Working Towards Level 4c: Solving Problems

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Working Towards Level 4c

Maths targets for ________________________________________________ Date set Target 1st star 2nd star 3rd star 4th star 5th star Date Achieved

Solving Problems I can use different approaches to overcome successfully difficulties I have when solving problems. I can begin to recognise how a method can be applied to solve similar problems. When prompted I can simplify a problem by trying simpler cases. When prompted I can change one piece of information and notice the effect this has. I can interpret mathematical symbols and diagrams independently. I can usually present information and results in a clear and organised way. I can begin to recognise the patterns in mathematical problems and actively search for them. I can apply a rule to predict whether a number will be in the sequence or not. I can begin to use mathematical language to create a general statement orally. I can check a solution meets given criteria. Calculations I can use my knowledge of number facts to find complements for 1 using 1 decimal place numbers. I can use mental recall of all tables facts up ton 10x10 and derive division facts. I can use doubling and halving starting from known facts eg double and halve 2-digit numbers by doubling/halving tens first, or multiply by 20 by x10 and then doubling. I can use mental methods as a first resort eg when adding a 2-digit and a 3-digit number. I can refine informal and expanded methods or

use compact written methods when solving addition and subtraction problems involving two or more 3/4d-git integers and decimal fraction to one decimal place. I can begin to understand the associative and distributive laws as they apply to multiplication. I can begin to use brackets. I can solve multiplication problems, TUxU, HTUxU, TUxTU I can solve division problems, including those with integer remainders using TUU and HTUU and be able to explain methods used and begin to know what to do with the remainder in a word problem. I can check with the inverse. I can check with an equivalent calculation. I can estimate by approximating (round to nearest 10 or 100) and then check result. I can say how a calculation is used to answer a problem. Eg number of cakes x 15 gives the cost of all the cakes @ 15p each. I can read and place coordinates in the first quadrant, consistently using accurate recording. Numbers and the number system I can begin to compare and order whole numbers. I can begin to read and write all whole numbers. I can use understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10. I can confidently work with sequences formed by counting from any number in constant steps including some fractions. I can begin to recognise and find multiples, factors and square numbers.

I can recognise negative numbers and position them on a number line. I can order a set of decimal numbers with 2 decimal places. I can recognise approximate proportions of an object, group of objects or measurement, and describe using a range of simple fractions (eg , , 1/8 ) or their decimal equivalents. I can confidently recognise and use fractions that are several parts of a whole and mixed numbers. I can use equivalent fractions in problem solving contexts. Measures I know the equivalent of one half, one quarter, three quarters and one tenth of 1km, 1m, 1kg, 1l in m, cm, g and ml. I can convert up to 1000cm to m and vice versa. I can measure the perimeter and area of rectangles and other simple shapes, using counting methods. I can use am and pm notation. I can read time on a 24 hour digital clock. I can use tables that include time (12 hour clock) I know that angles are measured in degrees. I understand and use angle measure in degrees. I can identify acute and obtuse angles. I can start to order a set of angles less than 180. Space and Shape I can classify all triangles and begin to classify properties of rectangles. I can identify simple nets of solid shapes.

I can recognise horizontal and vertical lines. I can begin to recognise perpendicular and parallel lines. I can recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons. Handling Data I can collect discrete data and record in a frequency table. I can independently draw and interpret a range of graphs and charts (tally charts, bar charts, bar line graphs) I can begin to choose and use appropriate scales. I have some understanding that graphs must be suited to the data to be represented.

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