(O) Obligation: Ethics Awareness Inventory
(O) Obligation: Ethics Awareness Inventory
(O) Obligation: Ethics Awareness Inventory
Ethics Awareness Inventory - Gain New Insight Into Your Ethical Perspective
Your Ethical Perspective
You tend to base your ethical perspective on an individuals duty or obligation to do what is morally rightprinciples that represent what rational persons ought morally to do. You believe that ethical conduct appeals to conscience. In judging whether a persons actions are ethical, you look to the intent behind his/her actions, rather than focusing on results. In other words, to be considered ethical, you believe that we must choose how we act and what rules we are willing to follow. From your perspective, ethical principles must be: (a) appropriate under any circumstances (universalizable); (b) respectful of human dignity; and (c) committed to promoting individual freedom and autonomy. Human beings must never be treated simply as means to the accomplishment of some defined end. The end does not justify the means. For additional research: This category is most closely aligned in philosophy with a deontological theory (See Immanuel Kant and John Rawls). Remember to review the BLENDED CATEGORIES section if your second highest score is within one or two points of your highest score.
The people you work with may argue that certain factions of society are not capable of acting in their own best interests. You consider this a faulty argument that was once used to deny equitable treatment to women and minorities.
Defending your ethical perspective may result in economic hardship, e.g., a lost promotion or termination
Key Phrases We owe it to them We have a duty to They deserve better They have a right to