The Angels of Angelic Intercession
The Angels of Angelic Intercession
The Angels of Angelic Intercession
10, 2003 The Angels of Angelic Intercession Also known as The Angels of Oromonas Beloved, We teach the Children of Light, through the divine virtues of the letters of Oromonas, how to understand and work with ALL the heavenly hosts and powers in the zone girdling the earth. The masters said, All that I do, ye shall do and more, because they knew that the time comes in the life of each individual Child of Light when he or she realizes that the key to heaven manifesting on earth rests in their own hands. It is for this reason that previously secret ancient teachings are available now, for each of you has the power to change the course of history. A person meditating on the divine virtues and calling forth the help of the heavenly hosts for the highest good of all concerned has the power to alter everything for everyone. Because there are many angels and powers available to help you, it is our job to acquaint you with them and give you instructions to set their powers in motion. Call on us, and meditate on the divine virtues represented by the letters of our name, in order to see, through meditation, the overall picture of the beings and powers surrounding the earth and how to use them victoriously to manifest heaven on earth. Here is one of our stories: Once upon a time, as the sun was setting over the sea, a young man named Raphael sat on a dock deeply upset by troubling thoughts and disquieting feelings. Behind him reverberated the sounds of the busy people of his village, who suffered from intense poverty, political corruption, and environmental degradation. Unhappiness and stress permeated his life and the life of most of the islanders day to day. It has been this way for as long as he could remember. The agonized and desperate looks in the eyes of people that he passed on the street every day said it all. His heart felt the heaviness of great pain. He wanted more than anything to bring it to a halt. He wanted to clean up toxic pollution at all levels, restore the environment, and bring in a time of peace, equality, plenty, love and trust. As he sat there in the splendid oranges and yellows of the setting sun, he realized that he had waited long enough. He had to do something. He no longer believed that anyone else would change it. As he thought about it, he realized that corruption was not only on the island. He had felt it everywhere, even in other countries. He felt corruption in the charities and spiritual institutions that he once thought would help. He realized his decision was necessary. He could not wait any longer. Something inside of him knew that it was up to him to do something. Something had to be done, regardless of how difficult or how improbable. Each child, each innocent animal, each helpless plant had called out to him for years to do something. So, with Gods help, he knew he would. Deep in prayer, he poured out his heart, asking the Creator of All to teach him what to do. He prayed the deepest, most passionate prayer. He prayed unceasingly. This was the turning point in his young life. He began to feel the presence of invisible heavenly hosts around him. They influenced him with faith, with hope, with insight. Bit by bit he was guided to teachers and books that helped him understand about the divine virtues and the power of intercessory prayer. He learned about the truth of the saying, Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened to you. He learned about the heavenly hosts and he called on the Angels of Oromonas Raphael closed his eyes and asked them silently in fervent prayer, Dear Angels, he whispered, Come. As he prayed to the heavenly hosts, he asked them to heal him and make a refined atmosphere of his will, thought, feeling, and form. He invited them to come into his consciousness and look through his eyes, hear through his ears, and feel through his feelings.
They flooded him with cognition brought about by Love Divine. Suddenly he saw everything in a new light. He could see the perfection that was the truth of each person in his village, and in the world. He could see how important it was that people learned to follow the inner guidance within their hearts, the inner guidance that came from the spiritual truth within. It was necessary that they not blindly follow any outside authority. By following their inner guidance, they too would be able to look through the eyes of Divine Love, and see the true perfection of life in this world. By doing this, they would be able to heal their negative feelings so that their hearts would flow with passionate feelings of love and bliss. This would attract situations of harmony and justice, success and satisfaction, for all. Supreme happiness would flow like an ocean and wisdom and enlightenment would awaken. The all pervading Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned would manifest. Suddenly Raphael felt himself high up above the island looking at the curvature of the earth in space below him. To the left of him and to the right of him he saw legions of angels and 360 masters. He saw that there was a master of each degree of the zodiac. The Angels of Oromonas whispered into his mind, into his intuition and inner imagination, that these were the heavenly hosts that he had studied. They were working to bring heaven to earth, and they wanted all mankind to know of their presence. He understood that humanity must learn to ask the heavenly hosts for help. Because of free will, it became clear to him why the heavenly hosts had typically refrained from interfering in the affairs of humanity. The Angels of Oromonas explained that the Children of Light have free will, and that the idea has been to let humanity exercise free will, uninterruptedly, in order to learn from experience and from their mistakes. The idea was that bit by bit mankind would grow in wisdom through trial and error, and through connecting to inner guidance and love, and thereby manifest the kingdom of heaven upon the earth. Then the Angels of Oromonas showed Raphael the history of the earth and how strange, powerful and misguided beings had several times come to earth to exploit the Children of Light. Raphael could see that these beings implanted ideas that did not serve the highest good of all concerned. He also saw that great and glorious heavenly beings also came, and that between the two, the dark and the light, the Children of Light were put through a purifying fire. But now Raphael saw that a special completion had come in the cycle of time. It was time now for Paradise to manifest in Creation. He saw that more Children of Light were learning how to meditate and attune in consciousness to the divine virtues and the powers of the heavenly beings that surrounded the earth. They showed him that the original free will within each created being was for spiritual perfection, supreme happiness, and the highest good. By using the Law of One, and asking for the highest good of all concerned to manifest in any situation, the deepest free will of every being is honored. He saw that when asking the heavenly hosts for help, if the highest good of all concerned is requested, then help can be given lawfully. It is the use of this Law, the original Law of Creation, which asks for the highest good of all concerned, that allows any Child of Light to ask for help on behalf of humanity and on behalf of all beings and receive it lawfully, TRULY RESPECTING FREE WILL. The Law of One is the original Law of All Creation, and all other laws come from it. When the Law of One is invoked, it overrides all lesser laws. THE LAW OF ONE We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are healed. Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all;
I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here. I give thanks that this is done. Amen. That is why it was spoken, Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Seek and ye shall find. Once Raphael understood this, he went deeper into meditation. His heart spoke to all of the angels and hosts of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. Addressing them all, he said with great humility and courage, A great teacher has told us that all that he did, we would do and more. One of the things that he did was to take on the sins of the world and pay the price for all. This made it possible for Grace and Mercy to uplift anyone who would turn away from destruction and embrace Love and the Highest Good of All. Because he did it, we have been shown that we are to follow him, so I now do it also. As a human being, I take responsibility for creation, for all of my brothers and sisters, and I ask for the highest good of all concerned to manifest. He prayed the Law of One. I ask that heaven and earth be as one. A shock wave rippled through the heavenly hosts and the Unified Field, the Web of Life. A deep silence thundered throughout infinity. After a deep and tremendous pause, an opening from the very center of the heart of Divine Consciousness sent a wave of wisdom, power and love that permeated the consciousness of the entire earth and the entire Creation. Raphael was nearly knocked unconscious by the power of it. Catching himself from falling, he swooned into an ecstasy of divine bliss for hours. The next day Raphael walked slowly around. Everywhere he looked people were deeply thoughtful and quiet. He glimpsed intimate and loving exchanges passing between people as they met. Radios were respectfully turned down; and the animals seemed very peaceful and unafraid. Over the next few days, the sound of children laughing and playing was heard even in the most unlikely of places. That summer was wonderful. Good things happened. Love and understanding turned lives around. That fall, the political scene took on a new upturn, with honest candidates running on platforms that were founded on telling the truth and healing the environment. By Christmas, a contented feeling of community and cohesion completely permeated the island. Little children finally felt safe. Mothers felt hopeful and supported. Fathers stayed home and participated in community activities. Foreign universities sent students into the countryside on missions of environmental and social betterment. Raphael was completely empowered by this experience and soon had students avidly studying higher wisdom with him. He played music each evening with them on the beach as the sun went down. People danced with joy and gratitude. The sounds of their music reached the very realms of heaven. Animals were loved and safer as people turned to vegetarianism. Even the forests were replanted. The beaches looked pristine for the first time in generations. Little by little, the entire island stabilized and became a tropical Paradise. Life was a harmonious melody of gentleness, sacredness of inner guidance and laughter. *********** To meditate on our powers and become one with them: Imagine that you are a tiny dot in your solar plexus and your body is a huge swirling universe of galaxies all around you. Remember to dissolve the light after each meditation in order to not disturb the bodys balance. Keep the rhythm of the breath natural. Oromonas
Visualize the divine virtue of umlaut O, OE, cognition brought about by Love Divine, shining a deep orange light from a tiny sun in the midriff region of the body. Meditate on the power of seeing through eyes of Divine Love, and how this cognition transforms everything that it looks upon. Meditate on everything in creation being seen through the eyes of such powerful Divine Love that all creation is transmuted into Paradise. Feel the feelings of unconditional all encompassing Love. The virtue of Cognition brought about by Love Divine has the sensation of weight penetrating all, because it is a virtue of the densest level of akasha, which is the element of consciousness penetrating all. Intone the letter umlaut O, OE, to the musical note of D-sharp. When breathing out, imagine this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the testicle or ovary area and filling the outer universes, with each in breath, imagine this radiance passing back through these same pores and filling the body. * Now imagine a golden light shining from a tiny sun in the leg region. Meditate on the freedom and independence that comes from following only inner guidance from Divine Providence, the still small voice within. Intone the sound of letter R to the musical note of C, while feeling the absolute confidence and security that this virtue brings. When breathing out, imagine this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the left side of the nose and filling the outer universes, with each in breath, imagine this radiance passing back through these same pores and filling the body. This is the divine virtue of letter R. * Meditate again on cognition brought about by Love Divine, the virtue of Umlaut O, OE. Now visualize a light that is blue-green shining from a tiny sun in the abdomen, seen as a hollow space. Meditate on deep, pure, emotion, and feeling and passion in its purest flowing fluidity. Feel how emotion is magnetic and attracts realities into form on the physical plane and creates change. Meditate on how emotion is the water element, and how emotions, like water, stay pure and clean through flowing in an atmosphere of unconditional love. Intone the sound of letter M to the musical note of D. Sense arefreshing coolness that turns to chill. When breathing out, imagine this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the gut and filling the outer universes, with each in breath, imagine this radiance passing back through these same pores and filling the body. This is the divine virtue of the letter M. * Imagine a tiny sun of ultramarine blue light shining in the leg region. Meditate on Divine Justice and Harmony, and how harmony is justice and justice is harmony. Meditate on how Harmony and Justice brings success and satisfaction to all. Intone the sound of letter O to the beautiful musical note of C. It has the sensation of weight, of manifestation. The perfection of Divine Laws becomes clear. When breathing out, imagine this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the throat and windpipe and filling the outer universes, with each in breath, imagine this radiance passing back through these same pores and filling the body. The perfection of Divine Justice manifests everywhere. The light fills all of inner space and outer space. It fills all time, past, present, and future This is the divine virtue of the letter O. * Visualize a light shining from a tiny sun in the abdomen that glows a deep rose red. Meditate on Supreme Happiness, and how this feeling gives control over the feelings of all beings. Intone the sound of letter N to the musical note of A with the feeling of Supreme Happiness flowing. The sensation is of flowing and coolness. When breathing out, imagine this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the liver and filling the outer universes, with each in breath, imagine this radiance passing back through these same pores and filling the body. This is the letter N. * Now visualize the light as a lovely light blue shining from a tiny sun in the lungs. [All air letters are seen as tiny suns in the lung region.] Attune your consciousness to wisdom and enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind, which brings complete mastery of all occult faculties, artistic talent, and control over the beings of the air. Intone the sound of soft A to the musical note of G, while feeling complete ease and relaxation. When breathing out, imagine this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the lungs and filling the outer universes, with each in breath, imagine this radiance passing back through these same pores and filling the body. Letter A, soft A as in ahhhh... * Imagine a light that is now shining purple rose from a tiny sun in the head region. Meditate on the all penetrating power of Divine Will for the Highest Good of All Concerned as it works through feelings and magnetism throughout all creation. Intone the sound of the letter S to the musical note of G sharp. The sensation is fiery warmth and expansion. When breathing out, imagine this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the gall bladder and filling the outer universes, with each in breath, imagine this radiance passing back through these same pores and filling the body.
This is the divine virtue of letter S. The melody of our name is C, C, C, D, C, A, G, G-sharp. *** MIRACLES Note: In yesterdays message, in the following paragraph, please note that when creatively interacting with people and situations in a memory, it is important to take time to see and hear the responses made by recipients of these interactions. For example, in the case below, in which the child in the memory asks for help from the heavenly hosts, it is important for the child to take time to witness which heavenly hosts come in, what they look like, and what they do to change the situation. In this case, perhaps many angels, or a beloved ancestor, or saint, or Christ, arrives and blesses everyone involved with peace, forgiveness, and understanding. If the child creatively speaks to the father during the reliving of the memory, It is important for the child to listen to what the father says in response. This is the paragraph: New insight about why and how a previous emotional trauma happened transforms negative beliefs about reality. New insight made by the adult self that is reliving the original memory of the event transforms negative beliefs that were formed by the child self during the original traumatic event. For example, suppose a child was severely beaten for something that did not seem wrong to the child. The child begins to believe that reality is nonsensical, and that it is dangerous. The child no longer feels safe, understood, or loved, and may even begin to question and doubt his own judgment and inner guidance. In reliving the event later, the adult self remembers that the father was drunk at the time, and had just lost his job and was overcome with stress and fear. In reliving the memory in this way, the inner child has the insight that the beating really had nothing to do with what the child had been doing at the time, and everything to do with the father acting out destructively his pain. This, and other related insights, lead to better understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and self image. The inner child begins to realize that life is not necessarily nonsensical, that there is a Cause and Effect for everything that can be understood and mastered. In the process of remembering, the child can say to the father the things that he or she did not feel safe enough, or centered enough, to say in the original event, and the child can pray for guidance and help from the Divine, instead of feeling helpless and victimized. It is even possible, during the remembering, for the adult self to talk to the child self and reassure the little child that the adult self is now protecting and nurturing the child from now on. These new insights, taken together with the flowing of feelings, bring about healing on both the emotional and mental levels. Also note that in the meditation on blessing others with the Divine Virtue of Grace and Mercy, green light would have passed through the left eye with each breath. ****** For new subscribers: What the angel messages are all about: The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the worlds religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host and the angels who work with him or her. The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and influence. Each letter of the name represents a particular divine virtue, and each virtue has a meaning, a sound, a musical note, a color, a sensation, a part of the body that is formed by the virtue. SPEAKING THIS LANGUAGE IS usually DONE INWARDLY in meditation. This skill is the divine virtue of the POWER OF THE WORD, which is the divine virtue of letter H. This group of messages, taken together, help explain the technology of the cosmic language, the use of THE WORD in the science of miracles and theurgy. The letters of the alphabet have sounds, colors, tones, feelings, and sensations that correspond to the divine virtues, with their corresponding meanings on the four levels of will, thought, emotion, and form. Words, whose letters are uttered with these attunements while using the meditation technique explained below, have great power to manifest miracles. The proper utterance of each letter, has to do with will-intent, imagination-thought, feeling, and sensation. To meditate on a virtue, see yourself as a tiny dot in your solar plexus. The solar plexus, or midriff area, corresponds with the element of Akasha, which is consciousness-penetrating-all. Once you imagine yourself as a tiny dot in the akasha, see the rest of the body as infinite swirling universes all around you. In a deep Delta State of pure being, WILL for a divine virtue to manifest within you by seeing it as a tiny sun
shining out the appropriate color, located in the region of its element. Fire element is in the head region, air is in the lung region, water is in the abdomen region, and earth is in the leg region. Meditate on the meaning of the virtue with your intellect, in a Theta brainwave state of deep inward thought. Flow passionately with the feelings of the virtue, with your dreamy Alpha wave brainwave state. Then with your Beta wave State of the five senses, logic, and memory, imagine the sensation of the element. Akasha is consciousnesspenetrating-all. Fire is heat and expansion. Air is ease. Water is coolness turning into chill. Earth is weight. Chant inwardly the sound of the letter to the musical note, with emphasis on feeling the divine virtue. Sound carries feeling, feeling enlivens sound. When you breathe out; will, see, feel, and sense this virtue radiating out through the pores of your skin over the area of the body formed by the virtue and filling the entire outer universe. When you breathe in; will, see, feel, and sense this coming in through the pores of your skin around this same area and filling you completely from the outer universe. Learn how to breathe this virtue in and out effortlessly in this way so that anytime you wish to manifest it, this meditation comes easily to you. BE SURE TO KEEP THE NORMAL RHYTHM OF YOUR BREATH AS YOU DO THIS. Do not hold or prolong the breath. When you are finished, dissolve the light and other sensations so that you keep the body balanced and do not over stimulate any area of the body. By performing this meditation with a vivid imagination, universal mind and individual become one. I and the Father are one. All that I do, ye shall do and more. * ****** THE LAW OF ONE We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are healed. Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all; I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here. I give thanks that this is done. Amen. Use THE LAW OF ONE to impregnate the Akasha, which is consciousness-penetrating-all, with the DIVINE VIRTUES. In the part of The Law of One that says I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED HAPPEN THROUGH ALL TIME AND SPACE, insert a Divine Virtue, according to your inner guidance. For instance, suppose your inner guidance creates in you the wish for the Divine Virtue of Wisdom and Enlightenment to manifest throughout the Unified Field of Life in the way that is for the highest good of all concerned. This is the divine virtue of letter A, and has a light blue light, the musical note of G, and the sensation of ease. It forms the lungs of all beings. Say I ask that THE HIGHEST WISDOM AND ENLIGHTENMENT OF ALL CONCERNED HAPPEN THROUGH ALL DIMENSIONS, TIME AND SPACE, in the way that is for the highest good. After completing The Law of One [see below for the entire Law], it is helpful to continue in meditation. Visualize a beautiful pure and clear light blue light permeating all beings in all space and time and dimensions in the way that is the highest good for each one. . Add the FEELING of the beautiful light blue light of the highest wisdom and enlightenment permeating all beings in all space, time, and dimensions. Then, if you wish, tone the note of A [soft a, as in ahhhhh ] to the musical note G while focusing on the beautiful light blue light and feeling of the highest wisdom and enlightenment permeating all beings in all space, time, and dimensions in the way that is the highest good for each one simultaneously.
Your inner guidance will direct you to which virtue to add to the Law of One each time you use it. The Law of One is the original law of creation. All other laws, whether civil, religious, or social etc., in all dimensions, come from it. When you use the Law of One, it overrides all other lesser laws. This law does not mean the end of free will, what it does mean is that FREE WILL IS PERFECTED INTO ITS MOST PERFECT EXPRESSION AND FULFILLMENT. For example, people sometimes have opposing desires, such as wanting to lose weight and wanting to eat sweets, or wanting privacy and wanting to be with others, or wanting freedom and wanting security. The commonality to opposing desires is the desire to feel good. With the Law of One, whatever mental, emotional, or physical changes are necessary in any situation with any being in order to feel THE BEST at that moment are set into motion. This is done automatically through the omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, and unconditional all encompassing love of the Unified Field of Divine Being working through all. It is done in such a way that all are benefited in the greatest possible way. People stop reacting to fear or being slaves to their own desires, or the desires of others. Instead they gain the happiness, enlightenment, well being and freedom to create beauty that blesses self and others through artistic expression, both inwardly and outwardly, in almost infinite categories. When I use this law, I start off with a few preliminary exercises that many of you may not need, but here they are just in case you want to see them. I go into my heart and feel love. I get the feeling of love IN THE HEART [being careful that I am not in my head thinking about the heart. Its important to BE IN THE HEART FEELING LOVE]. When I first started doing this I remembered a beloved pet or a favorite person that I felt heart love for as a child. When I remember this and am feeling this love in my heart, I expand the feeling. At this point I call in Christ and other heavenly beings to help me expand the love. I ask for help to expand this love in my heart until I feel it as an infinite cosmic ocean of unconditional all encompassing love. When the feeling of love in my heart is expanded to be the ocean of love, I call in ALL BEINGS IN CREATION, the heavenly beings, the earthly beings, and also the demonic beings, ALL OF THEM, and I love all of them from my heart equally to follow the quote: Gods love is like the sun, it shines equally on the good and the bad alike. When I am doing this successfully, I say the Law of One to everybody. We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are healed. Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all; I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here. I give thanks that this is done. Amen. [Sometimes I just say, I am one with all. or I am one with all masters, saints, prophets, Christ, etc. Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, etc. whatever feels most powerful to me at the time. All is all, and sometimes it helps to list parts of the all that are very special to me. This is very comforting when dealing with scary situations.] Thats it. As soon as any beings hear We are all ONE, they become very still and quiet, for this information is encoded in the DNA of everything that has ever been created in any dimension or plane. They start to remember. When you say When one is harmed all are harmed, the good ones agree and the dark ones are relieved that you are not going to harm them.
When you say When one is helped all are helped, the good ones agree and the dark ones are glad that you are going to help them. When you say the rest of it, they all automatically go into whatever realm or vibration they need to be in for the highest good of all concerned. In over 30 years of using this, I have NEVER had it fail. And I could write a book about some of the situations it has resolved. At times when I was too frightened to feel love and used it, it still worked perfectly. It is the essence of love itself and overrode my fear. If you wish to create a volt of this prayer, carefully meditate on it twice in the Akasha which is consciousnesspenetrating-all. Then meditate on it sixty more times with emphasis on the meaning of it, in the mind and mental sphere. Then finally meditate on it four hundred more times with emphasis on FEELING IT. Its best to do this gradually and naturally over time as you use the Law to transform everyday situations and concerns, in matters personal or for others, large situations or small. When this number of meditations have been performed, a volt is formed so that when you think of The Law of One, a volt shoots from the akasha, [consciousness-penetrating-all], through the will, mind, emotions into form. The final paradigm of heaven on earth comes from the most ancient beginnings of time and is based on this law from which all other laws come. This law is the Law of One, and when invoked, it activates Omnipresent Divine Mind and overrides all lesser laws. Note for those who receive the angel messages in HTML format: If you have visual impairments that make it difficult to read some of the messages with darker backgrounds, a way to solve this is to click on forward on the top bar. When the forwarded message appears go to format and click on Plain Text. This will change the message to a white background with black print and be easier to read.
The Sasha site has a new address, see below. Click on it to access a user friendly listing of the angel messages. No sign in or password required. Listed by both sign and purpose, the angel messages are easy to find. Just click on the title of the message to go straight to the message. [It is being updated to the revised editions of the angel messages through the kindness of Polly. However, this is an ongoing project. It will take a while to get all the messages updated.] *** For those of you who would like all of the Angel Messages together in Microsoft Word Document to read straight through or for research, please email me at [email protected]. It is a large book in progress and will be updated to the zodiac sign of the day that I send it. It comes in purple Arial font in size 12. I can email it in 13 sections. If you want it all in one email, be sure that your email can handle a large attachment, over 5 MB. *** The site is a loving angel message community learning together. There are discussions and sharing of other inspirational messages and art. The angel messages are listed at this site. This site has great interactive features. Also, by joining this group, you can choose to receive the daily angel messages in email or choose to access them at the site. Email Polly at [email protected] if you have any questions. Other good sites for the angel messages: This site also has the 28 days Angel Messages. * Click on OTHER ARTISTS. Angel Music and prints are available at this site. *
* It is suggested that each person consider seriously the purchase of the original reference books for this series of angel messages due to the large amount of information available within them that is helpful. These are the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN 3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. [His first book, Initiation into Hermetics, is a preparatory book for this information.] Some of these books may be purchased at or or hopefully, Note: Concerning the recommended site , Polly wrote, I couldnt discover that Rexresearch is selling Franz Bardon books, although it looks as if he has posted the whole contents of The Key to the True Quabbalah & Initiation Into Hermetics . What a fantastic find. The site is quite amazing.
*Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [Te Practice of Magical Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN 3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac. For serious study of the ancient language and easy reference, you can purchase these books online :
***** Franz Bardons first book, Frabato the Magician, gives background information to some of todays political and economic situations. Be sure to read the additional material at the very back of the book. It will help explain why it is such a miracle of Divine Providence that we have this material available now.
For a copy of the TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX, which stimulates whole brain functioning, and information on emotional processing, please email [email protected] Or go to At you will find The Twenty Eight Days, * home site : copyright: Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser Feel free to share these messages. To subscribe or unsubscribe or change your listing to HTML or Plain Text, email [email protected]