NDT by Aldi

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TRAINING OBJECTIVE After completing this course, the participant should be understand to NDT (Non Destructive Test) technique

principles for design and application, manufacturing and plant construction, as well as regular maintenance purposes. They will also be able to implement the NDT procedure technique related to daily works in the real plant. TRAINING MATERIAL OUTLINE 1. Introduction Magnetic Particle Inspection o CircularMagnetization o Hysterisis Loop o Solid Magnetic Conductor 2. Current Requirement o Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment o Magnetic Particle applications 3. Introduction Penetrant Testing o Equipment and Materials o Surface Preparation o Penetrant application 4. Developer Application o Final Step in The Penetrant Proses 5. Workshop Non Destructive Test (NDT) 6. Aplication of Radiography o Penetration and absorption o X-ray Equipment o Gamma ray Sources 7. Radiographic Film and Processing Techniques o Radiation Can be Hazard to The Human o Permissible Radiation Dose o Radiation Effect o Protection Against Radiation 8. Basic application of Ultrasonic o Ultrasonic Principles o Ultrasonic Equipments o Mode of Ultrasonic Wake Travel 9. Couplants and Ultrasonic sound Energy o Attenuation, Acoustic, Impedance and Resonance o Displaying Ultrasonic Indication 10. Ultrasonic Transducers and Standard Reference Blocks o Immersion Inspection o Ultasonic Contact Testing 11. Application of Contact Testing o Nonrelevant Ultrasonic Indications o Types of Discontinuities

INSTRUCTOR Ir. Mahaputra and Team Ir. Mahaputra is gradudated from Physiscs Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). And now he is researcher at Balai Besar Pengembangan Industri Logam dan Mesin (BBLM/MIDC Bandung, kementerian perindustrian RI ) section calibration and testing. To improve his knowledge many training has been followed by him in Indonesia and abroad such as Training Non Destructive Test Level I (MT, UT), Training Theory and Practices on Technology of Heat Treatment, Training XMET 2000 PMI Operation and Maintenance, Training Industrial Radiographic Testing (RT) Level I (Operator Radiografi), Training NDT UT Level II Weld Plate and Pipe, Training and Operation Unit Oxford ARC-MET 8000, Training on Non Destructive Inspection Technique for Quality Management and Plant Asset Management, Training Industrial Radiographic Testing (RT) Level II (Ahli Radiografi) etc. His core expertise is

NDT- MT/UT ASNT Level I NDT- UT ASNT Level II NDT RT Level I (Operator Radiografi), ISO 9712:1999 NDT RT Level II (Ahli Radiografi), ISO 9712:1999

He has been doing some field testing to several companies in Indonesia, such as ultrasonic testing for Welding Repair Dredge Bucket PT.Timah, Radiography testing for LPG 3 KG tank, ultrasonic testing for Welding Repair Retaining Ring turbin Indonesian Power, chemical composition testing of spectrometer at Platform PT.Total E&P Indonesia, chemical composition testing of spectrometer at Platform PT. CNOOC, and etc.

CAKUPAN MATERI TRAINING: 1. Pengenalan NDT * Apa itu NDT * Keuntungan NDT * NDT dalam industri * Perbandingan beberapa metoda NDT * Metoda Fluorescent Penetrant (PT) * Sejarah awal mula * Prinsip dasar * Tahapan proses inspeksi: * * * * Preclean Apply penetrant Rinsing Developing * Kegunaan PT * Studi kasus, inspeksiPT pada Turbine Wheel * Metoda Inspeksi Arus Eddy (IAE) * Prinsip kerja IAE * Sistem IAE * Variable dalam IAE * Representasi phasor * Prosedur dasar kalibrasi frekuensi * Metoda Ultrasonik * Tinjauan umum * Kelebihan dan kekurangan * Prinsip dasar * Beberapa metoda ultrasonik * Aplikasi * Metoda Magnetic Particle (MT) * Pengertian * Prinsip dasar inspeksi * Keuntungan dan kekurangan * Metoda yang digunakan: * pengujian teknik prod

* pengujian dengan teknik yoke * oengujian dengan teknik coil * pengujian dengan teknik central condenser * Metoda Radiografi * Prosedur dan peralatan * Prinsip dasar * Jenis-jneis metoda radiografi * Aplikasi * Interpretasi film radiografi

SIAPA SEBAIKNYA MENGIKUTI TRAINING INI?: Engineer & Operator serta semua pihak yang ingin memahami topik ini. TRAINING DURATION : 4 hari

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