperate, unproductive individuals obtained by self-fertilization, as has been shown by Shull. This result is entirely in harmony with those obtained by Darwin, who showed by long-continued and elaborate experiments that while some plants do
in small

not habitually cross and are not even benefited by crossing,

yet in


and more productive

of crossing in

other plants crossing results in more vigorous offspring; that further, the advantage

such cases has resulted in the evolution in




plants of floral structures, which insure crossing through the agency of msects or of the wind. In animals the facts as regards close fertilization are similar
to those just described for plants. Some animals seem to be indifferent to close breeding, others will not tolerate it. Some

hermaphroditic animals (those which produce both eggs and sperm) are regularly self -fertilized. Such is the case, for example, with many parasitic flatworms. In other cases self-fertilization is disadvantageous. One such case I was able to point out some twenty years ago, in the case of a seasquirt or tunicate, Ciona.

The same

individual of Ciona

produces and discharges simultaneously both eggs and sperm, yet the eggs are rarely self-fertilized, for if self-fertilization is enforced by isolation of an individual, or if seK-fertilization is brought about artificially by removing the eggs and sperm

from the body of the parent and mixing them in sea water, less than 10 per cent. But if very few of the eggs develop, the eggs of one individual be mingled with the sperm of any

other individual whatever, practically



of the eggs are

and develop.

In plants
self -sterility


by American plums is as simple as any. All varieties investigated by Dorsey were found to be self-sterile. If selfpollinated, they set no fruit, either because the pollen grains
of native

attention has been given to the problem of East, Stout, Dorsey, and others. The case

too slowly to reach and

all varieties seK-sterile,

to germinate or because the pollen tubes, if formed, grow fertilize the ovules- Not only are

some are

also cross-sterile,

i. e.,


when crossed with each other. It is probable that such varieties have inherited a similar genetic constitution, so
that the pollen of one reacts toward the pistil of another as

toward pistils of its own plant. In support of this view it may be said that East and Park found that the F2 plants
produced by crossing Nicotiana Forgeiiana with A^. alata fell into four groups, all the plants in each group being mutually cross-sterile but fertile with any plant of the other three groups. The obvious conclusion is that the plants of each



in constitution as regards factors affect-

group were similar

ing fertility, and that some dissimilarity is necessary to enable the pollen of one individual or variety to grow vigorously on the stigma of another individual or variety. The


ciple of heterosis.

of self-sterility accordingly involves the prin(See Chapter XXVII.)

In the great majority of animals, as in many plants, selffertilization is rendered wholly impossible by separation of the sexes. The same individual does not produce both eggs
sort of sexual product. But among animals the same degree of inbreeding sexually separate varies in its effects. The closest degree, mating of brother with sister, has in some cases no observable ill effects. Thus, in the case of a small fly, Drosophila, my pupils and I bred

and sperm, but only one

brother with sister for fifty-nine generations in succession without obtaining a diminution in either the vigor or the fecundity of the race, which could with certainty be attributed to that cause. A slight diminution was observed in

some cases, but this was wholly obviated when parents were chosen from the more vigorous broods in each generation. Nevertheless crossing of two inbred strains of Drosophila, both of which were doing well under inbreeding, produced offspring superior in productiveness to either inbred strain.

though inbreeding is tolerated, has advantages. crossbreeding In the case of many domesticated animals, it is the opinion of experienced breeders, supported by such scientific observations as we possess, that decidedly bad effects follow
continuous inbreeding. Bos (1894) practiced continuous inbreeding with a family of rats for six years. No ill effects


in this case, therefore,

were observed during the

first half of

the experiment, but

after that a rapid decline occurred in the vigor and fertility of the race. The average size of litter in the first half of the

but in the last year of the experiand many pairs were found to be completely sterile. Diminution in size of body also attended the inbreeding, amounting to between 8 and 20 per cent.

experiment was about




fallen to 3.2,


Segregating Generations
Fig. 143. Graphs showing the progressive reduction of heterozygous individuals in a population of self-fertilized plants, starting with all individuals heterozygotes. Four cases are shown, in which the number of independent allelomorphs is respectively 1, 5, 10, or 15. (.\fter East and Jones.)


Experiments made
regards the falHng


Weismann confirm

those of Bos as

off in fertility due to inbreeding. For eight years Weismann bred a colony of mice started from six females and three males. The experinine individuals, ment covered twenty-nine generations. In the first ten gen-

erations the average



in the next ten generations, it generations, it had fallen to 4.2.

young to a litter was 6.1; was 5.6; and in the last nine

But recent inbreeding experiments with rats carried on at the Wistar Institute by Dr. Helen King give results quite at variance with those of Bos and Weismann. She finds, as was found to be the case in Drosophila, that races of large
and vigor and of complete fertility may be maintained under the closest inbreeding, if the more vigorous individuals are selected as parents. By this means she seems to have secured races of rats which are relatively immune to injurious effects from inbreeding. My own experience with rats inbred within lines of narrow selection for seventeen generations is that races of fair vigor and fecundity can be maintained under these conditions, but that when two of these inbred races are crossed with each other, even though they had their origin in a small common stock many generations earlier, an immediate and striking increase of vigor and fecundity occurs. This is quite similar to the result observed in the case of Drosophila, and is quite in harmony with the results obsize

tained by Shull in maize; it indicates that by careful selection races may be secured which are vigorous in spite of inbreeding, but that nevertheless an added stimulus to growth and

reproduction may be secured in such cases by crossbreeding. In the production of pure breeds of sheep, cattle, hogs, and
horses inbreeding has frequently been practiced extensively, and where in such cases selection has been made of the more

doubtful whether any diminution in size, vigor, or fertility has resulted. Nevertheless it very frequently happens that when two pure breeds are crossed, the offspring surpass either pure race in size and
vigorous offspring as parents,
it is




the reason for


crossbreeding in eco-



practice, the object of which is not the production of a breed, but the production for the market of an animal maturing quickly or of superior size and vigor. The inbreed-


ing practiced in forming a pure breed has not of necessity diminished vigor, but a cross does temporarily (that is in the

Fi generation) increase vigor above the normal. Now why should inbreeding unattended by selection decrease vigor,
it.^* We know that inbreeding tends to the production of homozygous conditions, whereas crossbreeding tends to produce heterozygous conditions. Under self-pollination for one generation following a cross

and crossbreeding increase

become two generations, three-quarters of the homozygous; offspring are homozygous; after three generations seveneighths are homozygous, and so on. So if the closest inbreeding is practiced there is a speedy return to homozygous, pure racial conditions. We know further that in some cases at least heterozygotes are more vigorous than homozygotes. The heterozygous yellow mouse is a vigorous lively animal; the homozygous yellow mouse is so feeble that it perishes as
(involving one unit-character only) , half the offspring

soon as produced, never attaining maturity. Crossbreeding has, then, the same advantage over close breeding that fertilization has over parthenogenesis. It brings together differentiated gametes, which, reacting on each other, produce greater metabolic activity. East and Jones have suggested that the superiority in vigor of crossbred over inbred indiis roughly proportional to the number of genetic differences between the races crossed. This idea \s> worthy of


an experimental


Inbreeding, also, by its tendency to secure homozygous combinations, brings to the surface latent or hidden recessive characters. If these are in nature defects or weaknesses of the organism, such as albinism and feeble-mindedness in man, then inbreeding is distinctly bad. Existing legislation against the marriage of near-of-kin is, therefore,

the other hand, continual crossing only tends to hide inherent defects, not to

on the whole, biologically





exterminate them; and inbreeding only tends to bring them to the surface, not to create them. We may not, therefore,


lightly ascribe to inbreeding or intermarriage the creation of racial traits, but only their manifestation. Further, any

which maintains a high standard of excellence under inbreeding is certainly one of great vigor, and free from
racial stock

inherent defects.

The animal breeder is therefore amply justified in doing what human society at present is probably not warranted in
viz., in practicing close inbreeding in building up doing, families of superior excellence and then keeping these pure, while using them in crosses with other stocks. For an animal

a superior race should have only vigorous, strong offspring if mated with a healthy individual of any family whatever, within the same species. For this reason the production of "thoroughbred" animals and their use in crosses is both scientifically correct and commercially remunerative. The early plant hybridizers found that frequently (but not
of such

always) hybrids produced by the crossing of distinct species or genera are characterized by remarkably vigorous growth and large size, superior to that of either parent. But these


large vigorous hybrids produced little or no seed. Vegetative and reproductive activity are to some extent complementary and opposed activities of the plant. A vig-


growing young
if it is




be brought into

bearing early

removed from


cut partly in two, or a ring of bark is in the growing season, thus checking its

growth. Under such circumstances fruit buds are formed. In many hybrid plants, in which the vegetative vigor is great, partial or complete sterility exists. This, however, is not invariably the case. The offspring of a cross between geographic varieties of the same species are usually both vigorous and fertile, but the offspring of widely separated species
or genera

lacking in vigor as well as fertility. With increasing diversity of the parents the following series of conditions obtains:

may be

The mating

of parents belonging to the

same pure race



closely related to each other has on the whole the same effect as self-fertilization. It brings together gametes which

transmit the same characters, which are doubtless chemically alike,

they unite.

and no particular increase of vigor results when It is on a par with asexual reproduction by par-

thenogenesis, fission, budding, or vegetative multiplication. There is in consequence no change in the germinal constitution, or relatively little. nor loss of vigor.



neither increase of vigor

of closely related individuals within a normally intercrossing population such as a breed of domesti-

The mating

cated animals, or a
loss of vigor.




apt to cause some


So much of the vigor of the population as

crossed (or heterozygous) character, will tend to disappear, as homozygous conditions are obgradually tained in consequence of inbreeding. The greater the numits

due to

ber of characters in which a population varies, the slower will be the attainment of a fully homozygous state in consequence
of inbreeding. If sufficient vigor is retained after a fully homozygous state has been reached, then the closest inbreed-

ing (or even self-fertilization, when this is possible) should cause no further loss of vigor. There is no reason to think

that monstrosities are produced by inbreeding (as for example deformities, feeble-mindedness, insanity) except in so far as such maladies may be due (1) to the lack of sufficient vigor on the part of the organism to complete its normal development, or (2) to the appearance in a homozygous state
of a recessive condition unseen in the heterozygous parents. 3. The mating of individuals belonging to distinct geo-

graphical races of the

species of animal or plant usually produces offspring larger or more vigorous than either parent and fully fertile. The same result follows when distinct breeds of domesticated animals or distinct varieties of cultivated


The offspring are equal to or superior to the parents in vigor and not less uniform in character. But the F2 generation from such a cross does not retain the superiority of the Fi generation, for it shows great variabilplants are crossed.


ity in all respects,


which in economic animals or plants is very undesirable. For the characters in which the two pure breeds differed undergo recombination in all possible ways in the F2 offspring. Even a back-cross of an F; individual with one of the pure races would produce offspring quite variable and including undesirable combinations, since each Fi individual would form the maximum number of different kinds of gametes. Hence crossing of pure breeds of domesticated animals may in special cases be advantageous but
should never be carried beyond the Fi generation unless the breeder is setting out on the slow and tedious process of producing and fixing a wholly new breed. In that case he must

be prepared to produce and




worthless animals

for the sake of obtaining in the end a few of possibly superior

For such an undertaking the imagination and the patience of an inventor are required.
animals or plants of widely separated species or are crossed, one of two results follows: Either the genera offspring are of remarkable vigor but of impaired fertility, or the offspring lack both vigor and reproductive capacity.


In the former category comes one very important economic with the ass, producing a very valuable animal, the mule. The economic importance of mules
cross, that of the horse

numbers produced in the United States, South America, Europe and Africa, and by the fact that the market price of a mule averages higher than the price of either a horse or an ass. Nevertheless a mule is


by the


absolutely incapable of reproduction. It has well developed sexual glands and sexual instincts, but the sexual cells de-

generate before reaching


maturity. If mules were capable

of reproduction, they would probably be less valued than they now are, for F2 and F3 individuals would doubtless then

be produced, and these would lack the uniformity and vigor of the Fi individuals which alone exist at present. Crosses of cattle with the American bison produce hybrids which are sterile in the male sex only, the females being fertile
with either parent species.


use of these





hybrids, three-fourths bloods may be produced which are almost as variable as a true F2 generation. If the products

shown to possess economic advantages over domestic cattle (which seems very doubtful) a fertile hybrid race will doubtless be established in the near future. How this can be done is shown in experiments made by Dr. Detlefsen and myself in crossing the guinea-pig with a wild
of this cross are

Brazilian species of cavy, Cavia rvfescens.

The Fi


surpass either parent species in size and vigor, but the males are fully sterile, the females, however, being fertile. After

two back-crosses

of female hybrids with the guinea-pig a fertile males were obtained, whose descendants were also

But they possess certain Mendelizing characters derived from the wild parent, Cavia rufescens. The skeletal characters of the hybrids are a blend. The great vigor of the
hybrids obtained by back-crossing. As regards size and vigor they are not superior to guinea-pigs. If the Mendelizing color characters

Fi hybrids


not shown in the


possessed economic value, the hybrid race could now be easily continued. As in the case of the cattle-bison cross, the

economic value of the Fi generation is not sufficient to warrant the expense of its continued production. Hybrids which are feeble as well as sterile have, of course, no economic value. They are scientifically interesting as showing how, when the difference between gametes becomes too great, they can no longer form a vigorous zygote. Few, if any, animal hybrids of this sort are known, but many plant hybrids of this sort have been produced, among them
being some of the

ing different species of Nicotiana (tobacco).

produced hybrids obtained by crossSee Fig. 26a,

East's repetition of Kolreuter's pioneer experiment. 5. When organisms are crossed which differ more widely than do ordinary species, so that they are referable to differ-

ent genera or families, the production of a hybrid organism does not follow, apparently because the uniting gametes are too unlike to be capable of continued existence together in the same cell. Nevertheless a parthenogenetic development of the







its fertilization

by the

Thus when the egg

of a sea

of a sea urchin


foreign sperm. with the sperm

lily, an animal of a wholly different class of echinothe egg begins development following a fusion of the derms, sperm and egg nuclei, but the nuclear substance introduced

by the sperm soon degenerates and disappears. The egg, however, having once started to develop, continues to do so, producing an organism showing only characters of the maternal species. Its development is as truly parthenogenetic as when induced by chemical or osmotic means, as is now known to be possible in the case of the eggs of many marine
unfertilized egg be made to develop by chemical means (or may even by puncturing the superficial layer of the egg with a needle), a process we may call artificial or induced parthenoof


some fresh-water animals. Thus the

of a frog



in crosses of species too widely separated to

may merely induce This method of inducing parthenogenesis parthenogenesis. is being used by plant breeders of the United States Department of Agriculture to obtain orange seedlings which it is
produce a hybrid individual, the sperm

hoped may be superior to the mother plant in certain respects, though the progeny will inherit none of the qualities of the pollen plant. It is hoped merely that there may occur in the parthenogenetic offspring some segregations or variations of the characters found in the mother plant. What might be called male parthenogenesis has been reported in crosses of strawberries made many years ago by Millardet and also in a cross between Mexican teosinte, a
plant related to maize, and a coarse grass of the southern United States. (Collins.) In such cases a cross-fertilized seed

produces a plant which shows only characters of the pollen parent. It is supposed that the egg nucleus has taken no part in the production of an embryo, but that this has arisen wholly from nuclear material of the pollen tube. Considering all the facts, changes in heterozygosity alone seem an insufficient explanation of the effects of crossing and
inbreeding respectively.

necessary to suppose further



that gametes as well as zygotes vary in vigor. Some can exist as gametes alone, so great is their natural vigor. Here there can be no heterozygosity. Examples are found both

and in plants (honeybee drone, fern gametoOthers can exist only as zygotes, so feeble are they phyte). (the majority of the higher animals and plants). Still others cannot exist as homozygotes, but only as heterozygotes, bein animals

cause they are dragon)



feebler (the yellow

mouse, the aurea snap-


sister for twenty-five generations,

experience of Miss King in inbreeding rats brother shows that heterozy-

gosity is not indispensable to vigor even in bisexual reproduction, for she did not observe any evidences of decline in vigor, size or fecundity, yet in all probability great increase

homozygosity took place, since variability decreased. Pearl (1915) has attempted to devise a precise measure of inbreeding based on the nmnber of times that the same

individual or individuals appear in the pedigree of a particular animal. Thus, in bi-parental reproduction each individual has two parents, each of these also had two parents, which

not be the same pairs. If the parents were brother and sister, then their parents were one pair, not two. Thus the maximum number of different ancestors would be




two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, Such would be the condition when no inbreeding had occurred. But occurrence of the same individual more than once in a pedigree would show a certain amount of inbreeding, and the extent of the inbreeding would increase with

every repetition of an individual in the pedigree. Pearl makes this the basis of his "coefficient of inbreeding," which is intended to express the relation between the possible (max-

imum) number

of different ancestors

and the actual number


of different ancestors, each individual being counted only

once, no matter

how many




in the

pedigree. The chief utility of such a coefficient is to show what approach to homozygosity of genetic factors has probably been




the production of a particular individual, as a consequence of mating together related individuals among his direct ancestors, but this the coefficient of inbreeding can

not do with great exactness because even with the closest possible inbreeding (self-fertilization) the approach to homozygosity in individual cases is quite a matter of chance.

Thus, East and Jones say, forcefully and quite correctly, *'The rate at which complete homozygosity is approached depends on the constitution of the individuals chosen.
Theoretically in any inbred generation the progenitors of

the next generation may be either completely heterozygous or completely homozygous or any degree in between, depending upon chance. The only condition which must fol-

low in

self-fertilization is that


heterozygous than it is seen that

no individual can ever be more parent, but may be the same or less.
inbreeding, as
it is



any reduction in heterozygosmay or it may bring about complete homozygosity in the first ity, inbred generation. In other words the rate at which homozygosity
. .

theoretically never cause




vary greatly

in different lines."

''Although nearly complete homozygosis is theoretically brought about by seven generations of self-fertilization, the attainment of absolute homozygosity is a difficult matter






never be reached."


tinued selective mating is necessary to bring about homozygosity. Intermittent inbreeding alternating with periods of outcrossing, which is the prevailing state of affairs with


organisms, cannot maintain any high degree of homozygosity." These statements show that the coefficient of in-

breeding, though it appears to be very precise, like Galton's law of ancestral heredity, is subject to similar limitations. It indicates what is true of populations in the mass, but has


utility as

an indicator


what happens

in individual



When it is applied to the case of a particular Jersey may be very much less reliable as an index of prob-

able performance than the judgment of an experienced cattle breeder.



nevertheless of value to

know what

the tendency of a

particular system of breeding is, if persistently followed, as regards homozygosity, for homozygosity implies fidelity to

type in transmission and is probably what the animal breeder means by "prepotency," so far as he has any clearly defined



Probable Percentage of Homozygosity, under Different Systems of Inbreeding, in Populations at the Outset Entirely Heterozygous. (From Data of Jennings and Fish.)

Generations of Inbreeding


back-crosses are




every generation with the same

homozygous parent race. In brother-sister matings, the next nearest degree of inbreeding, progress toward homozygosity


slower, twenty-five generations of such


accomplishing no more than eight generations


or animals which maintain normal size
self-fertilization or close inbreeding


and vigor nevertheless

show an added vigor when outcrossed, that

when mated

with individuals of races genetically different from their own. This is called heterosis, because it is supposedly due to
heterozygosis, the cross-bred state of genetic factors.


mule has already been mentioned as a familiar example among animals, in which hybrid vigor is shown. Many similar examples are on record for hybrid plants. For example East and Hayes describe a cross between two different wild varieties of tobacco {Nicotiana rustica brazilia and N. rustica scahra) showing that reciprocal crosses pro-

duce Fi plants


than either parent variety. See Table



Vaeiation en Height of Plants of Nicotiana rustica brazilia (349), of N. scahra (352), and of their Reciprocal Fi Hybrids
{After East arid Hayes)

Variety or cross

Fig. 144. Four characterisfically different inhred strains of maize after eleven generations of fertilization. Note the remarkuhle uniformity of each strain. (After East anil Jones.)




Growth Curves of Two Inl)rod Strains of Maize and Their and Fg Hybrids. Pj^ 100

o c








Mumber of Days from Planting

Fig. 148. Graphs showing growth curves of two inl)ro<l strains of maize, P (1-7) and P (1-9), and of and F2 hybrids. Note that both Fi and F2 arc at all ages much taller than either inbred parent but that Fj is considerably taller than F2, as the plants approach maturity. (After East and Jones.)
their Fi

Diagram showing a method of double crossing maize to secure maximum yii'ld from seed and general crop. Four different inbred strains (shown in the top row) are crossed in pairs, producing the two vigorous but unrelated Fi hybrids shown in the middle row. IJy crossing these with each other, an entire crop of Fi seed of high productiveness is secured. (After East and Jones.)
Fio. 152.


normal but very uniform
in character (Fig. 144)





of these inbred strains are crossed with each other a great increase in size results in Fi, which as it accompanies restora-

tion of the original heterozygosis may reasonably be ascribed to its agency (see Figs. 145-147). If a second generation of the crossed corn is raised by planting seeds taken from Fi
plants, there

found to be a falling off in vigor (see Fig. 148). start out well owing to the large amount of plants food materials stored in the plump Fi seeds, but ultimately

The F2
WeigM in Grams

behind Fi plants in vigor of growth so that they attain a height considerably less, though still much in excess



150 and 151, where they can be compared with the growth curves of the respective parent races. In each case Fi surpasses either parent race in size, but F2 is intermediate between them. So far as heredity is concerned, the inheritance is blending, but Fi shows an increase in size due to hybridization. It seems to be due not to heredity at all, strictly
speaking, but to heterosis, and it begins to disappear as the Fi hybrids are bred together producing an F2 which theo-

heterozygous as Fi (Table 32a). It be expected to decline still more In later generations. might
retically is only half as




productive than the original variety before it was inbred. It will accordingly not be profitable to propagate these pure lines as field crops, and further the amount of seed which

they will yield if cross-pollinated will not be large. Hence to produce a large quantity of cross-bred seed will be expensive. But from a small number of Fi plants a very large yield of Fo seed might be obtained at small expense, since Fi plants are extremely productive. The aim should be therefore to crossbreed Fi plants. This can be done by securing four different
inbred lines and crossing these in pairs, with B, C with D. There will result two unrelated and vigorous Fi groups, AB




may now be

planted in alternate rows.


*" Oram



was the




to recognize the distinction be-

tween alternative and blending inheritance. But he sought nevertheless to unify the two categories of cases and finally formulated in 1897 a generalized "law of ancestral heredity" which he believed would include both. In seekfng such a general law of heredity he had studied a representative case each of blending and of alternative inheritance. The former was found in family statistics of human stature, the latter in the coat color of Basset hounds. The latter we should now describe as a case of Mendelian inheritance involving simultaneously white spotting, and a color pattern (bi-color). Stature inheritance is well described by Galton 's term, "blending," but is now understood to involve multiple Mendelian factors whose action is cumulative. In either case, Galton would have admitted that the entire inheritance is from the parents through the two gametes which unite to form the zygote, so that strictly speaking there is no inheritance from generations more remote than the parents. But he would have maintained quite correctly that a better idea can be had of what the gametes on the average will transmit, if one knows the character of several generations of ancestors than if one knows the character of the parents alone, and in this sense we may be said to inherit from ancestors more remote than our parents. Galton believed that the apparent influence of each generation of ancestors diminished as its remoteness increased, each more

remote generation having only half the influence of the next later one. In his own words: "The two parents contribute between them, on the average, one-half, or (0.5); the four
the eight great-grandparents, one-eighth, or (0.5)^ and so on. Thus the sum of

grandparents, one-quarter, or (0.5)



the ancestral contributions







which being equal to

expressed by the series (0.5) 1, accounts for


the whole heritage."


one attempts to make use of this law by basing upon

predictions as to the character of the offspring in particular kinds of matings, it works fairly well when blending characfails completely when ordicharacters are under consideration. See nary Mendelizing Castle (1903). As a useful generalization it is now pretty

ters are

under consideration, but

generally discredited. Regression was a name given by Galton to the apparent going back of offspring from the condition of their parents toward that of more remote ancestors, or more correctly


the general average of the race.

Thus he observed that

very tall parents have children less tall than themselves, while very short parents have children taller than themselves. In either case the children regress toward the general average of the race, and the regression is greater the more pronounced the deviation of the parents from the general average of the
Also in sweet peas, Galton observed that when very seeds are planted, the crop harvested averages smaller large in size than the seeds planted; and that when small seeds

are planted, the crop averages larger in size. Regression occurs in both cases toward the mean of the race. Galton regarded regression as a feature of ancestral heredity; but

Johannsen has shown, as regards size of beans, that regression is due to a lack of agreement between somatic and and genetic variations, the latter being more conservative, that when selection is made within a line pure genetically, no in the case regression occurs. Davenport confirms this view

showing that the children of parents toward megenetically pure for tall stature do not regress to do. diocrity, as Galton supposed all classes of a population Gallon's law of ancestral heredity and his principle of regression are now chiefly of historical interest, but it is well to keep them in mind when generalizations based on similar


reasoning are brought forward.

(See Chapter


Certain facts presented

in an earlier chapter show that there a close connection between sex-linked inheritance and sex

determination, since only male-determining gametes or only female-determining gametes are able to transmit sex-linked
characters in particular crosses. We must now consider more fully the facts and theories of sex determination. In all the

higher animals and plants a discontinuous variation occurs as regards sex, every individual being either male or female.

and females in successive generations presents many analogies with Mendelian inheritance. This idea occurred to Mendel himself, as is shown in his posthumously published letters. Bateson suggested it independently in 1902, and this idea was more fully elaborated by
distribution of males


Castle (1903).

The view



generally accepted that a

factor concerned in sex determination

is in all the higher animals and plants inherited in accordance with Mendel's law. What in such cases is the distinction between male and female individuals?

The essential


between a female and a male


that one produces eggs, the other sperm. All other differences are secondary and dependent largely upon the

animals (birds and the egg-producing and spermmammals) {i. e.y producing tissues) are removed from the body, the superficial differences between the sexes largely disappear. In insects, however, the secondary sex characters seem to be for the
differences mentioned.
If in the higher

the sex glands

of the sex Their differentiation occurs independently, though glands. simultaneously, with that of the sex glands, evidently depending on the genetic (chromosome) constitution of the cells in each part of the body. When the constitution of cells

most part uninfluenced by presence or absence

-. 3

Fit;. 155.

Effects of removal or transplantation i)f sex glands in Brown Leghorn fowls. 1 and 2. Normal male and female respectively. 3. Feminized male. At an earl.v age the testes were removed and replaced by ovaries. 4. Castrated male, three years old. Notice undeveloped comb and wattles, but characteristic male hackle feathers, tail feathers and spurs. 5. Castrated female. Notice well-developed comb and wattles but characteristic female plumage. (After Dr. H. D. Goodale.)



in different parts of the



differs in respect to sex-linked

characters, a sex-mosaic results

known as a gynandromorph. and Bridges have made an exhaustive study of such Morgan

mosaic individuals found in their cultures of Drosophila. One of the simplest types, a bilateral sex-mosaic, is shouTi in Fig. 153. The right half of this fly shows male characters, viz., shorter wing, black-tipped abdomen, sex-comb on first leg. The left side of the fly shows the contrasted female characters. The right eye was
also white, a character inherited in the


X -chromosome

derived from

the white-eyed mother of the fly. The left eye was red resulting from the


the female part of the

an X-chromosome bearing body) red-eye, derived from the red-eyed father, which is dominant over the
white-eye borne by the X-chromosome furnished by the mother.

Three different explanations have been offered in recent years for the origin of sex-mosaic insects. These are
expressed diagrammatically in (Fig. The first. A, was offered by 154). Boveri. It suggests that an egg which
Fig. 153.
half of the
acters, viz.

sex-mosaic, or gynan-

dromorphic, Drosophila.

The right

body shows male char-

has undergone maturation, and which accordingly retains a single X-chro-


short wing, and black-tipped abdomen. left half of the body shows
first leg,

comb on

mosome may, on account


female characters, viz. long wing


of delayed nuclear division

and light-tipped abdomen. Note also that the right eye was white,

eye red. See text.


complete, so that it becomes binucleate before fusion of egg and sperm nuclei has occurred. The sperm now fuses with one of the egg's two nuclei. That nucleus and its descendants will be 2X (female),

before fertilization


but the unfertilized nucleus, if it develops by itself will be (male). A body mosaic as to sex will result, part male,

part female.

The case shown

in (Fig. 153)

could be accounted



on this hypothesis, but many other cases in Drosophila cannot, for which reason Morgan and Bridges favor a different explanation. B and C (Fig. 154) are explanations of sex-

mosaics offered at different times by Morgan. In B it is supposed that two sperms have entered the egg, one of which united with the egg-nucleus and produced a female
(2X), hybrid as to sex-linked characters, the other developing by itself produced male parts showing only characters of the
(Fig. 153)

This explanation evidently will not fit the case of because the male side of the fly inherits from the

Fig. 154. Three different explanations which have been offered to account for the production of gynandromorphs (sex-mosaics or scx-intergrades) in Drosophila. See text. (After Morgan.)

mother, not the father.



alternative explanation, C,


supposed that by Morgan been normally fertilized but that in a division the egg has of the fertilized nucleus, one division product of an Xchromosome gets left behind at the middle of the spindle.

for such cases as this. It

Thus one daughter nucleus gets two X-chromosomes (female) and the other only one (male). Whether the male
part shows maternal or paternal characters will depend on which X-chromosome (maternal or paternal) was eliminated.

Explanation C is thus an alternative to A for cases in which the male part of the mosaic shows maternal characters, and it
also affords an explanation (alternative to B) of cases in which the male part of the mosaic shows paternal characters. In contrast to the case of insects, the dependence of second-



ary sex differences in mammals and birds upon the presence of the gonads acting through secretions (hormones) is clearly shown by the experimental work of Steinach and Goodale.
castrated immature male rats and guinea-pigs and then introduced into the bodies of the castrated males

The former

ovaries of the female of the


same species. The transplanted became established and caused remarkable changes

in the castrated animals.


glands, which are

rudimentary in the male, became greatly enlarged. The body remained small as in females and the fur soft. Their behavior too was more like that of females than of males.

Goodale (1916) performed a similar experiment on male brown Leghorn chicks with like results. (See Fig. 155.) Goodale (1911, 1913) found also that mere removal of the ovaries from female birds (hens and ducks) causes them to
assume, to a considerable extent, the quite different appearance of males and that castrated males fail to develop many of the normal male characteristics. It is accordingly clear that some secretion of the ovary normally acts as an inliibitor
against the development of male plumage in birds, and that in males a secretion of the testis is necessary for full development of the secondary sex characters.

Morgan has shown

inhibitor to the

that what in female fowls acts as an


development of male plumage

not a secre-

tion of the egg-cells proper but a secretion of certain "luteal cells" normally present in the ovary. He finds that iti Se-

bright bantams, which breed has hen-feathered males, "luteal cells" are present in the testis of males as well as in the ovary of females. Consequently when Sebright bantam males are castrated they become "cock-feathered," that is

they grow the long tail-feathers and the hackle feathers characteristic of males in other breeds of fowls. In crosses of Sebright bantams, in which the cocks are hen-feathered, with black-breasted game bantams, in which the cocks are normal, Morgan found that hen-feathering behaved as a
non-sex-linked dominant character probably involving
distinct genetic factors.




To recapitulate, we have in fowls this relationship of plumage and other secondary sex characters to the gonads or their secretions. Fowls of both sexes will develop the same plumage characters, viz., the full plumage of normal males, if no secretions interfere. In females such an inhibiting secretion is normally produced by luteal cells present in the ovary, and in hen-feathered males luteal cells in the testis produce a similar secretion. If luteal cells are intro-

duced into castrated males



transplanted ovaries) the

become hen-feathered. Likewise if the luteal cells are removed (with the ovary) from a female, she becomes "cock-feathered." If the luteal cells are removed (with the testes) from a hen-feathered cock, he becomes cock-feathered. Hence "hen-feathering" in either sex is due to the secretion of luteal cells, not to the sex-cells proper. But the developed condition of comb and wattles normally seen in males is due
to a different secretion formed by the testis. For this condition disappears in castrated males and is not attained in

feminized males into which ovaries have been introduced. ^ In male sheep a secretion of the testis seems to act as a stimulant to horn development, for male sheep regularly have larger horns than females (Fig. 97) and in some breeds, for

example the merino, males only have horns. (See Figs. 101 and 103.) Early castration of the male in such breeds results
in hornlessness.

in the

Finally Lillie (1916) has shown that in cattle hormones blood of the developing male, if allowed to enter the

circulation of the developing female, so interfere with the

growth of the ovary as to render


its possessor sterile. This the explanation of the "free martin," a sterile female calf born as a twin to a male calf. The twins in this case begin

their development, each from a separate fertilized egg, but become later so closely crowded together in the uterus of the

mother that their foetal blood vessels unite, allowing the blood from one embryo to pass freely over into the other. A sterilizing influence on the female results, the ova in the body of the female embryo failing to grow, but no reciprocal



influence on the male has been noted, nor is the sex of the female changed but merely her sexual development repressed. An interesting case of sex control through secretions has recently been discovered in a mollusk, Crepidula. The individuals of this species normally function as males when they are small, at that time developing sperm, but when

grown to

larger size they develop eggs and function as feSince eggs and sperm are not developed simultaneously in the same individual, the eggs are regularly cross fertilized. Gould has shown that if a small Crepidula is iso-

lated from other individuals

if it is

it remains a "neuter," but that within a few millimeters of a large (female) brought individual, it proceeds to develop as a male and liberates





supposed to result from substances

off into

the sea water from the body of the nearby

individuals of Crepidula remain in one place practically throughout their adult life, this curious adaptation has manifest advantages to the species.

As the

gamete (the so-called macro-gamete) in non-motile and contains a relatively large amount of reserve food material for the maintenance of the developing embryo. This reserve food material it is the funcor larger

The egg



tion of the mother to supply.


In the case of some animals,

example flatworms and mollusks, the food supply of the embryo is not stored in the egg-cell itself, but in other cells

which break down and supply nourishment to the developing embryo derived from the fertilized
associated with


Again, as in the mammals, the embryo




nourishment largely from the maternal tissues, the embryo remaining like a parasite within the maternal body during
its growth, feeding by osmosis. But in all cases alike the mother supplies the larger gamete and the food material necessary to carry the zygote through its embryonic stages. The father, on the other hand, furnishes the bare hereditary equipment of a gamete, with the motor apparatus necessary

to bring


into contact with the egg-cell, but without food for

the developing embryo produced by fertilization.






mete furnished by the father

therefore the smaller gamete,

the so-called micro-gamete. From the standpoint of metabolism, the female is the more advanced condition; the female performs the larger function,



of heredity (a gamete),

that the male does in furnishing the material basis and in addition supplying food for the

embryo. As regards the reproductive function, the female is the equivalent of the male organism, plus an additional function,


of supplying the

embryo with


When we


to consider the structural basis of sex,


find, often in

for thinking that here, too, the female individual is the equivalent of the male

differences in

chromosome number, reasons

plus an additional element.^ The conclusion has very naturally been drawn that if a means could be devised for increas-

ing the nourishment of the egg or embryo, its development into a female should be thereby insured, while the reverse

treatment should lead to the production of a male. In a few cases it has been found possible by indirect means to control the state of nutrition of the eggs and so to control the sex of the individual which develops from it. Thus in the

Hydatina senta, parthenogenetic eggs of two sorts are produced, which are either male-producing or femaleproducing, the former being smaller. Whitney has shown

of Hydatina is fed for a generation excluon the green flagellate, Dunaliella, practically all the sively mothers lay male-producing eggs, but a continuous diet of


when a colony

female eggs.

the colorless flagellate, Polytoma, leads to the production of The effec^t in each case is seen not in the first

generation, but in the second generation of offspring. The female fed on Dunaliella has grandsons: the female fed on

Polytoma has granddaughters.



diet of the



In pigeons, eggs are produced

in wild species these

in clutches of

two each, and

commonly develop, one into a male, the

is is

^ But in the poultry type qf sex-linked inheritance it more liberally equipped with certain genes, in which he

evident that the male


duplex while the female





other into a female. Riddle has shown that the female-producing egg is the larger of the two and contains the larger amount of potential chemical energy. If the eggs are re-

moved from the nest as fast as laid, the female is induced to lay a larger number of eggs than she would otherwise have laid and the majority of these are female-producing. Toward the end of the season nothing but females may come from
eggs the production of which is forced in this way. In such cases sex is subject to a certain amount of control

through the state of nutrition of the egg itself. But, neither in this case nor in that of most other animals is the state

nourishment of the single eggs directly affected by nourishment of the mother.


In certain cases (Daphnia) poor nutrition of the mother may diminish the number of eggs which she liberates, without increasing the proportion of males among the offspring produced, since nourishment of the individual egg is not lessened,

under such circumstances resort to cannibalism, one another, and those which survive are fully devouring
for the eggs


Attempts to influence the sex of an embryo or larva by altered nutrition of the embryo or larva itself have proved
equally futile. Practically the only experimental evidence of value in favor of this idea has been derived from the study of

and this is capable of explanation on quite different grounds from those which first suggest themselves. It has sometimes been observed, as by Mary Treat for example, that a lot of insects poorly fed produce an excess of males. In such lots, however, the mortality is commonly high, and more females die than males, because the female is usually larger and requires more food to complete her development.

delayed fertilization of the egg has in certain cases, notably frog's eggs, been shown to increase the percentage of male offspring. This is not due to any change in the sper-

matozoa, as experiment clearly shows, but merely to the

tive staleness of the egg.



delayed three or four days after

the fertilization of the frog's egg its passage into the uterus,



more male

offspring occur. It is possible that the chemical composition of the egg changes when fertilization is delayed, the total energy content decreasing and so diminishing the probability that the egg will develop into a female. Riddle's

work with pigeons suggests such an interpretation. Further frog's eggs may by various means be caused to develop parthenogenetically. Loeb (1918) has raised twenty
leopard frogs from unfertilized eggs artificially stimulated into development by the prick of a needle. Among these
frogs both sexes were represented and the chromosome number was found to be diploid. Accordingly sex differentiation
in this case

would seem not to have depended upon chro-


reduction of the ordinary sort. Again King (1912) has shown that keeping toad's eggs out of water for several

hours after fertilization raises the percentage of female young from fifty to over seventy. Hence it may be, as Riddle thinks, that the natural sex tendencies of the gametes

under certain conditions be overbalanced or counteracted by other agencies influencing metabolism, the eggs perhaps developing parthenogenetically without passing into the haploid chromosome state of ordinary gametes.


natural sex " tendencies of the gametes ? Obviously what is meant is the genetic constitution of the gametes, that is their content of genes. But we have seen that strong reasons exist for believing that genes are found exclusively in the chromatin. If this is so, "natural sex tendencies of the gametes," can mean only

What are we to understand by the expression,


composition of the gametes as regards chromatin. One of the most important generalizations reached in recent years by cytologists is this, that the chromatin composition of the

gamete does

in reality determine its natural sex tendencies. In a great many animals, possibly in all, the chromosome composition of the individual's cell-nuclei bears an interesting relation to its sex. Thus in bees, ants, wasps, and related insects, as well as in small Crustacea and rotifers, only females develop from fertilized eggs, i. e., from zygotes, whereas males

develop from unfertilized eggs which have the nuclear con-



stitution of gametes, and which, in some cases at least, are capable of actually functioning as gametes. It would seem

that in such cases the female must have a duplex chromosome composition, since two gametes have united to produce it,

whereas the male can be only simplex, since he represents a developed gamete. The case of the honeybee affords a familiar example. The " " mother bee, or queen of the hive, lays eggs which are capable of development either with or without fertilization. The mother is able to produce or to withhold fertilization according to circumstances, for she has in a sac connected with the oviduct a supply of sperm received at mating. The
eggs pass the outlet of this sac as they are laid. The outlet of the sac is controlled by muscles which relax when an egg
to be fertilized, permitting spenn to come in contact with the egg, but closing the outlet tightly when the egg is not to be fertilized. Fertilized eggs are laid in cells of the regular

wax comb, but unfertilized eggs are laid only in cells of a larger size known as drone cells. The fertilized eggs develop into females, even if they are moved from ordinary
size in


cells; but the unfertilized eggs produce males, are transferred to cells of ordinary size, in which they case, however, they will become small-sized drones because

cells to




of the limited


of space in

which they complete their

growth. Fertilized eggs developing in cells of ordinary honey-



produce female bees with imperfectly-developed

sex organs,


as workers.


are the individuals that

gather honey and pollen and feed the young of the colony. A fertilized egg, which produces a larva that receives special
care and nourishment and develops in a cell of unusual size, gives rise to a queen, a fully developed female capable of mating and laying great numbers of eggs, but without the structural peculiarities or instincts of workers. From these facts

be clear that, in the bee, fertilization detennines sex, though environment (size of cell, food of the larva) may determine many other characteristics of the individual. As


regards their origin, the female


a zygote produced by the



union of two gametes, the male is derived from a gamete developing by itself. So far as chromosome constitution is concerned, the female is duplex, the male simplex. In small Crustacea, and rotifers, the case is slightly different. The female here, too, is duplex and the male simplex, but the conditions of their origin are less simple, for the

mother here produces three

different kinds of eggs. The first kind never passes into the sunplex state of ordinary gametes, but retains the duplex number of chromosomes, omits the

reducing cell-division, and begins development at once unand duplex. It forms a female, like the mother in

The other two types of eggs undergo reduction all respects. and pass into the condition of gametes, with the simplex chromosome mmiber. They differ in size. The smaller-sized egg develops unfertilized into a male (simplex) individual, which forms simplex sperm just as the male bee does, by omitting
a reduction division in spennatogenesis. The larger-sized egg (winter egg) is incapable of further development without the
stimulus of fertilization. When fertilized, it develops into a female individual, since in consequence of fertilization it contains the duplex chromosome number.

and rotifer agree in this, that the female has the duplex chromosome condition, the male the regularly simplex condition, a difference completely parallel with that between Oenothera Lamarckiana (which has fourteen chrocases of bee


mosomes) and
In plant


mutant gigas (which has twenty-eight). the difference between the sexes as regards

chromosome number is not so great. Here the female merely has one or two chromosomes more than the male, recalling the mutant Oenothera lata, which has one more chromosome than the parent species, Lamarckiana. The male however
in plant lice develops from an unfertilized egg, partially reduced in chromosome number. The female arises either from

an egg unreduced and so with the full duplex number of chromosomes, and which develops without fertilization into a female, or from a reduced egg (a true gamete) which has been fertilized and thus brought back to the duplex condition.



these lower animals, duplicity is simplicity with maleness!

one were inclined to be facetious, he might say that in all synonomous with f emaleness,

It should be noted in passing that among plants as well as among animals, an unfertilized gamete may undergo multi-


and growth while

fern plant

in the simplex,

The ordinary
some number.

reduced condition. a zygote with a duplex chromo-

But it produces reproductive cells (spores) the reduced (simplex) chromosome number, and containing these after growing into a small inconspicuous little plant, known as a prothallus, produce the functional gametes (egg
and sperm-cells) without further reduction.


of these,

egg with sperm, produces duplex zygotes again, which develop into the ordinary fern plant. In many animals in which males and females alike arise from fertilized eggs, there occurs nevertheless a difference in chromosome number between males and females, the female

always containing the higher number, as in the parthenogenetic plant lice. One of the best-known cases is that of the common squash bug, Anasa tristis, first worked out by
E. B. Wilson, but since fully confirmed by the observations of others. In this animal the body-cells of the female contain

twenty-two chromosomes, those of the male twenty-one. Historically this is a famous case, the first one in which the


of sex determination


definitely ascertained.


egg, according to Wilson, always undergoes reduction to the simplex chromosome number, eleven. But reduction in

the male






sunple because the male contains an odd All the sperm viz., twenty-one.

cannot receive the same number of chromosomes at the

reduction division, unless the odd chromosome splits, but this it refuses to do. The division occurs into cells with eleven

chromosomes, and those with ten. Both metamorphose into spenn cells. The 10-chromosome spenn cells, if they fertilize an egg, cause It to develop into a male, since Egg 11 -f-

Spemi 10 =

21, the


characteristic of the male.


the 11-chromosome spenn fertilizing an egg causes




develop into a female, since Egg 11 + Sperm 11 =22, the female number. The first man to suggest a relation between the odd chromosome and sex determination (McClung) supposed of course that the extra chromosome must go to produce a male, the more important sex, and he called it a male
sex-determining chromosome, but it turned out otherwise. The extra chromosome is really Si female sex determinant. When
it is

a difference exists between the sexes in chromatin content, regularly the female that has the larger supply. The

significance of this

we may

inquire into further.

In some cases, several of which are described by Morgan, the number of chromosomes is found to be the same in both sexes, but one of the chromosomes in the female is regularly larger than the corresponding chromosome in the male. This indicates that the female, in this case also, contains some

chromosome element not found in the other sex. But Wilson and his pupils have shown that in species in which the female contains two X-chromosomes and the male one such chromosome, a new chromosome may appear in the male, a so-called Y-chromosome, which the female does not
normally possess. been ascertained.



precise function


has not yet

Finally, in many animals no difference has been detected between the chromosome composition of the two sexes, but this does not preclude the existence of such a difference, even though it has not yet been discovered. To summarize the foregoing, there are many known facts which support and none which contradict the idea that the female has a greater chromatin content than the male and,

by reason

of this fact or independently of



greater anabolic activity in reproduction, producing macrogametes, gametes stored with food. Micro-gametes, those not stored with food but generally possessed of locomotive

the distinctive product of males. Morgan (1913) assumes that the chromatin element, which occurs in the female but not in the male, is the specific cause
ability, are

of femaleness, that


of egg production,


so speaks of the



odd cliromosome (when this occurs) as a sex-chromosome, or an X-chromosome. But a moment's reflection will show (as


himself once suggested) that quantity of such subquite as influential as quality in detennining h\T)othesis one X-chromosome produces a male

may be

sex, since

by and two X-chromosomes a female,

in species such as the squash bug. The essential thing in sex determination is probably not so much the possession of some particular sort of material as the

attainment of a particular grade of anafemaleness implying a higher grade than malebolic capacity, ness, since in the former condition macro-gametes are produced, whereas in the latter micro-gametes are produced. That maleness and femaleness are only different grades of reproductive capacity is indicated by a study of organisms in which the two functions are combined. In many of the

lower animals and in most of the higher plants, the same individual is capable of producing both macro-gametes and micro-gametes. Sometimes these are produced simultaneously but in separate gonads, as in flatworms and leeches " " among animals, and in perfect flowering plants. Such parents are true and simultaneous hermaphrodites. Some-

times the individual



function at


as a male



as a female, a condition




known as successive hermaphrocertain worms and mollusks and in

This condition

the prothallia of certain ferns and mosses.



in flowering plants

such as cucumbers,

melons, and squashes, which at first produce only male blossoms but later produce those of both sexes. In other cases
the individual


as of the other sex.

function chiefly as of one sex but partially This condition is found in polygamo-

dioecious plants and exceptionally in such animals as crayfish,

mollusks, worms, and even frogs and fishes, which, in a particular part of an ovary may develop sperms, or in a
particular part of a testis may develop eggs. Such facts as these indicate that maleness

and femaleness

are merely different grades of one and the same form of reproductive activity. This is not inconsistent with their behavior



as Mendelian alternatives in heredity, for in color inheritance different grades of pigmentation, of spotting, etc., frequently behave as Mendelian allelomorphs. So probably different

degrees of sexual distinctness behave in heredity, for in the plant. Lychnis, Shull has shown that femaleness is allelo-

morphic not only with maleness but

also with


ditism, the three conditions being triple allelomorphs. similar interpretation may perhaps be given to conditions found in certain mosses as discussed by Collins.





consists of a single species; at least no races exist so distinct that when they are crossed sterile progeny are pro-

duced. The widest possible human crosses are comparable with the crossing of geographical varieties of a wild species of animal, or with the crossing of distinct breeds of domesticated animals. The race horse and the draft horse differ as much in bodily conformation and temperament as do the

most diverse races



Offspring produced by crossing such races do not lack in vigor, size or reproductive capacity. But these are not the only qualities which we desire either our horses or our citi-

zens to possess. It is a particular combination of qualities which makes a race horse useful, and a different combination

which makes a draft horse useful. Crossing the two will produce neither one type nor the other. The progeny will be useless as race horses and they will not make good draft horses. A second generation of offspring will be more variable but will rarely approach the specialized type of either the race horse or the draft horse, and will be too heterogeneous in character to serve any single purpose well. For such
rarely crossed unless a new type of animal special needs and conditions. Even then

reasons as these, pure breeds of domesticated animals are is desired to meet


animals of
this process

small value

must be produced and discarded and

must be continued for generations before the new type can be established. For such reasons wide racial crosses among men seem on the whole undesirable. There is no question
about the physical vigor of the offspring, provided the parents are free from disease. The statement is often made that mixed races are feeble, but if this is ever true it is not because they are mixed, but because the specimens that mix




yrace so mating is a social outcast. It is not surprising that the progeny of such individuals are sometimes feeble. If the parents were diseased, licentious, or feeble-minded, it is V natural that the children should be of like character. Of course not all racial crossing implies such conditions. Frequently Europeans, when pioneers in a new country and without mates of their own race, have married native women. Such men have not always been social outcasts; frequently they have been men of great energy, ability, and courage both physical and moral, and free from disease. When, in such cases, the mothers belonged to a race with capacity for civilization, the results have been good. Examples may be found among the Indian citizens of our southwest states.

are available,

Mating out of the race, when mates within the is prima facie evidence that the individual

But human

racial crossing in general is a risky experiment, because it interferes with social inheritance, which after all is the chief asset of civilization. Physically and also intellectually, according to Professor Osborn, we are no whit

superior to the men of twenty-five thousand years ago. All the advantage which we have over them lies in the accumulated experience of the human race since then. All this we as individuals learn from our mothers and
fathers, or in the schools, the churches, the markets, -or the

courts of justice. Wide racial crosses unsettle the foundaAt times it is tions of these agencies of enlightenment. that some of these agencies be disturbed in order necessary
lay their foundations deeper and broader, but racial crossing leads rather toward the discarding of all foundations of civilization than to improving them.


we may


crosses, therefore, as of

Europeans with Asiatics or

Africans can not be



recommended as agencies for the improvethe human race. Physically Europeans on one hand
sufficiently diversi-

and Asiatics or Africans on the other, are

among themselves

to allow the




intercrossing, without resorting to crosses with a distinct branch of the human family. Socially the effects of such




on a large

scale are too disturbing to be

This country has seen a sufficiently extensive experiment of that sort in its southern states, the outcome of which we shall not know^ fully for several generations yet. It is desirable that each nation should have the fullest intercourse with every other in commerce and in the exchange of ideas. This is mutually beneficial to all, but the obliteration of all racial
differences within the




not to be expected or

said thus far refers only to crosses between the widely separated branches of the human family and even as regards such cases may be accepted with reservation, since

What has been


for a difference of opinion concerning such which are not primarily biological, but sociological. matters, What opinion one holds will also depend upon his point of



From the viewpoint of a superior race there is nothing to be gained by crossing with an inferior race. From the viewpoint of the inferior race also the cross is undesirable if
the two races live side



because each race

will despise

individuals of mixed race and this will lead to endless friction. About the only conditions under which a racial cross of this
sort could be fairly tested would be those under which Pitcairn Island was populated. Here more than a century ago

a few English sailors and a few Polynesian

women founded



in existence



Neither pure

race was present to create social distinctions or racial antipathy. The story of this hybrid human race is a romantic one.

In the year 1788 the Englishman, John Bligh, who as sailing master had been round the world with Captain Cook on his second voyage, was commissioned by the British

Government to go to Tahiti, secure plants of the bread-fruit tree and introduce them into the West Indies. To this end he was given command of the ship Bounty. Bligh proved a harsh and oppressive captain, and on his way from Tahiti to
Jamaica the crew mutinied. They put the captain with eighteen of his crew into the ship's launch and themselves turned back to Tahiti. The captain and his companions after



of hardship all reached land

(Timor, three

thousand six hundred miles from where they started) safely, and were taken back to England. The British Government
sent out a warship to punish the mutineers and part of them were captured on Tahiti. But their leader and nine other
sailors had already escaped to Pitcairn Island in company with eighteen natives, six men and twelve women. Their place of refuge remained a secret for twenty years, when it

was accidentally discovered by an American sealing ship which visited the island in 1808. Pitcairn Island is the
southernmost island of the


Archipelago in latitude 25

and longitude 180 W. It is about two miles long and one mile wide, and consists of a mountain surrounded by coral reefs. For ten years after the landing of the refugees, disorder and lawlessness prevailed. In 1808 the sole survivors were one Englishman by the name of John Adams (formerly
Alexander Smith), eight or nine women, and several children. It is related that the elements of disorder being removed
instilled ideas of morality and religion into the others, with the result that the settlement prospered. In 1815 when the ship Britain visited the island, the captain was impressed with the peace and good order prevailing. In 1839 the island


British dependency. In 1855 the number of inhabitants had increased to two hundred and the island was becoming too small for them. They therefore petitioned the

became a

government to be removed to Norfolk Island, which was done the following year. Since then some of them have returned to Pitcairn Island whose present population is about one hundred and twenty-five. The population of Norfolk Island in 1901 was eight hundred and seventy, mostly

descendants of the Pitcairn Islanders. Here then on these two islands is a race of probably one thousand persons at the present time, originated more than a century ago by a cross between English men and women of

The experiment has gone far beyond the Fi generaand would afford unique material for a study of the effects of race-crosses uncomplicated by race-antipathies. So





far as present information goes the results have been excellent both biologically and sociologically. It is to be hoped that

some student
critical study.

of eugenics will give the case careful


Another successful experiment in human racial crossing has been recently studied and described by a German, Fischer,^ who chronicles the origin of a tribe in Gennan Southwest Africa of mixed Boer and Hottentot blood. This arose from the intermarriage with native Hottentots of a few Boers dissatisfied with British rule in South Africa, who penetrated far northward among hostile tribes, and were thus forced to combine with each other against a common enemy. Their descendants, intermarrying, formed a distinct cultural group entirely surrounded by pure native stocks and wholly isolated from contact with Europeans. Pride in their ancestry and cultural inheritance held them together and prevented mixAfter this had gone on for ing with neighboring tribes.
several generations they

came within the German zone


colonial influence (again British at present under the fortune of war). Very likely the group as such will presently dis-

appear, but the experiment has progressed far enough to show that under conditions which do not interfere with
cultural inheritance crossing of racial stocks as widely separated as Europeans and Africans has no evil consequences,

but produces a vigorous, sound race. Fischer finds evidence of Mendelian inheritance of physical characters among these people, but critically examined, this evidence is substantially like that available from other sources. Some characters, such as hair and eye-colors show fairly good segregation. As
regards skin-color, proportions of the skeleton, features, etc., the hybrids are intermediate between the parent races, but





probable that intelligence and other

psychic traits are inherited in this

Racial crosses,


so conducted as not to interfere with

social inheritance, may be expected to produce on the whole intermediates as regards physical and psychic characters.


Die Rhehobothen Bastarden," 1911.



This seems to have been the result in Central and South America and in the West Indies, where racial crossing has taken place to a very great extent. A similar outcome seems likely to occur in Africa, as that continent is further overrun by European races. The leading racial stocks of Asia seem at the present moment to have such physical, mental, and cultural vigor that they are not likely to amalgamate with





The same laws govern inheritance in man as in other animals and in plants, but our knowledge of human heredity is less
accurate than that of animals and plants, because we are in the human field debarred from experiment. The best we

can do

and compare the traits of individuals in successive generations and thus to ascertain with what known laws of heredity these cases best agree. For the discovery of new laws of heredity, human data can have little value beis

to observe

cause of our inability to experiment.

est in

Nevertheless the inter-

heredity is so general and the number of competent observers so large, including as it does a great many physicians and other men of science, that we may look


forward to a very complete cataloguing of



as fast as general categories of inheritance phenomena are established by the experimental study of other organisms.

Already we have in hand a great amount of material bearing on human heredity, gathered chiefly by medical men, much
within the last fifteen years. A considerable part of this is unreliable because of the careless or biased way in which it has been gathered, or the uncritical treatment which it has

received in publication. But still there remains a considerable body of valuable infonnation, which shows that man is
subject to heredity in every aspect of his physical and

mental make-up. Two comprehensive attempts have been made to gather and analyze data concerning human inheritance, one in England at the Eugenics Laboratory of the University of London, founded by Galton and presided over by Karl Pearson, the
other and more recent one at the Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, directed by Dr. C. B. " Treasury Davenport. Pearson's data are recorded in the




Inherited Characters in



General body size, stature, weight, skin-color, hair-form (in cross-section, correlated with straightness, curliness, etc.) shape of head and proportions of its parts



Spotted with white.
Skin and hair
Tylosis and ichthyosis (thickened or scaly skin).

Blonde or albino (probably

multiple allelomorphs).

Uniformly colored.

Normal Normal


Epidermolysis (excessive formation of blisters).


Hair beaded (diameter not uniform).



Front of




Only back




black, brown, etc.).

(eye blue).

Hereditary cataract.


Night blindness (when not sex


Pigmentary degeneration of


Brachydactyly (short




Polydactyly (extra



Syndactyly (fused, webbed, or reduced number of digits).

Normal. Normal.

Symphalangy (fused
digits, stiff digits).



Exostoses (abnormal outgrowths

of long bones). Hereditary fragility of bones.




Mendelian and Sex-Linked




males when simplex, but in females only when duplex.)


Normal. Normal. Normal.


Gower's muscular atrophy. Haemophilia (bleeding). Color blindness (inability to

Night blindness

distinguish red from green). (inability to

see in faint light).


Probably Mendelian but Dominance Uncertain or Imperfect

Defective hair and teeth or teeth alone, extra teeth, a double set of permanent
teeth, hare-lip, cryptorchism and hypospadias (imperfectly developed male organs), tendency to produce twins (in some families determined by the father, in others by the mother), left-handedness, otosclerosis (hardness of hearing owing to thickened


Subject to Heredity, but to what Extent or


Inherited Uncertain

General mental ability, memory, temperament, musical ability, literary ability, artistic ability, mathematical ability, mechanical ability, congenital deafness, liability to

tive heart,

abdominal hernia, cretinism (due to defective or diseased thyroids), defecsome forms of epilepsy and insanity, longevity.



Eugenics Record

Inheritance" (1909). The data collected by the Office have been published in part in a

series of bulletins

and monographs which


being rapidly

We may

provisionally distinguish inherited



(1) blending (probably involving multiple factors);

clearly Mendelian (involvmg a single genetic factor); (3) Mendelian and sex-linked; (4) probably Mendelian but with

dominance imperfect or uncertain, and (5) hereditary, but to what extent or how, uncertain. The grounds on which a category of blending characters may be based have already been discussed. If they are valid for animals and plants, they are also valid for man. Here belong characters which show intermediate inheritance in Fi and also in F2, but with greater variability in F2 than in Fi.

and stature are good examples. The greater variability F2 shows that the blending was not perfect in Fi and that







segregation more

or less complete were observed

by Daven-



port in his studies of skin-color and hair-form inheritance in negro-white crosses, which supports the idea that multiple factors are involved, or one or more chief factors associated with modifying factors. The well known lack of
correlation between skin-color and hair-form in mulattoes of the r2 or later generations certainly indicates the existence of independent factors affecting these characters.

have long distinguished between long-headed and round-headed races or types within mixed races. These may be convenient terms
for purposes of classification, but it by no means follows that the types are alternative in heredity. Without positive evidence to the contrary, it is safe to assume from what we know

As regards shape

of the head, anthropologists

of skull shape in animals



negro-white crosses that

skull shape is in all cases blending (multiple factorial) in inheritance. Salaman (1911) himself an English Jew, has described the Jewish type of countenance as recessive to the

Anglo-Saxon type


mixed marriages


England on


fications of the offspring as of Jewish or Gentile type, made for him by Jews, but the evidence is far from satisfactory and

not based on any clearly defined differences. If measurable characters were considered, it is probable the inheritance would be found to be blending, and the classification adopted in his tables to have been based on blending in many characters rather than on simple segregation in any one. It is to be noted that in man, as in wild species of animals and plants, characters which blend in heredity are in no case

abnormal or monstrous conditions, but are such as distinguish one member of a perfectly normal population from

The case


very different when we come to the category of

simple Mendelian characters, whether or not sex-linked. Here a great majority of the characters listed refer to abnormalities or monstrosities.
hair, skin

As regards variation

in the color of

eyes, we have, in these, recessive or loss variations, similar to those of other mammals, producing a graded


series of

probable allelomorphs ranging from black to albino.

Retrogressive variation


"heavily pigmented


eye pigmentation leads from (back and front)" through more

pigmented conditions to "iris pigmented only behind," the ultimate recessive, blue. Spotting with white, affecting skin and hair pigmentation, or affecting only the
pigmentation of the
iris (Bond, 1912) are unit-character variations completely parallel with those of rodents. Nearly all other known Mendelizing characters in man are more or

They include a variety of hereditary malformations or "diseases" affecting skin, eye, skeleton, kidneys or nervous system. (See Table 33.)
less pathological.



characters (mostly loss variations) are probably in inheritance, but not enough is known concern-

ing their behavior to permit of a positive statement in the matter. (See Table 33, 4.) In Section 5 of Table 33 are included many important



to be to

some extent

accordance with what law

is still

hereditary, but in uncertain. Especially im-

portant are such characters as general mental ability, mental capacity in special directions, hereditary epilepsy and insanity, and longevity. It would be a mistake to cover up

our present ignorance concerning the inheritance of these

classifying them either as unifactorial or as multifactorial. shall presently examine into the evidence




by Dr. and Mrs. Davenport, whose findings may be briefly summarized. Hair having a circular cross-section is straight. But if the hair is elliptical in cross-section, it has a tendency to become curly. Grades of departure from the straight condition are formed with increase in flattening of the hair in cross-section
as follows: (1) straight, (2) wavy, (3) curly, (4) kinky (AfriCrosses produce intermediates or show imperfect cans).

that the more important of these are inherited. Hair-form. This character has been studied


of curliness, with segregation


more or



plete in later generations.

Hair and



in general correlated

with skin-color, the darkest shades of hair-color being found



only in persons with dark skin. Whole races of mankind have only black hair and dark skin (known as "black, brown, red or yellow"). A dark skin is an adaptation to life in a tropical country or one having much intense sunlight. Fairskinned races are unable to endure life in the tropics unless the body is protected from the direct rays of the sun. Darkskinned races, however, have a natural protection against the effects of direct sunlight. From an evolutionary standpoint the white races are possibly retrogressive variations, ''loss" variations. In a population of Europeans, the darker shades of hair and skin-color are either completely or incomIt is not at all uncommon to find a pletely dominant.

mixture of dark-haired and light-haired children in the same family, provided one or both parents are dark-haired, but when both parents are light-haired, the children are all light-haired. This result shows that the lighter shades of hair-color are recessive in relation to the darker shades. An exact estimate is often difficult to make because persons with light hair in childhood often have much darker hair when

and further, the hair may later become gray or even makes direct comparison with the hair of younger persons impossible. Extremely pale conditions of hair, skin and eye pigmentation are known as albinism and occur in all races, even in negroes and American Indians. Albinism is clearly a recessive character in relation to normal pigmentation. The variadult,

white, which

ous shades of blonds probably correspond physiologically and as regards inheritance with the graded series of albino allelomorphs found in guinea-pigs. Each darker shade is
lighter shades, any two in the entire series being allelomorphs of each other. This is known to be the case in rodents and probably holds for European races of

dominant to the

mankind. In other races of mankind blond variations are rare, even more so than extreme albinism. Here again we have a condition parallel with that found in most rodents, in which the albino variation is known, but not other members
of the graded series of retrogressive allelomorphs.



In a cross between a negro and a white person, children are produced of an intermediate, but frequently variable skincolor, and are known as mulattoes. Mulattoes mating inter se produce an Fo generation of highly variable skin-color but rarely pure white. Davenport has concluded that two inde-

pendent Mendel ian factors affecting skin-color are involved. This explanation would lead us to expect one in sixteen of the Fi mulatto offspring to have skin as white as a European, even though his negro ancestry might show in other characteristics, such as curly hair, broad nose, thick lips, etc. It is
difficult to get

against this explanation.

any wholly satisfactory evidence either for or That published by Davenport can

scarcely be considered conclusive, for the data studied are

derived from a population in which illegitimacy, by Davenport's own statement, is as high as 72 per cent. On the whole, it seems probable that segregation of skin pigmentaeither incomplete or rarely complete, because multiple or modifying factors are involved. clearly and sharply defined Mendelian factor which inis

tion in mulattoes

volves spotting with white occurs in many human families, as in domesticated animals. In some families a lock of white
hair (usually above the middle of the forehead, or on top of the head) is inherited as a Mendelian dominant (transmitted

only through affected individuals). Irregidar spotting of the body with unpigmented areas has been shown to be hereditary as a dominant character in a family of Louisiana negroes (exhibited in Europe and America), and a similar variation

inherited in the

same way


one or more of Minnesota.

whom have

a white family in Minnesota, studied at the University of



of the first investigations carried on in the laboratory Pearson related to the inheritance of ability as indicated

by the


class lists



lists) of


The investigation

rank of two thousand five hundred pairs of fathers and sons showed that a distinct correlation exists between them. If the father took high rank the son also ranked high, and vice versa, in a considerable percentage of cases. Expressed numerically the correlation in the Oxford lists was found to be .31 where 1.00 would express exact would express only chance agreeagreement in rank and ment. Between four thousand two hundred brothers the agreement was closer still, viz., .40. Closer resemblance was indeed to be expected, since in this case the mothers as well as the male ancestors were the same. The conclusion reached is that mental capacity, as indicated by rank attained at the
of the relative

University, is inherited; that the proverb "like father, like " son applies in the long run to scholarship, as well as to physique. This is a conclusion which every experienced

teacher would have anticipated. it has full statistical warrant.



interesting to find that

But the further question arises whether success in study has any relation to success in life outside of schools. Of this question an investigation was made in Pearson's laboratory.


Oxford B. A. examinations was compared with rank in the professions, the Church and the Law. subsequent The measure of success in the Church was taken to be the
in the

holding of a high

office in

the Church or of a first-class

scholastic appointment. It was found that the higher the classification of a man at the Oxford examinations, the



brighter were his prospects of attaining distinction in the


Oxford Examinations

Percentage Distinguished

First class


Second Third Fourth

" "

21 9


Pass degree



Of those who attained a


first-class degree,

68 per cent ob-

official distinction, etc.

results of the investigation as regards lawyers were found to be very similar. The measure of success here was taken to be the holding of public ofiice under the government.
Of the
" " "




first class "

men, 46 % were so distinguished.


" "



Pass degree men,

33%. 22%. 20%. 16%.

15 %.


degree men,

" general conclusion reached is that the promise of " youth as indicated by scholarship is in general justified by " " in the professions. the The perfonnance of manliood


objection might be offered that appointments in church and state may be influenced by a man's university rank, but this
is offset


results obtained in America,


this is cer-

tainly not true.


Considerable work has been done in Pearson's

study of the heritability of insanity. David Heron made a study of the inheritance of insanity as indicated by three hundred and thirty-one family histories collected during a period of thirty years by the superintendent of an asylum patronized by middle-class people of Perth,
laboratory in the

See Table 34.

due to one and the same thing in all cases, it is obvious that the inheritance is not Mendelian; i. e., insanity does not behave as a simple Mendelian unitIf insanity is treated as

character, either


or recessive.

But that




is in some way inherited is obvious, for it occurs much oftener in these families than in the general population, where it is between 1 and 2 per cent. But in these families

21 per cent of the offspring of sane parents are insane, and a still higher percentage of the offspring of insane parents
are insane.




used as a measure of the

strength of the inheritance of insanity lies





For comparison it may be said that the correlation cobetween parent and child in the case of pulmonary TABLE

Data on Inheritance of Insanity






Both sane








Both insane


was found by Pearson to be about .50; for deafwas found to be .54; for stature .50; for intellimutism gence between .49 and .58. Heron concludes that insanity on the whole is inherited about as strongly as other mental and physical charactertuberculosis



But insanity cannot be regarded as a simple defect which can accordingly be eliminated from a population altogether, as could albinism. Insanity is a general name for a great variety of conditions of mental lack of balance and many
different factors


enter into




Not every family stock be regarded as unsound. But the


which insanity occurs, and, still within a family containing insanity is likely more, inbreeding to increase the percentage of insane offspring and so should
intermarriage of families in

be avoided.

Two American


(Rosanoff and Orr) more

friendly than the biometric school to Mendelian theory, have


Dr. Fay's U. S. data.



find out

attempted to eliminate several categories of insanity and to more precisely what the law of inheritance of the remaining sort is. They eliminate cases possibly due to
injury to the brain, alcoholism, syphilis, tumors, apoplexy and the like. Their material consisted of cases in the state

Careful inhospital for the insane at Kings Park, N. Y. was made as to the pedigree of all patients whose inquiry
referable to other than genetic causes. Seventy-two families were thus investigated, representing two hundred and six different matings, with a total of one thousand ninety-seven offspring. These are tabulated to test the hypothesis that insanity is a Mendelian recessive


was not

unit-character, as follows:


{Rosanqff and Orr)

Data on Inheritance of Insanity



mistakable victim of insanity. The authors frankly admit " that of the four hundred and thirty-seven persons classed them as neuropathic, only one hundred and fifteen, or 26.3 by per cent, presented at any time in their lives indications for commitment to sanitariums or hospitals for the insane."
Three-fourths, therefore, of their persons insane for pedigree purposes would be classed as fully normal, if they occurred in
families free

from insane hospital patients.




tion has

little scientific

In dealing with the pedigrees the authors class as neuropathic persons whose only offence, aside from having an in" " Crank "; sane relative, are the following: easily excited, " " " " nervous nerv^ous temperament erratic, excitvery " able "; nervous, little things bothered her, worried a great deal "; but in one case, which goes beyond all others, the



classed as insane on the following grounds:

money mad, very cruel, very miserly though wealthy, left much of his money to his housekeeper." To the layman this
does not read like the characterization of an insane person; change the word housekeeper to hospital and it might describe a philanthropist and captain of industry. It seems that, in the light of this investigation, if critically viewed, and in the light of Heron's investigation, very doubtful

whether insanity in general is inherited as a Mendelian unit-character. Very likely there are different varieties of
insanity independently inherited. however, there can be no doubt.

That insanity is inherited, Heron quotes Pearson's

family records as including seventeen cases in which one or both parents were insane. In only one case were all members
of the family


attained the age of fifty or over free from \ATien both parents were insane, Pearson's records


give 66 per cent of insane offspring; when only one parent was insane, forty per cent of the offspring were insane, where-

Hence with insanity


as in the general population only 1 or 2 per cent are insane. in one or both parents, the percentage of insane progeny increases; on this all investigators




The practical conclusion is obvious insane persons should not be permitted to marry; indeed legislation forbids this in most countries. Further it would be well to avoid marriage into families in which insanity is common. It need not be
assumed, however, that every person who has had an insane is an unfit mate. For such a conclusion, if enforced, would soon bring human breeding to a standstill.

As regards the inheritance of epilepsy and Epilepsy. feeble-mindedness the evidence is much clearer. By epilepsy

Epilepsy and Feeble-Mindedness in Epileptic Families

{Davenport and Weeks)



In six cases feeble-minded persons married each other producing sixteen feeble-minded and five epileptic offspring. These cases indicate that the epilepsy and feeblemindedness here dealt with were merely different manifestations due to a single cause, either a common infection or a conunon form of defect inherited without specific infection. That insanity is probably due to a variety of causes and not the same ones as epilepsy or feeble-mindedness is shown by matings of the insane with epileptic or feeble-minded persons. Davenport and Weeks report three matings of an insane person with an epileptic or feeble-minded person, which produced fifteen adult offspring. Of these nine, or a majority, are described as normal, one as epileptic, and four as feeble" minded, while one is classed as neurotic." This result indicates that the insane parent in most of these cases did not transmit the same abnormality or pathological condition as the epileptic or feeble-minded parent. Insanity in the family is racially less serious than epilepsy, possibly because less often due to congenital infection.

The most complete study of the inheribeen made is that published by Dr. H. H. Goddard of the Vineland New Jersey Training School for Feeble-minded, who has recently pubFeeble-mindedness.

tance of feeble-mindedness that has ever

lished his results in

book form (Macmillan


Co., 1914).


has studied the family histories of three hundred and twentyseven families which sent pupils to the Vineland School. These family histories are published in detail, though not

of course by name, and include

of the pupil or of his written



in many cases photographs work. In every case the family charted to show the occurrence of mental or

physical peculiarities in ancestors or any pertinent facts concerning their lives. The information was obtained from the parents of pupils, from family physicians, friends or neighbors, partly through printed questionnaires, partly through personal interviews by trained investigators. This method of obtaining information is of course capable of uncritical use,

as already pointed out, but seems to have been employed




with circumspection and in some cases with independent by Dr. Goddard.

The importance

of such

an investigation as




according to Goddard,

by many


much commoner than most

persons suppose, understanding the feeble-minded to include all persons congenitally of such low intelligence that they are
either unable to care for themselves or are incapable of managing their own affairs with ordinary prudence. God-

dard believes that the feeble-minded are individuals of

arrested or undeveloped mentality and are thus quite different from the insane, who show pathological mentality.

feeble-minded person has the undeveloped mind of a child; an insane person may have attained mental maturity and


mentality having degenerated. Feeblemindedness and insanity may coexist in the same individual
lost it again, his

but they are due to distinct agencies. Feeble-mindedness, according to Goddard, characterizes a large proportion of
such persons as become public charges as paupers, drunkards,
or criminals.

The method now generally employed of grading the intelligence of individuals is known as the Binet test, from the Frenchman who devised it. It consists of giving the individual a series of standardized tasks to perform of increasing difficulty as regards the demands on intelligence. The results

graded in terms of the average performance normal children of particular ages. Thus a feeble-minded person may show the mentality of a nonnal child of any age from one year to twelve years, and is spoken of as mentally
of these tests are

Tests of intelligence made by the Binet method upon juvenile criminals in various state reformatories show that a large proportion of the inmates are of
of age one, two, three, etc.

abnormally low intelligence,

i. e.,

are feeble-minded.



Jersey the proportion reported feeble-minded as indicated by Binet tests is 46 per cent; in Ohio 70 per cent; in
Virginia 79 per cent; and in Illinois 89 per cent. Probably 50 per cent would be a conservatively low general estimate



of the youthful crmiinals who are feeble-minded. Goddard " It is easier for us to realize this if we remember how says,


of the crimes that are

commited seem




something that he cannot use and cannot dispose of without getting caught. A boy is offended because the teacher will not let him choose what he will study, and therefore he sets fire to the school building. Another kills a


in cold blood in order to get two dollars. Somebody else allows himself to be persuaded to enter a house and pass out stolen goods under circumstances where even slight intelligence would have told him he was sure to be caught. Some-

times the crime

itself is not so stupid but the perpetrator acts afterwards and is caught, where an intelligent perstupidly son would have escaped. Many of the unaccountable
' '

crimes, both large


small, are accounted for once

it is

recognized that the criminal may be mentally defective. Judge and jury are frequently amazed at the folly of the the lack of conmion sense that he displayed in defendant his act. It has not occurred to us that the folly, the crudity,

the dullness, was an indication of an intellectual trait that rendered the victim to a large extent irresponsible." This same line of explanation Goddard applies with much
in relation to feeble-mindedness. plausibility to drunkenness known that drunkenness and feeble-mindedness are It is well

often associated, and people have concluded that drunkenness causes feeble-mindedness. Goddard believes the reverse

be true that feeble-mindedness occasions drunkenbecause the individual has not enough intelligence and ness,
of this to

power to resist temptation when it arises. Another social evil, prostitution, Goddard finds to be due in large measure to feeble-mindedness. Binet tests made in an Illinois reformatory of girls committed for immorality showed 97 per cent of them to be feeble-minded, A Massachusetts Commission reports that Binet tests applied to three hundred immoral women under detention in that state
proved 51 per cent of them to be feeble-minded, while the rest had the mentality of children aged nine to twelve years.



Dr. Goddard


right in the opinion that feeble-mindedfor much crime of various sorts, for much responsible drunkenness and pauperism, it would seem that the easiest


to attempt to diminish these evils would be by attempting to diminish feeble-mindedness. Hence the importance of his undertaking to get at the causes of feeble-mindedness.

Dr. Goddard divides his three hundred and twenty-seven cases, as regards the probable causes of the observed feeblemindedness, into





Probably hereditary


5. 6.

Neuropathic ancestry (a possible cause) Accident (to mother or child, as disease)

37 57


cause assignable


27 327


this table it will

be seen that he regards the feeblein

mindedness as clearly hereditary

studied, while

half of the families

" in 10 per cent probably hereditary more. Heredity then is the largest single discoverable cause for feeble-mindedness. Neuropathic ancestry and accident


it is

are also recognized as probable causes in a small percentage of cases each, but it is not to be expected that feeble-minded-

ness so produced would prove hereditary. evidence that hereditary feeble-mindedness


can find no caused by a

variety of agencies to which it is frequently referred, as for example to alcoholism, tuberculosis, syphilis, insane, epileptic or paralytic ancestry, etc.

Most feeble-mindedness, then, is due to heredity, but how did the character become hereditary ? How did it originate ? Goddard does not attempt to answer this question, but he
view that the feeble mind is an undeveloped childish mind. His observations show that the physical vigor of the feeble-minded equals that of normal individuals and that the feeble-minded are even more fecund than normal individuals owing to their lack of normal prudoes


clear his

dence and



might be supposed,




either that they represent a primitive, animal-Hke condition of the human race, which has survived down to the present

time, or that they represent a retrogressive (loss) variation. The manner of inheritance of the condition is of interest in

connection with this question, for evolution by loss usually results in the production of recessive variations.

Goddard's evidence indicates that feeble-mindedness is a In his family records one hundred of feeble-minded inter se have proand forty-four matings duced seven hundred and forty-nine children of whom four hundred and eighty-two are of ascertained mentality. Of these, all but six are recorded as feeble-minded. These few exceptions to theoretical expectation might be explained as being of ancestry other than that assigned. A case reported " from an Ohio institution illustrates the point well. In a white family, the father and mother are both feeble-minded. They have twelve children, all feeble-minded but two. These two are normal (as regards intelligence) but they are colored."
recessive unit-character.



capable of being useful members of society in manual or mechanical occupations not demanding too much planning
or initiative.


it is

evident that as they are easily in-

upon and more than ordinarily fecund, since they do not exercise the prudence and self-restraint of normal individuals, their numbers are likely to increase unduly, unless some restraint is put upon them. A self-governing democracy with universal suffrage is seriously threatened by a large increase in the unintelligent portion of its population, and is justified in adopting strong measures to counteroften urged as an argument for restricted immigration without due regard for the distinction between low

fluenced and imposed




and illiteracy. Many of our immigrants who are because they have never had an opportunity to attend school, are people of unusual intelligence and energy. Their illiteracy is usually speedily removed when they get within reach of American schools and the next generation is




among the most earnest students in our univeramong the successful men in the professions.

But the person of low intelligence, whether literate or illiterate is more dangerous to society than the intelligent illiterate,
because he and his descendants for all time will require parental protection and care from the state to prevent them

from becoming cruninals, paupers,



and purchasable

To prevent the natural

increase of the feeble-minded,


dard recommends their segregation, so far as possible, in schools and institutions under state control. This is already being done to some extent in many of the states, but altogether too few individuals have yet been segregated to insure
a decrease in the proportion of feeble-minded in the population. Many have hitherto been unrecognized as feebleminded, who are classed as. backward pupils in school, and

later as truants,


drug fiends, drunkards, criminals, tramps or proper recognition of the source from which

these classes are recruited and of what really ails them should lead to more intelligent efforts to reduce their number.



impracticable, the feeble-minded should be looked after in their homes, as children are looked after. They should not be allowed to marry unless first sterilized. In the case of males this is now possible by a very simple surgical operation, vasectomy, unattended by risk or serious consequences to health. In the case of females segregation

during the reproductive period


probably more to be recom-

mended than


suggestion that the human race might be improved by the methods of the stock breeder is a very old one. Plato advanced it in his Republic as the only practicable basis for the production of a permanent and superior governing class

within the ideal state.

The family had no

place in his


was his proposition that the best of both sexes should be mated with each other and should be given every encourIt

agement to the production of offspring, the young being taken at birth into a state nursery and their identity lost so
Inferior persons, on the other hand, were to be kept from reproducing, as far as possible, and their progeny destroyed. that such Realizing favoritism would cause no end of trouble, if known, Plato said that what was done should be kept a secret from all but the magistrates themselves, and " an ingenious system of lots must be contrived in order that inferior persons may impute the manner in which couples are united to chance and not to
far as the parents were concerned.

the magistrates."



eugenics system of Plato has probably never had a fair trial, but if we may believe the account of

Plutarch, in his

of Lycurgus,

something very

like it

actually existed in Plato's time in Sparta,

ably the Spartan system that Plato had in practically an armed camp, in which a military class ruled with great severity the subject native races, holding them in
subjection by force of arms and compelling them to work the land for the benefit of their conquerors. The Spartans subjected themselves, both

was probmind. Sparta was



men and women, to the severest and war were their exclusive occuGymnastics



Family life scarcely existed among the Spartans. lived together in a sort of camp or club, very frugally, and ready for instant warfare. Marriage was recognized as an institution for the production of soldiers merely.

The men

The The

child belonged to the state, rather than to its parents. magistrates decided whether it should be reared or not.

Plutarch says concerning Lycurgus, founder of the Spartan constitution: "Lycurgus was of a persuasion that children were not so much the property of their parents as of the

whole commonwealth, and therefore, would not have his by the first-comers, but by the best men that could be found the laws of other nations seemed to him very absurd and inconsistent, where people would be so solicitous for their dogs and horses as to exert interest and pay money to procure fine breeding, and yet kept their wives shut up, to be made mothers only by themselves, who might be foolish, infirm, or diseased; as if it were not apparent that children of a bad breed would prove their bad qualities first upon those who kept and were rearing them, and well-born
citizens begot

children, in like

manner, their good qualities." of eugenics seems to have attained its object, the production of superior children, but we must remember that with it was combined a system of life-long physical education and military discipline which has rarely if ever been equalled, so that it is impossible to say how much of the result obtained was due to breeding and how

The Spartan system


to training of the youth. Further the Spartan system succeeded only so long as Sparta was a small, isolated community, without wealth,

luxury, or leisure, and using iron for money.

Foreign conquest was the undoing of Sparta. She could conquer in a fight but she could not govern except as she governed her

Helots by enslaving them. Upon contact with the rest of the world, life was found to have other attractions than

and the old discipline was relaxed. Moreover, what the Spartan system produced was a single type of man, the soldier. The memory of Athens is sacred for

other types of


manhood and achievement, art, literature, philosophy and science, the greatest intellectual achievements of mankind up to that time, but in these Sparta had no share. Her eugenics was of the same type as that of the
animal breeder. It aimed to produce a single specialized type of superior excellence. In this it succeeded, but at the sacrifice of all else. In this, again, it resembles animal husbandry, which produces a type of animal more useful to man, but wholly dependent upon him, and unable to maintain itself if thrust back into the struggle for existence with other

The civilization
to an end.

for whose continuance Plato planned came do not know why. Historians differ widely their views as to why Greece and Rome fell. But one sug-



that in their later days the inferior classes increased more rapidly than the superior ones and the general average was thereby lowered. Now it is conceivable that this may

have happened

in one of two ways. If each class reproduced then the lower classes must have reproduced faster kind, than the upper ones. This is what is assumed to have occurred by those who consider modern nations to be

threatened in a similar way. On the other hand it is possible that there was no real germinal difference between the so-called upper and the
lower classes.


classification of ancient society

may have

rested on economic rather than biological grounds and the downfall have been due to economic causes rather than to

then the more rapid reproducwas not in itself harmful that is would not have caused a lowering of its to the race, biological level, and economic causes must be sought to
racial changes.
If this is true

tion of those low in the social scale

explain the decay of ancient civilization. The question is one for historians to deal with, but its answer must be borne in mind when the fate of ancient civilizations is cited as a

warning to


belief that biological decline is occurring or is likely to


among modern

nations has given rise to the




eugenics movement. This movement was started by Francis Galton, who, adopting Darwin's theory of evokition, sought to apply it to human society. His studies of family histories had convinced him that both physical and mental traits are
largely matters of inheritance. He reasoned that the existing biological status of society could be maintained only if all

ment would

classes of society reproduced at the same rate; that improveresult if the biologically best individuals repro-

duced faster than others, but that deterioration would result if the biologically inferior individuals reproduced faster than others. He sought to devise measures which would encourage early marriage and the rearing of large families by the best and most competent members of every profession and trade. His suggestions met chiefly with ridicule at the time, but are coming now to be taken more seriously. No one can deny that our country's population is increasing fast enough, the only danger is that the biologically poorest elements in the population may increase faster than any


declining birth rate


not in

itself serious,


the differential character of its decline is serious. The most intellectual and cultured elements in the population breed
Professor Cattell says that a Harvard graduate has on the average three-fourths of a son and a Vassar graduate

one-half of a daughter. If this continues college graduates may look forward to the early extinction of their line as an element in the American population.

As elements

in the differentially declining birth-rate

(1) late


may recognize

marriages, shortening the reproductive and (2) voluntary limitation of the number of children. period Voluntary limitation occurs for a variety of reasons such as

expense, health, etc., but chiefly because of selfishness and luxury, causes which were operative in the decline of Greece and Rome as they are among modern nations.

The more complex human



given to



becomes, the less attention In a small community family

life is


dominant and the rearing and education of children are most important occupations. But as community life be-



comes more complex family life sinks into a subordinate position. The more intellectual and cultured the individual is, the more does he find outside the home to interest and
attract him.

The consequence




life suffers.


slighted or shunned altogether by those who are best qualified to be parents, and the rearing of children is left to those

considered too dull for other activities. In consequence the majority of the children produced in a cultured and progressive city population are produced by its least cultured and This is the condition which today progressive members. confronts the leading nations of the world and has given rise to the eugenics movement. If this condition is interpreted

from the standpoint

for culture

of the animal breeder, it means that the average capacity of the population for intellectual pursuits,


amounts to

for progress is bound to decline. For this selecting for breeding, not the best, but the culls

of the flock,

and every breeder knows that




of youths


a great city can in each generation import a fresh stock from the country or from foreign countries, all go well, but it is questionable whether this can continue

indefinitely. Already many of our rural New England communities are said to be running out of good human stock. For generations they have been sending their best to the cities and to the developing West. Many of those left behind are lacking in energy or ambition, perhaps also in

and a European peasant population is rapidly replacing them. Will this new population be a fit substitute for the old Anglo-Saxon stock ? Time alone will tell. If it is a sound stock which has hitherto lacked opportunity to rise in the social scale, we may now expect it to do so, opporintelligence,

tunity being offered. But if it is inherently a feeble stock, it not replace the old New England stock in supplying our cities with the bright youths whom they require but are unwill

able to produce in sufficient numbers. time of storm and which now distracts the world may at some future day decide our fitness to survive as a race.
stress like that

In England a genuine alann
the country.
is felt


as regards the character

draw from But the country population there is not only not regenerated by unmigration but is further depleted of its The consequence is best elements by foreign emigration. that a eugenics movement has there been started, which seeks to remove the indifference on the part of the best eleof its future citizens, for there as here the cities


in the population to




marriage and the rearing of chilcan be done, or whether it can be done

British eugenists are very

all is


But the


on both patriotic and Professor and Mrs. Whetham (who have religious grounds. written several books devoted to this subject) discuss primarily conditions in Great Britain. Their point of view is to some extent an aristocratic one. They recognize in the of England a genuinely and germinally hereditary aristocracy superior element of the population. The younger sons of
in earnest

and they base

their appeal

the titled families



(it is

supposed) the superior

germ-plasm but not the aristocratic titles, have frequently married into successful families of the middle class, and are believed thus to have improved the standard of the This theory sounds plausible, but an outentire nation. sider free from classprejudice might reasonably question


the English aristocracy is really a biologically superior race, how are we to account for the historical steady rise in

power and injQuence

find the great

of the


Opportunity has

always favored the aristocratic families; in spite of this we

men of the British nation usually coming from the middle class, and not from the younger sons of aristocratic families either. America's experience does not indicate that the English aristocracy is either better or worse than the
English yeomanry as a biological human stock. What little of aristocratic blood the colonies received went chiefly to
Virginia and previous to the Civil War an aristocracy of first families comparable with that of England ruled Virginia and furnished the nation with presidents and statesmen. Since



the war the presidents have come from other sections, and

seem not to have been inferior in ability to their predecessors. In some quarters it is the fashion to point to New England as the source of the really superior American stock, viz., its intellectuals, but there is no better ground for thinking the Puritan stock superior than for thinking the Cavalier stock Circumstance has had much to do with the adsuperior.


In this connection it is interesting to note the conclusions reached by Professor Cattell {Popular Science Monthly, May, 1915) from a study of
of each in influence.

the families of America's one thousand leading scientists.





men of performance could only come from superior famwould be a conclusive argument

ily lines, this

for a privileged



for a hereditary aristocracy. of

the congenital

equipment he will accomplish in life, equality of opportunity, education and social reform would be of no significance. Such an extreme position, though it is ^proached by men with so much authority as Sir Francis Galton, Professor Karl Pearson, Dr.

an individual should prescribe completely what

T. A. Woods, Dr. C. B, Davenport and Professor E. L.

Equally extreme in the opposite " Genius is in things not in direction is M. Odin's aphorism men," or the not uncommon opinion that almost anything can be done with a child by training and education. My data show that a boy born in Massachusetts or Connecticut has been fifty times as likely to become a scientific man as a boy born along the southeastern seaboard from


Georgia to Louisiana. They further show that a boy is fifty times as likely to do scientific work as a girl. No negro in this country has hitherto accomplished scientific work of

New consequence. A boy from the professional classes in a scientific leader England has a million chances to become as compared with one chance for a negro girl from the
cotton "

These great differences may properly be attributed in part natural capacity and in part to opportunity. If the 174

babies born in Massachusetts and Connecticut
leading scientific
in the south,


who became

men had been exchanged

with babies born

seems probable that few or none of them would have become scientific men. It may also be the case that few or none of the babies from the south transplanted to New England would have become scientific men, but it is
probably true that a nearly equal number of scientific men would have been reared in New England. It is certain that there would not have been 174 leading scientific men from the extreme southern states and practically none from MassaIf the stock of the southern chusetts and Connecticut.
states remains undiluted,


produce even more scientific men

tion than

as social conditions change, per thousand of its popula-

England has hitherto produced. In the first list [made in 1906] of the thousand leading scientific men, Massachusetts produced 109 and Connecticut 87 per million of their population. Of the younger men added to the list
in the second


arrangement [made in 1910] under comparable conditions, Massachusetts produced 85 and Connecticut 57. The other North Atlantic states failed in like measure, while the central states show a gain Michigan from 36 to 74, These changes must be attriMinnesota from 23 to 59, etc. buted to an altered environment, not to an altered racial

Japan had no scientific men a generation ago and China has none now, but it may be that in a few years their

contributions to science will rival ours. "A Darwin born in China in 1809 could not have

become a Darwin, nor could a Lincoln born here on the same day have become a Lincoln had there been no civil war. If the two infants had been exchanged there would have been no Darwin in America and no Lincoln in England. Darwin was a

member of a distinguished

family line possessing high natural Linability and the advantages of opportunity and wealth. coln had no parental inheritance of ability or wealth, but he too had innate capacity and the opportunity of circum-

no infants had been born with the peculiar natural constitutions of Darwin and Lincoln, men like them could

not have been


made by any
social institutions,

but none the the work they did might have been accomplished by others and perhaps their fame would have been allotted to


may have been


equal other individuals as well constituted as Lincoln, but undistinguished from lack of opportunity. It is still more probable

in natural ability to the

England other family lines Darwins and in this country

that such conditions obtain in Russia and in China, in whose " mute inglorious " graveyards there may lie innumerable

Miltons, Lincolns and Darwins.

may be suppressed by circan sometimes deal with them on equal or perhaps superior terms. Thus the writer has pointed out how widely distributed in race, age and performance are the most distinguished men who have lived. When we turn from the most eminent men to those next in rank, we may doubt whether their natural ability has not been equaled by thousands who have not attained distinction. Among the two hundred most eminent men who have lived in the history of the world are: Napoleon III, Nero, Fox, Julian,
exceptional ability

"The most

cumstances; but

Fenelon, Clive, Alberoni, Bentley and Gerson. It is quite conceivable that there are at present living in the United
States hundreds or thousands of
ability as these.



men having as great natural be a hundred thousand men and

women having

the natural and specific ability of the thouin this country who have accomplished the best

work. "President A. Lawrence Lowell has remarked that we have

a better chance of rearing eaglets from eagles' eggs placed under a hen than from hen's eggs placed in an eagle's nest. But it is equally true that we have a better chance of raising


ence between a

eaglets in a chicken coop than in an eyrie. The differman uninterested in science and a scientific

man is not that between a chicken and an eagle, but that between an untrained chicken and a trick cock. Some cockerels can be trained better than others, but there are innumerable cockerels that might be trained and are not.

son of a scientific


man may on

inherited ability which would make able circumstances twice, or ten times, or a hundred times, as likely to do good scientific work as a boy taken at random

the average have the him under equally favor-

of. advantage should be and the children of scientific determined. It surely exists, men should be numerous and well cared for. But we can do even more to increase the number of productive scientific men by proper selection from the whole community and by giving opportunity to those who are fit. Galton finds in the judges of England a notable proof of hereditary genius. It would be found to be much less in the judges of the United States. It could probably be shown by the same methods to be even

from the community.

The degree

stronger in the families conducting the leading publishing

and banking houses of England and Germany. As I write, the death is announced of Sir William White, the distinguished naval engineer, chief constructor of the British navy, president of the British Association. If his father had been chief constructor of the navy, he would have been included


Society. The fact that his father-in-law tor of the British navy throws, if only by

Galton's noteworthy families of fellows of the Royal was chief construc-


of illustration,

a light on the situation in two directions. On the one hand, the specific character of performance and degree of success are determined by family position and
privilege as well as

by physical heredity; on the other hand, determined by environment, is an importmarriage, chiefly ant factor in maintaining family lines. The often-quoted cases of the Jukes and Edwards families are more largely due to environment and intermarriage within that environment than to the persistence of the traits of one individual through " Kallikak The recently published several generations. " Family by Dr. H. H. Goddard demonstrates once again the heredity of feeble-mindedness. It would, however, have been
a stronger argument for the omnipotence of heredity if the original ancestor had left by a healthy mother illegitimate children who established prosperous lines of descent, and a



by a feeble-minded

wife who left degenerate lines of experiments have been made on a large scale which seem fairly definite even though quantitative results


cannot at present be reached. The mulattoes may be assumed to have a hevedity midway between negroes and whites, but their social environment is that of the negroes, and their performance corresponds with their social environment rather than with their heredity. Illegitimate children have perhaps a heredity as good as the average, but their performance falls far below the average. If performance were determined by heredity alone there might be expected to be among our thousand leading scientific men some forty mulattoes and some forty of illegitimate birth, whereas there is probably not one of either class. "At nearly the same time Agassiz came from abroad to Harvard and Briinnow to Michigan. We all know the list of distinguished naturalists trained under Agassiz Brooks,

Hyatt, Jordan, Lyman, Minot, Morse, Packard, Putnam, Scudder, Shaler, Verrill, Whitman, Wilder, and many more, directly and indirectly. From Michigan have come, as is not so well known, one-fourth of our most distinguished astronomers, including Abbe, Campbell, Comstock, Curtis, Doolittle. Hall, Hussey, Klotz, Leuschner, Payne, Schaeberle, Watson and Woodward. Certainly the coming of Agassiz

and Briinnow was the

productivity in America.

real cause of greatly increased scientific Some, but not all, of those who

worked under Agassiz would have become naturalists apart from his influence. The astronomers from Michigan must in the main be attributed to their environment. The men had the necessary ability, but if Briinnow had not gone to Michigan, they would not have become astronomers; if they had gone to the University of Pennsylvania, they would have been more likely to have become physicians than astronomers; if they had not gone to a university they would not have become scientific men.
is certainly satisfactory if we can attribute the inferiof scientific performance in America as compared with ority


Germany, France and Great Britain to lack

of opportunity

rather than to lesser racial ability. In Germany scientific research has been made by the university rather than the

In Great Britain also the universities have been potent, and, in addition, its leisure class has contributed greatly. Here prior to 1876 we had no university in which research work was adequately encouraged, and we have had no amateurs comparable to those of Great Britain. Professor Pickering found that of the 87 scientific men who were members of at least two foreign academies, 6 were Americans as compared with 17 from Prussia, 13 from England and 12 from France. In so far as our scientific production is so measured, the reference is to a generation ago, when our universities were only beginning to develop and research work was only beginning to be appreciated. But it is a strikreverse.

ing fact that of the six distinguished Americans, three are astronomers; and astronomy is the only science in which
thirty years ago the facilities for research work in this country were equal to those of the leading European nations. Of

and the

the remaining three, two have not been engaged in teaching, third has been practically freed from teaching for his

research work.

We may

hope that when conditions become

as favorable for other sciences as they have been for astronomy, the United States will assume leadership in scientific

productivity. "In order to answer questions such as the extent to which the scientific work accomplished in America is due to native

endowment, whether such endowment is general or specific, how far it occurs in family lines, what part of those endowed are able to prove their ability, the influence of education and example, the effects of opportunity, encouragement and rewards,

necessary to make a study of individual cases. large mass of material is at hand concerning the relatives of
it is

men who have shown scientific productivity or have attained distinction, but these data are not in order for publication and should be supplemented by answers to many


In the meanwhile the writer


say that

it is



his opinion that while

we should welcome and support a movement tending to limit the birth of feeble-minded eugenic
and defective children and encouraging the birth of those that are well endowed, it appears that under the existing conditions of knowledge, law and sentiment, we can probably
accomplish more for science, civilization and racial advance by selecting from the thirty million children of the country those having superior natural ability and character, by training them and giving them opportunity to do the work for which they are fit. We waste the mineral resources of the

country and the fertility of the soil, but our most scandalous waste is of our children, most of all of those who might be-

come men and women of performance and of genius. "Eugenics may become the most important of all applied sciences, but at present its scientific foundations must be laid by the study of comparative genetics, on the one side, and the study of human conduct, on the other. There is more immediate prospect of improving our civilization than our germplasm. It is easier to decrease or eliminate typhoid fever by hygienic measures than to attain racial immunity, although this is not equally the case for tuberculosis and still less for cancer. We can increase to any desired extent from the
existing population by proper selection and training the number of scientific workers in the United States. The

number capable of exhibiting genius is limited, but many of them are lost through lack of opportunity. It is our business,

should be our principal business, to improve our civilizaby giving opportunity to those who are fit, while at the same time investigating the conditions which will give us a

better race."

Writers on sociology have shown that human progress is largely limited and determined by the social environment and that it is even possible for social progress to occur in spite of
biological deterioration. If this idea is correct, one argument for control of human matings by the state or some other

central agency has been frequently over-emphasized.


progress does not require a constantly advancing biological



" are heirs of all inheritance at all, but a cultural one. " the ages not biologically, but only culturally. Standing on the shoulders of the last generation we see farther because we are higher up, not because we are taller.

standard in the individual. As individuals, primitive men were probably more than a match for us physically, and at least our equals mentally. As regards the standard of the individual, then, the race has not progressed. Civilization is a matter of collective achievement; it is not a biological


be kept sound but granting the situation is not so alarming as some persons seem to this, think. For the normal unperverted instincts of the average man have a distinctly eugenic trend. Cupid is a safer guide in matrimony than a licensing board. The old folks always " " make a mess of it when they interfere in the matchmaking of the young folks. This is as true in real life as in literature. Of course it is possible for young folks to make mistakes as well as for old ones, and it is necessary that those older persons who have been burned by the fire, or have

of course essential that the racial stock



from taint

of disease or racial poison,

seen others suffer in like fashion, should see that their children do not fall into the fire. For example, civilization has brought into being many perils which did not exist in a

more primitive mode of living. Of these the must be advised. Implicit trust in the guidance of the young instincts will in a civilized community lead to endless trouble.
simpler and

Sexual promiscuity has only disastrous consequences among civilized peoples and for a very simple reason, the certainty of contamination sooner or later with venereal disease, in
particular with gonorrhoea or syphilis. It is probable that Polynesians, before the advent of Europeans, were free from these diseases, and their rather
loose sexual relations, as viewed
serious racial consequences.

by our standards, had no But with the advent of Europeans all this has changed. Continued promiscuity means to them now racial extermination, as it does among Europeans.
Sexual purity

necessary with us, not merely because social




but because avoidance of loathsome

venereal disease

impossible otherwise.

This element of venereal disease has frequently been an important factor in determining the success or failure of race mixtures. European men of loose morals have frequently introduced venereal disease in race mixtures with native populations, and this will account for the poor results observed in many racial crosses. When this element is absent, racial crosses of Europeans with native peoples have been
Racial crossing

observed to produce offspring of complete vigor and fertility. among men, as among domesticated animals, is biologically beneficial within limits. The English people

were originally very mixed racially, and the same is preeminently true of Americans today. This mixture of elements not too dissimilar, provided the social heritage is not unduly disturbed, is on the whole beneficial. It results in increase of vigor and energy in the offspring, together with an increase of variability, physical and mental, which favors social
progress. It is certain that

human progress depends upon two sets of one sociological or cultural, the other biological. agencies, In this discussion we have dealt chiefly with the biological agencies. Biologically the human race can be improved only

by improvement of its germ-plasm. If acquired characters were inherited, we might hope to improve the human race
germinally by improving the environment. If as seems more probable acquired characters are not to any considerable extent inherited, then environmental agencies affect man
chiefly culturally,
cally, to

not biologically.

To change man


a different sort of animal of him, it will be to act through heredity, that is through selection necessary of parents for the next generation.


Leaving aside for the present the practical difficulties and supposing that it were possible to manage the human race like a stock farm, the choice of parents would necessarily be limited by the material available. We could select parents only for such characteristics as the human race today pos/


race with

We could not, for example,


breed a


wings, however desirable such a characteristic might seem. We are limited definitely for all time to the hand type of


there are different types and sizes of hands

a selection might be made if this were considered desirable, as for example normal hands, short-fingered hands {i. e., brachydactyl), hands with a reduced number of fingers {i. e., syndactyl), and hands with

among human beings among which

an increased number of fingers

several types of

{i. e.,




polydactyl). to be hereditary.



unusual types were superior to the normal,

heredity make them replace the reality, the normal type of hand seems on the whole to be

we might through nonnal in the race. But in

the best type, and so we have no desire to change it. The same is true as regards most human traits known to be in-

whether physical or intellectual. Our ideal is in general the normal. There are certain types of abnormality which we should be glad to see become less frequent in occurherited,

example albinism, night blindness, color-blindness, and haemophilia. A complete control of heredity would >4-render their elimination from the race possible, but it is
rence, as for

they are serious enough to call for such eliminahuman matings were wholly controllable by a tion, single central agency, which of course they are not. For in discriminating against persons possessing such minor defects as these we should be in danger of rejecting some of our



human stock which is best in regard to characteristics of much greater consequence. The independent inheritance of traits must ever be kept in mind in deciding who are desir\j^ able and who undesirable parents, weakness in one particular '^
being frequently oft'set by unusual strength in another. Those undesirable traits which are inherited in the simplest way, as Mendelian characters, are not likely to become very common in a freely intermarrying population. It is only when society becomes stratified, and class distinctions arise with
castes or families closely intermarrying, that heredity is likely to bring Mendelian recessive defects repeatedly to the sur-



Democracy is as safe a remedy against such evils as state controlled marriages would be, if they were obtainable. The most important inherited traits are probably those

which are quantitatively variable, which occur in a graded series, like bodily size and strength, mental power, and power of resisting disease. In regard to these, excellence is a matter of degree and is relative. Further no particular grade breeds true. Regression toward the normal is the universal rule. If society could be managed like a stock farm, then it would be possible to change the normal toward which regression occurs, very slowly and gradually, as for example in mental power. The average grade of intelligence could be raised by
rigid selection long continued. Possibly this has occurred in the evolution of existing races of men. If so, it has occurred unconsciously and through natural selection and probably

more from the struggle of one cultural group with another than from the struggle of one individual with another. But the modern eugenic ideal is to make a conscious selection of
parents within the group with a view to elevating the normal within the group, a thing that has not hitherto been attempted, unless in Sparta for the breeding of soldiers.

were a central directing agency which had the wisdom to control matings within the power could undoubtedly be done slowly to elegroup, something vate the general average of bodily vigor or innate mental power within the group. This could be done most rapidly by polygamy which would permit of a relatively rigid selection of sires; less rapidly under monogamy by a selection of parents among both sexes, the offspring to be cared for largely
If there

as well as the

by the

rest of the

of either of these

are they of

community. But the social consequences methods are so tremendous, so subversive individual liberty, that no modem civilized com-

munity has been willing to contemplate either of them. The whole movement of modem times is in an opposite direction.
Practically therefore, we are limited to such eugenic measures as the individual will voluntarily take in the light of present knowledge of heredity. It will do no good, but only harm, to



magnify such knowledge unduly, or to conceal its present We should extend such knowledge as rapidly limitations. as possible, but not legislate until we are very sure of our

Every young person of sound and healthy stock should look forward to marriage and family life as the completion of a normal career and incidentally as fulfilling an obligation which he owes to his country and his race. Any young person



any reason

finds himself debarred


this part

in life should fulfill the racial obligation vicariously



ing to care for

and to educate the children

of his


fortunate fellows.



By Gregor Mendel
at the ^

Meetings of the Sth February and 8th March, 1865.)

of artificial fertilisation, such as is effected with ornamental plants in order to obtain new variations in colour, has led to the experiments which will here be discussed. The striking regularity with which the same hybrid forms always reappeared whenever fertilisation took place between the same species induced further experiments to be undertaken, the object of which was to



up the developments of the hybrids in their progeny. numerous careful observers, such as Kolreuter, Gartner, Herbert, Lecoq, Wichura and others, have devoted a part


this object

of their lives with inexhaustible perseverance. Gartner especially, " in his work "Die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreiche (The Pro-

duction of Hybrids in the Vegetable Kingdom), has recorded very valuable observations; and quite recently Wichura published the results of some profound investigations into the hybrids of the Willow. That, so far, no generallj^ applicable law governing the formation and development of hybrids has been successfully formulated can hardly be wondered at by anyone who is acquainted with the extent of the task, and can appreciate the difficulties with

which experiments of this class have to contend. A final decision can only be arrived at when we shall have before us the results of detailed experiments made on plants belonging to the most diverse

Those who survey the work done

at the conviction that

in this


will arrive

the numerous experiments made, among not one has been carried out to such an extent and in such a way as

made by the Royal Horticultural Society of London, and by permission of tlie Council of the Society, with footnotes added and minor changes suggested by Professor W. Bateson, enclosed within ]. The original paper was published in the Verk. naturf. Ver. in Brunn, Abhandlungen, iv. 1865,
This translation was


which appeared

in 1866.




make it possible to determine the number of different forms under which the offspring of hybrids appear, or to arrange these forms with certainty according to their separate generations, or
definitely to ascertain their statistical relations.^ It requires indeed some courage to undertake a labour of such far-reaching extent; this appears, however, to be the only right way by which we can finally reach the solution of a question the impor-

tance of which cannot be overestimated in coimection with the

history of the evolution of organic forms. The paper now presented records the results of such a detailed

This experiment was practically confined to a small and is now, after eight years' pursuit, concluded in all plant group, essentials. Whether the plan upon which the separate experiments were conducted and carried out was the best suited to attain the desired end is left to the friendly decision of the reader.

Selection of the Experimental Plants

fitness of the material to the

any experiment are determined by the purpose for which it is used, and thus in the case before us it cannot be immaterial what plants are subjected to experiment and in what manner such experiments
utility of

The value and

are conducted.
of this kind

The selection of the plant group which shall serve for experiments must be made with all possible care if it be desired to

avoid from the outset every risk of questionable results.

plants must necessarily Possess constant differentiating characters. 2. The hybrids of such plants must, during the flowering period, be protected from the influence of all foreign poUen, or be easily

The experimental

capable of such protection.

The hybrids and their offspring should suffer no marked disturbance in their fertility in the successive generations. Accidental impregnation by foreign pollen, if it occurred during the experiments and were not recognized, would lead to entirely erroneous conclusions. Reduced fertility or entire sterility of certain forms, such as occurs in the offspring of many hybrids, would render the experiments very difficult or entirely frustrate them. In

[It is

success of Mendel's

to the clear conception of these three primary necessities that the whole work is due. So far as I know this conception was absolutely


in his day.]



order to discover the relations in which the hybrid forms stand towards each other and also towards their progenitors it appears to be necessarj^ that all members of the series developed in each
successive generation should be, without exception, subjected to observation. At the very outset special attention was devoted to the Legu-

minosae on account of their peculiar floral structure. Experiments which were made with several members of this family led to the result that the genus Pisum was found to possess the necessaiy

Some thoroughly

distinct forms of this genus possess characters

which are constant, and easily and certainly recognizable, and when their hybrids are mutually crossed they yield perfectly fertile Furthermore, a disturbance through foreign pollen progeny.
cannot easily occur, since the fertilising organs are closely packed inside the keel and the anther bursts within the bud, so that the stigma becomes covered with pollen even before the flower opens. This circumstance is of especial importance. As additional advantages worth mentioning, there may be cited the easy culture of these
plants in the open ground and in pots, and also their relatively short

period of gro\^i:h. Artificial fertilisation is certainly a somewhat elaborate process, but nearly always succeeds. For this purpose the bud is opened before it is perfectly developed, the keel is removed, and each stamen carefully extracted by means of forceps,

which the stigma can at once be dusted over with the foreign


In all, thirty-four more or less distinct varieties of Peas were obtained from several seedsmen and subjected to a two years' trial. In the case of one variety there were noticed, among a larger number of plants all alike, a few forms which were markedly different. These, however, did not vary in the following year, and agreed entirely with another variety obtained from the same seedsman; the seeds were therefore doubtless merely accidentally mixed. All the
other varieties yielded perfectly constant and similar offspring; at any rate, no essential difference was observed during two trial years.



during the whole period of the experiments. constant without any exception.

twenty-two of these were selected and cultivated They remained

Their systematic classification is difficult and uncertain. If we adopt the strictest definition of a species, according to which only



those individuals belong to a species which under precisely the same circumstances display precisely similar characters, no two of
these varieties could be referred to one species. According to the opinion of experts, however, the majority belong to the species

Pisum sativum; while the rest are regarded and classed, some as sub-species of P. sativum, and some as independent species, such as P. quadratum, P. saccharatum, and P. umbellatum. The positions, however, which may be assigned to them in a classificatory system
are quite immaterial for the purposes of the experiments in question. It has so far been found to be just as impossible to draw a

sharp line between the hybrids of species and varieties as between species and varieties themselves.

Division and Arrangement of the Experiments

If two plants which differ constantly in one or several characters be crossed, numerous experiments have demonstrated that the common characters are transmitted unchanged to the hybrids and their progeny; but each pair of differentiating characters, on the

other hand, unite in the hybrid to form a new character, which in the progeny of the hybrid is usually variable. The object of the experiment was to observe these variations in the case of each pair
of differentiating characters, and to deduce the which they appear in the successive generations.

resolves itself therefore into just as


law according to The experiment separate experiments as

there are constantly differentiating characters presented in the

experimental plants. The various forms of Peas selected for crossing showed differences in the length and colour of the stem; in the size and form of the leaves; in the position, colour, and size of the flowers; in the length of the flower stalk; in the colour, form, and size of the pods in the

form and size of the seeds; and in the colour of the seed-coats and of the albumen [cotyledons]. Some of the characters noted do not
permit of a sharp and certain separation, since the difference " "

of a

more or


nature, which


often difficult to define.


characters could not be utilised for the separate experiments these could only be applied to characters which stand out clearly and

definitely in the plants. Lastly, the result must show whether they, in their entirety, observe a regular behaviour in their hybrid unions,

and whether from these

facts any conclusion can be come to regarding those characters which possess a subordinate significance in the type.



The characters which were selected for experiment relate: These are eithet 1. To the difference in tlieform of the ripe seeds.
round or roundish, the depressions, if any, occur on the surface, being always only shallow; or they are irregularly angular and deeply wrinkled (P. quadratum).

To the difference in

the colour of the seed


albumen (endosperm) .^

The albumen

of the ripe seeds


and orange coloured, or

either pale yellow, bright yellow possesses a more or less intense green

is easily seen in the seeds as [ = if] their coats are transparent. 3. To the difference in the colour of the seed-coat. This is either

This difference of colour

white, with which character white flowers are constantly correlated; or it is grey, grey-brown, leather-brown, with or without violet spotting, in which case the colour of the standards is violet,

that of the wings purple, and the stem in the axils of the leaves is of a reddish tint. The grey seed-coats become dark brown in boiling
4. To the difference in the form of the ripe pods. These are either simply inflated, not contracted in places; or they are deeply constricted between the seeds and more or less wrinkled (P.

saccharatum) 5. To the difference in the colour of the unripe pods. They are either light to dark green, or vividly yellow, in which colouring the

stalks, leaf- veins,


and calyx


To the difference in
is, is,

the position of the flowers.


are either

axial, that

minal, that
in a false

distributed along the main stem; or they are terbunched at the top of the stem and arranged almost

umbel; in this case the upper part of the stem widened in section (P. umbellatum) .^

more or




the difference in the length of the stem. The length of the very various in some forms; it is, however, a constant

" " " " albumen and endosperm somewhat loosely to [Mendel uses the terms denote the cotyledons, containing food-material, within the seed.]

One species possesses a beautifully brownish-red coloured pod, which when ripening turns to violet and blue. Trials with this character were only begun last year. [Of these further experiments it seems no account was published. Correns has


worked with such a




often called the





slight fasciation.

The form

has white stan<lard and salmon-red wings.] [In my account of these experiments {li.H.8. Journal, vol. xxv. p. 54) I mis" '* understood this paragraph and took axis to mean the floral axis, instead of the




character for each, in so far that healthy plants, grown in the same soil, are only subject to unimportant variations in this character. In experiments with this character, in order to be able to dis-

criminate with certainty, the long axis of 6 to 7 crossed with the short one of f ft. to 1| ft.


was always

Each two

of the differentiating characters


were united by

enumerated above There were made for the

on 15
" " "

1st trial 60 fertilisations



" "


" "

10 5


" " "


23 34 37

" " "

" "



From a larger number of plants of the same variety only the most
afford vigorous were chosen for fertilisation. Weakly plants always uncertain results, because even in the first generation of hybrids, and still more so in the subsequent ones, many of the offspring

either entirely fail to flower or only form a few and inferior seeds. Furthermore, in all the experiments reciprocal crossings were
effected in such a


that each of the two varieties which in one

set of fertilisation served as seed-bearer in the other set

was used

as the pollen plant.

and plants were grown in garden beds, a few also in pots, means of were maintained in their naturally upright position by each sticks, branches of trees, and strings stretched between. For


experiment a number of pot plants were placed during the blooming for the main period in a greenhouse, to serve as control plants
insects. experiment in the open as regards possible disturbance by ^ the beetle Bruchus pisi might Among the insects which visit Peas be detrimental to the experiments should it appear in numbers. The female of this species is known to lay the eggs in the flower,

and in so doing opens the keel; upon the tarsi of one specimen, which was caught in a flower, some pollen grains could clearly be seen under a lens. Mention must also be made of a circumstance

axis of the plant.



by a dash

I carelessly

unit of measurement, being indicated in the original took to have been an inch, but the translation here given

evidently correct.]

1 is made of Thrips, which swarm in [It is somewhat surprising that no mention Pea flowers. I had come to the conclusion that this is a real source of error and I see Laxton held the same opinion.l



which possibly might lead to the introduction of foreign pollen. It occurs, for instance, in some rare cases that certain parts of an
otherwise quite normally developed flower wither, resulting in a partial exposure of the fertilising organs. A defective development

owing to which the stigma and anthers remained partially uncovered.^ It also sometimes happens that the pollen does not reach full perfection. In this event there occurs a gradual lengthening of the pistil during the blooming period, until the stigmatic tip protrudes at the point of the keel. This remarkable appearance has also been observed in hybrids of Phaseolus and Lathyrus.

of the keel has also been observed,

The risk of false impregnation by foreign pollen is, however, a very slight one with Pisum, and is quite incapable of disturbing the general result. Among more than 10,000 plants which were carefully examined there were only a very few cases where an indubitable false impregnation had occurred. Since in the greenhouse such a case was never remarked, it may well be supposed that



floral structure,

and possibly also the described abnormalities were to blame.

in the


The Forms of the Hybrids ^

Experiments which in previous years were made with ornamental plants have already afforded evidence that the hybrids, as a rule, are not exactly intermediate between the parental species. With some of the more striking characters, those, for instance, which relate to the form and size of the leaves, the pubescence of the
several parts, &c., the intermediate, indeed, is nearly always to be seen; in other cases, however, one of the two parental characters

so preponderant that it is difficult, or quite impossible, to detect the other in the hybrid. This is precisely the case with the Pea hybrids. In the case of each of the seven crosses the hybrid-character resembles ^ that of

one of the parental forms so closely that the other either escapes
[This also happens in Sweet Peas.] " [Mendel throughout speaks of his cross-bred Peas as hybrids," a term which restrict to the oflFspring of two distinct species. He, as he explains, held this many
^ ^

to be only a question of degree.]

[Note that Mendel, with true penetration, avoids speaking of the hybrid" " transmitted by either parent, thus escaping the error pervading the older views of heredity.)
character as




observation completely or cannot he detected with certainty. This circumstance is of great importance in the determination and classification of the forms under which the offspring of the hybrids characters which are transappear. Henceforth in this paper those in the hybridisation, and theremitted entire, or almost unchanged fore in themselves constitute the characters of the hybrid, are

termed the dominant, and those which become latent in the process " " has been chosen because the recessive recessive. The expression withdraw or entirely disappear in characters thereby designated
the hybrids, but nevertheless reappear unchanged in their progeny,
as will be demonstrated later on.

was furthermore shown by the whole of the experiments that it the dominant character belongs to perfectly immaterial whether the seed-bearer or to the pollen-parent; the form of the hybrid remains identical in both cases. This interesting fact was also by Gartner, with the remark that even the most


to determine in a hybrid which practised expert is not in a position of the two parental species was the seed or the pollen plant.^ Of the differentiating characters which were used in the experi-

ments the following are dominant: 1. The round or roundish form

shallow^ depressions.

of the seed with or without


The yellow colouring of the seed albumen [cotyledons]. The grey, grey-brown, or leather-brown colour of the


coat, in association with violet-red

blossoms and reddish spots

the leaf


The simply inflated form of the pod. The green colouring of the unripe pod
colour in the stems, the leaf-veins

in association

with the


and the


The distribution of the flowers along the stem. 7. The greater length of stem. With regard to this last character it must be stated that the exceeded by the hybrid, longer of the two parental stems is usually
to the greater luxuriance possibly only attributable in all parts of plants when stems of very different which appears in repeated experiments, length are crossed. Thus, for instance, stems of 1 ft. and 6 ft. in length yielded without exception hybrids which varied in length between 6 ft. and 7^ ft.

a fact which


[Gartner, p. 223.]

The hybrid
more spotted, and the spots sometimes coalesce


seeds in the experiments with seed-coat are often into small bluish-

violet patches. The spotting also frequently appears absent as a parental character.^

even when


The hybrid forms

of the seed-shape

and of the albumen


are developed immediately after the artificial fertilisation by the mere influence of the foreign pollen. They can, therefore, be observed even in the first year of experiment, whilst all the other

characters naturally only appear in the following year in such plants as have been raised from the crossed seed.


The Generation


from the Hybrids

In this generation there reappear, together with the dominant characters, also the recessive ones with their peculiarities fully
developed, and this occurs in the definitely expressed average proportion of three to one, so that among each four plants of this generation three display the dominant character and one the
recessive. This relates without exception to all the characters which were investigated in the experiments. The angular wrinkled form of the seed, the green colour of the albumen, the white colour of the seed-coats and the flowers, the constrictions of the pods, the

yellow colour of the unripe pod, of the stalk, of the calyx, and of the leaf venation, the umbel-like form of the inflorescence, and the

dwarfed stem, all reappear in the numerical proportion given, without any essential alteration. Transitional forms were not
observed in

any experiment. Since the hybrids resulting from reciprocal crosses are formed

and present no appreciable difference in their subsequent development, consequently the results [of the reciprocal crosses] can be reckoned together in each experiment. The relative numbers which were obtained for each pair of differentiating characters

are as follows

From 253 hybrids 7,324 seeds were Expt. 1. Form of seed, obtained in the second trial year. Among them were 5,474 round or roundish ones and 1,850 angular wrinkled ones. Therefrom the
ratio 2.96 to



deduced. Colour of albumen.

1 is

258 plants yielded 8,023 seeds,


6,022 yellow, and 2,001 green; their ratio, therefore,


as 3.01 to 1.

[This refers to the coats of the seeds borne

by Fi





In these two experiments each pod yielded usually both kinds of In well-developed pods which contained on the average six

to nine seeds,

often happened that


the seeds were round

yellow (Expt. 2); on the other hand there were never observed more than five wrinkled or five green ones in one
(Expt. 1) or

It appears to make no difference whether the pods are developed early or later in the hybrid or whether they spring from the main axis or from a lateral one. In some few plants only a few


seeds developed in the first formed pods, and these possessed exclusively one of the two characters, but in the subsequently developed

pods the normal proportions were maintained nevertheless.


in separate pods, so did the distribution of the characters


in separate plants. By way of illustration the first ten individuals from both series of experiments may serve.



also confined to the individual

not inherited by

the offspring. In luxuriant plants this appearance was frequently noted. Seeds which are damaged by insects during their develop-

ment often vary

in colour

and form, but, with a



practice in

sorting, errors are easily avoided.

almost superfluous to men-

tion that the pods must remain on the plants until they are thoroughly ripened and have become dried, since it is only then that the shape and colour of the seed are fully developed. Expt. 3. Colour of the seed-coats. Among 929 plants 705 bore violet-red flowers and grey-brown seed-coats; 224 had white flowers and white seed-coats, giving the proportion 3.15 to 1.




of pods.

Of 1,181 plants 882 had them simply

Resulting ratio,


in 299

they were constricted.

2.95 to


plants was 580,

Colour of the unripe pods. The number of trial of which 428 had green pods and 152 yellow ones. Consequently these stand in the ratio 2.82 to 1. Position of flowers. Expt. 6. Among 858 cases 651 had inflorescences axial and 207 terminal. Ratio, 3.14 to 1.

Out of 1,064 plants, in 787 cases Expt. 7. Length of stem. the stem was long, and in 277 short. Hence a mutual ratio of 2.84

In this experiment the dwarfed plants were carefully


and transferred to a special bed. This precaution was necessary, as otherwise they would have perished through being overgrown by their tall relatives. Even in their quite young state they can be easily picked out by their compact growth and thick dark-green


together, there

the results of the whole of the experiments be brought is found, as between the number of forms with the
ratio of 2.98 to 1,

dominant and recessive characters, an average

or 3 to

The dominant

character can have here a double signification

that of a parental character, or a hybrid-character.^ In which of the two significations it appears in each separate case can only be determined by the following generation. As a parental character


must pass over unchanged to the whole of the

" "

offspring; as

is true also of the dwarf or Cupid Sweet Peas.] [This paragraph presents the view of the hybrid-character as something inci" " dental to the hybrid, and not transmitted to it a true and fundamental


conception here expressed probably for the





a hybrid-character, on the other hand, it must maintain the same behaviour as in the first generation [F2].

The Second Generation


from the Hybrids

sive character

Those forms which in the first generation [F2] exhibit the recesdo not further vary in the second generation [F3] as

regards this character; they remain constant in their offspring. It is otherwise with those which possess the dominant character in the first generation [bred from the hybrids]. Of these ^M'o-thirds
yield offspring which display the acters in the proportion of 3 to 1,

dominant and recessive charand thereby show exactly the

same ratio as the hybrid forms, while only one-third remains with the dominant character constant.


separate experiments yielded the following results:

Expt. 1. Among 565 plants which were raised from round seeds of the first generation, 193 yielded round seeds only, and remained therefore constant in this character; 372, however, gave

both round and wrinkled seeds, in the proportion of 3 to 1. The number of the hybrids, therefore, as compared with the constants

1.93 to




Of 519 plants which were raised from seeds whose

of yellow colour in the first generation, 166 yielded exclusively yellow, while 353 yielded yellow and green seeds in the proportion of 3 to 1. There resulted, therefore, a division into

albumen was

hybrid and constant forms in the proportion of 2.13 to 1. For each separate trial in the following experiments 100 plants were selected which displayed the dominant character in the first generation, and in order to ascertain the significance of this, ten
seeds of each were cultivated.



3. The offspring of 36 plants yielded exclusively greyseed-coats, while of the offspring of 64 plants some had

grey-brown and some had white. Expt. 4. The offspring of 29 plants had only simply inflated pods; of the offspring of 71, on the other hand, some had inflated and some constricted.

The offspring of 40 plants had only green pods; of the of 60 plants some had green, some yellow ones. offspring

Expt. 6. The offspring of 33 plants had only axial' flowers; of the offspring of 67, on the other hand, some had axial and some
terminal flowers.



offspring of 28 plants inherited the long axis, and those of 72 plants some the long and some the short axis. In each of these experiments a certain number of the plants came


constant with the dominant character. For the determination of the proportion in which the separation of the forms with the con-

experiments are stantly persistent character results, the two of especial importance, since in these a larger number of plants can be compared. The ratios 1.93 to 1 and 2.13 to 1 gave together

almost exactly the average ratio of 2 to 1. The sixth experiment gave a quite concordant result in the others the ratio varies more or less, as was only to be expected in view of the smaller number of 100 trial plants. Experiment 5, which shows the greatest depar;


of 65

was repeated, and then, in lieu of the ratio of 60 and 40, that and 35 resulted. The average ratio of Q to I appears, therefore,

as fixed with certainty.

therefore demonstrated that, of those

forms which possess the dominant character in the first generation, two-thirds have the hybrid-character, while one-third remains
constant with the dominant character. The ratio of 3 to 1, in accordance with which the distribution of the dominant and recessive characters results in the first genera-

experiments into the ratio of the dominant character be differentiated according to its Since the significance as a hybrid-character or as a parental one. members of the first generation [F2] spring directly from the seed
tion, resolves itself therefore in all


of the hybrids [Fi], it is now clear that the hybrids form seeds having one or other of the two differentiating characters, and of these one-half which develop again the hybrid form, while the other half yield plants

remain constant and

receive the

dominant or

the recessive characters

[respectively] in equal numbers.

The Subsequent Generations

The proportions


from the Hybrids


in the first

good for

which the descendants of the hybrids develop and second generations presumably hold subsequent progeny. Experiments 1 and 2 have

already been carried through six generations, 3 and 7 through five, and 4, 5, and 6 through four, these experiments being continued from the third generation with a small number of plants, and no

departure from the rule has been perceptible. The offspring of the hybrids separated in each generation in the ratio of 2:1:1 into hybrids and constant forms.


be taken as denoting one of the two constant characters, for Aa the hybrid form in

instance the dominant, a, the recessive, and which both are conjoined, the expression

shows the terms in the
differentiating characters.



series for

the progeny of the hybrids of two

The observation made by Gartner, Kolreuter, and others, that hybrids are incHned to revert to the parental forms, is also confirmed by the experiments described. It is seen that the number of the hybrids which arise from one fertilisation, as compared with the
number of forms which become constant, and their progeny from generation to generation, is continually diminishing, but that nevertheless they could not entirely disappear. If an average
all plants in all generations be assumed, and each hybrid forms seed of which one-half yields if, furthermore, hybrids again, while the other half is constant to both characters in equal proportions, the ratio of numbers for the offspring in each generation is seen by the following summary, in which A and a

equality of fertility in

denote again the two parental characters, and Aa the hybrid forms. For brevity's sake it may be assumed that each plant in each
generation furnishes only 4 seeds.

in ascertaining


whether the law of development discovered in these

applied to each pair of differentiating characters when several diverse characters are united in the hybrid by crossing. As regards the form of the hybrids in these cases, the experiments showed

throughout that this invariably more nearly approaches to that one two parental plants which possesses the greater number of dominant characters. If, for instance, the seed plant has a short stem, terminal white flowers, and simply inflated pods; the pollen plant, on the other hand, a long stem, violet-red flowers distributed
of the

along the stem, and constricted pods; the hybrid resembles the seed parent only in the form of the pod in the other characters it

agrees with the pollen parent. Should one of the two parental types possess only dominant characters, then the hybrid is scarcely or not at all distinguishable from it.

experiments were made with a considerable number of plants. In the first experiment the parental plants differed in the form of the seed and in the colour of the albumen; in the second in the form of the seed, in the colour of the albumen, and in the
colour of the seed-coats.


Experiments with seed characters give the result in the simplest and most certain way. In order to facilitate study of the data in these experiments, the different characters of the seed plant will be indicated by ^, B, C,
h, c,

those of the pollen plant by a, characters by Aa, Bb, and Cc.

and the hybrid forms of the



AB, seed parents;

Af form round; B, albumen yellow.

ab, pollen parents;


form wrinkled; albumen green.


appeared round and yellow like those of the plants raised therefrom yielded seeds of four which frequently presented themselves in one pod. In all, sorts, 556 seeds were yielded by 15 plants, and of these there were:
fertilised seeds

seed parents.


315 round and yellow, 101 wrinkled and yellow,

108 round and green, 32 wrinkled and green.
it is


very unlikely that Mendel could have had seven pairs of varieties such that the of each pair differed from each other in cnhj one consitlerable character

The point is probably of little theoretical or practical (wesentliches Merkmal). " ivesenUich." ] consequence, but a rather heavy stress is thrown on

All were


sown the following year. Eleven of the round yellow seeds did not yield plants, and three plants did not form seeds. Among the rest:
38 had round yellow seeds 65 round yellow and green seeds 60 round yellow and wrinkled yellow seeds 138 round yellow and green, wrinkled yellow and
green seeds


.... AaB


the wrinkled yellow seeds 96 resulting plants bore seed, of


28 had only wrinkled yellow seeds 68 wrinkled yellow and green seeds


From 108 round

green seeds 102 resulting plants fruited, of which:

35 had only round green seeds 67 round and wrinkled green seeds


The wrinkled green

like character;

seeds yielded 30 plants which bore seeds


they remained constant ab. The offspring of the hybrids appeared therefore under nine When different forms, some of them in very unequal numbers. these are collected and co-ordinated we find

38 plants with the sign 35




it is

and behaves exactly as do the hybrids from which

If the numbers in which the forms belonging to these classes appear be compared, the ratios of 1, 2, 4 are unmistakably evident. The numbers 32, 65, 138 present very fair approximations to the



of 33, 66, 132.

series consists, therefore, of nine classes, of

The developmental

which four appear therein always once and are constant in both characters; the forms AB, ah, resemble the parental forms, the two other present combinations between the conjoined characters
a, B, b, which combinations are likewise possibly constant. Four classes appear always twice, and are constant in one character and hybrid in the other. One class appears four times, and is


hybrid in both characters. Consequently the offspring of the if two kinds of differentiating characters are combined hybrids,
therein, are represented

by the expression

AB-{-Ab-\- aB +
This expression


2ABb + 2aBb + 2AaB + 2Aab + 4AaBb.


two expressions

for the characters

indisputably a combination series in which the A and a, B and 6 are combined.


arrive at the full


of the classes of the series


by the

combination of the expressions

A + 2Aa + a B -\^%Bb + b.


seed parents;

abc, pollen parents;


A, form round;
B, albumen yellow; C, seed-coat grey-brown.

form wrinkled; albumen green;

seed-coat white.

This experiment was made in precisely the same way as the Among all the experiments it demanded the most time and trouble. From 24 hybrids 687 seeds were obtained in all:
previous one.
these were

either spotted, grey-brown or grey-green,

round or

these in the following year 639 plants fruited, and, as further investigation showed, there were among them


this case; for as the coats

[Note that Mendel does not state the cotyledon-colour of the first crosses in were thick, it could not have been seen without opening or

peeling the seeds.]




twos and threes were united as hybrids: all yielded approximately the same results. There is therefore no doubt that for the whole
of the characters involved in the experiments the principle applies that the offspring of the hybrids in ivhich several essentially different
characters are combined exhibit the terms of a series of combinations, in which the developmental series for each pair of differentiating characters are united. It is demonstrated at the same time that the
relation of each pair of different characters in hybrid


is inde-

pendent of the other differences in the two original parental stocks. If n represents the number of the differentiating characters in the


original stocks, 3" gives the number of terms of the combination series, 4" the number of individuals which belong to the series,


2" the


of unions

which remain constant.



therefore contains,

81 classes, 4* = or, which is the same, among each 256 offspring of the hybrids there are 81 different combinations, 16 of which are constant.
All constant combinations which in Peas are possible by the combination of the said seven differentiating characters were actually obtained by repeated crossing. Their number is given by

the original stocks differ in four characters, 256 individuals, and 2^ = 16 constant forms;




that the constant characters

simultaneously given the practical proof which appear in the several varieties of a
laws of combination, by means of

group of plants


be obtained in all the associations ivhich are pos-

sible according to the [mathematical]

repeated artificial fertilisation.

As regards the flowering time

of the hybrids, the experiments are

not yet concluded. It can, however, already be stated that the time stands almost exactly between those of the seed and pollen parents, and that the constitution of the hybrids with respect to
this character



the rule ascertained in the case of

are selected for experiments twenty days from the

the other characters.

of this class

The forms which

must have a

difference of at least

middle flowering period of one to that of the other; furthermore, the seeds when sown must all be placed at the same depth in the earth, so that they may germinate simultaneously. Also, during the whole flowering period, the more important variations in temperature must be taken into account, and the partial hastening or delaying of the flowering which may result therefrom. It is clear
that this experiment presents
necessitates great attention.


difficulties to

be overcome and


we endeavour
to collate in a brief form the results arrived at,


find that those differentiating characters, which admit of easy and certain recognition in the experimental plants, all behave

exactly alike in their hybrid associations. The offspring of the hybrids of each pair of differentiating characters are, one-half, hybrid again, while the other half are constant in equal proportions

having the characters of the seed and pollen parents respectively.

If several differentiating characters are

combined by


sation in a hybrid, the resulting offspring form the terms of a combination series in which the combination series for each pair of
differentiating characters are united. The uniformity of behaviour shown

by the whole

of the char-

acters submitted to experiment permits, and fully justifies, the acceptance of the principle that a similar relation exists in the other

characters which appear less sharply defined in plants, and therefore could not be included in the separate experiments. An experiment with peduncles of different lengths gave on the whole a fairly
satisfactory result, although the differentiation and serial arrangement of the forms could not be effected with that certainty which

indispensable for correct experiment.

The Reproductive Cells of the Hybrids

The results of the previously described experiments led to further
experiments, the results of which appear fitted to afford some conclusions as regards the composition of the egg and pollen cells of hybrids. An important clue is afforded in Pisum by the circum-

stance that


the progeny of the hybrids constant forms

appear, and that

this occurs, too, in respect of all

combinations of

So far as experience goes, we find it in every case confirmed that constant progeny can only be formed when the egg cells and the fertilising pollen are of like character, so that both are provided with the material for creating quite similar individuals, as is the case with the normal fertilisation of pure
the associated characters.


We must therefore regard it as certain that exactly similar must be at work also in the production of the constant forms


in the hybrid plants. Since the various constant forms are proin one plant, or even in 07ie flower of a plant, the conclusion

appears logical that in the ovaries of the hybrids there are formed many sorts of egg cells, and in the anthers as many sorts of


as there are possible constant combination forms,




that these egg and pollen cells agree in their internal composition with those of the separate forms.

In point of fact
this hypothesis

it is


possible to demonstrate theoretically that fully suffice to account for the development

were formed in the hybrids on the average in equal numbers.^ In order to bring these assumptions to an experimental proof, the following experiments were designed. Two forms which were constantly different in the form of the seed and the colour of the albumen were united by fertilisation.

of the hybrids in the separate generations, if time assume that the various kinds of egg

we might

at the


and pollen

If the differentiating characters are

a, b,

again indicated as A, B,

we have


seed parent;

ab, pollen parent;


A, form round;
B, albumen yellow.

form wrinkled; albumen green.

The artificially fertilised seeds were sown together with several seeds of both original stocks, and the most vigorous examples were chosen for the reciprocal crossing. There were fertilised:


The hybrids with The hybrids "

the pollen of



" "


" "



the hybrids. the hybrids.

For each of these four experiments the whole of the flowers on

three plants were fertilised. If the above theory be correct, there must be developed on the hybrids egg and pollen cells of the forms AB, Ab, aB, ab, and there would be combined:



The The The The

egg egg egg egg

cells cells cells

AB, Ab, aB, AB, Ab, aB,

ab with the pollen cells AB. ab with the pollen cells ab.

AB with the pollen cells AB, Ab, aB, ab.

ab with the pollen

AB, Ab, aB,


From each

of these experiments there could then result only the

following forms:

AB, ABb, AaB, AaBb.

AaBb, Aab, aBb,

3. 4.

AB, ABb, AaB, AaBb.

AaBb, Aab, aBb,
of the




and the preceding paragraph contain the essence


principles of heredity.]


furthermore, the several forms of the egg and pollen
in equal
cells of*

the hybrids were produced on an average

numbers, then

in each experiment the said four combinations should stand in the same ratio to each other. A perfect agreement in the numerical relations was, however, not to be expected, since in each fertilisa-

even in normal cases, some egg cells remain undeveloped or well-formed seeds fail to subsequently die, and many even of the when sown. The above assumption is also limited in so germinate far that, while it demands the formation of an equal number of the various sorts of egg and pollen cells, it does not require that this should apply to each separate hybrid with mathematical exactness.

and second experiments had primarily the object of the composition of the hybrid egg cells, while the third and proving fourth experiments were to decide that of the pollen cells.^ As is shown by the above demonstration the first and third experiments and the second and fourth experiments should produce precisely



the same combinations, and even in the second year the result should be partially visible in the form and colour of the artificially In the first and third experiments the dominant fertilised seed.
characters of form and colour, A and B, appear in each union, and are also partly constant and partly in hybrid union with the reces-

and b, for which reason they must impress their whole of the seeds. All seeds should therefore peculiarity upon the be justified. In the second appear round and yellow, if the theory and fourth experiments, on the other hand, one union is hybrid in form and in colour, and consequently the seeds are round and but constant in the recessive yellow; another is hybrid in form, seeds are round and green; the character of colour, whence the third is constant in the recessive character of form but hybrid in the fourth colour, consequently the seeds are wrinkled and yellow;
sive characters a

constant in both recessive characters, so that the seeds are wrinkled and green. In both these experiments there were conseis

viz. round and yellow, quently four sorts of seed to be expected wrinkled and yellow, wrinkled and green. round and green,

The crop


these expectations perfectly.

There were

obtained in the


Experiment, 98 exclusively round yellow seeds; " 94

differentiated, and not one or [To prove, namely, that both were similarly

other only.]



In the 2d Experiment, 31 round and yellow, 26 round and green, 27 wrinkled and yellow, 26 wrinkled and green seeds. In the 4th Experiment, 24 round and yellow, 25 round and green, 22 wrinkled and yellow, 26 wrinkled and green seeds. There could scarcely be now any doubt of the success of the
experiment; the next generation must afford the final proof. From the seed sown there resulted for the first experiment 90 plants, and for the third 87 plants which fruited: these yielded
for the


3rd Exp.



23 25 22



round yellow seeds round yellow and green seeds round and wrinkled yellow seeds round and wrinkled green and yellow seeds




seeds yielded plants with round


In the second and fourth experiments the round and yellow and wrinkled yellow and green


the round green seeds, plants resulted with round and wrinkled green seeds, Aab. The wrinkled yellow seeds gave plants with wrinkled yellow and green seeds, aBb.


From the wrinkled green seeds plants were raised which yielded again only wrinkled and green seeds, ab. Although in these two experiments likewise some seeds did not germinate, the figures arrived at already in the previous year were
not affected thereby, since each kind of seed gave plants which, as regards their seed, were like each other and different from the

There resulted therefore from the

2d Exp.
4th Exp.



plants of the form

Aab aBb



" "


22 27


" "

" "

In all the experiments, therefore, there appeared all the forms which the proposed theorj^ demands, and they came in nearly equal numbers. In a further experiment the characters of flower-colour and length of stem were experimented upon, and selection was so made
that in the third year of the experiment each character ought to appear in half of all the plants if the above theory were correct. A, B, a, b serve again as indicating the various characters.

A, violet-red
B, axis long.


white flowers.
axis short.

fertilised with ab, which produced the hybrid Furthermore, aB was also fertilised with ab, whence the hybrid aBb. In the second year, for further fertilisation, the hybrid Aab was used as seed parent, and hybrid aBb as pollen parent.

The form Ab was


Seed parent, Aab. Possible egg cells, Ab,ab.

Pollen parent, aBb.



the fertilisation between the possible egg and pollen four combinations should result, viz.,




+ Aab +


From this it is perceived that, according to the above theory, in the third year of the experiment out of all the plants
Half should have violet-red flowers {Ad), " " " white flowers (a) " " a long axis {Bb) " " " a short axis (6)
" 2,

3 4



45 fertilisations of the second year 187 seeds resulted, of

which only 166 reached the flowering stage in the third year. Among these the separate classes appeared in the numbers following:

Color of flower



short short

47 times 40 38
" " "

2 3 4



There subsequently appeared



violet-red flower-colour {Aa) in 85 plants. " " " in 81 (a)

" "

long stem short "


{Bb) in 87

" "



The theory adduced


therefore satisfactorily confirmed in this

For the characters of form of pod, colour of pod, and position of flowers, experiments were also made on a small scale, and results obtained in perfect agreement. All combinations which were posthrough the union of the differentiating characters duly appeared, and in nearly equal numbers.

Experimentally, therefore, the theory
hybrids form egg and 'pollen cells which, in in equal numbers all constant forms which
of the characters united in fertilisation


confirmed that the pea


their constitution, represent

result from the

The difference of the forms among the progeny of the hybrids, as well as the respective ratios of the numbers in which they are observed, find a sufficient explanation in the principle above


simplest case



by the developmental
This series


of each pair of differentiating characters. ^Aa sented by the expression a, in




and a

the forms with constant differentiating characters, and Aa the hybrid form of both. It includes in three different classes four

In the formation of these, pollen and egg cells of the form A and a take part on the average equally in the fertilisation; hence each form [occurs] twice, since four individuals are formed. There participate consequently in the fertilisation

The pollen cells The egg cells A

It remains, therefore, purely a sorts of pollen will








matter of chance which of the two


become united with each separate egg

According, however, to the law of probability, it will always happen, on the average of many cases, that each pollen form, A and a,
will unite equally often

with each egg cell form, A and a, conseone of the two pollen cells A in the fertilisation will meet quently with the egg cell A and the other with an egg cell a, and so likewise one pollen cell a will unite with an egg cell A, and the other with
cell a.


Pollen cells



i a





result of the fertilisation

may be made


by putting the

in the form of fractions, signs for the conjoined egg and pollen cells those for the pollen cells above and those for the egg cells below the

We then have

In the


and fourth term the egg and pollen cells are of like kind, consequently the product of their union must be constant, viz. A

in the


second and third, on the other hand, there again union of the two differentiating characters of the stocks, consequently the forms resulting from these fertilisations are identical with those of the hybrid from which they sprang. There occurs accordingly a repeated hybridisation. This explains the strikresults a

ing fact that the hybrids are able to produce, besides the two

parental forms, offspring which are like themselves;


a both give the same union Aa, since, as already remarked above, it makes no difference in the result of fertilisation to which of the two characters the pollen or egg cells belong. We may write then

a A

A A a a= ^ -^-f QAa + A a A + a + -+1



This represents the average result of the

hybrids when two

self -fertilisation of


differentiating characters are united in them. In individual flowers and in individual plants, however, the ratios

produced may suffer not infrom the fact that the numbers Apart in which both sorts of egg cells occur in the seed vessels can only be regarded as equal on the average, it remains purely a matter of chance which of the two sorts of pollen may fertilise each separate egg cell. For this reason the separate values must necessarily be subject to fluctuations, and there are even extreme cases possible, as were described earlier in connection with the experiments on the form of the seed and the colour of the albumen. The true ratios of the numbers can only be ascertained by an average deduced

which the forms of the

series are

considerable fluctuations.^

from the sum of as many single values as possible; the greater the number, the more are merely chance effects eliminated. The developmental series for hybrids in which two kinds of


are united contains,



individuals, nine different forms, viz.,

AB + Ab + aB + ab + 2ABb



+ 2AaB


+ ^AaBb.

and consequently the hybrids produce the corresponding four forms of egg and pollen cells AB, Ab, aB, ah, and each of these will on the average figure
* [Whether segregation by such units be determined by seriation.j

Between the differentiating characters and Bb, four constant combinations are

of the original stocks,

b more than purely fortuitous may perhaps

four times


in the series.

the fertilisation, since sixteen individuals are included Therefore the participators in the fertilisation are

Pollen cells

AB + AB + AB + AB



+ Ah -^ Ah + Ah + aJ? + aB + + + ah^ah + ah + ah. AB + AB + AB AB Ah + Ah + Ah Ah + aB aB + aB + aB + ah + ah + ah ah.


In the process of fertilisation each pollen form unites on an average equally often with each egg cell form, so that each of the four pollen cells AB unites once with one of the forms of egg cell AB, Ah, aB,

In precisely the same way the rest of the pollen forms Ah, aB, ah unite with all the other egg cells.

cells of







an aB




Ah Ah
an aB

Ah aB
ao ah

ah ao ah


aB an aB _tOrf

ao ah

ao ah

AB + ABh + AaB + AaBh + ABh


+ AaBh + Aah + AaB + AaBh + a/? + aBh + AaBh + Aah + aBh + ah = AB + Ah aB + ah 2ABh + 2aBh + 2AaB + 2Aah + 4AaBh}



In precisely similar fashion is the developmental series of hybrids when three kinds of 'differentiating characters are concells

joined in them.

and pollen

eight egg hybrids ABC, ABc, AhC, Ahc, aBC, aBc, ahC, ahc and



various kinds of

each pollen form unites

again on the average once with each

which governs the development of the hybrids, finds therefore its foundation and explanation in the principle enunciated, that the hybrids produce

of egg cell. The law of combination of different characters,

and pollen cells which in equal numbers represent all constant forms which result from the combinations of the characters

brought together

in fertilisation.

[In the original the sign of



here represented by


evidently a




Experiments with Hybrids of other Species of Plants

It must be the object of further experiments to ascertain whether the law of development discovered for Pisum applies also to the hybrids of other plants. To this end several experiments were

commenced. Two minor experiments with species of Phaseolus have been completed, and may be here mentioned. An experiment with Phaseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus nanus gave
results in perfect agreement.


Ph. nanus had, together with the simply inflated, green pods. Ph. vulgaris had, on the other hand, an axis 10 feet to 12 feet high, and yellow-coloured pods, constricted when ripe. The ratios of the numbers in which

the different forms appeared in the separate generations were the same as with Pisum. Also the development of the constant combinations resulted according to the law of simple combination of There were obtained characters, exactly as in the case of Pisum.
Constant combinations



to those of Ph. multiflorus, while the ground colour was not maThe next year forty-four plants were raised terially different. of which only thirty-one reached the flowering from these seeds,


characters of Ph. nanus, which had been altogether

latent in the hybrids, reappeared in various combinations; their ratio, however, with relation to the dominant plants was necessarily


very fluctuating owing to the small number of trial plants. certain characters, as in those of the axis and the form of pod

it w^as,

however, as in the case of Pisum, almost exactly 1 :3. Insignificant as the results of this experiment may be as regards the determination of the relative numbers in which the various forms appeared, it presents, on the other hand, the phenomenon of
a remarkable change of colour in the flowers and seed of the hybrids. In Pisum it is known that the characters of the flower- and seedcolour present themselves unchanged in the first and further generations, and that the offspring of the hybrids display exclusively the

otherwise in the experiment we are considering. flowers and the seed-colour of Ph. namis appeared, it

one or the other of the characters of the original stocks. The white

true, at


in the first generation [from

the hybrids] in one fairly

example, but the remaining thirty plants developed flower-colours which were of various grades of purple-red to pale violet. The colouring of the seed-coat was no less varied than that of the flowers. No plant could rank as fully fertile; many produced no fruit at all; others only yielded fruits from the flowers last produced, which did not ripen. From fifteen plants only were well-

developed seeds obtained. The greatest disposition to infertility was seen in the forms with preponderantly red flowers, since out of sixteen of these only four yielded ripe seed. Three of these had a similar seed pattern to Ph. multiflorus, but with a more or less pale

ground colour; the fourth plant yielded only one seed of plain The forms with preponderantly violet-coloured brown tint. flowers had dark browTi, black-brown, and quite black seeds.

The experiment was continued through two more generations under similar unfavorable circumstances, since even among the offspring of fairly fertile plants there came again some which were less fertile or even quite sterile. Other flower- and seed-colours than those cited did not subsequently present themselves. The forms which in the first generation [bred from the hybrids] contained one or more of the recessive characters remained, as regards



Also of those plants which these, constant without exception. violet flowers and brown or black seed, some did not vary possessed
again in these respects in the next generation; the majority, however, yielded, together with offspring exactly like themselves, some

which displayed white flowers and white seed-coats. The red flowering plants remained so slightly fertile that nothing can be
said with certainty as regards their further development. Despite the many disturbing factors with which the observations

had to contend,

it is

nevertheless seen



experiment that the

development of the hybrids, with regard to those characters which concern the form of the plants, follows the same laws as in Pisum.
to the colour characters, it certainly appears difficult to perceive a substantial agreement. Apart from the fact that from the union of a w^hite and a purple-red colouring a whole series of
[in F2], from purple to pale violet and white, the circumstance is a striking one that among thirty-one flowering plants only one received the recessive character of the white colour,

With regard

colours results

while in


this occurs

on the average in every fourth plant.

these enigmatical results, however, might probably be explained by the law governing Pisum if we might assume that the


colour of the flowers and seeds of Ph. multiflorus is a combination of two or more entirely independent colours, which individually act

any other constant character

in the plant.


the flower-

were a combination of the individual characters Ai ... which produce the total impression of a purple colora-^2 tion, then by fertilisation wath the differentiating character, white colour, a, there would be produced the hybrid unions Aia -\A^a -{-... and so would it be with the corresponding colouring of the seed-coats.^ According to the above assumption, each of these hybrid colour unions would be independent, and would consequently develop quite independently from the others. It is then easily seen that from the combination of the separate developmental series a complete colour-series must result. If, for instance, A = A\-{- Ai, then the hybrids Aia and -42a form the developmental series





A%-\- ^Aza



it fails

to take account of factors introduced

is imperfect. It is however interesting to know of the existence of compound characters, and that the rarity of the white recessives


by the albino this representhat Mendel realized the fact

was a consequence

of this resolution.]

The members


of this series

can enter into nine different combina-

and each

of these denotes another colour




by cultivation the origination of new varieties is favoured, and that by man's labour many varieties are acquired which, under natural conditions, would be lost; but nothing justifies the assumption
that the tendency to the formation of varieties is so extraordinarily increased that the species speedily lose all stability, and their offspring diverge into an endless series of extremely variable forms.

Were the change

in the conditions the sole cause of variability


might expect that those cultivated plants which are grown for centuries under almost identical conditions would again attain constancy. That, as is well known, is not the case, since it is preunder such circumstances that not only the most varied but most variable forms are found. It is only the Leguminosae, like Pisum, Phaseolus,^ Lens, whose organs of fertilisation are protected by the keel, which constitute a noteworthy exception. Even here there have arisen numerous varieties during a cultural period of more than 1000 years under most various conditions; these maintain, however, under unchanging environments a stability as

also the

great as that of species growing wild. It is more than probable that as regards the variability of cultivated plants there exists a factor which so far has received little

Various experiments force us to the conclusion that our

cultivated plants, with few exceptions, are members of various hybrid series, whose further development in conformity with law is

varied and interrupted by frequent crossings inter se. The circumstance must not be overlooked that cultivated plants are mostly grown in great numbers and close together, affording the most

favourable conditions for reciprocal fertilisation between the varieties present and the species itself. The probability of this is supported by the fact that among the great array of variable forms

examples are always found, which in one character or another remain constant, if only foreign influence be carefully excluded. These forms behave precisely as do those which are known to be members of the compound hybrid series. Also with

the most susceptible of all characters, that of colour, it cannot escape the careful observer that in the separate forms the inclination to vary is displayed in very different degrees. Among plants which arise from one spontaneous fertilisation there are often some whose offspring vary widely in the constitution and arrangement of the colours, while that of others shows little deviation, and

[Phaseolus nevertheless





a greater number solitary examples occur which transmit the colour of the flowers unchanged to their offspring. The culti-

vated species of Dianthus afford an instructive example of this. white-flowered example of Dianthus caryophyllus, which itself was derived from a white-flowered variety, was shut up durmg its blooming period in a greenhouse; the numerous seeds obtained
similar result

therefrom yielded plants entirely white-flowered like itself. A was obtained from a sub-species, with red flowers somewhat flushed with violet, and one with flowers white, striped

with red.


others, on the other hand,

which were similarly

or less variously protected, yielded progeny which were more coloured and marked. \Mioever studies the coloration which results, in ornamental

conviction plants, from similar fertilisation, can hardly escape the that here also the development follows a definite law, which indepossibly finds its expression in the combination of several

pendent colour characters.

Concluding Remarks

can hardly



Pisum with the

to be of interest to compare the observations results arrived at by the two

authorities in this branch of knowledge, Kolreuter and Gartner, in their investigations. According to the opinion of both, the

hybrids in outward appearance present either a form intermediate between the original species, or they closely resemble either the one or the other type, and sometimes can hardly be discriminated




their seeds usually arise,


the fertilisation was

effected by their own pollen, various forms which differ from the normal type. As a rule, the majority of individuals obtained by


maintain the hybrid form, while some few others come more like the seed parent, and one or other individual approaches the pollen parent. This, however, is not the case with

hybrids without exception. Sometimes the offspring have more nearly approached, some the one and some the other of the two original stocks, or they all incline more to one or the other side; while in other cases they remain perfectly like the hybrid and
continue constant in their offspring.

The hybrids

of varieties

behave like hybrids of species, but they possess greater variability of form and a more pronounced tendency to revert to the original

With regard

to the form of the hybrids


their development,

as a rule an agreement with the observations made in Pisum is unmistakable. It is otherwise with the exceptional cases cited,

Gartner confesses even that the exact determination whether a form bears a greater resemblance to one or to the other of the two
original species often involved great difficulty, so much depending upon the subjective point of view of the observer. Another cir-

cumstance could, however, contribute to render the results fluctuating and uncertain, despite the most careful observation and For the experiments, plants were mostly used differentiation. which rank as good species and are differentiated by a large number of characters. In addition to the sharply defined characters, where it is a question of greater or less similarity, those characters must also be taken into account which are often difficult to define in words, but yet suffice, as every plant specialist knows, to give the forms a peculiar appearance. If it be accepted that the development of hybrids follows the law which is valid for Pisum, the series

each separate experiment must contain very


forms, since


number of the terms,




increases, with the


With a of the differentiating characters, as the powers of three. relatively small number of experimental plants the result therefore could only be approximately right, and in single cases might
fluctuate considerably.
differ in

for instance, the


original stocks

seven characters, and 100 or 200 plants were raised from the seeds of their hybrids to determine the grade of relationship of

we can easily see how uncertain the decision must since for seven differentiating characters the combination become, series contain 16,384 individuals under 2187 various forms; now
the offspring,

one and then another relationship could assert its predominance, just according as chance presented this or that form to the observer
in a majority of cases.

furthermore, there appear

acters at the

same time dominant

series that

among the differentiating charcharacters, which are transmitted

unchanged to the hybrids, then in the terms of the one of the two original parents which possesses the majority of dominant characters must always be predominant. In the experiment described relative to Pisum, in which three kinds of differentiating characters were concerned, all the dominant characters belonged to the seed parent. Although
the terms of the series in their internal composition approach both

entire or nearly



original parents equally, yet in this experiment the type of the seed parent obtained so great a preponderance that out of each sixty-

four plants of the


only differed in

one character.

generation fifty-four exactly resembled it, or It is seen how rash it must be under

such circumstances to draw from the external resemblances of

hybrids conclusions as to their internal nature.

Gartner mentions that in those cases where the development was



the offspring of the hybrids, the two original species

were not reproduced, but only a few individuals which approached them. With very extended developmental series it could not in fact be otherwise. For seven differentiating characters, for

among each hybrids


more than 16,000 individuals offspring of the of the two original species would occur only once.

therefore hardly possible that these should appear at all among number of experimental plants; with some probability, however, we might reckon upon the appearance in the series of a

a small

few forms which approach them. We meet with an essential difference in those hybrids which remain constant in their progeny and propagate themselves as truly as the pure species. According to Gartner, to this class belong the
remarkably fertile hybrids, Aquilegia atropurpurea canadensis, Lavatera pseudolbia thuringiaca, Geum urbano-rivale, and some Dianthus hybrids; and, according to Wichura, the hybrids of the

Willow family. For the history of the evolution of plants this circumstance is of special importance, since constant hybrids acquire
the status of




correctness of the facts

teed by eminent observers, and cannot be doubted.

guaranGartner had


an opportunity of following up Dianthus Armeria deltoides to the tenth generation, since it regularly propagated itself in the garden. With Pisum it was shown by experiment that the hybrids form egg and pollen cells of different kinds, and that herein lies the reason of the variability of their oft's[)ring. In other hybrids, likewise, whose offspring behave similarly we may assume a like cause; for those, on the other hand, which remain constant, the assumption
appears justifiable that their reproductive cells are all alike and agree with the foundation-cell [fertilised ovum] of the hybrid. In
the opinion of renowned physiologists, for the purpose of propagation one poDen cell and one egg cell unite in Phanerogams ^ into a

In Pisum

it is

placed beyond doubt that for the formation of the

perfect imion of the elements of both reproductive cells

new embryo a must take place. How

single cell,
cells to


which is capable by assimilation and formation of new become an independent organism. This development follows a constant law, which is founded on the material composition and arrangement of the elements which meet in the cell in a vivifying union. If the reproductive cells be of the same kind and agree with the foundation cell [fertilised ovum] of the mother plant, then the development of the new individual will follow the same law which rules the mother plant. If it chance that an egg cell unites with a dissimilar pollen cell, we must then assume that between
those elements of both

which determine opposite characters,

The resulting compound cell compromise becomes the foundation of the hybrid organism, the development of which necessarily follows a different scheme from that obtaining in each of the two original species. If the compromise be taken to be a complete one, in the sense, namely, that the hybrid embryo is formed from two similar cells, in which the differences are entirely and permanently accommodated together, the further result
sort of

follows that the hybrids, like any other stable plant species, reproduce themselves truly in their offspring. The reproductive cells

which are formed in their seed vessels and anthers are of one kind, and agree with the fundamental compound cell [fertilised ovum]. With regard to those hybrids whose progeny is variable we may perhaps assume that between the differentiating elements of the
egg and pollen cells there also occurs a compromise, in so far that the formation of a cell as foundation of the hybrid becomes possible; but, nevertheless, the arrangement between the conflicting ele-


only temporary and does not endure throughout the life of the hybrid plant. Since, in the habit of the plant, no changes are perceptible during the whole period of vegetation, we must further assume that it is only possible for the differentiating elements to

liberate themselves

from the enforced union when the

In the formation of these


are developed.

cells all existing

we othenvise explain that among the offspring of the hybrids both original If the influence types reappear in equal numbers and with all their peculiarities of the egg cell upon the pollen cell were only external, if it fulfilled the role of a nurse only, then the result of each artificial fertilisation could be no other than that the

developed hybrid should exactly resemble the pollen parent, or at any rate do so very closely. This the experiments so far have in no wise confirmed. An evident
proof of the complete union of the contents of both cells is afforded by the experience gained on all sides that it is immaterial, as regards the form of the hybrid, which of the original species is the seed parent or which the pollen parent.



elements participate, in an entirely free and equal arrangement, by which it is only the differentiating ones which mutually separate
of as

In this



sorts of egg

and pollen

the production would be rendered possible cells as there are combinations

possible of the formative elements. The attribution attempted here of the essential difference in the

development of hybrids to a permanent or temporary union of the differing cell elements can, of course, only claim the value of an hypothesis for which the lack of definite data offers a wide scope.


justification of the opinion expressed lies in the evidence afforded by Pisiim that the behaviour of each pair of differentiating characters in hybrid union is independent of the other differences

between the two original plants, and, further, that the hybrid produces just so many kinds of egg and pollen cells as there are possible constant combination forms. The differentiating characters of two plants can finally, however, only depend upon differences in
the composition and grouping of the elements which exist in the foundation-cells [fertilised ova] of the same in vital interaction.^

Even the validity of the law formulated for Pisum requires still to be confirmed, and a repetition of the more important experiments is consequently much to be desired, that, for instance, relating to
the composition of the hybrid fertilising cells. A differential [element] may easily escape the single observer,^ which although at the


an extent that

appear to be unimportant, may yet accumulate to such it must not be ignored in the total result. Whether

the variable hybrids of other plant species observe an entire agreement must also be first decided experimentally. In the meantime

we may assume
life is

that in material points an essential difference can scarcely occur, since the unity in the developmental plan of organic

beyond question.

In conclusion, the experiments carried out by Kolreuter, Gartner, and others with respect to the transformation of one species into another by artificial fertilisation merit special mention. Particular importance has been attached to these experiments and Gartner " reckons them among the most difficult of all in hybridisation." If a species A is to be transformed into a species B, both must be united by fertilisation and the resulting hybrids then be fertilised


Welche in den GrundzeUen

der.ielbcn in lebendiger



Wechselwirkung stehen."


einzelnen Beobachter


leichl ein

Dijferemiale entgehen."



with the pollen of B; then, out of the various offspring resulting, that form would be selected which stood in nearest relation to B and once more be fertilised with B pollen, and so continuously until finally a form is arrived at which is like B and constant in its prog-

By this process the species A would change into the species eny. B. Gartner alone has effected thirty such experiments with plants
Geum, Lavatera, Lychnis, Malva, and Oenothera. The period of transformation was not alike for all species. While with some a triple fertilisation sufficed, with others this had to be repeated five or six times, and even in the same species fluctuations were observed in various experiments.
of genera Aquilegia, Dianthus,


Gartner ascribes this difference to the circumstance that the which a species, during reproduction, specific [typische] power by
effects the


change and transformation of the maternal type varies

considerably in different plants, and that, consequently, the periods within which the one species is changed into the other must also
vary, as also the




of generations, so that the transformation perfected in more, and in others in fewer genera" that in these transFurther, the same observer remarks


formation experiments a good deal depends upon which type and which individual be chosen for further transformation." If it may be assumed that in these experiments the constitution of the forms resulted in a similar way to that of Pisum, the entire process of transformation would find a fairly simple explanation. The hybrid forms as many kinds of egg cells as there are constant combinations possible of the characters conjoined therein, and one
of these

always of the same kind as that of the

fertilising pollen

Consequently there always exists the possibility with all such experiments that even from the second fertilisation there may result a constant form identical with that of the pollen parent. Whether this really be obtained depends in each separate case upon
the number of the experimental plants, as well as upon the number of differentiating characters which are united by the fertilisation.


us, for instance,

differed in three characters,

assume that the plants selected and the species ABC


for experiment to be trans-

formed into the other species abc by repeated fertilisation with the pollen of the latter; the hybrids resulting from the first cross form
eight different kinds of egg
cells, viz.,

ABC, ABc, AbC, aBC,

Abc, aBc, abC, abc.

in the


pollen cells abc,

second year of experiment are united again with the and we obtain the series


+ AaBbc + AabCc + aBbCc + Aabc + aBbc + abCc + abc.


Since the form abc occurs once in the series of eight terms, it is little likely that it would be missing among the experi-

mental plants, even were these raised in a smaller number, and the transformation would be perfected already by a second fertilisation. If by chance it did not appear, then the fertilisation must be repeated with one of those forms nearest akin, Aabc, aBbc, abCc. It is perceived that such an experiment must extend the farther the smaller the number of experimental plants and the larger the number
of differentiating characters in the two original species; and that, furthermore, in the same species there can easily occur a delay of one or even of two generations such as Gartner observed. The

transformation of widely divergent species could generally only be completed in five or six years of experiment, since the number of
different egg cells which are formed in the hybrid increases, as the powers of two, with the number of differentiating characters.

Gartner found by repeated experiments that the respective

period of transformation varies in


species, so that frequently

a species A can be transformed into a species B a generation sooner than can species B into species A. He deduces therefrom that " Kolreuter's opinion can hardly be maintained that the two
natures in hybrids are perfectly in equilibrium."
ever, that Kolreuter does not merit this criticism,
It appears,


but that Gartner rather has overlooked a material point, to which he himself else" where draws attention, viz. that it depends which individual is chosen for further transformation." Experiments which in this connection were carried out with two species of Pisum demonstrated that as regards the choice of the fittest individuals for the purpose of further fertilisation it may make a great difference which

two species is transformed into the other. The two experimental plants differed in five characters, while at the same time those of species A were all dominant and those of species B all recessive. For mutual transformation A was fertilised with pollen of B, and B with i)ollen of A, and this was repeated with both
hybrids the following year.

With the



7?" there were A

eighty-seven plants available in the third year of experiment for


and these were of

selection of the individuals for further crossing,

the possible thirty-two forms;

with the second experiment

in seventy-three plants resulted, which agreed throughout perfectly habit uith the pollen parent; in their internal composition, however, in the other experithey must have been just as varied as the forms ment. A definite selection was consequently only possible with the

to be made at experiment; with the second the selection had a portion of the flowers were random, merely. Of the latter only themselves. crossed with the pollen, the others were left to fertilise

each five plants which were selected in both experiments for fertilisation there agreed, as the following year's culture showed,


with the pollen parent:



2nd Experiment

2 plants

in all characters

4 3 2


2 plants

" " "






In the

comexperiment, therefore, the transformation was continued further, two or in the second, which was not

would probably have been required. Although the case may not frequently occur in which the dominant characters belong exclusively to one or the other of the a difference which of the original parent plants, it will always make



of dominants. If the pollen parent has then the selection of forms for further crossing will the majority, afford a less degree of certainty than in the reverse case, which must imply a delay in the period of transformation, provided that the experiment is only considered as completed when a form is arrived at which not only exactly resembles the pollen plant in form, but also remains as constant in its progeny, Gartner, by the results of these transformation experiments, was led to oppose the opinion of those naturalists who dispute the

two possesses the majority

stability of plant species

and believe

perceives vegetation. species into another an indubitable proof that species are fixed


in the

in a continuous evolution of complete transformation of one

within limits beyond which they cannot change.


Although this





in the



clearly a misprint for





opinion cannot be unconditionally accepted, we find on the other hand in Gartner's experiments a noteworthy confirmation of that supposition regarding variability of cultivated plants which has
already been expressed. Among the experimental species there were cultivated plants, such as Aquilegia atropurpurea and canadensis, Dianthus caryophyllus, chinensis, and japonicus, Nicotiana rustica and paniculata, and

hybrids between these species lost none of their stability after four or five generations.

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Studies on inheritance in pigeons.




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cular 124,

of Plant

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texture in sweet

and waxy hybrids

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Patrogenesis. Jour. Her., 7. 1920. Heritable characters of maize. Jour. Her., 11. Conference on Genetics, Report 3d Intern. London, 1907.

Report 4th Intern. Paris, 1913. CoNKLiN, E. G., 1915. Heredity and environment. Princeton Univ. Press. 1917. The share of egg and sperm in heredity. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci., 3. Cook, O. F., 1904. The vegetative vigor of hybrids and mutations. Proc.
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1903a. Ueber Bastardierungsversuche mit Mirabilis-Sippen.
19036. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der dominierenden


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Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Gynodioecie. Ibid.,

1904a. Zur Kenntnis der scheinbar neuen

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Merkmale der Bastarde.

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bot. Gesell., 24.

1906a, Die Vererbung der Geschlechtsformen bei den gynodioecischen Pflanzen. Ibid., 24.

Zur Kenntnis der Geschlechtsformen polygames Blutenpflanzen und ihrer Beeinflussbarkeit.

Jahrb. wiss. bot., 44.


Die RoUe der mannlichen Keimzellen bei der Geschlechtsbestimmung der gynodioecischen Pflanzen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot.
Gesell., 36a.


Vererbungsversuche mit blass (gelb) griinen und buntblattrigen Sippen bei Mirabilis jalapa, Urtica pilulifera und Lunaria annua. Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 1. 1909a. Zur Kenntnis der RoUe von Kern und Plasma bei der Vererbung.
Ibid., 2.

Der Uebergang aus dem homozygotischen in einem heterozygotischen Zustand im selben Individuum bei buntblattrigen und gestreift blUhenden Mirabilis-Sippen. Ber. Deutsch. bot.
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Die neuen Vererbungsgesetze.


1912a. Selbsterilitat
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Crampe, H., 1877.


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B., 1915. Heredity of types of inflorescence and fruits in tomato. Jour. Genet., 5. CuENOT, L., 1902-11. La loi de Mendel et Theredite de la pigmentation chez les souris. Arch. Zool. Exper. et Gen. (3), 10; (4), 1, 2, 3, 6, 9. 1909. Recherches sur I'hybridation. Proc. 7th Intern. Zool. Con-

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gress (1907).


L'heredite chez les souris.

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CusHiNG, H., 1916.
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Hereditary anchylosis of the proximal phalangeal


Cutler, D. W., 1918. Sterility of hybrids between the pheasant and the Gold Campine fowl. Jour. Genet., 7. Daxforth, C. H., 1919. An hereditary complex in the domestic fowl.
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Eugenics Record Office. Darbishire, a. D., 1902. Note on the result of crossing Japanese waltzing mice with European albino races. Biometrika, 2, 3. London. 1911. Breeding and the Mendelian discovery. Darwin, Ch., 1876. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. Second ed. New York. Davenport, C. B., 1904. Statistical methods with special reference to Second ed. New York. biological variation.


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1908a. Liheritance in canaries. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub., 95. 1910. The imperfection of dominance and some of its consequences. Am. Nat., 44. 1910a. Inheritance of characteristics in domestic fowl. Carnegie Inst.

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Heredity in relation to eugenics.


Jour. Morphol.,

1913. 1915.


transplantation of ovaries in chickens.

Heredity of skin color in negro-white crosses. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub., 188. The feebly mliibited. I. Nomadism, or the wandering impulse, with special reference to heredity. II. Inheritance of temperament with special reference to twins and suicides.
Carnegie List. Wasli. Pub., 236. Inheritance of stature. Genetics, 2. Hereditary tendency to form nerve tumors.
Sci., 4.

1918. 1920.

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Principles of breeding.


Davis, B. M., 1909-11. Cytological studies on Oenothera. Botany, 23, 24, 25.

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Genetical studies on Oenothera.


Nat., 44, 45, 46, 47;

Zeit. Abst. Vereb., 12.

The problem

of the origin of Oenothera lamarckidna de Vries.


Phytol., 12.
test of a pure species of Oenothera.




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J. A., and cataract in cattle.

W. W. Yapp, Am. Nat., 54.


Inheritance of congenital

L. H., 1913. A purple-leaved mutation in hemp. Circular 113, Bureau Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agr. DoNCASTER, L., 1905. On the inheritance of tortoise shell and related colors in cats. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc, 13.


1913. 1914.


the inheritance of coat color in rats.

inlieritance of color


Notes on the

and other characters

Jour. Genet., 3. the relation between chromosomes, sex-limited transmission and sex determination in Abraxas grossulariata. Ibid., 4. 1914a. A possible connection between abnormal sex-limited transmission and sterility. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc, 17.

pigeons. Jour. Genet., 2. On sex-limited inlaeritance in cats.



Chromosomes, heredity and


Q. J.


S., 59.

The determination of sex. DoNCASTER, L., and G. H. Raynor,


Cambridge and

New York. Breeding experiments with


Proc. Zool. Soc.


Cytological observations on the early






stages of segmentation of echinus hybrids.


S., 58.

DoNCASTER, L., and J. W. H. Harrison, 1914. On hybrids between moths of the geometrid sub-family, Bistoninae. Jour. Genet., 3. DoRSEY, M. J., 1914. Pollen development in the grape with special reference to sterility. Bull. 144, Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. of Minn. The Duchess apple improved [by bud-variation]. Jour. 1917.
Heredity, 8.



A study of sterility in

Drinkwater, H.,


the plum. Genetics, 4. account of a brachydactylous family. Proc.

Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,


Inheritance of artistic and musical ability. Jour. Genet., 5. DuERDEN, J. E., 1919. The germ plasm of the ostrich. Am. Nat., 53. 1919a. Crossing the No. African and So. African Ostrich. Jour.




F. N., 1915.

note on the gonads of gynandromorphs of Dro-

sophila ampelophila. Am, Nat., 49. Dunk, L. C, 1916. The genetic behavior of mice of the color varieties

"black and tan" and "red." Am. Nat., 50. Nucleus and cytoplasm as vehicles of heredity. Am. Nat., 51. Sable varieties of mice. Am. Nat., 54. 19'-20. Durham, F. M., 1904. On the presence of tyrosinases in the skins of some pigmented vertebrates. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 74.
1907. 1908. 1911.

Note on melanins.

Jour. Phys., 35.

A preliminary account of the inheritance of coat color in mice.

Rep. Evol. Com. Roy. Soc, 4. Further experiments on the inheritance of coat color
in mice.

Jour. Genet., 1. East, E. M., 1907. The relation of certain biological principles to plant breeding. Bull. 158, Coim. Agr. Exp. Sta.



Study of the factors influencing the improvement of the Bull. 127, Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. of Illinois.

note concerning inheritance in sweet corn. Science, 29.



between development and

heredit}' in inbreed-


Nat., 43.

Mendelian interpretation of variation that is apparently continuous. Ibid., 44. 1910a. The transmission of variations in the potato in asexual reproduction.
1911. 1912.

Rpt. 1909-10, Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta.

The genotj'pe hypothesis and hybridization. Am. Nat., 45. The Mendelian notation as a description of physiological factsAm. Nat. 46.

Inheritance of flower size in crosses between species of NicO' tiana. Bot. Gazette, 55. 1913a. Xenia and the endosperm of angiosperms. Ihid., 56. 1915. The phenomenon of self-sterility. Am. Nat., 49. 1915a. The chromosome view of heredity and its meaning to plant
breeders. Ibid., 49. Studies on size inheritance in Nicotiana. Genetics, I. 1916a. Liheritance in crosses between Nicotiana Langsdorfii and N. alata. Genetics, 1. 1917. The bearing of some general biological facts on bud variation.

Nat., 51. Studies on self sterility, III-V., Genetics, 4. East, E. M., and H. K. Hayes, 1911. Inheritance in maize. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta.


Bull. 167,

1912. 1913. 1914.

Heterozygosis in evolution and in plant breeding. Bull. 243, Bureau Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agr. Tobacco breeding in Connecticut. Bull. 176, Conn. Agr. Exp.

genetic analysis of the changes produced by selection in experiments with tobacco. Am. Nat., 48. 1915. Further experiments on inheritance in maize. Bull. 188, Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. East, E. M., and D. F. Jones, 1919. Inbreeding and outbreeding.


East, E. M., and


B. Park, 1917, 1918. Studies in

self-sterility, I


II, Genetics, 2, 3.

EiMER, G. H. T., 1898. On orthogenesis. Chicago. Ellis, H., 1911. The problem of race regeneration. New York. 1912. The task of social hygiene. London. Emerson, R. A., 1904. Heredity in bean hybrids. Seventeenth Ann. Rpt. Agr. Exp. Sta. Neb.
Factors for mottling in beans. Proc. Am. Breeders' Assn., 5. 1909a. Inheritance of color in the seeds of the common bean. Twenty1909.
1910. 1911. 1912.

second Ann. Rpt. Agr. Exp. Sta. Neb, uilieritance of sizes and shapes in plants. Am. Nat., 44. Genetic correlation and spurious allelomorphism in maize. Twenty-fourth Ann. Rpt. Agr. Exp. Sta. Neb.


inheritance of certain abnormalities in maize. Proc. Am. Breeders' Assn., 8. 1912a. The unexpected occurrence of aleurone colors in F2 of a cross between non-colored varieties of maize. Am. Nat., 46.




possible origin of mutations in somatic cells.



1917. 1918.

genetic study of plant height in Phaseohis vulgaris.


Bull. 7, Agr. Exp. Sta, Neb, Genetical studies of variegated pericarp in maize. Genetics, 2. fifth pair of factors, Aa, for aleurone color in maize, and its

relation to the

Cc and Rr


Cornell Agr, Exp, Sta,,

Emerson, R.


and E, M, East, 1913. The inheritance of quantitative 2, Agr. Exp. Sta. Neb. Erdmann, R., and L. L. Woodruff, 1916. The periodic reorganization process in Paramecium caudatum. Jour, Exp. Zool., 20. EsTABROOK, A. H., and C. B. Davenport, 1912. The Nam family, a study in cacogenics. Memoir 2, Eugenics Record Office. Farabee, W. C, 1905. Inheritance of digital malformations in man.
characters in maize. Res, Bull.

Papers, Peabody Mus., Cambridge, Mass., 3. Federley, H., 1911. Vererbungsstudien an der Lepidopteren-Gattung

Pygaera. Arch. Rass. Gesell. 1911a. Sur un cas d'heredite gjTiephore dans une espece de papillon. Proc. 4th Conf. Intern. Genet, Paris.



Das Verhalten der Chromosomen


bei der Spermatogenese der Schmetterlinge Pygaera anachorela, curtula und pigra sowie einiger ihrer Bastarde, Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 9. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese bei Mischlingen zwischen Eltern verschiedener systematiseher Verwandtschaft.

Ofversigt Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhand.,

Chromosomen Studien an Mischlingen. Ofversigt Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandhngar, 57, 58. FiCK, R., 1907. Ueber die Vererbungssubstanz. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 1907a. Vererbungsfragen, Reduktions- und Chromosomenhypothesen, Basterd-regeln. Ergb. Anat. Ent., 16. Fischer, E., 1907. Zur Physiologie der Aberrationen- und VarietatenBildung der Schmetterlingen. Arch. Rass. Gesell., 4. 1913. Die Rehobother Bastarde und das Bastardierungsproblem beim Menschen. Jena.
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Fisher, R. A., 1919.


genesis of twins.

Genetics, 4.

FocKE, W. O., 1881. Die Pflanzenmischlinge. Berlin. Foot, K., and E. C. Strobell, 1914. The chromosomes of Euschistus variolarus, Euschistus servus and the hybrids of the Fi and F2 generations. Arch. Zellforsch., 12. 1913-14. Preliminary report on the results of crossing two hemipterous species, with reference to the inheritance of an exclusively male character and its bearing on modern chromosome
theories. Biol. Bull., 24, 27.

1914-15. Results of crossing two hemipterous species, with reference to the inheritance of two exclusively male characters. Linnean Soc. Jour. Zool., 32. Freeman, G. F., 1917. Linked quantitative characters in wheat crosses.


Nat., 51.

Producing bread making wheats for

Her., 9.





mechanical explanation of progressive changes in the proportions of hard and soft kernels in wheat. Jour. Am. Soc.



Heredity of quantitative characters in wheat. Genetics, 4. 1917. Selection in pure lines. Jour. Her. 8. Fritvvirth, FucHS, H. M., 1915. Studies in the physiology of fertilization. Jour.

Gaines, E.

Genet., 4. F., 1917. Inheritance in wheat, barley, and oat hybrids. Bull. 135; Agr. Exp. Sta. Wash, (state). Galton, F., 1883. Inquiries into human faculty. New York. 1889. Natural inheritance. I.,ondon. 1892. Hereditary genius. London. 1897. The average contribution of each several ancestor to the total heritage of the offsprmg. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 61.

Essays in eugenics.
E., 1902.


Garrod, a.


incidence of alkaptonuria. Lancet, Dec. 13.

Gates, R. R., 1907of Oenothera.

. [Numerous papers on the cytology and genetics Full bibliography in "The mutation factor" q. v.]

The mutation factor in evolution. London. 1915a. On the modification of characters by crossing. Am. Nat., 49. 1917. Vegetative segregation in a hybrid race. Jour. Genet., 6. Gee, W., 1916. Effects of acute alcoholization on the germ-cells of Fundulus. Biol. Bull., 31. Gerould, J. H., 1911. The inheritance of polymorphism and sex in Colias


Nat., 45.

Species building by hybridization and mutation. Am. Nat., 48. GoDDARD, H. H., 1912. The Kallikak family. New York. 1914. Feeble-mindedness; its causes and consequences. New York. GoDLEWSKi, E., 1906. Untersuchungen liber die Bastardierung der Echi1914.



Crinoidenfamilie. Arch. Ent. Organ., 20.

Ueber die Einflusse des Spermas der Annelide Chaetopterus auf die Echinedeneier und Uber die antagonistische Wirkung des Spermas fremder Tierklassen auf die Befruchtungsfahigkeit der Gesclilechtselemente.

GoLDSCHinDT, R., 1911.

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Leipzig. 1916. preliminary report on further experiments in inheritance and determination of sex. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci., 2.


Experimental intersexuality and the sex-problem.




Facultative parthenogenesis in the gipsy moth, with a discussion of the relation of parthenogenesis to sex. Biol. Bull., 32.

1917a. Crossing-over ohneChiasmatypie.'* Genetics, 2. further contribution to the theory of sex. Jour. Exp. Zool., 19176.


Genetic experiments concerning evolution. Am. Nat., 52. GooDALE, H. D., 1911. Studies on hybrid ducks. Jour. Exp. Zool., 10. 1911a. Some results of castration in ducks. Biol. Bull., 20.
19116. Sex-limited inlieritance
Science, 33.

and sexual dimorphism



1913. 1916.
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Feminized male birds. Genetics, 3. 1918a. Internal factors influencing egg production in the Rhode Island Red breed of domestic fowl. Am. Nat., 52. GoODALE, H. D., and T. H. Morgan, 1913, Heredity of tri-color in guineapigs.


Nat., 47.
of inheritance in Nico-

GooDSPEED, T. H., 1912-15. Quantitative studies

tiana hybrids. I-IV. Univ. Cal. Pub., 5. 1915. Factors influencing flower size in Nicotiana with special reference to questions of inheritance. Am. Jour. Bot., 2.



1915a. Parthenogenesis, parthenocarpy and phenospermy in NicoUniv. Cal. Pub., 5. tiana.

GooDSPEED, T. H., and R. E, Clausen, 1917. Mendelian

factor differ-

ences versus reaction system contrasts in heredity. Am. Nat., 51. 1917a. Fi species hybrids between Nicotiana sylvestris and varieties of Nicotiana tabacum. Univ. Cal. Pub. Bot., 5. GoRTNER, R. A., 1910. Spiegler's "white melanin" as related to dominant or recessive white. Am. Nat., 44. 1910-11. Studies on melanin I-III, Jour. Biol. Chem., 8, 10; IV,


Nat., 45.
of certain

GossAGE, A. M., 1908. The inheritance



Q. Jour. Med. Gould, H. N., 1917. 1919. Studies on sex in the hermaphrodite mollusc Crepidula plana. I. History of the sexual cycle. II. Influence of environment on sex. III. Transference of the male producing stimulus through sea water. Jour. Exp. Zool., 23, 29. Gowen, J. W., 1918. Inlieritance in crosses between dairy and beef breeds
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radish-cabbage hybrid [remarkably vigorous but


Jour. Her., 5.
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Gregory, R.

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The chromosomes of a Camb. Phil. Soc, 16.

Roy. Soc,
B., 87. variegation in
Ibid., 4.

giant form of Primula sinensis.


On the genetics of tetraploid

plants in Primula sinensis. Proc.

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Note on the inheritance


of heterostylisna in

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Gregory, W. K., 1917. Genetics versus paleontology. Am. Nat., 51. Groth, B. H. a., 1911. The Fi heredity of size, shape, and number in tomato leaves. Bull. 238 and 239, N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1912-14. [With B. D, Halsted and others. On crosses of maize, peppers, etc., in Ann. Reports Bot. Dept. N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta.]


results in size inheritance.

Bull. 278, ibid.

Guthrie, C. C, 1911. On graft hybrids [young from transplanted ovaries in fowls and guinea-pigs]. Proc. Am. Breeders' Assn., 6. GuYER, M. F., 1909. Atavism in guhiea-chicken hybrids. Jour. Exp.
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Hadley, p.

B., 1913-14. Studies on inheritance in poultry; I. The constitution of tlie wliite L'gh()rn l)reed. Bull. 155, R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. II. The factor for black pigmentation in the white Leghorn


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1914. 1919.

inheritance in rabbits of

immunity to

infection with the

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Der Familientypus der Habsburger.

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Ueber Kreuzungsversuche mit Himalaya- und Black-and-tanKaninchen. Mitt, naturf. Gesell. Halle, 2. Hagedoorn, a. L., 1912. On tri-color coat in dogs and guinea-pigs. Am.
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On some

skins of hybrid pheasants.

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1912a. 1914.


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transmission of secondary sexual characters in pheasants.


Jour. Genet., 3.



(Mexican) [Mendelian dominant character].



Her., 8.



A. D. Sprunt, and N.

M. Haldane,



cation in mice. Jour. Genet., 5. Hallquist, C, 1915. Brassicakreuzimgen.

Harlan D,

S. C., 1919.

(bigna sinensis). Harper, E. H., 1905. Studies in the inheritance of color in percheron
Biol. Bull., 9.

Bot. Notiser. I nh eritance of certain characters in the Jour. Genet., 8.


The biometric proof of the pure line theory. Am. Nat., 45. 1911a. The distribution of pure line means. Ibid. Harris, J. A., and A. E. Blakeslee, D. E. Warner, and W. F. FitzPatrick, 1917. The correlation between body pigmentation and egg production in the domestic fowl. Genetics, 2.
J. A., 1911.




H., 1916, 1917. Studies in the hybrid Bistoninae. Jour.

Bull. 218,

Genet., 6.

Hartley, C.

P., et al., 1912. Crossbreedmg corn. Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agr.



Harwood, W.



accomit of the

and work The Mendelian

creations in plant life; an authoritative of Luther Burbank. New York.


and blended mheritance.


Nat., 45.

Hawkes, O. a. M.,

1918. [Inlieritance in hybrid moths of the genus PhUosamia.j Jour. Genet., 7. Hayes, H. K., 1912. Correlation and inheritance in Nicotiana tahacum.

BuU. 171, Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta.



inheritance of certain quantitative characters in tobacco.

Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 10.




in tobacco. Science, 39. Ibid, cytological time of mutation in tobacco. Inheritance of a mosaic pericarp pattern color of maize.



Genetics, 2.

Heape, W., 1890. Preliminary note on the transplantation and growth of mammalian ova within a uterine foster-mother. Proc. Roy. Soc, 48.

Further note,


Ibid., 62.

Notes on the proportions of the sexes in dogs. Proc. Camb. PhiL Soc, 14. Hedrick, U. p., and R. Wellington, 1912. An experiment in breeding apples. Bull. 350, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Geneva, N. Y. Hegner, R. ay., 1919. Heredity, variation, and the appearance of diversities

during the






The first principles of evolution. London. Herbst, C, 1906-09. Vererbungsstudien, I-VI. [On echinoid hybrids.] Arch. Entw, Organ., 21, 22, 24 and 27. Heribert-Nilsson, N., 1912. Die Variabilitat der Oenothera Lamarckiana und das Problem der Mutation. Ibid., 8. Hermann, C. 1918. Heredity and disease. Jour. Her., 9. Hertwig, O., 1913. Keimeschadigung durch chemische Eingriffe. Sitz. Prus. Akad. Wiss., 30. Hodgson, R. W., 1918. An interesting bud-sport in the Washington navel
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Genetics, 4. Herbert, S., 1913.

and H. M. Loomis, 1909. The heredity of ej'e-color and hair-color in man. Biol. Bull., 18. Holmes, S. J. and R, O. Schofield, 1917. Inheritance of white forelock


S. J.,



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Reduj)lieation series in sweet peas. Ibid., '5. Further exi)eriinents on the inheritance of coat color in rabbits.

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II. Jour.

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Genet., G.

[cretin] in tlie

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poultry. Jour. Genet., 4. 1918. (Jenetic studies in jMHiltry.

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of weight in

Inheritance of leg-feathering.

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Jour. Genet., 7. Genetic studies on rabbits.

Reid, G. a., 1910. The laws of heredity. London. Riddle, O., 1909. Our knowledge of in<>lanin color formation and its bearing on the Mendelian description of heredity. Biol. Bull., 10. 1910. Success in controlling .sex. Jour. Her., 7. 1917. The control of the sex ratio. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 7. 44 Ridgway, R., 1912. Color standards and nomenclature. Wash., ix pj)., 53 pis. RiETZ, H. L., and E. Roberts, 191.5. Degrees of resemblance of parents and offspring with respect to birth as twins for registered Shropshire sheep. Jour. Agr. Res. U. S. Dept. Agr., 4. RoBBiNS, R. B., 1917, 1918. Some api)lieations of mathematics to breedGenetics 2, 3. ing problems.



Romanes, G. J., 1892-97. Darwin and after Darwin. London. Rommel, G. M., 1906. The fecundity of Poland-China and Duroc Jersey
sows. Giro. 95, Bureau Animal Industry, LT. S. Dept. Agr. Root, F. M., 1918. Inheritance in the asexual reproduction of Centro-


pyxis aculeata. Genetics, 3. J., and J. F. Anderson, 1907.

ceptibility and immunity. [Transmission by father.] Bull. 36, Hygienic Lab'y U- S. Pub. Hospital Service.

Studies upon hypersusmother but not by

Health and Marine


O., 1903. Das Verhalten der Chromosomen in einer hybriden Pflanze. Ber. Deutsch. bot. Gesell., 21.

Roux, W., 1881. Der Kampf der Teile im Organismus. Leipzig. Salabee, C. W., 1909. Parenthood and race culture. New York. Sal.\man, R., 1911. Heredity and the Jew. Jour. Genet., 1. 1912. On the hereditary characters in the potato. Jour. Roy. Hort.
Soc., 38.

Saunders, E. R., 1910. Studies


in the inheritance of doubleness in flow1.


Jour. Genet.,


Further experiments on the inheritance of "doubleness" and

other characters in stocks.

1913. 1917.

The breeding

of double flowers.

Proc. 4th Intern. Conf.

common foxglove {Digipurpurea). New Phytologist, 10. Further contribution to the study of the inheritance of hoariness in stocks (Matthiola). Proc. Roy. Soc, B, 85. On the mode of inheritance of certain characters in doublethrowing stocks. reply. Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 10. Studies on the inheritance of doubleness in flowers. JI. Meconopsis, Althea and Dianthus. Jour. Genet., 6. On the occurrence, behavior, and origin of a smooth-stemmed
inheritance of a mutation in the


form of the common foxglove. Jour. Genet., 7. Sax, K., 1918. The inheritance of doubleness in Chelidonium majus L.
Genetics, 3.

Schmidt, J., 1918. Racial studies in fishes. I. Statistical investigations with Zoarces viviparus. Jour. Genet., 7. 1919. Racial studies in fishes. II. Experimental investigations with

Jour. Genet., 8.

ScHOFiELD, R., 1917. Inheritance of a bilobed

R., 1912. Das ten." Leipzig. Severson, B. O., 1917.

Jour. Her., 8.


Problem der Vererbung "erworbener Eigenschaf8.

Color inheritance in swine. Jour. Her., and steer. Jcnir. Her. 9. Shamel, a. D., 1917. Bud variation in lemons. Jour. Her., 8.

Extra toes

in horse


Her., 9.



by bud




Lemon orchard from buds of single selected Bud variation in dalilias. Jour. Her., 9.

Jour. Her., 9.


1918(/. Striking


navel oranges are seedless. Jour. Her., 9. orange bud variations. Jour. Her., 9. Origin of a new and improved French prune variety.


Grande Maniton dahlia. Jour. Her., 10. A Shamel, a. D., L. B. Scott, and C. S. Pomeroy., 1918. Citrus fruit improvement. A study of bud variation in the Valencia orange. U. S.
Dept. Agr., Bull. 624. B., 1914. Thrips as pollinators of beet flowers. Bull. 104, U. S. Dept. Agr. Shearer, C, 1912. The problem of sex determination in Dinophibis Q. J. M. S., 57. gyrociliatus. Shearer, C, W. de Morgan, and H. M. Fuchs, 1911. Preliminary notice on the experimental hybridization of echinoids. Jour. Mar. Biol.

Her., 10. 1919a. bud variation of the

Shaw, H.

Ass., 9.



Shull, a.

F., 1912.

paternal characters in echinoid hybrids. Q. J. M. S., 58. The influence of inbreeding on vigor in Hydatina

senta. Biol. Bull., 24.

1913-15. Inlieritance in Hydatina senta. Jour. Exp. Zool., 15, 18. 1918. Relative effectiveness of food, oxygen, and other substances in causing or preventing male-production in Hydatina. Jour.


Zool., 26.

Effect of environment

upon inherited characters



winged and wingless forms to each other and to the sexes in the aphid, Macrosiphum solanijolii. Am. Nat., 52. Shull, G. H., 1907. Elementary species and hybrids of Bursa. Science,

Biol. Bull., 34. Genitic relations of the



significance of latent characters. of a white bean. Ibid.


latent characters
of latency.

A new



and several types


Nat., 42.
1909. 1910. 1911.

Some new cases of Mendelian inheritance. Bot. Gazette, 45. The composition of a field of maize. Proc. Am. Breed. Assn., 4. The "presence and absence" hypothesis. Am. Nat., 43.
Color inheritance

Lychnis dioica.
Ibid., 45.

Ibid., 44.

The genotypes

of maize.

1911a. Defective inheritance ratios in Bursa hybrids. Ver. Brlinn, 49.


Verh. naturf.

Inheritance of the heptandra form Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 6.




The primary

color factors of Lychnis and color inhibitors of Papaver rhoeas. Bot. Gazette, 54. Duplicate genes for capsule form in Bursa bursapastoris.

Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 12. 1914a. Ueber die Vererbung der Blattform bei Melandrium. Deutsch. Bot. GeselL, 31.




peculiar negative correlation in Oenothera hybrids. Jour. Genet., 4. 1914c. Sex-limited inheritance in Lychnis dioica. Zeit. Abst. Vererb.,

P. Simpsox, 191^2. Analytical hybridizing [of Breed. Assn., 7. Simpson, Q. I., and \V. E. Castle, 1913. A family of spotted negroes. Am. Nat., 47. SixxoTT E. W., 1916. Comparative rapidity of evolution in various plant










Nat., 50.

Smith, G., 1910-11. Studies in the experimental analysis of sex. Q.

54-57. S^UTH, L. H., 1908.



Ten generations of corn breeding. Bull. I'^S, Agr. Univ. of Illinois. Altering the composition of Indian corn by selection. Jour.

Ind. Eng. Chem., 4. Smith, T., 1907. Degree and duration of passive immunity to diphtheria toxin transmitted by immunized female guinea-pigs to their immediate offspring. Jour. Med. Research, 16. Smith, W. W., 1913. Color inheritance in swine. Am. Breed. Mag., 4. SoLLAS, I. B. J., 1909. Inlieritance of color and of supernumerary mammse in guinea-pigs, with a note on the occurrence of a dwarf form. Reports to the Evol. Com. of the Roy. Soc, Report 5. SpiLLiiAN, W. J., 1907. Standardizing breed characteristics. [Contains data on color inheritance in hogs.] Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci. 1908. Spurious allelomorphism. Am. Nat., 42. 1909. Barring in barred Plymouth Rocks. Poultry, 5. 1911. Inheritance of the eye in Vigna. Am. Nat., 45.


R., 1905. Note on heredity in pigeons. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 2. 1908. On the inheritance of color in domestic pigeons, with special

reference to reversion.

in pigeons with

Second Report on the inheritance of color


Ibid. special reference to sex-limited inlieritance. C. R., 1912. An experimental study of racial degeneration in

parent and the transmission of the defects to subsequent generations. Am. Nat., 47. Stockard, C. R., and G. Papanhcolau, 1916. A further analysis of the hereditary transmission of degeneracy and deformities by the descendants of alcoholized mammals.

mammals treated with alcohol. Arch. Int. Med., 10. The effect on the offspring of intoxicatmg the male


Nat., 50.
their descend-


effect of alcohol

on treated guinea-pigs and

Jour. Exp. Zool., 26. Stout, A. B., 1915, Tlie establishment of varieties in Coleus by the selection of somatic variations. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub., 218. Sturtevant, a. H., 1910. On the inlieritance of color in the American

trotting horse.

Biol. Bull., 19.


A critical examination of recent studies on color inheritance in
Jour. Genet., 2. 1912a. Is there association between the yellow and agouti factors in mice? Am. Nat., 36. 1913. The Himalayan rabbit case, with some considerations on
1914. 1915.

multiple allelomorphs. Ibid., 47. The reduplication hypothesis as applied to Drosophila.




crossing-over in the female of the silkworm moth. Ibid.,

sex-linked character in Drosophila repleta. Ibid. 19156. Experiments on sex recognition and the problem of sexual selection in Drosophila. Jour. An. Behav., 5.


Crossing-over without chyasmatype.'* Genetics, 2. An analysis of the effects of selection. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. No. 264. Sumner, F. B., 1910. The reappearance in the offspring of artificially produced parental modifications. Am. Nat., 44. 1910a. An experimental study of somatic modifications and their reappearance in the offspring. Arch. Entw. Organ., 30. 1911. Some effects of temperature upon growing mice and the persistence of such effects in a subsequent generation. Am. Nat.,
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effects of atmospheric temperature upon the body temperature of mice. Jour. Exp. Zool., 15.



studies of environmental influence, heredity, correlation

in the white

and growth


Ibid., 18.

1915a. Genetic studies of several geographic races of California deermice. Am. Nat., 49. 1917. Several color mutations in mice of the genus Peromyscus.


Genetics, 2. role of isolation in the formation of a narrowly localized race of deer mice. Am. Nat., 51. Continuous and discontinuous variations and their inherit-

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Conf. Genet. Paris. Studies on oat breeding. III. Inlieritance of glume characters in the cross, Avena fatua X A. sativa Var. Kherson. Genetics, 1. 1916a. The inheritance of eye pattern in beans and its relation to the

type of vine.






T., 1911.

Am. Nat., 50. The chromosomes in heredity. Biol. Bull., 4. Das Verhalten fluctuierend variierender Merkmale


der Bastardierung. Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerl., 8. 1913. Einige Korrelationserscheinungen bei Bastarde. Ibid., 10. 1914. The explanation of an apparent exception to Mendel's law of

K. Ak. Weten.





Die genotypische Zusammensetzung einiger Varietaten, derselben Art und ilir genetischer Zusammenhang. Rec. Trav.
Bot. Neerl., 12.

Tanaka, Y., 1913.


A study of Mendelian factors in the silkworm,

Tohoku Imp.
Univ., 5. repulsion in silkworms.


Jour. Col. Ag.

Ibid. 1913a. Gametic coupling and 1914. Further data on the reduplication in silkworms. Ibid., 6. 1914a. Sexual dimorphism of gametic series in the reduplication.

Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc.,


Tennent, D. H., 1910. The dominance

acters in echinoderm hybrids.

of maternal or of paternal char-


Arch. Entw. Organ., 29. Echinoderm hybridization. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub., 132. The correlation between chromosomes and particular characters in hybrid echinoid larvae. Am. Nat., 46. The behavior of the chromosomes in cross-fertilized echinoid


Jour. Morphol., 23. eggs. 19126. Studies in cytology [in echinoid crosses]. Jour. Exp. Zool.,


Terao, H., 1917.


Science, 37. reversible transformability of allelomorphs. versible mutation in rice.] Am. Nat., 51.

Echinoderm hybridization.



Maternal inheritance
A., 1908.

in the

soy bean.


Nat., 52.

Thomson, J. TowEK, W.


London and



An investigation of evolution in Chrysomelid L., 1906. beetles of the genus Leptinotarsa. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub., 48. 1910. The determination of dominance and the modification of behavior in alternative (Mendelian) inheritance by conditions surrounding or incident upon the germ cells at fertilization.
Biol. Bull., 18.


The mechanism

of evolution in Leptinotarsa.

Carnegie Inst.

Wash. Pub., 263.



the hybridology of the silkworm.

Rpt. Sericul-

tural Assn.



certain characteristics of the silkworm

which are appar-

ently non-Mendelian. Biol. Centrbl., 32. 1912a. On the varying dominance of certain white breeds of the silkworm, Bomhyx mori. Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 7. criticism of the hypothesis of linkage and crossingTrow, A. H., 1916.

Jour. Genet., 5. 1916a. On albinism in Senecio vulgaris. Jour. Genet., 6. TscHERMAK, A. VON, 1910. TJeber den Einfluss der Bastardierung auf

Form, Farbe und Zeichnung von Kanarieneiern. Biol. Centrbl., 30. Ueber Veriinderung der Form, Farbe und Zeicluiung von Kanarieneiern durch Bastardierung. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 148. TsciiERMAK, E. VON, 1900. Ueber kunstliche Kreuzung bei Pisum sativum.

landw. Versuch. Oest.


Ueber ZUchtung neuer Getreiderassen mittels Kreuzung. Ibid.


1904. 1905. 1906.
1911. 1912.

Die Theorie der Kryptomerie und des Kryptohybridismus.
Beih. Bot. Centrbl., 16. Weitere Kreuzungsstudieii an Erbsen, Levkojen und Bohnen.

Die Mendelsche Lehre und die Galtonsche Theorie von Ahnenerbe. Arch. Rass. Gesell., 2. Kreuzungsstudien an Roggen. Zeit. landw. Versuch. Oest. Ueber die Vererbung der Blutezeit bei Erbsen. Verh. naturh.


Briinn, 49.


Bastardierungsversuche an Levkojen, Erbsen und Bolmen mit Rueksicht auf die Faktorenlehre. Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 7. Notiz uber den BegrifJ der Krj'ptomerie. Zeit. Abst. Vererb.,

1914a. Ueber die Vererbungsweise von Art- und Gattungsbastarden innerhalb der Getreidegruppe. Mitt, landw. Lehrk. Hochsch.

Uda, H.,

Bodenkult. "Wien, 2. On the relations between blood color and cocoon color in silkworms, with special reference to Mendel's law of heredity.

Genetics, 4.

Valleau, W. D., 1916. Inheritance of sex in the grape. Am. Nat., 50. Vernon, H. M., 1903. Variation in animals and plants. New York. DE ViLMORiN, p., and AV. Bateson, 1911. A case of gametic coupling in Pisum. Proc. Roy. Soc, B, 84. DE Vries, H., 1901-03. Die Mutationstheorie. Leipzig. 1905. Species and varieties; their origin by mutation. Chicago. 1907. Plant breeding; comments on the experiments of Nilsson and Burbank. Chicago. 1913. Gruppenweise Artbildung. Berlin. [Contains complete bib1914.

The probable
Gazette, 17.

liography of Oenothera papers, 1901-12.] origin of Oenothera Lamarckiana Ser., Bot.

of Oenothera Hookeri.

Twin hybrids
G., 1901.

Geaetics, 3.


Remarkable cases of hereditary anchyloses, or absence of various phalangeal joints with defects of the little and ring finJolms Hop. Hosp. Bull., 12. gers. Wallace, A. R., 1889. Darwinism. London. Wallace, R., 1907. Farm live stock of Great Britain. Fourth ed. Edinburgh and London. Walter, H. E., 1913. Genetics; an introduction to the study of heredity.

New York.
Walton, L. B., 1915. Variability and amphimixis. Am. Nat., 49. Warren, D. C, 1917. Mutations in Drosophila busckii. Am. Nat., 51. Warren, H. C, 1917. Numerical effects of natural selection acting upon
Mendelian characters. Genetics,

Webber, H.



The production


new and improved

varieties of

timothy. Bull. 313, Cornell Univ. Agr. E\T3. Sta. Weinstein, a., 1918. Coincidence of crossing-over in Drosophila. Genetics, 3.

WEisiiANiSr, A., 1893.


The germ-plasm. Eng. trans, by W. N. Parker and Harriet Ronnfeldt. New York. 1904. The evolution theory. Eng. trans, by J. Arthur Thomson and
Margaret R. Thomson.

F. R., 1906. On the inlieritanee of the sex ratio and of the size of the litter in mice. Biometrika, 5. Wellingtox, R., 191'-2. Influence of crossing In increasing the yield of the

Weldon, W.


tomato. Bull. 346, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva. Studies of natural and artificial parthenogenesis in the genus
Nicotiana. Am. Nat., 47. E. N., 1912. I. Ldieritance of


mammae in swine.

II. Segre-

gation in cattle [Shorthorn

ers' Assn., 8.

X GaUoway





Inheritance of


Duroc Jersey swine. Am. Nat.,

1913a. Color inheritance in the horse. Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 11. 19136. Segregation of fecundity factors in Drosophila. Jour. Genet., 3. 1913c. Color in shorthorn cattle. Am. Breed. Mag., 4. 1915. Prepotency. Jour. Her., 6.

Wheldale, M.,
1910. 1911.

Inlieritanee of fertility in Southdown sheep. Am. Nat., 51. 1909. On the nature of anthocyanin. Proc. Camb. Phil.


and pigments of flowers, with special reference to Proc. Roy. Soc, B, 81. Die Vererbung der Blutenfarbe bei Antirrhinum majus. Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 3.

The chemical

differentiation of species.

Biochem. Jour.,


the formation of anthocyanin. Jour. Genet., 1. Wheldale, M., and H. L. Bassett, 1914. The flower pigments of Antirrhinum majus. in. The red and magenta pigments. Biochem.
Jour., 8.



The chemical
flower color.

interpretation of

some Mendelian

factors for

Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 87. White, O. E., 1913-14. The bearing of teratological development in Nicotiana on theories of heredity. Am. Nat., 47; Am. Jour. Bot., 1. 1916. Inheritance studies in Pisum. I. Am. Nat., 50. 1917. Studies of inheritance in Pisum. 11. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 5Q.
1917o. Studies, etc. IV. Jour. Agr. Res., 11. 19176. Inheritance of endosperm color in maize. Am. Jour. Bot., 4. new color variety of the Norway rat. Science, Whiting, P. W., 1916.


1918. 1919.

Inlieritanee of coat color in cats.

Iciihniella Zeller.

Jour. Exp. Zool., 25.

Genetic studies on the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia

Jour. Exp. Zool., 28.

1919a. Inheritance of white spotting and other color characters in cats. Am. Nat., 53. Whiting, P. W., and H. D. King, 1918. Ruby-eyed dilute gray, a third allelomorph in the albino series of the rut. Jour. Exp. Zool., 26.

Whitman, C.
Vol. 1. Vol. 2.
O., 1904.


The problem of the origin of species [OrthoCongress Arts Sei., St. Louis Exposition, 5. Posthumous works. Edited by Oscar Riddle. Carnegie Inst.
Wash. Pub., 257.
Orthogenetic evolution In pigeons.
Inlieritance, fertility, and the dominance of sex hybrids of wild species of pigeons.


color in

Vol. 3.

Whitney, D. D.,

of pigeons. 1912. Reinvigoratlon produced by cross-fertilization In Hydaiina senta. Jour. Exp. Zool., 12. 1914. The Influence of food In controlling sex in Hydatina senta.
Ibid., 17.

The behavior


The production

of males

and females controlled by food con-

ditions in Hydatina senta. Science, 39. The production of males and females controlled

by food conby

ditions In the English Hydatina senta. Biol. Bull., 29. 1915a. An explanation of the non-production of fertilized eggs

adult male producing females in a species of Asplancna. Ibid.,

1917. 1919.


control of sex
Zool., 20.

by food

in five species of rotifers.



and oxygen in controlling sex Jour. Exp. Zool., 24. The ineffectiveness of oxygen as a factor in causing male production In Hydatina senta. Jour. Exp. Zool., 28.
relative Influence of food
In rotifers.

WiCHLER, G., 1913. TJntersuchungen liber den Bastard Dianlhus armeria X Dianthus deltoides nebst Bemerkungen iiber elnige andere Artkreuzungen der Gattung Dianthus. Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 10. WiCHUEA, M., 1865. Die Bastardbefruchtung im Pflauzenrelch. Breslau. Wilson, E. B., 1896. The cell In development and Inlierltance. New
1905-14. [Numerous and important papers on cytology In relation to genetics; bibliography in Morgan, "Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity."] Wilson, J., 1908. Mendellan characters among shorthorn cattle. Sci.
Proc. Roy. Dub. Soc, 11. Winge, O., 1919. On the relation between number of chromosomes and number of types, in Lathyrus especially. Jour. Genet., 8.

On the non-Mendelian Inlierltance in variegated plants.

C. R.

Travaux Lab. Carlsberg, 14. Winkler, H., 1914. Die Chimarenforschung als Methode der experimentellen Biologic. Phys-Med. Gesselschaft WUrzburg, Jahrg., 1913. 1916. Ueber die experlmentelle Erzeugimg von Pflanzen mlt abwelchenden Chromosomenzahlen. Zeit. f. Bot., 8. Wolf, F., 1909. Ueber Modifikationen und experlmentelle ausgelosste Mutationen von Bacillus prodigiosus und anderen Schizophyten.
Zeit. Abst. Vererb., 2.



Weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber R., 1909. Artveranderung, speciel iiber das Wesen quantitativer Artunterschiede bei Daphniden. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell. 1911. Beltrag zur Analyse der "Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften": Transmutation und Prainduktion bei Daphnia. Ibid. WooDLOCK, J. M., 1916. Some Experiments in heredity with Abraxas

and two

of its varieties.

Jour. Genet., 5.


L, L.,


A five-year pedigreed race of Paramecium


out conjugation. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., 9. Woodruff, L. L., and R. Erdmann, 1914. A normal periodic reorganization process without cell fusion in Paramecium. Jour. Exp. Zool.,

Woods, F. A., 1906. Mental and moral heredity in royalty. New York. Wright, S., 1914. Duplicate genes. Am. Nat., 48. 1915. The albino series of allelomorphs in guinea-pigs. Ibid., 49. 1917. The probable error of Mendelian class frequencies. Am. Nat.,

1917, 1918. Color inheritance in mammals. Jour. Her., 8, 9. 1918. On the nature of size factors. Genetics. 3. Yerkes, R. M., 1913. The heredity of savageness and wildness in rats.

Jour. An. Behavior, 3.

Yule, G. U., 1912. An introduction to the study of statistics. London and New York. Zeleny, C., 1919. Forty-two generations of selection for high- and lowfacet number in the white bar-eye race of Drosophila. Abstract in program 17th an. meeting. Am. Soc. Zool.

ing further decrease in facet nance. Jour, Exp. Zool., 30.

change in the bar gene of Drosophila melanogaster involvnumber and increase in domi-

Zelent, C., and E. W. Mattoon, 1915. The effect of selection upon the "bar eye" mutant of Drosophila. Jour. Exp. Zool., 19. ZiNN, J., 1919. On variation in Tartary buckwheat. Genetics, 4.

Acclimatization, 31.

Buff on, 18.

Acquired characters, 20, 22, 28, 45,

Agouti, 115. 124, 188.
Albino, 24, 88, 122a.
Alcohol, effects of, on germ-cells, 45.

Buttercup, 63, 73.

Butterfly, 52.

Castration, effects of, 251.

Allelomorph, 101
Allen, 139.

Allelomorphs, multiple, 186.

Cats, short-tailed, 28, 143 unit-characters of, 142.

Cattell, 295, 298, Cattle, polled, 91, 133. short-horn, 110.

Andalusian fowl, 109.

Angora, 91,
Ants, 53.


unit-characters of, 130.

Apotettix, 176.

white, of English parks, 131.


Apple graft-hybrid,
Arcella, 210.

wild, 130.

Cave animals,


Ascaris, 51. Atavism, 113.

Average deviation. 64
Barnacle, light reactions
of, 43.

Cavia Cutleri, 243. Cavia rufescens, 256. Checkerboard method, 105, 116. Cheledonium, 152.
Child, 52.

Barrows, 140. Basset hounds, 246.

Bateson, 55, 92, 109, 120, 136, 156, 173.

Chimera, 23.


49, 51.


in, 205.

Baur, 23, 113, 211.


Chromosome map,
Ciona, 29, 229.
in, 215.


voyage of

9, 14.

Beans, selection for size

Bees, 53. Bert, 32.

Coefficient of correlation, 65. of inbreeding, 238.

of variation, 65.

Binet test, 286.

Biometry, 55, 57, 62. Birthrate, differential, 295.

Bison, 133, 236.

Coleus, 149, 211. Collins, 262.

Colorblindness, 162.
inheritance, 88.

Black coat, 124.

Blending inheritance, 192, 246.

Colors of flowers, 148.

Bond, 275.
Bonhote, 124.
Bos, 230. Bounty, mutineers of the, 267.


of fruits, 151. 114.

Congenital disease, 29.

1 1.

Correlation, 65.

Bo veri, 51,249.
Bridges, 219, 249. British aristocracy

Correns, 82.
Crepidula, 253.

and eugenics,


Crossing-over, 168.

coat, 124. Brown-Sequard, 30.


Cuenot, 111.


of error, 60, 62, 72.


Fluctuations, 71, 78. Free martin, 252.
Fruit colors, 151.

Daphnia, 32, 213, 255. Darwin, Charles, 7, 48, 55, 83, 113, 228. Darwin, Erasmus, 9.
Davenport, 271, 275, 277, 284.
Davis, 80.
Delage, 34.

Galapagos islands,
Gall insects, 52.

Determiners, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54.

Detlefsen, 179. Difflugia, 209.

Gallus bankiva, 145.

Galton, 3, 9, 26, 56, 71, 246,, 295. Galton's hnr of ancestral heredity, 239, 246.


ratio, 107, 116.



Dilute pigmentation, 127. Disease, inheritance of, 29.

Gates, 50.

Gene, 99.

Dogs, unit-characters of, 138. Domestication, changes under, Dominant, 88.

Drinkwater, 190.

Genes, linear arrangement nature of, 177.

Genetic changes, 205.

of, 168.



Drosophila, 156, 176, 180, 188, 219,224,

230, 249.

tion, 219.


eye colors



in self-fertilization, 215.


size inheritance in, 197.

Genetics defined,


East, 193, 199, 210, 242, 244.

Egg-cell, 98.

Genotype, 102.
Geographical distribution, 13.
Geological succession, 13.
Germ-cells, 23, 47.

Egypt, royal family Elementary species,

of, 227.


Embryology, 12. Emerson, 199, 211, 224. Environment, direct effect

Epilepsy, 30, 284.

Germinal selection, 54.

of, 20.

Gipsy moth, 33. Goddard, 285.

Goodale, 251. Goss, 86.

Eugenics defined,


Eugenics Laboratory, 271. Eugenics Record Office, 271.

Evening primrose,

49, 75, 220.


Gould, 253. Gradation of organisms, Graft hybrid, 23.


Evolution defined, 4,

Greek philosophers,
Gross, 202.


history of, repeated in devel-

opment, 13. Extension factor, 188.

Factor, modifying, 189.
multiple, 192.

Guinea-pig, 24, 30, 88, 91, 114, 122a, 187. Gynandromorph, 249.

Haemophilia, 162. Hair form, inheritance

of, 275.

Farabee, 190.
Feeble-mindedness, 285.
Ferroniere, 32,
Filial generation, 100.

Haldane, 170, 173.

Harrison, 23.

Hegner, 51,209.

Height of Harvard students, 57, 61.

Fischer, 34, 269. Fixation of new varieties, 95.

Heron, 281, 283. Hermaphroditism, 261.

Hertwig, 45.
Heterosis, 242.

Flower colors, 148.

forms, 150.

Heterozygote, 98.
Heterozygous, 90.
Lychnis, 262.
Lyell, 8.


Homozygote, 98. Homozygous, 90. Hormones, 252.

Horse, ancestor
of, 13.

MacDowell, 224. Macrogamete, 253.

Maize, 151, 174, 194, 211, 223, 228. Malthus, 15.

Clydesdale, 136.
Prevalski's, 134. Shire, 136.

Marriage of near-of-kin, 227.

unit-characters of, 134.

McCIung, 260. Mean, 64.

Mendel, 82, 190, 248. Mendel's law, 55, 82, 88. Mendelian expectations, 104.
ratios, modified, 109, 116, 119.

Hoshino, 200.


crosses, English-Polynesian, 268.

Boer-Hottentot, 269.

Jew-Anglo Saxon, 274.

Negro-white, 271.


ability, inheritance of, 279.

Huxley, 12.

Miastor, 51.

Hybrid, 79, 83.

Hydatina, 254.
Illiteracy, 290.

Microgamete, 254. Microtus, 124.

Miller, 139.

Mirabilis,86, 110,206.

Immigration, 290.
Inbreeding, 222, 223, 224, 227, 230. Insanity, 280.
Instinct, 41.



Mongrel, 83.

Morgan, 52,

120, 249, 251.


Intense pigmentation, 127.

Jennings, 209, 240.

Moth, brown-tail,


Mulatto, 277. Mule- footed swine, 138.

Multiple allelomorphs, 187, 219. Multiple factor hj^jothesis, 192. Mus alexandrinus, 1 25

Joharnsen, 94, 208, 247.

Jones, 244.

Jungle fowl, 145.

Kellogg, 33.

29, 37.

rattus, 124, Mutants of Oenothera, 76^


11, 71, 182, 185, 189.

King, 129, 222, 231, 238, 256. Knight, 86.

Kblreuter, 83.

varieties of, 208.

Mutilations, 28.


17, 18, 47.

of, 152.

Nabours, 176. Natural selection, 11, 17, 56.

Leaves, forms



Light effects, 38.


Negro, white-spotted, 277.

Nicotiana, 85, 229, 236, 242. Nilsson-Ehle, 193.

Linkage, 120, 167, 180.

chromosome theory of, measurement of, 172.

Little, 111, 125, 139, 179.

Oenothera, 49, 75, 221.

Origin of Species, 11, 17. Osborn, 8, 19, 266.

Lizard, 37.


12, 83.

Ovarian transplantation

in fowls, 251.

Loeb, 43, 256.

in guinea-pigs, 24.

Ovarian transplantation

in rats, 251.

Punnett, 104, 109, 120, 125, 145, 173,


Overproduction, 11. Oxford "class lists," 279.


line hypothesis, 215,

Rabbit, 26, 67, 191.

Pangenesis, 24, 26, 48.
Parallel induction, 35, 54. Paramecium, selection for size in, 209.

Dutch-marked, 125, 224.

ear-length of, 194. English, 125, 183. gray coat of, 205.

Parental generation, 100. Parthenogenesis, 212.

in distant crosses, 236.
in frog, 256.

Himalayan, 138.
size inheritance in, 191.

Race mixture and venereal

Rat, 117, 176, 222, 230.

disease, 306.

in honey-bee, 257.

in orange, 257. in sea-urchin 237.


hooded, 184, 223. Regeneration, 51.

Regression, 247. Reversion, 113.




in teosinte, 237.

Riddle, 255.

Pasteur, 29. Payne, 225.

Pearl, 238.

Roan cattle, 110. Rock pigeon, 114.

Rodents, unit-characters
of, 122.

Pearson,57, 68, 279.

Pearson, 57, 68, 279.
Peas, dwarf and
tall, 152.

Romanes, 31. Rosanoff and Orr, 281.

flowering time of, 200.

Rough coat of guinea-pigs, Ruby eye of rats, 129.

Saint-Hilaire, 18.


linkage in, 174. Pebriue, 29. Pelargonium, 211.

Peppers, size inheritance in, 202.

Salaman, 274. Salamander, 37.

Salinity, altered, 32.

Peromyscus, 123, 125.

Phenotype, 94, 102.
Phillips, 24, 125, 140, 179, 197.

School rank and success in later



Pictet, 33.

Sebright bantam, 251.

Segregation, 91.
Selection, 71, 184, 189, 222, 223. in Aphis avenae, 214.
in beans, 215.

Pink-eyed rodents, 126.

Pitcairn Island, 268. Plants, unit-characters of, 149. Plato's Bepvblic, 292.


self-sterility in, 229.

Polymorphism, 52.
Polynesians and venereal disease, 305.

in in

Daphnia, 213. hooded rats, 184.

Paramecium, 209.

Potato beetle, 35.

Poultry, unit-characters of, 145. Pressure effects, 38.
Prevalski's horse, 134. Primula, 150, 173.

in parthenogenesis, 213.

in pure lines, 215.

in Simocephalus, 214.
Self-fertilization, 75, 223, 228.

Self-pollination, 228.
Self-sterility, 229.

Probable error, 68.

Proteus, 40.



variety of , 210.

Semon, 29, 41. Sex-chromosome, 157.

Tri-color coat, 126. Sex-determination of bee, 257. of Crustacea and roti- Tri-hybrid ratio, 107, 119.
fers, 258.


Tschermak, 82.
Tuberculosis, 30. Tubifex, 32.
Unit-character, 91, 99, 182.
Unit-factor, 99.

of squash-bug, 259.

Sex-linked inheritance, 159.



poultry type, 165

Sex-intergradcs, 213. Sex-mosaic, 249.

Use and

disuse, 20.

Sex ratio in

rats, 222.

Shamel, 210.
Sheep, docking
of, 28.

Variation, 11, 19, 21, 53, 55, 71. Variation of Animals and Plants under

unit-characters of, 138. Shepherd's-purse, 193.

Shull, 193, 228, 262.

Domestication^ 14, 17, 19, 24, 56. Variation, coefficient of, 65. continuous or discontinuous,

Silkworm, unit-characters
linkage in, 176.

of, 154.

Variation curve, 59. Vasectomy, 291.


Simocephalus, 213.
Skin-color, inheritance of, 277.

H. de,

56, 71, 82.

Snapdragon, 113, 174.

Wallace, 10.



Spartan eugenics, 292. Spencer, Herbert, 25

Sperm, 98. Standard deviation, 64.

Steinach, 251. Sterility in crosses, 233.

Wedgewood, 9. Weight of Harvard students, Weismann, 21, 29, 34, 41, 47, Wentworth, 135.
WTieat, crosses of, 192. Whetham, 297.

57, 61, 63.



spotting, 125, 188.

Stockard, 45. Stout, 211.

Struggle for existence, 11. Sugar beet, 71.

Whiting, 129.

Whitney, 254.
Wilson, 259.
Winkler, 23. Wislar Institute, 231.


fittest, 11.

Survival of the

Wolves, coat color

Wright, 128, 177.

of, 140.

Sweet peas, 118, 120, 149, 173, 218.

Swine, unit-characters
Syphilis, 30.
of, 137.


157, 159, 260.

Temperature effects, 34. Texas fever, 29, 207.

Tomato, linkage Tower, 35. Toyama, 154.

in, 174.

Y-chromosome, 260. Yellow coat, 124. Yellow mice. 111. Yellow spotting, 126.
Yule, 63.
Zeleny, 225.

Transfusion of blood, 26. Transplantation of ovaries, 24, 28, 251. Treasury of II u ma a Inheritance, 271

Zygote, 98.









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