QuickRWall UsersGuide
QuickRWall UsersGuide
Copyright 2003-4 Ensoltech, Inc. All rights reserved. IES QuickRWallTM is a trademark of Integrated Engineering Software, Inc.
IES QuickRWall is a proprietary computer program of Ensoltech. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this program and its documentation, neither Ensoltech nor Integrated Engineering Software shall be held liable for any mistake, error, or misrepresentation in, or as a result of the usage of, this program and/or its documentation. The results obtained from this program should not be substituted for sound engineering judgment.
Sales/support Integrated Engineering Software 8840 Chapman Road Bozeman, MT 59718 406-586-8988 (sales) 406-586-2665 (support) support@iesweb.com www.iesweb.com
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction License Disclaimer Acknowledgements Features Notable Limitations System Requirements Installation Procedure Technical Support 4 4 4 4 5 7 7 7 8
THEORY ....................................................................................................................... 33
Forces on the Wall 33 Backfill Pressure Calculations ........................................................................................................33 Water in Backfill.............................................................................................................................34 Passive Earth Pressure at the Toe....................................................................................................35 Surcharge (Uniform) .......................................................................................................................35
IES QuickRWall Users Guide 2
Surcharge (Line/Strip).....................................................................................................................36 Seismic Loading..............................................................................................................................36 Wall Weights ..................................................................................................................................37 Soil Weights....................................................................................................................................37 Subgrade Bearing Reaction.............................................................................................................38 Friction............................................................................................................................................38 Stability Checks 39 Sliding.............................................................................................................................................39 Overturning .....................................................................................................................................39 Maximum Bearing Pressure............................................................................................................39 Bearing Pressure Resultant Location ..............................................................................................40 Strength Checks 40 Building Code .................................................................................................................................40 Load Factors....................................................................................................................................40 Heel / Toe Checks ...........................................................................................................................40 Stem Checks....................................................................................................................................41 General Notes..................................................................................................................................42 Design Procedure 43 Complete Design Function..............................................................................................................43 Partial Design Functions .................................................................................................................43 References 44
Thank you for choosing IES QuickRWall. This software package has been created to assist the engineer in the design of a variety of different retaining walls. Use of this program can save countless hours in the calculations and documentation associated with retaining wall design. The software has been designed so that the user may quickly become productive with very little training, but by reading through this manual and other associated documentation you should be able to resolve any questions that may arise during program use.
Use of this software program is strictly governed by the license agreement that is displayed during the install process. This program is the copyrighted property of Ensoltech and is provided for the exclusive use of each licensee. Additional licenses may be obtained exclusively through Integrated Engineering Software. You may copy the program for backup purposes and you may install it on any computer allowed in the license agreement. Distributing the program to coworkers, friends, or duplicating it for other distribution violates the copyright laws of the United States. Future enhancements and technical support for this product depend on your cooperation in this regard.
This software has been developed and tested in accordance with applicable building codes, trade guides, and accepted practice, and every effort has been made to ensure that it operates in accordance with those standards. However, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure the final design produced is reasonable and constitutes sound engineering practice. In no event shall Integrated Engineering Software or Ensoltech be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this software or its related documentation.
The creation of this program was made possible by the influence of many individuals who contributed ideas, advice, and testing. Particular recognition is due to Dan VanLuchene, Terry Kubat and Lyle Biekert. Also special thanks to Yvon Michaud for many outstanding ideas and continuous feedback during development of this latest release.
IES QuickRWall contains the following notable features: Basic Functionality o Handles both cantilever and restrained walls o Handles both concrete and masonry o Lateral support for restrained walls can be located anywhere on the stem o Concrete strength checks performed according to IBC 2003 / ACI 318-02 o Checks all required load combinations o Comprehensive support for Canadian CSA A23.3-94 concrete code o Masonry stems designed via IBC 2003 / MSJC 2002 o Checks for four stability modes: sliding, overturning, maximum bearing pressure, and bearing resultant location. Checks against user-specified requirement (e.g. factor of safety) for each. o Handles tapered stem o Handles stepped stem with multiple changes in thickness and reinforcement. o Can set default entries to avoid having to repeatedly set parameters that are common to every project. Loads o Backfill pressure can be calculated automatically via Rankine or Coulomb soil theory, or specified directly as equivalent fluid pressure. o Handles sloped backfill o Handles water in backfill. User can specify different properties for saturated layer. o Surcharge (uniform) on top of backfill. Can be specified as either a pressure or an additional depth of backfill. o Line or strip surcharge on top of the backfill. o Passive pressure at the toe can be calculated via Rankine method, specified directly ( equivalent fluid pressure), or ignored. Flexible control over the depth from which this pressure is calculated and how much overburden is ignored. o Axial dead & live load on stem, with optional eccentricity o Manually specified lateral pressure on stem (from wind, for example) o Seismic load (calculated via Mononobe-Okabe method) o Multiple load cases o Can enter custom load factors Reports o Three options for reports Concise summary report Detailed calculations report Full-page wall diagram o Add company logo (optional). This is displayed in the report header
o Enter notes / description which appears in report header o Exports DXF file with fully dimensioned wall drawing. Automated Design o Automatically does complete design of wall dimensions and reinforcement (optional). Concrete, cantilevered stems only. o Ability to control design process in many ways: Limit heel/toe length, center stem, etc. o Automatically choose just footing reinforcement o Automatically choose just stem reinforcement o Automatically sets required Ld lengths and lap splices lengths o Automatically positions key to embed stem bars, also such that reinforces key. o Designs shear key to resist sliding. o Ability to set preferences used in all design functions: which bars are available, which spacings to use, which length increments to consider, etc. User Interface o User-friendly step-by-step wizard-style approach for learning to use the program (optional) o Display of wall diagram next to each input screen. Diagram updates instantly to reflect input changes. o Constant pass/fail display of all checks. Updates instantly with inputs changes. Each check in the display is a hyperlink that brings up detailed calculations behind the check. o Highly detailed graphics depicting all aspects of designed wall and intermediate calculations. o Fully integrated help. Explanations for the various input parameters are displayed right next to the input fields. Options o Option to indicate sliding restrained by external entity (e.g. slab) o Option to include or neglect the bearing pressure beneath the heel for strength checks. o Option to ignore stabilizing contribution from passive pressure @ toe o Options to include the vertical component of the backfill pressure for overturning, sliding, and bearing pressure checks (individual option for each) o Option to include surcharge forces in the sliding and overturning checks o Option to use surcharge forces for bearing pressure calculation o Option to neglect the weight of the soil over the toe o Option to factor earth weight as either dead load or earth load o User-specified coefficient of friction between footing & subgrade o User-specified wall friction angle (used if backfill pressure is calculate via Coulomb theory) o Flexible units. Can be toggled between English and Metric, and can also set the preferred unit for each quantity. This includes use of metric rebar sizes. o Stored walls. Ability to store multiple designs in the project. Allows you to store the current design in order to experiment with making changes, then easily retrieve it later.
Results Reported o Complete and graphic reporting of every calculation the program makes no more wondering what is going on inside the black box. o Detailed graph of stem moment capacity / applied moment, including development lengths and bar cutoff points. o Reports percentage that each load source contributes to bearing reaction. o Reports all load combinations checked, and a summary of the extreme design forces from each combination.
Notable Limitations
Notable things that IES QuickRWall does not do in this version: Gravity retaining walls Shear key reinforcement checks Specify shrinkage & temperature steel Calculate deflection at the top of the wall Automated design if masonry or restrained walls
These are all features that will be considered in upgrade versions of the product. Decisions about which items to include are influenced strongly by user feedback, so if some items on this list are more important to you than others, please let us know!
System Requirements
The software has relatively minimal system and hardware requirements. Windows NT/98/2000/XP 20 MB of hard disk space 32 MB of RAM Pentium processor
Installation Procedure
Simply run the install program that comes on the CD. The step-by-step wizard will guide you through the installation process.
Technical Support
Before you contact IES for support, please make sure you have taken full advantage of the readily available resources that are included with the software: Carefully read through this users guide Refer to the numerous help screens built into the software If you have a question about a result displayed in a summary, be sure to check the full calculations that are displayed in the program and in the full report. Check the resources on the IES website. These are accessible via the various options under the Help | iesweb.com menu.
You should also make sure that you have the latest maintenance update for the software. These updates are free and can be obtained automatically by going to the Help menu, choosing iesweb.com, and then choosing Update IES QuickRWall. In this manner you can make sure that the issue you have a question about has not already been resolved. Integrated Engineering Software provides technical support for this program via the following methods: Email: The best way to send an email is to go to the Help menu, choose iesweb.com, then choose Email IES Technical Support Phone: 406-586-2665
Getting Started
This will give you a quick summary of the basic procedure for using the program. When you first run the software, you will be looking at the Learning View (welcome screen with white background). You can either proceed with using the program via the Learning View by following the instructions on this screen (recommended for beginners) or switch to the Input view and being to use the regular interface as described below. When Using the Learning View Program Interface Using the learning view is a simple matter of reading the instructions on each screen and using the links and buttons to navigate between screens. It is intended to be a quick and easy way to learn to use the program. When Using the Regular Program Interface The following table illustrates the basic procedure for using the program
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Enter Design Criteria Enter Loads Automatic Design (optional) Enter / Modify Wall Dimensions / Reinforcement View Results
Input View
Criteria tab
Input View
Loads tab
Input View
Checks / Force Calcs Views Make Changes (if necessary) Print Report
All tabs
Input View
In practice, step 5 (View Results) is usually not a distinct step but an ongoing process that begins after step 3. With every change you make, the check result display updates automatically, so you can see the effects of the changes you make on the fly. The procedure is further described below: 1) Enter Design Criteria. Switch to the Input View and fill out the information on the Criteria tab.
IES QuickRWall Users Guide 9
2) Enter Loads. Still on the Input View, fill out the information on the Loads tab 3) Automatic Design. The program can do a complete wall design for you if you want it to. Choose the Design | Complete Wall Design menu item. It is generally recommended that you allow the program to do a design, then make your own modifications from there. The automatic design will not do either masonry stems or restrained walls, but it is still a good idea to start out with it and then make those other changes later in the process. 4) Enter/Modify Wall Dimensions & Reinforcement. Set the wall dimensions & reinforcement. This takes place in the Input View, on two different tabs: a. Switch to the Footing tab and enter the appropriate information. b. Switch to the Stem tab and enter the appropriate information. It is at this point that you can choose to have a restrained (e.g. basement) wall and / or a masonry stem; there are inputs on the Stem tab that provide these options. See the section Tips on Creating Different Types of Walls below. The partial design functions under the Design menu (e.g. Choose Footing Reinforcement) can help you in making some of these settings. 5) View Check Results. View the results of the checks on the wall. This can be done at any time by looking at the tall narrow display at right that shows a summary of the checks and a or depending on whether each check passed or not. Each line of the check summary is a link that will take you to the detailed calculations behind the check. You can also view the detailed calculations by switching to the Force Calcs View or Checks View manually and moving among the different tabs. 6) Make Changes. If further changes to the wall are necessary (for example if not all the checks are passing), you can make changes to the wall by switching to the Input View and going to the Footing and/or Stem tabs and changing the information there (like in Step 4). The checks displayed in the pane on the right will update instantly with each change, so you can see the effects of changes as you go. At any time you can view more detailed check results as discussed in step 5. Continue to make changes until the design is satisfactory. 7) Print Report. When you are satisfied with the design, you can choose from any of the three reports offered by IES QuickRWall. The commands for these are found under the File menu. Tips on Creating Different Types of Walls By default, the program is configured for a cantilevered concrete wall with standard reinforcing for a simple stem (which may be tapered). It may not be immediately obvious how to create walls with variations like lateral supports (restrained walls), masonry stems, or taller walls with more complicated reinforcing layouts and/or changes in thickness. To use some of these other options requires only minor variations in procedure as follows: Restrained wall: When on the Stem tab setting stem properties, check the box for Has Lateral Support. This causes the wall to be restrained at the top (or other specified location) and adds a couple of additional rebar inputs to account for the different reinforcing requirements in a restrained wall. Stepped or more complicated concrete stem: When on the Stem tab setting stem properties, change the setting for Stem Type to Multi-Section. This causes the stem to be comprised of multiple sections, each of which can have its own thickness and reinforcing. Masonry stem: When on the Stem tab setting stem properties, change the setting for Stem Type to Multi-Section. Change Number of Stem Sections to 1 (could have more sections for a more complicated wall). Click the ellipsis () button next to Stem Section 1 to bring up
IES QuickRWall Users Guide 10
a dialog. Change Type to Masonry. Set the other properties in this dialog as appropriate, then click OK.
Menu Commands
New Starts a new project. Open Opens an existing project from a file. Save Saves the current project. If the project has not been saved yet and does not yet have a file name, a dialog will prompt for a file name. Save As Saves the current project, always prompting for a file name. Print Full Report Prints a multi-page report containing details of the design calculations. This report can be very long (>10 pages). Print Summary Report Prints a one or two page report containing a concise summary of the design.
Print Wall Layout Prints a full-page diagram of the wall with all dimensions and reinforcement labeled. Preview Full Report Previews a multi-page report containing details of the design calculations. This report can be very long (>10 pages). Preview Summary Report Previews a one or two page report containing a concise summary of the design. Preview Wall Layout Previews a full-page diagram of the wall with all dimensions and reinforcement labeled. Print Setup Selects a printer and printer connection. Also allows you to choose portrait or landscape page orientation. This option is there because this is a standard dialog from Microsoft, but you should not select the landscape option. The report pages are not designed for it and will look funny. Create DXF File Creates a DXF file that contains a fully dimensioned drawing of the wall. A dialog box will appear to allow you to specify the name and location of the file. [Recent Files] Opens the recently used project file with the displayed name. Exit Exits the program.
Add Load Case Adds an additional load case to the project. Note that load cases in this program are simply a way of applying a different set of unrelated, non-combinable loads. There is no support for combining different cases with various factors etc.; only loads within a single load case will be combined and factored. The multiple load case feature simply offers a way to consider different loading scenarios. Many projects will not require more than one load case.
Remove Load Case Brings up a dialog that allows you to remove a load case. You can only use this command when there is more than one load case, since it is required that there be at least one load case at all times. Store Current Wall Adds the current wall to the stored walls collection. The wall can then be retrieved later at any time by going to the Stored Walls tab of the Input View. This is useful when you want to experiment with changes but dont want to lose the current design. Units Brings up a dialog box in which you can set preferences for which units the program uses. These units settings will be saved so that they will also take effect for subsequent projects. Project Information Brings up a dialog that allows you to specify information that will be displayed in the header area of reports. Options The options dialog allows you to set some miscellaneous preferences. You can enter a filename for a logo that will appear in the report header (optional). This file can be a .bmp, .gif, or .jpg file. You can also check a box to indicate that youd like to see the program go directly to the Input View on startup, rather than starting at the Learning View every time. This can be convenient when you have become familiar with the program and no longer have any need for the Learning View. Set Defaults Brings up a dialog that allows you to indicate that the current input values are to be used as the defaults for new projects. This allows you to avoid repetitive entry of inputs that are the same for all or most projects. For example, if you use the program to design short masonry walls 90% of the time, you could go to the Input View, Stem tab, and change Stem Type to Multi-Section, then change Number of Stem Sections to 1, and change that one section to masonry. Then go to Project | Set Defaults, make sure that the Stem checkbox is checked, and click OK. The next time you start the program, it will default to a masonry stem so you dont have to change it every time.
Complete Wall Design Sets all wall dimensions and reinforcement parameters such that the wall satisfies all required checks. This will always change the wall to a cantilevered concrete wall. After choosing the command a dialog will appear giving you options for controlling some aspects of the design (e.g. whether or not to allow a shear key). This command changes virtually every aspect of the design, so it is best used as a starting point, before you have manually specified portions of the design that you dont want to have overwritten. Also: While there is no formal support for undo in IES QuickRWall, there is a sort of pseudo-undo mechanism for this command. Just prior to committing design changes, the command will insert the former wall into the Stored Walls collection under the name Wall before design. That way if you did the complete design by accident, or decide that you liked the former wall better, you can get it back by restoring that Stored Wall (go to the Input View, Stored Walls tab). The bar sizes, spacings, and dimensions chosen will be governed by the current design preferences (see the Design Preferences command). It is possible that you may get a message that says Design Failed. This means one of two things: 1) Your sizing criteria have constrained the design such that a solution is impossible. An example of this would be setting maximum toe and heel lengths to 6. This makes it virtually impossible for the program to widen the footing enough for the stability checks to be satisfied, so the design will fail. 2) The design process has gone through thousands of iterations and has failed to find a solution. After a certain number of iterations it will automatically stop trying in order to prevent your computer from locking up. The root cause of this is likely an error in the program, where the adjustments its making are not able to make the design satisfactory. If you suspect this to be the case, please email your project file to technical support and we will see about correcting the design process. Choose Footing Reinforcement This command will choose reinforcement for both the heel and the toe. It is best used after the width and thickness of the footing have already been set. The bars chosen will be governed by the current design preferences (see the Design Preferences command). Choose Stem Reinforcement This command will choose reinforcement for the stem. It is best used after the stem thickness has already been set. Currently this command only does basic sizing of bars at the base of the stem and does not deal with some of the more complicated scenarios, in particular the specification of bars for a multi-piece stem, restrained stem, or masonry stem. We are planning to improve this command considerably in a
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future version (please let us know if this is important to you). The bars chosen will be governed by the current design preferences (see the Design Preferences command). Position Key To Embed Stem Bars Creates a key (if there isnt one already there) and positions it such that it provides development for the stem reinforcement, if it extends below the footing. The key is also positioned such that the bars can act as reinforcement for the key in case it is required (although the program does not perform calculations to test the adequacy of key reinforcement). Set All Embedment Lengths Calculates the required embedment lengths for the stem, heel, and toe bars, and lengthens the bars if they are too short. Note that in the case where the stem bars are hooked into the footing, this may cause the footing to be thickened in order to achieve the necessary development length for the hook (Ldh). Otherwise, the stem bars are allowed to stick out of the bottom of the footing, and it is left as a separate step for the user to either position a key to contain them (recommend the Position Key to Embed Stem Bars command above) or to hook them into the footing. Set All Lap Splice Lengths Calculates the required lap length for all lap spliced bars and extends the lap length if required. Note that in some situations where there are no lapped bars, but potentially could be, the program will prompt the user asking whether to lap the bars, and then set the proper length. Set Bar Cutoff Lengths Ensures that all bar cutoffs occur a sufficient distance past the point where the bars are required for flexure, and that cutoffs in a tension zone meet the applicable ACI requirements. Lengthens the cutoff bars if necessary. Note that in some situations where there are no cutoff bars, but potentially could be, the program will prompt the user asking whether to cut off alternate bars, and then set them to the proper length. Design Preferences This brings up a dialog that lets you specify some settings such as available bars sizes and preferred bar spacings. This helps to make the automatic design results as practical as possible.
Toolbar Shows / hides the toolbar. Status Bar Shows / hides the status bar.
Contents Brings up the help dialog, which presents a tree-style display of the available help topics. Iesweb.com | Update IES QuickRWall Initiates the process of checking for an update and, if necessary, automatically updates the program from the IES website. Note that you must be connected to the Internet for this feature to work properly. Iesweb.com | Customer Center Opens a browser window with the IES Customer Center web page. This location provides access to several problem solving resources. Iesweb.com | FAQ Answers Opens a browser window with the IES Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) web page. Iesweb.com | Make a Suggestion Opens a browser window with the IES suggestion entry web page. Iesweb.com | Email IES Technical Support Creates a new email message, addressed to IES tech support, and attaches certain useful system information that helps IES diagnose the source of potential problems. This is the best way to contact IES regarding technical support issues. Software License Brings up a dialog where current license information can be viewed, or new license information can be entered. About IES QuickRWall Displays a dialog with version number, copyright, and other related information.
Input Parameters
This section provides a full description of all of the information that you enter in the Input View. The various inputs are organized into the same groups in which they appear in the Input View: Criteria Loads Footing Stem
Note: In version 1.0 there was a group of options here called Subgrade Properties. These inputs have been moved. They are now present in the Passive Pressure @ Toegroup in the Loads inputs.
Design code
Concrete Design Code Allows a choice of ether IBC 2003 or CSA A23.3-94 as the governing design code for concrete. This will affect the code provisions and notation used throughout the program. Note that if the wall has a masonry stem this setting does not affect the masonry checks; they are always performed according to IBC 2003 /
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MSJC 2002. There is no support for masonry design according to any Canadian code (if this is something you would like to see, please let us know!). Load Factors Allows a choice between preset load combinations from IBC 2003 or CSA A23.3-94, or entry of custom load factors. If custom load factors are entered, only a single combination is checked using the custom values.
Note: In version 1.0 there was an option here called Ignore Passive @ Toe. This option has been removed. Ignoring the passive pressure at the toe is now an option in the Loads inputs. Restrained Against Sliding This option indicates that the footing is restrained against sliding by some external entity such as a slab. The sliding check will not be performed in this case. Neglect Bearing @ Heel This causes the bearing pressure beneath the heel to be ignored when computing the critical moment and shear for the heel check. Checking this is conservative, but can sometimes lead to unrealistically high design forces, especially when the heel is long relative to the toe. Use Vert. Comp. for OT Causes the vertical component of the backfill force to be included in the overturning check. This force helps to resist overturning. It is conservative not to use this option. Use Vert. Comp. for Sliding Causes the vertical component of the backfill force to be included in the sliding check. The contribution shows up indirectly via an increased friction force. This force helps to resist sliding. It is conservative not to use this option. Use Vert. Comp. for Bearing Causes the vertical component of the backfill force to be included in the bearing pressure calculation. This will increase the total bearing reaction, but can decrease the maximum pressure by evening out the pressure distribution. Use Surcharge for Sliding & OT Causes the applied surcharge over the backfill to contribute to the resistance against sliding and overturning. Use Surcharge for Bearing Causes the applied surcharge over the backfill to contribute to the bearing pressure. This will increase the average bearing pressure, but can sometimes decrease the maximum value by evening out the overall distribution. Note that this will also affect the toe and (possibly) heel design, since the bearing pressure influences the design shear and moment for those components. Neglect Soil over Toe Causes the weight of the soil over the toe to be ignored. Neglect Backfill Wt. for Coulomb Causes the weight of the backfill to be neglected when the Coulomb earth pressure theory is used. This option is provided to be consistent with the recommendations of some textbooks, but is not appropriate in many situations and should be used with caution. This affects the bearing pressure and stability checks the backfill weight is still applied during strength checks on the heel (conservative). Factor Soil Wt. as Dead Causes soil weight to be given the dead load factor rather than the earth load factor. Use Passive Force for OT Causes the resultant force from passive pressure (if there is one) to be excluded from the overturning check. This may or may not be conservative depending on the location of the resultant. Assume Pressure To Top When using the Rankine earth pressure theory and the soil has high cohesion such that the pressure distribution does not extend all the way to the surface of the backfill, this option causes an assumed pressure distribution that does extend all the way to the top of the backfill. This is a conservative option.
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Stability Criteria
Required F.S. for Overturning The minimum acceptable ratio of overturning moment to resisting moment in order for the wall to be considered safe against overturning. Required F.S. for Sliding The minimum acceptable ratio of sliding force to resisting force in order for the wall to be considered safe against sliding. Allowable Bearing Pressure The maximum allowable bearing pressure beneath the footing. Reqd Bearing Location The required position of the bearing pressure resultant beneath the footing. The resultant is frequently required to be with the middle third.
Friction Coefficient A measure of the friction between the bottom of the footing and the ground below. The friction force derived from this value is used to resist sliding, so a lower value is conservative. Wall Friction Angle A measure of the friction between the wall and the backfill. This is only used when the lateral pressure from the backfill is calculated via the Coulomb earth theory.
Retained Height The distance between the lower ground level in front of the wall and the backfill level behind the wall. The wall will automatically be sized to be high enough to satisfy this retained height (plus the extension above the backfill, if any). Slope The angle that the backfill slope makes with the horizontal (zero for a level backfill). Gamma The density or unit weight () of the backfill material. Use Equiv. Fluid Pressure An option to directly specify an equivalent fluid pressure, or pressure per unit of depth, for the backfill. You would use this option when you have had the pressure specified directly, say by a geotechnical engineer, and do not need the program to calculate it. Equiv. Fluid Density This is the specified equivalent fluid density, or pressure per unit of depth, for the backfill. This input only appears if the Use Equiv. Fluid Pressure option is chosen. Analysis Type When the program calculates the backfill pressure for you, it uses either the Rankine or Coulomb active earth pressure theory, depending on your choice here. This input will not be visible if Equivalent Fluid Pressure is selected.
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Phi The internal friction angle () of the backfill material. This input will not be visible if equivalent fluid pressure is selected. Cohesion The cohesion of the backfill material. It is conservative to leave this value at zero. This value is not used if the earth pressure theory type is Coulomb; Coulomb theory assumes zero cohesion. This input will not be visible if equivalent fluid pressure is selected. Has Water Table In Backfill Whether to consider the effects of a water table in the backfill. Water Table Depth The depth of the water table, as measured from the top of the footing. Phi (saturated) The internal friction angle () for the portion of the backfill that is below the water table. Gamma (saturated wt.) The density or unit weight () for the portion of the backfill that is below the water table.
Surcharge (Uniform)
Surcharge Type Determines whether there is a uniform surcharge acting on the top of the backfill, and the manner in which the surcharge is specified. Surcharge Pressure The magnitude of the vertical pressure acting uniformly on the top of the backfill. This field is only visible if Surcharge Type is set to Pressure.
Surcharge Depth The additional depth of backfill that is assumed to be above the actual backfill surface. This field is only visible if Surcharge Type is set to Addl Depth.
Surcharge (Line/Strip)
Type Choose either a line or a strip surcharge on the backfill. A line surcharge is applied at a specified distance from the wall and has units of force per unit length of the wall. A strip surcharge is applied over a finite width at a specified distance from the wall and has pressure units. Distance from Stem If a line surcharge is applied, this is the distance from the top of the stem on the backfill side to the point at which the line load is applied. If a strip surcharge is applied, this is the distance from the top of the stem on the backfill side to the start of the strip surcharge pressure. Width This is the width of the strip surcharge pressure. This input is not available for a line surcharge. Pressure The magnitude of the strip surcharge (pressure). Force The magnitude of the line surcharge (linear force).
Lateral Load
Apply Lateral Pressure to Stem Choose this option if you would like to manually specify a lateral pressure on the stem. Magnitude The magnitude of the manually specified lateral pressure on the stem. The pressure acts in the same direction as the backfill pressure, as indicated on the diagram in the software. Top Bound The distance from the top of the stem to the top of the lateral pressure distribution. Bottom Bound The distance from the top of the stem to the bottom of the lateral pressure distribution. Source The load source for the manually applied lateral pressure on the stem. This effects how the resulting force from this pressure is factored.
Seismic Loading
Has Backfill Seismic Load This option applies a lateral force from the mass of backfill due to earthquake effects.
Kh The horizontal seismic coefficient, which is the horizontal earthquake acceleration component divided by the acceleration due to gravity. Kv The vertical seismic coefficient, which is the vertical earthquake acceleration component divided by the acceleration due to gravity. This is frequently left at zero.
This group of inputs mainly controls the characteristics of the footing, although some of them also apply to the overall wall in general. General
Burial Depth The distance between the lower ground level in front of the wall and the bottom of the footing. This depth should normally be set high enough that the footing gets below the frost depth.
Unit Weight The unit weight or density of the concrete in the footing. This value is also used for concrete stems. Concrete Fc The 28-day compressive strength of the concrete used in the footing and stem. Rebar Fy The yield stress of the reinforcement.
Footing Thickness The thickness of the footing. It is the same for the heel and the toe. Heel Length The length of the heel, measured from the base of the stem on the heel side out to the end of the heel. Toe Length The length of the toe, measured from the base of the stem on the toe side out to the end of the toe. Heel Bar Size The size of the bars that flexurally reinforce the heel. Heel Bar Spacing The center-to-center spacing of the bars that flexurally reinforce the heel. Hook Heel Bars Downward This indicates whether to develop the heel bars by hooking them. This can be necessary when the toe is too short for the heel bars to be developed by extending straight into the toe. Note that in practice, it may be necessary to tilt these bars, since the footing may not be thick enough to accommodate the required hook extension. Heel Bar Ld The distance that the heel bars are embedded back into the footing. This is measured from the base of the stem on the heel side (the critical section for heel flexure) to the inward end of the bars. This input will not be available if the heel bars are hooked. Heel Bar Cover The clear concrete cover between the heel bars and the top of the footing. The top surface of the heel is usually exposed to earth, but not cast against earth, so the cover required by ACI 318-02 7.7.1(b) is 2 for #6 and larger bars, or 1.5 for #5 and smaller bars. Toe Bars Hook Into Stem This option causes the toe bars to hook up and be used as stem dowels. Note that the option on the Stem tab for the embedment of stem bars is directly tied to this input, since they are controlling the same thing. Toe Bar Size The size of the bars that flexurally reinforce the toe. This option is not available if the Toe Bars Hook Into Stem option is chosen, since the toe bars will simply be the same size as the stem dowels (specified on the Stem tab). Toe Bar Spacing The center-to-center spacing of the bars that flexurally reinforce the toe. This option is not available if the Toe Bars Hook Into Stem option is chosen, since the toe bars will simply have the same spacing as the stem dowels (specified on the Stem tab). Toe Bar Ld The distance that the toe bars are embedded back into the footing. This is measured from the base of the stem on the toe side (the critical section for toe flexure) to the inward end of the bars. This option is not available if the Toe Bars Hook Into Stem option is chosen. Toe Bar Cover The clear concrete cover between the toe bars and the bottom of the footing. The bottom surface of the toe is usually cast against and permanently exposed to earth, so the cover required by ACI 318-02 7.7.1(a) is 3.
Has Key Controls whether or not there is a shear key below the footing. A key can serve to increase sliding resistance, and to provide development for the stem reinforcement. Key Depth The depth of the shear key, measured from the bottom of the footing to the bottom of the key. This input is only available if the Has Key option is selected.
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Key Width The width of the shear key. This input is only available if the Has Key option is selected. Key Position The horizontal position of the key relative to the footing. Key Location The location of the key, as measured from the left edge of the footing (end of toe) to the left edge of the key. This input is only available if the Has Key option is selected and Key Position is Specified.
These inputs control the characteristics of the wall stem. The range of inputs that are available at any one time in the program will vary based on what the current choice for Stem Type is.
Stem Type This option allows you to choose whether the stem will be composed of multiple sections of (potentially) different thickness and reinforcement, or a single section that can be tapered. Choose the multi-section option if you want a masonry stem. Bars Developed @ Top This option is required when there is a moment at the top of the stem, such as when there is an eccentric axial load applied there. In that case the stem must technically have some moment capacity clear up to the top or it will fail, and hence the bars must be developed somehow. The exact methods by which such bars might be developed vary and it is outside the scope of this program to get involved with the details; instead, the user is required to check this box, and a message is prominently displayed on all wall diagrams indicating that the bars must be developed at the top of the stem by some means. Has Lateral Support This option allows you to specify a lateral support on the stem. This is frequently used to model the 'basement wall' or 'restrained wall' condition. Choosing this option changes the available inputs for reinforcement, since the different applied moment caused by the support will require reinforcement at different locations.
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Support Top Offset Specifies the position of the lateral support, as measured from the top of the wall. Leave this value at zero to have the support at the top. Stem Base is Pinned When there is a lateral support, you have the option of treating the stem-footing connection as pinned. Extension Above Backfill Specify the distance by which the stem extends above the top of the backfill.
Geometry These inputs will only appear if the stem type is Single/Tapered.
Stem Top Thickness The thickness at the top of the stem. If the stem is not tapered, this will also be the thickness at the bottom of the stem. Tapered Checking this box allows you to taper the stem on either the toe or heel side. Stem Toe Side Offset The amount by which the stem tapers out on the toe side. Measured as the distance from where the stem would meet the footing if it was not tapered out to where it meets the footing with the taper. Stem Heel Side Offset The amount by which the stem tapers out on the heel side. Measured as the distance from where the stem would meet the footing if it was not tapered out to where it meets the footing with the taper. Bar Cover The clear concrete cover for the stem reinforcement. The inside surface of the stem is usually exposed to earth, but not cast against earth, so the cover required by ACI 318-02 7.7.1(b) is 2 for #6 and larger bars, or 1.5 for #5 and smaller bars.
Reinforcement These inputs will only appear if the stem type is Single/Tapered.
Top Negative Bar Size The size of the bars that are required for negative reinforcement above the lateral support. This input is only available when there is a lateral support. These negative bars are only needed when the support is below the top of the stem. Top Negative Bar Spacing The center-to-center spacing of the bars that are required for negative reinforcement above the lateral support. This input is only available when there is a lateral support. These negative bars are only needed when the support is below the top of the stem. Top Negative Bar Cover The cover for the bars that are required for negative reinforcement above the lateral support. This input is only available when there is a lateral support. These negative bars are only needed when the support is below the top of the stem. Top Negative Bar Start Offset The start offset, measured down from the top of the stem, of the bars that are required for negative reinforcement above the lateral support. These bars end at the top of the stem. This input is only available when there is a lateral support. These negative bars are only needed when the support is below the top of the stem. Positive Bar Size The size of the bars that are required for positive reinforcement when the wall is supported laterally near the top. This input is only available when there is a lateral support. Positive Bar Spacing The center-to-center spacing of the bars that are required for positive reinforcement when the wall is supported laterally near the top. This input is only available when there is a lateral support.
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Positive Bar Cover The cover for the bars that are required for positive reinforcement when the wall is supported laterally near the top. This input is only available when there is a lateral support. Dowel Bar Size The rebar size of the stem bars that are embedded in the footing. Dowel Bar Spacing The center-to-center spacing of the stem bars that are embedded in the footing. Dowel Bar Embedment Indicates the manner in which the stem bars are embedded into the footing. They can either extend straight down (possibly into a shear key), or hook into either the heel or the toe. If they hook into the toe, they will continue on to become the flexural reinforcement for the toe as well. Note that this input is tied to the Toe Bars Hook Into Stem checkbox on the Footing page, since they control the same thing. Dowel Bar Ld The distance that the embedded stem bars are extended into the footing. This only applies if the bars are not hooked; if they are hooked the distance is set automatically and the hook is located as far down as possible without violating cover requirements. Has Lapped Bars Indicates whether or not there are bars that lap with the dowels at the base of the stem and extend on upwards to the top of the stem. If this option is not chosen, the dowels will extend all the way to the top of the stem. This option is only present for a cantilevered stem (no lateral support). Lapped Bar Size The size of the bars that are lapped with the dowels and extend on up to the top of the stem. This input is only available if the Has Lapped Bars option was chosen. This option is only present for a cantilevered stem (no lateral support). Cutoff Alternate Bars Whether alternate stem bars are cut off before reaching the top of the stem. If the Has Lapped Bars option is chosen, this will mean that only alternate bars are lapped with the dowels, and the other dowels are simply extended up by the distance specified by Length of Cutoff Bars. If the Has Lapped Bars option is not chosen, this means that alternate dowels extend all the way to the top, and the others are cut off after a distance specified by Length of Cutoff Bars. Length of Cutoff Bars The distance by which the cut off bars extend above the top of the footing. This input is only available if the Cutoff Alternate Bars option is chosen for a cantilevered stem, or if it is a restrained wall (has a lateral support).
Sections These inputs will only appear if the stem type is Multi-Section.
Number of Stem Sections Sets the number of different sections that will constitute the stem. Stem Section 18 Each of these items has next to it a button that will bring up a dialog via which the properties can be edited. There will be between 1 and 8 of these showing, depending on the specified Number of Stem Sections. The display will indicate whether the given section is concrete or masonry.
[Stem Section Attributes] These appear in the dialog that comes up when you click on a Stem Section # button. There will be different attributes visible based on whether the type is concrete or masonry. The illustration below shows an example of each case.
Type Determines whether the section is concrete or masonry. Height The height of this section, measured from bottom to top. Thickness The thickness of this section. All sections are of constant thickness (no taper). For concrete, any value may be entered. For masonry, you must choose from a list of preset block thicknesses. Fm The allowable stress in the masonry block. For masonry sections only. Fs The allowable stress in the rebar. For masonry sections only. Bar Size The size of the reinforcement for this section. Bar Spacing The center-to-center spacing of the reinforcement for this section. If the section is concrete, any value may be entered. For masonry, you must choose from the list of possible cell spacings. Bar Position Indicates whether the bars are located in the center of the wall, the inside (heel-side) face, or the outside (toe-side) face for this section. Cover Specifies the clear concrete cover for the reinforcement in this section. This input is not available if Bar Position is set to Centered. Embedment Above The distance by which this sections bars extend into the section above. This input is not available for the top section. This should always be zero if the section above is thinner, since otherwise the bars will either stick out into the air or at least likely not have enough cover. Base Embedment Type The type of embedment in the piece below (straight or hooked). This option is only available for the bottom section (section # 1); all others will always be straight.
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Embedment Below The distance by which this sections bars extend into the section below. This input is not available for the bottom section (section # 1) if the Bar Embedment Below Type is set to hooked; in that case the embedment is automatically set to the maximum allowable based on footing dimensions and cover requirements.
IES QuickRWall offers three different types of reports: Summary report Full report Full page wall diagram report
You can print any or all of these reports, depending on what type of information you want, the amount of detail you need, and the number printed pages you want to have to deal with. Each report has a header on each page that displays some basic information about the company and the project. This information can be set by going to the Project menu and choosing the Project Information command. The logo image in the header can be set by going to the Project menu and choosing Options.
The summary report is designed to give you the most commonly required information in a concise format that will nearly always fit on one or two pages. The content of the summary report can be roughly broken down into three sections: input, forces, and checks: Inputs The first section in the report contains input data. Between the text and the diagram, this section displays all significant information that was entered into the program:
Forces The second section in the report summarizes the calculations that were made to determine the forces on the wall:
Note that the diagrams dont necessarily show every force that acts on the wall; their aim is to show some of the calculated values that are not directly specified in the inputs. For example, if there was an axial force specified, it is not shown on the diagram, nor are the wall weights or backfill weights. A much more thorough review of the calculation of the forces on the wall is available in the full report.
Design Checks The third section of the report summarizes the design calculations that were made to determine if the wall meets stability and code requirements
Much more detailed information about the checks is available in the full report.
This report shows detailed calculations for nearly every internal process performed by the program. A complete set of calculations is included for each load case. For brevitys sake, complete sample pages will not be shown for this report.
For the most part, the best way to determine the theory behind what IES QuickRWall is doing is simply to take a look at the output produced by the program. Nearly all calculations are shown right in the user interface and report. However, a brief overview is given here, along with some explanations that might not be obvious in the program results.
The retained backfill will exert a horizontal pressure on the wall. A typical pressure distribution, along with the associated force resultant, is shown below:
The backfill pressure can be arrived at in one of two ways: Specified directly as an equivalent fluid pressure (EFP) Calculated by the program using active earth pressure theory (Rankine or Coulomb) For each load case you specify which type is to be used and provide the necessary parameters.
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Equivalent Fluid Pressure When you specify an equivalent fluid pressure (EFP) you are telling the program directly what the pressure per unit depth is. This information might come from a geotechnical engineer or a soils report. This is a very simple calculation where the lateral pressure is calculated as if the backfill was a fluid with the given density EFP. The resulting distribution varies linearly from a maximum value of EFPH at the bottom of the footing up to zero at the top. Pressure Based on Earth Pressure Theory When the program calculates the backfill pressure itself, it employs either Rankine or Coulomb active earth pressure theory. Active earth pressure is most reasonable for a cantilever wall due to its tendency to displace somewhat in response to loading, hence allowing the backfills internal friction to engage in helping to restrain any further movement. Keep this in mind when deciding whether it is appropriate to use this option with a restrained wall, which will restrict the allowable movement of the stem. Also note that the force from Coulomb is applied directly to the wall, whereas the force from Rankine is considered to act on a plane of soil at the end of the heel (as shown above). The actual equations that are used for each theory type are viewable right in the software output. For more information, refer to Principles of Foundation Engineering by Braja M. Das (see References section). Effect of Water in Backfill on Lateral Earth Pressure If there is water in the backfill, the buoyant effect of the water will reduce the lateral pressure from the portion of the backfill that is below the water surface.
The total lateral force over that portion, however, will increase when the pressure due to the water itself is considered (see following section).
If there is water in the backfill, it will exert a lateral pressure on the wall. The magnitude of the pressure is determined by a simple hydrostatic calculation (pressure = depth multiplied by the unit weight of water). The unit weight of water is fixed at 64 lb/ft3.
The soil that is in front of the wall (over and in front of the toe) can also exert a pressure on the wall. The extent of this pressure will vary based on how much overburden you choose to neglect, whether a shear key is present, and on whether you opt to neglect the portion of the pressure above the bottom of the footing.
Diagram (a) above shows the shape of the pressure distribution that develops when there is no key. When a key is added, as in (b), the pressure distribution deepens to the bottom of the key, which can increase the force resultant substantially. Diagram (c) illustrates the case where the engineer has judged the pressure due to soil immediately in front of the toe to be unreliable and has opted to neglect it. In that case only the pressure against the key is considered. Diagram (d) shows the effect of neglecting a certain depth of overburden (pressure is reduced). This passive pressure contributes to sliding and (possibly) overturning resistance and can play an important role in ensuring the stability of the wall. Sometimes the fact that the soil in front of the toe gets disturbed during excavation, or other concerns, will cause concern over whether including a passive pressure contribution from that soil is reasonable. For this reason the program allows you to indicate that such pressure is to be excluded from the calculations (as depicted by wall (c) in the diagram above). The passive pressure can either be calculated via Rankine passive theory, specified directly with an equivalent fluid density value, or neglected completely.
The program allows you to specify a uniform surcharge in one of two ways: Specify a fictitious additional depth of backfill Specify a uniform pressure on the backfill If an additional depth of backfill is specified, it is converted to a pressure internally and then lateral force calculations proceed using that pressure.
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The surcharge pressure results in a uniform lateral pressure on the wall, which is the vertical (surcharge) pressure multiplied by the lateral pressure coefficient: lat = K*surch. If Rankine or Coulomb pressure was used for determining backfill pressure, K is the calculated Ka value for active pressure. If EFP was used for backfill pressure, K is determined by dividing the weight of the backfill (gamma) by the specified equivalent fluid density.
S U R C H AR G E (L I NE /S T R I P )
You may apply either a line or strip surcharge on the wall. An example of the corresponding pressure distribution and resultant force for a line load surcharge is shown below:
The corresponding lateral pressures are calculated using the methods outlined in the text Principles of Foundation Engineering by Braja M. Das, 2nd Edition. The exact equation used for a given loading is displayed in the output. This loading requires particularly complicated mathematical routines that can cause a noticeable delay in the software. This delay occurs only after changing a parameter that actually affects the pressure (e.g. the retained height of backfill) so it should not be too much of a hindrance when running the program.
The program applies a seismic load due to the weight of the backfill based on the Mononobe-Okabe method.
The equations used to calculate the exact force are displayed in the program output. Note the pressure distribution. The theory gives two constraints: That the shape of the pressure distribution is an inverted triangle, and that the resultant acts at 0.6H from the bottom of the wall. Since these two conditions are mutually exclusive (resultant for a perfect triangular distribution would be at 2/3 or 0.667H from bottom) the program slightly modifies the distribution, increasing the bottom magnitude from zero such that the resultant drops to 0.6H. This is the pressure that is used when calculating stem moments.
The wall weights are determined by dividing the wall into simple geometric pieces and calculating the weight for each piece. Each pieces weight (per unit length of wall) is the area of the piece multiplied by the unit weight of the wall material.
The soil weights are determined by dividing the backfill into simple geometric pieces and calculating the weight for each piece. Each pieces weight (per unit length of wall) is the area of the piece multiplied by the unit weight of the soil. This includes both the backfill behind the wall and the soil in front of the wall over the toe. The weight of the soil over the toe can be neglected if desired.
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The upward force (R) exerted by the soil against the footing is in reaction to the sum of all downward forces that act on the wall. The calculations displayed in the software show exactly what the various downward forces are. Note that the software also tabulates what contribution each load source (e.g. dead, live, etc.) makes to the total bearing reaction. This information may be of general interest, and also becomes important when factoring the bearing pressure and determining the sliding resistance due to friction, which is a function of this bearing resultant. The horizontal position at which R acts (dR) is determined by calculating the net moment of all the forces on the wall and dividing by R. See the program output for sample equations. Note that for a restrained wall the contribution of lateral forces to the overall moment is not added in directly; rather, their effect is reflected in the moment that is transferred to the footing at the base of the stem (Mstem). Knowing R and dR it is then possible to calculate the left and right bearing pressures () beneath the footing. The formula used for this will vary based on whether the resultant R is located inside the middle third (full bearing) or outside the middle third (partial bearing). Again, the best illustration of this is to look at the program output.
The friction between the footing and the soil below is calculated by multiplying a user-specified coefficient by the total bearing reaction force. This is a fairly straightforward calculation, but there are complicating adjustments made when some portion of the bearing pressure was in reaction to certain load sources that should not be allowed to contribute to frictional resistance. These sources are: Any live loads Applied surcharge force (vertical) (optional based on user setting) Vertical component of backfill force (optional based on user setting) If the bearing reaction contains contributions from any of these three sources, it will be reduced for the purposes of calculating friction. The printed report details how the calculations are adjusted to reflect this reduction.
Stability Checks
The program checks the wall for four different stability conditions: Sliding Overturning Max bearing pressure Bearing resultant position (eccentricity)
The forces used in making these calculations are unfactored (service loads).
For sliding, the ratio of sliding forces to resisting forces must be equal to or greater than the specified minimum factor of safety. The following forces can contribute to sliding: Sliding Lateral backfill force Water pressure Lateral surcharge pressure (uniform) Lateral surcharge pressure (line/strip) Seismic force Manually specified lateral (e.g. wind) Resisting Friction Passive pressure @ toe
It is important to note that the friction force is contributed to by all of the vertical forces, since it is a function of the bearing resultant, so those forces contribute indirectly to sliding resistance. Sliding is not checked if the Restrained Against Sliding option is chosen.
For overturning, the ratio of overturning forces to resisting forces must be equal to or greater than the specified minimum factor of safety. The following forces can contribute to overturning: Overturning Lateral backfill force Water pressure Lateral surcharge pressure (uniform) Lateral surcharge pressure (line/strip) Seismic force Manually specified lateral (e.g. wind) * Excludable by user Resisting Wall weight Soil weight Vertical component of backfill pressure* Surcharge* Axial dead load Passive pressure @ toe*
The program checks that the maximum bearing pressure beneath the footing does not exceed the specified maximum value.
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The program checks that the location of the resultant bearing force is within the specified limits. Typically it will be limited to the middle third or the middle half of the overall footing width.
Strength Checks
The heel, toe, and stem are all independently checked as separate components. No checks are performed on the shear key.
The program can perform concrete checks based either on the IBC 2003 / ACI 318-02 code or the Canadian CSA A23.3-94 code. Masonry checks are always performed using the IBC 2003 / MSJC 2002 code (no Canadian code checks for masonry).
The calculated forces are factored according the load combinations mandated in the chosen building code (either IBC 2003 or CSA A23.3-94). All pertinent combinations are checked. If custom load factors have been specified, only a single combination containing the custom load factors will be used. The particular combinations checked for a given project are displayed in both the summary and complete reports. Note that when factoring the bearing pressure for heel and toe checks, the program calculates an average load factor based on the percentage contribution of each load source to the total bearing reaction. In this manner the bearing reaction is factored properly and also accurately maintains the shape of the pressure distribution based on unfactored loads.
H E E L / T O E C H E CK S
The following checks are performed for the heel and toe: Minimum reinforcement Minimum tensile strain Shear Flexure Development Shear, flexure, and minimum reinforcement are each checked at a single location: the critical section where the heel or toe meets the stem. The exception to this is the shear check for the toe, which is performed at a distance d out from the face of the stem. The development check ensures that the bars are properly developed back into the footing. The reinforcement for the heel must extend far enough back into the footing to achieve development, or can be hooked downward to the footing bottom in the event that the toe is too short for full development. The reinforcement for the toe must extend far enough back into the footing to achieve development, or can be hooked upward into the stem and be made continuous with the stem bars.
When calculating the heel shear and moment, the helping contribution from the bearing pressure beneath the footing can be neglected (conservative). This is an option on the Criteria page of the Input view.
The provisions used for the stem checks will vary based on whether the stem is concrete or masonry (or both). The following checks are performed: Minimum reinforcement Minimum tensile strain Shear Flexure (both positive and negative for a restrained wall) Development Bar cutoffs Bar splices The bar cutoff and bar splice checks may not be necessary depending on the exact configuration of the stem (i.e., there may be no cutoffs or splices). Following are special notes about the each check:
Minimum Reinforcement
Checks are performed at all locations at which the calculated As,min might vary (changes in section depth or reinforcement). The detailed calculations output in the program indicates where these locations are. No minimum reinforcement checks are performed on masonry stem sections.
Shear is checked at all locations where the capacity varies and the shear force is most critical. The detailed calculations output in the program indicates where these locations are.
A check is performed at a set of discrete locations that represent the places where the moment is most extreme relative to capacity. These locations vary based on the configuration of the stem and whether or not there is a lateral support. Visual inspection of the moment capacity diagram can confirm that the stem passed or failed as reported. A note about the stem moment graph: When calculating the capacity of a section that contains lapped bars of different sizes, the capacity is linearly interpolated between the strength of the bottom bars alone and the strength of the top bars alone. For each point at which the capacity is calculated, both the area of steel (As) and effective depth (d) used will be based on all of the bars present at that section to the extent that they are developed or lap spliced. For example, the report may show something like this:
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In this example, there is one set of bars that are completely developed, and two other sets of different sizes that are being spliced at this location.
The stem bars can either be hooked or will extend straight down, possibly into the shear key. There is a possibility that the stem will be required to have moment capacity all the way to the top. This will occur if there is an eccentric axial load applied to the top of the stem. To achieve such capacity, the stem bars must be developed at the top of the stem. Consideration of the specific means by which this might be done is not within the scope of the program, so to handle this situation the user is required to check a box indicating that the bars are developed, and all output diagrams contain a note to that effect.
Bar Cutoffs
Bars must extend a distance past the point where they are needed, and bar cutoffs that occur in a tension zone must meet certain requirements.
Bar Splices
Lap splices must be of sufficient length, and cannot exceed a certain transverse spacing. Concrete Stem Notes The calculated flexural capacity for concrete does not account for the effects of axial force. Masonry Stem Notes Masonry is always designed to IBC 2003 regardless of which building code is selected (i.e., there is no Canadian code support for masonry). The calculated flexural capacity for masonry does account for the effects of axial force. Masonry calculations always assumed fully grouted cells.
Note that in all cases when calculating the moment capacity of a section, tension reinforcement only is assumed. If a scenario arises where there are bars on the opposite side of the section that lie in the compressive region, their contribution to the flexural strength is neglected. Note the software assumes normal weight concrete when calculating development length (lambda factor, see ACI 12.2.4), and that the bars are not epoxy coated (beta factor). While the software in most cases displays values in the units that have been selected by the user, in some cases there are design equations that require input in specific units. For example, several ACI equations have a term sqrt(fc) that requires fc to be in psi. In such cases the program will always display the value in the required units, rather than those specified by the user (if they are different).
Design Procedure
The complete wall design function is governed by user parameters and tries to produce a design that both meets the code and is practical for construction. The design algorithm operates by a trial-and-error procedure; it guesses an initial size, then runs checks, adjusts sizes based on which checks failed, and so on. This generally does not result in the most economic or completely practical design, so the complete design feature is best used as a starting point, after which the engineer can make optimizations manually. There are limitations to this function. It currently does not handle masonry stems or restrained wall stems, and always designs concrete stems as single-piece (does not use the multi-piece option). Note you can control the behavior of the complete design function to a large degree by setting information such as preferred bar sizes and spacings in the design preferences (Design | Design Preferences menu item).
There are also several partial design functions. These are so named because they only affect limited aspects of the design, and are not as liable to overwrite any previous changes like the complete design function does. These are most useful when there are certain things you want the software to determine for you (at least initially) and others that you want to set yourself. Current functions include: Choose footing reinforcement Choose stem reinforcement Position key to embed stem bars Set all embedment lengths Set all lap splice lengths Set bar cutoff lengths
The exact manner in which these functions operate is best described by the documentation for the corresponding menu commands (see the Design Menu section in the Reference chapter).
The following references were consulted in preparation of this software program and its accompanying documentation: Bowles, Joseph E. Foundation Analysis and Design. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968. Das, Braja M. Principles of Foundation Engineering. Boston: PWS Publishing Company, 1995. Meza, P., et al. CRSI Handbook 1992. Schaumburg, Illinois: Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, 1992. Newman, Morton. Standard Cantilever Retaining Walls. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1976. Ulrich, Cecil. Designing Retaining Walls. Structural Engineering Forum. Vol 2, Issue1. May-June 1996: 32-35. Wang, Chu-Kia, and Salmon, Charles G. Reinforced Concrete Design. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1992.