Lean Startup Validation Board

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Solas Bar 232 E.

9th Street

Validation Board
Tip: For two-sided markets, always validate the riskier side first

Project Name:

Team Leader Name:

Track Pivots Customer Hypothesis

1st Pivot

2nd Pivot

3rd Pivot

4th Pivot

Problem Hypothesis

Remember: Limit one sticky-note per box Write in ALL CAPS Do not write more than 5 words on any sticky-note

Solution Hypothesis

Tip: Do NOT define a solution until youve validated the problem

Design Experiment Track Pivots

Tip: Clear all post-its from this area after each experiment is completed

Riskiest Assumption


Only put the Riskiest Assumption from an experiment in these boxes Record data & learnings separately

If Invalidated, pivot at least one Core Hypothesis

2 1

If Validated, brainstorm and test the next Riskiet Assumption

Which Core Assumption has the highest level of uncertainty?

Core Assumptions

What is the lowest cost way to test the Riskiest Assumption? Choose: Exploration, Pitch, or Concierge

Any assumption that, if invalidated, will break the business

5 6 5 6



Minimum Success Criterion

What is the weakest outcome we will accept as validation?


2012 Lean Startup Machine. You are free to use it and earn money with it as an entrepreneur, consultant, or executive, as long as you are not a software company (the latter need to license it from us).

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