2007 - An Industry Analysis of The Freshwater Ornamental Fishery With Particular Reference To The Supply of Brazilian Freshwater Ornamentals To The UK Market

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Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Gregory Prang1

A proposta desta pesquisa foi desenvolver e entender o mercado potencial e a viabilidade para estabelecer um comercio sustentvel de peixes ornamentais na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Mamirau, Brasil. Esta anlise complementar e ajudar nas pesquisas e nos planos de negcios de outros paises. O objetivo principal da anlise foi o mercado exportador (especificamente da UK) de peixes ornamentais. O projeto foi primariamente iniciado numa pesquisa bibliogrfica, complementada por entrevistas com vrios interventores e a participao em diferentes oficinas sobre o tema especifico.

Comercio de peixes ornamentais. Peixes amaznicos. Mercado de exportao de peixes ornamentais amaznicos.

The purpose of this research was to develop an understanding of the market potential and viability of establishing a sustainable ornamental fish trade in the Mamirau Sustainable Development Reserve in Brazil. This analysis will complement and advise the projects in-country investigations and business plan. The focus of the analysis was the export market (specifically UK) for ornamental fish. The project was undertaken primarily by desk research, complemented by interviews with a number stakeholders and participation in workshops.

Ornamental fish trade. Amazon fishes. Export market of ornamental amazon fishes.

Project Sustainable Management of Ornamental Fish Species in Mamirau, Brazil Conservation Programmes. Zoological Society of London

Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Review of global market Size The worldwide aquarium industry, including live ornamental fish equipment, accessories, supplies and publications, etc., has grown considerably during the last 35 years. Andrews (1992) estimated that in 1971, the total world market for aquarium fishes, equipment and accessories was worth $4 billion1, increasing to $7.2 billion in 1986. Dawes (2001) estimated the entire industry to be worth about $15 billion. The fish themselves represent only a fraction of the overall industry, maybe as little as three percent (WATSON, 2000). About 90% of the ornamental fish products originate in captivity, and the other 10% is wild-caught fish (ANDREWS, 1990; OLIVIER, 2001). Of the total of wild-caught fishes, 4-10 % are of marine origin and 90-96% are of fresh water origin (OLIVIER, 2001). Over the last ten years the value of global exports of ornamental fish has averaged just over $183 million/year, while global imports have averaged just over $281 million/year (Figura 1).2 Between 1985-1999, the international commerce of aquatic organisms had an average annual growth of around 14% (Figure 2). In 1996 and 1997 the global value of ornamental fish exports peaked around $200 million, dropping to just under $160 million in 1999. The drop in exports during the years 1998 and 1999 may be explained as repercussions of the

strong El Nio of 1997-8 (CHAO, pers. comm.). Since then, export value has increased steadily by about 14%/year, setting a record of $211,546,000 in 2003. Basleer (1994) estimates that the global wholesale trade value of ornamental fishes is near $900 million, excluding freight and packing, and the total retail value may reach $3 billion.
400000 350000 300000 Value ($US ) 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Imports Exports

Figure 1. Value of global ornamental fish market. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).)
250000 Value ($US ) 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002


Figure 2. Evolution of ornamental fish export value. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).

All values in this paper are expressed in US$.

2 There are several reasons for the discrepancy in export and import figures. The principal reason is that freight charges are frequently included in import values. Additionally, there is no uniform nomenclature for reporting import and export statistics; there are no real standard units of volume for reporting imports and exports; and the various reports

It is difficult to calculate the quantity of fishes traded annually with any accuracy due to reporting irregularities. Statistics provided by FAO do not clarify the number utilized in the their downloads as Figure 3 indicates. If numbers are given in thousands, then the number of individuals exported annually reaches just over 20 million. If numbers are given in ten thousands in order to reflect Brazilian exports as reported by FAO, which would thus total 11,000,000, then the global total reaches over 2 billion individuals. Fitzgerald (1989) has estimated that 350 million fishes are sold annually. Andrews (1992) estimated that only 150 million ornamental fishes were sold in the world market.

Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Imports Quantity (1,000s ) 25000 Exports 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

90000 80000 Value (US $1,000) 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000






Figure 3. Global imports/exports (number of individuals). (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).

0 1994




1998 Year






End markets The principal end markets for ornamental fish are located in Europe, North America and Asia (Figure 4). The largest markets are in the major industrialised countries: the USA (17%), Germany (8%), the UK (7%), Japan (7%), and France (6%) (Figure 5; Table 1). The size of their national markets, and their higher mean level of education and income seem to be indicative of the correlation with highest volumes of imports. Despite
Other 19% Nafta countries 26%

Figure 5. Evolution of imports for the largest importers of ornamental fish in 2003. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).

Typical supply chain 1. Collectors - Are generally organized in family units, utilizing artisanal technology and methods. 2.Breeders As was mentioned above, ornamental fish culture provides about 90% of all ornamental fish in the market and, thus, serve as direct competition to those involved in the trade of wild-caught species. 3. Intermediaries For wild-caught fish as many as three intermediaries may be involved in the chain between collectors and exporters. 4. Exporter Buys fish from intermediaries or directly from collectors and breeders. Fish are generally quarantine for some period, although the time and husbandry methods vary, most likely in direct correlation with the number of exporters. Singapore exporters are a special case as they are specialized in conditioning and transporting fishes bred on farms throughout Southeast Asia. 5. Importer Receive stock from exporters throughout the world, depending on the demand from their clients who may be wholesalers and/or retailers. Some may also be exporters as well transhippers. The importer must pay the freight costs associated with importation. 6. Transhippers Consolidates orders from various buyers (importers, wholesalers or retailers) at airports and distributing them. Often they dont

Asia 16%

EU 39% Figure 4. Percentage of import value by region in 2003. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).).

oscillations in imports from year to year in these five countries, their percentage of ornamental fish imports have remained relatively stable since FAO began compiling statistics in 1976.

Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Table 1. Principal exporting and importing countries

Top exporters of ornamental fish Top importers of ornamental fish Rank Country 2003 Increase Rank Country 2003 Increase from 2002 from 2002

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Czech Rep.
Malaysia Spain Indonesia Japan USA Israel Thailand Philippines Morocco Sri Lanka Belgium Hong Kong Colombia France Peru China Netherlands Brazil

41,427 16,183 14,147 14,046 13,372 12,395 8,561 8,525 7,392 6,816 6,475 6,459 5,275 4,871 4,599 3,62 3,102 3,025 2,971 2,379

-1% 18% -24% 75% 5% 33% 2% 34% 29% 5% 90% 14% 18% 2% 7% 16% -107% 28% 42% -36%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

USA Germany UK Japan France Singapore Netherlands Belgium Italy Hong Kong Spain Canada Malaysia Switzerland Sweden Mexico Australia Korea, Rep. Austria Denmark

64215 28662 26506 24724 22042 13334 11925 11602 11506 9663 6756 6588 3971 3174 2734 2655 2568 2558 2517 2297

38% 15% 11% -4% 5% 15% 16% 12% 10% 2% 22% 1% -12% 15% 16% -6% -9% 11% 26% 12%

even possess installations. They are common where air routes are limited and/or shipping rates are high. Singapore, the USA, and Germany are known as key points of transhipment. 7. Wholesaler/Jobber Wholesalers consolidate shipments from various importers to provide retailers in regional markets with stock. Jobbers serve the same function as wholesalers, but like transhippers, dont maintain permanent installations. They are specialized in consolidating stocks according to retailer needs and making direct deliveries. 8. Retailer Retailers can buy fish directly from importers, transhippers, wholesalers or jobbers. Buying from transhippers and jobbers carries risks and additional costs as the retailer must acclimatise the fish before sale. Olivier (2001)

claims there is a growing tendency in the retail segment to bypass the wholesalers. 9. Consumer Consumers are fish-keepers with varying degrees of skill and preferences. 10. Key stakeholders a) Animal rights groups. b) CBD - 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity. The CBD promises to promote of the rights of countries of origin to retain some of the benefits of their biodiversity resources that have entered the marketplace via other countries c) CITES - Convention on Trade in Endangered Species. CITES works by subjecting international trade in biodiversity of selected species to certain controls. All import, export, re-export and introduction of species covered by the Convention have to be authorized through a licensing system.


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

d) FAO - Helps developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices; Monitors world fisheries. e) Governments-Environmental ministries of agriculture, etc agencies,

Key competitors Most captive bred ornamental fishes originate from fish farms in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Israel, Czech Republic, Thailand, Hong Kong, and the US (Figure 6; Table 1). Although much of the exports of ornamental fish originating from these countries may be a consequence of some transhipping, their combined share of the global trade represents 53%. It should be noted that Singapore does breed ornamental fish, but typically imports fish from Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries, and conditions them; adding value to the product and taking advantage of low freight costs to provide the market with high quality (according to Olivier (2000), it is now suffering from fish diseases however), low cost fish. Thus, if it imports $13,334,000 and exports $41,427,000, then it would gross $28,093,000 during 2003. What percentage of this total is comprised of internally bred fish I was unable to ascertain. Percentual Legislative environment: welfare and conservation The only international legislation affecting the global trade in ornamental fish is CITES. Appendix 1 specimens cannot be used for commercial purposes. Appendix 2 and 3 specimens require an export permit or re-export certificate issued by the Management Authority of the State of export or re-export. The specimen must be obtained legally and not negatively affect the survival of the species. Any risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment must be minimized. Import permits are only needed if required by the importing country. The only the species that might be considered ornamental in the Brazilian Amazon that appears on the 2006 IUCN Red List of

f) IATA International Air Transport Association. The body responsible for the regulation of international airfreight, including live animals. g) IUCN - The Unions mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. The IUCN links research and results to local, national, regional and global policy by convening dialogues between governments, civil society and the private sector. h) OIE - World Organisation for Animal Health. There are 167 member countries participating in the OIE. The OIE ensures transparency in the global animal disease and zoonosis situation; to collect, analyse and disseminate scientific veterinary information; and provide expertise and encourage international solidarity in the control of animal diseases. Within its mandate under the WTO SPS Agreement, it seeks to safeguard world trade by publishing health standards for international trade in animals. i) OFI - Ornamental Fish International. The worldwide trade body for the ornamental fish industry. j) WTO - World Trade Organisation. The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) states that members do not use technical regulations or standards as disguised measures to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Thus, certification programs must recognize this agreement.


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Singapore Others Czech Rep. Spain Malaysia Japan Indonesia Israel

Colombia and Brazil. According to some exporters there is also the possibility that, with the avian flu epidemic, OIE and its member states may be frightened sufficiently to apply stringent welfare guidelines for all shipments of live animals. Current status and key trends As of 2003, the value of ornamental fish exports were at their highest on record (FAO Fishstat, 2005). Unfortunately it is not possible to present more current data is there is a lag of two years in reporting by FAO. According to Olivier (2001), two trends in the fish-keeping hobby are worth noting. The first is that marine aquariums are becoming more popular as technology necessary to maintain marine ornamentals becomes more available and less expensive. The quality of marine ornamentals has also improved as many NGOs such as the Marine Aquarium Council (MAC) and Ocean Voice have moved to eliminate harmful fishing practices. This trend can also be observed in the data provided by FAO (Fishstat, 2005). Since about 1989, and particularly since the mid-1990s, countries that exported next to nothing now have meaningful ornamental fish exports. In the South Pacific, countries such as Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, French Polynesia, Micronesia, New Caledonia, and Tonga are now present in FAOs report. In the Middle East, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen are now ornamental fish exporters. In the Indian Ocean, Maldives, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka, as well as Mexico, Costa Rica, Haiti, Martinique, Netherlands Antilles, and Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean have all shown growth in ornamental fish exports.3

Exporting c ountrie s

Usa Sri Lanka Morocco Philippines Thailand France Colombia Hong Kong Belgium Peru Netherlands China Brazil 0 5 10 15 20 25


Figure 6. Principal exporting countries of ornamental fish in 2003. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).)

Threatened Species is the Arapaima gigas. This species has been on Appendix 1 since 1975. Increasingly, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is becoming a major actor regarding welfare in the ornamental fish trade. Exporting countries must now be certified as free from specific pathogens associated with certain cold-water species in the carp and salmon families common in aquaculture. Although these diseases are not presently found in tropical climates, the testing required is extensive and expensive. The problem is that there exists no laboratory in Brazil with the equipment to test for such diseases, but according to Brazilian law, only Brazilian certified laboratories can test for the diseases. As of today, Brazilian exporters are unable to export ornamental fishes to Spain. This issue may become more complicated as gold fish are now being raised on farms in some Amazonian countries such as

MAC has a nice map of the marine ornamental fish trade: http://mac.inets.com/uploads/docs/1/image/map_large.jpg .


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

The second trend, according to Olivier (2001), is that the fish-keeping hobby has broken down social barriers. She claims that the hobby is now open to all and that fish are being treated as standard consumer products. As such, she concludes that consumers are in search of low prices without thinking about quality. She does not offer any proof of her position however, so I am dubious of her claim. A third trend can be identified as the growing recognition that wild-caught ornamental fish have socio-economic and environmental value (CHAO et al., 2001; TLUSTY, 2002; ROSSER, 2003). This trend is also reflected in the very project we are presently undertaking. A fourth trend is the growth of large pet stores such as Petco and PetSmart and Wal-Mart in the US. There is some debate on what the effects of these super stores are exactly. Many trade participants feel that the small pet/aquarium store has benefited from their growth, as fish quality is low, causing the consumer to seek the local pet/aquarium store, as the staff is more knowledgeable. Others claim that the low prices for equipment is creating more hobbyists who then look for more variety offered at the local pet/aquarium store. Lastly, with regard to freshwater fish species, personal communication with industry participants and with Dr. Chao of Project Piaba (who has intimate contact with many importers in Asia and Europe) indicate that consumer interest in specialty fishes such as stingrays (Potamotrygonidae), Loricariidae, Apistogrammas and corydoras continues. He also noted that importers are interested in introducing new species verities that can often stimulate the enthusiasm of the hobby.

THE AMAZONIAN EXPORT MARKET Size In the ten years between 1994 and 2003, the average value of Amazonian ornamental fish exports was about $11.5 million/year (Figure 7). Together, the countries of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela represent about 6% of the total global export value of ornamental fish. The largest exporting country is Colombia (46%) followed by Peru (30%), Brazil (23%)4, Guyana, Venezuela and Ecuador (Figure 8). Colombia is currently the largest exporter of ornamental fish in South America. Between 1991 and 2004, Colombia has exported an average of 18,185,357 individual fish per year (Figure 9). Over
18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Value (US$ 1,000)

Figure 7. Total value of ornamental fish exports from Amazonian countries. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005)
12 10 Value ($ US 1,000) 8 6 4 2 0 1993 Brazil Guyana colombia Peru Ecuador Venezuela













Figure 8. Ornamental fish export value from Amazonian countries. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).

Market data for Brazil will be treated in forward.


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

25000000 20000000 15000000 10000000 5000000 0 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

US$ individuals

exporters out of Iquitos indicate that several prohibited species are offered for sale anyway. The combined exports of Guyana, Venezuela and Ecuador only reach 1.4% of ornamental fish exports from Amazonian countries. Of these three countries, Guyana is the largest exporter (Figure 11).
600 500 Value (US $ 100) Ecuador Guyana Venezuela




Figure 9. Evolution of Colombian exports of ornamental fish. (Source: SANABRIA, 2005).




400 300 200 100 0 1994

the last two years, exports have amounted to just over 20 million individuals. Although exports remained stable during 2003 and 2004, profits rose by $2,709,000 or roughly 61%. Peru is the second largest exporter of the Amazonian countries. Export statistics present an anomaly for as export quantities tended to decrease since 1994, export values tended to increase (Figure 10). In fact, they rose to such an extent that in 2001, the average selling price per individual was just under $1.00. Much of this great increase in exports is due largely to sale of large, high value species such as stringrays, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, Zungaro zungaro, and Phractocephalus hemioliopterus (CAMPOS, 2005). It should be noted here that Peru has negative list of 41 fish species which are not permitted to be exported (Appendix 2). Price lists obtained from
18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
value in US$ Individuals




1998 Year






Figure 11. Evolution of exports of ornamental fish from other Amazonian countries. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).

End Markets The United States is the largest importer of Colombian ornamental fishes, followed by the European Union and Asia (Table 2). While the United State is the largest importer, imports fell 36% between 1984 and 2004. The reason for this precipitous drop is due to the growing Asian market, and an increase in direct flights to Europe from Colombia that has reduced the number of transhipments through the USA (CASTRO, 2005). Within Europe (Figure 12), Germany is the largest importer of ornamental fish, followed by UK, and
Table 2. Destinations of Colombian Ornamental Fish

Figure 10. Evolution of Peruvian exports of ornamental fish . (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005; HUANQUI, 2005)

Destination 1984 USA 73% Europe 27% Japan Others Asia (other) Central America (Source: SANABRIA, 2005)

1994 69% 24% 6%

1999 58% 23% 13% 5%

2004 37% 22% 12% 11% 10% 8%


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

N. Amer. Japan

USA Hong Kong Japan

Germany Singapore Central Am.

C o untry

Others Taiwan Germany Singapore


Taiwan Hongkong UK Poland Holland France Russia

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Thailand Malaysia 0 5 10 Percentage 15 20 25

Figure 13. Ornamental fish imports from Peru by world region in 2004. (Source: HUANQUI, 2005)

% destinations

Figure 12. Destinations of ornamental fish exports from Colombia in 2004. (Source: CASTRO, 2005)

France. However, it should be noted that Frankfurt is a key transhipping point in Europe, and many ornamental fish imports into Germany are re-exported. In Asia, Japan is the largest importer, followed by Singapore, and Taiwan and Hong Kong, the latter two may be transshipping to China. Colombian exporters believe that it is in the Asian market that future sales growth will be the highest. Peruvian ornamental fish are shipped to about 70 cities around the world. However, air routes out of Lima are not very extensive. Consequently, transhipping via Miami is very common. Peruvian exporters complain that transhipping negatively effects the prices of Peruvian fish as each carrier utilized increase the price/individual fish. Transhipping was common for shipping to some points in Europe. The US is the main importer of Peruvian ornamental fish (Figure 13). However, since 2001 Peruvian exports to Asia have increased from about 25% to over 50%, with Hong Kong and Taiwan nearly doubling their imports (HUANQUI, 2005). This increase is attributed to improved air routes, but might also result from the liberal export laws.

The largest importer of Venezuelan ornamental fish is also the US, followed by Germany, the UK, and Denmark (Figure 14). In 2003, Venezuela exported about $28,000 worth of ornamental fish (FAO, 2005). I was unable to obtain any more end market data for Venezuela, and found nothing for Ecuador. Exports from Guyana have declined in recent years for reasons are not clear. Watson (2005) attributes the decline to the lack of direct air routes to Europe, competition from other South American exporting countries, competition from fish farms, and the absence of a coherent marketing strategy by Guyanese exporters. Only the UK and Germany import fishes directly from Guyana.
Other Mexico Fis h impo rts Belgium UK Denmark Germany N.America 0 5 10 15 20 Percentage 25 30 35 40

Figure 14. Ornamental fish imports from Venezuela by world region in 2004. (Source: MONAGAS, 2005).

Principal Product Offerings Colombias principal exports are composed of species from the Characidae (49%), Loricariidae


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

(19%), and Callichthyidae (10%) families, representing around 78% of the total volume in 2004 (Table 3). Although the Characidae family represents the highest volume of exports, only 16 species are exported. The Loricariidae and Callichthyidae families, however, are represented by greater diversity, with 61 and 29 species exported respectively. Of the 19 characins, as well as overall, the Paracheirodon axelrodi is most popular ornamental fish export, representing nearly 32% of exports and more than 6.5 million individuals (SANABRIA, 2005). Other important characins include the Paracheirodon innesi (10%) Hemigrammus rodwayi, which may in fact be Poecilocharax weitzmani (7%), Hemigrammus rhodostomus [sic, bleheri] (6%), and Hyphessobrycon sweglesi (6%). Eleven genera of Loricariidae are permitted for export. In 2004, 61 varieties of Loricariidae were exported (Table 3). The Otocinclus genus contributes the second most to Colombian exports, representing 46% of the category. In addition to Otocinclus, Hemiancistrus, Farlowella, and Chaetostomas genera, there are a variety of species exported from the genera Hypostomo, Panaque, Peckoltia, and Ancistrus. Among the 29 Callichthyidae exported from Colombia are 6
Table 3. Principal Families of Fish Exported from Colombia in 2004.
Family name # of species % of exports 2004 Characidae 19 48.55 Loricariidae 61 18.52 Callichthyidae 29 9.9 Pimelodidae 3 4.16 Gasteropelecidae 4 3.46 Osteoglossidae 2 3.23 Cichlidae 3 2.73 Serrasalmidae 3 2.57 Doradidae 3 1.48 Ariidae 1 1.28 (Source: SANABRIA, 2005).

genera: Bunocephalus, Brochis, Callicthys, Corydoras, Dianema, and Hoplosternum. Although Colombia permits the export of at least 14 species of Corydoras, 3 species (C. metae, C. melini and C. aeneus) represent 15% of all exports from the Callichthyidae family (SANABRIA, 2005). According Campos (2005), at least 361 species of fish are exported as ornamentals (Appendix 3). Peru exports relatively high-priced fishes such as stingrays (Potamotrygonidae), aruan, electric fishes (Gymnotiformes) and large catfishes (Pimeloidae), in large numbers, to international markets (MOREAU; COOMES, 2007). Based on price lists I obtained and the principal species of ornamental fish exported from Peru (Table 4 & 5), two species, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (aruan 1,257,112 x $.68/each5 = $852,043) and Phractocephalus hemioliopterus (red tail catfish 76,647 x $4.00/each = $306,588), represent of 37% of exports in 2003; probably more. The most commonly exported species in terms of quantity are the Otocinclus affinis, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma and the callichthyid catfish Corydoras julii (Table 4). I was unable to locate specific export data regarding product offerings for Guyana and Venezuela, but a list of species exported by each country is provided in Appendix 4.
Table 4. Export values of Peruvian ornamental fish in 2003. (Source: CAMPOS, 2005) Value ($1,000) Specie 32,511 Otocinclus affinis 852,043 Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Corydoras julii 20,882 Hyphessobrycon eryrostigma 15,588

Typical supply chain


The price lists I obtained indicate that export prices range between $1.80-2.20 for juveniles and $6.00 for larger individuals. Thus, export revenues may reach near $2.5 million/year.


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Table 5. Principal species of ornamental Peru in 2003. Specie Otocinclus affinis Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Corydora s julii Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Paracheirodon innesi Carnegiella strigata Corydoras hastatus Corydoras punctatus Boehlkea fredcochui Corydoras arcuatus Brochis splendens Leporinus fasciatus Carnegiella marthae Ancistrus dolichopterus Pimelodus pictus Hyphessobrycon bentos i Corydoras elegans Nannostomus trifasciatus Phractocephalus hemioliopterus

fish exported from

Individuals 2,421,184 1,257,112 649,461 620,865 455,930 404,292 325,735 280,017 273,881 210,965 69,749 142,469 132,218 99,917 99,160 87,824 86,025 80,388 76,647

debt-merchandise contracts, termed locally as habilitacin (aviamento in Brazil). According to Perdomo (2005), there are approximately 65 intermediaries involved in the ornamental fish trade in Colombia. Fish can pass through as many as three levels of intermediaries before reaching exporters facilities in Bogot: primary intermediary; regional intermediary; national intermediary. 3. Exporter There are eleven exporters operating in Iquitos (HUANQUI, 2005). Moreau & Coomes (2007) identify two categories of exporters: miamero companies, whose main clients are importers in the US, and destino final (DF) companies that ship fish directly to clients across the globe. DF companies, in contrast to miameros, specialise in supplying specific varieties of quality fishes. There are about 16 exporters operating out of Colombia. Logistics in both countries are estimated at between 18-25% of the price of fish sold. There are two exporters currently active in Guyana, and 6 in Venezuela. In each of these countries, generally one to three firms dominate in export volume. Packing costs for exportation are about $12.00 per each double box. Boxes are made of Styrofoam inside a cardboard box, with dimensions of 42 x42 x 40 cm (16 x 16 x 15 inches). Each box holds 9-15 kg of water, depending on the number and size of fish being shipped. Shipping agent expenses from Iquitos and Bogot are about $100.00/box. I was unable to obtain freight costs for Peru, but freight costs from Colombia (discussed later) are provided in Table 9. Freight may cost 100-500% of the cost of the fish themselves. Key stakeholders 1. Venezuela a. The National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INAPESCA)

1. Collectors In Peru collectors have 250 fishing areas located along 21 rivers, with three riversthe Nanay, Itaya and Ucayalisupplying over 80% of all fishes received at exporters facilities (CAMPOS, 2005). Moreau & Coomes (2007) estimate that there may be as many as 4,500 year-round collectors, and possibly 3-9,000 part-time collectors (probably a very generous estimate). The number of collectors in Colombia is not known precisely, but Perdomo (2005) estimates 2,309 collectors in all of Colombia. Collectors are active in the following river basins: Orinoco, Amazonas, Pacific, Magdalena, and Atlantic. 88 percent of exports in 2004 originated in the Orinoco basin (SANABRIA, 2005). 2. Intermediaries There may be as many as 300 intermediaries working in the Peruvian Amazon (MOREAU; COOMES, 2007). In Peru intermediaries are known as proveedores, and there are two levels. Intermediaries consolidate the production of collectors and/or other smaller-scale intermediaries transactions may involve cash or


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

b. Ministry of Agriculture and Land c. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) d. Ministry of Production and Commerce e. Ministry of Foreign Relations 2. Peru a. Ministry of Production b. National Fishery Development Fund (FONDEPES) c. Institute of Fishery Technology (ITP) d. Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) e. Agricultural Ministry f. National Institute of Natural Resources (IRENA) g. State and Municipal Governments h. State Production Centres i. State and municipal secretaries of environmental protection j. Foreign Relations Ministry (RR EE) k. Commission for Export Promotion (PROMPEX) l. Customs Agency (ADUANAS) m. Public Fishery Certification Company of Peru (CERPER) 3. Colombia a. Colombian Association of Producers and Exporters of Ornamental Fish (ALCOPECES) b. Ministry of Agriculture c. National Institute of Renewable Natural Resources (INDERENA) d. Environmental Ministry e. National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INPA) f. Colombian Institute of Animal Husbandry (ICA) g. Colombian Institute of Rural Development (INCODER) h. State and Municipal governments i. State and municipal environmental protection secretaries j. Colombian Customs and Tax Agency (DIAN)

Key competitors The key competitors in the Amazonian countries are Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela and Ecuador. Among this group of countries, Colombia, Peru and Brazil, as the largest exporters, compete the most. Although each country has a number of species endemic only with in their geopolitical boundaries, many of the same species have distributions in more than one country. In Appendix 5 I have listed species which are permissible for export from both Brazil and Colombia and are also exported from Peru. Exporters in each country, depending on the quantities and quality they have available, may price these species attractively in order to fill orders of more rare and valuable species, with the effect of lowering the price of species for which a competing country may depend on as a sales leader. Legislative environment: welfare and conservation The legislative environment varies from country to country. The Ministry of Production is the principal authority of legislation affecting the ornamental fish trade in Peru. With regard to conservation, the Ministry is responsible for: prohibition of certain species; setting the maximum volume of capture; establishing fishing zones and times of prohibition; stipulating equipment and methods of capture; establishing necessary actions for the conservation of species. With regard to welfare, the Ministry establishes the minimum requirements ornamental fish export facilities, such as: system of treatment and distribution of the water; illumination and appropriate ventilation; deposits, aquariums or pools suitable in number and capacity to the volume of operation; implements for the


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manipulation of the species; material and equipment for the feeding, prophylaxis and boarding. The Peruvian Ministry of production also requires that exporters obtain a Sanitary Certificate granted by CERPER before exportation; that fish remain in the commercial aquarium a minimum of 72 hours from their entrance for their adaptation and/or treatment, in case of the presence of diseases, before their packing for export; and a Certificate of Origin from the Ministry of Fisheries. In Colombia, the Colombian Institute of Rural Development (INCODER) is responsible for establishing management measures and ensuring conservation of ornamental fish. It also establishes the species that can (8 genera and 131 species) and cannot be considered ornamentals (Appendix 1), and the prohibition of fish resources in such areas as Puerto Carreo, Puerto Inirida and Rio Arauca during May and June, as well as periods of prohibition for aruan (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) in the Basin of the Ros Amazonas (Sept.1-Nov.15), Putumayo (Nov. 1-Mar.15), Caqueta (Nov. 1-Mar.15). The Colombian Institute of Animal Husbandry (ICA) is responsible for fish welfare. It has created measures for sanitary treatment of importation and exportation of live animals (and fish) and their by-products taken from the natural environment. Further, it establishes the registration of foreign firms that desire to export live Colombian aquatic (cultivated) and terrestrial animals to ensure their health. In Venezuela, the capture of ornamental fish in the tributaries of Lakes Valencia and Maracaibo is prohibited. Between the period May 15 and July 15 ornamental fishing is prohibited in all the national territory. Venezuela has a short list of fish that may not be exported (Appendix 2; see Appendix 4 for species that are exported).

Current status and key trends The price of fuel has been increasing worldwide during the past several years. Exporters throughout Amazonia lament that a consequence of this fact is the rise in international freight costs. Rising freight costs lead to importers to demand decrease in prices to maintain stable consumer demand. Exporters appear to suffering from a lack of direct air routes to some key destinations within importing countries. In the case of Brazil and Peru the issue seems to be more severe where the exporters are established in more remote areas and thus enjoy the benefits of major international air hubs. Peru and Colombia, however, seem to be benefiting from an increase of routes to Asia (Table 2; Figures 12 & 13). A consequence of this development is the increasing importance of the Asian market for both countries. These routes are important for the Peruvian exporters who can more easily supply the large, charismatic fishes such as stingrays (Potamotrygonidae), aruan and catfishes (Pimeloididae) that are of increasing demand in that pat of the world. Although Colombia has a more conservative legal environment with regard to ornamental fish exportation, not permitting the exportation of the large catfishes for example, it has benefited from the ability to sell rays and aruan. Most exporters agree that there is continuing demand for rare and novel species. Further, some importers believe that it is the new species introductions to the market that maintain consumer interest in the hobby. Demand for species of Corydoras, Apistogrammas, Loricariidae main popular according to exporters. One key global trend in market preferences seems to the increasing demand for stingrays. Demand for these fishes is high in Europe, Asia and North America.


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery


Size Brazil at present represents only 1% of the volume of ornamental fishes in the world market (Figure 6), and 23% of the Amazonian market. The State of Amazonas contributes approximately 60% of the total exported from Brazil (Figure 15). Most of the remaining volume originates in the State of the Par, exporting about 32% of Brazilian ornamental fish exports (LACERDA, 2005). Although the quantity of exports has tended to fall in recent years (Figure 16), the demand of ornamental fishes from Amazonas has remained relatively stable along the last 30 years (Figure 17), oscillating between 10 and 20 million. The value of ornamental fish exports has averaged about $3.5 million/year, but has declined by 45% from the period 1995-2003 (Figure 16). Although we have yet to receive the export statistics from IBAMA-AM for the last five years, exporters have assured me that exports have continued to fall from 2004 to present. The reasons for this decline are provided below under the heading, Key competitors. End Markets In terms of exports of ornamental fish from Amazonas to global regions, Europe is the largest importer (40%), followed by North America (28%) and Asia (18%) (Figure 18). Europe is the principal importer of ornamental fish from Brazil, while North America is the largest importer from
6 Although I will make reference to other regions of Brazil, data presented refers mostly to the situation of the state of Amazonas. Additionally, as I have not yet received more recent export data from IBAMA, most statistical data is current as possible.

Colombia and Asia the largest importer from Peru (Figure 19). The principal European importing
4500 4000


Value (US $1,000)

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500





Figure 15. Amazonian contribution to Brazilian ornamental fish exports. (Source: SOUZA, 2001)

4,5 4 3,5 Value (US $ 1,000) value Individuals

35000 30000 25000 Individuals (1,000)

3 2,5 2 1,5 10000 1 0,5 0 1994 1995 2996 1997 1998 Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 5000 0 20000 15000

Figure 16. Evolution of ornamental fish exports from Brazil. (Source: FAO Fishstat, 2005).

countries of ornamental fish from Amazonas are Germany (56%), the Netherlands (17%), France (6%), Belgium (6%) and the UK (4%) (Figure 20). The value of UK ornamental fish imports from Amazonas until 2000 were about $200,000/year (Figure 21). Principal Product Offerings The export potential of ornamental fish is probably much higher than is currently realized in Brazilian Amazonia, principally due to the restrictive measures (limit on the number of species) imposed by the Brazilian environmental authorities, specifically Normative instruction number 3, 9 of


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Number o f individuals




1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Figure 17. Ornamental fish exports from Amazonas. (Source: SOUZA, 2001; IBAMA N/D).
Israel Singapore Spain Denmark UK Co untry Belgium France Taiwam Netherlands Japan Germany USA 0 5 10 15 Percentage 20 25 30 35

Brasil Peru Colombia

50 P erc entage 40 30 20 10 0 Europa Asia Region US

Figure 19. Percentage of exports ornamental fish by destination. (Source: CASTRO, 2005; HUANQUI,2005; SOUZA, 2001

Figure 18. Principal importing countries of ornamental fish from Amazonas, Brazil in 1999. (Source: SOUZA, 2001)

June 2005, of the MMA (Appendix 1). Rational planning for the use of a greater number of species of ornamental fish still not exploited, linked to the establishment of measures that generate an improvement in handling technology, may lead to an increase in the current production potential of this extractivist activity. There are 800 species of fish registered for the Rio Negro (CHAO, 2001), but only around 70 species of fish from the basin are currently permitted for

exportation. The principal species, cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) represents 76 to 89 % of the total of fishes exported from the state of Amazonas annually (Figure 16)7. Other important species include the green neon (Paracheirodon simulans), Aspidoras poecilus, Otoncinclus spp., Peckoltia spp., Bleeding heart tetras (Hyphessobrycon spp.), and rummy nose tetras (Hemigrammus bleheri) (Figure 22). At present, the state of Par is the principal producing centre of ornamental fishes of the family

The cardinal tetra represents 32% of exports in Colombia (SANABRIA, 2005), and 34% in Venezuela (MONAGAS, 2005).


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Loricariidae. The popularity of these fishes increased extraordinarily in the international

Czech R. Portugal Greece Switzerland Malta Euro pean destinatio n Finland Swedem Italy Austria Denmark UK Spain France Belgium Netherlands Germany 0% 10% 20% 30% Percentage 40% 50% 60%

Pantanal and are sold from Goiania, So Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Stingrays (Potamotrygon spp.) are another important export because of their high demand and value, although I have no export data on them. They are exported through quotas controlled and distributed by IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Resources) to ACEPOAM (Association of Breeders and Exporters

Figure 20. European destinations of Brazilian ornamental fish in 1999. (Source: SOUZA, 2001)
300.000 250.000 Value (US $) 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 0 1976 1977 1978 1979 980 Year 1981 1997 1998 1999 mai/00

Figure 22. Other ornamental fish exports from Amazonas by species. (Source: SOUZA, 2001).

Figure 21. Ornamental fish exports from Amazonas to UK. (Source: SOUZA, 2001).

hobby market at the end of the 1980s when the first species of intense colouring were found in the Rivers Tocantins and Xingu. The Loricariidae present greater value when compared with other species of ornamental popular fishes like cardinal tetras, rummy nose tetras or Corydoras. I was unable to gather much data for the rest of Brazil, but I can make some general comments. In the south of Brazil, particularly in the Rio Paraguay basin, varieties of Corydoras are available. There are also several species that originate in the

of Ornamental fish of Amazonas), ACEPOPA (Association of Breeders and Exporters of Ornamental fish of Par) and ACEPOAT (Association of Breeders and Exporters of Ornamental fish of Altamira). The current legislation Normative instruction number 27, 31 of August 2005, of the MMA) regarding the quota has expired and has yet to be renewed this year.


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

E xp o rte rs E xp o rte r R e p re s e nta tive s P a tro n P ia b e iro s A uto no m o us P ia b e i ro s C lie nts C o lle c to rs P a tro n P ia b e iro s

Amazonas. The table contemplates the prices paid an a general description of the main expenses involved in the commerce process of the cardinal tetra. This table should be adapted to reflect the species of Mamirau and Aman, as well as importation into the United Kingdom. Collectors In State of Par, the Rios Tapajs and Xingu are the principal locations of ornamental fish collection. Loricariidae are the principal targets in these regions where collectors must dive in order to capture them. Data of the ACEPOAT (Association of Creators and Exporters of Ornamental Fishes of Altamira) demonstrate that in the region of the Rivers Xingu and Iriri there are more than 500 families of fishermen involved in the fishing of Loricariidae (ABREA, 2005). In the state of Amazonas, collectors are concentrated in various municipalities (see Table 7). The highst concentration of fish collectors is in

C lie nts C o lle c to rs

Figure 23. Amazonas ornamental fish chain of custody


Typical supply chain As is the case in other Amazonian countries ornamental fish pass through at least one level of intermediaries (Figure 23). The socioeconomic organization of the ornamental fish trade, from the collectors to the exporters, has strong undertones of family and kinship. Table 6 provides a general view of the product chain originating in the state of

Table 6. Price of the cardinal tetra along the product chain (Manaus-Detroit)

Price per thousand cardinal tetras sold (US$ = R$2.25) $6.7/1,000 or $0.007/fish Intermediary $11.00/1,000 or $0.01/fish Exporter $100.00/1,000 or $0.10/fish

Point in distribution of fish Piabeiro

Markup as Principle expenses involved in commerce, and other percentage considerations Canoe, knife, machete, nylon mosquito netting., and fuel Boat, fuel and oil, repairs non -payment of advances, mortality of fishes, and possibly transport of fish to Manaus Transport of fish to Manaus, mortality, water, utilities, installation, labor, food and medical treatment of fish, customs, taxes, packaging and marketing. Transportation (ManausMiami), same as exporter. Transportation (Miami Detroit), same as exporter & importer. Mortality, water, utilities, installation, labor, food and medical treatment of fish, customs, taxes, packaging; buying in small lots and selling on a small scale.



Importer Wholesaler Retailer

$300.00/1,000 or $0.30/fish $750/1,000 or $0.75/fish $3,000/1,000 or $3.00/fish

300% 250% 400%


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Table 7. Principal entreposts of ornamental fish in the State of Amazonas

Municipality Lbrea Maus Nhamund Novo Airo Carauari So Gabriel da Cachoeira Barcelos Santa Isabel Tapau Tef Manacapuru, Careiro da Vrzea, Coari from Manaus, Codajs, and Silves, fished from Manaus

Ornamental fish varieties Corydoras schwartzi , otocinclus Discus, Corydoras, Apistogramma Discus, Corydoras, Loricaridae Discus Discus,Corydoras Corydoras, Apistogramma Many varieties Many varieties Discus Discus, Apistogramma Discus

Number of intermediaries 4 4 4 4 4 From S. Isabel 60 10 4 6 4

the Rio Negro basin, in the municipalities of Barcelos and Santa Isabel, where as many as 1,000 families might be involved. Other than in these two municipalities, most collection areas are quite limited in the varieties of species sought: discus, corydoras, apistogrammma, loricaridae and otocinclus. Methods and equipment The methods and equipment utilized in the capture of ornamental fish are rudimentary and artisanal. The technology, and the collecting method employed, depends on environmental features and the species targeted. 1. Species of Geophagus and Apistogramma - Seine nets are used for in the leaf litter on stream margins and on sandy beaches. Fishing with a seine net requires at least two people (Figure 24). 2. Discus Discus like to hide in downed trees or flooded vegetation. Discus collection, like most fishing for cichlid species in the region, occurs in the evening. Collectors fashion flashlights on their heads or in their mouths for spotting the fish and then scooping them with nets of about 8 inches of

diameter. Dip nets are made of one of two types of filament: soft (Figure 25) for fishing against the current, and firm (left) for fishing with the current. The latter causes much more abrasion on the fish than the former. 3. Loricariidae In most areas, collectors look for downed trees and logs by walking along the surface or diving to river/stream bottom when the water is at its lowest level. The only equipment used, if any, is a diving mask. If possible, the logs are dragged with to beaches or other shallow

Figure 24. Seine net used on sandy beaches.


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Figur 25. Dip nets for fishing against the current.

locations. Pieces of wood are stripped by hand or machete in order to locate the species. In areas of rocky outcrops (i.e., Xingu), downstream from rapids, divers use masks and place fish in bags to bring them to the surface. 4. Stingrays used to be collected by stabbing a trident in the back of females, which then abort their fetus. The collector would then scoop the 1-2 young with a dipnet. Today, they use rapichs and toll (long) lines, and do not kill the female. Most are sought on beaches and stream margins during the low water season. 5. Corydoras Are sought when water levels are at their lowest, varying according to geographical location, between November and February along the Rio Negro. They are collected with seine nets or large dip nets (Figure 26). The dip nets are employed, the Corydoras as they come to the surface for air. The pots in the photo are used to carry fish back to camp. 6. Tetras and most varieties Most Characoides can be located most easily when water level drops most precipitously. Again, this varies with geographical location. There are two basic methods of collection of piabas (small characins): cacurs or traps, and rapichs or dip nets (Figure 27). Each collector fabricates his own fishing equipment using polyester mosquito netting. Both fishing methods require that the presence of fish be ascertained visually since the species targeted are

Figure 26. Dip nets employed for catch Corydoras.

determined a priori (Figure 28). In addition, the amount of time spent paddling to and from the fishing areas may account for half of the time spent in the collection process. Whether collecting with cacur or rapich, most collectors share the same preferences for the fishing gear that they carry to fishing areas: shotgun and ammunition for killing game and fowl; a plastic bowl (cubico or cuia) for scooping

Figure 27. Fishing gear. A. Armadilha (collapsible minnow-trap); B. rapich (dip-net); C. cacur (trap).


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

netting of the fish. After the fish have been located, the collector gently extends the net horizontally into the stream, cutting off the downstream path of the cardinal tetras. He then carefully coaxes the fish down stream into the net with a canoe paddle. Although the collector generally fishes from the canoe, if necessary he will walk along the shore in order to capture the fish. It is also not uncommon for fishing partners to collaborate in the capture of fish by means of corralling fish into one or the others rapich. Some species which are not rapid swimmers are relatively easy to capture.
Figure 28. Fishing gear rapich (dip nets).

fishes and changing water; a terado or machete for clearing trails, etc.; a zagaia or trident for killing large fish; fishing line and hooks; a knife; an arpoeira or harpoon designed to penetrate the shell of turtles on the stream bottom; and esticadeiras or espinheis, or long lines for the capture of food and bait fish, particularly in the igap. Each fish collector also carries one or two paneiros (hand woven baskets) lined with plastic bags, or rodas (a twig formed into a ring) supporting a plastic bag, placed between two canoe benches. The paneiro and roda are the principle means of transporting the fish from the fishing areas. Dip nets (rapich) are the fishing method of choice in the open flooded forest streams, and stream banks, particularly in tributaries of the left margin. In the left margin tributaries fishing is generally done from dugout canoes in which the collector is seated in the bow, with the stern being weighted down with sand, rocks, or old car batteries. Canoes are generally larger than those used in the rivers of the right margin of the Rio Negro, measuring as little as three meters, but most commonly about 4 4.5 meters long, by 80 cm to a meter wide. The method of capture using the rapich involves the location of a school of the desired species, which often requires more time than the actual

Once the fish have been captured in the rapich, the collector uses the plastic bowl to scoop out the fish. In this process the fish desired (or not desired, depending on the number of each) is isolated in the net, then the net surface is dipped into the water, and the bowl is then quickly slipped between the fish and the net. Piabeiros (ornamental fish collectors) go to great lengths to ensure that the volume of fish they transport back to the temporary storage facilities is as homogeneous as possible. The two basic reasons for this are that oxygenation of water is simplified, and more aggressive species must be separated from the selected species. The fish are then placed in the paneiro, where fresh water has been placed. Depending on the amount of detritus and the temperature of the water, the collector will use the bowl to throw out the old water and replace it with fresh water. This process is repeated at regular intervals, as the collector finds necessary, until they arrive at their place of residence, temporary or permanent. The fresh water is usually thrown in from about 20 50 cm above the paneiro in order to oxygenate the water. The water change process in the canoe, however, is the same whether fishing with a cacur or rapich. The typical day of fishing by rapich can vary from 6 10 hours, depending on the availability of fish, pressing domestic obligations, and personal


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motivation. Generally, the collector must paddle his canoe for 1 2 hours to the fishing area. He will then collect fish 2 3 hours, stopping to lunch for about an hour. After lunch, he may fish for another 1 3 hours, or return to his camp or home. The day of fishing is generally mixed with efforts to obtain protein in the form of game or fish, but this really depends upon whether there is a large enough assemblage of collectors in one place, either a permanent community, or temporary fishing camps. In these locations, fish collectors may assign certain individuals to concentrate more on obtaining food, than fish. Food getting may be a specialization for some, while for others it is part of a rotation; for others still, it is a daily task that is performed alongside fish collection activities. The cacur, a trap is a more passive means of capture. It is the preferred fishing method for cardinal tetras in the floodplain of the larger tributaries where the fishery is located in dense vegetation and shallow water (Figure 29). The cacur is also commonly employed in left margin igaraps of the Rio Negro at the beginning of the fishing season (safra or harvest) when the fish have not yet begun to appear in the igaraps, and is the preferred method for collecting rapid swimming fish such as the Hyphessobrycon spp.,

Hemigrammus bleheri wherever they may be collected. The dugout canoes used by collectors on the rivers of the right margin of the Rio Negro differ from those used by collectors along the left margin streams. They are generally about three meters in length, by 80cm in width, with three benches. Unlike the canoes used on the left margin igaraps of the Rio Negro where the paddler sits in the front, the middle bench is used. The reason for this is that the igap vegetation is very dense, or fechado. Sitting in this position allows the piabeiro to have more balance to pull himself between small trees that are ubiquitous in the igap (flooded forest) of the rivers. Each collector utilizes about 20 - 25 cacurs on a normal day of fishing. The collector employing cacurs to capture fish differ from those who use a rapich in the preferred fishing equipment in that they also carry an aluminum pan or plastic bucket of bait. They look for cardinals in areas close to the margin, in about 30cm - 60 cm in depth. Where the cacur is used, the piabeiro chama os peixes (calls the fish) by flicking his finger onto the surface of the water (as if shooting a marble), to replicate the sound of palm fruit hitting the water. If 5 - 10 fish appear, they clear an area (limpar, roar) with a machete. The collector pulls out the cacur; measures it up with a stick cut from branches, bush or young trees (arum is the preferred stick); places the stick vertically in the cacur to give it support; cuts 1 - 2 more sticks (escora) which are sliced at an angle at one end to secure the cacur into the ground. The thickness of the escora determines the size of the fish that enters the trap. The cacurs are generally set in about 20 50 cm of water. Bait (piti), salted fish that is bathed (escaldado) in hot cooking oil, is then placed in the bottom of the cacur. Baitfish is salted again when it is brought

Figure 29. The cacur, a trap passive means of capture.


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

back to camp/boat to use again the next day. Consequently, salt comprises a large portion of collector expenses. It appears that not just any fish can serve as bait. According to fish collectors, the bait is the flesh of the reco-reco fish (Amblydoras spp.). The oil rises immediately to the surface and flows with the current. Generally, the collector assists in dispersion of the oil by splashing the surface of the water around the cacur. He then moves on to find another favorable area until all his cacurs are set, forming a varadouro (path). The cacurs are left for 1 3 hours, and may be left for additional 1 3 hours, depending on the productivity. The collection phase is rapid. The piabeiro simply retraces his route, dumps the fish into a paneiro, throws the bait back into the bucket, and paddles back to camp, changing water regularly. Fishers of the major tributaries make intensive use of the rabeta motor. The rabeta allows the fishers to move easily from paragem to paragem along sections of the river courses in order to locate more productive areas, and to deliver their production at a central location identified by the patron. This is not true of the left margin streams where the fishers can easily paddle to fishing areas, as high concentrations of fish are readily located as the igap drains. Consequently, the gasoline expense is an important issue for many fishers along the major tributaries. The basic handling process is the same for collectors who use either the rapich or the cacur. When they get back to their camp or residence, fishes are immediately placed into stackable bacias (caixas or boxes, plastic tubs which measure 58 x 38 x 18 cm), ranging from 300 600 fish. Water is then added, and the collector, or family members, removes (catar) the piabas doidas (unwanted fish) and piabas brabas (aggressive fish) that remain. If the fish are thought to be batido (beaten, stressed, or in poor condition), a

tablespoon or two of table salt is added to the water. The following day, any dead fish are removed and remaining fish are placed in viveiros or gaiolas, reservoirs made of mosquito netting (Figure 30). The viveiro can be set into a floating frame, or grade, which vary in size, but the average size is 1.5 m x 2.5 m x 80 cm. Reservoirs may hold more than

Figure 30. Viveiros or gaiolas, reservoirs made of mosquito netting.

5,000 fish, and are placed along the river bank by the encampment where a gentle current renews the water passively. If the fish are kept more than a couple of days, they are fed with foods including manioc flour, eggs, and cooked fish, but are not fed on the days preceding transport. Each day the dead fish are removed. Viveiros are cleaned once a week, generally Sunday, or when dirty. Fishes may remain in the viveiros for periods ranging from three days to three weeks, depending on when they are to be shipped to Barcelos or Santa Isabel, before making the journey to Manaus. Intermediaries There are over 100 intermediaries in the state of Amazonas, and I would estmate another 50 or so in


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the state of Par. At a predetermined date, the intermediary will visit the riverine communities/fishing camps to pick up the fish and transport them to Santa Isabel or Barcelos. The patron may also be present during the entire collecting period as well. Transactions may be realized with the exhange in currency and/or debt/merchandise (aviamento). How often fish are taken to the cities for transshipment to Manaus depends on the quantity of fish available for shipping, and/or economic necessity. The process of embarking the fish (embarque) involves the following activities: one end of the viveiro is lifted from the water; fishes are put into a paneiro; 400-1,000 fish are placed in the bacias, depending on their size; about 5 cm of water is poured into the bacias. The bacias are then loaded onto the boat; tetracycline and/or table salt may added; and the total for each collector is noted in the patrons caderno, or notebook; the fish are transported to Barcelos or Santa Isabel. Once the fish are placed in bacias, water changes (about 50%) are made every 24 hours or so, until they shipment reaches Manaus. Shipment from entreposts varies with distance. Fish are shipped via regional vessels called recreios. The cost of transportation varies with the distance traveled. Transportation varies between R$1.50-2.50/bacia. The trip from So Gabriel, Lbrea or Tef to Manaus takes two days, while the trip from Barcelos or Tapu requires only a one-day voyage. Water used for the change is obtained directly from the river. Depending on the water parameters in the location where water is obtained, intermediaries or transport personnel may opt not to make water changes at all. Along the Rio Negro, once water storage tanks on regional boats are replenished after passing the white, less acidic, waters of the the Rio Branco, many intermediaries will not change water for the rest of the voyage.

Exporters There are five principal exporters, and three smaller ones, currently active in Manaus:
Aqurio Corydoras Tetra Edson Perreira Corra (affiliated) Shopping do Peixe (affiliated) K-2 Aqurio Prestige Aqurio K.M. de Oliveira Comercial (affiliated) Tabatinga Aquarium J. A. Loureiro Turkys Aqurio Aquaneon Ltda. Aqua Fish Importao e Exportao

The largest four exporters control a slightly more than 90 percent of the value of ornamental fish exports from Manaus, Amazonas. Turkys Aqurio has over 48% of the Amazonas market, followed by Tabatinga Aqurio 20%, Aqurio Corydoras Tetra 16.5%, and Prestige Aqurio has about 7.5% (PRANG, 2001). K-2 Aqurio is owned by a man of Japanese descent. He differs from most other exporters in Amazonas in that he is mostly interested in the export of Symphysodon spp. and varieties of apistogramma. Often he is accused of approaching the intermediaries of other exporters and offering a higher price for select specimens. As Table 7 demonstrates, exporters obtain their supplies from various intermediaries in a number of locations throughout the state of Amazonas; most have buyers in the state of Par as well. Although three exporters pay their buyers upon delivery, the rest do not pay transportation costs, paying only for those fishes that arrive alive in Manaus the next week or later. Exporters pay their intermediaries in cash for the fishes requested, albeit not always on time. Exporters claim that what happens to the money once it gets to their commercial agents is not their responsibility.


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

The international demand for fish determines exporter supply requirements. Exporters then discipline production by controlling the distribution of bacias to their intermediaries. When exporters supplies are greater than demand, they withhold the distribution of bacias to avoid stocking unnecessary quantities of fish. On the other hand, for certain species, exporters frequently procure sufficient stocks to account for fluctuations in the supply due to the annual flood cycles. Although there is a lot of variation in the handling practices of each exporter, generally conditions and treats fish before exportation. The bureaucratic process of ornamental fish exportation is as follows (see also Table 8.): 1. The exporter commercial); emits an invoice (fatura

7. Copies of all of the above documents must accompany shipments of ornamental fish in order to be loaded by air carrier. The shipping agent/customs broker oversees this process. At the airport, inspections of shipments are performed by the following federal organs: IBAMA; Ministry of Agriculture; Receita Federal customs Key stakeholders Key competitors Over the last 30 years, Brazil has lost a substantial portion of the international ornamental fish market to Asian countries like Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, as well as breeder in the U.S. and Europe. These countries that possess breeding technology are able to supply the global market with some Brazilian species that are of higher quality and lower prices. Such a threat is exemplified in the cases of Symphysodon aequifasciatus and Pterophyllum scalare that are already produced in great numbers, and hybrid varieties not found in nature (CHAO, 2001) (Table 8). These varieties are basically substituting wild-caught fish from Amazonia. Although these cultivated varieties dominate the marketplace, there remains a dependence on the varieties captured in the nature to prevent in-breeding, or to introduce new genetic characteristics into old ancestries in captivity. As such, there will always be a space for some number of wild-caught species (as is the case for the Tef discus). However, the problems generated by the cultivated species outside of Brazil in industrial scale cannot be understated. While wild-caught discus fish represent less than 10% of the volume of the category commercialised worldwide, the aggregate value of these specimens is very low when is compared with the same product reproduced and exported from Asian countries.

2. Shipping agent emits bill of lading to SISCOMEX; 3. Bill of sale (Nota Fiscal) with a seal from the Ministry of the Treasury; 4. IBAMA must hand deliver Bill of transit of fish of continental waters for ornamental ends, ID aquarist to the State Superintendent of IBAMA. The process takes 1-2 days. The exporter must then pick up the bill. The same information is required for the bill of lading sent to SISCOMEX; 5. Sanitary inspection (Atestado sanitrio) Shipments must be verified for health by a veterinarian; certified by the Ministry of Agriculture. This certificate is then passed to the Ministry of Agriculture. 6. Exporter must obtain a Sanitary Certificate (Certificado sanitrio) by filing an agricultural inspection petition (requerimento para fiscalizao agropecuarial) with the Ministry of Agriculture. This certificate is emitted upon inspection at the airport.


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Table 8. Role and function of principal organisations involved in the commercialisation of ornamental fish from Brazil

Represents members concerning common issues, particularly economic and legal ones Social services, maintain fisheries statistics and provision of credit Tax collection and customs Formulate, execute and regulate international commerce policy in Brazil Integrates the activities of the Secretariat of Foreign Commerce - SECEX, Secretariat of Customs - SRF and the Brazilian Central Bank BACEN Coordinate and execute promotional policies of Brazilian government Regulation, inspection, & issuing of fishing and export licenses.

Name of organisation
ACEPOAM- Association of Breeders and Exporters of Ornamental fish of Amazonas SEAP-Secretary of Aquaculture and Fishing SFR-Secretariat of the Revenue Service MDIC-Ministry of Development, Industry, and Foreign Trade SISCOMEX Integrated System of Foreign trade

Voluntary trade org., NGO

Area of influence
State of Amazonas

Key services provided or requirements

Financial support for research community and municipalities where activity occurs Payment of unemployment insurance during periods in which fishing is prohibited Requires Bill of sale Represent exporters in international trade disputes Requires bill of lading to register transaction

Federal regulatory agency Federal regulatory agency Federal trade agency Federal trade agency


Federal & State Federal & State


Policy Formulate, coordinate & implement State policy regarding fisheries and aquaculture development Controls navigation, licensing and safety Represents its members concerning economic and political matters

APEX-Agency for the promotion of exports and investments IPAAM-SDS- Institute of Environmental Protection of Amazonas/ Secretary of the Environment and Sustainable Development Secretary of the Environment of Tef SEPA, Secretary of Fisheries & Aquaculture SEPROR, Secretary of Rural Production Amazonas Port Authority Fishing colonies and fisher associations

Federal trade agency State regulatory agency



Stimulate and facilitate the insertion of small and medium size firms in the international market Licensing & apprehension, & policy development for the activity

Municipal agency State

Tef Amazonas

Policy development for the activity Promotes the growth of all segments of the product chain of fisheries and aquaculture , in order to balance the well-being of the environment and Licensing of vessels, enforcement of laws Assist members with licensing, and represent the sector concerning economic and political matters

State Voluntary trade association

Amazonas Municipal, state, & federal levels

The cardinal tetra is now being reproduced in captivity in the Czech Republic, Southeast Asia and the U.S as well. As indicated above, the cardinal tetra is principal export for Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. The only reason the cultivated varieties have not yet replaced wild-caught fish is that the prices still are not competitive with ones the captured in the Amazon

basin. Complicating the case of cardinal tetra, as with many other Amazonian fishes, is the violation of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), because the countries involved in the cultivation have not respected the premises of the treatise that calls for the sharing of profits of products originated from the use of genetic resources. Sanctions are difficult to apply however as the United States have failed


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

to sign the treatise, giving violators a sense of impunity. Brazil also faces competition with other Amazonian countries. Exporters from Peru and Colombia are Brazilian exporters most important competitors. Exporters in Manaus claim that there are two key reasons that prevent them from competing effectively with the exporters of neighboring countries: limited air routes and freight costs; and IBAMAs positive list of species (Appendix 1) contemplates only a very small portion of the requests from customers. The only direct international air route from Manaus is to Miami. Until recently this route was served by Lloyds Aero Boliviano (LAB). Beginning in June of this year, TAM Airlines (Brazilian) will have a daily flight to Miami, originating in So Paulo. To destinations in Asia and Europe, connections must be made in Recife, Brsalia, So Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. These routes prolong the time that fish must remain in packaging, increasing health risks. As Table 9 indicates exporters in Manaus experience a disadvantage compared to Colombian exporters who enjoy lower international freight rates. Exporters in Manaus explain that these lower freight costs from Colombia are linked to the limited number of species that can be exported legally from Brazil. Brazil has more than 2,000 potential species (CHAO, 2001), but only six genera and 174 species, and a few entire families of species, can be exported legally. The biggest point of contention is that Colombia, with its low freight charges and its ability to export high value fishes, principally rays and aruan, has led to a loss of their customer base. As many of the same, or similar, species permissible in Brazil are also found in Colombia and Peru (Appendix 5), importers who wish species of rays and aruan can fill their orders completely

in Colombia for example, without requiring the placement of orders from exporters in Manaus. Legislative environment: welfare and conservation Table 6 provides the actors, and their roles and function, of the commercialisation of ornamental fish is Brazil and the State of Amazonas, and in section 2.2.1-Exporters, the legal export process is defined. In terms of conservation, IBAMA/MMA is the key regulator of the activity through the emission of licenses, transport bills, collection of environment taxes, establishment of installations, and fishery practices. The regulation of fishery practices is limited to three laws. The first is the positive (clean) list of species that can be exported: Normative Instruction MMA n 13 of 9 of June of 2005 - IN013/2005 (Appendix 1). The list inludes six genera and 174 specific species. Legally, the extraction and commercialisation of edible species is forbidden as ornamentals, based on the argument that fish is a major source protein for Amazonians. It also prohibits the capture of cardinal tetras during the period of May to July (reproductive period) along the Rio Negro (IBAMA Decree No. 28, March 10, 1992). Finally, Normative Instruction MMA IN027/2005 allows for the export of a quota of fresh water rays (ARAJO, et al., 2005). This quota expired in January of this year, and a new Normative Instruction is presently being negotiated. The Ministry of Agriculture certifies the health of the ornamental fish through the inspection of ornamental fish shipments in airports and export installations. The Ministry of Agriculture requires that a certified veterinarian verify the welfare of fish before shipment. This certificate is then passed to the Ministry of Agriculture in order to must obtain a Sanitary Certificate (Certificado sanitrio). This certificate is emitted upon inspection at the airport.


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Table 9. International freight Costs Destination Additional charges

Frankfurt Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Certificate of origin: $30 Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.30/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.30/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.60/kg IATA: $20/box Veterinary inspection: $68 Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.60/kg IATA: $20/box Veterinary inspection: $68 Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.55/kg IATA: $20/box Shipping Agent: $130/box Fuel surcharge: $0.60/kg IATA: $20/box Veterinary inspection: $68

Carrier: Brazil Varig

Price/kg Brazil $4.57/kg if >100kg $3.90/kg if <100kg $4.57/kg if >100kg $3.90/kg if <100kg

Carrier: Price/kg Colombia Colombia Lufthansa $2.90/kg



Air France $4.45/kg to Lyon



$4.57/kg if >100kg $3.90/kg if <100kg $3.40/kg



Los Angeles









New York



Continenta $1.60/kg l to Newark,


Air Canada



Air Canada


Air Canada $2.20/kg



$4.57/kg if >100kg $3.90/kg if <100kg $4.24/kg




Japan Airlines


Lufthansa $4.55/kg

Hong Kong



Lufthansa $4.55/kg

Japan Narita Osaka

Japan Airlines


Lufthansa $4.55/kg



Note: from Bogot, KLM flies to Amsterdam for $2.55/kg and Alitalia to Rome for $3.30/kg.


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

At the state level, SEPA/SEPROR AM (Special Secretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture/Amazonas State Secretary of Rural Production) is developing the following project: Development of the Product Chain of Ornamental Fish. This project is one element of the policy of the current administration, and falls within the Program Green Free Zone -Productive Chain of Fisheries and Aquaculture. This project may have implications for the implementation of Project SMOFSM in the future. The goal, according to the executors of the project is to stimulate and assist the Secretary of Sustainable Development (SDS-AM) in the creation and implemetation of public policies regarding ornamental fish resources in the State of Amazonas, particularly related to environmental policy, taxation and sanitary concerns). Below is a list actions proposed within the project:
Promote and support studies of the ornamental fish product chain; Support research of ornamental fish through the Foundation of Research Support of the State of Amazonas (FAPEAM); Construction and simplified units of reception of ornamental fish; Stimulate the certification of ornamental fish, seal of quality; Project to operate a receiving station, for selection, conditioning, prophylactic treatment, and distribution of ornamental fish from Barcelos; Project to establish a museum of ornamental fish in Barcelos; Project to increase the areas of collection and the number of ornamental fish in the state of Amazonas, jointly with associations and municipalities; Support a seminar about the ornamental fish product chain; Training concerning the capture, preservation, and transport of ornamental fish; Support programs of credit lines for the activity;

Have a conclusive debate regarding extractive

reserves for ornamental fishes; Support the acquisition of transportation of ornamental fish. Current status and key trends



According to exporters the key market trends are related to the following fishes: stingrays, aruans, cichlids, apistogrammas, loricariidae and corydoras. Generally, serious hobbyists specialize in the keeping and and breeding of one variety or another. A small portion like tank busters, or large fish that require more space than the aquarium supplies, stingrays and aruans, fit this profile. These groups of fish are currently in high demand everywhere, particularly in Asia. The fresh water stingrays correspond to a group of species of special interest, and represent less than 1% of the total of fish exported. Exporters are currently particularly keen in securing a quota for the exportation of aruan as the contribution to profits is near immediate and they are loosing sales to other Amazonian countries that can provide the same species as Brazil. Apistogrammas, which reach a maximum size of 5 cm, present another trend. The density of these species is low, except during the breeding season, and its distribution more limited than its larger relatives and is thus rare, and therefore more valued. In addition, given its length, they need smaller aquariums (10-20 litres). Hobbyists choose cichlids, as they are very easy to reproduce. According to information collected from the collectors, the cost (effort to capture)/benefit (value of the species) of collecting apistogrammas is not financially compensatory. However, there are a great many varieties which might provide significant opportunities.


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Two other families of fish that represent market niches are the bods/acaris (Loricariidae) and corydoras. Many specimens of the Loricariidae family have relatively high values when compared with most species exported, ranging from $1-100.00/fish, depending on the rarity. The most sought after varies originate in the Rios Xingu and Tapajs. The value of this niche can be appreciated by the great number of species which have been given sequential numerations, L (Loricariidae family) and C (Corydoradinae sub-family: species Corydoras and Aspidoras). This cataloguing system was created at the end of the decade of 1980 (system L) by the specialized German publication Die Aquarien und Terrarien Zeitschrift (DATZ) and later accepted and adopted by aquarists and publications throughout the whole world. Aqualog (Aqualog Verlag: A.C.S. GmbH, Germany) distributes popular catalogues on these fish. These numbers represent species still unknown to science, and that is important in the breeding competitions within aquarium clubs. One of the criteria of for gaining points in this competition is the domesticity level, F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, where F0 represents wild fish. Thus, F0 fish gain more points because they are less domesticated, and this fact, in part, explains the great demand for these species by the most experienced aficionados. Many of the niches of market above cited could be taken care of through additions to the list of the ornamental fish species that can be commercialised (Appendix 1). Despite the export sector having proposed an increase in the list of species to IBAMA, no concrete measure was ever taken by the agency. The potential of ornamental fish could be improved with the diversification of the species exported (maximum use of biodiversity). Although the list is sufficiently conservative, assuring the protection of national biodiversity, it also restricts the economic and

social development of the Amazon region. For example, the majority of cichlids are forbidden for exportation due to their value as edible fish. However, the value of some species of cichlids as an alimentary source is negligible when compared to its ornamental potential.

The UK: the demand

Market overview Comprehensive description of supply chain from

importer to end consumer. To consider importers, wholesales, retailers and consumers. 1. Identification competitors of key players including

2. Understanding of purchasing process at each stage of chain including: 2.1 Product price type (species/variety, country of origin, wild-caught versus captive bad quality, significance of conservation and welfare issues 2.2 Seasonality of purchasing decisions 2.3 Regional trends

Legislative conservation



Other key stakeholders Logistics

Alternative markets of Mamirau product Ornamental fish imports to the United Kingdom from the Brazilian Amazon represent less than 2% of total exports, totalling about $200,000/year (Figures 18-21). If the price paid to collectors averages about 19% of export value, then the UK only contributes about $38,000 (R$85,500) directly to the productive sector in the state of Amazonas. If there are at least 1,000 fish collectors in the state


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

(PRANG, 2001), then each collector averages about R$85.5 ($38)/year from the UK market for ornamental fish. If collection activities are to be established in the Mamirau and Aman reserves, it must be assumed that if they are unable to increase the size of the UK market through the introduction of new species, they must share the benefits of this relatively small market with collectors from other regions, particularly the Rio Negro. As such, it may be necessary to consider additional markets for products from Mamirau and Aman. By servicing additional markets, such as the US, Japan, and Germany, the possibility of providing additional income to the residents in Mamirau and Aman Reserves may be greatly enhanced (Appendix 6).

internacional de peces ornamentales en el norte de Sudamrica: retos y perspectivas. Traffic and WWF Colombia. Bogot. CHAO, N.L. 2001. Fisheries, diversity, and conservation of ornamental fishes of the Rio Negro Basin, Brazil A Review of Project Piaba (1989-1999). Pp. 161-204. In: CHAO, N.L.; PETRY, P.; PRANG; G.; SONNESCHIEN, L. TLUSTY, M. (orgs.). Conservation and Management of Ornamental Fish Resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil. Universidade do Amazonas. Manaus. 309p. CORRA, S.A. 1984. Consideraes Gerais sobre a Explorao de Peixes Ornamentais Vivos no Estado do Amazonas. Trabalho de Concluso de Curso. Fundao Universidade do Amazonas. Manaus. DAWES, J. 2001. International aquatic industry perspectives on ornamental fish conservation. In: CHAO, N.L.; PETRY, P.; PRANG; G.; SONNESCHIEN, L. TLUSTY, M. (orgs.). Conservation and Management of Ornamental Fish Resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil. Universidade do Amazonas. Manaus. 309p. FAO. 2005. Commodities Production and Trade, Ornamental Fish. Fishstat Plus, 1976-2000, v. 2.30. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FITZGERALD, S. 1989. International Wildlife Trade: Whose Business is it? World Wildlife Fund. Washington. HUANQUI, G. 2005. Aspectos sociales y de comercializacin de los peces ornamentales en el Per. In: I Workshop: Aspectos socioeconmicos y de manejo sostenible del comercio internacional de peces ornamentales en el norte de Sudamrica: retos y perspectivas. Traffic and WWF Colombia. Bogot. LACERDA, M.T. 2005. Aquarienfische aus Brasilien: die Geschichte des fischexports. Amazonas, 1(1):32-37. MONAGAS, A.C. 2005. Situacin del recurso peces ornamentales continentales en Venezuela. In: I Workshop: Aspectos socioeconmicos y de manejo sostenible del comercio internacional de peces ornamentales en el norte de Sudamrica: retos y perspectivas. Traffic and WWF Colombia. Bogot. MOREAU, M.A. & COOMES, O.T. 2007. Aquarium fish exploitation in western Amazonia: conservation issues in Peru. Environmental Conservation 34(1):12-22.

ANDREWS, C. 1990. The Ornamental fish trade and fish conservation. Journal of Fish Biology 37: 53-59. ANDREWS, C. 1992. The Ornamental fish trade and conservation. Infofish International 2(92):25-29 ARAJO, M.L.G, DUNCAN, W.L.P, MELO, S.M.V. & SHIBUYA, A.L. 2005. Relatrio tcnico: Portaria N06/2003, de 25 de junho de 2003. IBAMA. BASLEER, G. 1994 The international trade in aquarium ornamental fish. Infofish International 5(94):15-17. CAMPOS, L.E. 2005. El estado del comercio de los peces ornamentales en Loreto, Per. una propuesta para el desarrollo sostenible de la exportacin de peces ornamentales de la cuenca Nanay. Final Report to The Nature Conservancy. CASTRO, J.D. 2005. Comercializacion de peces ornamentales en Colombia. In: I Workshop: Aspectos socioeconmicos y de manejo sostenible del comercio internacional de peces ornamentales en el norte de Sudamrica: retos y perspectivas. Traffic and WWF Colombia. Bogot. CASTRO, J.M. 2005. Peces ornamentales de Colombia: Su sostentabilidad social. In: I Workshop: Aspectos socioeconmicos y de manejo sostenible del comercio


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

OLIVIER, K. 2001. The ornamental fish market. FAO/GLOBEFISH Research. Programme, 67. Rome. FAO. 91p. PERDOMO, J.M. 2005. Peces ornamentales de Colombia su osstentabilidad social. In: I Workshop: Aspectos socioeconmicos y de manejo sostenible del comercio internacional de peces ornamentales en el norte de Sudamrica: retos y perspectivas. Traffic and WWF Colombia. Bogot. PRANG, G. 2001. A Caboclo Society in the Middle Rio Negro Basin: Ecology, Economy and History of an Ornamental Fishery in the State of Amazonas, Brazil. PhD diss. Wayne State University, Detroit. ROSSER, A.M. 2003. Conservation Benefits of Wild Capture and Captive Rearing in the Ornamental Fish Industry. OFI Journal, 43. SANABRIA, A. I. 2005. Aprovechamiento del recurso ctico ornamental en Colombia. In: I Workshop: Aspectos socioeconmicos y de manejo sostenible del comercio internacional de peces ornamentales en el norte de Sudamrica: retos y perspectivas. Traffic and WWF Colombia. Bogot. SOUZA, L.A. 2001. Uma diagnose dos peixes ornamentais exportados do Amazonas. Trabalho de Concluso de Curso. Universidade do Amazonas. Manaus. TLUSTY, M. 2002. The benefits and risks of aquacultural productionfor the aquarium trade. Aquaculture 205: 203-219. WATSON, I. 2005. Report to the Iwokrama International Centre on the Market for Ornamental Fishes from Guyana in the European Union and the United States. WATSON, I. 2000. The Role of the Ornamental Fish Industry in Poverty Alleviation. NRI Report 2504. Natural Resources Institute. Chatham Maritime. Kent.

Appendix 1. Ornamental fish approved for export Brazil Instruo normativa no 13, de 9 de junho de 2005, MMA Abramites hypselonotus Acanthodoras spinosissimus Acarichthys heckelii Amblydoras hancockii Ancistrus spp. Anostomus anostomus Anostomus ternetzi Apareiodon affinis Aphyocharax anisitsi Apistogramma agassizii Apistogramma borellii Apistogramma commbrae Apistogramma ortmanni Apistogramma pertensis Apistogramma trifasciata Apteronotus albifrons Aspidoras poecilus Astyanax bimaculatus Astyanax fasciatus Austrolebias nigripinnis Baryancistrus spp. Biotodoma cupido Brochis britskii Brochis splendens Bryconops caudomaculatus Bujurquina mariae Bunocephalus amaurus Bunocephalus coracoideus Callichthys callichthys Carnegiella marthae Carnegiella strigata Catoprion mento Chalceus erythrurus Chalceus macrolepidotus Characidium fasciatum Charax condei Charax gibbosus Chilodus punctatus Cichlasoma festae Cichlasoma portalegrense Colomesus asellus Colomesus psittacus Copeina guttata Copella arnoldi Copella metae Copella nattereri Copella nigrofasciata Corydoras acutus Corydoras adolfoi Corydoras aeneus Colombia Resolucin no 80 de 1991, INPA Abramites eques Abramites hypselonotus Acanthodoras Acanthodoras spinosissimus Achirus spp. Bujurquina mariae Aequidens pulcher Aequidens tetramerus Amblydoras hancockii Anableps anableps Ancistrus brevipinnis Ancistrus lineolatus Ancistrus temminckii Ancistrus triradiatus Anostomus anostomus Pseudanos trimaculatus Hyphessobrycon axelrodi Aphyocharax erythrurus Apistogramma agassizii Apistogramma commbrae Apistogramma ortmanni Apteronotus albifrons Apteronotus spp. Sciades seemanni Astronotus ocellatus Boehlkea fredcochui Boulengerella spp. Brochis splendens Bunocephalus coracoideus Bunocephalus spp. Caenotropus labyrinthicus Callichthys callichthys Carassius auratus auratus Carnegiella marthae Carnegiella strigata Chaetostoma spp. Chalceus macrolepidotus Characidium fasciatum Charax gibbosus Chilodus punctapus Cichlasoma bimaculatum Cichlasoma octofasciatum Archocentrus nigrofasciatus Hypostomus plecostomoides Colomesus psittacus Copella arnoldi Copeina eigenmanni Corydoras spp. Corydoras aeneus Corydoras agassizii


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Colombia Resolucin no 80 de 1991, INPA Corydoras arcuatus Corydoras hastatus Corydoras axelrodi Corydoras elegans Corydoras julii Corydoras melanistius Corydoras melanotaenia Corydoras rabauti Corydoras punctatus Corydoras reticulatus Dicrossus maculatus Crenicichla spp. Ctenolucius hujeta Curimatus spp. Dianema urostriatum Dormitator maculatus Eigenmannia virescens Exodon paradoxus Farlowella acus Gasteropelecus sternicla Satanoperca acuticeps Geophagus brasiliensis Satanoperca jurupari Gymnocorymbus thayeri Rhamphichthys rostratus Gymnotus carapo Helogenes marmoratus Hemiancistrus spp. Hemigrammus rodwayi ** [Poecilocharax weitzmani] Dekeyseria pulcher Hemigrammus ocellifer Dianema longibarbis Hemigrammus pulcher Dianema urostriatum Hemigrammus rhodostomus [bleheri] Dicrossus filamentosus Hemigrammus unilineatus Dicrossus maculates Hemiodus gracilis Eigenmannia spp. Hemiodus spp. Exodon paradoxus Heros severus Farlowella spp. Hoplosternum littorale Gasteropelecus levis Hypoptopoma thoracatum Gasteropelecus sternicla Hyphessobrycon peruvianus Geophagus altifrons Hyphessobrycon rosaceus Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Hemigrammus bleheri Hyphessobrycon sweglesi Hemigrammus erythrozonus Hypostomus plecostomus Hemigrammus marginatus Laemolyta taeniata Hemigrammus ocellifer Leporinus affinis Hemigrammus pulcher Leporinus fasciatus Hemigrammus ulreyi Leporinus maculatus Hemigrammus unilineatus Leporinus striatus Hemiodus gracilis Dasyloricaria filamentosa Hemiodus sterni Rineloricaria uracantha

Brazil Instruo normativa no 13, de 9 de junho de 2005, MMA Corydoras agassizii Corydoras ambiacus Corydoras arcuatus Scleromystax barbatus Corydoras burgessi Corydoras caudimaculatus Corydoras davidsandsi Corydoras elegans Corydoras griseus Corydoras haraldschultzi Corydoras hastatus Corydoras julii Corydoras melini Corydoras narcissus Corydoras nattereri Corydoras paleatus Corydoras parallelus Corydoras punctatus Corydoras rabauti Corydoras reticulatus Corydoras robineae Corydoras robustus Corydoras schwartzi Corydoras sterbai Crenicara punctulatum Crenicichla alta Crenicichla notophthalmus Crenicichla regani Crenuchus spilurus

Brazil Instruo normativa no 13, de 9 de junho de 2005, MMA Hopliancistrus tricornis Hyphessobrycon spp. Hypostomus spp. Inpaichthys kerri Laemolyta taeniata Laetacara curviceps Laetacara dorsigera Leporacanthicus galaxias Leporacanthicus joselimai Leporellus vittatus Leporinus agassizii Liosomadoras oncinus Brachyplatystoma tigrinum Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Moenkhausia affinis Moenkhausia barbouri Moenkhausia collettii Moenkhausia dichroura Moenkhausia gracilima Moenkhausia hasemani Moenkhausia intermedia Moenkhausia jamesi Moenkhausia lepidura Moenkhausia megalops Moenkhausia oligolepis Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae Monocirrhus polyacanthus Myloplus rubripinnis Nannostomus beckfordi Nannostomus digrammus Nannostomus eques Nannostomus espei Nannostomus marginatus Nannostomus trifasciatus Nannostomus unifasciatus Oligancistrus punctatissimus Otocinclus affinis Otocinclus flexilis Otocinclus vittatus Paracheirodon axelrodi Paracheirodon simulans Parancistrus aurantiacus Parodon suborbitalis Parotocinclus maculicauda Peckoltia spp. Petitella georgiae Poecilia reticulata Poecilocharax weitzmani Polycentrus schomburgkii Prionobrama filigera Pristobrycon calmoni

Colombia Resolucin no 80 de 1991, INPA Mesonauta festivus Metynnis maculatus Microglanis spp. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Moenkhausia oligolepis Poecilia caucana Monocirrhus polyacanthus Myloplus rubripinnis Nannostomus eques Nannostomus marginatus Nannostomus trifasciatus Nematobrycon palmeri Nematobrycon palmeri Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Osteoglossum ferreirai Otocinclus affinis Otocinclus arnoldi Panaque nigrolineatus Paracheirodon axelrodi Paracheirodon innesi Peckoltia spp. Pimelodus albofasciatus Pimelodus pictus Poecilia reticulata Potamotrygon ssp. Pristella maxillaris [maxillaris] Pseudancistrus sp. Pterophyllum altum Pterophyllum scalare Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps Rivulus elegans Rivulus hartii Rivulus urophthalmus Sturisoma dariense Synbranchus marmoratus Symphysodon aequifasciatus Symphysodon discus Thoracocharax stellatus Ancistrus dolichopterus


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Brazil Instruo normativa no 13, de 9 de junho de 2005, MMA Pseudacanthicus leopardus Pseudanos gracilis Pseudanos trimaculatus Pterolebias longipinnis Pterophyllum scalare Pygocentrus nattereri Pyrrhulina brevis Pyrrhulina laeta Pyrrhulina rachoviana Pyrrhulina vittata Rineloricaria fallax Rineloricaria lanceolata Rineloricaria lima Rineloricaria parva Rivulus punctatus Rivulus urophthalmus Satanoperca jurupari Scomberomorus spp. Serrapinnus notomelas Serrasalmus hollandi Spectracanthicus murinus Sturisoma barbatum Symphysodon aequifasciatus Symphysodon discus Tatia aulopygia Thayeria obliqua Thoracocharax stellatus Trigonectes strigabundus Uaru amphiacanthoides

Colombia Resolucin no 80 de 1991, INPA


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Appendix 2. Fish species prohibited for export (Negative list) Note: Those entries marked indicate species found in Iquitos exporters price lists I obtained and the prices/individual are listed.

Peru , Resolucin Ministerial: 147-2001-PE Anodus elongatus Arapaima gigas Astronotus ocellatus Brachyplatystoma filamentosum Zungaro zungaro Brachyplatystoma juruense Brachyplatystoma vaillantii Brycon cephalus Brycon melanopterus Calophysus macropterus Cichla monoculus Colossoma macropomun Curimata vittata Hemisorubim platyrhynchos Hoplias malabaricus Hypophthalmus edentatus Hypophthalmus marginatus Leporinus trifasciatus Brachyplatystoma tigrinum Myloplus rubripinnis Myleus schomburgkii Mylossoma duriventre Zungaro zungaro Pellona castelnaeana Piaractus brachypomus Pinirampus pirinampu Plagioscion squamosissimus Potamorhina altamazonica Potamorhina latior Prochilodus nigricans Psectrogaster amazonica Psectrogaster rutiloides Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum Glyptoperichthys punctatus Rhaphiodon vulpinus Schizodon fasciatus Semaprochilodus insignis Sorubimichthys planiceps Triportheus angulatus Triportheus elongatus

Resolucin de la Direccin General de Pesca y Acuicultura No 52 Cichla spp. Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum Brachyplatystoma vaillantii Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii Phractocephalus hemioliopterus Brycon whitei Salminus hilarii

Colombia , Resolucin No.80 de 1991, Artculo Segundo Colossoma [macropomum] Piaractus brachypomus Brachyplatystoma spp. Brycon spp. Salminus spp. Myloplus spp. Mylossoma duriventre Arapaima gigas Hydrolycus scomberoides Haplotaxodon spp. Sorubim lima Cichla ocellaris Phractocephalus hemioliopterus Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum Pseudoplastystoma tigrinum


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Appendix 3. Ornamental fish species exported from Peru. (Source: CAMPOS, 2005) Family POTAMOTRYGONIDAE STRINGRAYS Species Paratrygon spp. Paratrygon aiereba Platax orbicularis Potamotrygon hystrix Potamotrygon motoro Potamotrygon orbignyi Potamotrygon sp.1 Potamotrygon sp.2 Potamotrygon sp.3 Potamotrygon sp.4 Arapaima gigas Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Thalassophryne amazonica Abramites hypselonotus Anostomus anostomus Laemolyta taeniata Leporellus vittatus Leporinus agassizii Leporinus desmotes Leporinus fasciatus Leporinus friderici Leporinus maculatus Leporinus moralesi Leporinus striatus Leporinus trifasciatus Pseudanos trimaculatus Rhytiodus argenteofuscus Rhytiodus microlepis Schizodon fasciatus Boulengerella maculata Boulengerella lucius Cyphocharax spilurus Curimata vittata Curimatella alburna Curimatopsis macrolepis Potamorhina latior Psectrogaster amazonica Hydrolycus scomberoides Rhaphiodon vulpinus Acestrorhynchus falcatus Acestrorhynchus falcirostris Acestrorhynchus heterolepis Acestrorhynchus lacustris Acestrorhynchus microlepis Aphyocharax alburnus Aphyocharax anisitsi Astyanax abramis Astyanax bimaculatus Astyanax fasciatus Astyanax kennedyi Axelrodia stigmatias





Species Bario steindachneri Boehlkea fredcochui Bryconops caudomaculatus Bryconops melanurus Creagrutus beni Creagrutus cochui Crenuchus spilurus Ctenobrycon hauxwellianus Ctenobrycon spilurus Cynopotamus amazonus Chalceus erythrurus Chalceus macrolepidotus Characidium fasciatum Charax gibbosus Elachocharax pulcher Gymnocorymbus thayeri Hemibrycon polyodon Hemigrammus hyanuary Hemigrammus luelingi Hemigrammus marginatus Hemigrammus ocellifer Hemigrammus pulcher Hemigrammus rodwayi Hemigrammus schmardae Hemigrammus unilineatus Hyphessobrycon sp. Hyphessobrycon bentosi Hyphessobrycon copelandi Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Hyphessobrycon loretoensis Hyphessobrycon minimus Hyphessobrycon peruvianus Hyphessobrycon eques Hyphessobrycon spp. Iguanodectes spilurus Knodus breviceps Metynnis hypsauchen Metynnis luna Metynnis maculates Moenkhausia agnesae Moenkhausia collettii Moenkhausia chrysargyrea Moenkhausia dichroura Moenkhausia lepidura Moenkhausia melogramma Moenkhausia oligolepis Moenkhausia robertsi Moenkhausia simulata Myloplus rubripinnis Myleus asterias Mylossoma aureum Mylossoma duriventre Paracheirodon innesi


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery





Species Paragoniates alburnus Petitella georgiae Phenacogaster pectinatus Prionobrama filigera Pygocentrus nattereri Roeboides affinis Roeboides myersii Serrasalmus elongatus Serrasalmus rhombeus Stethaprion erythrops Tetragonopterus argenteus Tetragonopterus chalceus Thayeria boehlkei Thayeria obliqua Triportheus albus Triportheus angulatus Triportheus culter Triportheus elongatus Triportheus rotundatus Tyttocharax cochui Chilodus punctatus Erythrinus erythrinus Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus Hoplias malabaricus Carnegiella marthae Carnegiella myersi Carnegiella strigata Gasteropelecus sternicla Thoracocharax stellatus Hemiodus gracilis Hemiodus microlepis Hemiodus atranalis Parodon pongoensis Copeina guttata Copella metae Nannostomus digrammus Nannostomus eques Nannostomus trifasciatus Pyrrhulina brevis Pyrrhulina laeta Pyrrhulina lugubris Pyrrhulina spilota Pyrrhulina vittata Prochilodus nigricans Semaprochilodus insignis Semaprochilodus insignis Lepidosiren paradoxa Acarichthys heckelii Acaronia nassa Aequidens diadema Aequidens tetramerus Aequidens sp. Apistogramma eunotus Apistogramma agassizii





Species Apistogramma bitaeniata Apistogramma cacatuoides Apistogramma cruzi Apistogramma luelingi Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis Astronotus ocellatus Biotodoma cupido Cichla monoculus Cichlasoma amazonarum Cichlasoma festae Heros severus Crenicara punctulatum Crenicichla anthurus Crenicichla cincta Crenicichla celidochilus Crenicichla johanna Crenicichla lucius Crenicichla reticulata Crenicichla sedentaria Chaetobranchus flavescens Hypselacara temporalis Mesonauta festivus Pterophyllum scalare Satanoperca jurupari Symphysodon aequifasciatus Monocirrhus polyacanthus Achirus achirus Apionichthys dumerili Ageneiosus inermis Ageneiosus pardalis Ageneiosus ucayalensis Ageneiosus vittatus Amaralia hypsiura Bunocephalus aleuropsis Bunocephalus coracoideus Auchenipterichthys longimanus Auchenipterichthys thoracatus Auchenipterus nuchalis Centromochlus heckelii Entomocorus benjamini Pseudepapterus hasemani Tatia creutzbergi Tatia intermedia Tatia perugiae Trachelyichthys exilis Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus Potamorrhaphis guianensis Pseudotylosurus microps Brochis multiradiatus Brochis splendens


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.



Species Callichthys callichthys Corydoras acutus Corydoras aeneus Corydoras agassizii Corydoras ambiacus Corydoras amphibelus Corydoras arcuatus Corydoras armatus Corydoras atropersonatus Corydoras copei Corydoras elegans Corydoras fowleri Corydoras lamberti Corydoras leopardus Corydoras leucomelas Corydoras loretoensis Corydoras melini Corydoras napoensis Corydoras panda Corydoras pastazensis Corydoras pygmaeus Corydoras rabauti Corydoras reticulatus Corydoras semiaquilus Corydoras stenocephalus Corydoras sychri Corydoras trilineatus Corydoras zygatus Corydoras weitzmani Dianema longibarbis Hoplosternum littorale Megalechis thoracata Cetopsis coecutiens Cetopsis candiru Acanthodoras spinosissimus Agamyxis albomaculatus Agamyxis pectinifrons Amblydoras hancockii Anadoras grypus Hemidoras stenopeltis Leptodoras acipenserinus Leptodoras linnelli Liosomadoras morrowi Megalodoras uranoscopus Nemadoras humeralis Nemadoras leporhinus Opsodoras morei Opsodoras stuebelii Oxydoras niger Physopyxis lyra Pimelodella cristata Platydoras costatus Pterodoras granulosus




Species Adontosternarchus balaenops Adontosternarchus sachsi Apteronotus albifrons Apteronotus bonapartii Apteronotus leptorhynchus Electrophorus electricus Sternarchella spp. Sternarchogiton spp. Sternarchorhamphus muelleri Sternarchorhynchus oxyrhynchus Gymnotus carapo Gymnotus coatesi Brachyhypopomus brevirostris Hypopygus lepturus Steatogenys elegans Acanthicus hystrix Ancistrus cirrhosus Ancistrus hoplogenys Ancystrus teminckii Farlowella amazonum Farlowella knerii Farlowella oxyrryncha Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus Hypoptopoma gulare Squaliforma emarginata Hypostomus plecostomus Lamontichthys filamentosus Loricariichthys maculatus Pseudorinelepis genibarbis Otocinclus macrospilus Otocinclus vestitus Panaque albomaculatus Panaque dentex Panaque gnomus Panaque nocturnus Peckoltia arenaria Peckoltia ucayalensis Pseudohemiodon lamina Pseudorinelepis genibarbis Pseudorinelepis genibarbis Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus Pterygoplichthys pardalis Rineloricaria konopickyi Rineloricaria lanceolata Rineloricaria morrowi Rineloricaria wolfei Spatuloricaria evansii Spatuloricaria puganensis


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery





Species Sturisoma nigrirostrum Sturisoma rostratum Zungaro zungaro Brachyplatystoma filamentosum Brachyplatystoma juruense Brachyplatystoma vaillantii Calophysus macropterus Platysilurus mucosus Duopalatinus peruanus Goeldiella eques Brachyplatystoma platynemum Hemisorubim platyrhynchos Leiarius marmoratus Leiarius pictus Brachyplatystoma tigrinum Microglanis zonatus Phractocephalus hemioliopterus Pimelodella cristata Pimelodella gracilis Pimelodus maculatus Pimelodus ornatus Pimelodus pictus Pinirampus pirinampu Platynematichthys notatus Platysilurus mucosus Platystomatichthys sturio Batrochoglanis raninus Zungaro zungaro Pseudopimelodus zungaro Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum Rhamdia quelen Sorubim lima Sorubimichthys planiceps Zungaro zungaro Poecilia reticulata Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni Rhamphichthys rostratus Rivulus atratus Rivulus ornatus Rivulus peruanus Rivulus urophthalmus Distocyclus conirostris Eigenmannia macrops Eigenmannia virescens Rhabdolichops troscheli Sternopygus macrurus Henonemus macrops Pareiodon microps Pseudostegophilus nemurus Synbranchus marmoratus


Species Colomesus asellus


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Appendix 4. Ornamental fish species exported from Venezuela (MONAGAS, 2005) and potentially exported from Guyana (WATSON, 2005) Guyana Acaronia nassa Acestrorhynchus falcatus Acestrorhynchus microlepis Aequidens paloemeuensis Aequidens tetramerus Parotocinclus spp. Ancistrus hoplogenys Ancistrus temminckii Ancistrus leucostictus Aphyocharacidium melandetum Apistogramma gossei Astronotus ocellatus Jupiaba abramoides Astyanax bimaculatus Jupiaba keithi Jupiaba keithi Astyanax leopoldi Jupiaba maroniensis Jupiaba meunieri Jupiaba ocellata Astyanax validus Brycon falcatus Brycon pesu Bryconamericus hyphesson Bryconamericus stramineus Bryconops affinis Bryconops caudomaculatus Bryconops cyrtogaster Bryconops melanurus Callichthys callichthys Carnegiella strigata Chaetobranchopsis australis Chaetobranchus flavescens Chalceus macrolepidotus Charax pauciradiatus Cichla monoculus Cichla ocellaris Cichlasoma amazonarum Cichlasoma bimaculatum Cleithracara maronii Copella carsevennensis Copella arnoldi Corydoras aeneus Corydoras amapaensis Corydoras approuaguensis Corydoras baderi Corydoras brevirostris Corydoras condiscipulus Corydoras geoffroy Venezuela Agamyxis pectinifrons Ancistrus brevipinnis Apistogramma agassizii Astronotus ocellatus Bunocephalus coracoideus Caquetaia kraussii Chaetobranchus flavescens Chaetostoma spp. Cichla ocellaris Cichla temensis Thorichthys aureus Cichlasoma bimaculatum Cichlasoma spp. Colossoma macropomum Colossoma spp. Crenicichla lugubris Crenicichla strigatta Crossoloricaria venezuelae Farlowella spp. Geophagus surinamensis Geophagus taeniopareius Geophagus spp. Hemigrammus rhodostomus Hemiodopsis spp. Hemiodus orthonops Heros severus Hoplarchus psittacus Hoplosternum littorale Lamontichthys llanero Leporacanthicus triactis Mesonauta festivus Metynnis luna Metynnis hypsauchen Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Myloplus rubripinnis Cichla monoculus Nannostomus unifasciatus Panaque nigrolineatus Paracheirodon axelrodi Paracheirodon innesi Trachelyopterus galeatus Peckoltia spp. Pimelodus ornatus Potamotrygon hystrix Potamotrygon motoro Potamotrygon orbignyi Potamotrygon schroederi Oxydoras niger Cephalosilurus albomarginatus

Corydoras guianensis Corydoras heteromorphus Corydoras nanus Corydoras oiapoquensis Corydoras punctatus Corydoras sipaliwini Corydoras solox Corydoras spilurus Creagrutus melanzonus Creagrutus planquettei Crenicichla albopunctata Crenicichla johanna Crenicichla multispinosa Crenicichla saxatilis Crenicichla ternetzi Cteniloricaria fowleri Cteniloricaria maculata Ctenobrycon spilurus Cynodon gibbus Cynopotamus essequibensis Farlowella reticulata Farlowella rugosa Fluviphylax palikur Galeocharax gulo Gasteropelecus sternicla Geophagus camopiensis Geophagus harreri Geophagus surinamensis Guianacara geayi Guianacara oelemariensis Guianacara owroewefi Pseudancistrus brevispinis (appeears in ref. as Lasiancistrus brevispinis) Pseudancistrus longispinis (appears in ref. as Lasiancistrus longispinis) Pseudancistrus niger (appears in ref. as Lasiancistrus niger) Harttia surinamensis Harttiella crassicauda Peckoltia braueri Peckoltia braueri Hemibrycon surinamensis Hemigrammus schmardae Hemigrammus bellottii Hemigrammus boesemani Hemigrammus guyanensis Hemigrammus ocellifer Hemigrammus rodwayi Hemigrammus unilineatus cayennensis Hemiloricaria cf. platyura (appears in ref. as Rineloricaria cf. platyura)

Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum Pseudoplatystoma spp. Gnatholebias zonatus Pterophyllum altum Pygocentrus cariba Pygocentrus cariba Rhamdia quelen Satanoperca daemon Sturisoma barbatum Thoracocharax stellatus


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Heptapterus stewarti (appears in ref. as Rineloricaria stewarti) Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus Heros efasciatus Hoplosternum littorale Hyphessobrycon sovichthys Hyphessobrycon copelandi Hyphessobrycon eques (appears in ref. as Hyphessobrycon callistus) Hyphessobrycon roseus (appears in ref. as Megalamphodus roseus) Hyphessobrycon takasei Hypostomus ventromaculatus Hypostomus gymnorhynchus Hypostomus ventromaculatus Hypselecara temporalis Knodus heteresthes Krobia guianensis Krobia guianensis Krobia itanyi Laetacara curviceps Lithoxus boujardi Lithoxus planquettei Lithoxus stocki Loricaria cataphracta Loricaria nickeriensis Loricaria parnahybae Megalechis thoracata Mesonauta guyanae Metaloricaria paucidens Micropoecilia parae Micropoecilia bifurca Micropoecilia picta Moenkhausia grandisquamis Moenkhausia intermedia Moenkhausia simulata Moenkhausia lata Moenkhausia chrysargyrea Moenkhausia collettii Moenkhausia georgiae Moenkhausia grandisquamis Moenkhausia hemigrammoides Moenkhausia inrai Moenkhausia moisae Moenkhausia oligolepis Moenkhausia surinamensis Nannacara anomala Nannacara aureocephalus

Nannostomus beckfordi Nannostomus bifasciatus Odontostilbe gracilis Otocinclus mariae Panaque dentex Phenacogaster megalostictus Piabucus dentatus Poecilia vivipara Poptella brevispina Pristella maxillaris Pseudacanthicus serratus Pseudancistrus barbatus Hyphessobrycon simulatus Pterophyllum scalare Pyrrhulina filamentosa Retroculus septentrionalis Rivulus agilae Rivulus cladophorus Rivulus geayi Rivulus igneus Rivulus lungi Kryptolebias ocellatus Rivulus xiphidius Roeboexodon guyanensis Satanoperca jurupari Hypostomus watwata Tetragonopterus chalceus Thayeria ifati Tomeurus gracilis Triportheus rotundatus


Appendix 5. Permissible ornamental fish species found in Colombia, Brazil and Peru and which are present in Aman Brazil X X Acarichthys heckelii X Amblydoras affinis Ancistrus cf. brevipinis Peru X X X Venezuela X Aman

Colombia Abramites hypselonotus Acanthodoras spp. Acanthodoras spinosissimus

X Ancistrus spp. X

X X X Ancistrus spp.


X Apistogramma sp.1. Apistogramma sp.2. Apteronotus macrolepis Bunocephalus amazonicus X Bunocephalus verrucosus X X

X X X X X Bunocephalus amaurus X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Dianema longibarbis Eigenmannia spp. Farlowella spp. X X X X X X X Bunocephalus spp. X X Bunocephalus amaurus

Achirus spp. Amblydoras hancockii Ancistrus brevispinis Ancistrus lineolatus Ancistrus temminckii Ancistrus triradiatus Anostomus anostomus Apistogramma agassizii Apistogramma corumbae Apistogramma ortmanni Apteronotus albifrons Brochis splendens Bunocephalus spp.


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

X X X X X X X X X X X Farlowella spp.

Bunocephalus coracoideus

Characidium spp. Charax unimaculatus X Colomesus asellus Copeina guttata Corydoras spp.

Callicthys callicthys Carnegiella marthae Carnegiella strigata Characidium fasciatum Charax gibbosus Chilodus punctatus Colomesus psittacus Copella arnoldi Corydora spp. Corydoras aeneus Corydoras agassizii Corydoras arcuatus Corydoras elegans Corydoras julii Corydoras melini Corydoras punctatus Corydoras reticulatus Dianema urostriatum Eigenmannia virescens Exodon paradoxus Farlowella acus

X Eigenmannia spp.

Venezuela X X Hemiodus orthonops

Colombia Brazil Gasteropelecus sternicla X Hemigrammus bleheri X Hemigrammus ocellifer X Hemigrammus pulcher X Hemiodus gracilis X Hyphessobrycon peruvianus Hyphessobrycon spp. Hyphessobrycon rosaceus Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Hypostomus spp. X X X X Nannostomus spp. X X Nannostomus unifasciatus X X Myleus torquatus X X X Nannostomus unifasciatus Otocinclus hoppei X X X X Hypostomus spp. X X X X Myloplus rubripinnis X X X Hyphessobrycon bentosi Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Hyphessobrycon spp. Hypostomus hoplonites Laemolyta taeniata

Peru Gasteropelecus levis X X Hemigrammus spp. Hemiodus unimaculatus Hyphessobrycon spp.


Hyphessobrycon sweglesi Hypostomus plecostomus Laemolyta taeniata Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Moenkhausia oligolepis Monocirrhus polyacanthus Myloplus rubripinnis Nannostomus eques Nannostomus marginatus Nannostomus trifasciatus


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

X X X X X Poecilocharax weitzmani X X X X Perrunichthys perruno Poecilia spp. [Pseudancistrus] Pseudacanthicus leopardus X X Rivulus urophthalmus X X Symphysodon discus X X

Pterophyllum altum Rivulus ornatus X X

Otocinclus affinis Paracheirodon axelrodi Paracheirodon innesi Peckoltia spp. Poecilia reticulatus Hemigrammus armstrongi** [Poecilocharax weitzmani] Pseudancistrus spp. Pterophyllum scalare Rivulus urophthalmus Symphysodon aequifasciatus Symphysodon discus Thoracocharax stellatus

Appendix 6. Selling prices of ornamental fish species that are present in Mamirau and Aman and are approved by IBAMA for export. Note: * indicates similar species.
Asdr Y Y 1.99 .20 100 80-100 20-35 2.40 .50 .80 .12 1.20 .90 .50-.90 12.00 .40-1.00 .35 .60-1.50 9.00-12.00 .25* 1.00 1.50-80.00 .70 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .10* Y Y Y Y Y 15-80 1.00 .60 .85 50-100 60* 150-200 150-300 150-220 .07 .15 .12 .12 .12 Y Y Y Y Y .50 1.00 1.00 .50 0.12 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .10 Y Y Y 50-80 50-80 60-100 80-90 100-250 .20 .20 .50 .30* .15 .15 .22* 12.00 .38* 1.00-2.90 .20-2.00 .12-1.50 1.80* .20 .20 .50 .35* .30 .40 .70 16-25 100-200 200 100-150 30-40 .50 .13 .40 2.50-3.50 0.30-1.60 .40-.45 .10 .12 .10 60-250 80-300 out/40 .60 2.20 .35-1.35 1.30-2.50 1.50 .39 1.29 1.30 1.40-1.80 1.70 1.40 .10 .50 3.36-3.84 Msdr Y Y Y Y No/box Colombia 40-70 180-200 60-80 Peru 1 .40 .10* Peru 2 .50 .10 Peru 3 Peru 4 .50 .10 1.00 Par 1 Par 2 Manaus 1 Manaus 2 .80 Recife & RJ




12 .25 .15 .08


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.

Y Y Y Y Y Y 90-100 100-150 80-200 100 4 4-100

.22 .30* .10 .40* 3.00* .20






SPECIES NAME Abramites hypselonotus Acanthodoras spinosissimus Acarichthys heckelii Amblydoras hancockii Amblydoras spp. Ancistrus Hoplogenys Ancistrus spp. Anostomus spp. Aphyocharax spp. Apistogramma agassizii Apistogramma sp. 1 Apteronotus albifrons Apteronotus spp. Astyanax bimaculatus Astyanax spp. Biotodoma cupido Bryconops spp. Bunocephalus spp. Callichthys callichthys Carnegiella strigata Carniguiella marthae Carniguiella strigata Catoprion mento Chalceus erythrurus Chalceus macrolepidotus Characidium (fasciatum) sp. 1 Characidium (fasciatum) sp. 2 Characidium spp. Charax gibbosus Charax spp. Chilodus punctatus Chilodus punctatus Colomesus asellus Copeina spp. Copella arnoldi Copella nattereri Copella nigrofasciata Copella spp. Corydoras sp. 1 Crenicara spp. Crenicichla notophthalmus Crenicichla spp. Dekeyseria scaphirhyncha Dianema longibarbis Dianema urostriatum Eigenmannia macrops (A) Eigenmannia . virescens (A) Eigenmannia macrops (B) Eigenmannia virescens (B)
Y Y Y Y .35 10.00

Msdr Y Y



Peru 1

Peru 2

Peru 3

Peru 4

Par 1

Par 2

Manaus 1

Manaus 2

Recife & RJ

Asdr Y Y Y

60 1.50


Y Y Y Y .15* .10 .10 .50 .70 .10 .08 .90 .50-.60 .40* .40* 1.50 .45* .18-1.30* 15.00* .40 .12* Y Y Y Y Y 120-150 150 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100 60-100* 15 60-70 .50 Y Y 100-200 120-150 120-150 .12 .15 .09 Y Y 1.50 .12 20-30 220* 120-150


Prang, Industry analysis of freshwater ornamental fishery

Y Y Y 1.50* Y Y Y Y Y 100-120 40-100 25-40 20 1.50 1.50 .20 2.20 2.00 .60 2.50 2.90 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 20-100 out/40 80-100 100* 3.00* .50 .35-1.00 .89 1.49-4.99 .25* .50-.80 20-30 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 250-300 200-160 150-250 200-250 160 1.50 .80* .15 .15 2.50 .10 1.89 1.90 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .38 .38


2.00* blue eye 1.50* .10 .10 .09 .10 .08 .12 .09 1.00 .12 .08* .14



SPECIES NAME Eigenmannia limbata Eigenmannia sp. 1 Eigenmannia trilineata Farlowella amazonum Farlowella henriquei Farlowella nattereri Farlowella spp. Gasteropelecus sternicla Hemigrammus pulcher Hemigrammus Ocellifer sp. 1 Hemigrammus ocellifer Hemigrammus spp. Hemiodus gracilis Hyphessobrycon copelandi Hyphessobrycon erysthrostigma Hyphessobrycon bentosi Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus Hyphessobrycon spp. Hypostomus carinatus Hypostomus emarginatus Leporinus agassizii Hypostomus carinatus Moenkhausia dichroura Moenkhausia lepidura sp. 1 Moenkhausia lepidura sp. 2 Moenkhausia intermedia Moenkhausia lepidura Moenkhausia oligolepis Moenkhausia spp. Monocirrhus polyacanthus Myloplus rubripinnis Nannostomus digrammus Nannostomus eques Nannostomus spp. Nannostomus trifasciatus Nannostomus unifasciatus Nannostomus marginatus Otocinclus Peckoltia brevis Petitella georgiae Prionobrama filigera Prionobrama spp. Pseudanos trimaculatus Pseudanos gracilis Pterophyllum scalare Pygocentrus nattereri Pyrrhulina spp. Pyrrhulina sp. 1 Pyrrhulina sp. 2 Rineloricaria lanceolata


Asdr Y

Peru 1

Peru 2

Peru 3 1.89

Peru 4 7.00

Par 1

Par 2

Manaus 1

Manaus 2

Recife & RJ

Msdr Y Y Y Y

No/box Colombia mai/40 100 100 dez/20

.50 .60 1.50-2.00 .50-40.00 5-30.00 11.00 .55 3-6.00 1.50 5.50-6.00 2.50-10.00* .35

.80 .80

Y Y Y Y 10 out/25 60-70 Y Y

SPECIES NAME Rineloricaria spp. Rivulus sp. 1 Rivulus sp. 2 Satanoperca jurupari Satanoperca spp. Serrasalmus spp. Symphysodon aequifasciatus Tatia intermedia Tatia sp. 1 Uaru amphiacanthoides


2.40-3.00 2.80* 1.50-35 9.00 .80-5.00 4.80-18.00


Vol. 3 (1): 7-51.


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