Worked Examples To Find The U-Values of A Building3

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The document discusses the procedure for calculating U-values of building elements using the Combined Method, which accounts for the effects of thermal bridges. It provides worked examples of calculating U-values for a timber framed wall and a cavity wall.

The U-value is calculated by first determining the upper and lower resistance limits, taking the average of these values, and applying any necessary corrections.

The steps are: 1) calculate the upper resistance limit, 2) calculate the lower resistance limit, 3) calculate the initial U-value from the average resistance, and 4) apply any corrections for things like air gaps.

Part 6.B 6.B.0 6.B.1 6.B.2 6.B.

Worked examples of U-value calculations using the combined method Introduction The procedure Timber framed wall example Cavity wall with lightweight masonry leaf and insulated dry-lining example




Worked examples of U-value calculations using the Combined Method

6.B.0 Introduction For building elements which contain repeating thermal bridges, such as timber ceiling ties or joists between insulation in a roof or floor, timber studs in a wall, or mortar joints in lightweight blockwork, the effect of thermal bridges should be taken into account when calculating the Uvalue. The calculation method, known as the Combined Method, is set out in BS EN ISO 6946 and the following examples illustrate the use of the method for typical wall, roof and floor designs. Although computer software is the most usual choice for U-value calculations these examples explain the principles of the combined method and may be useful as a means of selection and checking the accuracy of software. In cases where the ceiling ties, studs or joists in roof, wall or floor constructions project beyond the surface of the insulation the depths of these components should be taken to be the same as the thickness of insulation for the purposes of the U-value calculation (as specified in BS EN ISO 6946). It is acceptable to ignore non-metal wall ties, cavity trays and movement joints. The calculation should take account of metal wall ties and other metal fixings, air gaps between and around insulation slabs, and any metal members that bridge an insulation layer. Conductivity values for common building materials can be obtained from the CIBSE Guide A Section 3 or from BS EN 12524 : 2000 (to be replaced by BS EN ISO 10456). For specific insulation products, however, data should be obtained from manufacturers. Table 6.A.18 (Part 6.A) gives typical thermal conductivities for some common construction materials. The procedure in this Part does not address elements containing metal connecting paths. For establishing U-values for light steel frame construction, BRE Digest 465 may be used. For built-up sheet metal walls and roofs, the following may be used: BRE IP 10/02, Metal cladding: assessing the thermal performance of built-up systems which use Z-spacers; P312 Metal Cladding: U-value calculation: Assessing thermal performance of built-up metal roof and wall cladding systems using rail and bracket spacers, Steel Construction Institute 2002. For curtain walling, the reader is directed to the CWCT publication Thermal assessment of window assemblies, curtain walling and nontraditional building envelopes (2006). For ground floors and basements the reader is directed to Part 6.C.

6.B.1 The procedure The U-value is calculated by applying the following steps: a. Calculate the upper resistance limit (Rupper) by combining in parallel the total resistances of all possible heat-flow paths (i.e. sections) through the plane building element. Calculate the lower resistance limit (Rlower) by combining in parallel the resistances of the heat flow paths of each layer separately and then summing the resistances of all layers of the plane building element. Calculate the U-value of the element from U = 1 / RT, where



R =


+R 2


Where appropriate, add a correction for air gaps and mechanical fasteners (including wall ties) as described in BS EN ISO 6946 Annex D.

6.B.2 Timber framed wall example In this example there is a single bridged layer in the wall, involving insulation bridged by timber studs. The construction consists of outer leaf brickwork, an air cavity, 9 mm timber-based sheathing, 38 x 140 mm timber framing with 140 mm of mineral wool quilt insulation between the timber studs and plasterboard 12.5 mm thick. See additional notes at end of example. Section through Timber framed wall
102 mm brick outer leaf (conductivity 0.77 W/mK)

102 mm brick outer leaf (thermal conductivity 0.77 W/mK) 50 mm ventilated cavity (resistance 0.09 W/mK) 50 mm air cavity (resistance 0.18 m2W/K) 9 mm timber-based sheathing (thermal conductivity 0.13 W/mK)
mineral wool quilt (conductivity conductivity mineral wool quilt (thermal0.042 W/mK) 0.040 W/mK) between 38 x 140 timber studs between 38 140 mmmm studs (thermal conductivity 0.12 W/mK) (conductivity 0.13 W/m K) at 600mm centres at 400 mm centres 19 mm plywood (conductivity 0.13 W/mK)

12.5 mmmm plasterboard (thermal conductivity 0.21 W/mK) 2 12.5 plasterboard (conductivity 0.25 W/mK) heat flow heat flow

(Total thickness: 313.5 mm; U-value: 0.30 W/m2K) The thicknesses of each layer, together with the thermal conductivities of the materials in each layer, are shown below. The internal and external surface resistances are those appropriate for wall constructions. Layer 4 is thermally bridged and two thermal conductivities are given for this layer, one for the unbridged part and one for the bridging part of the layer. For each homogeneous layer and for each section through a bridged layer, the thermal resistance is calculated by dividing the thickness (in metres) by the thermal conductivity.

6.B.1 6.B 2

Calculation of thermal resistance (timber frame) Layer Material Thickness (mm) 102 50 9 140 Thermal conductivity (W/mK) 0.77 0.13 0.040 Thermal resistance (mK/W) 0.040 0.132 0.180 0.069 3.500

external surface 1 2 3 4(a) outer leaf brick air cavity sheathing mineral wool quilt between timber studs timber framing occupying 15% of the wall area plasterboard internal surface





12.5 -

0.21 -

0.060 0.130

Both the upper and the lower limits of thermal resistance are calculated by combining the alternative resistances of the bridged layer in proportion to their respective areas, as illustrated below. The method of combining differs in the two cases. Upper resistance limit When calculating the upper limit of thermal resistance, the building element is considered to consist of two thermal paths (or sections). The upper limit of resistance is calculated from:
R upper = 1 F1 F2 + R1 R 2

where F1 and F2 are the fractional areas of the two sections (thermal paths) and R1 and R2 are the total resistances of the two sections. The method of calculating the upper resistance limit is illustrated conceptually below:
Conceptual illustration of how to calculate the upper limit of thermal resistance
F1 external 1 surface F2 1 2 3 4(a) 5 internal surface



Resistance through the section containing insulation

External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of sheathing Resistance of mineral wool (85%) Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total (R1) Fractional area F1 = 0.85 (85%)

= 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180 = 0.069 = 3.500 = 0.060 = 0.130 = 4.111 mK/W

Resistance through the section containing timber stud

External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of sheathing Resistance of timber framing (15%) Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total (R2) Fractional area F2 = 0.15 (15%) The upper limit of resistance is then:

= 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180 = 0.069 = 1.167 = 0.060 = 0.130 = 1.778 mK/W

R upper =

1 F1 F2 + R1 R 2

1 0.850 0.150 + 4.111 1.778

= 3.435 mK/W

Lower resistance limit

When calculating the lower limit of thermal resistance, the resistance of a bridged layer is determined by combining in parallel the resistances of the unbridged part and the bridged part of the layer. The resistances of all the layers in the element are then added together to give the lower limit of resistance. The resistance of the bridged layer is calculated using:
R= 1 Finsul F + timber R insul R timber


The method of calculating the lower limit of resistance is illustrated conceptually below.

Conceptual illustration of how to calculate the lower limit of thermal resistance

4(a) external surface 1 2 3 F2 4(b) 5 internal surface

The lower limit of resistance is then obtained by adding up the resistances of all the layers: External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of sheathing Resistance of bridged layer = = 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180 = 0.069

1 0.850 0.150 + 3.500 1.167

= 2.692

Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total (Rlower) Total resistance of wall (not allowing for air gaps around the insulation)

= 0.060 = 0.130 = 3.304 mK/W

The total resistance of the wall is the average of the upper and lower resistance limits:

RT =
Correction for air gaps

R upper + R lower 2

3.435 + 3.304 = 3.369 mK/W 2

If there are small air gaps penetrating the insulating layer a correction should be applied to the U-value to account for this. The correction for air gaps is Ug where Ug = U'' x (RI / RT) and where RI is the thermal resistance of the layer containing gaps, RT is the total resistance of the element and U'' is a factor which depends upon the way in which the insulation is installed. In this example RI is 2.692 mK/W, RT is 3.369 mK/W and U'' is 0.01 (i.e. correction level 1). The value of Ug is then: Ug = 0.01 x (2.692 / 3.369) = 0.006 W/mK


U-value of the wall

The effect of air gaps or mechanical fixings should be included in the Uvalue unless they lead to an adjustment in the U-value of less than 3%. U = 1 / RT + Ug U = 1 / RT (if Ug is not less than 3% of 1 / RT)

(if Ug is less than 3% of 1 / RT)

In this case Ug = 0.006 W/mK and 1 / RT = 0.297 W/mK. Since Ug is less than 3% of (1 / RT), U = 1 / RT = 1 / 3.369 = 0.30 W/mK. Notes: 1 The timber fraction in this particular example is 15%. This corresponds to 38mm wide studs at 600mm centres and includes fulldepth dwangs, etc. and the effects of additional timbers at junctions and around openings. 2. In this example correction level 1 is appropriate. This is because air gaps are likely to exist, in some cases, between the insulation and the timber framing. BS EN ISO 6946 states that if the insulation is installed in such a way that no air circulation is possible on the warm side of the insulation then U'' is set to 0.01 W/mK. If, on the other hand, air circulation is possible on the warm side then it should be set to 0.04 W/mK. The possible correction levels and correction factors are summarised as follows:


Correction for air gaps Description of air gap Insulation installed in such a way that no air circulation is possible on the warm side of the insulation. No air gaps penetrating the entire insulation layer. Insulation installed in such a way that no air circulation is possible on the warm side of the insulation. Air gaps may penetrate the insulation layer. Air circulation possible on the warm side of the insulation. Air gaps may penetrate the insulation. Correction level 0 U'' W/mK 0.00




6.B.3 Cavity wall with lightweight masonry leaf and insulated drylining example In this example there are two bridged layers - insulation bridged by timber and lightweight blockwork bridged by mortar. The construction consists of outer leaf brickwork, a clear cavity, 125 mm AAC blockwork, 38 x 89 mm timber studs (600 mm centre-to-centre spacing) with insulation between the studs and one sheet of 12.5 mm plasterboard. See additional notes at end of example. Section through wall with two bridged layers
102 mm brick (conductivity 0.77 W/m K) 102 mm brickwork outer leaf (thermal conductivity 0.77 W/mK) 50 mm unvented air(thermal resistance 0.18 m2mK/W) 50 mm air cavity cavity (thermal resistance 0.18 K/W) 125 mm AAC blocks (conductivity 0.11 W/m K) 0.11 W/mK) 125 mm AAC blocks (thermal conductivity bridged by mortar (conductivity 0.88 W/mK) bridged by mortar (conductivity 0.88 W/mK)
mineral wool (thermal 0.038 W/mK) mineralwool (conductivityconductivity 0.038 W/mK) between 38 89 mm timber studs between 380.13 W/m K) at 400 studs (conductivity 0.13 W/mK) (conductivity x 89 mm timber mm centres at 600 mm centres
12.5 mm plasterboard, 12.5 mm plasterboard (thermal conductivity 0.21 W/mK)
(conductivity 0.25 W/mK)

heat flow heat flow

(Total thickness: 378.5 mm; U-value: 0.30 W/m2K) The thicknesses of each layer, together with the thermal conductivities of the materials, are shown below, with appropriate internal and external surface resistances, these being, for a wall, 0.13 mK/W and 0.04 mK/W. Layers 3 and 4 are both thermally bridged and two thermal conductivities are given for each layer to reflect the bridged part and the bridging part in each case. For each homogeneous layer and for each section through a bridged layer the thermal resistance is calculated by dividing the thickness (expressed in metres) by the thermal conductivity. Calculation of thermal resistance (cavity wall) Layer Material Thickness (mm) 1 2 3(a) 3(b) 4(a) 4(b) 5 external surface outer leaf brick air cavity AAC blocks (93.3%) mortar (6.7%) mineral wool (88.2%) timber studs (11.8%) plasterboard internal surface 102 50 125 (125) 89 (89) 12.5 Thermal conductivity (W/mK) 0.77 0.11 0.88 0.038 0.13 0.21 Thermal resistance (mK/W) 0.040 0.132 0.180 1.136 0.142 2.342 0.685 0.060 0.130


Both the upper and lower limits of thermal resistance are calculated by combining the alternative resistances of the bridged layer in proportion to their respective areas, as illustrated below. The method of combining differs in the two cases. Upper resistance limit When calculating the upper limit of thermal resistance, the building element is considered to consist of a number of thermal paths (or sections). In this example there are four sections (or paths) through which heat can pass. The upper limit of resistance, Rupper, is given by
R upper = 1 F F1 F2 F + + 3 + 4 R1 R 2 R 3 R 4

where F1, F2, F3 and F4 are the fractional areas of sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively and R1, R2, R3 and R4 are the corresponding total thermal resistances of the sections. A conceptual illustration of the method of calculating the upper limit of resistance is shown in the figure below:
F1 1 F2 external 1 surface 1 2 2 3(a) 3(b) 4(a) 4(a) 5 5 internal surface

Conceptual illustration of how to calculate the upper limit of thermal resistance

F3 F4





Resistance through section containing AAC blocks and mineral wool

External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of AAC blocks (93.3%) Resistance of mineral wool (88.2%) Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total thermal resistance (R1) Fractional area F1 = 0.823 (93.3% x 88.2%)

= 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180 = 1.136 = 2.342 = 0.060 = 0.130 = 4.020 m2K/W

Resistance through the section containing mortar and mineral wool

External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of mortar (6.7%) Resistance of mineral wool (88.2%) Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total thermal resistance (R2)

= 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180 = 0.142 = 2.342 = 0.060 = 0.130 = 3.026 mK/W


Fractional area F2 = 0.059 (6.7% x 88.2%) Resistance through section containing AAC blocks and timber External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of AAC blocks (93.3%) Resistance of timber (11.8%) Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total thermal resistance (R3) Fractional area F3 = 0.110 (93.3% x 11.8%) Resistance through section containing mortar and timber External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of mortar (6.7%) Resistance of timber (11.8%) Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total thermal resistance (R4) Fractional area F4 = 0.008 (6.7% x 11.8%) Combining these resistances we obtain: = 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180 = 0.142 = 0.685 = 0.060 = 0.130 = 1.369 mK/W = 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180 = 1.136 = 0.685 = 0.060 = 0.130 = 2.363 mK/W

Rupper =

1 1 = 3.617 mK / W F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 = 0.823 + 0.059 + 0.110 + 0.008 R1 R2 R3 R4 4.020 3.026 2.363 1.369

Lower resistance limit

When calculating the lower limit of thermal resistance, the resistance of a bridged layer is determined by combining in parallel the resistances of the unbridged part and the bridged part of the layer. The resistances of all the layers in the element are then added together to give the lower limit of resistance. A conceptual illustration of the method of calculating the lower limit of resistance is shown below:
3(a) external 1 surface 2
3(b) 4(b)

Conceptual illustration of how to calculate the lower limit of thermal resistance

4(a) 5 internal surface


The resistances of the layers are added together to give the lower limit of resistance. The resistance of the bridged layer consisting of AAC blocks and mortar is calculated using:
R first = 1 Fblocks Fmortar + R blocks R mortar

and the resistance of the bridged layer consisting of insulation and timber is calculated using:
R second = 1 Finsul F + timber R insul R timber

The lower limit of resistance is then obtained by adding together the resistances of all the layers: External surface resistance Resistance of bricks Resistance of air cavity Resistance of first bridged layer R first = = 0.040 = 0.132 = 0.180

1 0.933 0.067 + 1.136 0. 142

= 0.773

Resistance of second bridged layer Rsecond = 1 0.882 + 0. 118 2.342 0. 685 = 1.821 = 0.060 = 0.130 = 3.136 mK/W

Resistance of plasterboard Internal surface resistance Total (Rlower) Total resistance of wall

The total resistance of the wall is the average of the upper and lower resistance limits: RT = Rupper + R lower 3.636 + 3. 136 = 3 .376 mK / W = 2 2


Correction for air gaps between the timber studs

Since the insulation is entirely between studs (i.e. there is no continuous layer of insulation) a correction should be applied to the U-value in order to account for air gaps. The overall U-value of the wall should include a term Ug, where Ug = U'' x (RI / RT) and where U'' = 0.01 (referred to in BS EN ISO 6946 as correction level 1), RI is the thermal resistance of the layer containing the gaps and RT is the total resistance of the element. Ug is therefore: Ug = 0.01 x (1.820 / 3.386) = 0.003 W/mK

U-value of the wall

The effect of air gaps or mechanical fixings should be included in the Uvalue unless they lead to an adjustment in the U-value of less than 3%. U = 1 / RT + Ug U = 1 / RT (if Ug is not less than 3% of 1 / RT) (if Ug is less than 3% of 1 / RT)

In this case Ug = 0.003 W/mK and 1 / RT = 0.296 W/mK. Since Ug is less than 3% of (1 / RT), U = 1 / 3.376 = 0.30 W/mK. Notes: 1. For buildings where sound resisting separating floors and separating walls are provided, this construction may not provide appropriate resistance to flanking sound transmission. Since the cavity wall ties do not penetrate any insulation no correction need be applied to the U-value to take account of them. In the above calculation it is assumed that the dwangs do penetrate the whole of the insulation. If the dwangs do not penetrate the whole of the insulation thickness they can be excluded as part of the timber percentage used in the calculation.

2. 3.


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