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September, 2012 AUGUST, 2012

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Selected Articles from Various Newspapers & Journals

UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

The God is Discovered

Scientists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, discovered a new sub-atomic particle called Higgs Boson or Gods Particle. The new discovery is being considered as a gateway to a new era in understanding the universes great mysteries including dark matter. Scientists had predicted the existence of Higgs Boson, which is also referred to as Gods Particle, in 1964. The particle was named Higgs Boson after Peter Higgs and Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose. Peter Higgs was one of six authors who wrote the revolutionary papers covering what is now known as the Higgs mechanism and described the related Higgs field and boson. The term God particle was first used by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman. The term is now a more popular term for Higgs Boson which explains how the subatomic universe works and got started. Scientists have finally locked onto Higgs boson, the God particle, a discovery that crowns the global 4 scientific communitys most challenging and comprehensive quest for the subatomic particle rightly regarded as the key to the cosmic riddle. Organisation for Nuclear Research), Geneva, announced the discovery , in the presence of a tearful Peter Higgs, the British physicist after whom the particle is named, and many other scientists. The breakthrough has been described as the biggest leap in physics. An overwhelmed Higgs, 83, said: I certainly had no idea it would happen in my lifetime at the beginning, more than 40 years ago. I think it shows amazing dedication by the young people involved with these colossal collaborations to persist in this way, on what is a really a very difficult task. I congratulate them. blocks of the universe, which include everything from the lowliest of micro-organisms, through soil, water, minerals, plants, trees, insects, animals and mountains to the most complex life forms including humans, even entire planets and galaxies. Take away Higgs bosons from atoms and the results would be chaotic. Their particles, comprising protons, electrons and neutrons, would zip through space with lightning speed, unable to bind together to form atoms. Then all creation would be unthinkable. But if it is found, theres still lots of work ahead. Bosons belong to a family of particles named after the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose, a contemporary of Albert Einstein, his German counterpart, who gave us the Bose-Einstein statistics (B-E statistics), one of the three systems which statistical mechanics, a branch of physics, recognizes. bosons are characterized by their obedience to B-E statistics. This

What Exactly is a Higgs boson?

Simply put, it enables particles in atoms to help invest them with mass, the basic building
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : class of particles includes photons as well as the Higgs boson. Higgs boson is named after Peter Higgs, the last of the 12 particles postulated by the Standard Model of physics, the theory that describes the basic building blocks of the universe, excluding gravity. Higgs had predicted the particles existence roughly 40 years ago. The discovery can been likened to that of the electron, a subatomic particle, the idea first being floated in 1838, but its presence was confirmed only after 60 years. of the biggest challenges in physics: Out of some 500 trillion collisions, just several dozen produced events with significant data, said Joe Incandela of the University of California at Santa Barbara, leader of the team known as CMS, with 2,100 scientists. Each of the teams confirmed Wednesday that they had observed a new subatomic particle a boson. Heuer said the discovery was most probably a Higgs boson, but we have to find out what kind of Higgs boson it is. He referred to the discovery as a missing cornerstone of science. As the leaders of the two teams presented their evidence, applause punctuated their talks. range in size and can be larger or smaller than atoms. Electrons, protons and neutrons, for instance, are the subatomic particles that make up an atom. Scientists believe that the Higgs boson is the particle that gives all matter its mass. Experts know that elementary particles like quarks and electrons are the foundation upon which all matter in the universe is built. They believe the elusive Higgs boson gives the particles mass and fills in one of the key holes in modern physics.

Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Central to the discovery is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the worlds largest and most powerful particle accelerator, housed in a massive 27 km circular tunnel, some 175 metres underground near Geneva. It was built by Cern from 1998 to 2008, to detect the presence of Higgs boson, besides addressing some of the most fundamental questions of physics. The LHC smashes beams of sub-atomic particles such as protons virtually at the speed of light, recreating conditions that existed for a billionth of a second after the Big Bang, heralding the birth of the universe. As the universe cooled, the theory goes, an invisible force known as the Higgs field permeated the cosmos, made up Higgs bosons. More than 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, including a 150 from India, collaborated to erect the superstructure.

How does the Higgs boson work?

The Higgs boson is part of a theory first proposed by physicist Peter Higgs and others in the 1960s to explain how particles obtain mass. The theory proposes that a so-called Higgs energy field exists everywhere in the universe. As particles zoom around in this field, they interact with and attract Higgs bosons, which cluster around the particles in varying numbers. Imagine the universe like a party. Relatively unknown guests at the party can pass quickly through the room unnoticed; more popular guests will attract groups of people (the Higgs bosons) who will then slow their movement through the room. The speed of particles moving through the Higgs field works much in the same way. Certain particles will attract larger clusters of Higgs bosons and the more Higgs bosons a particle attracts, the greater its mass will be.

Understanding the God particle

Scientists say they have found hints of the existence of the Higgs boson, a never-before-seen subatomic particle long thought to be a fundamental building block of the universe. In a highly anticipated press conference, researchers announced that two independent experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva have turned up signs of the socalled God particle. While the experiments havent yet turned up enough data to confirm the Higgs bosons existence, experts say finding the elusive particle would rank as one of the top scientific achievements of the past 50 years.

What is the Higgs boson?

The Standard Model of particle physics lays out the basics of how elementary particles and forces interact in the universe. But the theory crucially fails to explain how particles actually get their mass. Particles, or bits of matter,

The God particle

Most of the particles that result from the collisions exist for only the smallest fractions of a second. But finding a Higgs-like boson was one

Why is finding the Higgs boson so Important?

While finding the Higgs boson wont tell us everything we need to know about how the 5
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : universe works, it will fill in a huge hole in the Standard Model that has existed for more than 50 years, according to experts. Nath Bose, an Indian physicist from Kolkata who, in 1924, realised that the statistical method used to analyse most 19th-century work on the thermal behaviour of gases was inadequate. He first sent off a paper on quantum statistics to a British journal, which turned it down. He then sent it to Albert Einstein, who immediately grasped its immense importance, and published it in a German journal. Boses innovation came to be known as the BoseEinstein statistics, and became a basis of quantum mechanics. Einstein saw that it had profound implications for physics; that it had opened the way for this subatomic particle, which he named, after his Indian collaborator, boson. to collide within a detector the size of a house. Each experimental run produces hundreds of quadrillions of collisions. Those collisions are individual data points that, cumulatively show the presence of... something, right where the Higgs boson, and nothing else, ought to be. To paraphrase Joe Biden, its really kind of a big deal. But there is another aspect of this discovery that has other, equally profound implications. This discovery is not merely the validation of an important theory about the fabric of the universe. In a very big way, the discovery of the Higgs boson further anchors us to a material universe that works on principles and parameters dictated by the very nature of its component parts. The discovery is yet another demonstration of Scientific methodology as the scrupulous process by which humankind acquires and authenticates all knowledge. The importance of this becomes more obvious when contrasted against the current resurgence of rabid religionism, especially the unabashed and exuberant anti-intellectualism of those who assert that they hold special knowledge, supplied by talkative deities, and who strive to supplant Science with bronze age origin fables.

What next after a Higgs boson-like Particle?

The ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) collaboration at CERN has announced the sighting of a Higgs boson-like particle in the energy window of 125.3 0.6 GeV. The observation has been made with a statistical significance of 5 sigma. This means the chances of error in their measurements are 1 in 3.5 million, sufficient to claim a discovery and publish papers detailing the efforts in the hunt. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director General of CERN since 2009, said at the special conference called by CERN in Geneva, It was a global effort, it is a global effort. It is a global success. He expressed great optimism and concluded the conference saying this was only the beginning. Another collaboration, called CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), announced the mass of the Higgslike particle with a 4.9 sigma result. While insufficient to claim a discovery, it does indicate only a one-in-two-million chance of error. The LHC will continue to run its experiments so that results revealed on Wednesday can be revalidated before it shuts down at the end of the year for maintenance. Even so, by 2013, scientists, such as Dr. Rahul Sinha, a participant of the Belle Collaboration in Japan, are confident that a conclusive result will be out.

A win for Science over Superstition!

A lot of people dont know that many of the great discoveries in particle physics are largely exercises in statistical analysis. Flipping a coin a dozen times will provide a very limited understanding of probability. A run of a million tosses will sharply define the limits of probability. Getting seven heads in ten tosses is not especially noteworthy. Getting seven hundred thousand heads out of a million tosses would reveal something real at work on the coin. So it goes in particle physics. Small things need lots of samples to paint a complete picture. Instead of flipping coins in the air, the physicists working on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, use two beams of protons traveling in a vacuum at 99.9999% of the speed of light around a 17-mile-long magnetic ring. The two beams are traveling in opposite directions and are magnetically maneuvered

The discovery of the Higgs boson is new high ground in that struggle and pushes our understanding of the universe out to a new horizon. Higgs is a big win for science and for the smart people who know more than just answers, they know the right questions to ask.

Why Boson
The word must surely have some European genealogy? In fact, boson is derived from Satyendra 6
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Sporadic Violence in Kokarajhar

The riot-torn Kokrajhar district of Assam witnessed sporadic incidents of violence last month even as flag marches were conducted by the Army and additional paramilitary forces deployed. The manner and pattern of violence are of concern to the security forces. There is a fear that militant Bodo and Muslim groups are preparing for a long-drawn battle. Army personnel say this could be just the beginning of a prolonged fight, as several militant groups are hiding around 1,200 firearms. The affected place is South AssamKokrajhar, Chirang, Bongaigaon and Dhubri districts, where more than 74 people have died and 450,000 rendered homeless. For the people of Kokrajhar district, the main concern is supply of essentials whose prices have skyrocketed. It has almost been a week since suppliers discontinued sending vehicles here. This is not the first incident of violence in what are now called the Bodoland Territorial Areas Districts (BTAD), administered by the nonautonomous Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) formed in 2003. In 1996, conflict erupted between Bodos and Santhals, an indigenous tribal community residing in Kokrajhar and Bongaigaon districts. Nearly 80 people died in ethnic clashes, over 100,000 were left homeless as their houses were burnt and another 250,000 fled to temporary camps. In 1998, 14 Santhals were killed by Bodos in Kokrajhar district after two Bodos were killed and around 100 houses burnt by Santhals. 50 people died and some 300,000 moved to refugee camps. Within a span of two years, nearly 5.5 lakh people were living in camps. The Bodo-Santhal conflict again resurfaced in 2004, displacing another 37,000 people. In 1993, 50 people were left dead after violent clashes between Bodos and non-Bodo people (supported by ULFA) in the Kokrajhar and Bongaigon districts of Assam. In 1994, there were numerous clashes in Kokrajhar and Barpeta districts between Bodo militants and Bengalispeaking Muslim settlers, mostly Bangladeshi immigrants. In July 1994, armed Bodo militants opened fire at Bangladeshi immigrants at the Bansbari relief camp, killing at least 71 people and leaving over 100 injured. The massacre at the Bansbari relief camp prompted more than 54,000 people, mostly Muslims, to flee their villages for cities such as Guwahati and Barpeta. In October 2008, violence between Bodos and Muslims claimed 56 lives. It was caused by the killing of a Bodo youth by a Muslim. Since then, there have been sporadic clashes, including in May this year, provoked by demands, on one side, for exclusion of non-Bodo majority villages from Bodoland (many non-Bodo majority areas have been included in the BTC to provide territorial contiguity) and, on the other side, for full statehood for Bodoland. 7
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : During the recent violence, BTC chief Hagrama Mahilary alleged that the complete violence was being instigated by infiltrators from Bangladesh. Denied by the union home secretary, this allegation has got a lot of traction in the media, mainly for political reasons. The continued influx of people from Bangladesh, however, is a harsh reality which has exacerbated the conflict in Assam for many decades now. Illegal Bangladeshi immigration has to stop. If that happens, the communal nature of conflict will also subside. But it is not only about Bangladeshis. There is as much resentment against Nepalese immigrants, Bihari labourers, Asomiyas or against other outsiders from India. Identity is a major marker in the Northeast. Each dominant group uses identity, often disguised as a demand to protect its culture and traditions, to assert its own brand of chauvinism. Laws such as the Inner Line Permit (ILP) have helped sustain this chauvinism. Under the provisions of the Britishera law Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations, 1873 the ILP system is already in place in Mizoram, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. Manipur, which never had the ILP since independence, recently saw an unanimous resolution by the state assembly to impose ILPs to prevent outsiders (which includes Indians) from working or settling there. Similar demands have been raised in Meghalaya which already has a work-permit and a three-tier identity scheme in place to stop outsiders. This assertion of distinctive tribal identities and claims of exclusive ethnic territories is dangerous for Indias future. Constitutional provisions for protection of tribals 8 under the Fifth and Sixth schedule have not resolved this dilemma. Instead of narrowing differences, these laws have created bigger chasms among groups. How do we balance the need for development and modernisation with the need to preserve ethnic traditions and culture? How do we integrate the various regions of the Northeast to the rest of India while addressing the genuine needs of various communities residing there? There are no easy answers to these questions. While we await enlightened political leadership that can tackle such tricky questions, the least the Indian state can do is establish the Rule of Law. Prevention of violence and establishment of public order doesnt have to await answers to these complex questions. The government is duty bound to ensure safety and security of its citizens. There can be no excuses for that failure. Assam, 50-50 for a long time. It is almost with a crusaders zeal they have been attacking, perhaps killing, and ensuring that the Muslims are driven out of their land. When I confronted Pramod Boro, the President of ABSU, he sounded like he had rehearsed his answers many times over. It is very clear. A genuine Indian citizen has every right to stay where they want to. But out of the people in the camps are also illegal migrants. They have taken advantage of the situation, of the weakness in law, he said. Boro travelled back to the 2008 riots between Bodos and Muslims in Udalguri in Assam. The script was pretty much the same. Cause of the riots unknown, 49 killed, houses burnt and thousands displaced. In 2008, after the Udalguri riots, before the rehabilitation process began, our demand was to check them (Muslims). There are three categories of people. Genuine voters and those who own land is the first category. Then there are people who have their names in the voter list and do not own land. They are the doubtful voters. The third category is the one for the directly illegal migrants. We are saying judge the second category. In 2008, the Assam government didnt do it. They came back. These people are vote banks for the government. To restore the confidence of the local indigenous population, this time there cant be an exception, he told me. Once we take the road to Kokrajhar, we cross the memorial built to honour those who died in the cause of the Bodoland movement. It was a movement that began 25 years back and sought an independent state for the Bodo

Old wine in New Bottle

They are in 235 relief camps spread across four districts of the state. Of the 235 camps, 99 camps are with Bodo residents and 136 camps are with Muslim residents. In Dhubri district, there are 90 relief camps. In Kokrajhar there are 71. In Chirang 62 and in Bongaigaon it is 12. School and college vacations have been extended. No one wants to go back to their villages. It is also an open secret that the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) boys have made it clear that they dont want the Bengali Muslims back in their districts. Direct warnings have been issued: return at your own peril. Student organisations like the All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) have been chanting the mantra of No Bodoland, No Rest and Divide
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : tribals, one of the largest ethnic and linguistic groups in northeastern India. The movement still continues to seek the status of an independent state. Every now and then we can see Bodoland is our birth right written on bus stops, on walls of buildings. It was a struggle that left many dead. Initially, the movement by the Bodos was about dispossession of tribal land by non-Bodos, mostly Bengali and Assamese settlers. The struggle also included recognition of their language and culture. As Ajai Sahni puts in his Survey of Conflicts and Resolution in Indias Northeast, the demand for Bodoland took shape towards the latter part of the 1980s. It was in 1988 that the National Democratic Front of Bodoland was formed and as Mr Sahni points out, they initiated a guerilla war with the Indian state. After various twists and turns in the struggle, BLT was formed in 1996. And again after several turns in February 2003, a Bodo Accord was signed between BLT and the Indian government. It was agreed to form a self-governing body for the Bodo areas. The main objective of that agreement was to create an autonomous self-governing body to be known as the BTC within Assam and to provide constitutional protection under the Sixth Schedule to the said autonomous body; to fulfill economic, educational and linguistic aspirations and the preservation of land-rights, socio-cultural and ethnic identity of the Bodos, and speed up infrastructure in the BTC areas. clashes between the Bodo tribals and the Bengali Muslims living in the Bodoland Terrtiorial Autonomous Districts in southern Assam. It is primarily and basically a fight for land. The land hunger of the Bengali Muslims leads them to grab land by encroaching on reserve forests and wild life sanctuaries. The Bodos resent and resist this and try to dislodge them. This leads to clashes. In fact the Bodos do not want non-Bodos to live in their territory but they understand this is not possible and have sullenly reconciled themselves to this reality. The Bodo-Muslims clashes have taken place earlier also. The first recorded one was in 1952. Then in 1993 and 1994 and again in 2008. There have been inter-tribal clashes between the Bodos and Santhals also. In 1998, there were widesread clashes, with the Santhals at the receiving end. Thousands of Santhals had to flee their hearths and homes and take shelter in relief camps. The Assam Government set up a one-man inquiry commission headed by Justice Shafiqul Haque to go into the causes of the violence. In an informal conversation Justice Haque had told that given the mixed population pattern of the area concerned and the mutual distrust and animosity between different communities, it would be difficult to prevent recurrence of such clashes. This time the first clash was reported on July 6. Allegedly, two Muslims boys were beaten up at a villager under Dotoma P.S. But large-scale violence erupted on July 19 at Magurbari when Bodo mob reportedly attacked the Non-Bodos. After that violence and counterviolence spread rapidly to three districtsKokrajhar, Chirang and Dhubri. Villages were burnt, the attackers on both sides using firearms as well. Judging by the intensity and spread of the clashes it is obvious that a riot-like situation was building up over a long time and the police and the administration of Assam were blissfully unaware of the development. The State Government was taken completely by surprise. There is a widespread misconception outside Assam that the Bengali Muslims are all Bangladeshis and therefore illegal migrants. The forefathers of these Muslims migrated from East Bengal, East Pakistan and later from Bangladesh and settled in Assam. They are all Indian citizens. According to the Indo-Bangladesh Agreement, all persons coming to Assam from Bangladesh after March 25, 1971 (the day Bangladesh declared independence) will be treated as illegal immigrants and deported. The migration of Muslim farmers from the then East Bengal started in the third quarter of the nineteenth century when the British rulers actively encouraged them to come and settle in Assam. The province was sparsely populated, there were vast stretches of fertile farmland and the Muslim farmers were hardworking. They produced plenty of paddy and other crops. Initially, there was no hostility to the migrants from the Assamese people. Things started to change from the 1930s because of two reasons. First, the indigenous population of Assam had also increased and they needed land. The second reason was that the indigenous Assamese feared that the continuous flow of Mulsims from East Bengal was 9

Background to the Recent Violence in Assam

From the first week of July, Assam has seen widespread
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : leading to demographic changes and someday they, the sons of the soil, would be outnumbered by the new settlers. The idea of secession was there in 1937, ten years before independence. Some four decades later, the ULFA tried to translate the idea into reality. Now the presence of the former migrants are being resented by the Bodo tribals also. In retrospect, Justice Haque has proved prophetic. No police or para-military force, nor even the Army, can ensure permanent peace unless the different communities living side by side for ages realise that they cannot cleanse the area of others, that they have to learn to live together and bury the hatchet, to use a clich. This is, however, easier said than done. Sober elements from all the communities will have to put their heads together and take up the challenge of peace. Chirang, Kokrajhar and Bongaigaon. But if one does not think of evolving a long-term approach to the problem, the situation would not only turn worse but also pose a serious danger to the countrys unity since Kokrajhar, the worst affected region, is landlocked North-Easts narrow passage to mainland India through the so-called chickens neck. Thus the authorities have to be extremely vigilant and not allow the conditions to deteriorate at any cost. And the humanitarian issue must be tackled with the sense of urgency that it demands. Md. Israr

Thus it can be said that the reasons behind such violence have been analysed in depth in the following article but as of now little has been done towards finding a lasting solution to the complex problem. True, at this stage restoration of order is of prime necessity in the districts of Dhubri,


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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Blackout in India: Back to Lantern

India witnessed its biggest ever power blackout on 31 July 2012. Post the collapse of the northern power grid twenty states in India were left with no electricity till late evening. This is the second time that the country saw a power failure of a huge margin; interestingly both the failures happened in a time frame of over twenty four hours. The collapse happened at around one o clock in the noon, when the northern grid tripped, which then immediately led to a similar effect on the eastern and north-eastern grids, as the two are connected as a common grid. The problem was compounded as several states had removed the under frequency relays that island their systems when grid disruptions occur. Among the states affected were Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Orissa, Bihar, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Assam, meaning that the power trip covered more than half of the countrys population. Amongst the worst hit were the two hundred coal miners trapped in West Bengal and Jharkhand as their shafts remained closed. Amongst the railways, almost three hundred trains remained stranded, also the Delhi Metro, which is a life line to many, came to a stop leaving the traffic situation in the state a tizzy. During the peak hour the supply stood less than 40,000 MW against the demand of 130,000 MW. The situation came back to control later by evening on 31 July 2012, forty percent of the system was operating normally again and power was eventually restored over the states. The first power cut of this kind happened just few hours back on the night of 30 July 2012. Asias third-largest economy INDIA was hit by three more huge power grid failures, one day after a similar, but smaller power failure covered half the country leaving more than 650 million people without electricity in the worlds biggest blackout according to the ATCA Research & Analysis Wing. More than half the population of India has been affected, which is roughly 10% of the worlds population and bigger than the entire population of the European Union or the United States, Russia and Brazil combined. In parallel, hours of power outage in the scorching summer sparked protest in most parts of Pakistan and angry protesters attacked offices of power supply departments in some areas. The massive power outage highlights a central challenge faced by the nation of 1.2 billion and raises questions about whether the country has so far allocated sufficient resources to building its power grid. India has experienced unparalleled economic development and a growing middle class and, as a result, significant increases in the demand for electricity. In March, demand exceeded supply by 10.2 percent, as government statistics revealed.
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Stranded in the Dark

India has five electricity grids, northern, eastern, north-eastern, southern and western; all are interconnected except for the southern one. In the past two days, twenty of the countrys twentyeight states experienced power cuts, leaving government workers, police, barbers, students and countless others to rely on candles. Thousands of train passengers have been stranded on the busiest train system in the world (and also in train stations), massive traffic jams have occurred with traffic lights not functioning and nurses at a hospital outside Delhi had to manually operate equipment after backup generators failed.

hurling a cloud of plasma and charged particles towards Earth on a cosmic path that was expected to deliver a glancing blow to our planet on July 31st, according to space weather forecasters, the day the massive power outage took place across India and Pakistan. The M6-class solar flare exploded from the sun on Saturday July 28th unleashing a wave of plasma and charged particles, called a coronal mass ejection (CME), into space. This is a slowmoving CME.

Flares Take Us Back To 5000 BC? 17th June 2010]

Disaster Movie in Real Time

The colossal power cuts across 2,000 miles from the border with Burma in the East to the border with Pakistan in the West in such a widespread area of the worlds second most populous nation appeared to have been like a disaster movie unfolding in real time with every aspect of modern life grinding to a sudden halt. They hurt Indias pride given that the country aspires to become a regional economic superpower.

Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) and Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP)

The most dangerous type of solar flares for humanity are the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that occur during the most active period of the suns 11-year cycles. This time, the zenith of CMEs is set for 2012 as the solar cycle #24 reaches a crescendo. A CME happens when gas erupts from the solar corona crown of outer atmosphere surrounding the sun and carries a massive amount of radioactive material that can reach earth in three to five days. One potentially catastrophic disruption humanity is not prepared for is an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) or a burst of electromagnetic radiation from a major Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the sun. This would create a sudden, massive fluctuation in the earths electromagnetic field similar to the detonation of a High-altitude Electro-Magnetic Pulse (HEMP) nuclear device. The resulting electric and magnetic fields would then couple with electrical grid systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges. [Ref ATCA 5000: Could Super Solar

Cascading Failure
In cases when demand outstrips the power supply, the system of circuit breakers must be activated, often manually, to reduce some of the load in what are known as rolling blackouts. But if workers cannot trip those breakers because their immediate masters wont let them a set of small failures can cascade into a much larger blackout. Rabindra Nath Nayak chairman of the state-run Power Grid of India said, tripping at several interconnectivity points of the [northern] grid could have had a cascading effect. It is difficult to say whether this was a manmade disaster compounded by natural phenomena. The truth is that India has failed to build up enough power capacity to meet soaring demand as its GDP has grown at a break-neck 8 to 9 percent in recent years. As a result, Indias demand for electricity has soared along with its economy, but utilities have been unable to meet the growing needs. Indias Central Electricity Authority reported power deficits of between 8% and 10% in recent

CAUSES OF FAILURE Solar Flare or Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)?

Is a Solar Flare partially responsible for India and Pakistans massive power outage? Could it have been a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) since most of Pakistan, along with northern India, also suffered long blackouts? Given that rains had arrived, temperature was down in north India so there was less requirement for a power overdraw. For example, the temperature in New Delhi on 31st July was 25.4 degrees Celsius, more than ten degrees below what it had been during the peak of the summer heat. If electricity overuse was the sole cause of the power failure, because of too many people drawing power, this would have happened before.

Solar Coincidence
A medium-size solar flare erupted from the sun this weekend, 12
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : months, which are dragging on the countrys economic growth. This despite the fact that between 25 percent and 40 percent of Indians are not connected to the national grid at all. more than their share of electricity from the over-burdened grid. Uttar Pradeshs top civil servant for energy responded by stating that outdated transmission lines were at fault. solar cycle 24 will reach its maximum in 2013, when we could experience the mother of all solar flares. Furthermore, remote viewer, Major Ed Dames says, he has seen it; and he calls it, quite morbidly, The Kill Shot. What can we do to prepare? Well, on a governmental level, the electrical system needs to be reinforced to withstand CMEs. On an individual level, people can store clean drinking water and food. Since most water is pumped by electric pumping systems, you may not have water when the electrical grid goes down. Keep a little stash of cash for emergency, because you wont be able to get any money out of the bank. Have a family emergency plan in place. Have a special meeting place for your family. Have extra blankets and sleeping bags for winter. Lastly, think about how you will cook your food. Perhaps a camp stove or barbeque pit would be nice to have. Good luck, fellow globizens. Sandeep Dogra

Outdated Infrastructure
This power outage, unusual in its reach, raises serious concerns about Indias outdated infrastructure and the governments inability to meet Indias huge appetite for energy although its impact was softened by Indians familiarity with frequent blackouts and the widespread use of backup generators for major businesses and essential services. PM Manmohan Singh had vowed to fast-track stalled power and infrastructure projects as well as introduce free market reforms aimed at reviving Indias flagging economy. Power Minister Sushilkumar Shinde conveniently blamed the systemic power collapse on some states drawing

We all know that blackouts happen in India and Pakistan somewhat regularly, but not on this massive scale. Is such an unprecedented regional blackout down to increased use only? It is interesting to note that a medium class Solar Storm was expected to hit Earth on Tuesday, 31st July, the day of the massive power outage in India. This colossal power outage is a stark reminder of the intractable problems still plaguing India: What are the chances that we could have a repeat of the Carrington event or something larger? Actually, the chances are pretty good. NASA claims that


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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

National Issues
Pranab Mukherjee was elected as the 13th President (in person) of India on 22 July 2012. Pranab Mukherjee defeated his rival PA Sangma with a huge margin as he secured nearly 69 percent of total valid votes. In an electoral college of 10.5 lakh, Pranab Mukherjee secured a vote value of 713763, while, PA Sangma managed to get only a vote value 315987. The victory of Pranab Mukherjee was announced by Returning Officer for the Presidential election VK Agnihotri. Pranab Mukherjee will be sworn in as the thirteenth President of India on 25 July 2012. Out of the total 748 MPs, Pranab got the support of 527 while his rival, PA Sangma got 206 votes in his favour. Fifteen votes including that of Samjwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav were invalid. Of these, nine were to be in favour of Mukherjee while six for Sangma. Each MP had a vote 14 value of 708 in the Presidential Election 2012. There are a total of 776 voters in both the Houses of Parliament. The Electoral College also consisted of 4120 MLAs in the states. looks into all disputes related to Presidential election. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, was the only President who served two tenures in the office. VV Giri is the only person who was elected as the President of the country as an independent candidate in 1969. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy was the only person to be elected to the office of President of India unopposed, as no other candidate filed nomination for the post of the President. He was elected to the office of President in July 1977.


Value of Vote of an MLA = State Population / (1000 X Total no. of elected MLAs) On the basis of the above formula, the value of the vote of an MLA from UP has the highest value and that from Sikkim the lowest. Value of Vote of an MP = Total value of votes of MLAs of all States / Total no. of elected MPs (LS + RS) The 1971 census is currently under consideration. The election is held through the system of proportional representation by means of the single - transferable vote by secret ballot. The candidate who gets 50 percent of votes is considered elected. Supreme Court


According to the findings of unemployment survey conducted by the Labour Bureau of the Government of India, the country recorded 3.8 percent unemployment rate in the year 2010-11. The earlier figure (200910) was 9.4 percent. The survey was conducted in all 28 states and 7
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Union Territories. The findings of the survey were released on 9 July 2012. As per the survey report the official unemployment rate of the country was 3.8 percent, with urban unemployment and rural unemployment stood at at 5.1 percent and 3.5 percent respectively. Women unemployment at 6.7 percent stood significantly ahead of men unemployment rate which stood at 2.8 percent. The report stated that of those with a livelihood, the majority were self-employed or casual labour. While 48.6 per cent were self employed, 31 per cent were casual labour. On the basis of social stratum the rates of employment for the SC, ST, and OBC groups stood at 55.9 per cent, 59.7 per cent, and 53.3 per cent respectively, as compared to 48.5 per cent for the general category. The unemployment rate was found maximum in states such as Goa (16 percent), Kerala (9 percent) and West Bengal (7 percent), while Gujarat (1 Percent) had the lowest number of unemployment rate. Less developed states such as Bihar, Odisha and UP also recorded a moderate unemployment rate. The data was collected from a sample of 128298 households, while the size of the sample of previous survey was fourth of this size. Superintending Engineer of Kerala and an independent member nominated by the Chairman of the Central Water Commission. A fivejudge Constitution Bench of Justices DK Jain, RM Lodha, Deepak Verma, CK Prasad and Anil R Dave gave the verdict after hearing an application filed by Tamil Nadu government for the courts permission to carry out certain maintenance works. witnessed a bitter disagreement between the Tamil Nadu and Kerala government over the safety of the dam. Kerala has openly expressed its disagreement over the safety of the dam as it argues that dam is 117 years old and has well outlived the average life span of a dam that stretches out between 50 to 60 years. In the face of a disaster, it will be extremely difficult to prevent the loss caused by the breakage of dam. The rising concern over the safety of dam is mostly due to the insufficient safety maintenance and monitoring of the dam. The Kerala government argues that if the dam breaks, as it can in the event of a disaster like earth quake, it will cause a massive loss of lives and property. On the contrary, the Tamil Nadu government contends that if the dam cease to work it will create a

The Mullaperiyar Dam is constructed on the Periyar River in Kerala. The dam was constructed by the British government in 1895, to feed the water need of Tamil Nadu. The dam is located 2889 feet above mean sea level on the Cardamom Hills of the Western Ghats in Thekkadi, Idukki District in Kerala.



The height of the dam is 176 feet while, its length is 1200 feet. The Periyar National Park is located around the dams reservoir. severe water scarcity in five districts of the state, leading to a draught in the region.

The Supreme Court of India allowed Tamil Nadu government to carry out repair and maintenance works on the Mullaperiyar dam. However, the court instructed that the repairing and maintenance work is to be carried out in the presence of the


The past few years have


The Government of India 15
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : launched an anti-ragging website. Kapil Sibal, the Union Human Resource Minister inaugurated the Anti- Ragging Web Portal on 26 July 2012. The portal has been developed by The University Grants Commission (UGC) in collaboration with Ed.CIL (India) Ltd. and Planet E-Com Solutions. Rajendra Kachroo, father of Aman who lost his life to ragging at a medical college in Himachal Pradesh in 2009 has also contributed In the UGC managed portal. Supreme Court, in its judgment dated 8 May 2009 ordered implementation of a ragging prevention programme comprising, inter-alia, setting up toll-free anti-ragging helpline /call centre, database of institutions/ students, engaging an independent non-government agency. All calls that would be received by the Anti-ragging Helpline (18001805522) will be managed and followed up in a structured software system. Moreover, students can see the progress of their complaint any time on Online anti ragging affidavits can be downloaded by students from the site, Ministry. President of India Pranb Mukherjee signed the notification on the reallocation of ministries. Sushilkumar Shinde, a prominent Dalit leader from Maharashtra, has been first time given the charge of any of the key ministry. Shinde, who saw a meteoric rise from a Police Sub Inspector in Maharashtra to the Union Home Minister, was given the charge of Home Ministry at a time when Assam, the northeastern state is burning in the fire of sectarian violence and the state government has starkly failed in its attempt to pacify the situation. Before taking over as the Union Home Minister Shinde was looking after the Power Ministry.

The cabinet reshuffle carried out following the resignation of Pranab Mukherjee from the union cabinet, who became the President of India on 25 July 2012. Mukherjee resigned as the Union finance minister on 26 June 2012 and since then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was looking after the portfolio.


Veerappa Moily, the veteran Congressman, who also holds the charge of corporate ministry, was given the additional charge of power ministry in the middle of the worst power crisis of the history of the country. The electricity crisis erupted as three power transmission grids Northern, Eastern and North-eastern failed, leaving the half of the country with a complete blackout.


Chidambaram, 66, was given the charge of Home Ministry following the resignation of Shivraj Patil who was forced to step down after the Mumbai Terrorist attack on 26 November 2008. Before taking over the Home Affairs, Chidambaram was holding the Finance portfolio. He was made the Finance Minister after the Congress led UPA came into power after 2004 general elections.


In a small cabinet reshuffle carried out on 31 July 2012, the United Progressive Alliance government allocated P Chaidambaram the portfolio of Union Finance Ministry. Previously Chidambaram was serving as the Union Home Minister. Sushilkumar Shinde, was given the charge of Union Home Ministry while, Corporate Affairs Minister Virappa Moily was given the additional charge of Power 16


A special tribunal in its decision pronounced approved the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) move to declare Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) as an unlawful association. The tribunal headed by sitting Delhi High Court Judge Justice VK Shali submitted its report to the Union Home Ministry. The tribunal was constituted to decide whether there was sufficient cause for declaring the association unlawful. The Union Home

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Ministry on 3 February 2012 had extended the ban on SIMI for another two years. SIMI was first designated as an unlawful association on 27 September 2001, given its alleged involvement in the numerous terrorist incidents in the country. The organization also believed to have a close rapport with dreaded terrorist organization like Lashker-e-Taiba. SIMI was founded by Mohammad Ahmadullah Siddiqi on 25 April 1977, in Aligadh, Uttar Pradesh. The organization was banned under the provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. SIMI appealed against the ban in various courts including Special Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act tribunals, but it was not given any respite. Though a special tribunal in August 2008 had lifted the ban on SIMI, but the ban was soon restored by the then Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan, on 6 August, 2008. Kidnapping and abduction was the other major crime in the country followed by murder and riots. Crime like feticide also witnessed a rise as there were 132 cases of feticide reported in the country in 2011, while the number stood at 111 in year 2010. Madhya Pradesh with 38 feticide cases topped the list of state with maximum number of feticide cases. The state was followed by Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh with 21, 15, 13 and 12 cases respectively. Number of farmers suicide also went up in 2011, as nearly 14027 farm suicide cases were reported in the entire year. Adding the total number of suicide cases reported in 2011, the total number of farm suicides since 1995 has touched 270940. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh saw the maximum number of farmers taking their lives. their systems when disruptions occur. grid


According to the latest crime statistics, released by National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) - the statistical arm of Indian Police under ministry of home affairs (MHA) on 3 July 2012, rape with 24206 cases in 2011, emerged as the biggest crime in India in India. NCRB had started recording the cases of rape in 1971, while other cognizable offences have been recorded since 1953. Madhya Pradesh with 3406 rape got the maximum number of rape case registered in the country followed by West Bengal which recorded 2363 rape cases in year 2011. Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan came next with 2042 and 1800 cases respectively.


India witnessed its biggest ever power blackout on 31 July 2012. Post the collapse of the northern power grid twenty states in India were left with no electricity till late evening. This is the second time that the country saw a power failure of a huge margin; interestingly both the failures happened in a time frame of over twenty four hours. The collapse happened at around one o clock in the noon, when the northern grid tripped, which then immediately led to a similar effect on the eastern and north-eastern grids, as the two are connected as a common grid. The problem was compounded as several states had removed the under frequency relays that island

Apparently, the failure of the three power grids despite a stable electricity supply was due to the mounting demand for electricity as monsoon rains remained deficient, outdated power transmission equipments and utter lack of discipline by state utilities in drawing power. Among the states affected were Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Orissa, Bihar, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Assam, meaning that the power trip covered more than half of the countrys population. Amongst the worst hit were the two hundred coal miners trapped in West Bengal and Jharkhand as their shafts remained closed. Amongst the railways, almost three hundred trains remained stranded , also the Delhi Metro, which is a life line to many came to a stop leaving the traffic situation in the state a tizzy. During the peak hour the supply stood less than 40,000 MW against the demand of 130,000 MW. The situation came back to control later by evening on 31 July 2012, forty percent of the system was operating normally again and power was eventually restored over the states. The first power cut of this kind happened just few hours back on the night of 30 July 2012. 17
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :


According to the data released by first Annual Health Survey (AHS), conducted by the census authorities, the incidents of child marriage fell significantly over the past few years. The data was released on 16 April 2012. The AHS, worlds largest demographic survey, was carried out by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in collaboration with the Registrar General of India (RGI) and Ministry of Home Affairs of India. The survey was conducted in all 284 districts of the Empowered Action Group (EAG) states that includes Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Assam. The nine states account for half of the countrys population. The project was launched to assess the impact of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in all 284 districts. Until recently the only reliable source of such health data was the National Family Health Survey, which the health ministry has now discontinued. The survey was conducted by private agencies under the supervision of RGI. The key findings of the latest reports of the survey are as follows: One-fifth of marriages in Bihar between 2007-09 involved women under 18. In Jharkhand, the proportion of child marriage went down from 60 percent to 18 percent earlier. Rajasthan with 22 percent cases of child marriage has the highest proportion of women under 18 getting married. 18

Contraceptive use remains low despite improvements in several regions. Among the 9 states, Bihar has the lowest contraceptive use with just over a third of women aged 15-49 using any method of contraception. Sitapur in UP emerged as the district with the lowest contraceptive use as only 20 percent of women found using any method of contraception. Condition of maternal and infant health is still the subject of worry. Less than 5 percent of women in UP had a full ante natal check-up. Chhattisgarh, with 20 percent full ante-natal check-up, emerged as the bestperforming of these states. Less than half of pregnant women in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh have safe deliveries. UP, Bihar and Uttarakhand saw 40 percent of safe deliveries.

the patients will be given only generic drugs. The policy which will remain effective over the next five years will provide a much needed support to nearly 40 percent people of the country, which spends 1.25 dollar or less a day on health.

The new free drug policy marks the first of its kind endeavour by the government of India to address the grim health services condition in the country. India spends about 1.2 percent of its annual GDP on health, making it a country with least spending on public health services. The country also has a high infant mortality rate as 66 of per 1000 children die before the age of 5, compared with 19 in China and 21 in Brazil. If the report of Organisation for Economic Cooperation to be believed, only seven countries in the world have got their public health expenditure less than India in terms of GDP percentage.


In a policy aimed at benefitting countrys 120 crore population, the Union Government of India unveiled the 5.4 billion dollar free drug policy. Under the new policy, every citizen of the country will be provided free medicines in all public health centres spreaded across the country. As the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare kept branded drugs out of this policy,


The government is expected to unveil a new science policy next year which will give primacy to global competitiveness on scientific discoveries and giving affordable solutions through science. The New Policy document would seek to emphasise on global competitiveness of discovery science as well as affordability
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : through solution science. Participating in a consultation exercise, he said the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy would help in achieving faster, sustainable and inclusive growth and proposed to introduce sound measurement systems based on global experience. The emphasis of Policy will be to provide a renewed impetus for the science and technology sector while creating a vibrant innovation ecosystem that is intertwined with the overall S&T strategy, he said. In the last 10 years, S&T has undergone drastic changes and needs a new STI policy to contribute effectively to countrys economic growth, Sharma said. The new policy would be framed with the aim of providing a transition from perception to evidence-based approaches for investment decisions and gaining technological self-reliance through substantial budgetary support to S&T sector. draft policy, the state is bound to secure the rights and entitlement of children in difficult circumstances such as migration, displacement, disasters and communal violence. has also been relaxed for all land transfers from ministries to statutory authorities or PSUs (Public Sector Units). Besides, the government allowed use and development of railway land by Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA), as per the provisions of Railways Amendment Act, 2005.



The first National Policy on Children was formulated in 1974. The first policy of 1974 described children as a supremely important asset and made the state responsible for providing equal opportunities for growth and development of all children. The policy primarily focused on health and education of the children.


The Ministry of Women and Child Development on 26 July 2012 drafted the National Policy for Children 2012. The revised draft policy reaffirms the governments commitment towards children and addresses new challenges, seeking to realize the full potential of childrens rights throughout the country. It defines a child as a person below eighteen years of age, and acknowledges the inalienable and inherent rights of the child and aims to realize the full range of child rights for all children in the country. The draft has stated that every child has a right to be safeguarded against hunger, deprivation and malnutrition. According to the


The Union Government of India approved relaxation in policies relating to transfer of government land. The objective of the policy is to speed up privatepublic partnership in the country and to fast-track pending infrastructure projects. The decision will ensure that infrastructure projects are not held up for procedural delays. A ban was imposed in 2011 on transfer of government-owned land to any entity except in cases where land was to be transferred from one government department to another. This ban however excluded the cases where the land was to be transferred from one government department to another. The policy

The Union cabinet approved a proposal that seek to make rape a gender-neutral offence. With the cabinet giving its nod to the proposal, now, the word rape will be replaced with sexual assault. Under the current definition of rape (Section 375 of Indian Penal Code) a man is said to commit rape when he has sexual intercourse with a woman against her will. The amendment will expand the definition to cover male victims of sexual assault. The cabinet also approved a proposal which said the IPC will have a separate section (326-A) that would cover injury, hurt, burns and disfigurement of any body part of a person (male or female) by acid. The offence would draw a punishment of 10-year imprisonment and a penalty of 10 lakh rupees. The cabinet further decided to change the definition of a minor. At present some sections of the IPC and the Criminal Procedure Code consider those below 16 as minor. Following the amendment a person below 18 would be considered as minor. The age of consent has also been raised from existing 16 years to 18 years. However, it is proposed that the sexual intercourse by a man with own wife being under sixteen years of age will not be considered as sexual assault. 19
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Delhi High Court scrapped the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) guideline to cap daily SMS limit at 200. TRAI, the telecom watchdog of India, on 5 September 2011 had ordered the telecom companies to restrict the number of daily SMSes per SIM at 100.

ruling prohibited entry of any person other than a member of tribe into the reserve area.

hectares compared to the normal area, with a shortfall in the cultivation of rice, coarse cereals and pulses largely in Karnataka, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Apart from this, an interim assistance of Rs. Thirty eight crore for supply of drinking water would be given to Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

The number was however, increased to 200 subsequently. A division bench of acting Chief Justice A.K. Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw observed that such a restriction on the number of SMSes per day violates the citizens fundamental right of freedom of speech and thus be scrapped. The judges however, upheld the capping of unsolicited commercial communication (UCC) SMSes.

The courts verdict came following a news report which showed some tourists throwing money, food and bananas at the tribal people. The news report had forced the government to order an inquiry. Jarawas are one of the oldest living indigenous people in the world. The tribe has their home in the forests of the Andaman Islands in India. The present number of Jarawa tribe is estimated to be about 250-400. Jarawas have been living in the forests of the Andaman Islands for past thousands of years.


The Supreme Court of India in its ruling quashed the acquisition of land of two industrial units in Dehradun by the Uttar Pradesh government in 1986 on grounds of urgency. A two member Bench of Justices G S Singhvi and F M Ibrahim Kalifulla ruled that the state government failed to produce any material to show that invoking of the urgency clause of the Land Acquisition Act for acquiring the land, was bonafide. The Supreme Court Bench set aside an order of the Allahabad High Court, which had upheld the acquisition.


The union government announced a financial assistance of 1900 crore under various schemes for the rain deficient states. It also extended a diesel subsidy of fifty percent to farmers to save the standing crops through groundwater irrigation which would be shared between the centre and the states. The decisions were taken at the meeting of the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM). The meeting was chaired by Agriculture Minsiter, Sharad Pawar. Amongst the states facing the problems are Parts of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab and Haryana. The overall kharif sowing is lower by 56.03 lakh


The Supreme Court of India modified one of its order on welfare and rehabilitation of sex workers. A special bench of justices Altamas Kabir and Gyan Sudha Misra modified its earlier order, saying the modification shall not be construed that by this order any encouragement is being given to prostitution. Modifying its earlier order, the bench clarified that it would only examine the conditions conducive for sex workers to work with dignity in accordance with provisions of Article 21 of the Constitution of India. The bench


The Supreme Court of India declared the area within a fivekilometre radius around the Jarawa Tribal Reserve in Andaman and Nicobar Islands no go zone. The Apex Court banned all commercial and tourism activities near the Jarawa habitat. A Supreme Court bench of justices G S Singhvi and S J Mukhopadhaya in its 20
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : added that it was keen that sex workers should be given an opportunity to avail rehabilitation measures of the government and other agencies for them.


The Supreme Court of India on 23 July 2012 reduced the VIP quota for Haj pilgrimage from 5050 seats to mere 300. The remaining 4750 seats will be provided to the pilgrims from general category.

While adjudicating a petition for rehabilitation of former sex workers, the Supreme Court had on July 19, 2011 had framed three terms of reference.Article 21 in the Constitution Of India states that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.


A Supreme Court bench of judges Justice Aftab Alam and Ranjana Prakash Desai ruled that under the reduced quota, the Indian president can recommend 100

pilgrims, the vice-president 75, the prime minister 75 and the Minister for External Affairs 50 pilgrims, while, the 200 seats would be reserved for the Haj Committee of India (HCI). The court was informed that 11000 seats have been reserved under government quota to be allocated for Haj 2012. After limiting the seats under discretionaries quota and the HCI, the remaining seats would go to the Haj committees of various states and Union territories. The courts decision came following an affidavit filed by the government of India in compliance with the Apex courts 8 May 2012 order. The court in its 8 May 2012 ruling had asked the Union government to come up with the details of the basis on which its discretionary quota seats for Haj pilgrims are allocated to applicants on recommendation by dignitaries and eminent persons.


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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

International Issues
The US House of Representative on 19 July 2012 voted unanimously to cut the US aid to Pakistan by 650 million dollar. The amendment to cut the aid was proposed by Republican Congressman Ted Poe. The proposal which got the approval of the house in a voice vote will now be tabled in Senate for its approval. Pakistan, a long time ally of US in its war on terror, has received over 20 billion dollar in military and non-military aid since 2001. The Islamic country is one of the largest recipients of US assistance, as in year 2012 alone it is set to receive nearly 3 billion dollar in US aid. Americas long term commitment to its key ally against extremism. Mohamed Nasheed, was forced out of office in February 2012. General

The US Senate in September 2009 had unanimously passed the Kerry-Lugar bill which tripled nonmilitary aid to Pakistan to 1.5 billion dollar per annum, pledging 22


The ousted Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed is charged with illegally ordering the arrest of criminal court Chief Justice, Abdulla Mohamed.

Ahmed Muizz the Maldives prosecutor was the one to file the criminal charge against Mohamed Nasheed and the, then defence minister, Tholhath Ibrahim. At present, Nasheed has been charged with violating Article 81 of the Penal Code, the article states that
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : the detention of a government employee who if not found guilty of a crime is illegal. If Nasheed and Ibrahim are found guilty they shall face a jail sentence or banishment for three years. Despite pressures from both international and local parties and a direct order by the Supreme Court for immediate release, Abdulla had been detained in a military training facility at Kaafu Atoll Girifushi for twenty two days. infections among children are declining at a steady rate.


The United Nations General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution that condemns Syrias use of heavy weapons in the fight against rebel forces. The resolution, drafted by Saudi Arabia, deplored the unrelenting bloodshed in Syria and demanded a peaceful political transition in the country. The resolution got 133 votes in favour in the 193-member body, while 12 voted against the resolution. 31 nations including India chose to remain absent during the voting. The fresh resolution is largely in line with the League of Arab States resolution which demanded Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad to step down from power and urged world community to severe diplomatic relations and ties with Syria. Syrian government, however, deemed the resolution as an attempt to jeopardize the regional peace and stability. Those who opposed the UN resolution including China, Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Cuba argued that putting pressure only on one party would not help resolve the Syrian issue and would instead derail the issue from the track of a political settlement. India abstained from voting after it found some of the provisions of the resolution contrary to its long held stance on the Syrian crisis. Provisions such as forced regime change and sanctions against the country India found particularly objectionable. Before deciding to abstain from the voting Indian Ambassador to the UN Hardeep Singh Puri had held several rounds of dialogue with his Saudi and Qatari counterparts to remove these provisions. 23

Nasheed is the second former President in countrys history to be charged after late President Ibrahim Nasir. Nasheed is a Maldivian politician and one of the founders members of the Maldivian Democratic Party. He served as the fourth President of the Maldives from the year 2008 to 2012. Maldives is a presidential republic. The President acts as the head of government as well as the head of state. The President heads the executive branch and also appoints the cabinet . The cabinet is approved by the Peoples Majlis.

The report noted that about 330000 children were newly infected in 2011, which indicated a 24 percent drop in the new HIV case among children since 2009. Report asserted that nearly 60 percent of the 1.5 million pregnant women living with HIV in poor countries received effective antiAIDS medications last year, which lowered the chances of passing on the virus to their babies. As per the report about 34.2 million people worldwide were living with the AIDS virus at the end of 2011, while, a record eight million people in low- and middle-income countries received the antiretrovirals treatment in 2011.


UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, is an innovative partnership that leads and inspires the world in achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. Member of United Nations Development Group, UNAIDS came into existence in 1994 by a resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council and launched in January 1996. UNAIDS has its headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland. Michel Sidibe is the Executive Chairman of UNAIDS.

According to UNAIDS Report released on 18 July 2012, new HIV
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Hesham Kandil Appointed Egypts New Prime Minister

Egypts President Mohamed Morsi elected fifty year old Hisham Kandil as the countrys Prime Minister. Morsi ordered the countrys former minister of water resources and irrigation, Kandil to form a new government. Kandil, holds an engineering degree from Cairo University in the year 1984 and a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina in the year 1993. Kandil,will be the first Egyptian prime minister to wear a beard,which is a sure sign of change in the country. A number of more experienced names were suggested for the prestigious role, but Morsi chose Kandil, a relatively lesser known face as the Prime Minister of the country, this could be because he wanted someone unlikely to threaten or overshadow him.Kandil is an independent national figure who has never been a member of any party before. Mohamed Morsi who became the fifth President of the Republic of Egypt on 24 June 2012, is the first to have been freely elected in the country. The next government will be technocratic in nature, and the ruling Islamist Freedom and Justice Party is expected to head eight to ten ministries of the new cabinet

pending application or it had been put on hold for any reason, applicants wont be required to pay the visa fee again. The relieved visa application norm also immunes children under seven years of age free from any non-immigrant visa interview after completed visa form is submitted. The US consulate has also upgraded its emergency appointment module for applicants who seek visa for unforeseeable travel to the US.

declared winner following a third round of voting. In election held in January 2012, neither of the two candidates got the two-thirds majority, which was required to be elected as the organization head. Consequently, Ping got an extension of another six months in the office. African Union, the successor to Organisation of African Unity, came into existence in 2002 at Durban summit in South Africa. The Union is headquartered at Addis Ababa Ethiopia. A panAfrican organization, AU aims at promoting unity and cooperation among African nations. The association also strives to spread democracy and good governance in the continent. At present the


African Union (AU) elected South Africas home affairs minister Nkosazana DlaminiZuma as its new head, making her the first female head of the union.


The United States made the visa application rules for Indians more flexible. Under the new visa application norms Indians who aspire to travel US for business or holiday purpose would not have to pay visa fees again in the case of reapplication. In the cases like 24

In a closely fought contest Dlamini-Zuma beat incumbent Jean Ping of Gabon 37-17. DlaminiZuma, wife of the former South African President Jacob Zuma, was

African Union has a total of 54 members. Morocco is the only African country which is not the part of the Union.
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The US Supreme Court upheld the US President Barack Obamas most ambitious social legislation, the Health Care Law (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). The court verdict came in the favor of legislation, made it mandatory for all American citizens to have health insurance or pay a penalty. The health care legislation mainly aims at covering more than 30 million Americans who have not been insured. The 9-judge US Apex Court bench headed by Chief Justice John Robert held the ruling as constitutional in a 5-4 ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts vote proved to be crucial while deciding the fate of the bill. With the Supreme Court ruling came in the favor of legislation, the country is set to join the league of developed nations which provide mandatory health care assurance to all its citizens.

faced severe protest as Republicans, the National Federation of Independent Businesses and several individuals came in the opposition of it and pushed the demand to repeal the law. Nearly 25 states came forward opposing the bill as they argued that the health care legislation would add to the national debt, and proved to job-killer.


The National Security Bureau in the Rawda district of Damascus, capital of Syria suffered a heavy blow on 18 July 2012. As per the information available, the bomb struck while the high profile security meeting was in progress in the Syrian security establishment. The bomb killed the countrys Defence Minister, Dawoud Rajiha, Deputy Defence Minister Assef Shawkat and seriously injured Interior Minister,

Assads brother in law, in relation. The bomb strike was carried out by a suicide bomber, who was apparently a part of the security team that was posted to guard Syrian President Bashar Al Assads inner group. This incident took place after four days of violence in Damascus, which started soon after the opposition launched a new offensive codenamed Operation Damascus Volcano, which focused on high visibility targets As of now, a Syrian rebel Islamist group is claiming up for the strike. The group came up with the information via a post written on Facebook. On the other hand, the opposition Free Syrian Army is also claiming for the attack, according to its spokesman Qassim Saadedine.


United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon released United Nations Millenium Development Goal 2012. Report. The report noted that three important targets on poverty, slums and water have already been met three years ahead of 2015, the target year. On the front of poverty, the report stated that for the first time since poverty trends began to be monitored, both the number of people living in extreme poverty and the poverty rates have fallen in every developing regionincluding sub Saharan Africa, where rates are highest. Preliminary estimates indicate that in 2010, the share of people living on less than a 1.25 dollar a day dropped to less than half of its 1990 value. The target of providing clean drinking water to a substantial population of the world also saw a considerable achievement as the 25

US President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law in March 2010. The legislation

Mohammed Ibrahim al-Shaar and Intelligence chief, Hisham Bekhtyar. The Deputy Defence Minister who was killed was
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : proportion of people using improved water sources rose from 76 per cent in 1990 to 89 per cent in 2010, which means more than two billion people across the world today have the access to sources of clean drinking water. In developing world the share of urban population living in slums came down to 33 per cent in 2000 from 39 per cent in 2000. The millennium development goal asserted that the developing countries have also marked considerable achievements in education as many more of the worlds children are enrolled in school at the primary level, especially since 2000. Girls have benefited the most. On the front of AIDS control, the developing countries have achieved tremendous fate as at the end of 2012 nearly 6.5 million people in the developing countries were receiving the antiretroviral therapy for HIV AIDS. by the United Nations following the Millennium Summit in 2000. The Declaration asserts that every individual has the right to dignity, freedom, equality, a basic standard of living that includes freedom from hunger and violence, and encourages tolerance and solidarity. In order to achieve its target of providing every individual a basic standard of living along with freedom, equality, the member nations had adopted the Eight goals which has to be achieved by 2015. The eight areas which comprises the UN Millenium Development Goal are as follows: Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Goal 5: Improve maternal health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development of the priority list of countrys policy if the world has to provide food to its seven billion population - a number expected to cross nine billion mark by 2050. The report, based on a study conducted by a team of researchers from Swedish Institute of Food & Biotechnology and the Food and Agriculture Organisation, pointed out that an astounding 1.3 billion tones of food is wasted every year. A staggering 220 million tones of food is wasted every year in North America and Europe alone, the report figured out. The UNEP report seeks to draw the attention of global community on key environmental aspects, which are largely being ignored by economic activities like overfishing, unsustainable water use and other human activities. The report also kicks off a debate with respect to the Green Economy and sought for a food security mechanism which does not undermine the crucial ecosystem services. The report, which has been written by a team of eleven scientists and experts, covered several areas of expertise including food consumption patterns, agricultural production, marine fisheries and inland fisheries. International organizations including the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Bank, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Resources Institute (WRI), also made their contribution in the first of its kind study, which links global food security to ecological system.


The UN Millenium Development Goal Report presents the most comprehensive global assessment of progress to date, based on data provided by a large number of international organizations within and outside the United Nations system. The aggregate figures in the report provide an overview of regional progress under the eight goals and are a convenient way to track advances over time. The report is coordinated and published by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The Millenium Development Goal has its origin in the Millennium Declaration produced 26


The United Nations Environment Programme released its food security reportAvoiding Future Famines: Strengthening the Ecological Basis of Food Security through Sustainable Food Systems during Rio+20 Summit on sustainable development in Rio de Janeirio, Brazil. The report noted that food security must be at the top


Russia and China vetoed on the UN Security Council resolution
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : on Syria on 19 July 2012.Though Russia and China vetoed it, India was amongst the eleven countries that voted in favour with Pakistan and South Africa abstaining. The resolution against which Russia and China vetoed, could have brought new sanctions against President Bashar Al Assads regime. This is the third time in a tenure of nine months that Russia and China used their powers as permanent members of the UN Security Council to block resolutions on Syria.The resolution also would have imposed economic sanctions on the Syrian government under Chapter seven of the United Nations Charter. now work outside of the council to confront Assads regime. The situation in Syria is very vulnerable at the moment , post the killing of the Defence Minister and the Deputy Defence Minister. The Syrian army has given the residents a tenure of forty eight hours to leave the areas of the capital, where clashes are taking place between security forces and rebels. The medical and humanitarian situation in Damarcus is getting worst from worse. As per the observatory figures, huge number of hundred and seven people were killed in violence on 19 July 2012. The Security Council vote has now left the future of a 300-member agreement was signed by Additional Defence Secretary Rear Admiral Farrukh Ahmed and US Charge d Affaires Richard Hoagland. Under the agreement, the US will provide 1.1 billion dollar aid to Pakistan for fighting terrorists within its borders. The agreement will cease to exist by the end of 2015, though, it can be renewed for one-year intervals beyond that. The agreement is set to replace the existing arrangements, which is not an official agreement and largely based on a verbal understanding. Some of the major points of the agreement are as follows: The agreement bars transportation of arms and ammunition for NATO/ISAF in Afghanistan via Pakistan Arms shipments and equipments for training of Afghan security forces allowed Routes from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan are to be used by NATO tankers No tax or duty to be levied on the containers though commercial carriers will have to pay a fee. Pakistan to ensure the security and quick transfer of cargo while keeping the US authority in loop Containers travelling to Afghanistan will be bound to return via Pakistan The Defence Ministry which will act as a central coordination authority will review daily operations and 27

The Obama Administration was grossly against the decision of Russia and China to veto the UN Security Council resolution on Syria, and tagged the countries stating that, they are on the wrong side of history. However, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, stated that the end game of the Assad regime has just begin. U.S also stated that the Security Council has failed miserably on Syria and it would

United Nations mission in Syria to monitor the peace plan in jeopardy.


After a week long negotiations, Pakistan and the US on 31 July 2012 finally signed an agreement on transporting supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan through Pakistan, until the end of 2015. The
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : other matters related to the supply routes Two monitoring offices for NATO supplies to be set up at the Defence Ministry and the US embassy 10 July 2012. Judges at the ICC found Thomas Lubanga guilty of recruiting and using children in his Union of Congolese Patriots militia. The court, however, has arrangements with seven countries to jail the war criminals which includes; Denmark, Serbia, Mali, Austria, Finland, Britain and Belgium. Lubanga, who had used children as the soldiers during the violent struggle in Congos eastern Ituri region in 2002-2003 was convicted for war crime. He is the first person to be convicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since it was established in 2002. He was arrested by UN peacekeepers, in March 2005. Lubanga had led the Union of Congolese Patriots, an ethnic militia in the violent struggle in the Ituri region and its main town of Bunia. The conflict, which began in 1999, claimed the life of about 60000 people in the country. launch was the part of Irans Great Prophet 7 exercise. Great Prophet 7 exercise was announced by Iran on 1 July 2012 in the wake of latest European Union sanctions on Iran. The exercise, which involved test of dozens of missiles and domestically-built drones came following European Unions decision to ban the purchase of Iranian crude oil. The EUs decision is the clear repurcussion of failed dialogue held between Iran and world powers on Irans ambitious nuclear programme. The world powers including United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, the Western powers had held three round of dialogues with Iran to persuade it to halt its nuclear programme. With all the three dialogues did not meet their desired end, the world powers including the European Union chose to impose a strict ban against the purchase of Iranian crude oil. Iran is the fifth largest oil producer in the world and the EU ban on Iranian oil imports will badly hurt its already floundering economy. The sanctions, which have been

India called on all nations within and outside Syria to fully cooperate with international envoy Kofi Annan to bring an end to the ongoing crisis situation in Syria. Hardeep Singh Puri, Indias Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador while addressing a Security Council open debate on the situation in the Middle East, stated that India does not see an alternative to the full implementation of UN resolutions 2042 and 2043 for a political resolution of the crisis without any further bloodshed. India urged all parties to fully cooperate with international envoy, Kofi Annan and bring an end to the bloodshed and crisis in Syria. The crisis in Syria took pace since the uprising against President Bashar Al Assad began sixteen months ago. An approximate number of thousand people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Syria and thousands displaced. The UNSC failed to adopt a resolution to stop the crisis in Syria after Russia and China vetoed on the UN Security Council resolution on Syria on 19 July 2012.


Iran test-fired a medium range ballistic missile Shahab-3. The Shahab-3 has a range of up to 2000 kilometres.


Hague based International Criminal Court (ICC) awarded Thomas Lubanga, a Congolese warlord, 14-year imprisonment on 28 The Shahab-1 and Shahab-2, the two short-range missiles, with ranges of 300 to 500 kilometres, were also launched. The missile imposed to make Iran reconsider its nuclear development plan, will not only deprive Iran of European market that makes 18 percent of its
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : exports but also bar EU companies from transporting Iranian crude or insuring shipments, hurting its trade worldwide. insurgent group, which came into existence in mid 1970s, was largely used by the US as a tool against Soviet Russia during the cold war days. Haqqani Network is widely believed to have the support of Pakistani administration as well as the ISI, Pakistans top spy agency. immediately. To fund its terror operations the group relies on the extortion, kidnapping and smuggling.



In a move aimed at strengthening its economic ties with the African continent, China pledged to give 20 billion dollar loan to African countries over the next three years. The announcement about the credit line was made by the Chinese President Hu Jin Tao at the opening session of the fifth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing on 19 July 2012. China had pledged 10 billion dollar loans at the previous China-Africa summit in 2009. Chinese President while addressing the conferencea announced to increase Chinese assistance to Africa by building agricultural technology demonstration centres, training 30000 personnel and offering 18000 scholarships. To provide better medical amenities in the continent, China will also send 1500 medical staffs to the continent. Heads of state and representatives from 50 African countries attended the conference. Besides, more than 20 Chinese and African business houses inked economic cooperation agreements worth 341 million dollar at the sideline of the conference. Chinas two-way trade with Africa stood at 166 billion dollar in 2011, three times the 2006 volume. China in 2009 became the continents biggest trading partner globally. According to China custom data Angola, South Africa, Sudan, Nigeria and Egypt are the five biggest trading partners of 29

The US Senate unanimously passed a resolution to label the Haqqani network as a foreign terrorist group. The resolution came following the US House of Representatives passed Haqqani Network Terrorist Designation Act of 2012 early July 2012. The bill was already passed in 2011 but had to be passed by the Senate again given the changes made in it by the House. As the final step to become a legislation, the bill now move to the White House for the approval of President Barack Obama.


The Haqqani Network is a group of Islamic fanatics which have been fighting against US-led NATO forces and the government of Afghanistan to reacquire control over the trouble-torn nation. The

The Network is led by Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin Haqqani. The group, which believed to have its base in Pakistan, operates across the Afghanistan- Pakistan border. The dreaded terror group consistently remains one of the most formidable threats to the US led NATO forces and the Afghan Government given its striking capabilities and the influence it enjoys among the conservative islamic groups existing across the border. The network has drawn extreme reactions from the leaders in US and western countries, which consider it as the most resilient enemy network. Haqqani Networks alleged link with Taliban militants has added to the anxiety of US administration which wants the group to be banned
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : China in Africa. China is sponsoring numerous infrastructure projects in African continent. It also provided the 200 million dollar fund for constructing the African Unions new headquarters in Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. To boost the Sino-African ties the Chinese President proposed five measures including: Expanding cooperation in investment and financing to support sustainable development in Africa Building more agricultural technology demonstration centers as necessary to help African countries increase production capacity Supporting the African integration process and help Africa enhance capacity for overall development Enhancing people-to-people friendship by setting up China-Africa people-topeople friendship action Promoting peace and stability in Africa and create a secure environment for Africas development Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit 2012 marked the fifth edition of summit. The summit is held every three year since 2000. years. Multilateral organizations like World Bank and Asian Development Bank also attended the conference. At the end of the conference all the participant nations and groups adopted the Tokyo Declaration, on the security of Afghanistan. held to discuss the peace building process in the war-torn nation concluded with the participants getting agreed to provide 16 billion dollar as the development aid to the country over the next four years. The participants adopted Tokyo Declaration towards the end


The day long International Conference on Afghanistan was held in Tokyo. Nearly 70 countries and organizations attended the conference, pledging a 16 billion dollar development aid to Afghanistan over the next four 30

The declaration read the main threat to Afghanistans security and stability comes from terrorism and that this threat also endangers regional and international peace and security. The declaration also endorsed key recommendations of a regional conclave hosted by India to promote direct investment in Afghanistan. The conference, which came in the wake of US and NATO forces decision to pull out its troop from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, was aimed at providing monetary support to the war-torn nation. The development aid is intended to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of the country. The day long International Conference on Afghanistan held in Japanese capital Tokyo on 8 July 2012. The conference, which was

of the conference, which widely acknowledged Indias concerns on the security of Afghanistan. The declaration stated that the main threat to Afghanistans security and stability comes from terrorism and that this threat also endangers regional and international peace and security. The declaration also endorsed key recommendations of a regional conclave hosted by India to promote direct investment in Afghanistan.Confederation of Indian Industry had hosted the Delhi Investors Summit on Afghanistan on 28 June 2012.


United States announced fresh sanctions against foreign banks that helps Iran sell its oil.The U.S government signed an
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : executive order of new sanctions which will target anyone buying Iranian petrochemicals or facilitating payments to Iran, including an Iraqi and a Chinese Bank. The government stated that the measure would increase pressure on Tehran for failing to meet its international nuclear obligations. The sanctions are targeting the foreign banks that handle transactions for Iranian oil or handle large transactions from the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) or Naftiran Intertrade Company (NICO). The order given by Obama also targeted the Chinas Bank of Kunlun and Iraqs Elaf Islamic Bank for providing services to Iranian banks. On this order, China reacted quite angrily , saying that the effort is being used to put pressure on Iran over its nuclear program. China, a big importer of Iranian oil decided to lodge an official protest with U.S.A after the recent development. The new order provides waiver to countries that have cut the purchases of Iranian oil significantly. Oil and Petrochemical industry account almost eighty percent of Irans revenues. suspended Basescu as it accused him of making unnecessary interference in government affairs. Traian Basescu was removed from his post by the parliament on 10 July 2012, but as the referendum stands invalid now, he will be reinstated to the position. system for a maximum of two fiveyear terms. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President of the country after it holds consultations with the leaders of the party that enjoys the majority in the Parliament.


People of Romania voted in a referendum on impeaching the President Traian Basescu. The President, however, survived the impeachment because of low voter turnout. According to Romanian law, the referendum required at least 50 percent voting of eligible voters, while the turnout was under 46 percent on the day of referendum. The referendum came following Romanias center-left government, led by Prime Minister Victor Ponta,

Traian Basescu was elected president of the country in 2004. Previously he was suspended from office in 2007, though he reacquired the position a month later through a referendum. In 2009 he was re-elected the president for a second 5-year term. Romania, the member of European Union, is located at the intersection of Central and Southeastern Europe. It is the ninth largest country of the European Union by area, and has the seventh largest population rope. The country became the member of European Union on 1 January 2007. Under the Romanian political system, Prime Minister of the country serves as the head of the government, while the President works as the head of the state. President is elected through the universal adult franchise


Derek Mitchell assumed the charge as the first US Ambassador to Myanmar in the past 22 year. Mitchell met President Thein Sein in Myanmars capital Naypyitaw before assuming the charge. Prior to his current assignment, Mitchell served as President Barack Obamas special envoy to Myanmar. The US Senate confirmed his appointment as ambassador to the country in June 2012. Earlier, charge daffaires used to be the US top diplomat in Myanmar. In yet another gesture of amity the US government eased sanctions on Myanmar, allowing American business houses to make investment in the southeast Asian nation. The decision marked a strong indication of US support to 31
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : the political reforms being unfolded in Myanmar. Prompted by the series of political reforms in the country, the US Government in January 2012 had announced to restore diplomatic relation with Myanmar. The former Junta ruled country has witnessed a slew of political reforms over the past few months, which witnessed prodemocracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi released from the year-long house arrest and moving to the parliament following a victory in by-elections. unexploded bombs are still being felt in the country. Hillary Clintons visit to Laos is the part of US strategy to strengthen its presence in the Southeast Asian region. US, which over the past one decade has shown a great willingness to get its position strengthened in the entire Asian continent, is reworking over its future plans in the region against the backdrop of growing Chinese hegemony. The visit indicates the US changing foreign policy stance and priorities in the region. Earlier Clinton had visited Mongolia the other Central-east Asian nation on 10 July 2012. called Contempt of Court Act 2012(COCA 2012) seeking to protect the Prime Minister from disqualification.


Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state visited Southeast Asian nation Laos (Lao Peoples Democratic Republic) on 10 July 2012. The historic visit marked the first to the Laos, a communist nation, by any US secretary of state over the past 57 years. John Foster Dulles visit in 1955 marked the last visit by any top US diplomat to Laos.

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the Geneva based human rights wing of UN, adopted a first ever resolution to protect the online human rights of global citizens. The resolution adopted by consensus, stated that citizens of the world are as much entitled to the human rights online as they are offline. The resolution noted that there can be no double standard with regard to peoples right of fundamental freedom and since internet makes a major part of present worlds communication process, all governments must endeavour to protect the online rights of its citizens.

During her visit she held separate dialogues with Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong and Foreign Minister Thongloun Sisoulith where the leaders discussed a range of bilateral and global issues. The two countries had not been on best of terms after the US dropped two million tons of bombs on Laos during the Vietnam War. The hazardous effects of




Supreme Court of Pakistan annulled the new law

A five-member bench of the Court headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry ruled that the new law is unconstitutional and void with effect from the day it was enforced. The court found Section 2(a), Section 3, Section 4(4), Section 6(2&3), Section 8(1, 3 &5), Section 10(b), Section 11(3, 4 & 5), Section 12 and Section 13 of COCA 2012 as ultra vires the constitution of Pakistan. COCA 2012 was promulgated under Clause 3 of Article 204 of the constitution, which confers power on the legislature to make law to regulate the exercise of power by the Courts, and not to incorporate any substantive provision or defences as it has been done in the proviso. The court ruling said that powers of the courts were reduced by incorporating expression by scandalising a judge in relation to his office whereas in Article 204(2) the word court has been used. The court further observed that incorporation of Article 248(1) in proviso (i) to Section 3 is tantamount to amending the constitution, which could not be done without following the procedure given in in articles 238 and 239 of the constitution.

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

India & The World

India and China agreed to increase their defence and security dialogue and work to take steps to ensure that the two countries achieve a 100 billion dollars trade target by 2015. The decision was taken on the sidelines of the Rio+ 20 summit at Rio De Janeiro. India also raised the border issue during the talks. India and China agreed that they would continue political dialogue at the political level. India and China also decided that the special representatives would work for preparing the joint record of their work so far, which was already announced in January 2012 and give directions for the future co-ordination between the two countries. The special represen-tatives of India and China would submit a report on the developments so far by January 2013. India would setup interministerial group on its side while China would have an official team that would periodically exchange views on maritime issues relating to trade and security. Rio+20 Environment Summit by Indian Prime Minister

India and China agreed to take the defence and security dialogue to a higher level and work to take steps to ensure that the two countries achieve a USD 100 billion trade target by 2015 on 26 July 2012. The dialogue of forty minutes took place on the sidelines of the

Manmohan Singh and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabo. Post the dialogue, Prime Minister Singh invited Chinese investment in infrastructure in India. The two leaders also discussed the issue of trans-border rivers flowing in both the 33
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : countries, India and China during which Beijing agreed to transfer of information in this regard to New Delhi. The two countries have agreed to establish strategic and cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity, they also reiterated their intention to promote regular ministeriallevel exchanges and make full use of the strategic dialogue and other bilateral dialogue mechanisms. Indian exporters can soon begin shipping basmati rice to China after both countries agree on a mutually satisfactory quarantine protocol. As far the transborder rivers issue is concerned, China has maintained that its hydropower project on Brahmaputra river in Tibet is not obstructing the water flow to India. It has also said that its dam is not big enough to affect the lower riparian regions like in India. visited India as the part of his weeklong visit to Asia to formulate a new US defense strategy to allies and partners in the region. The strategy, which was released in January 2012, calls for a shift in US strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific. India will not compromise with the fundamental principles of its foreign policy. There may be some starkly differing voices among the experts over the Indias future course, but one thing that remains very clear


US defense secretary Leon Panetta arrived India on a two-day visit on 5 June 2012. The visit was aimed at strengthening bilateral strategic and defense cooperation between the two nations. US specified the Indian role in the world politics and its significance as a link between East and West Asia and how the United States views India as a net provider of security from the Indian Ocean to Afghanistan and beyond. Panetta 34

India over the past one decade has emerged as the key US ally in the Asian continent. As the time for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is nearing, America seeks to establish a stronger strategic and defense tie with India, so that it could keep a tab on the regions geopolitics even after the withdrawal of its troops. The growing Chinese hegemony in the region has also prompted the two distant nations to come together in order to tackle any possible threat from the communist China. Many analysts believe that the Panettas visit is the part of Pentagons policy to team up with India against the growing Chinese assertiveness in the global politics. But many foreign policy experts are of the contrary view as they felt that India has always opted for a policy of non-alignment and this time too

that Indias interest lie with both China and US and given the present circumstances in the world politics it can not risk its relationship with any of them. Hence, It will be wise for India to pursue a neutral and nonconfrontational outlook with respect to both the super powers. In what came as a major disappointment for the Bhopal gas tragedy victims, a US Federal Court on 27 June 2012 absolved Union Carbide Corporation and its former chairman Warren Anderson of the Bhopal gas tragedy case. In his ruling US district Court Judge John F. Keenan concluded that UCC is neither directly nor as an agent of Union Carbide India Limited
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : (UCIL) liable for the mishap. While pronouncing its verdict the court invoked a 1998 court verdict in a case involving KFC, in which the court had observed that legally the mere assertion that a corporate parent is or was involved in the decision-making process of its subsidiary, or that it controlled the legitimate policies of its subsidiary, will not shift liabilities among distinct corporate entities. Nearly 25000 people had lost their life in Bhopal Gas Tragedy, one of the worst industrial disasters of the world history. The disaster occured following the leakage of poisonous methyl isocyanate gas from Union Carbide India Limiteds pesticides factory in Bhopal on 2-3 December 1984. The catastrophic gas leak, immediately claimed the life of 3000 people, while the aftermath of the disaster had proved to be far more horrifying as thousands of people died subsequently due to illeffects of the toxic waste in the environment. The enormity of the damage can well be assessed by the fact that even today, after 27 years of the incident, the people of Bhopal are facing the wrath of the tragedy. In a testimony to the long lasting catastrophic impact of the gas leak, a test conducted by the BBC in 2009 found that the water of the affected region contain 1000 times the World Health Organizations recommended maximum amount of carbon tetrachloride, a carcinogenic toxin. The US court verdict, came in the favor of UCC, has substantiated its long held stance over the Bhopal gas tragedy. The company has long been in denial of all the charges made against it by the victims of the tragedy. every year, and the same number of Israeli citizens come to India annually. India and Israel signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 2 August 2012 for starting a collaborative academic research programme. Under the Research programme both the countries will together work in areas such as medical, information technology, social sciences, humanities and arts. The MoU was signed by Professor Benjamin Geiger, Chairman of the Israel Science Foundation and Ved Prakash, Chairman of


India and Israel inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to expand the bilateral relation in the tourism sector on 24 June 2012. Israel, under the MoU, will open a tourism office in Mumbai and increase the frequency of flights to India. The MoU was signed between Israeli Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov and his Indian counterpart Minister Subodh Kant Sahai in Jerusalam in Israel. Israel is also set to invest 660000 dollar to draw more Indian tourists to the country.

The MoU also set the foundation to establish a tourism development forum, which will seek the advice from various stakeholders including travel agents, hoteliers, tour operators and from the media, to expand tourism market in both the countries. The two countries have a great scope of tourism development by engaging into mutual cooperation as nearly 40000 Indian tourists visit Israel

University Grants Commission. The agreement will exist for next five years, providing support up to 100000 dollar a research project for three years. The idea of collaborative academic research programme came into being during a recent visit of Minister for Human Resource Development Kapil 35
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Sibal to Israel. Sibal during the course of her visit had conducted dialogue with Israels Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, Education Minister Gideon Saar and Chairman of Planning and Budgeting Committee Manuel Trajtenberg. country. India has been largely dependent on Iran to meet its growing oil need. India imports nearly 12 percent of its entire oil requirement from Iran, and banning the Iranian ships could aggravate the situation in the country which has already been facing the high price of oil. 2003. It was agreed that the next round of talks on Siachen will be held in New Delhi on mutually convenient dates, to be fixed through diplomatic channels. Both India and Pakistan want to demilitarize Siachen, the worlds highest battlefield. However, they have differences over the modalities. India wants the Actual Ground Position Line to be authenticated before withdrawal of troops from Siachen while Pakistan wants demilitarization first. Indian government on 1 August 2012 decided to allow investment from Pakistan with the objective of boosting


The Defence Secretary level talks between Pakistan and India and on Siachen were held at the Ministry of Defence, Rawalpindi on 11 12 June 2012. The talks were held in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.


In a move that is likely to impact the crude oil supply to the country, India banned USsanctioned Iranian ships from entering its water. The decision to this effect was taken by the government. Earlier in July 2012, the government had allowed import of crude oil from Iran in ships arranged by Tehran. It had allowed Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) and other state refiners to import oil from Iran on CIF (cost, insurance and freight) basis wherein Tehran was to arrange for ships and insurance. But the order was annulled within days and MRPL, the nations largest importer of Iranian oil, could hardly import a ship from Tehran.

The US had imposed sanctions on the National Iranian Tanker Company and its 58 vessels on 13 July 2012, in a move aimed at forcing Iran to stop its illicit nuclear programme. Earlier European Union had also imposed a similar kind of ban on Irans oil. The decision to ban US-sanctioned Iranian ships will have farreaching consequences for India as Iran is the fourth largest oil supplier to the 36

The conclusion of the talks was that both nations reaffirmed their resolve to make serious, sustained and result oriented efforts for seeking an amicable resolution of Siachen. It was agreed to continue dialogue on Siachen. Both countries acknowledged that the ceasefire was holding since

bilateral economic relations. However, India kept out strategic sectors of defence, space and atomic energy from Pakistan. Pakistan can explore sectors like cement, textiles and sports for
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : investments in India. Besides, the FDI proposals from Pakistan need to be cleared from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB). It is important to note that India had granted the MFN status to Pakistan in 1996. Although Pakistan had notified granting the MFN status to India in March 2012, it is yet to implement it fully. However, Pakistan had partially liberalised its trade regime with India in March 2012 by shifting from positive list rules to negative. It means that barring 1209 items Pakistan will allow import of all other Indian goods. can explore sectors like cement, textiles and sports for investments in the country. India on 8 June 2012 announced to allow foreign direct investment from Pakistan. The move is aimed at strengthening the bilateral economic relations between the two countries. The decision will also facilitate the economic integration in the South Asian region. The Union Finance Ministry had received a proposal by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) seeking changes in Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) to allow FDI from Pakistan. Under the present FDI policy, a Pakistani citizen or an entity incorporated in there is not allowed to invest in India. The Government had earlier allowed investments from Bangladesh under the FIPB route. The bilateral trade between India and Pakistan for the year 2010-11 stood at 2.7 billion dollar. With 2.32 billion dollar exports, India dominated the trade, which grew at a rate of 47 per cent and also approaching forward to occupy 1 per cent share of Indian global exports. A nine-member Pakistani delegation has arrived in India to learn from its experience of polio eradication. Pakistan saw a manifold rise in polio cases this year, and is one of the three countries, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria, where the infectious viral disease is still prevalent. India became polio-free in January this year, after one full year without a single case being reported. It has subsequently been removed from the WHO list of polio-endemic countries. Led by Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilanis special assistant on polio, the Pakistan team will call on officials of the Union Health Ministry here on Thursday. The delegation, comprising health officials of districts along the Indian border, will also visit a polio camp. Altaf Bosan, National Coordinator of the Prime Minister on Polio, will accompany the team. Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation, in a resolution, has impressed on member-states with polio virus transmission to declare it a national public health emergency, making polio virus eradication a national priority programme, requiring the development and full implementation of emergency action plans, to be updated every six months, till such time the virus transmission has been interrupted. The resolution declares completion of polio virus eradication a programmatic emergency for global public health, requiring full implementation of the existing and new eradication strategies, the institution of strong national oversight, and accountability mechanisms for all areas affected with the virus. The members have been asked to eliminate unimmunised areas and maintain very high population immunity against polio viruses through routine immunisation. Where necessary, they should supplement immunisation activities, maintain vigil for polio virus importation and emergence of circulating vaccine-derived polio viruses, and to make available urgently the financial resources required for the full and continued implementation, till 2013, of the strategic approaches to interrupt polio virus transmission globally, and to initiate planning for financing to the end of 2018 the polio endgame strategy. More importantly, the resolution asks the WH DirectorGeneral to undertake the development, scientific vetting and rapid finalisation of a comprehensive eradication and endgame strategy, and inform the 37
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : member-states of the potential timing of a switch from the trivalent to bivalent oral polio virus vaccine for all routine immunisation programmes, and to coordinate with all partners including manufacturers to promote research, production and supply of vaccines to enhance their affordability, effectiveness and accessibility. Security Cooperation. The Minister of State for Home Affairs, India Shri Mullappally Ramachandran signed the Agreement with Jose Mandra, Minister of Interior, Govt of Mozambique at Maputo, Mozambique. The objective of the agreement was to discuss cooperation and both the countries decided to develop the relationship further in various fields for mutual benefit. Amongst the key highlights of the meet was that, Mullappally Ramachandran was on a three day visit to Mozambique. There is an estimation of almost twenty five thousand people of Indian origin living in Mozambique for generations. The relations between both the countries have remained warm and friendly. India was amongst the first countries to extend recognition to Mozambique after the later achieved independence in the year 1975. India and Mozambique have mutually rendered and benefited in the fields of industry, trade, mineral resources and culture. product to be exported from Dubai in the first quarter of 2012-13.


India and Bahrain, inked a Tax Information Exchange Agreement to promote economic cooperation and joint investment between the two countries. The agreement is aimed at increasing bilateral trade that stands at 1.7 billion dollar. The agreement with its provision for effective exchange of information between the two countries, will help in reducing tax evasion and tax avoidance. The agreement was signed by Indian Minister of State for Finance Namo Narain Meena and Bahrains Minister of Transportation and Acting Chief Executive of Economic Development Board Kamal Ahmed in New Delhi. The Bahrain delegation was led by Prince Salman Bin HamadAl-Khalifa, the Crown Prince of Bahrain and chairman of the Bahrain Economic Development Board. The two countries also inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to make the ties on technological front more effective. Under the newly signed MoU India will provide technical assistance to Bahrain and help it to develop its own IT sector in Bahrain. Besides Tax Information Exchange Agreement, several other commercial and economic cooperation agreements were also signed. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop business and commercial was signed between the industrial bodies of two countries. The two countries historically enjoy an intimate and friendly relation with each other. Indian Diaspora constitutes nearly a quarter of



The Election Commission of India and South Korean Election Commission signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to strengthen institutions and processes for democracy. This was 13th MoU that India signed with Electoral Bodies. It will also strengthen India-South Korea bilateral cooperation. Both the nations will work together for the cause of the Asian electoral community and the larger global electoral fraternity. India emerged as the largest trading partner of Dubai in the first quarter of 2012-13. The latest data of Dubai foreign trade released by the Dubai Customs in the third week of June 2012, shows the trade volume in the first quarter between India and Dubai to be worth 13 billion US Dollars. India was the number one exporting country with a volume worth 7 billion dollars. In terms of imports, India came second at 6 billion dollars after China. Dubais oil foreign trade registered a significant growth of 6.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2012-2013, which reflects the resilience and diversity of the economy. Gold was the number one


India and Mozambique signed an agreement on Bilateral 38
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Bahrains entire 1.2 million population. Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. R. M. Marty Natalegawa and his Indian counterpart S.M Krishna at the Hyderabad House in New Delhi. Apart from the agreement, both sides also signed the agreed minutes of thefourth Joint Commission Meeting between India and Indonesia. exchange of information. Information must be foreseeably relevant to the administration and enforcement of the domestic laws of the Contracting Parties concerning taxes and tax matters covered by the agreement.


India signed an agreement with Belgium for the modernisation of the Indian Railways and make some of the major railway stations in the country of global standard. Under the agreement the two countries would share design and current practices in railway infrastructure and deputation of experts in areas of mutual interest. The countries will also explore the new avenues of co-operation in the Railway sector. Belgian state run companies such as Euro Station and Euro Immostar have vast experience in developing stations. The companies have extensive expertise in transforming historical railway stations into the modern international terminals.

Highlights of the Meet

Both the countries, reviewed the entire state of bilateral relationship including trade and commerce. Two nations have also agreed to strengthen the bilateral relationship into a strategic partnership Both countries share a warm relationship on account of the solid foundation of historical and cultural ties. Both countries are also hopeful of achieving the trade target of 25 billion US Dollars by 2015

The requesting State has to provide some minimum details about the information requested in order to justify the foreseeably relevance criteria. Information is to be treated as secret and can be disclosed to only specified person or authorities, which are tax authorities or the authorities concerned with the determination of tax appeal. It also provides for disclosure of information to any other person or entity or authority or any other jurisdiction (including foreign Governments) with the written consent of the competent authority of the requested Party. There is a specific provision that the requested Party shall 39

Numerous Belgium or Belgium-based companies are already operating in India and have been involved in activities such as fastening and coating of rails to delivery of parts for train construction and software for safety and network management.


India signed Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) with Monaco in New Delhi. It will allow the two countries to check tax evasion and money laundering. This was the ninth TIEA signed by India. Key features of this agreement are as following; It is based on international standard of transparency and


India and Indonesia signed an agreement to avoid double taxation and prevent fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. The agreement was signed by
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : provide upon request the information even though that Party may not need such information for its own tax purposes. There is a specific provision for providing banking and ownership information. There is a specific provision for Tax Examination Abroad where authorities of one State can present in the tax examination of taxpayer in the other State. Upon entry into force, the Agreement allows exchange of information forthwith.


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The Union Cabinet approved the reserve price for auction of 2G spectrum as well as spectrum usage charges (SUC). The Cabinet set the reserve price of 14000 crore rupees for the 5 megahertz panIndia spectrum in the 1800 megahertz band. The price is 22 percent lower than the telecom regulators suggestion. An auctioneer will be soon appointed to conduct a fresh auction. The Cabinet also endorsed the EGoMs recommendation that the reserve price for the 800 megahertz band, which is used by CDMA operators, be fixed at 1.3 times the price for 1800 megahertz band. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) had recommended the base price at 18000 crore rupees, which drew a heavy criticism from telecom companies, who argued that the base price suggested by TRAI is irrational. The fresh auction of 2G spectrum was necessitated after the Supreme Court scrapped 122 telecom licences on 2 February 2012 as it found the process of spectrum allocation cramped with flaws. erstwhile 24 percent. The cut in SLR is broadly aimed at enhancing the liquidity in the system to ensure free flow of credit growth. RBI had last cut the policy rates by 50 bps in its annual monetary policy announced on 17 April 2012. The bank decision had come after three years of stringent monetary policy. With the overall inflation continuing to be above the RBIs comfort level, the central bank raised the baseline projection of WPI based inflation to 7 percent for March 2013 as against the earlier projection of 6.50 percent. RBI also cut its economic growth outlook for the fiscal year 2012-13 to 6.5 percent, from the earlier projection of 7.3 percent made during the annual monetary policy review in April 2012. RBI is presently facing a tremendous pressure from different quarters of economy to revive the sluggish economy. Critics have even blamed RBI of being ineffective in reversing the pessimistic 41


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its April-June quarter monetary policy review released on 31 July 2012 left the key policy rates unchanged. The repo rate - the rate at which banks borrow from RBI thus remained unchanged at 8 percent while the reverse repo rate the rate at which, the banks lend to RBI remained stable at 7 percent. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) - the amount of total deposits that banks are required to keep with the central bank - also remained unchanged at 4.75. The statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) - the percentage of total deposits that banks need to invest in the government bonds was changed to 23 percent from the
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : environment of domestic economy. The RBI, on the contrary, has been of the view that until the inflation does not come under its comfort level it can not take any call on policy rate cut. According to the Wholesale Price Inflation (WPI) data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry on 16 July 2012, Indias headline inflation in the month of June 2012 slowed to 7.25 percent. Reverse repo rate the rate at which, the banks lend to RBI kept unchanged at 7 percent. CRR - the amount of total deposits that banks are required to keep with the central bank - also remained unchanged at 4.75 SLR was changed to 23 percent from the erstwhile 24 percent Projection for WPI based inflation for March 2013 raised to 7 percent Economic growth outlook for the fiscal year 2012-13 cut to 6.5 percent

The capital market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) made it mandatory for top 500 listed companies to hold evoting with an objective to widen shareholder participation in key decisions. SEBIs decision on evoting is to be implemented in a phased manner. The implementation will begin by subjecting the top 500 listed companies at the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange based on market capitalization to e-voting. The structural changes like scrutiny of audit reports as well as e-voting are expected to benefit the capital market in the medium term. SEBI also decided to create a Qualified Audit Report review Committee (QARC) represented by accounting regulator ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) and stock exchanges. The committee would be responsible for processing qualified annual audit reports filed by the listed entities with stock exchanges. The committee will be expected to study reports where accounting irregularities have been pointed out by Financial Reporting Review Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI-FRRB). The regulator relaxed norms for Offer For Sale (OFS). OFS is a new route introduced by SEBI in early 2012 to help companies increase their public shareholding. A minimum gap of two weeks between two OFS issuances was permitted by SEBI. SEBI made it easier for promoters of listed companies to dilute their stake and comply with public holding rules by 2013.As

Highlights of the RBI Quarterly Monetary Policy Review:

Repo rate - the rate at which banks borrow from RBI remained unchanged at 8 percent.

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : specified by SEBI, private sector companies and also the stateowned corporations is required to have a minimum public holding of 25% by August 2013. In the SEBI board meeting, the regulator also announced a simpler share auction mechanism that would help listed companies to attract investors. It provided institutional investors with the option of applying for shares either with 100% margin or with a lesser margin to be fixed by stock exchanges. However in case of the lesser margin being fixed by the stock exchange the bids cannot be changed. With regards to fulfilling public holding norms, the board decided that issuers will be required to disclose the floor price a day before the share auction. The floor price may or may not be a part of the notice given by companies on the offer. Investors were barred from modifying or cancelling bids during the last 60 minutes from the close of the bidding session in the auction. Exchanges are required to display the indicative price during the last 60 minutes of the close of bidding session irrespective of the book being built. products with -26.07 per cent, engineering products with -15.67 per cent, gems and jewellery with 9 per cent and readymade garments with -15.82 per cent saw maximum decline. In the import segment, gold and silver witnessed a fall of around 51 per cent, while plant and machinery nosedived by 8 per cent. Imports of crude oil, however, saw a 14 per cent hike. On a collective basis the imports in the first two months of fiscal year 201213 slipped by 2.42 per cent to 79.8 billion dollar while, the exports contracted by 0.69 per cent to 50.13 billion dollar during April to May, 2012. The declining trade number came against the backdrop of governments ambitious 20 percent growth target in exports for the fiscal year 2012-13. The Union Government in its recently announced Foreign Trade Policy had vowed to achieve 20 per cent exports target for the fiscal year 2012-13. The Union Commerce Ministry in its trade policy, had also introduced a host of measures to boost exports of the country. the country fund a chunk of the current account deficit pegged at 4.2% of GDP in 2011-12. The finance ministry had in the recent past conducted road shows in five countries in the Gulf region Riyadh, Dubai, Muscat, Kuwait and Bahrain - to project India as the incredible investment destination for wealthy investors. A person or a trust resident in a country which is a member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) can invest directly in India. Such a person or trust is termed as Qualified Foreign Investors. QFIs have been permitted to invest in all the three segments of the Indian Capital Market namely- Mutual Funds (MFs), Equity and Corporate Debt. The wealthy investors, the finance ministry felt should be encouraged to invest directly so that the stable in-flows could fund the current account deficits


Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) permitted MCX Stock Exchange (MCX-SX) to operate as a full-fledged stock exchange thereby ending nearly four-yearlong wait of the bourse. With the grant of the permission MCX-SX will from hereon be able to offer additional asset classes such as equity and equity F&O (Futures and Options), interest rate futures and wholesale debt segments. So far the market regulator had been renewing MCX-SXs licence for one-year periods only. However it had not allowed MCX-SX to operate in segments other than currency derivatives stating that the bourse was not compliant to the shareholding and other 43




According to the latest foreign trade data released by the Union Commerce Ministry, Indias exports slipped by 4.16 percent to 25.68 billion dollar in May 2012. The slump was largely attributed to sluggish global economic outlook and declining domestic industrial growth. Imports during the May 2012, also saw a sharp plunge of 7.36 per cent to 41.9 billion dollar. The trade deficit also contracted to 16.3 billion dollar in May, from 18.5 dollar in May 2011. On exports front petroleum

Following the deal struck by Kotak Mahindra Bank worth $5 million India received its first investment through the qualified framework investor (QFI) route. The deal formally put an end to speculation that Indias attempt to get investors to buy shares directly will go kaput. Kotak Mahindra Bank has concluded the deal worth $5 million for a US-based client. The scheme to attract investment through the Qualified Framework Investor route is expected to attract investment worth about $30 billion in 2012-13 period thereby helping
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : regulations. The promoters of MCX-SX, in their submissions and the undertakings to SEBI mentioned that the shareholding of MCX and Financial Technologies (India) Ltd. (FTIL) (the two promoters) would be brought within the 5 per cent limit within 18 months from 10 July 2012 itself. The promoters also informed SEBI that the combined voting rights of FTIL and MCX in the stock exchange would not exceed 5 per cent at any point of time. MCX and FTIL would reduce their rights over equity arising from instruments such as warrants to within the shareholding limit in accordance to what was specified in the revised SEBI regulations within three years. SEBIs decision is likely to bring in more competition in markets. MCX is the largest commodity exchange in the country while its promoter FTIL offers technology and other solutions for exchange businesses. MCX-SX was first granted recognition by SEBI in September 2008, however it was allowed to conduct trading only in the currency derivatives segment only. SEBI granted permanent recognition to eight stock exchanges in the country. Of the total eight only two of them BSE and NSE are operating as active national level bourses across the segments. rupees, 27 per cent of the budget estimates. The increased fiscal deficit figure came despite revenue receipt witnessing a substantial hike and stood at 47897 crore rupees, which was 5.1 per cent of the budget estimates. Total expenditure of the government in the first two months of fiscal year 2012-13 was 1.90 lakh crore rupees, or 12.8 per cent of the budget estimates. For the fiscal year 201213, the government has pegged the fiscal deficit target at 5.13 lakh crore rupees, or 5.1 per cent of GDP. In the corresponding period during the last fiscal year, the fiscal deficit was 32 per cent of the budget estimate amounting 1.3 lakh crore rupees. and manpower. The EPCES had on 30 July 2012 sought Prime Minister Manmohan Singhs intervention for some long-term benefits to this sector in order bring it back to its established state.


The Union government introduced national certification standards for organic textiles to boost the demand for organic textiles in major markets, including Europe and Japan. The Indian Standards for Organic Textiles (ISOT) launched by Commerce, Industry and Textiles Minister Anand Sharma here is to be included under the National Programme for Organic Productions (NPOP). The NPOP includes norms for organic production and processing of agriculture crops along with certification standards. All organic products are grown under a system of agriculture without the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Prior to the introduction of the national certification standards, private standards prevailed in the country for organic textiles. The private standards were not in conformity with the international benchmarks. India with the introduction of the national certification standards thus took over the long-standing position of the Global Organic Textiles standards (GOTS), which are private standards prevailing in the organic textiles industry. India became the only country in the world to have introduced organic textiles standards at the national level. Organic textiles exports were pegged at Rs 1027 crore in 2011-12 as per the data provided by the


Exports from Special Economic Zones (SEZs) grew 64 per cent to Rs 118321.56 crore during the first quarter (April-June) of the fiscal 2012-13. Export Promotion Council for EOUs and SEZs (EPCES) mentioned that investments worth Rs 213605.54 crore were made in SEZs as on 30 June 2012. As on 30th June, 2012 investments worth Rs.213605.54 crore were made in SEZs and this sector generated employment to 920243 persons. The Union Government had granted 588 formal approvals for setting up of SEZs. Of the total 588, 386 had been notified while 158 were in operation as on 30 June 2012. The Minimum Alternate Tax and Dividend Distribution Tax had affected SEZ growth, investments, employment and exports. MAT/DDT implementation also sent wrong signals to the international investment community which look at India for its resources of skills

As per the latest data released by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Indias fiscal deficit during the April-May, the first two months of the fiscal year 2012-13 stood at 1.41 lakh crore 44
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : APEDA. In 2011 India exported certified organic products to various countries in Europe, Asia and the US worth Rs 1866 crore. India currently produces more than 1000 branded organic products which are backed by certification. The demand for Indian organic products such as tea, coffee, spices, basmati rice, cereals, garment, vegetables and medicinal plants was found to be steadily growing in recent years as consumers prefer products which are free from chemical residues. airwaves on a pan-India basis. The group of ministers provided two options to the Cabinet on the spectrum usage charge that forms part of the revenue share for mobile phone companies. The first option is to (1) keep this levy at 5% of the telcos annual revenues, or (2) calculate this levy according to the current rules. The spectrum usage charges currently range between 2% and 7% of the telcos annual revenues depending on two factors the quantity of airwaves as well as the availability of third generation airwaves. One unit of GSM airwave in the 1800 MHz on a pan-India basis to cost Rs 2822 crore and Rs 3022 crore, respectively, at the base price of Rs 14111 crore and Rs 15111 crore, respectively. Airwaves will be sold in blocks of 1.25 MHz and on a circle-wise basis. India is divided into 22 circles. This thus translates to a reserve price of Rs 18344 crore to Rs 19644 crore for 5 MHz of airwaves in the 800 MHz band for CDMA companies. For a single unit, the telecom companies will have to pay between Rs 3668 crore and Rs 3928 crore. The mobile phone companies in the GSM space slammed the inter-ministerial panel for suggesting that the base price for 800 MHz be at 1.3 times that for 1800 MHz. The EGoM also specified that new entrants and companies that lost their mobile permits on account of the Supreme Courts ruling can bid for a maximum 6.25 MHz of airwaves in the 1800 MHz band in the upcoming auctions, while existing operators in the GSM space can bid for a maximum of 2 blocks or 2.5 MHz of airwaves. discrimination between GSM and CDMA is being widened by keeping the auction reserve price for 800 MHz at 1.3 times of 1800 MHz on the rationale that less than 5 MHz is being put up for auction.

CDMA Airwaves in the 800 MHz band at 1.3 times the Base Price for GSM Airwaves recommended
A high-powered ministerial panel responsible for finalising rules for upcoming second generation (2G) spectrum auctions recommended fixing of minimum price for CDMA airwaves in the 800 MHz band at 1.3 times the base price for GSM airwaves in the 1800 MHz band. Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) headed by home minister P Chidambaram, in its meeting on 20 July 2012 had rejected the department of telecoms (DoT) suggestion that reserve price in the 800 MHz band for CDMA players be twice as that of airwaves in the 1800 MHz band. In the same meeting the EGoM had recommended that the minimum price for GSM airwaves be cut to Rs 14000 to Rs 16000 crore. The EGoMs proposal disappointed the mobile phone companies who were pitching for an 80% reduction from the Rs 18111 crore proposed by the telecom regulator, TRAI. The EGoM has recommended two specific reserve price for the 1800 MHz band at Rs 14111 crore and Rs 15111 crore for 5 units of

A similar option is however not being extended to GSM operators to retain their 900 MHz spectrum at a price of 1.3 times of 1,800 MHz in the event that less than 5 MHz is obtained at the time of the license extension. The requirement for 25% of upfront payment for CDMA and 35% of upfront payment for GSM is another example of discrimination between CDMA & GSM. This discrimination will go against the objective of creating a level playing field among the operators.


The Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry discarded Gas allocation of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC). The gas allocation was of 8 million metric standard cubic metres per day (mmscmd) gas from two of DMICDC power projects, to provide gas at reasonable rate. The request was neglected because as per Petroleum Ministry there is additional demand of fertilizer about 22 mmscmd and any 45


It is argued that
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : allocation of gas to DMICDC projects was not possible. DelhiMumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) is a mega infra-structure project of 90 billion dollar. It has the financial & technical help of Japan. It is covering the length of 1483km between Delhi and Mumbai. DMICDC strains on expanding the manufacturing and services base and to develop DMIC as the Global Manufacturing and Trading Hub. Financial Services Commission (JFSC), Financial Services Authority of UK and Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed with regulators of other countries to promote greater co-operation and sharing of supervisory information between the regulators. RBI signed nine MoUs thus far with financial regulators of different countries. The MoU with the Jersey Financial Services authority was signed. Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) is an independent statutory body. The main function of JFC is the regulation, licensing and supervision of financial services providers for compliance with prudential norms and conduct of business requirements in Jersey. The MOU with the Financial Services Authority (FSA), UK was signed at FSA, UK Headquarters, London. The FSA is the United Kingdoms principal national financial services and markets regulator and administers the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000(FSMA) that provides for the supervision of firms, financial services, financial products as well the financial markets. The MoU with the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet) was signed at FSA, Norway headquarters. Finanstilsynet as the supervisory authority is entrusted with supervision of banks (insurance companies and investment firms, etc.) in Norway as per the Financial Supervision Act of 1956. eight core sectors slipped to 3.6 percent in June 2012 against 5.6 percent in June 2011. During AprilJune 2012-13, the cumulative growth rate of the Core industries was 3.6 % as against their growth at 5.2% during the corresponding period in 2011-12. Core sector growth in May 2012 had moderated to 4 percent, from 5.9 percent in May 2011. The Eight core industries that include crude oil, petroleum refinery products, coal, electricity, cement and finished steel have a combined weight of 37.90 per cent in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP). Coal: Coal production (weight: 4.38% in IIP) registered a growth of 7.2% in June 2012 compared to its growth at (-) 3.0% in June 2011. The growth of the coal sector in cumulative terms witnessed a growth of 6.4% during April-June 2012-13 compared to its growth at 0.3% during the same period of 2011-12. Crude Oil: Crude Oil production (weight: 5.22% in IIP) registered a growth of (-) 0.8% in June 2012 compared to its growth at 7.7% in June 2011. Cumulatively Crude Oil production registered a growth of (-) 0.5% during AprilJune 2012-13 compared to its growth at 9.5% during the same period of 2011-12. Natural Gas: Natural Gas production (weight: 1.71% in IIP) registered a growth of (-) 11.1% in June 2012 compared to its growth at (-) 11.7% in June 2011. Cumulatively, Natural Gas production registered a growth of (-) 11.1% during April-June 201213 compared to its growth at (-) 10.2% during the same period of 2011-12.


According to the latest data released by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) on 1 August 2012, Indias fiscal deficit in the first quarter (April-June) of the fiscal year 2012-13 stood at 1.90 lakh crore rupees which was 37 percent of the entire budget estimate. The Union Government in the budget 2012 had pegged the fiscal deficit for the financial year 2012-13 at 5.13 lakh crore, or 5.1 percent of total GDP. Fiscal deficit during the corresponding period of fiscal year 2011-12 was 39 percent of the budget estimates amounting 1.63 lakh crore rupees. The revenue receipts, however, increased in the first three months of fiscal year 2012-13. The revenue receipt during the given period stood at 1.18 lakh crore rupees, which was 12.7 percent of the budget estimates. Total expenditure of the government stood at 3.12 lakh crore rupees, or 21 percent of the budget estimates.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) signed three memoranda of understanding with Jersey 46


As per the official figures released on 31 July 2012, growth of
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Petroleum Refinery Products: Petroleum refinery production (weight: 5.94% in IIP) had a growth of 6.1% in June 2012 compared to its growth at 4.6% in June 2011. In cumulative terms, Petroleum refinery production saw a growth of 3.2% during April-June 2012-13 compared to its 5.2% growth during (April-June) period of 2011-12. Fertilizers: Fertilizer production (weight: 1.25% in IIP) registered a growth of (-) 11.7% in June 2012 against its growth at (-) 2.4% in June 2011. Cumulatively Fertilizer production had a growth of (-) 12.2% during April-June 201213 corresponding to 1.1% growth during (April-June) period of 201112. Steel (Alloy + NonAlloy): Steel production (weight: 6.68% in IIP) registered a growth rate of (-) 0.5% in June 2012 against its 14.5% growth in June 2011. Cumulatively, Steel production registered a 3.6% growth during April-June 2012-13 compared to its 8.4% growth during the same period of 2011-12. Cement: Cement production (weight: 2.41% in IIP) registered a growth of 10.2% in June 2012 against its 1.7% growth in June 2011. The cumulative growth of Cement Production was 9.9% during April-June 2012-13 compared to its 0.1% growth during the same period of 2011-12. Electricity: Electricity generation (weight: 10.32% in IIP) had a 8.1% growth in June 2012 compared to its 7.9% growth in June 2011. The cumulative growth of Electricity generation was 6.4% during April-June 2012-13 compared to 8.2% growth during the same period of 2011-12. Indias economic growth rate dipped to nine-year low, both in the March quarter at 5.3 percent, as well as for the 2011-12 fiscal at 6.5 percent on account of global economic slowdown and its own domestic problems thereby prompting the industry to demand immediate and bold action to arrest slowdown. The government in annual budget 2012-13 set the disinvestment target at 30000 crore rupees (300 billion rupees). Though, on the issue of ownership it made clear that at least 51 per cent ownership and management control of Central Public Sector Enterprises will remain with the Government. Union government is also eyeing to partially offload its share in PSUs like Hindustan Aeronautics, BHEL, National Aluminium Company (Nalco), Hindustan Copper and Oil India in the fiscal year 2012-13.



The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on 20 July 2012 approved 10.82 per cent disinvestment in Steel Authority of India (SAIL). The divestment will help the government to raise about 4000 crore rupees. The government holds 85.82 per cent stake in SAIL. Earlier the government on 15 July 2012 had deferred Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limiteds 2500 crore rupees initial public offering due to volatile state of market. The government plans to divest 10 per cent stake in RINL through IPO.


Index of Industrial Production (IIP) recorded 2.4% growth in May 2012 as against the market expectations of 1.7% growth. The April IIP was revised lower to -0.9% from earlier estimate of 0.1%. The slight growth in IIP was attributed to growth registered in the
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : electricity and consumer durables sector. Industrial growth had stood at 6.2 per cent in the corresponding month in 2011. During the first two months of the 2012-13 fiscal, April-May, the industrial growth rate fell sharply to 0.8 percent from 6.2 percent in the same period of 2011-12. Mining sector witnessed a fall of -0.9% compared to 1.8 percent growth in May 2011. The output of the capital goods sector (machinery and equipment) dipped by 7.7 percent in May 2012 as against a growth of 6.2 percent in May 2011. However electricity sector registered a growth of 5.9%. Power generation had witnessed a slower growth of 5.9 percent during May, compared to 10.3 percent. Manufacturing sector which constitutes over 75 percent of the index, did not perform well and grew a mere 2.5 percent in May 2012 as against 6.3 percent in May 2011 Consumer durables production showed a faster growth rate of 9.3 percent in May 2012 as compared to 5.1 percent in May 2011. The consumer non-durables segment output growth declined sharply and remained flat at 0.1 percent, as against 9 percent. Headline inflation in May moved to 7.55 percent as both food and fuel prices increased. Consumer price inflation, which is an indicator of retail price rises, remained unchanged at 10.36 percent in May 2012. July 2012 announced a 50 per cent diesel subsidy scheme for the farmers to help them save the standing kharif crop through irrigation. The total subsidy burden would be around Rs 1,260 crore and is to be borne equally by the state governments and the farmers. Districts that received 50 per cent deficient rainfalls can avail this facility. The subsidy scheme will be applicable in districts that had more than 50 per cent deficient rains as on 15 July 2012 The EGoM also approved an increase in the subsidy on the seeds of alternative crops under contingency plans. A relief package of Rs 1440 crore was also cleared towards watershed development-related efforts in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan where around 56 lakh hectares of farmland are estimated to go uncultivated. Around Rs 500 crore was approved for meeting drinking water-related challenges in these states. Rs. 453 crore would be given under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) to Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Haryana. It was decided in the EGoM meeting that the subsidy amount on seeds of cereals is to be increased from Rs 500 a quintal to Rs 700 per quintal, while that of pulses and oilseeds would be enhanced from Rs 1200 per quintal to Rs 2000 per quintal. The government has prepared contingency plans for 320 districts. The Agriculture Ministry also decided to waive the duty on import of certain items to increase the availability of feed ingredients for animal husbandry sector needs. Duty- free imports of oilmeal is to be allowed to ensure feed availability to livestock. The withdrawal of customs duty on oilmeal imports is to be applicable for de-oiled soyameal, sunflower, mustard and canola oilmeal. Currently, oilmeal imports attract a duty of 15 per cent.


According to the quarterly report on Public debt management prepared by the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) under the Ministry of Finance, Indias public debt rose by 4.9 per cent to 3752576 crore rupees during the first quarter (April-June) of fiscal year 2012 from 3578244 crore rupees in the fourth quarter (January-March) of 201112. The report was released by the government on 27 July 2012. The report pointed out that internal debt constituted 90.6 per cent compared with 90.1 per cent at the end of March, 2012 quarter. The report noted that outstanding internal debt of the Government at 3398154 crore rupees constituted 33.4 per cent of GDP compared with 36.4 per cent in the last quarter of 2011-2012. On the tax front, report revealed, the government did remarkably better as gross tax collections during April-May period at 7.8 per cent of budget estimate were higher than 6.6 per cent a year ago. Personal income tax collections at 25999 crore rupees also surged by 44.2 per cent against budgeted estimate of 13.9 per cent for 2012-13. In the direct taxes, corporate tax collections at 10137 crore rupees showed a healthy growth. Among the indirect taxes, customs and excise duties showed negative growth of 2 per cent and




An Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on drought, headed by agriculture minister Sharad Pawar in a meeting on 31 48
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : 4.6 per cent, respectively, against budgeted growth rates of 22 per cent and 29.1 per cent. Service tax collections, however, increased by 37.7 per cent during April-May 2012-13 as against budget estimate of 30.5 per cent. handling capacity of Railways website through short-term and long-term measures Server capacity to be increased from 3.5 lakh bookings to about 5 lakh bookings per day in about four months, which will eventually be increased to about 8 lakh bookings a day. Indias Headline Inflation slowed to 7.25 percent in June 2012 According to the Wholesale Price Inflation (WPI) data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry on 16 June 2012, Indias headline inflation in the month of June 2012 slowed to 7.25 percent, marking the lowest in the last five months. The inflation figure stood at 7.55 per cent in May 2012, while at 9.51 percent during the corresponding month of 2011. The government revised the inflation figure for the month of April 2012 to 7.50 percent from earlier 7.23 percent. Food Inflation, however, did not show any restraint as it stubbornly stood in double digit zone. The food inflation for the month of June 2012 stood at 10.81 percent as compared to 10.74 percent in May 2012. The persistent high food inflation left RBI with very little room to consider any policy rate cut in its upcoming monetary policy review. Annual fuel inflation at 10.27 per cent in June 2012, showed a little moderation as it stood at 11.53 percent during the same period in 2011. The persistent decline in the value of Indian rupee in the global currency market has not let the fuel prices in India come down, despite the global fuel prices dropped significantly. RBI is set to review its quarterly monetary policy on 31 July 2012, though any decision on change in policy rates is unlikely unless the inflation remains above the comfort level of the common man of the country. The Central Bank in its mid-quarterly review of monetary policy on 18 June 2012 had left various key policy rates unchanged.


Amidst the increasing number of reports of the misuse of tatkal scheme, the Indian Railways on 9 July 2012 introduced new guidelines for booking of Tatkal tickets. Under the new guideline the Railways revised the time for booking the tatkal tickets to 10am from earlier 8am. Besides, under the new scheme, agents will not be allowed to book Tatkal tickets from 10am to 12pm either from the ticket counter or on the internet. Some zones will be provided the facility of separate Tatkal ticket counters while, others will issue Tatkal tickets from the same counters between 10 am to 10:30 am. Several other measures have also been introduced under the new tatkal scheme, which includes; Individual users can not book more than two tickets from 10 am to 12 noon. Quick book option and cash card option will remain inactive between 10 am and 12 pm Installation of CCTVs in major booking centres, Booking clerks barred from carrying cellphones inside counters, Display of helpline numbers Expansion of the e-ticket


As per the latest data released by the commerce and industry ministry on 29 May 2012, the eight core sectors registered a higher growth rate of 3.8 per cent in May 2012. The sector had posted a sluggish 2.2 per cent growth in April 2012. The infrastructure sector had witnessed a 5.8 per cent growth in May 2011. However, the collective growth of infrastructure sector in April-May 2012 stood at 4.2 per cent, against 5 per cent in the corresponding period during the fiscal year 2011-12. The growth rate of cement and coal industries soared up by 11.3 per cent and 8 per cent, respectively, while production of natural gas and fertiliser during May 2012 shrunk by 10.8 per cent and 15.1 per cent, respectively. The growth of petroleum refinery products and crude oil decelerated to 2.9 per cent and 0.5 per cent. Similarly, the steel and electricity sector also registered a declined growth rate at 4.9 per cent and 5.2 per cent in May 2012. The eight industries - steel fertilisers, coal, petroleum refinery products, crude oil, natural gas, electricity and cement - collectively amounts 37.9 per cent of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
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At 84273 crore rupees Indias direct tax collections registered a 47.16 per cent increase in the first quarter of the fiscal year 2012-13. On a cumulative basis, direct tax collections in the first quarter (April-June) swelled 6.77 per cent at 111182 crore rupees. This growth is, however, much lower than the 23.91 per cent growth witnessed in the same quarter of fiscal year 2011-12. The rise in direct tax collections is vital as the country had recorded a 17 per cent decline in direct tax collection during the corresponding period of fiscal year 2011-12. The poor show of manufacturing sector over the past few months widely reflected in corporate tax collection, as its growth pegged at a meagre 3.48 per cent in the first quarter of fiscal year 2012-13. Personal taxes went up by 13 percent. Corporate and personal tax had witnessed 23.49 per cent and 24.63 per cent growth, respectively, during the corresponding period of fiscal year 2011-12. Securities transaction tax (tax on stock exchange trades), slumped 0.52 per cent to 952 crore rupees, while wealth tax revenues dropped 3.03 per cent in April-June to 32 crore rupees. The sluggish economic environment in the country is making it all more difficult for the government to meet its targets. The Union Government pegged direct tax collection target at 5.70 lakh crore rupees this fiscal, which is 15 percent higher than its total collection in fiscal year 201112.

(RBI) in a notification issued stated that all registered non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) which who intend to convert themselves into non-banking financial company-micro finance institutions (NBFC-MFIs) would have to seek registration with immediate effect, not later than 31 October 2012. The central bank also mentioned that the NBFCs have to maintain net-owned funds (NOF) at Rs 3 crore by 31 March 2013, and at Rs.5 crore by 31 March 31 2014. If the NBFCs fail maintain the NOF they will have to ensure that lending to the micro finance sector, that is, individuals, SHGs or JLGs, which qualify for loans from MFIs to be restricted to 10 per cent of the total assets. The NBFCs operating in the north-eastern region are to maintain the minimum NOF at Rs.1 crore by 31 March 2012, and at Rs.2 crore by 31 March 2014. The RBI also decided that the cap on margins as defined by the Malegam Committee are not to exceed 10 per cent for large MFIs (loans portfolios exceeding Rs.100 crore) and 12 per cent for others. The measure was initiated to ensure that in a low cost environment, the ultimate borrower will benefit, while in a rising interest rate environment and that the lending NBFC-MFIs will have sufficient leeway to operate on viable lines.


The market regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) tightened eligibility and exit criteria for stocks in the derivatives segment by increasing the benchmark liquidity level for any scrip to be eligible for trading


The Reserve Bank of India 50

in the derivatives segments. By doing away with illiquid stocks SEBI aims to check manipulation. According to the circular issued by SEBI, scrips with a minimum trading volume value of Rs 10 lakh and market wide position limit (MWPL) or market capitalisation of Rs 300 crore cannot be eligible for entry into the Future and Options (F&O) segment. Over 220 scrips trade in the F&O segment on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) at present. Of these 220 scrips only 100 scrips will possibly meet the new eligibility criteria set by the market regulator. The minimum Median Quarter Sigma Order Size, which indicates liquidity/order size in a scrip, a requirement for introduction in derivatives segment was revised to Rs 10 lakh, from Rs 5 lakh at present. The MWPL, indicating the size of the company was also raised to Rs 300 crore, from Rs 100 crore. Scrips which fail to maintain a minimum MWPL requirement of Rs 200 crore would cease to be in the F&O segment. The earlier limit was set at Rs 60 crore. SEBI also tightened the minimum conditions for a stock to continue trading in the derivatives segment. As per the circular, a stocks MQSOS over the last six months ought to be more than Rs 5 lakh against Rs 2 lakh earlier for the stock to continue trading. SEBIs measures in this respect are expected to restrain any manipulation in share prices and bring in more meaningfulness to the F&O segment. Stock exchanges (SEs) will now have to thus follow strict criteria for futures and option (F&O) securities.
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Science & Technology

Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) successfully test-fired Brahmos supersonic cruise missile from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur, in Balasore district, Orissa. The missile was test-fired as the developmental trial as it has already been inducted into the Indian Army and Indian Navy. BrahMos, which has a target range of 290-km, is the surface-to-surface cruise missile. It is capable of carrying a conventional warhead of 200 to 300 kg. The missile has been developed by BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited, a joint venture between Republic of Indias Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russian Federations NPO Mashinostroeyenia. It is the worlds fastest cruise missile in operation. It can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. Presently scientists at the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited are working to develop the air as well as the submarine launch version of the missile. Last time the missile was tested on 28 March 2012 from the same platform. The name BrahMos is the blend of the names of two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia.


The worlds most accurate atomic clock has clearly proved the nearly 100-year-old theory by Albert Einstein that time is a relative concept and the higher you live above sea level the faster you should age. Einsteins theory of
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : relativity states that time and space are not as constant as everyday life would suggest. He suggested that the only true constant, the speed of light, meant that time can run faster or slower depending on how high you are, and how fast you are travelling. Now researchers have demonstrated the true nature of Einsteins theory for the first time with an incredibly accurate atomic clock that is able to keep time to within one second in about 3.7 billion years roughly the same length of time that life has existed on Earth, The Independent reported. James Chin-Wen Chou and his colleagues from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado, found that when they monitored two such clocks positioned just a foot apart in height above sea level, they found that time really does run more quickly the higher you are just as Einstein predicted. These precise clocks reveal the effects of gravitational pull, so if we position one clock closer to a planet, you also increase the gravitational pull and time actually runs slower than for another, similar clock positioned higher up, Chou said. For every foot above ground, for instance, the clocks showed that someone would age about 90 billionths of a second faster over a 79-year lifetime, Chou said. The time dilation experiment, published in the journal Science , is vivid proof of how time is not what we think it is. Besides, the scientists demonstrated that when the atomic clocks were altered in a way that mimics the effect of travelling through space, time began to slow down, as the theory of relativity says it should. 52

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the science and cultural body of UN, inscribed Indias 1600-km long Western Ghats mountain chain on the list of its world heritage sites on 1 June 2012. The Western Ghats mountain chain is globally renowned for its enormous biological diversity. The mountains chain, which are older than the Himalaya, are widely responsible for the Indian monsoon weather pattern. The Western Ghats are also considered to be one of the worlds eight hottest hotspots of biological diversity.

Committee of UNESCO holds its meeting once every year where it reviews its list of World Heritage sites. The committee also looks into the implementation of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, which defines the kind of natural or cultural sites which can be considered for inclusion on the World Heritage List.


Scientists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, discovered a new sub-atomic particle called Higgs Boson or Gods Particle. The new discovery is being considered

The 1600-km long ghats, begins at the border of Gujarat and Maharashtra and passes through as many as 5 states including Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu marks the ending point of the ghats. The World Heritage

as a gateway to a new era in understanding the universes great mysteries including dark matter. Scientists had predicted the existence of Higgs Boson, which is also referred to as Gods Particle, in 1964. The particle was named Higgs Boson after Peter Higgs and Indian physicist Satyendra Nath
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Bose. Peter Higgs was one of six authors who wrote the revolutionary papers covering what is now known as the Higgs mechanism and described the related Higgs field and boson. The term God particle was first used by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman. The term is now a more popular term for Higgs Boson which explains how the subatomic universe works and got started. Botanic Garden and Research Institute near Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. However, most of the countrys production was consumed locally and exports amounted to only 0.5 per cent of the world trade in the fruit. The potential for export was huge if India could increase its productivity both in terms of quantity and quality, he told The Hindu in an email. As most of the present day cultivated varieties were susceptible to fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, it was necessary to develop diseaseresistant varieties. The international team has sequenced the genome of DH-Pahang ( Musa acuminata ), a banana popular in south-east Asia and which is able to resist the devastating Panama disease fungus that has been spreading in Asia. The genome that has been sequenced ran to 523 million bases, the chemical units that make up DNA and encode the genetic information. Transposable elements the jumping genes that can relocate themselves to other places in the genome from time to time accounted for almost half of those bases. Karaikal is the fifth coast guard station on the Puducherry-Tamil Nadu coastline. The station is part of ongoing efforts by the Coast Guard to strengthen coastal security along the Indian coastline. The station at Karaikal will help augment patrolling along the east coast and prevent illicit activities such as infiltration, smuggling and illegal fishing. Coast Guard Station Karaikal will function under the administrative and operational control of the Commander Coast Guard Region (East) through the Commander Coast Guard District Headquarter5 located at Chennai. Commandant PR Lochen was appointed as the Commanding Officer of the station.


Scientists have sequenced the complete genome of the banana, an important crop in developing countries that provides a fruit widely enjoyed the world over and is a staple food in some of the poorest parts of the globe. The draft sequence provided a crucial stepping-stone for genetic improvement of banana, observed Anglique DHont, a French agricultural research scientist, and colleagues from a number of other countries in a paper that is being published this week in the scientific journal Nature . The sequence represented, they said, a major advance in the quest to unravel the complex genetics of this vital crop, whose breeding is particularly challenging. Pests and diseases were an imminent danger for global banana production. Having access to the entire gene repertoire of the plant held the key to identifying those responsible for disease resistance as well as ones for other important traits such as fruit quality, they added. The completion of the genome sequence was important for India, the worlds largest producer of bananas, according to P. Padmesh of the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical



Coast Guard Station Karaikal, was commissioned by Vice Admiral MP Muralidharan, Director General Indian Coast Guard at Karaikal on 25 July 2012.

The US space agency NASA landed Curiosity, a huge new robot rover on Mars on 5 August 2012. The one-tonne vehicle touched the surface of Mars after a 345-millionmile expedition. The robot rover will now conduct a study to find out whether the planet was ever hospitable to life. The robot rover, which epitomizes the technological wizardry of man kind, is set to spend nearly two years for the mission. NASA undertook the mission with an objective to determine whether Mars has ever had the conditions to support life. The ambitious project costed the US government about 2.5 billion dollar. 53
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The 900 kg rover has the top speed of about 4cm/s Plutonium generators installed on the rover will deliver heat and electricity for at least 14 years 75kg science payload more than 10 times as massive as those of earlier US Mars rovers Equipped with tools to brush and drill into rocks, to scoop up, sort and sieve samples Variety of analytical techniques to discern chemistry in rocks, soil and atmosphere Even carries a laser to zap rocks; beam will identify atomic elements in rocks Equipped with 17 cameras, which will identify particular targets, and a laser will zap those rocks to probe their chemistry Findings of the mission will be delivered to Earth through antennas on the rover deck

(plus or minus 0.22) metres of water equivalent per year between 1999 and 2008. The researchers had used spaceborne data to study a 5615 sq km section of the Karakoram Range of northern Pakistan and western China. The findings of the study are of great importance given the fact that the entire Himalayan mountain range is estimated to lose about 0.4 to 0.8 metres ice per year. Karakoram mountain range, which account for 3 percent of the total ice-covered area in the world, is located across the border of Pakistan, India and China. The mountain range is concentrated in GilgitBaltistan in Pakistan, Ladakh in India, and Xinjiang region, in China. Part of greater Himalaya it is one of the largest mountain range of the world. K2 or Godwin Austen, the second-highest mountain on Earth, after Mount Everest, is part of the Karakoram Range. The total elevation of K2 is 8611 m (28251 feet).

A team of scientists at the University of Sydney discovered the first radio emissions from the middleweightblack hole HLX-1, that lies in a galaxy about 300 million light-years away. The research team had used Compact Array radio telescope from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). HLX-1 (hyper-luminous X-ray source 1), lies in a galaxy called ESO 243-49 about 300 million light-years away. HLX-1 was discovered by chance in 2009, because it stood out as a very bright X-ray source. Before the discovery of HLX-1, scientists had evidence for only supermassive black holes ones a million to a billion times the mass of the Sun and stellar mass ones, three to thirty times the mass of the Sun. As per the new study, the size of HLX-1 is around 20000 times the mass of our sun which makes it an intermediate mass black hole.

What is Black Hole ?

Black holes are areas where the matter is so densely squeezed into a small space, that it makes

First Radio Waves from Middleweight Black Hole HLX-1 identified


According to a recent study published in the Journal Nature Geoscience, Diran and Rakaposhi, two glaciers in the Karakoram Range of northern Pakistan, remain unaffected of global warming and contrary to the popular belief, grew slightly in recent years. The study found that the glacier saw an increase in ice thickness of 0.11 54
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : gravity pull strongly enough to stop light from escaping. systems laboratory, the missile development laboratory of the DRDO, Defence Research Development Laboratory and Research Centre Imarat, while it was integrated by Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad. The Agni-I missile belongs to the genre of Short to Intermediate range ballistic missiles developed by India under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program. The missile phosphorus to sustain its growth, declared Felisa Wolfe-Simon, then at the NASA Astrobiology Institute in the U.S., and 11 other scientists in their paper. Life forms on Earth rely on six elements to build their molecules oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus. There was, it seemed, at least one organism capable of substituting arsenic, which is usually toxic, when phosphorus was not available. The GFAJ-1 bacterium was able to use arsenic in this manner in its DNA and proteins, according to Dr. WolfeSimon and her colleagues. The implications were enormous. The definition of life has just expanded, remarked a senior official of the U.S. space agency, NASA, in a press release. But many in the scientific community were unimpressed, arguing that extraordinary claims should be matched by similar levels of proof. The evidence that had been put forward for arsenic being incorporated into the bacteriums DNA was seen as questionable. In May last year, Science published eight technical comments that raised several issues with the paper. Now, two teams of scientists have independently studied the bacterium using much more stringent procedures and tests. One of them was led by Rosemary Redfield of the University of British Columbia in Canada, whose forthright critique of the original paper on her blog garnered a great deal of attention . The other was a group of Swiss scientists at ETH Zurich. The GFAJ-1 bacterium does not break the long-held rules of life, contrary to how Wolfe-Simon had interpreted her groups data, said Science in an editorial statement that accompanied the 55


India successfully test-fired domestically built surface-tosurface single stage Agni-I ballistic missile. The missile was launched from a test range at Wheeler Island off Odisha coast.

The nuclear capable missile with a strike range of 700 km was first test fired on 25 January 2002. The missile was launched by the strategic force command of Indian Army as a routine users trial. As the missile has already been inducted into the armed forces the objective of the launch was to train the user team to launch the missile. With a specialised navigation system, the Agni-I hits the target with sheer accuracy and precision. Weighing 12 tonnes, the 15-metrelong Agni-I, can carry payloads up to 1000 kg. Agni-I was developed under the joint work of advanced

was made operational by the Indian Army in March 2010.

A Bacterium that did not live on Arsenic

Life as we know it does not include a bacterium that is able to live off arsenic, according to two papers published online by the journal Science . In December 2010, a sensational discovery of a unique bacterium isolated from the toxic waters of Mono Lake in California was announced in the same journal. The bacterial strain, GFAJ1, was substituting arsenic for
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : publication of the two papers. The new research clearly showed that the bacterium could not substitute arsenic for phosphorus to survive. Instead, the two papers revealed that the medium used to growth the organism in the original experiments contained enough phosphate contamination to support its growth. This bacterium was likely to be adept at scavenging phosphate under harsh conditions, which would help to explain why it could grow even when arsenic was present within the cells, statement noted. But, as the journal also pointed out, the bacteriums extraordinary resistance and its arsenic tolerance mechanisms would be of interest for further study. the spokesman said. The monitoring system was jointly launched by the China Meteorological Administration, Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Department and Shanxi Provincial Meteorological Administration. It now operates a central monitoring station and three sub-stations in the cities of Taiyuan, Datong and Linyi. could power a city the size of Melbourne by 2050 or provide 10 per cent of Australias energy needs by 2050. The report of CSIRO found that although wave energy could possibly provide 10 per cent of Australias electricity needs by 2050, there were many economic, technological, environmental and societal challenges that would determine its place in Australias future energy mix. The report also found the areas that could benefit from wave energy technology include Perth, the southern coastline and to a lesser extent the east coast of Australia, while tidal



A monitoring system for greenhouse gas concentrations has been launched in north Chinas coal-rich Shanxi province as local authorities hope to better deal with climate change by using first-hand emission data. It is the first such monitoring system that has been built among provincial-level regions in the country. The system can monitor the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, oxynitride and particulate matter in the air and publish the data in a timely manner, a spokesman with the Shanxi Provincial Meteorological Administration said. It can provide first-hand information of greenhouse gas concentrations in the province and give suggestions to local governments at various levels on how to deal with climate change, 56

The waves in the ocean could supply about 10 per cent of Australias electricity by 2050, a new study released Wednesday by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) found. The national science agencys study found that Australias ocean energy resources

technology could supply niche areas such as northeast Tasmania and the Kimberley region in Western Australia.


A Russian Soyuz TMA-05M
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : spacecraft carrying three astronauts including Sunita Williams, the Indian-American astronaut, took-off for the international space station on 15 July 2012 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The Soyuz launch marked the 37th anniversary of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project that opened the door to US-Russian cooperation in space science. Three astronauts on board including Sunita Williams, Russian Soyuz Commander Yuri Malenchenko and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency flight engineer Akihiko Hoshide will take two days to reach to the International space station where they will join Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Sergei Revin and NASA astronaut Joe Acaba, who have already been in the International Space Station since 17 May 2012. The six crew members will work together for about two months as Acaba, Padalka and Revin are scheduled to return to Earth on 17 September 2012. Williams, Malenchenko and Hoshide will return to the Earth in mid-November 2012. NASAs space shuttle programme came to an end in July 2011, which left US astronauts dependent on Russian Soyuz spacecrafts for ferrying to the International Space Station. Research Centre (JRC) and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). The United States with 17.3 tones per capita remains one of the top CO2 emitters, while, China, the worlds most populous country, average CO2 emissions increased by nine percent to 7.2 tonnes per capita. The 27-nation European Union emitted 7.5 tonnes of CO2 per person. Emissions from 34-member Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries account for only one third of global CO2 emissions in 2011. China (29 percent), the United States (16 percent), the European Union (11 percent), India (six percent), the Russian Federation (five percent) and Japan (four percent) were the top CO2 emitters in 2011. transmission Saturday and be in full operation on July 25, the JapanneseKyodo News agency reported. Kansai Electric Power Co restarted reactor 3 on July 1. In midJune, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda approved the restart of the two reactors over public opposition and experts warnings of fault lines near the complex.


Telstar was the first communications satellite, fired into orbit on July 10, 1962. Telstar transmitted the first live television images between America and Europe, launching the era of the global village in which events on the other side of the world could be experienced in real time. Weighing 77 kilograms and equipped with 3,600 solar cells, it was to facilitate transatlantic telecommunications from a height of around 8,000 km, thereby providing an alternative to the overloaded undersea cables.


A Japanese atomic plant operator Wednesday removed an unused fuel assembly on a trial basis at a damaged power station for the first time since last years disaster while another company planned to restart a reactor, local media reported. Reactor 4s building at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station holds a storage pool filled with 1,535 nuclear fuel rod assemblies, including 204 unused ones. The operator will start to remove spent fuel rods from the plant in December 2013. Meanwhile, Kansai Electric Power Co planned to reactivate a nuclear reactor in western Japan late Wednesday, the second since last years atomic disaster, despite strong public opposition. Unit 4 at the Oi Nuclear Power Plant was scheduled to start power


According to the findings of the report Trends in global CO2 emissions, global carbon dioxide (CO2), emission increased by three percent in 2011. The three percent increase in CO 2 took the total amount of CO2 in air at an all-time high of 34 billion tonnes. The report was released on 19 July 2012 by the European Commissions Joint

In addition, it was designed to pick up television images, amplify them and broadcast them back to earth. At the time TV signals were scarcely able to make it across 57
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : the U.S., let alone across the Atlantic, as Harald Wenzel, a media sociologist at Berlins Free University, recalls. People watching television were fascinated by the live moving pictures. Being virtually present as events actually occurred changed viewing habits radically. university scientists, an estimated 97 per cent of the ice sheet surface thawed at some point in mid July, the agency said in a statement. This was so extraordinary that at first I questioned the result: was this real or was it due to data error? said NASAs Son Nghiem. The expert recalled noticing that most of Greenland appeared to have undergone surface melting on July 12 while analyzing data from the Indian Space Research Organisations Oceansat-2 satellite. Results from other satellites confirmed the findings. Melt maps drawn up showed that on July 8 about 40 per cent of the ice sheets surface had melted, rising to 97 per cent four days later. According to glaciologist Lora Koenig, who was part of the team analysing the data, melting incidents of this type occur every 150 years on average. With the last one happening in 1889, this event is right on time, Koenig said. But if we continue to observe melting events like this in upcoming years, it will be worrisome. in the state. The planning commission of India in its environment performance report released on 26 July 2012, ranked Himachal Pradesh as top state in the country on environmental performance index. According to the 2009 Forest Survey of India, the northern hilly state has a total of 37033 sq km of forest area, of which 3224 sq km is very dense forest.


The supreme court banned all tourism activities in the core areas of the tiger reserve forests on 24 July 2012. Justice Swatanter Kumar and Justice Ibrahim passed the order on a petition filed by conservationist Ajay Dubey. The petition sought a directive to the States to notify the buffer and peripheral areas of the tiger reserves, under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, to prevent tourism in the core areas. The court was informed that except the following states - Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Arunachal Pradesh, the other States have yet not filed affidavits and were yet to notify the core areas, this was informed to the court on 24 July 2012. The bench has given a final tenure of three weeks to the states that have yet not notified the core areas, failing to do so will lead to a sum of Rs ten thousand on them. The court will take the next hearing on 22 August 2012.


A majority of glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding regions are retreating, according to a study published recently in Nature Climate Change . The Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions contain most of the worlds glaciers outside the polar region. The total glacier area in this region is 100,000 square kilometres. The authors found that the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions exhibited systematic differences in glacial shrinkage. The most intensive shrinkage is found in the Himalayas (excluding the Karakoram). Here the reduction is greatest both in terms of length and area, and also the difference between ice accumulation and loss (mass balance). In contrast, the least reduction is seen in the Pamir Plateau.

World Bank approved 1100 Crore Rupees Loan for Himachal Pradesh
The World Bank approved an 1100 crore rupees loan for Himachal Pradesh to promote green initiatives and sustainable development in the state. The loan agreement was signed between the World Bank and the state government in New Delhi on 28 July 2012. The financial assistance consists of 90 per cent grant and 10 per cent loan at interest rate of 0.7 per cent (payable in 30 years). The loan is directed towards the development of industry, tourism, power and infrastructure projects


Greenlands surface ice cover melted this month over a larger area than ever detected in more than 30 years of satellite observations, NASA said recently. According to measurements from three separate satellites analyzed by NASA and 58

Infants tell Human from other Sounds

Even nine-month-old infants can distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds in both humans and animals, a study says. Our results show that speech perception of infants is resilient and flexible. This means that our recognition of speech is more refined at an earlier age than wed
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : thought, says Athena Vouloumanos, assistant professor of psychology at New York University, who led the study. It is well-known that adults speech perception is fine-tuned and they can detect speech among a range of ambiguous sounds. But much less is known about the capability of infants to make similar assessments, the journal Developmental Psychology reports. In order to gauge the aptitude to perceive speech at any early age, the researchers examined the responses of infants, approximately nine months in age, to recorded human and parrot speech and non-speech sounds. The results showed that infants listened longer to human speech compared to human non-speech sounds regardless of the visual stimulus, revealing their ability to recognise human speech independent of the context. Parrot speech is unlike human speech, so the results show infants have the ability to detect different types of speech, even if they need visual cues to assist in this process, Vouloumanos said. Colombian group Fundacion Ecoprogreso, Kenyan group Maji Mazuri Centre International, Asutralias Sunshine Coast Environment Council and a Bangladeshi non-profit organization, Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha also figured in the list of winners. To increase the peoples participation in environmental activities the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) had come out with the innovative competition on World Environment Day 2012. Under the competition people across the world were asked to come out with an unique environmental project in connection with World Environment Day 2012. The World Environment Day is observed on 5 June every year. While insufficient to claim a discovery, it does indicate only a one-in-two-million chance of error. Joe Incandela, CMS spokesman, added, Were reaching into the fabric of the universe at a level weve never done before. The LHC will continue to run its experiments so that results revealed on Wednesday can be revalidated before it shuts down at the end of the year for maintenance. Even so, by 2013, scientists, such as Dr. Rahul Sinha, a participant of the Belle Collaboration in Japan, are confident that a conclusive result will be out. The LHC has the highest beam energy in the world now. The experiment was designed to yield quick results. With its high luminosity, it quickly narrowed down the energy-ranges. Im sure that by the end of the year, we will have a definite word on the Higgs bosons properties, he said. However, even though the Standard Model, the framework of all fundamental particles and the dominating explanatory model in physics today, predicted the particles existence, slight deviations have been observed in terms of the particles predicted mass. Even more: zeroing in on the mass of the Higgs-like particle doesnt mean the model is complete. While an answer to the question of mass formation took 50 years to be reached, physicists are yet to understand many phenomena. For instance, why arent the four fundamental forces of nature equally strong? The weak, nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces were born in the first few moments succeeding the Big Bang 13.75 billion years ago. Of these, the weak force is, for some reason, almost 1 billion, trillion, trillion times stronger than the 59

What next after a Higgs boson-like particle?

The ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) collaboration at CERN has announced the sighting of a Higgs boson-like particle in the energy window of 125.3 0.6 GeV. The observation has been made with a statistical significance of 5 sigma. This means the chances of error in their measurements are 1 in 3.5 million, sufficient to claim a discovery and publish papers detailing the efforts in the hunt. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director General of CERN since 2009, said at the special conference called by CERN in Geneva, It was a global effort, it is a global effort. It is a global success. He expressed great optimism and concluded the conference saying this was only the beginning. Another collaboration, called CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), announced the mass of the Higgslike particle with a 4.9 sigma result.


An environment project made by Hand in Hand India, a Chennai based development organization was named the winner of World Environment Day Challenge 2012 organised by the UN. Projects of our other organisations also emerged victorious for their unique and inspiring work. Hand in Hand India created a colourful 10000 square foot rangoli carpet depicting 10 environmental themes. The awe inspiring theme came into being after the tireless efforts of nearly 500 volunteers. The names of a
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : gravitational force! Called the hierarchy problem, it evades a Standard Model explanation. In response, many theories were proposed. One theory, called supersymmetry (SUSY), proposed that all fermions, which are particles with half-integer spin, were paired with a corresponding boson, or particles with integer spin. Particle spin is the term quantum mechanics attributes to the particles rotation around an axis. Technicolor was the second framework. It rejects the Higgs mechanism, a process through which the Higgs boson couples stronger with some particles and weaker with others, making them heavier and lighter, respectively. Instead, it proposes a new form of interaction with initially-massless fermions. The short-lived particles required to certify this framework are accessible at the LHC. Now, with a Higgs-like particle having been spotted with a significant confidence level, the future of Technicolor seems uncertain. However, significant constraints have been imposed on the validity of these and such theories, labelled New Physics, according to Prof. M.V.N. Murthy of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS), whose current research focuses on high-energy physics. the All-Russia Research Institute of Electromechanics, is designed for remote sensing of the Earth. It weighs about 400 kg and will work on a circular orbit at a height of 510 km. Massimov and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev in June 2012.





Russias Soyuz-FG carrier rocket set off from the Baikonur space centre in Kazakhstan on 22 July 2012. The rocket will put the Russian satellites Canopus-B and MKA-PN1, a Belarusian BKA satellite, the Canadian ADS-1B and German TET-1 into orbit. The Canopus-B satellite, developed by 60

The MKA-PN1 satellite, developed by Russias NPO Lavochkin aerospace company, will collect data to help meteorologists build models of ocean circulation - particularly in Arctic waters along Russian shores - and climate dynamics. The German TET-1 satellite, a part of the German Aerospace Centers OnOrbit Verification Program, will conduct a test on new space technologies. The ADS-1B satellite, built by the Com Dev aerospace company, will form part of a shipidentification satellite system. The satellites were earlier planned to be launched in the first half of 2012, but was postponed several times as Kazakhstan kept the decision to let Russia use its territory for rocket launch on hold. Russia got the permission to launch the rocket following a meeting between Kazakh Prime Minister Karim

U.S. physicists have invented a new organic light-emitting diode (OLED) that promises to be brighter, cheaper and more ecofriendly than those currently widely used in electronic devices. The new LED, known as spinpolarized organic LED or spin OLED, stores information in the electrons spin and the electrical charges. It also uses an organic spin-valve, which are used in computers, TVs, cell phones and many other electrical devices, the study said. The entire device is 300 microns wide and long and a mere 40 nanometres thick, which is about 1,000 to 2,000 times thinner than a human hair, the study said. The spintronic LED will be more eco-friendly, cheaper to make and brighter than todays OLEDs, and could outperform and replace all of the existing OLED technology,
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : he said. However, the spintronic LED can only operate at a temperature of 280 Fahrenheit and emits only the colour orange, Z. Valy Vardeny, senior author said, adding that the device must be improved to run at room temperature and produce red, blue and eventually white. The original LEDs, introduced in the early 1960s, use a conventional semiconductor to generate coloured light. Newer organic LEDs or OLEDs use an organic polymer or plastic semiconductor to generate light. important find is described today (July 26) in a paper published in Nature. The authors studied the previously ignored Coniophis precedents fossil of the Late Cretaceous period (approximately 70 million years ago). They firmly state that the fossil is not an anilioid snake (burrowing snakes with vestigial pelvis and hind legs). The transitional snake has a snakelike body and a lizard-like head. The shape of the skull is also intermediate between that of the lizards and snakes seen today. women in the U.S. Coffee appeared to be inversely associated with most major causes of death in both men and women, including heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes, and infections, observed Neal Freedman of the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. and his colleagues in their paper. After taking into account tobacco-smoking and other confounding factors, men who drank six cups or more cups of coffee a day had a 10 per cent lower risk of death compared with those who did not take it at all. Women coffee-drinkers had a 15 per cent lower risk of death. Those who drank caffeine-containing coffee as well as the decaffeinated form were both found to benefit from their habit. But, as the authors pointed out, it was not possible to conclude from an observational study whether the association that was noticed actually reflected cause and effect. Then, last month there came another study, this time in Circulation Heart Failure , a journal of the American Heart Association. The study analysed five independent prospective studies, with a total of over 1.4 lakh participants, for links between coffee consumption and heart failure. This study observed a statistically significant J-shaped relationship between coffee and heart failure. Moderate consumption of coffee up to four servings a day reduced the risk of heart failure. But excessive coffee drinking had no benefit and may even be dangerous, remarked Murray Mittleman, director of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in 61




There is nothing quite like a cup of hot coffee to banish that feeling of somnolence and get the brain cells chugging away. But quite apart from the sense of wellbeing that a good cup of brew,

A transitional snake an intermediate form between lizards and the highly evolved snakes seen today has been finally identified.

This is a major step in answering many contentious questions such as whether snakes had their origin in a marine or terrestrial environment, how their unique feeding mechanism evolved, and the size and kind of their prey. More importantly, the identification of a transitional snake further strengthens the robustness of the theory of evolution. The interesting and

with its heady aroma, can produce, studies published recently also indicate that this beverage that millions around the world enjoy could be providing some health benefits too. In May this year, the prestigious medical journal,The New England Journal of Medicine , published a study that examined the effects of drinking coffee in a cohort of over four lakh men and
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Boston and senior author of the study, in a press release. The paper, however, also pointed out that experimental studies had consistently shown that coffee and caffeine were associated with acutely raised blood pressure. A recent analysis had reported that habitual light to moderate coffee consumption increased the risk of developing hypertension but more frequent consumption did not pose any addition risk. It could be that habitual coffee-drinkers develop a tolerance for caffeine, the authors said. Other studies have suggested that drinking coffee could also be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In 1991, the World Health Organisations International Agency for Research on Cancer held that coffee is possibly carcinogenic to the human urinary bladder. But more recent studies have indicated that coffee could be beneficial, protecting against several cancers, including of the breast, bowel, prostate and liver. Roughly 1,000 chemicals have been reported in roasted coffee, point out Jonathan Krell and Justin Stebbing of Imperial College London in a commentary published recently in The Lancet Oncology . The active compounds in coffee associated with anticancer properties are largely unknown but antioxidants might have a role. Moreover, the roasting process too was important and affected the antioxidant content. But they also cautioned that a large proportion of the evidence for the beneficial effects of coffee was derived from epidemiological studies that were open to misinterpretation and error. More well-designed studies were needed to assess this subject further. Meanwhile, like many aspects of life, everything in moderation seems the safest policy to adopt, they remarked. significant revenues through tourism and function as a natural breakwater for waves and storms, they said. The statement, endorsed by the forum attendees and other marine scientists, called for measures to head off escalating damage caused by rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, overfishing and pollution from the land. There is a window of opportunity for the world to act on climate change, but it is closing rapidly, said Terry Hughes, convener of the symposium. In the Caribbean 75-85 per cent of the coral cover has been lost in the last 35 years. Even the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the best-protected reef ecosystem on the planet, has witnessed a 50 per cent decline in the last 50 years. More than 85 per cent of reefs in Asias Coral Triangle are directly threatened by human activities such as coastal development, pollution, and overfishing, according to a report launched at the forum. The Coral Triangle covers Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, The Solomon Islands, and East Timor and contains nearly 30 per cent of the worlds reefs and more than 3,000 species of fish.


More than 2,600 of the worlds top marine scientists recently warned coral reefs around the world were in rapid decline and urged immediate global action on climate change to save what remains. The consensus statement at the International Coral Reef Symposium, being held in the northeastern Australian city of Cairns, stressed that the livelihoods of millions of people were at risk. Coral reefs provide food and work for countless coastal inhabitants globally, generate

Volcanic ash preserved ancient animal fossils

Botulinum Toxin Prevents Tremors

American Water Shrews Heat and Dive

A volcanic eruption around 579 million years ago buried a nursery of the earliest-known animals under a deluge of ash, preserving them as fossils, new research suggests in the Journal of the Geological Society.

Botulinum toxin may help prevent shaking or tremors in the arms and hands of people with multiple sclerosis, according to new research.

A recent study of American water shrews shows hat the animals rapidly elevate body temperature immediately before diving into cold water.

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Nanoparticle from Strawberry Tree Leaf

Scientists have synthesized silver nanoparticles, which are important to biotechnology, by using strawberry tree leaf extract.
How Satellites can Now Gauge Pollutants

in PNAS journal is that the concentrations of the five major B vitamins key to phytoplankton growth vary independently in the worlds oceans and have different sources and sink.
Human eye Inspires Clogfree ink Jet Printer

through the early morning of July 16, Earth had a geomagnetic storm, which happens when the magnetosphere quickly changes shape and size in response to incoming energy from the sun.
Who killed off Neanderthals

Scientists have created a technique to help satellites see through the clouds and better estimate the concentration of pollutants, such as soot.
Deepwater Spill: Winds Helped Spare S. Florida

To prevent clogging of inkjet printers, a new invention by University of Missouri engineers, mimicking the human eye, uses a droplet of silicone oil that covers the opening of the nozzle when not in use.
NASA Mission to Study Suns Magnetic Fields

Modern humans were likely a greater threat to the Neanderthals than major natural events, according to a PNAS paper. Our results confirm that the combined effects of a major volcanic eruption and severe climatic cooling failed to have lasting impacts on Neanderthals or early modern humans in Europe, said the study.
Increase in basking sharks in British waters

In a new study in Environmental Science & Technology using numerical simulations, scientists demon-strated the crucial role of the wind-induced surface drift on the Deepwater oil spill which kept the oil away from south Florida.
Study to shed New Light on Photosynthesis

NASA launches a mission to study the intricate, constantly changing magnetic fields on the sun in a hardto-observe area of the suns low atmosphere called the chromosphere.
Temperature, CO {-2} rise Follow each other

New research led by chemists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is seeking to detail the individual steps of highly efficient reactions that convert sunlight into chemical energy within plants and bacteria.
Isocyanic acid gas from pollutants, forest fires

New research from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen indicates that, contrary to previous opinion, the rise in temperature and the rise in the atmospheric CO{-2}follow each other closely in terms of time.
Corals on ocean-side of reefs hit by warming

The number of basking sharks recorded in Britains seas could be increasing, decades after being protected from commercial hunting, says a comprehensive analysis in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series .
How mice Handle Smells that Denote Predators

Forest fires and emission of air pollutants, which include fumes from vehicles running on diesel and slow burning of coal and charcoal, release toxic isocyanic acid in the troposphere.
Vitamin deserts Exist in the Worlds Oceans

A paper in Nature Climate Change has linked the decline in growth of Caribbean corals due to recent warming to long-term trends in seawater temperature felt by these corals on the ocean-side of the reef.
Effect of Suns coronal mass ejection on earth

A study in the journal PNAS says mice appear to have a specialised system for detecting and processing smells such as those that denote predators, raising a question whether their response is hardwired.
Rice Landscapes in SE Asia Threatened

An important result of a study

Over the July 14-15 weekend and

Threats to rice production are diverse. Global change is an important one. But human mistakes and political neglect can be even more dangerous, say scientists within the framework of the project LEGATO. 63
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

New device Cleans Leafy Greens Easily, Cheaply

A device made from PVC pipe, a stainless steel strainer and a fivegallon drum to wash leafy produce, created at the University of Houston provides a convenient way for small farmers to clean produce before they go to market.
How we smell is why mosquitoes bite us

assembled more completely the string of genetic letters that could control how well parrots learn to imitate their owners and other sounds.
Expanding on Apollo 17 experiment on moon

Tree rings reveal a history of droughts

Mosquitoes seem to have an uncanny ability to locate us and University of Notre Dames Eck Institute for Global Health research shows that its because of the way we smell.
Polar bear evolution tracked climate change

In 1972 Apollo 17 deployed the Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment, to characterize the atmosphere of the moon. 40 years on, the first measurement of the atmosphere has been made by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Spider venom to treat muscular dystrophy

Through an exploration of tree rings and oxygen isotopes, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are now able to better pinpoint the history of droughts in the arid and semi-arid areas of the American West.
Image of star nearing its lifes end captured

An analysis of newly sequenced polar bear genomes suggests that climate change and genetic exchange with brown bears helped create the polar bear as we know it today.
Clouds: condensation slower than thought

In the venom of the Chilean rose tarantula, University at Buffalo scientist Frederick Sachs and his colleagues have found a protein that promises to keep muscular dystrophy at bay, helping stop muscle cells from deteriorating.
How hummingbirds fly in rain

An image from the Hubble Space Telescope obtained recently shows a star (U Camelopardalis) surrounded by a tenuous shell of gas. The star is nearing its end. As it begins to run low on fuel, it is becoming unstable.
From cord-blood cells to neuron-like cells

A new way using a single protein, known as a transcription factor to convert cord blood (CB) cells into neuron-like cells has been found.
Genetic modification to fight malaria

Researchers at the University of Bristol have shown that the rate of condensation of water on organic aerosol particles in the atmosphere can be very slow, taking many hours for a particle to change in size.
Genome study of how parrots mimic sounds

A new study suggests the birds keep flying through a downpour by adjusting their posture and increasing the frequency of their wing beats.
Red Tide even deadlier than first thought

The parasite that causes malaria in people does not survive in mosquitoes carrying a genetically modified bacterium.
Tropical plankton invade Arctic waters

Scientists, in the journal Nature Biotechnology ,say they have

University of Connecticut researchers have found that a tiny aquatic organism in harmful algal blooms sometimes called red tide is deadlier than first thought, with potential consequences for entire marine food chains.

For the first time, scientists have identified tropical and subtropical species of marine protozoa living in the Arctic Ocean.

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

CRICKET England won Nat West Cricket Series
England beat Australia in the fifth and final one-day international cricket played at Old Trafford on 11 July 2012 to complete a 4-0 victory in the NatWest cricket series played in England. The English team was led by Alistair Cook while the Aussie team was led by Michael Clarke. England allrounder Ravi Bopara starred in Englands final victory and was given the Man of the Match award. He claimed two wickets and made 52 not out off 56 balls. Ian Bells of England was given the Man of the Series Award. The victory marked the third series white wash for Australia over the last 40 years. The Australian team is still the world no.1 ODI team. Earlier the team had suffered clean sweeps against New Zealand (0-3) in 2006-07 and against England (0-3) in 1997.

Former BCCI President Purushottam M Rungta passed away

Former President of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) Purushottam M Rungta died on 12 July 2012 after long sickness. He was 84 years old. He was commonly known as Bhaiji to
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : cricketers and administrations. He was President of BCCI for three years from 1972 to 1975 and VicePresident of BCCI from 1963 to 1972. He was also BCCI treasurer for six months in the year 1992 after the resignation of Madhav Matri from BCCI treasurer when he lost to Manohar Joshi in Bombay Cricket Association election. After that former BCCI President Madhavrao Scindia named P.M.Rungta as the treasurer of the BCCI. He also managed the affairs of Rajasthan Cricket Association for many years. balls. Ian Bells of England was given the Man of the Series Award. The victory marked the third series white wash for Australia over the last 40 years. The Australian team is still the world no.1 ODI team. Earlier the team had suffered clean sweeps against New Zealand (0-3) in 2006-07 and against England (03) in 1997. match of the series after injuring his shoulder in an earlier Twenty20 international between the two sides in Florida last month, made 110 off 115 balls.

West Indies Zealand 4-1


It was an innings which included six 4s and five 6s for his sixth one-day century.

England beat Australia 4-0

England beat Australia in the fifth and final one-day international cricket played at Old Trafford on 11 July 2012 to complete a 4-0 victory in the NatWest cricket series played in England.

West Indies defeated New Zealand 4-1 in the five match one day series. The fifth one-dayer between West Indies and New Zealand had plenty of similarities to Saturdays fourth ODI at Warner Park: West Indies chose to bat, the top order stumbled, one of their Twenty20 stars made the slowest ODI half-century of his career to anchor the innings, and then some

Sri Lanka Wins Series with Pakistan

Sri Lanka won its first Test series in three years after the final Test against Pakistan ended in a thrilling draw in Pallekele on Thursday. The host made a brave bid to chase down a target of 270, reaching 132 for two by tea on the fifth day, before it was pegged back by a three-wicket burst from offspinner Saeed Ajmal. Dinesh Chandimal scored 65 and the prolific Kumar Sangakkara returned unbeaten on 74 as Sri Lanka made 195 for four before the game was called off with nine overs remaining at the Pallekele International Stadium. The rain-hit second Test in Colombo was drawn, while the entire second days play in Pallekele had been washed out. Earlier, Asad Shafiq remained unbeaten on 100 as Pakistan declared its second innings at 380 for eight half-anhour before lunch to attempt a series-levelling win.

The English team was led by Alistair Cook while the Aussie team was led by Michael Clarke. England all-rounder Ravi Bopara starred in Englands final victory and was given the Man of the Match award. He claimed two wickets and made 52 not out off 56 66

pyrotechnics from Andre Russell took the home side towards 250. New Zealand skipper Ross Taylor smashed a fine century but it was not enough to prevent the West Indies wrapping up the one-day series with a 24-run win in fourth match. Taylor, playing in his first

Brett Lee calls it a day

Australian pace bowler Brett Lee on Friday announced his retirement from international
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : cricket after a 13-year career, saying his body and mind were no longer up to the stresses of touring. The 35-year-old said a calf muscle strain that forced him home from Australias recent one-day tour to Britain was the final straw after a string of setbacks caused by injuries. I woke up this morning and just felt like I was ready, Lee said. His original plan had been to play at Septembers World Twenty20 tournament in Sri Lanka as his international swansong, he added. I think, in a team, you have to have 100 per cent commitment mentally and physically, he told a press conference at the Sydney Cricket Ground. got the distinction of winning the coveted Wimbledon singles title on seven occasions. Bunny Austin was the last British man to win the Wimbledon Open Titles in 1938. No other British player has been able to win the title since 1938. Other three grand slams are Australian Open, French Open and US Open.

Wimbledon Womens Womens Singles 2012

Ace US tennis player Serena Williams beat Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland 6-1, 5-7, 6-2 in Wimbledon womens singles Title at the All England Club in London on 7 July 2012. William, the world no.6, beat the third seed, Radwanska who was playing her first grand slam final and striving to become the first Polish to win a Grand Slam. Radwanska made a history by becoming the first Polish tennis player to reach a grand slam final. Serena had defeated defending champion Petra Kvitov in the quarter finals and secondseeded Victoria Azarenka in semifinals clash, while, Agnieszka Radwanska had defeated Maria Kirilenko in the quarterfinals and Angelique Kerber in the semifinals. The Wimbledon victory holds a great importance for Serena Williams who was out of the game for nearly 1 year as she suffered a dreadful foot injury and underwent a surgery for blood clots in her lungs. Serena, had claimed the Wimbledon womens singles title on four occasions in the past including 2002, 2003, 2009 and 2010. In a career marked by 18 grand slam finals, Serena has to her credit 14 singles titles, which comprise all grand slams.

Important Information
The 14-day sporting event which had commenced on 25 June 2012 concluded with the Gentlemens Singles Final on 8 July 2012. Serena Williams of US beat Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland to claim Ladies singles title. The mixed pair of Mike Bryan and Lisa Raymond defeated Leander Paes and Elena Vesnina to win the mixed doubled final. The mens doubles final was won by Jonathan Marray and Frederick Nielson who defeated Robert Lindstedt. In Ladies Doubles final the pair of Serena Williams and Venus Williams emerged victorious as they defeated Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka. Wimbledon, which is one of the oldest and most prestigious sporting events in the world, has been held at the All England Club in Wimbledon, London since 1877. Played on a grass court, Wimbledon is one of the four major grand slam tournaments in the world.

TENNIS Wimbledon Open 2012

Wimbledon Open Mens Singles 2012 Swiss (Switzerland) Tennis maestro Roger Federer beat British player Andy Murray 4-6, 7-5, 6-3, 6-4 to win the Wimbledon Open Championship Gentlemens Singles Final 2012 in London on 8 July 2012. Federer, with this victory also reclaimed the world No. 1 ranking surpassing Pete Sampras record of 286 weeks at the top of the game. Federer had defeated Djokovic in the semi-finals, while Murray had beat French Jo-Wilfreid Tsonga to make to the final of the tournament. In quarter-finals Federer had defeated Mikhail Youzhny of Russia and Murray overcame David Ferrer of Spain. The Wimbledon Open marked 17th career Grand Slam for Federer, who had earlier claimed the Wimbeldon title on 6 different occasions from 2003 to 2007 and again in 2009. Only William Renshaws and Pete Sampras have

Wimbledon Womens Doubles Title 2012

Serena Williams along with her elder sister Venus Williams also claimed the Wimbledon womens doubles Title on 7 July 2012. The pair beat Czech duo 67
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka 7-5, 6-4. It was their fifth Wimbledon doubles title together,while, their first doubles tournament together in past two years. a silver medal at the shooting World Cup in Fort Benning, US in 2011. The persevering shooter has more than 20 international medals and 75 national medals to his credit. He had won 3 gold medals and one silver medal in the 2010 Commonwealth Games held in Delhi. 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne saw him winning two gold medals in two separate shooting events. In one of the major achievements in 2009 ISSF World Cup held in Beijing he bagged Silver missing the gold by mere 0.1 point. Acknowledging his excellent track record and medal winning performances, the India government awarded him with the Arjuna Award in year 2007. Olympics 2008, failed to qualify for finals and finished sixteenth. Romanias shooter Alin George Moldoveanu claimed the gold medal with a total score of 702.1 while Italys Niccolo Campriani clinched the silver with a score of 701.5. Narang came third with a total score of 701.1. It was third time when Gagan Narang was participating in Olympics. In previous Athens and Beijing Olympic games he could not turn his performance into medal. This was Indias third medal in shooting events in the history of Olympics. Earlier Rajyawardhan Singh Rathore and Abhinav Bondra had won India silver and Gold medal respectively in 2004 and 2008 olympic games. Narangs bronze also marked Indias tenth individual medal in the history of Olympic games. Gagan Narang, who hails from Amritsar in Punjab was conferred with the Padma Shree Award in 2010. Considering his tremendous contribution to the field of sports, in year 2010, Gagan Narang was chosen for the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, the highest sports award in the country.

SHOOTING/ARCHERY Vijay Kumar bagged Silver in Olympics 25 Metre Rapid Fire Pistol Event
In a nerve-wracking battle for Olympic medal in the individual 25 metre rapid fire pistol event, Indian shooter Vijay Kumar clinched the silver on 3 August 2012. Kumar hit the target 30 times out of 40 attempts in the series comprising eight rounds of five shots each. Leuris Pupo of Cuba, whi clinced the gold clinched scored 34 out of 40. Chinese marksman Ding Feng bagged the bronze.

Gagan Narang won Bronze in the mens 10 meter air rifle event at London Olympics
Ace Indian Shooter won India

FOOTBALL Spain won UEFA Euro Cup Football Championship 2012

Spain beat Italy 4-0 in the final to win UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) Euro Cup Football Championship 2012 at the Olympic Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine, on 1 July 2012. Spain which had earlier defeated Germany 1-0 in 2008 Euro Cup not only defended the title but also created a record by becoming the first team to claim two consecutive titles in

Born on 19 August 1985 in Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh is presently a Subedar in the Indian Armys 16th Dogra Regiment. He booked his place at the London Olympics when he won 68

its first medal in the London Olympics 2012 after he clinched the bronze medal in the mens 10 meter air rifle event on 30 July 2012. While Abhinav Bindra, who had won a gold medal in the Beijing
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : tournaments 52-year long history. Spain and Italy had defeated Portugal and Germany respectively in their semi final matches. signed a multi-year broadcast agreement with ESPN STAR Sports to exclusively broadcast all international hockey test matches under Hockey India to be played in India for the next 5 years. Under the agreement the ESPN STAR Sports will also exclusively cover Hockey India League (HIL), which is expected to be launched in January 2013. The Hockey India is coming up with a professional hockey league that will see the best of Indian and international hockey players showcase their sporting skill. The first edition of the league is expected to be played in the month of January 2013. At least six franchise hockey teams will participate in the league and will feature 33 hockey matches to be played in prime time in state-of-theart stadia across the country. All teams will play each other on a home and away basis (30 league matches) followed by 2 semifinals and the final. send-off function organised by one of the principal sponsors of the Indian contingent, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) in the capital here on Sunday, the acting president of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA), Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra, said that the choice was made after four Olympic medallists were short-listed for the honour. We have four Olympic medallists in the contingent. Leander Paes has already carried the flag. Abhinav Bindra and Vijender Singh have competition early in the Games, explained Prof. Malhotra. Sushil will be training in Belarus and his competition will be only on the last day of the Olympics, on August 12. He will specifically be flown to London for the opening ceremony and back to Belarus to continue with his training.

Iker Casillas was the captain of Spanish side, while the Italian side was led by Gianluigi Buffon. Spain midfielder Andrs Iniesta of Spain was declared the man of the match given his match winning performance, while Fernando Torres was given the Golden Boot as he scored three goals in the Spains title winning campaign. Torres also became the first ever player in the history of the tournament to score in two separate European Championship finals.

SQUASH Coca-Cola Squash Open Championship 2012

Gaurav Nandrajog won Coca-Cola Squash Open Championship 2012 on 29 July 2012. Gaurav defeated Sandeep Jhangra with the score of 3-2. The score of the five sets were 7-11, 711, 12-10, 11-8, 11-7. The Game was held in Kendriya Vidyalaya Squash Courts, R.K.Puram, New Delhi. In Semi-finals Gaurav Nandrajog defeated Laxman Joshi with the score of 3-0. The score of the three sets were 11-3, 11-4, and 11-4. Sandeep Jhangra had celebrated his victory with Bronze Medal in Asian Games 2010 for the category of Team Championship. In Semi Finals, Sandeep had defeated Karm Kumar with the score of 3-0. Third Position was 69

Maradona Sacked
Former Argentina World Cup-winning captain Diego Maradona has been sacked as coach of United Arab Emirates club Al Wasl. The 51-year-old, who agreed a two-year contract with Al Wasl in May 2011, was dismissed following a meeting of the clubs board on Tuesday. Al Wasl failed to win any silverware under Maradona during his season at the helm, slipping to eighth in the 12team UAE Pro League from sixth the previous season.

WRESTLING Sushil Kumar named Indias Flag-bearer

HOCKEY Hockey India signed a multiyear broadcast agreement with ESPN STAR
Hockey India on 30 July 2012

World champion and Olympic bronze medallist, wrestler Sushil Kumar, was chosen as the flag-bearer of the Indian contingent at the opening ceremony of the Olympics in London on July 27. Making the announcement at a
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : secured by Karm Kumar. Karm defeated Laxman Joshi with the score of 3-0. The scores of the three sets were 11-6, 11-6 and 11-4. Karm Kumar became the first Champion of the 105 Tournament which was organized by Indian Squash Professionals (ISP). Karm defeated Rishi Jahan with 3-0 in the final Match. seconds and won European Grand Pix 2012, Valencia on 24 June 2012. Vettel became the first F1 repeat winner of the season. Vettel is from Red Bulls team and Hamilton is from McLaren. Klyuka, Yevgenia Zinurova, Lithuanias Zivile Balciunaite. European Marathon Champion 2010 Naiva Tulamanova was banned for two years. While Second winner in 800 meters European

CHESS 6th Leiden International Chess tournament

Englands David Howell won the 6th Leiden International Chess tournament at 7.5 points on 15 July 2012. The tournament was held at Leiden, Netherland from 7 July 2012 to 15 July 2012. The grandmaster and Asian champion Parimarjan Negi ended the tournament with 7 points out of nine possible points and was second in the 6th Leiden International Chess tournament. He defeated Netherlands Benjamin Bok in the ninth round (final) of the tournament. He was announced as the Indian youngest Grandmaster at the age of 13 years on 1 July 2006 after drawing with Russian Grandmaster Ruslan Sherbakov. He also won the 11th Asian continental chess championship held in from 4 May 2012 to 14 May 2012 in Vietnam. Third place of the Leiden tournament was shared by two Indian Grandmasters S Arun Prasad and M.R. Lalith at 6.5 points.

There were 57 numbers of Laps on the Valencia Street Circuit in European Grand Pix 2012. The circuit length was 5.419 km had the race distance of 308.883 km. There were 12 teams participated in European Grand Pix 2012. Sebastian Vettel is a German Formula One racer. He was born on 3 July 1987. He won the World Championship in 2012 and 2011. Vettel also won youngest-ever World Drivers championship runner-up. He also secured Red Bulls first pole position and race win in the teams history.

Champions in 2006 Svetlana Klyukaand 2011 European 800 indoor winner Yevgenia Zinurova, were suspended for anomalous indexes in their biometric passports and Lithuanias Zivile Balciunaite was disqualified and banned for using steroids. The suspensions of Yulamanova and Klyuka have been backdated to February. The ban for Zinurova began from September. All the three were suspended to compete in Russian championships as well as from London Olympics.

ATHLETICS Three Russian Female Athletes were Suspended

Russian Athletics Federation on 3 July 2012 decided to suspend three Russian female athletes with the European Marathon Champion, Naiva Tulamanova. The three women are Svetlana

GOLF Scottish Open

Indias Jeev Milkha Singh birdied the first play-off hole to defeat Italys Francesco Molinari and claim the Scottish Open golf title on Sunday. Jeev, who had been five shots off the lead going into the final round, hit a five-under 67 to

MOTOR RACING/F1 European Grand Pix 2012

Formula One (F1) racer Sebastian Vettel defeated Lewis Hamilton by 1minute 38.086 70
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : finish on 17 under . Molinari held his nerve to birdie the final hole for a par 72 to send the tournament into the play-off. Back on the 18th, Molinari left his birdie putt well short while Jeev confidently held his testing attempt to add the Scottish Open to his wins at the 2006 China Open, Volvo Masters and 2008 Austria Open. 3. The opening ceremony was directed by celebrated Hollywood director Danny Boyle 4. Motto of the London Olympics is - Inspire a Generation 5. 10500 athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees participating in as many as 26 sports events Team Sky rider Wiggins is the first cyclist to have won both the Tour and an Olympic track cycling gold. His Sky teammate and fellow Briton, Froom Christopher came second. Their teammate and fellow country man Mark Cavendish was declared the days winner as he won the final stage of the race. Wiggins, 32, was given the yellow jersey at the end of the event. The rider with the lowest aggregate time at the end of each day is given the yellow jersey. One of the most successful Olympian of Britain, Wiggins won a bronze medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and three medals (1 Gold + 1 Silver + 1 Bronze) at the 2004 Athens Olympics, and two golds at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Wiggins is the first and only person in history to win the Paris-Nice, the Tour de Romandie, Critrium du Dauphin and Tour de France in one single season.

OLYMPICS 30th Edition of Summer Olympics inaugurated in London

Summer Olympic games 2012 inaugurated at Olympic Stadium at the Olympic Park in East London on 27 July 2012. Queen Elizabeth II officially declared the commencement of the 30th Olympics Game, popularly called the London Olympics, amidst the sparkling fireworks. The games, which will conclude on 12 August 2012, will see nearly 10500 athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees participating in as many as 26 sports events. London was selected to host the 30th Summer Olympics on 6 July 2005 after it defeated bids from Moscow, New The York City, Madrid and Paris during the 117th IOC Session in Singapore. London also got a distinction to host the modern Olympic Games three times. The city had previously host the games in 1908 and in 1948.

India at London Olympics 2012

Champion wrestler and the winner of bronze medal in Beijing Olympics 2008, Sushil Kumar was the official flag bearer of 83-member Indian contingent at the opening ceremony of Olympics. India has sent 83-member team in the London Olympics 2012, which is the highest ever sent by Indian Olympic Association in the Olympics.

CYCLING 99th Edition of Tour de France Bicycle Race

Tour de France
The Tour de France is an annual bicycle race event held in France and nearby countries. The first The Tour de France was held in 1903. The race which lasts three weeks, covers around 3200 kilometres. Mauris Garin was the winner of the first edition of tour, while Lance Armstrong of USA had won the race for 7 times, the highest individual win.

Below are some of the major facts related to London Olympics 2012
1. 100 heads of states were present at the three and a half hour long opening ceremony 2. More than 10000 performers participated in the opening ceremony

VARIOUS Use Players Experience

The Union Sports Minister Ajay Maken goaded ONGC and other such organisations like the Railways to give a career in sports for the sportspersons in their fold, rather than make them work like normal employees at the end of their playing career. He said that it 71

Bradley Wiggins of Britain became the first cyclist of the country, to win the coveted Tour de France Cycling race on 22 July 2012.
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : was important to use the experience of the players as coaches in places near their home. It is important to make correct use of their services, said Maken. The Sports Minister congratulated the 81 athletes who had qualified for the Olympics, passing through a stringent selection process, from a core group of 720 probables, who were trained by 121 national coaches and 29 foreign coaches, along with 65 other support staff with a budget of about Rs. 200 crore. Our players are second to none in the world, said Maken. The Chairman and Managing Director of ONGC, Sudhir Vasudeva announced that ONGC would extend the cash award of Rs. 25 lakh for gold in Olympics, Rs. 15 lakh for silver and Rs. 10 lakh for bronze, not only to 20 per cent of its employees figuring in the Indian squad, but to all members of the contingent.

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Awards & Prizes

Manipal University won the Golden Peacock Environment Management Award 2012. The main theme of this meet was driving sustainable business through green economy.The award was given by Karan Singh on the Fourteenth World Congress Meet on Environment Management. The Ceremony was held in the Le Meridian Hotel, New Delhi. The meet was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dixit. The meet provides a way for the sustainable business in the areas like community-led advocacy and action programmes for environment protection, carbon neutrality, solar technologies and watershed management programmes. The Golden Peacock Award was introduced by the Institute of Directors in the year 1992. This award is considered as the Holy Grail of Corporate Excellence Worldwide. In 2012, The Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat received 1000 entries (approx) for various National and Global awards. In addition, Golden Peacock Environment Management Award (GPEMA) was introduced by the World Environment Foundation (WEF) in the year 1998. It aims to promote the best strategy and management of environmental issues. This award was presented to those organizations that attain the significant achievements in the field of Environment Management. championship. It includes following Countries: India, Spain, Ireland, Germany, the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Holland and Czech Republic. He sculpted the copy of the face of The Showman of the Millennium Raj Kapoor. His interpretation of Raj Kapoor was highly praised by the visitors. His sculpture symbolizes IndoRussian Friendship.


Indian Sand Artist Sudarshan Pattnaik won Peoples Choice Gold Medal Award in Moscow. It was the Second World Sand Sculpture Championship. The theme of World Sand Sculpture Championship 2012 was World Cinema. Artist from eleven countries took part in this

Sudarshan Pattnaik had also won Berlin World Championship 2008. His sand sculpture was based on the awareness about global warming. Pattnaik had participated in 50(approx) international Sand Sculpture 73
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Championships across the World. He had won his first Prize in Copenhagen Sand Sculpture Championship in Denmark. World Sand Sculpture Championship: In this Championship artists have to make sculptures with the help of sand and Water. Judges provide them the required amount of area and artist has to make their sculpture within those parameters only. There is no flexible time to work and artists have to assign the title sign before making any sculpture. He also won two gold medals and a trophy in Solo International Sand Sculpture contest 2012. Sudarshan Pattnaik belongs to the Odisha State. most money-spinning academic prize in the world. Winners of the award include , Ashoke Sen, N J Nima, Arkani-Hamed, Juan Maldacena, Nathan Seiberg, Edward Witten, Andrei Linde, Alexei Kitaev, Maxim Kontsevich, Ashoke Sen The winners will receive 3 million dollar as the prize amount. The Nobel Prize currently comes with an award of 1.2 million dollar, which is generally divided between two or three people. completed his masters from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in the year 1976. He had completed his PhD from State University of New York, Stony Brook. He also worked with Fermilab and Stanford before coming back to the Country.


Daniel Hillel won World Food Prize 2012. He is a scientist from Israel. The work and motivation of Daniel Hillel built the bridge between the divisions and to promote peace and understanding in the Middle East by advancing a breakthrough achievement. His work is relevant for agriculturedominated economies. He applied the method of micro-irrigation, which maximizes the efficiency of water usage in agriculture.

Ashoke Sen was honoured with Fundamental Physics Prize

Indian Scientist Ashoke Sen was honoured with Fundamental Physics Prize (FPP) 2012 on 31 July 2012. He is 56 years old. Ashoke will get the cash prize of three million dollar which is double the cash prize of Nobel Prize. He is the only Indian who was honored with this award. He was the Professor of Physics in Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad. In the year 1988, he had joined Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai. This Prize was started by the billionaire of Russia Yuri Milner.The prize was given to the physicists for their remarkable contribution to the field of fundamental physics. The winners of Fundamental Physics Prize were selected by Yuri Milner. Yuri Milner was the researcher in Lebedev Physical Institute. Prof. Sen received Padma Shri award and the Indian National Science Academy in the year 2001 and 1995 respectively. He had received CSIRs Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in the year 1994. He was also elected as the fellow of the Royal Society of London in the year 1998. Sen studied at Presidency College of Kolkata and had successfully

Fundamental Physics Prize

9 physicists worldwide were given the Fundamental Physics Prize on 31 July 2012. The prizes were given to the physicists for their remarkable contribution to the field of fundamental physics. Fundamental Physics Prize has been established by Russian Businessman Yuri Milner and the 74

World Food Prize is an international award. This award recognizes the importance of water for agricultural purposes. Dr. Hillel will be formally presented with the cash prize of 250000 dollar award in October 2012 at United States. This award was recognized by Norman Borlaug in 1987. This award indicates to that person who is pioneer in radical innovative way of bringing water to crops in arid and dry-land regions. Norman Borlaug is a Nobal Prize winner and champion in Green Revolution. The World Food Prize
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : award is chaired by M.S. Swaminathan. He is Indian agricultural scientist Professor and the first World Food Prize laureate. Norman Ernest Borlaug was an American agronomist, humanitarian and also known as the the father of the Green Revolution. He won Padma Vibhushan which is the Indias second highest civilian honour. educational assistance for students in high schools, scholarships and also computer skills. The visionary Mr. Francis was also successful in pursuing the holistic economic empowerment of thousands of women and their families. The Board of Trustees of the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation (RMAF) announced the recipients of this year, 2012 Asias premier prize, the Ramon Magsaysay Award on 25 July 2012. The six individuals chosen from around the globe are from countries, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Taiwan. The other people chosen for the prizes, announced by the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation (RMAF) in Manila, are Ms Chen Shu-Chu from Taiwan, Mr Romulo Davide from the Phillipines, Ms Syeda Rizwana Hasan of Bangladesh, Mr Yang Saing Koma of Cambodia and Mr Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto from Indonesia. Kulandai Francis who has been awarded with the Magsaysay says, working with the objective of eradicating poverty and empowering more than one lakh rural women for thirty five long years has got him the award. Magsaysay Award winners receive a certificate, a medallion bearing the likeness of the late President, and a cash prize. They will be formally felicitated with the Magsaysay Award during the Presentation Ceremonies which is to be held on 31 August 2012 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Manila. In the past, many Indians have won the Magsaysay award. In the year 1958, awardee was Vinoba Bhave, in the year 1959 C.D Deshmukh, again in the year 1994, it was awarded to Kiran Bedi, in 1996, T.N seshan , in the year 2003, James Michael Lyngdoh,in the year 1965 Jayaprakash Narayan,In 1974 M.S. Subbulakshmi was awarded, in 1982 Manibhai Desaiwas awarded. Ramn del Fierro Magsaysay was the seventh President of the Republic of the Philippines, he served from 30 December 1953 until his death in a 1957 aircraft disaster. The Ramon Magsaysay Award known as Asias Nobel Prize was established in April 1957 by the trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers.



The Government of Japan decided to honour Indian Environmental philosopher Vandana Shiva with Fukuoka Prize 2012. The award ceremony will be held by the Government of Japan in Fukuoka city in September 2012. Vandana Shiva is the seventh Indian who received this prestigious award.

Indian social activist Kulandei Francis, age sixty six will be felicitated with the Magsaysay Award. In the year 1979, Francis begun with his organisation, Integrated Village Development Project (IVDP) in Krishnagiri, wherein he initially started with small projects, amongst his achievements, he has conducted night schools in the light of gas lamps, set up first aid centres. Then, with the help of development organizations, he undertook a micro-watershed programme that, over twenty-two years, built three thirty one mostly small check dams benefitting cultivators and their families in sixty villages. His organisation, the Integrated Village Development Project also provides training to rural students a in enhancing their skills namely training in rural sanitation, accountancy, management, giving

She enlightens people about the ideas for the love of nature. She is the director of The Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology. She had completed the Doctorate from Canada. Dr. Vandana Shiva was 75
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : born in Dehradun in the year 1952. She had successfully completed her Masters in Philosophy of Science from the University of Guelph, Canada. Dr. Shiva is the founder of Navdanya. It is an NGO which was established in the year 1991. She commenced her work in the field of conservation of traditionally used seeds, organic farming and fair trade. In 1993, she had received Right Livelihood Award which is known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. In the year 2001, she set up an international college for sustainable living. Dr. Shiva had written numerous books based on the issues of environment. Some of the books wrote by her are:-Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace, The Violence of the Green Revolution, Monocultures of the Mind: Perspectives on Biodiversity and Biotechnology, and Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Survival in India. Many of her books were translated into the Japanese language. Her basic philosophy behind her work is Earth democracy. Fukuoka Prize is the prestigious award and given to those people who contribute to the academy, arts and culture in Asia. Earlier, Pandit Ravi Shankar, Padma Subrahmanyam, Romila Thapar and Ashis Nandy were the famous personalities who were honoured by this award.

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In The News
APPOINTED Pranab Mukherjee
which he signed the oath register after which a thunderous applause followed.One should note that Pranab Mukherjee is the 13th President of India in person and chronologically he is the 17th President of India. Article 60 in the Constitution of India states that every President and every person acting as President or discharging the functions of the President shall, before entering upon his office, make and subscribe in the presence of the Chief Justice of India or, in his absence, the senior most Judge of the Supreme Court available, an oath or affirmation in the following form, that is to say I, A, B, do swear in the name of God I, A B/ solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of President (or discharge the functions of the President) of India and will do the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the law and that I will devote myself to the service and well being of the people of India. Third schedule in the Constitution of India deals with forms of oaths and affirmations.

Enrique Pea Nieto

Pranab Mukherjee took oath of office and secrecy as the 14th President of India at the Central Hall of Parliament on 25 July 2012. The oath was administered by the Chief Justice of India, Justice SH Kapadia, at an elegant ceremony attended by top leaders and officials. In his first address as the President, Pranab Mukherjee termed corruption as an evil.The new President of India was given a twenty one gun salute, following

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) leader Enrique Pea Nieto was elected the new President of Mexico on 2 July 2012. In the Presidential Election held on 1 July 2012, Enrique Pea Nieto 77
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : beat Party of the Democratic Revolution candidate Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador. Of the total 98 percent votes counted, Pena Nieto bagged 38 percent votes, while former Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador got 31 percent votes. Nieto succeeded Felipe Caldern on the top most position of the country. Enrique Pea Nieto, 45, the PRI leader, was earlier the governor of the State of Mexico from 2005 to 2011. The Institutional Revolutionary Party had ruled Mexico for nearly 71 years, before being voted out of power in 2000 presidential elections. Under the Mexican Constitution, the president is the head of both the state and the government. He is also the Supreme Commander of the Mexican armed forces. The Latin American nation holds Presidential elections every six years since 1934 (earlier the set period was 4 years). The president in the country is elected through direct and universal adult franchise system, where the candidate who secures maximum number of votes is declared winner. The constitution of the country does not provide any runoff election. John Dramani Mahama succeeded John Atta Mills as the President of Ghana. John Dramani Mahama sworn in as the President of Ghana. The Oath was administered by the Chief Justice of Ghana with the article 60 (6) of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana. He is 53 years old. Government of West Bengal. He had successfully completed his graduation and post graduation from IIT Kanpur and IIM Bangalore respectively. In addition, he had completed his Masters degree in International Affairs from the University of Columbia, United States.

Deepak Parekh

Bimal Gurung
Gurung was sworn in as the CEO on 4 August 2012. It was administered by the Governor of West Bengal, Union Ministers Sushil Kumar Shinde and Mukul Roy, and Mamata Banerjee.He was appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) on 3 August 2012. He was the former president of Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM). He has the responsibility to develop hills of Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars. He has to take care of the Administration of Gorkhaland. Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) is a semiautonomous administrative body for Darjeeling hills in West Bengal, India. GTA has three hill subdivisions they are: - Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and some areas of Siliguri sub-divisions.

John Dramani Mahama

Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar was appointed as the new Director General for Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) on 27 July 2012. Employees State Insurance Corporation comes under the Ministry of Labour and Employment. Anil Kumar was an IAS Officer from the 1981 batch. He was the former Additional Chief Secretary in Animal Resources Development Department, 78

The government appointed HDFC chairman Deepak Parekh as the new chairman of the High Level Committee on Financing Infrastructure. He would function in an honorary capacity with the rank of minister of state. He was elected after the approval from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in first week of July 2012. The committee is authorized to re-examine existing policies and advice necessary changes to present in the investment for the infrastructure sector. It will work under 12th Five- Year project investments plan from 2012 to 2017 of 4099240 crore rupees. Parekh is a chartered accountant. He joined Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) in 1978 after Ernst & Young Management Consultancy Services in New York. He is a part of subcommittee of the Prime Ministers council on Trade and Industry for promoting Financial Inclusion. He

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : is also one of the members in the expert team of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). The committee was first set up by Rakesh Mohan, former Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in November 2012. State Governments on the advice of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. The major functions of CGA includes; establishing and maintaining a technically sound management accounting system for the government. Besides, it also prepares a critical analysis of expenditures, revenues, borrowings and the deficit for the Finance Minister every month. The CGA is also responsible for preparing annual Appropriation Accounts and Union Finance Accounts for presentation to the parliament. in Greece (IOBE). He was the researcher and Lecturer in St. Catherines Collegein Oxford University from the year 1982-1986. He was the Professor of Economics in Athens University since 1989. He performed as Vice Chairman of the Public Gas Corporation from 1994 to 1997 and he was the member of the Board of Directors of the Public Debt Management Office from 1998 to 2000. In addition, he was the managing Director of Kappa Securities in Athens. He was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Emporiki Bank and Vice-Chairman of the Association of Greek Banks. Yannis Stournaras had completed his graduation from the Department of Economics at Athens University. He had completed is post graduation in Economic Theory and Policy from Oxford University.

Jawahar Thakur
Jawahar Thakur, a 1979-batch Indian Civil Accounts Service officer took over as the new Controller General of Accounts (CGA) of India, the post earlier held by C.R. Sundaramurti. Prior to his appointment as the CGA, Thakur was the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts in the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) under the Department of Revenue in the Finance Ministry. Thakur, a Post Graduate and a Law Graduate from Delhi University, also holds a M.Sc. degree in Public Economic Management from University of Birmingham, U.K. and Diploma in Public Financial Management from the University of Strathclyde, UK. He has extensive experience in the areas of Public Financial Management and has worked in diverse capacities in the Ministries of Earth Sciences, Commerce, Human Resource Development, Science & Technology, Labour, Health, Home Affairs and Finance. He is known for his initiatives in the area of development of an effective financial management information system.

Yannis Stournaras

Arun Mishra
Appointment Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) on 16 July 2012 decided to appoint Arun Mishra as the Chief of Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). He will replace E. K. Bharat Bhusan. Arun Mishra was the former IAS officer at West Bengal cadre. Arun Mishra has experience as the Joint Secretary, senior executive, SDO, Deputy Secretary of the Land and Revenue Management Cadre. He was the joint Secretary of Civil Aviation in the year 2009. DGCA comes under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. DGCA is the regulatory body in the field of Civil Aviation that deals with the safety issues. There are fourteen regional airworthiness offices that are located in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Trivandrum, Bhopal, Lucknow, 79

What is CGA and what are its Functions?

Controller General of Accounts is the principal Accounts Adviser to the Government of India and it exercises the powers of the President under Article 150 of the constitution for prescribing the forms of Accounts of the Union and

Yannis Stournaras took oath as the new finance minister of Greece on 5 July 2012. He succeeded Vassilis Rapanos. Yannis took his oath in his office with the two deputy ministers. He was the former Governor of European Investment Banking. He was the development Minister in the caretaker government of Greece. He was also the part of the team that negotiates Greeces entry to the Zone of Euro. He was the general director of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Patna, Bhubaneshwar, Kanpur, Guwahati and Patiala. In addition, there are five regional air safety offices that are located at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad. The regional Research and development office of DGCA are located in Bangalore and Pune. Arun Mishra had successfully completed his graduation and post graduation in the field of Chemistry. He had completed his MBA in HR as well. assembly elections since 2002. Vijay Bahuguna had taken oath as the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand on 13 March 2012, after Congress had defeated incumbent BJP in the state assembly elections held in February 2012. With the Vijay Bahuguna joining the state assembly the number of Congress legislators has risen from 32 to 33. The BJPs strength in the 70 seat assembly now stands at 30. was appointed as the Director of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) on 2 July 2012. M Balachandran was the former director of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. After the abolition of Banking Services Recruitment Board, IBPS plays a vital role for candidates who are interested in Bank Jobs. Approximately, 15 million applications applied in the year 2011-12. In 2011, all the nationalized banks authorized Institute of Banking Personnel Selection to conduct a common written test to get admission in the government banks. IBPS conducts separate test for SBI (State Bank of India) and its associate banks. Anup Sankar Bhattacharya was the part of Advisory Board of Central Vigilance Commission for three months. He was responsible for security issues at IBPS. Anup Sankar Bhattacharya spent thirty seven years in United Bank of India, Kolkata. He was the executive director of Indian Bank in the year 2004. In addition, he was the part of Bank of Maharashtra in 2010 for 16 month time.

Rakesh Singh
Rakesh Singh was appointed as the 55th President of Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) on 21 July 2012 for the year 2012-13. He succeeded M. Gopalakrishnan. Rakesh Singh was the former VicePresident of ICAI. S.C. Mohanty succeeded Rakesh Singh as the Vice-President of ICAI. Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) is the Professional Institute. It is a statuary body under an act of Parliament. ICAI serves for the nation, government, industry and the Society. They had received the National Award for Excellence in Cost Management in the year 2011.

Vijay Bahuguna
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna emerged victorious in a by-election that was held for the Sitarganj assembly seat on 8 July 2012. The election result declared on 11 July 2012 saw Bahuguna defeating his closest rival, BJP candidate Prakash Pant, by a record margin of 39954 votes. Bahuguna received 53566 votes while, BJP candidate Prakash Pant got only 13812 votes out of the total 69695 in the by-election. The margin of victory by which Bahugua has won the election is the highest in Uttarakhand 80

Three Independent BSP MLAs are also extending their support to the Congress in the state assembly. Son of Hemwanti Nandan Bahuguna, the former Chief Minster of Uttar Pradesh, Vijay Bahuguna is the first former high court judge to become a chief minister. He had also been the member of Lok Sabha in the 14th and 15th Lok Sabha. He represented the Tehari Garhwal Lok Sabha constituency. Article 164(4) provides that a Minister who for any period of six consecutive months is not a member of the legislature of the State shall at the expiration of that period cease to be a Minister after six months.

Omita Paul
Appointment Committee of the Cabinet(ACC) appointed Omita Paul as the Secretary of the President on 24 July 2012. Her tenure as Secretary to the President is on contract basis. Omita is 63 years old. She replaced Christy L Fernandez. Omita Paul was appointed as the information commissioner in the central Information Commission in the year 2009 for the short duration of time at the end of the UPA-I governments tenure. In addition, she had resigned to join as the Advisor in Finance Ministry from 2004 to 2009. Omita is a retired

Anup Sankar Bhattacharya

Anup Sankar Bhattacharya
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : officer from Indian Information Service (IIS) from 1973 batch. Omita Paul is the wife of KK Paul. KK Paul was the former Delhi Police Commissioner. He is working as the member of the Union Public Service Commission. India Talent Contest organised by United Producers and Filmfare in 1965. Aakhri Khat, directed by Chetan Anand, was his debut film. The film was released in 1966. Rajesh Khanna got the first lead role of his career in 1966 with the film Raaz directed by Ravindra Dave. Period between 1969 and 1972 saw Rajesh Khanna, rising to the pinnacle of stardom. The period was marked by 15 consecutive solo hits by him, the record which still remains untouched. In his over than four-decade long career in the Indian Film Industry he worked in 163 films. An unchallenged king of romantic roles on the screen, Khanna played the lead protagonist in 128 films. He also appeared in 17 short films. Aradhna, Anand, Kati Patang, Dushman, Bawarchi, Amar Prem, Hathi Mere Saathi, Hum dono and Aag are few of his movies which earned him both the praise of critics and commercial success at the same time. Rajesh Khanna has had a great on-screen chemistry with her fellow actresses like Mumtaz and Sharmila Tagore. With Mumtaz he went on to give block-busters like Aap ki Kasam, Prem Kahani and Roti. Though, Rajesh Khanna was nominated for the Filmfare Best Actor Award 16 times, Saccha-Jhutha, Anand and Aaviskar actually won him the filmfare awards in the best actor categoy. He was conferred the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005. Rajesh Khanna was also the member of Lok Sabha from 1992 to 1996. He was elected to the lower house on the Congress Party ticket from the New Delhi constituency. The magic of the Rajesh Khanna could well be assessed by the fact that the BBC in 1974 made a film on him, named Bombay Superstar, while, the Bombay University prescribed a book contained an essay, The Charisma of Rajesh Khanna.

Dara Singh

DEATH Rajesh Khanna

Yesteryear Bollywood superstar Rajesh Khanna passed away at his Mumbai residence Ashirwad on 18 July 2012. He was 69. He was severely ill over the past few months. Rajesh Khanna, who was fondly called Kaka by his fans, is considered to be the first superstar of Indian cinema. Rajesh Khanna is survived by his wife Dimple Kapadia and two daughters Twinkle Khanna and Rinkie Khanna. His elder daughter Twinkle Khanna is married to Hindi film actor Akshay Kumar. Rajesh Khanna married Dimple Kapadia in 1973. Though, the couple parted their ways in 1984 due to personal issues, they never separated on legal terms.

Rajesh Khanna, whose real name was Jatin Khanna, was born on 29 December 1942, in Amritsar, Punjab. A natural actor, Khanna got his first break in bollywood after he emerged victorious in All

Rustam-E-Hind, Dara Singh, who won India numerous accolades globally in wrestling, passed away in Mumbai following a protracted illness. He was 84.He had suffered a cardiac arrest on 7 July 2012. Born on 19 November 1928 in Dharmoochak village of Amritsar in Punjab, as Deedar Singh Randhawa, Dara Singh travelled to different parts of the globe as a Professional Wrestler. He announced his retirement from active wrestling in 1983. In 1996 he was inducted into the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame. Dara Singh, who earned a name for him worldwide in professional wrestling, also has had a long stint in Indian film Industry. After he made his debut in Bollywood in 1967 with the film Saat Samundar Paar, he played numerous characters in more than fifty Indian movies. He also directed and produced a number of movies. Singh, however, got the real recognition as an actor when he fabulously portrayed the character of Lord Hanuman in the 81
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Ramanand Sagars Ramayan television series. Imtiaz Alis Jab We Met marked the last movie of his career. Dara Singh was also the member of Rajya Sabha from August 2003 to August 2009. He was conferred the title Rustam-EPunjab in 1966 and Rustam-EHind in 1978. was the head of the womens regiment of Indian National Army, which was called the Rani of Jhansi regiment. Politically she was associated with the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and went on to contest the Presidential Election in 2002. She, however, received defeat in the hand of APJ Abdul Kalam. She was the principle member of All India Democratic Womens Association (AIDWA). Besides, she had spearheaded several political, economic and social justice campaigns in the country. Lakshmi Sehgal tied the knot with Indian National Army Officer Colonel Prem Kumar Sehgal in March 1947 in Lahore. Well known CPI (M) leader Subhasini Ali is her daughter.Lakshmi Sehgal was confrred the Padma Vibhushan in 1998. under the stringent Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) during Emergency.

Vempati Chinna Satyam

Kuchipudi Dance Guru Vempati Chinna Satyam passed away on 29 July 2012. He was 83 years old. He was honoured with Padma Bhushan by the Government of India in the year 1998. He was born in Kuchipudi Village in Krishna District of coastal Andhra Pradesh where Kuchipudi dance was originated. Vempti Chinna had passed through various milestones to make this unique form of Dance popular across the world. He had trained various students in Chennai. Chinna Satyam performed the Kuchipudi Dance in 60 countries and trained 10,000 children. He was honoured by Sangeet Peeth of Bombay. Madras Music Academy honoured him with Asthana Natyacharya of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam. He was also honoured by Andhra University with Natya Kalasaagara of Waltair, Raja-Lakshmi Award of Madras, Kalaprapoorna . He was awarded with Asthana Natyacharya of Pittsburgh and National Award from Central Sangeet Naatak Akademi, New Delhi. He was honoured with Kalidas Puraskar and Kalaimamani by the Government of Madhya Pradesh and Government of Tamil Nadu respectively. He was also honoured with a Doctorate degree by Andhra University.

Captain Lakshmi Sehgal

Bal Apte
Top Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Ideologue and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Balwant Apte alias Bal Apte died in Mumbai. He was 73. He was suffering from a chronic lung disease. Bal Apte was twice elected to the Rajya Sabha (in 2000 and 2006), where he represented the state of Maharashtra. He was the vice president of BJP during 20022010 and was also a member of the partys Central Parliamentary Board. He was the head of the review committee which was constituted to look into the reasons of defeat of BJP in 2009 general election. Bal Apte has his association with Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the student wing of RSS, for nearly 38 years. A senior lawyer, Apte was kept under detention from December 1975 to February 1977

Eminent Freedom Fighter and social activist Captain Lakshmi Sehgal passed away in Kanpur. She was 97. She suffered a severe heart attack and was admitted to the hospital on 19 July 2012. Born as Lakshmi Swaminadhan on 24 October 1914 in Madras, Captain Lakshmi Sehgal completed his high school education from Madras. Subsequently, she studied medical science in Madras Medical College and received her MBBS degree in 1938. A close aide of Subhash Chandra Bose during the days of freedom movement, she was the one of the most prominent mambers of his Indian National Army. She 82

Sally Ride
Sally Ride, the first US woman to travel into space died in La Jolla, California. She was 61. She was suffering from pancreatic cancer.
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Ride fired the imagination of millions of women across the world when she set off for space in the US space shuttle Challenger in June 1983. Sally Ride was, however, not the first woman to travel into space, as Valentina Tereshkova of erstwhile USSR had visited space in June 1963. Born on 26 May 1951 at Los Angeles, California, Ride received her Masters degree in Physics from Stanford University. Subsequently, she joined NASA in 1978. Ride went on her first space shuttle mission on board the Challenger in 1983. She was only 32 when she first travelled into space, making her the youngest person in America at the time to go into space. Her second space visit occurred in 1984, also aboard the Challenger. She spent a total of more than 343 hours in space. which was accompanied by Indira Gandhi when she had signed Simla Agreement with Pakistan after the War of Bangladesh in the year 1971. Dhar was one of the founders of Delhi School of Economics. He worked as the Assistant Secretary General in United Nations, Research and Policy Analysis in New York in the year 1976-78.

Ernest Borgnine
American Actor Ernest Borgnine passed away on 8 July 2012. He was 95 years old. He took his last breath at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He won the Oscar Award for his role in the film named Marty in the year 1955. He was the part of many famous films from Hollywood like: The Dirty Dozen, Ice Station Zebra, McHales Navy, the Wild Bunch etc. In late 1990s, he was the part of the famous Television series named The Single Guy. Basket Ball and Gattaca were his recent films. Ernest Borgnine received Golden Globe Nomination 2007 for his role in A Grandpa for Christmas. In addition, He achieved Lifetime achievement Award at the 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Award 2011.

Anto Peter
Tamil Language Computing Champion Anto Peter passed away on 12 July 2012. He was 45 years old. He was the heart patient and died because of heart attack. He was awarded with the Best Author Award in the year 2007 by the Union Government of India. He won Best book government award in the year 2004. He was the Managing Director of Softview Media College. He had conducted 500 seminars (approx) on the subject related to the Job opportunities in Multimedia. He had presented 26 research papers on Tamil Computing. He launched the website named in the year 1997. He had written numerous books in Tamil and English Language. Anto Peter was the member of Tamil Software Development Fund, Semmozch Conference, Semozchi Digital Library, Board of Studies in the University of Madras and 12 five year plan committee which was represented by the Government of Tamil Nadu. In addition, he was the Governing Council Member of Tamil Valarchi Kazhagam for the year 2007-08. He was born in Arumuganeri, District of Tamil Nadu in the year 1967. He had successfully completed his diploma in computer science. He was graduated in Mathematics. He had done his MBA in marketing.

P.N Dhar

Hiren Bhattacharyya

Professor of Economics Prithvi Nath Dhar passed away in New Delhi. He was 94 years old. He was the professor of Economics in the University of Delhi. Prithvi Nath was the first Principal Secretary of Indira Gandhi in 1970. He was the only person who had joined Prime Ministers Office in the year 1970. He was the team member

Renowned Assamese Poet Hiren Bhattacharyya, who was fondly called Hiru-da by his admirers, passed away on 4 July 2012. He was 80. Hiren Bhattacharya was well known as Prem aru Rodalir Kobi (Poet of Love and Sunshine) in the Assamese literature. Born in Jorhat district at Assam in 1932, Hiren Bhattacharyya went on to become the most celebrated author of Assamese language. The poems penned by Hiru Da had diversified colours of emotions such as love, patriotism, rebellion, loneliness 83
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : and humanity. He also wrote several rhymes for the children. Lora Dhemali (1991) and Akon Dhemali (1991) were two of his most famous collections of children writing. Some of his famous poetry works include: Roudro Kamona (1968), Kobitar Rod (1976), Xugondhi Pokhilaa (1981), Mor Desh aru Mor Premor Kobita (1972) and Bibhinno Dinor Kobita. Hiren Bhattacharya was the recipient of numerous literary awards including Bishnu Rava Bota, (1958) Rajaji Puroskar ( 1984-85) awarded by Bharatiya Bidya Bhawan, Soviet Desh Neheru Bota (1987), Sahitya Akademi Award ( 1992), and Asom Upotyoka Sahitya Bota, (Assam Valley Literary Award) in 2000. was the Fulbright scholar in Stanford University at Palo Alto, Calif. states. Earlier he had also served as the member of Loksabha for two different terms.


E K Bharat Bhushan
The Civil Aviation Ministry of India sacked E K Bharat Bhushan, the head of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. Prashant Sukul, joint secretary, the Ministry of Civil Aviation took over as the temporary head of DGCA. The ministrys move came as a big surprise as the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet in its meeting held on 4 July 2012, had extended his tenure as the head of DGCA for another one year with effect from 1 December 2011. A 1979 batch IAS officer from the Kerala cadre, Bharat Bhushan had assumed charge as DGCA chief from Syed Nasim Ahmad Zaidi in December 2010. Post removal, he is set to go back to the Ministry of Civil Aviation as Additional Secretary. During the 20-month period at the helm of the aviation regulatory body, Bharat Bhushan took variety of measures to ensure the safety of passengers. He also came hard on cash-strapped King Fisher Airlines and Air India forcing them to pay the pending salary of their employees to ensure the better functioning of the airline companies. Besides, he implemented various corrective measures to revitalize the ailing aviation industry of the country.

John Atta Mills

President of Ghana, John Atta Mills Passed away on 24 July 2012. He won international praise for a stable model democracy in Africa. He was 68 years old. John was a lawyer and the taxation expert. He made his country proud for the economic policies and good governance. He was born on 21 July 1944 in Tarkwa, Ghana. He had spent most of his carrier as the professor in the University of Ghana. He had done doctorate from London School of Oriental and African Studies. In addition, he 84

Ending a month-long tussle within the state BJP, Devaragunda Venkappa Sadananda Gowda stepped down as the Chief Minister of Karnataka. He handed over his resignation to Karnataka Governor HR Bharadwaj at Raj Bhavan. The resignation of Gowda paved the way for Jagdish Settar to be sworn in as the next Chief Minister of the state. Sadananda Gowda had assumed the charge as the 26th Chief Minister of Karnataka. He was elected the CM by ruling Bhartiya Janata Party following the resignation of BS Yeddyurappa. He was the head of the Bhartiya Janata Party in Karnataka when the party recorded its first victory in the state assembly elections in May 2008. The BJP victory in Karnataka paved the way for the party to form its first government in any of the Southern

Tin Aung Myint Oo

Myanmars first Vice President Tin Aung Myint Oo resigned due to health reasons. The move, which is expected to begin a broader reshuffle in the government, could see the appointment of some more reformers to Myanmars cabinet. Tin Aung Myint Oo, a former army
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : general is widely regarded as a hard-liner. He took over as the vice president in 2011 after being selected by a bloc of military officers in the countrys legislature. The resignation of Tin Aung Myint Oo is likely to accelerate the pace of economic change in Myanmar after the European Union and the US began lifting their longstanding economic sanctions against the country during the past several months. Kofi Annan right after taking over the charge as the special envoy to Syria came up with a six-point peace plan to stop violent struggle in the Syria. The peace plan which was submitted to UN Security Council comprised of following points: 1. Working with international envoy to secure peaceful political transition in the country by taking into account of the legitimate aspirations and concerns of Syrian people 2. End to violence by all sides; army troops to stop using heavy weapons and withdraw to barracks 3. Permission for humanitarian assistance particularly for the areas worst hit by violence 4. Accelerate the pace of release of detainees who were detained arbitrarily by the present government Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on 2 August 2012 stepped down as the UN special envoy to Syria. Annan formally informed UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the SecretaryGeneral of the League of Arab States, Nabil El Araby about his decision. His appointment for the high-profile as the UN peace interlocutor was set to expire on 31 August 2012. Annan was appointed the UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria in February 2012. A formidable diplomat Annan was assigned with the task to explore for the peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis and secure a peaceful transition of the regime. 5. Ensuring freedom of movement for journalists 6. Permission to the citizens for peaceful demonstrations criminality led to an influential parliamentary committee in May 2012 to describe Murdoch as unfit to run a major company, resulting finally into his resignation. Murdoch has now moved to the United States of America.

HONOUR Derek O Brian

Kofi Annan

Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch an eighty one year old founder of the News Corporation resigned last month. He resigned from his directorship from a string of companies, namely the director of the NI Group, the Times Newspaper Holdings, and Newscorp Investments in Britain. He is a known name in the industry of media and known as the media mogul. After more than a year of scandal in his own British news paper empire, the sustained

Derek o Brian, the Rajya Sabha MP from West Bengal became the first Anglo Indian to vote in Presidential Elections in India. Brian, a Trinamool Congress MP, cast his vote in Kolkata on 19 July 2012. As per the constitution of India an MP who has been nominated by the President to either of the house of the Indian Parliament is not eligible for casting vote in Presidential election. In Rajya Sabha, there are twelve members, who are nominated by the President and can not vote in Presidential election. Under Article 331 of Indian constitution the President is also empowred to nominate not more than two members to the Lok Sabha from the Anglo-Indian community, if he is 85
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : of the opinion that Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented in the Lok Sabha. Under article 80 (1) of the Indian constitution twelve members are nominated by the President from persons having special knowledge or practical experience in matters like literature, science, art and social service. Article 80 (3) of the Constitution of India provides that the members to be nominated by the President to Rajya Sabha should have special knowledge or practical experience in matters like literature, science, art and social service. Article 84 (b) stipulates that a person shall be of not less than 30 (Thirty) years of age. she is the only woman of Indian origin who have been selected by NASA for a space mission. Previously she served as a flight engineer on board the International Space Station. She launched with the crew of STS-116 on 9 December 2006, docking with the station on 11 December 2006. As a member of the Expedition-14 crew Williams created a world record for females with four spacewalks totaling 29 hours and 17 minutes of EVA. (Astronaut Peggy Whitson subsequently broke the record in 2008 with her five total spacewalks). Williams concluded her tour of duty as a member of the Expedition-15 crew returning to Earth with the STS-117 crew to land at Edwards Air Force Base on 22 June 2007. Sunita also holds the record for for being the first female to have spent 195 days in space. plant at Manesar had long been stuck in functional discrepancies. The plant had witnessed 5 workers strike in year 2011 itself. In October 2011 the company had witnessed a 14-day-long strike that ended on 21 October 2011, after the company gave in to the workers demand to register a trade union.

Pather Panchali Secured 42 rank in Sight and Sound Poll

Pather Panchali secured 42 rank in Sight and Sound Poll with 31 votes on 2 August 2012. It was featured in the 50 greatest films of all time List by Sight & Sound Maganzine. Pather Panchali (Song of the Road) was made by the Film maker Satyajit Ray. This Film was based on Bengali Novel Pather Panchali written by Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay. This movie was made under the small budhet of Rs. 150 thousand. It was lyrical and the story of the film was related to the peasant family in rural India of 1920. Approximately, 846 critics, academics and distributors had given the vote to Pather Panchali for the 50 greatest films. Pather Panchali was honoured with Best Human Document prize at the Cannes Film Festival in the year 1956. This is first Indian Film that was the part of the Sight & Sound list. In 2002, this film was ranked 22 in Sight and Sound Poll. Sight & Soundis the reputed Magazine from the Film Institute of British. Vertiogo secured first rank in Sight and Sound Poll.

Who are Anglo-Indians?

Anglo-Indians are people with mixed Indian and British ancestry, or people who have British descent born or living in the Indian Subcontinent or Burma, now mainly historical in the latter sense.

VARIOUS Maruti Suzuki India Limited announced to close down its Factory at Manesar
Manesar is an industrial town in the Gurgaon district of Haryana. The town drew the nationwide attention following the reports of scuffle at Maruti Suzukis plant located in the town. Indias leading four-wheeler manufacturer Maruti Suzuki India Limited announced to close down its factory at Manesar on 21 July 2012. The companys move came after a scuffle between the workers and senior management of the company broke out at the factory site on 18 July 2012. The scuffle, which left many of the companys executives injured, broke out after the workers demand of pay-parity was not accepted by the company. MSILs

Sunita Williams
Sunita Williams, the IndianAmerican astronaut, set off for her second space mission on 15 July 2012. NASA astronaut Williams was accompanied by Russian cosmonaut Yury Malenchenko and Japans Akihito Hoshide aboard Russian Soyuz Spacecraft. Sunita Williams, whose father hailed from Gujarat, was born on 19 September 1965 in Euclid, Ohio and was raised in Massachusetts in US. She received her B.S degree in Physical Science from US Naval Academy in 1987, while M.S degree in Engineering Management from Florida Institute of Technology in 1995. She was selected at NASA in June 1998. After Kalpana Chawala, 86

Lee Hsien Loong visited India

Singaporean prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong visited India on a three day trip in July 2012. Where India and Singapore signed three key bilateral agreements and a Memorandum of Understanding
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : (MOU) on 11 July 2012, New Delhi. The two countries are working on deepening economic relations even outside south-east Asia, building linkages with companies where India and Singapore were associated. Singapore is not only an important trading partner in ASEAN but also a major source of FDI inflows in India. India is Singapores eight largest investor.India-Singapore bilateral trade accelerated to USD 17.44 billion in 2010-11 from USD 14.04 percent in 2009-10. The holistic agreement turned out to be fruitful and both the countries expect to achieve better milestones together. Lee, is a member of the Peoples Action Party (PAP) and took to Prime Ministers position in the year 2004. Prior to becoming a prime minister, he served as an officer in the Singapore Armed Forces. the city of Los Cabos in Mexico on 18 and 19 June 2012. The summit was attended by the leaders of 20 nations including South Africa, Canada, India, Mexico, United States, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia. The G 20 Summit, one of the most important multilateral event, was held to discuss the prominent economic issues such as eurozone crisis, poor scenario of global economic growth and faltering international financial systems. The participant nations and world bodies also ratified the Los Cabos Action Plan for growth and employment. economic scenario in the country. The magazine insisted that Indian Prime Minister has been starkly unable to reverse the pessimistic economic environment in the country. Once widely regarded as a staunch reformer, Manmohan Singh has come under severe criticism over his failure in beefing up the economy. Earlier US President Barack Obama had urged Indian government to introduce some much needed reforms in the country to reinvigorate the investment sentiment among the global investors. Earlier Time magazine in its June 2002 edition had termed the then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpeyee asleep on the wheel. Time sells 264000 copies in entire Asian continent, while, the Indian subcontinent accounts for the sell of as many as 47000 copies, accounting for almost 18 percent of the sales.

State Service Delivery Gateway in Lucknow

The state government inaugurated State Service Delivery Gateway here. Lucknow is the capital of Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh government on 1 August 2012 inaugurated State Service Delivery Gateway, in Lucknow. In first phase, 26 services of eight departments were included in this scheme. Now people can get certificates etc. from Panchayati Raj, Revenue, Labour, Urban development, social welfare and food and civil supplies departments.

International Donors Conference held in Tokyo

International donors meeting was held here to discuss the peace building process in Afghanistan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. International donors meeting was held in Tokyo, on 8 July 2012. The conference, was held to discuss the peace building process in the wartorn nation, Afghanistan. The participants agreed to provide 16 billion dollar as the development aid to the country over the next four years. The Tokyo conference was attended by nearly 70 countries.

North Korea awarded the Title of Marshal to its Top Leader Kim Jong Un
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) on 18 July 2012 awarded the title of Marshal to its top leader Kim Jong Un. The decision to confer the title on Kim was taken by nations top military brass and government officials on 17 July 2012. Kim Jong Un rose to helm of Communist Nation following the death of his father Kim Jong Il in December 2011. Since then he has been serving as supreme commander of the Korean Peoples Army. Kim Jong Il was named the Marshal of North Korea following the death of his father Kim Il Sung in July 1994. The death of Il on 17 December 2011left the position of Marshal vacant for nearly seven months. Kim Jong Il 87

Time Magazine dubbed Manmohan Singh as Underachiever

Leading American magazine Time on the cover of its latest Asian edition dubbed Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as the Underachiever. The magazine which hit the stand on 16 July 2012 carried three stories including the cover story to describe the gloomy

Seventh G20 summit took place in Mexican City Los Cabos

The seventh G20 summit took place on 18 and19 June 2012 in the Mexican City Los Cabos. The seventh G20 summit took place in
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : was posthumously made grand marshal, the nations top military title, in February 2012. Before formally being named the Marshal, Kim Jong Un carried out a highprofile reshuffle in the countrys army, which saw the chief of the army, Ri Yong Ho being sacked from all posts due to illness on 16 July 2012.Subsequently a less renowned military general, Hyon Yong Chol took over as the vice marshal on 17 July 2012.

Aleppo in Syria Became the Centre of Revolt Against the Government

Aleppo, until recently, a relatively secure government stronghold, has now become the latest focus of the revolt against President Bashar Al-Assad. Aleppo is the largest city in Syriaand the capital of Aleppo Governorate, the most populous

Syrian governorate. The clashes in Aleppo are an ominous development for the regime. Until both Damascus and Aleppo were relatively untouched by the uprising and remained strongholds of the regime. Syria went through a severe crisis after the National Security Bureau in the Rawda district of Damascus, capital of Syria suffered a heavy blow on 18 July 2012.

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Selected Articles from Various Selected Articles from Various Newspapers & Journals Newspapers & Journals

A definite acknowledgement of the potential of Aadhar for public service delivery, and especially for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA) by Bharat Bhatti, Jean Drze, and Reetika Khera in their article Experiments with Aadhaar (editorial page, The Hindu , June 27, 2012), is a small step for Aadhaar, but a giant leap for the authors! Process re-engineering in government is never easy, there is enormous resistance both from within and outside the system. The most radical initiatives related to MGNREGA for instance, including mandatory payment of wages through bank and post-office accounts, and universalisation of the Management Information System (MIS), were originally greeted with great scepticism, but eventually recognised as path-breaking reforms today 80 per cent of households are paid directly through bank and post-office accounts and 90 per cent of the total expenditure is reported on MIS (including details of beneficiaries, works, etc.). On MGNREGA wage payments, there are two primary issues that need attention first, the delay in payments to beneficiaries, and second, the lack of transparency in dissemination of these payments. Let us look at delayed payments first. While delays are caused due to issues at different stages of the MGNREGA process (as also pointed out by Drze et al.), the government is trying multiple solutions. Experimenting with payments through Aadhaar is one

concrete way forward. The Ministrys new guidelines and reform agenda, namely MGNREGA 2.0, address concerns on several other dimensions across the MGNREGA life cycle, such as closing of muster rolls on time, improved tracking of expenditure and measurement of works. The second issue is of transparency and accountability in payments. For this the Government is in the process of deploying information and communication technology (ICT)-based end-to-end solutions in a much broader way for capturing attendance, preparing muster rolls (e-muster rolls), disbursing wage payments, etc. This will also enable real time data capture on the MIS and provide information at the panchayat , block, district and state levels. The government is also working with the States to move towards an Electronic Fund Management System (e-FMS) that will ensure timely availability and transparent usage of MGNREGA funds at all levels. Coming back to biometrics and Aadhaar. Biometricbased approaches for improving MGNREGA have been tried before. The best example comes from Andhra Pradesh, where a biometric model has been operational in MGNREGA for the last three years. As per a recent evaluation of the A.P. biometric model, workers have a high level of satisfaction and prefer it to the older non-biometric system. But in spite of sustained effort of the A.P. Government, enrolment rates are still below 60 per cent and biometric authentication rates remain low (less than 70 per cent). Aadhaar has the potential to be superior to other biometric solutions for four reasons. First, it allows for

interoperability among banks and Business Correspondents (BC), i.e., the same Aadhaar biometrics can be used by any bank or BC that the worker may use. Second, it allows for uniformity of biometric standards across the country and across applications. Third, it is a single biometric service available across all government schemes and beyond, vitiating the need to do the biometric enrolment separately for different programmes. Fourth, Aadhaar is a mobile identity that travels with the resident even when he/she moves or migrates. All this does not however take away from the fact that significant challenges remain in implementation, many of which have been rightly highlighted by Drze, et al. Millions of potential and existing MGNREGA workers need to still be enrolled into Aadhar (and the National Population Register, depending on the State) so they can benefit from it. This remains a nontrivial task as the A.P. experience shows us. Issues with technology implementation on the ground, such as ensuring foolproof fingerprint recognition, especially for manual workers and the elderly, remain. And the biggest issue is of connectivity ensuring real-time online authentication where there is little or no mobile phone network (as in several MGNREGA worksites and panchayats ). Compared to other government programmes like pensions and scholarships, integrating Aadhaar with MGNREGA is not a low-hanging fruit. However, given that MGNREGA is the governments largest scheme, providing employment to 25 per cent of our rural households, 50 per cent of which goes to SC/ST, and 47 per cent to women, it is an appropriate area to integrate with Aadhaar it is exactly to improve service delivery of large- Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : scale aam aadmi programmes like MGNREGA, that Aadhaar has been conceived. As we experiment and learn, we need to continuously innovate improving the biometric recognition system, fast-tracking enrolment, and considering hybrid online-offline models to address the issue of connectivity, for example. At the same time we have to ensure that while we experiment and learn, we do not exclude anyone just because they do not have a foolproof Aadhaar identity. It is in this spirit that the Government proposes to extend the use of Aadhaar in MGNREGA, including enrolment at worksites and payments through Aadhaar-linked bank accounts in districts where Aadhaar enrolment is nearing 90-100 per cent. Only by moving forward, evaluating, learning and then scaling up, will we be able to realise the full potential of both the MGNREGA a flagship programme of UPA-I, and Aadhaar a flagship of UPA-II, for the common man. Courtesy-The Hindu comfortable with this was free to leave. He was informed that no one would agree and that even the funding for the ashram might stop. Gandhiji was undeterred. He was ready to shift his ashram to the Dalit basti , he said, even if it meant that his ashram would have only two members, namely Dudha Bhai and himself. Finally everyone turned around, except Gandhijis sister Gokiben, who left Kochrab as a result of her brothers firm stance, never to return. that discrimination between people is against the very concept of humanity. To be a cohesive team, and to have a common, shared vision, we have to start by first accepting that we have built up differences, walls, barriers. Then, we have to start working towards removing these differences. For example, there are umpteen housing societies all across the country which dont sell houses to either Dalits or Muslims or Hindus or Christians or Sikhs, or to people from a different caste. This kind of petty thinking has to be done away with. And perhaps a great way to start making amends and moving in the right direction is to start with our children. Let us not sow the seeds of separation in our children. Let us not teach them the lessons of differences that we have been taught. And maybe if we stop practising these differences, in the innumerable ways that we do, then these divisions will not percolate to our children.

Working together
Today, many of us have a vision of what our country should be, what it can be, what Indias rightful place in the world is. Many of us dream of India becoming a superpower. But can this ever happen in a country where society is so fractured; where walls divide us? Can we ever achieve our vision if we dont believe in a shared social good? A common vision?

Cant be a Superpower as Long as Untouchability Exists

In a number of ways, Gandhiji was different from other freedom fighters and leaders of the time. One difference was that he gave equal importance to one more fight along with the struggle for independence, and that is, the emancipation of those ostracised as untouchables. Gandhijis work against untouchability began in South Africa around five decades before our independence. After his return to India, an incident at his Kochrab Ashram near Ahmedabad shows us how much importance he gave to the concept of equality between castes. The year was 1915. Thakkar Bappa, a close associate of Gandhiji, sent a Dalit by the name of Dudha Bhai to live in the ashram. Everyone in the ashram, including Kasturba, was opposed to this, and this was specifically due to Dudha Bhais status, as deemed by the caste hierarchy. Gandhiji made it clear that Dudha Bhai would not leave the Ashram. Anyone who was not

What do I mean when I say shared Social Good?

Public property is a shared social good, a street or a road is a shared social good, our public health system is a shared social good. Unfortunately we are so fractured that we dont see all this as ours. No wonder we throw garbage on our roads because we dont really see the road as ours. We are not interested in our public health system because we dont really see it as ours, which is why it is in a shambles. We can have a shared common goal, or a shared vision, only if we as a people are one. Our forefathers who wrote the Constitution of our country, led ably by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, have clarified and laid down their vision for us a vision of a country where all are equal. Where brotherhood and fraternity are pillars of our Constitution. Our leaders have shown us the way. They have laid down laws that tell us that discrimination based on caste and religion is illegal. Now, we have to find place in our hearts to follow them. We also have to find place in our hearts to accept

Manual Scavenging
When I speak of a shared vision, of a shared common good, I am reminded of my own shortcomings in this regard. One of the most heartbreaking encounters for me was listening to Mr. Bezwada Wilson speak about manual scavenging. Words fail me. I am ashamed to admit that it was as late as last year, at the age of 46, that I came to recognise and actually see the existence of manual scavenging. At this late age, for the first time I felt the horror and inhumanity of it. How could I have for 46 years accepted, without batting an eyelid, the fact that some of our countrymen are made to clean the excreta of others with their hands as a means of survival? That they have no means of escape from it because of the caste that they are born into? Why didnt I notice or react to this earlier? Not because it wasnt happening around me. No. I did not notice it because I guess I had grown so used to seeing it around me right from my childhood that it didnt seem unusual to me! And as I was not the victim, the horror and injustice of it probably did not occur to me. I am

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : afraid I am guilty of this insensitivity. How can I even think of a shared common good as long as manual scavenging exists? Well, having reacted to it now, I think its high time I do something about it. Because, I do believe that we should work towards a shared common good, a shared vision, a dream which can belong to all Indians. Courtesy-The Hindu revealed the crisis of confidence and trust deficit between military officers and civilian bureaucrats in the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Union Defence Minister A.K. Anthony admitted as such when he referred to the bitterness between them. While the reasons for this are many including the legacy of the controversies over the Sixth Pay Commission, at an analytical level it is a structural problem arising from at least three peculiarities in our institutional structures. First, the Ministry of Defence is not integrated with the Service Headquarters and the latter function as attached offices, working under archaic and logicdefying rules of business. In addition, there is practically no representation of the uniformed community in the Ministry of Defence. Second, the Service Chiefs enjoy tremendous powers and uniquely wear two hats as Chief of Staff and Commander in Chief. As a result, policies can be changed relatively frequently and often on a whim or opinion. A generalist civil service culture combined with historical precedence and norms prevents bureaucrats from challenging the military on its logic. Finally, the absence of theatre commands and an ineffective Chiefs of Staff Committee has created major problems in joint-ness, defined as the ability of the three services to operate together. of any political leaders and, moreover, did not seek out the views of political parties. This is puzzling since the official position of the government for not appointing a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is because the views of political parties are being ascertained. It is strange then that this committee did not do so. Finally, and this is a significant failing, the Naresh Chandra Committee did not conduct independent research and instead based its recommendations on the testimony offered by different agencies. In turn these agencies, for example the respective Service Headquarters, glossed over their own failings and/or did not conduct research into their claims. It is not even clear if a debate was held within the Services on the presentation that was made to the Naresh Chandra Committee. For instance, was the Commandant of the Defence Services Staff College (DSSC) and other War Colleges, the supposed repositories of strategic thinking, involved in the deposition? Even more worryingly, it does not appear as if the Committee examined previous files of, say, the Chiefs of Staff Committee to examine its efficacy. Or for that matter, previous reports on defence reforms like the 1990 Arun Singh Committee on Defence Expenditure (this writer had filed an RTI to access this report but the MoD claimed that they could not locate it. If this report was put up and examined by the Naresh Chandra Committee, then the Defence Secretary is guilty of perjury and misleading the RTI court). Ultimately, reforms will come not from conservative bureaucracies but from exceptional leadership. The expected public release and discussion of the Naresh Chandra Report offers our political leaders an opportunity to display such leadership. The jury is still out however on whether they are capable of this. Courtesy-The Hindu

Marching forward on reform

After a year of deliberations, the Naresh Chandra Report on defence reforms has been submitted to the government and is being considered by the Cabinet Committee on Security. The renewed attention on higher defence management assumes greater urgency after what has been a tumultuous year for civil-military relations. The Naresh Chandra Committee was appointed perhaps as a response to persistent criticism that the post-Kargil defence reforms had failed to deliver. The report thus must be welcomed. However, while it would be unfair to prejudge this committee and its report, which is still classified, there were significant problems with the manner in which the committee functioned. Despite that, the government and Indias strategic community has a unique opportunity to debate and eventually implement much needed defence reforms. One of the most important tasks is to improve upon the weaknesses of the Naresh Chandra Committee and perhaps invoke legislative action. Paradoxically it does not appear that our political leaders or parliamentarians are up to this task. Among the numerous controversies triggered during General V.K. Singhs tenure as Chief of Army Staff, perhaps the worst kept secret was the lack of defence preparedness. Most informed analysts know about the deficiencies stemming from higher defence mismanagement, but the leak of General V.K. Singhs confidential letter to the Prime Minister made this public. The other controversies around civil-military relations

Three Problems
It was perhaps to address some of these issues that the Naresh Chandra Committee was appointed in June 2011. However, regardless of what the committee has recommended, there were three major problems in the manner in which it functioned. First, the setting up of the committee did not trigger a debate on higher defence management. In part this was because the committee operated in secrecy with a lack of clarity about its mandate. This was in contrast to the Kargil Review Committee which actively sought out the opinions of the larger strategic community. Second, the committee did not consist

An education act with more Wrongs than Rights

It is unfortunate that public Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : debate on the Right to Education Act has been limited almost exclusively to the clause which requires every recognised school to admit in Class-I and pre-school education to the extent of at least 25 per cent of the strength of the class children belonging to weaker sections and disadvantaged groups and provide them free and compulsory elementary education. This proviso, which has captured the collective imagination of educators, politicians and social activists, is perceived to be an important step towards breaking one of the many citadels of privilege in the country. For too long has good education been a service that only the well-to-do can buy. With quality education available only in select schools, it is appropriate that children from less privileged backgrounds are given exposure to such an education. One cannot accept the absurd elitist argument that children from the weaker sections would be misfits or that they would pull down overall standards. one classroom per teacher and a playground will henceforth be allowed to function (sections 18 and 19). At the present time, when land prices have shot through the roof in the cities, to conjure up a playground where there is none today is asking for the moon. The stringent stipulations will result in a large number of unrecognised schools as also aided schools being closed down. Third, it is apparent that in the HRD Ministrys view, unrecognised schools are an unmitigated evil. It is estimated that out of 12 lakh schools in the country today, almost a fifth are unrecognised. What the government seems to have forgotten is that these schools have been filling in for the non-existent government schools. The rush for admission to unrecognised schools is due to the fact that standards in government schools are dismal. The reality is that we have good and bad unrecognised schools. A comprehensive study of unrecognised schools in Kerala some years ago concluded that, in general, children received a good education from well-qualified teachers, the only criticism being that the teachers were not adequately paid. What the RTE Act has done is to put all unrecognised institutions, the good and the bad, under threat of closure. Today, between 35 million to 60 million children are not in schools. If the number of schools comes down, as it certainly will, due to closure of schools that do not comply with the stringent infrastructure standards, the nations goal of ensuring universal literacy would suffer a massive setback. The RTE Act formulations are based on the unrealistic and absurd premise that recognised schools would not only be able to accommodate the students from schools that close down but also have room for new entrants. Fourth, the government seems sanguine about the standards of education and infrastructure in government schools. However, the consensus among experts is that government schools are not only overcrowded but impart a very poor standard of education. A recent study of 188 government non-primary schools revealed that 59 per cent of schools had no drinking water facility and 89 per cent no toilets. And yet ironically, the government schools will be the most secure under the new dispensation envisaged in the RTE Act.

On better Government Schools

Fifth, an outrageous aspect of the RTE Act is that it treats the better government schools as more equal than the others and seeks to insulate them from the upheavals triggered by the Act. By all accounts, the only government schools of a reasonable standard are the Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidyalayas which the Act has brought under the specified category. Significantly, these schools are exempt from accommodating children who seek transfer from schools which have no provision for completion of elementary education. An Act that claims to strike a blow for equal educational opportunities for all children has no business to accord preferential treatment to these schools. Sixth, the most ambiguous aspect of the RTE Act relates to teaching quality which, in fact, is the prime adverse factor affecting the spread of literacy in India. The emphasis on physical infrastructure in schools but not on teaching standards is reminiscent of the man who assiduously painted, waxed and polished the body of his car in the expectation that it would run more efficiently. A shocking aspect of our vital, life-moulding primary education is that in most of our six lakh villages, the teaching of children is in the hands of barely educated para teachers. The qualification for becoming a para teacher or contract teacher in most States is higher secondary or even secondary pass, but in Rajasthan the qualification for the para teacher is standard eight for men and standard five for women. Significantly, the RTE Act is vague regarding this most vital aspect of education. There are general statements to the effect that the

After Elementary Stage

However, while there is no denying the self-evident truth that a poor child is entitled to the same opportunities as a rich one, it is worrying that the authors of the Act have not visualised or catered for the long-term consequences of this revolutionary diktat. The first big unanswered question relates to the fate of children from the weaker sections after they complete their free elementary education in the elite schools, where the tuition fee would be more than the annual income of their parents. Predictably, these children will have to leave these schools and slip back to schools of questionable standards, which is bound to be psychologically traumatic. Second, the Act has enunciated a grand scheme whereby within three years, only recognised institutions with certain minimum infrastructure will impart school education in the country. Only schools that have the minimum teaching personnel, at least

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Central government shall develop and enforce standards for training a teacher. It has also ratified relaxation in the minimum qualification required for appointment as a teacher for up to five years. Clearly, the RTE Act accords little importance to teaching standards, which is the major shortcoming in our educational system. Beyond these, the RTE Act is garnished with farcical, unworkable statements of good intent. For instance, Section 4 directs that where a child is admitted to a class appropriate to his age, he shall, in order to be on a par with others, have a right to receive special training. Section 11, which takes the cake for sheer impracticability, directs that with a view to prepare children above the age of three years for elementary education and to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years, the appropriate government may make necessary arrangement for providing free preschool education for such children. This country does not have the wherewithal to provide primary education to all and yet the Act envisages universal pre-school training facilities also being set up. Summing up, the RTE Act in its present form will neither promote its prime objective of ensuring completion of elementary education of every child of the age six to 14 years nor meet the commitment of ensuring quality primary education. At best, it is a statement of good intent. Courtesy-The Hindu railway line connecting its Yunnan province to Myanmar. Building an overland transport corridor to the Atlantic is a logical extension of Beijings strategy amidst the booming trade between China and Europe. Currently all the trade between the two regions takes place via the long sea routes. In contrast, Indias efforts to develop overland transport corridors have faltered amidst Delhis uncertain relations with Pakistan and Bangladesh, which constrain Indias physical access to the West and the East. The unending conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistans reluctance to provide overland transit to goods from India makes many plans for reviving the Silk Road in the Subcontinent a distant dream. Bangladesh has been more open to providing transit to India. Dhaka, however, pulled back after the chief minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee scuttled the Teesta water sharing accord that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was to sign in Dhaka last September. Tied down by the bitter legacies of Partition, India will have to work ever harder to connect the Subcontinent to itself and the regions beyond it. Meanwhile China is well on its way to transform the Eurasian geopolitical space. Courtesy-The Indian express

Chinas Silk Road to Europe

While there is much talk in America and India on building a New Silk Road between Central Asia and the Subcontinent through Afghanistan and Pakistan, China has opened a new transport corridor from Western China to the Atlantic running the expansive breadth of the Eurasian land mass. More than two millennia ago, the Silk Road was a vast overland network that connected China with the Mediterranean. Branches of the Silk Road connected the Subcontinent with the trade flows between the two other ancient civilizations. Last week, Beijing dispatched six trucks on a trial run from Helgus, the biggest land port in far Western China on the border with Kazakhstan to France. By the end of the year, nearly 50 trucks are expected to move every day from Helgus to Western Europe via Central Asia and Russia. Connecting Chinas heartland on the eastern sea board to its far flung territories has always been a major strategic objective of its communist rulers. This objective acquired a new momentum in 1999 when Beijing launched its ambitious West region development strategy. China invested hundreds of billion dollars modernising its road networks in Xinjiang, Tibet and Yunnan and extending them beyond borders to the neighbouring countries. As part of this initiative, China developed the South Xinjiang Railway that extended the rail network to Kashgar just across the northwestern frontiers of the Subcontinent. It also built the spectacular Tibet railway that connected Lhasa and is on its way to Nepal. China has plans to build a

Corruption Possible
Finally, a deeply disturbing aspect highlighted by many school managements is that the RTE Act, by giving absolute power to the Education Department and local bodies to make or mar schools, will become the ideal tool for large-scale, systemic corruption. Even when there was no specific law against unrecognised institutions, the ubiquitous school inspectors had to be appeased despite the school doing nothing illegal. Now with the RTE Act in force, the inspectors will have a free rein to force school authorities to do their bidding a grim portent for the future. It is not difficult to foresee a large number of undeserving schools getting recognition and a good number of meritorious schools shutting down.

The New Brain Drain

This year, Delhi University has pointed to the shape of things to come in higher education. While primary and secondary education remains essentially broken, having failed to adequately serve the majority of the population, they are yet producing enough aspirants to cause a demand crisis in higher education. With cutoff marks at Delhi University slowly tending towards 100 per cent, the system that has served students and institutions for three decades is failing. It is encouraging students to try their luck overseas, reinvigorating the brain drain precisely when it is being reversed by uncertainties and visa restrictions abroad. It is also urging Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : students to fall back on quotas for extra-curricular activities, though the university system in India does not prioritise them. A promising basketball player in the US will be sought out by leading universities, but this does not happen in India. However, cutoffs are not the problem because the extraordinary pressure on seats would persist even if they were reduced to zero per cent. Cutoffs simply reduce the number of candidates that universities and colleges have to process. The real problem is the widening gap between the demand and supply of higher education. This gap can be narrowed only by the rapid deployment of hundreds, if not thousands, of new institutions. Teaching shops should be discouraged and standardisation promoted, so they should be rooted in existing educational canons. The government has tried to get up to speed by pushing the Foreign Educational Institutions Bill of 2010. Despite a cabinet nod, it languishes. To bypass the need for legislation, it has also called upon the UGC to formulate guidelines for twinning Indian universities with their peers overseas, a policy that is followed in technical education. However, fresh legislation is necessary for a sweeping change, for which the government must convince Parliament that the now-visible crisis in Delhi University is only a forerunner of a general disaster in higher education. Courtesy-The Indian express poorly understood because of the limited periods of observational data. Annual scientific research expeditions to the Antarctic by the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), Goa, utilises its singular environment as a great natural laboratory for scientific investigations that assists the understanding of global environment change. India established its first station in Antarctic at Dakshin Gangotri in 1983, followed by the second permanent station at Maitri in 1989. A third station Bharati is being established at the Larsemann Hills area of East Antarctic. The present study investigates the fluctuating Antarctic climate system on sub-annual to centennial time scales, with a complex interplay of the ice sheet, ocean, sea ice, and atmosphere. Scrutiny of instrumental data from Antarctic based on the few available records reveal that Antarctic had undergone significant changes in recent decades, with an increase in atmospheric temperature in most parts of the Antarctic continent. The largest annual warming trends are found on the western and northern parts of the Antarctic Peninsula. Contrastingly, interior parts of East Antarctic seems to have experienced little warming or even slight cooling at certain locations. However, the spatial and temporal complexity of Antarctic climate is still poorly understood because of the limited and short periods of observational data. Analyses of ice core proxy records provide one of the most accurate methods to reconstruct the Antarctic climate change beyond the instrumental limits. Ice core records from polar regions offer continuous and highly resolved proxy records on major atmospheric parameters like temperature, composition and trace gases. Among the various proxy variables used, the stable isotope ratios of oxygen (d18O) and hydrogen (dD) offer the most critical information on the past changes in temperature. Additionally, glaciochemical parameters like ionic and trace metal composition of the ice cores are extensively used for reconstructing past changes in atmospheric circulation, global volcanism, dust input, sea ice extent/ concentration, oceanic productivity, as well as environmental pollution.

Considering the importance of chronicling Antarctic environmental change in the context of global warming, Indian researchers have made systematic efforts to retrieve and study ice core records from the coastal regions of East Antarctic. Further to understand the coastal Antarctic variability during the past few centuries with annual to subannual resolution, several ice cores have been collected from the coastal sites of East Antarctic. Among these, two ice cores from the central Dronning Maud Land region (IND22/B4 and IND-25/B5, Fig 2) with reliable chronological constraints were studied extensively for various proxy parameters. While the IND-25/ B5 provided high-resolution records of the past 100 years (1905-2005), the IND-22/B4 core represented the past ~470 years (1530-2002) of climate change in coastal East Antarctic. The considerable variation in d18O records on an interannual to decadal scale seems to be associated with changes in low and mid latitude climatic modes. The IND-25/B5 d18O record revealed a significant relation to the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Conversely, on a decadal scale, the influence of ENSO diminishes and a significant relationship between d18O and SAM is established. Application of the d18O-temperature relationship in the region to the IND-25/B5 ice core record revealed an average air temperature of -25.5C during 19052005 AD. Compared to this, extended d18O records of IND-22/B4 revealed an average temperature of -19.3C during 1530-2002. The reconstructed temperature record of IND-25/B5 exhibited an average warming of 1C for the entire century (1905-2005) with a warming trend of 0.1C/10 years.

Warming in Coastal Antarctica

Scrutiny of instrumental data from Antarctic reveals that the Continent has undergone significant changes in the recent decades, with an increase in atmospheric temperature in most parts. The largest annual warming trends are found in the West Antarctic and Antarctic Peninsula in particular. In contrast, the East Antarctic has experienced little warming. However, recent studies reveal that the warming had affected many sites in the coastal East Antarctic. Importantly, the complexity of Antarctic climate is still

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : The records also revealed a greatly enhanced warming of ~3C during 1930-2005 (~0.4C/10 years). The temperature record of IND-22/B4 exhibited relatively more negative d18O values during periods of reduced solar activity like the Dalton and Maunder Minima, suggesting significant influence of solar activity on Antarctic climate. The estimated warming trend for this site was ~0.6C per century, with relatively increased warming during the recent decades. The reconstructed temperature records of ice cores as well as the available observational data thus suggest that the coastal regions of Dronning Maud Land in East Antarctic are experiencing significant warming in the recent decades. The findings have considerable implications for the coastal Antarctic ice sheet stability and possible sea level changes. On a broader perspective, effects of such enhanced warming could affect the fragile Antarctic ecosystem. Any loss of sea ice due to warming could adversely affect the coastal Antarctic food chain system since any decrease in sea ice algae would affect the krill population, which in turn would affect the Adlie Penguin population. Our studies while confirming the instrumental record of recent warming at the Novo Antarctic station data, contradict the observed slight cooling at the South Pole Amundsen-Scott Station. Considering such large spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the environmental conditions, the current estimation of temperature trends across the East Antarctic based on extrapolations using few station records needs to be vigorously tested. It is suggested that spatially distributed ice core derived temperature profiles could provide valuable data in filling the large gaps as well as extending the climatic records in Antarctic. Courtesy-Geography & You melting a bit this month, a freak event that surprised scientists. Even Greenlands coldest and highest place, Summit station, showed melting. Ice core records show that last happened in 1889 and occurs about once every 150 years. Three satellites show what NASA calls unprecedented melting of the ice sheet that blankets the island, starting on July 8 and lasting four days. Most of the thick ice remains. While some ice usually melts during the summer, what was unusual was that the melting happened in a flash and over a widespread area. You literally had this wave of warm air wash over the Greenland ice sheet and melt it, NASA ice scientist Tom Wagner said Tuesday. The ice melt area went from 40 percent of the ice sheet to 97 percent in four days, according to NASA. Until now, the most extensive melt seen by satellites in the past three decades was about 55 percent. Wagner said researchers dont know how much of Greenlands ice melted, but it seems to be freezing again. When we see melt in places that we havent seen before, at least in a long period of time, it makes you sit up and ask whats happening? NASA chief scientist Waleed Abdalati said. Its a big signal, the meaning of which were going to sort out for years to come. About the same time, a giant iceberg broke off from the Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland. And the National Snow and Ice Data Center on Tuesday announced that the area filled with Arctic sea ice continues near a record low. Wagner and other scientists said because this Greenland-wide melting has happened before they cant yet determine if this is a natural rare event or one triggered by man-made global warming. But they do know that the edges of Greenlands ice sheets have already been thinning because of climate change. Summer in Greenland has been freakishly warm so far. Thats because of frequent high pressure systems that have parked over the island, bringing warm clear weather that melts ice and snow, explained University of Georgia climatologist Thomas Mote. He and others say its similar to the high pressure systems that have parked over the American Midwest bringing record-breaking warmth and drought. Ohio State University ice scientist Jason Box, who returned Tuesday from a three-week visit, said he ditched his cold weather gear for the cotton pants that he normally dons in Nevada. It was sunny and warm and all the locals were talking about how sunny it was, Box said after getting off a plane. Beyond T-shirt weather. Courtesy-TIME

Background to the Recent Violence in Assam

From the first week of July, Assam has seen widespread clashes between the Bodo tribals and the Bengali Muslims living in the Bodoland Terrtiorial Autonomous Districts in southern Assam. It is primarily and basically a fight for land. The land hunger of the Bengali Muslims leads them to grab land by encroaching on reserve forests and wild life sanctuaries. The Bodos resent and resist this and try to dislodge them. This leads to clashes. In fact the Bodos do not want non-Bodos to live in their territory but they understand this is not possible and have sullenly reconciled themselves to this reality. The Bodo-Muslims clashes have taken place earlier also. The first recorded one was in 1952. Then in 1993 and 1994 and again in 2008. There have been inter-tribal clashes between the Bodos and Santhals also. In 1998, there were widesread clashes, with the Santhals at the receiving end. Thousands of Santhals had to flee their hearths and homes and take shelter in relief camps. The Assam Government set up a one-man inquiry commission headed by Justice Shafiqul Haque to go into the causes of the violence. In an informal conversation Justice Haque had told this writer at that time that given the mixed population pattern of the area concerned and the mutual distrust and animosity between different communities, it would be difficult to prevent recurrence of such clashes. This time

NASA: Sudden Massive Melt in Greenland

Nearly all of Greenlands massive ice sheet suddenly started Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : the first clash was reported on July 6. Allegedly, two Muslims boys were beaten up at a villager under Dotoma P.S. But large-scale violence erupted on July 19 at Magurbari when Bodo mob reportedly attacked the Bodos. After that violence and counter-violence spread rapidly to three districtsKokrajhar, Chirang and Dhubri. Villages were burnt, the attackers on both sides using firearms as well. Judging by the intensity and spread of the clashes it is obvious that a riot-like situation was building up over a long time and the police and the administration of Assam were blissfully unaware of the development. The State Government was taken completely by surprise. Now, with the induction of over 18 companies of Central para-military forces and staging of flag march by the Army, the imposition of curfew in the disturbed areas and shoot-atsight order to prevent rioting, the situation is slowly returning to normalcy. There is a widespread misconception outside Assam that the Bengali Muslims are all Bangladeshis and therefore illegal migrants. The forefathers of these Muslims migrated from East Bengal, East Pakistan and later from Bangladesh and settled in Assam. They are all Indian citizens. According to the Indo-Bangladesh Agreement, all persons coming to Assam from Bangladesh after March 25, 1971 (the day Bangladesh declared independence) will be treated as illegal immigrants and deported. The migration of Muslim farmers from the then East Bengal started in the third quarter of the nineteenth century when the British rulers actively encouraged them to come and settle in Assam. The province was sparsely populated, there were vast stretches of fertile farmland and the Muslim farmers were hard-working. They produced plenty of paddy and other crops. Initially, there was no hostility to the migrants from the Assamese people. Things started to change from the 1930s because of two reasons. First, the indigenous population of Assam had also increased and they needed land. The second reason was that the indigenous Assamese feared that the continuous flow of Mulsims from East Bengal was leading to demographic changes and someday they, the sons of the soil, would be outnumbered by the new settlers. The fear was expressed in a memorandum that the Asamiya Samrakshini Sabha submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru when he visited Gauhati in November 1937. According to the Sabha leaders, the Bengali Muslims were willing to identify themselves with the Assamese but were being forced to learn Bengali. They maintained this would be disastrous to Assamese interests. The memorandum went on to say: as a means of saving the Assamese race from extinction, a considerable section of the Assamese intelligentsia has even expressed their minds in favour of the secession of Assam from India. The idea of secession was there in 1937, ten years before independence. Some four decades later, the ULFA tried to translate the idea into reality. Now the presence of the former migrants are being resented by the Bodo tribals also. In retrospect, Justice Haque has proved prophetic. No police or para-military force, nor even the Army, can ensure permanent peace unless the different communities living side by side for ages realise that they cannot cleanse the area of others, that they have to learn to live together and bury the hatchet, to use a clich. This is, however, easier said than done. Sober elements from all the communities will have to put their heads together and take up the challenge of peace. Courtesy-Mainstream booked on charges of murder even after depriving others of their basic human right of life. Since no case is registered against any of them, no investiga-tion takes place and no question of ever being punished by the court arises even in cases of fake encounters. This is because of the immunity they enjoy from being booked under the law, as provided under Section 197 of the Cr.PC and Section 7 of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 where permission of the government is required for filing a case in a court of law against the delinquent officials of the police or a member of the armed forces, which practically means that people have no right to approach the court and launch prosecution for atrocities committed by any such officer and this offers sufficient encouragement to them to further trample the law underfeet. Out-of-turn promotions and bestowal of awards provide added incentives to become an outlaw to kill in the name of maintenance of law and order or in the name of selfdefence. Innocent victims thus tend to lose faith in the law. This only tends to pave the way for a lawless society. Though the dead ones cannot return and nothing can compensate for the loss of the near and dear ones yet mere registration of an FIR against the policemen in such cases brings back faith in the law. The hope of securing justice soothes afflicted hearts if chances of the guilty being punished seem in sight. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. Consequently innocent people are killed or arrested on charges of being supporters of Maoists, prosecuted and dumped in jails for years and years and ultimately they are proven not guilty and released, at least those who are lucky and able enough to traverse the intricate and labyrinthine corridors of our justice delivery system from the trial court to the Supreme Court. But by that time their whole life, and those of their family members are completely destroyed. And, as always, the perpetrators of the crime of murder, rape, arson and destruction of the life of innocent

No Crime but Punishment and (No Punishment for Crime

Hundreds of encounter deaths take place in the country every year and over the years this number has multiplied into thousands. Ask any layman and he will tell you that not more than a few hundred of these cases might have been those of actual encounters. Yet no policeman or personnel of para-military forces gets

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : people enjoy a free life. As a result of the structural failure to book the guilty, the Chhattisgarh Police and the personnel of the CRPF go on rampage brutally killing 20 innocent tribals, including women and schoolgoing minor children in a village under the Kotteguda Panchayat of district Bijapur in Bastar region on June 28-29, 2012 claiming the incident to be an encounter with hardcore Naxals, as the Union Home Minister described it. His praise for the CRPF after the incident only reflects his contempt for the tribal people and their right to live a dignified life and also utter disregard for all ethics of democratic governance, what the Government of Chhattis-garth and the Union Government have been showing again and again. Reports not only of independent journalists but also of the Congress-men who visited the area after the incident show that indeed those murdered in the incident were innocent villagers. The Home Ministers of Chhattisgarh and the Union Government should realise that blatant denials of atrocities on the people, which are not based on facts, and are in fact contrary to facts, only further erode their credibility which in any case is already at its lowest ebb. Unfortunately, such incidents are an everyday affair in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand though they are not a rarity in other parts of the country. This could have stopped and the perpetrators of the crime of fake encounters would have faced prosecution and been punished had an order of the Andhra Pradesh High Court not been stayed by the Supreme Court. In a judgement dated February 6, 2009, a five-judge Bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court consisting of Justices Goda Raghuram, V.V.S. Rao, R. Subhash Reddy, Ramesh Ranghanathan and G. Bhavani Prasad in one such case, on Writ Petition No. 15419 of 2006 (and others) against encounter killings of eight Maoist Naxalites, including five women, on 23.7.2006 at Nallamala forest, Prakasam District of Andhra Pradesh, filed by the Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee and others, including the Peoples Union for Civil Liberties, ruled that the first information relating to the circumstances leading to every encounter death will be recorded and registered as FIR because on information conveyed of death(s) in a police encounter recording and registering of such information is a non-derogable executive obligation u/Sec. 154(1) Cr. P.C, a process that structurally ensures judicial oversight, control and supervision, of the integrity of the investigatorial process, treating the information as one relating to commission of the cognisable offence of culpable homicide amounting to murder, and that in such cases an investigation mandated by Section 157 Cr.P.C. must follow, and if in such transaction involving exchange of fire between police officer(s) and civilian(s) there be death(s) of member(s) of law enforcement as well, separate FIRs must be registeredone in respect of death(s) of police personnel and the other relating to the death(s) of civilian(s). The Court also observed: Life and liberty are basic human rights ensured to every person in every civilised society. Article 21 of the Constitution mandates that No person shall be deprived of life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. This constitutional injunction is to all persons accused of even a heinous or the gravest offence must under the law be charged and convicted by a judicial authority after a due process and infliction of the sanction of deprivation of liberty or extinction of life (as the case may be) must be administered only on the basis of a judicial order. As the State does not claim nor suggest any special or extraordinary legislative authority, for employment of lethal force against a Maoist/extremist/Naxalite and adopts the position that the deaths in police encounters are invariably as a consequence of the exercise of the right of private defence by police officers, it is mandatory that the governance process, including the recording, investigatorial and where warranted the charge and trial process must conform to the injunctions of Article 21, and the requirements of Articles 14 and 19 as well. [Francis Coralie Mullin v. Union Territory Delhi, Administrator (1981) 1 SCC 608] And countering the argument of lowering of the morale of the police in case of putting legal restrictions to regulate their functioning, the Court put a lid over the whole matter by observing that: In any event the inexorable mandate of law cannot be sacrificed at the altar of expediency or to placate executive phobia of the legal processes. f&This would have given a hope of securing justice to the victims families in future and provided solace to the 6000 families of those killed in fake encounters over the four decades in Andhra Pradesh alone. However, this hope was to be belied and shattered soon. On March 4, 2009 came a verdict of a threejudge Bench of Chief Justice K.G. Bala-krishnan, Justices P. Sathasivam and J.M. Panchal of the Supreme Court of India, on a Special Leave Petition (SLP) filed by the AP Police Officers Asso-ciation, represented by senior counsel Harish Salve, staying the judgement of the AP High Court. So long as the men in uniform enjoy the immunity from prosecution even for the gravest crime of murder, incidents like the Kotteguda killing will continue to be repeated. Laws, which provide that immunity, need to be repealed for which Human Rights activists have been agitating for a long time. The judiciary, parti-cularly the Apex Court, also needs to be more rational in protecting the life and liberty of the people and the Constitution of the country and not the draconian laws and the actions of the government, which go against the very spirit of the Constitution and norms of democratic governance. The government also needs to realise that Maoism/Naxalism is a political problem and can be solved only politically through dialogue and not through indiscriminate use of lethal Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : force against the very people it is mandated to protect. Courtesy-Mainstream Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) (SC/ ST) Act since a significant number of persons from the north-east belong to the scheduled tribes (STs). According to a report in India Today, the letter stated (Sharma 2012): A sizeable number of persons belonging to the North-Eastern states are residing in metropolitan cities and in major urban areas of the country for education and employment. It is reported that people originating from these North-Eastern states are facing discrimination as they are addressed with derogatory adjectives or face discrimination in the form of targeted attacks, assault, molestation and other atrocities. The report goes on to note that (ibid): According to a provision under Section 3 of the SC/ST Act, an offence will be committed if any member of the SC/ST category is deliberately insulted and humiliated in public view. The letter from the MHA was an offshoot of the feverish debate on racism. But the vocabulary of the Indian government carefully wielded the social categorisation of the northeast as a group of STs and used the existent machinery of the SC/ST Act to address the reported discrimination faced by the northeast as one of the many communal patho-logies that demoralise the cultural principles of the country. The language of the letter is blank on the terminology racism used in the debate. It is silent on the historical emergence of the debate. The mainstream Indian media made racism an explicit issue and picked up cudgels to fight racism against the north-east. However, it has not questioned the governments categorical blankness on the point of racism, nor has it pondered the muteness of Indian academic researchers and scholars on this debate. of racialisation of the north-east. No extensive literature exists that explores and studies it. I will therefore try to answer this question from observations and reflections gained through personal experiences and a measured reading of contemporary texts on racism developed by western researchers. Mainland India has, for years, exhi bited one core characteristic of race thinking in its social interactions with the north-east. The mental and moral behaviour of the north-east have been related to their physical structure (Barzun 1937). This biological distance-marker (which is now irrelevant in contemporary studies of racism) transformed itself into a social fact by the formation of strongly-held stereotypes of the north-east, especially its women, and the usage of racial slurs against them. The racial slur chinki is persistently used by mainland India to categorise the north-east (and any person with an east Asian physical structure). The majority of users defend the usage as handy in identifying who is what in this country. This usage is an ideological process to define an unclassified populace who have become the nations citizens but do not share, in the popular imagination of the country, its biology, historicity and cultural values. Whatever the nature of its alleged utility, it is grossly wrong to believe chinki exists as a neutral term. It has resisted neutering because it is often and deliberately used as a hostile verbal act, in public, private, educational and professional spaces, to otherise, offend, humiliate and taunt. Other than the north-east, the victims of such a corrosive act of naming and shaming include persons with an east Asian physical structure, residing in or visiting this country. However, if a person is from the north-east but does not have the east Asian physical structure that functions as the immediate distance-marker, it is highly unlikely that she would be subjected to racial naming and shaming. The racism debate seemed a conflation of region and race but on

A Preface to Racial Discourse in India

Racial ideology in Indian society, though not recognised by the government or academic circles, is experienced on a daily basis by people from the north-east in mainland India. With the deaths of Richard Loitam in Bangalore and Dana Sangma in Gurgaon in April 2012, the accumulation of experiences and the availability of strong informal communication channels catalysed protests for justice and against racism. These articulations need to be strengthened, deepened and sustained through scholarly attention. At the same time, the north-east needs to examine mainland cultures through its own lens, to create fundamental transformations in the relationship between the two. After the mysterious and controversial deaths of Richard Loitam in Bangalore and Dana Sangma in Gurgaon in April 2012, a debate on racism opened up on primetime news channels, social media and traditional news platforms. It gained traction and intensity in May. The debate was a denunciation of racism faced by the north-east in mainland India. The north- east rarely north-east Indians but often north-east persons or people is now a popular handle used to describe the 39 million people, according to the 2001 Census, who belong to over 200 ethnic minority groups and originate, live or migrate from the eight states comprising the north-eastern part of India that borders China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. Mainland India is the handle used by the north-east to refer to the dominant political, social and cultural landscape of India. One outcome of this debate was that the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) sent a letter to all the states and union territories, asking them to book offenders guilty of atrocities against people from the region under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Race Thinking
How did this debate on racism emerge historically? Contemporary Indian poli tical and social sciences have remained mute on the process

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : further investigation, what is happening in India right now seems to reflect the racialisation of great sweeps of human variation (Downing and Husband 2005) that share a common geographic location and ethnic minority status. As a contemporary society, many forms of discrimination charge our social dynamics. Discrimination based on caste, religion, gender, class, sexual orientation, age and physical disability interact in the same environment and complicate our understanding of racism (Downing and Husband 2005). This dense complication disorients current public discourses on racism in India. In the absence of potent theories on the emergence and practice of racism in India, we do not have the specific political and social idioms to critique the countrys racist practices. On 29 May 2012, Yengkhom Jilangamba published an op-ed in The Hindu, Lets Stop Pretending Theres No Racism in India. As timely and well-intentioned as it was, a fundamental failure of the article was the assumption that the Indian population as well as Indian social science comprehend the phenomenon of racism. The stories of racial discrimination in the article, institutional as well as social and ideological, do not yet have an accompanying racial discourse in India. Like in any other society where the study of racism is backward, racism in India is misapplied to cultural rejection and looked upon as an individual pathology which must be expected in some proportions in all societies (Downing and Husband 2005). The country also has a general scepticism of the term racism because of its western historicity. The majority of society believes the terminology has no relevance in India. The article denunciates the evil, but does not really analyse it (Wieviorka 1995). In a response to Yengkhoms op-ed, Ashley Tellis (2012) made a telling remark in his piece: Mr Yengkhoms article unfortunately reasserts an Us and Them equation when dealing with racism. The fact is that Northeasterners from all eight States are racist themselves. [] The point is simply this: we cannot afford to only point the racist finger at others. Several fingers are pointing back at us. This assertion that everyone, including the victims of racism, is capable of racism underpins how racial discourse in any nation state is a complicated, provocative process. A postmodern analysis of racism in India, hinted by Tellis in this quote, stresses the complexities and paradoxes we must always remain alert to in our arguments and explorations of race thinking in India. However, we must also be acutely aware of the danger of demonising the victims and reducing the discourse to an idiotic binary crisis of victim/aggressor. Many of my friends (north-east as well as mainland) dismiss the debate on racism using this binary crisis as their shtick. shaming me from a position of power while I have no power to respond to you as your equal. The naming, shaming and abuse is not your human foible. It is a social ideology you have inherited from a social order that has never been challenged for its race thinking. I left Imphal in 1998 to study in Delhi. I assimilated I learnt to speak Hindi, cook north Indian food, and understand north Indian etiquette and custom so that my friends families would not be offended when I visited them. I was making things easier for people interacting with me. Assimilation was a one-way street at that time, and based on reports of current experiences, I do not think it has changed much. I assimilated into the Delhi norm. My investment into the Delhi identity was uncritical. I applied the homogenising logics of Delhi to my speech, body language and clothes. I never challenged Delhi. Assimilation meant I adopted the political, social and cultural stories of Delhi so that I could have conversations with my friends and classmates. They never thought they sometimes needed to adapt my political, -social and cultural stories to have a conversation with me. When comments appear about how some north-east people do not assimilate in Indian cities, and reinforce their difference by rejecting the majority culture, we have to remind ourselves of this: uncritical assimilation into the majority culture is too huge a price to pay for a marginalised person who comes from a minority ethnic community. It creates a schizophrenic existence where you annihilate memory to be accepted. The politics of difference argues for the essential compatibility of a common obligation to participate in civil society as equals, and a commitment to negotiating cultural coexistence (Downing and Husband 2005). The entrenchment of such racial ideo logy in our society, though not recognised by our government or academic circles, is experienced on a daily basis by the north-east in mainland India. When Richard Loitam died with a bloody head and

The Price of Assimilation

When a person from the northeast (or a person with an east Asian physical structure) is named, shamed and abused as a chinki in India, protests against such racist practice get counter-attacked in public as well as private discourses by the majority cultural communities of India. They posit that the labelling of various communities is a communal patho logy that a diverse society like India has to live with. A familiar line of argument one hears is this: Chinki is an endearing nickname in north India. South Indians are called madrasi by north Indians. Whats the big deal with calling you chinki? First, chinki as an endearing nickname might just be an Indian anomaly. Second, madrasi is a term for cultural rejection used by one dominant cultural player against an equal opponent; it is cultural politics, not racial ideology, and both are equally poisonous. Third, when you call me chinki and abuse me for being chinki, it is a racist gesture and practice that carries a historical baggage of hostility, subjugation and oppression; you are naming and Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Dana Sangma committed suicide after she was accused of cheating in her exam and allegedly humiliated by the invigilator, it was the accumulation of such experiences and the availability of strong informal communication channels that catalysed protests for justice and against racism. In the past, collective experience had been shared as incoherent narratives. For the first time, a sustained articulation sprung forth after the violent deaths of two young students. The mainstream media participated and projected the articulation of racism in India. In the present context, the articulation is limited to personal stories of racism, limited examples of institutional racism and a modest call to include chapters on the north-east in the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) books. This articulation needs to be streng thened, deepened and sustained by scholarly attention. If we are serious about tackling the existent racial ideology in our society, our scholars need to go beyond sympathising with the victims and overcome their resistance to mapping racism. We need to diligently create the tools necessary to understand Indian racial ideo logy. We need to develop ideas and research to create specific political and social idioms to critique our societys race thinking so that the media can do a more sophisticated job with debates on racism and project critical thinking about race in the country to its audience. Thorough sociological studies on racism are needed to effect a change in governments policymaking vis--vis the social interactions of mainland India with the north-east. If the muteness of academic circles on the racism debate is an indication that it is not a field worth studying, it would be necessary for scholars to explore and create a relevant framework to understand the expressed dissatis faction of the north-east people in their social interactions with mainland India, and the otherisation they routinely face in private, public, educational or professional spaces.

Thinkers, artists, writers, activists, journalists, professionals and students from the north-east have to realign the representation of the region. We have to challenge the triad representation (that those from the north-east also often -endorse) as sportspeople, women and entertainers. The North East Blog on IBNLive is perhaps the first of its kind in mainstream media; it presently acts as a platform to develop an informed perspective on matters related to this part of India. I appreciate the effort and the bloggers involved in this articulation. Over the next few months, it would be important to parse the quality, depth and diversity of the articulation. As the dialogue occurs between contemporary voices from minority ethnic groups and the media, extra efforts should be made from both sides to transcend the majority guilt of the media and the valorising of good ethnicity. Using this blog as a starting point, we should look into the possibility of building independent platforms to discuss, dissect and develop social interactions between the north-east and mainland India. A model we can examine is the now folded Sepia Mutiny.1 I am an admirer of the commitment, irreverence and doggedness that the blog demonstrated in battling and -discussing the identity and place of the south Asian American diaspora in North America. Sepia Mutiny brought attention to the political economy of south Asian Americans in the United States, highlighted violence against south Asian Americans and broadened discussions beyond simple hate crimes, discussed south Asian literature, music and the arts with nuance and panache, and celebrated and critiqued the emergence of a south Asian American diaspora. Are we at a place where we can build an erudite, informed and self-aware platform like Sepia Mutiny to transform perceptions and enrich dialogues?

Yes, we create Facebook pages and groups to discuss our issues. We tweet and blog our thoughts. We go on the streets and protest; we write letters to our governments and register our dissatisfactions. We now go on TV debates. These activities are important in creating the necessary noise. But if we want to create fundamental transformations, our present articulations need nuance, comprehension and awareness of international racial studies, political depth and philosophical strength. As much as we fight against the abuse and homogenising of our existence, we have to guard ourselves against valorising our ethnicity, and examine the ever-present campaigning of our uniqueness. We need sophisticated arguments and astute thinking on our condition. We are at a much better place than our parents generation to voice our issues. We can speak, write and argue in English. We have easy access to informal and independent social media platforms that can broadcast our stories. What gets knocked about in social media directly affects the course of social interactions now. Our storytelling need not be inwardlooking all the time. Perhaps it is time for us to examine mainland cinema through our lens, review mainland literature through our sensibilities, discuss mainland arts through our aesthetic values, and critique mainland writings of our region through our perspectives and experiences. Perhaps it is time to turn the gaze around. Courtesy-Economic & Political Weekly

EcologyPathway to a Green Economy

M S Swaninathan 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972,, and the 20th anniversary of the UN Conference on Environment and Development held at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In Stockholm Indira Gandhi added the dimension of social sustainability to the measurement of

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : economic growth without environment harm, in the following words: On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing povertyon the other, they warn us against their own methods. We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we cannot for a moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people. Are not poverty and need the greatest polluters? For instance, unless we are in a position to provide employment and purchasing power for the daily necessities of the tribal people and those who live in or around our jungles, we cannot prevent them from combing the forest for food and livelihood; When they themselves feel deprived, how can we urge the preservation of animals? How can we speak to those who live in villages and in slums about keeping the oceans, the rivers and the air clean when their own lives are contaminated at the source? The environment cannot be improved in conditions of poverty. Nor can poverty be eradicated without the use of science and technology A few months before her death in 1984, the pleaded for the protection and wise management of our life support system comprising land, water, forests, biodiversity, oceans and the atmosphere in her message on the occasion of the World Environment Day: Vegetation forms a green security blanket, protecting the fertile yet fragile soil, maintaining balance in atmospheric conditions, safeguarding supplies of fresh water and moderating their flow to prevent flood and drought. Animal and human life is dependent on vegetation in myriad ways. But the green cover, especially in our forests, is under attack by the greed of the rich and the needs of the poor. The challenges before those for sustainable development are cubing and fast spreading greed revolution and destroying the poverty trap in which millions of our country men are caught. Delivering a lecture on Agriculture in Spaceship Earth in 1973, I referred to the need for a Do Ecology approach in our country to environment protection. I quote what I them said: The environmental policy advocated in the richer nations is designed to protect the high standard of living resulting from the unprecedented growth in the exploitation of natural resources during the last century of natural resources during the last century from serious damage by the very processes of such growth. It is of necessity a policy based on a series of donts. This is inevitable since the aim is to undo some of the damage already done or to prevent further damage along the same lines. The poorer nations, however, are faced with the desire and need to produce more food from hungry soils, more clothing and more housing. They are aware that historically a rising standard of living has depended on the ability of agriculture to release manpower to other more industries and to find productive and remunerative employment for the growing population. For them, condition of poverty and inadequate arrangements for human and other waste disposal may be greater cause of water and air pollution than the effluents from factors or fertilizer from the fields. Since the cause of pollution are by and large different, the solutions will have to be different too and it would be a grave mistake to attempt to copy the policies now being propagated in the develop world. What we need is a culture of do ecology, i.e. meeting the needs of the current and future generation without ecological harm. When Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister in 1980, she asked me to move to the Planning Commission as Acting Deputy Chairman as Acting Deputy Chairman and later as Member. She wanted that the VI Five Year Plan (198 85 ) should show the way to promoting a Green Economy characterized by Inclusive Growth in our country. The led to our including for the first time in the history of planning in India two new chapter one on Environment and Development, and other on Women and Development. The thrust of these chapters was to mainstream the environmental and gender dimensions in all developmental projects. In other words, the VI Plan provided a pro-nature, pro-women and pro-poor orientation to planned development. The Rio conference of 1992 led to the adoption of Global Conventions in the areas of Climate and Biodiversity, as well as Agenda 21, a road map for environmentally, economically and socially sustainable development. We are now in the midst of assessing the progress made since 1992 in spreading the message good ecology is good business. In the areas of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, we have expresses our commitment to a low carbon pathway of development. Since food and water security will be seriously affected by unfavourable alternations in temperature, precipitation, drought, flood and rise in sea level, several steps have been taken to develop and spread climateresilient farming techniques, supply augmentation and demand management in the case of water and now receiving serious attention. The Ministry of Water Resources launched four years ago a National Farmer Participatory Programme for increasing yield and income per drop of water. The Department of Science and Technology has initiated and imaginative programme titled WAR for Water (Winning, Augmentation and Renovation). Strengthening our ecological security is the major goal of the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Gurantee Programme (MGNREGA). This is one of the largest social protection programmes in the world which provides a legal right to work. MGNREGA is designed to strengthen ongoing efforts in the areas of water harvesting, watershed management and soil health care and enhancement. Although the work to be performed is described as unskilled, the work actually involves the marriage of brain and brawn. I have hence been pleading for instituting Environment Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Saviour Awards for the best MGNREGA teams in the areas of water harvesting and watershed development. This will give the workers a sense of purpose and pride in the work they are doing. A few years ago, I suggested that the National Plant Variety Protection and Farmers Rights Authority (PVPFRA) should institute Genome Saviour Awards to recognize and reward tribal and rural women and men for their invaluable contribution to agrobiodiversity conservation and enhancement. This has already been done by the PVPFRA and several tribal and rural communities have received recognition. So far, such communities have been conserving valuable biodiversity for public good at personal cost. The least we can do is to express our gratitude to them by giving their work social prestige and recognition. We need to accord similar recognition to the conserver of valuable animal breeds. The FAO has recently started recognizing the agriculture heritage regions of the world under a programme titled Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS). The purpose of GIAHS is to recognize Remarkable land use systems and landscapes which are rich in globally significant biological diversity evolving from the co-adaptation of a community with its environment and its need and aspirants for sustainable development . In our country so far the following sites have received recognition under this programme: 1. Traditional Agriculture System, Koraput, Odisha 2. Below Sea Level Farming System, Kuttanad, Kerala In the Koraput system, women have played a key role in the conservation of biodiversity. The Kuttanad system was developed by farmers over 150 years ago to ensure their food security by learning to cultivate rice and other crops below sea level. The Kuttanad System is now attracting worldwide attention since one of the effects of global warming is sea level rise. It has therefore been an act of vision on the part of Kerala government to have decided to set up an International Research and Training Centre for Below Sea Level Farming in Kuttanad. Adequate funds have been provided for this purpose in the Kerala Budget for 2012-13. The Government of India has also sanctioned considerable funds for the eco-development of Kuttanad and adjoining areas around the Vembanad Lake. Another example of Do Ecology is the conversion of the Silent Valley National Forest in Kerala into a biosphere reserve. The evolutionary age of the Silent Valley evergreen rainforest is believed to be more than 50 million years. The then Government of Kerala decided in 1978 to sacrifice a part of this unique forest for generating 240 Mega Watts of electricity. On my visit to this forest in 1979 (I was then Secretary, Agriculture and Rural Development and Principal Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of India), I developed a plan for saving this priceless gifts of Nature by addressing the needs for which the forest was about to be destroyed. There are electricity generation, irrigation of 10000 hectares in the Malappuram and Palghat districts and generation of employment for about 30000 persons. I had made the following suggestions in my 1979 report to meet the above needs: The immediate electricity needs of the Palghat and Malappuram area could be met by developing suitable transmission lines from the Idukki Project area. Transmission schemes for Kerala costing about rupees 45 crore have been approved in the Sixth Plan. Also, Idukki Stage II of 3 130 Mega Watt at a cost of 15.5 core has already been approved by the Planning Commission. A long term energy profile and strategy may be prepared by a group of national experts with the help of the Kerala State Electricity Board, taking into account potential developments in the utilization of solar energy. Steps should be taken to promote suitable industries in the area so that additional opportunities for generation of employment can be created. A Palghat and Malappuram Employment may be set up for preparing employment and income generation programmers based on sustainable resource utilization strategies. The amount of rupee 200 lakhs provided for SVHP in the State Budget for 1980-81 could be utilized for ground water development, establishment of transmission lines from Idukki and for suitable industrial and agriculture projects. An adequate allocation should be made in the Plan budget during the Sixth Plan period for the rapid eco-development of the PalghatMalappuram region. Preferably, the entire allocation for SVHP should be reserved for this purpose. My above suggestions were to meet the objectives for which a part of the forest was to be utilized. We need greater expertise in the country in the field of Do Ecology, so that we can show how to achieve a developmental goal without ecological harm. Instead of just saying dont do this, we should learn to say, do this way so that your action confers lasting benefits to the people. Fortunately, before the hydroelectric project could be implemented, Smt Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister and appointed a committee headed by Prof M G K Menon to develop the entire forest area as a biosphere reserve as proposed in my report. The consequences of climate change will be felt more by poor nations and the poor in all nations, since they have very low coping capacity to meet the consequences of climate change induced catrostophies. Therefore in addition to global action for achieving a balance between carbon emissions and carbon absorption, we should strengthen the capacity of local communities in

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : meeting the challenges arising form higher mean temperature, more frequent drought and flood and a rise in sea level. The M S Swaminathan Research Foundation has developed a programme for training one woman and one male member of every Panchayat as Climate Risk Managers. Such Community Climate Risk Managers will be well versed in the science and art of climate change mitigation and adaptation. They will be trained to operation. They will be trained to operate drought and flood codes to minimize the adverse consequences of deficient or excess rainfall. They will also know how to maximize the benefits of a normal monsoon season through a Good Weather Code. They will promote the planning of fertilizer trees, operate biogas plants and harvest the rainwater in Jalkunds. Thus, national efforts like those envisaged under the Prime Ministers Eight Missions to deal with climate change will have to be supplemented with local level climate literacy and climate change mitigation and adaptation plans. Building soil carbon banks through fertilizer trees will confer double benefits, namely, increasing crop productivity and reduced carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The Rio+20 event affords us an opportunity for developing an Agenda 21 for the rest of this century based on the principles of ecology, economics, ethics, employment generation and social and gender equity. Courtesy-Yojana cause debate and concern. This document supports the idea of an independent Nepalese foreign policy in the context of non-alignment. This again is important, because it talks of developing stable relations with Indian and China. But how will this be practiced is a major question. Nepals closest ally and its greatest interlinkages are with India, even though they have at times sought to balance India with China. Nepal lies between two powerful neighbours, India and China. Links of historical, geographical, economic, political, religious and socio-cultural nature, as well as constant flows of population across borders, conspire to create deep attachments but also deep resentments between the two countries. The open border, national treatment granted to the nationals of the other, and familial links underline the exceptionally intense relations between political and diplomatic level. The treaty of peace and friendship concluded between India and Nepal on 31 July 1950 forms the basis of Indian policy toward Nepal. However, the treaty was driven on an Indian perspective of security considerations. Nepalese resentment of Indian domination impinged directly on Indias efforts to uphold its security relations with that country. Indian economic, political, and cultural influence on Nepal was pervasive and as such, Nepalese analysts believe that the treaties and agreement between Nepal and India are unequal are not conductive to Nepals interests. The standoff between India and Nepal resulted from a number of factors, principal among them Maoists deviations from assurance sought by India and given by them on a number of bilateral issues; their propensity to use the China card beyond the red lines drawn by India; their unwillingness or incapacity to give up strong arm methods in dealing with their political opponents. Many factors make Indias relationship with Nepal critic al. many factors make Indias relationship with Nepal critical. These include the extensive people-topeople, religious, cultural and economic links between the two countries, the open border and the resultant security problems for India, free Indian currency convertibility in Nepal, the presence of Gorkhas in the Indian Army, the millions of Nepals living and working in India, and the flow of major rivers from Nepal to India. Nepal has become a useful and important centre for intelligence and subjective operations by foreign power as well as non-state actors against India. The open border makes it easy to infiltrate spices, pump in forged currency, traffic in arms and drugs, encourage fundamentalist religious groups and activities, and conduct terrorist activities. The presence and activities of foreign power in Nepal, including China, are almost exclusively linked to the policies they would like to pursue vis-vis India.

Diplomatic Appointments in Nepal from India and China

Relevance of Nepal becomes more important for India and China in the present context. The appointments of their respective ambassadors in Nepal proved this fact. The appointment of Yang Houlan as Chinas ambassador has been the most high-profile diplomatic appointment to Nepal so far. This reflects the evolving priority accorded to this small neighbouring country in Chinas foreign policy strategy. With huge amounts of money being pumped into the Nepalese economy, it will be interesting to see if Nepal will be able to sustain a balancing act between its two giant neighbours. Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) shares and approximately 1414km border with Nepal making it essential to maintain stability on the border for other economic activities to be carried out. The growing economic engagement is visible in the increase of the trade volume by 80 percent in a single year from 20092010 (US$ 744 million). Besides the construction of a 770km railway connecting the Tibetan capital of Lhasa with the Nepalese border town of Khasa, China is involved in several


Dr. Satish Kumar

The committee for foreign affairs of the Nepal Constituent Assembly (CA) has presented a new report on Nepals Foreign Policy in the Changed Context, 2012. This report has not yet been discussed and much less accepted in the Nepalese parliament. But it is a document of importance and one that is likely to Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : other projects in Nepal like the Melamchi water projects including the development of Lumbini and Pokhara as well as the Tato Pani and Kathmandu Ring Road. Simultaneously, the appointment of Jayant Prasad as the India ambassador comes as an effort to recuperate from the losses in the preceding tenure of Rakesh Sood. Prasad is expected to capitalize on the engagement initiated during his father Bimal Prasads term, who served as the India ambassador to Nepal from 1991-1995 and whose tonsure is regarded as exemplary. However, there are reports that the Chinese have also interfered blatantly in Nepalese internal politics. A 12minute tape capturing a Chinese diplomats effort to bribe 50 Nepali legislators by offering US$ 6.9 million for help forming a Maoist-led government that would favour China has already hampered public opinion towards China in Nepal. friendly cooperation between the two countries and two armies is not only conductive to people of both the countries but also to world peace and Asia-Pacific in particular, added the Chinese army chief. Gen. Chen also called on Defense Minister Bishnu Poudel and expressed commitment to enhancement of defense cooperation with the Nepal Army. Nepal regards China as a reliable friend, expresses gratitude for the understanding and support of the Chinese government, the Chinese people and the Chinese PLA to the social transformation in Nepal. In this scenario building and strengthening bilateral ties between the two countries are quite natural. But Chinas overstepping in Nepalese affairs has concrete strategic impact on Indias Himalayan security. Indias stakes in Nepal became stickier after the Maoist rise in Nepal. Instability in Nepal is likely to have a adverse impact on Indias political, economic and security interests. China has tries to use unstable Nepal in its own favour. It has mushroomed the densely tarai areas with a number of Chinese study centres. Fundamentally, these Chinese organization and agencies are building and fomenting anti India sentiments in Nepal. China is also consistently reaching out to the political parties of Nepal. Last years incidence of the phone-tape episode has revealed the subtle Chinese intentions. India is also taking the Chinese expansionism in Nepal as a security threat. Therefore, Nepal has become a battleground between India and China. Liberation Army (PLA) marched in the Tibet in 1950, Indian (including Nehru), vociferously protested against the invasion. Such action indicated Indias preference for continuing the British policy towards Tibet. Nehru wanted to protect the Indian security interests in the Himalayan regions. As the Chinese communists neared their revolutionary victory, Nehru rushed through a series of defence treaties with Bhutan (August 1949), Nepal (July 1950) and Sikkim (December 1950). These countries constituted Nehrus definition of a redrawn security zone. Throughout the 1950s, Nehru demonstrated his serious commitment to this Himalayan doctrine. In February 1951 he established the North and NorthEastern Defence Committee, and visited the North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA), Sikkim and Bhutan.

Strategic Location of Nepal

Of the three Himalayan units, Nepal is the largest, covering an area of 140, 797 sq km (54,362 sq miles). Bounded on the north by China (the Tibetan region) and on the south, east and west by India, Nepal is a landlocked state, smaller in size than several states of the Indian Union. Nepal is separated from the Tibet region of China by the great Himalayan range. Except for 8,000 sq miles of the southern plain strip, 80% of the total area of Nepal is mountains plain strip, 80% of the total area of Nepal is mountainous. The three principal river system of Nepal (the Karnali, the Gandak and the Kosi) all have their sources in Tibet, and enter Nepal through three gorges that cut across the Himalayas. Nepals strategic importance can be fathomed not only from its gopolitical location, being sandwiched between the two rising Asian giants but also from its transformation into a few buffer zone between India and China in the 1950s. This buffer has assumed even more importance in the current times with Royal Nepal being transformed into a Peoples Nepal in the aftermath of the Maoist victory in the election to the

Nepals Equi-distance Policy

Bhattarai seems to have realized the wisdom of equiproximity to the two neighbours. Although Indias relationship with Nepal is rooted in the history and culture of the two countries, it has always been delicate ad sensitive. The two countries share an open border. India continues to remain Nepals total external trade. India was Nepals largest source of foreign investments, accounting for 44 per cent of the total foreign direct investment in Nepal for 2010-11.

Chinas Move to Create AntiIndia Platform in Nepal

In March 2011 General Chen Bingde, head of the Peoples Liberation Army General Staff Department, visited Nepal and signed a number of contract worth US$ 20 million to build a military base on the Tibetan border. However, the Sino-Nepal trade is highly imbalanced in favour of China and the Chinese authorities realize that if they have to generate goodwill for their economic endavours in Nepal they will have to make certain concessions. The

Chinas Strategic Gain

The fault lines started with the Indian policy on Tibet. From 1946 to 1951 the Tibet policy of Nehru and his associates reflected that of the British; treating Tibet as an autonomous buffer state between that of India and China, recognizing vague Chinese suzerainty but not sovereignty over Tibet. Thus, in March 1947 a Tibetan delegation was invited to the Asian Relations Conference in Delhi, despite protests from Chinese (Kuomintang) delegates. When the Chinese Peoples

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Constituent Assembly on April 10,2008. The Victory of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) CPN(M), a one-time rebel group, has significant geopolitical repercussions for the region. In the changed circumstances, some analysts feel that Indian-Chinese rivalry in Nepal will continue to grapple Nepalese political arena in future. assure His Majesty, King Mahendra, His Majesty government and the Nepalese people, that in any case any foreign forces attack Nepal, we Chinese people will stand on your side. China openly exhorted Nepalese assertions of independence vis--vis India throughout the period up to 1978. Intense anti-India propaganda was directed by China toward Nepal. In the mid 1980s, China resumed its highway construction activities in Nepal, and in June 1984, it agreed to build a second trans-Himalayan highway, linking the city of Pokhara with the XinjiangTibet highway. In 1987 Beijing decided to construct a road from Lhasa to Dazhu on the border with Nepal, further strengthening Tibet-Nepal transpiration links. In 1988 a series of ChineseNepalese moves ignored Indias security interest. China no longer felt compelled to respect Indian sensibilities and began to compete openly with India for exerting influence in Nepal. Chinese propaganda became openly critical of Indian policies toward Nepal, condemning them as manifestations of Indian expansionism. The new wave brought many fundamental changes in this triangular relationship. The pro-Chinese approach of King Mahendra continued to provide new space for the Chinese expansionism. mutually acceptable development projects. The volume of such assistance is to the tune of 80 million Yuan every year.

Defense Ties between China and Nepal

In 2005 China further supplied arms to King Gyanendra; in the same year Nepal voiced for the inclusion of China into SAARC irrespective of the fact that India has expressed its reservations; in September 2008, China invited Nepalese Defence Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa as an observer t the military exercise Warrior 2008, and during his meeting with Chinas Defence Minister Liang Guanglie, China announced a military aid package of USD 1.3 million to Nepal. In December 2008, Lieutenant General Ma Xiaotan of the PLA pledged USD 2.6 million in non-lethal military aid to Nepal during his Nepal visit. China is currently working on the reconstruction of the China-Nepal highway which is expected to be completed by the end of the year 2011. Build at a cost of over 100 million USD, there are only two sections of the highway of the Chinese side from Tingri to Nyalam and Nyalam to Zhangmu that are pending completion. Once complete, the highway is expected to become a golden gateway connecting Lhasa to Kathmandu and will be Chinas gateway to South Asia. Taken along with the QinghaiTibet railroad, this highway has been touted as having the potential to boost Nepals economic growth through greater trade with China. The basic purpose of China is to decrease the Indian influences in Nepal. China knows that it could be carved out by creating alternative trade routes for Nepal.

Chinas Long Term Game Plan in Nepal

Chinas security and foreign policy objectives in Nepal are several. In fact, it could be divided into three phases. In Mao Zedongs five finger policy, Nepal constituted as one. Nepal and China share a long border, spanning a range of about 1414 Kilometers. China has been playing significant role in determining the future shape of Nepali politics.

The First Phase

The Chinese interest in Nepal started with Tibet factor. At a minimum, these objectives emphasize the security of Chinese interests in Tibet as that region is dependent on the neighboring countries for border trade Additionally, given the regular flow of thousands of Tibetan refugees into Nepal and India ever year, Chinese objectives emphasize on nullifying any negative fallout of Tibetan refugees from these countries. Thus Chinese objectives in Nepal have been influenced by the Tibetan factor, including whether more than an estimated 10,000 Tibetan refugees might lay a destabilizing role in Nepal, to secure Nepal as a buffer zone. The beginning of diplomatic ties between China and Nepal moved with a great speed. The prime motive of China in the first phase (1955 to 1989) was to create infrastructures in Nepal. China also assured Nepal to protect its territory from any third country. Speaking in Kathmandu on the first anniversary of the signing of the Kathmandu-Lhasa road agreement, in October 1962, Chinese foreign minister Chen Yi lauded Nepals history of resistance to foreign invasion and warned: I

Second Phase
The second phase of Chinese policy was based on removing Nepals overdependence on India. Till 1955 trade between China and Nepal was limited to 0.7 per cent. The rest 99.03 percent was with India. China was conscious of this geographical proximity between India and Nepal. Therefore, new routes to trade in Nepal were planned. On the other hand, China instigated Nepal to adopt the equidistance policy between India and China. In the early years, Chinese assistance was pledged in terms of projects and a large number of financial involvement was initiated. From mid 90-s, the Chinese Government under the Economic and Technical Cooperation programme in order to implement

The Phase
In the third phase, China has adopted an aggressive posture to weaken Indias hold on Nepal. This phase continues the agenda of the first and second but focuses more on encircling India. There are people who argue that China is not only courting Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : the Nepalese Maoists, but also rendering political as well material support to the Indian Maoists whose ultimate aim is to overthrow the parliamentary democracy through and armed struggle. The sheer political capital of the Maoist, and the anti-China Tibetan protests in March 2008 in various parts of Tibet including Sichuan, underscored the importance of Nepal to China, for Nepal has a sizeable Tibetan community of population 20,000 according to tone of the representatives of the Dalai Lama. Kathmandu has become the latest proxy battleground between India and China to demonstrate their sphere of influence. Now Delhi has been increasingly worried about Chinas creeping and growing influences in the still-new Himalayan republic. As Kanti Bajpai told the Nepalese newspaper, Rapublica, India lives in fear of its neighbors reaching out to outsiders to balance against Indian power. Unlike India, which has often borne the consequences of misjudging the political mood in Nepal and has been regularly maligned as a hegemon, Chinas Nepal policy has been largely successful. China has managed to project itself as a disinterested neighbor and a remarkably attractive alternative to Big Brother India. Aimed at providing training to students and teachers, the Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University which celebrated its second anniversary in June 2009, runs numerous programmes from business management to tour guide training across Nepal. Nepalese students even those in primary school now have access to Chinese language lessons and exposure to Chinese culture. Apart from China Study Centres, numerous local level organizations have been established such as the Nepal-China Youth Friendship Association and the NepalChina Mutual Cooperation Society to foster cooperation between the two countries at all levels. The ex-Prime Minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal, inaugurated the China-Nepal Boda Hospital in Kathmandu last year. This hospital which is the largest within the private sector has been hailed as a new step to enhance Nepal-China friendship relations in the private sector, It is the second large medical facility inaugurated by the Nepalese Prime Minister. The first was the Civil servants Hospital in Kathmandu designed to cater especially to gazette-officers, also build with aid from the Chinese government. It is thus evident that Chinas engagement with Nepal has been multidimensional and designed for a longterm perspective. It must also be recognized that this is a policy that has repercussions for India. Chinas proactive policy vis--vis Nepal is very much part of its larger aim to aim to erode Indias influence in South Asia. Kamal Dahal has said that the IndiaUS axis wanted to launch anti-China activities, even a possible attack on China, using the Nepalese territory. I had to quit as Prime Minister as my party was opposed to letting out territory used against China, Prachanda said while addressing a training programme of the Maoist cadres, according to the Rajdhani daily. It quoted Prachanda as having said: The US-India plan had to face challenge from our party and that triggered the conspiracy against my government. Nepals use of the China card in its dealings with India is nothing new. It may be recalled that in 2005 it was China that supplied arms and ammunition to King Gyanendra despite urgings to the contrary from the US and India. In September 2008 during a meeting between Chinas Defence Minister Liang Guanglie and his Nepali counterpart, Ram Bahadur Thapa, the Chinese announced a military aid package of USD 1.3 million to Nepal. In December 2008, senior military officials from China visited Nepal. During this visit, Lieutenant General Ma Xiaotan of Chinese People Liberation Army pledged USD 2.6 million in non-lethal military aid to be used for consolidation of Nepals security forces and peace process.

Nepals Pro-China Policy

Nepals pro-China policy had started with King Mahendra and it continued in successive regimes. But significantly in recent times, the Maoist regime in Nepal openly invited China to balance Indias excessive role in Nepal. After Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda) was sworn in as Prime Minister, the first country he visited was China. He was invited to attend the closing ceremony of Olympic Games in 2008. Prachandas visit lasted for five days and the special bonding between the Maoists and China was therefore exposed. There are people who argue that China is not only courting the Nepalese Maoists, but also rendering political as well material support to the Indian Maoists whose ultimate aim is to overthrow the parliamentary democracy through an armed struggle as we have mentioned earlier. It is very important to not that there were 38 official Chinese delegations in Nepal during Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda)s reign, while the number of delegations from India were about one-fourth of the former. It was also known that the Maoist government of Nepal and China were preparing a project to extend the Tibet Railway to Nepal. In a sensational claim, former Prime Minister and Maoist chief Pushpa

Emerging Threats from Nepal due to China Factor

Most of the terrorism and insurgency related problem in India have cross-border linkages. Consequently, border management has become an integral component of Indias internal security management. The India-Nepal border has assumed significance only in the recent years due to continuing instability in Nepal and increasing Chinese proximity with Nepal. The 1,751 km India-Nepal border runs through 20 districts of five Indian States. Unlike Nepal-China border, which runs mainly through high altitude mountains, most of India-Nepal border runs through plains and rivers. The India-Nepal border is open and there is no visa regime for persons of both the countries crossing the border. There

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : are 22 agreed routes for mutual trade and 15 land traffic in transit. Most of the border areas run through underdeveloped and populations area where a relatively higher crime rate, poor governance, inadequate infrastructure, ill-equipped police force provide a conductive atmosphere for various forces inimical to Indian and Nepalese interest to operate. Moreover, there is high volume of illicit trade in forest products and wildlife. The open border and absence of effective law and enforcement in Nepal have also contributed to drug smuggling. A number of recent reports have indicate that Nepals Maoist insurgents are involved in smuggling drugs to India to raise money to buy arms. Drugs and mafia operation on the India-Nepal border pose a serious challenge to the Indian security apparatus, in which most of the criminals find safe passage to Nepal and a safe refuge too. The Nepalese border has been a road to heaven for smugglers, who have been able to smuggle drugs and arms to India without hindrance. Expressing apprehension over Chinas involvement in activities in Nepal, Uttarakhand former chief minister Ramesh Pokhriyal had said that there is possibility of a rise in Chinas dominance in Indias neighbours which necessitates an urgent increase in vigilance along the countrys borders. There is an increase in the activities of China in Nepal, Tibet and also Pakistan. We apprehend that there will be increase in anti-India activities on the IndoNepal border via Nepal, which will pose a danger to our country in the near future. Uttarakhand shares its border with China and Nepal and shares 350 km of the LoC and 250 km of the international border with the two countries. There is a growing threat to security due to increase in the activities of China in areas bordering the state, he said. According to Indian official and strategic affairs analysts, apart from strategic implications, Chinas move to extend rail link to its border with Nepal can reduce Kathmandus dependence on India as it will enable it to import petroleum products from Beijing. Indias rapidly declining influence in Nepal, not least because of the Maoists, is making things worse for New Delhi. A Pro-Chinese Nepal is catastrophic for Delhi. A Nepal which is friendlier to China eliminates Delhis access to Tibet, and puts pressure on Sikkim and Bhutan. A hostile Nepal places the Indian union in jeopardy because it is a Damocles sword on Delhi. At the drop of a hat Nepal could possibly choke Indian access to the seven Indian states in the Northeast. Chinas policy of aid to Nepali is part of its grand strategy. The road provided a direct strategic connection between China and Nepal via the difficult Tibetan route. If Nepal was not able to resist an attack through this road, the Indian heartland would be easily accessible. For India, these developments were a cause of grave concern. The nature of this proximity was troubling for India in the wake of its defeat in the Sino Indian 1962 war. In 1950, summing up Indias security concerns vis--vis Nepal, Pandit Nehru had said in Parliament, from the immemorial the Himalayas have provided us with magnificent frontiers. We cannot allow that barrier to the penetrated because it is also the principal barrier to India. Therefore, as much as we appreciate the independence of Nepal, we cannot allow anything to go wrong in Nepal or permit that barrier to be crossed or weakened, because that would be a risk to our own country, India has subsequently maintained that any attack on Nepal would be regarded as an aggression against India. It is evident that China is trying to build Nepal among a series of Little Dragons spewing fire at India. The Maoists-led Nepal will not only assert itself vis--vis India, it is also likely to be influenced by China in its foreign policy decision-making. This means that Nepal may toe the Chinese line in its international relations. This would mean more space for infiltration of Chinese agents and their clandestine activities against India. Traditionally Chinese leadership leans on teachings of Master Sun Tzu. Mao in particular was highly influenced by Sun Tzu, who said, To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemys resistance without fighting.

Chinas interest in Nepal is primarily geostrategic. Which Beijing has cemented its ties with Pakistan, it is now gaining footholds in Indias neighborhood, Burma, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, said Dhruba Kumar, a political-science professor with Kathmandus Centre of Nepal and Asian Studies. Their foray into Nepal shows that it has become a launched for their broader strategic alliance. That, of course, makes India wary. Professor S.D. Muni, a visiting fellow at the National University of Singapore, attributes Chinas upper hand in Nepal to its pragmatism. Beijing does not have any serious emotional or cultural bonds with Nepal like India does. It can therefore relate itself with any political force in control of Nepal, be it Maoists or the army, he says. Chinas feet in Nepal will definitely challenge Indian security. India is conscious of Chinas growing feet in Nepal. In the long term Nepal is going to be a battleground between India and China. The new document of Nepals foreign policy will determine, once it is passed by the parliament. It will set up the new course of actions. But thing are not going to be much different from the present status. China will keep tracking Nepal due to the Tibetan unrest in India. On the other hand, India will be extra vigilant in checking out unfavorable developments in Nepal. And Nepal will continue to use the moment of benefits harmonizing the pragmatic interest of both India and China. Courtesy-World Focus Click Here to Order Hard Copy of This Magazine:


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Components of National Rural Health Mission

Rural Health Care forms an integral part of the National Health Care System. Provision of Primary Health Care is the foundation of all rural health care Programmes. For developing vast public health infrastructure and human resources of the country, accelerating the socio-economic development and attaining improved quality of life, the Primary health care is accepted as one of the main instruments of action. Thus, recognizing the importance of Health in the process of economic and social development and improving the quality of life of our citizens, the Government of India has launched the National Rural Health Mission to carry out necessary architectural correction in the basic health care delivery system. The Mission adopts a synergistic approach by relating health to determinants of good health viz. segments of nutrition, sanitation, hygiene and safe drinking water. It also aims at 108 mainstreaming the Indian systems of medicine to facilitate health care. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), a National effort at ensuring effective healthcare, especially to the poor and vulnerable sections of the society was launched (on 12th April, 2005 for a period of seven years (20052012)) throughout the Country with special focus on 18 states viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. The major objectives or National Rural Health Mission was to ensure the following issues: Development of Infrastructure of state governments Availability of critical manpower Reach of mobile medical vans Mainstreaming AYUSH (the Homeopathic and Ayurvedic doctors) Coordination with community by ASHA (trained female community health activist ASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist. Selected from the village itself and accountable to it, the ASHA will be trained to work as an interface between the community and the public health system). Implementation of MIS Implementation of public private partnership Inter-sectoral coordination Appropriateness expenditure planning Penetration insurance of of health
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The purpose of NRHM among other things was to strengthen the primary health centres (PHCs) and subcentres and creates a network of rural hospitals. However it was felt that several developments since the launch of the NRHM in April 2005 point to increased privatization of health care services. For instance in several states the NRHM under the garb of better health management opened up space to outsourcing and privatization of PHCs and subcentres.

health. The IPHS was adopted for CHCs, PHCs and district hospitals as well. However the emphasis was still on purchasing equipment and attaining standards of infrastructure development rather than raising the level of overall service provision.

The policy in some states of allowing public participation in the monitoring and administration of health care services also backfired. The Rogi Kalyan samities that were started with the intent of greater public participation in the health care system degenerated into a system


health statistics revealed that in many states the key indicators such as urban infant mortality rate had remained stagnant or their trend had even reversed. The specific vulnerability of urban slum dwellers the lack of basic amenities and health services for them was an area yet to be addressed. The NRHM was formally empowered to cover urban slums but in reality the coverage was negligible. Whatever urban component was there in health care ,it was in the RCH plans in a limited manner.There was no equivalent plan to set up PHCs,CHCs or sub centres in urban areas.

COMPONENTS Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA)

The NRHM is criticized for adopting a system of Indian Public Health Standards which was seen as having severe limitations. While it defined the minimum manpower requirement and the equipment and infrastructure needed to attain a set of well defined health outcomes the attempts to achieve these were not comprehensive in scope and were biased largely towards reproductive and child

of cost recovery with the introduction of user fee for many services in government hospitals. Donor agencies pushed for the user -fee system and this resulted in a reduction of state investment in the maintenance of health care facilities. The public participation has been trivialized: it translated into better access for the privileged and the politically powerful. Urban

The NRHM covers all the villages through villagebased Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) who would act as a link between the health centers and the villagers. One ASHA will 109
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : be raised from every village or cluster of villages. The ASHA would be trained to advise villagers about Sanitation, Hygiene, Contraception, and Immunization to provide Primary Medical Care for Diarrhea, Minor Injuries, and Fevers; and to escort patients to Medical Centers. They would also deliver Directly Observed Treatment Short (DOTS) course for tuberculosis and oral rehydration; distribute folic acid tablets and chloroquine to patients and alert authorities to unusual outbreaks. Although these ASHAs would be honorary volunteers, there is a provision to provide them with performance-based compensation for undertaking specific health or other social sector programmes with measurable outputs, thus promoting employment for these volunteers. If rural women want counseling on important issues such as birth preparedness, importance of safe delivery, breastfeeding and complementary feeding, immunization, contraception and prevention of common infections including Reproductive Tract Infection/ Sexually Transmitted Infection (RTIs/STIs) and care of the young child, they may contact the concerned ASHA who shall be happy to provide them with all relevant guidance and assistance. The general norm as decided under the Programme is One ASHA per 1000 population. In tribal, hilly, desert areas the norm could be relaxed to one ASHA per habitation, dependant on workload etc. under NRHM. JSY is a centrally sponsored scheme to benefit pregnant women & certified poor families.

One of the remarkable steps taken under of NRHM is


Janani Surakha Yojana is another important component 110

The Government has introduced the Janani Suraksha Yojana to provide comprehensive medical care during pregnancy, child birth and postnatal care and thereby endeavour to improve the level of institutional deliveries in low performing states to reduce maternal mortality. The NRHM provides broad operational framework for the Health Sector. Suggestive guidelines have been issued on key interventions like institutional deliveries, immunization, preparation of District Action Plan as well as schemes including ASHA, JSY etc. The States have the flexibility to project operational modalities in their State Action Plans. It is envisaged that National Rural Health Mission shall be able to effectively improve the availability of and access to quality health care by people, especially for those residing in rural areas, the poor, women and children.

mainstreaming of AYUSH into the rural health system, and thereby, integration of practitioners of Indian System of Medicine with the existing Modern System of Medicine. Though, conceptually these sounds in rhythm, nonetheless, it is not free from threats. The mission is posting of one AYUSH doctor at each PHC in addition to an existing allopathic doctor. This raises concerns about the possibility that instead of practicing with their own skills, AYUSH doctors are complained to be over prescribing allopathic medicines, even antibiotics for early recovery of patients, without having the requisite knowledge or training which may result in calamity. Hence, it would be essential to make sure that the AYUSH physicians in PHCs are provided with the appropriate facilities, infrastructure and medications support , so that they can carry out with the system of
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : medicine they have been trained in with complete efficacy. Additionally, if AYUSH physicians are really need to prescribe some basic or emergency allopathic care in exigencies, then this should be an unambiguous pronouncement to be taken after appropriate consultation with concerned authorities and experts in the field, keeping all pros and cons into consideration. If AYUSH doctors are allowed to prescribe basic or life saving allopathic medicines, it would be crucial to train them properly in this direction. Thought should also be given on the motivational factors of an AYUSH doctor likely to work in a primarily allopathic set-up. ASHA is working in a fantastic manner in terms of Janani Suraksha Yojana, sanitation and other responsibilities. However, in terms of promoting communitybased health insurance ASHA is yet to go a long way. Participation in community financing schemes requires resources, i.e. time and money, which the most disadvantaged group in societies often does not possess. Donors and policy makers should hence be aware that it might be very difficult, even impossible, to reach the poorest part of the population when promoting participation in these kind of local organizations. In order to both promote these initiatives and lower the barriers of participation, well-targeted subsidies and a linkage to social funds is a possible solution. As one major objective of social funds is to finance investments benefiting the poor and, since in most parts it is the public sector, which administers social funds, such a support would also strengthen the linkage to more formalized health care systems. This suggests that, further research is needed, how these schemes can be scaled up and replicated as well as how to link them to social risk management instruments, e.g. social funds to broaden the risk pool and increasing coverage rates. Future research should also address the question of how subsidies for the poorest in a community can be designed in order to preserve the incentives for a viable management of the schemes and to achieve optimal targeting. In addition, more research is needed on other promising measures to fight social exclusion in access to social protection in low income environments. Finally, we can say that there is an immense need for massive propaganda to develop consciousness among the people regarding the need for financing health care in context of high outof-pocket expenses on health. If we can successfully use insurance in covering our health hazards, we might create headway in front of the entire Southeast Asia to come up with a solution to this formidable challenge to the society. It is beyond any doubt that, the wealth of a country is judged by the health of its people. Worldwide, nations are seeking viable answers to the question of how to offer a health care system, which leads to universal access to health care for their citizens. Admittance of healthy living conditions and good quality health is not only fundamental rights for each and every Indian, but also crucial factor for socio-economic maturity of the nation. The countrys policy towards health has been traditionally identified by the provision of primary healthcare as the states responsibility. The policy also encouraged the establishment of a countrywide, state-run primary care infrastructure. The role of the central government has been mainly limited to family welfare programmes and design of disease control programmes. The policy has remained silent on the role of the private sector in provision of medical care. Notwithstanding to this, the private medical care sectors have developed to meet the increasing demand for medical care services. Some isolated evidences of the community-based health care and its financing options have been reported, like Self Employed Womens Association in Gujarat, Yeswashini Trust in Karnataka, and ACCORD in Nilgiri district in Maharashtra. However, in absence of nationwide consensus, huge literacy or existence of extensive high quality health care network as Japan their success is limited only in the boundaries of the pioneering districts. Even the highly subsidized Universal Health Insurance Scheme announced by Government of India and administered by the Governmentowned Insurance Companies has resulted in a serious market failure. From the Indian Health care system it can be concluded that the state uses a collaborative approach, which involves financial support, strategic planning, and health prioritizing legislation that involves the government, community leaders, and private and public health care professionals. It is to be mentioned that the State Governments largely comply with the Indian structure of rural health care system consisting of primary health centres, sub-centres, and 111
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : community health centres for rural health care. NGOs working in health care front are hardly found. Nonetheless, the total physical infrastructure available for rural health care in the state is still inadequate relative to its requirement. Moreover, there exists a large disparity in the availability of health care infrastructure and work force between the urban and the rural areas. 84 % percent of hospitals in India are sited in urban areas, which only account for roughly 35% of the population (Ravi Duggal, 1995). Nearly, 75 % of allopathic doctors are positioned in urban areas. In the State of India, the availability of the recognized medical practitioners in rural areas is only 27 per lakh population whereas is the urban area it is 155 per lakh population. The kind of lopsided distribution of medical professionals in India, with a trifling proportion of medical practitioners ready to work in rural areas, is at the heart of the poor health care system of rural areas. In fact, the lacunae of the India rural medical system have become apparent within the last decade as economics forced hospitals to run with inadequate infrastructural facilities in the hospital care system and reducing staff, thereby reducing clients admittance to timely services. In fact, this kind of economical or political and social disparity across the population groups in a given society will naturally have a direct comportment on the health indicators. Nonetheless, if the infant and maternal mortality rates (IMR and MMR) can be considered as the most sensitive indicators of health of the society, then the Indian statistics in this front is really alarming. Around 2.2 112 million infants die every year. Keeping this into consideration, the National Health Policy 1983 had set target to restrict the Infant Mortality Rate to less than 60 per 1000 live births. Nonetheless, this target is yet to be achieved. In the year 2000, the National Health Policy further targeted to reduce Maternal Mortality Rate to less than 200 per 100,000 live births. But, this target also has also not been achieved yet. Till date, according to the UNDP reports, on an average 407 mothers in India die due to pregnancy related causes, for every 100,000 live births. On the contrary, as per the three rounds of National Family Health Surveys, in the last decade Maternal Mortality Rate has further reached to 540 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. ASHA plan conceived as an important component of NRHM was a let down due to deemphasizing of the workers curative and symptomatic roles and the piece rate system of payment .While the strategy of deploying ASHAs was plausible what had not been anticipated was the inability of the existing departmental structures to implement such a large scale mobilization and the absence of support structures. The implementation of the ASHA plan was poor. The NRHM was a compulsion to show the pro-poor face of the new government. It has been found during a study conducted by Jan Swasthya Abhiyan that most of the ASHAs had yet to start work; the Anganwadi worker or the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife allocated them work. Under the NRHM the ASHA was required to be accountable to the community and not subservient to the ANM or AWW.Dalit health workers were discriminated against. In MP nearly 50% of the PHCs surveyed were being managed by non medical staff, in Bihar 30%, in Rajasthan 25% and in Jharkhand 12%.The main problems plaguing PHCs related to improper drug supply and shortage of staff. In many of the states the PHCs and even some of the CHCs had been contracted out to NGOs under the managed care approach. This system which is in vogue in Bihar, Karnataka and Arunchal Pradesh entailed the offering of a specified package of services. There is no notion of decentralization and community management. In Gujarat under the Chiranjeevi Programme private clinics are reimbursed at fixed rates for institutional deliveries and emergency obstetric care services. The government has also contracted out peripheral health facilities and has a proposal to contract out district hospitals to corporates. Some of the private health insurance schemes supported by state governments had failed. However in some states such as Tamil Nadu and West Bengal the partnership is working well. The core of the public health system stayed within the public domain and only some of the ancillary services were contracted out. According to Jan Kalyan Abhiyan a vast network of government run health subcentres and PHCs supported by CHCs and district hospitals is required along with a large community -healthworker force, the expansion of nursing staff and the upgrading of their skills. The notion of primary health care continues to be limited in that it is applied to RCH and a few disease control
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : programmes.There is still reluctance to move towards the goal of comprehensive primary health care. The health policy is silent on is the need to set up a rational drug policy. All policies including NRHM had glossed over this aspect despite the fact that nearly 2/3 of all health costs go into drugs. There is no regulation of the prices of essential drugs whose list had been brought down to 30 in 2002 from 347 in 1977. There has been lot of importance given to two vaccination initiatives-pulse polio and universal Hepatitis B vaccination. More than Rs 1000 crore is spent annually on the pulse polio programme while the budget for other vaccines in the National Immunization Programme in 200506 was only Rs 327 crore. The objectives of any health policy have to be seen in the light of the Alma Ata declaration where health was not just a desired goal but one of the main harbingers of equity in society. The governments intent in bringing changes to the health care system may be good but their implementation seems to be directed by donor directed priorities. community as a whole. A collaborative approach, which involves financial support, strategic planning, and health prioritizing legislation involves the government, community leaders, and private and public health care professionals is highly essential, as mentioned in the introduction part. Faults of the Indian rural health care system, these days have become so much apparent within the last decade as economics forced hospitals to run with inadequate infrastructure facilities in the hospital care system and reducing staff, thereby reducing patients access to timely services. Sudhakar Pradhan

It needs hardly any mention that health care in the rural India is the responsibility of the

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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :

Unending Saga of Corruption in India

One would say the corruption in India has an ancient linkage, and it is deeply rooted in our tradition. The author of the Arthasastra made some remarks on government officials of his time which are relevant even today: Just as it is impossible not to taste the honey or the poison that finds itself at the tip of the tongue, so it is impossible for a government servant not to eat up at least a bit of the kings revenue. These in the post-war world became only bolder while eating up government money and accepting bribes. A corrupt person is termed immoral, dishonest and unscrupulous in his dealings. His disregard for honesty, righteousness and truth results in his alienation from society. He is treated with contempt. But as erosion of values leads to decadence, remedies for the social malaise remain elusive, and so no amount of contempt can eradicate corruption which is a symptom of decadence. 114 When we ask a question to ourselves that why India is still not a developed nation even after 60 years of independence? Why there is not enough development when India is having immense potential and talent at par with any developed nation has? The answer is very simple. The main culprit behind this situation is widespread corruption in every field. To get an admission in a collegeto get a legal paper from a Government officeto get an approval for the construction of a houseto get an electricity connectionto do an urgent surgery for life saving. Thus not even nook and corner of the daily life is spared from this evil. Now, people so adapted and well familiar with the situation and ready to give bribe without any hesitation and accepted as a part of the system. They also will demand bribe when they are sitting in a decisive position. This is the epicenter of this deadly evil which spread over the entire system from executive to class IV level. The only motive to become a peoples representative, a civil servant or even an attender is how to get the undeserved money. The more dangerous factbribes and corruption got reputation in society. If there is an official who doesnt accepts bribehe will be isolated even in public and will have an image of useless person.In todays India these officials representing all government departments are very close to the most corrupt businessmen who are too unscrupulous to let any opportunity of amassing profits slip. This collusion broadens the base of the vicious circle and corruption spreads like wild fire to engulf the entire society. The political and social guardians depend only too much on the richer communities and they look indulgently on while these communities hold the entire society and the government to ransom.
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : Corruption starts at the top and percolates down to the whole society. Such corruption cannot be confined to the towns alone. It is as widespread in the villages where the dishonest officials and the traders carry the germs of the disease. Economic need and exposure to western luxuries are tempting factors in society for the youth. They try to find means and ways to make money, however deceptive or defective these methods may be. It is meaningless to blame the system; it is the defect of people who handle the same. A number of reasons like lack of stringent legislation, slow and delayed judicial systems, poverty, illiteracy, lack of faith in Dharma or righteousness, greedy mind and a tendency to be smart are responsible behind corruption.It is not prevalent in India only but Corruption is today a world-wide phenomenon. Let us diagnose what are the reasons that the venom of corruption is running so deep in our veins? (1) Democracy: First of all roots of corruption are buried in our democratic setup. To contest election lot of money is required and due to this ordinary people cant contest election and those who stand in elections either have ancestral money or have earned this money through corrupt practices. Mayawati who was a poor school teacher few years ago has now a property of 52 crore , Prakash singh badal the former chief minister of Punjab has a property worth 1000 crore , Mulayam singh Yadav has a property of billions of . These are just few examples to quote, but the ground reality is that 300 M.Ps in 15 th Loksabha are multi millionaires. What do you think these people are pouring their money for charity? Certainly not, for them this is an investment for which they will get rich dividend. This dividend is in the form of amount earned through manipulation of govt. Funds, taking bribe, settling their keens on good positions, allotting government contracts to fraud and unqualified companies, take money for appointing officers on various posts. (2) Bourgeoisie Society: System always stems from top to bottom. There is a proverb in Sanskrit which means like king like people. In Bhagwad Gita also it is said by lord Krishna which means behavior of elite class people is considered as standard by lower class people and hence they follow it as ideal behavior. Todays kings are our honorable M.Ps, M.L.As. and most of them are corrupt and shares criminal background (according to a survey of an independent NGO, 150 MPs in 15th Loksabha have criminal records). Not only politicians but bureaucrats, commanders of armed forces and judges too are submerged in the mud of corruption. One retired Chief Justice of India had said that 20% judges of Supreme Court are corrupt and corruption is more ubiquitous in lower rungs of judiciary. Indian Army which was considered to be the holy cow of Indian democracy is also not spared from this. In such situation people feel that it is justifiable for them to indulge in corruption because if those who are on the top of hierarchy dont think about ethics than whom are we to care for ethics? (3) Corruption is an environmental phenomenon: A new born baby does not have notions of right and wrong but as it grows older gradually it learns what is socially acceptable and what is not. This social learning plays very important role in growth of civic sense. Have you ever wondered why is it that the person who breaks traffic rules in India, when goes to Singapore behaves very decently? No, its not just the fear of fine that is restraining him but actually in India most of the people breaks the traffic laws and therefore no one is ashamed of it because everybody else is doing the same, where as in Singapore everyone follows the public etiquette and the law of land and hence no one dares to go against established norms of social behavior. In the countries like Denmark and Netherlands (which are least corrupt countries) corruption is considered as social evil and those who are involved in corruption have to face a kind of social boycott, hence very few people dare to indulge in corrupt practices. Unfortunately in India publicly we criticize politicians, bureaucrats and corporate for their corruption but privately people admire those who have earned money through illegal means. In such conditions corruption is bound to increase in society and as I said earlier corrupt people come from within the society. To quote one senior judge of Supreme Court judges too stay in society and share same social and moral values which other people share and if corruption is there in the society than it is going to be reflected in judiciary also, since we have not came from the heaven. (4) Impotent and infertile laws: There are many laws to curtail corruption but unfortunately they are teeth less. 115
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UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs : They have so many loop holes that corrupt people easily escape from it and even if some of them are punished it take years to culminate the judicial process. If any politician or an officer of central government is found to be indulged in to corruption then complaint cannot be filed against them without the permission of central government. Central Vigilance Commission who is an independent agency to look after the cases of corruption in the central government employees can only give recommendation to concerned department regarding action to be taken on their officer, but its recommendation are not binding. Institutions like CBI, Anti Corruption Bureau, Enforcement Directorate, Income Tax department and various other agencies are there to prevent corruption and financial irregularities, but there is lot of political interference in these agencies. Appointment, transfers and promotion of officers of these agencies is in the hands of politicians. CBI has become an agent of ruling party; it is used frequently to settle the score with opposition. In the past many instances have taken place when CBI has filled or withdrawn cases on people at the will of central government (remember Quatrochchi, Mulayam Singh and Mayawati case). Recent appointment of P.J Thomas as CVC is a vivid example of growing political interference in constitutional appointments. Thomas is accused of palm oil corruption case when he was chief secretary of Kerala and such person is appointed as CVC of India, whereas according to rules the person against whom FIR is filled is not even eligible for promotion. It is shameful that the officials meant for administering public welfare themselves provide enough scope to the offenders to commit the offence and go scot-free, for equal compensation that they get from the offenders. Here, if the statute provides severe punishment (more than the one provided to the offender) to the erring official, perhaps, corruption could be minimised.Society itself has had a drastic change in its behaviour today, to what it was earlier. The need to be morally upright is irrelevant, under the speed of its activity. Let us glance through some statistics of corruption so that you understand the intensity and range of corruption in India. Media has provided lot of news and statistics about all the scams mentioned below so I will not elaborate it much. 2G Spectrum scam - 1,76,465 crore Common Wealth Games70,000 crore Madhu kodas scam- 8000 crore Abdul karim Telgi fake stamp paper scam- 32000 crore Scorpion submarine scam18,000 crore (Accused former naval chief Admiral Sushil kumar) Sukhna land scam and Adarsh land scam- involves Armed forces land worth thousands of crore And also involves top Army commanders like General Deepak Kapoor, Lt. General P.K Rath, Lt. General Shantanu Chaudhri, Lt. General Avdhesh Prakash and As many others.

Corruption cannot be abolished overnight, first, political parties should take the responsibility and highly principled & determined personalities have to lead the executive. With persistent efforts, the mindset of the public has to change. Cant say how much time it will take this evil spread over and established by taking 50 yearsany way let us transfer the hope and luck to next generation. There are many legal as well as illegal means and methods with which one can come out unscathed after committing any offence. It requires only a management skill to convince the right forums. Therefore, if society has to be cleansed from being immorality and illegal doings, just legislation, however stringent will not help. The resistance to commit offences should be developed from ones conscience or heart and it can never be created fully by legislation. Hence, inculcating moral values in people right from infancy could provide the remedy over a period of time. If the economic levels of the society could be improved, so that luxuries become basics and the value for them also become affordable, corruption would be unnecessary. Aradhana Singh

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