Ground Effect

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Wing In Ground effect

Ever since the beginning of manned flight pilots have experienced
something strange when landing an aircraft. Just before touchdown it
suddenly feels like the aircraft just does not want to go lower. It just wants
to go on and on due to the air that is trapped between the wing and the
runway, forming an air cushion. The air cushion is best felt in low wing
aircraft with large wing areas. This phenomenon is called (aerodynamic)
ground effect. The Wright brothers probably have not even flown out of
ground effect in their early flights, they benefitted from ground effect
without even knowing it existed.
Around 1920 this effect was first described and some (theoretic) research was
carried out in this field (e.g. ref.840). From that time on pilots knew ground effect
and sometimes even used it on purpose. The seaplane Dornier DO-X could only
cross the Atlantic when it was flying with its hull just above the wavecrests. In the
second World War pilots knew that when they lost an engine or fuel on the way
back from the enemy that they could reach home by flying just a few metres
above the sea, thus needing less power and saving fuel.

Do-X flying boat

Two phenomena are involved when a wing approaches the ground. Ground
effect is one name for both effects which is sometimes confusing. These two
phenomena are sometimes referred to as span dominated and chord dominated
ground effect. The former results in a reduction of induced drag (D) and the latter
in an increase of lift (L). The designations span dominated and chord dominated
are related to the the fact that the main parameter in span dominated ground
effect is h/b (height/span), whereas in chord dominated ground effect it is h/c
HK-1 'Spruce Goose' in ground effect

Span dominated ground effect

When aeronautical engineers mention ground effect they usually mean span
dominated ground effect. The drag of an aircraft can be split up into different
contributions. The two main sources of drag are called friction drag and induced
drag. As the name suggests the friction drag is caused by friction between the air
and the skin of the craft and is therefore dependent on its wetted area. Induced
drag is sometimes also called lift induced drag because it is the drag due to the
generation of lift. When a wing generates positive lift the static pressure on the
lower side of the wing is higher than on the upper side. The average pressure
difference times the surface area of the wing is equal to the lift force. At the
wingtip there is a complication: the high pressure area on the lower side meets
the low pressure area on the upper side therefore the air will flow from the lower
side to the upper side, around the wingtip. This is called the wingtip vortex.
These vortices are found with all aircraft in flight, sometimes they are visible at
an airshow: when an fighter flies at a high angle of attack, the water in the air
condenses in the low pressure vortex and you see two curled lines extending
backwards from the wingtips. The energy that is stored in those vortices is lost
and is experienced by the aircraft as drag.
The amount of induced drag is dependent on the spanwise lift distribution and
the aspect ratio of the wing. A high aspect ratio wing has lower induced drag
than a low aspect ratio wing since its wingtip vortices are weaker. That is
because the rest of the wing is "further away" from the tip so that the high and
low pressure areas at the tip are smaller.
Span dominated ground effect, in free air the vortices around the wing tips have
more space to develop than when they are bounded by the ground
There is not enough space for the vortices to fully develop when a wing is
approaching the ground. Therefore the amount of "leakage" of pressure from the
lower side is less and the vortices become weaker. The vortices are also pushed
outward by the ground, apparently the effective aspect ratio of the wing becomes
higher than the geometric aspect ratio. This is a common way to account for
spanwise ground effect. Wieselsberger has (theoretically) found this in the
1920's by applying Prandtls lifting line theory (ref.201). From this theory it follows
that induced drag reduces to approximately 50% at a ground clearance of 10%
of the wingspan.
The influence of ground effect on induced drag according to Wieselsberger

Chord dominated ground effect

As described above, ground effect increases lift. The air cushion is created by
high pressure that builds up under the wing when the ground is approached. This
is sometimes reffered to as ram effect or ram pressure. When the ground
distance becomes very small the air can even stagnate under the wing, giving
the highest possible pressure, pressure coefficient unity.

Chord dominated ground effect - results of 2D numerical calculations

These graphs illustrate lift increase due to ground effect, they were made using
the Airfoil Calculator
The high pressure air cushion can clearly be seen in the illustrations. The
pressure around an airfoil has been calculated with and without ground effect,
both at a five degree angle of attack. In free air the (2D) lift coefficient was 0.8
and at a ground clearance of 0.05 times the chord it was 1.1. The high pressure
at the bottom of the airfoil in ground effect is caused by the ram effect. The nose
suction peek is also somewhat more pronounced in ground effect, which
indicates that separation is likely to occur at the nose. This has been confirmed
by wind tunnel tests.
Ground effect not always increases lift. It is possible under certain conditions that
lift reduces when an airfoil approaches the ground. This is the case when the
bottom of the foil is convex and the angle of incidence is low, in that case a
venturi is created between the foil and the ground where high-speed low-
pressure air sucks the airfoil down. This is illustrated with 2D calculation results
below. This venturi-type ground effect, albeit more extreme, is used by race car
designers to make it "stick" to the road at high speeds.
Chord dominated ground effect - results of 2D numerical calculations

These graphs illustrate lift decrease due to ground effect, they were made using
the Airfoil Calculator

L/D ratio
The combined result of the two phenomena described above is an overall
increase of the ratio between the lift and the drag (L/D). The lift increases when
the ground is approached and because of the increasing lift the induced drag
may not even decrease in absolute numbers, but even a slight increase still
leads to an increased L/D ratio.
The L/D ration is commonly used to express the efficiency of a vehicle. When a
vehicle is in stationary motion its weight is equal to its lift and its propulsive thrust
is equal to its drag, therefore the L/D ratio is an expression for the amount of
weight that can be carried with a certain amount of thrust. The higher this ratio,
the higher its efficiency and the lower its fuel consumption (for a given weight).
As the L/D of a wing increases with decreasing ground clearance the craft
becomes more efficient in ground effect.
The maximum L/D of a transonic airliner in high-altitude cruise flight
approaches 20 and small subsonic turboprop commuter aircraft may be around
15. Already in the early sixties Lippisch showed that in ground effect higher
values could be reached, his X-112 achieved an L/D value as high as 23 in
ground effect flight.

Longitudinal stability
Ever since the very first experimental WIG boats have been built in the
nineteen-thirties, longitudinal stability has been recognised as a very critical
design factor. When not designed properly WIG boats show a potentially
dangerous pitch up tendency when leaving (strong) ground effect. Powerboats
sometimes show the same tendency, when they meet a wave or a wind gust
they may suddenly flip backwards.

A longitudinally unstable race boat having an accident

The reason for this behaviour is the fact that the working line of the lift vector of
a wing is located relatively far aft at very small ground clearances and moves
foreward when climbing out of ground effect. The stability problem can be
overcome by installing a relatively large horizontal tail and although a WIG boat
cannot be stabilised by c.g. movement alone, the location of the c.g. is very
important for achieving acceptable longitudinal stability. A more indepth
explanation is found in the theory section.
Some wing planforms are more stable than others, the reversed delta from
Lippisch proved to be very good, therefore it has been very popular lately (e.g. in
the Airfisch series craft). Not only the planform, but also the wing section is
important for stability. Recent research showed that wing sections with an S-
shaped camber line are more stable than conventional wing sections. Many new
designs have such an S-foil.

Ground effect wing sections

So far not many wing section families have been designed especially for
operation in ground effect. The designers of WIG boats sometimes just utilised
one of the commonly known wing sections for aircraft for their WIG designs, such
as the NACA sections. A very popular wing section used to be the Clark Y
section, because of its flat bottom, which was assumed to be good in ground
effect. More recent and advanced WIG designs always have wing sections that
have been optimised for that specific craft.
Aerodynamicists tend to think of wing sections in terms of a camber line and a
thickness distribution. For aircraft that operate in free air this makes sense, but in
ground effect the shape of the lower side of the wing is very important. In many
cases designers opt for a flat lower side because a convex lower side may in
certain situations lead to suction at the lower side, either hydrodynamic or
aerodynamic. A concave bottomed wing section leads to very poor longitudinal
stability: it further exaggerates the abovementioned pitch up tendency.
An example of a recent airfoil that was developed specifically for use in ground
effect is the DHMTU family of airfoil sections. These allow tuning of upper and
lower side separately. Both the DHMTU and NACA 4 digit sections can be
studied with the Airfoil Calculator of this site.

Example of a special wing section for ground effect, its has a pronounced S-
shape at the bottom only, this graph was generated with the Airfoil Calculator
Although the design of the upper side is less important than the lower side,
here also some general rules apply. The nose radius of the profile must not be
too small because that may lead to very early separation in strong ground effect.
Furthermore an S-shaped camberline is favourable for stability, so with a given
(non S-shaped) bottom this leads to a very pronounced S-shaped upper side.

The WIG Page © 1996-2003

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