For The Blueprinting of Universal Harmony and Unconditional Love in Your Relationship1

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The document discusses a global link-up on November 11th to focus on unconditional love in relationships and provide energy work and clearings.

The purpose of the global link-up is to uplift humanity's belief in unconditional love in relationships and provide a new blueprint of unconditional love being a way of life on Earth.

Two mantras are described ('TIKUMA SITALU NARAKU MUMURI LAKURA RAKUNA' and 'TARUMA JELAMU MOLUNA KERILU TOMARA LAMARA') as well as processes of breathing, visualization, and intention setting.

For the Blueprinting of Universal Harmony and Unconditional Love in Your Relationships

Worldwide Link-up November 11, 2004 at 11:11 a.m Arcturian Star Gateway Activation For the Blueprinting of Universal Harmony and Unconditional Love in Your Relationships Blessings to all, November 11 this year has been named as a day of collective love focus for the benefit of all relationships between man and woman. The Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters share that upon this day on the Earth, a group focus from the family of light will be brought forth to all of humanity for the purpose of assisting humanity to open to the flow of unconditional love in their intimate relationships in their life. All those who join this link-up will be offering a day of service to all their brothers and sisters in the world by being the bodies that gather in circle to hold the energy of this sacred offering. This comes as answer to the heart prayers that presently emerge from families all over the world and uncomfortable situations that are occurring in homes between fathers and mothers and singular people who are alone without loving company. These prayers are heard, and this is one of the answers that is brought forth from the realms of love in divine service to all beings. Many dispensations will be offered of energy transmutation including a clearing between the chakras of beings in relationship, and between you and others who you have relationships in the past with, or particular ideals that may block you from developing relationships. The Angels and Archangels are particularly also focussing on those who have no present intimate connection and experience deep loneliness due to this. They will be assisting these ones of you that hold fears of relationship to release these and for those of you that have difficulty in relationship to release the core memories that may be creating this in your life to take place. This link-up is a global consciousness link-up that is a declaration through the collective of humanity that shares that all individuals are worthy of intimate relationships and that all individuals are supported to channel unconditional love through their intimate relationships in their life. We are asking for your support in this global consciousness project as it will uplift our collectives belief systems and bring a new blueprinting into the collective consciousness of humanity. If enough people gather for this global link-up, we can transform the present collective consciousness patterning to state to all our new children birthing on the planet that unconditional love is a way of life on the Earth. Join in link-up with your friends, family or spiritual circles so that not only your relationships can improve in quality of life but so that the new children birthing on the planet can receive the blueprinting that unconditional love is a way of life on Earth. With all my love and blessings, I ask each of you to network this through your heart and through the Internet and other resources to all that you are able to. With loving gratitude, Qala ASCEND Foundation of Australia A World Service Organisation in divine service to all beings

Worldwide Link-up, November 11, 2004 at 11:11 a.m. As you gather for this sacred link-up, the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters that are specifically connected to your spiritual or soul lineage will begin to anchor a golden temple over the space that you are in. They will bring a beautiful, violet light through the field to clear the space for your link-up and will begin to anchor a pillar of white light through the centre of the room or area that you are in. You may wish to light a candle or create an altar beforehand to honour the divine within your heart and for the honouring of the divinity of love that is ever present and available to all beings that wish to attune to this vibration. If you choose to create this sacred space, you may wish to invite all the love from the spiritual planes to magnify and activate in the field of this sacred space. Calling upon your own God Presence to activate through you will create this to begin to occur within your own energy body as a preparation for the link-up. You will each be guided from your own Divine Presence of any beautiful music, flowers or smells that will also honour this sacred heart intent and connection. Some of you may be working in groups, others of you in couples, and others individually. Know that you will each be blessed equally, no matter what form your link-up occurs through. At 11:11 a.m., begin the link-up with the sacred sound aum or the mantra of God Presence:

OM MAYA MA KITA RAKU ANA PEYA NAMU (translates to ... I call for my God Presence to merge as one with me) Sound this until you feel the energy coming through your own body that is held in the field through the Angelic assistance teams that are with you. As you begin to sound, the Angels bring pure white light through your chakras to begin a purification process of your bodies and chakras. This will continue for fifteen minutes until all your bodies and chakras have been purified with white light, creating your energy body to glow. Breathe as this begins to occur, and then share your heart prayers with all in the group or with your partner or with your God Presence and the Angels and Archangels present with you your heart prayers of divine relationship and that which you are calling for in your life truly from your heart. Know that each one of you can receive these heart prayers in this life if you choose to work with your God Presence to allow any fears or old memories blocking this to gently release from your energy body. Spend the time you need to share your open heart prayers with love in sacred ceremony. If you are in a circle or a small group or couple, you may wish to each begin with . My heart prayer for my relationship to all close to me is.. And when you have completed sharing your vision and prayer to support the next person to share theirs with the group by sending them love and receiving love from the angels as they share..until the whole circle is complete. Then decree, the following after all in the circle have shared the heart prayers of their soul: Beloved God Presence of my soul, and the God Presences of all souls that are my soul family, I call forth and ask that you receive these heart prayers and assist me in my life to gently and lovingly restore my soul in divine resonance to these prayers and the manifestation of these in my life. I ask that I receive divine assistance, the filling of love elixirs through my bodies, chakras and mind, a clearing of old patterns that do not serve me, and an activation through my chakras to allow my own inner divine union to take place gracefully and powerfully in my life. I accept that all is my reflection, and that my partner or ideal in my life is a reflection of that which lives within me. I accept the weaknesses and strengths of this and ask unconditionally for assistance in clearing my beliefs and old emotions that I may have stored from previous experiences in my life or other lives that do not hold my heart prayers in divine manifestation in this life. I ask that this be lifted into the heart of God/dess and that I be shown and guided clearly how to resolve the fears and projections that my soul may have that may be ever present in my present relationship, or may have been present in previous relationships in this life or other lives. I ask for a special dispensation that my cellular memory be cleared of the old memories and patternings so I may begin again in divine relationship with an open heart. I ask for a new beginning and a clearing of my energy patterning to allow this to take place. I dedicate the next three months of my life to holding the consciousness of choosing loving words and loving actions in my relationship before verbalising or acting habitually in a negative manifestation to the ones I love. I ask for karmic absolution and offer my deepest love and gratitude to the ones that have mirrored to me that which I have not been able to embrace with love. I honour the Law of Reflection and that which is outside of me is a reflection of what lives within me. I honour this in all those around me and accept my weaknesses and strengths with love, and choose from this day forth to share the love that lives within my heart intimately and in community and family. I give thanks for all that I receive, and ask that all beings receive that which I receive. I call to all of humanity and ask that you receive with me a new beginning to the path of unconditional love through a clearing of the old patternings in our energy bodies. I ask that this clearing take place through my home, and I accept the assistance of the Angels to clear the chakras of my being and anyone in my family and between anyone who is close to me in this life or from any other life. I give thanks for this clearing and ask that the flame of forgiveness flood through me and all chakras and their connections to all beings who share closeness with me. I call to my soul family who may have incarnated in my family and be present in the environments around me, and I ask that if at any time in other lives or in this life I have hurt you with words, actions or projected feelings, I ask you to forgive these acts and forgive me of any intentional or unintentional woundings that may have occurred through me. I ask for all that I have called to, to be blessed with the violet flame of forgiveness and love, and I choose now to accept a new beginning with love. I walk on the path of love with my God Presence and ask for the light of my God Presence to surround and flow through me. May this be sealed with the love and light of my God Presence and the love and light of the God Presences of my soul family. Blessings and peace, love and light to all of humanity. As you complete this decree, the Angels and Archangels bring white light through each of your chakras, and you are asked to breathe and sound three mantras. As you sing these three mantras, the angels and archangels of light bring solar and lunar crystals into your chakras to assist your chakras to open their divine pathways of transmitting pure love and light. The crystals will energize your chakras and support you to hold more love and share more love in your relationships. Mantra for Opening Your Heart to Unconditional Love It is written in the language of love and means: my heart is open to All That Is. I am love and love is all that there is. The mantra is: TARAMU KIRAMU SITARA SHEHELA KARAMA KIRAMA Sing this 22 times in long, slow, resonant tones. As you do this, the Archangels and Angels will be blessing you and the souls that are connected to you, and a clearing of old karmic memories will begin to take place with a vast series of rays that the Archangels begin to flood through your bodies and chakras to assist the transmutation to take place.

When you complete sounding, breathe twelve times deeply to release all old energies. As you breathe in, breathe in the love, and as you breathe out, breathe out the old energies to Source directly as an intention. Mantra for Opening Your Mind to Unconditional Love It is written in the language of light and means: my mind is open to All That Is. I am light and love and light is All That Is. The mantra is: TIKUMA SITALU NARAKU MUMURI LAKURA RAKUNA Sing this 22 times in long, slow, resonant tones. As you do this, the Archangels and Angels will be blessing you and the souls that are connected to you, and a clearing of old karmic memories from your mind and mental body will begin to take place with a vast series of rays that the Archangels begin to flood through all your bodies and chakras to assist the most graceful transmutation to take place. When you complete sounding, breathe twelve times deeply to release all old energies. As you breathe in, breathe in the love, and as you breathe out, breathe out the old energies to Source directly as an intention. Mantra for Opening Your Soul to Unconditional Love It is written in the language of love and means: my soul is open to All That Is. I am the soul. I am love. I am light. I am one with the Earth. The mantra is: TARUMA JELAMU MOLUNA KERILU TOMARA LAMARA Your Angelic body begins to merge with you as you sing. You are asked to feel the love and to feel the divine energy of happiness and joy as if you were in the most divine relationship that you could ever imagine. You are asked to breathe this energy in, and to feel the love of being loved and supported as well as loving and supporting others in divine relationship. You are asked to feel what this would feel like and to imagine so you can feel this for five minutes in your own meditation. As you hold the feeling, you are asked to call for a blessing to manifest clarity, joy and freedom for the flow of unconditional love between you and others through divine relationship in your life. This is your inner time to connect to holding this energy inside yourself with your God Presence and creating this sacred space for yourself so your heart prayers can anchor through your chakras into the Earth core. The Angels have opened a partial passage in your energy body to allow your prayers to anchor into the core of the Earth. Know that manifestation takes place when your energy body is able to allow the consciousness of that which you have prayed for to travel through your chakras into the core of the Earth. This creates the grounding and manifestation of this in your life. You may, if you wish, work with this process more than once to allow it to deepen in your life. Know that the Angels and Archangels will support you each time that you do this, and a deeper clearing and opening and manifestation will occur for you. Through universal law, it is the power of three times that creates and manifests through the Earth plane. Therefore, taking the sacred space three times to work with this powerfully will bring it into the Earth plane. Beloved, know that it is your heart prayers that will manifest, so be clear to speak only your heart prayers from the core of your soul, and not fantasies and illusions from your mind. To complete this, you may wish to Aum together in sacred circle, or complete in another way with each other that you are guided to. You may, if you wish, sing the soul family mantra that activates your strands of DNA to receive this through a deeper connection to your physical body. This will allow your blood family to receive new blueprinting that you bring through this work. The soul family mantra that activates the DNA to receive this is: MYYA KYYA MARU RAKU RANU REKAY RAMU SITA KUMU MARA NAMU PEYOU KUMA X 13 The Angels of Grace encircle you and merge with you as you sing this in sacred honour of your soul family and blood family. They receive all that you receive through this sacred blessing. Blessings of Grace fall upon you and all you hold in your heart dear to you on this day. All my love, Qala and the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters

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