Energy Meter

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National Training Program for C&D Employees

Variant II

Energy Metering, Billing & Collection

Reference Material to Linemen / Meter Readers Prepared By CIRE Faculty and Consultants


(A Government of India Enterprise) Shivarampally, NPA Post, Hyderabad 500 052 Office Phones: 040-2401-5897, 2401 8583, 2401-8584, Fax : 040-2401-5896 E-mail : [email protected]
Regd. Office: Core-4, SCOPE Complex, 7 Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003

Sl. No.
1 2 Introduction Power Sector Scenario in India; Reforms Concept; Distribution Viability-Electricity act 2003 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Basics of Electricity Energy Meters Types of Meters and their uses LT Single Phase and Poly Phase Meters Testing Installation and Commissioning of LT Meters Routine Tests of LT Meters / Tests while in service HT Metering Advanced Metering CEA Metering Code Energy Metering, Billing and Collection Energy Accounting and Auditing Tariff Policy Meter Connections Meter Meddling Theft of Energy Electricity Act 2003-Sailent Features with respect to Theft of Energy 18 19 20 21 22 Safety Concepts of Distribution Losses Conservation of Energy Customer Relations and Communication Skills Effective systems for Handling Customers Requirements - Billing and Collection Procedures 153 - 156 157 - 159 160 - 164 165 - 166 167 - 169 21-25 26-31 32 36 37 57 58-70 71 77 78 - 86 87 - 89 90 - 100 101 - 115 116 - 117 118 - 127 128 - 135 136 - 149 150 - 152

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(C&D Employees) Large number of non-executives in secretarial staff, accounts wing, technical staff in non-executives and Class-IV in Power Distribution Companies are categorized as C&D employees. The UDC, LDC, Stock Verifier, Store Clerks, Typist etc. are the ministerial staff. Helper, Linemen, Line Inspectors, electrician, Sub-station Operators, Consumer Complaint Attendants, Meter Reader fall under the technical staff whereas Peon, Chowkidar, Jamadar etc. belong to Class-IV employees. National Training Program For C&D Employees: A comprehensive plan titled as, National Training program for C&D employees aiming at skill upgrades of the C&D employees working in Power Distribution companies in the Country is approved by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, with Rural Electrification Corporation Limited as the nodal agency for implementation. The program will run through the remaining period of 11th five year plan. The program envisages imparting training to around 75,000 Group C&D employees in association with various power distribution companies. Among many other things, it provides for the development of courseware, training of the faculty, partial financial support to the power companies/empanelled training institutes as the case may be. The component of training program delivery consists of the following objectives. Objectives: Identify three or four major categories under the C&D category of employees in power distribution companies, and design custom made training programmes for these employees Develop reference material and other instruments necessary to conduct these training programmes Identify and empanel the power utilities and the qualifying training institutions under the power utilities or otherwise to deliver the training programmes. Develop an MIS as an online portal to capture and report updates and also serve as a platform to provide information to all concerned. This compendium is for Energy-Metering, Billing and Collection.

The compendium is second in the series of training variants proposed to be developed under National Training Programme for C&D employees and is part of the course kit of the Training programme to meter readers. Power is the back bone infrastructure for the growth of any economy and a key factor in assessing the progress of any state or country. The National Electricity policy, notified in terms of section (3) of Electricity Act 2003, has set up the following formidable targets to be achieved by 2012. To supply adequate power of quality, reliability and continuity even in rural areas, as per the standards stipulated, without any power cut. Reduction of distribution losses to the level of international acceptance Improving efficiency and economy in all power related spheres and supply electricity at affordable rates.

Power metering, billing and collection is of paramount importance in reducing AT&C losses, while contributing to better load management and efficient system planning. Reliable metering is the key link between a power utility and the consumer satisfaction, with consumer service and care acquiring a prominent place. In terms of electricity Act 2003, CEA has notified a metering code for all the utilities to adopt appropriate metering technologies together with software strategies in billing like sport billing, net banking and online access can eliminate the commercial losses like in developed countries. Electronic meters with superior technology have replaced electro-mechanical meters. Spot billing has eliminated delay between meter reading and bill delivery. Remote meter reading and smart metering preventing theft, have came into existence. It is high time that the power utilities have to upgrade their metering and billing system with the state of art technologies which are accessible, for reducing losses, improving financial status and better load management.


1. OVER ALL CONCEPT OF a) Generation b) Transmission c) Distribution 2. Functions & Duties of Various Wings 3. Concepts of Transmission System Power (Electricity) Development started 1880. Ever since, Electricity utilization occurred in most of the Western Countries. The real development commenced after independence 1947. India: Installed Capacity 1947 1411 MW

Per Capita consumption 1947 15.6 Units Installed capacity 2010 MW Per Capita consumption 2010 Project for 2012 Per Capita Consumption Project for 2025 Per Capita Consumption Various Electricity Acts Indian Electricity Act Electricity (Supply) Act Electricity Rules Electricity Regulatory Commission Act Electricity Act 1910 1948 1956 1998 2003 710 Units 2 Lakh MW 900 Units 7 Lakh MW 1500 Units 1,67,278.36

Various Acts govern the overall Electrical activities

Growth Of Generation How the load growth occurred? 1. 2. 3. 4. Domestic Commercial Industrial Agriculture Transmission Voltages 33KV 66KV 132KV 220KV 400KV 400KV 765KV Year 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2006 onwards

The Generating Units 30MW 60MW 110MW 160MW 200/210MW 250MW 500MW

The generation capacities & the transmission these are to be enhanced, consequent to the vigorous load growth thereby handling of higher capacities of the load become necessary. Handling Of Power Sector Central Upto 2010 31.01% (51,867.63) Sources of Generation Coal Hydel Nuclear GAS NCE and Other Sources Stat 49.15% (82,227.05) 2010 53.67 22.31 2.73 10.54 10.75 89,778.38 MW 37,328.40 4,560.00 17,624.85 MW 16,786.95 Private 19.84% (33,183.68)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How & why the system developed Demand/Supply/Short Fall Unprecedented load growth What Measures Taken REFORMS (Power Sector) Drive to distribution viability

Objectives Of Reforms: 1. Efficiency 2. Competition 3. Transparency 4. Viability 5. Attraction to Private Capital AIMS of Reforms: 1. To extend power in an efficient manner, in terms of cost price, for better customer service. 2. To cease to be a burden on Govt. exchequer, and develop its own treasury system become Complex, and hence unwieldy. 3. Consequent to the reforms, several radical changes took place. Unbundling Of Electricity Boards: A) GENCO B) TRANSCO C) DISCOMs

TRANSCO further divided into companies:1. Electricity Regulatory commission formed based on the 1998 Electricity Regulatory commission Act. 2. It is an autonomous Body. 3. It coordinates, finalizes Tariff Structure and resolves all the issues.

Then What Are The Functions Of Generation: a) Transmission & Distribution b) At what level the domain of each starts? GENCO Generaion Company c) All Generating Stations d) Transmission Corporation All EHV Substation & Lines 400, 220KV, 132KV, 66KV e) Distribution Company 33KV, 11KV & LT Concepts Of Transmission System I. Formation of Transmission System 1. Intra State Transmission 2. Inter State Transmission 3. Regional Grid 4. National Grid II. Regional Grids 1. Northern Grid 2. Southern Grid 3. Eastern Grid 4. Western Grid 5. North Eastern Grid Inter Grid Transmission System: 1. Presently about 5000 MW of Power can be only transmitted by inter grid transmission. 2. Arrangements are being made by erecting inter grid lines to transmit power in the order of 35000 MW by 2012

3. The inter transmission lines a) AC Transmission lines b) DC Transmission lines c) DC & AC back to back Transmission lines Developments In Transmission System: PGCIL Formation of National GRID IT Solutions/Technology FACTS HVDC ABT SCADA ULDC IEGC Power Trading OPEN ACCESS Major developments like Kanpur system which developed reactive compensation system to reduce losses

Organization under Ministry of Power: CEA Ministry of Power is assisted by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) constituted under the Electricity (supply) Act 1948 BMCC Badarpur Management contract cell, a subordinate office of Ministry of Power, administers Badarpur Thermal power Station (BTPS) Management, contract between the Govt. of India and NTPC. Sl. No. Organization 1 Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) 2 National Thermal power Corp. (NTPC) 3 National Hydro Electric Corporation (NHPC) 4 CEA 5 PFC 6 SJVNL Established Core Expertise 1969 Financing and implementing Rural Electrification schemes 1975 Thermal Plants: Concepts to commissioning and operation 1975 Hydro Plants (Concepts to commissioning and operation) Central Electricity Authority 1986 Financing Power development schemes 1988 Development of Hydro Potential in specific basis


Distribution Reforms: The Distribution Reforms was identified as the key area to bring about the efficiency and improve financial health of the Power Sector. Ministry of Power took various initiatives in the recent past for bringing improvement in the distribution sector. 29 states have signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry to take various steps to undertake distribution reforms in a time bound in the direction of rationalizing the tariffs, States are now better committed towards subsidy payment to the utilities. Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP): Government of India approved a scheme called "Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP) in March 2003 to accelerate distribution sector reforms. The main objectives of the programme are: Reduce Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses Bring about commercial viability in the Power Sector Reduce outages & interruptions Increase consumer satisfactions Re-structured APDRP (R-APDRP): The Govt. of India has proposed to continue R-APDRP during the XI Plan with revised terms and conditions as a Central Sector Scheme. The focus of the programme shall be on actual, demonstrable performance in terms of sustained loss reduction. Establishment of reliable and automated systems for sustained collection of accurate base line data, and the adoption of Information Technology in the areas of energy accounting will be essential before taking up the regular distribution strengthening projects. Programme Coverage: It is proposed to cover urban areas - towns and cities with population of more than 30,000 (10,000 in case of special category states). In addition, in certain high-load density rural areas with significant loads, works of separation of agricultural feeders from domestic and industrial ones, and of High Voltage Distribution System (11kV) will also be taken up.

Further, town / areas for which projects have been sanctioned in X Plan R-APDRP shall be considered for the XI Plan only after completion or short closure of the earlier sanctioned projects. Scheme : Project under the scheme shall be taken up in Two Parts. Part-A shall include the projects for establishment of baseline data and IT applications for energy accounting/auditing & IT based consumer service centers. Part B shall include regular distribution strengthening projects. The activities to be covered under each part are as follows. Part A: Preparation of Base-line data for the project area covering Consumer Indexing.GIS Mapping, Metering of distribution Transformers and Feeders, and Automatic Data Logging for all Distribution Transformers and Feeders and SCADA/DMS system(only in the project area have more than 4 lacs population and annual input energy of the order or 350 MU). It would include Asset mapping of the entire distribution network at and below the 11 KV transformers and include the Distribution transformers and Feeders, Low Tension lines, poles an other distribution network equipment, It will also include adoption of IT applications for meter reading, billing & collection; energy accounting & auditing; MIS; redressal of consumer grievances; establishment of IT enabled consumer service -0.centres etc. The base line data and required system shall be verified by an independent agency appointed by the Ministry of Power. The list of works is only indicative. Part- B: Renovation, modernization and strengthening of 11kV level Substations, Transformers/Transformer Centres, Re-conductoring of lines at 11kV level and below, Load Bifurcation, feeder separation, Load Balancing, HVDS(11kV), Aerial Bunched conductoring in dense areas, replacement of electromagnetic energy meters with tamper proof electronics meters, installation of capacitor banks an mobile service centres etc. In exceptional cases, where sub-transmission system is weak, strengthening at 33kV or 66kV levels may also be considered. Eligibility Criteria For R-APDRP Assistance: The States/Utilities will be require to: 1) Constitute the State Electricity Regulatory Commission 2) Achieve the following target of AT&C loss reduction at utility level: a. Utilities having AT &C loss above 30%: Reduction by 3% per year b. Utilities having AT&C loss below 30% : Reduction by 1.5% per year

3) Commit a time frame for introduction of measures for better accountability at all levels in the project area 4) Submit previous years AT &C loss figures of identified project area as verified by an independent agency appointed by Ministry of Power (MoP) by 30th June; the independent agency would verify that: a. All input points are identified and metered for energy inflow accounting in scheme area b. All outgoing feeders are to be metered in substation with downloadable meter c. Scheme area should be ring fenced i.e. export and import meters for energy accounting shall be ensured besides segregating the rural load of the scheme area by ring fencing if not on separate feeder. d. The above shall provide the input energy and corresponding cash collected for calculating AT&C losses. The same shall be carried out for at least for there billing cycles and got verified by the independent agency. This loss level will be the baseline for considering conversion of loan into grant for part B projects 5) Devise a suitable incentive scheme for staff linking to achievements of 15% AT&C loss in the project area. Funding Mechanism: 1) GoI will provide 100% Loan for part A of the R-APDRP schemes which shall include projects for establishing Base Line data and It applications for energy accounting/auditing and IT base consumer services etc. 2) GoI will provide up to 25% (90% for special category States) Loan for Part B of the R-APDRP schemes which shall include regular distribution strengthening projects. 3) The entire loan from GoI will be routed through PFC/REC (FIs) for the respective schemes funded by them 4) The counterpart funding will be done by PFC/REC(FIs) as per its prevailing policy. 5) PFC/REC will be the prime lender for funding these schemes. In case of default by the utility the commercial loan of PFC/REC will be recovered first(being the primary Lender) before that of any othe lender for funding such schemes.

Conversion Of GoI Loan To Grant: 1) The entire amount of GoI loan (100%) for par A of the project shall be converted into grant after establishment of the require Base-Line data system within a stipulated time frame and duly verified by TPIEA. 2) Up to 50% (90% for special category States) loan for Part-B projects shall be converted into grant in five equal franchise tranches on achieving 15% AT&C loss in the project area duly verified by TPIEA on a sustainable basis for a period of five years. 3) If the utility fails to achieve or sustain the 15% AT&C loss target in a particular year, that years tranche of conversion of loan to grant will be reduced In proportion to the shortfall in achieving 15% AT&C loss target from the starting AT&C loss



Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana(RGGVY) was launched in April-05 by merging all ongoing schemes. Under the programme 90% grant is provided by Govt. of India and 10% as loan by REC to State Government. REC is the nodal agency for the programme. The RGGVY Aims At: Electrifying all villages and habitations as per new definition Providing access to electricity to all rural households Providing electricity Connection to Below Poverty Line(BPL) families free of charge Infrastructure Under RGGVY: Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) with 33/11 KV (or 66/11 KV) sub-Station of adequate capacity in blocks where these do not exist. Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) with provision of distribution transformer appropriate capacity in villages/habitations. Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) Systems based on conventional & non conventional energy sources where grid supply is not feasible or cost-effective. RGGVY In The XI Plan: Continuation of Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana Scheme of Rural Electricity Infrastructure and Rural Household Electrification, has been sanctioned in the XI Plan for attaining the goal of providing access to electricity to all households, electrification of about 1.15 lakh un-electrified villages and electricity connections to 2.34 crore BPL households by 2009.The approval has been accorded for capital subsidy of Rs. 28000 crore during the Eleventh Plan Period. Ninety percent capital subsidy is provided towards overall cost of the projects under the scheme, excluding the amount of state or local taxes, which will be borne by the concerned State/State Utility. 10% of the project cost to be contributed by states through own resources/loan from financial institutions.


1. Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) And Supply: Decentralized distribution-cum-generation from conventional or renewable or non-conventional sources such as biomass, bio fuel, bio gas, mini hydro, geo thermal and solar etc. for villages where grid connectivity is either not feasible or not cost effective. The funding will be on the pattern of 90% subsidy from Government of India and 10% loan from REC or from own funds of the state/loan from financial institutions. The Monitoring committee on RGGVY, while sanctioning DDG projects under RGGVY, shall coordinate with MNRE to avoid any overlap. The provision for subsidy requirement for DDB is Rs. 540 crore. 2. REDB, VEI and DDB would indirectly facilitate power requirement of agriculture and other activities including irrigation pump sets, small and medium industries, khadi and village industries, cold chains, healthcare, education and IT etc. This would facilitate overall rural development, employment generation and poverty alleviation. 3. Rural Household Electrification of Below Poverty Line Households: i) BPL households will be provided free electricity connections. The rate of reimbursement for providing free connections to BPL households would be RS.2200 per household. Households above poverty line are to pay for their connections at prescribed connections charges and no subsidy would be available for this purpose Wherever SC/ST population exists amongst BPL households and subject to being eligible otherwise, they will b provided connection free of cost and a separate record will be kept for such connection.



4. The over-all subsidy of components from paras 1, 2, 3, (above) taken together should be kept within 90% of the over-all project cost Franchisees: The management of rural distribution would be through franchisees who could be Non - Governmenental Organizations (NGOs), Users Association, Panchayat Institutions, Cooperatives or individual entrepreneurs. The franchise arrangement could be for system beyond and including feeders from sub-station or from and including Distribution Transformer(s). The franchisee should be preferably input based to reduce AT &C losses so as to make the system revenue sustainable.


Revenue Sustainability: Based on the consumer mix and the prevailing consumer tariff and likely load, Bulk Supply Tariff(BST) for the franchisee would be determined after ensuring commercial viability of the franchise. Wherever feasible, bidding may be attempted for determining the BHST. This Bulk Supply Tariff would be fully factored into the submissions of the State Utilities to the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) for their revenue requirements and tariff determination. The state Government under the electr4icity Act is required to provide the requisite revenue subsidies to the State utilities if it would like tariff for any category of consumers to be lower than the tariff determined by the SERC. While administering the scheme, prior commitments may be taken from the State Government regardinga) Determination to bulk supply tariff for franchisees in a manner that ensures their commercial viability b) Provision of requisite revenue subsidy by the State Government to the State Utilities as required under the Electricity Act. The capital subsidy for eligible projects under the scheme would be given through REC. These eligible projects shall be implemented fulfilling the above conditionalities, In the event the projects are not implemented satisfactorily in accordance with the conditionalities indicated above, the capital subsidy would be converted into interest bearing loans. The services of Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) have been offered to the states for assisting them in the execution of Rural Electrification Projects as per their willingness and requirement. With a view to augment the implementation capacities for the programme, REC has entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with NTPC, POWERGRID, NHPC and DVC to make available CPSUs project management expertise and capabilities to states wishing to use their services. This is being operationalised through a suitable Tripartite/Quadripartite Agreement.



Its content supercedes and consolidates the provisions of The Electricity Act 1910 The Indian Electricity Act 1948 The Electricity Regulatory Commission Act 1998 Brief discussion of the above acts Electricity Act 1910 : This act regulates License Works Supply Transmission & Usage of Energy by non licensee Administration and Rules Criminal offenses and Procedures Electricity Act 1948 : This act rationalises the production and supply of Electricity. It enacts a. The central electricity authoirity b. State Electricity companies Boards, Transmission companies, Generating

c. Powers & duties of State electricity boards, transmission companies and generation companies d. The works and trading procedures of Board and companies e. Boards, Finance, Accounts and Audits


The Electricity Regulatory Commission Act 1998: This Act provides 1. Establishment of Central Electricity Regulatory commission and State electricity commission 2. Central and State Transmission Utilities 3. Rationalization of Electricity tariff 4. Transparent policies regarding subsidies Purpose Of The Act:Electricity Act 2003 was enacted by the Parliament with the objective of Consolidating the laws relating to distribution, trading and use of electricity. Generation, transmission,

Taking measures conductive to the development of electricity industry. Promoting competition in electricity industry Protecting the interests of consumers Supply of electricity to all areas Rationalization of electricity tariff Constituting a central electricity authority, Regulatory commissions and Appellate tribunals. Section 3: The Central Government shall from time to time prepare National electricity policy and tariff policy in consultation with State Government and authority for development of power system. Section 4: National Policy on standalone system for rural areas and non conventional energy systems. Section 5: National policy on electrification and local distribution in rural areas.

The Central Government in consultation with State Government and State Commission formulate a National policy for rural electrification of Local distribution in rural areas through franchises. Section 6: The Government shall endeavor to supply electricity to all areas including villages and hamlets.


Generation Of Electricity: Section 7: Any Generating Company may establish operate maintain a generating station without obtaining License if it complies with technical standards. Section 8: Hydro electric Generation

Notwithstanding anything contained in section 7 any Generating Company intending to set up hydro station shall obtain license Section 9: Captive Generation: A person may construct, maintain or operate a captive plant and dedicated transmission lines. He has the right to open access for the purpose of carrying electricity from generating plant to destination of his use. Section 10: Duties of Generating Company:-

The company shall be able to establish, operate and maintain Generating station, tie lines, substation and dedicated transmission lines. Generating company may supply electricity to any license for distribution of power. Section 12: Licensing No Person shall Transmit electricity Distribute electricity or Undertake trading in electricity unless he is authorized to do so by a license issued by appropriate commission. Section 13: Power to Exempt:The appropriate commission direct by notification that the provision of section 12 shall not apply to all local authority or franchises. Section 24: Suspension of distribution license:


The appropriate commission may suspend the license if:o The distribution licenses failed to maintain uninterrupted supply of electricity to consumer. o The distribution license unable to discharge the functions. o Persistently default. o The distribution license broken the terms conditions of license Transmission of Electricity Section 25: The central Government may make region wise demarcation for the purpose of interstate, regional and interregional transmissions. Section 26: The central Government may establish National load dispatch centre at National level, and at regions- Regional level dispatch centers. Section 30: The State Commission shall facilitate and promote transmission, wheeling and inter connection arrangements. Section 31: The State Government shall establish a centre known State level of Dispatch Centre. Section 34: Every transmission license shall comply with such technical standards of operation and maintenance of transmission lines. Section 39:

State Transmission Utility: The state Government may notify the Board or a Government Company as state transmission utility. The state transmission utility shall not engage the business of trading in electricity. Distribution of Electricity Section 42: Duties of Distribution License: The License shall develop and maintain efficient, coordinated and economical distribution system. The state commission shall introduce open access.

State Commission permits a consumer to receive supply of electricity from a person other than the distribution license of his area of supply; such consumer shall be liable to pay an additional surcharge on wheeling charges. The license may establish a forum for redressal of grievances of consumers. State commission appoints Ombudsman for redressal of grievances of consumers who aggrieved by non-redressal at Forum Section 43. Every Distribution License shall, on an application by the owner - give supply to the premises within a month after receipt of application. Section 50: A distribution license may with prior intimation to appropriate commission, engage in any other businesses. Section 53. The Authority may in consultation with State Government specify suitable measures for Protecting public from danger (including persons in Generation, Transmission and Distribution) arising from Generation, Transmission, Distribution. Eliminating or reducing the risk of personal inquiry to any person Section 55: No License shall supply electricity except through installation of correct meter. Section 56: Where any person neglects to pay any charge for electricity, the license may cut off supply after giving 15 days notice. Section 57: The appropriate commission specifies standards of performance.

Tariff Section 61: Tariff Regulations

The appropriate commissions shall specify the terms and conditions determination of tariff


Offences and Penalties Section 135: Theft of electricity:Whoever dishonestly

Taps overhead lines, underground cables or service wires of a license Tampers a meter, loop connection or any other device or a method which interferes with proper recording of units. Damage electric meter. Shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years or with fine or with both. Section 153: The State Government may further purposes of providing speedy trial of offenses referred constitute as many special courts as may be necessary

A special court consists of a single judge appointed by Government with concurrence of High court.


1. Directional current: (D.C) A non varying unidirectional Electric current Ex: Current produced by Batteries Direction of flow of positive and negative charges does not change with time. 2. Alternating current(AC) A current which reverses regularly recurring intervals of time and which has alternately positive and negative values and occurring a specified number of times per second: Ex: House hold electricity produced by generator Direction of current reverses periodically with time 3. Electric Current: Electric current is the rate of flow of charge. The flow of Electricity in a wire is similar to the flow of water in a pipe when water flows in a pipe, one speaks of current of water. Similarly when electricity flows in a wire it is called electric current 4. Ampere: Ampere is the basic unit of electric current water flow in a pipe is measured 10 gallons/sec. In the same way we can express how much electricity is flowing in a wire by say 20A. o A incandescent lamp 60 watt bulb require A current o A medium weight Iron requires about 5 A current Current: The flow of electrons is called current. The unit of measuring current is ampere. Ampere can be defined as that as that steady current which when passed through a solution of silver nitrate in water deposits silver at the rate of 0.0001118 gm/sec.


The Ammeter: If we wish to measure the current of water through a pipe, we place a meter right in pipe line. A meter measuring the flow of water in a pipe is called a Flow meter and meter indicates gallons/second. In exactly the same way the number of amperes of electric current flowing in a circuit can be measured by connecting a current meter or an ampere meter in the circuit it reads Amps(A).


Electric Pressure: Whenever current of water is flowing in a pipe we know that a pressure is behind it which makes it to flow. In electric circuit the generator produces electrical pressure that causes electricity to flow. If there is no electrical pressure no electricity will flow The unit which measures pressure is called volt (V) The Voltmeter: If we wish to measure the pressure in water circuit we tap a pressure gauge on to the pipe line. In the same manner connect the two leads from a voltmeter across line and the meter reads volts A potential of one volt appear across a resistance of one ohm when 1Amp current is flowing in the resistance Volt: One volt can be defined as the pressure across a resistance of one ohm carrying current of 1 amp. Volt is the unit of measurement for e.m.f and potential difference. It is denoted by V. Resistance: Resistance R= Voltage Current The unit of resistance is called ohm () Electric Power: Electric power depends upon voltage and current: Power= volts X Amps W= V X I It is the active power or the work producing part of power Watt: The unit of power in an electric circuit is the watt
For a single phase power((KW) = Voltage Amps X power factor 1000

For 3 phase power (KW) = 3 X Voltage X Amps X Power factor


The unit for 1000 is called Kilo, therefore 1000 watts called Kilo watt Energy: Kwh One Kilo watt hr is the energy consumed by 1000 watts in one hour and is represent 1 Kwh = 1 unit of electricity. 1kW X 1hour: 1Kwh Power Factor Basics: In all industrial electrical distribution system, the major loads are resistive and inductive Resistive loads Incandescent Lightning and resistance heating In case of pure resistive loads; the voltage V, Current I, resistance R the relation is V= IxR Power KW= VxI Typical inductive loads are, Ac motors, Induction furnace transformers and ballast type lightning. Inductive type load requires two kinds of power a) Active Power: Power required to perform b) Reactive Power: To create and maintain Electro magnetic fields c) Active power is measured in KW Reactive power is measured as KVAR The vector sum of KW and KVAR is called KVA(apparent power) The ration of kw to KVA is called power factor which is always less than or equal to unity (1)


Active power


Total Power KVA

KVAR Reactive power


P.F = KW = Cos KVA Capacitor: Capacitor is equipment connected in the system to improve the power factor Transformers: A transformer can accept energy at one voltage and deliver in at another voltage. This permits electrical energy to be generated at relatively low voltages and transmitted at high voltages and low currents thus reducing line losses Type of Transformers: -Power Transformers Used in transmission network of higher for step up, step down voltages

-Distribution transformer

Used for lower voltage networks

Consumption: Power used by consumer and accounted for certain period say month for billing. Customer: one who receives power distributed by utility, and pays the consumption charges.



A) Introduction: 1) Energy meter is vital equipment in the Electrical Industry. Especially in the present day context of conservation of energy and conservation of resources, the meter accuracy assumes importance. 2) When the energy measurement is looked at it becomes clear that meter as such is a part of metering and the energy measurement therefore depends on not only accurate meter but the metering system as a whole, which may comprise the associated current and potential transformers and other wiring practices etc., 3) When you think of an energy meter, we visualize an induction disc rotating from left to right and registering the energy by pointers or set of drum type registers 4) However, the advent of electro static devices and especially the microprocessor based devices, entering the field of metering has slowly revolutionized the metering 5) At present, most of the utilities continue to employ induction disc meter in LT supply system i.e. Single phase and three phase. It is only recently i.e. about a decade back the electronic meters entered the field of HT Trivector metering with registering of historical MD Data, tamper data etc., 6) The microprocessor based metering is entering the field in a big way making the meter in fact, a store house of data. The data is extractable with the help of electronic gadgets by either direct contact or indirect modem. B) Ferari Meters: 1. The classical meter is an induction disc meter where rotation is proportional to the energy being consumed 2. Since the disc is rotating friction is inevitable and reduction of friction by employing highly polished single jewel bearings, double jewel bearings or Magnetic suspension type are specified in standards. 3. To cut the tendency to steal energy by reversing the connections at terminal block especially when such terminals are available, utilities recently went in for uni-directional meter where the counter records always forward even when the disc is made to run in the reverse direction. Also Utilities are ordering meters with extended guarantee period and keeping a watch on the performance.

4. The H.T. Trivector meters of Electromagnetic type are complicated in that the measurement of KVAH, which is essential for the measurement of average MD in KVA requires measurement of RKVAH. General defects noticed in this by type of meters are: a) Meter bottom bearing defective b) Meter top bearing defective c) Meter PC coil burnt or opened d) Meter C.C coil shorted e) Meter dial stuck up at 9th digit f) The clutch coil open g) The MD needles stuck up or loose h) The timer defective 5. The IS I3010 and CBIP Specification No.69 have made an attempt in reducing the above type of defects. C) The Static Meters : 1. The static meter and meters based on micro processor are generally designed for recording not only the energy by KWH but also other parameters such as KVAH,RKVAH, average power factor, instantaneous values of current, voltage, KW,KVA, etc., 2. This is making the cost of meter high and probably that is why a single phase or ordinary 3 Phase meter could not come up to be used extensively. The manufacturers can think of a meter to be of competitive and comparable price with electromagnetic and enter the field. A provision for modular extension at a later date to add other features can also be thought of .By the comparable price of an electronic meter, what we mean is that one has to look into the fact that a meter need not be calibrated as frequently as is the case with electromagnetic meter and this reduces the number of rolling stock to be held by the utility and administration and establishment charges of testing and replacing are reduced. 3. The concept of modular extension of features is not something new and it is something akin to computers rate XT etc., This also becomes more easier with the micro processor based metering, by adding a few more EPROM chips etc.,

4. The ISS 13779 covers the requirements of a static watt hour meter of class 1 and class 2. 5. The CBIP Technical report No.88 covers the requirements of Static Electrical Energy meters for Active, Reactive and apparent Energy measurement of accuracy classes0.2, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 6. The present HT static meters designed also record data on tampering. It records reversal of currents, failure of a voltage etc., It also records the frequency of tampering and total period under which the meter is kept tampered. All such data is helpful in assessing the total energy lost. 7. It records the present maximum demand, the integration time lapsed for the present, and the corresponding demand, and it also stores and exhibits the historical data of the past 5 maximum demands, so that a reference to them can be made. More than 2000 Static meters are in existence in APSEB and their performance is generally found to be very good. As an example, it can be mentioned that Static meter of L & G make (Imported) is installed in a Railway traction service which was until then serviced by an electromagnetic meter of L & G make. The railways complained that the new meter recorded low P.F., An analysis revealed that the static meter being sensitive to low currents recorded lagging MVAR of the Power Transformer of the consumer which is in service continuously. The load for traction, even though is near unity P.F., it is incident on the secondary of the transformer intermittently that RKVAH recorded due to the induction load of the transformer is comparable to KWH load recorded by the meter. This could not be done by Electromagnetic meter as the meter cannot accurately record at very low loads. 8. Further, in low load conditions and no load conditions, the Electromagnetic type HT TVR meters have the tendency to record average power factor of more than unity which is obtained by dividing KWH by KVAH. Also in some of the HT services, the energy recorded at the HT meter point is less than that recorded by subordinate meters of the service at L.T. System such as lighting meters. This is generally due to inaccuracies of meter at load less than 5%.Static meters, on the other hand are found to be recording the energy even at such low loads as 0.5% and less. 9. The meters are now being asked to be compatible to read with a hand held meter reading instrument (M.R.I). In fact, a few MRIs were procured by us and meter readings are being taken by them and down loaded at our central billing system.


10. The manufacturers are now being asked to make available meters such that a universal M.R.I, can read different makes of meters. For this purpose, they have to make available the necessary software, through which the M.R.I can extract the meter reading. D) Future Metering: 1) The future for static meters appears to be very bright and microprocessor based meters are probably going to dominate the field. 2) Some of the features which are advocated in this area are 1. Time of day meter 2. Multi Tariff meter 3. Prepaid meter 4. Meter with historical data with a few M.B. Memory to store various parameters 5. Meters to be read by hand held MRIs 6. Meter to be read by remote reading instruments. 3) The conservation of energy and load management systems demand artificially intelligent meters which switch off lights in an unused room or switch off the yard lighting automatically. 4) Also, in future, meter may be designed to sense the frequency of the system and adopt load throw off concepts built into them. For example, on occurrence of an U.F., the domestic meter may sense it and switch off on priority. 5) The future also looks for a meter which can be read by hand held M.R.I and issue of spot billing then and there. The master computer, where the data is unloaded from the M.R.Is, at the end of the day, can retrieve the data and store it for next month and load the M.R.I for the next days meter readings.


E) Some Important Aspects: 1) At present, the static meters of class 0.2, 0.5 and 1 are dealt in the CBIP specifications No.88. This is based on IEC specification No.687, which is for KWH meters only. The CBIP specification arrived at the requirements of KVARH by suitably adopting the specification for KWH. The accuracy of KVAH is still dependent on the accuracy of KWH and KVARH. 2) The concepts of KWH and RKVAH reference standards have come up in the older days of Electromagnetic meters where a direct measurement of KVAH for the full range of power factors was not available. The mechanical summator of L&G design is the technology available for KVAH measurement, in those days. 3) The measurement of KVAH directly is possible now with the advent of Electronic Technology and especially microprocessor based and it is time that an independent KVAH is to be thought of. With this objective, an attempt is made to specify a KVAH meter in the CBIP report No.88 4) The electricity Act, 2003 under section(55) stipulates that all services shall be metered within 2 years from the date of Act becoming effective. However, respective State Commissions can extend the time limit based on the ground realities prevailing in a licensed area. The Act also stipulates under clause (e) of section 73 that CEA has to notify a metering code stipulating regulations for the installation and operation of meters in the power sector. Accordingly, CEA has notified the metering code (regulation on installation and operation of meters on 17th March, 2006). All the utilities shall ensure that metering in various service connections within their area, to be as per this regulation. F) Conclusions: 1) The Electro-magnetic meter will continue to be used for some more time and general defects noticed in this meter are to be taken care of in their design. The design of a uni-directional counter register probably has its own defects. Permanent rectification for all defects noted shall be arranged to make the meter tamper - proof or the electromagnetic meters shall be phased out over a period of time. 2) The single phase and 3 phase energy meters of static type have to be simple in design, so that they compete with the Electro-magnetic meter in terms of cost. They can be of modular construction so that additional features can be added at a later date.


3) A universal type of meter reading is to be developed by the manufacturers of static meters, by coming to an understanding, in order to serve all the consumers. 4) Utilities shall go in for latest state-of-art metering technology in a phased manner to achieve better load management and financial status. However, initially these schemes have to be implemented as pilot schemes, in small areas, so as to assess the difficulties that arise during operation.



1. General:


Accuracy and proper functioning of energy meters and metering equipments are of vital importance of otherwise there may be heavy loss to the utilities. They should be accurate and maintain the accuracy over long duration to register the consumption properly so that the billing demand is correct. Meters are to be selected according to the load characteristics. Before installing them at the consumers premises, they should be tested. Connections should be proper and at the time of commissioning, registration of meters should be checked on load. Periodical checking has to be conducted so that the complete equipment remains well maintained. This will assure proper functioning of the equipment over a long period. Good quality of meters maintain high accuracy over a long period of 15/20 years with varying load without recalibration or maintenance, provided they are installed and commissioned properly and protected from dust, vermins and mis-handling. However, test checks are to be applied from time to time.



2. Types of Meters: The following types of meters are commonly used for L.T. consumers: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Single phase meters 3-phase 4 wire meters 3-phase 3 wire meters 3-phase 4 wire meters with CT and MD 3-phase 3 wire meters with CT and MD. Special meters: 3- phase 3 wire or 3- phase 4 wire Tri-vector or bivector meters Summation meters


1) Single-Phase Meters: Most of the lighting installation of domestic, commercial and small power consumers are connected on single phase. Similarly street lighting installations in rural and small town-ships are also connected on single phse. Single phase supply otherwise is not availed by other category of consumers except Railways who are given single phase HT supply. Single phase meters are rated for 240 volts A.C. supply, current rating 2.5/5 amps maximum) or 10/20 amps (maximum) and are for direct connection to the mains. The meters conform to ISS 722/1990 for Electricity meters. It is claimed by manufacturers that the meters are of robust design with outstanding performance and characteristics and salient features under normal conditions. They are capable to take 400 percent overload continuously and the load characteristics curve is extremely good over a measuring range of eight to one. They start registration with small load of 3.5 and 7 watts and record up to 4400 watts. The outstanding feature of a single phase meter (induction type) is its simplicity, compact and robust design so that relative positions of the supporting parts remain unaltered. It comprised a potential coil and a current coil. The potential coil, having large number of turns of a fine copper wire, is fitted on the middle-limb of an E shaped Electro-magnet and connected across the supply main, producing some flux. Similarly the current coil consisting of few turns of heavy gauge copper wire is wound on two limbs of an U shaped electro-magnet. This is connected in series with the load to be metered. When current passes through it, the electro-magnet is energised and this also produces some flux. The two fluxes so produced sets up a mechanical torque on the non-magnetic aluminium disc (which is located between the 2 coils) causing it to rotate. The rotating disc has to be of non-magnetic material otherwise the disc will not be allowed to move by the electro-magnets as due to electro-magnetic force, the disc will get attracted. The rotating disc is mounted on a vertical spindle which is supported a sapphire cup contained in a bottom bearing screw. In order that the movement or rotation of the disc set by two fluxes be controlled a break magnet of C-shaped of alloy-steel is provided. The disc rotates through the narrow air gap of the C-shaped magnet and sets up eddy currents which break with the field and exerts breaking effect.


2) 3-Phase 4 Wire Meters: 3 phase 4 wire meters (10,30,50 Amps) are used for Agricultural and industrial consumers. 3- Phase supply is availed by these category of consumers either at H.T or LT. The meters are directly connected toe the supply if load is upto 50 amperes. If load is more than 50 amperes it is preferable to provide C.Ts. They are rated for 415 volts. In a 3 phase 4 wire meter 3 coils of each type i.e potential coil and current coil are provided. In fact a 3- phase 4 wire meter can be said to be 3 number of single phase parameters accommodated in one frame, each element(i.e., potential and current coil) maintaining its own identity. A single common disc is there to record the consumption. It is necessary that operation of each element is checked separately when it is carrying load current to ensure that all elements are recording in positive direction and that no negative torque is exerted in any element. In practice, such wrong cases of connections have been noticed and detected hence this point should be paid special attention. Each of the 3 elements of the meter produces equal torque i.e, 1/3 of the total torque under all conditions of varying power factor. 3) 3-Phase 3 Wire Meter: A 3-phase 3 wire meter has 2 elements of each type instead of 3 elements as is in the case of 3 phase 4 wire meter. The basic principle of operation is the same as that for 4 wire meter. The torque produced by 2 elements is equal to each other only when the power factor is unity, otherwise at other power factors, the individual torques produced by 2 elements are not equal and are of varying proportion. B element produces more torque at lagging power factor while the R element produces more torque at leading power factor. This particular feature can be made use of to find out the P.F of load current of the consumer for the purpose of checking at site. The table given below indicates the P.F. against the ratio of the time taken by the B element for a fixed number of revolutions of the disc to the of R elements for the same number of revolutions. For such recording of time for each element through wrist watch or timer, the other element is to made ineffective by removing its pt fuse and/or short circuiting the CT secondary. The test will give correct results only when the meter has been correctly connected and the phase rotation is in the order of RYBR.


Time Ratio 1.00 0.80 0.65 0.50 0.40 0.27 0.148 0.10

App. P.F 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.87 0.81 0.71 0.64 0.58

Power factor lower than 0.5 will be indicated by the reverse running of the meter with the R element only in operation. Usually, there-phase 3 wire meters are not used in recording consumption of Lt power consumers for the simple reason that lighting load(Pilot lamp in case of Ag. Consumer) has to be properly connected on one of the phases R or B, otherwise if it is connected on Y phase where no current coil is provided the energy consumption would not get recorded. The meters otherwise can be used if proper connections are made and checks are applied. 4) 3 - Phase 4 wire meters with CT and MD: It is already mentioned that upto 50 amps. The meters available for directly connecting to the supply. If load is more than 50 amps. CT operated meters be used. For example a 70kW kW load is to be supplied than the load-current at 0.8 PF
70x1000 ------------ = 126 Amperes 3 x 40 x 0.8

CTs are available in the ratio of 50,100,150,200,300,350,400/5 Amps. Hence CTs with ratio of 150/5 amps. Would be required. The meter will have to be suitably calibrated so that it records directly the consumption with 150/5 amp. CTs. The ratio of C.T. is also mentioned on the meter. The dial-factor would be one and multiplying factor naturally will also be on. Suppose if we use a meter calibrated for 100/5 CTs and if its dial-factor for this CT ration is one then multiplying factor would be:

150/5 M.F = --------X D.F. = 1.5 100/5

Hence the recorded reading would be required to be multiplied by 1.5. It is to be noted that CTs are to be properly selected for accurate recording. Usually rating of CTs should fall within 50 to 80 percent. Of the maximum load current of the consumer. Sometimes, LT consumers opt for two part tariff and are required to be provided with metering having recording arrangement for maximum demand in KW as the tariff provides for KW demand charges, the polyphase meters are provided with maximum demand (M.D) indicators, which are nothing but additional mechanism attached to the meters to record the rate of consumption over a fixed period(usually half an hour) each time and then get reset with the help of time-switch. A Pointer indicating the highest ever rate of consumption thus recorded by the MD indicator is left behind, which has to be manually reset taking down the reading every month. 5) 3- Phase 3 Wire Meter With CT And MD It is exactly like 3- phase 4 wire meter and work on the same principle; it is also used in the same way and under the same circumstances as a 3-phase 4 wire meter. However, while connecting, precaution has to be taken to connect it properly. It also records MD in KW.




The vital parts of an energy meter are: o (i)Mainframe (ii) Registering mechanism (iii) Terminal block (iv) Bearings (v) Rotor (vi) Anticreep device(vii) Brake magnet (viii) Electro magnet (ix) Current coil (x) Pressure coil (xi) Coil formers. Mainframe which houses all the principal parts of the energy meter is responsible for rigidity of the meter and alignment of moving parts. Hence precision machined aluminum pressure die cast construction which gives rigidity and proper alignment is to be used. Energy register is of cyclometer type. Roller type digit wheels are use. The changeover is by the help of transfer which engage the next roller. Materials used for digit wheels and pinions are with tinlead-die cast alloy which possess good fluidity, lower coefficient of friction, high mechanical strength, stiffness, ability to withstand corrosive atmospheric conditions, ability to with stand extremes of high ambient temperatures and humidity without getting deformed. The improvement in the technology of manufacture of materials of energy register is that new plastic materials such as Celcon/Delrin (which are acetal copoloymeter brands) have been developed. These materials possess a combination of mechanical and thermal resistance properties as well as superior moulding characteristics. Terminal block terminates the current and potential leads and allows the main and load connections. Terminal block should be designed with thicker webs and sections and with moulded inserts All terminals, as well as connections and terminal screws should be nickel plated Material used for T.B, should be non-hygroscopic and should be moulded form superior quality electrical and impact grade phenol formaldehyde (Bakelite moulding power) Lower bearings consist of synthetic sapphire cup jewels on which revolves highly polished spherical pivots/steel ball fitted with rotor shaft.

The jewel of the meter lower bearings should be highly polished to reduce friction. Meter bearings should be self aligning so that any minor misalignment of rotor shaft with axis of jewel assembly may not cause unequal wear of pivot/ball The bearings should be spring loaded, to prevent damage due to shock and rough handling Upper bearings consist of a highly polished hardened steel needle which guides the top part of rotor shaft. Rotor material should be of high purity aluminum having good conductivity Weight of the rotor should be as small as possible, in order to have high torque/weight ration The two methods adopted to prevent creeping in meters are(i) by providing two holes in the disc,(ii) by attraction between a steel wire provided in the spindle and a projected vane from voltage electromagnet. The best magnetic material(for brake magnet) available for meters presently is ALNICO grade ALINICO grade material possesses high coercivity which makes it immune to the effect of external magnetic fields. ALINICO grade material also possesses low temperature coefficient which ensures minimum charges in meter error with variation in ambient temperature. The current and potential electromagnetic cores are manufactured from low watt loss depramo grade electrical steel sheets. Current coils are manufactured out of super synthetic enameled copper wire, preferably with polyester based enamels and should be of medium coating Voltage coils should be wound from polyester based medium covering super enameled copper wire By using good quality enameled wire, chances of burning out of voltage coils are reduced. The voltage coil should be so designed that it should be able to absorb surge currents due to lightning and sudden fluctuation in voltage.

Coil formers should be of high thermal resistant and hygroscopic insulating material. Voltage coils are encapsulated with non-hygroscopic material to prevent ingress of moisture which may lead to failure of insulation.


Single Phase Electro Magnetic Meter: Make ALSTOM

Single Phase Electro Magnetic Meter: Make HAWELLS

Single Phase Electromagnetic Meter: Make ECE


Single Phase Electro Magnetic Meter with Transparent Terminal Cover


Single Phase Electro Magnetic Meter: Make SCHLUBURGER

Single Phase Energy Meter with Transparent Terminal Cover


3 Phase Electronic Meter: Make: HPL SOCMEC

Single Phase Electromagnetic Meter: Make LANDIS & GYR


3 Phase Electromagnetic Meter: Make IM

3 Phase Electromagnetic Meter: Make SAAMI and Single Phase Electronic Meter: Make SAAMI


Single Phase Electromagnetic Cyclometer Type Recording

Single Phase Electromagnetic Clock Type Recording Meter


3 Phase Electromagnetic High Quality Meter With Transparent Cover

3 Phase Electromagnetic Meter With Transparent Cover


3 Phase Meter: Make SIMCO

3 Phase Meter: Make IM


3 Phase Electronic Meter: Make TTL

3 Phase Meter Top Cover Open


3 Phase Electronic Meter Terminal Cover Open Make: TTL

Single Phase TTL Make Meter


Single Phase Electromagnetic Meter

Single Phase Electromagnetic Meter: Top Cover Open


3 Phase Electronic Meter with 4 CTs

3 Phase Electronic Meter With Test Terminal Block


3 Phase Electronic Meter With Test Terminal Bock

3 Phase Electronic Meter: TC Open


3 Phase Electronic Meter With 4 Nos. CTs

3 Phase Electronic Meter with 4 Cts In TC Closed


3 Phase Electronic Meter With Transparent Cover

3 Phase Electronic Meter With Transparent Cover


3 Phase Electromagnetic Meter: Make SIEMENS

3 Phase Electronic Meter: Make HAVELLS


3 Phase Electromagnetic Meter: Make TC Closed

3 Phase Meter Make: TTL




The meters are required to be tested to ensure proper working so that the accuracy is maintained within permissible limits under I.E. Rules. The meters are to be checked and calibrated with various adjustments. As per Indian standard specification-722(ISS-722) a meter should pass the following two types of tests I. II. Type test Routine test

Type Test: These tests are carried out by the manufacturers at the National Testing Laboratory or at any approved testing laboratory. Test Certificates are to be submitted to the purchaser. Utilities also depute a representative from time to time for random selection of three meters from a lot for testing in the laboratory in the presence of the representative. Routine Test: The routine-tests are carried out as a routine by the manufacturers and is laboratory of the Board. The routine tests carries out in the Boards laboratory are: 1. Long period dial test 2. Non-registration with voltage along-creep test 3. Starting current test (1)The long period dial test is done with the help of R.S. S (Rotating substandard) meter. The current coils of the meter under test and R.S.S meter are connected in series, while potential coils are connected in parallel. The meters are started and stopped simultaneously after connecting to the same load for a fixed period of say half an hour then Percent error = R A x 100 R R = Energy recorded by kWh meter under test A = R. S.S. meter

The revolutions of both the meters could also be counted. The procedure is to reset the R.S.S. to zero and start the meter (under test). As soon as the disc-spot of this meter reaches the zero position, the R.S.S is started with a snap switch. The number of revolutions made by R.S.S is started with a snap switch. The number of revolutions made by R.S.S. for a chosen number revolutions of the test meter are noted then Percent error = Calculated Rev. of R.S.S. Observed Rev. of R.S.S. Observed Rev. of R.S.S. If meter constants are Test meter 300 revs./kWh RSS meter 600 revs/kWh ratio 1:2

Ehen Test meter make 10 revs. R.S. S. meter make 20. If R.S.S revs. Are observed as 19.5 then Percent error = 20-19.5 x100 19.5 The error is positive and the meter is recording fast 3 percent is the limit of variation. It is preferable to keep the error positive. The comparison could be made for load and P.F. conditions. Actual loading and phantom loading methods are adopted to test the meters under different load conditions. Actual Loading Method: This method is employed generally for testing of single phase meters in laboratory. On a meter testing bench which is equipped with various tapings to facilitate meter testing at different load conditions. The load is provided by standard resistances or lamps obviously powers factor is unity. 1/10 th F.L. and adjustments are done at U.P.F. It is important to note in this connection that consumers p.f. varies from 0.5 to unity (or 85). Therefore meter must be calibrated at 0.5 p.f. 50 percent load to achieve this condition the current coil is energized by R Phase and voltage coil by Y Phase and the polarity of pressure coil is reversed. Under these conditions p.f. becomes 0.5 because of 1200 phase shift between voltage and current vectors.


Phantom or Fictitious Loading Method: When the capacity of meters under test is very high testing with actual loading method involve a considered loss of power and not economical too, therefore, to avoid wastage of power during testing, phantom loading method is adopted. In this method pressure circuit is supplied from a circuit of normal voltage source and the current circuit from a separate low voltage source. Thus total power consumed during testing becomes very small due to small pressure coil current at normal voltage plus load current at very less voltage for current circuit meter under test and R.S.S. act as a load on phantom loading kit. This point is illustrated by following two circuits.


Normal Loading Power consumed in pressure and current circuit = 2202+ 220 x 5 8800 = 5.5 + 1100 = 1105.5 W .. (1)



Phantom Loading

Power consumed in pressure and current circuit = 2202+ 6 x 5 8800 = 5.5+30 = 35.5 W


From Equation (1) and (2) it is obvious that the phantom loading power consumed is very small as compared with normal loading. (2) Creeping Test: In Creeping Test with no current in the current coil and with rated frequency, the rotor of the meter shall not make a complete revolution at any voltage between 80 percent of the lowest and 110 percent of the highest rated voltage. (3) Starting Current Test: The rotor of a meter shall start and continue to run when meter carries the following currents at maximum value of voltage range and U.P.F. Percent of Basic Current (A) (B) (C) Meter with dial and pointer type tor register Meter with cyclometer type to register Meter with M.D. Mechanism and Cyclometer type tor register 0.5 percent 0.75 percent 1.0 percent

Installation and Commissioning of Meters: Apart from testing and calibrating the meters they must be properly installed, as per the connection diagram. After installation of meter its performance should be checked at site also. If we take 100 watt lamp (resistive load and time constant of energy meter is 2400 rev. /kWh. Assuming normal supply voltage the consumption in one hour will be 100 watt hour hours. The meter disc should therefore rotate



2400 x 100 = 240rev./hour. 1000 Therefore time taken for one revolution is 60 x 60 = 15 seconds. 240 If the time taken is more, the meter is running slow and vice-versa if time is less. Suppose 16 seconds instead of 15 seconds are taken then the meter is slow by 16 - 15 X 100 = 6.66 Percent 15 It should, therefore, be adjusted. For synchronous motors power factor can be taken unity. For induction motors it is 0.7/0.8 and for welding transformer it is about 0.6. The motors contribute inductive load in the system. III. C.T. Operated Meters For C.T. operated meters: 1. Ratio test by primary injection kit and 2. Polarity test should be carried out. It should be borne in mind that C.T. secondary terminals should not be kept open. Following points must be kept in view while installation of meters: (a) (b) (c) (d) Position of meter should be such that reading is easily visible. Mounting of meter should be on solid wall or D.P. structures are on panel board. For H.T. metering equipment, CTs should be right on the incoming side before the print of isolation. Meter should be fitted in protected meter box, now a day provided by they Board. It should be installed in a place where rain-water should not enter. The meter box has facility of sealing from outside. It should therefore be sealed. The meter-recording should be checked at site as explained.

(e) (f)

Meter Reading: Registering or counting mechanism is to record continuously a number. This recording is proportional to the revolutions made by the moving system. The rotor shaft drives a series of five or six pointers. These rotate on rounddial which are marked with ten equal divisions. There are two types of registration system: Pointer type Cyclo meter type Reading could be made from both the types of meters. C.T. Type Meters: In case of C.T. operated meters the multiplying factor should be calculated. It depends upon ratio, meter rating and dial factor. An example is given below: (i) Meter rating 100/5A 400V (ii) C.T. ratio 200/5A 400V (iii) Dial factor 48 Overall M.F.: = C.T. Ratio x Dial factor Meter C.T. Rating = 200/5 x 400 x 48 =96 100/5 x 400 The performance of the meter should be checked on load after installation and commissioning. It should be ensured for correct recording applying multiplying power-factor, which could be noted on paper. This could be pasted in the meter box and one copy be kept in file/ledger. Many disputes have arisen due to this omission. If there is delay by the consumer in connecting the load, the commissioning of meter could be deferred till the consumer starts drawing power.






Electronic Meters: On Test Bench Connected

Electronic Meters on Test Bench


MTE Kit Electronic Semi Automatic Test Bench

MTE Kit Electronic Semi Automatic Test Bench


3 Phase Make: DUKE ARNICS

MTE Kit For Meter Testing



All single and three-phase meters and tested in the Testing Laboratory after their receipt in the area stores from the manufacturers. Similarly disputed meters where consumers suspect that their meters are recording excess consumption are also sent to the laboratory for testing after the consumers deposit the testing charges for such contested meters. In addition, routine checking and testing of old meters is to be carried out periodically to ensure their proper working and accuracy. This is the requirement of I.E. Rules. Types tests are carried out on prototype specimens at National Testing Laboratories. No meters are marketed till Type tests are got done. Routine tests are carried out in the Boards laboratory and by the manufacturers. Adjustments In The Laboratory: Adjustments are carried out in energy meters at various load and power factor conditions in the laboratory, so that they read correctly and their errors within allowable limits. The sequence of these adjustments is as follows: 1. Preliminary Light Load Adjustments: The disc is so positioned that the holes are not underneath electromagnets and rated voltage is applied to the potential coil. The light load adjustment device is adjusted until the disc falls to start when the meter carries maximum values of current as shown in starting current test. 2. Full Load Adjustment: In energy meters braking torque is developed by means of eddy currents induced in aluminium disc which moves in the air gap of a permanent (brake magnet) magnet. Due to continuous motion of the disc there is a continuous braking action. The current in the disc interacts with the flux of permanent magnet and produces a braking torque which is directly proportional to product of current, flux and effective radius R. With rated supply across pressure coil, full load at UPF is passed through the current coil braking torque is adjusted in two ways to ensure that the meter revolves at the speed within the permissible limits of errors.


a) By Rotating the Brake Magnet about its Axis of Fixation: By angular movement of the brake magnet about its axis of fixation, the effective radius from axis if disc is varied. Therefore with decrease of the radius R braking torque will decrease and meter becomes fast. b) By Linear Movement of Magnetic Shunt: Normally brake magnets are provided in pairs with unlike poles adjacent to each other, This arrangement provides definite advantage because eddy currents produced by this arrangement take shorter path through the disc this results in lower resistance and hence larger braking torque is produced. The distance of iron magnetic shunt (in the form of screw) from the magnets is varied by taking it away from the magnets or near to the magnets and to bypass lesser or greater portion of the flux. If the magnetic shunt is brought near the poles it will bypass larger amount of flux, so the disc will cut through a smaller amount flux resulting in reduced braking torque. So the meter becomes fast. On the other hand if its is moved away from the magnets, it will bypass lesser amount of flux giving a larger braking torque. The energy meter under this condition becomes slow. 3. Inductive Load Adjustment or Log Adjustment or Power Factor Adjustment The deflecting torque of an energy meter is created by the inter action of two magnetic fields produced by the current and potential which causes the disc to move thereby. This torque is proportional to the product of fluxes and to the sin of phase shift angle between them. The arrangements for adjusting the mmf of the Lag coil are: 1. Adjustable Resistance: A few turns of fairly thick wire are placed around the centre limb of shunt magnet and the circuit is closed through a low adjustable resistance. The resistance of this circuit is altered to adjust the lag angle of flux.


2. Shading Bands: In this arrangement copper shading bands L1 are placed around central limb of shunt magnet instead of a lag coil with adjustable resistance. In this case the adjustment can be done by moving the shading band along the axis of limb. As the shading bands are moved upto limb they embrace more flux.

3. Lag Plate: In some meters a single turn lag coil consisting of a punched lag plate is used. The material and cross section of the lag plate are such that appropriate values of impedance and mmf are obtained. The lag plate is situated in the air gap directly beneath the central limb of the shunt magnet and the lag angle is adjusted by moving the plate either readily with respect to the axis of the disc or parallel to the axis of the disc so that it links more or less shunt magnet flux. 4. Low-Load Adjustment: Despite every care is to be taken in the design, friction errors are liable to be serious particularly at light loads. Therefore, in order to ensure accurate registration at low loads it is necessary to arrange for a small torque which is particularly independent of load on the meter and act in the direction of rotation. This torque is approximately equal to the friction torques acting in opposite direction of rotation. It is obtained by means of a small shading loop (or vane) situated between centre pole of shunt magnet and the disc and slightly to one side of the centre line of the pole. The interactions between the portions of the flux which are shaded and un-shaded by thus loop and the currents induced by these fluxes in the disc results in a small deriving torque whose value can be adjusted by the lateral movement of the loop. This test for correct adjustment is free from

serious errors at light load and starting currents other methods of nonsymmetrical shading are also in use. In meters where lag plate is used for power factor adjustment the additional torque to compensate for the friction can be produced by displacing the plate in a direction parallel to the direction of motion of disc. During this adjustment 5 percent or 10 percent F.L. current at UPF is passed through the meter current coil and the rated supply voltage is applied across pressure coil adjustment is done till meter runs at correct speed. 5. Anticreep Adjustment: As a final check on light load adjustment the pressure coil is energized by 110 percent of rated voltage with zero load current. If light load adjustment is done correctly meter should not creep under these conditions. Creeping is continuous but slow rotation of meter at no load when only the pressure coil is energized. Main cause for creeping is over compensation for friction of the compensating device(low load adjustment is adjusted to give a driving torque to compensate for starting friction which sufficiently higher than running friction(Fst fin) meter disc will tend to run in the same direction(creep) at no load because the friction compensating torque is independent of load current. The other causes for creeping are, vibrations, stray magnetic fields and excessive voltage across the potential coils. Creeping is undesirable so it is prevented by two ways. 1. By two Diametrically Opposite Holes. Two diametrically opposite poles are drilled in the disc. The disc comes to rest with one of the hole unde4r the pole of voltage magnet thus the rotation being limited to a maximum of 1800. When hole comes under the edge of a poles circular eddy current paths in the disc are distorted, the effective, centre of eddy current paths is shifted from A to A, which is the central point of the equivalent magnetic pole produced by the currents. The polarities are such that there is a resulting force on the disc tending to move A away from the pole axis A. Thus as soon as hole reaches a position near the edge of a pole further movement of the disc is opposed by the torque describe above. The magnitude of this torque is insufficient to affect the action of meter on load. 2. By two magnetic vanes. One small iron piece is attached to the spindle and 2nd below voltage coil so when pressure coil is energized it is attracted by vane provided on voltage coil or when magnetic vane comes near to brake magnet it is attracted by the iron piece attached on the spindle and creeping is stopped.

In some meters back stopper s are also provided either in the rotor shaft or counting train is blocked in the gear operated mechanism. 6. Torque Balance Adjustment: This is provided on poly-phase meters only to confirm that each element may be controlled separately because in some cases one common disc is used in place of their separate discs. It is therefore, necessary to check the operation of each element when it is carrying load current to ensure that none of the element is having negative torque, which can happen even when the overall torque is positive. The meter is adjusted in such a way that contribution of each element is true to the total record when the system load is unbalanced. Regulating screws are provide on each voltage core for torque balance which control the proportion of useful coil flux cutting the rotor. 1) In case of two element energy meter (33 wire type) torque developed by each element is equal only at unit P.f at other P.f conditions torque produced by the two elements are not equal and are of trying proportion. The torque produced by B Element being more at lagging P.f and that by R element at leading P.F conditions. In addition to normal compensating device attached to each element an adjustable magnetic shunt is provide on one or both elements to balance the torques of two. The necessary adjustment is made with the coils energized from a single phase supply. The pressure coils are connected in parallel and the current coil series in such a manner that the torque produced by the two elements opposes each other. The magnetic shunt is adjusted to a position, where the two torques are exactly equal and opposite so that the meter does not rotate. With three-phase supply set on the test bench kit p.f is kept unity with the help of phase shifter and the connection o0f one of the current coils of R and B phase element is reversed, necessary adjustment is made until the meter fails to rotate. 2) In case of three-phase four wire meters contribution of each element is equal to the total torque developed by the meter. Therefore during torque balance adjustment, one element is disconnected and connections of 2 nd element reversed. The meter should not rotate under these conditions because torque developed by one element is balanced by the other. This is true at all p.f conditions.


Repairs Of Minor Defects In The Laboratory: Following main defects are generally found in meters 1. Rotor shaft found bent. 2. Counting train found defective 3. Rotor disc found bent 4. Pressure disc has discontinuity 5. Meter excessive slow fast, even after an adjustment 6. Upper guide pin broken 7. Current coil short5 with body 8. Wrong name plate meter constant as the revolution of meter does not tally with constant 9. Demagnetized brake magnets 10. Broken glass plates Out of new meters received from area store, defective ones are replaced free of cost by supplier and for carrying out repairs of old meters collected form field by area stores repairing is being carried out at meter, repairing section by canalization or by providing spare parts required. After due repairs meters are sent to Lt Meter testing for calibrating, it is very necessary when electromagnet gaps have been distributed or when any component is replaced. First apply the rated voltage to each element in turn for 3 meters without any current in current circuit and adjust the low load adjuster to a point where the rotor disc becomes stationary. If this adjuster is moved in either direction the disc should start to creep. Checking/Testing At Site: The routing testing of meters could be once in 3/5 years. In addition, the consumers installation and meters should be checked form time to time surprisingly. The important points to be paid attention while checking are: I. II. III. IV. Connections of meter are proper Seals are not tampered No loose or direct connection exist Meter is not damaged to record less


CTs are properly connected. No reversal of any phase connection exists. Multiplying factor is properly calculated and applied Meter is well-protected from rail, vermins and dust etc. Links are connected Terminal block is not damaged It may also be mentioned that with the help of load current of known magnitude(preferably of resistive type) and a wrist watch having a second hand, one can off-hand check at site the performance of the meter as also its accuracy to some extent, as indicated below:

Let the resistive load be a bulb of 40 W and the time constant of the energy meter 1200 Rev./kWh. Assuming normal supply voltage, the consumption in one hour is 40 watt hour. The meter disc could therefor5e rotate. 1200 x 40 @---------------- =48 Rev. Hour. Say for 1 Rev. 1000 60 x 60 The disc would take ---------------- = 75 Seconds. 48 If the time taken is more, it means the meter is running slow and vice versa. In fact, the percent error can also be calculated from the time it actually takes. In this particular case, if the time taken is 78 sec. the meter is slow by 78 - 75 --------------- x 100 = 3 percent 75 If the load current is not resistive but inductive or capacitive, the power factor of the current is to be assessed first depending upon the nature of the load, and the energy consumption worked out. For example, a 10 HP flour mill drawing 10 Amps. Current at 400 volts can be presumed to be running at 0.8 power factor and have 3x10x400x0.8=5.54kW load, of the purpose of such checking.


1. Power is applied to major bulk loads at high tension and the usual norms adopted are as follows: Up to 70 KVA 71KVA to 1500 KVA 1501 KVA to 5000KVA Above 5000KVA Low Tensions at 11 kV at 33kV at 132 kV or 220 kV

The maximum demand of supply of electricity to a consumer during a month shall be twice the largest number of kilovolt ampere hours (KVAh) delivered at the point of supply to the consumer during any consecutive 30 minutes in the month. However, for consumers have a contracted demand above 4000KVA, the maximum demand shall be four times the largest number of kilovolt ampere hours (KVAh) delivered at the point of supply to the consumer during any consecutive 15 minutes in the month. 1.1 The power supplied at high tension is billed on two part tariff i.e., based on Maximum demand and units. Also a check is maintained on the power factor and surcharge is levied for P.F. Lower than 0.5. The three vector components of KWH, RKVAh and KVAh are all metered and the meter employed for assessing billing parameters at high tension services is called a Trivector meter. The metering equipment consists of poly phase potential transformer, two current transformers, one Trivector meter and connecting cables and leads and a test-terminal block. The principle of two watt meter method is employed for registration of energy and the meter consists of two elements Blue(leading element ) and Red(lagging element This is assuming standard positive phase sequence of RYB. The red elements are connected to R current and RY voltage and the Blue Elements is B current and BY voltage. The name used for this connection is called association of proper currents and voltages



Calculations: Blue element register: Red element register Net registration EI(cos(30-) EI(Cos(30+) EI(cos 30-)+ (30+) EI(Cos 30.Cos + Sing 30. Sin + Cos 30.Cos - Sin 30.Sin EI(2.cos 30 Cos) EI(2.3/2 Cos) 3.EI Cos 1.3 It is necessary to maintain appropriate association of currents and voltages. i.e., R current with RY voltage and B current with BY voltage apart from maintaining correct polarities. The vector grouping in the poly phase P.T should also Yyo with no phase shift between primary and secondary voltage vector The general arrangement of connections between a metering set, Test block and Trivector meter are shown in Figure 2. Checks Of Polarities & Ratios: Three phase 415V supply is given to High Voltage terminals of P.T and the secondary voltages between phase-to-phase and phase-toneutral are measured to ensure the P.T. ration. Correct phasing can be identified by giving voltage only one phase after another. Polarity is checked by touching the primary terminals with leads from a 6 volts battery and observing the direction of deflection on a centre zero D.C. voltmeter connected to the corresponding phase as the secondary side. 1.6 Current Transformers: The ratio is determined by primary injection kit. This assumes greater importance when C.T.s have multiple ratios. As the energy to be computed is very large in case of bulk loads, this test is to done very meticulously. By applying low voltage from a D.C. battery on the primary side and observing the deflection in a centre zero low range D.C Voltammeter on the secondary for determining C.T. polarity is not advisable, as the core may get saturated during the test process and residual magnetism may affect accuracy. 240V AC supply source is taken and the potential coil and also current coil (through a loading transformer connected to the same supply) are connected to a single phase Watt meter or energy meter. Potential leads may be interchanged

1.4 1.5

if necessary to get forward direction. The current coil is then connected to the secondary of the C.T. and direction of meter noted. Several Possible Connections At Site: It can be seen that the meter can be connected erroneously with either wrong associate and reverse polarities in one or two C.T. currents. The Y lead of potential supply is earthed at the P.T. and this leads is therefore, easily identified. The connection of the other two potential leads R and B is to be done correctly. The identity can be confirmed best by check up of physical continuity of the leads.



Substation Single Line Diagram

PT Arrangement In A Sub-Station


11 Kv Breaker

11 KV Breaker and PT


11 Kv Metering, Relay Panel

11 Kv Breaker


11 Kv Breaker

11 Kv Breaker Metering Arrangement





Tamper Data: The static meter can detect date pertaining to tamper such as a. Missing potential: Gives the information regarding missing of supply to the potential coil and records the date and time of such occurrence. b. C.T polarity reversal: The meter gives information, the C.T. reversal if occurred with date and time. c. C.T. disconnection: The meter cans also information regarding availability of load/ current. The meter can also register the non availability of load in a particular phase compared to the other phases. d. Phase sequence Reversal: The meter can also recognize proper phase association. Time-Of-Day Metering: The processor based electronic (static) meters have build-in- Real Time clock. So the time available in a day i.e., 24 hours is divided into different time zones. The duration of each time zone is programmable and the user can define their zones in separate registers and exhibits accordingly. This is known as time-of-day metering. This system is very useful for utilizing the available electrical energy is an optimum way. By reversing different tariff for peak and off-peak energies, the consumption during peak-loads can be discouraged. This helps in demand-side management by flattening the peak of the demand curve. Load Survey Data: The static meter has the provision to store the billing and tamper data for 35 days at the specific logging interval, say 15 Mts/30 Mts. This is useful to draw the load curves of KWH & KVAh, KVA, & KVAh. This is known as load survey data which gives complete picture of load pattern of that consumer. Import / Export Metering: The static meter can measure the energy in both direction i.e., the consumer acting as a load for some time and feeding into the grid for some other time. This is known as Import/ Export metering.


Meter Reading Instruments: The meter reading instrument (MRI) is a simple hand held terminal used for data transfer from/to meter to/from the system-computer. MRI can be used for data transfer from HT trivector meter for analysis of data & billing. The MRI can be preloaded with meter numbers to be read and optionally the MRI can also have a bar code reader. The bar code reader will be useful to identify the serial number/identify of meter. In case of H.T services with load survey data, MRI is very essential for transfer of data from meter to computer as the data collected is enormous and is not possible to read manually. The MRI can also be used for LT energy meters. MRI can also be made to have a printer attached to it and a bill can generate immediately upon reading the meter. In this case the MRI shall contain the meter serial number to be read and the previous reading. The entire data can be off-loaded at the end of the day. Tele-metering: Transfer of metered data through a communication network is known as tele-metering. The meter shall be connected to say a telephone line at the consumer end via a modern. At the system end also the computer is connected to the telephone via a modem. Whenever data is to be accessed by the computer, the consumer telephone number host be; dialled, and the modem connected to the telephone will connect to the meter. This type of metering system can be very useful in case of H.T. service as well as substation/services which require monitoring. Prepayment Meter: Prepayment meter is essentially an energy recorder cum controller. Controller in the sense that, after the energy at credit is exhausted, the power is switched off to the consumer. In prepayment system, the meter reading, issue of bill and billing data updating is all done by the consumer himself. The meter has a cad which shall contain identification number, current reading meter category type, energy to be credited yet on the card. Also the computer checks i. ii. iii. iv. Whether it is valid card/service Recognizes the category Takes the present reading Number of units credited will be encrypted


Later the consumer takes back the card and inserts the card into the meter, whereby the meter updates the units on credit. If all the units at credits are consumed the meter supply disconnected the power supply. Electronic Modes And Spot Billing: Several problems relating to Electro Mechanical meters like, Accuracy, Transportation, damage due to wrong connections, fixing of meters, Tampering, could be circumvented by Electronic meters, with latest technology. Electronic meters further facilitates Time of the day meter reading, and less vulnerability for Tampering and also give indication in case of any tamper Electric meters record at every load also .RMR, AMR and prepaid meter read further, spot billing helps in the reduction of complaints, saving delay in the distribution of bills, visit of the meter reader invariably to the consumer premises ensuring correctness of the meter reading, enabling the utilities to receive collections with 15 days. Spot billing is done through Hand held computer. In which the following data recorded S.C. No Present Reading, Date, Time Previous Reading, Date Status of Meter Bill date Billed Units Average Units Amount Billed Due date of payment Disconnection date



CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY, New Delhi, Dated 17th March, 2006
No.501/70/CEA/DP&D In exercise of the powers conferred by sub=section(1) of section 55 and clause (e) of section 73 read with sub-section (2) of the section 1747 of Electricity act, 2003 the Central Electricity Authority herby makes the following regulation for regulating the installation and operation of meters, namely:1. Short Title And Commencement: (1) (2) These regulations may be called the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and operation of meters) Regulations, 2006. These Regulations shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Gazette of India.

2. Applicability Of Regulation: (1) These Regulations shall be applicable to meters installed and to be installed by all the generating companies and licensees who are engaged in the business of generation, transmission, trading, distribution, supply of electricity and to all categories of consumers. After coming into force of these regulations, the provisions of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 relating to installation and operation of meters in this regard shall not be applicable These regulation provide for type, standards, ownership, location, accuracy class, installation, operation, testing and maintenance, access, sealing, safety, meter reading and recording, meter failure or discrepancies, anti tampering features, quality assurance, calibration and periodical testing of meters, additional meters and adoption of new technologies in respect of the following meters for correct accounting, billing and audit of electricity: a. Interface meter b. Consumer meter c. Energy accounting and audit Meter




3. Type Of Meters: (1) (2) All interface meters consumers meters and energy accounting and audit meters shall be of static type. The meters not complying with these regulation shall be replaced by the license on this own or on request of the consumer. The meters may also be replaced as per the regulation or direction of the appropriate commission or pursuant to the reforms programme of the Appropriate Government.

4. Standards: All interface meters, consumer meters and energy accounting and audit meters shalla) Comply with the relevant standards of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). If BIS standards are not available for a particular5 equipment of material, the relevant British Standards (BS), International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) Standards, or any other equivalent Standard shall be followed. Provide that whenever an international Standard or IEC Standard is followed, necessary correction or modifications shall be made for nominal system frequency, nominal system voltage, ambient temperature, humidity and other conditions prevailing in India before actual adoption of the said Standard; b) Conform to the standards of Installation and Operation of Meters as specified in Schedule annexed to these regulation and as amended from time to time 5. Ownership Of Meters:Consumer Meters: (a) (b) Consumer meters shall generally be owned by the licensee. If any consumer elects to purchase a meter, the same may be purchase by him. Meter purchased by the consumer shall be tested, installed and sealed by the licensee. The consumer shall claim the meter purchased by him as his asset only after it is permanently removed from the system of these licensee. All the consumer meters shall bear BIS mark, meet the requirements of these regulations and have additional features as approved by the Appropriate Commission or pursuant to the reforms programme of the Appropriate Government. To facilitate this, the licensee shall provide a list of makes and models of the meters.


6. Location Of Meters: The location of interface metes, consumer meters and energy accounting and audit meters shall be as per given below: Provided that the generating companies or licensees may install metes at additional locations in their systems depending upon the requirement. Consumer Meters: 1) The consumer meter shall be installed by the licensee either at consumer premises or outside the consumer premises: Provided that where the licensee installs the meter outside the premises of the consumer, then the license shall provide real time display unit at the consumer premises for his information to indicate the electricity consumed by the consumer. Provide further that for the bulling purpose, reading of consumer meter and not the display unit shall be taken into account 2) In the event the Appropriate Commission allows supply of electricity directly from a generating company to consumer on a dedicated transmission system, the location of the meter will be as per their mutual agreement. 7. Accuracy Class Of Meters: Every meter shall meet the requirement of accuracy class as specified in the standards given in the schedule. 8. Installation Meters: (1) Generating company or licensee, as the case may be, shall examine, test and regulate all meters before installation and only correct meters shall be installed. The meter shall be installed at lo8cations, which are easily accessible for installation, testing, commissioning, reading, recording and maintenance. The place of installation of meter shall be such that minimum inconvenience and disruptions are caused to the site owners and the concerned organizations. In case of single phase meters, the consumer shall ensure that there is no common neutral or phase or looping of neutral or phase of to or more consumers on consumers side wiring, If such common neutral or phase or loping of neutral or phase comes to the notice of the licensee, it shall suitably inform the consumer through installation report or regular electricity bills or meter test report as applicable.




(4) (5)

Consumer shall install the Earth Leakage Protective Device(ELPD) in accordance with the provisions of the rules or regulations in this regard. In case CTs and VTs from part of meters, the meter shall be installed as near the instrument transformers as possible to reduce the potential drop in the secondary leads

9. Operation, Testing And Maintenance Of Meters: The operation, testing and maintenance of all types of meters shall be carried out by the generating company or the licensee, as the case may be 10. Access To Meter: The owner of premises where, the meter is installed shall provide access to the authorized representative(s) of the licensee for installation, testing, commissioning reading and recording and maintenance of meter 11. Sealing Of Meter:

I. Sealing Arrangements a) All meters shall be sealed by the manufacturer at its works. In addition to the seal provided by the manufacturer at its works, the sealing of all meters shall be done as follows at various sealing points as per the standards given the schedule: i. ii. iii. Sealing of interface meters, shall also be done by both the supplier and the buyer Sealing of consumer meters shall be done by the licensee Sealing of energy accounting and audit meters shall be dont by the licensee or generating company as the case may be.

b) A tracking and recording software for all new seals shall be provided by the manufactured of the meter so as to track total movement of seals starting from manufacturing, procurement, storage, record keeping installation, series on inspections, removal and disposal c) Seal shall be unique for each utility and mane of logo of the utility shall be clearly visible on the seals. d) Only the patented seals (seal from the manufacturer who has official right to manufacture the seal) shall be used. e) Polycarbonate or acrylic seals or plastic seals or holographic seals or any other superior seal shall be used.


f) Lead seals shall not be used in the new meters. Old lead seals shall be replaced by new seals in a phased manner and the timer frame of the same shall be submitted by the licensee to the Appropriate Commission for approval. Removal of seals from meters II. Consumer Meters: Seal of the consumer meter shall be removed only by the licensee. No consumer shall tamper with, break or remove the seal under any circumstances, any tampering, breaking or removing the seal from the meter shall be dealt with ass per relevant provisions of the Act. 12. Safety Of Meters: (1) (2) The supplier or buyer in whose premises the interface meters are installed shall be responsible for their safety. The consumer shall, as far as circumstances permit, take precautions for the safety of the consumer meter installed in his premises belonging to the licensee. Licensee shall be responsible for the safety of the consumer meter located outside the premises of the consumer and the consumer shall be responsible for the safety of the real time display unit installed by the licensee in the consumer premises. The generating company or the licensee who owns the energy accounting and audit meters shall be responsible for its safety.



13. Meter Reading And Recording: Consumer Meters (a) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to record the metered data, maintain database of all the information associated with the consumer meters and verify the correctness of metered data. The licensee shall maintain accounts for the electricity consumption and other electrical quantities of its consumers Brief history, date of installation and details of testing, calibration and replacement of meters shall be maintained by the licensee.

(b) (c)


14. Meter Failure or discrepancies 1. Consumer Meters: In case the consumer reports to the licensee about consumer meter readings not commensurate with this consumption of electricity, stoppage of meter, damage t the seal, burning or damage of the meter, the licensee shall take necessary to the seal, burning or damage of the meter, the licensee shall take necessary steps as per the procedures given in the Electricity Supply code of the appropriate Commission read with the notified conditions of supply of electricity. 15. Anti-Tampering Features Of Meters: The meters shall be provide with such anti-tampering features as per the standards on Installation and Operation of meters given in the schedule. 16. Quality Assurance Of Meters: (1) The distribution licensee shall put in place a system of quality assurance and testing meters with the approval of Appropriate Commission The licensee shall set up appropriate number of accredited testing laboratories or utilize the services of other accredited testing laboratories. The licensee shall take immediate action to get the accreditations of their existing meter testing laboratories from NABL, if not already done. The generating company or licensee shall ensure that all type, routing and acceptance tests are carried out by the manufacture complying what the requirement of the relevant IS or BS or IEC as the case may be



17. Calibration And Periodical Testing Of Meters: 1. Consumer Meters: The testing of consumer meters shall be done at site at least once in fiver years. The licensee may instead of testing the meter at sit can remove the meter and replace the same by a tested meter duly tested in an accredited test laboratory. In addition meters installed in the circuit shall be tested if study of consumption pattern changes drastically from the similar months or season of the previous years of if there is consumers complaint pertaining to a meter. The standard reference meter of better accuracy class than the meter under test shall be used for sit testing of consumer meter up to 650 volts. The testing

for consumers meters above 650 volts should cover the entire metering system including CTs, VTs. Testing may be carried out through NABL accredited mobile laboratory using secondary injection kit, measuring unit and phantom loading or at any accredited test laboratory and recalibrated if required at manufacturers works 18. Adoption Of New Technologies: The distribution licensee shall make out a plan for introduction and adoption of new technologies such as pre-paid meters, time of the day meters (TOD), automatic remote meter reading system through Appropriate communication system with the approval of the appropriate Commission or as per the regulations or direction the Appropriate Commission or pursuant to the reforms programme of the Appropriate Government.


(See regulations 2,5,8,12, and 16) Standards on Installation and Operation of Meters Part I standards Common To All Type of Meters
1. These standards provide for specification of meters, immunity to external factors, sealing point and functional requirements that are required form regulatory perspective Detailed technical specification shall be prepared by the purchase of the meter. Specification of meters As per IS As per IS As per IS As per IS (Current range of consumer meters shall be so chosen as to record the load current corresponding to the sanctioned load) Meters shall meet the following requirements of Accuracy Class: Interface meters Consumers meters Up to 650 volts 1.0 or better 0.2S


Standard Reference Voltage Voltage Rage Standard Frequency Standard Basic Current

Accuracy Class

Above 650 volts and 0.5s or better up to 33 kilo volts Above 33 kilo volts 0.2S

Energy accounting and audit meters. The accuracy class of meters in generation and transmission system shall not be inferior to that of 0.2S accuracy class. The accuracy class of meters in distribution system shall not be inferior to the of 0.5 S Accuracy Class Starting Current Current and maximum As per IS


Power Factor range Power Voltage Frequency With

As per IS stand As per IS

Impulse Voltage with stand test for As per IS 1.2/50 micro sec Power consumption As per IS

3. 4.

Meter shall have downloading facilities of metered data through Meter Reading Instrument(MRI) Immunity To External Factors: The meter shall be immune to external influences like magnetic induction, vibration, electrostatic discharge, switching transients, surge voltages, oblique suspension and harmonics and necessary tests shall be carried out in accordance with relevant standard.


Sealing Points: Sealing shall be done at the following points (as applicable): (a) (b) (c) (d) Meter body or cover Meter terminal cover Meter Test terminal bloc Meter cabinet


The accuracy class of current transformer (CTs) and Voltage transformers (VTs) shall not be inferior to that of associated meters. The existing CTs and VTs not complying with these regulations shall be replace3d by new CTs and VTs, if found defective, non-functional or as per the directions of the Appropriate Commission. In cast the CTs and VTs of the same Accuracy Class as that of meters can not be accommodated in the metering cubicle or panel due to space constraints, CTs and VTs of the next lower Accuracy Class can be installed. The voltage Transformers shall be electromagnetic VT or Capacitive Voltage Transformer(CVT)



PART II Standards For Consumers Meters: (1) Measuring Parameters: (a) (b) The consumer meter shall be suitable for measurement of cumulative active energy utilized by the consumer. The consumer meter may have the facilities to measure, record and display one or more of the following parameters depending upon the tariff requirement for various categories of consumers. All parameters excluding instantaneous electrical parameters shall also be store in memory. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Cumulative reactive energy Average Power factor Time of use of energy Apparent power Maximum demand Phase voltage and line currents

(2) (3)

All the three phase meters shall have data storage capacity for atleast 35 days in a non-volatile memory. Anti-Tampering Features: a. The meter shall not get damaged or rendered non-functional even if any phase and neutral are interchanged. b. The meter shall register energy even when the return path of the load current is not terminated back at the meter and in such a case the circuit shall be completed through the earth. In case of metallic bodies, the earth terminal shall be brought out and provided on the outside of the case c. The meter shall work correctly irrespective of the phase sequence of supply (only for poly phase). d. In the case of 3 phase, 3 wire meter even if reference Y phase is removed the meter shall continue to work. In the case of 3 phase, 4 wire system, the meter shall keep working even in the presence of any two wire i.e., even in the absence of neutral and any one phase or any two phase

e. In case of whole current meters and LV CT operated meter, the meter shall be capable of recording energy correctly even if input and output terminals are interchanged. f. The registration must occur whether input phase or neutral wires are connected properly or they are interchanged at the input terminals. g. The meter shall be factory calibrated and shall be sealed suitably before dispatch. h. The meter shall be capable of recording occurrences of a missing potential(only for VT operated meters) and its restoration with date and time of first such occurrence and last restoration along with total number and duration of such occurrences during the above period for all phase. Additional anti-tampering features including logging of tampers such as current circuit reversal, current circuit short or open and presence of abnormal magnetic field may be provided as per the regulations of direction of the Appropriate Commission or pursuant to the reforms programme of the appropriate programme.



The section office in the field of a distribution utility is the primary office with multi directional functional responsibilities. It is a fountain of information and all the data will have to get emanated from this focal point. It is the place where the public or the consumer gets the feel of the distribution utility or company. Obviously the success of the distribution utility is directly related to the performance level of the section office. After release of supply a prospective consumer becomes the regular consumer and he expects uninterrupted supply at proper voltage and timely bills for payment of the due energy charges. Metering Of Energy: Electricity meter is a device which measures the amount of electricity a consumer uses. It is a vital equipment in the electrical industry in the context of conservation of energy and conservation of resources and so the meter accuracy assumes a lot more importance. The classical meter is an induction disc meter where disc rotation is proportional to the energy consumed. It is termed as electro-magnetic meter in which the flux provided by currents in fixed coils reacts with the induced eddy currents in the disk and rotate it. These meters have moving parts, their accuracy is lower and are cheaper than the solid-state meters. A solid state meter is one without any moving parts. The application of electronics with integrated circuits / microprocessors to metering technology has made it possible to produce meter with a higher precision. The merits: The electronic meter has a higher accuracy (0.2, 0.5 or 1 accuracy class) on a full range of load. The induction meter tends to slow down with time. The probability of tampering is more in an induction meter and is very less in an electronic meter. Electronic meter has a very narrow error band over a large load range and has high reproducibility of the measured quantities due to the absence of moving components in the measuring circuit.


Advantages of Electronic Metering: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Accurate customer billing high precision and accuracy resulting in metering of accurate energy consumption. Provides tamper information. Consistency in accuracy and ensured reliability. No calibration of the meter. Lower operating costs. As there are no moving parts, no meter stuck ups and maintenance is minimized. Compactness. Compatible with hand held meter reading instruments, computers and remote reading equipments.

Roles & Responsibilities Of Meter Reading Personnel: Precautions to be observed while fixing a meter to the service 1. To start with the meter has to be got check tested in the section office itself. a. Electromagnetic meter - for rotation of the disc in all the three phases for a three phase meter, and rotation of the disc in the case of a single phase meter. b. Electrostatic meter supply pulse to be checked in the single phase meter and for a three phase meter push button has to be pressed and the voltages in all the three phases to be checked. 2. Meter fixing Meter to be fixed in the consumers premises at an easily accessible safe place at a height of about 5 feet from the ground for enabling the meter reader to record correct readings. 3. After fixing of the meter in the consumers premises the meter has to be checked for its functioning properly. a. Electromagnetic meters with a heater load b. Electronic meters for availability of correct voltages / voltage.


Precautions To Be Taken While Taking Meter Readings 1. The following details shall be entered in the meter reading register kept in the section office. Top entries on the page: Name of the consumer Address Contracted load Connected load Contact No: Monthly readings Month: Reading 2. The service number of the consumer has to be painted on the meter board and at the entrance outside the house premises. 3. After taking the meter reading, the recorded consumption has to be compared with the earlier recorded consumptions. 4. If the meter is not working it has to be recorded accordingly and intimated to the section officer. Nil consumption shall never be recorded. 5. The availability or otherwise of meter terminal cover seal, meter cover seals and the meter box seal if box is provided is to be noted. 6. The purpose for which the supply was released and being used has to be noted. 7. If the consumer has connected any additional loads other than the contracted load it has to be noted & brought to the notice of the section officer. 8. Meter to be checked for performance with consumers load. 9. Meter readings are to be recorded properly without any parallax error. 10. In case of C.T. meters the multiplication factor has to be noted compulsorily and the readings difference multiplied with m.f. 11. At the time of taking meter readings the reader has to check whether the service is a live service or under disconnection service. To facilitate this the d.c.s & r.c.s are to be noted in the reading register.

Category of service Purpose Meter particulars M.F I.R

12. Meter readings are to be noted strictly in accordance with the dates assigned and in case of any burnt or stuck up meters the cases are to be reported to the section officer and average consumptions to be worked out by the section officer only. 13. No burnt meter is to be changed or directed with out proper authorization. 14. In case if the consumer does not pay the burnt meter charges, the meter cost may be got included in the energy consumption bill. 15. The stuck up meters and burnt meters services are to be carefully watched and pursued for immediate replacement. 16. The meter readings are to be noted both in the register and on the reading formats on the specified dates for enabling timely preparation of the bills. 17. While taking readings, the consumer has to be intimated the consumptions recorded and make an entry in the consumers card with authentication 18. It is advisable to rotate the meter readers and areas periodically so that anomalies or discrepancies will not find a place. 19. If the theft of energy or malpractice is suspected at any service premises the fact may be brought to the notice of the higher authorities. 20. The discrepancies noticed while taking meter readings may be recorded as noted and intimated to the section officer in writing. a. Under disconnection services b. UDC services with forward readings c. Meter struck up services d. Services with improper M.C. or T.C. seals e. Additional load services f. Burnt meter services g. Disc rotating but reading dial not working services h. Unauthorized service extension premises i. Suspected theft of energy or malpractice services


21. For new services released, care has to be taken to keep track of the issue of first bill and if the first bill is not received, it has to be intimated to the section officer for follow up action. 22. It is the bounden duty of each of the utility employees to be able to read and write the meter readings 23. If there is an excess reading in the meter it has to be recorded as it is and informed to the section officer. The consumer also has to be kept informed. 24. Recording of incorrect readings spoils the image and prospects of the meter reader and the utility as well. Wrong readings shall be avoided at any cost. 25. The future of the distribution system depends on the furnishing of correct readings and so hundred percent billing and hundred percent collections are to be ensured. Certain Guidelines 1. Meter to be fixed at an easily accessible location. 2. There shall be no joints in the incoming service wires and the wires shall be taken to the meter in a visible way rather than through pipes embedded in the walls. 3. There shall be no scope for meter board tilting or meter box tilting. 4. The cases such as sluggish meters, glass broken meters and seals tampered etc., shall be immediately brought to the notice of the section officer for taking further follow up action. 5. Once in three months three phase E.M. meters may be checked with a heater load and Electronic meters checked for availability of voltages in all three phases with push button. 6. Once in three months neutral continuity may be checked in the single phase services 7. Spot billing machine has to be operated carefully and correct billing to be issued by pressing right numbers 8. While issuing spot bills ribbon to be got changed whenever it is required and the spot billing machines to be replaced if they are serving for more than five years 9. Special attention has to be paid to high value services and the unusual variations in monthly consumptions have to be got

thoroughly verified so as to ensure that no suppression of energy is involved. Metering, Billing And Collection: Metering, billing and collection are very vital ingredients of the distribution system and are three discrete sets of activities. Metering is the starting point and is a techno commercial activity. Billing is a consumer oriented activity and it is the distribution systems duty to issue accurate bills in time to the consumer. The collection is the most difficult activity and the survival of the system depends upon the collection efficiency. At the end of the metering and billing, bills are issued and distributed to the consumers. A period of up to 14 days is given to the consumer to pay the bills. To motivate the consumer to make payment within due date, a delayed payment charge or surcharge is levied for late payment. If consumer fails to make payment then interest is levied on his over due bills. Even after this if consumer does not pay, then the last resort is to disconnect the supply. Sometimes notice of disconnection is issued separately and some times it is incorporated in the bill itself. As a final way the consumers supply is disconnected. In all these activities computerization has brought in improvements by making it easier, faster and more accurate. many

A bill collection system cannot exist independent of the billing system and has to be built upon the foundation of the billing system. The computerized collection system should have the following objectives. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Help in reduction of arrears. Online up-date of consumers account Provide information to staff for dealing with consumers billing complaints Provide MIS on collection activities for efficient monitoring and action by management. Prevent / reduce frauds and malpractices

In EROs the consumer accounts of billing are computerized. The particulars of the consumers related to category, connected load, Contracted load, meter number and capacity, consumption deposit paid etc. are furnished into the master file. The monthly payments made by the consumers are also

fed to the computer every month. The data is processed and monthly ledger is produced by the computer duly indicating opening balances, debits / credits and closing balances. The work relating to computerized billing and accounting can be classified as i) ii) Input Data: 1. Meter reading of the consumers 2. Collection data 3. Miscellaneous data: a. Meter changes, load changes etc. b. New services and deletions c. Carrying out corrections on the verified outputs of previous month d. Adjustment bill amount, bill revisions etc. e. Data relating to disconnection and reconnections Output Data: Output data furnished by the computer to be verified by the ERO 1. Consumer ledgers 2. Adjustment bills 3. Exception reports and financial reports Exceptions: Meters not existing Stuck up/ burnt meters Door lock/ reading not furnished cases Abnormally high consumption Abnormally low consumption Progressive reading in UDC services

Furnishing input and Check of outputs

Consumption less than usage (sluggish) Meter changed services Regressive reading and multiple meters in a single service. Credits To Be Taken While Billing: All payments received up to and inclusive of 23rd of each month are to be taken into account before generating the bills. The tariff rate to be indicated on the bill The energy charges in the bill format to be indicated. ACD Notices: The adequacy of the ACD payable is to be reviewed every year and notice served to all except domestic, agricultural and government services. Notices For Termination Of Agreement: List of UDC services for more than three months along with notices to be sent, Bills shall not be stopped till the confirmation is received from the field stating that the service is dismantled physically. Cheques Dishonoured Cases: Separate D list to be sent by AAO/ERO to the section office. Transfer of high consumption services to high value High Consumption Service: 500 units/month for domestic 400 units/month for commercial 575 units/month for general purpose To be transferred to high value category for every half year. T.C Seals And Transformer Codes: Private Accounting Agencies (PAAs) to print T.C seal number and Transformer location code on the bill and as well as in the master. Services Transferred To Out Standing Ledger: All the services in outstanding ledger shall be brought into the regular ledger with an indication of status 13 (Bills stopped).


Capacitor Surcharge: The capacitor surcharge is to be levied to all such consumers who have not installed adequate capacitors. Status Codes: All the PAAs have to follow uniformly the following Status Codes. Status code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Type Normal Stuck-up Under Disconnection Meter Changed Door Lock Meter Not Existing Round Completed Status Code 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Type Reading Not furnished NIL Consumption Multiple Meters Meter Burnt (With Supply) Consumption less than Usage Bill Stopped Dismantled Services

General: Interest on electricity duty should be calculated and added to bill amount. For the new services released, even if the reading is not furnished in MRB, the first bill must be generated by PAA basing on the monthly return furnished for the new services released. List of disconnected services and reconnected services during the month should be furnished every month by each PAA. A separate Report is to be generated by each PAA on glass broken, seals missing, category changes etc., as reported by Meter reader and sent to ERO & field.


Features To Be Built Into The Billing System: Details of Arrears Age wise break up of arrears Last payment particulars Bounced cheque record of consumer If disconnected then those details If granted installment then those details If sub judice then those details The billing system should generate following reports: Disconnection lists age wise analysis of arrears i. ii. iii. iv. The 80 20 rule 20% consumers generate 80% revenue Priorities by amount due Prioritization by age. Exclusion non actionable granted installments, gone to court, essential services, Govt. etc., a) Dynamic disconnection lists Duration between two consecutive bills might have seen some changes in the reality which may not reflect in the computer. The dynamic lists can be made progressive, dynamic and online. b) Building of consumer history database c) Instalment plan monitoring system d) Meter tracking system e) MIS of collection f) Month end arrears g) Online collection counters h) Real time data posting i) Online inquires instead of reports j) Online billing disputes settlements

Consumer Analysis Tool (Cat): As entire billing information is available, reports related to key process of metering, Billing and collections can be generated. The consumption pattern for each of the consumers is analyzed for a 12 month period. The collections made against the demand raised age analyzed. This helps in identification of the following types of irregularities. 1. Consumers not paying for a long time and still enjoying supply. 2. Significant arrears outstanding against the individual consumers for the last 12 months. 3. Particular cases of collusion where journal entries made to cover up arrears due from consumers who enjoy supply despite default. 4. Metering irregularities such as a. Services continuing with stuck up meters for long periods b. Services where meters not read for long periods c. Services with continuous nil consumption cases d. Services of progressive meter readings which are supposed to be under disconnection e. Billing shortfalls due to disproportionate averages f. Consumptions disproportionate to connected load and usage g. Services of unusual deviations in consumptions h. Services billed for minimum charges for long periods Normal Procedure Of Collection: At the end of metering and billing, bills have to be issued to the consumers. A period of 7 days to 14 days is given to the consumer to pay. To motivate the consumer to make payment by due rate delayed payment charge is levied for late payments. If consumer does not pay, the remedy is to disconnect the supply. Prior to disconnection the consumer has to be given a notice of disconnection. It is incorporated in the bill itself or sometimes it is issued separately. As a last resort, the consumers supply is disconnected.

Better To Build The System Of Billing & Collection In Phases: Phase I First step towards building a full fledged collection system i) ii) Phase II This consist of i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Phase III This phase should aim at achieving fully all objectives of the collection system. It should therefore consist of i. ii. iii. iv. Online collection counters Online data posting. Online inquiries instead of reports. Online billing disputes settlements. Dynamic disconnection lists Building up of consumer history database Installment plan monitoring system. Meter tracking system. MIS on collection system. Month end Arrears. Features to be built into the billing system. Grass root level automation.

The spot billing system (SBS) is being carried on with the help of hand held computer. Consumer Analysis Tools (CAT) will help better realization of the consumption bills and in rendering timely service to the consumers. With the advent of microprocessor based metering and improvement in information technology, the metering efficiency and effectiveness have enhanced enormously there by helping the electric utilities to become more viable.


Meter Reading And Bill Presentation: A meter reading system must deliver accurate and timely bills to the consumer. The methods in use are: Manual Remote AMR Prepaid Load limiters Bill on line Electric billing Manual: In manual reading meter readers are employed and involve cost and time. But the manual method is still the most cost effective for most consumers. For modern electronic meters, intelligent hand held meter reading devices can be used which are relatively cheap. The cost is soon recovered by saving on elimination of data entry and expedited billing process. A cost benefit evaluation revealed a payback period of one to two years in various utilities. Additionally the devices provide useful meter reader performance analysis features such as high and low consumption edits notepad for recording information by the meter reader for ex: glass broken and message for meter reader ex: beware of dogs. Key required and meter location details. Spot Billing: In some utilities for industrial consumers, commercial consumers and domestic consumers the meter reader visits the consumer premises and issues the bill there after taking the reading. This saves time in issuing bills. Annual Meter Reading: For certain consumers meters can be read yearly but bills can be issued bimonthly, quarterly on the basics of estimated consumption. Any discrepancy in reading is adjusted in the final billing when yearly reading is taken. This method can be used for agriculture and remote domestic consumers. Monthly, bimonthly, quarterly reading Out sourcing of billing function

Meter reading and billing is entrusted to an agency on contract or franchisee. Out sourcing of only billing to an agency Self billing: in some utilities, the small consumers domestic consumers, commercial consumer read their own meters on monthly basis. They prepare their bills from ready/reckoner pasted on meters. Remote (AMR): It is suitable for apartments, shopping complexes large commercial and industrial consumers Advantages: Reduced meter reading cost, improved consumer service AMR is the remote collection of consumption data from the consumer meter over a telephone line, radio system or power line carrier AMR comprises three elements 1. Automatic reading of meter 2. A communication lines between the meters and central billing system 3. A centralized information data base on consumption Prepaid Metering: A prepaid electricity metering system allows the consumer to buy credit from utility to use specified quantum of energy in the form of an encoded token when inserted in an appropriate slot in the meter allows the consumer to use energy at his/her credit. Online billing: in cities electricity bills can be/delivered to consumers via the internet. In Mumbai BEST Co delivers Electricity bills. Electronic billing: consumers will be able to receive and pay electricity bills at the touch of a button. In internet based billing and payment serve the consumer can receive and pay bills by logging on utility website.


Collection boxes for bank draft / cheques for electricity payment may be made at strategic points - E-seva centers - Collection through banks - Collection on fast track - All time collection centres - Revenue office counters - Customer service centres



With enormous quantities of electricity being handled by the electricity departments and utilities, even one percent reduction in Transmission and distribution losses would provide large financial benefits to the utilities. To realize the benefits; a systematic approach to reduce commercial and technical losses is required. The reduction of Technical losses can be achieved through system improvements and up gradation schemes to reduce over loading of lines, transformers, improvement of voltage profile etc which may require capital investments Reduction in commercial losses can be achieved at a much lesser cost are in a shorter time frame Energy accounting is a means to know the obtaining position of energy inputs and returns. Development of comprehensive energy accounting system would enable quantification of losses indifferent segments of the system and their segregation in to commercial and technical losses and is a first step towards the reduction of T&D losses. The Main Objectives Of Energy Accounting Are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Identification of areas where billing or revenue collections are not commensurate with energy supplied. Improvement in metering, billing and revenue realization Identification of areas of high energy losses Segregation of high energy losses into Technical and commercial losses To identify remedial steps for reduction of both technical and commercial losses.

Energy Accounting involves preparation of accounts of the energy flow to various segments and various categories of services and how it has been consumed out of total available quantum over a specified period. Development Of Successful Energy Accounting System Requires: (a) Metering system of requisite quality (b) Development of a accountability in the organization (c) Up gradation of billing and revenue collection

(d) MIS on energy account, billing and revenue collection (e) Follow up. Accounting And Auditing In Electricity: Sector would imply evolving procedures and checks to account for energy from generating stations down to consumer level. Now the focus would be from grid sub-stations where sub-transmission systems take off, to supply power to consumers at different voltage levels. The objective is reduction and prevention of commercial losses and also to develop plans for tackling technical losses. In energy accounting system, unit of electricity (KwH) is to be treated as a unit of electrical money and the accounting & auditing system should ensure that the energy made available at sub-station/11 kv feeder/distribution Transformers and units utilized by the consumers are to be checked to see whether the difference between the two are reasonable and within permissible limits. IT should ensure that all energy is billed and revenue realized in an effective manner. Energy accounting and auditing is not a onetime exercise but it has to be carried on a regular basis. The financial turnaround of the utilities can be achieved through a well developed energy accounting and audit system to ensure accountability at all levels.


In compliance with section 3 of the Electricity Act 2003 the Central Government hereby notifies the Tariff policy in continuation of the National Electricity Policy (NEP) notified on 12th February 2005. The National Electricity Policy has set the goal of adding new generation capacity of more than one lakh MW during the 10th and 11th Plan periods to have per capita availability of over 1000 units of electricity per year and to not only eliminate energy and peaking shortages but to also have a spinning reserve of 5% in the system. Development of the power sector has also to meet the challenge of providing access for electricity to all households in next five years. Legal Positions: 1. Section 3 (1) of the Electricity Act 2003 empowers the Central Government to formulate the tariff policy. Section 3 (3) of the Act enables the Central Government to review or revise the tariff policy from time to time. 2. The Act also requires that the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) shall be guided by the tariff policy in discharging their functions including framing the regulations under section 61 of the Act. 3. Section 61 of the Act provides that Regulatory Commissions shall be guided by the principles and methodologies specified by the Central Commission for determination of tariff applicable to generating companies and transmission licensees. 4. The Forum of Regulators has been constituted by the Central Government under the provisions of the Act which would, inter alia, facilitate consistency in approach specially in the area of distribution. Evolution Of The Policy: The tariff policy has been evolved in consultation with the State Governments and the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and keeping in view the advice of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission and suggestions of various stakeholders. Objectives Of The Policy: The objectives of this tariff policy are to: 1. Ensure availability of electricity to consumers at reasonable and competitive rates; 2. Ensure financial viability of the sector and attract investments;

3. Promote transparency, consistency and predictability in regulatory approaches across jurisdictions and minimise perceptions of regulatory risks; 4. Promote competition, efficiency in operations and improvement in quality of supply. General Approach To Tariff: Introducing competition in different segments of the electricity industry is one of the key features of the Electricity Act, 2003. Competition will lead to significant benefits to consumers through reduction in capital costs and also efficiency of operations. It will also facilitate the price to be determined competitively. The Central Government has already issued detailed guidelines for tariff based bidding process for procurement of electricity by distribution licensees for medium or long-term period vide gazette notification dated 19th January, 2005. Return On Investment : Balance needs to be maintained between the interests of consumers and the need for investments while laying down rate of return. Return should attract investments at par with, if not in preference to, other sectors so that the electricity sector is able to create adequate capacity. The rate of return should be such that it allows generation of reasonable surplus for growth of the sector. The Central Commission may adopt either Return on Equity approach or Return on Capital approach whichever is considered better in the interest of the consumers. The State Commission may consider distribution margin as basis for allowing returns in distribution business at an appropriate time. The Forum of Regulators should evolve a comprehensive approach on Distribution Margin within one year. The considerations while preparing such an approach would, inter-alia, include issues such as reduction in Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses, improving the standards of performance and reduction in cost of supply. Equity Norms: For financing of future capital cost of projects, a Debt: Equity ratio of 70:30 should be adopted. Promoters would be free to have higher quantum of equity investments. The equity in excess of this norm should be treated as loans advanced at the weighted average rate of interest and for a weighted average tenor of the long term debt component of the project after ascertaining the reasonableness of the interest rates and taking into account the effect of debt restructuring done, if any. In case of equity below the normative level, the actual equity would be used for determination of Return on Equity in tariff computations.

Depreciation: The Central Commission may notify the rates of depreciation in respect of generation and transmission assets. The depreciation rates so notified would also be applicable for distribution with appropriate modification as may be evolved by the Forum of Regulators. The rates of depreciation so notified would be applicable for the purpose of tariffs as well as accounting. There should be no need for any advance against depreciation. Benefit of reduced tariff after the assets have been fully depreciated should remain available to the consumers. Cost Of Debt: Structuring of debt, including its tenure, with a view to reducing the tariff should be encouraged. Savings in costs on account of subsequent restructuring of debt should be suitably incentivised by the Regulatory Commissions keeping in view the interests of the consumers. Cost Of Management Of Foreign Exchange Risk: Foreign exchange variation risk shall not be a pass through. Appropriate costs of hedging and swapping to take care of foreign exchange variations should be allowed for debt obtained in foreign currencies. This provision would be relevant only for the projects where tariff has not been determined on the basis of competitive bids. Operating Norms: Suitable performance norms of operations together with incentives and dis-incentives would need be evolved along with appropriate arrangement for sharing the gains of efficient operations with the consumers. Except for the cases referred to in para 5.3 (h)(2), the operating parameters in tariffs should be at normative levels only and not at lower of normative and actual. This is essential to encourage better operating performance. The norms should be efficient, relatable to past performance, capable of achievement and progressively reflecting increased efficiencies and may also take into consideration the latest technological advancements, fuel, vintage of equipments, nature of operations, level of service to be provided to consumers etc. Continued and proven inefficiency must be controlled and penalized. The Central Commission would, in consultation with the Central Electricity Authority, notify operating norms from time to time for generation and transmission. The SERC would adopt these norms. In cases where operations have been much below the norms for many previous years, the

SERCs may fix relaxed norms suitably and draw a transition path over the time for achieving the norms notified by the Central Commission. Operating norms for distribution networks would be notified by the concerned SERCs. For uniformity of approach in determining such norms for distribution, the Forum of Regulators should evolve the approach including the guidelines for treatment of state specific distinctive features. Renovation And Modernization: Renovation and modernization (it shall not include periodic overhauls) for higher efficiency levels needs to be encouraged. A multi-year tariff (MYT) framework may be prescribed which should also cover capital investments necessary for renovation and modernization and an incentive framework to share the benefits of efficiency improvement between the utilities and the beneficiaries with reference to revised and specific performance norms to be fixed by the Appropriate Commission. Appropriate capital costs required for pre-determined efficiency gains and/or for sustenance of high level performance would need to be assessed by the Appropriate Commission. Multi Year Tariff: Section 61 of the Act states that the Appropriate Commission, for determining the terms and conditions for the determination of tariff, shall be guided inter-alia, by multi-year tariff principles. The MYT framework is to be adopted for any tariffs to be determined from April 1, 2006. The framework should feature a five-year control period. The initial control period may however be of 3 year duration for transmission and distribution if deemed necessary by the Regulatory Commission on account of data uncertainties and other practical considerations. In cases of lack of reliable data, the Appropriate Commission may state assumptions in MYT for first control period and a fresh control period may be started as and when more reliable data becomes available. Uncontrollable costs should be recovered speedily to ensure that future consumers are not burdened with past costs. Uncontrollable costs would include (but not limited to) fuel costs, costs on account of inflation, taxes and cess, variations in power purchase unit costs including on account of hydrothermal mix in case of adverse natural events. Clear guidelines and regulations on information disclosure may be developed by the Regulatory Commissions. Section 62 (2) of the Act empowers the Appropriate Commission to require licensees to furnish separate details, as may be specified in respect of generation, transmission and distribution for determination of tariff.


Benefits Under CDM: Tariff fixation for all electricity projects (generation, transmission and distribution) that result in lower Green House Gas (GHG) emissions than the relevant base line should take into account the benefits obtained from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) into consideration, in a manner so as to provide adequate incentive to the project developers. In some cases, the duties etc. on consumption of electricity is linked to sources of generation (like captive generation) and the level of duties levied is much higher as compared to that being levied on the same category of consumers who draw power from grid. Such a distinction is invidious and inappropriate. The sole purpose of freely allowing captive generation is to enable industries to access reliable, quality and cost effective power. Particularly, the provisions relating to captive power plants which can be set up by group of consumers has been brought in recognition of the fact that efficient expansion of small and medium industries across the country will lead to faster economic growth and creation of larger employment opportunities. Generation: Accelerated growth of the generation capacity sector is essential to meet the estimated growth in demand. Adequacy of generation is also essential for efficient functioning of power markets. At the same time, it is to be ensured that new capacity addition should deliver electricity at most efficient rates to protect the interests of consumers. This policy stipulates the following for meeting these objectives. Procurement Of Power: Power procurement for future requirements should be through a transparent competitive bidding mechanism using the guidelines issued by the Central Government vide gazette notification dated 19th January, 2005. These guidelines provide for procurement of electricity separately for base load requirements and for peak load requirements. This would facilitate setting up of generation capacities specifically for meeting peak. Tariff Structuring And Associated Issues : A two-part tariff structure should be adopted for all long term contracts to facilitate Merit Order dispatch. According to National Electricity Policy, the Availability Based Tariff (ABT) is to be introduced at State level by April 2006. This framework would be extended to generating stations (including grid connected captive plants of capacities as determined by the SERC). The Appropriate Commission may also introduce differential rates of fixed charges for peak and off peak hours for better management of load.

Power Purchase Agreement should ensure adequate and bankable payment security mechanisms like letter of credit, escrow of cash flows etc. the generating companies may sell to other buyers. In case of coal based generating stations, the cost of project will also include reasonable cost of setting up coal washeries, coal beneficiation system and dry ash handling & disposal system. Harnessing Captive Generation: The prices should be differentiated for peak and off-peak supply and the tariff should include variable cost of generation at actual levels and reasonable compensation for capacity charges. Alternatively, a frequency based real time mechanism can be used and the captive generators can be allowed to inject into the grid under the ABT mechanism. Grid connected captive plants could also supply power to non-captive users connected to the grid through available transmission facilities based on negotiated tariffs. Such sale of electricity would be subject to relevant regulations for open access. Non-Conventional Sources Of Energy Generation Including Cogeneration: Pursuant to provisions of section 86(1)(e) of the Act, the Appropriate Commission shall fix a minimum percentage for purchase of energy from such sources taking into account availability of such resources in the region and its impact on retail tariffs. Such percentage for purchase of energy should be made applicable for the tariffs to be determined by the SERCs latest by April 1, 2006. It will take some time before non-conventional technologies can compete with conventional sources in terms of cost of electricity. Therefore, procurement by distribution companies shall be done at preferential tariffs determined by the Appropriate Commission. Such procurement by Distribution Licensees for future requirements shall be done, as far as possible, through competitive bidding process under Section 63 of the Act within suppliers offering energy from same type of nonconventional sources. In the long-term, these technologies would need to compete with other sources in terms of full costs. The Central Commission should lay down guidelines within three months for pricing non-firm power, especially from nonconventional sources, to be followed in cases where such procurement is not through competitive bidding.

Transmission: Ensuring optimal development of the transmission network to promote efficient utilization of generation and transmission assets in the country. Transmission Pricing: A suitable transmission tariff framework for all inter-State transmission, including transmission of electricity across the territory of an intervening State as well as conveyance within the State which is incidental to such inter-state transmission, needs to be implemented with the objective of promoting effective utilization of all assets across the country and accelerated development of new transmission capacities that are required. The National Electricity Policy mandates that the national tariff framework implemented should be sensitive to distance, direction and related to quantum of power flow. This would be developed by CERC taking into consideration the advice of the CEA. Such tariff mechanism should be implemented by 1st April 2006. Transmission charges, under this framework, can be determined on MW per circuit kilometer basis, zonal postage stamp basis, or some other pragmatic variant, the ultimate objective being to get the transmission system users to share the total transmission cost in proportion to their respective utilization of the transmission system. The overall tariff framework should be such as not to inhibit planned development/augmentation of the transmission system, but should discourage non-optimal transmission investment. After the implementation of the proposed framework for the inter-State transmission, a similar approach should be implemented by SERCs in next two years for the intra-State transmission, duly considering factors like voltage, distance, direction and quantum of flow. Metering compatible with the requirements of the proposed transmission tariff framework should be established on priority basis. The metering should be compatible with ABT requirements, which would also facilitate implementation of Time of Day (ToD) tariffs. Approach To Transmission Loss Allocation : Transactions should be charged on the basis of average losses arrived at after appropriately considering the distance and directional sensitivity, as applicable to relevant voltage level, on the transmission system. Based on the methodology laid down by the CERC in this regard for inter- state transmission, Forum of Regulators may evolve a similar approach for intrastate transmission.


The loss framework should ensure that the loss compensation is reasonable and linked to applicable technical loss benchmarks. The benchmarks may be determined by the Appropriate Commission after considering advice of CEA. Distribution: Supply of reliable and quality power of specified standards in an efficient manner and at reasonable rates is one of the main objectives of the National Electricity Policy. The State Commission should determine and notify the standards of performance of licensees with respect to quality, continuity and reliability of service for all consumers. It is desirable that the Forum of Regulators determines the basic framework on service standards. A suitable transition framework could be provided for the licensees to reach the desired levels of service as quickly as possible. Penalties may be imposed on licensees in accordance with section 57 of the Act for failure to meet the standards. Making the distribution segment of the industry efficient and solvent is the key to success of power sector reforms and provision of services of specified standards. Therefore, the Regulatory Commissions need to strike the right balance between the requirements of the commercial viability of distribution licensees and consumer interests. Loss making utilities need to be transformed into profitable ventures which can raise necessary resources from the capital markets to provide services of international standards to enable India to achieve its full growth potential. Implementation Of Multi-Year Tariff (Myt) Framework : This would minimise risks for utilities and consumers, promote efficiency and appropriate reduction of system losses and attract investments and would also bring greater predictability to consumer tariffs on the whole by restricting tariff adjustments to known indicators on power purchase prices and inflation indices. The framework should be applied for both public and private utilities. The State Commissions should introduce mechanisms for sharing of excess profits and losses with the consumers as part of the overall MYT framework. In the first control period the incentives for the utilities may be asymmetric with the percentage of the excess profits being retained by the utility set at higher levels than the percentage of losses to be borne by the utility. This is necessary to accelerate performance improvement and reduction in losses and will be in the long term interest of consumers by way of lower tariffs. Incumbent licensees should have the option of filing for separate revenue requirements and tariffs for an area where the State Commission has

issued multiple distribution licenses, pursuant to the provisions of Section 14 of the Act National Electricity Policy. Framework For Revenue Requirements And Costs: Section 65 of the Act provides that no direction of the State Government regarding grant of subsidy to consumers in the tariff determined by the State Commission shall be operative if the payment on account of subsidy as decided by the State Commission is not made to the utilities and the tariff fixed by the State Commission shall be applicable from the date of issue of orders by the Commission in this regard. The State Commissions should ensure compliance of this provision of law to ensure financial viability of the utilities. To ensure implementation of the provision of the law, the State Commission should determine the tariff initially, without considering the subsidy commitment by the State Government for the respective categories of consumers. Tariff Design: Linkage Of Tariffs To Cost Of Service: In terms of the Section 61 (g) of the Act, the Appropriate Commission shall be guided by the objective that the tariff progressively reflects the efficient and prudent cost of supply of electricity. The State Governments can give subsidy to the extent they consider appropriate as per the provisions of section 65 of the Act. Direct subsidy is a better way to support the poorer categories of consumers than the mechanism of cross-subsidizing the tariff across the board. Subsidies should be targeted effectively and in transparent manner. As a substitute of cross-subsidies, the State Government has the option of raising resources through mechanism of electricity duty and giving direct subsidies to only needy consumers. This is a better way of targeting subsidies effectively. Surcharge Formula: S = T [C (1+ L / 100) + D] Where S is the surcharge T is the Tariff payable by the relevant category of consumers; C is the Weighted average cost of power purchase of top 5% at the margin excluding liquid fuel based generation and renewable power D is the Wheeling charge L is the system Losses for the applicable voltage level, expressed as a percentage


Tariff And Categories There are 2 main Types of Tariffs I. HT Tariff I. II. LT Tariff

HT Tariff is the most 2 part Tariff, The normal categories in HT are 1. (Processing, Manufacturing & Preserving) 2. Ferro alloys 3. HT other than HT (Commercial) 4. Lift Irrigation Schemes (Agriculture) 5. Railway Tractor 6. Town Ships


LT Categories 1. Domestic 2. Non Domestic (Commercial) 3. LT Industries 4. Cottage Industries 5. Agriculture 6. Public Lighting 7. General 8. Temporary The following is the consumption & revenues realized for a distribution company Domestic Non Domestic (Commercial) Agriculture Industrial Railways Lift Irrigation Public Lighting Consumption 19.6% 24.8% 42.6% 0.3% 3.5% 1.8% Revenue in (Rs. Crores) 20.2% 0.5% 58.8% 0.5% 2.8% 1.6%



There is an adage to the effect that what one person can assemble or put together certain qualities & quantities for a particular purpose, some other body with a little bit of perversion and perseverance can always try to tamper or meddle and go through it for undoing the objective. So no meter whatever be its features whether it is a electromagnetic or electrostatic can never be tamper proof and it is only a question of time, need, money and perversion. Hence the overriding need for utilities is to maintain a constant vigilance on the distribution system and have regular energy auditing. Any Meter Comprises Three Major Components: Physical components like wires, CCs, PCs, disc, bearings, recording mechanism, meter terminal block, meter body, meter glass etc., and PCBs, diodes, resistors, capacitors, display etc incase of electronic meters. Non-physical components like electrical elements such as voltage, current, frequency etc., Magnetic forces through magnets Any meter is open or prone for meddling through impacting one of the components mentioned above. Electronic meters too can become susceptible and open for meddling through application of high temperatures, harmonic and magnetic influences. Meter Connections Meddling: Single Phase Or Three Phase Meters: By changing the meter incoming wire to the outgoing terminal and the outgoing wire to the incoming terminal either for a single phase or three phases the meter recording gets adversely affected. The meter recording also gets adversely affected if the incoming and outgoing wires are directed.


Single phase meters can be meddled by having a neutral control switch in the load circuit. The incoming service wires if they are easily accessible supply can be tapped from the incoming wires before the meter by means of crocodile clips connections There shall be no joints in the incoming service wires. Incase of C.Ts meter both the C.T. box and meter box are to be checked for secondary C.Ts. & P.Ts connections to avoid tampering. Incase of metering cubicle of 11kv or high capacity services the secondary potential and current connections are to be verified and checked for polarity, phase sequence and conversion ratios. For 11kv metering cubicle, secondary side terminal box seals are to be in tact. The secondary service leads going from the secondary terminals to the meter shall be in a continuous pipe with no joints. It there are joints they shall be welded and there shall be no access to any intruders.

Meter connections in the meter terminal block, test terminal block etc. shall be tight and there shall be no scope for loose contacts or loose connections. Meter Meddling: Meter cover, meter terminal cover and meter glass are the prone areas for meddling. Meter box seals, meter cover seals, meter terminal cover seals, C.Ts box seals incase of C.Ts metering, T.T.B seals etc. are to be verified for their genuineness. The top meter cover can be bent upwards either on the top or or at the sides so that there results a slight gap between the meter covers and through this gap a thin material like tongue cleaner/ photo film or any thin plastic material can be inserted into the meter to meddle with the meter. A small hole can be drilled at the top of the meter and through this hole a thin broom stick can be inserted into the meter to meddle with meter. Also the meter terminal cover can be tampered so that the incoming and outgoing service wires can be shorted. The meter glass can be meddled by applying gradual pressure on the meter glass in such a way that the glass without being cracked or broken gives way for insertion of a foreign material into the meter. Here usually meter fixing clamps provide the lee way. In certain instances people with extraordinary negative skill hold the meter glass by using a vacuum suction mechanism, cut the glass and after meddling replace with another glass. The meter and the meter board shall not leave any scope for getting tilted which may affect the functioning of the meter adversely. Incase of any reported short circuits or burnings a careful, thorough and inquisitive observation has to be made to ascertain the reasons. The meters functioning can be affected by applying powerful magnetic forces, by using harmonics and applying intermittent high temperatures at the vulnerable points.


ECE Make Energy Meter: Top Cover Open

ECE Make Energy Meter TC, Top Cover Open


Single Phase Meter Top Cover Open

3 Phase Meter Top Cover Open


SIMCO Make Meter: Top Cover Open

SIMCO Make Meter: Top Cover Open


3 Phase Meter With 4 Nos Cts With Test Block

Meter Box Cover, CTs Box Cover In Open Condition


3 Phase Meter With 4 Nos CTs

3 Phase Meter With 4 Nos CTs


What Is Theft Of Energy? Dishonest abstraction of electricity energy or unauthorized abstraction of electricity energy. Elements Involved: Intention Dishonesty Movable or transferable Taken out of possession without consent For wrongful gain to one and loss to another The viability of an electricity utility depends upon the minimization of losses like technical and commercial losses. The major component of commercial loss is theft of energy. Commercial losses are incident as a consequence of human misconduct generally. Pilferage By direct tapping

- By manipulation of recording mechanism

Reasons That Force Consumer Or Non Consumer To Steal Electricity:

Economic factors Festive occasions Delays in arranging power supply Industries for evasion or reduction of taxes levies etc., Huge difference in tariff for different categories Restrictions on peak consumptions if restricted. o Success of an organization is generally measured by generation of profits. o In case of public sector undertakings in addition to profits, achievements of social and public goals are to be taken in to consideration for measuring success.

o Vigilance is an important tool to increase productivity and profitability. o Vigilance consists of PROACTIVE and REACTIVE roles. Proactive roles consist of preventive vigilance, surveillance and detection. o Reactive role consists of punitive vigilance o Vigilance is a battle of wits. Commercial Losses: Commercial losses are the losses that are incident in the system as a consequence of human misconduct generally. They occur on account of nonperforming and underperforming meters, wrong application of multiplying factors, meters not read, pilferage by manipulation of meters and theft by direct tapping etc. Unmetered supply to agricultural pumps/ works Pilferage & theft of energy Deficiencies in metering & billing system Lack of energy Accounting Laxity in the system for meter reading, meter checking and calibration. Wilful tampering By passing of meter No meter Faulty meter Non-reading of meter Inaccurate meter reading Inefficient billing Decentralized computer billing Measures For Reducing Commercial Losses: Tamper proof meter boxes & tamper proof seals Cut-out after meter Tamper proof electronic energy meter

Adequate meter testing facilities Use of reliable modern technology such as prepaid metering, remote metering Energy accounting and energy audit Prevention of theft of energy, vigilance & legal measures Unauthorized connections removal Putting high accuracy meters to services Pilferage In L.T Consumers: Methods Adopted Direct tapping from LT lines Through joints made behind the meter board From Iron clad cut outs if they are before meters Neutral control switches in single phase meters Tampering the meter terminal cover seal Tampering the meter cover seal Replacing the meter cover seals with counterfeits seals Creating a gap between the top & bottom meter covers Creating a hole to the meter cover Creating a gap at the meter glass Altering the position of meter Breaking the meter glass & re-fixing another glass in its place Subjecting the meter to violent shocks Burning the meter by creating loose connections at the terminal screws or by setting fire with inflammable materials Direct tapping from the L.T bushing terminals of the DTRs Tapping from the incoming service wires through crocodile type switches


Pilferage In H.T Consumers: Providing parallel paths to the secondary current circuit Direct tapping of H.T lines by short circuiting the incoming and outgoing jumpers of the metering cubicle Tampering the seals of the secondary terminal box of CTPT set either to short or change the ratio of C.T Meddling with the secondary terminals of CTs or PTs in the trivector meter Test terminal block meddling Seals tampering by getting the same numbered seal bits CTPT secondary leads pipe meddling & connections tampering Handling of leads going to the meter by meddling By-passing the CTs Magnetic switch in PT circuit Remote controlling of electronic meter and injecting high voltage through neutral Methods To Prevent Theft Of Energy In HT: Location of metering to be adjacent to the compound to facilitate visible examination and surprise accessibility Avoiding of repairs to CTPT metering sets Transparent acrylic sheet meter board for visibility of internal wiring Old sealing pliers to be destroyed Serial bunched cables in chronic direct tapping areas Testing of CTs & PTs for rating & phase Jumpers in HT installations to be insulated by tape or pipe A.B Switch in HT installation to be effectively sealed and registry maintained In case of failure of metering cubicle it has to be thoroughly checked Trivector meter terminal cover to be effectively sealed

Meter cover edges to be sealed thoroughly & numbered bits used Meter glass to be fixed in a firm and tamper proof manner The box housing the meter to be fixed rigidly and sealed Feeder energy meters calibration shall be carried meticulously in the sub-stations. M.R.T labs to be developed to be fool proof to prevent prefixing of errors in the meters. Application Of Modern Technology: Prepaid meters AMR (Automatic meter reading) Remote energy management Low no load loss Transformers Thyrister switched capacity Aluminium alloy conductor ABC (Aerial Bunched Conductor) Automation of sub-station SCADA DSM Technology Automatic sectionalisers RMU (Ring Main Unit) SF6 / Vacuum circuit breaker Energy efficient transformers amorphous metal transformer (AMT) (75% reduction in losses) CSP (Completely self protected) Single phase HV distribution system Dry type transformers


Conclusion: Vigilance is a battle of wits and it is always a sharpening of intelligence between the D.P.E squad and the pilfering agency. Usually the person pilfering will be one step ahead and will be under pursuit by the D.P.E wing. Constant vigilance is the price of no-pilferage.


Electromagnetic Meter: Meter Cover Seal Tampered

Tampered Meter Testing


Single Phase Electromagnetic Meter

Hole Drilled On Top Of Single Phase Meter


Electronic Meter

Electronic Meter: Top Cover Open


Electromagnetic Meter: Make Ferranti

Electromagnetic Meter: Clock Type Recording


3 Phase Current Electronic Meter With Top Cover Open

Single Phase Electronic Meter: Top Cover Open Indicating Tampering CT Secondary And Insertion Of A Resistor


Single Phase Electronic Meter Top Cover Open

CT Secondary, A Resistor Is Added


Single Phase Electronic Meter With Top Cover Open

Meter Incoming Terminal And Outgoing Terminal Have Been Directed By Resistor


Single Phase Electronic Meter With CT

Single Phase Electronic Meter Incoming, Outgoing Terminals Directed By Resistor



Certain Important Provisions: Electricity act 2003 was enacted by the parliament with the objective of Consolidating the laws relating to generation, transmission, distribution, trading and use of electricity Taking measures conducive to the development of electricity industry Promoting competition in electricity industry Protecting the interests of consumers Supply of electricity to all areas Rationalization of electricity tariff Constituting a central electricity authority, regulatory commissions and appellate tribunals Section 55 Section 55 contemplates compulsory metering of all the services with in 2 years. Concerned E.R.C is to initiate action on the defaulting company and person. It can extend this period if necessary Section 135 Theft Of Electricity: Whoever dishonestly Taps over head lines, underground cables or service wires of a licensee Tampers a meter, loop connection or any other device or a method which interferes with proper recording of units Damage electric meter - shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years or with fine or with both. Section 126 unauthorized use of electricity means the usage of electricity


a. By any artificial means b. By means not authorized by the concerned person or authority or licensee or c. Through a tampered meter d. For the purpose other than for which the usage of electricity was authorized e. For the premises for which the supply of electricity was not authorized Section 153 the state government may further for purposes of providing speedy trail of offences referred constitute as many special courts as may be necessary A special court consists of a single judge appointed by government with concurrence of high court
Unauthorized use of electricity Theft of energy

Section 126 only civil liability No provision for compounding

Section 135,138 civil as well as criminal liability Cognisable offence There is a provision for compounding of offence

Once the civil liability is over, the consumer Consumer liable for both civil and is not liable for further action criminal action No change in procedure for the successive After 1st conviction there is a recurrences provision for severity of punishment and the individual has no privilege to opt for compounding there on Power supply cannot be disconnected Power supply shall be immediately after detection immediately after detection disconnected

Inspecting officer is the provisional Assessment upto a period not less than one assessing officer and act as the final year at the rate of twice that of the tariff assessing officer too. Period of applicable. assessment shall be for the actual period of such unauthorized usage and the assessment shall be at one and half a times the rate of tariff applicable

Section 127 there is only one appeal which has to be made with in 30 days after making one third payment and the decision is final. Section 138 interference with meters or works of licensee. Restoration during disconnection period is a criminal act entailing 3 years imprisonment or fine of Rs.10,000/- or both. Section 145 No civil court has jurisdiction. Section 150 The utility officials can prosecute the ruffians and misleading leaders and the black sheep in the employees under abetment Section 151 The complaint can be lodged only by the employees of the utility. Section 152 compounding of the case permitted at the specified rates. This can be availed only once for any person or consumer. Section 153 a special court shall be constituted with a judge of the cadre of additional district and sessions judge. Section 154 special court can pardon summary trial with punishment upto 5 years Civil liability not less than 2 times the assessment for 12 months Section 156 appeal to high court Section 157 review by special court Section 168 protection for bonafide actions of assessing officer etc., Section 169 assessing officers along with others are public servants Section 170 finalized amounts to be treated as land revenue due Section 171 notice can be served on the person available or pasted at a prominent place.


Self care as well as co-workers safety is of utmost importance while carrying out electrical works to avoid any mishaps. Common experience reminds us that injurious occurrences are repeated despite knowledge of their causes or the availability of recommended controls. Many injurious events (almost 90%) that occur in work places can be predicted. The implication is clear that knowledge exists while if used would stem the vast majority of injurious events. That it is not used is evidenced by the annual injury totals. There is clear and extensive evidence that a good safety programme can reduce occupational injuries. Many believe that most if not all hazards and their unwanted consequences would be eliminated by better safety engineering Information about safety Attitude and Knowledge of individuals organized societies enact laws, establish rules and policies and use other broad-scale means to regularize the conduct of groups of individuals Supervision Electricity like fire is a useful servant when it is under control Electricity may create a hazard and be responsible for injury or damage when 1. A person becomes a part of an electrical circuit. Electric shock may be the result. 2. Unprotected elements of an electric circuit are subjected to overload and become hot. Fire may result if the ignition temperature of the materials adjacent to the hot surfaces is reached. 3. Arcing or sparking occurs, generally due to the jumping of electricity from one conductor to another during the making and breaking of contact. Fire may occur if the arcing takes place in an atmosphere that contains an explosive mixture. Electric Shock: The Critical factor in electric shock is the rate of current flow (amperes) that passes through the person when he or she is situated in an electrical circuit.


As little as 0.05 ampere may cause a fatal shock. Dry skin offers a certain amount of protection as it has a resistance of from 100,000 to 600,000 ohms. Wet skin has a reduced resistance of approximately 1000 ohms Guarding Live Electrical Elements: Electrical equipment operating at 50 volt or more should be guarded by enclosure or location. 1. At an elevation of 8 feet or more above the floor. 2. In a room or enclosure where only qualified & authorized persons can enter 3. If the equipment is operating at 600 volts or less it may be guarded & pasted with danger signs. Wiring, Switches & Tubes: Switches, fuses, circuit breakers and other control devices should be identified so that their open and closed positions are quickly recognized Grounding: Electricity follows the path of least resistance. The ground circuit will operate protective devices quickly to protect persons against the hazards of dangerous shocks. Storage Batteries: Storage batteries, when being charged evolve hydrogen (a flammable gas) as a product of the chemical change that takes place in the electrolyte. Room or enclosures where storage batteries are charged should be ventilated to remove explosive gas concentrations. Selected Physical Consideration For Safe Job Performance: (i) Near vision acuity(the ability to see objects at close range usually from eye up to arms length approx. 14 inches)

To Be Avoided (ii) (iii) (iv) Nervous disorders Epilepsy Alcoholism and other drug abuse


Every Body Shall Follow The Following: Safety of the self Safety of the co-workers Safety of the public Safety of the companys property Safety Precautions To Be Taken Before Taking Up The Work: Liquor to be avoided before or during the work process Cracking of jokes or any foul play shall be avoided while working Conditions of the safety tools & plants like hand gloves, cutting pliers, screw drivers, ladder, zoola, waist belt, safety rope have to be thoroughly checked. Safety precautions like whether the line is isolated fully and Earthing done in a pucca way etc have to be ensured. Fundamentals Of Safety: Cooperation of all co-workers is essential Unsafe worker cannot be relied upon and so to be avoided half knowledge is always dangerous. Thorough knowledge of the work and work conditions are to be kept in mind. General Causes Of Accidents: Working without proper authentication. Working carelessly, casually and in an unsafe way Using high capacity fuse or directing Not using of insulated pliers or screw drivers and using of improper T&P To work on unsafe or on any live equipment Diversion of attention from the job Not using of safety equipment & T&P Working under insufficient light conditions


Precautions To Be Followed While Working On Live Line Or Equipment: All the electrical circuits and equipments are hazardous and accident prone. So The Following Steps Shall Be Taken Before Taking Up The Job: Circuit shall be in off condition& line clear permit to be taken. Line/Equipment shall be earthed properly A.B. switch shall be kept off and locked Line shall be got discharged and earthed by earth-rod at one pole before and after the work place before starting the work Make sure that all men and material have safely returned after completion of work. Ensure that no T& P is left on the line and earth rods are removed While operating A.B. Switches using of gloves is a must and proper full opening of the blades to be visually verified. While working on line using of safety belt, waist belt, rope etc are to be followed and shall be habituated. Most of the mishaps or accidents can be avoided if proper care and attention are paid to the safety precautions and advices.



Distribution Loss: Every element in power system (a line or transformer) offers resistance to power flow and thus consumer some energy while performing the duty expected of it. The total energy consumed by all these element is classified as Technical loss I Current flowing R Resistance of line 1. Technical Loss: I2 R 2. Commercial Loss: Losses occurring on account of energy properly not recorded and accounted. These losses may be due to Nonperforming of meter Underperforming of meter Wrong application of multiplying factor Defects in CT & PT circuitry Meters not read properly Pilferage by manipulating or by passing meter Theft of power by direct tapping These losses are called commercial losses 3. Loss due to non realization of billing demand. The aggregate of A, B and C is called AT&C losses. Therefore AT & C loss to the utility is the sum of Technical loss, commercial loss and shortage due to non realization of total billed demand. Ex: Units input Units billed T&D losses Revenue collection Bill Realization Units : : : : : 100mu 70mu 30 Mu 90% of billing 90% of 70 = 63mu


Therefore AT & C losses = 100-63=37% Technical Losses: The major accounts of losses in Power system are in primary and secondary distribution lines The factors are: What is Reactive Power? Power factor is defined as the ratio of real power to apparent power. This definition is often mathematically represented as kW/ kVA, where the numerator is the active (real) power and the denominator is the (active+ reactive) or apparent power. Though the definition is very simple, the concept of reactive power is vague or confusing even too many of those who are technically knowledgeable. Explanation for reactive power says that in an alternating current system, when the voltage and current go up and down at the same time, only real power is transmitted and when there is a time shift between voltage and current both active and reactive power are transmitted. But, when the average in time is calculated, the average active power exists causing a net flow of energy from one point to another, whereas average reactive power is zero, irrespective of the network or state of the system. In the case of reactive power, the amount of energy flowing in one direction is equal to the amount of energy flowing in the opposite direction (or different parts -capacitors, inductors, etc- of a network, exchange the reactive power). That means reactive power is neither produced nor consumed. But, in reality we measure reactive power losses, introduce so many equipments for reactive power compensation to reduce electricity consumption and cost. Power Factor = Active power/Apparent power = kW/kVA = Active power/ (Active Power +Reactive Power) = kW/(kW+kVAr) The more foam (higher kVAr) indicates low power factor and vice versa. (In Electrical terms kW, kVA, and kVAr are vectors and we have to take the vector sum).


What Causes Low Power Factor In Electrical System? Various causes, which can be attributed for low PF, may be listed as follows. I. Lengthy Lines: In rural areas 11 KV lines and LT lines are laid over long distances to feed scattered loads over large area R= Resistance of condor L= Length of lines a= Cross section of conductor p= Constant R a pl a i.e resistance of conductor proportional to length of line Therefore if length increases R also increases, and hence mores losses (I2 R) Inadequate size of conductors: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The size of conductor should be selected based on KVA x Km for required voltage regulation. Distribution transformer not located at centre of secondary distribution system Low voltage at consumer terminals Low power factor Bad workman ship of lines Uneven distribution of loads on Transformers and feeders


Energy conservation is the deliberate practice or an attempt to save electricity, fuel or gas, to be able to put to additional use for additional productivity without spreading any additional resource or money. Energy is like time. Conservation once misused savings are lost forever There should be an element of urgency for energy conservation in the country as a whole to stop the energy drain. Simply we can say energy conservation is avoid wastage of energy. Why Conserve Energy: To reduce imports of energy and reduce the drain on foreign exchange One unit saving of power is 2 units generated. How To Conserve Energy: You can succeed with commitment and culture and planning Who is responsible for conservation of energy? The answer is everybody is responsible in the society. Myself, yourself and everybody Implementation: By school children By house wives Industrial workers Agriculture consumers Planning For Conservation: Short term measures: Mostly investment operational improvements requiring negligible capital

1. Inductive loads. Especially lightly loaded induction motors, and transformers 2. Induction Furnaces 3. Arc Lamps and arc furnaces with reactors. 4. Fault limiting reactors

5. High Voltage. The reactive power required by these loads increase the amount of apparent power in the distribution system and this increase in reactive power and apparent power results in a lower power factor. How To Improve Power Factor? Power factor can be improved by adding consumers of reactive power in the system like Capacitors or Synchronous Motors. It can also be improved by fully loading induction motors and transformers and also by using higher rpm machines. Usage of automatic tap changing system in transformers can also help to maintain better power factor. Advantages Increased load capabilities of distribution system Can be switched off with equipment thus no additional switching is required Better voltage regulation Capacitor sizing is simple Capacitors coupled with equipment can be relocated during rearrangements Disadvantages Small capacitors cost more per kVAr than larger units. Economic breakpoint is generally 10HP Difficult to install in special application areas like flame proof/increased safety Add more equipment for maintenance When the capacitor rating is too highmore than magnetizing kVA of the machine- it may damage the motor and other connected equipment

1. Good housekeeping practices use power whenever you require switch off when not required 2. Good maintenance of system and equipment 3. Balancing of loads on Distribution Transformer Medium Term Measures: Waste heat recovery devices. Modification and design of equipment needing moderate capital investment with payback period of 3 years o Replacement of incandescent bulbs by CFL lamps o Replacement of conventional ballast by ballast (latest technology)

o Installation of waste heat recovery devices o Power factor improvement Long Tem Measures: Modernisation equipment with payback period 5 to 6 years a. Replacement of oil circuit bearers by vacuum breakers and SF6 b. Replacement of old inefficient boilers c. Replacement of old DTRs by Amorphous DTRs Short term Measures Modernisation Measures Long term Measures Saving 5-10% Saving 15% Savings 20-25%



It is simple, if we have the will and concern! Use natural light & avoid switching 'ON' lights during daytime. Switch off lights and fans before leaving the Room or House. Switch off equipments like TV, Microwave, CD player, DVD Player, Music systems or any other remote operated appliance from the main switch instead of through remote. Remote is only for use while the equipment is switched on. You Save 7% By This Method: Replace Incandescent Bulbs by CFLs. Replace copper/aluminum chokes of Tube Lights by Electronic Chokes. Replace T12 Tube Lights by energy efficient T5 Tubes Replace Resistance Regulators (Box type) of fans by Electronic Regulators. Use correct settings of thermostat of Refrigerator (Change settings for Winters Sunbelt and avoid frequent and long duration opening of Refrigerator. Ensure Installation Of Thermostat Controlled Geysers: Avoid wasteful use of water by regulated water flow while o Brushing Teeth, Shaving, Washing Hands. o Flushing Toilet, Washing Floor, Watering Plants, Washing Cars etc o Above measures reduce power consumption for pumping water, apart from saving scarce water resources. Use Solar Water Heaters for hot water requirements. Use Submersible Pumps for pumping water from Bore wells, which will reduce energy consumption


How do we benefit by saving one unit a day? One unit a day means 30 units per month. If the consumption is more than 200 units per month, every unit in excess of 200 is charged at the rate of Rs 4.75 per unit and Rs.5.50 per unit in excess of 300 units per month 30 units saving per month means, Rs.142.50 and Rs.165.00 saving per month and about Rs.1800.00 per year by way of Electricity Bills. Is it not worth to put in a little bit of effort to Save Energy and spend small amount for energy efficient devices?

Let Us Start Saving Energy Right from Today Itself!



Regular Communication with Customers- A new utility Culture Communication, a method of sending a message from one person or group of persons to another, is of vital importance to a business because it involves all the persons and organizations connected with the businessemployees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, creditors, debtors, media representatives, tax authorities, local government and national government officials. Good communication will ensure that all these persons and organizations understand the message sent, which also makes them likely to respond favourably to the message. Good communication is not only what is said, but how it said. Bad communication makes people confused by the message and less likely to do what the business wants. Failure of communication may be the fault of various factors such as the message sender, there receiver, or the choice of channels (Written, spoken, electronic, one-way, or two-way channel) With regular communication, we are likely to minimize the risk of communication failure, miscommunication, confusion, and misunderstanding the purpose of the message. For a utility it is vital to stay in regular touch with its customers using a combination of various methods that may include the following: Keep customers informed of any short or long term possible changesfor a customer, any news is bad news. Offer the customers a free newsletter subscription. Ask customers if they want to be updated by e-mail when you make changes to your website After every new sign up, follow up with the customer to see if they are satisfied with the sign up/account activation/service procedures. Create a customer focus group of ten to twenty of your most loyal customers to meet regularly and brain storm on ideas and input on how to improve your customer service Make it easy for your customers to navigate on your web site. Have a Frequently Asked Questions page to pre-empt often repeating questions and save your customer the effort to make a telephone inquiry .

Have an electronic survey to find out how to make your website more customer friendly, as well as how to improve customer service. Make it easy for your customers to contact you by offering as many contact methods as possible (phone, fax, email, face-to face). Conduct fact-to-face meeting to disseminate information that would benefit from instant feedback and an opportunity of discussion. Use visual aids, such as presentation to illustrate main points. This allows for enforcement of the presented information and encourages discussion, while keeping large gatherings to the point. Customer Expectations: The best way to understand and anticipate what the customer is expecting from the utility is to put oneself in the shoes of the customer and think what you would expect from any service provider. As that competition in the electricity distribution sector grows bigger and fiercer, it is often the quality of customer service that makes or breaks a service provider. If a customer is able to buy the same amount and quality of service/product for a similar amount of money from more than one service provider, he is likely to go to the one the has had the most pleasant communication experience. It is, therefore, imperative to consider the numerous different aspects that are related to customer service, and the various forms of customer service a customer may come into contact with the utility. Most typical top priorities and expectations of the customer seem very simple and self evident. Yet, they are not yet to be taken lightly and are of often difficult to follow: Be accessible Do it right the first time Meet your commitments, keep your promises Tell the customer what to expect Be socially responsible and ethical Follow up as often as necessary Dont make the customer deal with poorly trained and ill-informed employees Do what the customer ask for promptly Be responsive to what the customer needs and wants Treat the customer courteously


Improvement in Collections is often listed amongst the top corporate objectives of a utility, In order to combat bad debt, utilities are focusing on new best practice concepts that strike three key dimensions: (i) effectiveness to reduce bad debt; (ii) efficiency to optimize the cost-to-collect; and (ii) yield to improve receivables cash flow. Best practices in collections include: Credit scoring based on credit risk, not just historical payment timeliness Offering prepayment products Offering multiple payment options Monitoring business accounts for early signs of credit risk Tailoring collections treatment paths for each customer segment Optimizing collections treatments while maintaining multi-jurisdiction regulatory compliance Utilizing outbound calling Pursuing call centre efficiency Enforcing consistency in deferred payment agreements Optimizing use of field disconnections Taking dynamic collection action, not bound by billing cycles Employing multiple collection agencies Knowing when to factor debt Optimizing cost to collect against debt recoveries Measuring and monitoring collections performance Institution a continuous improvement regime Another important collection procedure is to achieve consistency in deferred payment agreements. In addition to calculating and scheduling multiple instalment deferred payment schedule automatically, best practice should include defined payment agreement policies for each customer segment. These need to be established to meet both customer needs and regulatory requirements, and enforced automatically in the call center. Customer payments must be tracked against agreements in order, which

enables the customer service representative to deal with each customer in a fair and consistent manner. The importance to the utility is highlighted by the fact that some customers today use rep-shopping, where customers continually phone the call centre until they find a more lenient representatives who offers the most favourable terms. Advance Building Automation Programmes- Many new energy savings benefits are available to building owners through use of the newest developments form the controls industry. Enhanced building automation can increase the capability of existing energy for building management systems. These technologies also enable the integrated management and control of multisite businesses with multiple meters. Energy Information and Analysis-many utilities are already taking advantage of the opportunity to provide their customers with information and tools to manage their energy use more efficiently. The use of interval metered data combined with from-end told to enable the input of energy use characteristics for each device provides a wealth of data to enable more informed energy decision. General Objectives Of Such Utility Maintenance plans include the following: o o o o o o o o Reduce utility and energy costs Control inventory and assets Extend the life of your equipment Increase productivity Improve maintenance responsiveness Improve facility appearance Reduce facility and personnel liability risks Anticipate scheduled maintenance

Elements of a utility maintenance plan should at the minimum target the following goals: Assess and minimize risks Ensure operational reliability Identify equipment included in the program Ensure testing, inspection and maintenance of critical components Provide utility system plans and layouts to personnel operating the system.

Investigate utility failures and identify necessary corrective action Provide training, and education, to all personnel responsible for operational and maintenance, and repair Develop emergency procedures detailing the initial response to utility failures.


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