3 Internal Control Over Receivables 8.4 Characteristics of Notes Receivables 8.5 Accounting for Notes Receivable 8.6 Converting Receivables to Cash Before Maturity 8.7 Accounting for Uncollectibles 8.7.1 Allowance Method 8.7.2 Estimating Uncollectibles Estimate Based on Sale Estimate Based on Analysis of Receivables 8.7.3 Direct-write-off method 8.8 Summary 8.9 Answer to Check your Progress Exercises 8.10 Model Examination Questions 8.11 Glossary of Terms 8.0 AIMS & OBJECTIVES After you have studied this unit, you will be able to: list the common classification of Receivables explain internal Control procedures that apply to receivables describe the nature of and the accounting for uncollectibles and, explain how receivables can be converted to cash before maturity.
8.1 INTRODUCTION In this unit, we emphasize on how companies account for and report receivables. We have discussed the importance of estimating uncollectibles in order to determine the reasonable balance of receivables on the balance sheet.
Most of the companies sell goods and services on credit in order to earn more profits. Receivables represent claims for money, goods, services, and non-cash assets from other firms. Receivables may be current or non-current depending on the expected collection date. 8.2 CLASSIFICATION OF RECEIVABLES Receivables can be broadly classified into Trade Receivables and Non-trade Receivables. Trade Receivables describe amounts owed to the company for goods and services sold in the normal course of business. Non-trade Receivable arise from many other sources, such as advance to employees, interest receivables, rent receivables and loan to affiliated companies. Unless we indicate otherwise, we will assume that all receivables in this unit are trade receivables. Based on the above broad classification, receivables can be further classified into Account Receivable and Notes Receivables. Account Receivable refers to amounts due from customers for credit sales. These receivables are supported by sales invoices or other documents rather than any formal written promises. Such Account Receivables are normally expected to be collected within relatively short period, such as 30 or 60 days. They are classified on the balance sheet as a current asset. On the other hand, Notes Receivable refers to amounts that customers owe, for which a formal, written instrument of credit has been issued. Notes are usually used for credit periods of more than sixty days and for transactions of relatively large value. Notes may also be used in settlement of an open account and in borrowing or lending money. 8.3 INTERNAL CONTROL OVER RECEIVABLES The principles of internal control that we saw in chapter 5 are required by organizations to safeguard their assets from any kind of error and misconduct. These control procedures should apply on receivables because they are one of the asset elements for the organization. For example, the individual responsible for sales should be separate from the individual accounting for the receivables and approving credit. By doing so, the accounting and credit approval functions serve as independent checks on sales. Separation of responsibility for related functions reduces the possibility of errors and misuse of funds.
Adequate control over Accounts Receivable begins with the approval of the sales by a responsible company official or the credit department, after the customers credit rating has been reviewed. Likewise, adjustments of Account Receivable, such as for sales return and allowance, and sales discount, should be authorized or reviewed by a responsible party. Effective collection procedure should also be established to ensure timely collection of receivables and to minimize losses from uncollectible accounts.
months. When the term on a note is expressed in days, the maturity date is the specified number of days after the notes date. As an example, a five-day note dated January-1 matures and is due on Jannuary-6. A 90-day notes dated March-10, matures on Jun-8. This due date, June-8, is computed as below: Term of the Note--------------------------------------------90 Days in March---------------------------31 Minus the date of the note-------------10 Days remaining in March------------------------21 Add days in April---------------------------------30 Add days in May----------------------------------31 May----------------------------------31 82 Number of days remaining to equal 90-days (90 82 = 8)------------------------------------------------8 Therefore, Due date is June-8. The period of a note is sometimes expressed in months. When months are used, the note matures and is payable in the month of its maturity on the same date of the month as its original date A three-month note dated March-10, for instance, is payable on June-10. Interest Computation
Interest is the cost of borrowing money for the borrower. It is the profit from lending money for the lender. The interest rate on notes is normally stated in terms of per year, regardless of the actual period of time involved. The formula for computing interest is as follows: Interest = Principal (Face Amount of the Note) To illustrate the formula, the interest on a Br. 10,000, 12%, 60 day note is computed as:157 X Annual interest Rate X Time
Br. 10,000 X 12% X 60/360 = 200 N.B. To simplify interest computations for notes with periods expressed in days, it is common to treat a year as having 360 days. Maturity Value
The amount that is due at the maturity or due date is called the maturity value. The maturity value of a note is the sum of the face amount and the interest. In the above example, the maturity value is Br. 10,200 (which is Br. 10,000 face amount plus Br. 200 interest) I.e. MV = FV + I where MV= Maturity value FV = Face value I = Interest 8.5 ACCOUNTING FOR NOTES RECEIVABLE Notes Receivable are usually recorded in a single note Receivable account to simplify record keeping. We need only one account because the original notes are kept on file. This means the maker; rate of interest, due date, and other information can be learned by examining the actual note. To illustrate the recording of the receipt of a note, assume that on Jannuary-10, Nile Co. sales merchandise on account to Tana Co. and receive a Br. 5,000, 90-day, 12% promissory note. This transaction is recorded as: Jan. 10. Notes Receivable ------------------------5000 Sales--------------------------------------5000 The maker of the note usually honors the note and pays it in full. The entry required to record the receipt of cash by Nile Co. from Tana Co. is as follows: April-10 Cash------------------------------5150 Notes Receivable-----------------------5000 Interest Revenue (500 X 12/100 X 90/360)----150 Companies can sometimes accept a note for an overdue customer as a way of granting a time extension on a past-due account Receivable. To illustrate, assume that a 60-day, 10% note dated September 5, 20x1 is accepted by Awash Co. in settlement of the account of Happy co, 158
which is past due and has a balance of 10,000. The entry to record the transaction is as follows: September 5 N/R---------------------------------------------10, 000 A/R ----------------------------------------------10,000 Received a note to settle account Recording a dishonored note When a notes maker is unable or refuses to pay at maturity, the note is dishonored. The act of dishonoring a note doesnt relieve the maker of the obligation to pay. The payee should use every legitimate means to collect. But how do companies report this event? The balance of the Notes Receivable account normally includes only those notes that have not matured. When a note is dishonored, we therefore remove the amount of this note from the Notes Receivable account and charge it back to an Accounts Receivable from its maker. Assume for instance Nile Co., holds a Br. 1000, 12%, 30-day note of Ato Alemu. At maturity, Alemu dishonored the note. Nile Co. records this dishonoring of its N/R, on Oct. 25, as follows: Oct.25, A/R---------------Ato Alemu 1010 N/R---------------------------1000 Int. Rev.-------------------------10 To record dishonored note & interest of 1000 X 12% X 30/360 =10 The above entry records interest of Br. 10, which has been earned, even though the note has been dishonored. End-Of-Period interest Adjustment When notes receivable are outstanding at the end of an accounting period, accrued interest is computed and recorded. For example, on December 20, 20x1, Nile Co. accepted a Br. 2000, 60-day, 12% notes from a customer in granting an extension of a past-due account. Assuming that the accounting period ends on Dec. 31, the entries to record the receipt of the note, accrued interest, and payment of the note at maturity are shown below: Dec. 19. N/R -------------------------------------2000 A/R- customer-X --------------------------------2000
Received note in settlement of A\R Dec. 31. Interest Receivable-------------------------8 Int. Revenue------------------------------------8 Adjusting entry for ace need Interest, Br. 2000 X 12% X 12/360 = 8 Feb. 17. Cash----------------------------------2040 N/R---------------------------------------------2000 Int. Rec.--------------------------------------------8 Int. Revenue-------------------------------------32 Received pyt of note & interest at maturity The adjusting entry above on Dec. 31, 20X1,was required to show the interest earned for the period on the Income Statement. 8.6 CONVERTING RECEIVABLES TO CASH BEFORE MATURITY Sometimes, companies convert receivables to cash before they are due. Reasons for this include the need for cash or a desire not to be involved in collection activities. Converting receivable is usually done either (1) by selling them, or (2) by using them as security for a loan. The topic of using notes as security for a loan will be discussed in future courses. Notes Receivable can be converted to cash by discounting them at a financial institution such as a Bank. The process has three steps as indicated in the following diagram. In the first step, the maker receives goods, service or cash from the payee in exchange for the note. In the second step, the payee discounts the note with a bank and receives the maturity value of the note less a discount (a fee) charged by the bank. In the third step, the maker pays the bank at the maturity of the note. Maker Cash (3) Bank Note (2) Goods (1) Note (2) cash less discount Payee
Notes Receivable are discounted with or without recourse. When a note is discounted without recourse. recourse, the bank assumes the risk of a bad debt loss and the original payee doesnt have a contingent liability. A contingent liability is an obligation to make a future payment if and only if an uncertain future event occurs. A note discounted without recourse is like an outright sale of an asset. If a note is discounted with recourse and the original maker of the note fails to pay the bank when it matures, the payee of the note must pay for it. This means a company discounting a note (an endorser) with recourse has a contingent liability until the bank is paid. A Co. should disclose contingent liabilities in the accompanying notes to its financial statements. To illustrate, assume that a 90-day, 12%, Br. 20,000 N/R from Hiwot Co. dated Jan.1, 20x2 is discounted at the payees bank on February 12, 20x2 at thediscount rate of 15%. The steps to determine the proceeds (-the amount to be received by the payee from the bank upon discounting) are as follows: Step 1 Determine the maturity date & maturity value. MD = April 1 & MV = FV + I = 20,000 + [20,000 X 12% X 90/360] = 20,600 Step 2 Determine the Bank Discount (Bank discount is an interest that is charged by (Bank the bank and is computed based on the maturity value of the note for the discount period. Discount Period is the time the bank must hold the note) before it becomes due. Bank Discount = MV X DR X DP where MV = Maturity value ( 20,600) DR = Discount Rate (15%) Discount = 20,600 X 15% X 48/360 DP = Discount period ( from February12 to April 1) = 412 Step 3- Determine proceed (proceed is the amount of cash paid to the endorser after 3deducting discount) i.e. proceed = MV D
= 20,600 412 = 20188 Step 4 Record the necessary journal entry at the date of discount. (Here, record interest revenue which is the excess of proceeds from the face value or record interest expense when the proceed is less than the face value of the note) Feb 12. Cash---------------------------------20,188 N/R -----------------------------------------20,000 I. Rev. --------------------------------------188.00 Discounted Br. 20,000, 90-day, 12% note at 15% The length of the discount period and the difference between the interest rate and the discount rate determine whether interest expense or interest revenue will result from discounting. When a discounted Notes Receivable is dishonored, the bank notifies the endorser and asks for payment if there is no statement that limits the responsibility of the endorser. In some cases, the bank may charge a protest fee of notifying the endorser that a note has been dishonored. The entire amount paid to the bank by the endorser, including the interest and protest fee, should be debited to the A/R of the maker. For example, assume that the maker, Hiwot Co, dishonored the above discounted note at maturity. The bank charges a protest fee of Br. 25. The endorsers entry to record the payment to the bank is as follows: April 2. A/R Hiwot Co----------------- 20,625 Cash-----------------------------------20, 625 Paid dishonored, discounted note
2. Record the following transaction in the account of Axumite Co. May-1. Received a Br. 15,000, 60-day, 12% note from Adama Co. on account. May-21. Discounted the note at Mekele Bank at 14% June-30. The note is dishonored, paid the bank the amount due on the note plus a protest fee of Br. 30. July-20. Received the amount due on the dishonored note plus interest for 20-days, at 12% on the amount charged to Adama Co. on April-30. 8.7 ACCOUNTING FOR UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE When credit is extended, some amount of uncollectible receivables is generally inevitable regardless of the care taken in granting credit and the control procedures used. The operating expense incurred because of the failure to collect receivables is called Uncollectible Accounts Expense or Bad Debts Expense or Doubtful Accounts Expense. When does an account as a note become uncollectibles? There is no general rule for determining when an account receivable becomes uncollectible. The fact that a debtor fails to pay an account receivable according to a sales contract or fails to pay a note on the due date does not necessarily mean that the account receivable will be uncollectible. The debtors bankruptcy is one of the most significant indications of partial or complete uncollectibility. Other indications include the closing of the customers business and the failure of repeated attempts to collect. There are two methods of accounting for uncollectible receivables. The allowance method, which provides an expense for uncollectible receivables in advance of their write-off (removal from the ledger) and the direct write-off method, which recognizes the expense only when accounts receivable are judged to be worthless. We will discuss each of these methods next.
bad debts expected to result from that periods sales. An allowance is then recorded for this expected loss. This method has two advantages over the direct write-off method: (1) Bad debt expense is charged to the period in which the related sales are recognized, and (2) A/R is reported on the Balance Sheet at the estimated amount of cash to be collected. The allowance method estimates bad debt expense at the end of each accountig period and records it through an adjusting entry. To illustrate this method, assume the A/R account has a balance of Br. 50,000 and based on careful study of the experience of other companies, Nile Co. estimates that a total of Br. 2000 will be uncollectibles. This estimated expense is recorded through the following adjusting entry. Dec. 31 Uncollectibles Accounts Expense To record estimated bad debts The amount Br. 2000 is an estimated reduction in A/R;but it cannot be credited to specific customer accounts or to the A/R controlling account. Instead, a contra asset account entitled Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is credited. As with all periodic adjustments the above entry serves two purposes. First, it reduces the value of the receivable to the amount of cash expected to be realized in the future. This amount, which is Br. 48,000 (Br. 50,000 Br. 2,000), is called the Net Realizable value of the receivables. Second, the adjusting entry matches the Br. 2000 expense of uncollectibles account with the related revenues of the period. Write-off to the Allowance Account When specific accounts are identified as uncollectibles, they are written-off against the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. Assume after spending some time trying to collect from Shalla Co., Nile Co. decides that Shallas Br. 200 accounts receivable is uncollectible and makes the following entry to writ-it off. 2000 2000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Jan. 25
200 200
To write-off uncollectible accounts. Note two aspects of this entry and its related accounts Before Write-off A/R Less Allowance for D. a/cs NRV 50,000 2,000 48,000 After Write-off 49,800 1,800 48,000
Neither total assets nor net income are affected by the Write-off of a specific account. But both total assets and net income are affected by the recognized bad debts expense for the year in the adjusting entry. Recovery of Uncollectibles Accounts When a customer fails to pay and the account is written-off as uncollectibles, his or her credit standing is jeopardized. To help restore credit standing, a customer may later choose to voluntarily pay all or part of the amount owed. A company makes two entries when collecting an account previously written-off. The first is to reverse the original write-off and reinstate the customers account. For example, assume the amount written-of in the preceding entry is later collected on February 15. On Feb. 15- The entries to record this recovery are: Feb. 15- A/R Shalla Co. 200 200 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts To reinstate accounts previously written-off Feb. 15Cash 200 A/R-Shalla Co. 200
Statement relationship between bad debts expense and sales. The second is based on the Balance Sheet relationship between A/R and the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. Both methods require an analysis of past experience. Estimating Based on Sales Accounts receivable are created by credit sales. The amount of credits sales during the period may therefore be used to estimate the amount of uncollectible accounts expense. The amount of this estimate is added to whatever balance exists in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. To illustrate, assume Wonji Co. has credit sales of Br. 500,000 in 20X2. Based on past experience and the experience of other Cos, Wonji Co. estimated 0.007% of credit sales are uncollectible. Using this prediction, the adjusting entry for uncollectible accounts at the end of the period, 20X2 is as follows. Dec. 31 Uncollectibles Accounts Exp. (500,000 X 0.007%) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts To record estimated Uncoll. Exp. This entry doesnt mean that the Dec. 31, 20X2, balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts will be Br. 3500. A Br. 3500 balance results only if the account had a zero balance prior to posting the adjusting entry. For example, assume that Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a credit balance of Br. 1000 before adjustment. Now, what will be the balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts be at the end of 20X2 ? It will be Br. 4500. If there had been a debit balance of Br. 500 in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts before the year-end adjustment, and the amount of adjustment. would still have been Br. 3500. What will have been the end balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts at the end of 20X2? (Find by your own!) Estimate Based on Analysis of Receivables The longer an A/R remains outstanding, the less likely that it will be collected. Thus, we can base the estimate of uncollectibles accounts on how long the accounts have been outstanding. For this purpose, we can use a process called Ageing receivables which examines each A/R to estimate the amount of uncollectibles. Receivables are classified by how long they are past their due date. Then, estimates of uncollectibles are made assuming the longer an amount is past due the more likely it is to be uncollectible. After the outstanding amounts are classified 3500 3500
and analyzed in the Aging schedule the expected balance for the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts will be estimated. Lets assume the amount estimated is Br. 5000. So, do you think this is the adjustment amount required for the current period? NO! Because, this estimated amount is the expected balance of the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts after adjustment rather than the current year provision for Uncollectible Accounts Expense. Therefore, to determine the current year provision we must take in to account the balance before adjustment in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. To illustrate, assume there is as credit Balance of Br. 1300 in the allowance account before adjustment. The amount to be added to this balance is therefore Br. 3800 (B.r 5000 Br. 1200) and the adjustment entry is as follows: Dec. 31 Uncollectible Accounts Expense 3800 3800
Alternatively, if the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts had an unadjusted debit balance of Br. 700, then the required adjustment is Br. 5700. (Br. 5000 + 700) and the adjustment entry is as follows: Dec. 31 . Uncollectible Accounts Expense Allowance for Doubtful Accounts To record Uncollectible expense . 5700 5700
Some times an amount previously written off is later collected. This can be due to factors such as continual collection efforts or the good fortune of a customer. If the account of Home Co. that was written-off directly to Bad Debit Expense is later collected in full, the following two entries record this recovery. Mar. 5 - A/R- Home Co. To reinstate account Mar. 5 - Cash 500 A/R- Home Co. 500 500 500 Uncollectible Accounts Expense
To record full payment of account If the recovery is in the year following the writ- off, there is no balance in the Uncollectible Accounts Expense account related to the previous years write-off and no other write-offs are expected. So the credit portion of the entry recording the recovery can be made to a Bad Debts Recoveries revenue account. To conclude this part companies must weigh at least two principles when considering use of the direct write-off method: (1) Matching principle, & (2) Materiality principle
8.8 SUMMARY Receivables are money claims against other entities, including people, business firms and other organizations. These receivables as other assets of the business organization need to be properly handled otherwise they might be exposed for different type of error and fraud. Based on the nature of the account, there are different accounting treatments required for recording transactions made on credit and for the related risk of uncollectibles that arise when customers default to make payment according to their agreement. The common methods used to treat uncollectibles accounts in the book of the payee are the allowance method and the direct-write-off method. If a company selects the allowance method to treat uncollectibles, estimation is required either based on sales or analysis of receivables. 8.9 ANSWERS TO CHECK YOUR PROGRESS QUESTIONS Check Your Progress Exercise -1 a. Account Receivable is classified as current asset because it is normally expected to be collected within a relatively short period or time. b. Segregation of duties for related activities is required in order to decrease the possibility of inefficiency, error and fraud. Check Your Progress Exercise - 2 1. a. April-13 b. Br. 40,800 MV = FV + I = [40,000 + (40,000 X 12/100 X 60/360 )] c. 1- Notes Receivables----------------40,000 A/R- Garra Muleta Co.----------------40,000 2- Cash-----------------------40,800 N/R------------------------------40,000 Interest Revenue-------------------800
2. May-1. Note Receivable A/R-Adama Co. May-21. Cash (15300 238) N/R Interest Revenue June-30. A/R-Adama Co. (15300 + 30) Cash July-20. Cash A/R-Adama Co. 15432.20 15,330 15,000 15, 000 15062 15,000 62 15330 15330
Interest Revenue (15330 x 12/100 x 20/360) 102.20 Check Your Progress Exercise - 3 Sep. 5 A/R-Hirut Co. Sale Oct.20 Cash 3000 3000 2000 2000 5000 5000
A/R-Hiruit Co.
Allowance for Doubtful account A/R-Hirut Co. Dec. 10 A/R-Hiruit Co. Cash 2000 2000 2000
8.10 MODEL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions entered in to by Meskel Company during the year 20X2.
September 1- Received a Br. 10,000, 12%, 60-day note from Yasin Co. as full settlement of his open account. October 20- Sold merchandise on account to Heaven Co. for B.r 25,000 by receiving a 90-day, 10% note. October 31Received full payment from Yasin Co. for notes received on September 1. Transaction. (assume that the Accounting period ends on December 31.) 2. Nazareth cosmetics Co. is undecided about which base to use in estimating uncollectibles accounts. On December 31, 20X2, the balance in Account Receivable was Br. 800,000 and net credit sales amounted to Br. 1,500,000 during 20X2. An aging analysis of the account receivable indicated that Br. 12,000 in accounts receivable are expected to be uncollectible. Past experience has shown that about of 1% of net credit sales eventually are uncollectibles. Prepare the adjusting entries to record estimated bad debit expense using the (1) Percentage of sales basis, and (2) The percentage of receivable basis under each of the following independent assumptions a) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a credit balance of Br. 2000 before adjustment. b) Allowance for Doubtful Account has a debit balance of Br. 600 before adjustment 3. The Lasta Co. uses the allowance method for estimating uncollectibles accounts. Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions. January 02- Sold merchandise to Nile Co. for Br. 30,000, term n/15. February 15- Received Br. 20,000 from Nile Co. on account. April 20- Written-off as uncollectible the remaining balance of Nile Co. account when the business declared bankruptcy. June 1- unexpectedly received a check for Br. 6000 from Nile Co. December 31- Record the adjusting entry required for accrued interest from October 20.
4. Compute the missing amounts for each of the following notes. Principal (a) Br. 60,000 (b) Br. 200,000 (c) ? (d) Br. 85,000 Interest Rate 10 % ? 12 % 7% Time 1.5 years 9 months 60 days ? Total Interest ? Br. 17,250 Br. 1,500 1,487.50
5. Meskerem Co. holds a 90-day, 10% note for Br. 100,000 dated June-12, that was received from a customer on account. On June 30, the note is discounted at Borena Bank at the rate of 12.5 %. a) Determine the maturity value of the note. b) Determine the number of days in the discount period c) Determine the amount of the discount. d) Determine the amount of the proceeds e) Present the journal entry required to record the discounting of the note on June 30. 8.11 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Account Receivable: - A claim against a customer for services rendered or goods sold on credit. Aging the receivable: - The process of analyzing the account receivable and classifying them according to various age groupings, with the due date being the base point for determine age. Allowance method: - A method of accounting for uncollectible receivables, whereby advance provision for the uncollectibles is made. Current asset: - Cash or other assets that are expected to be converted to cash or sold or used asset: up, usually within a year or less, through the normal operations of business. Direct write-off method: - A method of accounting for uncollectibles receivables, whereby an expense is recognized only when specific accounts are judged to be uncollectible. Dishonored note receivable: - A note that the maker fails to pay on its due date.
Notes Receivable: - A written promise to pay by the maker, representing an amount to be received by the payee. Uncollectibles accounts Expense: - The operating expense incurred because of the failure to collect receivables.