Chapter 14

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The following is Chapter 14 from Dr. T.D. Halls book Lifting the Earth.

For reprint information, contact Hall at [email protected].

The Plot to Kill Our ET Brethren

From an indigenous perspective, the individual psyche can be healed only by addressing ones relationships with the visible worlds of nature and community and ones relationships with the invisible forces of the ancestors and Spirit allies. Malidoma Some

Once, while hitchhiking in the desert, the Hopi peace messenger Thomas Banyancya was picked up by a white suburbanite who asked him, If a spaceship landed right across the road there and someone got out and came to you, what would you say? Thomas replied, Id say Hello, brother! If one reads Malidoma Somes fascinating account of the Dagara tribes in The Healing Wisdom of Africa, one learns that contact between tribespersons and ETs occurs on a regular basis! Malidoma means makes friends with enemies. Making friends with enemies requires a certain proximity to enemies; and so this brilliant African reverse missionary is residing in the state of Oregon. In contrast, we Westerners seem to have a big problem with invisible forces and with strange phenomena visible only now and then, such as UFOs and ETs. We are afraid of them, deeply afraid. Why? We are terribly mis-educated. Our religions teach that such things are the devils work. Our Darwinism teaches that fitter species have a kind of natural license to dominate or eliminate lesser species, and so it is that the idea there could be fitter species than ours in the neighborhood causes profound anxiety.1

The Star Trek series and a dozen or so feature films have helped to mitigate this ET-phobia. However, the majority of films dealing with ETs do nothing more than mirror the general fear-based consensus. Most of these fear-films are mindless variants of the old Orson Welles War of the Worlds formula. A few, such as Signs, are very notably mindless. The title Signs has a double reference. It refers to the mysterious utterances of the main characters dying wife and to a crop circle formation in the corn field of the said main character, who is played by Mel Gibson. By now, most people are familiar with crop circles, or glyphs. Some of the glyphs are expressions of sacred geometry; others encode complex mathematical formulas, and others represent who knows what. If theres one crop circle that everybody should know about, its the Chilbolton Arecibo Reply formation. may be found at:,, and Even a cursory review of the information provided on these sites should convince you that, in all probability, a humanoid ET species has responded to a coded message that SETI transmitted from Arecibo, Puerto Rico in 1974. Has any of the extensive research into crop circles rubbed off on the writers and director of Signs? None at all. Signs represents crop circles as alien invasion markers! Wow. A terrifying alien invasion is stopped cold by a few whacks of an old baseball bat. Will wonders never cease. After viewing this film, I left the theater seriously concerned about the gap between leading edge research, in all fields, and public awareness. Theres always a gap of course; but nowadays would it not be more correct to speak of an abyss? Details regarding this formation

An Astonishing Hypothesis

From Lipton science, we learn that our bodies are fantastic computers and that the operators of those computers are not in the bodies, but out there in the environment.

Earth (Terra) is a terrarium. The only life forms that can exist here must be frequency-aligned with the terrariums specific frequency range. Life forms in higher frequency ranges cannot stop and smell the roses because if they did theyd destroy the roses. If higher domain entities want to experience Earth, the Emerald of the Universe, they must create Earth-safe representational bodies. Thats where you and I come in. Were the representational bodies. The consensus among channeled entities is that the ETs are our brothers and sisters, which indicates a common parentage. We are all related. The Lipton model of the human being as a TEV raises a new possible interpretation of ETs: Is it possible that ETs (some of them anyway) are higher selves? I dont have an answer to this question, but I think it an important question to consider.


In August of 2006, I attended a very interesting conference at the James Gilliland ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. There I was introduced to the new science of

exopolitics, which is defined by its founder, Dr. Alfred Webre, as the study of politics, government, and law in the Universe. It includes, Webre states, the study of political, governmental, and legal aspects of interactive contact and social integration between humans and off-planet cultures on Earth, in space, or through multi-dimensional realities. 2 A Fulbright scholar who earned his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School, Webre was a futurist at the Center for the Study of Social Policy at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) back in the days when the protocols for scientific remote viewing were established. He served as principal investigator for a proposed civilian scientific study of interactive communications between Terrans (a term I prefer to Earthlings) and entities from other planets. In 1977, he directed a proposed Terran/extraterrestrial

communication project for the Carter White House. Today, he works to prevent the weaponization of space and to transform our present war-based society into a sustainable, peaceful, cooperative Space Age society integrated with other societies in the universe.

During a break, I sat and chatted with Webre and the venerable Wendelle Stevens, who has collected over 4,000 photographs of UFOs. (Stevens has a website that displays many of these photos.) I liked Webre quite a bit. He is a knowledgeable, unassuming and humorous philosopher-scientist with an important mission. Only later, upon reading his ExopoliticsPolitics, Government, and Law in the Universe (2005), did I grasp the full importance of this mission. Viewers of Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth may recall the image of a cartoon frog sitting in water thats getting hotter and hotter. predicament as the frog. Alas, Earth is in the same

Peter Barrett, director of Victoria Universitys Antarctic

Research Center, remarks: After 40 years Im part of a huge community of scientists who have become alarmed with our discovery that if we continue our present growth path, we [the human race] are facing extinction--not in millions of years, or even millennia, but by the end of the 21st century. 3 Barrett is, in my view, an optimist. In the Gore film, a cartoon hand rescues the frog from the hot water. Who will rescue humankind? Clearly, we civilized humans havent proved very capable in the Earth-rescue business, and thus Dr. Webre is convinced the best exopolitical strategy for surviving the looming ecological emergency is to integrate with spiritually advanced offplanet cultures now visiting Earth. 4 On the basis of my perusal of a good number of Y2K8-12 scenarios, scientific and otherwise, I have to agree with Webre. Our species may not make it through the coming catastrophic changes without super-human help. But ... Will the ET cavalry ride to our rescue? Would you ride to the rescue of fear-based people who were plotting to kill you?

The Plot

At the Trout Lake conference, I became acquainted with yet another pioneer of exopolitics, Dr. Michael Salla, author of Extraterrestrial Presence (2004). looking into. ExopoliticsPolitical Implications of the

His website ( is well worth

For a number of years, Dr. Salla has been tracking the U.S. response to the ET presence, and his findings are disturbing, to say the least. It would appear that our government is guided solely by the age-old philosophy of WhackerismWhack em first, ask questions later. To very briefly summarize (in my own terms) Dr. Sallas detailed history of the United States governments response to the ET presence: *Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to establish policy pertaining to the UFO/ET phenomenon, and policy protocol number 1 was Keep it all secrettop secret. *Subsequently, a clandestine organization was established to direct investigation of the phenomenon and come up with plan for dealing with the ET presence. From the start, planners focused on generating a military solution. The one organization

multiplied, as sometimes happens in our governmental bureaucracy, and the result was a complex of ET Whacker organizations. *So powerful did the complex become, it was readily able to terminate the nonbelligerent initiative of President Carter and to keep subsequent presidents completely in the dark on the UFO/ET issue, when that was considered necessary. How interesting the president of the United States is no longer commander-inchief. Has anyone told the People yet? A great many real reasons for the invasion of Iraq have been offered. Michael Salla offers yet another, quite extraordinary, reason: The Whackers want to recover ancient ET artifacts and recorded information from the ruins buried under Iraqs sands: Based on available evidence, significant ET artifacts might be located in Iraq, deriving from the ancient Anunaki [the purported creators of the human species] presence in that country. Significantly, Saddams permission for a German team of archaeologists to resume excavations in the Sumerian city of Uruk after detailed underground mapping, suggest that this was possibly the location of the Sumerian Stargate [interdimensional portal], and/or important information concerning the operation of such technology and the prophesied return of the Anunaki. 5

Wouldnt want the Germans to get to the Stargate first, would we?or allow the terrorists to get their hands on it. Those who have been designated to protect us from the supposed ET threat have been overly influenced, it would seem, by Indiana Jones. The Whackers have been at work for over sixty years now, formulating their military approach to the ET presence, and so it may seem that the peace-path people are really late to the game. They are! They have a lot on their side, however, including common sense.

Wheres the Threat?

Where is the evidence that ETs represent a threat to our species? What about the cattle mutilations? you ask. In one of the History channel documentaries on UFOs, youll find a rancher interviewed who witnessed one of the cattle abductions. The abducting craft was a helicopter, he said. It was night. There was a momentary glow from the cockpit, and that glow enabled the rancher to see the choppers blades. What about the surgical removal of parts? The cattle were removed to a distance, strange surgical procedures were performed, and the dead animals were then air-lifted back to their fields and dropped from a considerable heightwhich is why mutilated cattle had all kinds of broken bones. What about all the abductions of humans? Dont you take your computer(s) to the shop on occasion?for repairs or for upgrading. Many years ago, I had a friend in Connecticut who said she was taken up to a spacecraft on a monthly basis. She had lost of all fear of the experience, she said. She declared that although she didnt know exactly what went on during her visits, the trips were good for her health! According to Bashar, many so-called abductions have to do with a hybridization project that has been underway for some time. The humans involved, Bashar says, agreed to participate in the project before their incarnation on Earth. The children now being born on Earth, Bashar says, are not merely a new generation, but a new species. You will find some verification of this up-grade if you direct your search engines to locate information on indigo children.

Granted, most abductees are terrified by the experience. The terror results from our social programming, which tells us that ETs, whatever they are, are not our friends. Id recommend to them that they read Dr. Janet Collis Sacred EncountersSpiritual Awakenings During Close Encounters (2004). What about the reptilians? Have you read David Icke? Yes, Ive read David Icke. Indeed, I was moved by his work to write a comedic play called Zuvuya! The play, which opens on the eve of a reptilian invasion of Earth, addresses the question, If an invasion of negative ETs were to occur, would we humans have any way to effectively counter it? The plays answer is yes. I have had no direct contact with reptilians, and so they are not real to me. Many swear they exist, however. What Bashar says is that theyre real, but not extraterrestrials. Agreeing with Zecharia Sitchin, Bashar says that Anunaki created the human species by combining their genes with mammalian stock. They did the same with saurian (as in dinosaur) stock, creating an Anunaki-saurian species. The reptilians are terrestrial! They are our cousins. They may be ugly, but theyre our cousins. Are you ready for a third terrestrial highly sentient terrestrial species? This is a species were quite familiar with, and fond of. The cetaceansdolphins and whales. They are, Bashar tells us, quite advancedbeyond us. I believe that theres a fourth highly sentient terrestrial species, and this belief is based on my study and contemplation of the Chilbolton Arecibo Reply formation. Look into the available data on this formation. What do you think? Earth, Alfred Webre writes, is a life-experiment planet under the jurisdiction of Universe society. Earths heritage as a life-experiment planet is the reason why both human intuition and our sacred religious traditions contain so many partial truths about Universe reality. We must be fearless in letting go of erroneous concepts embedded in our science and religious traditions if we are to understand how the Universe evolves intelligent life. We carry unnecessary emotional and conceptual baggage as to how lifebearing planets are grown and organized. Think of the Universe as a vast growing Mind, endlessly creating from its center Source; yet decentralized in its architecture and operations. 6

Webre is not the first Alfred to conceptualize the universe as a Mind. The first was Alfred Russel Wallace, co-founder of the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Darwinists now presume they are in the cultural power seat. They may be, but not for much longer. It would be wise of them to re-look at their own paradigmatic sourcethe Darwin-Wallace theory, as Darwinism was originally called. A correct Darwinism would reflect the thinking of both of its founders, the metaphysician as well as the materialist. Who knows?if they did so, they might be able to breathe new life into the corpse of their orthodoxy.

A Point of Synchronicity

Just before this book [first edition] went to the printer, a young man moved in next door. We started up a conversation, and I learned he had lived at the Gilliland Trout Lake ranch for over two years. Did you see any spacecraft when you were there? I asked. All the time, he said. What was your most interesting sighting? Usually they stay high, he said, but once I saw one flying right over the fields, chased by two military helicopters.

Notes 1The root of Western ET-phobia is to be found, I believe, in what I call the Jehovah Intervention. Some background: What we call Western civilization is the western side of Monotheistic civilization. The eastern side is centered in the Middle East, where Islam is the predominant religion. The present war between the eastern and western sides originated long ago, when the entity called Jehovah (the self-proclaimed one god underlying monotheism) ordered the ancient Hebrews to attack and utterly destroy the people of Palestineevery man, woman and child. (See the biblical account in the book of Joshua.) Jehovah is not the original god of the Jews, and he is certainly not the god of Love taught by the Christ. I and the Father are one, the Christ said. There was nothing Jehovan in the character or philosophy of Jesus. The memory of the horrific Jehovah

Intervention lies buried (and not so deep) in our racial consciousness, and most monotheists prefer not to dig it up and take a look. 2Alfred Webre, ExopoliticsPolitics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Universebooks, 2005). 3Ibid, p. 105. 4Ibid, p. 104. 5Michael Salla, ExopoliticsPolitical Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Tempe, AZ: Dandelion Books, 2004, pp. 212-13. 6See

Copyright 2009 T.D. Hall

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