Project Proposal

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The key takeaways are that this document provides a template for submitting a project proposal to the GEF Small Grants Programme. It outlines the required structure and content for the proposal, including sections on project description, objectives, activities, budget, timeline, and monitoring plan.

The purpose of this document is to provide a template and guidelines for organizations to submit project proposals to the GEF Small Grants Programme for funding consideration.

The main components of a project proposal according to this document are: project summary, description, objectives, activities, stakeholders, outputs, budget, workplan, monitoring schedule, and required annexes such as terms of reference for personnel and supporting documents.

_______________________ Partners in global solutions Country: Pakistan The GEF NGO Small-Grants Programme PAK/98/G52 PROJECT PROPOSAL AND

SUMMARY Project No:_____________________ (To be assigned by UNDP)

Name of organization seeking award: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Mailing address:________________________________________________________ Street address: _________________________________________________________ Telephone & Fax: ______________________________________________________ Principal Officer (s): ___________________________________________________ Contact for this application: _____________________________________________ Previous awards received under the GEF Small Grants Programme (if any): Project no: Title of project: Amount received: DESCRIPTION: Name or title of proposed project: Location of project: Starting date: Duration:

Project objectives: Activities to be carried out under project: Project stakeholders and beneficiaries: Anticipated output of project: FINANCE: Estimated total project cost: Rs. ____________US$___________

Amount requested from the GEF Small Grants Programme*: Rs. ________US$_______ Recipient contribution (in cash or in kind):____________________________________ Amount (s) expected from other sources: ____________________________

Proposed payment schedule for the award based on annual disbursements: Date _____________ ______________ Amount _______________ Date _____________ Amount _______________ _______________

________________ _____________

Details of bank account in which the GEF Small Grants Programme award would be deposited: Account title: Account number: Bank name and address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Submitted by: (Name and position) .


Please note that the amount requested from GEF should be maximum 50% of total project budget (, the remaining 50% must be raised from other sources, cash or in-kind).

PROJECT PROPOSAL Please write the project proposal in a narrative form, keeping the given headings. The bullet points under each heading should not be used as questions to be answered directly but are meant as guidelines to make sure all the required information is included. 1. Profile of Implementing Organization (not more than 300 words)

Nature of implementing organization (NGO or community group) seeking an award Previous relevant experience for the proposed activity Track record in community based work/experience with participatory approaches. Details of the organization: history, governance and funding of the lead organization, i.e. when established, how structured and organized, number of staff (Male /Female) and their expertise, membership, and total annual budget. Capacity to carry out the proposed activity (other ongoing projects, staff capacity etc.). 2. Justification for Support - Linkages with GEF Themes and Operational Programmes (not more than 300 words)

What are the principal reasons why the project activity is needed? Clearly identify the problem the project aims to solve How is the proposed activity linked to the objectives of GEF SGP thematic areas? What are the global and local significance of the proposed projects intervention Explain how GEF/SGP resources would be used towards achieving the solution to the problem Make reference to GEF Operational Guidelines and Country Programme Strategy for GEF/SGP Pakistan. (e.g. cross reference with Red Data Book).For more information about GEF Operational Programmes please visit the web-site:

3. Context/Baseline (not more than 300 words)

Context of the activity, location, background, duration. Please include photocopy of map of the project area. Describe how the problem was identified (consultations/case study/survey?) Assess and describe existing conditions of the project area. Give reference to other studies if available. Project Objective and Proposed Activity (not more than 600 words)

Nature of the proposed activity Immediate objectives Expected project deliverables

Description of the proposed activities required in order to realize the projects objective, clearly indicating the sequence of activity (with time frame, responsible party etc.) Target beneficiaries in terms of socio-economics, geography and gender, should be elaborated Strategy for development of indicators to assess project progress and achievements. The indicators should be specific, measurable, attainable, reliable ad time bound (SMART). Project work-plan matrix with indicators and monitoring schedule (Annex II) 4. Project Strategy (not more than 600 words)

The strategy of how the proposed activity will be carried out should include: Institutional mapping/identification of stakeholders (such as government departments, academia, consultants, private sector, local communities, other UNDP projects etc.) Consultation with key stakeholders during project implementation Role of recipient organization Role of partner organization Provision for dialogue and networking with NGOs and community groups Relationship, if any, to other GEF-SGP, LIFE. PRF, UNDP or other development projects. Relationship to other NGO or private sector activities. Gender perspective (how are women included) How will the project be sustainable after grant funding is ended /post project strategy/exit strategy 5. Technical Feasibility (not more than 300 words)

Description of technical details and requirements Experience from similar projects Technical expertise with the NGO Technical assistance required from LIFE/GEF Identification of local expertise; NGO, Govt. departments and academia etc. and how it will be utilized by the project 6. Anticipated Results (not more than 300 words)

Indicate impacts on participants/beneficiaries: Related to human such as health, social, economic and financial impacts Related to environment such as land, water, air Demonstration value, value as a learning experience, any other anticipated results Potential risks/bottlenecks and how to address these

7. Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation (not more than 300 words) The mechanisms that will be used to monitor and evaluate the project, the schedule for when these monitoring actions have to be carried out and who is responsible, the resources allocated for substantive review meetings among stakeholders, how the work plan and budget will be updated. Reporting: assess capacity to prepare narrative and financial reports Evaluation: plan for project evaluation, how are the stakeholders included in M&E?

8. Communication and Visibility Strategy (not more than 300 words)

What type of communication material and reports will be prepared What are the strategy for communication lessons learned How will the project work with the media 9. Budget (narrative description not more than 600 words)

Projected total project costs and proposed sources of funding What the community and/or NGO will contribute to the project, in cash, in kind and/or in services. Funds already obtained from or committed by other sources (if any) and the names of those sources. Amount requested from the GEF Small Grants Programme Balance to be sought from other sources (if any) and the names of potential sources. Baseline, national investment into local area; schools, health infrastructure, type of road, govt., budget for specific activity, allocations in annual development plan (P&D/PSDP) Opening of separate bank account & maintaining financial record. Project budget itemized in table form including budget line for audit costs (Annex I)

Annex I

Project Budget
Please prepare the project budget in accordance with the format below and enter budget lines as required by your project activities (such as personnel, travel, equipment, field activities, reporting, M&E, audit etc.).
Budget Line (BL) Description Commun ity Share NGO Share Other Donors Share 1st Installment GEF/SGP Share 2nd 3rd Installment Installment Total 4th Installment

Annex II GEF Small Grants Programme Project Workplan and Monitoring Schedule The work plan should show the activities to be carried out in relation to each output over a period of the project; this is prepared by the proposing institution, in consultation with major stakeholders; it would detail when the activity begins and ends, who is responsible for carrying it out, and which output it helps to produce. Name of Project: Name of Implementing Organization: Brief Description of General Objective of Project: GEF Focal Area: Brief Description of Specific Objective #1: GEF Operational Program: Project Duration:

List the activities necessary to fulfill this objective. Indicate who is responsible for each activity and an indicator of activity accomplishment. Activity Responsible Party Indicator 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Brief Description of Specific Objective #2: Activity 2.1 Responsible Party Indicator

Duration of Activity in Quarters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12




2.2 2.3 2.4 Indicate who is responsible for monitoring and an indicator of how it will be registered (record book, computer file, meeting, etc.). Also indicate who will prepare progress reports and when they will be presented. Monitoring and Record-Keeping Progress Reports

Monitoring Frequency / Reporting

This table may be modified to meet the requirements of individual projects. It can be extended as necessary to cover all objectives and activities. Ideally it should be completed in the project development stage by the NGO/CBO with assistance from the National Coordinator and his/her Technical Assistant. Please also note that Annual Work Plans (based on the calendar year) should be developed in the same format at the start of the project and subsequently for the following years.

Other Annexes Terms of Reference of key personnel Any other documents needed to support the proposal.

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