Parallel Algorithm For Computing Edt With New Architecture

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International Journal of of Electronics and Communication International JournalElectronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976

& Technology (IJECET) Engineering 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), pp. 01-17 IAEME IAEME,



Er. Kirti Rawal Lecturer, RIEIT,Railmajra Punjab, E-Mail: [email protected] Er. Sonia Lecturer, BBSBEC Fatehgarh Sahib Er. Rajeev Kumar Patial Sr.Lecturer, LPU Phagwara Mahesh Mudavath Lecturer, RIEIT, Railmajra Punjab, E-Mail: [email protected]

A distance transformation converts a binary image consisting of foreground and background pixels into one in where each pixel has a value equal to its nearest background pixel (alternatively, distances could be the to the nearest foreground pixel). This paper provides an area-efficient hardware solution to the computation of EDT on a binary image. A Parallel algorithm for computing EDT of an nn image is presented. Pipelined 2D array architecture for hardware implementation is designed. The architecture has a regular structure with locally connected identical processing elements. Further, pipelining reduces hardware resources. Such array architecture is easily scalable to handle images of different sizes. Keywords Distance Transforms, Euclidean Distance Transform, Parallel Algorithm, Pipelined Architecture.

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

A distance transform, also known as distance map or distance field, is a representation of a digital image. Applications of distance transform are numerous. These include shape analysis of objects [2], machine vision [3] and image matching [4].

Figure 1 distance transformation Three different distance metrics are commonly used which are following [1]:

Manhattan distance Chessboard distance Euclidean distance

A. Manhattan Distance Transform

The Distance between two points measured along axes at right angles. In a plane with p1 at (x1, y1) and p2 at (x2, y2), it is |x1 - x2| + |y1 - y2|. Manhattan distance is often used in integrated circuits where wires only run parallel to the x or y axis Manhattan distance is often used in integrated circuits where wires only run parallel to the x or y axis. Also known as rectilinear distance, Minkowski's L1 distance, taxi cab metric, or city block distance. The formula for this distance between a point x= (x1, x2, etc.) and a point

y= (y1, y2, etc.) is

d = xi yi
i =1

Figure 2 Manhattan distance transformation 2

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

B. Chessboard Distance Transform

The Chessboard distance between two spaces on a chess board is the minimum number of moves a king requires to move between them. Below are the Chessboard distances of each square from the square f6. Chessboard Distance is also called maximum value distance or Chebyshev distance. Mathematically it can be written as DChebyshev(p, q) = maxi(| pi qi |).The city block distance, chessboard distance or the combination of those two are used for the benefit of their simplified architectures and integer computations[5-7].

Figure 3 Chessboard Distance Transformations

C. Euclidean Distance Transform

Euclidean Distance Transformation (EDT) is used to convert a digital binary image consisting of object (foreground) and non object (background) pixels into another image where each pixel has a value of the minimum Euclidean distance from non object pixels. Considerable research has been done on development of algorithms for computation of the EDT. Several sequential [8-11] and parallel [12-16] algorithms are available. Some work on parallel algorithms targeted to general-purpose processors is also known [17, 18]. Out of these three distance transforms EDT find widespread use.

In this paper, a parallel algorithm is presented. The salient feature of this algorithm is that the computation of EDT involves only integer arithmetic operations within a small neighbourhood of each pixel and hence it is suitable for mapping onto high

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

speed array architecture. The Euclidean distance is given by dp = r 2 + c 2 [19]. ( r, c) of background pixels are initialized to (0, 0) and those of foreground pixels are computed iteratively starting from the pixels nearby background and moving towards the far away pixels. That is, dp lies within (k - 0.5, k + 0.5] i.e. for k =1 its value lies between 0.5 to 1.5.Hence dp is not integer because from 0.5 to 1.5 there are some floating point numbers i.e. 0.7, 0.9 etc. So we take d2p whose values lies within ( k2 - k, k2 + k) since d2p is an integer. However, d2p is quite large in magnitude and it requires a large storage space in hardware. For K=1, value lies within k2-k to k2+k = (12 -1) to (12 +1) = 0 to 2. Thus range of d2p is from 0 to 2. For K=2, value lies within k2-k to k2+k = (22 -2) to (22 +2) = 2 to 6. So we take (p) which is less than d2p is given by (p) = k2+k - d2p. Here d2p is derived first and then substituted to find (p). A new integer quantity (p) which is much smaller than d2(p) is defined as (k2 + k) - d2p. d2p can be derived using the already computed ( r, c) of eight neighbors pi, i = 18, surrounding p. It is given by [min ri2 + ci2] where ri = (pi) if pi is in the same row of p. Otherwise, terms of c(pi). ri = r(pi) + 1. The increment by 1 is due to p being displaced from pi by one row. Similarly, ci is given in


There are three steps of parallel algorithm which are used to compute Euclidean distance transform. Step 1: Compute ri, ci and i , i = 1 to 8.

Figure 4 Euclidean distance from reference value to the same column (above)

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

Euclidean Distance dp= d2 p = r2 + c2 d2 p = 12 + 02 = 1

r 2 + c 2

(p) = k2+k - d2p = 12+1 1 = 1 In this way all values of Euclidean distance for k = 1 are computed.

Figure 5 Euclidean distance values for k=1

Figure 6 Euclidean distance from Reference value to the different row (Above) and different column (L.H.S) Euclidean Distance dp= d2p = r2 + c2 d2p = 22 + 12 = 5 (p) = k2+k - d2p = 22+2 5 = 1 In this way all values of Euclidean distance for k = 2 are computed.

r 2 + c 2

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

Figure 7 Euclidean distance values for k=2

Figure 8 Euclidean distance values from reference value to corner side (above) Euclidean Distance dp= d2 p = r2 + c2 d2 p = 22 + 22 = 8 (p) = k2+k - d2p = 32+3 8 = 4 In this way all values of Euclidean distance for k = 3 are computed.

r 2 + c 2

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

Figure 9 Euclidean distance values for k = 3

Step 2: To find Maximum values

Consider i values corresponding to neighbors pi whose done (pi) = 1. Find the maximum, say m. In step 2 , d2(p) can be rewritten as min[d2(pi) + Ri + Ci] where Ri = 0 if pi is in the same row of p. Otherwise, Ri = 2 r(pi) + 1. (p) is now derived as follows. (p) = k2+k - d2p = max [ k2+k - d2 pi - Ri - Ci] = max [ pi - Ri - Ci] = max [i ] Consider iteration k = 2. of those twelve pixels whose ( r, computed at k =1 are incremented by 2k (i.e. 4). c) have been

Figure 10 Maximum value of Euclidean distance from reference value to different row and different column (L.H.S)

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

= 5 - 3 3 = -1 Where Ri = 2 rpi + 1 and = 2 1+1 = 3 Ci = 2 cpi + 1 = 2 1+1 = 3

Step 3: To find overlapped delta values, If done(p) = 0 and m 0, then r(p)= rm, c(p)= cm, (p) =m and done(p) =1. If done(p) = 1, then (p) = (p) + 2k.
To keep track of pixels whose ( r, c) have been computed, a flag done is assigned to each pixel, whose value is set to 1 when the transform values of pixels are computed at any iteration. Overlapped values for k=1 are computed as follows If previous value of (p) is 0 (for k=0), then value for k=1 are computed by using the formula (p) = (p) + 2k. = 0 + 21 = 2

Figure 11 Overlapped value in k = 1 Similarly overlapped values for k=2 are computed as follows If previous value of (p) is 2 (for k=1), then value for k=2 are computed by using the formula max (i ) = max (pi ) - Ri - Ci (p) = (p) + 2k. = 2 + 22 = 6

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

Figure 12 Overlapped value in k = 2 Similarly overlapped values for k=3 are also computed by using the formula. (p) = (p) + 2k. = 6 + 23 = 12 In this way all the overlapped values of delta are computed.


The computation of i, Ri and Ci are computed first based on the position of neighbors pi. Ri (or Ci) takes either 0 or 2 r(pi) + 1 (or 2 c(pi) + 1). Therefore, the computation of ri and ci requires incrementers while the computation of i requires adders and subtractors [32]. Pipelined Architecture for computing EDT is as shown in figure 13

Squaring Circuit for r and c:

Squaring circuit is used to square the inputs of r and c in order to get the output rsq and csq. The maximum value of r and c is 2 so only two bits are required to represent 0,1and 2. The maximum value of rsq and csq is 4 so four bits are used to represent 0,1and 4.

Squaring Circuit for k:

Squaring circuit is used to square the inputs of k in order to get the output ksq. The maximum value of k is 3 so only two bits are required to represent 0, 1, 2 and 3. The maximum value of ksq is 9 so four bits are used to represent 0, 1, 4 and 9.

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

Full Adder for k and ksq:

Here 4bit full adder is used to add the values of k and ksq in order to get the output tot. The maximum value of k is 3 and ksq is 9 so four bits are required to represent ksq. The maximum value of tot is 12 so four bits are used to represent tot values. In this case there is no carry input i.e. cin1 and no carry output i.e. cout1 so both will remain zero.

Subtractor for dp and total:

Here subtractor is used to subtract the values of dp and tot in order to get the output del_p. The maximum value of dp is 8 and tot is 12 so four bits are required to represent dp and tot values. Del_p (delta) comes at the output through wire del_p_1.

Pipelined Register1:
Pipelined register1 is used to store all the r, c and delta values which are calculated in stage 1.The inputs of pipelined register1 is r1_0 to r1_29, c1_0 to c1_29 and del1_p0 to del1_p29 and output of pipelined register 1 is r0 to r29, c0 to c29 and del_p0 to del_p29.The main advantage of using pipelined register1 is the moment at which value is stored at the input, it comes at the output of pipelined register instantly. It does not wait to fill all the values in the register. These r and c values are those values which we are applying at the input of stage 1 and delta values are coming from the output of subtractor. With the help of wire we are using r and c values at the input of pipelined register1. So that EDT is computed only for those r and c values rather than any other value.

Five bit counter is used to give output of subtractor i.e. delta values to input of pipelined register1.The inputs of five bit counter is clk_1 and clear having 1bit each. The output of counter is q_1 (5bit). Now q_1 is assigned to address of pipelined register1 so that when the output of counter is incremented then address is also incremented by filling delta values (del_p_1) one by one. When output of counter reach at 29th value, at that time pipelined register is completely filled. By giving next clk_1 again output of counter and address comes at zero position.


International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

Figure 13 Pipelined Architecture for computing EDT 11

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

In this way all values of delta i.e. EDT are computed with this new architecture. The pipelined architecture consists of various blocks such as squaring circuit, full adder, full subtractor, pipelined registers, comparators and multiplexers. Out of these blocks, output of each block has to be computed individually


In order to obtain results Verilog language has been used. Verilog Hardware

Description Language (HDL) is used for computing EDT, which can describe hardware requirements of the architecture not only at the gate level, register level but at the algorithmic level [20]. Verilog HDL is one of the two most common Hardware

Description Languages (HDL) used by integrated circuit (IC) designers [21]. For writing the code Xilinx is used and for simulation or to see the output waveforms Modelsim has been used. Figure 14, 15, 16 explains how the r_t, c_t, k_t, q_5_t, k_new_t, c_in1_t, cin1_t, clk_1_t, clear_1_t, and flag_t inputs are applied to produce output output_data. Here we consider 30 cases, in which different values of r_t and c_t are applied in order to produce different values of delta. Carry inputs are always zero and clk_t and flag_t is always 1. The value of k_t varies from 1 to 3. Here we take k_t = 01, q_5_t and k_new_t=11.Giving all these inputs we get complete delta values for 30 inputs i.e. output_data.

Figure 14 Waveform of Calculation of overlapped delta operation 12

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

Figure 15 Waveform of Calculation of overlapped delta operation

Figure 16 Waveform of Calculation of overlapped delta operation


International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

A distance transformation converts a binary image consisting of foreground and background pixels into one in where each pixel has a value equal to its nearest background pixel (alternatively, distances could be the to the nearest foreground pixel). The types of transforms used generally are city block distance transform, chessboard distance transform and Euclidean distance transform. Of these EDT find widespread use in view of the natural metric employed. The pipelined architecture is presented in this dissertation proved to be applicable for computation of Euclidean distance transform. It comprises two dimensional arrays of locally interconnected processing elements where each element is a sequential logic and all elements are operated synchronously. This architecture is designed in such a way that it works on the steps of parallel algorithm. The algorithm involves only integer arithmetic operations. The architecture is fully digital and it is easily scalable for an image of any nn size.

Proposed methodology can be used as an important tool in image analysis. Keeping in view the importance of image processing, it is required that the architecture should be robust, accurate as well as faster in order to handle images of different sizes. So, there is always perpetual need for improvements. 1. The ideas presented for the case of 4 pixels per processing element readily extend to the case of more than 4 pixels per processing element (such as 9,16 and so on). 2. 3. 4. 5. The given architecture can be further modified to handle 3D images. The work can be carried out to make it more robust. The given architecture can be implemented on FPGA device. The given source code is optimized to get synthesizable results.


International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME


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International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME

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International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, Sep - Oct (2010), IAEME


Ms. Kirti Rawal is working as an Lecturer in the Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, R.I.E.I.T, Railmajra (Punjab). She earned her M.Tech (ECE) Degree from BBSBEC Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab) in 2010 and B.Tech (ECE) Degree from IITT Pojewal (Nawanshahr). She has published 2 research papers in International Conferences and national Conferences. She is a Life Membership of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).

Mr. Mahesh Mudavath is working as an Lecturer in the Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, R.I.E.I.T, Railmajra (Punjab). He earned his M.Tech (VLSI Design) Degree from C-DAC, Mohali (Punjab) in 2009 and B.Tech (ECE) Degree from JNTU, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). He has published 6 research papers in International Journals and International Conferences. He is a Life Membership of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).


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