PHY520 Introduction To Quantum Mechanics About Myself: Kwok-Wai NG Office: CP 385 Telephone: 7-1782 E-Mail: Office Hour: Mon 10:00-11:00

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PHY520 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics About myself: Kwok-Wai Ng Office: CP 385 Telephone: 7-1782 E-mail: kwng@uky.

edu Office hour: Mon 10:00-11:00

About this course Time: Place: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:00-12:50 p.m. CP 183

Text book: Quantum Mechanics Concepts and Applications, by Nouredine Zettili. (Publisher: John Wiley)

Grading policy
Homework Test 1 Test 2 Final Examination Total 40% 15% 15% 30% 100%

Read syllabus carefully at home. Ask if you have any question. Please sign the class roll when it is passed to you. Evaluation window for this semester:
13 April 2009 (Monday) to 29 April 2009 (Wednesday)

Some important plane wave parameters

1- D :

(x, t) = A e i(kx -t) 3- D : vv v i(k r -t) ( r , t) = A e

Frequency :

Wave length :

2 k=

1 = 2 and = T
Relationship between and :

v = or = vk

Experiments showing particle property of electromagnetic waves

1. Black body radiation 2. Photoelectric effect 3. Compton effect 4. Pair production Wave parameters:

Blackbody radiation
A blackbody absorbs all radiation incident upon it. In reverse, it radiates electromagnetic wave when it is heated. The radiation spectrum depends on the temperature of the blackbody.

A model blackbody

Some classical properties of blackbody radiation

1. Wiens Displacement Law gives the peak position:

max T = 2.897 7685(51) 10 3 m K or max T

2. Stefans Law gives the area under curve: Total radiation power /Area

= T4

= 5.670400 10-8 Js -1m -2 K -4 = emissivity = 1 for perfect black

< 1 for not so black
3. Exact form? Wiens Law (thermodynamical derivation): f ( T ) u ( ) = 5 Attempt to get the exact equation of the spectral distribution RayleighJeans Theory

(infinite possible equations can satisfy this requirement!)

Energy in a Blackbody
Introduce density of states N() defined as the number of modes per unit frequency per volume. For electromagnetic plane waves, c= and N()= 82/c3. The spectral density u() is the total energy radiated per unit wavelength.

u() = N()E()V

Change of varibale from to : u( ) d = u ( ) d

u() = N()E()V

d d

Choice of E() matters! Rayleigh-Jeans classical approach: Plancks quantum mechanical approach:

E() = < E > = k BT

8 k B T u() = 5

E() = e

h k BT


8 h u() = 3 c

3 e
h k BT

Perfect fit electromagnetic radiation is composed of small energy packets (quanta), each quanta has energy h.

Photoelectric effect
Experimental arrangement: Electron slowing down by going from a high potential to a low potential ht - Low Lig






Sl op

+ High potential


Retarding voltage: As we crank up
the retarding voltage, A will decrease. Eventually A will become 0 when V reaches the stopping voltage V0. From V0 we can calculate the kinetic energy K of the electrons.

W K= h - W
The stopping voltage V0 (i.e. K) is independent of the intensity, but depends on the frequency of the incident wave. Implication: Light is composed of small energy packets (quanta), each quanta has energy h.

Compton effect
Compton effect describes the collision between an electron and a photon (X-ray).

Longer wavelength

Experimental results follow conservation of energy and momentum by assuming electromagnetic radiation as particles of E=h and p=h/.

= '- =

h (1 - cos ) mc

In conclusion
In some experiments, a plane wave of frequency and wavelength behaves like a particle of energy E and momentum p, with

E = h


h p=

Notes: 1. and are wave parameters and E and p are particle parameters. 2. if [E] is the unit of energy and [p] is the unit of momentum, then the unit of h is [E]-s or [p]-m.

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