SAP Zertifizierung
SAP Zertifizierung
BA4x (SAP R/3 Release 4 -> Basis) 1. What does "enqueue" and "dequeue" mean? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Puts/reads messages in the SAP message queue. B. Locks/unlocks SAP objects during database updates. C. Enables/disables SAP print queues. D. Reads/writes update messages in the database. 2. Update work processes are categorized as V1 or V2. Which of the 2 types of Update work processes has priority? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. V1 and V2 work processes are handled simultaneously without priority. B. V1 and V2 work processes are handled on a first-in-first-out basis. C. Processing priority is determined by the rdisp/wp_no_vb profile parameter. D. V1 work processes have priority. E. V2 work processes have priority. 3. If a user is logged on to a server group, how are dialog work processes assigned to this user? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The user always remains assigned to the same dialog work process, regardless of server load. B. Depending on the load of the servers, different dialog work processes of the same R/3 Instance will be assigned to the user. C. Depending on the load of the servers, different dialog work processes of different instances will be assigned to this user. D. It is not possible to logon to a server group. 4. If an R/3 Central Instance has the dialog, update, enqueue, background, message, gateway, and spool services installed using Instance ID 01 and connects to a database using the database system identifier C11, what is the R/3 Instance name used in the R/3 Instance Profile? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. DVBMGS01 B. C11_DVEBMGS C. DVEBMGS01 D. C11_DVEBMS01 5. To use R/3 in a distributed system with an official software license, an SAP license key must be installed. Where should this license key be installed? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. On the server where the database is located. B. On all servers in the distributed system, since a maintenance fee is due on all R/3 servers used. C. On the server where the message server process is located. D. On the server defined as the message server. E. On the server where the dispatcher is located.
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6. Which of the following statements are correct in regard to the lock table? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. The lock table is RSENQUE, is located in R/3, and can be displayed using the ABAP dictionary. B. The lock table is located in the shared memory of the message server, and can be accessed by all work processes of the message server. C. The lock table is located in the shared memory of the enqueue server, and can be accessed by all work processes of the enqueue server. D. For application servers other than the one on which the lock table is located, lock operations are performed in the enqueue work process on the enqueue server. E. For application servers other than the one on which the lock table is located, lock operations are performed in the message work process on the message server. 7. When you create a new user, to which client may the user log on? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. All clients. B. Only in the client where the user was created. C. In the client where the user was created and in client 000. D. In the client where the user was created and in client 001. 8. What is the name of the program at the operating system level which is used when an ABAP/4 program is used to trigger an external program? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. disp+work B. gwrd C. sapevt D. sapxpg E. saposcol 9. With which operating system level program do external programs communicate when triggering R/3 System events? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. disp+work B. gwrd C. sapevt D. sapxpg E. saposcol 10. Which of the following types of steps can be entered when defining background jobs in R/3? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. BAPIs and SMAPIs B. ABAP programs C. External commands (predefined by the system administrator) D. External RFC steps E. External programs (direct command input by system administrator )
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11. Which of the following statements is correct in regard to using logical commands in background processing in R/3? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. You can only execute operating system commands from a background job using logical commands (external commands). B. You can execute operating system commands from a background job using physical programs (external programs) or logical commands (external commands). C. Only background users can execute logical commands (external commands). D. When defining a logical command (external command) that is to be used in more than one operating system, the name defined must differ for each operating system. E. Using authorizations, you can only allow a user to either use all logical commands in background processing or none. You cannot authorize a user for a subset of all logical commands. 12. When an R/3 instance switches to an operation mode in which no background work processes are available, what happens if background work processes are active in the current operation mode? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The active background work processes are allowed to complete and the operation mode switch is cancelled. B. The active background work processes are allowed to complete before the operation mode is switched. C. The active background work processes are terminated. D. The active background work processes are suspended and are resumed as soon as background work processes become available. E. The active background work processes are not terminated immediately, but they are cancelled if "rdisp/max_wprun_time" is exceeded after the operation mode switch 13. Which traces can be switched on and off from within the R/3 System without restarting the Instance? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. ABAP/4 Trace B. SQL Trace C. SYSLOG Trace D. Dispatcher Trace 14. How does setting the parameter rdisp/TRACE to trace level 2 change the R/3 SYSLOG? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The rdisp/TRACE output is not listed in the SYSLOG and so has no effect. B. The SYSLOG contains errors, warnings and informational messages depending on the trace level. C. Database error logging is enabled but the R/3 SYSLOG is not affected. D. Depending on the Trace level, SYSLOG messages become more or less detailed. 15. What happens when the SYSLOG file becomes full? A. Please click on the button next to the correct answer. B. The system halts and sends an error message. C. The SYSLOG switches and logging continues. D. The SYSLOG file is overwritten restarting with block 0. E. No more error messages will be logged. 16. Which of the following statements is NOT true? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Clients can be copied within a single R/3 System. B. Clients can be copied between R/3 Systems of the same release. C. User master records can be copied between clients. D. The Client Copy tools support the copying of printer definitions between clients.
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17. Which of the following is true of creating new clients within an R/3 System? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Customizing and repository objects from a source client are copied to the new client using the client copy tool. B. The client transport tool can be used to simultaneously transfer multiple SAP clients from one R/3 System to another in a single action. C. Log files indicating the success of a new client creation are stored in the home directory of the user initiating the copy. D. Profiles define the types of client data to be copied. E. Remote client copies generate large data files at the operating system level. 18. Which of the following statements is correct in regard to R/3 transport domains? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. A transport domain consists of the client-independent table TDOM (the transport domain table) into which all transports (exports or imports) in the R/3 System are logged; to maintain TDOM, use Transaction SM31. B. In a UNIX-R/3 environment, a transport domain can only be set up if an additional application server is set up on Windows NT and configured as the domain controller. C. A transport domain consists of all R/3 Systems into or out of which transports are required, and consists of multiple servers. D. A transport domain consists of all R/3 Systems which form a group for the purposes of transport administration. E. A transport domain is an interface between the SAP OSS System and all production customer R/3 Systems. 19. Which of the following statements are correct in regard to the Transport Management System (TMS)? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. For TMS to work, the user ID "TMSADM" must be explicitly created in User Maintenance in each client of each R/3 System. B. For TMS to work, the user ID "TMSADM" is automatically set up on the Transport Domain Controller in client 000. C. To enable communication between R/3 Systems through Remote Function Call (RFC), for each R/3 System, TMS creates RFC destinations which can be displayed using Transaction SM59 (Display/Maintain RFC Destinations). D. To enable communication between R/3 Systems through Remote Function Call (RFC), for each R/3 System and each client, TMS creates RFC destinations which can be displayed using Transaction SM59 (Display/Maintain RFC Destinations). E. During the configuration of the domain controller, transport domain control data is written to the files DOMAIN.CFG in the transport directory "/usr/sap/trans/bin" or "<log. drive>:\usr\sap\trans\bin". 20. Which of the following options are available as global settings when setting the system change option in R/3 Release 4.0? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Modifiable B. A global option enabling or disenabling changes to Repository and client-independent Customizing objects. C. Not modifiable. D. Customer objects modifiable. E. Original objects modifiable.
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21. Which of the following tools can be used to define transport routes an R/3 System landscape? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The transaction SM31 for tables "TSYST", "TASYS", "TWSYS", "DEVL", and "TDEVC". B. The Transport Management System. C. The installation tool R3SETUP. D. The Workbench Organizer. E. The Customizing Organizer 22. What is the minimum number of Dialog Work Processes in an SAP Instance? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Central Instance : 0 , Dialog Instance: 0 B. Central Instance: 0 , Dialog Instance: 1 C. Central Instance: 2 , Dialog Instance: 1 D. Central Instance: 2 , Dialog Instance: 2 23. Which of the following is true of operation modes in R/3? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Productive operation modes may only be switched manually. B. Test operation modes may be switched manually or periodically. C. Operation modes can be used to startup/shutdown SAP instances. D. Operation modes can be scheduled for specific dates and times. E. Operation modes must be defined as either productive, test, or demo. 24. What is the user name and password for the R/3 System administrator in a newly installed system (Clients 000 and 001)? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. User name: SAP*, password: ddic B. User name: SAP*, password: init C. User name: SAP*, password: 06071992 D. User name: SAP*, password: manager E. User name: SAP*, password: 19920706 25. Which types of patches are available for R/3 Systems? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Hot Packages B. Correction Release Patches C. Legal Change Patches D. Kernel patches E. SPAU update patches 26. Which of the following statements is correct in regard to how many spool work processes may be configured for each R/3 instance? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Only one spool work process may be configured for each R/3 instance. B. Only one spool work process may be configured for the entire distributed system. C. Any number of spool work processes may be configured, depending on the amount of available shared memory. D. Only two spool work processes may be configured for each R/3 instance.
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27. Which of the following techniques can be used to improve security in R/3? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Use connection passwords defined in the SAProuter table. B. Use Secure Network Communications (SNC) together with 3rd-party products. C. Set parameters of type "login/..." in file DEFAULT.PFL . D. Use SECGUI instead of SAPGUI. E. Use SAPlogon. 28. Which of the following user IDs are standard in R/3? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. SAPDDIC B. OPER C. TMSADM D. SAPCPIC E. SAPDBA 29. Which of the following statements are true for the archiving of data in R/3? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Each archived table must be reorganized after successful archiving. B. R/3 archiving objects can be archived in any order. C. Access times for the archived tables are reduced after archiving. D. Backup and restore times are reduced after arching. E. Archiving is only possible when R/3 is shut down. 30. Which of the following statements is correct in regard to update processes? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Aborted updates in R/3 are always automatically restarted; they will be executed no later than at the next system startup. B. Updates are never aborted in R/3, since update requests are processed by the update work process synchronously. C. Aborted updates need to be analyzed and possibly restarted by the system administrator. D. The correct execution of updates is ensured by the dispatcher. 31. Which of the following statements are correct in regard to table comparison in R/3? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Table contents can be compared between R/2 and R/3 Systems. B. Table contents can be compared between different clients in the same R/3 System. C. Table contents can be compared between different clients in different R/3 Systems. D. The contents of the same tables in different clients can be automatically adjusted. E. Table contents can only be compared directly on the database level. 32. Which of the following components can be secured when Secure Network Communication (SNC) is used? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Communication between SAProuter and R/3 instance. B. Communication between SAPGUI and R/3 instance. C. Communication between SAPlpd and R/3 instance. D. Communication between R/3 central instance and database. E. Communication between RFC interface programs and R/3 instance.
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33. Based upon the information indicated in areas 1 and 2 of this Operating System Monitor screen, which of the following is true? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. System CPU resources are not sufficient. A wait situation is possible when many processes are requesting CPU resources. B. CPU resources are adequate. No performance problems will be encountered. C. CPU resources are adequate, but performance problems will be encountered because of wait situations sharing the resources. 34. Based upon the information in areas 1 - 3 of this R/3 System Monitoring screen, which of the following statements is true? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The "load" program consumes much of the available CPU resources. B. The "load" program consumes much of the available I/O resources. C. The "load" program cannot be considered a performance degradation factor. 35. This Performance Analysis screen shows a case of excessive object swapping even though there is apparently enough free space in the Program Buffer. Based upon the information indicated, which of the following statements explains why there is so much swapping? A. Please click on the button next to the correct answer. B. The indication of object swapping is false and does not express the current situation. C. There is enough free space but not enough directory entries. D. The available free space is fragmented and the fragments are not big enough to hold the new programs. 36. How should you buffer a table that is frequently updated? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Single-record buffering B. Generic buffering C. No buffering D. 100% buffering E. 50% buffering 37. What can be concluded from the values shown in areas 1 and 2 of this SAP System Process Overview? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. There is an I/O bottleneck. The system is using too much CPU to perform I/O operations. B. The system is using all the available resources, but there is no critical performance problem. C. There is too much online processing; use background processing. D. Although the workload is equally distributed, excessive R/3 System paging and rolling is causing a performance bottleneck. 38. As shown in this Operating System Monitor (Transaction ST06) screen, a high percentage of "system CPU" utilization always indicates operating system resource problems. Which one of the following factors causes a high percentage of "system CPU" utilization? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Small number of processors and low CPU power. B. Poor R/3 memory management configuration. C. Expensive select statements in ABAP programs. D. High disk I/O rate. E. High roll-in and roll-out rates in R/3 work processes causing a high rate of system IPC calls.
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39. What does the LOAD AVERAGE value in the indicated area of this Operating System Performance Monitor screen (Transaction ST06) express? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The percentage of the CPU, I/O, and LAN resources being utilized. B. The 1, 5, and 15 minute averages of the number of processes in the operating system run queue. C. The 1, 5, and 15 minute averages of the amount of system swapping activity. D. The 1, 5, and 15 minute averages of the amount of operating system uptime. 40. Which of the following is actions are possible with the new R/3 Release 4.0 Alert Monitor? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Monitoring several R/3 instances with one Alert Monitor B. Monitoring several R/3 Systems with one Alert Monitor C. Parts of the new Alert Monitor can be replaced by R/3 Release 3.x Alert Monitors D. Thresholds can be customized directly from one Alert Monitor E. R/3 instances can be restarted directly from one Alert Monitor 41. This Performance Analysis screen shows a case of excessive object swapping even though there is apparently enough free space in the buffer. Based upon the information indicated in areas 1 and 2, which of the following statements is correct? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. There is enough free space but there are not enough directory entries. B. The operating system swap space or the paging file size needs to be increased. C. The ABAP program buffer size must be increased. D. The indication of object swapping is false and does not express the current situation. E. The available free space is fragmented and the fragments are not big enough to hold the new programs. 42. Which of the following is true in terms of configuring the R/3 Enqueue Service? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Each R/3 instance may have a locally running enqueue service. B. The host where the enqueue service runs is defined in the startup profile. C. There must be exactly 1 enqueue service per SAP System. D. The enqueue service must be installed on the R/3 Central Instance. 43. Which of the following is true in terms of configuring the R/3 Message Service? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Each R/3 instance must have a locally running message service. B. The host where the message service runs is defined in the database parameter profile. C. There must be exactly 1 message service per SAP System. D. The message service must run on the R/3 Central Instance. 44. In a networked R/3 System environment consisting of 1 database host and 1 or more Application Servers, 1 Application Server functions as the Update work process server. Which parameter file contains, by SAP convention, the rdisp/vbname profile parameter? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The Start profile of the Central Instance host. B. The global Default profile located on the Central Instance host. C. The Instance profile of the Central Instance host. D. The SAPGUI parameter profile of one of the Dialog Instance hosts. E. The database configuration parameter file.
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45. Per SAP convention, which R/3 System profile contains the rdisp/wp_no_vb profile parameter? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The Start profile. B. The Global Default profile. C. The Instance profile. D. The SAPGUI parameter profile. E. The database configuration parameter file. 46. Which of the following statements are correct in regard to the update service? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Only one R/3 instance may contain update work processes. B. At least one V1 update work process (rdisp/wp_no_vb) must be defined per R/3 System. C. At least one V2 update work process (rdisp/wp_no_vb2) must be defined per R/3 System. D. If V2 update work processes (rdisp/wp_no_vb2) are configured, all V1 update work processes (rdisp/wp_no_vb) are reserved for V1 updates. E. A dialog work process never writes directly to the database. Only update work processes have direct database write access. 47. Which of the following is NOT true of the SAProuter? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The SAProuter is an application level gateway. B. The SAProuter acts as a secure gateway into and out of a customer's SAP environment. C. SAProuter will only accept incoming data if it conforms to SAP's own internal protocol and if it is coming in over a predefined port number from a predefined internet address. D. SAProuter installation is mandatory for connection to the SAP Online Service System (OSS). E. SAProuter installation is not mandatory for connection to the SAP Online Service System (OSS). 48. For complete network security, SAProuter must be installed together with: Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Microsoft Windows NT B. Unix C. A hardware router. D. SAProuter offers complete network security without additional hardware investment. E. A Worldwide Web implementation strategy. 49. Name the R/3 System transaction used for printer and spool administration. Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. SM50 B. SM51 C. SPAD D. SP01 E. SM37 F. Printing in the R/3 System is handled by the TemSe (storage for Temporary Sequential data) and spool components.
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50. Which of the following is NOT true: Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The TemSe stores the output request data B. The instance parameter, rspo/store_location, determines whether TemSe data is stored in the database or in an operating system file. C. TemSe data stored in an operating system file must be backed-up separately from the database data D. TemSe data stored in the database can be accessed faster by the host operating system spooler than when it is stored in a file E. TemSe data stored in the database is backed-up when regular database backups are done 51. Which of the following tasks can be performed to maximize spooling performance? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Activate the option "Non-Exclusive Spool Server" in Spool Administration (Transaction SPAD). B. Deactivate the option "Delete after output" under Defaults in the user master records, and run report RSPO0041 as a background job daily. C. Divide printers into three server classes: production print, high volume print, and desktop print. D. All printers should use spool access method "U" or "S", to optimize throughput. E. Configure printers as network printers wherever possible on the operating system level, to enable them to be used from the WAN. 52. Which of the following statements are correct in regard to printers in printer pools? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. These printers are accessed with spool access method "P". B. Spool output can be sent to one or more devices in the printer pool. C. Spool output is always sent to more than one device in the printer pool. D. You can define pools within pools, with up to 3 layers of pools. E. You can define pools within pools, with up to 5 layers of pools. 53. When must the Workbench Organizer be configured? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. After all Central and Dialog Instance installations. B. Whenever a new R/3 Central Instance with database is installed. C. Immediately after a database software version update. D. After all R/3 release level upgrades but not after correction level upgrades. 54. Which R/3 facility is used to release a correction/repair? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Workbench Organizer B. Transaction SE06 C. Development Workbench D. Customizing Organizer 55. What is configured in the transport parameter file? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. The transport parameters for all R/3 Central and Dialog instances. B. The database host for each of the systems in the system landscape. C. The R/3 Dialog instance startup parameters. D. The location of the transport directory.
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56. If you create a new R/3 object, what will happen if you specify it as a "Local Private Object"? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. The repair cannot be transported. B. The repair may be downloaded to become an object accessible at the native database level. C. The repair will only be active for the user who creates the repair. D. The "Local Private Object" option will be used when the repair is transported. 57. Which of the following transactions is used to configure the Transport Management System (TMS)? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Transaction ST01 B. Transaction TTMS (General Table Maintenance) C. Transaction SE01 D. Transaction STMS E. Transaction TMS 58. In which of the following operating system files do you set R/3 transport parameters? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. DOMAIN.DSC B. trans.ini C. TPPARAM D. DOMAIN.CFG E. trans.dsc 59. When must the Workbench Organizer be configured? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. After all R/3 upgrades to functionality releases, but not after upgrades to correction releases. B. Whenever a new R/3 central instance with database is installed. C. Immediately after a database software version update. D. After all central instance and dialog instance installations. 60. To perform any modification in an R/3 System, the modification must be registered with the SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR). Which of the following DOES NOT apply to SSCR? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Developers must be registered in the SAP OSS System. B. All modifications must be registered in the OSS System. C. The customer's R/3 System must have a correctly installed SAP license. D. The customer must fax an object modification request to SAP. E. The R/3 installation number for the system must be valid. 61. Does an SAP owned object have to be assigned to a customer development class in order to be modified? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Yes. A modification should be assigned to a customer development class. This eliminates the need for a modification adjustment during the upgrade process. B. No. The object belongs to SAP and is considered standard functionality. The development class provides the object with its needed ownership and must not be changed. C. Yes. An automatic pop-up window forces a developer to assign a changed SAP object to a new development class. D. It does not matter because of the flexibility of the system parameter option assignment scheme. E. No. It will be assigned to a new development class automatically.
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62. At which stage in the upgrade process is it necessary to perform an ABAP/4 Dictionary adjustment? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Immediately following the import of the new ABAP/4 Dictionary. B. After running the PREPARE script and reviewing the suggestions in the CHECK.log file. C. This step is performed automatically by ADJUSTIMP and no user interaction is necessary. D. As part of the post-upgrade procedure. E. Within 14 days after an upgrade is finished. 63. A repository switch upgrade of an R/3 System involves: Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Comparing all modifications with the new SAP standard. B. Replacing the current customer repository with the new SAP standard. C. System downtime from the start of the upgrade process. D. Merging the customer's current SAP Repository with the new SAP standard. E. Adjusting all customer developed objects with new and improved program logic. 64. Which of the following statements is NOT true of how customers can avoid making modifications to SAP standard objects? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Make use of enhancement concepts such as program exits and menu exits. B. Take advantage of the table append technology when changing table definitions. C. Use Hot Packages to perform program corrections rather than keying in coding changes manually. D. Create their own repository objects in order to provide additional functionality. E. Modify their business processes so that the standard SAP software will fulfill all of their requirements. 65. When upgrading R/3 to Release 4.0B, which of the following programs is used during the actual upgrade? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. R3INST B. PREPARE C. R3SETUP D. R3load E. R3up 66. Which of the following upgrade strategy parameters enables you to avoid interrupting production operation when starting an upgrade? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. A_IN B. A_SWITCH C. A_OUT D. A_OFF E. A_ON 67. What is the name of the log file created and written to by the script PREPARE? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. R3up.log B. PREPARE.log C. R3put.log D. Checks.log E. R3upchk.log
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68. When upgrading an R/3 System, which of the following statements are correct in regard to performing modification adjustments for the ABAP Dictionary using Transaction SPDD? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. The objects which may need to be adjusted are domains, data elements, and reports. B. Modification adjustments for the ABAP Dictionary are performed after the upgrade. C. Customer-developed reports in the customer name range are adjusted during the upgrade. D. Modification adjustments with Transaction SPDD are performed during upgrade to avoid data loss when customers have changed the standard ABAP Dictionary objects. E. The objects which may need to be adjusted are domains, data elements, and tables; the modification adjustment is performed during the upgrade. 69. When upgrading an R/3 System, which of the following statements are correct in regard to modification adjustment using Transaction SPAU? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. The objects which may need to be adjusted are tables and reports. B. Modification adjustments with Transaction SPAU are performed during upgrade to avoid data loss when customers have changed the standard ABAP Dictionary objects. C. The objects that may need to be adjusted are domains, data elements, and tables. D. Modification adjustments with Transaction SPAU are performed during upgrade to avoid data loss when customers have changed the standard R/3 Repository objects. E. Modification adjustment with Transaction SPAU is performed after the upgrade. 70. When upgrading to R/3 Release 4.x, which of the following tools or files can be used to check for errors during the actual upgrade? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Upgrade tool PROSA. B. Upgrade tool R3up. C. ALOG<target R/3 Release> (for example, ALOG40B). D. CHECKS.LOG. E. SLOG<target R/3 Release> (for example, SLOG40B). 71. Which of the following tasks should be performed after an R/3 upgrade? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Scheduling report RDDIMPDP, if it is not already scheduled. B. Installing any required additional software, such as CPI-C libraries, RFC libraries, or Archivelink. C. Sending the log CHECKS.LOG to the SAP Upgrade Service. D. Installing additional dialog instances. E. Testing interface programs in the production R/3 System. 72. Which of the following are prerequisites for an R/3 upgrade? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. All clients except the productive client must be deleted from the R/3 System. B. The programs tp and R3trans must be able to connect to the database. C. The latest Hot Packages must be installed in R/3 before the upgrade can be performed. D. Checking the upgrade manual to see if you can upgrade to the target R/3 Release from the present R/3 Release. E. RDDIMPDP must be scheduled in all clients.
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73. Which of the following statements are correct in regard to an upgrade for an R/3 System that uses German, English, and Spanish? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. The R/3 System is automatically upgraded in all three languages. B. The R/3 System is upgraded only in the standard languages, German and English; to add more languages use the language import tools. C. A language import must be performed for every additional language. D. After an upgrade, non-standard languages that were in the pre-upgrade system must be imported using full language imports. E. After an upgrade, non-standard languages that were in the pre-upgrade system must be imported using incremental language imports. 74. How do you check which upgrade processes or phases are currently active? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Check file SLOG<target R/3 Release>. B. Check file CHECKS.log. C. Use Transaction SM66. D. Use Transaction SM21. E. Check file R3SETUP.log. 75. Which of the following statements are correct in regard to planning and executing an R/3 upgrade? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. To minimize downtime, all necessary ABAP Dictionary adjustments can be executed prior to the upgrade by using the PREPARE tool. B. In a two system landscape, it does not matter which R/3 System you upgrade first. C. Table conversions can be started prior to the upgrade to minimize downtime during the upgrade. D. An upgrade project plan is not required, as all programs used during upgrade log all results. E. A new R/3 kernel can only be installed during the upgrade and not prior to the upgrade. 76. What type of table is of type 'TRANSP'? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. A table used for Transporting data between SAP systems. B. A table which is reproduced 1:1 in the database. C. A table which is invisible for native SQL. D. A table which is accessible for all SAP clients. 77. Structures and their attributes which do not have records in the database are what kind of tables? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Cluster tables B. Pool tables C. Internal tables D. External tables 78. In terms of the ABAP/4 Development Workbench, what is a variant? Please click on the button next to the correct answer. A. Program selection criteria which can be stored for later use with the same report. B. A report which was developed by modifying another report. C. A report which can be used in different R/3 clients. D. The R/3 release being used during report creation.
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79. Which of the following objects are R/3 Repository objects? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. Screens B. ABAPs C. GUIs D. Macros E. Function modules 80. What are the new attributes for change requests in the Workbench Organizer in R/3 Release 4.0? Note! More than one answer is correct. Please click on the buttons next to the correct answers. A. A change request can receive the attribute SAPHOT to indicate a Hot Package change request. B. A change request can receive the attribute SAPOSS to indicate an OSS Hotline Instruction change request. C. A change request can receive the attribute SAPNOTE to indicate an Advanced Correction change request. D. A change request can receive the attribute SAPDEV to indicate a development change request. E. A change request can receive the attribute SAPMOD to indicate a modification change request.
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